DoxyPEP: A New Option to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections

Article Type
Fri, 01/26/2024 - 11:47

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to have a significant impact on the lives of adolescents and young adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 2021 surveillance report, rates of gonorrhea and syphilis in the United States were at their highest since the early 1990s. Chlamydia, one of the most common STIs, had a peak rate in 2019, but more recent rates may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, those 15-24 years of age accounted for 58.5% of all chlamydia infections, 40.4% of all gonorrhea infections, and 18.3% of all syphilis infections in the US.

While pediatricians should discuss sexual health and STI screening with all their adolescent and young adult patients, LGBTQ+ youth are disproportionately impacted by STIs. For example, cisgender men who have sex with men have significantly higher rates of HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis. These disparities are likely related to unequal access to care, systemic homophobia/transphobia, stigma, and differences in sexual networks and are even more pronounced for those with intersectional minoritized identities such as LGBTQ+ youth of color.1

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Courtesy Dr. Warus
Dr. Jonathan Warus

In the past 12 years, there have been significant advances in HIV prevention methods, including the approval and use of pre-exposure prophylaxis or “PrEP” (a medication regimen that is taken on an ongoing basis to provide highly effective protection against HIV infection) and more widespread use of post-exposure prophylaxis or “PEP” (a medication regimen taken for 1 month after a potential exposure to HIV to prevent HIV from establishing an ongoing infection) outside of the medical setting. While these interventions have the potential to decrease rates of HIV infection, they do not prevent any other STIs.2-3

The current strategies to prevent bacterial STIs include discussions of sexual practices, counseling on risk reduction strategies such as decreased number of partners and condom use, routine screening in those at risk every 3-12 months, and timely diagnosis and treatment of infections in patients and their partners to avoid further transmission.4 Given the increasing rates of bacterial STIs (gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis), additional biomedical prevention methods are greatly needed.

Doxycycline as post-exposure prophylaxis

Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic effective against a wide range of bacteria and is commonly used in the treatment of acne, skin infections, Lyme disease, and STIs, and can also be used in the treatment and prevention of malaria.5 For STIs, doxycycline is currently the recommended treatment for chlamydia and is also an alternate therapy for syphilis in nonpregnant patients when penicillin is not accessible or in those with severe penicillin allergy.4 This medication is often well tolerated with the most common side effects including gastrointestinal irritation and photosensitivity. Doxycycline is contraindicated in pregnancy due to its potential impact on tooth and bone development.5

Given its general tolerability and activity against bacterial STIs, new and emerging studies have examined doxycycline as post-exposure prophylaxis (DoxyPEP: one dose of doxycycline 200 mg PO within 72 hours after unprotected sex) in an attempt to decrease the incidence of new bacterial STIs in populations at risk. Three of the studies cited in the preliminary CDC DoxyPEP guidelines were conducted in cisgender men who have sex with men and transgender women either living with HIV or taking PrEP for HIV prevention. All three studies demonstrated significantly lower risk of chlamydia and syphilis, while two of the studies also showed a significantly lower risk of gonorrhea. One additional study was conducted in cisgender women in Kenya. This study did not show any statistically significant difference in the risk of chlamydia or gonorrhea in the intervention group, but may have been limited by low adherence to the DoxyPEP regimen. There were no serious adverse events reported in any of the studies attributed to doxycycline.6



Avoiding antibiotic resistance

With the increased use of antibiotics, attention must always be paid to the potential for increasing antibiotic resistance. The preliminary CDC DoxyPEP guidelines outline mixed results in the DoxyPEP studies that had limited follow-up timeframes, making it difficult to draw conclusions: “Current data suggest overall benefit of the use of doxycycline PEP, but potential risks related to the development of resistance and impacts on the microbiome will need to be closely monitored after implementation of these guidelines.” Official guideline recommendations from the CDC regarding DoxyPEP are currently pending after a period of public comment on the preliminary drafted guidelines.6 However, the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute released guidelines for DoxyPEP in September 2023 and several large urban public health departments have also issued their own guidance that largely align with the preliminary CDC guidelines.7

Recommendations currently emphasize that the goal is to allow for implementation of DoxyPEP in those who would benefit the most from the intervention (i.e., cisgender men who have sex with men and transgender women with a history of at least one bacterial STI in the last 12 months with ongoing risk of infection), while also minimizing antibiotic use. It should also be considered for those without a recent infection who have increased likelihood of exposure to bacterial STIs. DoxyPEP is likely to be effective in other populations (e.g., cisgender women, cisgender men who have sex with women, transgender men), but data are currently limited, and the risk/benefit ratio may be different in these populations. The recommended dose for DoxyPEP is doxycycline 200 mg once as soon as possible (within 72 hours) of unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sex with a maximum of one dose every 24 hours. For those being prescribed DoxyPEP, gonorrhea and chlamydia screening of all anatomic sites of exposure (urine sample or frontal swab, throat swab, and/or rectal swab) should be conducted at baseline and then every 3-6 months in addition to blood testing for syphilis and HIV if indicated.6-7

Another option in our toolkit

DoxyPEP should be viewed as one more option in our toolkit of sexual health services alongside risk reduction strategies (e.g., open discussions with partners, decreased number of partners, and condom use), routine STI screening and treatment, PrEP and PEP for HIV prevention, and pregnancy prevention. Not all of these tools will be relevant to each individual and discussions around sexual health should be patient-centered and focused on their own personal goals. As pediatricians, we should provide guidance to all adolescents and young adults on options to improve their sexual health and empower them to embrace their bodily autonomy.

Dr. Warus is in the division of adolescent and young adult medicine at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, where he specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC.


CDC – Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment Guidelines, 2021

CDC – [Preliminary] Guidelines for the Use of Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention

New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute – Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis to Prevent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health – DoxyPEP for STI Prevention


1. Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2021: National Overview of STDs, 2021. Last Reviewed May 16, 2023.

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: US Public Health Service: Preexposure Prophylaxis for the Prevention of HIV Infection in the United States – 2021 Update: A Clinical Practice Guideline. Published 2021.

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: US Department of Health and Human Services: Updated Guidelines for Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis After Sexual, Injection Drug Use, or Other Nonoccupational Exposure to HIV – United States, 2016. Published 2016. .

4. Workowski KA et al. Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment Guidelines, 2021. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2021;70(4):2-10.

5. Patel RS and Parmar M. Doxycycline Hyclate. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Last Updated May 22, 2023.

6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Preliminary] Guidelines for the Use of Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention. Published Oct 1, 2023.

7. DiMarco DE, et al. Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis to Prevent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections. New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute. Published September 25, 2023.


Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to have a significant impact on the lives of adolescents and young adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 2021 surveillance report, rates of gonorrhea and syphilis in the United States were at their highest since the early 1990s. Chlamydia, one of the most common STIs, had a peak rate in 2019, but more recent rates may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, those 15-24 years of age accounted for 58.5% of all chlamydia infections, 40.4% of all gonorrhea infections, and 18.3% of all syphilis infections in the US.

While pediatricians should discuss sexual health and STI screening with all their adolescent and young adult patients, LGBTQ+ youth are disproportionately impacted by STIs. For example, cisgender men who have sex with men have significantly higher rates of HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis. These disparities are likely related to unequal access to care, systemic homophobia/transphobia, stigma, and differences in sexual networks and are even more pronounced for those with intersectional minoritized identities such as LGBTQ+ youth of color.1

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Courtesy Dr. Warus
Dr. Jonathan Warus

In the past 12 years, there have been significant advances in HIV prevention methods, including the approval and use of pre-exposure prophylaxis or “PrEP” (a medication regimen that is taken on an ongoing basis to provide highly effective protection against HIV infection) and more widespread use of post-exposure prophylaxis or “PEP” (a medication regimen taken for 1 month after a potential exposure to HIV to prevent HIV from establishing an ongoing infection) outside of the medical setting. While these interventions have the potential to decrease rates of HIV infection, they do not prevent any other STIs.2-3

The current strategies to prevent bacterial STIs include discussions of sexual practices, counseling on risk reduction strategies such as decreased number of partners and condom use, routine screening in those at risk every 3-12 months, and timely diagnosis and treatment of infections in patients and their partners to avoid further transmission.4 Given the increasing rates of bacterial STIs (gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis), additional biomedical prevention methods are greatly needed.

