Nonscaly Red-Brown Macules on the Feet and Ankles

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Mon, 09/23/2024 - 13:00
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Nonscaly Red-Brown Macules on the Feet and Ankles

THE DIAGNOSIS: Secondary Syphilis

Histopathology demonstrated a mild superficial perivascular and interstitial infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and rare plasma cells with a background of extravasated erythrocytes (Figure, A). Treponema pallidum staining highlighted multiple spirochetes along the dermoepidermal junction and in the superficial dermis (Figure, B). Direct immunofluorescence was negative. Laboratory workup revealed a reactive rapid plasma reagin screen with a titer of 1:16 and positive IgG and IgM treponemal antibodies. The patient was diagnosed with secondary syphilis and was treated with a single dose of 2.4 million U of intramuscular benzathine penicillin G, with notable improvement of the rash and arthritis symptoms at 2-week follow-up.

A, A punch biopsy of a lesion on the left foot revealed subtle superficial perivascular and interstitial inflammation as well as extravasated erythrocytes (H&E, original magnification ×100). B, Treponema pallidum staining highlighted multiple spirochetes along the dermoepidermal junction and in the superficial dermis, confirming the diagnosis of secondary syphilis (original magnification ×400).

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete T pallidum that progresses through active and latent stages. The incidence of both the primary and secondary stages of syphilis was at a historic low in the year 2000 and has increased annually since then.1 Syphilis is more common in men, and men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately affected. Although the incidence of syphilis in MSM has increased since 2000, rates have slowed, with slight decreases in this population between 2019 and 2020.1 Conversely, rates among women have increased substantially in recent years, suggesting a more recent epidemic affecting heterosexual men and women.2

Classically, the primary stage of syphilis manifests as an asymptomatic papule followed by a painless ulcer (chancre) that heals spontaneously. The secondary stage of syphilis results from dissemination of T pallidum and is characterized by a wide range of mucocutaneous manifestations and prodromal symptoms. The most common cutaneous manifestation is a diffuse, nonpruritic, papulosquamous rash with red-brown scaly macules or papules on the trunk and extremities.3 The palms and soles commonly are involved. Mucosal patches, “snail-track” ulcers in the mouth, and condylomata lata are the characteristic mucosal lesions of secondary syphilis. Mucocutaneous findings typically are preceded by systemic signs including fever, malaise, myalgia, and generalized lymphadenopathy. However, syphilis is considered “the great mimicker,” with new reports of unusual presentations of the disease. In addition to papulosquamous morphologies, pustular, targetoid, psoriasiform, and noduloulcerative (also known as lues maligna) forms of syphilis have been reported.3-5

The histopathologic features of secondary syphilis also are variable. Classically, secondary syphilis demonstrates vacuolar interface dermatitis and acanthosis with slender elongated rete ridges. Other well-known features include endothelial swelling and the presence of plasma cells in most cases.6 However, the histopathologic features of secondary syphilis may vary depending on the morphology of the skin eruption and when the biopsy is taken. Our patient lacked the classic histopathologic features of secondary syphilis. However, because syphilis was in the clinical differential diagnosis, a treponemal stain was ordered and confirmed the diagnosis. Immunohistochemical stains using antibodies to treponemal antigens have a reported sensitivity of 71% to 100% and are highly specific.7 Although the combination of endothelial swelling, interstitial inflammation, irregular acanthosis, and elongated rete ridges should raise the possibility of syphilis, a treponemal stain may be useful to identify spirochetes if clinical suspicion exists.8

Given our patient’s known history of GPA, leukocytoclastic vasculitis was high on the list of differential diagnoses. However, leukocytoclastic vasculitis most classically manifests as petechiae and palpable purpura, and unlike in secondary syphilis, the palms and soles are less commonly involved. Because our patient’s rash was mainly localized to the lower limbs, the differential also included 2 pigmented purpuric dermatoses (PPDs): progressive pigmentary purpura (Schamberg disease) and purpura annularis telangiectodes (Majocchi disease). Progressive pigmentary purpura is the most common manifestation of PPD and appears as cayenne pepper–colored macules that coalesce into golden brown–pigmented patches on the legs.9 Purpura annularis telangiectodes is another variant of PPD that manifests as pinpoint telangiectatic macules that progress to annular hyperpigmented patches with central clearing. Although PPDs frequently occur on the lower extremities, reports of plantar involvement are rare.10 Annular lichen planus manifests as violaceous papules with a clear center; however, it would be atypical for these lesions to be restricted to the feet and ankles. Palmoplantar lichen planus can mimic secondary syphilis clinically, but these cases manifest as hyperkeratotic pruritic papules on the palms and soles in contrast to the faint brown asymptomatic macules noted in our case.11

Our case highlights an unusual presentation of secondary syphilis and demonstrates the challenge of diagnosing this entity on clinical presentation alone. Because this patient lacked the classic clinical and histopathologic features of secondary syphilis, a skin biopsy with positive immunohistochemical staining for treponemal antigens was necessary to make the diagnosis. Given the variability in presentation of secondary syphilis, a biopsy or serologic testing may be necessary to make a proper diagnosis.

