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Tue, 04/16/2024 - 16:04

Psychiatry, like all medical disciplines, changes over time. For many decades, psychiatrists were primarily psychotherapists. As medications slowly became available, these became a second tool for treatment — so much so that by the 21st century many, if not most, psychiatrists saw themselves primarily as psychopharmacologists and diagnosticians who were skilled at identifying various forms of mental illness and using medications in the hopes of inducing a clinically meaningful “response” in symptoms. While still belonging to the umbrella category of a mental health professional, more and more psychiatrists trained and practiced as mental illness professionals.

Slowly, however, there have been stirrings within the field by many who have found the identity of the psychiatrist as a “prescriber” to be too narrow, and the current “med check” model of treatment too confining. This change was partly inspired by our colleagues in clinical psychology who were challenged in the 1990s by then American Psychological Association President Martin Seligman, PhD, to develop knowledge and expertise not only in alleviating mental suffering but also in promoting true mental well-being, a construct that still was often vaguely defined. One framework of well-being that was advanced at the time was the PERMA model, representing the five well-being dimensions of Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment.1

Dr. David C. Rettew

While there have always been those in psychiatry who have advocated for a broad emphasis that incorporates the full spectrum of mental health, there has been a surge of interest in the past 10-15 years, urging a focus on well-being and the tools that can help a person achieve it. This trend has variably been referred to as positive psychiatry, lifestyle psychiatry, and other terms.2 As one might expect, child and adolescent psychiatry has been particularly fertile ground for such principles, and models such as the Vermont Family Based Approach have expanded the concept beyond the individual to the family and even community.3

It is important to note here that embracing the concept of well-being in treatment does not in any way require one to abandon the idea that genetic or environmental factors can lead to negative outcomes in brain development, nor does it mandate that one leaves behind important treatment modalities such as traditional psychotherapy and medication treatment. Further, this approach should not be confused with some “wellness” activities that offer quick fixes and lack scientific rigor. Positive psychiatry does, however, offer a third pathway to advance positive emotional behavioral growth, namely through health promotion activities ranging from exercise to good nutrition to positive parenting in ways that have been shown to benefit both those who are already doing fairly well as well as those who are actively struggling with significant psychiatric disorders.4

Primary care clinicians already have extensive familiarity talking about these kinds of health promoting activities with families. That said, it’s been my observation from many years of doing consultations and reviewing notes that these conversations happen almost exclusively during well-check visits and can get forgotten when a child presents with emotional behavioral challenges.

So how can the primary care clinician who is interested in more fully incorporating the burgeoning science on well-being work these principles into routine practice? Here are three suggestions.



Ask Some New Questions

It’s difficult to treat things that aren’t assessed. To best incorporate true mental health within one’s work with families, it can be very helpful to expand the regular questions one asks to include those that address some of the PERMA and health promotion areas described above. Some examples could include the following:

  • Hopes. What would a perfect life look like for you when you’re older?
  • Connection. Is there anything that you just love doing, so much so that time sometimes just seems to go away?
  • Strengths. What are you good at? What good things would your friends say about you?
  • Parenting. What are you most proud of as a parent, and where are your biggest challenges?
  • Nutrition. What does a typical school day breakfast look like for you?
  • Screens. Do you have any restrictions related to what you do on screens?
  • Sleep. Tell me about your typical bedtime routine.

Add Some New Interventions

Counseling and medications can be powerful ways to bring improvement in a child’s life, but thinking about health promotion opens up a whole new avenue for intervention. This domain includes areas like physical activity, nutrition, sleep practices, parenting, participation in music and the arts, practicing kindness towards others, and mindfulness, among others.

For someone newly diagnosed with ADHD, for example, consider expanding your treatment plan to include not only medications but also specific guidance to exercise more, limit screen usage, practice good bedtime routines, eat a real breakfast, and reduce the helicopter parenting. Monitor these areas over time.

Another example relates to common sleep problems. Before making that melatonin recommendation, ask yourself if you understand what is happening in that child’s environment at night. Are they allowed to play video games until 2 a.m.? Are they taking naps during the day because they have nothing to do? Are they downing caffeinated drinks with dinner? Does the child get zero physical activity outside of the PE class? Maybe you still will need the melatonin, but perhaps other areas need to be addressed first.

