Children on Medicaid With Asthma Receive Less Specialty Care

Article Type
Tue, 07/02/2024 - 13:04

Children with asthma who were insured by Medicaid were significantly less likely to receive specialist care over a 1-year period than children with private insurance, based on claims data from nearly 200,000 children.

Primary care clinicians successfully manage many children with asthma, but data on specialist care according to insurance coverage are lacking, wrote Kimberley H. Geissler, PhD, of the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School–Baystate, Springfield, Massachusetts, and colleagues.

Despite many interventions over time, “low-income children insured by Medicaid, many of whom are from minoritized racial and ethnic groups, continue to have worse outcomes and higher rates of poorly controlled asthma than children who are privately insured,” Dr. Geissler said in an interview.

“Because differences in whether a child sees an asthma specialist could contribute to these disparities, better understanding specialist use among both groups of kids may help inform potential solutions,” she said.

In a study published in JAMA Network Open, the researchers identified children with asthma aged 2-17 years using data from the Massachusetts All-Payer Claims Database for the years 2015-2020. The study population included 198,101 children and 432,455 child-year observations from children with asthma during a year when they met at least one of three criteria with any asthma diagnosis: One or more hospital visits, two or more outpatient visits, or at least one outpatient visit and at least one asthma medication.

Outpatient Visit Outcome

The primary outcome of asthma specialist care was defined as at least one outpatient visit with any asthma diagnosis to a clinician with a code of allergy and immunology, pulmonology, or otolaryngology.

A total of 66.2% of the child-year observations involved Medicaid and 33.8% involved private insurance. Approximately 15% of the children received asthma specialist care. However, nearly twice as many children with private insurance received asthma specialty care compared with those with Medicaid (20.6% vs 11.9%). In a full logistic regression analysis, children with Medicaid insurance were 55% less likely to receive asthma specialist treatment than children with private insurance.

Allergy and immunology was the most common specialty used, and the child-years for this specialty among children with Medicaid were less than half of those among children with private insurance (7.1% vs 15.9%).

Rates of persistent asthma were 20.0% and 16.9% in children with Medicaid and private insurance, respectively. Overall, children with persistent asthma were nearly four times as likely to receive asthma specialist care (adjusted odds ratio, 3.96). However, the difference in odds of receiving specialty care based on insurance type in favor of private insurance was greater among children with persistent asthma than among those without persistent asthma (−24.0 percentage points vs −20.8 percentage points).

The researchers found a similar pattern of difference in asthma specialty care in a sensitivity analysis limiting the results to child-year observations with at least one outpatient visit with any asthma diagnosis in a calendar year, although they also found a slight narrowing of the difference between the groups over time.

“Contrary to expectations, disparities in specialist care by insurance type were even more striking in children with persistent asthma,” the researchers wrote in their discussion. Notably, the growth of specialty drugs such as biologics for moderate to severe asthma are mainly prescribed by specialists, and ensuring access to specialists for children with Medicaid may reduce disparities in asthma control for those with severe or poorly controlled disease, they added.

The study findings were limited by several factors including the use only of data from Massachusetts, which may not generalize to other states, and the use of completed specialist visits without data on referrals, the researchers noted. Other limitations included a lack of data on asthma symptom frequency or control and on the setting in which an asthma diagnosis was made.

However, the results suggest a need for more attention to disparities in asthma care by insurance type, and more research is needed to determine whether these disparities persist in subsets of children with asthma, such as those with allergies or chronic medical conditions, they concluded.



Takeaways and Next Steps

“Perhaps unsurprisingly, children with private insurance were more likely to receive asthma specialist care than children with Medicaid,” Dr. Geissler told this news organization. The researchers expected a smaller gap between insurance types among children with persistent asthma, a marker for asthma severity, she said. However, “we found that the gap between those with Medicaid and those with private insurance is actually larger” for children with persistent asthma, she added.

As improved treatments for hard-to-control asthma become more available, pediatricians and primary care clinicians should follow the latest clinical guidelines for referring children to specialists for asthma care, said Dr. Geissler.

“Additionally, asthma specialists should ensure that their practices are accessible to children with Medicaid, as these families may face higher barriers to care; for example, transportation needs or scheduling challenges,” she said. Other strategies to overcome barriers to care might include electronic consultations with specialists or primary care–oriented interdisciplinary asthma clinics, which may be useful for all children with asthma but may particularly benefit those insured by Medicaid, she noted.

“Based on data limitations, we could not examine why we observed such big differences in specialist use by insurance type; for example, whether pediatricians were referring to specialists less for Medicaid-insured kids, or whether kids with Medicaid were less likely to see a specialist after a referral was made,” Dr. Geissler said. More research is needed to examine not only these factors but also the appropriateness of specialty care based on clinical guidelines to ensure high-quality evidence-based care for children with asthma who are insured by Medicaid, she said.

Improve Access and Expand Analysis

Asthma is a chronic and prevalent disease and requires a comprehensive approach that sometimes calls for specialist care, Anne Coates, MD, a pediatric pulmonologist in Portland, Maine, said in an interview.

Dr. Coates said she was surprised by the results of the current study but commended the authors for highlighting the limitations of the study, which illustrate areas for additional research. Notably, “the authors couldn’t observe referrals to specialists from primary care physicians; they used completed visits as a proxy,” Dr. Coates said.

More studies are needed to assess the completion of referral visits regardless of children’s insurance in order to better understand and address the barriers to specialty care, she added.

The current study is important because of the extent of asthma coupled with the significant number of children across the United States who are insured by Medicaid, especially underserved populations, she said.

“The burden of asthma differentially affects people of color who are living in lower resourced areas, and it is important in further research to understanding the barriers to helping people get the care they need,” Dr. Coates told this news organization. Some alternatives might include telehealth visits or even a hybrid visit to a primary care provider (PCP) who has high-speed internet, and the specialist could then conduct a telehealth visit from the PCP’s office, with the PCP acting as on-site eyes and ears, said Dr. Coates, who has used this strategy in her practice in Maine, where many patients live far from specialist care.

The study was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the University of Massachusetts Center for Clinical and Translational Science-Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design Component. Dr. Geissler and Dr. Coates had no financial conflicts to disclose.

A version of this article first appeared on


Children with asthma who were insured by Medicaid were significantly less likely to receive specialist care over a 1-year period than children with private insurance, based on claims data from nearly 200,000 children.

Primary care clinicians successfully manage many children with asthma, but data on specialist care according to insurance coverage are lacking, wrote Kimberley H. Geissler, PhD, of the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School–Baystate, Springfield, Massachusetts, and colleagues.

Despite many interventions over time, “low-income children insured by Medicaid, many of whom are from minoritized racial and ethnic groups, continue to have worse outcomes and higher rates of poorly controlled asthma than children who are privately insured,” Dr. Geissler said in an interview.

“Because differences in whether a child sees an asthma specialist could contribute to these disparities, better understanding specialist use among both groups of kids may help inform potential solutions,” she said.

In a study published in JAMA Network Open, the researchers identified children with asthma aged 2-17 years using data from the Massachusetts All-Payer Claims Database for the years 2015-2020. The study population included 198,101 children and 432,455 child-year observations from children with asthma during a year when they met at least one of three criteria with any asthma diagnosis: One or more hospital visits, two or more outpatient visits, or at least one outpatient visit and at least one asthma medication.

Outpatient Visit Outcome

The primary outcome of asthma specialist care was defined as at least one outpatient visit with any asthma diagnosis to a clinician with a code of allergy and immunology, pulmonology, or otolaryngology.

A total of 66.2% of the child-year observations involved Medicaid and 33.8% involved private insurance. Approximately 15% of the children received asthma specialist care. However, nearly twice as many children with private insurance received asthma specialty care compared with those with Medicaid (20.6% vs 11.9%). In a full logistic regression analysis, children with Medicaid insurance were 55% less likely to receive asthma specialist treatment than children with private insurance.

Allergy and immunology was the most common specialty used, and the child-years for this specialty among children with Medicaid were less than half of those among children with private insurance (7.1% vs 15.9%).

Rates of persistent asthma were 20.0% and 16.9% in children with Medicaid and private insurance, respectively. Overall, children with persistent asthma were nearly four times as likely to receive asthma specialist care (adjusted odds ratio, 3.96). However, the difference in odds of receiving specialty care based on insurance type in favor of private insurance was greater among children with persistent asthma than among those without persistent asthma (−24.0 percentage points vs −20.8 percentage points).

The researchers found a similar pattern of difference in asthma specialty care in a sensitivity analysis limiting the results to child-year observations with at least one outpatient visit with any asthma diagnosis in a calendar year, although they also found a slight narrowing of the difference between the groups over time.

“Contrary to expectations, disparities in specialist care by insurance type were even more striking in children with persistent asthma,” the researchers wrote in their discussion. Notably, the growth of specialty drugs such as biologics for moderate to severe asthma are mainly prescribed by specialists, and ensuring access to specialists for children with Medicaid may reduce disparities in asthma control for those with severe or poorly controlled disease, they added.

The study findings were limited by several factors including the use only of data from Massachusetts, which may not generalize to other states, and the use of completed specialist visits without data on referrals, the researchers noted. Other limitations included a lack of data on asthma symptom frequency or control and on the setting in which an asthma diagnosis was made.

However, the results suggest a need for more attention to disparities in asthma care by insurance type, and more research is needed to determine whether these disparities persist in subsets of children with asthma, such as those with allergies or chronic medical conditions, they concluded.



Takeaways and Next Steps

“Perhaps unsurprisingly, children with private insurance were more likely to receive asthma specialist care than children with Medicaid,” Dr. Geissler told this news organization. The researchers expected a smaller gap between insurance types among children with persistent asthma, a marker for asthma severity, she said. However, “we found that the gap between those with Medicaid and those with private insurance is actually larger” for children with persistent asthma, she added.

As improved treatments for hard-to-control asthma become more available, pediatricians and primary care clinicians should follow the latest clinical guidelines for referring children to specialists for asthma care, said Dr. Geissler.

“Additionally, asthma specialists should ensure that their practices are accessible to children with Medicaid, as these families may face higher barriers to care; for example, transportation needs or scheduling challenges,” she said. Other strategies to overcome barriers to care might include electronic consultations with specialists or primary care–oriented interdisciplinary asthma clinics, which may be useful for all children with asthma but may particularly benefit those insured by Medicaid, she noted.

“Based on data limitations, we could not examine why we observed such big differences in specialist use by insurance type; for example, whether pediatricians were referring to specialists less for Medicaid-insured kids, or whether kids with Medicaid were less likely to see a specialist after a referral was made,” Dr. Geissler said. More research is needed to examine not only these factors but also the appropriateness of specialty care based on clinical guidelines to ensure high-quality evidence-based care for children with asthma who are insured by Medicaid, she said.

Improve Access and Expand Analysis

Asthma is a chronic and prevalent disease and requires a comprehensive approach that sometimes calls for specialist care, Anne Coates, MD, a pediatric pulmonologist in Portland, Maine, said in an interview.

Dr. Coates said she was surprised by the results of the current study but commended the authors for highlighting the limitations of the study, which illustrate areas for additional research. Notably, “the authors couldn’t observe referrals to specialists from primary care physicians; they used completed visits as a proxy,” Dr. Coates said.

More studies are needed to assess the completion of referral visits regardless of children’s insurance in order to better understand and address the barriers to specialty care, she added.

The current study is important because of the extent of asthma coupled with the significant number of children across the United States who are insured by Medicaid, especially underserved populations, she said.

“The burden of asthma differentially affects people of color who are living in lower resourced areas, and it is important in further research to understanding the barriers to helping people get the care they need,” Dr. Coates told this news organization. Some alternatives might include telehealth visits or even a hybrid visit to a primary care provider (PCP) who has high-speed internet, and the specialist could then conduct a telehealth visit from the PCP’s office, with the PCP acting as on-site eyes and ears, said Dr. Coates, who has used this strategy in her practice in Maine, where many patients live far from specialist care.

The study was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the University of Massachusetts Center for Clinical and Translational Science-Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design Component. Dr. Geissler and Dr. Coates had no financial conflicts to disclose.

A version of this article first appeared on

Children with asthma who were insured by Medicaid were significantly less likely to receive specialist care over a 1-year period than children with private insurance, based on claims data from nearly 200,000 children.

Primary care clinicians successfully manage many children with asthma, but data on specialist care according to insurance coverage are lacking, wrote Kimberley H. Geissler, PhD, of the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School–Baystate, Springfield, Massachusetts, and colleagues.

Despite many interventions over time, “low-income children insured by Medicaid, many of whom are from minoritized racial and ethnic groups, continue to have worse outcomes and higher rates of poorly controlled asthma than children who are privately insured,” Dr. Geissler said in an interview.

“Because differences in whether a child sees an asthma specialist could contribute to these disparities, better understanding specialist use among both groups of kids may help inform potential solutions,” she said.

In a study published in JAMA Network Open, the researchers identified children with asthma aged 2-17 years using data from the Massachusetts All-Payer Claims Database for the years 2015-2020. The study population included 198,101 children and 432,455 child-year observations from children with asthma during a year when they met at least one of three criteria with any asthma diagnosis: One or more hospital visits, two or more outpatient visits, or at least one outpatient visit and at least one asthma medication.

Outpatient Visit Outcome

The primary outcome of asthma specialist care was defined as at least one outpatient visit with any asthma diagnosis to a clinician with a code of allergy and immunology, pulmonology, or otolaryngology.

A total of 66.2% of the child-year observations involved Medicaid and 33.8% involved private insurance. Approximately 15% of the children received asthma specialist care. However, nearly twice as many children with private insurance received asthma specialty care compared with those with Medicaid (20.6% vs 11.9%). In a full logistic regression analysis, children with Medicaid insurance were 55% less likely to receive asthma specialist treatment than children with private insurance.

Allergy and immunology was the most common specialty used, and the child-years for this specialty among children with Medicaid were less than half of those among children with private insurance (7.1% vs 15.9%).

Rates of persistent asthma were 20.0% and 16.9% in children with Medicaid and private insurance, respectively. Overall, children with persistent asthma were nearly four times as likely to receive asthma specialist care (adjusted odds ratio, 3.96). However, the difference in odds of receiving specialty care based on insurance type in favor of private insurance was greater among children with persistent asthma than among those without persistent asthma (−24.0 percentage points vs −20.8 percentage points).

The researchers found a similar pattern of difference in asthma specialty care in a sensitivity analysis limiting the results to child-year observations with at least one outpatient visit with any asthma diagnosis in a calendar year, although they also found a slight narrowing of the difference between the groups over time.

“Contrary to expectations, disparities in specialist care by insurance type were even more striking in children with persistent asthma,” the researchers wrote in their discussion. Notably, the growth of specialty drugs such as biologics for moderate to severe asthma are mainly prescribed by specialists, and ensuring access to specialists for children with Medicaid may reduce disparities in asthma control for those with severe or poorly controlled disease, they added.

The study findings were limited by several factors including the use only of data from Massachusetts, which may not generalize to other states, and the use of completed specialist visits without data on referrals, the researchers noted. Other limitations included a lack of data on asthma symptom frequency or control and on the setting in which an asthma diagnosis was made.

However, the results suggest a need for more attention to disparities in asthma care by insurance type, and more research is needed to determine whether these disparities persist in subsets of children with asthma, such as those with allergies or chronic medical conditions, they concluded.



Takeaways and Next Steps

“Perhaps unsurprisingly, children with private insurance were more likely to receive asthma specialist care than children with Medicaid,” Dr. Geissler told this news organization. The researchers expected a smaller gap between insurance types among children with persistent asthma, a marker for asthma severity, she said. However, “we found that the gap between those with Medicaid and those with private insurance is actually larger” for children with persistent asthma, she added.

As improved treatments for hard-to-control asthma become more available, pediatricians and primary care clinicians should follow the latest clinical guidelines for referring children to specialists for asthma care, said Dr. Geissler.

“Additionally, asthma specialists should ensure that their practices are accessible to children with Medicaid, as these families may face higher barriers to care; for example, transportation needs or scheduling challenges,” she said. Other strategies to overcome barriers to care might include electronic consultations with specialists or primary care–oriented interdisciplinary asthma clinics, which may be useful for all children with asthma but may particularly benefit those insured by Medicaid, she noted.

“Based on data limitations, we could not examine why we observed such big differences in specialist use by insurance type; for example, whether pediatricians were referring to specialists less for Medicaid-insured kids, or whether kids with Medicaid were less likely to see a specialist after a referral was made,” Dr. Geissler said. More research is needed to examine not only these factors but also the appropriateness of specialty care based on clinical guidelines to ensure high-quality evidence-based care for children with asthma who are insured by Medicaid, she said.

Improve Access and Expand Analysis

Asthma is a chronic and prevalent disease and requires a comprehensive approach that sometimes calls for specialist care, Anne Coates, MD, a pediatric pulmonologist in Portland, Maine, said in an interview.

Dr. Coates said she was surprised by the results of the current study but commended the authors for highlighting the limitations of the study, which illustrate areas for additional research. Notably, “the authors couldn’t observe referrals to specialists from primary care physicians; they used completed visits as a proxy,” Dr. Coates said.

More studies are needed to assess the completion of referral visits regardless of children’s insurance in order to better understand and address the barriers to specialty care, she added.

The current study is important because of the extent of asthma coupled with the significant number of children across the United States who are insured by Medicaid, especially underserved populations, she said.

“The burden of asthma differentially affects people of color who are living in lower resourced areas, and it is important in further research to understanding the barriers to helping people get the care they need,” Dr. Coates told this news organization. Some alternatives might include telehealth visits or even a hybrid visit to a primary care provider (PCP) who has high-speed internet, and the specialist could then conduct a telehealth visit from the PCP’s office, with the PCP acting as on-site eyes and ears, said Dr. Coates, who has used this strategy in her practice in Maine, where many patients live far from specialist care.

The study was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the University of Massachusetts Center for Clinical and Translational Science-Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design Component. Dr. Geissler and Dr. Coates had no financial conflicts to disclose.

A version of this article first appeared on

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All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>Children with asthma who were insured by Medicaid were significantly less likely to receive specialist care over a 1-year period than children with private insu</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>Children living in lower-income homes tend to have poorer outcomes, and receive less specialty care, says new study.</teaser> <title>All Care Is Not Equal: Children on Medicaid With Asthma Receive Less Specialty Care</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>chph</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>pn</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">6</term> <term>15</term> <term>21</term> <term>25</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">39313</term> </sections> <topics> <term>271</term> <term canonical="true">188</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>All Care Is Not Equal: Children on Medicaid With Asthma Receive Less Specialty Care</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p> <span class="tag metaDescription">Children with asthma who were insured by Medicaid were significantly less likely to receive specialist care over a 1-year period than children with private insurance, based on claims data from nearly 200,000 children.</span> </p> <p>Primary care clinicians successfully manage many children with asthma, but data on specialist care according to insurance coverage are lacking, wrote Kimberley H. Geissler, PhD, of the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School–Baystate, Springfield, Massachusetts, and colleagues.<br/><br/>Despite many interventions over time, “low-income children insured by Medicaid, many of whom are from minoritized racial and ethnic groups, continue to have worse outcomes and higher rates of poorly controlled asthma than children who are privately insured,” Dr. Geissler said in an interview.<br/><br/>“Because differences in whether a child sees an asthma specialist could contribute to these disparities, better understanding specialist use among both groups of kids may help inform potential solutions,” she said.<br/><br/>In <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">a study</a></span> published in <em>JAMA Network Open</em>, the researchers identified children with asthma aged 2-17 years using data from the Massachusetts All-Payer Claims Database for the years 2015-2020. The study population included 198,101 children and 432,455 child-year observations from children with asthma during a year when they met at least one of three criteria with any asthma diagnosis: One or more hospital visits, two or more outpatient visits, or at least one outpatient visit and at least one asthma medication.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Outpatient Visit Outcome</h2> <p>The primary outcome of asthma specialist care was defined as at least one outpatient visit with any asthma diagnosis to a clinician with a code of allergy and immunology, pulmonology, or otolaryngology.</p> <p>A total of 66.2% of the child-year observations involved Medicaid and 33.8% involved private insurance. Approximately 15% of the children received asthma specialist care. However, nearly twice as many children with private insurance received asthma specialty care compared with those with Medicaid (20.6% vs 11.9%). In a full logistic regression analysis, children with Medicaid insurance were 55% less likely to receive asthma specialist treatment than children with private insurance.<br/><br/>Allergy and immunology was the most common specialty used, and the child-years for this specialty among children with Medicaid were less than half of those among children with private insurance (7.1% vs 15.9%).<br/><br/>Rates of persistent asthma were 20.0% and 16.9% in children with Medicaid and private insurance, respectively. Overall, children with persistent asthma were nearly four times as likely to receive asthma specialist care (adjusted odds ratio, 3.96). However, the difference in odds of receiving specialty care based on insurance type in favor of private insurance was greater among children with persistent asthma than among those without persistent asthma (−24.0 percentage points vs −20.8 percentage points).<br/><br/>The researchers found a similar pattern of difference in asthma specialty care in a sensitivity analysis limiting the results to child-year observations with at least one outpatient visit with any asthma diagnosis in a calendar year, although they also found a slight narrowing of the difference between the groups over time.<br/><br/>“Contrary to expectations, disparities in specialist care by insurance type were even more striking in children with persistent asthma,” the researchers wrote in their discussion. Notably, the growth of specialty drugs such as biologics for moderate to severe asthma are mainly prescribed by specialists, and ensuring access to specialists for children with Medicaid may reduce disparities in asthma control for those with severe or poorly controlled disease, they added.<br/><br/>The study findings were limited by several factors including the use only of data from Massachusetts, which may not generalize to other states, and the use of completed specialist visits without data on referrals, the researchers noted. Other limitations included a lack of data on asthma symptom frequency or control and on the setting in which an asthma diagnosis was made.<br/><br/>However, the results suggest a need for more attention to disparities in asthma care by insurance type, and more research is needed to determine whether these disparities persist in subsets of children with asthma, such as those with allergies or chronic medical conditions, they concluded.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Takeaways and Next Steps</h2> <p>“Perhaps unsurprisingly, children with private insurance were more likely to receive asthma specialist care than children with Medicaid,” Dr. Geissler told this news organization. The researchers expected a smaller gap between insurance types among children with persistent asthma, a marker for asthma severity, she said. However, “we found that the gap between those with Medicaid and those with private insurance is actually larger” for children with persistent asthma, she added.</p> <p>As improved treatments for hard-to-control asthma become more available, pediatricians and primary care clinicians should follow the latest clinical guidelines for referring children to specialists for asthma care, said Dr. Geissler.<br/><br/>“Additionally, asthma specialists should ensure that their practices are accessible to children with Medicaid, as these families may face higher barriers to care; for example, transportation needs or scheduling challenges,” she said. Other strategies to overcome barriers to care might include electronic consultations with specialists or primary care–oriented interdisciplinary asthma clinics, which may be useful for all children with asthma but may particularly benefit those insured by Medicaid, she noted.<br/><br/>“Based on data limitations, we could not examine why we observed such big differences in specialist use by insurance type; for example, whether pediatricians were referring to specialists less for Medicaid-insured kids, or whether kids with Medicaid were less likely to see a specialist after a referral was made,” Dr. Geissler said. More research is needed to examine not only these factors but also the appropriateness of specialty care based on clinical guidelines to ensure high-quality evidence-based care for children with asthma who are insured by Medicaid, she said.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Improve Access and Expand Analysis</h2> <p>Asthma is a chronic and prevalent disease and requires a comprehensive approach that sometimes calls for specialist care, Anne Coates, MD, a pediatric pulmonologist in Portland, Maine, said in an interview.</p> <p>Dr. Coates said she was surprised by the results of the current study but commended the authors for highlighting the limitations of the study, which illustrate areas for additional research. Notably, “the authors couldn’t observe referrals to specialists from primary care physicians; they used completed visits as a proxy,” Dr. Coates said.<br/><br/>More studies are needed to assess the completion of referral visits regardless of children’s insurance in order to better understand and address the barriers to specialty care, she added.<br/><br/>The current study is important because of the extent of asthma coupled with the significant number of children across the United States who are insured by Medicaid, especially underserved populations, she said.<br/><br/>“The burden of asthma differentially affects people of color who are living in lower resourced areas, and it is important in further research to understanding the barriers to helping people get the care they need,” Dr. Coates told this news organization. Some alternatives might include telehealth visits or even a hybrid visit to a primary care provider (PCP) who has high-speed internet, and the specialist could then conduct a telehealth visit from the PCP’s office, with the PCP acting as on-site eyes and ears, said Dr. Coates, who has used this strategy in her practice in Maine, where many patients live far from specialist care.<br/><br/>The study was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the University of Massachusetts Center for Clinical and Translational Science-Biostatistics, Epidemiology &amp; Research Design Component. Dr. Geissler and Dr. Coates had no financial conflicts to disclose.<br/><br/></p> <p> <em>A version of this article first appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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WebMD Article

Expanding recommendations for RSV vaccination

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Tue, 07/02/2024 - 15:23


Asthma and COPD Section

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has been increasingly recognized as a prevalent cause of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) among adults in the United States. The risk of hospitalization and mortality from RSV-associated respiratory failure is higher in those with chronic lung disease. In adults aged 65 years or older, RSV has shown to cause up to 160,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths annually.

Dr. Melanie Krongold

In 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the adjuvanted RSVPreF3 vaccine (Arexvy, GSK) and the bivalent RSVPreF vaccine (Abrysvo, Pfizer). Both vaccines have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing RSV LRTI and are currently recommended for single-dose administration in adults 60 years or older—irrespective of comorbidities.

RSV has been well established as a major cause of LRTI and morbidity among infants. Maternal vaccination with RSVPreF in patients who are pregnant is suggested between 32 0/7 and 36 6/7 weeks of gestation if the date of delivery falls during RSV season to prevent severe illness in young infants in their first months of life. At present, there are no data supporting vaccine administration to patients who are pregnant delivering outside of the RSV season.

Dr. Megan Conroy

What about the rest of the patients? A phase 3b clinical trial to assess the safety and immunogenicity of the RSVPreF3 vaccine in individuals 18 to 49 years of age at increased risk for RSV LRTI, including those with chronic respiratory diseases, is currently underway with projected completion in April 2025 (clinical; ID NCT06389487). Additional studies examining safety and immunogenicity combining RSV vaccines with PCV20, influenza, COVID, or Tdap vaccines are also underway. These outcomes will be significant for future recommendations to further lower the risk of developing LRTI, hospitalization, and death among patients less than the age of 60 with chronic lung diseases.


1. Melgar M, Britton A, Roper LE, et al. Use of respiratory syncytial virus vaccines in older adults: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - United States, 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023;72(29):793-801.

2. Healthcare Providers: RSV Vaccination for Adults 60 Years of Age and Over. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated March 1, 2024.

3. Ault KA, Hughes BL, Riley LE. Maternal Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccination. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Updated December 11, 2023.



Asthma and COPD Section

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has been increasingly recognized as a prevalent cause of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) among adults in the United States. The risk of hospitalization and mortality from RSV-associated respiratory failure is higher in those with chronic lung disease. In adults aged 65 years or older, RSV has shown to cause up to 160,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths annually.

Dr. Melanie Krongold

In 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the adjuvanted RSVPreF3 vaccine (Arexvy, GSK) and the bivalent RSVPreF vaccine (Abrysvo, Pfizer). Both vaccines have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing RSV LRTI and are currently recommended for single-dose administration in adults 60 years or older—irrespective of comorbidities.

RSV has been well established as a major cause of LRTI and morbidity among infants. Maternal vaccination with RSVPreF in patients who are pregnant is suggested between 32 0/7 and 36 6/7 weeks of gestation if the date of delivery falls during RSV season to prevent severe illness in young infants in their first months of life. At present, there are no data supporting vaccine administration to patients who are pregnant delivering outside of the RSV season.

