From the Journals

Ideal sun protection practices by parents low in Toronto



Ideal sun protection practices by parents in Toronto are low, especially among parents of darker-skinned children, according to Marcus G. Tan, MD, of the University of Toronto, and his associates.

Too much sun exposure as a child is a known risk factor for skin cancer, and “it has been estimated that approximately half of cumulative ultraviolet exposure by age 60 occurs before age 20.” So it is important that children be protected from excessive sun exposure, the investigators wrote, underscoring the reason for their study of parental sun protection by Canadian parents in Toronto, which has a multiracial population.

Vesna Andjic/
Parents of children aged from 6 months to 6 years were asked to complete a questionnaire on sun protection factors. These were frequency of sun protection use (every day, on sunny days year round, on sunny days during summer, only when playing all day outside, only when in a sunnier country, never), sun protective factor of sunscreens their child used (less than 15, 15, 30 or more, do not use sunscreen), and frequency of sunscreen reapplication (2 hours or less, 3 hours, 4 hours or more, only after swimming, never reapply, do not use sunscreen, other).

Parental sun protection efforts were considered ideal if they used sun protection every day; on sunny days all year round; or during the summer, using at least SPF 30, and reapplying sunscreen at least every 2 hours. Parental efforts would be considered nonideal if they did not meet any of these three criteria.

Of 183 parents, 17% used ideal sun protection for their children; 28% were in the lighter-skinned group (Fitzpatrick phototype I-III) and 5% in the darker-skinned group (Fitzpatrick phototype IV-V), The greater likelihood of using ideal sun protection among those in the lighter-skinned group was statistically significant (odds ratio, 7.4; P less than .001). As each child grew 1 year older, parents were 31% less likely to use ideal sun protection (OR, 0.69; P = .007).

Parents whose children were in the lighter-skinned group were “more likely to believe that sun exposure was harmful” for their children (OR, 17.2), and “to perceive value in sun protection,” (OR, 11.4) the researchers said. The parents whose children were in the darker-skinned group were more likely to consider sun protection as having drawbacks (OR, 9.2), and to believe that darker skin tone provides more sun protection (OR, 12.4). Neither of the two groups was more likely to consider that sun exposure provided health benefits or that it improved appearance.

Parents whose children were in the lighter-skinned group reported significantly more frequent use of sunscreen (OR, 3.6), sunglasses (OR, 2.3), and sun suits (OR, 2.7). The parents of the children in this group reported similar or higher rates of use of hats, long-sleeved clothing, and umbrellas; seeking shade; and staying indoors between 12 pm and 2 pm, but these rates were not statistically significantly different from those reported by the parents of children in the darker-skinned group, the investigators said.


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