Find Some New Colleagues

While it can be challenging sometimes to find anyone in mental health who sees new patients, there is value is finding out the approach and methodology that psychiatric clinicians and therapists apply in their practice. Working collaboratively with those who value a well-being orientation and who can work productively with the whole family to increase health promotion can yield benefits for a patient’s long-term physical and mental health.

The renewed interest and attention on well-being and health promotion activities that can optimize brain growth are a welcome and overdue development in mental health treatment. Pediatricians and other primary care clinicians can be a critical part of this growing initiative by gaining knowledge about youth well-being, applying this knowledge in day-to-day practice, and working collaboratively with those who share a similar perspective.

Dr. Rettew is a child & adolescent psychiatrist and medical director of Lane County Behavioral Health in Eugene, Oregon. He is on the psychiatry faculty at Oregon Health & Science University. You can follow him on Facebook and X @PediPsych. His latest book is Parenting Made Complicated: What Science Really Knows about the Greatest Debates of Early Childhood.


1. Seligman, MEP. Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. New York: Simon & Schuster; 2011.

2. Jeste DV, Palmer BW. (Eds.). Positive psychiatry: a clinical handbook. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2015. doi: 10.1176/appi.books.9781615370818.

3. Hudziak J, Ivanova MY. The Vermont family based approach: Family based health promotion, illness prevention, and intervention. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2016 Apr;25(2):167-78. doi: 10.1016/j.chc.2015.11.002.

4. Rettew DC. Incorporating positive psychiatry with children and adolescents. Current Psychiatry. 2022 November;21(11):12-16,45. doi: 10.12788/cp.0303.


Psychiatry, like all medical disciplines, changes over time. For many decades, psychiatrists were primarily psychotherapists. As medications slowly became available, these became a second tool for treatment — so much so that by the 21st century many, if not most, psychiatrists saw themselves primarily as psychopharmacologists and diagnosticians who were skilled at identifying various forms of mental illness and using medications in the hopes of inducing a clinically meaningful “response” in symptoms. While still belonging to the umbrella category of a mental health professional, more and more psychiatrists trained and practiced as mental illness professionals.

Slowly, however, there have been stirrings within the field by many who have found the identity of the psychiatrist as a “prescriber” to be too narrow, and the current “med check” model of treatment too confining. This change was partly inspired by our colleagues in clinical psychology who were challenged in the 1990s by then American Psychological Association President Martin Seligman, PhD, to develop knowledge and expertise not only in alleviating mental suffering but also in promoting true mental well-being, a construct that still was often vaguely defined. One framework of well-being that was advanced at the time was the PERMA model, representing the five well-being dimensions of Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment.1

Dr. David C. Rettew

While there have always been those in psychiatry who have advocated for a broad emphasis that incorporates the full spectrum of mental health, there has been a surge of interest in the past 10-15 years, urging a focus on well-being and the tools that can help a person achieve it. This trend has variably been referred to as positive psychiatry, lifestyle psychiatry, and other terms.2 As one might expect, child and adolescent psychiatry has been particularly fertile ground for such principles, and models such as the Vermont Family Based Approach have expanded the concept beyond the individual to the family and even community.3

It is important to note here that embracing the concept of well-being in treatment does not in any way require one to abandon the idea that genetic or environmental factors can lead to negative outcomes in brain development, nor does it mandate that one leaves behind important treatment modalities such as traditional psychotherapy and medication treatment. Further, this approach should not be confused with some “wellness” activities that offer quick fixes and lack scientific rigor. Positive psychiatry does, however, offer a third pathway to advance positive emotional behavioral growth, namely through health promotion activities ranging from exercise to good nutrition to positive parenting in ways that have been shown to benefit both those who are already doing fairly well as well as those who are actively struggling with significant psychiatric disorders.4

Primary care clinicians already have extensive familiarity talking about these kinds of health promoting activities with families. That said, it’s been my observation from many years of doing consultations and reviewing notes that these conversations happen almost exclusively during well-check visits and can get forgotten when a child presents with emotional behavioral challenges.

So how can the primary care clinician who is interested in more fully incorporating the burgeoning science on well-being work these principles into routine practice? Here are three suggestions.



