Gynecologic Cancer
Germline genetic testing: Why it matters and where we are failing
Cancer and medical societies recommend universal genetic counseling and testing for patients diagnosed with epithelial ovarian cancer.
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HPV infection in pregnancy higher among women living with HIV
"Women living with HIV have a sixfold increased rate of developing cervical cancer compared to women without HIV."
Cancer as a full contact sport
The complexity of cancer care has long necessitated a team approach to planning cancer treatment.
The role of repeat uterine curettage in postmolar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
Second uterine evacuation for treatment of nonmetastatic, low-risk postmolar GTN is a reasonable treatment option and one that should be...
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High BMI linked to better survival for cancer patients treated with ICI, but for men only
The reasons behind the findings and implications for treatment are unknown, as is whether it applies to patients with specific cancers.
From the Journals
Early trial supports hypofractionated radiotherapy in uterine cancer
Early toxicity results are encouraging, but long-term efficacy and safety remain unknown.
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A farewell to arms? Drug approvals based on single-arm trials can be flawed
Objective responses, not time-dependent survival outcomes, should be endpoints for single-arm trials, with results only used for conditional...
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Time to cancer diagnoses in U.S. averages 5 months
Diagnosis time varied significantly across tumor types, as well as within the same tumor type.
From the Journals
Shortened radiotherapy for endometrial cancer looks safe, questions remain
Early toxicity results are encouraging, but long-term efficacy and safety remain unknown.
In America, cancer patients endure debt on top of disease
“It’s crippling. Even if someone survives the cancer, they often can’t shake the debt.”
Estrogen replacement therapy in endometrial cancer survivors
Given the data we have, ERT does not appear to significantly affect oncologic outcomes in low-risk, early-stage endometrial cancer survivors.