Doxycycline as post-exposure prophylaxis

Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic effective against a wide range of bacteria and is commonly used in the treatment of acne, skin infections, Lyme disease, and STIs, and can also be used in the treatment and prevention of malaria.5 For STIs, doxycycline is currently the recommended treatment for chlamydia and is also an alternate therapy for syphilis in nonpregnant patients when penicillin is not accessible or in those with severe penicillin allergy.4 This medication is often well tolerated with the most common side effects including gastrointestinal irritation and photosensitivity. Doxycycline is contraindicated in pregnancy due to its potential impact on tooth and bone development.5

Given its general tolerability and activity against bacterial STIs, new and emerging studies have examined doxycycline as post-exposure prophylaxis (DoxyPEP: one dose of doxycycline 200 mg PO within 72 hours after unprotected sex) in an attempt to decrease the incidence of new bacterial STIs in populations at risk. Three of the studies cited in the preliminary CDC DoxyPEP guidelines were conducted in cisgender men who have sex with men and transgender women either living with HIV or taking PrEP for HIV prevention. All three studies demonstrated significantly lower risk of chlamydia and syphilis, while two of the studies also showed a significantly lower risk of gonorrhea. One additional study was conducted in cisgender women in Kenya. This study did not show any statistically significant difference in the risk of chlamydia or gonorrhea in the intervention group, but may have been limited by low adherence to the DoxyPEP regimen. There were no serious adverse events reported in any of the studies attributed to doxycycline.6



Avoiding antibiotic resistance

With the increased use of antibiotics, attention must always be paid to the potential for increasing antibiotic resistance. The preliminary CDC DoxyPEP guidelines outline mixed results in the DoxyPEP studies that had limited follow-up timeframes, making it difficult to draw conclusions: “Current data suggest overall benefit of the use of doxycycline PEP, but potential risks related to the development of resistance and impacts on the microbiome will need to be closely monitored after implementation of these guidelines.” Official guideline recommendations from the CDC regarding DoxyPEP are currently pending after a period of public comment on the preliminary drafted guidelines.6 However, the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute released guidelines for DoxyPEP in September 2023 and several large urban public health departments have also issued their own guidance that largely align with the preliminary CDC guidelines.7

Recommendations currently emphasize that the goal is to allow for implementation of DoxyPEP in those who would benefit the most from the intervention (i.e., cisgender men who have sex with men and transgender women with a history of at least one bacterial STI in the last 12 months with ongoing risk of infection), while also minimizing antibiotic use. It should also be considered for those without a recent infection who have increased likelihood of exposure to bacterial STIs. DoxyPEP is likely to be effective in other populations (e.g., cisgender women, cisgender men who have sex with women, transgender men), but data are currently limited, and the risk/benefit ratio may be different in these populations. The recommended dose for DoxyPEP is doxycycline 200 mg once as soon as possible (within 72 hours) of unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sex with a maximum of one dose every 24 hours. For those being prescribed DoxyPEP, gonorrhea and chlamydia screening of all anatomic sites of exposure (urine sample or frontal swab, throat swab, and/or rectal swab) should be conducted at baseline and then every 3-6 months in addition to blood testing for syphilis and HIV if indicated.6-7

Another option in our toolkit

DoxyPEP should be viewed as one more option in our toolkit of sexual health services alongside risk reduction strategies (e.g., open discussions with partners, decreased number of partners, and condom use), routine STI screening and treatment, PrEP and PEP for HIV prevention, and pregnancy prevention. Not all of these tools will be relevant to each individual and discussions around sexual health should be patient-centered and focused on their own personal goals. As pediatricians, we should provide guidance to all adolescents and young adults on options to improve their sexual health and empower them to embrace their bodily autonomy.

Dr. Warus is in the division of adolescent and young adult medicine at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, where he specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC.


CDC – Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment Guidelines, 2021

CDC – [Preliminary] Guidelines for the Use of Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention

New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute – Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis to Prevent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health – DoxyPEP for STI Prevention


1. Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2021: National Overview of STDs, 2021. Last Reviewed May 16, 2023.

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: US Public Health Service: Preexposure Prophylaxis for the Prevention of HIV Infection in the United States – 2021 Update: A Clinical Practice Guideline. Published 2021.

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: US Department of Health and Human Services: Updated Guidelines for Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis After Sexual, Injection Drug Use, or Other Nonoccupational Exposure to HIV – United States, 2016. Published 2016. .

4. Workowski KA et al. Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment Guidelines, 2021. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2021;70(4):2-10.

5. Patel RS and Parmar M. Doxycycline Hyclate. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Last Updated May 22, 2023.

6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Preliminary] Guidelines for the Use of Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention. Published Oct 1, 2023.

7. DiMarco DE, et al. Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis to Prevent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections. New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute. Published September 25, 2023.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to have a significant impact on the lives of adolescents and young adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 2021 surveillance report, rates of gonorrhea and syphilis in the United States were at their highest since the early 1990s. Chlamydia, one of the most common STIs, had a peak rate in 2019, but more recent rates may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, those 15-24 years of age accounted for 58.5% of all chlamydia infections, 40.4% of all gonorrhea infections, and 18.3% of all syphilis infections in the US.

While pediatricians should discuss sexual health and STI screening with all their adolescent and young adult patients, LGBTQ+ youth are disproportionately impacted by STIs. For example, cisgender men who have sex with men have significantly higher rates of HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis. These disparities are likely related to unequal access to care, systemic homophobia/transphobia, stigma, and differences in sexual networks and are even more pronounced for those with intersectional minoritized identities such as LGBTQ+ youth of color.1

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Courtesy Dr. Warus
Dr. Jonathan Warus

In the past 12 years, there have been significant advances in HIV prevention methods, including the approval and use of pre-exposure prophylaxis or “PrEP” (a medication regimen that is taken on an ongoing basis to provide highly effective protection against HIV infection) and more widespread use of post-exposure prophylaxis or “PEP” (a medication regimen taken for 1 month after a potential exposure to HIV to prevent HIV from establishing an ongoing infection) outside of the medical setting. While these interventions have the potential to decrease rates of HIV infection, they do not prevent any other STIs.2-3

The current strategies to prevent bacterial STIs include discussions of sexual practices, counseling on risk reduction strategies such as decreased number of partners and condom use, routine screening in those at risk every 3-12 months, and timely diagnosis and treatment of infections in patients and their partners to avoid further transmission.4 Given the increasing rates of bacterial STIs (gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis), additional biomedical prevention methods are greatly needed.

Doxycycline as post-exposure prophylaxis

Doxycycline is a tetracycline antibiotic effective against a wide range of bacteria and is commonly used in the treatment of acne, skin infections, Lyme disease, and STIs, and can also be used in the treatment and prevention of malaria.5 For STIs, doxycycline is currently the recommended treatment for chlamydia and is also an alternate therapy for syphilis in nonpregnant patients when penicillin is not accessible or in those with severe penicillin allergy.4 This medication is often well tolerated with the most common side effects including gastrointestinal irritation and photosensitivity. Doxycycline is contraindicated in pregnancy due to its potential impact on tooth and bone development.5

Given its general tolerability and activity against bacterial STIs, new and emerging studies have examined doxycycline as post-exposure prophylaxis (DoxyPEP: one dose of doxycycline 200 mg PO within 72 hours after unprotected sex) in an attempt to decrease the incidence of new bacterial STIs in populations at risk. Three of the studies cited in the preliminary CDC DoxyPEP guidelines were conducted in cisgender men who have sex with men and transgender women either living with HIV or taking PrEP for HIV prevention. All three studies demonstrated significantly lower risk of chlamydia and syphilis, while two of the studies also showed a significantly lower risk of gonorrhea. One additional study was conducted in cisgender women in Kenya. This study did not show any statistically significant difference in the risk of chlamydia or gonorrhea in the intervention group, but may have been limited by low adherence to the DoxyPEP regimen. There were no serious adverse events reported in any of the studies attributed to doxycycline.6



Avoiding antibiotic resistance

With the increased use of antibiotics, attention must always be paid to the potential for increasing antibiotic resistance. The preliminary CDC DoxyPEP guidelines outline mixed results in the DoxyPEP studies that had limited follow-up timeframes, making it difficult to draw conclusions: “Current data suggest overall benefit of the use of doxycycline PEP, but potential risks related to the development of resistance and impacts on the microbiome will need to be closely monitored after implementation of these guidelines.” Official guideline recommendations from the CDC regarding DoxyPEP are currently pending after a period of public comment on the preliminary drafted guidelines.6 However, the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute released guidelines for DoxyPEP in September 2023 and several large urban public health departments have also issued their own guidance that largely align with the preliminary CDC guidelines.7

