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Thu, 09/19/2019 - 13:27
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Injury Trends in Major League Baseball Over 18 Seasons: 1998-2015

While the exact origins of the game of baseball are commonly debated, one thing is certain: statistics have been an integral part of the game since its existence.1-3 This is true at nearly every level of baseball, especially in Major League Baseball (MLB). As our knowledge and technical capabilities advance, new statistical measures of baseball performance are added at a rapid pace.1,3 One example is the Pitch f/x video tracking system (Sportvision, Inc.), which now analyzes over 60 variables on each of the estimated 660,000 pitches thrown in the MLB annually. In addition to measuring performance and production, these advancements are being leveraged to better understand the epidemiology and impact of injuries in MLB players.4,5 As with any sport, performance at the most elite level is highly dependent upon player health and functional capacity. Accordingly, player injuries can have a profound impact not only on individual performance but also on the success of the team as a whole.

The first epidemiologic study of injuries in professional baseball was published by Conte and colleagues4 in 2001. This work utilized publically available disabled list (DL) data to perform a comprehensive review of injury patterns in MLB from 1989 to 1999. They demonstrated that injuries were on the rise and that pitchers were more commonly injured (48.4% of all DL reports) and had greater time out of play compared to players of other positions.4 Shoulder and elbow injuries were responsible for 49.8% of all DL assignments, distantly followed by knee (7.3%), wrist/hand (6.1%), and back (5.0%).4 In a later study, Posner and colleagues5 analyzed DL data spanning the 2002 to 2008 seasons. Similarly, they found that injuries continued to increase, and over half (51.2%) of DL assignments occurred secondary to upper extremity injuries.5 Although the DL is primarily designed as a roster management tool rather than an injury database, it has provided valuable epidemiologic injury information through the years. Out of concern for player health and well-being, MLB and the MLB Players Association (MLBPA) worked together to create and implement an electronic medical record and Health and Injury Tracking System (HITS) for all MLB and Minor League Baseball (MiLB) players. Now active for over 5 seasons, this database has provided valuable, detailed reports regarding specific injuries occurring in professional baseball, such as hamstring strains and concussions.6,7

With shoulder and elbow injuries in pitchers representing the greatest proportion of DL assignments in recent years, a large body of literature on these injuries, particularly medial ulnar collateral ligament (MUCL) injuries, has been published.8-13 Since the initial description of MUCL reconstruction, or “Tommy John surgery,” by Dr. Frank Jobe in 1986, much has been done to improve the technique and rehabilitation to maximize player performance following surgery.10,14-16 Despite this increased attention, large-scale epidemiologic reporting of MUCL injuries in MLB is lacking, but such a report is desirable. The purpose of this work is to: 1) provide a large-scale analysis of injuries occurring in MLB baseball over the course of 18 seasons (1998-2015); 2) highlight the financial implications of these injuries; and 3) detail the evolution of MUCL injuries and reconstructive surgery since it was first performed on a MLB pitcher in 1974. Our study represents the largest longitudinal analysis of MLB injuries since the league expanded to its current level of 30 teams in 1998. It is our hope that this work will serve as a framework for future study of the most common and highest impact injuries occurring in baseball.

Materials And Methods

We performed a retrospective review of the MLB DL from 1998 to 2015. Data analyzed included player demographics such as club, year of placement, age, and position. Injury-specific variables included date of placement on DL, length of time on DL, date of reinstatement, body part injured, diagnosis, and cost of replacement. If a player was put on the DL multiple times during a season, each placement was viewed as a different injury, even if it was to the same body part. If a player was put on the DL for injuries to multiple body parts, the primary injury was analyzed.

Disabled List Data

Although the DL has existed since 1916, this current study covers 18 seasons from 1998 to 2015. The 1998 season was chosen as a starting point because this is the year when MLB expanded to 30 teams. Since then, the number of teams and the active roster limits (25 players) have remained constant, allowing for reliable comparisons across seasons. Initially designed as a roster management tool to allow injured players to temporarily be replaced with healthy players, the DL was not created as an injury database. However, the rules and regulations of the DL have remained fairly constant over the last 18 years, allowing reasonable comparisons of injury data and trends across this timespan. In order for a player to be assigned to the DL, the nature and extent of injury must be certified by a physician. Once designated for the DL, a player cannot return to the major league team for a minimum of 15 days. If the injury is severe, the player can remain on the DL for the remainder of the season or until he is deemed healthy enough to return to play by a physician. One notable exception is the treatment of concussions. Since 2011, a player diagnosed with a concussion may be placed on the DL for a minimum of 7 days rather than 15. The introduction of the HITS database in 2010 should allow for more detailed and reliable study of injuries in baseball moving forward. Although it contains robust data for every injury that has occurred in MLB and MiLB over the last 5 seasons, it does not allow for epidemiologic and longitudinal study of injury patterns and trends in baseball prior to 2010.



Cost of Placing Players on the DL

The dollars lost were calculated by prorating the injured player’s daily salary and multiplying by the number of days missed on the DL. For example, if a player’s annual salary is $1,820,000, his daily salary for the 182 day season is $10,000. If assigned to the DL for 15 days, $150,000 is paid to that player while he is inactive and unable to play. An additional cost is the salary of the replacement player who fills the roster spot. For this work, the replacement player’s prorated, daily salary was assumed to be the league minimum for that specific year. For example, if the league minimum for a given season is $182,000, and the season is 182 days long, a replacement player earns a minimum of $1,000 per day while he is on the 25-man active roster. Thus, the dollars paid to the replacement would be $15,000. In this scenario, that brings the team’s total cost to $165,000 ($150,000 plus $15,000). Because the league minimum salary changes year to year, salaries specific to the year of injury were utilized in this analysis.

MUCL Injury Analysis

In order to better understand the evaluation of MUCL injuries over time, all MLB players undergoing MUCL reconstruction (“Tommy John surgery”) were analyzed separately. Similar to prior studies of UCL injuries, these players were identified using DL data, team websites, and publically available internet databases (primarily,12,17-19 Variables studied include the number of procedures, year of surgery, player position, and mean time until return to play at the MLB level. All MLB players undergoing MUCL reconstruction since 1974 (the year the first procedure was performed) were included.

Statistical Methods

Epidemiologic data are reported using descriptive statistics (mean, range, and percentage) where indicated. To determine the significance of trends over time, a best-fit line was generated to illustrate the change over the years. These lines are reported with corresponding R2 values. To assess the trend for significance, the slope was compared to a line with a slope of zero (no change over time) using t tests. For all statistical comparisons, the threshold for alpha was set to P < .05.


Between 1998 and 2015, there were 8357 placements of players on the DL, at an average rate of 464 designations per year (Table 1, Figure 1). This resulted in 460,432 days lost to injury, with a mean of 25,186 days out of play per season (Table 1, Figure 2). The mean length of DL assignment per year was 55.1 days per injury, with a low of 49.1 days in 2011 and a high of 59.2 days in 2001 (Table 1, Figure 3). During the study period, the number of players placed on the DL and the total number of DL days steadily increased (P < .001 and P = .003, respectively), while the average length of DL assignments remained steady (P = .647). When analyzing the data by body region injured, the shoulder (20.6%) and elbow (19.6%) were the 2 leading causes of time out of play (Table 2). This was followed distantly by the chest/back/spine (13.7%), wrist/hand/fingers (10.1%), lower leg/knee (9.8%), and the upper leg/thigh (9.5%). Although the percentage of injuries occurring to the upper extremity remained stable, the rate of shoulder injuries steadily decreased (P = .023) as elbow injuries increased (P = .015) (Table 3, Figure 4). This inverse relationship was also demonstrated for the annual number of DL days for shoulder (P = .033) and elbow (P = 0.005) injuries (Figure 5).



