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Consider radiologic imaging for high-risk cutaneous SCC, expert advises

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Wed, 11/30/2022 - 11:22

As best practices for screening and surveillance of high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) continue to evolve, mounting evidence supports the use of radiologic imaging.

In a study published in 2020, Emily Ruiz, MD, MPH, and colleagues identified 87 CSCC tumors in 83 patients who underwent baseline or surveillance imaging primary at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Mohs Surgery Clinic and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute High-Risk Skin Cancer Clinic, both in Boston, from Jan. 1, 2017, to June 1, 2019. Of the 87 primary CSCCs, 48 (58%) underwent surveillance imaging. The researchers found that imaging detected additional disease in 26 patients, or 30% of cases, “whether that be nodal metastasis, local invasion beyond what was clinically accepted, or in-transit disease,” Dr. Ruiz, academic director of the Mohs and Dermatologic Surgery Center at Brigham and Women’s, said during the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “But if you look at the 16 nodal metastases in this cohort, all were picked up on imaging and not on clinical exam.”

Dr. Emily Ruiz assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School
Dr. Emily Ruiz

Since publication of these results, Dr. Ruiz routinely considers baseline radiologic imaging in T2b and T3 tumors; borderline T2a tumors (which she said they are now calling “T2a high,” for those who have one risk factor plus another intermediate risk factor),” and T2a tumors in patients who are profoundly immunosuppressed.

“My preference is to always do [the imaging] before treatment unless I’m up-staging them during surgery,” said Dr. Ruiz, who also directs the High-Risk Skin Cancer Clinic at Dana Farber. “We have picked up nodal metastases before surgery, which enables us to create a good therapeutic plan for our patients before we start operating. Then we image them every 6 months or so for about 2 years. Sometimes we will extend that out to 3 years.”

Some clinicians use sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) as a diagnostic test, but there are mixed results about its prognostic significance. A retrospective observational study of 720 patients with CSCC found that SLNB provided no benefit regarding further metastasis or tumor-specific survival, compared with those who received routine observation and follow-up, “but head and neck surgeons in the U.S. are putting together some prospective data from multiple centers,” Dr. Ruiz said. “I think in the coming years, you will have more multicenter data to inform us as to whether to do SLNB or not.”

Surgery may be the mainstay of treatment for resectable SCC, but the emerging role of neoadjuvant therapeutics is changing the way oncologists treat these tumors. For example, in a phase 2 trial recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 79 patients with stage II-IV CSCC received up to four doses of immunotherapy with the programmed death receptor–1 (PD-1) blocker cemiplimab administered every 3 weeks. The primary endpoint was a pathologic complete response, defined as the absence of viable tumor cells in the surgical specimen at a central laboratory. The researchers observed that 68% of patients had an objective response.

“These were patients with localized tumors that were either very aggressive or had nodal metastases,” said Dr, Ruiz, who was the site primary investigator at Dana Farber and a coauthor of the NEJM study. “This has altered the way we approach treating our larger tumors that could be resectable but have a lot of disease either locally or in the nodal basin. We think that we can shrink down the tumor and make it easier to resect, but also there is the possibility or improving outcomes.”

At Brigham and Women’s and the Dana Farber, she and her colleagues consider immunotherapy for multiple recurrent tumors that have been previously irradiated; cases of large tumor burden locally or in the nodal basin; tumors that have a complex surgical plan; cases where there is a low likelihood of achieving clear surgical margins; and cases of in-transit disease.

“We use two to four doses of immunotherapy prior to surgery and assess the tumor response after two doses both clinically and radiologically,” she said. “If the tumor continues to grow, we would do surgery sooner.”

The side-effect profile of immunotherapy is another consideration. “Some patients are not appropriate for a neoadjuvant immunotherapy approach, such as transplant patients,” she said.

According to the latest National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines, surgery with or without adjuvant radiation is the current standard of care for treating CSCC. These guidelines were developed without much data to support the use of radiation, but a 20-year retrospective cohort study at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation found that adjuvant radiation following margin resection in high T-stage CSCC cut the risk of local and locoregional recurrence in half.

“This is something that radiation oncologists have told us for years, but there was no data to support it, so it was nice to see that borne out in clinical data,” said Dr. Ruiz, the study’s lead author. The 10% risk of local recurrence observed in the study “may not be high enough for some of our older patients, so we wanted to see if we could identify a group of high tumors that had higher risk of local recurrence,” she said. They found that patients who had a greater than 20% risk of poor outcome were those with recurrent tumors, those with tumors 6 cm or greater in size, and those with all four BWH risk factors (tumor diameter ≥ 2 cm, poorly differentiated histology, perineural invasion ≥ 0.1 mm, or tumor invasion beyond fat excluding bone invasion).

“Those risks were also cut in half if you added radiation,” she said. “So, the way I now approach counseling patients is, I try to estimate their baseline risk as best I can based on the tumor itself. I tell them that if they want to do adjuvant radiation it would cut the risk in half. Some patients are too frail and want to pass on it, while others are very interested.”

Of patients who did not receive radiation but had a disease recurrence, just under half of tumors were salvageable, about 25% died of their disease, and 23% had persistent disease. “I think this does support using radiation earlier on for the appropriate patient,” Dr. Ruiz said. “I consider the baseline risks [and] balance that with the patient’s comorbidities.”

Limited data exists on adjuvant immunotherapy for CSCC, but two ongoing randomized prospective clinical trials underway are studying the PD-1 inhibitors cemiplimab and pembrolizumab versus placebo. “We don’t have data yet, but prior to randomization, patients undergo surgery with macroscopic gross resection of all disease,” Dr. Ruiz said. “All tumors receive ART [adjuvant radiation therapy] prior to randomization”

Dr. Ruiz disclosed that she is a consultant for Sanofi, Regeneron, Genentech, and Jaunce Therapeutics. She is also a member of the advisory board for Checkpoint Therapeutics and is an investigator for Merck, Sanofi, and Regeneron.


As best practices for screening and surveillance of high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) continue to evolve, mounting evidence supports the use of radiologic imaging.

In a study published in 2020, Emily Ruiz, MD, MPH, and colleagues identified 87 CSCC tumors in 83 patients who underwent baseline or surveillance imaging primary at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Mohs Surgery Clinic and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute High-Risk Skin Cancer Clinic, both in Boston, from Jan. 1, 2017, to June 1, 2019. Of the 87 primary CSCCs, 48 (58%) underwent surveillance imaging. The researchers found that imaging detected additional disease in 26 patients, or 30% of cases, “whether that be nodal metastasis, local invasion beyond what was clinically accepted, or in-transit disease,” Dr. Ruiz, academic director of the Mohs and Dermatologic Surgery Center at Brigham and Women’s, said during the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “But if you look at the 16 nodal metastases in this cohort, all were picked up on imaging and not on clinical exam.”

Dr. Emily Ruiz assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School
Dr. Emily Ruiz

Since publication of these results, Dr. Ruiz routinely considers baseline radiologic imaging in T2b and T3 tumors; borderline T2a tumors (which she said they are now calling “T2a high,” for those who have one risk factor plus another intermediate risk factor),” and T2a tumors in patients who are profoundly immunosuppressed.

“My preference is to always do [the imaging] before treatment unless I’m up-staging them during surgery,” said Dr. Ruiz, who also directs the High-Risk Skin Cancer Clinic at Dana Farber. “We have picked up nodal metastases before surgery, which enables us to create a good therapeutic plan for our patients before we start operating. Then we image them every 6 months or so for about 2 years. Sometimes we will extend that out to 3 years.”

Some clinicians use sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) as a diagnostic test, but there are mixed results about its prognostic significance. A retrospective observational study of 720 patients with CSCC found that SLNB provided no benefit regarding further metastasis or tumor-specific survival, compared with those who received routine observation and follow-up, “but head and neck surgeons in the U.S. are putting together some prospective data from multiple centers,” Dr. Ruiz said. “I think in the coming years, you will have more multicenter data to inform us as to whether to do SLNB or not.”

Surgery may be the mainstay of treatment for resectable SCC, but the emerging role of neoadjuvant therapeutics is changing the way oncologists treat these tumors. For example, in a phase 2 trial recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 79 patients with stage II-IV CSCC received up to four doses of immunotherapy with the programmed death receptor–1 (PD-1) blocker cemiplimab administered every 3 weeks. The primary endpoint was a pathologic complete response, defined as the absence of viable tumor cells in the surgical specimen at a central laboratory. The researchers observed that 68% of patients had an objective response.

“These were patients with localized tumors that were either very aggressive or had nodal metastases,” said Dr, Ruiz, who was the site primary investigator at Dana Farber and a coauthor of the NEJM study. “This has altered the way we approach treating our larger tumors that could be resectable but have a lot of disease either locally or in the nodal basin. We think that we can shrink down the tumor and make it easier to resect, but also there is the possibility or improving outcomes.”

At Brigham and Women’s and the Dana Farber, she and her colleagues consider immunotherapy for multiple recurrent tumors that have been previously irradiated; cases of large tumor burden locally or in the nodal basin; tumors that have a complex surgical plan; cases where there is a low likelihood of achieving clear surgical margins; and cases of in-transit disease.

“We use two to four doses of immunotherapy prior to surgery and assess the tumor response after two doses both clinically and radiologically,” she said. “If the tumor continues to grow, we would do surgery sooner.”

The side-effect profile of immunotherapy is another consideration. “Some patients are not appropriate for a neoadjuvant immunotherapy approach, such as transplant patients,” she said.

According to the latest National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines, surgery with or without adjuvant radiation is the current standard of care for treating CSCC. These guidelines were developed without much data to support the use of radiation, but a 20-year retrospective cohort study at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation found that adjuvant radiation following margin resection in high T-stage CSCC cut the risk of local and locoregional recurrence in half.

“This is something that radiation oncologists have told us for years, but there was no data to support it, so it was nice to see that borne out in clinical data,” said Dr. Ruiz, the study’s lead author. The 10% risk of local recurrence observed in the study “may not be high enough for some of our older patients, so we wanted to see if we could identify a group of high tumors that had higher risk of local recurrence,” she said. They found that patients who had a greater than 20% risk of poor outcome were those with recurrent tumors, those with tumors 6 cm or greater in size, and those with all four BWH risk factors (tumor diameter ≥ 2 cm, poorly differentiated histology, perineural invasion ≥ 0.1 mm, or tumor invasion beyond fat excluding bone invasion).

“Those risks were also cut in half if you added radiation,” she said. “So, the way I now approach counseling patients is, I try to estimate their baseline risk as best I can based on the tumor itself. I tell them that if they want to do adjuvant radiation it would cut the risk in half. Some patients are too frail and want to pass on it, while others are very interested.”

Of patients who did not receive radiation but had a disease recurrence, just under half of tumors were salvageable, about 25% died of their disease, and 23% had persistent disease. “I think this does support using radiation earlier on for the appropriate patient,” Dr. Ruiz said. “I consider the baseline risks [and] balance that with the patient’s comorbidities.”

Limited data exists on adjuvant immunotherapy for CSCC, but two ongoing randomized prospective clinical trials underway are studying the PD-1 inhibitors cemiplimab and pembrolizumab versus placebo. “We don’t have data yet, but prior to randomization, patients undergo surgery with macroscopic gross resection of all disease,” Dr. Ruiz said. “All tumors receive ART [adjuvant radiation therapy] prior to randomization”

Dr. Ruiz disclosed that she is a consultant for Sanofi, Regeneron, Genentech, and Jaunce Therapeutics. She is also a member of the advisory board for Checkpoint Therapeutics and is an investigator for Merck, Sanofi, and Regeneron.

As best practices for screening and surveillance of high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) continue to evolve, mounting evidence supports the use of radiologic imaging.

In a study published in 2020, Emily Ruiz, MD, MPH, and colleagues identified 87 CSCC tumors in 83 patients who underwent baseline or surveillance imaging primary at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Mohs Surgery Clinic and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute High-Risk Skin Cancer Clinic, both in Boston, from Jan. 1, 2017, to June 1, 2019. Of the 87 primary CSCCs, 48 (58%) underwent surveillance imaging. The researchers found that imaging detected additional disease in 26 patients, or 30% of cases, “whether that be nodal metastasis, local invasion beyond what was clinically accepted, or in-transit disease,” Dr. Ruiz, academic director of the Mohs and Dermatologic Surgery Center at Brigham and Women’s, said during the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “But if you look at the 16 nodal metastases in this cohort, all were picked up on imaging and not on clinical exam.”

Dr. Emily Ruiz assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School
Dr. Emily Ruiz

Since publication of these results, Dr. Ruiz routinely considers baseline radiologic imaging in T2b and T3 tumors; borderline T2a tumors (which she said they are now calling “T2a high,” for those who have one risk factor plus another intermediate risk factor),” and T2a tumors in patients who are profoundly immunosuppressed.

“My preference is to always do [the imaging] before treatment unless I’m up-staging them during surgery,” said Dr. Ruiz, who also directs the High-Risk Skin Cancer Clinic at Dana Farber. “We have picked up nodal metastases before surgery, which enables us to create a good therapeutic plan for our patients before we start operating. Then we image them every 6 months or so for about 2 years. Sometimes we will extend that out to 3 years.”

Some clinicians use sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) as a diagnostic test, but there are mixed results about its prognostic significance. A retrospective observational study of 720 patients with CSCC found that SLNB provided no benefit regarding further metastasis or tumor-specific survival, compared with those who received routine observation and follow-up, “but head and neck surgeons in the U.S. are putting together some prospective data from multiple centers,” Dr. Ruiz said. “I think in the coming years, you will have more multicenter data to inform us as to whether to do SLNB or not.”

Surgery may be the mainstay of treatment for resectable SCC, but the emerging role of neoadjuvant therapeutics is changing the way oncologists treat these tumors. For example, in a phase 2 trial recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 79 patients with stage II-IV CSCC received up to four doses of immunotherapy with the programmed death receptor–1 (PD-1) blocker cemiplimab administered every 3 weeks. The primary endpoint was a pathologic complete response, defined as the absence of viable tumor cells in the surgical specimen at a central laboratory. The researchers observed that 68% of patients had an objective response.

“These were patients with localized tumors that were either very aggressive or had nodal metastases,” said Dr, Ruiz, who was the site primary investigator at Dana Farber and a coauthor of the NEJM study. “This has altered the way we approach treating our larger tumors that could be resectable but have a lot of disease either locally or in the nodal basin. We think that we can shrink down the tumor and make it easier to resect, but also there is the possibility or improving outcomes.”

At Brigham and Women’s and the Dana Farber, she and her colleagues consider immunotherapy for multiple recurrent tumors that have been previously irradiated; cases of large tumor burden locally or in the nodal basin; tumors that have a complex surgical plan; cases where there is a low likelihood of achieving clear surgical margins; and cases of in-transit disease.

“We use two to four doses of immunotherapy prior to surgery and assess the tumor response after two doses both clinically and radiologically,” she said. “If the tumor continues to grow, we would do surgery sooner.”

The side-effect profile of immunotherapy is another consideration. “Some patients are not appropriate for a neoadjuvant immunotherapy approach, such as transplant patients,” she said.

According to the latest National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines, surgery with or without adjuvant radiation is the current standard of care for treating CSCC. These guidelines were developed without much data to support the use of radiation, but a 20-year retrospective cohort study at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Cleveland Clinic Foundation found that adjuvant radiation following margin resection in high T-stage CSCC cut the risk of local and locoregional recurrence in half.

“This is something that radiation oncologists have told us for years, but there was no data to support it, so it was nice to see that borne out in clinical data,” said Dr. Ruiz, the study’s lead author. The 10% risk of local recurrence observed in the study “may not be high enough for some of our older patients, so we wanted to see if we could identify a group of high tumors that had higher risk of local recurrence,” she said. They found that patients who had a greater than 20% risk of poor outcome were those with recurrent tumors, those with tumors 6 cm or greater in size, and those with all four BWH risk factors (tumor diameter ≥ 2 cm, poorly differentiated histology, perineural invasion ≥ 0.1 mm, or tumor invasion beyond fat excluding bone invasion).

“Those risks were also cut in half if you added radiation,” she said. “So, the way I now approach counseling patients is, I try to estimate their baseline risk as best I can based on the tumor itself. I tell them that if they want to do adjuvant radiation it would cut the risk in half. Some patients are too frail and want to pass on it, while others are very interested.”

Of patients who did not receive radiation but had a disease recurrence, just under half of tumors were salvageable, about 25% died of their disease, and 23% had persistent disease. “I think this does support using radiation earlier on for the appropriate patient,” Dr. Ruiz said. “I consider the baseline risks [and] balance that with the patient’s comorbidities.”

Limited data exists on adjuvant immunotherapy for CSCC, but two ongoing randomized prospective clinical trials underway are studying the PD-1 inhibitors cemiplimab and pembrolizumab versus placebo. “We don’t have data yet, but prior to randomization, patients undergo surgery with macroscopic gross resection of all disease,” Dr. Ruiz said. “All tumors receive ART [adjuvant radiation therapy] prior to randomization”

Dr. Ruiz disclosed that she is a consultant for Sanofi, Regeneron, Genentech, and Jaunce Therapeutics. She is also a member of the advisory board for Checkpoint Therapeutics and is an investigator for Merck, Sanofi, and Regeneron.