Dr. Megan Conroy

What about the rest of the patients? A phase 3b clinical trial to assess the safety and immunogenicity of the RSVPreF3 vaccine in individuals 18 to 49 years of age at increased risk for RSV LRTI, including those with chronic respiratory diseases, is currently underway with projected completion in April 2025 (clinical; ID NCT06389487). Additional studies examining safety and immunogenicity combining RSV vaccines with PCV20, influenza, COVID, or Tdap vaccines are also underway. These outcomes will be significant for future recommendations to further lower the risk of developing LRTI, hospitalization, and death among patients less than the age of 60 with chronic lung diseases.


1. Melgar M, Britton A, Roper LE, et al. Use of respiratory syncytial virus vaccines in older adults: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - United States, 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023;72(29):793-801.

2. Healthcare Providers: RSV Vaccination for Adults 60 Years of Age and Over. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated March 1, 2024.

3. Ault KA, Hughes BL, Riley LE. Maternal Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccination. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Updated December 11, 2023.


Asthma and COPD Section

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has been increasingly recognized as a prevalent cause of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) among adults in the United States. The risk of hospitalization and mortality from RSV-associated respiratory failure is higher in those with chronic lung disease. In adults aged 65 years or older, RSV has shown to cause up to 160,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths annually.

Dr. Melanie Krongold

In 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the adjuvanted RSVPreF3 vaccine (Arexvy, GSK) and the bivalent RSVPreF vaccine (Abrysvo, Pfizer). Both vaccines have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing RSV LRTI and are currently recommended for single-dose administration in adults 60 years or older—irrespective of comorbidities.

RSV has been well established as a major cause of LRTI and morbidity among infants. Maternal vaccination with RSVPreF in patients who are pregnant is suggested between 32 0/7 and 36 6/7 weeks of gestation if the date of delivery falls during RSV season to prevent severe illness in young infants in their first months of life. At present, there are no data supporting vaccine administration to patients who are pregnant delivering outside of the RSV season.

Dr. Megan Conroy

What about the rest of the patients? A phase 3b clinical trial to assess the safety and immunogenicity of the RSVPreF3 vaccine in individuals 18 to 49 years of age at increased risk for RSV LRTI, including those with chronic respiratory diseases, is currently underway with projected completion in April 2025 (clinical; ID NCT06389487). Additional studies examining safety and immunogenicity combining RSV vaccines with PCV20, influenza, COVID, or Tdap vaccines are also underway. These outcomes will be significant for future recommendations to further lower the risk of developing LRTI, hospitalization, and death among patients less than the age of 60 with chronic lung diseases.


1. Melgar M, Britton A, Roper LE, et al. Use of respiratory syncytial virus vaccines in older adults: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - United States, 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023;72(29):793-801.

2. Healthcare Providers: RSV Vaccination for Adults 60 Years of Age and Over. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated March 1, 2024.

3. Ault KA, Hughes BL, Riley LE. Maternal Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccination. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Updated December 11, 2023.

Article Type
Teambase XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--$RCSfile: InCopy_agile.xsl,v $ $Revision: 1.35 $-->
<!--$RCSfile: drupal.xsl,v $ $Revision: 1.7 $-->
<root generator="drupal.xsl" gversion="1.7"> <header> <fileName>168401_web1</fileName> <TBEID>0C050D75.SIG</TBEID> <TBUniqueIdentifier>MD_0C050D75</TBUniqueIdentifier> <newsOrJournal>News</newsOrJournal> <publisherName>Frontline Medical Communications</publisherName> <storyname/> <articleType>1</articleType> <TBLocation>mkalaycio-user</TBLocation> <QCDate/> <firstPublished>20240702T100835</firstPublished> <LastPublished>20240702T100835</LastPublished> <pubStatus qcode="stat:"/> <embargoDate/> <killDate/> <CMSDate>20240702T100835</CMSDate> <articleSource/> <facebookInfo/> <meetingNumber/> <byline/> <bylineText/> <bylineFull/> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType/> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>In 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the adjuvanted RSVPreF3 vaccine (Arexvy, GSK) and the bivalent RSVPreF vaccine (Abrysvo, Pfizer). Both vac</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage>301980</teaserImage> <title/> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>chph</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">6</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">39299</term> <term>52072</term> </sections> <topics> <term>188</term> <term>41038</term> <term canonical="true">27442</term> </topics> <links> <link> <itemClass qcode="ninat:picture"/> <altRep contenttype="image/jpeg">images/24012a62.jpg</altRep> <description role="drol:caption">Dr. Melanie Krongold</description> <description role="drol:credit">CHEST</description> </link> <link> <itemClass qcode="ninat:picture"/> <altRep contenttype="image/jpeg">images/24012a61.jpg</altRep> <description role="drol:caption">Dr. Megan Conroy</description> <description role="drol:credit">CHEST</description> </link> </links> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p> <strong>Expanding recommendations for RSV vaccination</strong> </p> <h2>AIRWAYS DISORDERS NETWORK</h2> <h3>Asthma and COPD Section</h3> <p><strong>By</strong><strong> </strong>Melanie Krongold, MD, Fellow-in-Training<br/><br/>Megan Conroy, MD, Member-at-Large</p> <p>Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has been increasingly recognized as a prevalent cause of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) among adults in the United States. The risk of hospitalization and mortality from RSV-associated respiratory failure is higher in those with chronic lung disease. In adults aged 65 years or older, RSV has shown to cause up to 160,000 hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths annually. [[{"fid":"301980","view_mode":"medstat_image_flush_left","fields":{"format":"medstat_image_flush_left","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Dr. Melanie Krongold, internal medicine, Yonkers, NY","field_file_image_credit[und][0][value]":"CHEST","field_file_image_caption[und][0][value]":"Dr. Melanie Krongold"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-medstat_image_flush_left"}}]] </p> <p><span class="tag metaDescription">In 2023, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the adjuvanted RSVPreF3 vaccine (Arexvy, GSK) and the bivalent RSVPreF vaccine (Abrysvo, Pfizer). Both vaccines have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of developing RSV LRTI and are currently recommended for single-dose administration in adults 60 years or older—irrespective of comorbidities.</span> <br/><br/>RSV has been well established as a major cause of LRTI and morbidity among infants. Maternal vaccination with RSVPreF in patients who are pregnant is suggested between 32 0/7 and 36 6/7 weeks of gestation if the date of delivery falls during RSV season to prevent severe illness in young infants in their first months of life. At present, there are no data supporting vaccine administration to patients who are pregnant delivering outside of the RSV season. [[{"fid":"301979","view_mode":"medstat_image_flush_left","fields":{"format":"medstat_image_flush_left","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Dr. Megan Conroy, The Ohio State University","field_file_image_credit[und][0][value]":"CHEST","field_file_image_caption[und][0][value]":"Dr. Megan Conroy"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-medstat_image_flush_left"}}]]<br/><br/>What about the rest of the patients? A phase 3b clinical trial to assess the safety and immunogenicity of the RSVPreF3 vaccine in individuals 18 to 49 years of age at increased risk for RSV LRTI, including those with chronic respiratory diseases, is currently underway with projected completion in April 2025 (clinical; ID NCT06389487). Additional studies examining safety and immunogenicity combining RSV vaccines with PCV20, influenza, COVID, or Tdap vaccines are also underway. These outcomes will be significant for future recommendations to further lower the risk of developing LRTI, hospitalization, and death among patients less than the age of 60 with chronic lung diseases. <br/><br/><b>Resources</b><br/><br/>1. Melgar M, Britton A, Roper LE, et al. Use of respiratory syncytial virus vaccines in older adults: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - United States, 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023;72(29):793-801. <br/><br/>2. Healthcare Providers: RSV Vaccination for Adults 60 Years of Age and Over. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated March 1, 2024. <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span><br/><br/>3. Ault KA, Hughes BL, Riley LE. Maternal Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccination. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Updated December 11, 2023. <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span></p> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis: Study Suggests Treatment May Impact Atopic March

Article Type
Fri, 06/21/2024 - 16:44



Pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) who are prescribed dupilumab may be at a reduced risk for atopic march progression, defined as the development of asthma or allergic rhinitis.


  • Researchers conducted a retrospective cohort study using data from the US Collaborative Network, focusing on pediatric patients aged 18 years and younger with two AD diagnoses at least 30 days apart.
  • Patients were divided into two cohorts: Those treated with dupilumab (n = 2192) and those who received conventional therapies (n = 2192), including systemic corticosteroids or conventional immunomodulators. They were stratified into three age groups: Preschoolers (< 6 years), school-aged children (6 to < 12 years), and adolescents (12-18 years).
  • Both cohorts underwent 1:1 propensity score matching based on current age, age at index (first prescription of dupilumab or conventional therapy), sex, race, comorbidities, laboratory measurements, and prior medications. The primary outcome was atopic march progression, defined by incident asthma or allergic rhinitis.


  • Over 3 years, the dupilumab-treated cohort had a significantly lower cumulative incidence of atopic march progression (20.09% vs 27.22%; P < .001), asthma (9.43% vs 14.64%; = .001), and allergic rhinitis (13.57% vs 20.52%; P = .003) than the conventional therapy cohort.
  • The risk for atopic march progression, asthma, and allergic rhinitis was also significantly reduced by 32%, 40%, and 31%, respectively, in the dupilumab vs conventional therapy cohort.
  • Age-specific analyses found that the protective effect of dupilumab against allergic rhinitis was the most pronounced in adolescents (hazard ratio [HR], 0.503; 95% CI, 0.322-0.784), followed by school-aged children (HR, 0.577; 95% CI, 0.399-0.834), and preschoolers (HR, 0.623; 95% CI, 0.412-0.942).
  • However, dupilumab was associated with reduced risk for asthma only in preschoolers (HR, 0.427; 95% CI, 0.247-0.738) and not in school-aged children or adolescents.


“Dupilumab in AD not only treats the disease but may influence atopic march mechanisms, suggesting its role as a disease-modifying atopic march drug,” the authors wrote, adding that more research “with extended follow-up and proof-of-concept is warranted.”


The study was led by Teng-Li Lin, MD, Department of Dermatology, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Chiayi, Taiwan, and was published online on June 13, 2024, in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.


The observational nature of the study limited the ability to infer direct causality between dupilumab use and reduced atopic march risk. Lack of detailed information on AD severity, total dosage, and duration of medication treatment may affect the interpretation of the study’s findings. The demographic data suggest that the dupilumab cohort had more severe AD, so the observed risk reduction may be greater than that reported in this study.


The study was supported in part by the National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, and Taichung Veterans General Hospital. The authors had no relevant conflicts of interest.

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.



A version of this article appeared on .




Pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) who are prescribed dupilumab may be at a reduced risk for atopic march progression, defined as the development of asthma or allergic rhinitis.


  • Researchers conducted a retrospective cohort study using data from the US Collaborative Network, focusing on pediatric patients aged 18 years and younger with two AD diagnoses at least 30 days apart.
  • Patients were divided into two cohorts: Those treated with dupilumab (n = 2192) and those who received conventional therapies (n = 2192), including systemic corticosteroids or conventional immunomodulators. They were stratified into three age groups: Preschoolers (< 6 years), school-aged children (6 to < 12 years), and adolescents (12-18 years).
  • Both cohorts underwent 1:1 propensity score matching based on current age, age at index (first prescription of dupilumab or conventional therapy), sex, race, comorbidities, laboratory measurements, and prior medications. The primary outcome was atopic march progression, defined by incident asthma or allergic rhinitis.


  • Over 3 years, the dupilumab-treated cohort had a significantly lower cumulative incidence of atopic march progression (20.09% vs 27.22%; P < .001), asthma (9.43% vs 14.64%; = .001), and allergic rhinitis (13.57% vs 20.52%; P = .003) than the conventional therapy cohort.
  • The risk for atopic march progression, asthma, and allergic rhinitis was also significantly reduced by 32%, 40%, and 31%, respectively, in the dupilumab vs conventional therapy cohort.
  • Age-specific analyses found that the protective effect of dupilumab against allergic rhinitis was the most pronounced in adolescents (hazard ratio [HR], 0.503; 95% CI, 0.322-0.784), followed by school-aged children (HR, 0.577; 95% CI, 0.399-0.834), and preschoolers (HR, 0.623; 95% CI, 0.412-0.942).
  • However, dupilumab was associated with reduced risk for asthma only in preschoolers (HR, 0.427; 95% CI, 0.247-0.738) and not in school-aged children or adolescents.


“Dupilumab in AD not only treats the disease but may influence atopic march mechanisms, suggesting its role as a disease-modifying atopic march drug,” the authors wrote, adding that more research “with extended follow-up and proof-of-concept is warranted.”


The study was led by Teng-Li Lin, MD, Department of Dermatology, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Chiayi, Taiwan, and was published online on June 13, 2024, in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.


The observational nature of the study limited the ability to infer direct causality between dupilumab use and reduced atopic march risk. Lack of detailed information on AD severity, total dosage, and duration of medication treatment may affect the interpretation of the study’s findings. The demographic data suggest that the dupilumab cohort had more severe AD, so the observed risk reduction may be greater than that reported in this study.


The study was supported in part by the National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, and Taichung Veterans General Hospital. The authors had no relevant conflicts of interest.

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.



A version of this article appeared on .



Pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) who are prescribed dupilumab may be at a reduced risk for atopic march progression, defined as the development of asthma or allergic rhinitis.


  • Researchers conducted a retrospective cohort study using data from the US Collaborative Network, focusing on pediatric patients aged 18 years and younger with two AD diagnoses at least 30 days apart.
  • Patients were divided into two cohorts: Those treated with dupilumab (n = 2192) and those who received conventional therapies (n = 2192), including systemic corticosteroids or conventional immunomodulators. They were stratified into three age groups: Preschoolers (< 6 years), school-aged children (6 to < 12 years), and adolescents (12-18 years).
  • Both cohorts underwent 1:1 propensity score matching based on current age, age at index (first prescription of dupilumab or conventional therapy), sex, race, comorbidities, laboratory measurements, and prior medications. The primary outcome was atopic march progression, defined by incident asthma or allergic rhinitis.


  • Over 3 years, the dupilumab-treated cohort had a significantly lower cumulative incidence of atopic march progression (20.09% vs 27.22%; P < .001), asthma (9.43% vs 14.64%; = .001), and allergic rhinitis (13.57% vs 20.52%; P = .003) than the conventional therapy cohort.
  • The risk for atopic march progression, asthma, and allergic rhinitis was also significantly reduced by 32%, 40%, and 31%, respectively, in the dupilumab vs conventional therapy cohort.
  • Age-specific analyses found that the protective effect of dupilumab against allergic rhinitis was the most pronounced in adolescents (hazard ratio [HR], 0.503; 95% CI, 0.322-0.784), followed by school-aged children (HR, 0.577; 95% CI, 0.399-0.834), and preschoolers (HR, 0.623; 95% CI, 0.412-0.942).
  • However, dupilumab was associated with reduced risk for asthma only in preschoolers (HR, 0.427; 95% CI, 0.247-0.738) and not in school-aged children or adolescents.


“Dupilumab in AD not only treats the disease but may influence atopic march mechanisms, suggesting its role as a disease-modifying atopic march drug,” the authors wrote, adding that more research “with extended follow-up and proof-of-concept is warranted.”


The study was led by Teng-Li Lin, MD, Department of Dermatology, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Chiayi, Taiwan, and was published online on June 13, 2024, in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.


The observational nature of the study limited the ability to infer direct causality between dupilumab use and reduced atopic march risk. Lack of detailed information on AD severity, total dosage, and duration of medication treatment may affect the interpretation of the study’s findings. The demographic data suggest that the dupilumab cohort had more severe AD, so the observed risk reduction may be greater than that reported in this study.


The study was supported in part by the National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, and Taichung Veterans General Hospital. The authors had no relevant conflicts of interest.

This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.



A version of this article appeared on .

Article Type
Teambase XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--$RCSfile: InCopy_agile.xsl,v $ $Revision: 1.35 $-->
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<root generator="drupal.xsl" gversion="1.7"> <header> <fileName>168500</fileName> <TBEID>0C050AD3.SIG</TBEID> <TBUniqueIdentifier>MD_0C050AD3</TBUniqueIdentifier> <newsOrJournal>News</newsOrJournal> <publisherName>Frontline Medical Communications</publisherName> <storyname/> <articleType>2</articleType> <TBLocation>QC Done-All Pubs</TBLocation> <QCDate>20240621T120651</QCDate> <firstPublished>20240621T164127</firstPublished> <LastPublished>20240621T164127</LastPublished> <pubStatus qcode="stat:"/> <embargoDate/> <killDate/> <CMSDate>20240621T164127</CMSDate> <articleSource/> <facebookInfo/> <meetingNumber/> <byline>Antara Ghosh</byline> <bylineText>EDITED ANTARA GHOSH</bylineText> <bylineFull>EDITED ANTARA GHOSH</bylineFull> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType>News</newsDocType> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>Pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) who are prescribed dupilumab may be at a reduced risk for atopic march progression, defined as the development of</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <title>Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis: Study Suggests Treatment May Impact Atopic March</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>skin</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>pn</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">13</term> <term>15</term> <term>25</term> <term>21</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">39313</term> <term>27970</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">189</term> <term>203</term> <term>271</term> <term>188</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis: Study Suggests Treatment May Impact Atopic March</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <h2>TOPLINE:</h2> <p> <span class="tag metaDescription">Pediatric patients with <a href="">atopic dermatitis</a> (AD) who are prescribed <a href="">dupilumab</a> may be at a reduced risk for atopic march progression, defined as the development of <a href="">asthma</a> or <a href="">allergic rhinitis</a>.</span> </p> <h2>METHODOLOGY:</h2> <ul class="body"> <li>Researchers conducted a retrospective cohort study using data from the US Collaborative Network, focusing on pediatric patients aged 18 years and younger with two AD diagnoses at least 30 days apart.</li> <li>Patients were divided into two cohorts: Those treated with dupilumab (n = 2192) and those who received conventional therapies (n = 2192), including systemic corticosteroids or conventional immunomodulators. They were stratified into three age groups: Preschoolers (&lt; 6 years), school-aged children (6 to &lt; 12 years), and adolescents (12-18 years).</li> <li>Both cohorts underwent 1:1 propensity score matching based on current age, age at index (first prescription of dupilumab or conventional therapy), sex, race, comorbidities, laboratory measurements, and prior medications. The primary outcome was atopic march progression, defined by incident asthma or allergic rhinitis.</li> </ul> <h2>TAKEAWAY:</h2> <ul class="body"> <li>Over 3 years, the dupilumab-treated cohort had a significantly lower cumulative incidence of atopic march progression (20.09% vs 27.22%; <em>P</em> &lt; .001), asthma (9.43% vs 14.64%; <em>P </em>= .001), and allergic rhinitis (13.57% vs 20.52%; <em>P</em> = .003) than the conventional therapy cohort.</li> <li>The risk for atopic march progression, asthma, and allergic rhinitis was also significantly reduced by 32%, 40%, and 31%, respectively, in the dupilumab vs conventional therapy cohort.</li> <li>Age-specific analyses found that the protective effect of dupilumab against allergic rhinitis was the most pronounced in adolescents (hazard ratio [HR], 0.503; 95% CI, 0.322-0.784), followed by school-aged children (HR, 0.577; 95% CI, 0.399-0.834), and preschoolers (HR, 0.623; 95% CI, 0.412-0.942).</li> <li>However, dupilumab was associated with reduced risk for asthma only in preschoolers (HR, 0.427; 95% CI, 0.247-0.738) and not in school-aged children or adolescents.</li> </ul> <h2>IN PRACTICE:</h2> <p>“Dupilumab in AD not only treats the disease but may influence atopic march mechanisms, suggesting its role as a disease-modifying atopic march drug,” the authors wrote, adding that more research “with extended follow-up and proof-of-concept is warranted.”</p> <h2>SOURCE:</h2> <p>The study was led by Teng-Li Lin, MD, Department of Dermatology, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Chiayi, Taiwan, and was published <a href="">online</a> on June 13, 2024, in the <em>Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology</em>.</p> <h2>LIMITATIONS:</h2> <p>The observational nature of the study limited the ability to infer direct causality between dupilumab use and reduced atopic march risk. Lack of detailed information on AD severity, total dosage, and duration of medication treatment may affect the interpretation of the study’s findings. The demographic data suggest that the dupilumab cohort had more severe AD, so the observed risk reduction may be greater than that reported in this study.</p> <h2>DISCLOSURES:</h2> <p>The study was supported in part by the National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, and Taichung Veterans General Hospital. The authors had no relevant conflicts of interest.</p> <p> <span class="Emphasis">This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.</span> </p> <p> <em> <span class="Emphasis">A version of this article appeared on </span> <span class="Hyperlink"> <a href=""></a> </span> <span class="Emphasis">.</span> </em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <ul class="body"> <li>Over 3 years, the dupilumab-treated cohort had a significantly lower cumulative incidence of atopic march progression.</li> </ul> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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Asthma Treatment During Pregnancy: Stay the Course!

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Fri, 06/21/2024 - 16:36

PARIS — Pregnancy is a period of asthma instability; it entails an increased risk for exacerbations. While therapeutic de-escalation, if not the outright cessation of maintenance treatment, is common, experts used the 19th Francophone Congress of Allergology to emphasize the importance of well-controlled asthma for the mother, the fetus, and the pregnancy.

About 12% of women of childbearing age have asthma. It is the most common chronic condition in pregnant women. Pregnancy affects asthma, and vice versa. Due to mechanical, hormonal, and immunological changes, allergic conditions, including asthma, can worsen.

First, pregnancy exerts mechanical pressure on respiratory function because of the progressive increase in uterine volume, diaphragm elevation, and various anatomical changes leading to chest expansion. The latter changes include increased subcostal angle, anteroposterior and transverse diameters, and thoracic circumference

Respiratory function is affected, with a decrease in functional residual capacity and expiratory reserve volume but an increase in inspiratory capacity, maximal ventilation, and tidal volume. The resulting hyperventilation manifests clinically as dyspnea, which affects up to 70% of pregnant women and can be mistaken for exacerbation symptoms.

Besides mechanical impact, hormonal changes occur during pregnancy, including elevated estrogen and progesterone levels. Placental hormones increase during the third trimester. These steroid hormones weaken the respiratory mucosa through structural changes in the bronchial wall and the activity of inflammatory cells involved in asthma, while influencing bronchial muscle tone. Estrogens have a dual effect. They are immunostimulatory at low doses and immunosuppressive at high doses (as in late pregnancy). This phenomenon suggests a role in immune tolerance toward the fetus.

The Rule of Thirds

Asthma progression during pregnancy is unpredictable. According to older studies, about one third of cases remain stable, one third worsen, and one third improve. In 60% of cases, the course remains similar from one pregnancy to another. Pregnancy is considered a period of asthma instability, with a doubled risk for exacerbation compared with nonpregnant women. Several pregnancy-specific factors contribute, including gastroesophageal reflux, excessive weight gain, active or passive smoking, and usual risk factors like infections. However, the main risk factor for exacerbation and loss of asthma control is insufficient maintenance treatment.

“The control of asthma during pregnancy is influenced by pregnancy itself, but especially by the severity of the disease before pregnancy and the underuse of inhaled corticosteroids,” said Mohammed Tawfik el Fassy Fihry, MD, pulmonologist at Ibn Sina Souissi Hospital in Rabat, Morocco. “This treatment insufficiency is the main cause of poor asthma control and sometimes of severe exacerbations.”

Inhaled Corticosteroid Often Insufficient

A 2017 study conducted in France found that one third of women had their asthma treatment reduced in the first trimester of pregnancy. Another observation was the frequent replacement of fixed combinations (such as long- and short-acting bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids) with simple inhaled corticosteroid therapy.

“A significant proportion of pregnant women on maintenance therapy decide to stop it as soon as they discover their pregnancy,” said Chantal Raherison-Semjen, PhD, coordinator of the Women and Lung group of the French Society of Pulmonology (SPLF) and of the pulmonology department at the University Hospital of Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe, France. “Treating physicians also often opt for therapeutic de-escalation, which involves stopping long-acting bronchodilators in favor of only inhaled corticosteroid therapy, which is usually insufficient for optimal asthma control.”

In severe exacerbations, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, poorly controlled asthma can lead to complications in fetal development, such as low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, prematurity, and congenital malformations.

It can also affect maternal health by increasing the risk for gestational diabetes and affecting the course of pregnancy itself, favoring the occurrence of preeclampsia, placenta previa, placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes, spontaneous miscarriage, cesarean section, and hemorrhagic complications before and after delivery.

“When a pregnant woman presents to the emergency room due to an asthma exacerbation, physicians are often reluctant to administer optimal treatment for fear of the effects of bronchodilators and systemic corticosteroids,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. “As a result, these women generally receive less effective treatment in such situations, compared with nonpregnant women. This is despite the risk that severe asthma exacerbations pose to the mother and her child.”



‘Pregnant Woman’ Pictogram

In France, manufacturers of teratogenic or fetotoxic drugs are required to display a pictogram on the label indicating the danger for pregnant women or the fetus. The guidelines for this labeling are left to the discretion of the laboratories, however, which sometimes leads to unjustified warnings on the packaging of inhaled corticosteroids or emergency treatments. French medical societies were not consulted on this matter, which complicates prescriptions for pregnant asthmatic women, said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. The SPLF condemns the harmful effects of this decision.

Corticosteroids and Omalizumab

“Given the low, if any, risks associated with the main asthma treatments for the mother and fetus, continuing treatments started before conception is highly recommended,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. Inhaled corticosteroids, the cornerstone of asthma treatment, are the primary therapy, and the dosage can be adjusted as strictly necessary. “When properly managed, treatment generally allows for asthma control and reduces the risk for complications during pregnancy to the same level observed in the general population.”

Depending on asthma control levels, long-acting beta-2 agonists (eg, formoterol, salmeterol, and indacaterol) can be added, and possibly leukotriene antagonists. Before pregnancy, prescribed medications should be continued, including biologics prescribed for severe asthma. The exception is omalizumab, which can be started during pregnancy without risk.

For its part, allergen immunotherapy should also be maintained but without dose increases. Oral corticosteroids are reserved for severe exacerbations.

As specified by the GINA report of 2023, the benefits of active asthma treatment during pregnancy far outweigh the risks of usual asthma medications (Level A). This view is supported by reassuring data from the Reference Center for Teratogenic Agents. “There is no scientific-medical evidence justifying that pregnant women with asthma should not be treated the same way as when they are not pregnant,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen.

Useful Links

The Asthma Control Test is a quick questionnaire that allows practitioners to ensure their patient›s asthma control. A score below 20 of 25 indicates poor asthma control. It has been specifically validated for pregnancy.

Dr. Tawfik el Fassy Fihry reported having no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Raherison-Semjen reported receiving compensation from AstraZeneca, B. Ingelheim, ALK, Novartis, Banook, GSK, and Mundi Pharma.

This story was translated from the Medscape French edition using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication. A version of this article first appeared on


PARIS — Pregnancy is a period of asthma instability; it entails an increased risk for exacerbations. While therapeutic de-escalation, if not the outright cessation of maintenance treatment, is common, experts used the 19th Francophone Congress of Allergology to emphasize the importance of well-controlled asthma for the mother, the fetus, and the pregnancy.

About 12% of women of childbearing age have asthma. It is the most common chronic condition in pregnant women. Pregnancy affects asthma, and vice versa. Due to mechanical, hormonal, and immunological changes, allergic conditions, including asthma, can worsen.