Regarding the financial impact of these injuries, the mean annual cost of replacing players on the DL was $423,267,633.78 (Table 4). This ranged from a low of $136,397,147 in 1998 to a high of $694,835,359 in 2015. There was a steady increase in the cost of replacement during the study period (P < .001) that coincides with the increasing salaries during that time span (Figure 6). In total, $6,732,167,180 was paid to players assigned to the DL and $886,650,228 was spent to fill their positions. This brings the total cost of DL assignments to $7,618,817,407 for the study period.


Looking specifically at MUCL injuries, a total of 400 MUCL reconstructions have been performed on MLB players since the procedure was first developed in 1974. The vast majority of these were performed in pitchers (n = 361, 90.3%) followed by outfielders (n = 16, 4.0%), infielders (n = 14, 3.5%) and catchers (n = 9, 2.3%) (Table 5). The mean time to return to competition at the MLB level was 17.8 months for pitchers, 11.1 months for outfielders, 9.6 months for infielders, and 10.5 months for catchers. The overall mean time to return was 17.1 months. The annual number of MUCL reconstructions continues to rise dramatically (P < .001) (Figure 7). During the first 12 years (1974-1985), a total of 8 (2.0%) MUCL reconstructions were performed on MLB players. In subsequent decades, this number increased to 44 (11.0%) from 1986-1995, 123 (30.8%) from 1996-2005, and 225 (56.3%) from 2006-2015. Of all Tommy John surgeries performed over 42 years, nearly one-third (n = 131, 32.75%) were performed in the last 5 years alone (2011-2015).





To date, a number of studies have been published on injuries in professional baseball. These can primarily be categorized as either studies with a detailed focus on a single injury type or body region6-13,17,19 or broader reviews that are limited by the relatively short time span covered.4,5 The purpose of this work was to provide a comprehensive review of injury trends in MLB since the league expanded to 30 teams in 1998 while paying special attention to the financial impact of those injuries. Additionally, we sought to provide an up-to-date review of MUCL injuries and surgeries since the procedure was first developed in 1974. Ultimately, this data demonstrates that injuries continue to rise in MLB and this increase is accompanied by increased expense for teams. Thankfully, the rates of DL assignments for shoulder injuries are on the decline; however, this decrease is countered by a reciprocal increase in elbow injuries. Similarly, the rates of MUCL reconstruction have also risen dramatically in recent years.

The fact that injury rates are on the rise is confirmed by other published reports. This trend was demonstrated in prior analyses of DL data from the 1989 to 19984 and 2002 to 2008 seasons.5 These 2 studies represent the only comprehensive reviews of MLB injury trends to date, and each provides valuable information. Both are consistent with the current study findings that pitchers are the most commonly injured players and that shoulder and elbow injuries represent about half of all injuries.4,5 Similar injury rates and characteristics have been reported at the collegiate20 and minor league levels.21 Despite this consistency, this analysis of injuries from 1998 to 2015 is the first to report that DL designations for shoulder injuries are on the decline while designations for elbow injuries continue to rise. Although the exact etiology of this decline in shoulder injuries remains unknown, there are a number of possible explanations. In recent years, increased emphasis has been placed on shoulder rehabilitation, reduction of glenohumeral internal rotation deficits, scapular stabilization, and overall kinetic chain balance and coordination. However, this does not explain why elbow injuries continue to rise annually.

With this increase in injuries, the cost of maintaining an active 25-man roster is also climbing. As expected, this growing expense is primarily due to the increased number of DL days each year as well as the increase in league salaries. Fortunately, this increased financial strain has been met with steadily increased annual revenues in professional baseball. In 2014, the prorated salary cost to players designated to the DL and their replacements was $579,568,059. This figure represents an estimated 6.4% of the $9 billion in total revenue for MLB that same year.22 Although this may represent a small percentage of the whole, it still embodies an exceptionally large financial responsibility. This does not include the medical expenses incurred to treat and rehabilitate the players’ injuries.

Every injury that occurs in MLB players has the potential to adversely affect players, teams, and MLB as a whole. With its increasing prevalence, need for surgical treatment, and prolonged return to play, injuries to the MUCL of the elbow may represent the most costly of all injuries. Although a multitude of reports on MUCL injuries, treatments, techniques, rehabilitation, and outcomes have been reported,8,9,12,14-19,23-25 to our knowledge, a comprehensive and longitudinal incidence study in MLB players has not yet been published. By including every MUCL reconstruction that has been performed on a MLB player, our study demonstrates the dramatic increase in the annual incidence of MUCL surgeries. Studies performed over shorter time intervals corroborate these findings. A recent review of a privately insured patient database revealed an annual increase in MUCL reconstructions of 4.2% in that cohort.26 When looking specifically at the MLB, a recent survey of all 30 clubs found that 25% (96 of 382) of MLB pitchers and 15% (341 of 2324) of minor league pitchers have undergone MUCL reconstruction.8 Because it occurs so frequently and requires a mean of 17 months to return to sport, MUCL injuries represent a very significant cause of time out of play.

While this study represents a unique epidemiologic report on injuries in baseball, it is certainly not without its limitations. As stated previously, it relies on DL data that was initially intended to serve as a roster management tool rather than an injury database. Accordingly, detailed and specific information about every injury is not always available. The limitations of DL data will largely be overcome in future studies thanks to the implementation of the HITS database in 2010. Moving forward, this system will allow for more detailed analysis of injury patterns, characteristics, time out of play, treatments rendered, etc. Its main limitation is that the earliest data dates back to 2010, making it less applicable for longitudinal studies like the present one. Another limitation of this study is the estimations used for the cost of replacing players designated to the DL. For each injury, it was assumed that the replacement player was paid a prorated portion of the league minimum salary while on the major league roster, but in some instances, that may not have been the case. It is possible that some players filling roster spots were already under contract for amounts higher than the league minimum. Since that player would be making that amount regardless of the level of play, the team may not have paid them any additional salary while filling the position of the injured player. The strengths of this study are its comprehensive nature and inclusion of 18 years of data, making it the longest such study of injuries in MLB. It also represents the first report of cost of replacement for players designated to the DL. To our knowledge, this study also represents the first comprehensive report of every MUCL surgery that has been performed on MLB players.




Injury rates continue to rise in MLB, and upper extremity injuries continue to represent approximately half of all injuries resulting in time out of play. Although shoulder injuries have been on the decline in recent years, this decline is offset by a steady increase in elbow injuries. Each year, MLB players are designated to the DL an average of 464 times for a total of 25,579.6 days. This results in a mean annual cost of over $400 million dollars to replace players lost to injury. Looking specifically at MUCL injuries, a total of 400 MUCL reconstructions have been performed in the MLB since 1974, and nearly one-third of these were performed in the last 5 years. Pitchers represent 90.3% of players requiring MUCL surgery, and the average time to return to sport for all players is 17 months. These data may serve as a foundation for identifying appropriate targets for continued study into the etiologies, strategies for prevention, and optimal treatments of injuries commonly affecting professional baseball players.