Recommendations currently emphasize that the goal is to allow for implementation of DoxyPEP in those who would benefit the most from the intervention (i.e., cisgender men who have sex with men and transgender women with a history of at least one bacterial STI in the last 12 months with ongoing risk of infection), while also minimizing antibiotic use. It should also be considered for those without a recent infection who have increased likelihood of exposure to bacterial STIs. DoxyPEP is likely to be effective in other populations (e.g., cisgender women, cisgender men who have sex with women, transgender men), but data are currently limited, and the risk/benefit ratio may be different in these populations. The recommended dose for DoxyPEP is doxycycline 200 mg once as soon as possible (within 72 hours) of unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sex with a maximum of one dose every 24 hours. For those being prescribed DoxyPEP, gonorrhea and chlamydia screening of all anatomic sites of exposure (urine sample or frontal swab, throat swab, and/or rectal swab) should be conducted at baseline and then every 3-6 months in addition to blood testing for syphilis and HIV if indicated.6-7

Another option in our toolkit

DoxyPEP should be viewed as one more option in our toolkit of sexual health services alongside risk reduction strategies (e.g., open discussions with partners, decreased number of partners, and condom use), routine STI screening and treatment, PrEP and PEP for HIV prevention, and pregnancy prevention. Not all of these tools will be relevant to each individual and discussions around sexual health should be patient-centered and focused on their own personal goals. As pediatricians, we should provide guidance to all adolescents and young adults on options to improve their sexual health and empower them to embrace their bodily autonomy.

Dr. Warus is in the division of adolescent and young adult medicine at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, where he specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC.


CDC – Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment Guidelines, 2021

CDC – [Preliminary] Guidelines for the Use of Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention

New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute – Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis to Prevent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health – DoxyPEP for STI Prevention


1. Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 2021: National Overview of STDs, 2021. Last Reviewed May 16, 2023.

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: US Public Health Service: Preexposure Prophylaxis for the Prevention of HIV Infection in the United States – 2021 Update: A Clinical Practice Guideline. Published 2021.

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: US Department of Health and Human Services: Updated Guidelines for Antiretroviral Postexposure Prophylaxis After Sexual, Injection Drug Use, or Other Nonoccupational Exposure to HIV – United States, 2016. Published 2016. .

4. Workowski KA et al. Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment Guidelines, 2021. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2021;70(4):2-10.

5. Patel RS and Parmar M. Doxycycline Hyclate. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Last Updated May 22, 2023.

6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Preliminary] Guidelines for the Use of Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention. Published Oct 1, 2023.

7. DiMarco DE, et al. Doxycycline Post-Exposure Prophylaxis to Prevent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections. New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute. Published September 25, 2023.

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WebMD Article

Gender-affirming care: The role of the pediatrician in a changing landscape

Article Type
Thu, 08/17/2023 - 16:35

As the political targeting of transgender youth and families continues to play out on the national stage, it is more important than ever for pediatricians and other primary care providers to support this vulnerable population by defending the recommendations and guidelines of reputable medical organizations based in science and to show grace and humility in caring for their patients.

Guidelines and resources

All leading medical groups in the United States with statements or policies related to gender-affirming care (including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and many more) recognize that this care is medically necessary and that exclusions for gender-related services are harmful to patients and their families. As pediatricians, families and youth rely on our expertise and guidance related to childhood and adolescent development, including the development of gender identity and ways to create safe and supportive environments needed for youth to reach their full potential.1

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Dr. Jonathan Warus

While pediatricians are experts in youth development, some may have had limited access to training specific to LGBTQ+ identity development and interventions related to gender-affirming care. There are, however, readily accessible resources to help guide pediatricians in providing support and recommendations to families with concerns around gender or sexuality (See Resources). The American Academy of Pediatrics and Bright Futures recommend discussing the differences between assigned sex at birth and gender identity development with parents of those younger than 12 months of age as well as beginning to discuss and explore gender identity with all youth beginning at 4-5 years of age. Beginning at 8 years of age, pediatricians are also recommended to assess for a patient’s understanding and feelings toward emerging puberty to identify any potential concerns for gender dysphoria.2 If concerns or questions emerge from screening, the family can then be referred to a gender-affirming care specialist for more support.

Gender dysphoria and gender-affirming care

Gender dysphoria may present in different ways and at different times for each patient. Some patients may present early in childhood with gender-diverse behaviors or the assertion of a gender identity different than their assigned sex at birth. However, the most commonly seen presentation is just prior to or during puberty, when one’s physical body starts to change in ways that are not consistent with their gender identity. Many patients report distress around gender before this time, but the distress that comes with the physical changes of puberty often prompts patients to reach out to parents, friends, and/or medical providers for help. Other than youth specifically disclosing their gender identity, as with any life stressors, gender dysphoria may initially present with a decline in school or social functioning, increased mood irritability, depression, or anxiety.3

The goal of support prior to puberty is for youth to grow and thrive as any other child and to not have gender dysphoria get in the way of normal development and social functioning.4 Some families will pursue social transition, the process of making changes within different areas of social interaction (such as name, pronouns, clothing, hairstyle, etc.) to decrease distress around gender. The decision of whether to pursue social transition is unique to each patient and family. The goal of this process is to allow youth to explore these changes in an effort to decrease the distress they experience in social interactions. Youth should be centered in this process and be the leader of any potential changes with parents and schools providing safe and supportive environments.5 Social transition has been shown to decrease rates of depression in gender-diverse youth to the same level as that of their cisgender peers.6

It is important to note that there are no recommended medical interventions for gender-affirming care before the time of puberty and, once a patient reaches Sexual Maturity Rating II (early puberty), the first potential treatment option is the reversible suppression of puberty using gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues. The goal of this type of medication is to allow youth more time to explore their gender and avoid the permanent physical changes that occur during their endogenous puberty that can have a significant negative impact on their gender dysphoria and psychosocial functioning. Youth and their families can then later decide to discontinue the medication and go through their endogenous puberty or to proceed with gender-affirming hormone treatment.7

With the growing number of states who have or are attempting to ban gender-affirming care for youth, more patients and families will be left with no options for accessing this potentially life-saving care and support within their home state. Some families have already been forced to relocate to more supportive environments or to travel significant distances to receive medically necessary care.8 This summer, the American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirmed their current policy stating, “The AAP opposes any laws or regulations that discriminate against transgender and gender-diverse individuals, or that interfere in the doctor-patient relationship,” and they “support giving transgender adolescents access to the health care they need.”9

Pediatricians should continue to utilize existing resources for recommended routine screening and subsequent referral for patients or families with concerns around gender identity. When possible, connect patients and families in need of more supportive services around gender-affirming care to appropriate specialty providers. If providers are uncertain about the current legal climate in their state, it is recommended to consult with legal counsel if needed. As pediatricians, we must strive to uphold the tenets of medicine, follow expert recommendations and guidelines based on the best available evidence to provide comprehensive care to all patients, and continue to advocate for our patients and families.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Southern California, Los Angeles.


Bright Futures – Promoting healthy development of sexuality and gender identity (Implementation tip sheet).

Rafferty J. AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, AAP Committee on Adolescence, AAP Section on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health and Wellness. Ensuring comprehensive care and support for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents.


1. Rafferty J. AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, AAP Committee on Adolescence, AAP Section on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health and Wellness. Ensuring comprehensive care and support for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents.

2. Bright Futures – Promoting healthy development of sexuality and gender identity (Implementation tip sheet).

3. Shumer DE et al. Advances in the care of transgender children and adolescents.

4. Vance SR et al. Psychological and medical care of gender nonconforming youth.

5. Ehrensaft D et al. Prepubertal social gender transitions: What we know; what we can learn – A view from a gender affirmative lens.

6. Olson KR et al. Mental health of transgender children who are supported in their identities.

7. Olson J et al. Management of the transgender adolescent.

8. Rodgers A and Goldberg M. New State laws force families with trans kids to seek gender-affirming care elsewhere.

9. Wyckoff AS, ed. AAP reaffirms gender-affirming care policy, authorizes systematic review of evidence to guide update.


As the political targeting of transgender youth and families continues to play out on the national stage, it is more important than ever for pediatricians and other primary care providers to support this vulnerable population by defending the recommendations and guidelines of reputable medical organizations based in science and to show grace and humility in caring for their patients.