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually transmitted disease surveillance 2020. Accessed September 4, 2024.
  2. Ghanem KG, Ram S, Rice PA. The modern epidemic of syphilis. N Engl J Med. 2020;382:845-854. doi:10.1056/NEJMra1901593
  3. Forrestel AK, Kovarik CL, Katz KA. Sexually acquired syphilis: historical aspects, microbiology, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:1-14. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2019.02.073
  4. Wu MC, Hsu CK, Lee JY, et al. Erythema multiforme-like secondary syphilis in a HIV-positive bisexual man. Acta Derm Venereol. 2010;90:647-648. doi:10.2340/00015555-0920
  5. Kopelman H, Lin A, Jorizzo JL. A pemphigus-like presentation of secondary syphilis. JAAD Case Rep. 2019;5:861-864. doi:10.1016/j.jdcr.2019.07.021
  6. Liu XK, Li J. Histologic features of secondary syphilis. Dermatology. 2020;236:145-150. doi:10.1159/000502641
  7. Forrestel AK, Kovarik CL, Katz KA. Sexually acquired syphilis: laboratory diagnosis, management, and prevention. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:17-28. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2019.02.074
  8. Flamm A, Parikh K, Xie Q, et al. Histologic features of secondary syphilis: a multicenter retrospective review. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2015;73:1025-1030. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2015.08.062
  9. Kim DH, Seo SH, Ahn HH, et al. Characteristics and clinical manifestations of pigmented purpuric dermatosis. Ann Dermatol. 2015;27:404-410. doi:10.5021/ad.2015.27.4.404
  10. Sivendran M, Mowad C. Hyperpigmented patches on shins, palms, and soles. JAMA Dermatol. 2013;149:223. doi:10.1001/2013.jamadermatol.652a
  11. Kim YS, Kim MH, Kim CW, et al. A case of palmoplantar lichen planus mimicking secondary syphilis. Ann Dermatol. 2009;21:429-431.doi:10.5021/ad.2009.21.4.429
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Author and Disclosure Information

Jordan E. Lamb is from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pennsylvania. Drs. Falcone, Burke, Elahee, Harasimowicz, Ho, and James are from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pennsylvania. Drs. Falcone and James are from the Department of Dermatology; Drs. Burke and Ho are from the Department of Dermatology, Division of Dermatopathology; and Drs. Elahee and Harasimowicz are from the Department of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology. Dr. George is from the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, McKeesport, Pennsylvania.

The authors have no relevant financial disclosures to report.

Correspondence: Jordan E. Lamb, MD, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 3550 Terrace St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (

Cutis. 2024 September;114(2):E14-E16. doi:10.12788/cutis.1102

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Author and Disclosure Information

Jordan E. Lamb is from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pennsylvania. Drs. Falcone, Burke, Elahee, Harasimowicz, Ho, and James are from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pennsylvania. Drs. Falcone and James are from the Department of Dermatology; Drs. Burke and Ho are from the Department of Dermatology, Division of Dermatopathology; and Drs. Elahee and Harasimowicz are from the Department of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology. Dr. George is from the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, McKeesport, Pennsylvania.

The authors have no relevant financial disclosures to report.

Correspondence: Jordan E. Lamb, MD, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 3550 Terrace St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (

Cutis. 2024 September;114(2):E14-E16. doi:10.12788/cutis.1102

Author and Disclosure Information

Jordan E. Lamb is from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pennsylvania. Drs. Falcone, Burke, Elahee, Harasimowicz, Ho, and James are from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pennsylvania. Drs. Falcone and James are from the Department of Dermatology; Drs. Burke and Ho are from the Department of Dermatology, Division of Dermatopathology; and Drs. Elahee and Harasimowicz are from the Department of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology. Dr. George is from the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, McKeesport, Pennsylvania.

The authors have no relevant financial disclosures to report.

Correspondence: Jordan E. Lamb, MD, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 3550 Terrace St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (

Cutis. 2024 September;114(2):E14-E16. doi:10.12788/cutis.1102

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THE DIAGNOSIS: Secondary Syphilis

Histopathology demonstrated a mild superficial perivascular and interstitial infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and rare plasma cells with a background of extravasated erythrocytes (Figure, A). Treponema pallidum staining highlighted multiple spirochetes along the dermoepidermal junction and in the superficial dermis (Figure, B). Direct immunofluorescence was negative. Laboratory workup revealed a reactive rapid plasma reagin screen with a titer of 1:16 and positive IgG and IgM treponemal antibodies. The patient was diagnosed with secondary syphilis and was treated with a single dose of 2.4 million U of intramuscular benzathine penicillin G, with notable improvement of the rash and arthritis symptoms at 2-week follow-up.

A, A punch biopsy of a lesion on the left foot revealed subtle superficial perivascular and interstitial inflammation as well as extravasated erythrocytes (H&E, original magnification ×100). B, Treponema pallidum staining highlighted multiple spirochetes along the dermoepidermal junction and in the superficial dermis, confirming the diagnosis of secondary syphilis (original magnification ×400).

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete T pallidum that progresses through active and latent stages. The incidence of both the primary and secondary stages of syphilis was at a historic low in the year 2000 and has increased annually since then.1 Syphilis is more common in men, and men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately affected. Although the incidence of syphilis in MSM has increased since 2000, rates have slowed, with slight decreases in this population between 2019 and 2020.1 Conversely, rates among women have increased substantially in recent years, suggesting a more recent epidemic affecting heterosexual men and women.2

Classically, the primary stage of syphilis manifests as an asymptomatic papule followed by a painless ulcer (chancre) that heals spontaneously. The secondary stage of syphilis results from dissemination of T pallidum and is characterized by a wide range of mucocutaneous manifestations and prodromal symptoms. The most common cutaneous manifestation is a diffuse, nonpruritic, papulosquamous rash with red-brown scaly macules or papules on the trunk and extremities.3 The palms and soles commonly are involved. Mucosal patches, “snail-track” ulcers in the mouth, and condylomata lata are the characteristic mucosal lesions of secondary syphilis. Mucocutaneous findings typically are preceded by systemic signs including fever, malaise, myalgia, and generalized lymphadenopathy. However, syphilis is considered “the great mimicker,” with new reports of unusual presentations of the disease. In addition to papulosquamous morphologies, pustular, targetoid, psoriasiform, and noduloulcerative (also known as lues maligna) forms of syphilis have been reported.3-5

