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VTE Codes in Academic Medical Centers

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Sun, 05/21/2017 - 14:28
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Incidence of hospital‐acquired venous thromboembolic codes in medical patients hospitalized in academic medical centers

Pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT), historically referred to together as venous thromboembolism (VTE), are common, treatable, sometimes fatal, and potentially preventable medical problems.[1] Such thromboses can both precipitate a hospitalization as well as complicate it (either during or soon after discharge). Preventing such thrombosis as a complication of medical care has become a national imperative. Landmark studies such as Prophylaxis in Medical Patients With Enoxaparin (MEDENOX)[2] and Prospective Evaluation of Dalteparin Efficacy for Prevention of VTE in Immobilized Patients Trial (PREVENT)[3] demonstrated both a high incidence of thrombosis in a hospitalized high‐risk medical population (15% and 5% in the 2 trials' placebo arms, respectively) as well as significant relative risk reduction through venous thromboembolism pharmacoprophylaxis (VTEP)63% and 45%, respectively. The Joint Commission,[4] the Society of Hospital Medicine,[5] and the American College of Chest Physicians[6, 7] have thus all strived to ensure the appropriate provision of VTEP in order to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with thrombosis in hospitalized patients, including those on medical services.

Ideally, the global success of these efforts would be assessed by measuring the rate of hospital‐associated VTE (potentially including superficial venous thrombosis [SVT], which, like upper‐extremity deep venous thrombosis [UE‐DVT], is commonly a central venous catheter [CVC]‐associated, or peripherally inserted central catheter [PICC]‐associated, complication)thrombosis acquired and diagnosed during either the index hospitalization (hospital‐acquired, or HA‐VTE/SVT) or up to 30 days postdischarge. Unfortunately, postdischarge VTE/SVT is difficult to measure because patients developing it may not present to the original hospital, or at all (eg, if they do not seek care, are treated as outpatients, or, in the most extreme case, die at home). In this context, despite being far less comprehensive, HA‐VTE/SVT is a useful subset of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT, for several reasons. First, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have mandated hospitals to qualify all medical diagnoses as present‐on‐admission (POA = Y) or not (POA = N) since 2008, such that all medical diagnoses coded POA = N can be considered hospital acquired.[8] Second, refinements made to the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (ICD‐9) codes now allow differentiation of UE‐DVT and SVT from lower‐extremity (LE) DVT/PE, whereas the former were sometimes obscured by nonspecific coding.[9] Third, recent studies have shown that medical diagnoses administratively coded as HA‐VTE/SVT correlated well with HA‐VTE/SVT ascertained through chart review.[9, 10] Finally, previous work has estimated that approximately half of all hospital‐associated VTE are HA‐VTE and the other half are postdischarge VTE.[11] Thus, HA‐VTE, though comprising only approximately half of all hospital‐associated VTE, is often used as a surrogate for measuring the success of ongoing VTE prevention programs.[12]

Our study aimed to assess the incidence of HA‐VTE plus HA‐SVT in the era of mandatory POA coding and newer ICD‐9 codes for VTE.


Setting and Cases

We conducted a retrospective analysis of discharges from the 83 academic medical centers belonging to the UHC (formerly, the University HealthSystem Consortium,[13] between October 1, 2009 and March 31, 2011. UHC collects demographic, clinical, and billing data from these centers including medical diagnoses and procedures coded using the ICD‐9‐Clinical Modification (ICD‐9‐CM), a POA indicator for each diagnosis; UHC also collects data on medication use. This study was approved by the institutional review board at the University of California Davis.

Patients in our analysis were age 18 years and discharged with a medical medical severity diagnostic‐related group (MS‐DRG) code, hospitalized for 48 hours, and did not have a surgical or obstetric MS‐DRG code (except when assigned a surgical MS‐DRG code solely due to insertion of an inferior vena cava filter, with no other major procedures performed). Cases excluded discharges with a principal diagnosis of acute VTE/SVT (defined here as including PE, LE‐DVT, UE‐DVT, SVT, chronic VTE, and thrombosis not otherwise specified), as coding guidelines prohibit assigning a HA‐VTE as the principal diagnosis for the index hospitalization.[14]

