Recent Developments Resulting in an Increasing Operability Rate for Cancer of the Stomach
AbstractAlthough little has been contributed to the technical aspects of gastric surgery since the days of Billroth, Hoffmeister, and Polya,...
AbstractAlthough little has been contributed to the technical aspects of gastric surgery since the days of Billroth, Hoffmeister, and Polya,...
AbstractThe problems of war and their effect upon the health of the people again are evident.
AbstractA female sex hormone which possesses the properties of the follicular hormone, and which is orally active, highly potent and cheap is of...
AbstractThe outstanding clinical feature of the nephrotic syndrome is a generalized persistent type of edema, frequently of severe degree,...
Abstractwhich was associated with obesity, arteriosclerotic and hyperthyroid heart disease, severe, diabetes mellitus, a febrile response to...
AbstractIntroductionRecent discussions concerning gastro-intestinal allergy prompted us to investigate methods whereby we might make direct...
AbstractSpontaneous recovery from pneumococcic pneumonia depends upon the production by the body of sufficient specific antibodies to unite with...
AbstractThat essential hypertension may be associated with and produced by unilateral renal disease seems now to be an established fact, both...
AbstractCirculatory failure of an extracardiac nature caused by pulmonary emphysema, kyphoscoliosis, sclerosis of the pulmonary arterioles, and...
AbstractIn recent years, pronounced progress in the management of urinary tract infections has been made primarily because of three factors :A...