1.    Lewis M. Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game. Vol 1. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company; 2004.

2.    Block D. Baseball Before We Knew It: A Search for the Roots of the Game. Vol 1. Lincoln, NE: Bison Books; 2006.

3.    James B. The New Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract. Vol 2. Detroit, MI: Free Press; 2003.

4.    Conte S, Requa RK, Garrick JG. Disability days in major league baseball. Am J Sports Med. 2001;29(4):431-436.

5.    Posner M, Cameron KL, Wolf JM, Belmont PJ, Owens BD. Epidemiology of Major League Baseball injuries. Am J Sports Med. 2011;39(8):1676-1680.

6.    Ahmad CS, Dick RW, Snell E, et al. Major and Minor League Baseball hamstring injuries: epidemiologic findings from the Major League Baseball Injury Surveillance System. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(6):1464-1470.

7.    Green GA, Pollack KM, D’Angelo J, et al. Mild traumatic brain injury in major and Minor League Baseball players. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(5):1118-1126.

8.    Conte SA, Fleisig GS, Dines JS, et al. Prevalence of ulnar collateral ligament surgery in professional baseball players. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(7):1764-1769.

9.    Jones KJ, Conte S, Patterson N, ElAttrache NS, Dines JS. Functional outcomes following revision ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in Major League Baseball pitchers. J Shoulder Elb Surg. 2013;22(5):642-646.

10.  Jones KJ, Osbahr DC, Schrumpf MA, Dines JS, Altchek DW. Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in throwing athletes: a review of current concepts. AAOS exhibit selection. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012;94(8):e49.

11.  Dodson CC, Thomas A, Dines JS, Nho SJ, Williams RJ 3rd, Altchek DW. Medial ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction of the elbow in throwing athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2006;34(12):1926-1932.

12.  Erickson BJ, Gupta AK, Harris JD, et al. Rate of return to pitching and performance after Tommy John surgery in Major League Baseball pitchers. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(3):536-543.

13.  Makhni EC, Lee RW, Morrow ZS, Gualtieri AP, Gorroochurn P, Ahmad CS. Performance, return to competition, and reinjury after Tommy John surgery in Major League Baseball pitchers: A review of 147 cases. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(6):

14.  Jobe FW, Stark H, Lombardo SJ. Reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament in athletes. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1986;68(8):1158-1163.

15.  Rohrbough JT, Altchek DW, Hyman J, Williams RJ 3rd, Botts JD. Medial collateral ligament reconstruction of the elbow using the docking technique. Am J Sports Med. 2002;30(4):541-548.

16.  Andrews JR, Jost PW, Cain EL. The ulnar collateral ligament procedure revisited: the procedure we use. Sports Health. 2012;4(5):438-441.

17.  Keller RA, Steffes MJ, Zhuo D, Bey MJ, Moutzouros V. The effects of medial ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction on Major League pitching performance. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014;23(11):1591-1598.

18.  Marshall NE, Keller RA, Lynch JR, Bey MJ, Moutzouros V. Pitching performance and longevity after revision ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in Major League Baseball pitchers. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(5):1051-1056.

19.  Liu JN, Garcia GH, Conte S, ElAttrache N, Altchek DW, Dines JS. Outcomes in revision Tommy John surgery in Major League Baseball pitchers. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016;25(1):90-97.

20.  McFarland EG, Wasik M. Epidemiology of collegiate baseball injuries. Clin J Sport Med. 1998;8(1):10-13.

21.  Chambless KM, Knudtson J, Eck JC, Covington LA. Rate of injury in minor league baseball by level of play. Am J Orthop. 2000;29(11):869-872.

22.  Brown M. Major League Baseball Sees Record $9 Billion In Revenues For 2014. Forbes. Published December 10, 2014. Accessed February 3, 2016.

23.  Jones KJ, Dines JS, Rebolledo BJ, et al. Operative management of ulnar collateral ligament insufficiency in adolescent athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(1):117-121.

24.  Vitale MA, Ahmad CS. The outcome of elbow ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in overhead athletes: a systematic review. Am J Sports Med. 2008;36(6):1193-1205.

25.  Wilk KE, Meister K, Andrews JR. Current concepts in the rehabilitation of the overhead throwing athlete. Am J Sports Med. 2002;30(1):136-151.

26.  Erickson BJ, Nwachukwu BU, Rosas S, et al. Trends in medial ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in the United States: A retrospective review of a large private-payer database from 2007 to 2011. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(7):1770-1774.

Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Stan Conte, PT, DPT, ATC, Christopher L. Camp, MD, and Joshua S. Dines, MD

Authors’ Disclosure Statement: The authors report no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this article.

The American Journal of Orthopedics - 45(3)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
study, original study, major league baseball, MLB, baseball, sports medicine, injury, trends, seasons, athletes, athletics, sports, Conte, Camp, Dines, disabled list, DL, revenue, medial ulnar collateral ligament, MUCL, reconstruction
Author and Disclosure Information

Stan Conte, PT, DPT, ATC, Christopher L. Camp, MD, and Joshua S. Dines, MD

Authors’ Disclosure Statement: The authors report no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this article.

Author and Disclosure Information

Stan Conte, PT, DPT, ATC, Christopher L. Camp, MD, and Joshua S. Dines, MD

Authors’ Disclosure Statement: The authors report no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this article.

Article PDF
Article PDF

While the exact origins of the game of baseball are commonly debated, one thing is certain: statistics have been an integral part of the game since its existence.1-3 This is true at nearly every level of baseball, especially in Major League Baseball (MLB). As our knowledge and technical capabilities advance, new statistical measures of baseball performance are added at a rapid pace.1,3 One example is the Pitch f/x video tracking system (Sportvision, Inc.), which now analyzes over 60 variables on each of the estimated 660,000 pitches thrown in the MLB annually. In addition to measuring performance and production, these advancements are being leveraged to better understand the epidemiology and impact of injuries in MLB players.4,5 As with any sport, performance at the most elite level is highly dependent upon player health and functional capacity. Accordingly, player injuries can have a profound impact not only on individual performance but also on the success of the team as a whole.

The first epidemiologic study of injuries in professional baseball was published by Conte and colleagues4 in 2001. This work utilized publically available disabled list (DL) data to perform a comprehensive review of injury patterns in MLB from 1989 to 1999. They demonstrated that injuries were on the rise and that pitchers were more commonly injured (48.4% of all DL reports) and had greater time out of play compared to players of other positions.4 Shoulder and elbow injuries were responsible for 49.8% of all DL assignments, distantly followed by knee (7.3%), wrist/hand (6.1%), and back (5.0%).4 In a later study, Posner and colleagues5 analyzed DL data spanning the 2002 to 2008 seasons. Similarly, they found that injuries continued to increase, and over half (51.2%) of DL assignments occurred secondary to upper extremity injuries.5 Although the DL is primarily designed as a roster management tool rather than an injury database, it has provided valuable epidemiologic injury information through the years. Out of concern for player health and well-being, MLB and the MLB Players Association (MLBPA) worked together to create and implement an electronic medical record and Health and Injury Tracking System (HITS) for all MLB and Minor League Baseball (MiLB) players. Now active for over 5 seasons, this database has provided valuable, detailed reports regarding specific injuries occurring in professional baseball, such as hamstring strains and concussions.6,7

With shoulder and elbow injuries in pitchers representing the greatest proportion of DL assignments in recent years, a large body of literature on these injuries, particularly medial ulnar collateral ligament (MUCL) injuries, has been published.8-13 Since the initial description of MUCL reconstruction, or “Tommy John surgery,” by Dr. Frank Jobe in 1986, much has been done to improve the technique and rehabilitation to maximize player performance following surgery.10,14-16 Despite this increased attention, large-scale epidemiologic reporting of MUCL injuries in MLB is lacking, but such a report is desirable. The purpose of this work is to: 1) provide a large-scale analysis of injuries occurring in MLB baseball over the course of 18 seasons (1998-2015); 2) highlight the financial implications of these injuries; and 3) detail the evolution of MUCL injuries and reconstructive surgery since it was first performed on a MLB pitcher in 1974. Our study represents the largest longitudinal analysis of MLB injuries since the league expanded to its current level of 30 teams in 1998. It is our hope that this work will serve as a framework for future study of the most common and highest impact injuries occurring in baseball.