Guidelines and resources

All leading medical groups in the United States with statements or policies related to gender-affirming care (including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and many more) recognize that this care is medically necessary and that exclusions for gender-related services are harmful to patients and their families. As pediatricians, families and youth rely on our expertise and guidance related to childhood and adolescent development, including the development of gender identity and ways to create safe and supportive environments needed for youth to reach their full potential.1

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Dr. Jonathan Warus

While pediatricians are experts in youth development, some may have had limited access to training specific to LGBTQ+ identity development and interventions related to gender-affirming care. There are, however, readily accessible resources to help guide pediatricians in providing support and recommendations to families with concerns around gender or sexuality (See Resources). The American Academy of Pediatrics and Bright Futures recommend discussing the differences between assigned sex at birth and gender identity development with parents of those younger than 12 months of age as well as beginning to discuss and explore gender identity with all youth beginning at 4-5 years of age. Beginning at 8 years of age, pediatricians are also recommended to assess for a patient’s understanding and feelings toward emerging puberty to identify any potential concerns for gender dysphoria.2 If concerns or questions emerge from screening, the family can then be referred to a gender-affirming care specialist for more support.

Gender dysphoria and gender-affirming care

Gender dysphoria may present in different ways and at different times for each patient. Some patients may present early in childhood with gender-diverse behaviors or the assertion of a gender identity different than their assigned sex at birth. However, the most commonly seen presentation is just prior to or during puberty, when one’s physical body starts to change in ways that are not consistent with their gender identity. Many patients report distress around gender before this time, but the distress that comes with the physical changes of puberty often prompts patients to reach out to parents, friends, and/or medical providers for help. Other than youth specifically disclosing their gender identity, as with any life stressors, gender dysphoria may initially present with a decline in school or social functioning, increased mood irritability, depression, or anxiety.3

The goal of support prior to puberty is for youth to grow and thrive as any other child and to not have gender dysphoria get in the way of normal development and social functioning.4 Some families will pursue social transition, the process of making changes within different areas of social interaction (such as name, pronouns, clothing, hairstyle, etc.) to decrease distress around gender. The decision of whether to pursue social transition is unique to each patient and family. The goal of this process is to allow youth to explore these changes in an effort to decrease the distress they experience in social interactions. Youth should be centered in this process and be the leader of any potential changes with parents and schools providing safe and supportive environments.5 Social transition has been shown to decrease rates of depression in gender-diverse youth to the same level as that of their cisgender peers.6

It is important to note that there are no recommended medical interventions for gender-affirming care before the time of puberty and, once a patient reaches Sexual Maturity Rating II (early puberty), the first potential treatment option is the reversible suppression of puberty using gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues. The goal of this type of medication is to allow youth more time to explore their gender and avoid the permanent physical changes that occur during their endogenous puberty that can have a significant negative impact on their gender dysphoria and psychosocial functioning. Youth and their families can then later decide to discontinue the medication and go through their endogenous puberty or to proceed with gender-affirming hormone treatment.7

With the growing number of states who have or are attempting to ban gender-affirming care for youth, more patients and families will be left with no options for accessing this potentially life-saving care and support within their home state. Some families have already been forced to relocate to more supportive environments or to travel significant distances to receive medically necessary care.8 This summer, the American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirmed their current policy stating, “The AAP opposes any laws or regulations that discriminate against transgender and gender-diverse individuals, or that interfere in the doctor-patient relationship,” and they “support giving transgender adolescents access to the health care they need.”9

Pediatricians should continue to utilize existing resources for recommended routine screening and subsequent referral for patients or families with concerns around gender identity. When possible, connect patients and families in need of more supportive services around gender-affirming care to appropriate specialty providers. If providers are uncertain about the current legal climate in their state, it is recommended to consult with legal counsel if needed. As pediatricians, we must strive to uphold the tenets of medicine, follow expert recommendations and guidelines based on the best available evidence to provide comprehensive care to all patients, and continue to advocate for our patients and families.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Southern California, Los Angeles.


Bright Futures – Promoting healthy development of sexuality and gender identity (Implementation tip sheet).

Rafferty J. AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, AAP Committee on Adolescence, AAP Section on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health and Wellness. Ensuring comprehensive care and support for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents.


1. Rafferty J. AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, AAP Committee on Adolescence, AAP Section on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health and Wellness. Ensuring comprehensive care and support for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents.

2. Bright Futures – Promoting healthy development of sexuality and gender identity (Implementation tip sheet).

3. Shumer DE et al. Advances in the care of transgender children and adolescents.

4. Vance SR et al. Psychological and medical care of gender nonconforming youth.

5. Ehrensaft D et al. Prepubertal social gender transitions: What we know; what we can learn – A view from a gender affirmative lens.

6. Olson KR et al. Mental health of transgender children who are supported in their identities.

7. Olson J et al. Management of the transgender adolescent.

8. Rodgers A and Goldberg M. New State laws force families with trans kids to seek gender-affirming care elsewhere.

9. Wyckoff AS, ed. AAP reaffirms gender-affirming care policy, authorizes systematic review of evidence to guide update.

As the political targeting of transgender youth and families continues to play out on the national stage, it is more important than ever for pediatricians and other primary care providers to support this vulnerable population by defending the recommendations and guidelines of reputable medical organizations based in science and to show grace and humility in caring for their patients.

Guidelines and resources

All leading medical groups in the United States with statements or policies related to gender-affirming care (including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and many more) recognize that this care is medically necessary and that exclusions for gender-related services are harmful to patients and their families. As pediatricians, families and youth rely on our expertise and guidance related to childhood and adolescent development, including the development of gender identity and ways to create safe and supportive environments needed for youth to reach their full potential.1

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Dr. Jonathan Warus

While pediatricians are experts in youth development, some may have had limited access to training specific to LGBTQ+ identity development and interventions related to gender-affirming care. There are, however, readily accessible resources to help guide pediatricians in providing support and recommendations to families with concerns around gender or sexuality (See Resources). The American Academy of Pediatrics and Bright Futures recommend discussing the differences between assigned sex at birth and gender identity development with parents of those younger than 12 months of age as well as beginning to discuss and explore gender identity with all youth beginning at 4-5 years of age. Beginning at 8 years of age, pediatricians are also recommended to assess for a patient’s understanding and feelings toward emerging puberty to identify any potential concerns for gender dysphoria.2 If concerns or questions emerge from screening, the family can then be referred to a gender-affirming care specialist for more support.

Gender dysphoria and gender-affirming care

Gender dysphoria may present in different ways and at different times for each patient. Some patients may present early in childhood with gender-diverse behaviors or the assertion of a gender identity different than their assigned sex at birth. However, the most commonly seen presentation is just prior to or during puberty, when one’s physical body starts to change in ways that are not consistent with their gender identity. Many patients report distress around gender before this time, but the distress that comes with the physical changes of puberty often prompts patients to reach out to parents, friends, and/or medical providers for help. Other than youth specifically disclosing their gender identity, as with any life stressors, gender dysphoria may initially present with a decline in school or social functioning, increased mood irritability, depression, or anxiety.3

The goal of support prior to puberty is for youth to grow and thrive as any other child and to not have gender dysphoria get in the way of normal development and social functioning.4 Some families will pursue social transition, the process of making changes within different areas of social interaction (such as name, pronouns, clothing, hairstyle, etc.) to decrease distress around gender. The decision of whether to pursue social transition is unique to each patient and family. The goal of this process is to allow youth to explore these changes in an effort to decrease the distress they experience in social interactions. Youth should be centered in this process and be the leader of any potential changes with parents and schools providing safe and supportive environments.5 Social transition has been shown to decrease rates of depression in gender-diverse youth to the same level as that of their cisgender peers.6

It is important to note that there are no recommended medical interventions for gender-affirming care before the time of puberty and, once a patient reaches Sexual Maturity Rating II (early puberty), the first potential treatment option is the reversible suppression of puberty using gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues. The goal of this type of medication is to allow youth more time to explore their gender and avoid the permanent physical changes that occur during their endogenous puberty that can have a significant negative impact on their gender dysphoria and psychosocial functioning. Youth and their families can then later decide to discontinue the medication and go through their endogenous puberty or to proceed with gender-affirming hormone treatment.7

With the growing number of states who have or are attempting to ban gender-affirming care for youth, more patients and families will be left with no options for accessing this potentially life-saving care and support within their home state. Some families have already been forced to relocate to more supportive environments or to travel significant distances to receive medically necessary care.8 This summer, the American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirmed their current policy stating, “The AAP opposes any laws or regulations that discriminate against transgender and gender-diverse individuals, or that interfere in the doctor-patient relationship,” and they “support giving transgender adolescents access to the health care they need.”9

Pediatricians should continue to utilize existing resources for recommended routine screening and subsequent referral for patients or families with concerns around gender identity. When possible, connect patients and families in need of more supportive services around gender-affirming care to appropriate specialty providers. If providers are uncertain about the current legal climate in their state, it is recommended to consult with legal counsel if needed. As pediatricians, we must strive to uphold the tenets of medicine, follow expert recommendations and guidelines based on the best available evidence to provide comprehensive care to all patients, and continue to advocate for our patients and families.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Southern California, Los Angeles.