First, pregnancy exerts mechanical pressure on respiratory function because of the progressive increase in uterine volume, diaphragm elevation, and various anatomical changes leading to chest expansion. The latter changes include increased subcostal angle, anteroposterior and transverse diameters, and thoracic circumference

Respiratory function is affected, with a decrease in functional residual capacity and expiratory reserve volume but an increase in inspiratory capacity, maximal ventilation, and tidal volume. The resulting hyperventilation manifests clinically as dyspnea, which affects up to 70% of pregnant women and can be mistaken for exacerbation symptoms.

Besides mechanical impact, hormonal changes occur during pregnancy, including elevated estrogen and progesterone levels. Placental hormones increase during the third trimester. These steroid hormones weaken the respiratory mucosa through structural changes in the bronchial wall and the activity of inflammatory cells involved in asthma, while influencing bronchial muscle tone. Estrogens have a dual effect. They are immunostimulatory at low doses and immunosuppressive at high doses (as in late pregnancy). This phenomenon suggests a role in immune tolerance toward the fetus.

The Rule of Thirds

Asthma progression during pregnancy is unpredictable. According to older studies, about one third of cases remain stable, one third worsen, and one third improve. In 60% of cases, the course remains similar from one pregnancy to another. Pregnancy is considered a period of asthma instability, with a doubled risk for exacerbation compared with nonpregnant women. Several pregnancy-specific factors contribute, including gastroesophageal reflux, excessive weight gain, active or passive smoking, and usual risk factors like infections. However, the main risk factor for exacerbation and loss of asthma control is insufficient maintenance treatment.

“The control of asthma during pregnancy is influenced by pregnancy itself, but especially by the severity of the disease before pregnancy and the underuse of inhaled corticosteroids,” said Mohammed Tawfik el Fassy Fihry, MD, pulmonologist at Ibn Sina Souissi Hospital in Rabat, Morocco. “This treatment insufficiency is the main cause of poor asthma control and sometimes of severe exacerbations.”

Inhaled Corticosteroid Often Insufficient

A 2017 study conducted in France found that one third of women had their asthma treatment reduced in the first trimester of pregnancy. Another observation was the frequent replacement of fixed combinations (such as long- and short-acting bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids) with simple inhaled corticosteroid therapy.

“A significant proportion of pregnant women on maintenance therapy decide to stop it as soon as they discover their pregnancy,” said Chantal Raherison-Semjen, PhD, coordinator of the Women and Lung group of the French Society of Pulmonology (SPLF) and of the pulmonology department at the University Hospital of Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe, France. “Treating physicians also often opt for therapeutic de-escalation, which involves stopping long-acting bronchodilators in favor of only inhaled corticosteroid therapy, which is usually insufficient for optimal asthma control.”

In severe exacerbations, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, poorly controlled asthma can lead to complications in fetal development, such as low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, prematurity, and congenital malformations.

It can also affect maternal health by increasing the risk for gestational diabetes and affecting the course of pregnancy itself, favoring the occurrence of preeclampsia, placenta previa, placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes, spontaneous miscarriage, cesarean section, and hemorrhagic complications before and after delivery.

“When a pregnant woman presents to the emergency room due to an asthma exacerbation, physicians are often reluctant to administer optimal treatment for fear of the effects of bronchodilators and systemic corticosteroids,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. “As a result, these women generally receive less effective treatment in such situations, compared with nonpregnant women. This is despite the risk that severe asthma exacerbations pose to the mother and her child.”



‘Pregnant Woman’ Pictogram

In France, manufacturers of teratogenic or fetotoxic drugs are required to display a pictogram on the label indicating the danger for pregnant women or the fetus. The guidelines for this labeling are left to the discretion of the laboratories, however, which sometimes leads to unjustified warnings on the packaging of inhaled corticosteroids or emergency treatments. French medical societies were not consulted on this matter, which complicates prescriptions for pregnant asthmatic women, said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. The SPLF condemns the harmful effects of this decision.

Corticosteroids and Omalizumab

“Given the low, if any, risks associated with the main asthma treatments for the mother and fetus, continuing treatments started before conception is highly recommended,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. Inhaled corticosteroids, the cornerstone of asthma treatment, are the primary therapy, and the dosage can be adjusted as strictly necessary. “When properly managed, treatment generally allows for asthma control and reduces the risk for complications during pregnancy to the same level observed in the general population.”

Depending on asthma control levels, long-acting beta-2 agonists (eg, formoterol, salmeterol, and indacaterol) can be added, and possibly leukotriene antagonists. Before pregnancy, prescribed medications should be continued, including biologics prescribed for severe asthma. The exception is omalizumab, which can be started during pregnancy without risk.

For its part, allergen immunotherapy should also be maintained but without dose increases. Oral corticosteroids are reserved for severe exacerbations.

As specified by the GINA report of 2023, the benefits of active asthma treatment during pregnancy far outweigh the risks of usual asthma medications (Level A). This view is supported by reassuring data from the Reference Center for Teratogenic Agents. “There is no scientific-medical evidence justifying that pregnant women with asthma should not be treated the same way as when they are not pregnant,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen.

Useful Links

The Asthma Control Test is a quick questionnaire that allows practitioners to ensure their patient›s asthma control. A score below 20 of 25 indicates poor asthma control. It has been specifically validated for pregnancy.

Dr. Tawfik el Fassy Fihry reported having no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Raherison-Semjen reported receiving compensation from AstraZeneca, B. Ingelheim, ALK, Novartis, Banook, GSK, and Mundi Pharma.

This story was translated from the Medscape French edition using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication. A version of this article first appeared on

PARIS — Pregnancy is a period of asthma instability; it entails an increased risk for exacerbations. While therapeutic de-escalation, if not the outright cessation of maintenance treatment, is common, experts used the 19th Francophone Congress of Allergology to emphasize the importance of well-controlled asthma for the mother, the fetus, and the pregnancy.

About 12% of women of childbearing age have asthma. It is the most common chronic condition in pregnant women. Pregnancy affects asthma, and vice versa. Due to mechanical, hormonal, and immunological changes, allergic conditions, including asthma, can worsen.

First, pregnancy exerts mechanical pressure on respiratory function because of the progressive increase in uterine volume, diaphragm elevation, and various anatomical changes leading to chest expansion. The latter changes include increased subcostal angle, anteroposterior and transverse diameters, and thoracic circumference

Respiratory function is affected, with a decrease in functional residual capacity and expiratory reserve volume but an increase in inspiratory capacity, maximal ventilation, and tidal volume. The resulting hyperventilation manifests clinically as dyspnea, which affects up to 70% of pregnant women and can be mistaken for exacerbation symptoms.

Besides mechanical impact, hormonal changes occur during pregnancy, including elevated estrogen and progesterone levels. Placental hormones increase during the third trimester. These steroid hormones weaken the respiratory mucosa through structural changes in the bronchial wall and the activity of inflammatory cells involved in asthma, while influencing bronchial muscle tone. Estrogens have a dual effect. They are immunostimulatory at low doses and immunosuppressive at high doses (as in late pregnancy). This phenomenon suggests a role in immune tolerance toward the fetus.

The Rule of Thirds

Asthma progression during pregnancy is unpredictable. According to older studies, about one third of cases remain stable, one third worsen, and one third improve. In 60% of cases, the course remains similar from one pregnancy to another. Pregnancy is considered a period of asthma instability, with a doubled risk for exacerbation compared with nonpregnant women. Several pregnancy-specific factors contribute, including gastroesophageal reflux, excessive weight gain, active or passive smoking, and usual risk factors like infections. However, the main risk factor for exacerbation and loss of asthma control is insufficient maintenance treatment.

“The control of asthma during pregnancy is influenced by pregnancy itself, but especially by the severity of the disease before pregnancy and the underuse of inhaled corticosteroids,” said Mohammed Tawfik el Fassy Fihry, MD, pulmonologist at Ibn Sina Souissi Hospital in Rabat, Morocco. “This treatment insufficiency is the main cause of poor asthma control and sometimes of severe exacerbations.”

Inhaled Corticosteroid Often Insufficient

A 2017 study conducted in France found that one third of women had their asthma treatment reduced in the first trimester of pregnancy. Another observation was the frequent replacement of fixed combinations (such as long- and short-acting bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids) with simple inhaled corticosteroid therapy.

“A significant proportion of pregnant women on maintenance therapy decide to stop it as soon as they discover their pregnancy,” said Chantal Raherison-Semjen, PhD, coordinator of the Women and Lung group of the French Society of Pulmonology (SPLF) and of the pulmonology department at the University Hospital of Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe, France. “Treating physicians also often opt for therapeutic de-escalation, which involves stopping long-acting bronchodilators in favor of only inhaled corticosteroid therapy, which is usually insufficient for optimal asthma control.”

In severe exacerbations, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, poorly controlled asthma can lead to complications in fetal development, such as low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, prematurity, and congenital malformations.

It can also affect maternal health by increasing the risk for gestational diabetes and affecting the course of pregnancy itself, favoring the occurrence of preeclampsia, placenta previa, placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes, spontaneous miscarriage, cesarean section, and hemorrhagic complications before and after delivery.

“When a pregnant woman presents to the emergency room due to an asthma exacerbation, physicians are often reluctant to administer optimal treatment for fear of the effects of bronchodilators and systemic corticosteroids,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. “As a result, these women generally receive less effective treatment in such situations, compared with nonpregnant women. This is despite the risk that severe asthma exacerbations pose to the mother and her child.”



‘Pregnant Woman’ Pictogram

In France, manufacturers of teratogenic or fetotoxic drugs are required to display a pictogram on the label indicating the danger for pregnant women or the fetus. The guidelines for this labeling are left to the discretion of the laboratories, however, which sometimes leads to unjustified warnings on the packaging of inhaled corticosteroids or emergency treatments. French medical societies were not consulted on this matter, which complicates prescriptions for pregnant asthmatic women, said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. The SPLF condemns the harmful effects of this decision.

Corticosteroids and Omalizumab

“Given the low, if any, risks associated with the main asthma treatments for the mother and fetus, continuing treatments started before conception is highly recommended,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. Inhaled corticosteroids, the cornerstone of asthma treatment, are the primary therapy, and the dosage can be adjusted as strictly necessary. “When properly managed, treatment generally allows for asthma control and reduces the risk for complications during pregnancy to the same level observed in the general population.”

Depending on asthma control levels, long-acting beta-2 agonists (eg, formoterol, salmeterol, and indacaterol) can be added, and possibly leukotriene antagonists. Before pregnancy, prescribed medications should be continued, including biologics prescribed for severe asthma. The exception is omalizumab, which can be started during pregnancy without risk.

For its part, allergen immunotherapy should also be maintained but without dose increases. Oral corticosteroids are reserved for severe exacerbations.

As specified by the GINA report of 2023, the benefits of active asthma treatment during pregnancy far outweigh the risks of usual asthma medications (Level A). This view is supported by reassuring data from the Reference Center for Teratogenic Agents. “There is no scientific-medical evidence justifying that pregnant women with asthma should not be treated the same way as when they are not pregnant,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen.

Useful Links

The Asthma Control Test is a quick questionnaire that allows practitioners to ensure their patient›s asthma control. A score below 20 of 25 indicates poor asthma control. It has been specifically validated for pregnancy.

Dr. Tawfik el Fassy Fihry reported having no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Raherison-Semjen reported receiving compensation from AstraZeneca, B. Ingelheim, ALK, Novartis, Banook, GSK, and Mundi Pharma.

This story was translated from the Medscape French edition using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication. A version of this article first appeared on

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All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>PARIS — Pregnancy is a period of asthma instability; it entails an increased risk for exacerbations. While therapeutic de-escalation, if not the outright cessat</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>As the most common chronic condition in pregnant women, asthma can worsen in pregnancy due to mechanical, hormonal, and immunological changes.</teaser> <title>Asthma Treatment During Pregnancy: Stay the Course!</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>chph</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>ob</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term>6</term> <term>15</term> <term>21</term> <term canonical="true">23</term> </publications> <sections> <term>53</term> <term canonical="true">39313</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">262</term> <term>188</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Asthma Treatment During Pregnancy: Stay the Course!</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p>PARIS — Pregnancy is a period of asthma instability; it entails an increased risk for exacerbations. While therapeutic de-escalation, if not the outright cessation of maintenance treatment, is common, experts used the 19th Francophone Congress of Allergology to emphasize the importance of well-controlled asthma for the mother, the fetus, and the pregnancy.</p> <p>About 12% of women of childbearing age <a href="">have asthma</a>. It is the most common chronic condition in pregnant women. Pregnancy affects asthma, and vice versa. Due to mechanical, hormonal, and immunological changes, allergic conditions, including asthma, can worsen.<br/><br/>First, pregnancy exerts mechanical pressure on respiratory function because of the progressive increase in uterine volume, diaphragm elevation, and various anatomical changes leading to chest expansion. The latter changes include increased subcostal angle, anteroposterior and transverse diameters, and <a href="">thoracic circumference</a>. <br/><br/>Respiratory function is affected, with a decrease in functional residual capacity and expiratory reserve volume but an increase in inspiratory capacity, maximal ventilation, and tidal volume. The resulting hyperventilation manifests clinically as dyspnea, which affects up to 70% of pregnant women and can be mistaken for exacerbation symptoms.<br/><br/>Besides mechanical impact, hormonal changes occur during pregnancy, including elevated estrogen and progesterone levels. Placental hormones increase during the third trimester. These steroid hormones weaken the respiratory mucosa through structural changes in the bronchial wall and the activity of inflammatory cells involved in asthma, while influencing bronchial muscle tone. Estrogens have a dual effect. They are immunostimulatory at low doses and immunosuppressive at high doses (as in late pregnancy). This phenomenon suggests a role in immune tolerance toward the fetus.<br/><br/></p> <h2>The Rule of Thirds</h2> <p>Asthma progression during pregnancy is unpredictable. According to older studies, about one third of cases remain stable, one third worsen, and one third improve. In 60% of cases, the course remains similar from one pregnancy to another. Pregnancy is considered a period of asthma instability, with a doubled risk for exacerbation compared with nonpregnant women. Several pregnancy-specific factors contribute, including gastroesophageal reflux, excessive weight gain, active or passive smoking, and usual risk factors like infections. However, the main risk factor for exacerbation and loss of asthma control is insufficient maintenance treatment.</p> <p>“The control of asthma during pregnancy is influenced by pregnancy itself, but especially by the severity of the disease before pregnancy and the underuse of inhaled corticosteroids,” said Mohammed Tawfik el Fassy Fihry, MD, pulmonologist at Ibn Sina Souissi Hospital in Rabat, Morocco. “This treatment insufficiency is the main cause of poor asthma control and sometimes of severe exacerbations.”<br/><br/></p> <h2>Inhaled Corticosteroid Often Insufficient</h2> <p>A 2017 study conducted in France found that one third of women had their asthma treatment reduced in the first trimester of pregnancy. Another observation was the frequent replacement of fixed combinations (such as long- and short-acting bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids) with simple <a href="">inhaled corticosteroid therapy</a>.</p> <p>“A significant proportion of pregnant women on maintenance therapy decide to stop it as soon as they discover their pregnancy,” said Chantal Raherison-Semjen, PhD, coordinator of the Women and Lung group of the French Society of Pulmonology (SPLF) and of the pulmonology department at the University Hospital of Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe, France. “Treating physicians also often opt for therapeutic de-escalation, which involves stopping long-acting bronchodilators in favor of only inhaled corticosteroid therapy, which is usually insufficient for optimal asthma control.”<br/><br/>In severe exacerbations, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, poorly controlled asthma can lead to complications in fetal development, such as low birth weight, intrauterine growth retardation, prematurity, and congenital malformations.<br/><br/>It can also affect maternal health by increasing the risk for gestational diabetes and affecting the course of pregnancy itself, favoring the occurrence of preeclampsia, placenta previa, placental abruption, premature rupture of membranes, spontaneous miscarriage, cesarean section, and hemorrhagic complications <a href="">before and after delivery</a>.<br/><br/>“When a pregnant woman presents to the emergency room due to an asthma exacerbation, physicians are often reluctant to administer optimal treatment for fear of the effects of bronchodilators and systemic corticosteroids,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. “As a result, these women generally receive less effective treatment in such situations, compared with nonpregnant women. This is despite the risk that severe asthma exacerbations pose to the mother and her child.”<br/><br/></p> <h2>‘Pregnant Woman’ Pictogram</h2> <p>In France, manufacturers of teratogenic or fetotoxic drugs are required to display a pictogram on the label indicating the danger for pregnant women or the fetus. The guidelines for this labeling are left to the discretion of the laboratories, however, which sometimes leads to unjustified warnings on the packaging of inhaled corticosteroids or emergency treatments. French medical societies were not consulted on this matter, which complicates prescriptions for pregnant asthmatic women, said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. The SPLF condemns the harmful effects of this decision.</p> <h2>Corticosteroids and Omalizumab</h2> <p>“Given the low, if any, risks associated with the main asthma treatments for the mother and fetus, continuing treatments started before conception is highly recommended,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen. Inhaled corticosteroids, the cornerstone of asthma treatment, are the primary therapy, and the dosage can be adjusted as strictly necessary. “When properly managed, treatment generally allows for asthma control and reduces the risk for complications during pregnancy to the same level observed in the general population.”</p> <p>Depending on asthma control levels, long-acting beta-2 agonists (eg, formoterol, salmeterol, and indacaterol) can be added, and possibly leukotriene antagonists. Before pregnancy, prescribed medications should be continued, including biologics prescribed for severe asthma. The exception is omalizumab, which can be started during pregnancy without risk.<br/><br/>For its part, allergen immunotherapy should also be maintained but without dose increases. Oral corticosteroids are reserved for severe exacerbations.<br/><br/>As specified by the <a href="">GINA report of 2023</a>, the benefits of active asthma treatment during pregnancy far outweigh the risks of usual asthma medications (Level A). This view is supported by reassuring data from the Reference Center for Teratogenic Agents. “There is no scientific-medical evidence justifying that pregnant women with asthma should not be treated the same way as when they are not pregnant,” said Dr. Raherison-Semjen.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Useful Links</h2> <p>The <a href="file:///C:/Users/ABhat.010/AppData/Local/Temp/60/chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https:/">Asthma Control Test</a> is a quick questionnaire that allows practitioners to ensure their patient›s asthma control. A score below 20 of 25 indicates poor asthma control. It has been <a href="">specifically validated</a> for pregnancy.</p> <p>Dr. Tawfik el Fassy Fihry reported having no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Raherison-Semjen reported receiving compensation from AstraZeneca, B. Ingelheim, ALK, Novartis, Banook, GSK, and Mundi Pharma.<span class="end"/></p> <p> <em>This story was translated from the <a href="">Medscape French edition</a> using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication. A version of this article first appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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Biologics May Improve Outcomes in Overlapping COPD and Asthma

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Mon, 06/03/2024 - 16:38

Use of biologics significantly reduced exacerbations and hospitalizations in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and overlapping type 2 asthma inflammation, based on data from a new study presented at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

Patients diagnosed with COPD on maximum medical therapy may continue to have disease exacerbations that are highly morbid and are associated with worsening lung function, increased hospitalizations, and worsened mortality, said lead author Stephen Dachert, MD, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, in an interview.

“Biologic therapy has been shown to reduce exacerbations in type 2 airway inflammation in patients with asthma and may be a potential target in patients with COPD and type 2 inflammation,” he said. In type 2 inflammation, a systematic allergic response activates immune cells, including eosinophils, mast cells, and T cells.

Previous research has examined the association between use of individual biologics and reduction in acute exacerbations of COPD, but real-world data on the use of biologics for COPD and asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) are lacking, Dr. Dachert and colleagues wrote in their abstract.

In the current study, the researchers reviewed data from 53 adults with COPD who were seen at a single center; 30 had ACOS, and 23 had COPD only. The mean age of the participants was 68.2 years, approximately half were White/Caucasian individuals, 26% were Black/African American individuals, 17% were Hispanic individuals, 4% were Asian individuals/Pacific Islanders, and 2% were from other races/ethnicities; 62% were women. The study population included patients with prior diagnosis codes for COPD and dupilumab, mepolizumab, benralizumab, or tezepelumab; the mean eosinophil count before biologics initiation was 471.

Reduction in Exacerbations and Hospitalizations

The researchers assessed change in exacerbations, hospitalizations, and spirometry from 1 year before to 1 year after initiation of treatment with biologics. Overall, after the use of biologics, patients experienced a significant mean reduction in exacerbations and hospitalizations of 1.780 and 0.944, respectively (both P < .001, using a paired T-test). 

In addition, the researchers found a mean reduction of forced expiratory volume per second percent predicted of 0.57% and a mean increase in forced vital capacity percent predicted of 1.3% after the initiation of biologics.

Increases also occurred in total lung capacity percent predicted, residual volume percent predicted, and diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO) percent predicted (3.37%, 9.90%, and 4.58%, respectively). Of these, only DLCO percent predicted approached statistical significance, the researchers wrote.

The study findings make sense physiologically, Dr. Dachert said in an interview. “If large, randomized trials have shown a reduction in exacerbations in patients with type 2 inflammation asthma, it makes sense that we would see similar results in patients with COPD and type 2 inflammation,” he said. However, as yet only one of several large randomized trials has shown reductions in exacerbations and COPD with type 2 inflammation, he added.

“In our real-world cohort, we saw both a reduction in exacerbations and hospitalizations in the year following initiation of biologic therapy,” Dr. Dachert said. A reduction in hospitalizations, in particular, had not previously been shown in this population, he noted.

The findings were limited by the retrospective design and use of data from a single center; moreover, larger real-world studies are needed to confirm the results, said Dr. Dachert. “As we add patients to our cohort, we may be able to identify which clinical characteristics/risk factors may be associated with an even more robust reduction in exacerbations or hospitalizations,” he said.

“Our cohort of patients was more diverse than those included in prior randomized clinical trials and also has high rates of emphysema and airflow obstruction, populations typically excluded in large randomized trials,” he said.



Data Support the Potential of Biologics for COPD

Biologic agents have been effective in reducing asthma exacerbations, and understanding their effectiveness in reducing COPD exacerbations in a real-world setting is important, said Arianne K. Baldomero, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Minneapolis VA Health Care System, Minneapolis, in an interview.

Dr, Baldomero said she was not surprised by the current study results “as clinical trials are showing similar findings among this group of patients with elevated eosinophil counts.”

The current study adds to the growing evidence supporting the use of biologics to reduce COPD exacerbations, Dr. Baldomero told this news organization. “I anticipate that we will soon begin using biologics to manage frequent exacerbations in patients with COPD,” she said.

“For both asthma and COPD, more research is needed to guide clinicians in tapering or weaning down biologic treatment and determining whether patients still need to use inhalers,” Dr. Baldomero added.

The study received no outside funding. The researchers and Dr. Baldomero had no financial conflicts to disclose.

A version of this article appeared on


Use of biologics significantly reduced exacerbations and hospitalizations in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and overlapping type 2 asthma inflammation, based on data from a new study presented at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

Patients diagnosed with COPD on maximum medical therapy may continue to have disease exacerbations that are highly morbid and are associated with worsening lung function, increased hospitalizations, and worsened mortality, said lead author Stephen Dachert, MD, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, in an interview.

“Biologic therapy has been shown to reduce exacerbations in type 2 airway inflammation in patients with asthma and may be a potential target in patients with COPD and type 2 inflammation,” he said. In type 2 inflammation, a systematic allergic response activates immune cells, including eosinophils, mast cells, and T cells.

Previous research has examined the association between use of individual biologics and reduction in acute exacerbations of COPD, but real-world data on the use of biologics for COPD and asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) are lacking, Dr. Dachert and colleagues wrote in their abstract.

In the current study, the researchers reviewed data from 53 adults with COPD who were seen at a single center; 30 had ACOS, and 23 had COPD only. The mean age of the participants was 68.2 years, approximately half were White/Caucasian individuals, 26% were Black/African American individuals, 17% were Hispanic individuals, 4% were Asian individuals/Pacific Islanders, and 2% were from other races/ethnicities; 62% were women. The study population included patients with prior diagnosis codes for COPD and dupilumab, mepolizumab, benralizumab, or tezepelumab; the mean eosinophil count before biologics initiation was 471.

Reduction in Exacerbations and Hospitalizations

The researchers assessed change in exacerbations, hospitalizations, and spirometry from 1 year before to 1 year after initiation of treatment with biologics. Overall, after the use of biologics, patients experienced a significant mean reduction in exacerbations and hospitalizations of 1.780 and 0.944, respectively (both P < .001, using a paired T-test). 

In addition, the researchers found a mean reduction of forced expiratory volume per second percent predicted of 0.57% and a mean increase in forced vital capacity percent predicted of 1.3% after the initiation of biologics.

Increases also occurred in total lung capacity percent predicted, residual volume percent predicted, and diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO) percent predicted (3.37%, 9.90%, and 4.58%, respectively). Of these, only DLCO percent predicted approached statistical significance, the researchers wrote.

The study findings make sense physiologically, Dr. Dachert said in an interview. “If large, randomized trials have shown a reduction in exacerbations in patients with type 2 inflammation asthma, it makes sense that we would see similar results in patients with COPD and type 2 inflammation,” he said. However, as yet only one of several large randomized trials has shown reductions in exacerbations and COPD with type 2 inflammation, he added.

“In our real-world cohort, we saw both a reduction in exacerbations and hospitalizations in the year following initiation of biologic therapy,” Dr. Dachert said. A reduction in hospitalizations, in particular, had not previously been shown in this population, he noted.

The findings were limited by the retrospective design and use of data from a single center; moreover, larger real-world studies are needed to confirm the results, said Dr. Dachert. “As we add patients to our cohort, we may be able to identify which clinical characteristics/risk factors may be associated with an even more robust reduction in exacerbations or hospitalizations,” he said.

“Our cohort of patients was more diverse than those included in prior randomized clinical trials and also has high rates of emphysema and airflow obstruction, populations typically excluded in large randomized trials,” he said.



Data Support the Potential of Biologics for COPD

Biologic agents have been effective in reducing asthma exacerbations, and understanding their effectiveness in reducing COPD exacerbations in a real-world setting is important, said Arianne K. Baldomero, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Minneapolis VA Health Care System, Minneapolis, in an interview.

Dr, Baldomero said she was not surprised by the current study results “as clinical trials are showing similar findings among this group of patients with elevated eosinophil counts.”

The current study adds to the growing evidence supporting the use of biologics to reduce COPD exacerbations, Dr. Baldomero told this news organization. “I anticipate that we will soon begin using biologics to manage frequent exacerbations in patients with COPD,” she said.

“For both asthma and COPD, more research is needed to guide clinicians in tapering or weaning down biologic treatment and determining whether patients still need to use inhalers,” Dr. Baldomero added.

The study received no outside funding. The researchers and Dr. Baldomero had no financial conflicts to disclose.

A version of this article appeared on

Use of biologics significantly reduced exacerbations and hospitalizations in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and overlapping type 2 asthma inflammation, based on data from a new study presented at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

Patients diagnosed with COPD on maximum medical therapy may continue to have disease exacerbations that are highly morbid and are associated with worsening lung function, increased hospitalizations, and worsened mortality, said lead author Stephen Dachert, MD, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, in an interview.

“Biologic therapy has been shown to reduce exacerbations in type 2 airway inflammation in patients with asthma and may be a potential target in patients with COPD and type 2 inflammation,” he said. In type 2 inflammation, a systematic allergic response activates immune cells, including eosinophils, mast cells, and T cells.

Previous research has examined the association between use of individual biologics and reduction in acute exacerbations of COPD, but real-world data on the use of biologics for COPD and asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) are lacking, Dr. Dachert and colleagues wrote in their abstract.