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How do patients perceive aesthetic providers on social media?

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Mon, 10/31/2022 - 16:37

The top three social media platforms used by patients who seek aesthetic medical treatments in the United States are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. However, in a recent survey, when asked if an aesthetic medical provider’s social media presence positively affects their desire to see that provider, 48% of patients were neutral or had no opinion, while 41% indicated yes.

Social media icons
Gerd Altmann/pixabay

Those are key findings from the survey, which aimed to evaluate the social media preferences and perceptions of patients who undergo aesthetic procedures.

“Aesthetic providers have firmly established a presence on social media,” Morgan Murphrey, MD, said at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, where she presented the results. “According to the dermatology literature, somewhere between 25% and 50% of patients are looking up aesthetic providers on social media before they even see them in the clinic. This raises the question: How do patients perceive aesthetic providers that are on social media, and what do they want to see on their professional accounts?”

Dr. Morgan Murphrey, chief resident, University of California, Davis department of dermatology
Dr. Morgan Murphrey

To find out, Dr. Murphrey, chief dermatology resident at the University of California, Davis, and Sabrina Fabi, MD, a San Diego–based cosmetic dermatologist, used Survey Monkey to randomly survey 2,063 individuals in the United States. They used descriptive statistics to analyze characteristics and responses of the study participants.

Of the 2,063 respondents, 651 (32%) indicated that they undergo medical aesthetic treatments including Botox injections, fillers, or laser procedures. More than half (56%) were women, 25% were 18-30 years old, 64% were 31-60 years old, and 11% were 61 years or older.

The three most common social media platforms they used were Facebook (70%), Instagram (65%), and YouTube (63%), followed by TikTok (45%) and Snapchat (29%). When the researchers stratified respondents by income level, individuals making $200,000 or more per year were statistically more likely to be on Instagram while those making less than $200,000 were more likely to be on Facebook and YouTube.

When asked if their aesthetic medical provider’s social media presence positively impacts their desire to see them as a patient, 48% of respondent were neutral or had no opinion, while 41% answered yes. “Only 2% felt strongly about this if the provider was on a specific social media platform, while 9% of respondents preferred that their provider not be on social media,” Dr. Murphrey added.

When asked if the number of social media followers influences their perception of an aesthetic provider as an expert, 43% of respondents answered no while 57% answered yes. “Once you get to about 20,000 followers, there seems to be somewhat of a law of diminishing returns in the number of followers,” she said. However, 55% indicated that they prefer to see a provider with a social media account that is verified with a blue check mark.

As for content published, 70% of respondents found it very important (36%) or important (34%) that a provider show before-and-after photos on their social media pages, while 67% said that they favor viewing personal content such as posts about the provider’s family and hobbies.

“This study summarizes to us that there is really low risk to creating a social media account; it’s something to think about,” Dr. Murphrey said. “Only 9% of respondents really didn’t want aesthetic providers to be on social media, but when we stratified our results, those individuals were less likely to be on social media themselves.”

Dr. Patricia Richey, dermatologist, Washington, DC.
Dr. Patricia Richey

Patricia Richey, MD, who practices Mohs surgery and cosmetic dermatology in Washington, D.C., and was asked to comment on the results, characterized the findings as important, “as the role of social media (especially visually based platforms like Instagram) will only continue to grow in our dermatologic and aesthetic practices.” Several studies have displayed a trend of plastic surgeons and other subspecialities outnumbering dermatologists within the aesthetic realm of social media, she noted. “As our patients increasingly seek out health care information and advice through these platforms, studies like Dr. Murphrey’s and Dr. Fabi’s are helpful in allowing us to better understand patient preferences and perspectives, in that we, as dermatologists, may be able to better aid their medical decisions in the future,” she added.

Neither the researchers nor Dr. Richey reported having relevant financial disclosures.


The top three social media platforms used by patients who seek aesthetic medical treatments in the United States are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. However, in a recent survey, when asked if an aesthetic medical provider’s social media presence positively affects their desire to see that provider, 48% of patients were neutral or had no opinion, while 41% indicated yes.

Social media icons
Gerd Altmann/pixabay

Those are key findings from the survey, which aimed to evaluate the social media preferences and perceptions of patients who undergo aesthetic procedures.

“Aesthetic providers have firmly established a presence on social media,” Morgan Murphrey, MD, said at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, where she presented the results. “According to the dermatology literature, somewhere between 25% and 50% of patients are looking up aesthetic providers on social media before they even see them in the clinic. This raises the question: How do patients perceive aesthetic providers that are on social media, and what do they want to see on their professional accounts?”

Dr. Morgan Murphrey, chief resident, University of California, Davis department of dermatology
Dr. Morgan Murphrey

To find out, Dr. Murphrey, chief dermatology resident at the University of California, Davis, and Sabrina Fabi, MD, a San Diego–based cosmetic dermatologist, used Survey Monkey to randomly survey 2,063 individuals in the United States. They used descriptive statistics to analyze characteristics and responses of the study participants.

Of the 2,063 respondents, 651 (32%) indicated that they undergo medical aesthetic treatments including Botox injections, fillers, or laser procedures. More than half (56%) were women, 25% were 18-30 years old, 64% were 31-60 years old, and 11% were 61 years or older.

The three most common social media platforms they used were Facebook (70%), Instagram (65%), and YouTube (63%), followed by TikTok (45%) and Snapchat (29%). When the researchers stratified respondents by income level, individuals making $200,000 or more per year were statistically more likely to be on Instagram while those making less than $200,000 were more likely to be on Facebook and YouTube.

When asked if their aesthetic medical provider’s social media presence positively impacts their desire to see them as a patient, 48% of respondent were neutral or had no opinion, while 41% answered yes. “Only 2% felt strongly about this if the provider was on a specific social media platform, while 9% of respondents preferred that their provider not be on social media,” Dr. Murphrey added.

When asked if the number of social media followers influences their perception of an aesthetic provider as an expert, 43% of respondents answered no while 57% answered yes. “Once you get to about 20,000 followers, there seems to be somewhat of a law of diminishing returns in the number of followers,” she said. However, 55% indicated that they prefer to see a provider with a social media account that is verified with a blue check mark.

As for content published, 70% of respondents found it very important (36%) or important (34%) that a provider show before-and-after photos on their social media pages, while 67% said that they favor viewing personal content such as posts about the provider’s family and hobbies.

“This study summarizes to us that there is really low risk to creating a social media account; it’s something to think about,” Dr. Murphrey said. “Only 9% of respondents really didn’t want aesthetic providers to be on social media, but when we stratified our results, those individuals were less likely to be on social media themselves.”

Dr. Patricia Richey, dermatologist, Washington, DC.
Dr. Patricia Richey

Patricia Richey, MD, who practices Mohs surgery and cosmetic dermatology in Washington, D.C., and was asked to comment on the results, characterized the findings as important, “as the role of social media (especially visually based platforms like Instagram) will only continue to grow in our dermatologic and aesthetic practices.” Several studies have displayed a trend of plastic surgeons and other subspecialities outnumbering dermatologists within the aesthetic realm of social media, she noted. “As our patients increasingly seek out health care information and advice through these platforms, studies like Dr. Murphrey’s and Dr. Fabi’s are helpful in allowing us to better understand patient preferences and perspectives, in that we, as dermatologists, may be able to better aid their medical decisions in the future,” she added.

Neither the researchers nor Dr. Richey reported having relevant financial disclosures.

The top three social media platforms used by patients who seek aesthetic medical treatments in the United States are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. However, in a recent survey, when asked if an aesthetic medical provider’s social media presence positively affects their desire to see that provider, 48% of patients were neutral or had no opinion, while 41% indicated yes.

Social media icons
Gerd Altmann/pixabay

Those are key findings from the survey, which aimed to evaluate the social media preferences and perceptions of patients who undergo aesthetic procedures.

“Aesthetic providers have firmly established a presence on social media,” Morgan Murphrey, MD, said at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, where she presented the results. “According to the dermatology literature, somewhere between 25% and 50% of patients are looking up aesthetic providers on social media before they even see them in the clinic. This raises the question: How do patients perceive aesthetic providers that are on social media, and what do they want to see on their professional accounts?”

Dr. Morgan Murphrey, chief resident, University of California, Davis department of dermatology
Dr. Morgan Murphrey

To find out, Dr. Murphrey, chief dermatology resident at the University of California, Davis, and Sabrina Fabi, MD, a San Diego–based cosmetic dermatologist, used Survey Monkey to randomly survey 2,063 individuals in the United States. They used descriptive statistics to analyze characteristics and responses of the study participants.

Of the 2,063 respondents, 651 (32%) indicated that they undergo medical aesthetic treatments including Botox injections, fillers, or laser procedures. More than half (56%) were women, 25% were 18-30 years old, 64% were 31-60 years old, and 11% were 61 years or older.

The three most common social media platforms they used were Facebook (70%), Instagram (65%), and YouTube (63%), followed by TikTok (45%) and Snapchat (29%). When the researchers stratified respondents by income level, individuals making $200,000 or more per year were statistically more likely to be on Instagram while those making less than $200,000 were more likely to be on Facebook and YouTube.

When asked if their aesthetic medical provider’s social media presence positively impacts their desire to see them as a patient, 48% of respondent were neutral or had no opinion, while 41% answered yes. “Only 2% felt strongly about this if the provider was on a specific social media platform, while 9% of respondents preferred that their provider not be on social media,” Dr. Murphrey added.

When asked if the number of social media followers influences their perception of an aesthetic provider as an expert, 43% of respondents answered no while 57% answered yes. “Once you get to about 20,000 followers, there seems to be somewhat of a law of diminishing returns in the number of followers,” she said. However, 55% indicated that they prefer to see a provider with a social media account that is verified with a blue check mark.

As for content published, 70% of respondents found it very important (36%) or important (34%) that a provider show before-and-after photos on their social media pages, while 67% said that they favor viewing personal content such as posts about the provider’s family and hobbies.

“This study summarizes to us that there is really low risk to creating a social media account; it’s something to think about,” Dr. Murphrey said. “Only 9% of respondents really didn’t want aesthetic providers to be on social media, but when we stratified our results, those individuals were less likely to be on social media themselves.”

Dr. Patricia Richey, dermatologist, Washington, DC.
Dr. Patricia Richey

Patricia Richey, MD, who practices Mohs surgery and cosmetic dermatology in Washington, D.C., and was asked to comment on the results, characterized the findings as important, “as the role of social media (especially visually based platforms like Instagram) will only continue to grow in our dermatologic and aesthetic practices.” Several studies have displayed a trend of plastic surgeons and other subspecialities outnumbering dermatologists within the aesthetic realm of social media, she noted. “As our patients increasingly seek out health care information and advice through these platforms, studies like Dr. Murphrey’s and Dr. Fabi’s are helpful in allowing us to better understand patient preferences and perspectives, in that we, as dermatologists, may be able to better aid their medical decisions in the future,” she added.

Neither the researchers nor Dr. Richey reported having relevant financial disclosures.

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Combining treatment options for scar revision often a useful approach

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Fri, 10/28/2022 - 13:57

When Arisa E. Ortiz, MD, meets with patients who seek treatment options for scars, the first thing she explains is that she can’t erase them.

Arisa E. Ortiz, MD, director of laser and cosmetic dermatology at the University of California, San Diego
Dr. Arisa E. Ortiz

“It’s important to manage expectations,” Dr. Ortiz, director of laser and cosmetic dermatology at the University of California, San Diego, said at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “I tell them I can improve their scar and make it look less noticeable, but I can’t make it look like normal skin. It’s going to require multiple treatments. It’s not a one-time thing; it’s going to take several months to see the full benefit. And, it’s an investment of time and money.”

Nonablative, ablative, and fractional resurfacing stimulates dermal fibroblasts to replace lost collagen and elastin. Traditional lasers offer impressive clinical results for scars but are associated with significant preprocedural discomfort, prolonged recovery, and a significant risk of side effects, Dr. Ortiz said, while nonablative lasers are more tolerable with shorter recovery times.

Multiple sessions are required, and results are often less clinically impressive. “It’s often difficult for patients to have a lot of downtime with each treatment so often I prefer to use the nonablative laser, especially for acne scarring,” she said.

Mounting evidence suggests that the sooner scars are treated after they are formed, the better. That may not be feasible for patients with a long history of acne scars, but for surgical scars, Dr. Ortiz prefers to start treatment on the day of suture removal. “Whenever I do that, I always get better results,” she said.

Outcomes may also improve by combining different treatment options, but the type of scar drives the type of modality to consider. There are red scars from postinflammatory erythema, hyperpigmented scars, hypopigmented scars, atrophic scars, hypertrophic scars, spread scars, pin cushion scars, and keloid scars, “which are the most difficult to treat,” she said. “When I’m using a combination approach, I start with the redness component of the scar, because you don’t want to exacerbate nonspecific erythema, or it’ll be difficult to see where the redness is. So, I always use vascular laser first, then a pigment-specific laser, followed by resurfacing, and augmentation with filler if needed.”

Red scars generally fade with time, but that can take several months to more than a year. “If you use a laser, that can speed up the recovery,” said Dr. Ortiz, who is the vice president of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. “A vascular laser will work, such as KTP, or intense pulsed light. Studies favor a low fluence and a short pulse duration. Pulsed dye laser (PDL) penetrates deeper than KTP, so theoretically you get a bit of collagen remodeling because it can increase TGF-beta [transforming growth factor–beta], so theoretically, PDL is a little bit better than KTP for red scars, but both will work.”

In a comparative study, researchers used purpuric and nonpurpuric parameters to treat surgical scars but found no significant differences between the two treatment settings. “I tend to stick to short pulse duration and low fluence settings,” said Dr. Ortiz, who was not affiliated with the study.

A separate, single-blinded, split scar study, which compared the efficacy of KTP to 595 nm PDL in reduction of erythema in surgical scars, found no significant difference between the two approaches. A review of available therapeutic lasers for acne scarring found that the thermal energy delivered by KTP extends only to the papillary dermis, making it useful for postinflammatory erythema without significant effects on collagen remodeling.




Use of concomitant bleaching cream can also help as a preventive strategy for hyperpigmentation. But one study of 100 patients found that pretreatment with a bleaching regimen prior to undergoing CO2 laser resurfacing made no significant difference in hyperpigmentation compared with those who received no pretreatment regimen.

When Dr. Ortiz is concerned about hyperpigmentation after laser treatment, she prescribes post-treatment tranexamic acid 325 mg twice daily for 6 months or longer. “I don’t do any kind of workup or labs, but I do not prescribe it if a patient has increased risk of clotting,” she said. Those at increased risk include smokers, those on birth control pills, those on hormonal supplementation, those with a current malignancy, and those with a history of a cerebrovascular accident or deep vein thrombosis.

Hypopigmented, atrophic scars

In Dr. Ortiz’s clinical experience, hypopigmented scars respond well to treatment with the 1550 nonablative laser. “The idea is that you’re removing some of the scarred collagen and it allows the melanocytes to migrate in and repigment,” she said. Following laser treatment, consider applying topical bimatoprost 0.03% twice daily for at least 3 months to optimize results, she added.

For atrophic scars, options include subcision, laser treatment, radiofrequency microneedling, fillers, or biostimulators. “I caution against using permanent fillers because there is a higher risk of granuloma formation,” Dr. Ortiz said. “I tend to use hyaluronic acid fillers, which have a low G prime. I inject superficially.”

She shared a technique she learned from Mathew Avram, MD, JD, director of laser, cosmetics, and dermatologic surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. It entails spreading the skin with one’s fingers for a scar, especially an acne scar. “If it improves when you spread the skin, then you know it’s amenable to laser treatment,” Dr. Ortiz said. “But if it doesn’t improve when you spread the skin, it probably needs a little subcision. Insert an 18- or 20-gauge tribeveled hypodermic needle or an 18-gauge Nokor under the scar to sever the fibrous components that anchor the scar. This can take more than one treatment. I’ll often do this immediately before resurfacing.”

For hypertrophic scars, consider laser-assisted drug delivery, which creates vertical channels that assist the delivery of topically applied drugs into the skin. “You never want to use something that isn’t meant to be injected into the skin because you can get a granulomatous reaction,” she warned. “I often use topical triamcinolone acetonide, 5-FU, or poly-l-lactic acid.”

Dr. Ortiz noted that botulinum toxin type A may be helpful for scars, despite the paucity of evidence regarding specific mechanisms of action. “There is some thought that it can modulate TGF-beta,” she said. “It also may modulate collagen deposition. Currently we’re looking into Botox alone for keloid scars. The initial results look just okay.”

Dr. Ortiz disclosed that she has received consulting fees from Alastin, Cutera, and Sciton, and honoraria from BTL and Procter & Gamble. She is also a member of the advisory board for Aerolase, Allergan, Bausch Health, Endo, Galderma, Rodan + Fields, and Sciton, and has received equipment from BTL, Sciton, and SmartGraft.


When Arisa E. Ortiz, MD, meets with patients who seek treatment options for scars, the first thing she explains is that she can’t erase them.

