Vesical Lithiasis Concomitant with Benign Enlargement of the Prostate
AbstractIt is a commonly accepted fact that urinary stasis is a requisite to the formation of bladder stones.
AbstractIt is a commonly accepted fact that urinary stasis is a requisite to the formation of bladder stones.
AbstractRecent medical literature has contained a few reports of the successful treatment of subacute bacterial endocarditis with sulfanilamide or...
AbstractIntussusception is one of the infrequent etiologic factors which must be considered in those patients seen with an intestinal obstruction...
AbstractClassificationPneumomycoses are among the most interesting non-tuberculous chest diseases because of their relative rarity. Aspergillus...
AbstractI have seen recently at the Clinic a case which I consider to be a mixed picture of fragilitas osseum, osteitis fibrosa cystica, and Paget...
AbstractPractically all lesions of the esophagus have one outstanding symptom in common,—dysphagia—and it is because of this that patients seek...
AbstractThe term “myxedema heart” was first employed by Zondek1 in 1918 to describe a syndrome due to myxedema and consisting of enlargement of...
AbstractThat the testes are not the only source of androgenic material has long been recognized. Before laboratory methods of androgenic assay...
AbstractRecent major advances in the management of adrenal cortical insufficiency include the use of cortical extracts1,2,3, the use of added...
AbstractAccording to our present knowledge, three different ranges of radiations are emitted from living organisms. These ranges can be classified...