Dr. Stanciu: Is there a stipend or additional compensation for administrative duties?
Dr. Penders: Always. There is considerable time and effort needed on a flexibly “as needed” basis that serves as a justification for administrative compensation.
Dr. Stanciu: Any major differences when working in an independent facility vs a large corporation?
Dr. Penders: As health care organizations become larger and more complex, the role of medical directorships in the larger systems are generally defined by policies that can be restrictive. Small organizations may have less formal rules and allow some flexibility for the role of medical leadership in general.
Dr. Stanciu: What preparation do you suggest for trainees and early career psychiatrists who are contemplating such a role?
Dr. Penders: Become involved in quality and organizational initiatives whenever they are available. Generally, organizations will invite and value the input trainees can provide to these efforts. Functioning as a chief resident is real-world experience that can be invaluable.