In the current study, the researchers reviewed data from 53 adults with COPD who were seen at a single center; 30 had ACOS, and 23 had COPD only. The mean age of the participants was 68.2 years, approximately half were White/Caucasian individuals, 26% were Black/African American individuals, 17% were Hispanic individuals, 4% were Asian individuals/Pacific Islanders, and 2% were from other races/ethnicities; 62% were women. The study population included patients with prior diagnosis codes for COPD and dupilumab, mepolizumab, benralizumab, or tezepelumab; the mean eosinophil count before biologics initiation was 471.

Reduction in Exacerbations and Hospitalizations

The researchers assessed change in exacerbations, hospitalizations, and spirometry from 1 year before to 1 year after initiation of treatment with biologics. Overall, after the use of biologics, patients experienced a significant mean reduction in exacerbations and hospitalizations of 1.780 and 0.944, respectively (both P < .001, using a paired T-test). 

In addition, the researchers found a mean reduction of forced expiratory volume per second percent predicted of 0.57% and a mean increase in forced vital capacity percent predicted of 1.3% after the initiation of biologics.

Increases also occurred in total lung capacity percent predicted, residual volume percent predicted, and diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO) percent predicted (3.37%, 9.90%, and 4.58%, respectively). Of these, only DLCO percent predicted approached statistical significance, the researchers wrote.

The study findings make sense physiologically, Dr. Dachert said in an interview. “If large, randomized trials have shown a reduction in exacerbations in patients with type 2 inflammation asthma, it makes sense that we would see similar results in patients with COPD and type 2 inflammation,” he said. However, as yet only one of several large randomized trials has shown reductions in exacerbations and COPD with type 2 inflammation, he added.

“In our real-world cohort, we saw both a reduction in exacerbations and hospitalizations in the year following initiation of biologic therapy,” Dr. Dachert said. A reduction in hospitalizations, in particular, had not previously been shown in this population, he noted.

The findings were limited by the retrospective design and use of data from a single center; moreover, larger real-world studies are needed to confirm the results, said Dr. Dachert. “As we add patients to our cohort, we may be able to identify which clinical characteristics/risk factors may be associated with an even more robust reduction in exacerbations or hospitalizations,” he said.

“Our cohort of patients was more diverse than those included in prior randomized clinical trials and also has high rates of emphysema and airflow obstruction, populations typically excluded in large randomized trials,” he said.



Data Support the Potential of Biologics for COPD

Biologic agents have been effective in reducing asthma exacerbations, and understanding their effectiveness in reducing COPD exacerbations in a real-world setting is important, said Arianne K. Baldomero, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Minneapolis VA Health Care System, Minneapolis, in an interview.

Dr, Baldomero said she was not surprised by the current study results “as clinical trials are showing similar findings among this group of patients with elevated eosinophil counts.”

The current study adds to the growing evidence supporting the use of biologics to reduce COPD exacerbations, Dr. Baldomero told this news organization. “I anticipate that we will soon begin using biologics to manage frequent exacerbations in patients with COPD,” she said.

“For both asthma and COPD, more research is needed to guide clinicians in tapering or weaning down biologic treatment and determining whether patients still need to use inhalers,” Dr. Baldomero added.

The study received no outside funding. The researchers and Dr. Baldomero had no financial conflicts to disclose.

A version of this article appeared on

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All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>“Biologic therapy has been shown to reduce exacerbations in type 2 airway inflammation in patients with asthma and may be a potential target in patients with CO</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>Treatment with biologics may aid those with both COPD and type 2 asthma inflammation.</teaser> <title>Biologics May Improve Outcomes in Overlapping COPD and Asthma</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>chph</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">6</term> </publications> <sections> <term>39313</term> <term canonical="true">53</term> </sections> <topics> <term>41038</term> <term canonical="true">188</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Biologics May Improve Outcomes in Overlapping COPD and Asthma</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p>Use of biologics significantly reduced exacerbations and hospitalizations in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and overlapping type 2 asthma inflammation, based on data from a new study presented at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.</p> <p>Patients diagnosed with COPD on maximum medical therapy may continue to have disease exacerbations that are highly morbid and are associated with worsening lung function, increased hospitalizations, and worsened mortality, said lead author Stephen Dachert, MD, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, in an interview.<br/><br/><span class="tag metaDescription">“Biologic therapy has been shown to reduce exacerbations in type 2 airway inflammation in patients with asthma and may be a potential target in patients with COPD and type 2 inflammation,” he said. In type 2 inflammation, a systematic allergic response activates immune cells, including eosinophils, mast cells, and T cells.</span><br/><br/>Previous research has examined the association between use of individual biologics and reduction in acute exacerbations of COPD, but real-world data on the use of biologics for COPD and asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) are lacking, Dr. Dachert and colleagues wrote in their abstract.<br/><br/>In the current study, the researchers reviewed data from 53 adults with COPD who were seen at a single center; 30 had ACOS, and 23 had COPD only. The mean age of the participants was 68.2 years, approximately half were White/Caucasian individuals, 26% were Black/African American individuals, 17% were Hispanic individuals, 4% were Asian individuals/Pacific Islanders, and 2% were from other races/ethnicities; 62% were women. The study population included patients with prior diagnosis codes for COPD and dupilumab, mepolizumab, benralizumab, or tezepelumab; the mean eosinophil count before biologics initiation was 471.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Reduction in Exacerbations and Hospitalizations</h2> <p>The researchers assessed change in exacerbations, hospitalizations, and spirometry from 1 year before to 1 year after initiation of treatment with biologics. Overall, after the use of biologics, patients experienced a significant mean reduction in exacerbations and hospitalizations of 1.780 and 0.944, respectively (both <em>P</em> &lt; .001, using a paired T-test). </p> <p>In addition, the researchers found a mean reduction of forced expiratory volume per second percent predicted of 0.57% and a mean increase in forced vital capacity percent predicted of 1.3% after the initiation of biologics.<br/><br/>Increases also occurred in total lung capacity percent predicted, residual volume percent predicted, and diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO) percent predicted (3.37%, 9.90%, and 4.58%, respectively). Of these, only DLCO percent predicted approached statistical significance, the researchers wrote.<br/><br/>The study findings make sense physiologically, Dr. Dachert said in an interview. “If large, randomized trials have shown a reduction in exacerbations in patients with type 2 inflammation asthma, it makes sense that we would see similar results in patients with COPD and type 2 inflammation,” he said. However, as yet only one of several large randomized trials has shown reductions in exacerbations and COPD with type 2 inflammation, he added.<br/><br/>“In our real-world cohort, we saw both a reduction in exacerbations and hospitalizations in the year following initiation of biologic therapy,” Dr. Dachert said. A reduction in hospitalizations, in particular, had not previously been shown in this population, he noted.<br/><br/>The findings were limited by the retrospective design and use of data from a single center; moreover, larger real-world studies are needed to confirm the results, said Dr. Dachert. “As we add patients to our cohort, we may be able to identify which clinical characteristics/risk factors may be associated with an even more robust reduction in exacerbations or hospitalizations,” he said.<br/><br/>“Our cohort of patients was more diverse than those included in prior randomized clinical trials and also has high rates of emphysema and airflow obstruction, populations typically excluded in large randomized trials,” he said.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Data Support the Potential of Biologics for COPD</h2> <p>Biologic agents have been effective in reducing asthma exacerbations, and understanding their effectiveness in reducing COPD exacerbations in a real-world setting is important, said Arianne K. Baldomero, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Minneapolis VA Health Care System, Minneapolis, in an interview.</p> <p>Dr, Baldomero said she was not surprised by the current study results “as clinical trials are showing similar findings among this group of patients with elevated eosinophil counts.”<br/><br/>The current study adds to the growing evidence supporting the use of biologics to reduce COPD exacerbations, Dr. Baldomero told this news organization. “I anticipate that we will soon begin using biologics to manage frequent exacerbations in patients with COPD,” she said.<br/><br/>“For both asthma and COPD, more research is needed to guide clinicians in tapering or weaning down biologic treatment and determining whether patients still need to use inhalers,” Dr. Baldomero added.<br/><br/>The study received no outside funding. The researchers and Dr. Baldomero had no financial conflicts to disclose.<span class="end"/></p> <p> <em>A version of this article appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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Dupilumab May Reduce Exacerbations in COPD, Type 2 Inflammation

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Thu, 06/06/2024 - 13:13

Dupilumab significantly reduced exacerbations and improved lung function in adults with uncontrolled chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and type 2 inflammation, based on data from more than 900 individuals.

Data from a phase 3 trial known as NOTUS were presented at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference and published simultaneously in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Dupilumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody, works by inhibiting the signaling of the interleukin 4 (IL-4) and IL-13 pathways and is approved for many conditions characterized by type 2 inflammation, wrote Surya P. Bhatt, MD, of The University of Alabama at Birmingham, and colleagues in the NEJM study.

“Last year, we showed in the BOREAS trial that dupilumab was very effective in lowering exacerbation frequency in patients with COPD who continued to have frequent exacerbations despite being on maximal inhaled therapy,” Dr. Bhatt said in an interview.

12 Months of COPD, Triple Inhaler Therapy

In the NOTUS study, the researchers randomized 470 adults with uncontrolled COPD and type 2 inflammation (defined as a blood eosinophil count of ≥ 300 cells/µL) to 300-mg subcutaneous dupilumab and 465 to a placebo every 2 weeks. Patients were enrolled between July 2020 and May 2023.

The study population included adults aged 40-85 years with physician-diagnosed COPD for at least 12 months who had received background triple inhaler therapy (an inhaled glucocorticoid agent plus long-acting muscarinic antagonist [LAMA]–long-acting beta-agonist [LABA] or LAMA-LABA alone) for at least 3 months and at a stable dose for at least 1 month. All participants were current or former smokers with a smoking history of at least 10 pack-years.

The primary endpoint was a reduction in the annualized rate of moderate or severe COPD exacerbations at 52 weeks.

At 52 weeks, the annualized rate of moderate or severe exacerbations was significantly lower (34%) in the dupilumab group than in the placebo group (0.86 vs 1.30, P < .001).

Patients in the dupilumab group also saw a significantly greater improvement in lung function compared with individuals in the placebo group based on prebronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second from baseline to 12 weeks (least squares mean change of 139 mL vs 57 mL). This improvement was sustained at 52 weeks (least squares mean change of 115 mL vs 54 mL).

Improvement in respiratory symptom severity based on the St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire was another secondary endpoint, and changes in total score were greater in the dupilumab group than in the placebo group (least squares mean change of 9.8 vs 6.4).

Safety outcomes were similar between the dupilumab and placebo groups, with approximately 66% of patients in each group reporting adverse events during the 52-week study period. Serious adverse events occurred in 13% and 15.9% of dupilumab and placebo patients, respectively, and adverse events resulting in death occurred in 2.6% and 1.5%, respectively. The most common adverse events were COVID-19, which occurred in 9.4% and 8.2% of the dupilumab and placebo patients, respectively, followed by headache, COPD, and nasopharyngitis. Major adverse cardiovascular events occurred in three patients in the dupilumab group and seven patients in the placebo group.

The findings were limited by several factors including the reduced sample size for 52-week endpoints because of the earlier analysis and the primarily White study population, the researchers noted. The study was conducted in part during the COVID-19 pandemic period, which contributed to healthcare disruptions and behavior changes that decreased exposure to viral respiratory infections, they wrote in their discussion. However, the results were strengthened by the large numbers and international population without other major pulmonary diseases, such as asthma, and the 34% reduction in exacerbations with dupilumab vs placebo is clinically significant, they said.



Data May Drive US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approval

In the BOREAS trial, dupilumab also improved lung function and quality of life, with no notable safety concerns. “As with any trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of a medication, it is important to confirm the findings in a replicative study,” said Dr. Bhatt. “With NOTUS, we confirmed the findings of BOREAS,” and the researchers were reassured by the substantial reduction in exacerbation frequency and the replication of key secondary outcomes, he said.

With the NOTUS study, “two randomized trials have now shown near identical reductions in exacerbation frequency in a difficult-to-treat population of patients with COPD with type 2 inflammation and frequent exacerbations,” as well as a significant and meaningful improvement in lung function, Dr. Bhatt said in an interview. “We hope these trials pave for the way for regulatory body approval of dupilumab for clinical use,” he said. Looking ahead, more studies are needed to test the potential disease modification effects of dupilumab in patients with COPD, he added.

Potential Change in Patient Management

Approximately 20%-40% of patients with COPD have type 2 inflammation with elevated blood eosinophil count, and this subset of patients has an increased risk for exacerbations, with worsening lung function and quality of life, Dharani K. Narendra, MD, of Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, said in an interview.

Prior phase 3 studies have shown that dupilumab, a blocker of IL-4 and IL-13 pathways, could effectively reduce exacerbations and improve lung function in these patients, and the NOTUS study aimed to confirm the findings in a larger, more diverse population, said Dr. Narendra, who was not involved in the study.

The NOTUS study represents a paradigm shift in the management of COPD patients with type 2 inflammation, said Narendra. “This study validates the previous BOREAS trial and has shown that dupilumab reduces exacerbations, improves lung function and quality of life, and potentially slows disease progression,” she said.

If approved, potential barriers to the use of dupilumab in practice include cost and insurance coverage, education and dissemination of study findings, and limited data on side effects, said Dr. Narendra.

“While the NOTUS study provides valuable insights into the efficacy and safety of dupilumab over 52 weeks, longer-term studies are needed to understand the sustained benefits and risks of continued treatment,” Dr. Narendra told this news organization. “Studies comparing dupilumab with other biological agents and newer COPD treatments could provide insights into its relative efficacy and position in treatment protocols,” she said.

In addition, further research into dupilumab’s underlying mechanisms could provide deeper insights into the pathophysiology of type 2 inflammation in COPD and inform the development of new treatments, Dr. Narendra said. “These steps will help integrate dupilumab more effectively into clinical practice and optimize its use for COPD patients with type 2 inflammation,” she noted.

Dupilumab is undergoing Priority Review by the FDA as an add-on maintenance therapy for adults with uncontrolled COPD and type 2 inflammation, with a target action date of June 27, 2024, according to a company press release.

The study was funded by Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Narendra had no financial conflicts to disclose but serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of CHEST Physician.

A version of this article appeared on


Dupilumab significantly reduced exacerbations and improved lung function in adults with uncontrolled chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and type 2 inflammation, based on data from more than 900 individuals.

Data from a phase 3 trial known as NOTUS were presented at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference and published simultaneously in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Dupilumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody, works by inhibiting the signaling of the interleukin 4 (IL-4) and IL-13 pathways and is approved for many conditions characterized by type 2 inflammation, wrote Surya P. Bhatt, MD, of The University of Alabama at Birmingham, and colleagues in the NEJM study.

“Last year, we showed in the BOREAS trial that dupilumab was very effective in lowering exacerbation frequency in patients with COPD who continued to have frequent exacerbations despite being on maximal inhaled therapy,” Dr. Bhatt said in an interview.

12 Months of COPD, Triple Inhaler Therapy

In the NOTUS study, the researchers randomized 470 adults with uncontrolled COPD and type 2 inflammation (defined as a blood eosinophil count of ≥ 300 cells/µL) to 300-mg subcutaneous dupilumab and 465 to a placebo every 2 weeks. Patients were enrolled between July 2020 and May 2023.

The study population included adults aged 40-85 years with physician-diagnosed COPD for at least 12 months who had received background triple inhaler therapy (an inhaled glucocorticoid agent plus long-acting muscarinic antagonist [LAMA]–long-acting beta-agonist [LABA] or LAMA-LABA alone) for at least 3 months and at a stable dose for at least 1 month. All participants were current or former smokers with a smoking history of at least 10 pack-years.

The primary endpoint was a reduction in the annualized rate of moderate or severe COPD exacerbations at 52 weeks.

At 52 weeks, the annualized rate of moderate or severe exacerbations was significantly lower (34%) in the dupilumab group than in the placebo group (0.86 vs 1.30, P < .001).

Patients in the dupilumab group also saw a significantly greater improvement in lung function compared with individuals in the placebo group based on prebronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second from baseline to 12 weeks (least squares mean change of 139 mL vs 57 mL). This improvement was sustained at 52 weeks (least squares mean change of 115 mL vs 54 mL).

Improvement in respiratory symptom severity based on the St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire was another secondary endpoint, and changes in total score were greater in the dupilumab group than in the placebo group (least squares mean change of 9.8 vs 6.4).

Safety outcomes were similar between the dupilumab and placebo groups, with approximately 66% of patients in each group reporting adverse events during the 52-week study period. Serious adverse events occurred in 13% and 15.9% of dupilumab and placebo patients, respectively, and adverse events resulting in death occurred in 2.6% and 1.5%, respectively. The most common adverse events were COVID-19, which occurred in 9.4% and 8.2% of the dupilumab and placebo patients, respectively, followed by headache, COPD, and nasopharyngitis. Major adverse cardiovascular events occurred in three patients in the dupilumab group and seven patients in the placebo group.

The findings were limited by several factors including the reduced sample size for 52-week endpoints because of the earlier analysis and the primarily White study population, the researchers noted. The study was conducted in part during the COVID-19 pandemic period, which contributed to healthcare disruptions and behavior changes that decreased exposure to viral respiratory infections, they wrote in their discussion. However, the results were strengthened by the large numbers and international population without other major pulmonary diseases, such as asthma, and the 34% reduction in exacerbations with dupilumab vs placebo is clinically significant, they said.



Data May Drive US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approval

In the BOREAS trial, dupilumab also improved lung function and quality of life, with no notable safety concerns. “As with any trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of a medication, it is important to confirm the findings in a replicative study,” said Dr. Bhatt. “With NOTUS, we confirmed the findings of BOREAS,” and the researchers were reassured by the substantial reduction in exacerbation frequency and the replication of key secondary outcomes, he said.

With the NOTUS study, “two randomized trials have now shown near identical reductions in exacerbation frequency in a difficult-to-treat population of patients with COPD with type 2 inflammation and frequent exacerbations,” as well as a significant and meaningful improvement in lung function, Dr. Bhatt said in an interview. “We hope these trials pave for the way for regulatory body approval of dupilumab for clinical use,” he said. Looking ahead, more studies are needed to test the potential disease modification effects of dupilumab in patients with COPD, he added.

Potential Change in Patient Management

Approximately 20%-40% of patients with COPD have type 2 inflammation with elevated blood eosinophil count, and this subset of patients has an increased risk for exacerbations, with worsening lung function and quality of life, Dharani K. Narendra, MD, of Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, said in an interview.

Prior phase 3 studies have shown that dupilumab, a blocker of IL-4 and IL-13 pathways, could effectively reduce exacerbations and improve lung function in these patients, and the NOTUS study aimed to confirm the findings in a larger, more diverse population, said Dr. Narendra, who was not involved in the study.

The NOTUS study represents a paradigm shift in the management of COPD patients with type 2 inflammation, said Narendra. “This study validates the previous BOREAS trial and has shown that dupilumab reduces exacerbations, improves lung function and quality of life, and potentially slows disease progression,” she said.

If approved, potential barriers to the use of dupilumab in practice include cost and insurance coverage, education and dissemination of study findings, and limited data on side effects, said Dr. Narendra.

“While the NOTUS study provides valuable insights into the efficacy and safety of dupilumab over 52 weeks, longer-term studies are needed to understand the sustained benefits and risks of continued treatment,” Dr. Narendra told this news organization. “Studies comparing dupilumab with other biological agents and newer COPD treatments could provide insights into its relative efficacy and position in treatment protocols,” she said.

In addition, further research into dupilumab’s underlying mechanisms could provide deeper insights into the pathophysiology of type 2 inflammation in COPD and inform the development of new treatments, Dr. Narendra said. “These steps will help integrate dupilumab more effectively into clinical practice and optimize its use for COPD patients with type 2 inflammation,” she noted.

Dupilumab is undergoing Priority Review by the FDA as an add-on maintenance therapy for adults with uncontrolled COPD and type 2 inflammation, with a target action date of June 27, 2024, according to a company press release.

The study was funded by Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Narendra had no financial conflicts to disclose but serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of CHEST Physician.

A version of this article appeared on

Dupilumab significantly reduced exacerbations and improved lung function in adults with uncontrolled chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and type 2 inflammation, based on data from more than 900 individuals.

Data from a phase 3 trial known as NOTUS were presented at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference and published simultaneously in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Dupilumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody, works by inhibiting the signaling of the interleukin 4 (IL-4) and IL-13 pathways and is approved for many conditions characterized by type 2 inflammation, wrote Surya P. Bhatt, MD, of The University of Alabama at Birmingham, and colleagues in the NEJM study.

“Last year, we showed in the BOREAS trial that dupilumab was very effective in lowering exacerbation frequency in patients with COPD who continued to have frequent exacerbations despite being on maximal inhaled therapy,” Dr. Bhatt said in an interview.

12 Months of COPD, Triple Inhaler Therapy

In the NOTUS study, the researchers randomized 470 adults with uncontrolled COPD and type 2 inflammation (defined as a blood eosinophil count of ≥ 300 cells/µL) to 300-mg subcutaneous dupilumab and 465 to a placebo every 2 weeks. Patients were enrolled between July 2020 and May 2023.

The study population included adults aged 40-85 years with physician-diagnosed COPD for at least 12 months who had received background triple inhaler therapy (an inhaled glucocorticoid agent plus long-acting muscarinic antagonist [LAMA]–long-acting beta-agonist [LABA] or LAMA-LABA alone) for at least 3 months and at a stable dose for at least 1 month. All participants were current or former smokers with a smoking history of at least 10 pack-years.

The primary endpoint was a reduction in the annualized rate of moderate or severe COPD exacerbations at 52 weeks.

At 52 weeks, the annualized rate of moderate or severe exacerbations was significantly lower (34%) in the dupilumab group than in the placebo group (0.86 vs 1.30, P < .001).

Patients in the dupilumab group also saw a significantly greater improvement in lung function compared with individuals in the placebo group based on prebronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second from baseline to 12 weeks (least squares mean change of 139 mL vs 57 mL). This improvement was sustained at 52 weeks (least squares mean change of 115 mL vs 54 mL).

Improvement in respiratory symptom severity based on the St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire was another secondary endpoint, and changes in total score were greater in the dupilumab group than in the placebo group (least squares mean change of 9.8 vs 6.4).

Safety outcomes were similar between the dupilumab and placebo groups, with approximately 66% of patients in each group reporting adverse events during the 52-week study period. Serious adverse events occurred in 13% and 15.9% of dupilumab and placebo patients, respectively, and adverse events resulting in death occurred in 2.6% and 1.5%, respectively. The most common adverse events were COVID-19, which occurred in 9.4% and 8.2% of the dupilumab and placebo patients, respectively, followed by headache, COPD, and nasopharyngitis. Major adverse cardiovascular events occurred in three patients in the dupilumab group and seven patients in the placebo group.

The findings were limited by several factors including the reduced sample size for 52-week endpoints because of the earlier analysis and the primarily White study population, the researchers noted. The study was conducted in part during the COVID-19 pandemic period, which contributed to healthcare disruptions and behavior changes that decreased exposure to viral respiratory infections, they wrote in their discussion. However, the results were strengthened by the large numbers and international population without other major pulmonary diseases, such as asthma, and the 34% reduction in exacerbations with dupilumab vs placebo is clinically significant, they said.



Data May Drive US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approval

In the BOREAS trial, dupilumab also improved lung function and quality of life, with no notable safety concerns. “As with any trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of a medication, it is important to confirm the findings in a replicative study,” said Dr. Bhatt. “With NOTUS, we confirmed the findings of BOREAS,” and the researchers were reassured by the substantial reduction in exacerbation frequency and the replication of key secondary outcomes, he said.

With the NOTUS study, “two randomized trials have now shown near identical reductions in exacerbation frequency in a difficult-to-treat population of patients with COPD with type 2 inflammation and frequent exacerbations,” as well as a significant and meaningful improvement in lung function, Dr. Bhatt said in an interview. “We hope these trials pave for the way for regulatory body approval of dupilumab for clinical use,” he said. Looking ahead, more studies are needed to test the potential disease modification effects of dupilumab in patients with COPD, he added.

Potential Change in Patient Management

Approximately 20%-40% of patients with COPD have type 2 inflammation with elevated blood eosinophil count, and this subset of patients has an increased risk for exacerbations, with worsening lung function and quality of life, Dharani K. Narendra, MD, of Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, said in an interview.

Prior phase 3 studies have shown that dupilumab, a blocker of IL-4 and IL-13 pathways, could effectively reduce exacerbations and improve lung function in these patients, and the NOTUS study aimed to confirm the findings in a larger, more diverse population, said Dr. Narendra, who was not involved in the study.

The NOTUS study represents a paradigm shift in the management of COPD patients with type 2 inflammation, said Narendra. “This study validates the previous BOREAS trial and has shown that dupilumab reduces exacerbations, improves lung function and quality of life, and potentially slows disease progression,” she said.

If approved, potential barriers to the use of dupilumab in practice include cost and insurance coverage, education and dissemination of study findings, and limited data on side effects, said Dr. Narendra.

“While the NOTUS study provides valuable insights into the efficacy and safety of dupilumab over 52 weeks, longer-term studies are needed to understand the sustained benefits and risks of continued treatment,” Dr. Narendra told this news organization. “Studies comparing dupilumab with other biological agents and newer COPD treatments could provide insights into its relative efficacy and position in treatment protocols,” she said.

In addition, further research into dupilumab’s underlying mechanisms could provide deeper insights into the pathophysiology of type 2 inflammation in COPD and inform the development of new treatments, Dr. Narendra said. “These steps will help integrate dupilumab more effectively into clinical practice and optimize its use for COPD patients with type 2 inflammation,” she noted.

Dupilumab is undergoing Priority Review by the FDA as an add-on maintenance therapy for adults with uncontrolled COPD and type 2 inflammation, with a target action date of June 27, 2024, according to a company press release.

The study was funded by Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Narendra had no financial conflicts to disclose but serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of CHEST Physician.

