Recently, inflammation and inflammatory biomarkers have become an important topic of psychiatric research. A meta-analysis by Fraguas et al3 concluded that greater inflammation and oxidative stress might lead to poorer outcomes in patients with first-episode psychosis. Based on this evidence, inflammation associated with untreated HIV infection may compound the pre-existing neurocognitive decline seen in patients with schizophrenia and other psychoses, thereby contributing to poor outcomes and treatment-resistant pathology.
Clozapine has been the superior treatment for refractory and nonrefractory schizophrenia.4 Factor et al5 report there are limited basal ganglia reserves in patients with HIV, which make clozapine the preferred option due to its low potential for causing EPS.
In this case, starting Mr. F on clozapine and titrating to therapeutic blood levels was associated with improved MoCA scores. Low MoCA scores could be due to untreated HIV, as well as inadequately treated psychosis. For Mr. F, improved MoCA scores were associated with increased insight into his HIV. It is important to note that Mr. F’s improved MoCA score also coincided with discontinuing monthly haloperidol decanoate injections. Haloperidol and its metabolites are believed to cause some neurotoxicity at high doses, and can contribute to cognitive impairment. This may partially explain the increased MoCA score after Mr. F stopped receiving haloperidol decanoate monthly injections.6 For the first time, he felt the need to be on antiretroviral therapy for his HIV, and was able to understand the chronic nature of HIV infection.
The benefit of clozapine treatment for patients with schizophrenia and comorbid HIV extends beyond symptomatic control. Long-term and consistent treatment of schizophrenia can be a stepping stone for improving many psychosocial factors. Improved insight allows patients to better understand their illness, treatment regimen, and follow-up needs. Improved self-care contributes to increased adherence to treatment regimens and overall health.
It is likely that patients who are consistently treated for schizophrenia will also have an increased capacity to understand their HIV diagnosis. With gained understanding, patients may be more likely to adhere to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for HIV and attend follow-up appointments with infectious disease or primary care physicians. Furthermore, with adherence to HAART therapy, patients can enjoy improved quality and duration of life by raising CD4 counts and preventing progression to AIDS and AIDS-related infections.
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