Arisa E. Ortiz, MD, director of laser and cosmetic dermatology at the University of California, San Diego
Dr. Arisa E. Ortiz

“It’s important to manage expectations,” Dr. Ortiz, director of laser and cosmetic dermatology at the University of California, San Diego, said at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “I tell them I can improve their scar and make it look less noticeable, but I can’t make it look like normal skin. It’s going to require multiple treatments. It’s not a one-time thing; it’s going to take several months to see the full benefit. And, it’s an investment of time and money.”

Nonablative, ablative, and fractional resurfacing stimulates dermal fibroblasts to replace lost collagen and elastin. Traditional lasers offer impressive clinical results for scars but are associated with significant preprocedural discomfort, prolonged recovery, and a significant risk of side effects, Dr. Ortiz said, while nonablative lasers are more tolerable with shorter recovery times.

Multiple sessions are required, and results are often less clinically impressive. “It’s often difficult for patients to have a lot of downtime with each treatment so often I prefer to use the nonablative laser, especially for acne scarring,” she said.

Mounting evidence suggests that the sooner scars are treated after they are formed, the better. That may not be feasible for patients with a long history of acne scars, but for surgical scars, Dr. Ortiz prefers to start treatment on the day of suture removal. “Whenever I do that, I always get better results,” she said.

Outcomes may also improve by combining different treatment options, but the type of scar drives the type of modality to consider. There are red scars from postinflammatory erythema, hyperpigmented scars, hypopigmented scars, atrophic scars, hypertrophic scars, spread scars, pin cushion scars, and keloid scars, “which are the most difficult to treat,” she said. “When I’m using a combination approach, I start with the redness component of the scar, because you don’t want to exacerbate nonspecific erythema, or it’ll be difficult to see where the redness is. So, I always use vascular laser first, then a pigment-specific laser, followed by resurfacing, and augmentation with filler if needed.”

Red scars generally fade with time, but that can take several months to more than a year. “If you use a laser, that can speed up the recovery,” said Dr. Ortiz, who is the vice president of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. “A vascular laser will work, such as KTP, or intense pulsed light. Studies favor a low fluence and a short pulse duration. Pulsed dye laser (PDL) penetrates deeper than KTP, so theoretically you get a bit of collagen remodeling because it can increase TGF-beta [transforming growth factor–beta], so theoretically, PDL is a little bit better than KTP for red scars, but both will work.”

In a comparative study, researchers used purpuric and nonpurpuric parameters to treat surgical scars but found no significant differences between the two treatment settings. “I tend to stick to short pulse duration and low fluence settings,” said Dr. Ortiz, who was not affiliated with the study.

A separate, single-blinded, split scar study, which compared the efficacy of KTP to 595 nm PDL in reduction of erythema in surgical scars, found no significant difference between the two approaches. A review of available therapeutic lasers for acne scarring found that the thermal energy delivered by KTP extends only to the papillary dermis, making it useful for postinflammatory erythema without significant effects on collagen remodeling.




Use of concomitant bleaching cream can also help as a preventive strategy for hyperpigmentation. But one study of 100 patients found that pretreatment with a bleaching regimen prior to undergoing CO2 laser resurfacing made no significant difference in hyperpigmentation compared with those who received no pretreatment regimen.

When Dr. Ortiz is concerned about hyperpigmentation after laser treatment, she prescribes post-treatment tranexamic acid 325 mg twice daily for 6 months or longer. “I don’t do any kind of workup or labs, but I do not prescribe it if a patient has increased risk of clotting,” she said. Those at increased risk include smokers, those on birth control pills, those on hormonal supplementation, those with a current malignancy, and those with a history of a cerebrovascular accident or deep vein thrombosis.

Hypopigmented, atrophic scars

In Dr. Ortiz’s clinical experience, hypopigmented scars respond well to treatment with the 1550 nonablative laser. “The idea is that you’re removing some of the scarred collagen and it allows the melanocytes to migrate in and repigment,” she said. Following laser treatment, consider applying topical bimatoprost 0.03% twice daily for at least 3 months to optimize results, she added.

For atrophic scars, options include subcision, laser treatment, radiofrequency microneedling, fillers, or biostimulators. “I caution against using permanent fillers because there is a higher risk of granuloma formation,” Dr. Ortiz said. “I tend to use hyaluronic acid fillers, which have a low G prime. I inject superficially.”

She shared a technique she learned from Mathew Avram, MD, JD, director of laser, cosmetics, and dermatologic surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. It entails spreading the skin with one’s fingers for a scar, especially an acne scar. “If it improves when you spread the skin, then you know it’s amenable to laser treatment,” Dr. Ortiz said. “But if it doesn’t improve when you spread the skin, it probably needs a little subcision. Insert an 18- or 20-gauge tribeveled hypodermic needle or an 18-gauge Nokor under the scar to sever the fibrous components that anchor the scar. This can take more than one treatment. I’ll often do this immediately before resurfacing.”

For hypertrophic scars, consider laser-assisted drug delivery, which creates vertical channels that assist the delivery of topically applied drugs into the skin. “You never want to use something that isn’t meant to be injected into the skin because you can get a granulomatous reaction,” she warned. “I often use topical triamcinolone acetonide, 5-FU, or poly-l-lactic acid.”

Dr. Ortiz noted that botulinum toxin type A may be helpful for scars, despite the paucity of evidence regarding specific mechanisms of action. “There is some thought that it can modulate TGF-beta,” she said. “It also may modulate collagen deposition. Currently we’re looking into Botox alone for keloid scars. The initial results look just okay.”

Dr. Ortiz disclosed that she has received consulting fees from Alastin, Cutera, and Sciton, and honoraria from BTL and Procter & Gamble. She is also a member of the advisory board for Aerolase, Allergan, Bausch Health, Endo, Galderma, Rodan + Fields, and Sciton, and has received equipment from BTL, Sciton, and SmartGraft.

When Arisa E. Ortiz, MD, meets with patients who seek treatment options for scars, the first thing she explains is that she can’t erase them.

Arisa E. Ortiz, MD, director of laser and cosmetic dermatology at the University of California, San Diego
Dr. Arisa E. Ortiz

“It’s important to manage expectations,” Dr. Ortiz, director of laser and cosmetic dermatology at the University of California, San Diego, said at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “I tell them I can improve their scar and make it look less noticeable, but I can’t make it look like normal skin. It’s going to require multiple treatments. It’s not a one-time thing; it’s going to take several months to see the full benefit. And, it’s an investment of time and money.”

Nonablative, ablative, and fractional resurfacing stimulates dermal fibroblasts to replace lost collagen and elastin. Traditional lasers offer impressive clinical results for scars but are associated with significant preprocedural discomfort, prolonged recovery, and a significant risk of side effects, Dr. Ortiz said, while nonablative lasers are more tolerable with shorter recovery times.

Multiple sessions are required, and results are often less clinically impressive. “It’s often difficult for patients to have a lot of downtime with each treatment so often I prefer to use the nonablative laser, especially for acne scarring,” she said.

Mounting evidence suggests that the sooner scars are treated after they are formed, the better. That may not be feasible for patients with a long history of acne scars, but for surgical scars, Dr. Ortiz prefers to start treatment on the day of suture removal. “Whenever I do that, I always get better results,” she said.

Outcomes may also improve by combining different treatment options, but the type of scar drives the type of modality to consider. There are red scars from postinflammatory erythema, hyperpigmented scars, hypopigmented scars, atrophic scars, hypertrophic scars, spread scars, pin cushion scars, and keloid scars, “which are the most difficult to treat,” she said. “When I’m using a combination approach, I start with the redness component of the scar, because you don’t want to exacerbate nonspecific erythema, or it’ll be difficult to see where the redness is. So, I always use vascular laser first, then a pigment-specific laser, followed by resurfacing, and augmentation with filler if needed.”

Red scars generally fade with time, but that can take several months to more than a year. “If you use a laser, that can speed up the recovery,” said Dr. Ortiz, who is the vice president of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. “A vascular laser will work, such as KTP, or intense pulsed light. Studies favor a low fluence and a short pulse duration. Pulsed dye laser (PDL) penetrates deeper than KTP, so theoretically you get a bit of collagen remodeling because it can increase TGF-beta [transforming growth factor–beta], so theoretically, PDL is a little bit better than KTP for red scars, but both will work.”

In a comparative study, researchers used purpuric and nonpurpuric parameters to treat surgical scars but found no significant differences between the two treatment settings. “I tend to stick to short pulse duration and low fluence settings,” said Dr. Ortiz, who was not affiliated with the study.

A separate, single-blinded, split scar study, which compared the efficacy of KTP to 595 nm PDL in reduction of erythema in surgical scars, found no significant difference between the two approaches. A review of available therapeutic lasers for acne scarring found that the thermal energy delivered by KTP extends only to the papillary dermis, making it useful for postinflammatory erythema without significant effects on collagen remodeling.




Use of concomitant bleaching cream can also help as a preventive strategy for hyperpigmentation. But one study of 100 patients found that pretreatment with a bleaching regimen prior to undergoing CO2 laser resurfacing made no significant difference in hyperpigmentation compared with those who received no pretreatment regimen.

When Dr. Ortiz is concerned about hyperpigmentation after laser treatment, she prescribes post-treatment tranexamic acid 325 mg twice daily for 6 months or longer. “I don’t do any kind of workup or labs, but I do not prescribe it if a patient has increased risk of clotting,” she said. Those at increased risk include smokers, those on birth control pills, those on hormonal supplementation, those with a current malignancy, and those with a history of a cerebrovascular accident or deep vein thrombosis.

Hypopigmented, atrophic scars

In Dr. Ortiz’s clinical experience, hypopigmented scars respond well to treatment with the 1550 nonablative laser. “The idea is that you’re removing some of the scarred collagen and it allows the melanocytes to migrate in and repigment,” she said. Following laser treatment, consider applying topical bimatoprost 0.03% twice daily for at least 3 months to optimize results, she added.

For atrophic scars, options include subcision, laser treatment, radiofrequency microneedling, fillers, or biostimulators. “I caution against using permanent fillers because there is a higher risk of granuloma formation,” Dr. Ortiz said. “I tend to use hyaluronic acid fillers, which have a low G prime. I inject superficially.”

She shared a technique she learned from Mathew Avram, MD, JD, director of laser, cosmetics, and dermatologic surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. It entails spreading the skin with one’s fingers for a scar, especially an acne scar. “If it improves when you spread the skin, then you know it’s amenable to laser treatment,” Dr. Ortiz said. “But if it doesn’t improve when you spread the skin, it probably needs a little subcision. Insert an 18- or 20-gauge tribeveled hypodermic needle or an 18-gauge Nokor under the scar to sever the fibrous components that anchor the scar. This can take more than one treatment. I’ll often do this immediately before resurfacing.”

For hypertrophic scars, consider laser-assisted drug delivery, which creates vertical channels that assist the delivery of topically applied drugs into the skin. “You never want to use something that isn’t meant to be injected into the skin because you can get a granulomatous reaction,” she warned. “I often use topical triamcinolone acetonide, 5-FU, or poly-l-lactic acid.”

Dr. Ortiz noted that botulinum toxin type A may be helpful for scars, despite the paucity of evidence regarding specific mechanisms of action. “There is some thought that it can modulate TGF-beta,” she said. “It also may modulate collagen deposition. Currently we’re looking into Botox alone for keloid scars. The initial results look just okay.”

Dr. Ortiz disclosed that she has received consulting fees from Alastin, Cutera, and Sciton, and honoraria from BTL and Procter & Gamble. She is also a member of the advisory board for Aerolase, Allergan, Bausch Health, Endo, Galderma, Rodan + Fields, and Sciton, and has received equipment from BTL, Sciton, and SmartGraft.

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Study addresses whether cosmetic treatments make patients happier

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Fri, 10/28/2022 - 15:02

Patients who continued to undergo routine minimally invasive cosmetic procedures during the COVID-19 Omicron outbreak in 2021 were happier and more satisfied with life overall compared with the general population, according to a study of 42 individuals. However, these treatments did not improve their baseline happiness or life satisfaction scores at follow-up.

Those are key findings from the study that lead author Rishi Chopra, MD, MS, presented during an oral abstract session at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.

Dr. Rishi Chopra, laser and cosmetic dermatologic surgery fellow at Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
Dr. Rishi Chopra

“These are interesting and surprising results,” said Dr. Chopra, a dermatologist and laser and cosmetic dermatologic surgery fellow at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “Patients are seeking consultations with us with the hope that the treatments we offer may potentially help them feel happier, but are we really delivering on that?”

In a pivotal 2018 study that examined patient motivations for undergoing cosmetic dermatology procedures, investigators found that 67.2% did so to “feel happier and more confident or improve total quality of life”. Moreover, 38.5% cited the desire to “feel happier, better overall, or improve total quality of life” as the key reason for pursuing cosmetic procedures.

Prior published evidence validates this benefit of procedures, as neuromodulators have repeatedly demonstrated to improve mood and depression, including a 2020 randomized, single-blind crossover study that examined the impact of neuromodulators on mood and appearance during the COVID-19 pandemic. It found that patients who received treatment with neuromodulators prior to the pandemic, stopped during the pandemic, and restarted again, reported increased happiness, self-satisfaction with appearance, and overall treatment satisfaction.

“However, studies evaluating the effect of filler on happiness have failed to demonstrate an impact,” Dr. Chopra said. “Thus, the jury is still out.”

Study evaluated 42 patients

In what he said is the first study of its kind, he and his colleagues evaluated the impact of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures on the happiness of 42 treatment non-naive patients (those who regularly undergo cosmetic procedures) with a mean age of 47 years who were surveyed in November and December of 2021 during the COVID-19 Omicron subvariant outbreak at the cosmetic dermatology practices of Sabrina G. Fabi, MD, in San Diego, and Nicole Kanaris, MBBCh, in Johannesburg, South Africa.

“On average, these patients were undergoing six treatments per year during four visits per year, so these were frequent flyers,” Dr. Chopra said. “We set out to assess: Are patients who seek cosmetic procedures happy at baseline? And, do cosmetic procedures make us happier or more satisfied with life?”

Prior to treatment, patients completed the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Three weeks later, patients completed the SHS, SWLS, the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS) and a 5-point satisfaction score. The researchers used paired and unpaired t-tests, independent sample t-tests, and Spearman rank correlations to conduct statistical analyses.

The baseline SHS score of study participants was an average of 5.87, which Dr. Chopra said is higher than the worldwide population range between 4.57 and 5.33, and 5.05 in the U.S. population. “The patients in our study were very happy to begin with,” an important point to consider, he said. Following their treatments, respondents felt “improved” or “much improved” on the GAIS (a mean score of 3.64) and “somewhat satisfied” or “very satisfied” based on the SWLS (a mean score of 4.4). “So overall, they viewed their treatments as a success,” Dr. Chopra said.

In terms of happiness, however, the researchers observed no significant differences between pre- and posttreatment scores on the SHS (a mean of 5.87 vs. 6.61, respectively; P = .634) nor on the SWLS (a mean of 29.62 vs. 29.1; P = .709). On stratified analysis, no significant differences in the SHS, SWLS, and the GAIS were observed when the researchers accounted for the aggressiveness of the procedure, the number of treatments, the number of sites treated, the type of treatment, and whether the respondents were happier or sadder at baseline. “Surprisingly, this had no effect whatsoever on happiness,” he said. “Not only that, these factors didn’t improve a patient’s perception of the efficacy or satisfaction with a treatment either.”



According to Dr. Chopra, this is the first study to evaluate the impact of a broad spectrum of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, including injectables and lasers, on the happiness and life satisfaction of treatment non-naive patients.

“Surprisingly, we found these patients were no happier after treatment,” he told this news organization. “However, before rushing to declare that cosmetic procedures don’t make us happier, it is critical to evaluate these results in the context of our study population. We believe there to be a distinction between treatment naive and non-naive patients. All the patients in our study were treatment non-naive, routinely and frequently undergoing cosmetic procedures. Moreover, our treatment non-naive patients were very happy at baseline prior to treatment.”

He and his colleagues hypothesize that there is a “ceiling effect” to the happiness one can attain via these procedures. “Our treatment non-naive patients had already reached this ceiling-peak happiness of their treatment journey, and at this point were only pursuing procedures to maintain their results and happiness,” he said. “Thus, we were unable to measure any effect this late in the ‘maintenance-phase’ of their journey via our study. On the other hand, treatment naive patients (those who have never undergone a cosmetic procedure) were not included. We hypothesize that evaluating patients at the start of their journey after their first round of treatments will demonstrate an impact on happiness, prior to reaching the ceiling and subsequent ‘maintenance phase.’ ”

Lawrence J. Green, MD, clinical professor of dermatology at George Washington University, Washington, who was asked to comment on the study results, said that it was not clear which specific cosmetic treatments the study participants received. “I would like to see if different injectable or device treatments would give different happiness scale results,” Dr. Green said.

Dr. Lawrence J. Green, clinical professor of dermatology at George Washington University, Washington
Dr. Lawrence J. Green

“In addition, only two locations were surveyed, so the results could have location bias. I think it would be a great idea to replicate this survey of experienced cosmetic treatment patients with many locations and to include survey responses based on the procedure that was done. That said, it is interesting that overall, investigator satisfaction did not correlate with patient happiness from the treatments.”

Dr. Chopra reported having no financial disclosures. Dr. Green disclosed that he is a speaker, consultant, or investigator for numerous pharmaceutical companies.