Bright Futures – Promoting healthy development of sexuality and gender identity (Implementation tip sheet).

Rafferty J. AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, AAP Committee on Adolescence, AAP Section on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health and Wellness. Ensuring comprehensive care and support for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents.


1. Rafferty J. AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, AAP Committee on Adolescence, AAP Section on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health and Wellness. Ensuring comprehensive care and support for transgender and gender-diverse children and adolescents.

2. Bright Futures – Promoting healthy development of sexuality and gender identity (Implementation tip sheet).

3. Shumer DE et al. Advances in the care of transgender children and adolescents.

4. Vance SR et al. Psychological and medical care of gender nonconforming youth.

5. Ehrensaft D et al. Prepubertal social gender transitions: What we know; what we can learn – A view from a gender affirmative lens.

6. Olson KR et al. Mental health of transgender children who are supported in their identities.

7. Olson J et al. Management of the transgender adolescent.

8. Rodgers A and Goldberg M. New State laws force families with trans kids to seek gender-affirming care elsewhere.

9. Wyckoff AS, ed. AAP reaffirms gender-affirming care policy, authorizes systematic review of evidence to guide update.

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The Respect for Marriage Act: How this law supports the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ youth

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Wed, 01/18/2023 - 09:39

Childhood and adolescence are periods of life with rapid growth and development in which the psychosocial factors of one’s environment can have a profound effect on health. There is increasing evidence that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can have significant negative effects on long-term health with effects persisting into subsequent generations.1 Youth themselves, however, often do not have the voice, ability, or political power to advocate for safe and more supportive environments that are essential to their well-being. Thus, advocacy has been central to the profession of pediatrics since its inception, where providers can partner with their patients, families, and communities to push for changes in the environments in which youth live and grow.2

LGBTQ+ youth are known to be at increased risk for ACEs because of the stress that comes from being part of a minority group and the discrimination they experience by their families, communities, and society at large. These factors within their environments have been shown to be associated with increased rates of anxiety, depression, substance use, sexually transmitted infections, and homelessness.3 As with other health outcomes that have been linked to the social determinants of health, these disparities are not inevitable and could be greatly improved upon through advocacy and changes in the environments of LGBTQ+ youth.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Dr. Jonathan Warus

Marriage equality (the recognition that same-sex couples have the same legal right to marry as opposite-sex couples) has been shown to be not only a political issue, but one that affects health. The debates surrounding marriage equality have contributed to minority stress by questioning the validity of same-sex relationships and assigning them less value relative to opposite-sex relationships.4 In 1996, the U.S. Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which federally defined marriage as being legally recognized only between opposite-sex couples.

Individual states then continued the marriage equality debate by passing individual state laws either allowing or prohibiting same-sex marriage. During this time, it was shown that, in states where same-sex marriage was legally prohibited, LGBTQ+ adults reported significantly higher rates of generalized anxiety disorder, alcohol use disorder, any mood disorder, and psychiatric comorbidity when compared with states without a legal ban on same-sex marriage.5

Using data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, it was shown that state policies recognizing same-sex marriage were associated with a 7% relative reduction in suicide attempts reported by adolescent sexual minority students compared with before these policies.6 It was also shown that children with same-sex parents were overall less likely to have private health insurance, but this disparity was improved in states that legally recognized same-sex marriage and allowed second-parent adoptions.7

In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that DOMA was unconstitutional, requiring the federal government to legally recognize same-sex marriages for the purposes of federal benefits. In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court further ruled that same-sex couples are guaranteed the fundamental right to marry, requiring that all states issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. These rulings were associated with a decrease in reported levels of stigma over time and increased reported levels of family support, particularly for those in same-sex relationships.8

The Respect for Marriage Act (RFMA) was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Biden on Dec. 13, 2022. This law officially repeals DOMA and requires all states and the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages performed in any U.S. state or territory.9

If the U.S. Supreme Court were to overturn the 2015 marriage equality decision, individual state laws ensuring or banning same-sex marriage would again be in effect. However, the RFMA ensures that all states continue to recognize same-sex marriages performed in any U.S. state or territory (even if that state itself bans same-sex marriage). While we do not yet have any studies or data regarding the effect of the RFMA on public health, we can expect positive effects by drawing on the previous evidence on the effect of marriage equality and its effect on the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals. By establishing marriage equality in the United States, our government institutions are affirming the relationships and identities of those in same-sex relationships, with the potential effect of helping to destigmatize the LGBTQ+ community.

Since 2002, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that pediatricians “support the right of every child and family to the financial, psychological, and legal security that results from having legally recognized parents who are committed to each other and to the welfare of their children,” acknowledging that “legislative initiatives assuring legal status equivalent to marriage for gay and lesbian partners … can also attend to providing security and permanence for the children of those partnerships.”10 While changes in legal marriage equality are likely to have a positive effect on those within the LGBTQ+ community, it should also be understood that this will not solve all of the psychosocial effects and resultant health disparities that these children face.

A recent scoping review highlights that, as the result of marriage equality progress, sexual minority adults have reported increased social acceptance and reduced stigma across individual, community, and societal levels, but that sexual minority stigma continues to persist across all levels.11

As pediatricians, we can continue to support LGBTQ+ patients and parents by providing care in a safe and affirming environment in which families understand and embrace the healthy development of gender identity and sexuality in an open and destigmatized manner. Delivering care using this approach in and of itself can be seen as advocacy to promote health and well-being within minoritized populations. Pediatricians are also encouraged to become engaged in local and national advocacy initiatives to have a broader effect in the fight for health equity in minority populations, including LGBTQ+ families and youth.

Pediatricians should work with their patients, families, and communities to advocate for structural change needed to address the social determinants of health for optimal growth and development.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Southern California, Los Angeles.


Bright Futures – Promoting Healthy Development of Sexuality and Gender Identity (Implementation Tip Sheet):

Bright Futures – Implementing Social Determinants of Health Into Health Supervision Visits (Implementation Tip Sheet):

American Academy of Pediatrics – Advocacy Website:


1. Hughes K et al. Lancet Public Health. 2017;2(8):e356-66.

2. Camero K and Javier JR. Pediatr Clin N Am. 2023;70:43-51.

3. Lund EM and Burgess CM. Prim Care Clin Office Pract. 2021;48:179-89.

4. Buffie WC. Am J Public Health. 2011;101(6):986-90.

5. Hatzenbuehler ML et al. Am J Public Health. 2010;100:452-9.

6. Raifman J et al. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171(4):350-6.

7. Gonzales G and Blewett LA. Pediatrics. 2013;132(4):703-11.

8. Ogolsky BG et al. J Fam Psychol. 2019;33(4):422-32.

9. Library of Congress. H.R.8404 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): Respect for Marriage Act. 2022 Dec 13.

10. Perrin EC and Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. Pediatrics. 2002;109(2):341-4.

11. Drabble LA et al. PLoS ONE. 2021;16(5):e0249125.


Childhood and adolescence are periods of life with rapid growth and development in which the psychosocial factors of one’s environment can have a profound effect on health. There is increasing evidence that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can have significant negative effects on long-term health with effects persisting into subsequent generations.1 Youth themselves, however, often do not have the voice, ability, or political power to advocate for safe and more supportive environments that are essential to their well-being. Thus, advocacy has been central to the profession of pediatrics since its inception, where providers can partner with their patients, families, and communities to push for changes in the environments in which youth live and grow.2

LGBTQ+ youth are known to be at increased risk for ACEs because of the stress that comes from being part of a minority group and the discrimination they experience by their families, communities, and society at large. These factors within their environments have been shown to be associated with increased rates of anxiety, depression, substance use, sexually transmitted infections, and homelessness.3 As with other health outcomes that have been linked to the social determinants of health, these disparities are not inevitable and could be greatly improved upon through advocacy and changes in the environments of LGBTQ+ youth.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Dr. Jonathan Warus

Marriage equality (the recognition that same-sex couples have the same legal right to marry as opposite-sex couples) has been shown to be not only a political issue, but one that affects health. The debates surrounding marriage equality have contributed to minority stress by questioning the validity of same-sex relationships and assigning them less value relative to opposite-sex relationships.4 In 1996, the U.S. Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which federally defined marriage as being legally recognized only between opposite-sex couples.