Materials And Methods

We performed a retrospective review of the MLB DL from 1998 to 2015. Data analyzed included player demographics such as club, year of placement, age, and position. Injury-specific variables included date of placement on DL, length of time on DL, date of reinstatement, body part injured, diagnosis, and cost of replacement. If a player was put on the DL multiple times during a season, each placement was viewed as a different injury, even if it was to the same body part. If a player was put on the DL for injuries to multiple body parts, the primary injury was analyzed.

Disabled List Data

Although the DL has existed since 1916, this current study covers 18 seasons from 1998 to 2015. The 1998 season was chosen as a starting point because this is the year when MLB expanded to 30 teams. Since then, the number of teams and the active roster limits (25 players) have remained constant, allowing for reliable comparisons across seasons. Initially designed as a roster management tool to allow injured players to temporarily be replaced with healthy players, the DL was not created as an injury database. However, the rules and regulations of the DL have remained fairly constant over the last 18 years, allowing reasonable comparisons of injury data and trends across this timespan. In order for a player to be assigned to the DL, the nature and extent of injury must be certified by a physician. Once designated for the DL, a player cannot return to the major league team for a minimum of 15 days. If the injury is severe, the player can remain on the DL for the remainder of the season or until he is deemed healthy enough to return to play by a physician. One notable exception is the treatment of concussions. Since 2011, a player diagnosed with a concussion may be placed on the DL for a minimum of 7 days rather than 15. The introduction of the HITS database in 2010 should allow for more detailed and reliable study of injuries in baseball moving forward. Although it contains robust data for every injury that has occurred in MLB and MiLB over the last 5 seasons, it does not allow for epidemiologic and longitudinal study of injury patterns and trends in baseball prior to 2010.



Cost of Placing Players on the DL

The dollars lost were calculated by prorating the injured player’s daily salary and multiplying by the number of days missed on the DL. For example, if a player’s annual salary is $1,820,000, his daily salary for the 182 day season is $10,000. If assigned to the DL for 15 days, $150,000 is paid to that player while he is inactive and unable to play. An additional cost is the salary of the replacement player who fills the roster spot. For this work, the replacement player’s prorated, daily salary was assumed to be the league minimum for that specific year. For example, if the league minimum for a given season is $182,000, and the season is 182 days long, a replacement player earns a minimum of $1,000 per day while he is on the 25-man active roster. Thus, the dollars paid to the replacement would be $15,000. In this scenario, that brings the team’s total cost to $165,000 ($150,000 plus $15,000). Because the league minimum salary changes year to year, salaries specific to the year of injury were utilized in this analysis.

MUCL Injury Analysis

In order to better understand the evaluation of MUCL injuries over time, all MLB players undergoing MUCL reconstruction (“Tommy John surgery”) were analyzed separately. Similar to prior studies of UCL injuries, these players were identified using DL data, team websites, and publically available internet databases (primarily,12,17-19 Variables studied include the number of procedures, year of surgery, player position, and mean time until return to play at the MLB level. All MLB players undergoing MUCL reconstruction since 1974 (the year the first procedure was performed) were included.

Statistical Methods

Epidemiologic data are reported using descriptive statistics (mean, range, and percentage) where indicated. To determine the significance of trends over time, a best-fit line was generated to illustrate the change over the years. These lines are reported with corresponding R2 values. To assess the trend for significance, the slope was compared to a line with a slope of zero (no change over time) using t tests. For all statistical comparisons, the threshold for alpha was set to P < .05.


Between 1998 and 2015, there were 8357 placements of players on the DL, at an average rate of 464 designations per year (Table 1, Figure 1). This resulted in 460,432 days lost to injury, with a mean of 25,186 days out of play per season (Table 1, Figure 2). The mean length of DL assignment per year was 55.1 days per injury, with a low of 49.1 days in 2011 and a high of 59.2 days in 2001 (Table 1, Figure 3). During the study period, the number of players placed on the DL and the total number of DL days steadily increased (P < .001 and P = .003, respectively), while the average length of DL assignments remained steady (P = .647). When analyzing the data by body region injured, the shoulder (20.6%) and elbow (19.6%) were the 2 leading causes of time out of play (Table 2). This was followed distantly by the chest/back/spine (13.7%), wrist/hand/fingers (10.1%), lower leg/knee (9.8%), and the upper leg/thigh (9.5%). Although the percentage of injuries occurring to the upper extremity remained stable, the rate of shoulder injuries steadily decreased (P = .023) as elbow injuries increased (P = .015) (Table 3, Figure 4). This inverse relationship was also demonstrated for the annual number of DL days for shoulder (P = .033) and elbow (P = 0.005) injuries (Figure 5).



Regarding the financial impact of these injuries, the mean annual cost of replacing players on the DL was $423,267,633.78 (Table 4). This ranged from a low of $136,397,147 in 1998 to a high of $694,835,359 in 2015. There was a steady increase in the cost of replacement during the study period (P < .001) that coincides with the increasing salaries during that time span (Figure 6). In total, $6,732,167,180 was paid to players assigned to the DL and $886,650,228 was spent to fill their positions. This brings the total cost of DL assignments to $7,618,817,407 for the study period.


Looking specifically at MUCL injuries, a total of 400 MUCL reconstructions have been performed on MLB players since the procedure was first developed in 1974. The vast majority of these were performed in pitchers (n = 361, 90.3%) followed by outfielders (n = 16, 4.0%), infielders (n = 14, 3.5%) and catchers (n = 9, 2.3%) (Table 5). The mean time to return to competition at the MLB level was 17.8 months for pitchers, 11.1 months for outfielders, 9.6 months for infielders, and 10.5 months for catchers. The overall mean time to return was 17.1 months. The annual number of MUCL reconstructions continues to rise dramatically (P < .001) (Figure 7). During the first 12 years (1974-1985), a total of 8 (2.0%) MUCL reconstructions were performed on MLB players. In subsequent decades, this number increased to 44 (11.0%) from 1986-1995, 123 (30.8%) from 1996-2005, and 225 (56.3%) from 2006-2015. Of all Tommy John surgeries performed over 42 years, nearly one-third (n = 131, 32.75%) were performed in the last 5 years alone (2011-2015).