Patients who continued to undergo routine minimally invasive cosmetic procedures during the COVID-19 Omicron outbreak in 2021 were happier and more satisfied with life overall compared with the general population, according to a study of 42 individuals. However, these treatments did not improve their baseline happiness or life satisfaction scores at follow-up.

Those are key findings from the study that lead author Rishi Chopra, MD, MS, presented during an oral abstract session at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.

Dr. Rishi Chopra, laser and cosmetic dermatologic surgery fellow at Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
Dr. Rishi Chopra

“These are interesting and surprising results,” said Dr. Chopra, a dermatologist and laser and cosmetic dermatologic surgery fellow at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “Patients are seeking consultations with us with the hope that the treatments we offer may potentially help them feel happier, but are we really delivering on that?”

In a pivotal 2018 study that examined patient motivations for undergoing cosmetic dermatology procedures, investigators found that 67.2% did so to “feel happier and more confident or improve total quality of life”. Moreover, 38.5% cited the desire to “feel happier, better overall, or improve total quality of life” as the key reason for pursuing cosmetic procedures.

Prior published evidence validates this benefit of procedures, as neuromodulators have repeatedly demonstrated to improve mood and depression, including a 2020 randomized, single-blind crossover study that examined the impact of neuromodulators on mood and appearance during the COVID-19 pandemic. It found that patients who received treatment with neuromodulators prior to the pandemic, stopped during the pandemic, and restarted again, reported increased happiness, self-satisfaction with appearance, and overall treatment satisfaction.

“However, studies evaluating the effect of filler on happiness have failed to demonstrate an impact,” Dr. Chopra said. “Thus, the jury is still out.”

Study evaluated 42 patients

In what he said is the first study of its kind, he and his colleagues evaluated the impact of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures on the happiness of 42 treatment non-naive patients (those who regularly undergo cosmetic procedures) with a mean age of 47 years who were surveyed in November and December of 2021 during the COVID-19 Omicron subvariant outbreak at the cosmetic dermatology practices of Sabrina G. Fabi, MD, in San Diego, and Nicole Kanaris, MBBCh, in Johannesburg, South Africa.

“On average, these patients were undergoing six treatments per year during four visits per year, so these were frequent flyers,” Dr. Chopra said. “We set out to assess: Are patients who seek cosmetic procedures happy at baseline? And, do cosmetic procedures make us happier or more satisfied with life?”

Prior to treatment, patients completed the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Three weeks later, patients completed the SHS, SWLS, the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS) and a 5-point satisfaction score. The researchers used paired and unpaired t-tests, independent sample t-tests, and Spearman rank correlations to conduct statistical analyses.

The baseline SHS score of study participants was an average of 5.87, which Dr. Chopra said is higher than the worldwide population range between 4.57 and 5.33, and 5.05 in the U.S. population. “The patients in our study were very happy to begin with,” an important point to consider, he said. Following their treatments, respondents felt “improved” or “much improved” on the GAIS (a mean score of 3.64) and “somewhat satisfied” or “very satisfied” based on the SWLS (a mean score of 4.4). “So overall, they viewed their treatments as a success,” Dr. Chopra said.

In terms of happiness, however, the researchers observed no significant differences between pre- and posttreatment scores on the SHS (a mean of 5.87 vs. 6.61, respectively; P = .634) nor on the SWLS (a mean of 29.62 vs. 29.1; P = .709). On stratified analysis, no significant differences in the SHS, SWLS, and the GAIS were observed when the researchers accounted for the aggressiveness of the procedure, the number of treatments, the number of sites treated, the type of treatment, and whether the respondents were happier or sadder at baseline. “Surprisingly, this had no effect whatsoever on happiness,” he said. “Not only that, these factors didn’t improve a patient’s perception of the efficacy or satisfaction with a treatment either.”



According to Dr. Chopra, this is the first study to evaluate the impact of a broad spectrum of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, including injectables and lasers, on the happiness and life satisfaction of treatment non-naive patients.

“Surprisingly, we found these patients were no happier after treatment,” he told this news organization. “However, before rushing to declare that cosmetic procedures don’t make us happier, it is critical to evaluate these results in the context of our study population. We believe there to be a distinction between treatment naive and non-naive patients. All the patients in our study were treatment non-naive, routinely and frequently undergoing cosmetic procedures. Moreover, our treatment non-naive patients were very happy at baseline prior to treatment.”

He and his colleagues hypothesize that there is a “ceiling effect” to the happiness one can attain via these procedures. “Our treatment non-naive patients had already reached this ceiling-peak happiness of their treatment journey, and at this point were only pursuing procedures to maintain their results and happiness,” he said. “Thus, we were unable to measure any effect this late in the ‘maintenance-phase’ of their journey via our study. On the other hand, treatment naive patients (those who have never undergone a cosmetic procedure) were not included. We hypothesize that evaluating patients at the start of their journey after their first round of treatments will demonstrate an impact on happiness, prior to reaching the ceiling and subsequent ‘maintenance phase.’ ”

Lawrence J. Green, MD, clinical professor of dermatology at George Washington University, Washington, who was asked to comment on the study results, said that it was not clear which specific cosmetic treatments the study participants received. “I would like to see if different injectable or device treatments would give different happiness scale results,” Dr. Green said.

Dr. Lawrence J. Green, clinical professor of dermatology at George Washington University, Washington
Dr. Lawrence J. Green

“In addition, only two locations were surveyed, so the results could have location bias. I think it would be a great idea to replicate this survey of experienced cosmetic treatment patients with many locations and to include survey responses based on the procedure that was done. That said, it is interesting that overall, investigator satisfaction did not correlate with patient happiness from the treatments.”

Dr. Chopra reported having no financial disclosures. Dr. Green disclosed that he is a speaker, consultant, or investigator for numerous pharmaceutical companies.

Patients who continued to undergo routine minimally invasive cosmetic procedures during the COVID-19 Omicron outbreak in 2021 were happier and more satisfied with life overall compared with the general population, according to a study of 42 individuals. However, these treatments did not improve their baseline happiness or life satisfaction scores at follow-up.

Those are key findings from the study that lead author Rishi Chopra, MD, MS, presented during an oral abstract session at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.

Dr. Rishi Chopra, laser and cosmetic dermatologic surgery fellow at Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
Dr. Rishi Chopra

“These are interesting and surprising results,” said Dr. Chopra, a dermatologist and laser and cosmetic dermatologic surgery fellow at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “Patients are seeking consultations with us with the hope that the treatments we offer may potentially help them feel happier, but are we really delivering on that?”

In a pivotal 2018 study that examined patient motivations for undergoing cosmetic dermatology procedures, investigators found that 67.2% did so to “feel happier and more confident or improve total quality of life”. Moreover, 38.5% cited the desire to “feel happier, better overall, or improve total quality of life” as the key reason for pursuing cosmetic procedures.

Prior published evidence validates this benefit of procedures, as neuromodulators have repeatedly demonstrated to improve mood and depression, including a 2020 randomized, single-blind crossover study that examined the impact of neuromodulators on mood and appearance during the COVID-19 pandemic. It found that patients who received treatment with neuromodulators prior to the pandemic, stopped during the pandemic, and restarted again, reported increased happiness, self-satisfaction with appearance, and overall treatment satisfaction.

“However, studies evaluating the effect of filler on happiness have failed to demonstrate an impact,” Dr. Chopra said. “Thus, the jury is still out.”

Study evaluated 42 patients

In what he said is the first study of its kind, he and his colleagues evaluated the impact of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures on the happiness of 42 treatment non-naive patients (those who regularly undergo cosmetic procedures) with a mean age of 47 years who were surveyed in November and December of 2021 during the COVID-19 Omicron subvariant outbreak at the cosmetic dermatology practices of Sabrina G. Fabi, MD, in San Diego, and Nicole Kanaris, MBBCh, in Johannesburg, South Africa.

“On average, these patients were undergoing six treatments per year during four visits per year, so these were frequent flyers,” Dr. Chopra said. “We set out to assess: Are patients who seek cosmetic procedures happy at baseline? And, do cosmetic procedures make us happier or more satisfied with life?”

Prior to treatment, patients completed the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Three weeks later, patients completed the SHS, SWLS, the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS) and a 5-point satisfaction score. The researchers used paired and unpaired t-tests, independent sample t-tests, and Spearman rank correlations to conduct statistical analyses.

The baseline SHS score of study participants was an average of 5.87, which Dr. Chopra said is higher than the worldwide population range between 4.57 and 5.33, and 5.05 in the U.S. population. “The patients in our study were very happy to begin with,” an important point to consider, he said. Following their treatments, respondents felt “improved” or “much improved” on the GAIS (a mean score of 3.64) and “somewhat satisfied” or “very satisfied” based on the SWLS (a mean score of 4.4). “So overall, they viewed their treatments as a success,” Dr. Chopra said.

In terms of happiness, however, the researchers observed no significant differences between pre- and posttreatment scores on the SHS (a mean of 5.87 vs. 6.61, respectively; P = .634) nor on the SWLS (a mean of 29.62 vs. 29.1; P = .709). On stratified analysis, no significant differences in the SHS, SWLS, and the GAIS were observed when the researchers accounted for the aggressiveness of the procedure, the number of treatments, the number of sites treated, the type of treatment, and whether the respondents were happier or sadder at baseline. “Surprisingly, this had no effect whatsoever on happiness,” he said. “Not only that, these factors didn’t improve a patient’s perception of the efficacy or satisfaction with a treatment either.”



According to Dr. Chopra, this is the first study to evaluate the impact of a broad spectrum of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, including injectables and lasers, on the happiness and life satisfaction of treatment non-naive patients.

“Surprisingly, we found these patients were no happier after treatment,” he told this news organization. “However, before rushing to declare that cosmetic procedures don’t make us happier, it is critical to evaluate these results in the context of our study population. We believe there to be a distinction between treatment naive and non-naive patients. All the patients in our study were treatment non-naive, routinely and frequently undergoing cosmetic procedures. Moreover, our treatment non-naive patients were very happy at baseline prior to treatment.”

He and his colleagues hypothesize that there is a “ceiling effect” to the happiness one can attain via these procedures. “Our treatment non-naive patients had already reached this ceiling-peak happiness of their treatment journey, and at this point were only pursuing procedures to maintain their results and happiness,” he said. “Thus, we were unable to measure any effect this late in the ‘maintenance-phase’ of their journey via our study. On the other hand, treatment naive patients (those who have never undergone a cosmetic procedure) were not included. We hypothesize that evaluating patients at the start of their journey after their first round of treatments will demonstrate an impact on happiness, prior to reaching the ceiling and subsequent ‘maintenance phase.’ ”

Lawrence J. Green, MD, clinical professor of dermatology at George Washington University, Washington, who was asked to comment on the study results, said that it was not clear which specific cosmetic treatments the study participants received. “I would like to see if different injectable or device treatments would give different happiness scale results,” Dr. Green said.

Dr. Lawrence J. Green, clinical professor of dermatology at George Washington University, Washington
Dr. Lawrence J. Green

“In addition, only two locations were surveyed, so the results could have location bias. I think it would be a great idea to replicate this survey of experienced cosmetic treatment patients with many locations and to include survey responses based on the procedure that was done. That said, it is interesting that overall, investigator satisfaction did not correlate with patient happiness from the treatments.”

Dr. Chopra reported having no financial disclosures. Dr. Green disclosed that he is a speaker, consultant, or investigator for numerous pharmaceutical companies.

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Anatomic site influences ropivacaine duration during dermatologic surgery

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Thu, 10/27/2022 - 10:38

Use of subcutaneous ropivacaine for Mohs surgery in highly vascularized anatomical regions such as the nose results in significantly shorter duration of anesthesia compared with less vascularized regions such as the shin, results from a single-center study showed.

Ropivacaine is a long-acting anesthetic that may be used as a substitute for the more commonly local anesthetics such as lidocaine or bupivacaine in dermatologic surgery, lead study author Kira Minkis, MD, PhD, told this news organization following the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, where the study results were presented during an oral abstract session. By comparison, ropivacaine has been reported to have a faster onset, similar duration in the range of 6-14 hours, less pain upon injection, and inherent vasoconstrictive properties.

Dr. Kira Minkis, director of Mohs and dermatologic surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York.
Dr. Kira Minkis

“With tumescent anesthesia, studies have previously shown that the rate and absorption of anesthetics is influenced by the site of administration,” said Dr. Minkis, director of Mohs and dermatologic surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York. “In studies comparing absorption of local anesthetics in tumescent anesthesia by regions that differ in vascularity, peak serum concentrations are greater and rise more rapidly after use in the head and neck compared to the trunk and extremities. However, no studies to date have compared the duration of ropivacaine in highly vascularized tissue or compared duration between regions that differ in vascularity.” The aim of the study, she noted, was to characterize the difference in duration of ropivacaine’s effects between anatomic regions of rich and comparably poor vascularity, such as the face and extremities, respectively.

Dr. Minkis and her colleagues recruited 17 women and 12 men with a mean age of 72 years who underwent Mohs surgery on the nose or the shin at Weill Cornell Medicine. Patients were anesthetized at each site with a subcutaneous injection of 0.5 mL of ropivacaine, 0.2%. Sensation was determined by pinprick prior to injection, at baseline, and every 15 minutes until sensation returned or surgery concluded. The primary endpoint was time to return of pinprick sensation.

The researchers found that the duration of ropivacaine was significantly shorter on the nose (a median of 60 minutes) than on the shin (a median of 210 minutes). In fact, the upper limit of the range of duration at the shin was not determinable because 22 of the 29 (76%) of participants did not regain sensation on the shin prior to leaving the surgical suite and concluding the study. The proportion of study participants who regained sensation within 1 hour was 76% among those who were treated on the nose vs. 3% of those who were treated on the shin (P < .0001).

“With durations of up to 6-14 hours reported, our results indicate a strikingly shorter duration of local anesthesia in highly vascularized tissue,” Dr. Minkis said. “The brevity of local anesthesia is even more surprising given the intrinsic vasoconstrictive properties of ropivacaine. Often, we co-administer epinephrine to achieve vasoconstriction and reduce local blood flow, thus prolonging local concentrations of the anesthetic with the added benefit of reducing bleeding during surgery. The short duration we’ve observed in our study is emphasized in using a potent, long-acting local anesthetic with vasoconstrictive properties that otherwise should attenuate the effects of high local vascularity.”

In other findings, patients with history of hypertension were more likely to regain sensation on the nose by 60 minutes but this did not reach statistical significance (P = .079). Other comorbidities including underlying anxiety/depression, diabetes, and kidney disease did not significantly impact duration of ropivacaine action on the nose. The same held true for patients who were treated on the shin.

“We highlight an inconsistency between the reported duration of a long-lasting local anesthetic and the short-lived anesthesia experienced by our patients in a highly vascularized region,” Dr. Minkis said. “In practice, adjunctive use of a long-acting anesthetic to prolong anesthesia is common, which may provide relief from multiple injections of shorter-acting lidocaine. However, the duration of Mohs surgery can be unpredictable. Extended wait times between stages may exceed the duration we’ve observed in this study.”

In addition, she continued, “pain is frequently reported on postoperative days 0 to 3, leading some to recommend the use of long-acting local anesthetics to prevent overprescription or a gap in pain coverage. This emphasizes a gap in effective pain control, but also an opportunity to improve our patients’ surgical and recovery experiences.”




Impact on practice

Keith L. Duffy, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, who was asked to comment on the study, said that in light of current local anesthetic shortages and back orders, “we dermatologic surgeons have been experimenting with different anesthetics and concentrations that we can use in our patients. Ropivacaine may become the anesthetic of choice for many of our practices given its inherent properties.”

The duration of anesthetic effects by anatomic location in this study is “actually more impressive than I would have suspected as a practicing Mohs surgeon. The results of this study will immediately impact my Mohs surgery clinic,” he said, adding that he hoped that Dr. Minkis and others “will expand on this study to include more patients, different anesthetics, and more anatomic locations.”

Dr. Minkis acknowledged certain limitations of the study, including its single-center design and the fact that there were too few observations of medical and clinical characteristics for subgroup analysis.

She and Dr. Duffy reported having no financial disclosures.


Use of subcutaneous ropivacaine for Mohs surgery in highly vascularized anatomical regions such as the nose results in significantly shorter duration of anesthesia compared with less vascularized regions such as the shin, results from a single-center study showed.

Ropivacaine is a long-acting anesthetic that may be used as a substitute for the more commonly local anesthetics such as lidocaine or bupivacaine in dermatologic surgery, lead study author Kira Minkis, MD, PhD, told this news organization following the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, where the study results were presented during an oral abstract session. By comparison, ropivacaine has been reported to have a faster onset, similar duration in the range of 6-14 hours, less pain upon injection, and inherent vasoconstrictive properties.

Dr. Kira Minkis, director of Mohs and dermatologic surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York.
Dr. Kira Minkis

“With tumescent anesthesia, studies have previously shown that the rate and absorption of anesthetics is influenced by the site of administration,” said Dr. Minkis, director of Mohs and dermatologic surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York. “In studies comparing absorption of local anesthetics in tumescent anesthesia by regions that differ in vascularity, peak serum concentrations are greater and rise more rapidly after use in the head and neck compared to the trunk and extremities. However, no studies to date have compared the duration of ropivacaine in highly vascularized tissue or compared duration between regions that differ in vascularity.” The aim of the study, she noted, was to characterize the difference in duration of ropivacaine’s effects between anatomic regions of rich and comparably poor vascularity, such as the face and extremities, respectively.