Ask Some New Questions

It’s difficult to treat things that aren’t assessed. To best incorporate true mental health within one’s work with families, it can be very helpful to expand the regular questions one asks to include those that address some of the PERMA and health promotion areas described above. Some examples could include the following:

  • Hopes. What would a perfect life look like for you when you’re older?
  • Connection. Is there anything that you just love doing, so much so that time sometimes just seems to go away?
  • Strengths. What are you good at? What good things would your friends say about you?
  • Parenting. What are you most proud of as a parent, and where are your biggest challenges?
  • Nutrition. What does a typical school day breakfast look like for you?
  • Screens. Do you have any restrictions related to what you do on screens?
  • Sleep. Tell me about your typical bedtime routine.

Add Some New Interventions

Counseling and medications can be powerful ways to bring improvement in a child’s life, but thinking about health promotion opens up a whole new avenue for intervention. This domain includes areas like physical activity, nutrition, sleep practices, parenting, participation in music and the arts, practicing kindness towards others, and mindfulness, among others.

For someone newly diagnosed with ADHD, for example, consider expanding your treatment plan to include not only medications but also specific guidance to exercise more, limit screen usage, practice good bedtime routines, eat a real breakfast, and reduce the helicopter parenting. Monitor these areas over time.

Another example relates to common sleep problems. Before making that melatonin recommendation, ask yourself if you understand what is happening in that child’s environment at night. Are they allowed to play video games until 2 a.m.? Are they taking naps during the day because they have nothing to do? Are they downing caffeinated drinks with dinner? Does the child get zero physical activity outside of the PE class? Maybe you still will need the melatonin, but perhaps other areas need to be addressed first.

Find Some New Colleagues

While it can be challenging sometimes to find anyone in mental health who sees new patients, there is value is finding out the approach and methodology that psychiatric clinicians and therapists apply in their practice. Working collaboratively with those who value a well-being orientation and who can work productively with the whole family to increase health promotion can yield benefits for a patient’s long-term physical and mental health.

The renewed interest and attention on well-being and health promotion activities that can optimize brain growth are a welcome and overdue development in mental health treatment. Pediatricians and other primary care clinicians can be a critical part of this growing initiative by gaining knowledge about youth well-being, applying this knowledge in day-to-day practice, and working collaboratively with those who share a similar perspective.

Dr. Rettew is a child & adolescent psychiatrist and medical director of Lane County Behavioral Health in Eugene, Oregon. He is on the psychiatry faculty at Oregon Health & Science University. You can follow him on Facebook and X @PediPsych. His latest book is Parenting Made Complicated: What Science Really Knows about the Greatest Debates of Early Childhood.


1. Seligman, MEP. Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. New York: Simon & Schuster; 2011.

2. Jeste DV, Palmer BW. (Eds.). Positive psychiatry: a clinical handbook. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2015. doi: 10.1176/appi.books.9781615370818.

3. Hudziak J, Ivanova MY. The Vermont family based approach: Family based health promotion, illness prevention, and intervention. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2016 Apr;25(2):167-78. doi: 10.1016/j.chc.2015.11.002.

4. Rettew DC. Incorporating positive psychiatry with children and adolescents. Current Psychiatry. 2022 November;21(11):12-16,45. doi: 10.12788/cp.0303.

Psychiatry, like all medical disciplines, changes over time. For many decades, psychiatrists were primarily psychotherapists. As medications slowly became available, these became a second tool for treatment — so much so that by the 21st century many, if not most, psychiatrists saw themselves primarily as psychopharmacologists and diagnosticians who were skilled at identifying various forms of mental illness and using medications in the hopes of inducing a clinically meaningful “response” in symptoms. While still belonging to the umbrella category of a mental health professional, more and more psychiatrists trained and practiced as mental illness professionals.

Slowly, however, there have been stirrings within the field by many who have found the identity of the psychiatrist as a “prescriber” to be too narrow, and the current “med check” model of treatment too confining. This change was partly inspired by our colleagues in clinical psychology who were challenged in the 1990s by then American Psychological Association President Martin Seligman, PhD, to develop knowledge and expertise not only in alleviating mental suffering but also in promoting true mental well-being, a construct that still was often vaguely defined. One framework of well-being that was advanced at the time was the PERMA model, representing the five well-being dimensions of Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment.1

Dr. David C. Rettew

While there have always been those in psychiatry who have advocated for a broad emphasis that incorporates the full spectrum of mental health, there has been a surge of interest in the past 10-15 years, urging a focus on well-being and the tools that can help a person achieve it. This trend has variably been referred to as positive psychiatry, lifestyle psychiatry, and other terms.2 As one might expect, child and adolescent psychiatry has been particularly fertile ground for such principles, and models such as the Vermont Family Based Approach have expanded the concept beyond the individual to the family and even community.3