Individual states then continued the marriage equality debate by passing individual state laws either allowing or prohibiting same-sex marriage. During this time, it was shown that, in states where same-sex marriage was legally prohibited, LGBTQ+ adults reported significantly higher rates of generalized anxiety disorder, alcohol use disorder, any mood disorder, and psychiatric comorbidity when compared with states without a legal ban on same-sex marriage.5

Using data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, it was shown that state policies recognizing same-sex marriage were associated with a 7% relative reduction in suicide attempts reported by adolescent sexual minority students compared with before these policies.6 It was also shown that children with same-sex parents were overall less likely to have private health insurance, but this disparity was improved in states that legally recognized same-sex marriage and allowed second-parent adoptions.7

In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that DOMA was unconstitutional, requiring the federal government to legally recognize same-sex marriages for the purposes of federal benefits. In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court further ruled that same-sex couples are guaranteed the fundamental right to marry, requiring that all states issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. These rulings were associated with a decrease in reported levels of stigma over time and increased reported levels of family support, particularly for those in same-sex relationships.8

The Respect for Marriage Act (RFMA) was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Biden on Dec. 13, 2022. This law officially repeals DOMA and requires all states and the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages performed in any U.S. state or territory.9

If the U.S. Supreme Court were to overturn the 2015 marriage equality decision, individual state laws ensuring or banning same-sex marriage would again be in effect. However, the RFMA ensures that all states continue to recognize same-sex marriages performed in any U.S. state or territory (even if that state itself bans same-sex marriage). While we do not yet have any studies or data regarding the effect of the RFMA on public health, we can expect positive effects by drawing on the previous evidence on the effect of marriage equality and its effect on the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals. By establishing marriage equality in the United States, our government institutions are affirming the relationships and identities of those in same-sex relationships, with the potential effect of helping to destigmatize the LGBTQ+ community.

Since 2002, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that pediatricians “support the right of every child and family to the financial, psychological, and legal security that results from having legally recognized parents who are committed to each other and to the welfare of their children,” acknowledging that “legislative initiatives assuring legal status equivalent to marriage for gay and lesbian partners … can also attend to providing security and permanence for the children of those partnerships.”10 While changes in legal marriage equality are likely to have a positive effect on those within the LGBTQ+ community, it should also be understood that this will not solve all of the psychosocial effects and resultant health disparities that these children face.

A recent scoping review highlights that, as the result of marriage equality progress, sexual minority adults have reported increased social acceptance and reduced stigma across individual, community, and societal levels, but that sexual minority stigma continues to persist across all levels.11

As pediatricians, we can continue to support LGBTQ+ patients and parents by providing care in a safe and affirming environment in which families understand and embrace the healthy development of gender identity and sexuality in an open and destigmatized manner. Delivering care using this approach in and of itself can be seen as advocacy to promote health and well-being within minoritized populations. Pediatricians are also encouraged to become engaged in local and national advocacy initiatives to have a broader effect in the fight for health equity in minority populations, including LGBTQ+ families and youth.

Pediatricians should work with their patients, families, and communities to advocate for structural change needed to address the social determinants of health for optimal growth and development.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Southern California, Los Angeles.


Bright Futures – Promoting Healthy Development of Sexuality and Gender Identity (Implementation Tip Sheet):

Bright Futures – Implementing Social Determinants of Health Into Health Supervision Visits (Implementation Tip Sheet):

American Academy of Pediatrics – Advocacy Website:


1. Hughes K et al. Lancet Public Health. 2017;2(8):e356-66.

2. Camero K and Javier JR. Pediatr Clin N Am. 2023;70:43-51.

3. Lund EM and Burgess CM. Prim Care Clin Office Pract. 2021;48:179-89.

4. Buffie WC. Am J Public Health. 2011;101(6):986-90.

5. Hatzenbuehler ML et al. Am J Public Health. 2010;100:452-9.

6. Raifman J et al. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171(4):350-6.

7. Gonzales G and Blewett LA. Pediatrics. 2013;132(4):703-11.

8. Ogolsky BG et al. J Fam Psychol. 2019;33(4):422-32.

9. Library of Congress. H.R.8404 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): Respect for Marriage Act. 2022 Dec 13.

10. Perrin EC and Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. Pediatrics. 2002;109(2):341-4.

11. Drabble LA et al. PLoS ONE. 2021;16(5):e0249125.

Childhood and adolescence are periods of life with rapid growth and development in which the psychosocial factors of one’s environment can have a profound effect on health. There is increasing evidence that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can have significant negative effects on long-term health with effects persisting into subsequent generations.1 Youth themselves, however, often do not have the voice, ability, or political power to advocate for safe and more supportive environments that are essential to their well-being. Thus, advocacy has been central to the profession of pediatrics since its inception, where providers can partner with their patients, families, and communities to push for changes in the environments in which youth live and grow.2

LGBTQ+ youth are known to be at increased risk for ACEs because of the stress that comes from being part of a minority group and the discrimination they experience by their families, communities, and society at large. These factors within their environments have been shown to be associated with increased rates of anxiety, depression, substance use, sexually transmitted infections, and homelessness.3 As with other health outcomes that have been linked to the social determinants of health, these disparities are not inevitable and could be greatly improved upon through advocacy and changes in the environments of LGBTQ+ youth.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Dr. Jonathan Warus

Marriage equality (the recognition that same-sex couples have the same legal right to marry as opposite-sex couples) has been shown to be not only a political issue, but one that affects health. The debates surrounding marriage equality have contributed to minority stress by questioning the validity of same-sex relationships and assigning them less value relative to opposite-sex relationships.4 In 1996, the U.S. Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which federally defined marriage as being legally recognized only between opposite-sex couples.

Individual states then continued the marriage equality debate by passing individual state laws either allowing or prohibiting same-sex marriage. During this time, it was shown that, in states where same-sex marriage was legally prohibited, LGBTQ+ adults reported significantly higher rates of generalized anxiety disorder, alcohol use disorder, any mood disorder, and psychiatric comorbidity when compared with states without a legal ban on same-sex marriage.5

Using data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, it was shown that state policies recognizing same-sex marriage were associated with a 7% relative reduction in suicide attempts reported by adolescent sexual minority students compared with before these policies.6 It was also shown that children with same-sex parents were overall less likely to have private health insurance, but this disparity was improved in states that legally recognized same-sex marriage and allowed second-parent adoptions.7

In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that DOMA was unconstitutional, requiring the federal government to legally recognize same-sex marriages for the purposes of federal benefits. In 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court further ruled that same-sex couples are guaranteed the fundamental right to marry, requiring that all states issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. These rulings were associated with a decrease in reported levels of stigma over time and increased reported levels of family support, particularly for those in same-sex relationships.8

The Respect for Marriage Act (RFMA) was passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Biden on Dec. 13, 2022. This law officially repeals DOMA and requires all states and the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages performed in any U.S. state or territory.9

If the U.S. Supreme Court were to overturn the 2015 marriage equality decision, individual state laws ensuring or banning same-sex marriage would again be in effect. However, the RFMA ensures that all states continue to recognize same-sex marriages performed in any U.S. state or territory (even if that state itself bans same-sex marriage). While we do not yet have any studies or data regarding the effect of the RFMA on public health, we can expect positive effects by drawing on the previous evidence on the effect of marriage equality and its effect on the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals. By establishing marriage equality in the United States, our government institutions are affirming the relationships and identities of those in same-sex relationships, with the potential effect of helping to destigmatize the LGBTQ+ community.

Since 2002, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that pediatricians “support the right of every child and family to the financial, psychological, and legal security that results from having legally recognized parents who are committed to each other and to the welfare of their children,” acknowledging that “legislative initiatives assuring legal status equivalent to marriage for gay and lesbian partners … can also attend to providing security and permanence for the children of those partnerships.”10 While changes in legal marriage equality are likely to have a positive effect on those within the LGBTQ+ community, it should also be understood that this will not solve all of the psychosocial effects and resultant health disparities that these children face.

A recent scoping review highlights that, as the result of marriage equality progress, sexual minority adults have reported increased social acceptance and reduced stigma across individual, community, and societal levels, but that sexual minority stigma continues to persist across all levels.11

As pediatricians, we can continue to support LGBTQ+ patients and parents by providing care in a safe and affirming environment in which families understand and embrace the healthy development of gender identity and sexuality in an open and destigmatized manner. Delivering care using this approach in and of itself can be seen as advocacy to promote health and well-being within minoritized populations. Pediatricians are also encouraged to become engaged in local and national advocacy initiatives to have a broader effect in the fight for health equity in minority populations, including LGBTQ+ families and youth.