To date, a number of studies have been published on injuries in professional baseball. These can primarily be categorized as either studies with a detailed focus on a single injury type or body region6-13,17,19 or broader reviews that are limited by the relatively short time span covered.4,5 The purpose of this work was to provide a comprehensive review of injury trends in MLB since the league expanded to 30 teams in 1998 while paying special attention to the financial impact of those injuries. Additionally, we sought to provide an up-to-date review of MUCL injuries and surgeries since the procedure was first developed in 1974. Ultimately, this data demonstrates that injuries continue to rise in MLB and this increase is accompanied by increased expense for teams. Thankfully, the rates of DL assignments for shoulder injuries are on the decline; however, this decrease is countered by a reciprocal increase in elbow injuries. Similarly, the rates of MUCL reconstruction have also risen dramatically in recent years.

The fact that injury rates are on the rise is confirmed by other published reports. This trend was demonstrated in prior analyses of DL data from the 1989 to 19984 and 2002 to 2008 seasons.5 These 2 studies represent the only comprehensive reviews of MLB injury trends to date, and each provides valuable information. Both are consistent with the current study findings that pitchers are the most commonly injured players and that shoulder and elbow injuries represent about half of all injuries.4,5 Similar injury rates and characteristics have been reported at the collegiate20 and minor league levels.21 Despite this consistency, this analysis of injuries from 1998 to 2015 is the first to report that DL designations for shoulder injuries are on the decline while designations for elbow injuries continue to rise. Although the exact etiology of this decline in shoulder injuries remains unknown, there are a number of possible explanations. In recent years, increased emphasis has been placed on shoulder rehabilitation, reduction of glenohumeral internal rotation deficits, scapular stabilization, and overall kinetic chain balance and coordination. However, this does not explain why elbow injuries continue to rise annually.

With this increase in injuries, the cost of maintaining an active 25-man roster is also climbing. As expected, this growing expense is primarily due to the increased number of DL days each year as well as the increase in league salaries. Fortunately, this increased financial strain has been met with steadily increased annual revenues in professional baseball. In 2014, the prorated salary cost to players designated to the DL and their replacements was $579,568,059. This figure represents an estimated 6.4% of the $9 billion in total revenue for MLB that same year.22 Although this may represent a small percentage of the whole, it still embodies an exceptionally large financial responsibility. This does not include the medical expenses incurred to treat and rehabilitate the players’ injuries.

Every injury that occurs in MLB players has the potential to adversely affect players, teams, and MLB as a whole. With its increasing prevalence, need for surgical treatment, and prolonged return to play, injuries to the MUCL of the elbow may represent the most costly of all injuries. Although a multitude of reports on MUCL injuries, treatments, techniques, rehabilitation, and outcomes have been reported,8,9,12,14-19,23-25 to our knowledge, a comprehensive and longitudinal incidence study in MLB players has not yet been published. By including every MUCL reconstruction that has been performed on a MLB player, our study demonstrates the dramatic increase in the annual incidence of MUCL surgeries. Studies performed over shorter time intervals corroborate these findings. A recent review of a privately insured patient database revealed an annual increase in MUCL reconstructions of 4.2% in that cohort.26 When looking specifically at the MLB, a recent survey of all 30 clubs found that 25% (96 of 382) of MLB pitchers and 15% (341 of 2324) of minor league pitchers have undergone MUCL reconstruction.8 Because it occurs so frequently and requires a mean of 17 months to return to sport, MUCL injuries represent a very significant cause of time out of play.

While this study represents a unique epidemiologic report on injuries in baseball, it is certainly not without its limitations. As stated previously, it relies on DL data that was initially intended to serve as a roster management tool rather than an injury database. Accordingly, detailed and specific information about every injury is not always available. The limitations of DL data will largely be overcome in future studies thanks to the implementation of the HITS database in 2010. Moving forward, this system will allow for more detailed analysis of injury patterns, characteristics, time out of play, treatments rendered, etc. Its main limitation is that the earliest data dates back to 2010, making it less applicable for longitudinal studies like the present one. Another limitation of this study is the estimations used for the cost of replacing players designated to the DL. For each injury, it was assumed that the replacement player was paid a prorated portion of the league minimum salary while on the major league roster, but in some instances, that may not have been the case. It is possible that some players filling roster spots were already under contract for amounts higher than the league minimum. Since that player would be making that amount regardless of the level of play, the team may not have paid them any additional salary while filling the position of the injured player. The strengths of this study are its comprehensive nature and inclusion of 18 years of data, making it the longest such study of injuries in MLB. It also represents the first report of cost of replacement for players designated to the DL. To our knowledge, this study also represents the first comprehensive report of every MUCL surgery that has been performed on MLB players.




Injury rates continue to rise in MLB, and upper extremity injuries continue to represent approximately half of all injuries resulting in time out of play. Although shoulder injuries have been on the decline in recent years, this decline is offset by a steady increase in elbow injuries. Each year, MLB players are designated to the DL an average of 464 times for a total of 25,579.6 days. This results in a mean annual cost of over $400 million dollars to replace players lost to injury. Looking specifically at MUCL injuries, a total of 400 MUCL reconstructions have been performed in the MLB since 1974, and nearly one-third of these were performed in the last 5 years. Pitchers represent 90.3% of players requiring MUCL surgery, and the average time to return to sport for all players is 17 months. These data may serve as a foundation for identifying appropriate targets for continued study into the etiologies, strategies for prevention, and optimal treatments of injuries commonly affecting professional baseball players.

While the exact origins of the game of baseball are commonly debated, one thing is certain: statistics have been an integral part of the game since its existence.1-3 This is true at nearly every level of baseball, especially in Major League Baseball (MLB). As our knowledge and technical capabilities advance, new statistical measures of baseball performance are added at a rapid pace.1,3 One example is the Pitch f/x video tracking system (Sportvision, Inc.), which now analyzes over 60 variables on each of the estimated 660,000 pitches thrown in the MLB annually. In addition to measuring performance and production, these advancements are being leveraged to better understand the epidemiology and impact of injuries in MLB players.4,5 As with any sport, performance at the most elite level is highly dependent upon player health and functional capacity. Accordingly, player injuries can have a profound impact not only on individual performance but also on the success of the team as a whole.

The first epidemiologic study of injuries in professional baseball was published by Conte and colleagues4 in 2001. This work utilized publically available disabled list (DL) data to perform a comprehensive review of injury patterns in MLB from 1989 to 1999. They demonstrated that injuries were on the rise and that pitchers were more commonly injured (48.4% of all DL reports) and had greater time out of play compared to players of other positions.4 Shoulder and elbow injuries were responsible for 49.8% of all DL assignments, distantly followed by knee (7.3%), wrist/hand (6.1%), and back (5.0%).4 In a later study, Posner and colleagues5 analyzed DL data spanning the 2002 to 2008 seasons. Similarly, they found that injuries continued to increase, and over half (51.2%) of DL assignments occurred secondary to upper extremity injuries.5 Although the DL is primarily designed as a roster management tool rather than an injury database, it has provided valuable epidemiologic injury information through the years. Out of concern for player health and well-being, MLB and the MLB Players Association (MLBPA) worked together to create and implement an electronic medical record and Health and Injury Tracking System (HITS) for all MLB and Minor League Baseball (MiLB) players. Now active for over 5 seasons, this database has provided valuable, detailed reports regarding specific injuries occurring in professional baseball, such as hamstring strains and concussions.6,7

With shoulder and elbow injuries in pitchers representing the greatest proportion of DL assignments in recent years, a large body of literature on these injuries, particularly medial ulnar collateral ligament (MUCL) injuries, has been published.8-13 Since the initial description of MUCL reconstruction, or “Tommy John surgery,” by Dr. Frank Jobe in 1986, much has been done to improve the technique and rehabilitation to maximize player performance following surgery.10,14-16 Despite this increased attention, large-scale epidemiologic reporting of MUCL injuries in MLB is lacking, but such a report is desirable. The purpose of this work is to: 1) provide a large-scale analysis of injuries occurring in MLB baseball over the course of 18 seasons (1998-2015); 2) highlight the financial implications of these injuries; and 3) detail the evolution of MUCL injuries and reconstructive surgery since it was first performed on a MLB pitcher in 1974. Our study represents the largest longitudinal analysis of MLB injuries since the league expanded to its current level of 30 teams in 1998. It is our hope that this work will serve as a framework for future study of the most common and highest impact injuries occurring in baseball.

