
Computerized cognitive training benefits childhood cancer survivors


Study authors Heather

Conklin and Jason Ashford

Photo courtesy of St. Jude

Children’s Research Hospital

and Peter Barta

Cognitive training presented as a video game can help improve cognitive skills in childhood cancer survivors (CCSs), new research suggests.

CCSs who completed 20 to 30 training sessions with this game experienced significant improvements in working memory, attention, and the speed at which their brains process information.

However, these improvements did not translate to improved math or reading performance.

Heather Conklin, PhD, of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, and her colleagues conducted this research and described the results in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Study design

This study included 68 CCSs who had received cranial irradiation, intrathecal chemotherapy, or both for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia or brain tumors.

Participants were 8 to 16 years old, had completed treatment, and had been disease-free for at least a year. Prior to joining the study, all scored below expectations on measures of working memory.

The computerized intervention the CCSs used is called Cogmed ( It’s a working memory intervention that has previously demonstrated efficacy for individuals with developmental and acquired attention disorders as well as for healthy adults.

For this study, half the CCSs were randomized to begin using Cogmed immediately. The remaining survivors, who served as the control group, were given the opportunity to use Cogmed about 6 months later.

The CCSs assigned to Cogmed first were asked to complete 25 training sessions at home, along with weekly, telephone-based coaching. The training sessions lasted 30 to 45 minutes and included verbal and visual-spatial exercises that were presented as games and are designed to improve working memory.

CCSs who began training immediately underwent functional brain MRI before and soon after completing the intervention. The imaging tracked brain activity as the survivors completed a working memory exercise.


CCSs who completed the intervention (n=30) showed greater improvements than controls on measures of working memory (P=0.002), attention (P=0.01), and processing speed (P=0.02).

The researchers said the benefits to working memory and attention were comparable to gains reported in previous studies of stimulant medications. And the gains from cognitive training moved the CCSs’ performance into the normal range.

Caregivers also reported significant improvement in the attention and executive functioning of CCSs who completed the training. (Executive functioning includes skills like planning and focus needed to juggle multiple tasks and get things done.)

“These results suggest that computerized cognitive training may help fill a void in management of cognitive late effects that impact quality of life for childhood cancer survivors, such as the likelihood they will complete school and live independently,” Dr Conklin said.

In addition, post-intervention brain imaging showed decreased activation of left lateral prefrontal and bilateral medial frontal areas.

“That suggests the intervention exercised and strengthened the well-established working memory network,” Dr Conklin said. “The implication is that the brain may operate more efficiently and have less need for compensatory strategies. Such training-induced neuroplasticity suggests the benefits might be sustained going forward.”

The researchers are now studying the possible benefits of starting brain training during treatment or combining it with other interventions. The team is also tracking whether the cognitive benefits are sustained and might eventually translate to the improved academic performance reported for other populations.

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