It is important to note here that embracing the concept of well-being in treatment does not in any way require one to abandon the idea that genetic or environmental factors can lead to negative outcomes in brain development, nor does it mandate that one leaves behind important treatment modalities such as traditional psychotherapy and medication treatment. Further, this approach should not be confused with some “wellness” activities that offer quick fixes and lack scientific rigor. Positive psychiatry does, however, offer a third pathway to advance positive emotional behavioral growth, namely through health promotion activities ranging from exercise to good nutrition to positive parenting in ways that have been shown to benefit both those who are already doing fairly well as well as those who are actively struggling with significant psychiatric disorders.4

Primary care clinicians already have extensive familiarity talking about these kinds of health promoting activities with families. That said, it’s been my observation from many years of doing consultations and reviewing notes that these conversations happen almost exclusively during well-check visits and can get forgotten when a child presents with emotional behavioral challenges.

So how can the primary care clinician who is interested in more fully incorporating the burgeoning science on well-being work these principles into routine practice? Here are three suggestions.



Ask Some New Questions

It’s difficult to treat things that aren’t assessed. To best incorporate true mental health within one’s work with families, it can be very helpful to expand the regular questions one asks to include those that address some of the PERMA and health promotion areas described above. Some examples could include the following:

  • Hopes. What would a perfect life look like for you when you’re older?
  • Connection. Is there anything that you just love doing, so much so that time sometimes just seems to go away?
  • Strengths. What are you good at? What good things would your friends say about you?
  • Parenting. What are you most proud of as a parent, and where are your biggest challenges?
  • Nutrition. What does a typical school day breakfast look like for you?
  • Screens. Do you have any restrictions related to what you do on screens?
  • Sleep. Tell me about your typical bedtime routine.

Add Some New Interventions

Counseling and medications can be powerful ways to bring improvement in a child’s life, but thinking about health promotion opens up a whole new avenue for intervention. This domain includes areas like physical activity, nutrition, sleep practices, parenting, participation in music and the arts, practicing kindness towards others, and mindfulness, among others.

For someone newly diagnosed with ADHD, for example, consider expanding your treatment plan to include not only medications but also specific guidance to exercise more, limit screen usage, practice good bedtime routines, eat a real breakfast, and reduce the helicopter parenting. Monitor these areas over time.

Another example relates to common sleep problems. Before making that melatonin recommendation, ask yourself if you understand what is happening in that child’s environment at night. Are they allowed to play video games until 2 a.m.? Are they taking naps during the day because they have nothing to do? Are they downing caffeinated drinks with dinner? Does the child get zero physical activity outside of the PE class? Maybe you still will need the melatonin, but perhaps other areas need to be addressed first.

Find Some New Colleagues

While it can be challenging sometimes to find anyone in mental health who sees new patients, there is value is finding out the approach and methodology that psychiatric clinicians and therapists apply in their practice. Working collaboratively with those who value a well-being orientation and who can work productively with the whole family to increase health promotion can yield benefits for a patient’s long-term physical and mental health.

The renewed interest and attention on well-being and health promotion activities that can optimize brain growth are a welcome and overdue development in mental health treatment. Pediatricians and other primary care clinicians can be a critical part of this growing initiative by gaining knowledge about youth well-being, applying this knowledge in day-to-day practice, and working collaboratively with those who share a similar perspective.

Dr. Rettew is a child & adolescent psychiatrist and medical director of Lane County Behavioral Health in Eugene, Oregon. He is on the psychiatry faculty at Oregon Health & Science University. You can follow him on Facebook and X @PediPsych. His latest book is Parenting Made Complicated: What Science Really Knows about the Greatest Debates of Early Childhood.


1. Seligman, MEP. Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. New York: Simon & Schuster; 2011.

2. Jeste DV, Palmer BW. (Eds.). Positive psychiatry: a clinical handbook. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2015. doi: 10.1176/appi.books.9781615370818.

3. Hudziak J, Ivanova MY. The Vermont family based approach: Family based health promotion, illness prevention, and intervention. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2016 Apr;25(2):167-78. doi: 10.1016/j.chc.2015.11.002.