The histopathologic features of secondary syphilis also are variable. Classically, secondary syphilis demonstrates vacuolar interface dermatitis and acanthosis with slender elongated rete ridges. Other well-known features include endothelial swelling and the presence of plasma cells in most cases.6 However, the histopathologic features of secondary syphilis may vary depending on the morphology of the skin eruption and when the biopsy is taken. Our patient lacked the classic histopathologic features of secondary syphilis. However, because syphilis was in the clinical differential diagnosis, a treponemal stain was ordered and confirmed the diagnosis. Immunohistochemical stains using antibodies to treponemal antigens have a reported sensitivity of 71% to 100% and are highly specific.7 Although the combination of endothelial swelling, interstitial inflammation, irregular acanthosis, and elongated rete ridges should raise the possibility of syphilis, a treponemal stain may be useful to identify spirochetes if clinical suspicion exists.8

Given our patient’s known history of GPA, leukocytoclastic vasculitis was high on the list of differential diagnoses. However, leukocytoclastic vasculitis most classically manifests as petechiae and palpable purpura, and unlike in secondary syphilis, the palms and soles are less commonly involved. Because our patient’s rash was mainly localized to the lower limbs, the differential also included 2 pigmented purpuric dermatoses (PPDs): progressive pigmentary purpura (Schamberg disease) and purpura annularis telangiectodes (Majocchi disease). Progressive pigmentary purpura is the most common manifestation of PPD and appears as cayenne pepper–colored macules that coalesce into golden brown–pigmented patches on the legs.9 Purpura annularis telangiectodes is another variant of PPD that manifests as pinpoint telangiectatic macules that progress to annular hyperpigmented patches with central clearing. Although PPDs frequently occur on the lower extremities, reports of plantar involvement are rare.10 Annular lichen planus manifests as violaceous papules with a clear center; however, it would be atypical for these lesions to be restricted to the feet and ankles. Palmoplantar lichen planus can mimic secondary syphilis clinically, but these cases manifest as hyperkeratotic pruritic papules on the palms and soles in contrast to the faint brown asymptomatic macules noted in our case.11

Our case highlights an unusual presentation of secondary syphilis and demonstrates the challenge of diagnosing this entity on clinical presentation alone. Because this patient lacked the classic clinical and histopathologic features of secondary syphilis, a skin biopsy with positive immunohistochemical staining for treponemal antigens was necessary to make the diagnosis. Given the variability in presentation of secondary syphilis, a biopsy or serologic testing may be necessary to make a proper diagnosis.

THE DIAGNOSIS: Secondary Syphilis

Histopathology demonstrated a mild superficial perivascular and interstitial infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, histiocytes, and rare plasma cells with a background of extravasated erythrocytes (Figure, A). Treponema pallidum staining highlighted multiple spirochetes along the dermoepidermal junction and in the superficial dermis (Figure, B). Direct immunofluorescence was negative. Laboratory workup revealed a reactive rapid plasma reagin screen with a titer of 1:16 and positive IgG and IgM treponemal antibodies. The patient was diagnosed with secondary syphilis and was treated with a single dose of 2.4 million U of intramuscular benzathine penicillin G, with notable improvement of the rash and arthritis symptoms at 2-week follow-up.

A, A punch biopsy of a lesion on the left foot revealed subtle superficial perivascular and interstitial inflammation as well as extravasated erythrocytes (H&E, original magnification ×100). B, Treponema pallidum staining highlighted multiple spirochetes along the dermoepidermal junction and in the superficial dermis, confirming the diagnosis of secondary syphilis (original magnification ×400).

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete T pallidum that progresses through active and latent stages. The incidence of both the primary and secondary stages of syphilis was at a historic low in the year 2000 and has increased annually since then.1 Syphilis is more common in men, and men who have sex with men (MSM) are disproportionately affected. Although the incidence of syphilis in MSM has increased since 2000, rates have slowed, with slight decreases in this population between 2019 and 2020.1 Conversely, rates among women have increased substantially in recent years, suggesting a more recent epidemic affecting heterosexual men and women.2

Classically, the primary stage of syphilis manifests as an asymptomatic papule followed by a painless ulcer (chancre) that heals spontaneously. The secondary stage of syphilis results from dissemination of T pallidum and is characterized by a wide range of mucocutaneous manifestations and prodromal symptoms. The most common cutaneous manifestation is a diffuse, nonpruritic, papulosquamous rash with red-brown scaly macules or papules on the trunk and extremities.3 The palms and soles commonly are involved. Mucosal patches, “snail-track” ulcers in the mouth, and condylomata lata are the characteristic mucosal lesions of secondary syphilis. Mucocutaneous findings typically are preceded by systemic signs including fever, malaise, myalgia, and generalized lymphadenopathy. However, syphilis is considered “the great mimicker,” with new reports of unusual presentations of the disease. In addition to papulosquamous morphologies, pustular, targetoid, psoriasiform, and noduloulcerative (also known as lues maligna) forms of syphilis have been reported.3-5

The histopathologic features of secondary syphilis also are variable. Classically, secondary syphilis demonstrates vacuolar interface dermatitis and acanthosis with slender elongated rete ridges. Other well-known features include endothelial swelling and the presence of plasma cells in most cases.6 However, the histopathologic features of secondary syphilis may vary depending on the morphology of the skin eruption and when the biopsy is taken. Our patient lacked the classic histopathologic features of secondary syphilis. However, because syphilis was in the clinical differential diagnosis, a treponemal stain was ordered and confirmed the diagnosis. Immunohistochemical stains using antibodies to treponemal antigens have a reported sensitivity of 71% to 100% and are highly specific.7 Although the combination of endothelial swelling, interstitial inflammation, irregular acanthosis, and elongated rete ridges should raise the possibility of syphilis, a treponemal stain may be useful to identify spirochetes if clinical suspicion exists.8

