Be Sure to Look for Secondary Diabetes

Secondary diabetes may be underestimated due to "misdiagnosis" as type 2 diabetes.

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A 63-year-old Hispanic wom­an was referred to endocrinology by her primary care provider for uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), which was diagnosed 16 years ago. Her antidiabetic medications included insulin glargine (55 U bid), metformin (1,000 mg bid), and glipizide (10 mg bid). She also had known dyslipidemia, hypertension, and depression. There was a history of poorly controlled glucose (A1C between 9% and 13% in the past three years).

This was a relatively common new patient consult in our endocrine clinic. Upon entering the room, I was greeted by the patient and two family members. I quickly noticed the patient’s facial plethora and central obesity with comparatively thin extremities. Further inquiry revealed that the greatest challenge for the patient and her family was her bouts of severe depression, during which she would stop caring and cease to take her medications.

During the physical exam, mild but not significant supraclavicular and dorsocervical fat pads were appreciated. The exam was otherwise unremarkable, with no purple striae on the torso, abdomen, breasts, and extremities.

In addition to routine diabetes lab tests (ie, A1C, chemistry panel, lipid panel, urine microalbumin-to-creatinine ratio), an overnight 1-mg oral dexamethasone suppression test was ordered. Results of the latter were abnormal, and further workup confirmed Cushing disease (see Table 1 for results). The patient was referred for neurosurgery.

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