4. Rettew DC. Incorporating positive psychiatry with children and adolescents. Current Psychiatry. 2022 November;21(11):12-16,45. doi: 10.12788/cp.0303.

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RETTEW, MD</bylineFull> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType>Column</newsDocType> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>Positive psychiatry seeks to advance positive emotional behavioral growth through health promotion activities ranging from exercise and good nutrition to positi</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage>294791</teaserImage> <teaser> <span class="tag metaDescription">Positive psychiatry seeks to advance positive emotional behavioral growth through health promotion activities ranging from exercise and good nutrition to positive parenting in ways that benefit both those who are doing fairly well as well as those who are struggling with psychiatric disorders.</span> </teaser> <title>The Rise of Positive Psychiatry (and How Pediatrics Can Join the Effort)</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear>2024</pubPubdateYear> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>CPN</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> <journalTitle/> <journalFullTitle/> <copyrightStatement/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>FP</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> <journalTitle/> <journalFullTitle/> <copyrightStatement>Copyright 2017 Frontline Medical News</copyrightStatement> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>PN</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> <journalTitle/> <journalFullTitle/> <copyrightStatement/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term>9</term> <term>15</term> <term canonical="true">25</term> </publications> <sections> <term>39313</term> <term canonical="true">27729</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">248</term> <term>271</term> </topics> <links> <link> <itemClass qcode="ninat:picture"/> <altRep contenttype="image/jpeg">images/24011d06.jpg</altRep> <description role="drol:caption">Dr. David C. Rettew</description> <description role="drol:credit">Dr. Rettew</description> </link> </links> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>The Rise of Positive Psychiatry (and How Pediatrics Can Join the Effort)</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p>Psychiatry, like all medical disciplines, changes over time. For many decades, psychiatrists were primarily psychotherapists. As medications slowly became available, these became a second tool for treatment — so much so that by the 21st century many, if not most, psychiatrists saw themselves primarily as psychopharmacologists and diagnosticians who were skilled at identifying various forms of mental illness and using medications in the hopes of inducing a clinically meaningful “response” in symptoms. While still belonging to the umbrella category of a mental health professional, more and more psychiatrists trained and practiced as mental illness professionals. </p> <p>Slowly, however, there have been stirrings within the field by many who have found the identity of the psychiatrist as a “prescriber” to be too narrow, and the current “med check” model of treatment too confining. This change was partly inspired by our colleagues in clinical psychology who were challenged in the 1990s by then American Psychological Association President Martin Seligman, PhD, to develop knowledge and expertise not only in alleviating mental suffering but also in promoting true mental well-being, a construct that still was often vaguely defined. One framework of well-being that was advanced at the time was the PERMA model, representing the five well-being dimensions of Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment.<sup>1</sup><br/><br/>[[{"fid":"294791","view_mode":"medstat_image_flush_right","fields":{"format":"medstat_image_flush_right","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Dr. David C. Rettew, a child and adolescent psychiatrist with Lane County Behavioral Health in Eugene, Ore., and Oregon Health &amp; Science University, Portland","field_file_image_credit[und][0][value]":"Dr. Rettew","field_file_image_caption[und][0][value]":"Dr. David C. Rettew"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-medstat_image_flush_right"}}]]While there have always been those in psychiatry who have advocated for a broad emphasis that incorporates the full spectrum of mental health, there has been a surge of interest in the past 10-15 years, urging a focus on well-being and the tools that can help a person achieve it. This trend has variably been referred to as positive psychiatry, lifestyle psychiatry, and other terms.<sup>2</sup> As one might expect, child and adolescent psychiatry has been particularly fertile ground for such principles, and models such as the Vermont Family Based Approach have expanded the concept beyond the individual to the family and even community.<sup>3</sup> <br/><br/>It is important to note here that embracing the concept of well-being in treatment does not in any way require one to abandon the idea that genetic or environmental factors can lead to negative outcomes in brain development, nor does it mandate that one leaves behind important treatment modalities such as traditional psychotherapy and medication treatment. Further, this approach should not be confused with some “wellness” activities that offer quick fixes and lack scientific rigor. Positive psychiatry does, however, offer a third pathway to advance positive emotional behavioral growth, namely through health promotion activities ranging from exercise to good nutrition to positive parenting in ways that have been shown to benefit both those who are already doing fairly well as well as those who are actively struggling with significant psychiatric disorders.