Given our patient’s known history of GPA, leukocytoclastic vasculitis was high on the list of differential diagnoses. However, leukocytoclastic vasculitis most classically manifests as petechiae and palpable purpura, and unlike in secondary syphilis, the palms and soles are less commonly involved. Because our patient’s rash was mainly localized to the lower limbs, the differential also included 2 pigmented purpuric dermatoses (PPDs): progressive pigmentary purpura (Schamberg disease) and purpura annularis telangiectodes (Majocchi disease). Progressive pigmentary purpura is the most common manifestation of PPD and appears as cayenne pepper–colored macules that coalesce into golden brown–pigmented patches on the legs.9 Purpura annularis telangiectodes is another variant of PPD that manifests as pinpoint telangiectatic macules that progress to annular hyperpigmented patches with central clearing. Although PPDs frequently occur on the lower extremities, reports of plantar involvement are rare.10 Annular lichen planus manifests as violaceous papules with a clear center; however, it would be atypical for these lesions to be restricted to the feet and ankles. Palmoplantar lichen planus can mimic secondary syphilis clinically, but these cases manifest as hyperkeratotic pruritic papules on the palms and soles in contrast to the faint brown asymptomatic macules noted in our case.11

Our case highlights an unusual presentation of secondary syphilis and demonstrates the challenge of diagnosing this entity on clinical presentation alone. Because this patient lacked the classic clinical and histopathologic features of secondary syphilis, a skin biopsy with positive immunohistochemical staining for treponemal antigens was necessary to make the diagnosis. Given the variability in presentation of secondary syphilis, a biopsy or serologic testing may be necessary to make a proper diagnosis.

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually transmitted disease surveillance 2020. Accessed September 4, 2024.
  2. Ghanem KG, Ram S, Rice PA. The modern epidemic of syphilis. N Engl J Med. 2020;382:845-854. doi:10.1056/NEJMra1901593
  3. Forrestel AK, Kovarik CL, Katz KA. Sexually acquired syphilis: historical aspects, microbiology, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:1-14. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2019.02.073
  4. Wu MC, Hsu CK, Lee JY, et al. Erythema multiforme-like secondary syphilis in a HIV-positive bisexual man. Acta Derm Venereol. 2010;90:647-648. doi:10.2340/00015555-0920
  5. Kopelman H, Lin A, Jorizzo JL. A pemphigus-like presentation of secondary syphilis. JAAD Case Rep. 2019;5:861-864. doi:10.1016/j.jdcr.2019.07.021
  6. Liu XK, Li J. Histologic features of secondary syphilis. Dermatology. 2020;236:145-150. doi:10.1159/000502641
  7. Forrestel AK, Kovarik CL, Katz KA. Sexually acquired syphilis: laboratory diagnosis, management, and prevention. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:17-28. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2019.02.074
  8. Flamm A, Parikh K, Xie Q, et al. Histologic features of secondary syphilis: a multicenter retrospective review. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2015;73:1025-1030. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2015.08.062
  9. Kim DH, Seo SH, Ahn HH, et al. Characteristics and clinical manifestations of pigmented purpuric dermatosis. Ann Dermatol. 2015;27:404-410. doi:10.5021/ad.2015.27.4.404
  10. Sivendran M, Mowad C. Hyperpigmented patches on shins, palms, and soles. JAMA Dermatol. 2013;149:223. doi:10.1001/2013.jamadermatol.652a
  11. Kim YS, Kim MH, Kim CW, et al. A case of palmoplantar lichen planus mimicking secondary syphilis. Ann Dermatol. 2009;21:429-431.doi:10.5021/ad.2009.21.4.429
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually transmitted disease surveillance 2020. Accessed September 4, 2024.
  2. Ghanem KG, Ram S, Rice PA. The modern epidemic of syphilis. N Engl J Med. 2020;382:845-854. doi:10.1056/NEJMra1901593
  3. Forrestel AK, Kovarik CL, Katz KA. Sexually acquired syphilis: historical aspects, microbiology, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:1-14. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2019.02.073
  4. Wu MC, Hsu CK, Lee JY, et al. Erythema multiforme-like secondary syphilis in a HIV-positive bisexual man. Acta Derm Venereol. 2010;90:647-648. doi:10.2340/00015555-0920
  5. Kopelman H, Lin A, Jorizzo JL. A pemphigus-like presentation of secondary syphilis. JAAD Case Rep. 2019;5:861-864. doi:10.1016/j.jdcr.2019.07.021
  6. Liu XK, Li J. Histologic features of secondary syphilis. Dermatology. 2020;236:145-150. doi:10.1159/000502641
  7. Forrestel AK, Kovarik CL, Katz KA. Sexually acquired syphilis: laboratory diagnosis, management, and prevention. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:17-28. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2019.02.074
  8. Flamm A, Parikh K, Xie Q, et al. Histologic features of secondary syphilis: a multicenter retrospective review. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2015;73:1025-1030. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2015.08.062
  9. Kim DH, Seo SH, Ahn HH, et al. Characteristics and clinical manifestations of pigmented purpuric dermatosis. Ann Dermatol. 2015;27:404-410. doi:10.5021/ad.2015.27.4.404
  10. Sivendran M, Mowad C. Hyperpigmented patches on shins, palms, and soles. JAMA Dermatol. 2013;149:223. doi:10.1001/2013.jamadermatol.652a
  11. Kim YS, Kim MH, Kim CW, et al. A case of palmoplantar lichen planus mimicking secondary syphilis. Ann Dermatol. 2009;21:429-431.doi:10.5021/ad.2009.21.4.429
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Nonscaly Red-Brown Macules on the Feet and Ankles
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Nonscaly Red-Brown Macules on the Feet and Ankles
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A 59-year-old man presented with a nontender nonpruritic rash on the feet of 2 days’ duration. The patient had a several-year history of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) and was taking methotrexate and prednisone. The rash appeared suddenly—first on the right foot and then on the left foot—and was preceded by 1 week of worsening polyarthralgia, most notably in the ankles. He denied any fever, chills, sore throat, or weight loss. His typical GPA symptoms included inflammatory arthritis, scleritis, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, and sinonasal and renal involvement. He recently experienced exacerbation of inflammatory arthritis that required an increase in the prednisone dosage (from 40 mg to 60 mg daily), but there were no other GPA symptoms. He had a history of multiple female sexual partners but no known history of HIV and no recent testing for sexually transmitted infections. Hepatitis C antibody testing performed 5 years earlier was nonreactive. He denied any illicit drug use, recent travel, sick contacts, or new medications.

