Clinical Inquiries
Clinical Inquiries
Can yoga reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Yes, yoga can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, systematic reviews of...
Clinical Inquiries
What is the best treatment for impetigo?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Although evidence is lacking to support a single best treatment for impetigo, topical mupirocin, fusidic acid, gentamicin,...
Clinical Inquiries
Do complementary agents lower HbA1c when used with standard type 2 diabetes therapy?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: No, there is no high-quality evidence that supports using complementary or alternative agents to lower hemoglobin A1c (...
Clinical Inquiries
What are the benefits and risks of inhaled corticosteroids for COPD?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), either alone or with a long-acting β agonist (LABA), reduce the frequency of exacerbations...
Clinical Inquiries
How do hydrochlorothiazide and chlorthalidone compare for treating hypertension?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Both medications reduce theincidence of cardiovascular events in patients with hypertension, but chlorthalidone may confer...
Clinical Inquiries
Which prophylactic therapies best prevent gout attacks?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Allopurinol and febuxostat reduce the frequency of gout attacks equally after 8 weeks of treatment (strength of...
Clinical Inquiries
How can we effectively treat stress urinary incontinence without drugs or surgery?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) and intravaginal electrical stimulation seem to be the best bets. PFMT increases...
Clinical Inquiries
Is there a primary care tool to detect aberrant drug-related behaviors in patients on opioids?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Yes. Of the several screening instruments developed and originally validated in patients in a pain center population (TABLE...
Clinical Inquiries
When you suspect ACS, which serologic marker is best?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Measurement of troponin levels provides the most sensitive and accurate serologic information in evaluating a patient with...
Clinical Inquiries
Which drugs are most effective for recurrent herpes labialis?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Daily oral acyclovir or valacyclovir may help prevent herpes simplex labialis (HSL) recurrences (strength of recommendation...
Clinical Inquiries
How best to treat UTIs in women who breastfeed?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: It’s unclear, as no studies have specifically evaluated therapies for uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) in...