A version of this article appeared on

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All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>At 52 weeks, the annualized rate of moderate or severe exacerbations was significantly lower (34%) in the dupilumab group than in the placebo group (0.86 vs 1.3</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>Trial data suggest therapy reduces exacerbations for patients with COPD and the presence of type 2 inflammation.</teaser> <title>Dupilumab May Reduce Exacerbations in COPD, Type 2 Inflammation</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>chph</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">6</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">53</term> <term>39313</term> </sections> <topics> <term>188</term> <term canonical="true">41038</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Dupilumab May Reduce Exacerbations in COPD, Type 2 Inflammation</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p>FROM ATS 2024</p> <p>Dupilumab significantly reduced exacerbations and improved lung function in adults with uncontrolled chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and type 2 inflammation, based on data from more than 900 individuals.</p> <p>Data from a phase 3 trial known as NOTUS were presented at the <a href="">American Thoracic Society’s international conference</a> and <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">published simultaneously</a></span> in <em>The New England Journal of Medicine</em>.<br/><br/>Dupilumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody, works by inhibiting the signaling of the interleukin 4 (IL-4) and IL-13 pathways and is approved for many conditions characterized by type 2 inflammation, wrote Surya P. Bhatt, MD, of The University of Alabama at Birmingham, and colleagues in the NEJM study.<br/><br/>“Last year, we showed in the BOREAS trial that dupilumab was very effective in lowering exacerbation frequency in patients with COPD who continued to have frequent exacerbations despite being on maximal inhaled therapy,” Dr. Bhatt said in an interview.</p> <h2>12 Months of COPD, Triple Inhaler Therapy</h2> <p>In the NOTUS study, the researchers randomized 470 adults with uncontrolled COPD and type 2 inflammation (defined as a blood eosinophil count of ≥ 300 cells/µL) to 300-mg subcutaneous dupilumab and 465 to a placebo every 2 weeks. Patients were enrolled between July 2020 and May 2023.</p> <p>The study population included adults aged 40-85 years with physician-diagnosed COPD for at least 12 months who had received background triple inhaler therapy (an inhaled glucocorticoid agent plus long-acting muscarinic antagonist [LAMA]–long-acting beta-agonist [LABA] or LAMA-LABA alone) for at least 3 months and at a stable dose for at least 1 month. All participants were current or former smokers with a smoking history of at least 10 pack-years.<br/><br/>The primary endpoint was a reduction in the annualized rate of moderate or severe COPD exacerbations at 52 weeks.<br/><br/><span class="tag metaDescription">At 52 weeks, the annualized rate of moderate or severe exacerbations was significantly lower (34%) in the dupilumab group than in the placebo group (0.86 vs 1.30, <em>P</em> &lt; .001).</span><br/><br/>Patients in the dupilumab group also saw a significantly greater improvement in lung function compared with individuals in the placebo group based on prebronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second from baseline to 12 weeks (least squares mean change of 139 mL vs 57 mL). This improvement was sustained at 52 weeks (least squares mean change of 115 mL vs 54 mL).<br/><br/>Improvement in respiratory symptom severity based on the St. George’s Respiratory Questionnaire was another secondary endpoint, and changes in total score were greater in the dupilumab group than in the placebo group (least squares mean change of 9.8 vs 6.4).<br/><br/>Safety outcomes were similar between the dupilumab and placebo groups, with approximately 66% of patients in each group reporting adverse events during the 52-week study period. Serious adverse events occurred in 13% and 15.9% of dupilumab and placebo patients, respectively, and adverse events resulting in death occurred in 2.6% and 1.5%, respectively. The most common adverse events were COVID-19, which occurred in 9.4% and 8.2% of the dupilumab and placebo patients, respectively, followed by headache, COPD, and nasopharyngitis. Major adverse cardiovascular events occurred in three patients in the dupilumab group and seven patients in the placebo group.<br/><br/>The findings were limited by several factors including the reduced sample size for 52-week endpoints because of the earlier analysis and the primarily White study population, the researchers noted. The study was conducted in part during the COVID-19 pandemic period, which contributed to healthcare disruptions and behavior changes that decreased exposure to viral respiratory infections, they wrote in their discussion. However, the results were strengthened by the large numbers and international population without other major pulmonary diseases, such as asthma, and the 34% reduction in exacerbations with dupilumab vs placebo is clinically significant, they said.</p> <h2>Data May Drive US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approval</h2> <p>In the BOREAS trial, dupilumab also improved lung function and quality of life, with no notable safety concerns. “As with any trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of a medication, it is important to confirm the findings in a replicative study,” said Dr. Bhatt. “With NOTUS, we confirmed the findings of BOREAS,” and the researchers were reassured by the substantial reduction in exacerbation frequency and the replication of key secondary outcomes, she said.</p> <p>With the NOTUS study, “two randomized trials have now shown near identical reductions in exacerbation frequency in a difficult-to-treat population of patients with COPD with type 2 inflammation and frequent exacerbations,” as well as a significant and meaningful improvement in lung function, Dr. Bhatt said in an interview. “We hope these trials pave for the way for regulatory body approval of dupilumab for clinical use,” she said. Looking ahead, more studies are needed to test the potential disease modification effects of dupilumab in patients with COPD, she added.</p> <h2>Potential Change in Patient Management</h2> <p>Approximately 20%-40% of patients with COPD have type 2 inflammation with elevated blood eosinophil count, and this subset of patients has an increased risk for exacerbations, with worsening lung function and quality of life, Dharani K. Narendra, MD, of Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, said in an interview.</p> <p>Prior phase 3 studies have shown that dupilumab, a blocker of IL-4 and IL-13 pathways, could effectively reduce exacerbations and improve lung function in these patients, and the NOTUS study aimed to confirm the findings in a larger, more diverse population, said Dr. Narendra, who was not involved in the study.<br/><br/>The NOTUS study represents a paradigm shift in the management of COPD patients with type 2 inflammation, said Narendra. “This study validates the previous BOREAS trial and has shown that dupilumab reduces exacerbations, improves lung function and quality of life, and potentially slows disease progression,” she said.<br/><br/>If approved, potential barriers to the use of dupilumab in practice include cost and insurance coverage, education and dissemination of study findings, and limited data on side effects, said Dr. Narendra.<br/><br/>“While the NOTUS study provides valuable insights into the efficacy and safety of dupilumab over 52 weeks, longer-term studies are needed to understand the sustained benefits and risks of continued treatment,” Dr. Narendra told this news organization. “Studies comparing dupilumab with other biological agents and newer COPD treatments could provide insights into its relative efficacy and position in treatment protocols,” she said.<br/><br/>In addition, further research into dupilumab’s underlying mechanisms could provide deeper insights into the pathophysiology of type 2 inflammation in COPD and inform the development of new treatments, Dr. Narendra said. “These steps will help integrate dupilumab more effectively into clinical practice and optimize its use for COPD patients with type 2 inflammation,” she noted.<br/><br/>Dupilumab is undergoing Priority Review by the FDA as an add-on maintenance therapy for adults with uncontrolled COPD and type 2 inflammation, with a target action date of June 27, 2024, according to a <a href="">company press release</a>.<br/><br/>The study was funded by Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Narendra had no financial conflicts to disclose but serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of CHEST Physician.</p> <p> <em>A version of this article appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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Catch-and-Treat Strategy Identifies Undiagnosed Asthma and COPD

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Thu, 05/30/2024 - 12:20

— You can’t treat patients if you can’t find them. But as investigators in a randomized controlled trial showed, a case-finding method based on spirometry results can identify individuals in the community with undiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma whose lives could be significantly improved with proper care.

Once they have been identified and randomly assigned to be treated by a pulmonologist and asthma-COPD educator according to clinical guidelines, these previously undiagnosed patients have significant improvements in health care utilization, lung function, symptoms, and quality of life compared with patients randomly assigned to treatment by a general practitioner.

“By diagnosing people early and treating them intensively, you can really improve their quality of life,” said lead investigator Shawn D. Aaron, MD, from the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Even those patients in the study who were randomly assigned to receive care from a general practice physician had improvements in lung function and quality of life, although on a smaller scale than patients assigned to a specialty team, Dr. Aaron said at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

He reported results of the study in a late-breaking oral abstract session. The study findings were also published online in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Undiagnosed diseases

“The simple problem is that 70% of individuals with asthma or COPD are likely undiagnosed,” Dr. Aaron said.

He noted that the 2007-2012 US National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey found obstructive lung disease in 13% of randomly selected US adults, but 71% of these people had never been diagnosed with asthma or COPD.

“So our questions were in this study: One, can we find adults with undiagnosed asthma or COPD in the community? The second question was: If we find them, are they sick? And the third and most important question was: Can we treat them early and improve their health outcomes?” he said.

Asthma and COPD both present with similar respiratory symptoms, including dyspnea, cough, wheeze, and/or chest tightness, and the two conditions share expiratory airflow obstruction as a common physiologic impairment that can be detected with spirometry.

Study details

To identify participants, the investigators hired a commercial survey firm to contact households asking whether any member aged 18 years or older had respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, increased mucus or sputum production, or prolonged cough in the past 6 months. Those who responded yes were then contacted by a trial coordinator, and the symptomatic household member was asked to complete the Asthma Screening Questionnaire over the phone. Participants aged 60 years or older and those younger than 60 years with a score of 6 or higher on the asthma screen also completed the COPD Diagnostic Questionnaire.

Those with a score of 6 or higher on the asthma screen or 20 or higher on the COPD screen were invited to undergo spirometry at a trial site.

The investigators ultimately identified 508 adults with undiagnosed asthma or COPD and randomly assigned them on an equal basis to an intervention group (253 patients) or control group (255 patients).

In the intervention group treatment was provided by a study pulmonologist and asthma-COPD educator who started guideline-based care. Patients were prescribed inhalers and were taught how to use them, and many were given action plans that included smoking cessation aids, exercise and weight counseling, and vaccinations against influenza and pneumonia.

Participants assigned to the control group would receive usual care provided by their primary care practitioner.



Improvements abound

During the 12 months of the study, 92% of patients in the intervention group and 60% in the control group were started on new medications for their condition. 

Only 13.4% of those in the intervention group received either no respiratory treatments or a short-acting beta 2 agonist only during the entire trial period compared with 49.8% of controls, “so the usual care arm was undertreated relative to the intervention arm, and because of that under-treatment we saw a tremendous difference in the primary outcome,” Dr. Aaron said.

The primary outcome, the annualized rate of patient-initiated healthcare utilization for respiratory illness, was significantly lower in the intervention group, translating into an incidence rate ratio of 0.48 (P < .001).

Secondary outcomes were also better in the intervention group. For example, total scores on the St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) declined by 10.2 points from baseline in intervention group compared with a 6.8-point drop in the usual-care group. The mean difference was 3.5 points (P = .009). Lower scores on the 0-100 SGRQ scale indicate better health status.

Similarly, total scores on the COPD Assessment Test, a scale of 0-40 with lower scores indicating better health, declined by 3.8 points and 2.6 points, respectively, over 12 months, for a mean difference of 1.3 points (P = .03).

In addition, those in the intervention arm had a 119-mL improvement in forced expiratory volume in 1 second over the 12 months of the study compared with only a 22-mL improvement in the usual-care group.

Translatable results?

Dr. Aaron acknowledged that the investigators could have chosen to keep those who were assigned to the control group unaware of their diagnosis during the study but because all patients enrolled were symptomatic, it would have been unethical to do so. All participants were informed of their diagnosis at randomization, and the information was conveyed to each patient’s primary care practitioner as well.

In fact, many patients in the control group decided to seek treatment for either asthma or COPD after learning of their diagnosis, which may have contributed to improved outcomes in the control arm, he said.

“What this means is if you make the diagnosis early in the community, and at least have them see a primary care practitioner, they will improve their quality of life and their health status,” he concluded.

Ravi Kalhan, MD, MS, from the Northwestern University Feinberg School Of Medicine in Chicago, who co-moderated the session but was not involved in the study, said in an interview that the case-finding model used in the trial would be difficult to replicate elsewhere.

“This idea of seeking out undiagnosed people by doing spirometry, so-called ‘case finding’ as they described it, testing highly symptomatic people with spirometry, is really challenging in the US, because symptoms are not collected proactively very much,” he said.

Persons with acute respiratory symptoms in the US typically seek healthcare at urgent-care clinics or have unscheduled visits with their primary care physicians, “and by all accounts those people should have spirometry, but they just don’t in the US, as best as I can tell,” he added.

He agreed that getting patients to a specialist can result in better outcomes but said that implementing a systematic approach such as the one described in the study would be extremely difficult in the fragmented US healthcare system.

Dr. Kalhan’s co-moderator, Nuala J. Meyer, MD, MS, from the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, told Chest Physician that “it was interesting that even those who were not in the intervention group but had these details passed on to their primary care physicians still had improvements,” and that it would be beneficial if primary care practitioners were routinely informed about the results of urgent care visits.

She added, however, that in the US the flow of information between urgent care clinics, primary care offices, and specialty clinics is problematic, suggesting that symptomatic patients may not always receive the additional care that they need.

The study was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Dr. Aaron, Dr. Kalhan, and Dr. Meyer all reported having no relevant disclosures. 

A version of this article appeared on


— You can’t treat patients if you can’t find them. But as investigators in a randomized controlled trial showed, a case-finding method based on spirometry results can identify individuals in the community with undiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma whose lives could be significantly improved with proper care.

Once they have been identified and randomly assigned to be treated by a pulmonologist and asthma-COPD educator according to clinical guidelines, these previously undiagnosed patients have significant improvements in health care utilization, lung function, symptoms, and quality of life compared with patients randomly assigned to treatment by a general practitioner.

“By diagnosing people early and treating them intensively, you can really improve their quality of life,” said lead investigator Shawn D. Aaron, MD, from the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Even those patients in the study who were randomly assigned to receive care from a general practice physician had improvements in lung function and quality of life, although on a smaller scale than patients assigned to a specialty team, Dr. Aaron said at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

He reported results of the study in a late-breaking oral abstract session. The study findings were also published online in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Undiagnosed diseases

“The simple problem is that 70% of individuals with asthma or COPD are likely undiagnosed,” Dr. Aaron said.

He noted that the 2007-2012 US National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey found obstructive lung disease in 13% of randomly selected US adults, but 71% of these people had never been diagnosed with asthma or COPD.

“So our questions were in this study: One, can we find adults with undiagnosed asthma or COPD in the community? The second question was: If we find them, are they sick? And the third and most important question was: Can we treat them early and improve their health outcomes?” he said.

Asthma and COPD both present with similar respiratory symptoms, including dyspnea, cough, wheeze, and/or chest tightness, and the two conditions share expiratory airflow obstruction as a common physiologic impairment that can be detected with spirometry.

Study details

To identify participants, the investigators hired a commercial survey firm to contact households asking whether any member aged 18 years or older had respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, increased mucus or sputum production, or prolonged cough in the past 6 months. Those who responded yes were then contacted by a trial coordinator, and the symptomatic household member was asked to complete the Asthma Screening Questionnaire over the phone. Participants aged 60 years or older and those younger than 60 years with a score of 6 or higher on the asthma screen also completed the COPD Diagnostic Questionnaire.

Those with a score of 6 or higher on the asthma screen or 20 or higher on the COPD screen were invited to undergo spirometry at a trial site.

The investigators ultimately identified 508 adults with undiagnosed asthma or COPD and randomly assigned them on an equal basis to an intervention group (253 patients) or control group (255 patients).

In the intervention group treatment was provided by a study pulmonologist and asthma-COPD educator who started guideline-based care. Patients were prescribed inhalers and were taught how to use them, and many were given action plans that included smoking cessation aids, exercise and weight counseling, and vaccinations against influenza and pneumonia.

Participants assigned to the control group would receive usual care provided by their primary care practitioner.



Improvements abound

During the 12 months of the study, 92% of patients in the intervention group and 60% in the control group were started on new medications for their condition. 

Only 13.4% of those in the intervention group received either no respiratory treatments or a short-acting beta 2 agonist only during the entire trial period compared with 49.8% of controls, “so the usual care arm was undertreated relative to the intervention arm, and because of that under-treatment we saw a tremendous difference in the primary outcome,” Dr. Aaron said.

The primary outcome, the annualized rate of patient-initiated healthcare utilization for respiratory illness, was significantly lower in the intervention group, translating into an incidence rate ratio of 0.48 (P < .001).

Secondary outcomes were also better in the intervention group. For example, total scores on the St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) declined by 10.2 points from baseline in intervention group compared with a 6.8-point drop in the usual-care group. The mean difference was 3.5 points (P = .009). Lower scores on the 0-100 SGRQ scale indicate better health status.

Similarly, total scores on the COPD Assessment Test, a scale of 0-40 with lower scores indicating better health, declined by 3.8 points and 2.6 points, respectively, over 12 months, for a mean difference of 1.3 points (P = .03).

In addition, those in the intervention arm had a 119-mL improvement in forced expiratory volume in 1 second over the 12 months of the study compared with only a 22-mL improvement in the usual-care group.

Translatable results?

Dr. Aaron acknowledged that the investigators could have chosen to keep those who were assigned to the control group unaware of their diagnosis during the study but because all patients enrolled were symptomatic, it would have been unethical to do so. All participants were informed of their diagnosis at randomization, and the information was conveyed to each patient’s primary care practitioner as well.

In fact, many patients in the control group decided to seek treatment for either asthma or COPD after learning of their diagnosis, which may have contributed to improved outcomes in the control arm, he said.

“What this means is if you make the diagnosis early in the community, and at least have them see a primary care practitioner, they will improve their quality of life and their health status,” he concluded.

Ravi Kalhan, MD, MS, from the Northwestern University Feinberg School Of Medicine in Chicago, who co-moderated the session but was not involved in the study, said in an interview that the case-finding model used in the trial would be difficult to replicate elsewhere.

“This idea of seeking out undiagnosed people by doing spirometry, so-called ‘case finding’ as they described it, testing highly symptomatic people with spirometry, is really challenging in the US, because symptoms are not collected proactively very much,” he said.

Persons with acute respiratory symptoms in the US typically seek healthcare at urgent-care clinics or have unscheduled visits with their primary care physicians, “and by all accounts those people should have spirometry, but they just don’t in the US, as best as I can tell,” he added.

He agreed that getting patients to a specialist can result in better outcomes but said that implementing a systematic approach such as the one described in the study would be extremely difficult in the fragmented US healthcare system.

Dr. Kalhan’s co-moderator, Nuala J. Meyer, MD, MS, from the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, told Chest Physician that “it was interesting that even those who were not in the intervention group but had these details passed on to their primary care physicians still had improvements,” and that it would be beneficial if primary care practitioners were routinely informed about the results of urgent care visits.

She added, however, that in the US the flow of information between urgent care clinics, primary care offices, and specialty clinics is problematic, suggesting that symptomatic patients may not always receive the additional care that they need.

The study was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Dr. Aaron, Dr. Kalhan, and Dr. Meyer all reported having no relevant disclosures. 

A version of this article appeared on

— You can’t treat patients if you can’t find them. But as investigators in a randomized controlled trial showed, a case-finding method based on spirometry results can identify individuals in the community with undiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma whose lives could be significantly improved with proper care.

Once they have been identified and randomly assigned to be treated by a pulmonologist and asthma-COPD educator according to clinical guidelines, these previously undiagnosed patients have significant improvements in health care utilization, lung function, symptoms, and quality of life compared with patients randomly assigned to treatment by a general practitioner.

“By diagnosing people early and treating them intensively, you can really improve their quality of life,” said lead investigator Shawn D. Aaron, MD, from the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Even those patients in the study who were randomly assigned to receive care from a general practice physician had improvements in lung function and quality of life, although on a smaller scale than patients assigned to a specialty team, Dr. Aaron said at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

He reported results of the study in a late-breaking oral abstract session. The study findings were also published online in The New England Journal of Medicine.

Undiagnosed diseases

“The simple problem is that 70% of individuals with asthma or COPD are likely undiagnosed,” Dr. Aaron said.

He noted that the 2007-2012 US National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey found obstructive lung disease in 13% of randomly selected US adults, but 71% of these people had never been diagnosed with asthma or COPD.

“So our questions were in this study: One, can we find adults with undiagnosed asthma or COPD in the community? The second question was: If we find them, are they sick? And the third and most important question was: Can we treat them early and improve their health outcomes?” he said.

Asthma and COPD both present with similar respiratory symptoms, including dyspnea, cough, wheeze, and/or chest tightness, and the two conditions share expiratory airflow obstruction as a common physiologic impairment that can be detected with spirometry.

Study details

To identify participants, the investigators hired a commercial survey firm to contact households asking whether any member aged 18 years or older had respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, increased mucus or sputum production, or prolonged cough in the past 6 months. Those who responded yes were then contacted by a trial coordinator, and the symptomatic household member was asked to complete the Asthma Screening Questionnaire over the phone. Participants aged 60 years or older and those younger than 60 years with a score of 6 or higher on the asthma screen also completed the COPD Diagnostic Questionnaire.

Those with a score of 6 or higher on the asthma screen or 20 or higher on the COPD screen were invited to undergo spirometry at a trial site.

The investigators ultimately identified 508 adults with undiagnosed asthma or COPD and randomly assigned them on an equal basis to an intervention group (253 patients) or control group (255 patients).

In the intervention group treatment was provided by a study pulmonologist and asthma-COPD educator who started guideline-based care. Patients were prescribed inhalers and were taught how to use them, and many were given action plans that included smoking cessation aids, exercise and weight counseling, and vaccinations against influenza and pneumonia.

Participants assigned to the control group would receive usual care provided by their primary care practitioner.



Improvements abound

During the 12 months of the study, 92% of patients in the intervention group and 60% in the control group were started on new medications for their condition. 

Only 13.4% of those in the intervention group received either no respiratory treatments or a short-acting beta 2 agonist only during the entire trial period compared with 49.8% of controls, “so the usual care arm was undertreated relative to the intervention arm, and because of that under-treatment we saw a tremendous difference in the primary outcome,” Dr. Aaron said.

The primary outcome, the annualized rate of patient-initiated healthcare utilization for respiratory illness, was significantly lower in the intervention group, translating into an incidence rate ratio of 0.48 (P < .001).

Secondary outcomes were also better in the intervention group. For example, total scores on the St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) declined by 10.2 points from baseline in intervention group compared with a 6.8-point drop in the usual-care group. The mean difference was 3.5 points (P = .009). Lower scores on the 0-100 SGRQ scale indicate better health status.

Similarly, total scores on the COPD Assessment Test, a scale of 0-40 with lower scores indicating better health, declined by 3.8 points and 2.6 points, respectively, over 12 months, for a mean difference of 1.3 points (P = .03).

In addition, those in the intervention arm had a 119-mL improvement in forced expiratory volume in 1 second over the 12 months of the study compared with only a 22-mL improvement in the usual-care group.

Translatable results?

Dr. Aaron acknowledged that the investigators could have chosen to keep those who were assigned to the control group unaware of their diagnosis during the study but because all patients enrolled were symptomatic, it would have been unethical to do so. All participants were informed of their diagnosis at randomization, and the information was conveyed to each patient’s primary care practitioner as well.

In fact, many patients in the control group decided to seek treatment for either asthma or COPD after learning of their diagnosis, which may have contributed to improved outcomes in the control arm, he said.

“What this means is if you make the diagnosis early in the community, and at least have them see a primary care practitioner, they will improve their quality of life and their health status,” he concluded.

Ravi Kalhan, MD, MS, from the Northwestern University Feinberg School Of Medicine in Chicago, who co-moderated the session but was not involved in the study, said in an interview that the case-finding model used in the trial would be difficult to replicate elsewhere.

“This idea of seeking out undiagnosed people by doing spirometry, so-called ‘case finding’ as they described it, testing highly symptomatic people with spirometry, is really challenging in the US, because symptoms are not collected proactively very much,” he said.

Persons with acute respiratory symptoms in the US typically seek healthcare at urgent-care clinics or have unscheduled visits with their primary care physicians, “and by all accounts those people should have spirometry, but they just don’t in the US, as best as I can tell,” he added.

He agreed that getting patients to a specialist can result in better outcomes but said that implementing a systematic approach such as the one described in the study would be extremely difficult in the fragmented US healthcare system.

Dr. Kalhan’s co-moderator, Nuala J. Meyer, MD, MS, from the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, told Chest Physician that “it was interesting that even those who were not in the intervention group but had these details passed on to their primary care physicians still had improvements,” and that it would be beneficial if primary care practitioners were routinely informed about the results of urgent care visits.

She added, however, that in the US the flow of information between urgent care clinics, primary care offices, and specialty clinics is problematic, suggesting that symptomatic patients may not always receive the additional care that they need.

The study was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Dr. Aaron, Dr. Kalhan, and Dr. Meyer all reported having no relevant disclosures. 

A version of this article appeared on

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All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>Once they have been identified and randomly assigned to be treated by a pulmonologist and asthma-COPD educator according to clinical guidelines, these previousl</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>Community-focused study using spirometry data can help find undiagnosed COPD and asthma. </teaser> <title>Catch-and-Treat Strategy Identifies Undiagnosed Asthma and COPD</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>chph</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">6</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">39313</term> <term>53</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">41038</term> <term>188</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Catch-and-Treat Strategy Identifies Undiagnosed Asthma and COPD</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p><br/><br/><span class="dateline">SAN DIEGO</span> — You can’t treat patients if you can’t find them. But as investigators in a randomized controlled trial showed, a case-finding method based on <span class="Hyperlink">spirometry</span> results can identify individuals in the community with undiagnosed <span class="Hyperlink">chronic obstructive pulmonary disease</span> (<span class="Hyperlink">COPD</span>) or <span class="Hyperlink">asthma</span> whose lives could be significantly improved with proper care.<br/><br/><span class="tag metaDescription">Once they have been identified and randomly assigned to be treated by a pulmonologist and asthma-COPD educator according to clinical guidelines, these previously undiagnosed patients have significant improvements in health care utilization, lung function, symptoms, and quality of life compared with patients randomly assigned to treatment by a general practitioner.</span><br/><br/>“By diagnosing people early and treating them intensively, you can really improve their quality of life,” said lead investigator Shawn D. Aaron, MD, from the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.<br/><br/>Even those patients in the study who were randomly assigned to receive care from a general practice physician had improvements in lung function and quality of life, although on a smaller scale than patients assigned to a specialty team, Dr. Aaron said at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.<br/><br/>He reported results of the study in a late-breaking oral abstract session. The study findings were also <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">published online</a></span> in <em>The New England Journal of Medicine</em>.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Undiagnosed diseases</h2> <p>“The simple problem is that 70% of individuals with asthma or COPD are likely undiagnosed,” Dr. Aaron said.<br/><br/>He noted that the 2007-2012 US National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey found obstructive lung disease in 13% of randomly selected US adults, but 71% of these people had never been diagnosed with asthma or COPD.<br/><br/>“So our questions were in this study: One, can we find adults with undiagnosed asthma or COPD in the community? The second question was: If we find them, are they sick? And the third and most important question was: Can we treat them early and improve their health outcomes?” he said.<br/><br/>Asthma and COPD both present with similar respiratory symptoms, including dyspnea, cough, wheeze, and/or chest tightness, and the two conditions share expiratory airflow obstruction as a common physiologic impairment that can be detected with spirometry.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Study details</h2> <p>To identify participants, the investigators hired a commercial survey firm to contact households asking whether any member aged 18 years or older had respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, increased mucus or sputum production, or prolonged cough in the past 6 months. Those who responded yes were then contacted by a trial coordinator, and the symptomatic household member was asked to complete the Asthma Screening Questionnaire over the phone. Participants aged 60 years or older and those younger than 60 years with a score of 6 or higher on the asthma screen also completed the COPD Diagnostic Questionnaire.<br/><br/>Those with a score of 6 or higher on the asthma screen or 20 or higher on the COPD screen were invited to undergo spirometry at a trial site.<br/><br/>The investigators ultimately identified 508 adults with undiagnosed asthma or COPD and randomly assigned them on an equal basis to an intervention group (253 patients) or control group (255 patients).<br/><br/>In the intervention group treatment was provided by a study pulmonologist and asthma-COPD educator who started guideline-based care. Patients were prescribed inhalers and were taught how to use them, and many were given action plans that included smoking cessation aids, exercise and weight counseling, and vaccinations against <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">influenza</a></span> and pneumonia.<br/><br/>Participants assigned to the control group would receive usual care provided by their primary care practitioner.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Improvements abound</h2> <p>During the 12 months of the study, 92% of patients in the intervention group and 60% in the control group were started on new medications for their condition. <br/><br/>Only 13.4% of those in the intervention group received either no respiratory treatments or a short-acting beta 2 agonist only during the entire trial period compared with 49.8% of controls, “so the usual care arm was undertreated relative to the intervention arm, and because of that under-treatment we saw a tremendous difference in the primary outcome,” Dr. Aaron said.<br/><br/>The primary outcome, the annualized rate of patient-initiated healthcare utilization for respiratory illness, was significantly lower in the intervention group, translating into an incidence rate ratio of 0.48 (P &lt; .001).<br/><br/>Secondary outcomes were also better in the intervention group. For example, total scores on the St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) declined by 10.2 points from baseline in intervention group compared with a 6.8-point drop in the usual-care group. The mean difference was 3.5 points (<em>P</em> = .009). Lower scores on the 0-100 SGRQ scale indicate better health status.<br/><br/>Similarly, total scores on the COPD Assessment Test, a scale of 0-40 with lower scores indicating better health, declined by 3.8 points and 2.6 points, respectively, over 12 months, for a mean difference of 1.3 points (<em>P</em> = .03).<br/><br/>In addition, those in the intervention arm had a 119-mL improvement in forced expiratory volume in 1 second over the 12 months of the study compared with only a 22-mL improvement in the usual-care group.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Translatable results?</h2> <p>Dr. Aaron acknowledged that the investigators could have chosen to keep those who were assigned to the control group unaware of their diagnosis during the study but because all patients enrolled were symptomatic, it would have been unethical to do so. All participants were informed of their diagnosis at randomization, and the information was conveyed to each patient’s primary care practitioner as well.<br/><br/>In fact, many patients in the control group decided to seek treatment for either asthma or COPD after learning of their diagnosis, which may have contributed to improved outcomes in the control arm, he said.<br/><br/>“What this means is if you make the diagnosis early in the community, and at least have them see a primary care practitioner, they will improve their quality of life and their health status,” he concluded.<br/><br/>Ravi Kalhan, MD, MS, from the Northwestern University Feinberg School Of Medicine in Chicago, who co-moderated the session but was not involved in the study, said in an interview that the case-finding model used in the trial would be difficult to replicate elsewhere.<br/><br/>“This idea of seeking out undiagnosed people by doing spirometry, so-called ‘case finding’ as they described it, testing highly symptomatic people with spirometry, is really challenging in the US, because symptoms are not collected proactively very much,” he said.<br/><br/>Persons with acute respiratory symptoms in the US typically seek healthcare at urgent-care clinics or have unscheduled visits with their primary care physicians, “and by all accounts those people should have spirometry, but they just don’t in the US, as best as I can tell,” he added.<br/><br/>He agreed that getting patients to a specialist can result in better outcomes but said that implementing a systematic approach such as the one described in the study would be extremely difficult in the fragmented US healthcare system.<br/><br/>Dr. Kalhan’s co-moderator, Nuala J. Meyer, MD, MS, from the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, told <em>Chest Physician</em> that “it was interesting that even those who were not in the intervention group but had these details passed on to their primary care physicians still had improvements,” and that it would be beneficial if primary care practitioners were routinely informed about the results of urgent care visits.<br/><br/>She added, however, that in the US the flow of information between urgent care clinics, primary care offices, and specialty clinics is problematic, suggesting that symptomatic patients may not always receive the additional care that they need.<br/><br/>The study was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Dr. Aaron, Dr. Kalhan, and Dr. Meyer all reported having no relevant disclosures.<span class="end"/> </p> <p> <em>A version of this article appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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Space: The final frontier of public health, air pollution data

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Fri, 05/24/2024 - 15:12

– No matter where on earth you live, there’s likely to be an eye in the sky hovering overhead, and that’s a good thing, at least when it comes to satellite monitoring of air quality, said scientists from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

In a special symposium held at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference, NASA health and air quality specialists described the use of space-based systems and earth science applications to improve understanding of respiratory health risks worldwide, and to help enrich pulmonary research with galaxies of data.