Dermatologic examination revealed nonscaly, clustered, red-brown macules, some with central clearing, on the medial and lateral aspects of the feet and ankles with a few faint copper-colored macules on the palms and soles. The ankles had full range of motion with no edema or effusion. There were no oral or genital lesions. The remainder of the skin examination was normal. Punch biopsies of skin on the left foot were obtained for histopathology and direct immunofluorescence.

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Pancreatitis: The great masquerader?

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Wed, 10/10/2018 - 10:32
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Pancreatitis: The great masquerader?

A 55-year-old man presented to the emergency department with 1 week of bilateral lower-extremity joint pain associated with painful skin nodules. He had a history of chronic recurrent alcoholic pancreatitis. He denied abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.

Figure 1. The patient had multiple raised erythematous nodules on the lower extremities consistent with panniculitis.
Figure 1. The patient had multiple raised erythematous nodules on the lower extremities consistent with panniculitis.
Physical examination revealed synovitis of the ankles and knees bilaterally and circumferential erythematous nodules 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter on the lower extremities (Figure 1).

Results of initial laboratory testing:

  • Alkaline phosphatase 300 IU/L (reference range 36–108)
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 81 mm/h (0–15)
  • Lipase 20,000 U/L (16–61).

Figure 2. Biopsy study revealed pancreatic panniculitis. The subcutis showed mixed inflammation with characteristic “ghost adipocytes” of adipocyte necrosis (red box) (hematoxylin and eosin, × 10).
Figure 2. Biopsy study revealed pancreatic panniculitis. The subcutis showed mixed inflammation with characteristic “ghost adipocytes” of adipocyte necrosis (red box) (hematoxylin and eosin, × 10).
Skin biopsy of lower-extremity lesions showed lobular necrosis of the subcutaneous fat, consistent with pancreatic panniculitis (Figure 2). Computed tomography revealed an acute exacerbation of chronic (“acute-on-chronic”) pancreatitis, with pseudocyst formation and pancreatic duct dilation.

Figure 3. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography confirmed pancreatic stricture (arrow) and dilation of the pancreatic duct (box).
Figure 3. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography confirmed pancreatic stricture (arrow) and dilation of the pancreatic duct (box).
Because of the persistent elevation in the serum lipase level and the dilation of the pancreatic duct shown on imaging, endoscopic retro­grade cholangiopancreatography was done to evaluate for malignant obstruction; it confirmed pancreatic duct stricture and dilation (Figure 3). Brush cytology study was negative for pancreatic or biliary malignancy. The pancreatic duct was dilated and stented, and the panniculitis and polyarthritis rapidly improved, with normalization of serum lipase levels. At a 3-month follow-up visit, the patient was asymptomatic with no recurrence of pancreatitis, panniculitis, or polyarthritis. He was subsequently lost to follow-up.


Epidemiology and pathophysiology

Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome is a rare systemic complication of pancreatic disease occurring most often in middle-aged men with an acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and a history of alcohol use disorder.1,2 It is also associated with pancreatic pseudocyst, pancreas divisum, and pancreatic adenocarcinoma.3–6 It is characterized by systemic fat necrosis secondary to severe and persistent elevation of pancreatic enzymes. The mortality rate is high; in a case series of 25 patients, 24% died within days to weeks after admission.1

Clinical presentation and treatment

The diagnosis of pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome is often missed. Abdominal pain is mild or absent in over 60% of patients.1 Therefore, a high index of suspicion is required for early diagnosis.

The differential diagnosis includes sarcoidosis (including Löfgren syndrome), subcutaneous infection, and vasculitis. “Ghost adipocytes” on skin biopsy are pathognomonic for pancreatic panniculitis and are the result of saponification; they appear to be anuclear, with basophilic material throughout the cytoplasm.7 Arthrocentesis of affected joints may reveal thick, creamy material, rich in triglycerides, which is diagnostic of pancreatic arthritis.1,8

Treatment relies on correction of the underlying pancreatic pathology. Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome has been successfully treated by cyst gastrostomy, pancreatic duct stenting, and pancreaticoduodenectomy.7,9–11


  • Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome mimics rheumatologic disease and often presents without abdominal pain.
  • The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of elevated serum lipase or amylase, pancreatic imaging showing pancreatitis, and ghost adipocytes on skin biopsy.
  • Treatment is aimed at correcting the underlying pancreatic abnormality.
  1. Narváez J, Bianchi MM, Santo P, et al. Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2010; 39(5):417–423. doi:10.1016/j.semarthrit.2008.10.001
  2. Mourad FH, Hannoush HM, Bahlawan M, Uthman I, Uthman S. Panniculitis and arthritis as the presenting manifestation of chronic pancreatitis. J Clin Gastroenterol 2001; 32(3):259–261. pmid:11246359
  3. Borowicz J, Morrison M, Hogan D, Miller R. Subcutaneous fat necrosis/panniculitis and polyarthritis associated with acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas: a rare presentation of pancreatitis, panniculitis and polyarthritis syndrome. J Drugs Dermatol 2010; 9(9):1145–1150. pmid:20865849
  4. Hudson-Peacock MJ, Regnard CF, Farr PM. Liquefying panniculitis associated with acinous carcinoma of the pancreas responding to octreotide. J R Soc Med 1994; 87(6):361–362. pmid:8046712
  5. Vasdev V, Bhakuni D, Narayanan K, Jain R. Intramedullary fat necrosis, polyarthritis and panniculitis with pancreatic tumor: a case report. Int J Rheum Dis 2010; 13(4):e74–e78. doi:10.1111/j.1756-185X.2010.01548.x
  6. Haber RM, Assaad DM. Panniculitis associated with a pancreas divisum. J Am Acad Dermatol 1986; 14(2 pt 2):331–334. pmid:3950133
  7. Francombe J, Kingsnorth AN, Tunn E. Panniculitis, arthritis and pancreatitis. Br J Rheumatol 1995; 34(7):680–683. pmid:7670790
  8. Price-Forbes AN, Filer A, Udeshi UL, Rai A. Progression of imaging in pancreatitis panniculitis polyarthritis (PPP) syndrome. Scand J Rheumatol 2006; 35(1):72–74. doi:10.1080/03009740500228073
  9. Harris MD, Bucobo JC, Buscaglia JM. Pancreatitis, panniculitis, polyarthritis syndrome successfully treated with EUS-guided cyst-gastrostomy. Gastrointest Endosc 2010; 72(2):456–458. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2009.11.040
  10. Lambiase P, Seery JP, Taylor-Robinson SD, Thompson JN, Hughes JM, Walters JR. Resolution of panniculitis after placement of pancreatic duct stent in chronic pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol 1996; 91(9):1835–1837. pmid:8792709
  11. Potts JR. Pancreatic-portal vein fistula with disseminated fat necrosis treated by pancreaticoduodenectomy. South Med J 1991; 84(5):632–635. pmid:2035087
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Author and Disclosure Information

Nicholas S. Duca, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA

Kristian Feterik, MD, MBA
Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, PA

Jonhan Ho, MD, MS
Department of Dermatology and Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, PA

Address: Nicholas S. Duca, MD, Division of General Internal Medicine, Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, 500 University Drive H034, Hershey, PA 17036;

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 85(10)
Page Number
Legacy Keywords
pancreas, pancreatitis, panniculitis, polyarthritis, PPP syndrome, bile duct stricture, masquerader, ghost adipocytes adipocyte necrosis, skin nodules, alkaline phosphatase, skin biopsy, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, lipase, Nicholas Duca, Kristian Feterik, Jonhan Ho
Author and Disclosure Information

Nicholas S. Duca, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA

Kristian Feterik, MD, MBA
Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, PA

Jonhan Ho, MD, MS
Department of Dermatology and Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, PA

Address: Nicholas S. Duca, MD, Division of General Internal Medicine, Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, 500 University Drive H034, Hershey, PA 17036;

Author and Disclosure Information

Nicholas S. Duca, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA

Kristian Feterik, MD, MBA
Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, PA

Jonhan Ho, MD, MS
Department of Dermatology and Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, PA

Address: Nicholas S. Duca, MD, Division of General Internal Medicine, Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, 500 University Drive H034, Hershey, PA 17036;

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A 55-year-old man presented to the emergency department with 1 week of bilateral lower-extremity joint pain associated with painful skin nodules. He had a history of chronic recurrent alcoholic pancreatitis. He denied abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.

Figure 1. The patient had multiple raised erythematous nodules on the lower extremities consistent with panniculitis.
Figure 1. The patient had multiple raised erythematous nodules on the lower extremities consistent with panniculitis.
Physical examination revealed synovitis of the ankles and knees bilaterally and circumferential erythematous nodules 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter on the lower extremities (Figure 1).

Results of initial laboratory testing:

  • Alkaline phosphatase 300 IU/L (reference range 36–108)
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 81 mm/h (0–15)
  • Lipase 20,000 U/L (16–61).

Figure 2. Biopsy study revealed pancreatic panniculitis. The subcutis showed mixed inflammation with characteristic “ghost adipocytes” of adipocyte necrosis (red box) (hematoxylin and eosin, × 10).
Figure 2. Biopsy study revealed pancreatic panniculitis. The subcutis showed mixed inflammation with characteristic “ghost adipocytes” of adipocyte necrosis (red box) (hematoxylin and eosin, × 10).
Skin biopsy of lower-extremity lesions showed lobular necrosis of the subcutaneous fat, consistent with pancreatic panniculitis (Figure 2). Computed tomography revealed an acute exacerbation of chronic (“acute-on-chronic”) pancreatitis, with pseudocyst formation and pancreatic duct dilation.

Figure 3. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography confirmed pancreatic stricture (arrow) and dilation of the pancreatic duct (box).
Figure 3. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography confirmed pancreatic stricture (arrow) and dilation of the pancreatic duct (box).
Because of the persistent elevation in the serum lipase level and the dilation of the pancreatic duct shown on imaging, endoscopic retro­grade cholangiopancreatography was done to evaluate for malignant obstruction; it confirmed pancreatic duct stricture and dilation (Figure 3). Brush cytology study was negative for pancreatic or biliary malignancy. The pancreatic duct was dilated and stented, and the panniculitis and polyarthritis rapidly improved, with normalization of serum lipase levels. At a 3-month follow-up visit, the patient was asymptomatic with no recurrence of pancreatitis, panniculitis, or polyarthritis. He was subsequently lost to follow-up.


