Anxiety Disorders
Evidence-Based Reviews
Don’t be fooled by hypochondria
Diagnostic checklist helps rule out psychiatric and medical disorders and avoid treatment errors.
Evidence-Based Reviews
Time to log off: New diagnostic criteria for problematic Internet use
The MOUSE screening tool helps identify five behaviors that spell too many hours online
Cases That Test Your Skills
A showdown with severe social phobia
Fears of interacting with other people were taking an ever-increasing toll on Mr. I. Drawing from a small but growing body of evidence, these...
Evidence-Based Reviews
How to control migraines in patients with psychiatric disorders
Migraines often coexist with psychiatric disorders, including anxiety and major depression. Managing the headaches can improve psychiatric...
Evidence-Based Reviews
Antidepressants for fibromyalgia: Latest word on the link to depression and anxiety
Why should fibromyalgia—an ostensible musculoskeletal disorder—be of interest to you? Because you can help relieve the depressed mood, anxiety,...
Cases That Test Your Skills
At age 44 and physically fit, he feared imminent death
Anxious as a boy, Mr. A developed compulsions that were relieved by psychotherapy. Still he kept worrying—about his job, his wife, his concern...
Evidence-Based Reviews
When does shyness become a disorder?
Social anxiety disorder is highly prevalent but often hidden. Early recognition and effective treatment could reduce the risk for additional...
Evidence-Based Reviews
Innovative and practical treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder
How can you differentiate obsessive-compulsive disorder from psychosis? And once the diagnosis is made, how do you determine a course of treatment...
Evidence-Based Reviews
Innovative and practical treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder
How can you differentiate obsessive-compulsive disorder from psychosis? And once the diagnosis is made, how do you determine a course of treatment...