Evaluation of the Cosmetic Acceptability and Efficacy of Various Topical Corrective Cosmetics When Applied to a Transparent Polyurethane-Based Wound Dressing
Rajpara V, Stine J, Berman B
A keloid is a common skin imperfection, usually caused by scarring, that can be difficult to treat. One treatment option is the application of a transparent polyurethane-based wound dressing. However, a method of concealing keloids that are undergoing treatment is needed. This study’s aim was to assess if a keloid could be concealed during treatment with a polyurethane-based dressing by using any of the various corrective cosmetic products available. The results, based on evaluator assessments on a visual analog scale and the use of a chromometer, showed that not only is there a definite aesthetic improvement when a cosmetic product is applied on the dressing, but the various products tested also performed well after being exposed to physical challenges of heat, water, and smearing. We concluded that a cosmetic product should be recommended for patients treating keloids with a polyurethane-based wound dressing but that the patient should decide on a product based on personal preferences and cost.