Materials And Methods

We performed a retrospective review of the MLB DL from 1998 to 2015. Data analyzed included player demographics such as club, year of placement, age, and position. Injury-specific variables included date of placement on DL, length of time on DL, date of reinstatement, body part injured, diagnosis, and cost of replacement. If a player was put on the DL multiple times during a season, each placement was viewed as a different injury, even if it was to the same body part. If a player was put on the DL for injuries to multiple body parts, the primary injury was analyzed.

Disabled List Data

Although the DL has existed since 1916, this current study covers 18 seasons from 1998 to 2015. The 1998 season was chosen as a starting point because this is the year when MLB expanded to 30 teams. Since then, the number of teams and the active roster limits (25 players) have remained constant, allowing for reliable comparisons across seasons. Initially designed as a roster management tool to allow injured players to temporarily be replaced with healthy players, the DL was not created as an injury database. However, the rules and regulations of the DL have remained fairly constant over the last 18 years, allowing reasonable comparisons of injury data and trends across this timespan. In order for a player to be assigned to the DL, the nature and extent of injury must be certified by a physician. Once designated for the DL, a player cannot return to the major league team for a minimum of 15 days. If the injury is severe, the player can remain on the DL for the remainder of the season or until he is deemed healthy enough to return to play by a physician. One notable exception is the treatment of concussions. Since 2011, a player diagnosed with a concussion may be placed on the DL for a minimum of 7 days rather than 15. The introduction of the HITS database in 2010 should allow for more detailed and reliable study of injuries in baseball moving forward. Although it contains robust data for every injury that has occurred in MLB and MiLB over the last 5 seasons, it does not allow for epidemiologic and longitudinal study of injury patterns and trends in baseball prior to 2010.



Cost of Placing Players on the DL

The dollars lost were calculated by prorating the injured player’s daily salary and multiplying by the number of days missed on the DL. For example, if a player’s annual salary is $1,820,000, his daily salary for the 182 day season is $10,000. If assigned to the DL for 15 days, $150,000 is paid to that player while he is inactive and unable to play. An additional cost is the salary of the replacement player who fills the roster spot. For this work, the replacement player’s prorated, daily salary was assumed to be the league minimum for that specific year. For example, if the league minimum for a given season is $182,000, and the season is 182 days long, a replacement player earns a minimum of $1,000 per day while he is on the 25-man active roster. Thus, the dollars paid to the replacement would be $15,000. In this scenario, that brings the team’s total cost to $165,000 ($150,000 plus $15,000). Because the league minimum salary changes year to year, salaries specific to the year of injury were utilized in this analysis.

MUCL Injury Analysis

In order to better understand the evaluation of MUCL injuries over time, all MLB players undergoing MUCL reconstruction (“Tommy John surgery”) were analyzed separately. Similar to prior studies of UCL injuries, these players were identified using DL data, team websites, and publically available internet databases (primarily,12,17-19 Variables studied include the number of procedures, year of surgery, player position, and mean time until return to play at the MLB level. All MLB players undergoing MUCL reconstruction since 1974 (the year the first procedure was performed) were included.

Statistical Methods

Epidemiologic data are reported using descriptive statistics (mean, range, and percentage) where indicated. To determine the significance of trends over time, a best-fit line was generated to illustrate the change over the years. These lines are reported with corresponding R2 values. To assess the trend for significance, the slope was compared to a line with a slope of zero (no change over time) using t tests. For all statistical comparisons, the threshold for alpha was set to P < .05.


Between 1998 and 2015, there were 8357 placements of players on the DL, at an average rate of 464 designations per year (Table 1, Figure 1). This resulted in 460,432 days lost to injury, with a mean of 25,186 days out of play per season (Table 1, Figure 2). The mean length of DL assignment per year was 55.1 days per injury, with a low of 49.1 days in 2011 and a high of 59.2 days in 2001 (Table 1, Figure 3). During the study period, the number of players placed on the DL and the total number of DL days steadily increased (P < .001 and P = .003, respectively), while the average length of DL assignments remained steady (P = .647). When analyzing the data by body region injured, the shoulder (20.6%) and elbow (19.6%) were the 2 leading causes of time out of play (Table 2). This was followed distantly by the chest/back/spine (13.7%), wrist/hand/fingers (10.1%), lower leg/knee (9.8%), and the upper leg/thigh (9.5%). Although the percentage of injuries occurring to the upper extremity remained stable, the rate of shoulder injuries steadily decreased (P = .023) as elbow injuries increased (P = .015) (Table 3, Figure 4). This inverse relationship was also demonstrated for the annual number of DL days for shoulder (P = .033) and elbow (P = 0.005) injuries (Figure 5).



Regarding the financial impact of these injuries, the mean annual cost of replacing players on the DL was $423,267,633.78 (Table 4). This ranged from a low of $136,397,147 in 1998 to a high of $694,835,359 in 2015. There was a steady increase in the cost of replacement during the study period (P < .001) that coincides with the increasing salaries during that time span (Figure 6). In total, $6,732,167,180 was paid to players assigned to the DL and $886,650,228 was spent to fill their positions. This brings the total cost of DL assignments to $7,618,817,407 for the study period.


Looking specifically at MUCL injuries, a total of 400 MUCL reconstructions have been performed on MLB players since the procedure was first developed in 1974. The vast majority of these were performed in pitchers (n = 361, 90.3%) followed by outfielders (n = 16, 4.0%), infielders (n = 14, 3.5%) and catchers (n = 9, 2.3%) (Table 5). The mean time to return to competition at the MLB level was 17.8 months for pitchers, 11.1 months for outfielders, 9.6 months for infielders, and 10.5 months for catchers. The overall mean time to return was 17.1 months. The annual number of MUCL reconstructions continues to rise dramatically (P < .001) (Figure 7). During the first 12 years (1974-1985), a total of 8 (2.0%) MUCL reconstructions were performed on MLB players. In subsequent decades, this number increased to 44 (11.0%) from 1986-1995, 123 (30.8%) from 1996-2005, and 225 (56.3%) from 2006-2015. Of all Tommy John surgeries performed over 42 years, nearly one-third (n = 131, 32.75%) were performed in the last 5 years alone (2011-2015).





