
Sharp blood pressure rise spikes stroke risk




Individuals whose blood pressure rose sharply over time had a significantly increased risk of stroke and death from nonstroke causes, compared with other blood pressure trajectories in a study of more than 6,000 adults published online May 9 in Hypertension.

The current association of blood pressure with stroke does not account for variations in blood pressure trajectories over the long term, wrote Dr. M. Arfan Ikram of Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and his colleagues.


The researchers reviewed data from 6,745 adults aged 55-106 years participating in the population-based Rotterdam Study, and identified four blood pressure trajectories over 5 decades. Class 1 included individuals whose blood pressure increased from 120 to 160 mm Hg; class 2 increased from 120 to 200 mm Hg; class 3 included those with moderate midlife blood pressure averaging 140 mm Hg; class 4 included those with a high midlife blood pressure averaging 160 mm Hg.

After controlling for confounding variables, class 3 had the highest overall risk of stroke, but the lowest risk of dying from a nonstroke event. Class 2 and class 4 individuals were at the greatest risk of stroke and of dying from nonstroke disease before 80 years of age. Class 1 individuals (with a normal baseline blood pressure and gradual increase) were least likely to suffer a stroke or die from a nonstroke event (Hypertension. 2016 May 9).

Although the study was limited by its homogenous nature (small geographical region, mostly white population), the findings show the importance of regular blood pressure measurement, the researchers noted.

“Identifying the patterns described in our study is an important step, since they evoke new causal and treatment questions that can motivate future studies to explore the etiologic significance and predictive value of associations,” they said. The researchers had no financial conflicts to disclose.

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