A Different Kind of Residency—A Different Kind of Resident
Col Jeffrey J. Meffert, USAF, MC
The military dermatologist requires a set of job skills beyond that of the civilian dermatologist. When military dermatologists complete their training, they must be prepared to function in remote locations with limited subspecialty support. Military dermatologists must be competent in the broad range of disciplines that encompass dermatology and have special expertise in tropical and environmental dermatology. They also must maintain a broad knowledge of biological and chemical agents. Three US military training programs currently exist. The largest, in San Antonio, Texas, was formed in 1996 when Wilford Hall Medical Center and Brooke Army Medical Center merged their resources and residents to create a single large program. The contributions of military dermatologists are discussed in the context of how the joint Army/Air Force program is structured to meet a broad set of needs.