Epidemiology and pathophysiology

Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome is a rare systemic complication of pancreatic disease occurring most often in middle-aged men with an acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and a history of alcohol use disorder.1,2 It is also associated with pancreatic pseudocyst, pancreas divisum, and pancreatic adenocarcinoma.3–6 It is characterized by systemic fat necrosis secondary to severe and persistent elevation of pancreatic enzymes. The mortality rate is high; in a case series of 25 patients, 24% died within days to weeks after admission.1

Clinical presentation and treatment

The diagnosis of pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome is often missed. Abdominal pain is mild or absent in over 60% of patients.1 Therefore, a high index of suspicion is required for early diagnosis.

The differential diagnosis includes sarcoidosis (including Löfgren syndrome), subcutaneous infection, and vasculitis. “Ghost adipocytes” on skin biopsy are pathognomonic for pancreatic panniculitis and are the result of saponification; they appear to be anuclear, with basophilic material throughout the cytoplasm.7 Arthrocentesis of affected joints may reveal thick, creamy material, rich in triglycerides, which is diagnostic of pancreatic arthritis.1,8

Treatment relies on correction of the underlying pancreatic pathology. Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome has been successfully treated by cyst gastrostomy, pancreatic duct stenting, and pancreaticoduodenectomy.7,9–11


  • Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome mimics rheumatologic disease and often presents without abdominal pain.
  • The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of elevated serum lipase or amylase, pancreatic imaging showing pancreatitis, and ghost adipocytes on skin biopsy.
  • Treatment is aimed at correcting the underlying pancreatic abnormality.

A 55-year-old man presented to the emergency department with 1 week of bilateral lower-extremity joint pain associated with painful skin nodules. He had a history of chronic recurrent alcoholic pancreatitis. He denied abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.

Figure 1. The patient had multiple raised erythematous nodules on the lower extremities consistent with panniculitis.
Figure 1. The patient had multiple raised erythematous nodules on the lower extremities consistent with panniculitis.
Physical examination revealed synovitis of the ankles and knees bilaterally and circumferential erythematous nodules 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter on the lower extremities (Figure 1).

Results of initial laboratory testing:

  • Alkaline phosphatase 300 IU/L (reference range 36–108)
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 81 mm/h (0–15)
  • Lipase 20,000 U/L (16–61).

Figure 2. Biopsy study revealed pancreatic panniculitis. The subcutis showed mixed inflammation with characteristic “ghost adipocytes” of adipocyte necrosis (red box) (hematoxylin and eosin, × 10).
Figure 2. Biopsy study revealed pancreatic panniculitis. The subcutis showed mixed inflammation with characteristic “ghost adipocytes” of adipocyte necrosis (red box) (hematoxylin and eosin, × 10).
Skin biopsy of lower-extremity lesions showed lobular necrosis of the subcutaneous fat, consistent with pancreatic panniculitis (Figure 2). Computed tomography revealed an acute exacerbation of chronic (“acute-on-chronic”) pancreatitis, with pseudocyst formation and pancreatic duct dilation.

Figure 3. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography confirmed pancreatic stricture (arrow) and dilation of the pancreatic duct (box).
Figure 3. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography confirmed pancreatic stricture (arrow) and dilation of the pancreatic duct (box).
Because of the persistent elevation in the serum lipase level and the dilation of the pancreatic duct shown on imaging, endoscopic retro­grade cholangiopancreatography was done to evaluate for malignant obstruction; it confirmed pancreatic duct stricture and dilation (Figure 3). Brush cytology study was negative for pancreatic or biliary malignancy. The pancreatic duct was dilated and stented, and the panniculitis and polyarthritis rapidly improved, with normalization of serum lipase levels. At a 3-month follow-up visit, the patient was asymptomatic with no recurrence of pancreatitis, panniculitis, or polyarthritis. He was subsequently lost to follow-up.


Epidemiology and pathophysiology

Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome is a rare systemic complication of pancreatic disease occurring most often in middle-aged men with an acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and a history of alcohol use disorder.1,2 It is also associated with pancreatic pseudocyst, pancreas divisum, and pancreatic adenocarcinoma.3–6 It is characterized by systemic fat necrosis secondary to severe and persistent elevation of pancreatic enzymes. The mortality rate is high; in a case series of 25 patients, 24% died within days to weeks after admission.1

Clinical presentation and treatment

The diagnosis of pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome is often missed. Abdominal pain is mild or absent in over 60% of patients.1 Therefore, a high index of suspicion is required for early diagnosis.

The differential diagnosis includes sarcoidosis (including Löfgren syndrome), subcutaneous infection, and vasculitis. “Ghost adipocytes” on skin biopsy are pathognomonic for pancreatic panniculitis and are the result of saponification; they appear to be anuclear, with basophilic material throughout the cytoplasm.7 Arthrocentesis of affected joints may reveal thick, creamy material, rich in triglycerides, which is diagnostic of pancreatic arthritis.1,8

Treatment relies on correction of the underlying pancreatic pathology. Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome has been successfully treated by cyst gastrostomy, pancreatic duct stenting, and pancreaticoduodenectomy.7,9–11


  • Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis syndrome mimics rheumatologic disease and often presents without abdominal pain.
  • The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of elevated serum lipase or amylase, pancreatic imaging showing pancreatitis, and ghost adipocytes on skin biopsy.
  • Treatment is aimed at correcting the underlying pancreatic abnormality.
  1. Narváez J, Bianchi MM, Santo P, et al. Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2010; 39(5):417–423. doi:10.1016/j.semarthrit.2008.10.001
  2. Mourad FH, Hannoush HM, Bahlawan M, Uthman I, Uthman S. Panniculitis and arthritis as the presenting manifestation of chronic pancreatitis. J Clin Gastroenterol 2001; 32(3):259–261. pmid:11246359
  3. Borowicz J, Morrison M, Hogan D, Miller R. Subcutaneous fat necrosis/panniculitis and polyarthritis associated with acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas: a rare presentation of pancreatitis, panniculitis and polyarthritis syndrome. J Drugs Dermatol 2010; 9(9):1145–1150. pmid:20865849
  4. Hudson-Peacock MJ, Regnard CF, Farr PM. Liquefying panniculitis associated with acinous carcinoma of the pancreas responding to octreotide. J R Soc Med 1994; 87(6):361–362. pmid:8046712
  5. Vasdev V, Bhakuni D, Narayanan K, Jain R. Intramedullary fat necrosis, polyarthritis and panniculitis with pancreatic tumor: a case report. Int J Rheum Dis 2010; 13(4):e74–e78. doi:10.1111/j.1756-185X.2010.01548.x
  6. Haber RM, Assaad DM. Panniculitis associated with a pancreas divisum. J Am Acad Dermatol 1986; 14(2 pt 2):331–334. pmid:3950133
  7. Francombe J, Kingsnorth AN, Tunn E. Panniculitis, arthritis and pancreatitis. Br J Rheumatol 1995; 34(7):680–683. pmid:7670790
  8. Price-Forbes AN, Filer A, Udeshi UL, Rai A. Progression of imaging in pancreatitis panniculitis polyarthritis (PPP) syndrome. Scand J Rheumatol 2006; 35(1):72–74. doi:10.1080/03009740500228073
  9. Harris MD, Bucobo JC, Buscaglia JM. Pancreatitis, panniculitis, polyarthritis syndrome successfully treated with EUS-guided cyst-gastrostomy. Gastrointest Endosc 2010; 72(2):456–458. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2009.11.040
  10. Lambiase P, Seery JP, Taylor-Robinson SD, Thompson JN, Hughes JM, Walters JR. Resolution of panniculitis after placement of pancreatic duct stent in chronic pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol 1996; 91(9):1835–1837. pmid:8792709
  11. Potts JR. Pancreatic-portal vein fistula with disseminated fat necrosis treated by pancreaticoduodenectomy. South Med J 1991; 84(5):632–635. pmid:2035087
  1. Narváez J, Bianchi MM, Santo P, et al. Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2010; 39(5):417–423. doi:10.1016/j.semarthrit.2008.10.001
  2. Mourad FH, Hannoush HM, Bahlawan M, Uthman I, Uthman S. Panniculitis and arthritis as the presenting manifestation of chronic pancreatitis. J Clin Gastroenterol 2001; 32(3):259–261. pmid:11246359
  3. Borowicz J, Morrison M, Hogan D, Miller R. Subcutaneous fat necrosis/panniculitis and polyarthritis associated with acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas: a rare presentation of pancreatitis, panniculitis and polyarthritis syndrome. J Drugs Dermatol 2010; 9(9):1145–1150. pmid:20865849
  4. Hudson-Peacock MJ, Regnard CF, Farr PM. Liquefying panniculitis associated with acinous carcinoma of the pancreas responding to octreotide. J R Soc Med 1994; 87(6):361–362. pmid:8046712
  5. Vasdev V, Bhakuni D, Narayanan K, Jain R. Intramedullary fat necrosis, polyarthritis and panniculitis with pancreatic tumor: a case report. Int J Rheum Dis 2010; 13(4):e74–e78. doi:10.1111/j.1756-185X.2010.01548.x
  6. Haber RM, Assaad DM. Panniculitis associated with a pancreas divisum. J Am Acad Dermatol 1986; 14(2 pt 2):331–334. pmid:3950133
  7. Francombe J, Kingsnorth AN, Tunn E. Panniculitis, arthritis and pancreatitis. Br J Rheumatol 1995; 34(7):680–683. pmid:7670790
  8. Price-Forbes AN, Filer A, Udeshi UL, Rai A. Progression of imaging in pancreatitis panniculitis polyarthritis (PPP) syndrome. Scand J Rheumatol 2006; 35(1):72–74. doi:10.1080/03009740500228073
  9. Harris MD, Bucobo JC, Buscaglia JM. Pancreatitis, panniculitis, polyarthritis syndrome successfully treated with EUS-guided cyst-gastrostomy. Gastrointest Endosc 2010; 72(2):456–458. doi:10.1016/j.gie.2009.11.040
  10. Lambiase P, Seery JP, Taylor-Robinson SD, Thompson JN, Hughes JM, Walters JR. Resolution of panniculitis after placement of pancreatic duct stent in chronic pancreatitis. Am J Gastroenterol 1996; 91(9):1835–1837. pmid:8792709
  11. Potts JR. Pancreatic-portal vein fistula with disseminated fat necrosis treated by pancreaticoduodenectomy. South Med J 1991; 84(5):632–635. pmid:2035087
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 85(10)
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 85(10)
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Pancreatitis: The great masquerader?
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Pancreatitis: The great masquerader?
Legacy Keywords
pancreas, pancreatitis, panniculitis, polyarthritis, PPP syndrome, bile duct stricture, masquerader, ghost adipocytes adipocyte necrosis, skin nodules, alkaline phosphatase, skin biopsy, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, lipase, Nicholas Duca, Kristian Feterik, Jonhan Ho
Legacy Keywords
pancreas, pancreatitis, panniculitis, polyarthritis, PPP syndrome, bile duct stricture, masquerader, ghost adipocytes adipocyte necrosis, skin nodules, alkaline phosphatase, skin biopsy, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, lipase, Nicholas Duca, Kristian Feterik, Jonhan Ho
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