Practice Alert
Ready for flu season? The 2011-2012 ACIP recommendations
Strains in this year’s vaccine are identical to last year’s, but revaccination is strongly recommended. Also, the dosing decision for children...
Clinical Inquiries
Does pneumococcal conjugate vaccine prevent otitis media?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: YES, if the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) series is given before 12 months of age. Vaccination before 12 months is...
Photo Rounds
Dermatomal rash on a 6-year-old boy
The lesion on his trunk looked like zoster, but the patient had been vaccinated against varicella.
Clinical Inquiries
Is it safe to vaccinate children against varicella while they’re in close contact with a pregnant woman?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: YES. All healthy children without evidence of immunity to varicella who are living in a household with a susceptible...
Practice Alert
ACIP immunization update
ACIP’s recommendations stress the need to protect vulnerable populations from rising rates of pertussis infection, improve health care personnel...
Inform patients—and colleagues—about HZ vaccine
Practice Alert
ACIP update: 2 new recommendations for meningococcal vaccine
You now need to give previously vaccinated teens a booster dose at age 16 and protect high-risk patients with a 2-dose primary series.
Practice Alert
Flu season’s almost here: Are you ready?
This year, a single vaccine includes the 2009 H1N1 and 2 other strains and most of your patients will need only 1 dose. The public health goal:...
Practice Alert
Your guide to the new pneumococcal vaccine for children
Since PCV7 (Prevnar) became available in 2000, rates of invasive pneumococcal disease have dropped sharply in the United States. Now, an expanded...
Clinical Inquiries
Do standing orders help with chronic disease care and health maintenance in ambulatory practice?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: RESULTS ARE MIXED. Studies of standing orders tend to examine their effect on compliance with preventive interventions for...
Practice Alert
ACIP immunization update
Here’s what you need to know to keep your patients’ immunizations up to date.