“Every day we download over 25 terabytes of data,” said John Haynes, MS, program manager for Health and Air Quality Applications in the Earth Action Program of the NASA Earth Science Division in Washington.

John Haynes

“Many of the observation data sets are critical for healthy air quality applications: observation of land surface temperature, sea surface temperature, precipitation, fires and thermal anomalies, aerosols, just to name a few, and the really awesome news is this offering from our constellation of satellites is free and open access, available to everyone across the globe,” he said.

The mission of NASA’s Earth Action Program is “to enable people and organizations to apply insights from Earth science to benefit the economy, health, quality of life, and environment.”

Program staff work with both industry and nonprofit environmental advocacy and health groups to help inform their decisions and actions with Earth science information.

NASA supports the use of Earth observations to help monitor and manage infectious diseases and environmental health, toxins and pathogens that affect health, air quality standards, and to assess the effects of climate change on air quality and public health.

Mr. Haynes noted that worldwide, six major cities have incorporated NASA data on fine particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) into their climate action plans. These cities include Accra, Ghana; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Guadalajara, Mexico; Lima, Peru; and Johannesburg, South Africa.

Monitoring pollution with TEMPO

There are more than 30 Earth-monitoring systems currently in orbit or soon to be launched, including NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO), launched in April 2023, with first operations in August 2023. The instrument is in a geostationary orbit about 22,236 miles above the equator at longitudes that allow it to survey virtually all of North America — from coast to coast, and from southern Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas to Northern Canada.

TEMPO is part of a geostationary air quality satellite “constellation” or group that provides daylight observation over the entire Northern Hemisphere, explained Aaron Naeger, PhD, MS, mission applications lead for TEMPO at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Until TEMPO, space-based instruments had relatively low spatial resolution and could only capture one image each day. In contrast, TEMPO can scan east-west each daylight hour across its entire coverage area (known as the Field of Regard), and even more frequently during early morning and late afternoon. This allows researchers to measure volumes of pollution, sources, and how these pollution levels vary over time. The system measures ozone levels, nitrogen dioxide (NO2,) formaldehyde, and aerosols.

More than 100 federal, state, local and tribal air quality agencies use the data captured by TEMPO to inform public health efforts.

Dr. Naeger gave examples of how the system can help identify public health hazards, including scans that showed high NO2 levels from cities, traffic corridors, power plants, oil and gas fields, and fires.

Similarly, the system detected unhealthy ozone and PM2.5 levels during prescribed burns in April 2024, as well as notable differences between weekdays and weekends in NO2 concentrations across California and the Front Range in Colorado. These showed higher levels along traffic corridors during weekdays related to increased traffic volumes and tailpipe emissions.



Fire and heat

Other NASA health and air quality initiatives include the FireAQ project, based at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, which provides free online weekly briefings on fire-related air quality concerns using data from TEMPO and other NASA satellite systems. The FireAQ project was described by Jun Wang, PhD, from the University of Iowa in Iowa City.

NASA also fosters collaborations to reduce health disparities in air quality and respiratory health in urban heat islands and other areas affected by extreme temperatures due to climate change, as discussed by Christopher K. Uejio, PhD, from Florida State University in Tallahassee.

Air pollution expert George D. Thurston, ScD, professor of medicine and population health at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, who attended the session, said that the PM2.5 standard includes nontoxic particulate matter, such as soil, and misses sub-micron sized particles, and asked Mr. Haynes whether smaller particles were being measured in the studies he described.

Mr. Haynes replied that the systems do not directly measure PM2.5 but instead rely on aerosol optical depth, a measure of the extent to which atmospheric particles absorb or scatter sunlight.

Dr. Thurston, who in 1987 was coauthor of groundbreaking study showing the link between PM2.5 levels and mortality, is now an advocate for a tougher standard of measuring ambient ultrafine particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than .1 microns in size (PM1).

NASA health and climate data are available at

Mr. Haynes and Dr. Naeger are NASA employees. Dr. Thurston had no relevant disclosures.


– No matter where on earth you live, there’s likely to be an eye in the sky hovering overhead, and that’s a good thing, at least when it comes to satellite monitoring of air quality, said scientists from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

In a special symposium held at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference, NASA health and air quality specialists described the use of space-based systems and earth science applications to improve understanding of respiratory health risks worldwide, and to help enrich pulmonary research with galaxies of data.

“Every day we download over 25 terabytes of data,” said John Haynes, MS, program manager for Health and Air Quality Applications in the Earth Action Program of the NASA Earth Science Division in Washington.

John Haynes

“Many of the observation data sets are critical for healthy air quality applications: observation of land surface temperature, sea surface temperature, precipitation, fires and thermal anomalies, aerosols, just to name a few, and the really awesome news is this offering from our constellation of satellites is free and open access, available to everyone across the globe,” he said.

The mission of NASA’s Earth Action Program is “to enable people and organizations to apply insights from Earth science to benefit the economy, health, quality of life, and environment.”

Program staff work with both industry and nonprofit environmental advocacy and health groups to help inform their decisions and actions with Earth science information.

NASA supports the use of Earth observations to help monitor and manage infectious diseases and environmental health, toxins and pathogens that affect health, air quality standards, and to assess the effects of climate change on air quality and public health.

Mr. Haynes noted that worldwide, six major cities have incorporated NASA data on fine particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) into their climate action plans. These cities include Accra, Ghana; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Guadalajara, Mexico; Lima, Peru; and Johannesburg, South Africa.

Monitoring pollution with TEMPO

There are more than 30 Earth-monitoring systems currently in orbit or soon to be launched, including NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO), launched in April 2023, with first operations in August 2023. The instrument is in a geostationary orbit about 22,236 miles above the equator at longitudes that allow it to survey virtually all of North America — from coast to coast, and from southern Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas to Northern Canada.

TEMPO is part of a geostationary air quality satellite “constellation” or group that provides daylight observation over the entire Northern Hemisphere, explained Aaron Naeger, PhD, MS, mission applications lead for TEMPO at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Until TEMPO, space-based instruments had relatively low spatial resolution and could only capture one image each day. In contrast, TEMPO can scan east-west each daylight hour across its entire coverage area (known as the Field of Regard), and even more frequently during early morning and late afternoon. This allows researchers to measure volumes of pollution, sources, and how these pollution levels vary over time. The system measures ozone levels, nitrogen dioxide (NO2,) formaldehyde, and aerosols.

More than 100 federal, state, local and tribal air quality agencies use the data captured by TEMPO to inform public health efforts.

Dr. Naeger gave examples of how the system can help identify public health hazards, including scans that showed high NO2 levels from cities, traffic corridors, power plants, oil and gas fields, and fires.

Similarly, the system detected unhealthy ozone and PM2.5 levels during prescribed burns in April 2024, as well as notable differences between weekdays and weekends in NO2 concentrations across California and the Front Range in Colorado. These showed higher levels along traffic corridors during weekdays related to increased traffic volumes and tailpipe emissions.



Fire and heat

Other NASA health and air quality initiatives include the FireAQ project, based at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, which provides free online weekly briefings on fire-related air quality concerns using data from TEMPO and other NASA satellite systems. The FireAQ project was described by Jun Wang, PhD, from the University of Iowa in Iowa City.

NASA also fosters collaborations to reduce health disparities in air quality and respiratory health in urban heat islands and other areas affected by extreme temperatures due to climate change, as discussed by Christopher K. Uejio, PhD, from Florida State University in Tallahassee.

Air pollution expert George D. Thurston, ScD, professor of medicine and population health at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, who attended the session, said that the PM2.5 standard includes nontoxic particulate matter, such as soil, and misses sub-micron sized particles, and asked Mr. Haynes whether smaller particles were being measured in the studies he described.

Mr. Haynes replied that the systems do not directly measure PM2.5 but instead rely on aerosol optical depth, a measure of the extent to which atmospheric particles absorb or scatter sunlight.

Dr. Thurston, who in 1987 was coauthor of groundbreaking study showing the link between PM2.5 levels and mortality, is now an advocate for a tougher standard of measuring ambient ultrafine particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than .1 microns in size (PM1).

NASA health and climate data are available at

Mr. Haynes and Dr. Naeger are NASA employees. Dr. Thurston had no relevant disclosures.

– No matter where on earth you live, there’s likely to be an eye in the sky hovering overhead, and that’s a good thing, at least when it comes to satellite monitoring of air quality, said scientists from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

In a special symposium held at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference, NASA health and air quality specialists described the use of space-based systems and earth science applications to improve understanding of respiratory health risks worldwide, and to help enrich pulmonary research with galaxies of data.

“Every day we download over 25 terabytes of data,” said John Haynes, MS, program manager for Health and Air Quality Applications in the Earth Action Program of the NASA Earth Science Division in Washington.

John Haynes

“Many of the observation data sets are critical for healthy air quality applications: observation of land surface temperature, sea surface temperature, precipitation, fires and thermal anomalies, aerosols, just to name a few, and the really awesome news is this offering from our constellation of satellites is free and open access, available to everyone across the globe,” he said.

The mission of NASA’s Earth Action Program is “to enable people and organizations to apply insights from Earth science to benefit the economy, health, quality of life, and environment.”

Program staff work with both industry and nonprofit environmental advocacy and health groups to help inform their decisions and actions with Earth science information.

NASA supports the use of Earth observations to help monitor and manage infectious diseases and environmental health, toxins and pathogens that affect health, air quality standards, and to assess the effects of climate change on air quality and public health.

Mr. Haynes noted that worldwide, six major cities have incorporated NASA data on fine particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) into their climate action plans. These cities include Accra, Ghana; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Guadalajara, Mexico; Lima, Peru; and Johannesburg, South Africa.

Monitoring pollution with TEMPO

There are more than 30 Earth-monitoring systems currently in orbit or soon to be launched, including NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO), launched in April 2023, with first operations in August 2023. The instrument is in a geostationary orbit about 22,236 miles above the equator at longitudes that allow it to survey virtually all of North America — from coast to coast, and from southern Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas to Northern Canada.

TEMPO is part of a geostationary air quality satellite “constellation” or group that provides daylight observation over the entire Northern Hemisphere, explained Aaron Naeger, PhD, MS, mission applications lead for TEMPO at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Until TEMPO, space-based instruments had relatively low spatial resolution and could only capture one image each day. In contrast, TEMPO can scan east-west each daylight hour across its entire coverage area (known as the Field of Regard), and even more frequently during early morning and late afternoon. This allows researchers to measure volumes of pollution, sources, and how these pollution levels vary over time. The system measures ozone levels, nitrogen dioxide (NO2,) formaldehyde, and aerosols.

More than 100 federal, state, local and tribal air quality agencies use the data captured by TEMPO to inform public health efforts.

Dr. Naeger gave examples of how the system can help identify public health hazards, including scans that showed high NO2 levels from cities, traffic corridors, power plants, oil and gas fields, and fires.

Similarly, the system detected unhealthy ozone and PM2.5 levels during prescribed burns in April 2024, as well as notable differences between weekdays and weekends in NO2 concentrations across California and the Front Range in Colorado. These showed higher levels along traffic corridors during weekdays related to increased traffic volumes and tailpipe emissions.



Fire and heat

Other NASA health and air quality initiatives include the FireAQ project, based at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, which provides free online weekly briefings on fire-related air quality concerns using data from TEMPO and other NASA satellite systems. The FireAQ project was described by Jun Wang, PhD, from the University of Iowa in Iowa City.

NASA also fosters collaborations to reduce health disparities in air quality and respiratory health in urban heat islands and other areas affected by extreme temperatures due to climate change, as discussed by Christopher K. Uejio, PhD, from Florida State University in Tallahassee.

Air pollution expert George D. Thurston, ScD, professor of medicine and population health at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, who attended the session, said that the PM2.5 standard includes nontoxic particulate matter, such as soil, and misses sub-micron sized particles, and asked Mr. Haynes whether smaller particles were being measured in the studies he described.

Mr. Haynes replied that the systems do not directly measure PM2.5 but instead rely on aerosol optical depth, a measure of the extent to which atmospheric particles absorb or scatter sunlight.

Dr. Thurston, who in 1987 was coauthor of groundbreaking study showing the link between PM2.5 levels and mortality, is now an advocate for a tougher standard of measuring ambient ultrafine particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than .1 microns in size (PM1).

NASA health and climate data are available at

Mr. Haynes and Dr. Naeger are NASA employees. Dr. Thurston had no relevant disclosures.

Article Type
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<root generator="drupal.xsl" gversion="1.7"> <header> <fileName>168185</fileName> <TBEID>0C050450.SIG</TBEID> <TBUniqueIdentifier>MD_0C050450</TBUniqueIdentifier> <newsOrJournal>News</newsOrJournal> <publisherName>Frontline Medical Communications</publisherName> <storyname>ATS 2024 - NASAPulomaryScience.d</storyname> <articleType>2</articleType> <TBLocation>QC Done-All Pubs</TBLocation> <QCDate>20240524T150526</QCDate> <firstPublished>20240524T150914</firstPublished> <LastPublished>20240524T150914</LastPublished> <pubStatus qcode="stat:"/> <embargoDate/> <killDate/> <CMSDate>20240524T150914</CMSDate> <articleSource>FROM ATS 2024</articleSource> <facebookInfo/> <meetingNumber>3036-24</meetingNumber> <byline>Neil Osterweil</byline> <bylineText>NEIL OSTERWEIL</bylineText> <bylineFull>NEIL OSTERWEIL</bylineFull> <bylineTitleText/> <USOrGlobal/> <wireDocType/> <newsDocType>News</newsDocType> <journalDocType/> <linkLabel/> <pageRange/> <citation/> <quizID/> <indexIssueDate/> <itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/> <provider qcode="provider:imng"> <name>IMNG Medical Media</name> <rightsInfo> <copyrightHolder> <name>Frontline Medical News</name> </copyrightHolder> <copyrightNotice>Copyright (c) 2015 Frontline Medical News, a Frontline Medical Communications Inc. company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>SAN DIEGO – No matter where on earth you live, there’s likely to be an eye in the sky hovering overhead, and that’s a good thing, at least when it comes to sate</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage>301525</teaserImage> <teaser>National satellite-based systems provide data on air pollution and its components that can impact respiratory health. </teaser> <title>Space: The final frontier of public health, air pollution data</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>chph</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">6</term> </publications> <sections> <term canonical="true">39313</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">284</term> <term>188</term> <term>41038</term> </topics> <links> <link> <itemClass qcode="ninat:picture"/> <altRep contenttype="image/jpeg">images/24012991.jpg</altRep> <description role="drol:caption">John Haynes</description> <description role="drol:credit">Neil Osterweil/MDedge News</description> </link> </links> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Space: The final frontier of public health, air pollution data</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p><span class="dateline">SAN DIEGO </span>– No matter where on earth you live, there’s likely to be an eye in the sky hovering overhead, and that’s a good thing, at least when it comes to satellite monitoring of air quality, said scientists from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).</p> <p>In a special symposium held at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference, NASA health and air quality specialists described the use of space-based systems and earth science applications to improve understanding of respiratory health risks worldwide, and to help enrich pulmonary research with galaxies of data.<br/><br/>“Every day we download over 25 terabytes of data,” said John Haynes, MS, program manager for Health and Air Quality Applications in the Earth Action Program of the NASA Earth Science Division in Washington.<br/><br/>[[{"fid":"301525","view_mode":"medstat_image_flush_right","fields":{"format":"medstat_image_flush_right","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"John Haynes, MS, program manager for Health and Air Quality Applications in the Earth Action Program of the NASA Earth Science Division in Washington","field_file_image_credit[und][0][value]":"Neil Osterweil/MDedge News","field_file_image_caption[und][0][value]":"John Haynes"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-medstat_image_flush_right"}}]]“Many of the observation data sets are critical for healthy air quality applications: observation of land surface temperature, sea surface temperature, precipitation, fires and thermal anomalies, aerosols, just to name a few, and the really awesome news is this offering from our constellation of satellites is free and open access, available to everyone across the globe,” he said. <br/><br/>The mission of NASA’s Earth Action Program is “to enable people and organizations to apply insights from Earth science to benefit the economy, health, quality of life, and environment.”<br/><br/>Program staff work with both industry and nonprofit environmental advocacy and health groups to help inform their decisions and actions with Earth science information. <br/><br/>NASA supports the use of Earth observations to help monitor and manage infectious diseases and environmental health, toxins and pathogens that affect health, air quality standards, and to assess the effects of climate change on air quality and public health.<br/><br/>Mr. Haynes noted that worldwide, six major cities have incorporated NASA data on fine particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) into their climate action plans. These cities include Accra, Ghana; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Guadalajara, Mexico; Lima, Peru; and Johannesburg, South Africa.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Monitoring pollution with TEMPO</h2> <p>There are more than 30 Earth-monitoring systems currently in orbit or soon to be launched, including NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO), launched in April 2023, with first operations in August 2023. The instrument is in a geostationary orbit about 22,236 miles above the equator at longitudes that allow it to survey virtually all of North America — from coast to coast, and from southern Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas to Northern Canada.<br/><br/>TEMPO is part of a geostationary air quality satellite “constellation” or group that provides daylight observation over the entire Northern Hemisphere, explained Aaron Naeger, PhD, MS, mission applications lead for TEMPO at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.<br/><br/>Until TEMPO, space-based instruments had relatively low spatial resolution and could only capture one image each day. In contrast, TEMPO can scan east-west each daylight hour across its entire coverage area (known as the Field of Regard), and even more frequently during early morning and late afternoon. This allows researchers to measure volumes of pollution, sources, and how these pollution levels vary over time. The system measures ozone levels, nitrogen dioxide (NO<sub>2</sub>,) formaldehyde, and aerosols. <br/><br/>More than 100 federal, state, local and tribal air quality agencies use the data captured by TEMPO to inform public health efforts.<br/><br/>Dr. Naeger gave examples of how the system can help identify public health hazards, including scans that showed high NO<sub>2</sub> levels from cities, traffic corridors, power plants, oil and gas fields, and fires.<br/><br/>Similarly, the system detected unhealthy ozone and PM2.5 levels during prescribed burns in April 2024, as well as notable differences between weekdays and weekends in NO<sub>2</sub> concentrations across California and the Front Range in Colorado. These showed higher levels along traffic corridors during weekdays related to increased traffic volumes and tailpipe emissions.<br/><br/> </p> <h2>Fire and heat</h2> <p>Other NASA health and air quality initiatives include the FireAQ project, based at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, which provides free online weekly briefings on fire-related air quality concerns using data from TEMPO and other NASA satellite systems. The FireAQ project was described by Jun Wang, PhD, from the University of Iowa in Iowa City.<br/><br/>NASA also fosters collaborations to reduce health disparities in air quality and respiratory health in urban heat islands and other areas affected by extreme temperatures due to climate change, as discussed by Christopher K. Uejio, PhD, from Florida State University in Tallahassee. <br/><br/>Air pollution expert George D. Thurston, ScD, professor of medicine and population health at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, who attended the session, said that the PM2.5 standard includes nontoxic particulate matter, such as soil, and misses sub-micron sized particles, and asked Mr. Haynes whether smaller particles were being measured in the studies he described.<br/><br/>Mr. Haynes replied that the systems do not directly measure PM2.5 but instead rely on aerosol optical depth, a measure of the extent to which atmospheric particles absorb or scatter sunlight. <br/><br/>Dr. Thurston, who in 1987 was coauthor of groundbreaking study showing the link between PM2.5 levels and mortality, is now an advocate for a tougher standard of measuring ambient ultrafine particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than .1 microns in size (PM1).<br/><br/>NASA health and climate data are available at <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.<br/><br/>Mr. Haynes and Dr. Naeger are NASA employees. Dr. Thurston had no relevant disclosures.</p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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New Administration Routes for Adrenaline in Anaphylaxis

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Fri, 05/24/2024 - 12:04

PARIS — While anaphylaxis requires immediate adrenaline administration through autoinjection, the use of this treatment is not optimal. Therefore, the development of new adrenaline formulations (such as for intranasal, sublingual, and transcutaneous routes) aims to facilitate the drug’s use and reduce persistent delays in administration by patients and caregivers. An overview of the research was presented at the 19th French-speaking Congress of Allergology.

Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially fatal immediate hypersensitivity reaction with highly variable and dynamic clinical presentations. It requires prompt recognition for immediate treatment with intramuscular (IM) adrenaline (at the anterolateral aspect of the mid-thigh).

One might think that this reflex is acquired, but in France, while the number of prescribed adrenaline autoinjection (AAI) devices has been increasing for a decade, reaching 965,944 units in 2022, this first-line treatment is underused. Anapen (150, 300, and 500 µg), EpiPen (150 and 300 µg), Jext (150 µg and 300 µg), and Emerade (150, 300, and 500 µg) are the four products marketed in France in 2024.

“Only 17.3% of individuals presenting to the emergency department in the Lorraine region used it in 2015,” said Catherine Neukirch, MD, a pneumologist at Hôpital Bichat–Claude Bernard in Paris, France, with rates of 11.3% for children and 20.3% for adults.

Anaphylaxis Incidence Increasing

Approximately 0.3% (95% CI, 0.1-0.5) of the population will experience an anaphylaxis episode in their lifetime. Incidence in Europe, across all causes, is estimated between 1.5 and 7.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Although anaphylaxis is on the rise, its associated mortality remains low, ranging between 0.05 and 0.51 per million per year for drugs, between 0.03 and 0.32 per million per year for foods, and between 0.09 and 0.13 per million per year for hymenopteran venoms.

Data from the European Anaphylaxis Registry indicate that anaphylaxis manifests rapidly after allergen exposure: 55% of cases occur within 10 minutes and 80% within 30 minutes. In addition, a biphasic reaction, which can occur up to 72 hours after exposure, is observed in < 5% of cases.

While a delay in adrenaline use is associated with risk for increased morbidity and mortality, AAI significantly reduces error rates compared with manual treatments involving ampoules, needles, and syringes. It also reduces the associated panic risks. However, there are multiple barriers to adrenaline use. The clinical symptoms of anaphylaxis may be misleading, especially if it occurs without cutaneous and urticarial manifestations but with only acute bronchospasm. It may present as isolated laryngeal edema without digestive involvement, hypotension, or other respiratory problems.

Other limitations to adrenaline use include technical difficulties and the possibility of incorrect administration, the need for appropriate needle sizes for patients with obesity, needle phobia, potential adverse effects of adrenaline injections, failure to carry two autoinjectors, constraints related to storage and bulky transport, as well as the need for training and practice.

“These factors contribute to underuse of adrenaline by patients and caregivers,” said Dr. Neukirch, which results in delays in necessary administration.

Adrenaline Treatment Criteria?

An analysis published in 2023 based on pharmacovigilance data from 30 regional French centers from 1984 to 2022 included 42 reported cases (average age, 33 years; 26% children) of reactions to AAI, which probably is an underestimate. About 40% of AAI uses occurred during anaphylaxis. The remaining 60% were triggered outside of reactions. The main reasons were accidental injections, mainly in the fingers, and cases of not triggering the autoinjector, underlining the importance of patient education.

In 2015, the European Medicines Agency required pharmacological studies for injectable adrenaline on healthy volunteers. These studies include ultrasound measurements of bolus injection, pharmacokinetics (ie, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion), and pharmacodynamics (ie, the effect of the drug and the mechanism of action in the body), with precise evaluation of cardiovascular effects (eg, systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate).

Among the information collected with the different products, ultrasound studies have shown a different localization of the adrenaline bolus (ie, in muscle in patients with normal BMI and mostly in adipose tissue in patients with BMI indicating overweight and obesity). The consequences of this finding are still unknown.

In a study with 500 µg Anapen, women with overweight or obesity showed different pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic profiles from those in men with normal weight, with an increase in the area under the curve (0-240 min) and marked changes in the heart rate time curve.

IM administration of 0.5 mg produces rapid pharmacokinetic effects in patients with normal weight, overweight, or obesity, with a delay for the second peak in the latter case. This delay perhaps results from initial local vasoconstriction due to adrenaline.

The early peak plasma concentration occurs at 5-10 minutes for AAI, with a faster speed for Anapen and EpiPen.

Moreover, needle size is not the most important factor. Rather, it is the strength and speed of injection, which can vary depending on the AAI.

Also, the optimal plasma concentration of adrenaline to treat anaphylaxis is not known; studies cannot be conducted during anaphylaxis. In terms of pharmacokinetics, a small series discovered that increased skin or muscle thickness delays the absorption of EpiPen AAI.

Intranasal Adrenaline

To facilitate rapid adrenaline use and convince reluctant patients to carry and use adrenaline, intranasal, sublingual, or transcutaneous forms are under development.

Three intranasal forms of adrenaline are already well advanced, including Neffy from ARS Pharma, epinephrine sprays from Bryn Pharma and Hikma, and Oxero from Oragoo, which contains dry powder.

A comparison of intranasal adrenaline Neffy and AAI shows that the former has satisfactory pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects.

In a phase 1 randomized crossover study of 42 healthy adults comparing the pharmacokinetic effects of Neffy adrenaline (2 mg) and EpiPen (0.3 mg), as well as IM epinephrine 0.3 mg, several observations were made. For a single dose, the maximum concentration (Cmax) of Neffy was lower than that of EpiPen.