Dr. Minkis and her colleagues recruited 17 women and 12 men with a mean age of 72 years who underwent Mohs surgery on the nose or the shin at Weill Cornell Medicine. Patients were anesthetized at each site with a subcutaneous injection of 0.5 mL of ropivacaine, 0.2%. Sensation was determined by pinprick prior to injection, at baseline, and every 15 minutes until sensation returned or surgery concluded. The primary endpoint was time to return of pinprick sensation.

The researchers found that the duration of ropivacaine was significantly shorter on the nose (a median of 60 minutes) than on the shin (a median of 210 minutes). In fact, the upper limit of the range of duration at the shin was not determinable because 22 of the 29 (76%) of participants did not regain sensation on the shin prior to leaving the surgical suite and concluding the study. The proportion of study participants who regained sensation within 1 hour was 76% among those who were treated on the nose vs. 3% of those who were treated on the shin (P < .0001).

“With durations of up to 6-14 hours reported, our results indicate a strikingly shorter duration of local anesthesia in highly vascularized tissue,” Dr. Minkis said. “The brevity of local anesthesia is even more surprising given the intrinsic vasoconstrictive properties of ropivacaine. Often, we co-administer epinephrine to achieve vasoconstriction and reduce local blood flow, thus prolonging local concentrations of the anesthetic with the added benefit of reducing bleeding during surgery. The short duration we’ve observed in our study is emphasized in using a potent, long-acting local anesthetic with vasoconstrictive properties that otherwise should attenuate the effects of high local vascularity.”

In other findings, patients with history of hypertension were more likely to regain sensation on the nose by 60 minutes but this did not reach statistical significance (P = .079). Other comorbidities including underlying anxiety/depression, diabetes, and kidney disease did not significantly impact duration of ropivacaine action on the nose. The same held true for patients who were treated on the shin.

“We highlight an inconsistency between the reported duration of a long-lasting local anesthetic and the short-lived anesthesia experienced by our patients in a highly vascularized region,” Dr. Minkis said. “In practice, adjunctive use of a long-acting anesthetic to prolong anesthesia is common, which may provide relief from multiple injections of shorter-acting lidocaine. However, the duration of Mohs surgery can be unpredictable. Extended wait times between stages may exceed the duration we’ve observed in this study.”

In addition, she continued, “pain is frequently reported on postoperative days 0 to 3, leading some to recommend the use of long-acting local anesthetics to prevent overprescription or a gap in pain coverage. This emphasizes a gap in effective pain control, but also an opportunity to improve our patients’ surgical and recovery experiences.”




Impact on practice

Keith L. Duffy, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, who was asked to comment on the study, said that in light of current local anesthetic shortages and back orders, “we dermatologic surgeons have been experimenting with different anesthetics and concentrations that we can use in our patients. Ropivacaine may become the anesthetic of choice for many of our practices given its inherent properties.”

The duration of anesthetic effects by anatomic location in this study is “actually more impressive than I would have suspected as a practicing Mohs surgeon. The results of this study will immediately impact my Mohs surgery clinic,” he said, adding that he hoped that Dr. Minkis and others “will expand on this study to include more patients, different anesthetics, and more anatomic locations.”

Dr. Minkis acknowledged certain limitations of the study, including its single-center design and the fact that there were too few observations of medical and clinical characteristics for subgroup analysis.

She and Dr. Duffy reported having no financial disclosures.

Use of subcutaneous ropivacaine for Mohs surgery in highly vascularized anatomical regions such as the nose results in significantly shorter duration of anesthesia compared with less vascularized regions such as the shin, results from a single-center study showed.

Ropivacaine is a long-acting anesthetic that may be used as a substitute for the more commonly local anesthetics such as lidocaine or bupivacaine in dermatologic surgery, lead study author Kira Minkis, MD, PhD, told this news organization following the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, where the study results were presented during an oral abstract session. By comparison, ropivacaine has been reported to have a faster onset, similar duration in the range of 6-14 hours, less pain upon injection, and inherent vasoconstrictive properties.

Dr. Kira Minkis, director of Mohs and dermatologic surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York.
Dr. Kira Minkis

“With tumescent anesthesia, studies have previously shown that the rate and absorption of anesthetics is influenced by the site of administration,” said Dr. Minkis, director of Mohs and dermatologic surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine, New York. “In studies comparing absorption of local anesthetics in tumescent anesthesia by regions that differ in vascularity, peak serum concentrations are greater and rise more rapidly after use in the head and neck compared to the trunk and extremities. However, no studies to date have compared the duration of ropivacaine in highly vascularized tissue or compared duration between regions that differ in vascularity.” The aim of the study, she noted, was to characterize the difference in duration of ropivacaine’s effects between anatomic regions of rich and comparably poor vascularity, such as the face and extremities, respectively.

Dr. Minkis and her colleagues recruited 17 women and 12 men with a mean age of 72 years who underwent Mohs surgery on the nose or the shin at Weill Cornell Medicine. Patients were anesthetized at each site with a subcutaneous injection of 0.5 mL of ropivacaine, 0.2%. Sensation was determined by pinprick prior to injection, at baseline, and every 15 minutes until sensation returned or surgery concluded. The primary endpoint was time to return of pinprick sensation.

The researchers found that the duration of ropivacaine was significantly shorter on the nose (a median of 60 minutes) than on the shin (a median of 210 minutes). In fact, the upper limit of the range of duration at the shin was not determinable because 22 of the 29 (76%) of participants did not regain sensation on the shin prior to leaving the surgical suite and concluding the study. The proportion of study participants who regained sensation within 1 hour was 76% among those who were treated on the nose vs. 3% of those who were treated on the shin (P < .0001).

“With durations of up to 6-14 hours reported, our results indicate a strikingly shorter duration of local anesthesia in highly vascularized tissue,” Dr. Minkis said. “The brevity of local anesthesia is even more surprising given the intrinsic vasoconstrictive properties of ropivacaine. Often, we co-administer epinephrine to achieve vasoconstriction and reduce local blood flow, thus prolonging local concentrations of the anesthetic with the added benefit of reducing bleeding during surgery. The short duration we’ve observed in our study is emphasized in using a potent, long-acting local anesthetic with vasoconstrictive properties that otherwise should attenuate the effects of high local vascularity.”

In other findings, patients with history of hypertension were more likely to regain sensation on the nose by 60 minutes but this did not reach statistical significance (P = .079). Other comorbidities including underlying anxiety/depression, diabetes, and kidney disease did not significantly impact duration of ropivacaine action on the nose. The same held true for patients who were treated on the shin.

“We highlight an inconsistency between the reported duration of a long-lasting local anesthetic and the short-lived anesthesia experienced by our patients in a highly vascularized region,” Dr. Minkis said. “In practice, adjunctive use of a long-acting anesthetic to prolong anesthesia is common, which may provide relief from multiple injections of shorter-acting lidocaine. However, the duration of Mohs surgery can be unpredictable. Extended wait times between stages may exceed the duration we’ve observed in this study.”

In addition, she continued, “pain is frequently reported on postoperative days 0 to 3, leading some to recommend the use of long-acting local anesthetics to prevent overprescription or a gap in pain coverage. This emphasizes a gap in effective pain control, but also an opportunity to improve our patients’ surgical and recovery experiences.”




Impact on practice

Keith L. Duffy, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, who was asked to comment on the study, said that in light of current local anesthetic shortages and back orders, “we dermatologic surgeons have been experimenting with different anesthetics and concentrations that we can use in our patients. Ropivacaine may become the anesthetic of choice for many of our practices given its inherent properties.”

The duration of anesthetic effects by anatomic location in this study is “actually more impressive than I would have suspected as a practicing Mohs surgeon. The results of this study will immediately impact my Mohs surgery clinic,” he said, adding that he hoped that Dr. Minkis and others “will expand on this study to include more patients, different anesthetics, and more anatomic locations.”

Dr. Minkis acknowledged certain limitations of the study, including its single-center design and the fact that there were too few observations of medical and clinical characteristics for subgroup analysis.

She and Dr. Duffy reported having no financial disclosures.

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Ready or not, hands-free devices are coming

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Mon, 10/24/2022 - 16:59


– When Anne Chapas, MD, was asked to help conduct a clinical trial of a wearable, hands-free device for remodeling of the face and submental area, she responded with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Dr. Anne Chapas, a dermatologist in New York City
Dr. Anne Chapas

“My first thought was, ‘this is crazy. It looks like a Storm Trooper helmet,’ ” Dr. Chapas, founder and medical director of UnionDerm, New York, said at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “But it’s the first FDA-cleared device that uses bipolar radiofrequency to target the lower third of the face and the submental area of the face. We wanted to see how it works.”

The device, Evoke, is the first cleared thermal facial and submental remodeling platform in the industry. Its bipolar radiofrequency (RF) component reaches 4 mm in depth and travels from central to outer electrodes. The device features real-time temperature monitoring and the ability to delivery energy at lower temps for longer periods of time compared with hands-on approaches. No cooling is required.

“It is able to treat a large surface area simultaneously to achieve maximal tissue contraction,” Dr. Chapas said. “What we’ve learned in decades of RF technology is that it’s not just about heat. It has to be the right amount of heat for the right amount of time. That’s what’s difficult when we’re doing our own individual treatments. How many pulses do we need? How is that heat dissipating? Are we getting the amount of heat we need? Is the patient in pain? We need to take that data from the individual provider and come up with an automated system. That’s what this device is trying to accomplish.”

In a prospective trial, she and her colleagues enrolled 40 patients between the ages of 36 and 75 years with visible signs of facial aging who were seeking skin tightening treatments at one of three centers in the United States. They underwent three biweekly treatments with the Evoke device to the lower face and submental area where a target temperature of 42°-43° C was maintained for 41 minutes, or about 20 minutes for each site.

For the primary safety endpoint, investigators and blinded evaluators used a 4-point Likert scale before treatment, and 1, 3, and 6 months post-treatment. Follow-up visit satisfaction metrics were the patient’s skin appearance evaluation and overall satisfaction, and the investigator improvement rating based on an analysis of volumetric data from 3D imaging software. Chin and cheek discomfort metrics were assessed at all treatments. The subject satisfaction metrics were measured on an 11-point scale where 0 is most comfortable and 10 is most uncomfortable.

In terms of safety, patients tolerated the treatments well and rated their average discomfort from 0.643 to 1.45 on the 11-point Likert scale. “The subject satisfaction rate was about 80%, which is in line with other devices, such as microfocused ultrasound,” said Dr. Chapas, who is also a clinical instructor of dermatology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York.

“The physicians were a little tougher on their assessments. We felt there was about a 65%-70% success rate after the three treatment timepoints.” One possible reason for the disparity between the patient and physician assessments is that patients “may be more accepting of meager results from a hands-free treatment.”

Expect to see more hands-free devices hit the dermatology market in the coming months and years ahead, Dr. Chapas said. Before clinicians incorporate such systems into their practices, she advises them to review existing evidence for the technology, including published data and asking for demonstrations. “If it’s not efficacious, you’ve just wasted everybody’s time,” she said. “Also, is it practical for your office? Do you have the space for it? What staff training is involved? Is it truly automated?”

She added, “If you have a device that’s hands-free but someone must stay in the room with the patient for an hour, does that really help the flow of your practice? And finally, what do your patients want? Do they want to come back multiple times, or do they prefer one-and-done treatments?”

Other questions to consider, she said, include, who benefits from these treatments. Does it fill an unmet need for patients, and for clinicians? Does it help with operator fatigue? How are more consistent treatments achieved? Can the technology be applied to broad body areas?

“The hands-free revolution has been building,” Dr. Chapas commented. “The next generation of lasers and energy devices are going to be coming into our offices, so we should think carefully about how to incorporate them.”

Dr. Chapas disclosed that she is an investigator for InMode (the manufacturer of Evoke), Cutera, and Galderma, and a speaker for Allergan.



– When Anne Chapas, MD, was asked to help conduct a clinical trial of a wearable, hands-free device for remodeling of the face and submental area, she responded with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Dr. Anne Chapas, a dermatologist in New York City
Dr. Anne Chapas

“My first thought was, ‘this is crazy. It looks like a Storm Trooper helmet,’ ” Dr. Chapas, founder and medical director of UnionDerm, New York, said at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “But it’s the first FDA-cleared device that uses bipolar radiofrequency to target the lower third of the face and the submental area of the face. We wanted to see how it works.”

The device, Evoke, is the first cleared thermal facial and submental remodeling platform in the industry. Its bipolar radiofrequency (RF) component reaches 4 mm in depth and travels from central to outer electrodes. The device features real-time temperature monitoring and the ability to delivery energy at lower temps for longer periods of time compared with hands-on approaches. No cooling is required.

“It is able to treat a large surface area simultaneously to achieve maximal tissue contraction,” Dr. Chapas said. “What we’ve learned in decades of RF technology is that it’s not just about heat. It has to be the right amount of heat for the right amount of time. That’s what’s difficult when we’re doing our own individual treatments. How many pulses do we need? How is that heat dissipating? Are we getting the amount of heat we need? Is the patient in pain? We need to take that data from the individual provider and come up with an automated system. That’s what this device is trying to accomplish.”

In a prospective trial, she and her colleagues enrolled 40 patients between the ages of 36 and 75 years with visible signs of facial aging who were seeking skin tightening treatments at one of three centers in the United States. They underwent three biweekly treatments with the Evoke device to the lower face and submental area where a target temperature of 42°-43° C was maintained for 41 minutes, or about 20 minutes for each site.

For the primary safety endpoint, investigators and blinded evaluators used a 4-point Likert scale before treatment, and 1, 3, and 6 months post-treatment. Follow-up visit satisfaction metrics were the patient’s skin appearance evaluation and overall satisfaction, and the investigator improvement rating based on an analysis of volumetric data from 3D imaging software. Chin and cheek discomfort metrics were assessed at all treatments. The subject satisfaction metrics were measured on an 11-point scale where 0 is most comfortable and 10 is most uncomfortable.

In terms of safety, patients tolerated the treatments well and rated their average discomfort from 0.643 to 1.45 on the 11-point Likert scale. “The subject satisfaction rate was about 80%, which is in line with other devices, such as microfocused ultrasound,” said Dr. Chapas, who is also a clinical instructor of dermatology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York.

“The physicians were a little tougher on their assessments. We felt there was about a 65%-70% success rate after the three treatment timepoints.” One possible reason for the disparity between the patient and physician assessments is that patients “may be more accepting of meager results from a hands-free treatment.”

Expect to see more hands-free devices hit the dermatology market in the coming months and years ahead, Dr. Chapas said. Before clinicians incorporate such systems into their practices, she advises them to review existing evidence for the technology, including published data and asking for demonstrations. “If it’s not efficacious, you’ve just wasted everybody’s time,” she said. “Also, is it practical for your office? Do you have the space for it? What staff training is involved? Is it truly automated?”

She added, “If you have a device that’s hands-free but someone must stay in the room with the patient for an hour, does that really help the flow of your practice? And finally, what do your patients want? Do they want to come back multiple times, or do they prefer one-and-done treatments?”

Other questions to consider, she said, include, who benefits from these treatments. Does it fill an unmet need for patients, and for clinicians? Does it help with operator fatigue? How are more consistent treatments achieved? Can the technology be applied to broad body areas?

“The hands-free revolution has been building,” Dr. Chapas commented. “The next generation of lasers and energy devices are going to be coming into our offices, so we should think carefully about how to incorporate them.”

Dr. Chapas disclosed that she is an investigator for InMode (the manufacturer of Evoke), Cutera, and Galderma, and a speaker for Allergan.


– When Anne Chapas, MD, was asked to help conduct a clinical trial of a wearable, hands-free device for remodeling of the face and submental area, she responded with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Dr. Anne Chapas, a dermatologist in New York City
Dr. Anne Chapas

“My first thought was, ‘this is crazy. It looks like a Storm Trooper helmet,’ ” Dr. Chapas, founder and medical director of UnionDerm, New York, said at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “But it’s the first FDA-cleared device that uses bipolar radiofrequency to target the lower third of the face and the submental area of the face. We wanted to see how it works.”

The device, Evoke, is the first cleared thermal facial and submental remodeling platform in the industry. Its bipolar radiofrequency (RF) component reaches 4 mm in depth and travels from central to outer electrodes. The device features real-time temperature monitoring and the ability to delivery energy at lower temps for longer periods of time compared with hands-on approaches. No cooling is required.

“It is able to treat a large surface area simultaneously to achieve maximal tissue contraction,” Dr. Chapas said. “What we’ve learned in decades of RF technology is that it’s not just about heat. It has to be the right amount of heat for the right amount of time. That’s what’s difficult when we’re doing our own individual treatments. How many pulses do we need? How is that heat dissipating? Are we getting the amount of heat we need? Is the patient in pain? We need to take that data from the individual provider and come up with an automated system. That’s what this device is trying to accomplish.”

