
Texas SB8 and the future of abortion care

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What Texas Senate Bill 8 means for patients and clinicians while the Supreme Court hears arguments on the bill



Texas Senate Bill 8 (SB8) is the most extreme antiabortion legislation currently in effect in the United States. SB8 was introduced by the Texas legislature on March 11, 2021, and signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott on May 19, 2021.1 The law went into effect on September 1, 2021, despite an appeal to the US Supreme Court to block the law until the courts could weigh in on its constitutionality. The bill prohibits all abortion care in the state of Texas after cardiac activity has been identified, typically at 6 weeks’ gestational age. The majority of pregnant people may be unaware at that point that they are pregnant, particularly if their menstrual cycles are irregular.2 An estimated 85% of abortions in Texas occur after the 6-week mark, leaving millions of Texans without the constitutionally protected rights assured to them in Roe v Wade.3,4 This has and will disproportionately impact communities of color and low-income people seeking abortion care.

SB8 does not contain exceptions in case of a pregnancy that results from rape, sexual assault, or incest, but it does contain an exemption for abortion care because of a medical emergency, as approved by a physician. The physician is required to note the medical emergency in the patient’s chart, stating that the “medical emergency necessitated the abortion” and “prevented compliance” with SB8.5 In practice, this exception is so vague as to leave clinicians concerned that routine management of medical conditions and complications, as in ectopic pregnancy, places them at risk of legal action against them and their colleagues should they authorize abortion care.

In Texas, abortion restrictions are nothing new. Texas patients are already subject to a 2-trip requirement: Since 2011 they have been required to have a mandatory ultrasound in one visit and schedule a second visit, 24 hours later, for the procedure.6 As of 2003, Texas law also mandates that providers discuss with patients the medical risks, adoption alternatives, and developmental stages of the pregnancy.6 There are no medical indications for either of these laws, and their impact is to delay patient care. Unfortunately, laws such as these have been increasingly common in the past decade, with 106 abortion restrictions enacted in 2021 alone.7,8

What is different about SB8?

SB8 is unique in that it deputizes private citizens to enforce the law. This represents a major change in the antichoice movement’s tactics, as previous bills have made violations a criminal offense. SB8 allows a citizen to sue anyone associated with abortion care, with a minimum penalty of $10,000. In practice, a citizen of another state, who has no connection to the patient receiving care, can sue under this Texas law.9 Anyone “aiding and abetting a violation” can be found liable for up to 4 years after the date of care, including, for example, a ride-hailing driver called to ferry the patient to the appointment, the health care team providing abortion care, or insurance companies covering the costs of care. In addition, anyone found guilty of “aiding and abetting” a violation of the bill is responsible for all costs and attorney fees associated with the civil case.5,10

Furthermore, SB8 outlines defenses that cannot be used to preempt a finding of civil liability, including “ignorance or mistake of the law,” “belief of the law’s unconstitutionality,” and “consent of the [patient] to the abortion.”5 This additional layer of restriction makes it difficult to appeal the bill and convolutes an individual’s ability to challenge the law. The law also forbids the state (Texas), a state official, a court, or a district attorney from intervening on behalf of the law—upending typical courses of appeal. This legislation also complicates both federal and state intervention regarding SB8’s constitutionality, as the state has no role in enforcing the law as it is written.5

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