This is the most recent in a list recalls of kratom products as part of an ongoing investigation of a salmonella outbreak by the FDA; however Triangle Pharmanaturals’ noncompliance is unique to the agency, according to an FDA representative.
“This is the first time the agency has issued a mandatory recall order to protect Americans from contaminated food products,” Michael Felberbaum, an FDA press officer, said in an interview. “This is the third time the FDA has invoked its mandatory recall authority, but the first time the agency ordered a mandatory recall because a company has opted not to voluntarily recall after the FDA’s notification of an opportunity to initiate a voluntary recall.”
Earlier in March, the CDC reported 87 people in 35 states infected with either Salmonella Javiana, Salmonela Okatie, or Salmonella Thompson, which have been associated with the outbreak.
While salmonella was identified in Triangle Pharmanaturals’ products, the strains identified are not currently linked to the outbreak.