In a prospective trial, she and her colleagues enrolled 40 patients between the ages of 36 and 75 years with visible signs of facial aging who were seeking skin tightening treatments at one of three centers in the United States. They underwent three biweekly treatments with the Evoke device to the lower face and submental area where a target temperature of 42°-43° C was maintained for 41 minutes, or about 20 minutes for each site.

For the primary safety endpoint, investigators and blinded evaluators used a 4-point Likert scale before treatment, and 1, 3, and 6 months post-treatment. Follow-up visit satisfaction metrics were the patient’s skin appearance evaluation and overall satisfaction, and the investigator improvement rating based on an analysis of volumetric data from 3D imaging software. Chin and cheek discomfort metrics were assessed at all treatments. The subject satisfaction metrics were measured on an 11-point scale where 0 is most comfortable and 10 is most uncomfortable.

In terms of safety, patients tolerated the treatments well and rated their average discomfort from 0.643 to 1.45 on the 11-point Likert scale. “The subject satisfaction rate was about 80%, which is in line with other devices, such as microfocused ultrasound,” said Dr. Chapas, who is also a clinical instructor of dermatology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York.

“The physicians were a little tougher on their assessments. We felt there was about a 65%-70% success rate after the three treatment timepoints.” One possible reason for the disparity between the patient and physician assessments is that patients “may be more accepting of meager results from a hands-free treatment.”

Expect to see more hands-free devices hit the dermatology market in the coming months and years ahead, Dr. Chapas said. Before clinicians incorporate such systems into their practices, she advises them to review existing evidence for the technology, including published data and asking for demonstrations. “If it’s not efficacious, you’ve just wasted everybody’s time,” she said. “Also, is it practical for your office? Do you have the space for it? What staff training is involved? Is it truly automated?”

She added, “If you have a device that’s hands-free but someone must stay in the room with the patient for an hour, does that really help the flow of your practice? And finally, what do your patients want? Do they want to come back multiple times, or do they prefer one-and-done treatments?”

Other questions to consider, she said, include, who benefits from these treatments. Does it fill an unmet need for patients, and for clinicians? Does it help with operator fatigue? How are more consistent treatments achieved? Can the technology be applied to broad body areas?

“The hands-free revolution has been building,” Dr. Chapas commented. “The next generation of lasers and energy devices are going to be coming into our offices, so we should think carefully about how to incorporate them.”

Dr. Chapas disclosed that she is an investigator for InMode (the manufacturer of Evoke), Cutera, and Galderma, and a speaker for Allergan.

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Novel stepwise method found to benefit patients with severe rhinophyma

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Mon, 10/17/2022 - 11:26

A stepwise method that combines surgical debulking and fractionated ablative laser was effective for treating elderly individuals with severe rhinophyma, results from a series of three patients demonstrated.

Rhinophyma occurs primarily in the sixth and seventh decades of life and is marked by facial hypertrophy that leads to tumor-like growth, inflammation, fibrosis, and loss of the cosmetic nasal subunits. “When it becomes severe it leads to a degree of embarrassment as well,” one of the study authors, Patricia Richey, MD, said during an oral abstract session at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “We found that our method has been efficacious, but most often, and more importantly, leads to an improvement in the patient’s quality of life.”

Dr. Patricia Richey, dermatologist, Washington, DC.
Dr. Patricia Richey

To date, clinicians have used fully ablative lasers to treat varying degrees of rhinophyma but at a cost of prolonged healing time and higher rates of scarring and pigment or textural changes. However, not all dermatologists use full-field ablative lasers in their practices.

“Fractionated ablative lasers have been used in the past for mild to moderate rhinophyma, but they cannot ablate to 100% density, which would be necessary to debulk the marked hypertrophy present in our patients,” said Dr. Richey, who practices Mohs surgery and cosmetic dermatology in Washington, D.C., and conducts research for the Wellman Center for Photomedicine and the Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. “That’s why we added a surgical component.”

She and colleague Mathew M. Avram, MD, JD, developed a three-step method for treating severe rhinophyma that they performed on three elderly patients. Step 1 is the surgical debulk. Following infiltration of local anesthesia, a razor blade or 15-blade is used to excise the most prominent lobules of hypertrophied sebaceous tissue down to the fibrofatty layer of the nose as a partial thickness excision that does not reach the level of the perichondrium or cartilage. “Hemostasis is achieved with electrocoagulation and application of petrolatum ointment, followed by a pressure dressing,” Dr. Richey said. “The location of the debulk varies by patient.”

Step 2 involves fractionated ablative laser treatment 4 weeks later with either the CO2 or erbium:YAG (Er:YAG) 2,940-nm laser. According to Dr. Richey, the typical setting for the fractionated CO2 is a fluence of 70mJ/cm2 and a high density, performing six out of four passes with 60 seconds between each pass, “though these settings may vary based on the patient presentation,” she said.

The treatment level ranges from 5 (14% density) to 10 (70% density, for the most severe cases). Meanwhile, a representative setting for the ablative fractionated Er:YAG 2,940-nm laser is 250 mcm, no coagulation, 5.5% density, and one pass. “If a second surgical debulk is performed on the same day as ablative laser treatment, the sites of shave removal are typically avoided with the laser,” she said. If a certain portion of the nose has recently healed following surgical debulk 4 weeks prior, they may perform only two passes in this region.

Dr. Mathew M. Avram, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Dr. Mathew M. Avram

In an interview, Dr. Avram, who directs the MGH Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center, characterized the staged method as providing “transformative change to severe, cosmetically disfiguring rhinophyma. The ablative fractional laser provides more fine-tuned contouring.”

The three patients studied had an average of three to four monthly treatments. “There is typically a great deal of improvement by the second treatment,” Dr. Richey said. Add-on treatments may include low voltage electrodessication at 1.8 watts for patients with well-demarcated papules of sebaceous hyperplasia, and a vascular laser such as the pulsed dye laser if telangiectasias are present.

One limitation of the stepwise method, she said, is that the surgical debulk typically results in a scar, “but it’s rarely noticeable if carefully performed, likely due to fractionated ablative use during the scar remodeling period. It’s important to set expectations with your patient at the initial consult. We always discuss treatment goals and that while we aim achieve the most desirable outcome possible, we’re never going to get them back to having a completely normal nose. They’re always going to have some mild or moderate rhinophymatous changes present.”

Dr. Vincent Richer, Dermatologist, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Dr. Vincent Richer

Vincent Richer, MD, a Vancouver-based medical and cosmetic dermatologist who was asked to comment on these results, characterized the stepwise method as promising. “Though more treatments are required, the easier recovery, safe outcomes in the case presented and excellent cosmetic result made it an interesting alternative when fully ablative resurfacing is daunting, either for patients or physicians involved,” he said in an interview.

The researchers reported having no relevant disclosures. Dr. Richer disclosed that he performs clinical trials for AbbVie/Allergan, Galderma, Leo Pharma, Pfizer, and is a member of advisory board for Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, and Sanofi. He is also a consultant to AbbVie/Allergan, Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, Merz, and Sanofi.


A stepwise method that combines surgical debulking and fractionated ablative laser was effective for treating elderly individuals with severe rhinophyma, results from a series of three patients demonstrated.

Rhinophyma occurs primarily in the sixth and seventh decades of life and is marked by facial hypertrophy that leads to tumor-like growth, inflammation, fibrosis, and loss of the cosmetic nasal subunits. “When it becomes severe it leads to a degree of embarrassment as well,” one of the study authors, Patricia Richey, MD, said during an oral abstract session at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “We found that our method has been efficacious, but most often, and more importantly, leads to an improvement in the patient’s quality of life.”

Dr. Patricia Richey, dermatologist, Washington, DC.
Dr. Patricia Richey

To date, clinicians have used fully ablative lasers to treat varying degrees of rhinophyma but at a cost of prolonged healing time and higher rates of scarring and pigment or textural changes. However, not all dermatologists use full-field ablative lasers in their practices.

“Fractionated ablative lasers have been used in the past for mild to moderate rhinophyma, but they cannot ablate to 100% density, which would be necessary to debulk the marked hypertrophy present in our patients,” said Dr. Richey, who practices Mohs surgery and cosmetic dermatology in Washington, D.C., and conducts research for the Wellman Center for Photomedicine and the Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. “That’s why we added a surgical component.”

She and colleague Mathew M. Avram, MD, JD, developed a three-step method for treating severe rhinophyma that they performed on three elderly patients. Step 1 is the surgical debulk. Following infiltration of local anesthesia, a razor blade or 15-blade is used to excise the most prominent lobules of hypertrophied sebaceous tissue down to the fibrofatty layer of the nose as a partial thickness excision that does not reach the level of the perichondrium or cartilage. “Hemostasis is achieved with electrocoagulation and application of petrolatum ointment, followed by a pressure dressing,” Dr. Richey said. “The location of the debulk varies by patient.”

Step 2 involves fractionated ablative laser treatment 4 weeks later with either the CO2 or erbium:YAG (Er:YAG) 2,940-nm laser. According to Dr. Richey, the typical setting for the fractionated CO2 is a fluence of 70mJ/cm2 and a high density, performing six out of four passes with 60 seconds between each pass, “though these settings may vary based on the patient presentation,” she said.

The treatment level ranges from 5 (14% density) to 10 (70% density, for the most severe cases). Meanwhile, a representative setting for the ablative fractionated Er:YAG 2,940-nm laser is 250 mcm, no coagulation, 5.5% density, and one pass. “If a second surgical debulk is performed on the same day as ablative laser treatment, the sites of shave removal are typically avoided with the laser,” she said. If a certain portion of the nose has recently healed following surgical debulk 4 weeks prior, they may perform only two passes in this region.

Dr. Mathew M. Avram, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Dr. Mathew M. Avram

In an interview, Dr. Avram, who directs the MGH Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center, characterized the staged method as providing “transformative change to severe, cosmetically disfiguring rhinophyma. The ablative fractional laser provides more fine-tuned contouring.”

The three patients studied had an average of three to four monthly treatments. “There is typically a great deal of improvement by the second treatment,” Dr. Richey said. Add-on treatments may include low voltage electrodessication at 1.8 watts for patients with well-demarcated papules of sebaceous hyperplasia, and a vascular laser such as the pulsed dye laser if telangiectasias are present.

One limitation of the stepwise method, she said, is that the surgical debulk typically results in a scar, “but it’s rarely noticeable if carefully performed, likely due to fractionated ablative use during the scar remodeling period. It’s important to set expectations with your patient at the initial consult. We always discuss treatment goals and that while we aim achieve the most desirable outcome possible, we’re never going to get them back to having a completely normal nose. They’re always going to have some mild or moderate rhinophymatous changes present.”

Dr. Vincent Richer, Dermatologist, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Dr. Vincent Richer

Vincent Richer, MD, a Vancouver-based medical and cosmetic dermatologist who was asked to comment on these results, characterized the stepwise method as promising. “Though more treatments are required, the easier recovery, safe outcomes in the case presented and excellent cosmetic result made it an interesting alternative when fully ablative resurfacing is daunting, either for patients or physicians involved,” he said in an interview.

The researchers reported having no relevant disclosures. Dr. Richer disclosed that he performs clinical trials for AbbVie/Allergan, Galderma, Leo Pharma, Pfizer, and is a member of advisory board for Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, and Sanofi. He is also a consultant to AbbVie/Allergan, Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, Merz, and Sanofi.

A stepwise method that combines surgical debulking and fractionated ablative laser was effective for treating elderly individuals with severe rhinophyma, results from a series of three patients demonstrated.

Rhinophyma occurs primarily in the sixth and seventh decades of life and is marked by facial hypertrophy that leads to tumor-like growth, inflammation, fibrosis, and loss of the cosmetic nasal subunits. “When it becomes severe it leads to a degree of embarrassment as well,” one of the study authors, Patricia Richey, MD, said during an oral abstract session at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. “We found that our method has been efficacious, but most often, and more importantly, leads to an improvement in the patient’s quality of life.”

Dr. Patricia Richey, dermatologist, Washington, DC.
Dr. Patricia Richey

To date, clinicians have used fully ablative lasers to treat varying degrees of rhinophyma but at a cost of prolonged healing time and higher rates of scarring and pigment or textural changes. However, not all dermatologists use full-field ablative lasers in their practices.

“Fractionated ablative lasers have been used in the past for mild to moderate rhinophyma, but they cannot ablate to 100% density, which would be necessary to debulk the marked hypertrophy present in our patients,” said Dr. Richey, who practices Mohs surgery and cosmetic dermatology in Washington, D.C., and conducts research for the Wellman Center for Photomedicine and the Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. “That’s why we added a surgical component.”

She and colleague Mathew M. Avram, MD, JD, developed a three-step method for treating severe rhinophyma that they performed on three elderly patients. Step 1 is the surgical debulk. Following infiltration of local anesthesia, a razor blade or 15-blade is used to excise the most prominent lobules of hypertrophied sebaceous tissue down to the fibrofatty layer of the nose as a partial thickness excision that does not reach the level of the perichondrium or cartilage. “Hemostasis is achieved with electrocoagulation and application of petrolatum ointment, followed by a pressure dressing,” Dr. Richey said. “The location of the debulk varies by patient.”

Step 2 involves fractionated ablative laser treatment 4 weeks later with either the CO2 or erbium:YAG (Er:YAG) 2,940-nm laser. According to Dr. Richey, the typical setting for the fractionated CO2 is a fluence of 70mJ/cm2 and a high density, performing six out of four passes with 60 seconds between each pass, “though these settings may vary based on the patient presentation,” she said.

The treatment level ranges from 5 (14% density) to 10 (70% density, for the most severe cases). Meanwhile, a representative setting for the ablative fractionated Er:YAG 2,940-nm laser is 250 mcm, no coagulation, 5.5% density, and one pass. “If a second surgical debulk is performed on the same day as ablative laser treatment, the sites of shave removal are typically avoided with the laser,” she said. If a certain portion of the nose has recently healed following surgical debulk 4 weeks prior, they may perform only two passes in this region.

Dr. Mathew M. Avram, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
Dr. Mathew M. Avram

In an interview, Dr. Avram, who directs the MGH Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center, characterized the staged method as providing “transformative change to severe, cosmetically disfiguring rhinophyma. The ablative fractional laser provides more fine-tuned contouring.”

The three patients studied had an average of three to four monthly treatments. “There is typically a great deal of improvement by the second treatment,” Dr. Richey said. Add-on treatments may include low voltage electrodessication at 1.8 watts for patients with well-demarcated papules of sebaceous hyperplasia, and a vascular laser such as the pulsed dye laser if telangiectasias are present.

One limitation of the stepwise method, she said, is that the surgical debulk typically results in a scar, “but it’s rarely noticeable if carefully performed, likely due to fractionated ablative use during the scar remodeling period. It’s important to set expectations with your patient at the initial consult. We always discuss treatment goals and that while we aim achieve the most desirable outcome possible, we’re never going to get them back to having a completely normal nose. They’re always going to have some mild or moderate rhinophymatous changes present.”

Dr. Vincent Richer, Dermatologist, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Dr. Vincent Richer

Vincent Richer, MD, a Vancouver-based medical and cosmetic dermatologist who was asked to comment on these results, characterized the stepwise method as promising. “Though more treatments are required, the easier recovery, safe outcomes in the case presented and excellent cosmetic result made it an interesting alternative when fully ablative resurfacing is daunting, either for patients or physicians involved,” he said in an interview.

The researchers reported having no relevant disclosures. Dr. Richer disclosed that he performs clinical trials for AbbVie/Allergan, Galderma, Leo Pharma, Pfizer, and is a member of advisory board for Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, and Sanofi. He is also a consultant to AbbVie/Allergan, Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, Merz, and Sanofi.

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Combination of energy-based treatments found to improve Becker’s nevi

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Fri, 10/14/2022 - 08:24

Combining 1,550-nm nonablative fractional resurfacing (NAFR) and laser hair removal (LHR) on the same day of treatment safely improves both hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis in Becker’s nevi patients out to 40 weeks, results of a small retrospective case series demonstrated.

During an oral abstract session at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, presenting author Shelby L. Kubicki, MD, said that NAFR and LHR target the clinically bothersome Becker’s nevi features of hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis via different mechanisms. “NAFR creates microcolumns of thermal injury in the skin, which improves hyperpigmentation,” explained Dr. Kubicki, a 3rd-year dermatology resident at University of Texas Health Sciences Center/University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, both in Houston.

“LHR targets follicular melanocytes, which are located more deeply in the dermis,” she said. “This improves hypertrichosis and likely prevents recurrence of hyperpigmentation by targeting these melanocytes that are not reached by NAFR.”

Dermatology fellow, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
Dr. Shelby Kubicki

Dr. Kubicki and her colleagues retrospectively reviewed 12 patients with Becker’s nevus who underwent a mean of 5.3 NAFR treatments at a single dermatology practice at intervals that ranged between 1 and 4 months. The long-pulsed 755-nm alexandrite laser was used for study participants with skin types I-III, while the long-pulsed 1,064-nm Nd: YAG laser was used for those with skin types IV-VI. Ten of the 12 patients underwent concomitant LHR with one of the two devices and three independent physicians used a 5-point visual analog scale (VAS) to rate clinical photographs. All patients completed a strict pre- and postoperative regimen with either 4% hydroquinone or topical 3% tranexamic acid and broad-spectrum sunscreen and postoperative treatment with a midpotency topical corticosteroid for 3 days.

