
ACP leaders explain why they value telehealth


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More than half of physicians surveyed work in a practice that has implemented at least one technology required to engage in telehealth, according to the recently announced results of a questionnaire by the American College of Physicians.

The survey participants included 233 members of the ACP, who provided their responses between October 2018 and January 2019. ACP President Ana Maria Lopez, MD, as well as Tabassum Salam, MD, vice president for medical education, announced the survey’s results at a press briefing at the annual meeting of the American College of Physicians.

Dr. Lopez and Dr. Salam highlighted some of the findings and expressed their enthusiasm about the recent increases in the use of telemedicine in a video interview. They also explained how telehealth benefits patients and the barriers to more widespread use of telemedicine.

Dr. Lopez and Dr. Salam did not disclose any relevant conflicts of interest.

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