Hitting a Nerve

Hitting a Nerve

A Welcome Trade-off

Inpatient medicine these days, for better or worse, is a younger person’s game.

Hitting a Nerve

When the Next Big Thing Falls Short

Medicine, unfortunately, is littered with ideas that should have worked, but either didn’t, or at least aren’t as good as we thought they should...

Hitting a Nerve

Using the Road Map

What we learn through training and years of experience isn’t so much the answers to everything as much as the road map on how to get there.

Hitting a Nerve

‘Miracle’ Drugs

We want to be believe something will cure whatever ails us without side effects or other fuss.

Hitting a Nerve

Different cultures, same wiring

Disease prevalence varies by regions, and there are certain genetic issues one has to take into account, but the basic principles of medicine are...

Hitting a Nerve

Weighing the Big Decisions

With an office lease and board certification up for renewal in a few years, where does retirement fit in?...