However, with repeated doses administered 10 minutes apart, the Cmax of Neffy was higher than that of EpiPen. At this stage, pharmacodynamic responses to intranasal products are at least comparable with those of approved injectable products.

A comparison of the pharmacodynamic effects, such as systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate, of Neffy adrenaline and AAI concluded that the profile of Neffy is comparable with that of EpiPen and superior to that of IM epinephrine.

In patients with a history of allergic rhinitis, adrenaline Cmax appears to be increased, while time to peak plasma concentration (Tmax) is reduced. Low blood pressure does not prevent Neffy absorption. Neffy is currently under review by the American and European health authorities.

Intranasal absorption of dry powder adrenaline appears to be faster than that of EpiPen, thus offering a clinical advantage in the short therapeutic window for anaphylaxis treatment.

In an open-label trial conducted on 12 adults with seasonal allergic rhinitis without asthma, the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and safety of adrenaline were compared between FMXIN002 (1.6 and 3.2 mg), which was administered intranasally with or without nasal allergen challenge, and IM EpiPen 0.3 mg. Pharmacokinetics varied by patient. Nevertheless, nasal FMXIN002 had a shorter Tmax, a doubled Cmax after the allergen challenge peak, and a higher area under the curve in the 8 hours following administration compared with EpiPen. Pharmacodynamic effects comparable with those of EpiPen were noted at 15 minutes to 4 hours after administration. The tolerance was good, with mild and local side effects. The powder seems to deposit slightly better in the nasal cavity. It remains stable for 6 months at a temperature of 40 °C and relative humidity of 75% and for 2 years at a temperature of 25 °C and relative humidity of 60%.



Sublingual Adrenaline Film

AQST-109 is a sublingual film that is intended to allow rapid administration of epinephrine 1, which is a prodrug of adrenaline. The product is the size of a postage stamp, weighs < 30 g, and dissolves on contact with the tongue.

The EPIPHAST II study was a phase 1, multiperiod, crossover study conducted on 24 healthy adults (age, 24-49 years) who were randomly assigned to receive either 12 or 0.3 mg of AQST-109  of manual IM adrenaline in the first two periods. All participants received 0.3 mg of EpiPen in the last period.

EpiPen 0.3 mg resulted in a higher Cmax than AQST-109 12 mg. AQST-109 12 mg had the fastest median Tmax of 12 minutes. The areas under the curve of AQST-109 12 mg fell between those of EpiPen 0.3 mg and manual IM adrenaline 0.3 mg.

Early increases in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate were observed with AQST-109 12 mg. Changes were more pronounced with AQST-109 12 mg despite a higher Cmax with EpiPen 0.3 mg.

Part 3 of the EPIPHAST study evaluated the impact of food exposure (ie, a peanut butter sandwich) on the pharmacokinetics of AQST-109 12 mg in 24 healthy adults. Oral food residues did not significantly affect pharmacodynamic parameters, and no treatment-related adverse events were reported.

Researchers concluded that AQST-109 12 mg absorption would not be altered by “real” situations if used during meals. “These results suggest that the sublingual adrenaline film could be promising in real situations,” said Dr. Neukirch, especially in cases of food allergy with recent ingestion of the allergenic food.

Transcutaneous Adrenaline

A transcutaneous form of adrenaline that uses the Zeneo device developed by Crossject, a company based in Dijon, France, comes in the form of an AAI that requires no needle. This project, funded by the European Union, uses a gas generator to propel the drug at very high speed through the skin in 50 milliseconds. This method allows for extended drug storage.

Dr. Neukirch reported financial relationships with Viatris, Stallergènes, ALK, Astrazeneca, Sanofi, GSK, and Novartis.

This story was translated from the Medscape French edition using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication. A version of this article first appeared on


PARIS — While anaphylaxis requires immediate adrenaline administration through autoinjection, the use of this treatment is not optimal. Therefore, the development of new adrenaline formulations (such as for intranasal, sublingual, and transcutaneous routes) aims to facilitate the drug’s use and reduce persistent delays in administration by patients and caregivers. An overview of the research was presented at the 19th French-speaking Congress of Allergology.

Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially fatal immediate hypersensitivity reaction with highly variable and dynamic clinical presentations. It requires prompt recognition for immediate treatment with intramuscular (IM) adrenaline (at the anterolateral aspect of the mid-thigh).

One might think that this reflex is acquired, but in France, while the number of prescribed adrenaline autoinjection (AAI) devices has been increasing for a decade, reaching 965,944 units in 2022, this first-line treatment is underused. Anapen (150, 300, and 500 µg), EpiPen (150 and 300 µg), Jext (150 µg and 300 µg), and Emerade (150, 300, and 500 µg) are the four products marketed in France in 2024.

“Only 17.3% of individuals presenting to the emergency department in the Lorraine region used it in 2015,” said Catherine Neukirch, MD, a pneumologist at Hôpital Bichat–Claude Bernard in Paris, France, with rates of 11.3% for children and 20.3% for adults.

Anaphylaxis Incidence Increasing

Approximately 0.3% (95% CI, 0.1-0.5) of the population will experience an anaphylaxis episode in their lifetime. Incidence in Europe, across all causes, is estimated between 1.5 and 7.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Although anaphylaxis is on the rise, its associated mortality remains low, ranging between 0.05 and 0.51 per million per year for drugs, between 0.03 and 0.32 per million per year for foods, and between 0.09 and 0.13 per million per year for hymenopteran venoms.

Data from the European Anaphylaxis Registry indicate that anaphylaxis manifests rapidly after allergen exposure: 55% of cases occur within 10 minutes and 80% within 30 minutes. In addition, a biphasic reaction, which can occur up to 72 hours after exposure, is observed in < 5% of cases.

While a delay in adrenaline use is associated with risk for increased morbidity and mortality, AAI significantly reduces error rates compared with manual treatments involving ampoules, needles, and syringes. It also reduces the associated panic risks. However, there are multiple barriers to adrenaline use. The clinical symptoms of anaphylaxis may be misleading, especially if it occurs without cutaneous and urticarial manifestations but with only acute bronchospasm. It may present as isolated laryngeal edema without digestive involvement, hypotension, or other respiratory problems.

Other limitations to adrenaline use include technical difficulties and the possibility of incorrect administration, the need for appropriate needle sizes for patients with obesity, needle phobia, potential adverse effects of adrenaline injections, failure to carry two autoinjectors, constraints related to storage and bulky transport, as well as the need for training and practice.

“These factors contribute to underuse of adrenaline by patients and caregivers,” said Dr. Neukirch, which results in delays in necessary administration.

Adrenaline Treatment Criteria?

An analysis published in 2023 based on pharmacovigilance data from 30 regional French centers from 1984 to 2022 included 42 reported cases (average age, 33 years; 26% children) of reactions to AAI, which probably is an underestimate. About 40% of AAI uses occurred during anaphylaxis. The remaining 60% were triggered outside of reactions. The main reasons were accidental injections, mainly in the fingers, and cases of not triggering the autoinjector, underlining the importance of patient education.

In 2015, the European Medicines Agency required pharmacological studies for injectable adrenaline on healthy volunteers. These studies include ultrasound measurements of bolus injection, pharmacokinetics (ie, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion), and pharmacodynamics (ie, the effect of the drug and the mechanism of action in the body), with precise evaluation of cardiovascular effects (eg, systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate).

Among the information collected with the different products, ultrasound studies have shown a different localization of the adrenaline bolus (ie, in muscle in patients with normal BMI and mostly in adipose tissue in patients with BMI indicating overweight and obesity). The consequences of this finding are still unknown.

In a study with 500 µg Anapen, women with overweight or obesity showed different pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic profiles from those in men with normal weight, with an increase in the area under the curve (0-240 min) and marked changes in the heart rate time curve.

IM administration of 0.5 mg produces rapid pharmacokinetic effects in patients with normal weight, overweight, or obesity, with a delay for the second peak in the latter case. This delay perhaps results from initial local vasoconstriction due to adrenaline.

The early peak plasma concentration occurs at 5-10 minutes for AAI, with a faster speed for Anapen and EpiPen.

Moreover, needle size is not the most important factor. Rather, it is the strength and speed of injection, which can vary depending on the AAI.

Also, the optimal plasma concentration of adrenaline to treat anaphylaxis is not known; studies cannot be conducted during anaphylaxis. In terms of pharmacokinetics, a small series discovered that increased skin or muscle thickness delays the absorption of EpiPen AAI.

Intranasal Adrenaline

To facilitate rapid adrenaline use and convince reluctant patients to carry and use adrenaline, intranasal, sublingual, or transcutaneous forms are under development.

Three intranasal forms of adrenaline are already well advanced, including Neffy from ARS Pharma, epinephrine sprays from Bryn Pharma and Hikma, and Oxero from Oragoo, which contains dry powder.

A comparison of intranasal adrenaline Neffy and AAI shows that the former has satisfactory pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects.

In a phase 1 randomized crossover study of 42 healthy adults comparing the pharmacokinetic effects of Neffy adrenaline (2 mg) and EpiPen (0.3 mg), as well as IM epinephrine 0.3 mg, several observations were made. For a single dose, the maximum concentration (Cmax) of Neffy was lower than that of EpiPen.

However, with repeated doses administered 10 minutes apart, the Cmax of Neffy was higher than that of EpiPen. At this stage, pharmacodynamic responses to intranasal products are at least comparable with those of approved injectable products.

A comparison of the pharmacodynamic effects, such as systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate, of Neffy adrenaline and AAI concluded that the profile of Neffy is comparable with that of EpiPen and superior to that of IM epinephrine.

In patients with a history of allergic rhinitis, adrenaline Cmax appears to be increased, while time to peak plasma concentration (Tmax) is reduced. Low blood pressure does not prevent Neffy absorption. Neffy is currently under review by the American and European health authorities.

Intranasal absorption of dry powder adrenaline appears to be faster than that of EpiPen, thus offering a clinical advantage in the short therapeutic window for anaphylaxis treatment.

In an open-label trial conducted on 12 adults with seasonal allergic rhinitis without asthma, the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and safety of adrenaline were compared between FMXIN002 (1.6 and 3.2 mg), which was administered intranasally with or without nasal allergen challenge, and IM EpiPen 0.3 mg. Pharmacokinetics varied by patient. Nevertheless, nasal FMXIN002 had a shorter Tmax, a doubled Cmax after the allergen challenge peak, and a higher area under the curve in the 8 hours following administration compared with EpiPen. Pharmacodynamic effects comparable with those of EpiPen were noted at 15 minutes to 4 hours after administration. The tolerance was good, with mild and local side effects. The powder seems to deposit slightly better in the nasal cavity. It remains stable for 6 months at a temperature of 40 °C and relative humidity of 75% and for 2 years at a temperature of 25 °C and relative humidity of 60%.



Sublingual Adrenaline Film

AQST-109 is a sublingual film that is intended to allow rapid administration of epinephrine 1, which is a prodrug of adrenaline. The product is the size of a postage stamp, weighs < 30 g, and dissolves on contact with the tongue.

The EPIPHAST II study was a phase 1, multiperiod, crossover study conducted on 24 healthy adults (age, 24-49 years) who were randomly assigned to receive either 12 or 0.3 mg of AQST-109  of manual IM adrenaline in the first two periods. All participants received 0.3 mg of EpiPen in the last period.

EpiPen 0.3 mg resulted in a higher Cmax than AQST-109 12 mg. AQST-109 12 mg had the fastest median Tmax of 12 minutes. The areas under the curve of AQST-109 12 mg fell between those of EpiPen 0.3 mg and manual IM adrenaline 0.3 mg.

Early increases in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate were observed with AQST-109 12 mg. Changes were more pronounced with AQST-109 12 mg despite a higher Cmax with EpiPen 0.3 mg.

Part 3 of the EPIPHAST study evaluated the impact of food exposure (ie, a peanut butter sandwich) on the pharmacokinetics of AQST-109 12 mg in 24 healthy adults. Oral food residues did not significantly affect pharmacodynamic parameters, and no treatment-related adverse events were reported.

Researchers concluded that AQST-109 12 mg absorption would not be altered by “real” situations if used during meals. “These results suggest that the sublingual adrenaline film could be promising in real situations,” said Dr. Neukirch, especially in cases of food allergy with recent ingestion of the allergenic food.

Transcutaneous Adrenaline

A transcutaneous form of adrenaline that uses the Zeneo device developed by Crossject, a company based in Dijon, France, comes in the form of an AAI that requires no needle. This project, funded by the European Union, uses a gas generator to propel the drug at very high speed through the skin in 50 milliseconds. This method allows for extended drug storage.

Dr. Neukirch reported financial relationships with Viatris, Stallergènes, ALK, Astrazeneca, Sanofi, GSK, and Novartis.

This story was translated from the Medscape French edition using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication. A version of this article first appeared on

PARIS — While anaphylaxis requires immediate adrenaline administration through autoinjection, the use of this treatment is not optimal. Therefore, the development of new adrenaline formulations (such as for intranasal, sublingual, and transcutaneous routes) aims to facilitate the drug’s use and reduce persistent delays in administration by patients and caregivers. An overview of the research was presented at the 19th French-speaking Congress of Allergology.

Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially fatal immediate hypersensitivity reaction with highly variable and dynamic clinical presentations. It requires prompt recognition for immediate treatment with intramuscular (IM) adrenaline (at the anterolateral aspect of the mid-thigh).

One might think that this reflex is acquired, but in France, while the number of prescribed adrenaline autoinjection (AAI) devices has been increasing for a decade, reaching 965,944 units in 2022, this first-line treatment is underused. Anapen (150, 300, and 500 µg), EpiPen (150 and 300 µg), Jext (150 µg and 300 µg), and Emerade (150, 300, and 500 µg) are the four products marketed in France in 2024.

“Only 17.3% of individuals presenting to the emergency department in the Lorraine region used it in 2015,” said Catherine Neukirch, MD, a pneumologist at Hôpital Bichat–Claude Bernard in Paris, France, with rates of 11.3% for children and 20.3% for adults.

Anaphylaxis Incidence Increasing

Approximately 0.3% (95% CI, 0.1-0.5) of the population will experience an anaphylaxis episode in their lifetime. Incidence in Europe, across all causes, is estimated between 1.5 and 7.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Although anaphylaxis is on the rise, its associated mortality remains low, ranging between 0.05 and 0.51 per million per year for drugs, between 0.03 and 0.32 per million per year for foods, and between 0.09 and 0.13 per million per year for hymenopteran venoms.

Data from the European Anaphylaxis Registry indicate that anaphylaxis manifests rapidly after allergen exposure: 55% of cases occur within 10 minutes and 80% within 30 minutes. In addition, a biphasic reaction, which can occur up to 72 hours after exposure, is observed in < 5% of cases.

While a delay in adrenaline use is associated with risk for increased morbidity and mortality, AAI significantly reduces error rates compared with manual treatments involving ampoules, needles, and syringes. It also reduces the associated panic risks. However, there are multiple barriers to adrenaline use. The clinical symptoms of anaphylaxis may be misleading, especially if it occurs without cutaneous and urticarial manifestations but with only acute bronchospasm. It may present as isolated laryngeal edema without digestive involvement, hypotension, or other respiratory problems.

Other limitations to adrenaline use include technical difficulties and the possibility of incorrect administration, the need for appropriate needle sizes for patients with obesity, needle phobia, potential adverse effects of adrenaline injections, failure to carry two autoinjectors, constraints related to storage and bulky transport, as well as the need for training and practice.

“These factors contribute to underuse of adrenaline by patients and caregivers,” said Dr. Neukirch, which results in delays in necessary administration.

Adrenaline Treatment Criteria?

An analysis published in 2023 based on pharmacovigilance data from 30 regional French centers from 1984 to 2022 included 42 reported cases (average age, 33 years; 26% children) of reactions to AAI, which probably is an underestimate. About 40% of AAI uses occurred during anaphylaxis. The remaining 60% were triggered outside of reactions. The main reasons were accidental injections, mainly in the fingers, and cases of not triggering the autoinjector, underlining the importance of patient education.

In 2015, the European Medicines Agency required pharmacological studies for injectable adrenaline on healthy volunteers. These studies include ultrasound measurements of bolus injection, pharmacokinetics (ie, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion), and pharmacodynamics (ie, the effect of the drug and the mechanism of action in the body), with precise evaluation of cardiovascular effects (eg, systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate).

Among the information collected with the different products, ultrasound studies have shown a different localization of the adrenaline bolus (ie, in muscle in patients with normal BMI and mostly in adipose tissue in patients with BMI indicating overweight and obesity). The consequences of this finding are still unknown.

In a study with 500 µg Anapen, women with overweight or obesity showed different pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic profiles from those in men with normal weight, with an increase in the area under the curve (0-240 min) and marked changes in the heart rate time curve.

IM administration of 0.5 mg produces rapid pharmacokinetic effects in patients with normal weight, overweight, or obesity, with a delay for the second peak in the latter case. This delay perhaps results from initial local vasoconstriction due to adrenaline.

The early peak plasma concentration occurs at 5-10 minutes for AAI, with a faster speed for Anapen and EpiPen.

Moreover, needle size is not the most important factor. Rather, it is the strength and speed of injection, which can vary depending on the AAI.

Also, the optimal plasma concentration of adrenaline to treat anaphylaxis is not known; studies cannot be conducted during anaphylaxis. In terms of pharmacokinetics, a small series discovered that increased skin or muscle thickness delays the absorption of EpiPen AAI.

Intranasal Adrenaline

To facilitate rapid adrenaline use and convince reluctant patients to carry and use adrenaline, intranasal, sublingual, or transcutaneous forms are under development.

Three intranasal forms of adrenaline are already well advanced, including Neffy from ARS Pharma, epinephrine sprays from Bryn Pharma and Hikma, and Oxero from Oragoo, which contains dry powder.

A comparison of intranasal adrenaline Neffy and AAI shows that the former has satisfactory pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects.

In a phase 1 randomized crossover study of 42 healthy adults comparing the pharmacokinetic effects of Neffy adrenaline (2 mg) and EpiPen (0.3 mg), as well as IM epinephrine 0.3 mg, several observations were made. For a single dose, the maximum concentration (Cmax) of Neffy was lower than that of EpiPen.

However, with repeated doses administered 10 minutes apart, the Cmax of Neffy was higher than that of EpiPen. At this stage, pharmacodynamic responses to intranasal products are at least comparable with those of approved injectable products.

A comparison of the pharmacodynamic effects, such as systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate, of Neffy adrenaline and AAI concluded that the profile of Neffy is comparable with that of EpiPen and superior to that of IM epinephrine.

In patients with a history of allergic rhinitis, adrenaline Cmax appears to be increased, while time to peak plasma concentration (Tmax) is reduced. Low blood pressure does not prevent Neffy absorption. Neffy is currently under review by the American and European health authorities.

Intranasal absorption of dry powder adrenaline appears to be faster than that of EpiPen, thus offering a clinical advantage in the short therapeutic window for anaphylaxis treatment.

In an open-label trial conducted on 12 adults with seasonal allergic rhinitis without asthma, the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and safety of adrenaline were compared between FMXIN002 (1.6 and 3.2 mg), which was administered intranasally with or without nasal allergen challenge, and IM EpiPen 0.3 mg. Pharmacokinetics varied by patient. Nevertheless, nasal FMXIN002 had a shorter Tmax, a doubled Cmax after the allergen challenge peak, and a higher area under the curve in the 8 hours following administration compared with EpiPen. Pharmacodynamic effects comparable with those of EpiPen were noted at 15 minutes to 4 hours after administration. The tolerance was good, with mild and local side effects. The powder seems to deposit slightly better in the nasal cavity. It remains stable for 6 months at a temperature of 40 °C and relative humidity of 75% and for 2 years at a temperature of 25 °C and relative humidity of 60%.



Sublingual Adrenaline Film

AQST-109 is a sublingual film that is intended to allow rapid administration of epinephrine 1, which is a prodrug of adrenaline. The product is the size of a postage stamp, weighs < 30 g, and dissolves on contact with the tongue.

The EPIPHAST II study was a phase 1, multiperiod, crossover study conducted on 24 healthy adults (age, 24-49 years) who were randomly assigned to receive either 12 or 0.3 mg of AQST-109  of manual IM adrenaline in the first two periods. All participants received 0.3 mg of EpiPen in the last period.

EpiPen 0.3 mg resulted in a higher Cmax than AQST-109 12 mg. AQST-109 12 mg had the fastest median Tmax of 12 minutes. The areas under the curve of AQST-109 12 mg fell between those of EpiPen 0.3 mg and manual IM adrenaline 0.3 mg.

Early increases in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate were observed with AQST-109 12 mg. Changes were more pronounced with AQST-109 12 mg despite a higher Cmax with EpiPen 0.3 mg.

Part 3 of the EPIPHAST study evaluated the impact of food exposure (ie, a peanut butter sandwich) on the pharmacokinetics of AQST-109 12 mg in 24 healthy adults. Oral food residues did not significantly affect pharmacodynamic parameters, and no treatment-related adverse events were reported.

Researchers concluded that AQST-109 12 mg absorption would not be altered by “real” situations if used during meals. “These results suggest that the sublingual adrenaline film could be promising in real situations,” said Dr. Neukirch, especially in cases of food allergy with recent ingestion of the allergenic food.

Transcutaneous Adrenaline

A transcutaneous form of adrenaline that uses the Zeneo device developed by Crossject, a company based in Dijon, France, comes in the form of an AAI that requires no needle. This project, funded by the European Union, uses a gas generator to propel the drug at very high speed through the skin in 50 milliseconds. This method allows for extended drug storage.

Dr. Neukirch reported financial relationships with Viatris, Stallergènes, ALK, Astrazeneca, Sanofi, GSK, and Novartis.

This story was translated from the Medscape French edition using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication. A version of this article first appeared on

Article Type
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All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>PARIS — While anaphylaxis requires immediate adrenaline administration through autoinjection, the use of this treatment is not optimal. Therefore, the developme</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage/> <teaser>Intramuscular autoinjectors are not always used for a variety of reasons; new administration routes may increase use.</teaser> <title>New Administration Routes for Adrenaline in Anaphylaxis</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>chph</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>fp</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>im</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>pn</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> <publicationData> <publicationCode>mdemed</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> <journalTitle/> <journalFullTitle/> <copyrightStatement/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">6</term> <term>15</term> <term>21</term> <term>25</term> <term>58877</term> </publications> <sections> <term>53</term> <term canonical="true">39313</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">284</term> <term>188</term> <term>203</term> <term>231</term> <term>271</term> <term>288</term> </topics> <links/> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>New Administration Routes for Adrenaline in Anaphylaxis</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p>PARIS — While anaphylaxis requires immediate adrenaline administration through autoinjection, the use of this treatment is not optimal. Therefore, the development of new adrenaline formulations (such as for intranasal, sublingual, and transcutaneous routes) aims to facilitate the drug’s use and reduce persistent delays in administration by patients and caregivers. An overview of the research was presented at the 19th French-speaking Congress of Allergology.</p> <p>Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially fatal immediate hypersensitivity reaction with highly variable and dynamic clinical presentations. It requires prompt recognition for immediate treatment with <a href="">intramuscular (IM) adrenaline</a> (at the anterolateral aspect of the mid-thigh).<br/><br/>One might think that this reflex is acquired, but in France, while the number of prescribed adrenaline autoinjection (AAI) devices has been increasing for a decade, reaching 965,944 units in 2022, this <a href="">first-line treatment</a> is underused. Anapen (150, 300, and 500 µg), EpiPen (150 and 300 µg), Jext (150 µg and 300 µg), and Emerade (150, 300, and 500 µg) are the four products marketed in France in 2024.<br/><br/>“Only <a href="">17.3% of individuals</a> presenting to the emergency department in the Lorraine region used it in 2015,” said Catherine Neukirch, MD, a pneumologist at Hôpital Bichat–Claude Bernard in Paris, France, with rates of 11.3% for children and 20.3% for adults.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Anaphylaxis Incidence Increasing</h2> <p>Approximately 0.3% (95% CI, 0.1-0.5) of the population will experience an anaphylaxis episode in their lifetime. <a href="">Incidence in Europe</a>, across all causes, is estimated between 1.5 and 7.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Although anaphylaxis is on the rise, its associated mortality remains low, ranging between 0.05 and 0.51 per million per year for drugs, between 0.03 and 0.32 per million per year for foods, and between 0.09 and 0.13 per million per year for hymenopteran venoms.</p> <p>Data from the <a href="">European Anaphylaxis Registry</a> indicate that anaphylaxis manifests rapidly after allergen exposure: 55% of cases occur within 10 minutes and 80% within 30 minutes. In addition, a biphasic reaction, which can occur up to 72 hours after exposure, is observed in &lt; 5% of cases.<br/><br/>While a delay in adrenaline use is associated with risk for increased morbidity and mortality, AAI significantly reduces error rates compared with manual treatments involving ampoules, needles, and syringes. It also reduces the associated panic risks. However, there are multiple barriers to adrenaline use. The clinical symptoms of anaphylaxis may be misleading, especially if it occurs without cutaneous and urticarial manifestations but with only acute bronchospasm. It may present as isolated laryngeal edema without digestive involvement, hypotension, or other respiratory problems.<br/><br/><a href="">Other limitations</a> to adrenaline use include technical difficulties and the possibility of incorrect administration, the need for appropriate needle sizes for patients with obesity, needle phobia, potential adverse effects of adrenaline injections, failure to carry two autoinjectors, constraints related to storage and bulky transport, as well as the need for training and practice.<br/><br/>“These factors contribute to underuse of adrenaline by patients and caregivers,” said Dr. Neukirch, which results in delays in necessary administration.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Adrenaline Treatment Criteria?</h2> <p>An analysis published in 2023 based on pharmacovigilance data from 30 regional French centers from 1984 to 2022 included 42 reported cases (average age, 33 years; 26% children) of reactions to AAI, which probably is an underestimate. About 40% of AAI uses occurred during anaphylaxis. The remaining 60% were triggered outside of reactions. The main reasons were accidental injections, mainly in the fingers, and cases of not triggering the autoinjector, underlining the importance of patient education.</p> <p>In 2015, the European Medicines Agency required <a href="">pharmacological studies</a> for injectable adrenaline on healthy volunteers. These studies include ultrasound measurements of bolus injection, pharmacokinetics (ie, absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion), and pharmacodynamics (ie, the effect of the drug and the mechanism of action in the body), with precise evaluation of cardiovascular effects (eg, systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate).<br/><br/>Among the information collected with the different products, ultrasound studies have shown a different localization of the adrenaline bolus (ie, in muscle in patients with normal BMI and mostly in adipose tissue in patients with BMI indicating overweight and obesity). The consequences of this finding are still unknown.<br/><br/><a href="">In a study</a> with 500 µg Anapen, women with overweight or obesity showed different pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic profiles from those in men with normal weight, with an increase in the area under the curve (0-240 min) and marked changes in the heart rate time curve.<br/><br/>IM administration of 0.5 mg produces <a href="">rapid pharmacokinetic effects</a> in patients with normal weight, overweight, or obesity, with a delay for the second peak in the latter case. This delay perhaps results from initial local vasoconstriction due to adrenaline.<br/><br/>The early peak plasma concentration occurs at 5-10 minutes for AAI, with a faster speed for Anapen and EpiPen.<br/><br/>Moreover, needle size is not the most important factor. Rather, it is the strength and speed of injection, which can vary depending on the AAI.<br/><br/>Also, the optimal plasma concentration of adrenaline to treat anaphylaxis is not known; studies cannot be conducted during anaphylaxis. In terms of pharmacokinetics, a small series discovered that increased skin or muscle thickness delays the absorption of EpiPen AAI.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Intranasal Adrenaline</h2> <p>To facilitate rapid adrenaline use and convince reluctant patients to carry and use adrenaline, intranasal, sublingual, or transcutaneous forms are under development.</p> <p>Three intranasal forms of adrenaline are already well advanced, including Neffy from ARS Pharma, epinephrine sprays from Bryn Pharma and Hikma, and Oxero from Oragoo, which contains dry powder.<br/><br/><a href="">A comparison</a> of intranasal adrenaline Neffy and AAI shows that the former has satisfactory pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects.<br/><br/>In a phase 1 randomized crossover study of 42 healthy adults comparing the pharmacokinetic effects of Neffy adrenaline (2 mg) and EpiPen (0.3 mg), as well as IM epinephrine 0.3 mg, several observations were made. For a single dose, the maximum concentration (Cmax) of Neffy was lower than that of EpiPen.<br/><br/>However, with repeated doses administered 10 minutes apart, the Cmax of Neffy was higher than that of EpiPen. At this stage, pharmacodynamic responses to intranasal products are at least comparable with those of approved injectable products.<br/><br/>A comparison of the pharmacodynamic effects, such as systolic and diastolic blood pressures and heart rate, of Neffy adrenaline and AAI concluded that the profile of Neffy is comparable with that of EpiPen and superior to that of IM epinephrine.<br/><br/>In patients with a history of <a href="">allergic rhinitis</a>, adrenaline Cmax appears to be increased, while time to peak plasma concentration (Tmax) is reduced. Low blood pressure does not prevent Neffy absorption. Neffy is currently under review by the American and European health authorities.<br/><br/>Intranasal absorption of dry powder adrenaline appears to be faster than that of EpiPen, thus offering a clinical advantage in the short therapeutic window for anaphylaxis treatment.<br/><br/>In an open-label trial conducted on 12 adults with seasonal allergic rhinitis without asthma, the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and safety of adrenaline were compared between FMXIN002 (1.6 and 3.2 mg), which was administered intranasally with or without nasal allergen challenge, and IM EpiPen 0.3 mg. Pharmacokinetics varied by patient. Nevertheless, nasal FMXIN002 had a shorter Tmax, a doubled Cmax after the allergen challenge peak, and a higher area under the curve in the 8 hours following administration compared with EpiPen. Pharmacodynamic effects comparable with those of EpiPen were noted at 15 minutes to 4 hours after administration. The tolerance was good, with mild and local side effects. The powder seems to deposit slightly better in the nasal cavity. It remains stable for 6 months at a temperature of 40 °C and relative humidity of 75% and for 2 years at a temperature of 25 °C and relative humidity of 60%.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Sublingual Adrenaline Film</h2> <p>AQST-109 is a sublingual film that is intended to allow rapid administration of epinephrine 1, which is a prodrug of adrenaline. The product is the size of a postage stamp, weighs &lt; 30 g, and dissolves on contact with the tongue.</p> <p>The EPIPHAST II study was a phase 1, multiperiod, crossover study conducted on 24 healthy adults (age, 24-49 years) who were randomly assigned to receive either 12 or 0.3 mg of AQST-109  of manual IM adrenaline in the first two periods. All participants received 0.3 mg of EpiPen in the last period.<br/><br/>EpiPen 0.3 mg resulted in a higher Cmax than AQST-109 12 mg. AQST-109 12 mg had the fastest median Tmax of 12 minutes. The areas under the curve of AQST-109 12 mg fell between those of EpiPen 0.3 mg and manual IM adrenaline 0.3 mg.<br/><br/>Early increases in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate were observed with AQST-109 12 mg. Changes were more pronounced with AQST-109 12 mg despite a higher Cmax with EpiPen 0.3 mg.<br/><br/>Part 3 of the EPIPHAST study evaluated the impact of food exposure (ie, a peanut butter sandwich) on the pharmacokinetics of AQST-109 12 mg in 24 healthy adults. Oral food residues did not significantly affect pharmacodynamic parameters, and no treatment-related adverse events were reported.<br/><br/>Researchers concluded that AQST-109 12 mg absorption would not be altered by “real” situations if used during meals. “These results suggest that the sublingual adrenaline film could be promising in real situations,” said Dr. Neukirch, especially in cases of food allergy with recent ingestion of the allergenic food.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Transcutaneous Adrenaline</h2> <p>A transcutaneous form of adrenaline that uses the Zeneo device developed by Crossject, a company based in Dijon, France, comes in the form of an AAI that requires no needle. This project, funded by the European Union, uses a gas generator to propel the drug at very high speed through the skin in 50 milliseconds. This method allows for extended drug storage.</p> <p>Dr. Neukirch reported financial relationships with Viatris, Stallergènes, ALK, Astrazeneca, Sanofi, GSK, and Novartis.<span class="end"/></p> <p> <em>This story was translated from the <a href="">Medscape French edition</a> using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication. A version of this article first appeared on <span class="Hyperlink"><a href=""></a></span>.</em> </p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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Debate on pulmonary safety of gas stoves: Is the risk just hot air?

