Cutaneous Consequences of Photodynamic Therapy
Wolfsen HC, Ng CS
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has several cutaneous complications: photosensitivity is well known, but the other complications are rarely reported. Since late 1997, we have studied the dermatologic complications of using porfimer sodium PDT to treat either Barrett esophagus with high-grade dysplasia or gastroesophageal cancer in 72 consecutive patients. Cutaneous complications of PDT included serious phototoxicity requiring oral corticosteroid treatment (22 patients; 31%), herpes zoster (HZ) requiring hospitalization and intravenous antiviral treatment (1 patient; 1%), and erythema multiforme drug reaction related to porfimer sodium (1 patient; 1%). PDT-associated dermatologic complications were common and were not related to cutaneous photosensitivity.