To date, a number of studies have been published on injuries in professional baseball. These can primarily be categorized as either studies with a detailed focus on a single injury type or body region6-13,17,19 or broader reviews that are limited by the relatively short time span covered.4,5 The purpose of this work was to provide a comprehensive review of injury trends in MLB since the league expanded to 30 teams in 1998 while paying special attention to the financial impact of those injuries. Additionally, we sought to provide an up-to-date review of MUCL injuries and surgeries since the procedure was first developed in 1974. Ultimately, this data demonstrates that injuries continue to rise in MLB and this increase is accompanied by increased expense for teams. Thankfully, the rates of DL assignments for shoulder injuries are on the decline; however, this decrease is countered by a reciprocal increase in elbow injuries. Similarly, the rates of MUCL reconstruction have also risen dramatically in recent years.

The fact that injury rates are on the rise is confirmed by other published reports. This trend was demonstrated in prior analyses of DL data from the 1989 to 19984 and 2002 to 2008 seasons.5 These 2 studies represent the only comprehensive reviews of MLB injury trends to date, and each provides valuable information. Both are consistent with the current study findings that pitchers are the most commonly injured players and that shoulder and elbow injuries represent about half of all injuries.4,5 Similar injury rates and characteristics have been reported at the collegiate20 and minor league levels.21 Despite this consistency, this analysis of injuries from 1998 to 2015 is the first to report that DL designations for shoulder injuries are on the decline while designations for elbow injuries continue to rise. Although the exact etiology of this decline in shoulder injuries remains unknown, there are a number of possible explanations. In recent years, increased emphasis has been placed on shoulder rehabilitation, reduction of glenohumeral internal rotation deficits, scapular stabilization, and overall kinetic chain balance and coordination. However, this does not explain why elbow injuries continue to rise annually.

With this increase in injuries, the cost of maintaining an active 25-man roster is also climbing. As expected, this growing expense is primarily due to the increased number of DL days each year as well as the increase in league salaries. Fortunately, this increased financial strain has been met with steadily increased annual revenues in professional baseball. In 2014, the prorated salary cost to players designated to the DL and their replacements was $579,568,059. This figure represents an estimated 6.4% of the $9 billion in total revenue for MLB that same year.22 Although this may represent a small percentage of the whole, it still embodies an exceptionally large financial responsibility. This does not include the medical expenses incurred to treat and rehabilitate the players’ injuries.

Every injury that occurs in MLB players has the potential to adversely affect players, teams, and MLB as a whole. With its increasing prevalence, need for surgical treatment, and prolonged return to play, injuries to the MUCL of the elbow may represent the most costly of all injuries. Although a multitude of reports on MUCL injuries, treatments, techniques, rehabilitation, and outcomes have been reported,8,9,12,14-19,23-25 to our knowledge, a comprehensive and longitudinal incidence study in MLB players has not yet been published. By including every MUCL reconstruction that has been performed on a MLB player, our study demonstrates the dramatic increase in the annual incidence of MUCL surgeries. Studies performed over shorter time intervals corroborate these findings. A recent review of a privately insured patient database revealed an annual increase in MUCL reconstructions of 4.2% in that cohort.26 When looking specifically at the MLB, a recent survey of all 30 clubs found that 25% (96 of 382) of MLB pitchers and 15% (341 of 2324) of minor league pitchers have undergone MUCL reconstruction.8 Because it occurs so frequently and requires a mean of 17 months to return to sport, MUCL injuries represent a very significant cause of time out of play.

While this study represents a unique epidemiologic report on injuries in baseball, it is certainly not without its limitations. As stated previously, it relies on DL data that was initially intended to serve as a roster management tool rather than an injury database. Accordingly, detailed and specific information about every injury is not always available. The limitations of DL data will largely be overcome in future studies thanks to the implementation of the HITS database in 2010. Moving forward, this system will allow for more detailed analysis of injury patterns, characteristics, time out of play, treatments rendered, etc. Its main limitation is that the earliest data dates back to 2010, making it less applicable for longitudinal studies like the present one. Another limitation of this study is the estimations used for the cost of replacing players designated to the DL. For each injury, it was assumed that the replacement player was paid a prorated portion of the league minimum salary while on the major league roster, but in some instances, that may not have been the case. It is possible that some players filling roster spots were already under contract for amounts higher than the league minimum. Since that player would be making that amount regardless of the level of play, the team may not have paid them any additional salary while filling the position of the injured player. The strengths of this study are its comprehensive nature and inclusion of 18 years of data, making it the longest such study of injuries in MLB. It also represents the first report of cost of replacement for players designated to the DL. To our knowledge, this study also represents the first comprehensive report of every MUCL surgery that has been performed on MLB players.




Injury rates continue to rise in MLB, and upper extremity injuries continue to represent approximately half of all injuries resulting in time out of play. Although shoulder injuries have been on the decline in recent years, this decline is offset by a steady increase in elbow injuries. Each year, MLB players are designated to the DL an average of 464 times for a total of 25,579.6 days. This results in a mean annual cost of over $400 million dollars to replace players lost to injury. Looking specifically at MUCL injuries, a total of 400 MUCL reconstructions have been performed in the MLB since 1974, and nearly one-third of these were performed in the last 5 years. Pitchers represent 90.3% of players requiring MUCL surgery, and the average time to return to sport for all players is 17 months. These data may serve as a foundation for identifying appropriate targets for continued study into the etiologies, strategies for prevention, and optimal treatments of injuries commonly affecting professional baseball players.


1.    Lewis M. Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game. Vol 1. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company; 2004.

2.    Block D. Baseball Before We Knew It: A Search for the Roots of the Game. Vol 1. Lincoln, NE: Bison Books; 2006.

3.    James B. The New Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract. Vol 2. Detroit, MI: Free Press; 2003.

4.    Conte S, Requa RK, Garrick JG. Disability days in major league baseball. Am J Sports Med. 2001;29(4):431-436.

5.    Posner M, Cameron KL, Wolf JM, Belmont PJ, Owens BD. Epidemiology of Major League Baseball injuries. Am J Sports Med. 2011;39(8):1676-1680.

6.    Ahmad CS, Dick RW, Snell E, et al. Major and Minor League Baseball hamstring injuries: epidemiologic findings from the Major League Baseball Injury Surveillance System. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(6):1464-1470.

7.    Green GA, Pollack KM, D’Angelo J, et al. Mild traumatic brain injury in major and Minor League Baseball players. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(5):1118-1126.

8.    Conte SA, Fleisig GS, Dines JS, et al. Prevalence of ulnar collateral ligament surgery in professional baseball players. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(7):1764-1769.

9.    Jones KJ, Conte S, Patterson N, ElAttrache NS, Dines JS. Functional outcomes following revision ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in Major League Baseball pitchers. J Shoulder Elb Surg. 2013;22(5):642-646.

10.  Jones KJ, Osbahr DC, Schrumpf MA, Dines JS, Altchek DW. Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in throwing athletes: a review of current concepts. AAOS exhibit selection. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012;94(8):e49.

11.  Dodson CC, Thomas A, Dines JS, Nho SJ, Williams RJ 3rd, Altchek DW. Medial ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction of the elbow in throwing athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2006;34(12):1926-1932.

12.  Erickson BJ, Gupta AK, Harris JD, et al. Rate of return to pitching and performance after Tommy John surgery in Major League Baseball pitchers. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(3):536-543.

13.  Makhni EC, Lee RW, Morrow ZS, Gualtieri AP, Gorroochurn P, Ahmad CS. Performance, return to competition, and reinjury after Tommy John surgery in Major League Baseball pitchers: A review of 147 cases. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(6):

14.  Jobe FW, Stark H, Lombardo SJ. Reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament in athletes. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1986;68(8):1158-1163.