The study is the largest known case series of therapy combining 1,550-nm NAFR and LHR for Becker’s nevus patients with skin types III-VI.

After comparing VAS scores at baseline and follow-up, physicians rated the cosmetic appearance of Becker’s nevus as improving by a range of 51%-75%. Two patients did not undergo LHR: one male patient with Becker’s nevus in his beard region, for whom LHR was undesirable, and a second patient with atrichotic Becker’s nevus. These two patients demonstrated improvements in VAS scores of 26%-50% and 76%-99%, respectively.

No long-term adverse events were observed during follow-up, which ranged from 6 to 40 weeks. “We do want more long-term follow-up,” Dr. Kubicki said, noting that there are more data on some patients to extend the follow-up.

She and her coinvestigators concluded that the results show that treatment with a combination of NAFR and LHR safely addresses both hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis in Becker’s nevi. “In addition, LHR likely prevents recurrence of hyperpigmentation by targeting follicular melanocytes,” she said. “In our study, we did have one patient experience recurrence of a Becker’s nevus during follow-up, but [the rest] did not, which we considered a success.”

Dr. Vincent Richer, Dermatologist, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Dr. Vincent Richer

Vincent Richer, MD, a Vancouver-based medical and cosmetic dermatologist who was asked to comment on the study, characterized Becker’s nevus as a difficult-to-treat condition that is made even more difficult to treat in skin types III-VI.

“Combining laser hair removal using appropriate wavelengths with 1,550-nm nonablative fractional resurfacing yielded good clinical results with few recurrences,” he said in an interview with this news organization. “Though it was a small series, it definitely is an interesting option for practicing dermatologists who encounter patients interested in improving the appearance of a Becker’s nevus.”

The researchers reported having no relevant disclosures.

Dr. Richer disclosed that he performs clinical trials for AbbVie/Allergan, Galderma, Leo Pharma, Pfizer, and is a member of advisory boards for Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, and Sanofi. He is also a consultant to AbbVie/Allergan, Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, Merz, and Sanofi.


Combining 1,550-nm nonablative fractional resurfacing (NAFR) and laser hair removal (LHR) on the same day of treatment safely improves both hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis in Becker’s nevi patients out to 40 weeks, results of a small retrospective case series demonstrated.

During an oral abstract session at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, presenting author Shelby L. Kubicki, MD, said that NAFR and LHR target the clinically bothersome Becker’s nevi features of hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis via different mechanisms. “NAFR creates microcolumns of thermal injury in the skin, which improves hyperpigmentation,” explained Dr. Kubicki, a 3rd-year dermatology resident at University of Texas Health Sciences Center/University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, both in Houston.

“LHR targets follicular melanocytes, which are located more deeply in the dermis,” she said. “This improves hypertrichosis and likely prevents recurrence of hyperpigmentation by targeting these melanocytes that are not reached by NAFR.”

Dermatology fellow, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
Dr. Shelby Kubicki

Dr. Kubicki and her colleagues retrospectively reviewed 12 patients with Becker’s nevus who underwent a mean of 5.3 NAFR treatments at a single dermatology practice at intervals that ranged between 1 and 4 months. The long-pulsed 755-nm alexandrite laser was used for study participants with skin types I-III, while the long-pulsed 1,064-nm Nd: YAG laser was used for those with skin types IV-VI. Ten of the 12 patients underwent concomitant LHR with one of the two devices and three independent physicians used a 5-point visual analog scale (VAS) to rate clinical photographs. All patients completed a strict pre- and postoperative regimen with either 4% hydroquinone or topical 3% tranexamic acid and broad-spectrum sunscreen and postoperative treatment with a midpotency topical corticosteroid for 3 days.

The study is the largest known case series of therapy combining 1,550-nm NAFR and LHR for Becker’s nevus patients with skin types III-VI.

After comparing VAS scores at baseline and follow-up, physicians rated the cosmetic appearance of Becker’s nevus as improving by a range of 51%-75%. Two patients did not undergo LHR: one male patient with Becker’s nevus in his beard region, for whom LHR was undesirable, and a second patient with atrichotic Becker’s nevus. These two patients demonstrated improvements in VAS scores of 26%-50% and 76%-99%, respectively.

No long-term adverse events were observed during follow-up, which ranged from 6 to 40 weeks. “We do want more long-term follow-up,” Dr. Kubicki said, noting that there are more data on some patients to extend the follow-up.

She and her coinvestigators concluded that the results show that treatment with a combination of NAFR and LHR safely addresses both hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis in Becker’s nevi. “In addition, LHR likely prevents recurrence of hyperpigmentation by targeting follicular melanocytes,” she said. “In our study, we did have one patient experience recurrence of a Becker’s nevus during follow-up, but [the rest] did not, which we considered a success.”

Dr. Vincent Richer, Dermatologist, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Dr. Vincent Richer

Vincent Richer, MD, a Vancouver-based medical and cosmetic dermatologist who was asked to comment on the study, characterized Becker’s nevus as a difficult-to-treat condition that is made even more difficult to treat in skin types III-VI.

“Combining laser hair removal using appropriate wavelengths with 1,550-nm nonablative fractional resurfacing yielded good clinical results with few recurrences,” he said in an interview with this news organization. “Though it was a small series, it definitely is an interesting option for practicing dermatologists who encounter patients interested in improving the appearance of a Becker’s nevus.”

The researchers reported having no relevant disclosures.

Dr. Richer disclosed that he performs clinical trials for AbbVie/Allergan, Galderma, Leo Pharma, Pfizer, and is a member of advisory boards for Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, and Sanofi. He is also a consultant to AbbVie/Allergan, Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, Merz, and Sanofi.

Combining 1,550-nm nonablative fractional resurfacing (NAFR) and laser hair removal (LHR) on the same day of treatment safely improves both hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis in Becker’s nevi patients out to 40 weeks, results of a small retrospective case series demonstrated.

During an oral abstract session at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, presenting author Shelby L. Kubicki, MD, said that NAFR and LHR target the clinically bothersome Becker’s nevi features of hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis via different mechanisms. “NAFR creates microcolumns of thermal injury in the skin, which improves hyperpigmentation,” explained Dr. Kubicki, a 3rd-year dermatology resident at University of Texas Health Sciences Center/University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, both in Houston.

“LHR targets follicular melanocytes, which are located more deeply in the dermis,” she said. “This improves hypertrichosis and likely prevents recurrence of hyperpigmentation by targeting these melanocytes that are not reached by NAFR.”

Dermatology fellow, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
Dr. Shelby Kubicki

Dr. Kubicki and her colleagues retrospectively reviewed 12 patients with Becker’s nevus who underwent a mean of 5.3 NAFR treatments at a single dermatology practice at intervals that ranged between 1 and 4 months. The long-pulsed 755-nm alexandrite laser was used for study participants with skin types I-III, while the long-pulsed 1,064-nm Nd: YAG laser was used for those with skin types IV-VI. Ten of the 12 patients underwent concomitant LHR with one of the two devices and three independent physicians used a 5-point visual analog scale (VAS) to rate clinical photographs. All patients completed a strict pre- and postoperative regimen with either 4% hydroquinone or topical 3% tranexamic acid and broad-spectrum sunscreen and postoperative treatment with a midpotency topical corticosteroid for 3 days.

The study is the largest known case series of therapy combining 1,550-nm NAFR and LHR for Becker’s nevus patients with skin types III-VI.

After comparing VAS scores at baseline and follow-up, physicians rated the cosmetic appearance of Becker’s nevus as improving by a range of 51%-75%. Two patients did not undergo LHR: one male patient with Becker’s nevus in his beard region, for whom LHR was undesirable, and a second patient with atrichotic Becker’s nevus. These two patients demonstrated improvements in VAS scores of 26%-50% and 76%-99%, respectively.

No long-term adverse events were observed during follow-up, which ranged from 6 to 40 weeks. “We do want more long-term follow-up,” Dr. Kubicki said, noting that there are more data on some patients to extend the follow-up.

She and her coinvestigators concluded that the results show that treatment with a combination of NAFR and LHR safely addresses both hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis in Becker’s nevi. “In addition, LHR likely prevents recurrence of hyperpigmentation by targeting follicular melanocytes,” she said. “In our study, we did have one patient experience recurrence of a Becker’s nevus during follow-up, but [the rest] did not, which we considered a success.”

Dr. Vincent Richer, Dermatologist, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Dr. Vincent Richer

Vincent Richer, MD, a Vancouver-based medical and cosmetic dermatologist who was asked to comment on the study, characterized Becker’s nevus as a difficult-to-treat condition that is made even more difficult to treat in skin types III-VI.

“Combining laser hair removal using appropriate wavelengths with 1,550-nm nonablative fractional resurfacing yielded good clinical results with few recurrences,” he said in an interview with this news organization. “Though it was a small series, it definitely is an interesting option for practicing dermatologists who encounter patients interested in improving the appearance of a Becker’s nevus.”

The researchers reported having no relevant disclosures.

Dr. Richer disclosed that he performs clinical trials for AbbVie/Allergan, Galderma, Leo Pharma, Pfizer, and is a member of advisory boards for Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, and Sanofi. He is also a consultant to AbbVie/Allergan, Bausch, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, Leo Pharma, L’Oréal, Merz, and Sanofi.

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Noninvasive combination procedure effective for upper arm fat reduction, muscle toning

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Mon, 10/10/2022 - 12:19


Simultaneous use of high intensity focused electromagnetic field (HIFEM) and radiofrequency (RF) was safe and effective for muscle toning and fat reduction in the upper arm area, according to results from a study that analyzed results with MRI and other measures at two dermatology practices.

Simultaneous use of HIFEM and RF has been shown to be safe and effective “for fat reduction and muscle toning in various body parts,” lead study author Carolyn Jacob, MD, founder and director of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, wrote in an abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. This study investigated the effect of the HIFEM and RF procedure on muscle toning and adipose tissue in the upper arms.

founder and director of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology.
Dr. Carolyn Jacob

In what Dr. Jacob described as the first study of its kind because magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to evaluate results, she and her coauthors enrolled 34 patients aged 23-72 years at two centers who had a BMI in the range of 18.5-33.9 kg/m2. The patients underwent four 30-minute bilateral procedures over the upper arms spaced 1 week apart with the Emsculpt NEO (BTL Aesthetics), which simultaneously delivers HIFEM and RF therapy.

NEO small sized applicators were used, which at the time of the study were under investigation but have since been cleared for use with the device. According to the manufacturer’s website, Emsculpt NEO is indicated for noninvasive lipolysis of the abdomen and thighs and reduction in the circumference of the abdomen and thighs in patients with skin types I-VI; and for noninvasive lipolysis of the upper arms “limited to skin types II and III and BMI 30 or under.”

The investigators measured changes in fat and triceps muscle tissue via MRI at baseline, 1-month, and 3-month follow-up visits. They also obtained digital photographs, administered patient questionnaires regarding comfort and satisfaction, and monitored safety of the treatments.

Of the 28 patients who completed their 1-month follow-up visit, analysis of MRI images showed a 22.3% average decrease in fat tissue from baseline MRIs (a decrease of 4.0 ± 1.2 mm; P < .01) and a 21.5% average increase in muscle mass (an increase of 8.2 ± 2.3 mm; P < .001). For the 25 patients who completed their 3-month follow-up visit, analysis of MRI images showed a 25.5% average decrease in fat tissue (a decrease of 4.9 ± 1.5 mm; P < .01) and a 23.9% average increase in muscle mass (an increase of 8.9 ± 2.0 mm; P < .001).

The analysis of questionnaires revealed high patient satisfaction with the results (87.1%), high comfort during the treatment (91.2%), and a low Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score (1.6 ± 2.0) used to evaluate pain.

“This study shows that HIFEM and RF consistently increases muscle and decreases fat,” Dr. Jacob said in an interview. “It’s the only study on the triceps showing MRI evidence of fat loss with a nonsurgical body shaping device.”

She characterized the learning curve for the Emsculpt NEO as “small, as the previous Emsculpt small applicators have a similar fit.”

Pooja Sodha, MD, director of the center for laser and cosmetic dermatology at George Washington University, Washington, who was asked to comment on the study, said that the combination of radiofrequency energy and high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology triggers heat-induced damage of adipose tissue and muscle strengthening, respectively, to improve overall appearance and tone.

“Simultaneous delivery is the key here, and the real technological superhero, allowing us to take advantage of the synergistic effects of the muscle contractions and the tissue heating,” Dr. Sodha told this news organization. “Earlier this year, we saw published data on success with abdominal contouring with similar fat reduction and muscle enhancement as reported in this study, and these results persisted at 6 months,” with some declines noted at that time, she said.

“It is very encouraging and exciting to have similar effectiveness and safety for the arms, with such high satisfaction and comfort,” she added.

Dr. Jacob disclosed that she has conducted research studies for BTL Aesthetics since 2017 and is a member of the company’s advisory board. Dr. Sodha reported having no financial disclosures.



Simultaneous use of high intensity focused electromagnetic field (HIFEM) and radiofrequency (RF) was safe and effective for muscle toning and fat reduction in the upper arm area, according to results from a study that analyzed results with MRI and other measures at two dermatology practices.

Simultaneous use of HIFEM and RF has been shown to be safe and effective “for fat reduction and muscle toning in various body parts,” lead study author Carolyn Jacob, MD, founder and director of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, wrote in an abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. This study investigated the effect of the HIFEM and RF procedure on muscle toning and adipose tissue in the upper arms.

founder and director of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology.
Dr. Carolyn Jacob

In what Dr. Jacob described as the first study of its kind because magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to evaluate results, she and her coauthors enrolled 34 patients aged 23-72 years at two centers who had a BMI in the range of 18.5-33.9 kg/m2. The patients underwent four 30-minute bilateral procedures over the upper arms spaced 1 week apart with the Emsculpt NEO (BTL Aesthetics), which simultaneously delivers HIFEM and RF therapy.

NEO small sized applicators were used, which at the time of the study were under investigation but have since been cleared for use with the device. According to the manufacturer’s website, Emsculpt NEO is indicated for noninvasive lipolysis of the abdomen and thighs and reduction in the circumference of the abdomen and thighs in patients with skin types I-VI; and for noninvasive lipolysis of the upper arms “limited to skin types II and III and BMI 30 or under.”

The investigators measured changes in fat and triceps muscle tissue via MRI at baseline, 1-month, and 3-month follow-up visits. They also obtained digital photographs, administered patient questionnaires regarding comfort and satisfaction, and monitored safety of the treatments.

Of the 28 patients who completed their 1-month follow-up visit, analysis of MRI images showed a 22.3% average decrease in fat tissue from baseline MRIs (a decrease of 4.0 ± 1.2 mm; P < .01) and a 21.5% average increase in muscle mass (an increase of 8.2 ± 2.3 mm; P < .001). For the 25 patients who completed their 3-month follow-up visit, analysis of MRI images showed a 25.5% average decrease in fat tissue (a decrease of 4.9 ± 1.5 mm; P < .01) and a 23.9% average increase in muscle mass (an increase of 8.9 ± 2.0 mm; P < .001).

The analysis of questionnaires revealed high patient satisfaction with the results (87.1%), high comfort during the treatment (91.2%), and a low Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score (1.6 ± 2.0) used to evaluate pain.

“This study shows that HIFEM and RF consistently increases muscle and decreases fat,” Dr. Jacob said in an interview. “It’s the only study on the triceps showing MRI evidence of fat loss with a nonsurgical body shaping device.”

She characterized the learning curve for the Emsculpt NEO as “small, as the previous Emsculpt small applicators have a similar fit.”

Pooja Sodha, MD, director of the center for laser and cosmetic dermatology at George Washington University, Washington, who was asked to comment on the study, said that the combination of radiofrequency energy and high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology triggers heat-induced damage of adipose tissue and muscle strengthening, respectively, to improve overall appearance and tone.

“Simultaneous delivery is the key here, and the real technological superhero, allowing us to take advantage of the synergistic effects of the muscle contractions and the tissue heating,” Dr. Sodha told this news organization. “Earlier this year, we saw published data on success with abdominal contouring with similar fat reduction and muscle enhancement as reported in this study, and these results persisted at 6 months,” with some declines noted at that time, she said.

“It is very encouraging and exciting to have similar effectiveness and safety for the arms, with such high satisfaction and comfort,” she added.

Dr. Jacob disclosed that she has conducted research studies for BTL Aesthetics since 2017 and is a member of the company’s advisory board. Dr. Sodha reported having no financial disclosures.


Simultaneous use of high intensity focused electromagnetic field (HIFEM) and radiofrequency (RF) was safe and effective for muscle toning and fat reduction in the upper arm area, according to results from a study that analyzed results with MRI and other measures at two dermatology practices.

Simultaneous use of HIFEM and RF has been shown to be safe and effective “for fat reduction and muscle toning in various body parts,” lead study author Carolyn Jacob, MD, founder and director of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, wrote in an abstract presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. This study investigated the effect of the HIFEM and RF procedure on muscle toning and adipose tissue in the upper arms.

founder and director of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology.
Dr. Carolyn Jacob

In what Dr. Jacob described as the first study of its kind because magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to evaluate results, she and her coauthors enrolled 34 patients aged 23-72 years at two centers who had a BMI in the range of 18.5-33.9 kg/m2. The patients underwent four 30-minute bilateral procedures over the upper arms spaced 1 week apart with the Emsculpt NEO (BTL Aesthetics), which simultaneously delivers HIFEM and RF therapy.

