The most common features of dermatofibromas seen in polarized and nonpolarized dermoscopy are central white scarlike patches, brown globulelike structures, vascular structures, and a peripheral fine pigmented network.2 Kilinc Karaarslan et al3 described atypical dermatofibromas with linear irregular crypts, which were seen in 26.9% of all studied cases. These irregular crypts were mainly medium in size (10 lesions), with only 2 lesions being tiny and regularly distributed. Only one lesion had atypical clinical and dermoscopic features occurring as an atrophic plaque with multiple small scarlike areas and peripherally distributed pigment network.3 Based on this typology, we believe our patient represents a case of elongated dermatofibroma that could be an atrophic variant of dermatofibroma. This form would not appear as a small scarlike area with pigment network in a somewhat patchy distribution3 but as a scarlike linear chord with a bipolar pigment network. Zaballos et al1 described 10 dermoscopic patterns of dermatofibroma (N=412); the most common was a central white patch and peripheral pigment network in approximately 35% of cases. A white scarlike patch was observed in 57.0% of dermat-ofibromas in 4 variants: (1) a solitary structure located in the center; (2) multiple white scarlike patches; (3) white scarlike patch extending throughout the lesion or irregularly distributed; and (4) white network (central, total, or irregular).1 Agero et al2 first described the new feature as a central white patch characterized by shiny white streaks. The most frequent dermoscopic pattern associated with dermatofibromas is the central white scarlike patch and peripheral delicate pigment network.1,4 Arpaia et al4 observed that dermoscopic patterns may correspond to distinct sequential stages of the formation of dermatofibroma. The linear character we described may be related to a variant of scarring keloid dermatofibroma.5