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Thu, 05/23/2024 - 12:34

— While there is currently no smoking gun definitively showing that indoor nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations from gas appliances are a cause of pulmonary diseases, the circumstantial evidence of the baleful effects of gas stoves on lung function is pretty compelling, said participants in a pro-con debate.

In what the moderator called “one of the most agreeable debates yet,” experts presented their views on the risks that cooking with natural gas pose on pulmonary health, and discussed ways for mitigating that harm. The debate was held at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

PRO: Gas stoves cause lung disease

Arguing for the “pro” side, John R. Balmes, MD of the University of California, San Francisco, and a physician member of the California Air Resources Board, began by admitting that “I would never have said gas stoves cause lung disease, but that’s what they assigned me.”

Gamely proceeding anyway, Dr. Balmes noted that natural gas — methane — is a potent greenhouse gas, and that cooking with natural gas leads to generation of NO2 with high peak concentrations in the home, especially in the kitchen, but in other rooms as well.

Dr. John R. Balmes

“We know that NO2 is an irritant gas that can cause bronchoconstriction, airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation, and there’s increased risk of asthma and COPD exacerbations,” he said.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outdoor ambient air standard for NO2 is 100 parts per billion (ppb) or lower, which are the levels needed to prevent asthma exacerbations. In separate meta-analyses there was a 1.05 rise in asthma incidence per every 2 ppb of NO2, and an increase of 1.07 in COPD incidence for every 5 ppb of NO2, Dr. Balmes noted.

The respiratory effects of gas stoves were revealed in a 2013 meta-analysis of 10 studies from North America and Europe, which showed a pooled odds ratio for current asthma of 1.34. Building on these data, authors of a 2022 paper estimated that 13% of childhood asthma could be prevented by elimination gas cooking.

Although the causative link is missing, the evidence is abundant that natural gas isn’t good for anyone, he acknowledged.

Con: More evidence needed

Arguing for the “con” side of the question, Meredith C. McCormack, MD, MHS, professor of medicine in the pulmonary and critical care division at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said that “more definitive evidence is needed to define whether gas stoves cause lung disease.”

But Dr. McCormack didn’t let the natural gas industry off the hook, noting that a systematic review and meta-analysis of cooking with gas in high-, middle-, and low-income countries showed that domestic use of gas fuels vs. electric was associated with increased risk of asthma (1.11 overall), COPD (1.15), and pneumonia (1.26).

Dr. Meredith C. McCormack

The link between gas and risk of asthma was significant only for adults, however, and the data on the risks for COPD and for pneumonia or other respiratory infections came almost exclusively from low-income countries, she noted.

Despite the lack of evidence for a causative link, however, Dr. McCormack pointed to evidence that indoor NO2 is an air pollutant that acts as a respiratory irritant, and that indoor NO2 levels in homes with gas stoves have been shown to be more than twice as high as those in homes with electric stoves.

Other evidence shows that indoor NO2 is associated with increased symptoms and use of rescue medications for children with asthma, and with shortness of breath, nocturnal symptoms, reduction in lung function, and exacerbations in COPD.

Still other studies have shown that exchanging a gas stove for an electric stove can reduce NO2 concentrations in the home by up to 50%, but there is still a need for clinical trial evidence of a health benefit for such an exchange, she said.

And even if a gas stove is swapped out for an electric or induction range, household members with asthma are exposed to other hazards, including second-hand smoke, cooking exhaust, candle or incense burning, outdoor particulate matter that finds its way indoors, mold, and mouse or cockroach allergens, she noted.



On common ground

Environmental interventions that can benefit all members of a household — not just those with obstructive pulmonary disease — include smoking cessation, charcoal filter-equipped air cleaners, stove hoods that vent outdoors, integrated pest management, hypoallergenic pillow and mattress covers, high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuums, and mold and radon abatement.

Both Dr. Balmes and Dr. McCormack agreed in the end that gas stoves contribute to respiratory morbidity, and that both state and national policy changes are needed to support transition to cleaner indoor air, with financial incentives available for households with more modest incomes.

“For everyone, there is a climate-change mitigation imperative to transition away from gas appliances if we want to tackle the climate emergency,” Dr. Balmes said.

End indoor combustion

George D. Thurston, ScD, professor of medicine and population health at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, who attended the debate, told Chest Physician that the participants talked about NO2 but didn’t touch on particulate pollution generated by gas stoves.

Burning natural gas produces particles that are very similar in composition to those produced by burning coal, oil, or diesel fuel, Dr. Thurston said, and he pointed out that interventions such as range hoods work only if they actually vent outdoors, and aren’t simply fans that recirculate the air within the home. And even when ventilation works as it should to move air out of the house, it only pumps it back into the atmosphere, where it contributes to climate change.

“We need combustion-free homes. That’s the unifying principle. We have to keep our eyes on that prize,” he said.

Dr. Balmes, Dr. McCormack, and Dr. Thurston all reported having no relevant disclosures.


— While there is currently no smoking gun definitively showing that indoor nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations from gas appliances are a cause of pulmonary diseases, the circumstantial evidence of the baleful effects of gas stoves on lung function is pretty compelling, said participants in a pro-con debate.

In what the moderator called “one of the most agreeable debates yet,” experts presented their views on the risks that cooking with natural gas pose on pulmonary health, and discussed ways for mitigating that harm. The debate was held at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

PRO: Gas stoves cause lung disease

Arguing for the “pro” side, John R. Balmes, MD of the University of California, San Francisco, and a physician member of the California Air Resources Board, began by admitting that “I would never have said gas stoves cause lung disease, but that’s what they assigned me.”

Gamely proceeding anyway, Dr. Balmes noted that natural gas — methane — is a potent greenhouse gas, and that cooking with natural gas leads to generation of NO2 with high peak concentrations in the home, especially in the kitchen, but in other rooms as well.

Dr. John R. Balmes

“We know that NO2 is an irritant gas that can cause bronchoconstriction, airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation, and there’s increased risk of asthma and COPD exacerbations,” he said.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outdoor ambient air standard for NO2 is 100 parts per billion (ppb) or lower, which are the levels needed to prevent asthma exacerbations. In separate meta-analyses there was a 1.05 rise in asthma incidence per every 2 ppb of NO2, and an increase of 1.07 in COPD incidence for every 5 ppb of NO2, Dr. Balmes noted.

The respiratory effects of gas stoves were revealed in a 2013 meta-analysis of 10 studies from North America and Europe, which showed a pooled odds ratio for current asthma of 1.34. Building on these data, authors of a 2022 paper estimated that 13% of childhood asthma could be prevented by elimination gas cooking.

Although the causative link is missing, the evidence is abundant that natural gas isn’t good for anyone, he acknowledged.

Con: More evidence needed

Arguing for the “con” side of the question, Meredith C. McCormack, MD, MHS, professor of medicine in the pulmonary and critical care division at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said that “more definitive evidence is needed to define whether gas stoves cause lung disease.”

But Dr. McCormack didn’t let the natural gas industry off the hook, noting that a systematic review and meta-analysis of cooking with gas in high-, middle-, and low-income countries showed that domestic use of gas fuels vs. electric was associated with increased risk of asthma (1.11 overall), COPD (1.15), and pneumonia (1.26).

Dr. Meredith C. McCormack

The link between gas and risk of asthma was significant only for adults, however, and the data on the risks for COPD and for pneumonia or other respiratory infections came almost exclusively from low-income countries, she noted.

Despite the lack of evidence for a causative link, however, Dr. McCormack pointed to evidence that indoor NO2 is an air pollutant that acts as a respiratory irritant, and that indoor NO2 levels in homes with gas stoves have been shown to be more than twice as high as those in homes with electric stoves.

Other evidence shows that indoor NO2 is associated with increased symptoms and use of rescue medications for children with asthma, and with shortness of breath, nocturnal symptoms, reduction in lung function, and exacerbations in COPD.

Still other studies have shown that exchanging a gas stove for an electric stove can reduce NO2 concentrations in the home by up to 50%, but there is still a need for clinical trial evidence of a health benefit for such an exchange, she said.

And even if a gas stove is swapped out for an electric or induction range, household members with asthma are exposed to other hazards, including second-hand smoke, cooking exhaust, candle or incense burning, outdoor particulate matter that finds its way indoors, mold, and mouse or cockroach allergens, she noted.



On common ground

Environmental interventions that can benefit all members of a household — not just those with obstructive pulmonary disease — include smoking cessation, charcoal filter-equipped air cleaners, stove hoods that vent outdoors, integrated pest management, hypoallergenic pillow and mattress covers, high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuums, and mold and radon abatement.

Both Dr. Balmes and Dr. McCormack agreed in the end that gas stoves contribute to respiratory morbidity, and that both state and national policy changes are needed to support transition to cleaner indoor air, with financial incentives available for households with more modest incomes.

“For everyone, there is a climate-change mitigation imperative to transition away from gas appliances if we want to tackle the climate emergency,” Dr. Balmes said.

End indoor combustion

George D. Thurston, ScD, professor of medicine and population health at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, who attended the debate, told Chest Physician that the participants talked about NO2 but didn’t touch on particulate pollution generated by gas stoves.

Burning natural gas produces particles that are very similar in composition to those produced by burning coal, oil, or diesel fuel, Dr. Thurston said, and he pointed out that interventions such as range hoods work only if they actually vent outdoors, and aren’t simply fans that recirculate the air within the home. And even when ventilation works as it should to move air out of the house, it only pumps it back into the atmosphere, where it contributes to climate change.

“We need combustion-free homes. That’s the unifying principle. We have to keep our eyes on that prize,” he said.

Dr. Balmes, Dr. McCormack, and Dr. Thurston all reported having no relevant disclosures.

— While there is currently no smoking gun definitively showing that indoor nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations from gas appliances are a cause of pulmonary diseases, the circumstantial evidence of the baleful effects of gas stoves on lung function is pretty compelling, said participants in a pro-con debate.

In what the moderator called “one of the most agreeable debates yet,” experts presented their views on the risks that cooking with natural gas pose on pulmonary health, and discussed ways for mitigating that harm. The debate was held at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.

PRO: Gas stoves cause lung disease

Arguing for the “pro” side, John R. Balmes, MD of the University of California, San Francisco, and a physician member of the California Air Resources Board, began by admitting that “I would never have said gas stoves cause lung disease, but that’s what they assigned me.”

Gamely proceeding anyway, Dr. Balmes noted that natural gas — methane — is a potent greenhouse gas, and that cooking with natural gas leads to generation of NO2 with high peak concentrations in the home, especially in the kitchen, but in other rooms as well.

Dr. John R. Balmes

“We know that NO2 is an irritant gas that can cause bronchoconstriction, airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation, and there’s increased risk of asthma and COPD exacerbations,” he said.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outdoor ambient air standard for NO2 is 100 parts per billion (ppb) or lower, which are the levels needed to prevent asthma exacerbations. In separate meta-analyses there was a 1.05 rise in asthma incidence per every 2 ppb of NO2, and an increase of 1.07 in COPD incidence for every 5 ppb of NO2, Dr. Balmes noted.

The respiratory effects of gas stoves were revealed in a 2013 meta-analysis of 10 studies from North America and Europe, which showed a pooled odds ratio for current asthma of 1.34. Building on these data, authors of a 2022 paper estimated that 13% of childhood asthma could be prevented by elimination gas cooking.

Although the causative link is missing, the evidence is abundant that natural gas isn’t good for anyone, he acknowledged.

Con: More evidence needed

Arguing for the “con” side of the question, Meredith C. McCormack, MD, MHS, professor of medicine in the pulmonary and critical care division at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said that “more definitive evidence is needed to define whether gas stoves cause lung disease.”

But Dr. McCormack didn’t let the natural gas industry off the hook, noting that a systematic review and meta-analysis of cooking with gas in high-, middle-, and low-income countries showed that domestic use of gas fuels vs. electric was associated with increased risk of asthma (1.11 overall), COPD (1.15), and pneumonia (1.26).

Dr. Meredith C. McCormack

The link between gas and risk of asthma was significant only for adults, however, and the data on the risks for COPD and for pneumonia or other respiratory infections came almost exclusively from low-income countries, she noted.

Despite the lack of evidence for a causative link, however, Dr. McCormack pointed to evidence that indoor NO2 is an air pollutant that acts as a respiratory irritant, and that indoor NO2 levels in homes with gas stoves have been shown to be more than twice as high as those in homes with electric stoves.

Other evidence shows that indoor NO2 is associated with increased symptoms and use of rescue medications for children with asthma, and with shortness of breath, nocturnal symptoms, reduction in lung function, and exacerbations in COPD.

Still other studies have shown that exchanging a gas stove for an electric stove can reduce NO2 concentrations in the home by up to 50%, but there is still a need for clinical trial evidence of a health benefit for such an exchange, she said.

And even if a gas stove is swapped out for an electric or induction range, household members with asthma are exposed to other hazards, including second-hand smoke, cooking exhaust, candle or incense burning, outdoor particulate matter that finds its way indoors, mold, and mouse or cockroach allergens, she noted.



On common ground

Environmental interventions that can benefit all members of a household — not just those with obstructive pulmonary disease — include smoking cessation, charcoal filter-equipped air cleaners, stove hoods that vent outdoors, integrated pest management, hypoallergenic pillow and mattress covers, high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuums, and mold and radon abatement.

Both Dr. Balmes and Dr. McCormack agreed in the end that gas stoves contribute to respiratory morbidity, and that both state and national policy changes are needed to support transition to cleaner indoor air, with financial incentives available for households with more modest incomes.

“For everyone, there is a climate-change mitigation imperative to transition away from gas appliances if we want to tackle the climate emergency,” Dr. Balmes said.

End indoor combustion

George D. Thurston, ScD, professor of medicine and population health at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, who attended the debate, told Chest Physician that the participants talked about NO2 but didn’t touch on particulate pollution generated by gas stoves.

Burning natural gas produces particles that are very similar in composition to those produced by burning coal, oil, or diesel fuel, Dr. Thurston said, and he pointed out that interventions such as range hoods work only if they actually vent outdoors, and aren’t simply fans that recirculate the air within the home. And even when ventilation works as it should to move air out of the house, it only pumps it back into the atmosphere, where it contributes to climate change.

“We need combustion-free homes. That’s the unifying principle. We have to keep our eyes on that prize,” he said.

Dr. Balmes, Dr. McCormack, and Dr. Thurston all reported having no relevant disclosures.

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All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, copied, or otherwise reproduced or distributed without the prior written permission of Frontline Medical Communications Inc.</copyrightNotice> </rightsInfo> </provider> <abstract/> <metaDescription>In what the moderator called “one of the most agreeable debates yet,” experts presented their views on the risks that cooking with natural gas pose on pulmonary</metaDescription> <articlePDF/> <teaserImage>301514</teaserImage> <teaser>Indoor pollution from gas stoves can exacerbate asthma and COPD, but it’s still unclear whether it can cause COPD.</teaser> <title>Debate on safety of gas stoves isn’t just hot air</title> <deck/> <disclaimer/> <AuthorList/> <articleURL/> <doi/> <pubMedID/> <publishXMLStatus/> <publishXMLVersion>1</publishXMLVersion> <useEISSN>0</useEISSN> <urgency/> <pubPubdateYear/> <pubPubdateMonth/> <pubPubdateDay/> <pubVolume/> <pubNumber/> <wireChannels/> <primaryCMSID/> <CMSIDs/> <keywords/> <seeAlsos/> <publications_g> <publicationData> <publicationCode>chph</publicationCode> <pubIssueName/> <pubArticleType/> <pubTopics/> <pubCategories/> <pubSections/> </publicationData> </publications_g> <publications> <term canonical="true">6</term> </publications> <sections> <term>53</term> <term canonical="true">39313</term> </sections> <topics> <term canonical="true">284</term> <term>188</term> <term>41038</term> </topics> <links> <link> <itemClass qcode="ninat:picture"/> <altRep contenttype="image/jpeg">images/2401297d.jpg</altRep> <description role="drol:caption">Dr. John R. Balmes</description> <description role="drol:credit">Neil Osterweil/MDedge News</description> </link> <link> <itemClass qcode="ninat:picture"/> <altRep contenttype="image/jpeg">images/2401297e.jpg</altRep> <description role="drol:caption">Dr. Meredith C. McCormack</description> <description role="drol:credit">Neil Osterweil/MDedge News</description> </link> </links> </header> <itemSet> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>Main</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title>Debate on safety of gas stoves isn’t just hot air</title> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> <p><span class="dateline">SAN DIEGO </span>— While there is currently no smoking gun definitively showing that indoor nitrogen dioxide (NO<sub>2</sub>) concentrations from gas appliances are a cause of pulmonary diseases, the circumstantial evidence of the baleful effects of gas stoves on lung function is pretty compelling, said participants in a pro-con debate.</p> <p><span class="tag metaDescription">In what the moderator called “one of the most agreeable debates yet,” experts presented their views on the risks that cooking with natural gas pose on pulmonary health, and discussed ways for mitigating that harm.</span> The debate was held at the American Thoracic Society’s international conference.<br/><br/></p> <h2>PRO: Gas stoves cause lung disease</h2> <p>Arguing for the “pro” side, John R. Balmes, MD of the University of California, San Francisco, and a physician member of the California Air Resources Board, began by admitting that “I would never have said gas stoves cause lung disease, but that’s what they assigned me.”<br/><br/>Gamely proceeding anyway, Dr. Balmes noted that natural gas — methane — is a potent greenhouse gas, and that cooking with natural gas leads to generation of NO<sub>2</sub> with high peak concentrations in the home, especially in the kitchen, but in other rooms as well.[[{"fid":"301514","view_mode":"medstat_image_flush_right","fields":{"format":"medstat_image_flush_right","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"","field_file_image_credit[und][0][value]":"Neil Osterweil/MDedge News","field_file_image_caption[und][0][value]":"Dr. John R. Balmes"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-medstat_image_flush_right"}}]]<br/><br/>“We know that NO<sub>2</sub> is an irritant gas that can cause bronchoconstriction, airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation, and there’s increased risk of asthma and COPD exacerbations,” he said.<br/><br/>The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outdoor ambient air standard for NO<sub>2</sub> is 100 parts per billion (ppb) or lower, which are the levels needed to prevent asthma exacerbations. In separate meta-analyses there was a 1.05 rise in asthma incidence per every 2 ppb of NO<sub>2</sub>, and an increase of 1.07 in COPD incidence for every 5 ppb of NO<sub>2</sub>, Dr. Balmes noted.<br/><br/>The respiratory effects of gas stoves were revealed in a <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">2013 meta-analysis</a></span> of 10 studies from North America and Europe, which showed a pooled odds ratio for current asthma of 1.34. Building on these data, authors of a <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">2022 paper</a></span> estimated that 13% of childhood asthma could be prevented by elimination gas cooking.<br/><br/>Although the causative link is missing, the evidence is abundant that natural gas isn’t good for anyone, he acknowledged.<br/><br/></p> <h2>Con: More evidence needed</h2> <p>Arguing for the “con” side of the question, Meredith C. McCormack, MD, MHS, professor of medicine in the pulmonary and critical care division at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said that “more definitive evidence is needed to define whether gas stoves cause lung disease.”<br/><br/>But Dr. McCormack didn’t let the natural gas industry off the hook, noting that a <span class="Hyperlink"><a href="">systematic review and meta-analysis</a></span> of cooking with gas in high-, middle-, and low-income countries showed that domestic use of gas fuels vs. electric was associated with increased risk of asthma (1.11 overall), COPD (1.15), and pneumonia (1.26). [[{"fid":"301515","view_mode":"medstat_image_flush_right","fields":{"format":"medstat_image_flush_right","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"Meredith C. McCormack, MD, MHS, professor of medicine in the pulmonary and critical care division at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore","field_file_image_credit[und][0][value]":"Neil Osterweil/MDedge News","field_file_image_caption[und][0][value]":"Dr. Meredith C. McCormack"},"type":"media","attributes":{"class":"media-element file-medstat_image_flush_right"}}]]<br/><br/>The link between gas and risk of asthma was significant only for adults, however, and the data on the risks for COPD and for pneumonia or other respiratory infections came almost exclusively from low-income countries, she noted.<br/><br/>Despite the lack of evidence for a causative link, however, Dr. McCormack pointed to evidence that indoor NO<sub>2</sub> is an air pollutant that acts as a respiratory irritant, and that indoor NO<sub>2</sub> levels in homes with gas stoves have been shown to be more than twice as high as those in homes with electric stoves. <br/><br/>Other evidence shows that indoor NO<sub>2</sub> is associated with increased symptoms and use of rescue medications for children with asthma, and with shortness of breath, nocturnal symptoms, reduction in lung function, and exacerbations in COPD.<br/><br/>Still other studies have shown that exchanging a gas stove for an electric stove can reduce NO<sub>2</sub> concentrations in the home by up to 50%, but there is still a need for clinical trial evidence of a health benefit for such an exchange, she said.<br/><br/>And even if a gas stove is swapped out for an electric or induction range, household members with asthma are exposed to other hazards, including second-hand smoke, cooking exhaust, candle or incense burning, outdoor particulate matter that finds its way indoors, mold, and mouse or cockroach allergens, she noted.<br/><br/></p> <h2>On common ground</h2> <p>Environmental interventions that can benefit all members of a household — not just those with obstructive pulmonary disease — include smoking cessation, charcoal filter-equipped air cleaners, stove hoods that vent outdoors, integrated pest management, hypoallergenic pillow and mattress covers, high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuums, and mold and radon abatement. <br/><br/>Both Dr. Balmes and Dr. McCormack agreed in the end that gas stoves contribute to respiratory morbidity, and that both state and national policy changes are needed to support transition to cleaner indoor air, with financial incentives available for households with more modest incomes.<br/><br/>“For everyone, there is a climate-change mitigation imperative to transition away from gas appliances if we want to tackle the climate emergency,” Dr. Balmes said.<br/><br/></p> <h2>End indoor combustion</h2> <p>George D. Thurston, ScD, professor of medicine and population health at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, who attended the debate, told <em>Chest Physician</em> that the participants talked about NO<sub>2</sub> but didn’t touch on particulate pollution generated by gas stoves.<br/><br/>Burning natural gas produces particles that are very similar in composition to those produced by burning coal, oil, or diesel fuel, Dr. Thurston said, and he pointed out that interventions such as range hoods work only if they actually vent outdoors, and aren’t simply fans that recirculate the air within the home. And even when ventilation works as it should to move air out of the house, it only pumps it back into the atmosphere, where it contributes to climate change.<br/><br/>“We need combustion-free homes. That’s the unifying principle. We have to keep our eyes on that prize,” he said.<br/><br/>Dr. Balmes, Dr. McCormack, and Dr. Thurston all reported having no relevant disclosures.</p> </itemContent> </newsItem> <newsItem> <itemMeta> <itemRole>teaser</itemRole> <itemClass>text</itemClass> <title/> <deck/> </itemMeta> <itemContent> </itemContent> </newsItem> </itemSet></root>
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