Conference Coverage

Postpartum depression often tricky to diagnose



– Diagnosing postpartum depression can be tricky because of the wide range of body changes that occur during the postpartum period, but vigilance is warranted with mothers who express a lack of sleep and a lack of social support.

Dr. Susan Hatters Friedman, perinatal and forensic psychiatrist, Case Western University, Ohio Doug Brunk/MDedge News

Dr. Susan Hatters Friedman

One of the best questions to ask is: “Are you able to sleep when the baby sleeps?” Susan Hatters Friedman, MD, said at an annual psychopharmacology update held by the Nevada Psychiatric Association. “This gives you information about depression and insomnia. Make sure to ask about anxiety symptoms. Also ask about any thoughts of suicide or harming the infant, and support from family and friends when she’s under stress and taking care of the baby.”

According to Dr. Friedman, a perinatal and forensic psychiatrist at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, social risk factors for postpartum depression (PPD) include being a victim of intimate partner violence and/or abuse, negative life events, decreased social support, relationship issues, and socioeconomic status. Psychological risk factors include anxiety/depression in pregnancy, personal or family history of PPD, and substance misuse. Biological risk factors include medical illness, multiple births, and having an infant with low birth weight/prematurity.

PPD affects 10%-20% of new mothers and peaks at 12 weeks. Postpartum psychosis, meanwhile, occurs in about 1-2 of every 1,000 deliveries. Anxiety comorbidity is common.

In the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), PPD rates might increase from 28% to 70% depending on the study. Risk factors include personal or family history, disturbed relationships, unfavorable socioeconomic factors, and stressful life events. Obstetrical risk factors might include conception by assisted reproductive technologies and having a stillbirth in the year before conception. NICU-specific risk factors include less-effective coping strategies, greater perception of maternal role disruption, and decreased perception of nursing support. “A lot of mothers [in the NICU] talk to me about being on a roller roaster every day about what’s going to happen with their baby,” Dr. Friedman said.

The most widely used measure to screen for PPD is the 10-item self-rating Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale . A total score of 10 or more is considered a flag for the need to follow up for possible depressive symptoms. She advises clinicians to pay particular attention to how patients respond to item No. 10 on the scale, which reads, “The thought of harming myself has occurred to me.” (Optional answers range from “Yes, quite often” to “Never.”) She also recommends administering the screen at both pediatric and obstetrical office visits, “because mothers are more likely to attend a pediatrics appointment than her own [postpartum] follow-up.”

The differential diagnosis of PPD includes the baby blues, postpartum psychosis, postpartum anxiety/PTSD, medical causes, substance use disorder, and PPD in bipolar disorder. Baby blues is not synonymous with PPD. It affects the majority (50%-80%) of new mothers and is characterized by emotional sensitivity, mood lability, and irritability. It usually occurs within 5 days and resolves by the second week post partum.

Postpartum psychosis (PPP) occurs in about 1-2 of every 1,000 deliveries, typically in the first 2 weeks after delivery. The onset occurs rapidly, and PPP is most frequently correlated with bipolar disorder over time. PPP itself is characterized by grandiose bizarre delusions, mood lability, hallucinations, confusion, and disorganized behavior. “This can occur as a new onset of mental illness as well, so getting collateral information about her behaviors is important,” she said.

Dr. Friedman explained that those events occur post partum largely because of sleep deprivation and increasing stress as the woman adjusts to a mothering role. Hormonal shifts also occur, with a drop in estrogen levels. Obstetrical complications also might factor in.


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