Pediatricians should work with their patients, families, and communities to advocate for structural change needed to address the social determinants of health for optimal growth and development.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Southern California, Los Angeles.


Bright Futures – Promoting Healthy Development of Sexuality and Gender Identity (Implementation Tip Sheet):

Bright Futures – Implementing Social Determinants of Health Into Health Supervision Visits (Implementation Tip Sheet):

American Academy of Pediatrics – Advocacy Website:


1. Hughes K et al. Lancet Public Health. 2017;2(8):e356-66.

2. Camero K and Javier JR. Pediatr Clin N Am. 2023;70:43-51.

3. Lund EM and Burgess CM. Prim Care Clin Office Pract. 2021;48:179-89.

4. Buffie WC. Am J Public Health. 2011;101(6):986-90.

5. Hatzenbuehler ML et al. Am J Public Health. 2010;100:452-9.

6. Raifman J et al. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171(4):350-6.

7. Gonzales G and Blewett LA. Pediatrics. 2013;132(4):703-11.

8. Ogolsky BG et al. J Fam Psychol. 2019;33(4):422-32.

9. Library of Congress. H.R.8404 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): Respect for Marriage Act. 2022 Dec 13.

10. Perrin EC and Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. Pediatrics. 2002;109(2):341-4.

11. Drabble LA et al. PLoS ONE. 2021;16(5):e0249125.

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LGBTQ+ Youth Consult: Let’s talk about PrEP!

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Fri, 07/15/2022 - 12:01

As pediatricians, almost all of our clinic visits include some anticipatory guidance and recommendations on ways to promote well-being and prevent illness and injury for our patients. Because of minority stress, discrimination, and increased exposure to adverse childhood experiences, LGBTQ+ patients are disproportionately affected by certain health conditions including depression, anxiety, substance use, homelessness, as well as HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).1 While LGBTQ+ youth could benefit from additional guidance, counseling, and interventions related to these health disparities and have expressed interest in talking about these topics with their providers, sexual and gender minority youth also stress that they want to be treated as any other youth.2 Extending counseling for preventive care measures such as preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV to all sexually active youth could help to destigmatize LGBTQ+ youth as being “different” from other youth and also help to increase overall access to HIV prevention services.3

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Dr. Jonathan Warus

Described by some as the “birth control” for HIV infection, PrEP is taken on an ongoing basis by those who are HIV negative before potential exposures to HIV in order to prevent new HIV infections. PrEP was first approved as a daily pill for adults in 2015 by the Food and Drug Administration with extension in 2018 to all individuals at risk for HIV weighing at least 35 kg after safety and efficacy data showed it could be used routinely for adolescents.4 When taken daily, oral PrEP can decrease the risk of HIV from sexual contact by more than 90% and from injection drug use by around 70%. As PrEP is highly effective with low risk for side effects, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) gave PrEP a “Grade A” recommendation for use in those at high risk for HIV infection in 2019.5 Since efficacy is closely tied to adherence, the first injectable PrEP (given at 0, 1, and 2 months with dosing then every 2 months) was also recently FDA approved in late 2021.6

Since HIV infection disproportionately affects LBGTQ+ individuals, and particularly LBGTQ+ youth of color, counseling related to PrEP has been largely targeted to these groups.7 Insurance and financial barriers to PrEP have been greatly reduced over the past several years through changes in insurance coverage (strengthened by the USPSTF recommendation), supplemental insurance programs, and pharmaceutical copay programs. Many states (but not all) also include HIV in the definition of STIs and allow minors to consent to PrEP services without a parent or guardian. Unfortunately, despite the high efficacy of PrEP and efforts to decrease barriers, rates of PrEP use continue to be extremely low, especially in youth, with only 15.6% of those aged 16-24 who are at risk for HIV in the United States actually taking PrEP in 2019.8 Many barriers to PrEP continue to exist including lack of awareness of PrEP, stigma surrounding HIV and PrEP, and lack of PrEP providers.

In order to address these low rates of PrEP uptake, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that medical providers discuss PrEP with all sexually active patients.6 PrEP should not be seen or discussed as something only relevant to LBGTQ+ populations, but rather as another tool in everyone’s “sexual health toolbox” that can allow us to experience human connection and pleasure through sexual activity while also having more control over what happens to our bodies. Not only will this allow more patients to access PrEP directly, it will also decrease the stigma of talking about HIV and PrEP and strengthen youths’ sense of autonomy and control over their own sexual health.

Since PrEP is a relatively new medical service, many providers will need to learn more about PrEP to at least have initial discussions with patients and to feel comfortable prescribing this themselves (See Resources). Below are also some suggestions to incorporate into your practice in order to advocate for the health and well-being of all your patients, including LGBTQ+ youth.

  • Once your patients are 13 years and older, spend time with them alone to confidentially discuss more sensitive topics such as sexual health, mental health, and substance use.
  • For all patients who are sexually active or considering sexual activity in the near future, discuss topics to help them control what happens to their bodies including consent, condoms, birth control, PrEP, and routine STI screening.
  • Recommend PrEP to anyone who is sexually active and may be at increased risk for HIV infection or who is interested in taking PrEP for HIV prevention.
  • Learn more about PrEP and start prescribing it to your own patients or become familiar with providers in your area to whom you could refer patients who are interested. While no certification is needed to prescribe PrEP, programs exist to help providers become more familiar with how to prescribe PrEP.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, HIV prevention for adolescents and young adults, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of clinical pediatrics and a University of Southern California faculty member.


CDC PrEP resources for clinicians: HIV’s HIV Prevention Certified Provider Certification Program: providers in the United States: Health Working Group’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Adolescent Providers:


1. Lund EM and Burgess CM. Prim Care Clin Office Pract. 2021:48:179-89.

2. Hoffman ND et al. J Adolesc Health. 2009;45:222-9.

3. Mayer KH et al. Adv Ther. 2020;37:1778-811.

4. Hosek SG et al. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171(11):1063-71.

5. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force; Owens DK et al. JAMA. 2019;321(22):2203-13.

6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: U.S. Public Health Service: Preexposure Prophylaxis for the Prevention of HIV Infection in the United States – 2021 Update: A Clinical Practice Guideline. Published 2021. Accessed July 10, 2022.

7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Estimated HIV Incidence and Prevalence in the United States, 2015-2019. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report. 2021;26(1). Published May 2021. Accessed July 10, 2022.

8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Monitoring Selected National HIV Prevention and Care Objectives by Using HIV Surveillance Data–United States and 6 Dependent Areas, 2020. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report. 2022;27(3).


As pediatricians, almost all of our clinic visits include some anticipatory guidance and recommendations on ways to promote well-being and prevent illness and injury for our patients. Because of minority stress, discrimination, and increased exposure to adverse childhood experiences, LGBTQ+ patients are disproportionately affected by certain health conditions including depression, anxiety, substance use, homelessness, as well as HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).1 While LGBTQ+ youth could benefit from additional guidance, counseling, and interventions related to these health disparities and have expressed interest in talking about these topics with their providers, sexual and gender minority youth also stress that they want to be treated as any other youth.2 Extending counseling for preventive care measures such as preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV to all sexually active youth could help to destigmatize LGBTQ+ youth as being “different” from other youth and also help to increase overall access to HIV prevention services.3

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Dr. Jonathan Warus

Described by some as the “birth control” for HIV infection, PrEP is taken on an ongoing basis by those who are HIV negative before potential exposures to HIV in order to prevent new HIV infections. PrEP was first approved as a daily pill for adults in 2015 by the Food and Drug Administration with extension in 2018 to all individuals at risk for HIV weighing at least 35 kg after safety and efficacy data showed it could be used routinely for adolescents.4 When taken daily, oral PrEP can decrease the risk of HIV from sexual contact by more than 90% and from injection drug use by around 70%. As PrEP is highly effective with low risk for side effects, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) gave PrEP a “Grade A” recommendation for use in those at high risk for HIV infection in 2019.5 Since efficacy is closely tied to adherence, the first injectable PrEP (given at 0, 1, and 2 months with dosing then every 2 months) was also recently FDA approved in late 2021.6

Since HIV infection disproportionately affects LBGTQ+ individuals, and particularly LBGTQ+ youth of color, counseling related to PrEP has been largely targeted to these groups.7 Insurance and financial barriers to PrEP have been greatly reduced over the past several years through changes in insurance coverage (strengthened by the USPSTF recommendation), supplemental insurance programs, and pharmaceutical copay programs. Many states (but not all) also include HIV in the definition of STIs and allow minors to consent to PrEP services without a parent or guardian. Unfortunately, despite the high efficacy of PrEP and efforts to decrease barriers, rates of PrEP use continue to be extremely low, especially in youth, with only 15.6% of those aged 16-24 who are at risk for HIV in the United States actually taking PrEP in 2019.8 Many barriers to PrEP continue to exist including lack of awareness of PrEP, stigma surrounding HIV and PrEP, and lack of PrEP providers.

