Conference Coverage

Excessive drooling is a sign of greater dysfunction in patients with Parkinson’s disease


From EAN 2021

Excessive drooling by patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease is an indicator of greater motor and nonmotor dysfunction, new research shows. “Sialorrhea is not just a cosmetic problem,” study investigator Francesca Morgante, MD, associate professor of neurology, St. George’s University, London, told this news organization.

“We need to understand the relationship between sialorrhea and these speech and swallowing disturbances and whether treatment for sialorrhea improves that,” Dr. Morgante added.

The findings were presented at the 2021 Congress of the European Academy of Neurology.

Underrecognized symptom

Sialorrhea is an underrecognized nonmotor symptom that can affect up to 70% of patients with Parkinson’s disease, said co-investigator Ioana Cociasu, PhD, postdoctoral research fellow, Neurosciences Research Center, St. George’s University. The impact on quality of life increases with disease severity, she said.

The current study included 101 consecutive patients attending an advanced Parkinson’s disease disorders clinic. Researchers collected demographic data that included information on gender, age, age at Parkinson’s disease onset, and disease duration. They also gathered data on motor symptoms by assessing total levodopa equivalent daily dose (LEDD) and LEDD dopamine agonists. They also assessed results on the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) part III and the Hoehn and Yahr scale for on- and off-medication states.

Nonmotor functioning was assessed using the Non-Motor Symptoms Scale (NMSS) and Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson’s disease–autonomic dysfunction (SCOPA-AUT) questionnaire. Among patients with Parkinson’s disease, autonomic dysfunction can precede motor impairment and can involve orthostatic and postprandial hypotension, among other symptoms, the investigators noted.

Health status and quality of life were assessed using the Parkinson’s disease questionnaire–39 items (PDQ-39). The Radboud Oral Motor Inventory for PD (ROMP) was used to measure orofacial symptoms. ROMP is a self-administered questionnaire that evaluates speech, swallowing disturbances, and drooling of saliva. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment test was also used.

Investigators compared participants with sialorrhea to those without sialorrhea, described as droolers and nondroolers. Droolers were defined as those scoring higher than 1 on the UPDRS-II item 6. This signified slight but definite presence of saliva in the mouth and/or the possibility of nighttime drooling.

Greater impairment

Among the participants, 65 (64.4%) were classified as droolers, and 36 (35.6%) as nondroolers.

Patients with both Parkinson’s disease and sialorrhea were significantly more impaired in terms of motor functioning than those without sialorrhea. In these patients, the UPDRS-III was more severe in both the off- (P = .03) and on-states (P = .002), and they had less improvement with the levodopa challenge test (P = .007).

Droolers were also more severely affected by nonmotor problems. They had more severe speech dysfunction (P < .0001) and swallowing dysfunction (P < .05), and they had higher scores on the NMSS (P = .0008) and SCOPA-AUT (P = .003) and poorer quality-of-life scores on the PDQ-39 (P = .049).

To evaluate respiratory tract infections, the researchers used electronic health records. About 15.4% of the study population had had a documented respiratory infection since they were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

Upper and lower respiratory tract infections were more frequent among droolers than nondroolers (P = .05).

“Infections might arise from swallowing disturbances leading to aspiration and drooling,” Dr. Morgante noted.

The drooling did not appear to affect cognition or sleep in these patients.


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