NEO small sized applicators were used, which at the time of the study were under investigation but have since been cleared for use with the device. According to the manufacturer’s website, Emsculpt NEO is indicated for noninvasive lipolysis of the abdomen and thighs and reduction in the circumference of the abdomen and thighs in patients with skin types I-VI; and for noninvasive lipolysis of the upper arms “limited to skin types II and III and BMI 30 or under.”

The investigators measured changes in fat and triceps muscle tissue via MRI at baseline, 1-month, and 3-month follow-up visits. They also obtained digital photographs, administered patient questionnaires regarding comfort and satisfaction, and monitored safety of the treatments.

Of the 28 patients who completed their 1-month follow-up visit, analysis of MRI images showed a 22.3% average decrease in fat tissue from baseline MRIs (a decrease of 4.0 ± 1.2 mm; P < .01) and a 21.5% average increase in muscle mass (an increase of 8.2 ± 2.3 mm; P < .001). For the 25 patients who completed their 3-month follow-up visit, analysis of MRI images showed a 25.5% average decrease in fat tissue (a decrease of 4.9 ± 1.5 mm; P < .01) and a 23.9% average increase in muscle mass (an increase of 8.9 ± 2.0 mm; P < .001).

The analysis of questionnaires revealed high patient satisfaction with the results (87.1%), high comfort during the treatment (91.2%), and a low Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score (1.6 ± 2.0) used to evaluate pain.

“This study shows that HIFEM and RF consistently increases muscle and decreases fat,” Dr. Jacob said in an interview. “It’s the only study on the triceps showing MRI evidence of fat loss with a nonsurgical body shaping device.”

She characterized the learning curve for the Emsculpt NEO as “small, as the previous Emsculpt small applicators have a similar fit.”

Pooja Sodha, MD, director of the center for laser and cosmetic dermatology at George Washington University, Washington, who was asked to comment on the study, said that the combination of radiofrequency energy and high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology triggers heat-induced damage of adipose tissue and muscle strengthening, respectively, to improve overall appearance and tone.

“Simultaneous delivery is the key here, and the real technological superhero, allowing us to take advantage of the synergistic effects of the muscle contractions and the tissue heating,” Dr. Sodha told this news organization. “Earlier this year, we saw published data on success with abdominal contouring with similar fat reduction and muscle enhancement as reported in this study, and these results persisted at 6 months,” with some declines noted at that time, she said.

“It is very encouraging and exciting to have similar effectiveness and safety for the arms, with such high satisfaction and comfort,” she added.

Dr. Jacob disclosed that she has conducted research studies for BTL Aesthetics since 2017 and is a member of the company’s advisory board. Dr. Sodha reported having no financial disclosures.

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‘Low and Slow’ hyperthermic treatment being evaluated for superficial and nodular BCCs

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Fri, 10/07/2022 - 09:15


Successful treatment of superficial and nodular basal cell cancers can be achieved using apoptosis induced by controlled hyperthermia, preliminary results from an ongoing study suggest.

At the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Christopher Zachary, MD, and colleagues described a novel, noninvasive standardized controlled hyperthermia and mapping protocol (CHAMP) designed to help clinicians with margin assessment and treatment of superficial and nodular basal cell cancers (BCCs). “There’s considerable interest on the part of the public in having CHAMP treatment for their BCCs,” Dr. Zachary, professor and chair emeritus, University of California, Irvine, told this news organization in advance of the meeting.

OCT imaging accurately indicates the presence of nodular BCC in this patient. The yellow arrow points to an ovoid body (BCC) in the upper dermis surrounded by a dense dark shadow.

In the study, which is being conducted at three centers and plans to enroll 100 patients, more than 70 patients with biopsy-proven superficial and nodular BCCs have been scanned with the VivoSight Dx optical coherence tomography (OCT) device to map BCC tumor margins. Next, they were treated with the Sciton 1,064-nm Er:YAG laser equipped with a 4-mm beam diameter scan pattern with no overlap and an 8-millisecond pulse duration, randomized to either 120 J/cm2 pulses, until tissue graying and contraction was observed, or a novel controlled hyperthermia technique known as “Low and Slow” using repeated 25 J/cm2 pulses under thermal camera imaging to maintain a consistent temperature of 55º C for 60 seconds.

The researchers reassessed the tissue response both clinically and by OCT at 3 months and the patients were retreated with the same method if residual BCC was demonstrated. At 3-12 months post treatment, the lesion sites were saucerized and examined histologically by step sections to confirm clearance.

“In contrast to the more commonly performed ‘standard’ long-pulse 1,064-nm laser tumor coagulation, where the end point is graying and contraction of tissue, the new controlled ‘Low and Slow’ technique heats the tissue to 55º C for 60 seconds, avoids ulceration, and induces apoptotic tumor disappearance by a caspase-3 and -7 mechanism,” Dr. Zachary explained in an interview. “It’s a gentler process that allows patients an alternative to second intention wounds that occur after electrodessication and curettage or Mohs,” he added, noting that CHAMP is not intended for the treatment of more complex, large, recurrent, or infiltrative BCCs.

In both study arms, the majority of patients enrolled to date have been found to be free of tumor at 3 months by clinical and OCT examination. “The study is ongoing, but the current numbers indicate that 9 out of 10 superficial and nodular BCCs are free of tumor at 3-12 months after the last treatment,” Dr. Zachary said. The standard-treatment arm, where tissue was treated to a gray color with tissue contraction, generally resulted in more blistering and tissue necrosis with prolonged healing, compared with the Low and Slow–controlled hyperthermia arm. BCC lesions treated in the controlled hyperthermia arm had a lilac gray color with “a surprising increase” in the Doppler blood flow rate, compared with those in the standard-treatment arm, he noted.

“Blood flow following the standard technique is dramatically reduced immediately post treatment, which accounts in part for the frequent ulceration and slow healing in that group,” Dr. Zachary said.

He acknowledged certain limitations of the study, including its relatively small sample size and the fact that the optimal treatment parameters of the Low and Slow technique have yet to be realized. “It could be that we will achieve better results at 50º C for 70 seconds or similar,” he said. “While this technique will not in any way reduce the great benefits of Mohs surgery for complex BCCs, it will benefit those with simpler superficial and nodular BCCs, particularly in those who are not good surgical candidates.”

As an aside, Dr. Zachary supports the increased use of OCT scanners to improve the ability to diagnose and assess the lateral and deep margins of skin cancers. “I think that all dermatology residents should understand how to use these devices,” he said. “I’m convinced they are going to be useful in their clinical practice in the future.”

Keith L. Duffy, MD, who was asked to comment on the work, said that the study demonstrates novel ways to use existing and developing technologies in dermatology and highlights the intersection of aesthetic, surgical, and medical dermatology. “CHAMP is promising as shown by the data in the abstract and I am eager to see the final results of the study with an eye toward final cure rate and cosmesis,” said Dr. Duffy, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

“In my estimation, this technology will need to prove to be superior in one or both of these parameters in order to be considered a first- or second-line therapy,” he added. “My practice for these types of basal cell carcinomas is a simple one pass of curettage with aluminum chloride or pressure for hemostasis. The healing is fast, the cosmesis is excellent, and the cure rate is more than 90% for this simple in-office destruction. However, for those with access to this technology and proficiency with its use, CHAMP may become a viable alternative to our existing destructive methods. I look forward to seeing the published results of this multicenter trial.”

This study is being funded by Michelson Diagnostics. Sciton provided the long-pulsed 1,064-nm lasers devices being used in the trial. Neither Dr. Zachary nor Dr. Duffy reported having relevant disclosures.



Successful treatment of superficial and nodular basal cell cancers can be achieved using apoptosis induced by controlled hyperthermia, preliminary results from an ongoing study suggest.

At the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Christopher Zachary, MD, and colleagues described a novel, noninvasive standardized controlled hyperthermia and mapping protocol (CHAMP) designed to help clinicians with margin assessment and treatment of superficial and nodular basal cell cancers (BCCs). “There’s considerable interest on the part of the public in having CHAMP treatment for their BCCs,” Dr. Zachary, professor and chair emeritus, University of California, Irvine, told this news organization in advance of the meeting.

OCT imaging accurately indicates the presence of nodular BCC in this patient. The yellow arrow points to an ovoid body (BCC) in the upper dermis surrounded by a dense dark shadow.

In the study, which is being conducted at three centers and plans to enroll 100 patients, more than 70 patients with biopsy-proven superficial and nodular BCCs have been scanned with the VivoSight Dx optical coherence tomography (OCT) device to map BCC tumor margins. Next, they were treated with the Sciton 1,064-nm Er:YAG laser equipped with a 4-mm beam diameter scan pattern with no overlap and an 8-millisecond pulse duration, randomized to either 120 J/cm2 pulses, until tissue graying and contraction was observed, or a novel controlled hyperthermia technique known as “Low and Slow” using repeated 25 J/cm2 pulses under thermal camera imaging to maintain a consistent temperature of 55º C for 60 seconds.

The researchers reassessed the tissue response both clinically and by OCT at 3 months and the patients were retreated with the same method if residual BCC was demonstrated. At 3-12 months post treatment, the lesion sites were saucerized and examined histologically by step sections to confirm clearance.

“In contrast to the more commonly performed ‘standard’ long-pulse 1,064-nm laser tumor coagulation, where the end point is graying and contraction of tissue, the new controlled ‘Low and Slow’ technique heats the tissue to 55º C for 60 seconds, avoids ulceration, and induces apoptotic tumor disappearance by a caspase-3 and -7 mechanism,” Dr. Zachary explained in an interview. “It’s a gentler process that allows patients an alternative to second intention wounds that occur after electrodessication and curettage or Mohs,” he added, noting that CHAMP is not intended for the treatment of more complex, large, recurrent, or infiltrative BCCs.

In both study arms, the majority of patients enrolled to date have been found to be free of tumor at 3 months by clinical and OCT examination. “The study is ongoing, but the current numbers indicate that 9 out of 10 superficial and nodular BCCs are free of tumor at 3-12 months after the last treatment,” Dr. Zachary said. The standard-treatment arm, where tissue was treated to a gray color with tissue contraction, generally resulted in more blistering and tissue necrosis with prolonged healing, compared with the Low and Slow–controlled hyperthermia arm. BCC lesions treated in the controlled hyperthermia arm had a lilac gray color with “a surprising increase” in the Doppler blood flow rate, compared with those in the standard-treatment arm, he noted.

“Blood flow following the standard technique is dramatically reduced immediately post treatment, which accounts in part for the frequent ulceration and slow healing in that group,” Dr. Zachary said.

He acknowledged certain limitations of the study, including its relatively small sample size and the fact that the optimal treatment parameters of the Low and Slow technique have yet to be realized. “It could be that we will achieve better results at 50º C for 70 seconds or similar,” he said. “While this technique will not in any way reduce the great benefits of Mohs surgery for complex BCCs, it will benefit those with simpler superficial and nodular BCCs, particularly in those who are not good surgical candidates.”

As an aside, Dr. Zachary supports the increased use of OCT scanners to improve the ability to diagnose and assess the lateral and deep margins of skin cancers. “I think that all dermatology residents should understand how to use these devices,” he said. “I’m convinced they are going to be useful in their clinical practice in the future.”

Keith L. Duffy, MD, who was asked to comment on the work, said that the study demonstrates novel ways to use existing and developing technologies in dermatology and highlights the intersection of aesthetic, surgical, and medical dermatology. “CHAMP is promising as shown by the data in the abstract and I am eager to see the final results of the study with an eye toward final cure rate and cosmesis,” said Dr. Duffy, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

“In my estimation, this technology will need to prove to be superior in one or both of these parameters in order to be considered a first- or second-line therapy,” he added. “My practice for these types of basal cell carcinomas is a simple one pass of curettage with aluminum chloride or pressure for hemostasis. The healing is fast, the cosmesis is excellent, and the cure rate is more than 90% for this simple in-office destruction. However, for those with access to this technology and proficiency with its use, CHAMP may become a viable alternative to our existing destructive methods. I look forward to seeing the published results of this multicenter trial.”

This study is being funded by Michelson Diagnostics. Sciton provided the long-pulsed 1,064-nm lasers devices being used in the trial. Neither Dr. Zachary nor Dr. Duffy reported having relevant disclosures.


Successful treatment of superficial and nodular basal cell cancers can be achieved using apoptosis induced by controlled hyperthermia, preliminary results from an ongoing study suggest.

At the annual meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Christopher Zachary, MD, and colleagues described a novel, noninvasive standardized controlled hyperthermia and mapping protocol (CHAMP) designed to help clinicians with margin assessment and treatment of superficial and nodular basal cell cancers (BCCs). “There’s considerable interest on the part of the public in having CHAMP treatment for their BCCs,” Dr. Zachary, professor and chair emeritus, University of California, Irvine, told this news organization in advance of the meeting.

OCT imaging accurately indicates the presence of nodular BCC in this patient. The yellow arrow points to an ovoid body (BCC) in the upper dermis surrounded by a dense dark shadow.

In the study, which is being conducted at three centers and plans to enroll 100 patients, more than 70 patients with biopsy-proven superficial and nodular BCCs have been scanned with the VivoSight Dx optical coherence tomography (OCT) device to map BCC tumor margins. Next, they were treated with the Sciton 1,064-nm Er:YAG laser equipped with a 4-mm beam diameter scan pattern with no overlap and an 8-millisecond pulse duration, randomized to either 120 J/cm2 pulses, until tissue graying and contraction was observed, or a novel controlled hyperthermia technique known as “Low and Slow” using repeated 25 J/cm2 pulses under thermal camera imaging to maintain a consistent temperature of 55º C for 60 seconds.

The researchers reassessed the tissue response both clinically and by OCT at 3 months and the patients were retreated with the same method if residual BCC was demonstrated. At 3-12 months post treatment, the lesion sites were saucerized and examined histologically by step sections to confirm clearance.

“In contrast to the more commonly performed ‘standard’ long-pulse 1,064-nm laser tumor coagulation, where the end point is graying and contraction of tissue, the new controlled ‘Low and Slow’ technique heats the tissue to 55º C for 60 seconds, avoids ulceration, and induces apoptotic tumor disappearance by a caspase-3 and -7 mechanism,” Dr. Zachary explained in an interview. “It’s a gentler process that allows patients an alternative to second intention wounds that occur after electrodessication and curettage or Mohs,” he added, noting that CHAMP is not intended for the treatment of more complex, large, recurrent, or infiltrative BCCs.

In both study arms, the majority of patients enrolled to date have been found to be free of tumor at 3 months by clinical and OCT examination. “The study is ongoing, but the current numbers indicate that 9 out of 10 superficial and nodular BCCs are free of tumor at 3-12 months after the last treatment,” Dr. Zachary said. The standard-treatment arm, where tissue was treated to a gray color with tissue contraction, generally resulted in more blistering and tissue necrosis with prolonged healing, compared with the Low and Slow–controlled hyperthermia arm. BCC lesions treated in the controlled hyperthermia arm had a lilac gray color with “a surprising increase” in the Doppler blood flow rate, compared with those in the standard-treatment arm, he noted.

“Blood flow following the standard technique is dramatically reduced immediately post treatment, which accounts in part for the frequent ulceration and slow healing in that group,” Dr. Zachary said.

He acknowledged certain limitations of the study, including its relatively small sample size and the fact that the optimal treatment parameters of the Low and Slow technique have yet to be realized. “It could be that we will achieve better results at 50º C for 70 seconds or similar,” he said. “While this technique will not in any way reduce the great benefits of Mohs surgery for complex BCCs, it will benefit those with simpler superficial and nodular BCCs, particularly in those who are not good surgical candidates.”

As an aside, Dr. Zachary supports the increased use of OCT scanners to improve the ability to diagnose and assess the lateral and deep margins of skin cancers. “I think that all dermatology residents should understand how to use these devices,” he said. “I’m convinced they are going to be useful in their clinical practice in the future.”

Keith L. Duffy, MD, who was asked to comment on the work, said that the study demonstrates novel ways to use existing and developing technologies in dermatology and highlights the intersection of aesthetic, surgical, and medical dermatology. “CHAMP is promising as shown by the data in the abstract and I am eager to see the final results of the study with an eye toward final cure rate and cosmesis,” said Dr. Duffy, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

“In my estimation, this technology will need to prove to be superior in one or both of these parameters in order to be considered a first- or second-line therapy,” he added. “My practice for these types of basal cell carcinomas is a simple one pass of curettage with aluminum chloride or pressure for hemostasis. The healing is fast, the cosmesis is excellent, and the cure rate is more than 90% for this simple in-office destruction. However, for those with access to this technology and proficiency with its use, CHAMP may become a viable alternative to our existing destructive methods. I look forward to seeing the published results of this multicenter trial.”

This study is being funded by Michelson Diagnostics. Sciton provided the long-pulsed 1,064-nm lasers devices being used in the trial. Neither Dr. Zachary nor Dr. Duffy reported having relevant disclosures.

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