<sup>4</sup><br/><br/>Primary care clinicians already have extensive familiarity talking about these kinds of health promoting activities with families. That said, it’s been my observation from many years of doing consultations and reviewing notes that these conversations happen almost exclusively during well-check visits and can get forgotten when a child presents with emotional behavioral challenges. <br/><br/>So how can the primary care clinician who is interested in more fully incorporating the burgeoning science on well-being work these principles into routine practice? Here are three suggestions.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Ask Some New Questions </h2> <p>It’s difficult to treat things that aren’t assessed. To best incorporate true mental health within one’s work with families, it can be very helpful to expand the regular questions one asks to include those that address some of the PERMA and health promotion areas described above. Some examples could include the following:</p> <ul class="body"> <li><strong>Hopes</strong>. What would a perfect life look like for you when you’re older?</li> <li><strong>Connection</strong>. Is there anything that you just love doing, so much so that time sometimes just seems to go away?</li> <li><strong>Strengths</strong>. What are you good at? What good things would your friends say about you?</li> <li><strong>Parenting</strong>. What are you most proud of as a parent, and where are your biggest challenges?</li> <li><strong>Nutrition</strong>. What does a typical school day breakfast look like for you?</li> <li><strong>Screens</strong>. Do you have any restrictions related to what you do on screens?</li> <li><strong>Sleep</strong>. Tell me about your typical bedtime routine.</li> </ul> <h2>Add Some New Interventions</h2> <p>Counseling and medications can be powerful ways to bring improvement in a child’s life, but thinking about health promotion opens up a whole new avenue for intervention. This domain includes areas like physical activity, nutrition, sleep practices, parenting, participation in music and the arts, practicing kindness towards others, and mindfulness, among others. </p> <p>For someone newly diagnosed with ADHD, for example, consider expanding your treatment plan to include not only medications but also specific guidance to exercise more, limit screen usage, practice good bedtime routines, eat a real breakfast, and reduce the helicopter parenting. Monitor these areas over time.<br/><br/>Another example relates to common sleep problems. Before making that melatonin recommendation, ask yourself if you understand what is happening in that child’s environment at night. Are they allowed to play video games until 2 a.m.? Are they taking naps during the day because they have nothing to do? Are they downing caffeinated drinks with dinner? Does the child get zero physical activity outside of the PE class? Maybe you still will need the melatonin, but perhaps other areas need to be addressed first. <br/><br/></p> <h2>Find Some New Colleagues</h2> <p>While it can be challenging sometimes to find anyone in mental health who sees new patients, there is value is finding out the approach and methodology that psychiatric clinicians and therapists apply in their practice. Working collaboratively with those who value a well-being orientation and who can work productively with the whole family to increase health promotion can yield benefits for a patient’s long-term physical and mental health. </p> <p>The renewed interest and attention on well-being and health promotion activities that can optimize brain growth are a welcome and overdue development in mental health treatment. Pediatricians and other primary care clinicians can be a critical part of this growing initiative by gaining knowledge about youth well-being, applying this knowledge in day-to-day practice, and working collaboratively with those who share a similar perspective.<br/><br/></p> <p> <em>Dr. Rettew is a child &amp; adolescent psychiatrist and medical director of Lane County Behavioral Health in Eugene, Oregon. He is on the psychiatry faculty at Oregon Health &amp; Science University. You can follow him on Facebook and X <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">@PediPsych</a></span>. His latest book is <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=";lang=en&amp;">Parenting Made Complicated: What Science Really Knows about the Greatest Debates of Early Childhood</a></span>. </em> </p> <h2>References</h2> <p>1. Seligman, MEP. <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being</a></span>. New York: Simon &amp; Schuster; 2011.<br/><br/>2. Jeste DV, Palmer BW. (Eds.). Positive psychiatry: a clinical handbook. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2015. <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">doi: 10.1176/appi.books.9781615370818</a></span>.<br/><br/>3. Hudziak J, Ivanova MY. The Vermont family based approach: Family based health promotion, illness prevention, and intervention. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2016 Apr;25(2):167-78. <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">doi: 10.1016/j.chc.2015.11.002</a></span>.<br/><br/>4. Rettew DC. Incorporating positive psychiatry with children and adolescents. Current Psychiatry. 2022 November;21(11):12-16,45. <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">doi: 10.12788/cp.0303</a></span>.</p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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