15.  Rohrbough JT, Altchek DW, Hyman J, Williams RJ 3rd, Botts JD. Medial collateral ligament reconstruction of the elbow using the docking technique. Am J Sports Med. 2002;30(4):541-548.

16.  Andrews JR, Jost PW, Cain EL. The ulnar collateral ligament procedure revisited: the procedure we use. Sports Health. 2012;4(5):438-441.

17.  Keller RA, Steffes MJ, Zhuo D, Bey MJ, Moutzouros V. The effects of medial ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction on Major League pitching performance. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014;23(11):1591-1598.

18.  Marshall NE, Keller RA, Lynch JR, Bey MJ, Moutzouros V. Pitching performance and longevity after revision ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in Major League Baseball pitchers. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(5):1051-1056.

19.  Liu JN, Garcia GH, Conte S, ElAttrache N, Altchek DW, Dines JS. Outcomes in revision Tommy John surgery in Major League Baseball pitchers. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016;25(1):90-97.

20.  McFarland EG, Wasik M. Epidemiology of collegiate baseball injuries. Clin J Sport Med. 1998;8(1):10-13.

21.  Chambless KM, Knudtson J, Eck JC, Covington LA. Rate of injury in minor league baseball by level of play. Am J Orthop. 2000;29(11):869-872.

22.  Brown M. Major League Baseball Sees Record $9 Billion In Revenues For 2014. Forbes. Published December 10, 2014. Accessed February 3, 2016.

23.  Jones KJ, Dines JS, Rebolledo BJ, et al. Operative management of ulnar collateral ligament insufficiency in adolescent athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(1):117-121.

24.  Vitale MA, Ahmad CS. The outcome of elbow ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in overhead athletes: a systematic review. Am J Sports Med. 2008;36(6):1193-1205.

25.  Wilk KE, Meister K, Andrews JR. Current concepts in the rehabilitation of the overhead throwing athlete. Am J Sports Med. 2002;30(1):136-151.

26.  Erickson BJ, Nwachukwu BU, Rosas S, et al. Trends in medial ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in the United States: A retrospective review of a large private-payer database from 2007 to 2011. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(7):1770-1774.


1.    Lewis M. Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game. Vol 1. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company; 2004.

2.    Block D. Baseball Before We Knew It: A Search for the Roots of the Game. Vol 1. Lincoln, NE: Bison Books; 2006.

3.    James B. The New Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract. Vol 2. Detroit, MI: Free Press; 2003.

4.    Conte S, Requa RK, Garrick JG. Disability days in major league baseball. Am J Sports Med. 2001;29(4):431-436.

5.    Posner M, Cameron KL, Wolf JM, Belmont PJ, Owens BD. Epidemiology of Major League Baseball injuries. Am J Sports Med. 2011;39(8):1676-1680.

6.    Ahmad CS, Dick RW, Snell E, et al. Major and Minor League Baseball hamstring injuries: epidemiologic findings from the Major League Baseball Injury Surveillance System. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(6):1464-1470.

7.    Green GA, Pollack KM, D’Angelo J, et al. Mild traumatic brain injury in major and Minor League Baseball players. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(5):1118-1126.

8.    Conte SA, Fleisig GS, Dines JS, et al. Prevalence of ulnar collateral ligament surgery in professional baseball players. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(7):1764-1769.

9.    Jones KJ, Conte S, Patterson N, ElAttrache NS, Dines JS. Functional outcomes following revision ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in Major League Baseball pitchers. J Shoulder Elb Surg. 2013;22(5):642-646.

10.  Jones KJ, Osbahr DC, Schrumpf MA, Dines JS, Altchek DW. Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in throwing athletes: a review of current concepts. AAOS exhibit selection. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012;94(8):e49.

11.  Dodson CC, Thomas A, Dines JS, Nho SJ, Williams RJ 3rd, Altchek DW. Medial ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction of the elbow in throwing athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2006;34(12):1926-1932.

12.  Erickson BJ, Gupta AK, Harris JD, et al. Rate of return to pitching and performance after Tommy John surgery in Major League Baseball pitchers. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(3):536-543.

13.  Makhni EC, Lee RW, Morrow ZS, Gualtieri AP, Gorroochurn P, Ahmad CS. Performance, return to competition, and reinjury after Tommy John surgery in Major League Baseball pitchers: A review of 147 cases. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(6):

14.  Jobe FW, Stark H, Lombardo SJ. Reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament in athletes. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1986;68(8):1158-1163.

15.  Rohrbough JT, Altchek DW, Hyman J, Williams RJ 3rd, Botts JD. Medial collateral ligament reconstruction of the elbow using the docking technique. Am J Sports Med. 2002;30(4):541-548.

16.  Andrews JR, Jost PW, Cain EL. The ulnar collateral ligament procedure revisited: the procedure we use. Sports Health. 2012;4(5):438-441.

17.  Keller RA, Steffes MJ, Zhuo D, Bey MJ, Moutzouros V. The effects of medial ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction on Major League pitching performance. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2014;23(11):1591-1598.

18.  Marshall NE, Keller RA, Lynch JR, Bey MJ, Moutzouros V. Pitching performance and longevity after revision ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in Major League Baseball pitchers. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(5):1051-1056.

19.  Liu JN, Garcia GH, Conte S, ElAttrache N, Altchek DW, Dines JS. Outcomes in revision Tommy John surgery in Major League Baseball pitchers. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016;25(1):90-97.

20.  McFarland EG, Wasik M. Epidemiology of collegiate baseball injuries. Clin J Sport Med. 1998;8(1):10-13.

21.  Chambless KM, Knudtson J, Eck JC, Covington LA. Rate of injury in minor league baseball by level of play. Am J Orthop. 2000;29(11):869-872.

22.  Brown M. Major League Baseball Sees Record $9 Billion In Revenues For 2014. Forbes. Published December 10, 2014. Accessed February 3, 2016.

23.  Jones KJ, Dines JS, Rebolledo BJ, et al. Operative management of ulnar collateral ligament insufficiency in adolescent athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(1):117-121.

24.  Vitale MA, Ahmad CS. The outcome of elbow ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in overhead athletes: a systematic review. Am J Sports Med. 2008;36(6):1193-1205.

25.  Wilk KE, Meister K, Andrews JR. Current concepts in the rehabilitation of the overhead throwing athlete. Am J Sports Med. 2002;30(1):136-151.

26.  Erickson BJ, Nwachukwu BU, Rosas S, et al. Trends in medial ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in the United States: A retrospective review of a large private-payer database from 2007 to 2011. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(7):1770-1774.

The American Journal of Orthopedics - 45(3)
The American Journal of Orthopedics - 45(3)
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Injury Trends in Major League Baseball Over 18 Seasons: 1998-2015
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Injury Trends in Major League Baseball Over 18 Seasons: 1998-2015
Legacy Keywords
study, original study, major league baseball, MLB, baseball, sports medicine, injury, trends, seasons, athletes, athletics, sports, Conte, Camp, Dines, disabled list, DL, revenue, medial ulnar collateral ligament, MUCL, reconstruction
Legacy Keywords
study, original study, major league baseball, MLB, baseball, sports medicine, injury, trends, seasons, athletes, athletics, sports, Conte, Camp, Dines, disabled list, DL, revenue, medial ulnar collateral ligament, MUCL, reconstruction
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