In order to address these low rates of PrEP uptake, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that medical providers discuss PrEP with all sexually active patients.6 PrEP should not be seen or discussed as something only relevant to LBGTQ+ populations, but rather as another tool in everyone’s “sexual health toolbox” that can allow us to experience human connection and pleasure through sexual activity while also having more control over what happens to our bodies. Not only will this allow more patients to access PrEP directly, it will also decrease the stigma of talking about HIV and PrEP and strengthen youths’ sense of autonomy and control over their own sexual health.

Since PrEP is a relatively new medical service, many providers will need to learn more about PrEP to at least have initial discussions with patients and to feel comfortable prescribing this themselves (See Resources). Below are also some suggestions to incorporate into your practice in order to advocate for the health and well-being of all your patients, including LGBTQ+ youth.

  • Once your patients are 13 years and older, spend time with them alone to confidentially discuss more sensitive topics such as sexual health, mental health, and substance use.
  • For all patients who are sexually active or considering sexual activity in the near future, discuss topics to help them control what happens to their bodies including consent, condoms, birth control, PrEP, and routine STI screening.
  • Recommend PrEP to anyone who is sexually active and may be at increased risk for HIV infection or who is interested in taking PrEP for HIV prevention.
  • Learn more about PrEP and start prescribing it to your own patients or become familiar with providers in your area to whom you could refer patients who are interested. While no certification is needed to prescribe PrEP, programs exist to help providers become more familiar with how to prescribe PrEP.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, HIV prevention for adolescents and young adults, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of clinical pediatrics and a University of Southern California faculty member.


CDC PrEP resources for clinicians: HIV’s HIV Prevention Certified Provider Certification Program: providers in the United States: Health Working Group’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Adolescent Providers:


1. Lund EM and Burgess CM. Prim Care Clin Office Pract. 2021:48:179-89.

2. Hoffman ND et al. J Adolesc Health. 2009;45:222-9.

3. Mayer KH et al. Adv Ther. 2020;37:1778-811.

4. Hosek SG et al. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171(11):1063-71.

5. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force; Owens DK et al. JAMA. 2019;321(22):2203-13.

6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: U.S. Public Health Service: Preexposure Prophylaxis for the Prevention of HIV Infection in the United States – 2021 Update: A Clinical Practice Guideline. Published 2021. Accessed July 10, 2022.

7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Estimated HIV Incidence and Prevalence in the United States, 2015-2019. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report. 2021;26(1). Published May 2021. Accessed July 10, 2022.

8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Monitoring Selected National HIV Prevention and Care Objectives by Using HIV Surveillance Data–United States and 6 Dependent Areas, 2020. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report. 2022;27(3).

As pediatricians, almost all of our clinic visits include some anticipatory guidance and recommendations on ways to promote well-being and prevent illness and injury for our patients. Because of minority stress, discrimination, and increased exposure to adverse childhood experiences, LGBTQ+ patients are disproportionately affected by certain health conditions including depression, anxiety, substance use, homelessness, as well as HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).1 While LGBTQ+ youth could benefit from additional guidance, counseling, and interventions related to these health disparities and have expressed interest in talking about these topics with their providers, sexual and gender minority youth also stress that they want to be treated as any other youth.2 Extending counseling for preventive care measures such as preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV to all sexually active youth could help to destigmatize LGBTQ+ youth as being “different” from other youth and also help to increase overall access to HIV prevention services.3

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of pediatrics at USC
Dr. Jonathan Warus

Described by some as the “birth control” for HIV infection, PrEP is taken on an ongoing basis by those who are HIV negative before potential exposures to HIV in order to prevent new HIV infections. PrEP was first approved as a daily pill for adults in 2015 by the Food and Drug Administration with extension in 2018 to all individuals at risk for HIV weighing at least 35 kg after safety and efficacy data showed it could be used routinely for adolescents.4 When taken daily, oral PrEP can decrease the risk of HIV from sexual contact by more than 90% and from injection drug use by around 70%. As PrEP is highly effective with low risk for side effects, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) gave PrEP a “Grade A” recommendation for use in those at high risk for HIV infection in 2019.5 Since efficacy is closely tied to adherence, the first injectable PrEP (given at 0, 1, and 2 months with dosing then every 2 months) was also recently FDA approved in late 2021.6

Since HIV infection disproportionately affects LBGTQ+ individuals, and particularly LBGTQ+ youth of color, counseling related to PrEP has been largely targeted to these groups.7 Insurance and financial barriers to PrEP have been greatly reduced over the past several years through changes in insurance coverage (strengthened by the USPSTF recommendation), supplemental insurance programs, and pharmaceutical copay programs. Many states (but not all) also include HIV in the definition of STIs and allow minors to consent to PrEP services without a parent or guardian. Unfortunately, despite the high efficacy of PrEP and efforts to decrease barriers, rates of PrEP use continue to be extremely low, especially in youth, with only 15.6% of those aged 16-24 who are at risk for HIV in the United States actually taking PrEP in 2019.8 Many barriers to PrEP continue to exist including lack of awareness of PrEP, stigma surrounding HIV and PrEP, and lack of PrEP providers.

In order to address these low rates of PrEP uptake, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that medical providers discuss PrEP with all sexually active patients.6 PrEP should not be seen or discussed as something only relevant to LBGTQ+ populations, but rather as another tool in everyone’s “sexual health toolbox” that can allow us to experience human connection and pleasure through sexual activity while also having more control over what happens to our bodies. Not only will this allow more patients to access PrEP directly, it will also decrease the stigma of talking about HIV and PrEP and strengthen youths’ sense of autonomy and control over their own sexual health.

Since PrEP is a relatively new medical service, many providers will need to learn more about PrEP to at least have initial discussions with patients and to feel comfortable prescribing this themselves (See Resources). Below are also some suggestions to incorporate into your practice in order to advocate for the health and well-being of all your patients, including LGBTQ+ youth.

  • Once your patients are 13 years and older, spend time with them alone to confidentially discuss more sensitive topics such as sexual health, mental health, and substance use.
  • For all patients who are sexually active or considering sexual activity in the near future, discuss topics to help them control what happens to their bodies including consent, condoms, birth control, PrEP, and routine STI screening.
  • Recommend PrEP to anyone who is sexually active and may be at increased risk for HIV infection or who is interested in taking PrEP for HIV prevention.
  • Learn more about PrEP and start prescribing it to your own patients or become familiar with providers in your area to whom you could refer patients who are interested. While no certification is needed to prescribe PrEP, programs exist to help providers become more familiar with how to prescribe PrEP.

Dr. Warus is an adolescent medicine physician who specializes in care for transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, HIV prevention for adolescents and young adults, and LGBTQ health for youth at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. He is an assistant professor of clinical pediatrics and a University of Southern California faculty member.


CDC PrEP resources for clinicians: HIV’s HIV Prevention Certified Provider Certification Program: providers in the United States: Health Working Group’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit for Adolescent Providers:


1. Lund EM and Burgess CM. Prim Care Clin Office Pract. 2021:48:179-89.

2. Hoffman ND et al. J Adolesc Health. 2009;45:222-9.

3. Mayer KH et al. Adv Ther. 2020;37:1778-811.

4. Hosek SG et al. JAMA Pediatr. 2017;171(11):1063-71.

5. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force; Owens DK et al. JAMA. 2019;321(22):2203-13.

6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: U.S. Public Health Service: Preexposure Prophylaxis for the Prevention of HIV Infection in the United States – 2021 Update: A Clinical Practice Guideline. Published 2021. Accessed July 10, 2022.

7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Estimated HIV Incidence and Prevalence in the United States, 2015-2019. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report. 2021;26(1). Published May 2021. Accessed July 10, 2022.

8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Monitoring Selected National HIV Prevention and Care Objectives by Using HIV Surveillance Data–United States and 6 Dependent Areas, 2020. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report. 2022;27(3).

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