Hospital‐Acquired Venous Thromboembolism or Superficial Venous Thrombosis

Cases were classified as having a HA‐VTE/SVT if there was 1 VTE/SVT coded in a secondary diagnosis position (other diagnosis) with a corresponding POA indicator equal to either N (not POA) or U (documentation insufficient to clarify whether VTE was POA or not). This usage corresponds to CMS guidelines and reimbursement policies for hospital‐acquired conditions.[15] Among cases with 1 HA‐VTE (or SVT), we assigned 1 HA‐VTE diagnosis using a hierarchy based on the highest level of clinical importance: first, PE; then LE‐DVT; then UE‐DVT; then SVT; then chronic VTE; then, finally, unspecified VTE. We subsequently excluded cases with primarily chronic VTE from our analysis because these were likely miscodes (ie, it is unclear how a chronic VTE could not be POA) and there were only 30 such cases. Cases with HA‐PE or HA‐LE DVT were analyzed separately as an important subset of HA‐VTE (plus SVT), because HA‐PE/LE‐DVT is both life‐threatening and theoretically preventable with VTEP.

Severity of Illness and Other Measures of Comorbidity

For each case we used proprietary software (3M Health Information Systems, Murray UT) to classify severity of illness (SOI). The SOI scale, based on physiologic derangement and organ system loss of function,[16] has 4 levels: minor, major, severe, and extreme. Defined within specific disease groups (All Patient Refined DRGs), it is often compared across diseases as well.[17] We also assessed whether patients had a cancer diagnosis, spent time in the intensive care unit (ICU), and died in the hospital.

Central Venous Catheter Use in Patients With Upper‐Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis or Superficial Venous Thrombosis

Because UE‐DVT and SVT are frequently associated with a CVC or PICC, we assessed central venous catheterization among patients with an UE‐DVT or SVT of the cephalic, basilic, or antecubital veins using diagnosis codes for complications related to dialysis devices, implants, and grafts.

Pharmacologic Thromboprophylaxis

Pharmacy records of the subset of HA‐VTE/SVT cases with PE or LE‐DVT were analyzed to determine if VTEP was administered on hospital day 1 or 2, as per Joint Commission performance requirements.[4] Medications that met criteria as VTEP included unfractionated heparin, 5000 IU, given 2 or 3 a day; enoxaparin, 40 mg, given daily; dalteparin, 2500 or 5000 IU, given daily; fondaparinux, 2.5 mg, given daily; and warfarin. We could not reliably determine if VTEP was used throughout the entire hospitalization, or whether mechanical prophylaxis was used at all.

Statistical Analysis

This was a descriptive analysis to determine the incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT and describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of this population. We calculated means and standard deviations (SD) for continuous variables and proportions for binary variables (including HA‐VTE/SVT incidence). All comparisons between populations were performed as either 2‐tailed t tests or 2 analyses. All analysis was conducted using SAS software, version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC).


For the 18‐month period between October 1, 2009, and March 31, 2011, across 83 UHC hospitals, there were 2,525,068 cases. Among these, 12,847 (0.51%) had 1 HA‐VTE/SVT coded. As per the clinical importance hierarchy described above, 2449 (19.1%) cases had at least a PE coded; 3848 (30%) had at least a LE‐DVT (but not a PE) coded; 2893 (22.5%) had at least an UE‐DVT coded; 3248 (25.3%) had at least an SVT coded; 30 had at least a chronic VTE coded; and 379 had at least a VTE coded with no specified location. Of those with SVT, 192 (5.8%) were LE‐SVT codes, whereas the rest were SVT/thrombophlebitis of the upper extremities or not otherwise specified. There were 11,882 (92.5%) hospitalizations with a single HA‐VTE/SVT code and an additional 965 (7.5%) with multiple codes, for a total of 13,749 HA‐VTE/SVT events (see Supporting Information, Table S1, in the online version of this article for more specific data for the individual ICD‐9 codes used to specify HA‐VTE events).

Compared with those who did not develop any HA‐VTE/SVT, patients with HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were more likely to be Caucasian (65% vs 58%, P < 0.001) and were older (age 62 vs 48 years, P < 0.001) and sicker (79.9% vs 44.9% with a severe or extreme SOI, P < 0.001). They also were more likely to have cancer, have longer lengths of stay, be more likely to stay in the ICU, and die in the hospital (P < 0.001 for all comparisons; Table 1).

Patients With No HA‐VTE Code and Patients With a HA‐PE/LE‐DVT Code (ICD‐9‐CM)
CharacteristicNo HA‐VTE, n = 2,512,221HA‐PE/LE DVT, n = 6,297aP Valueb
  • NOTE: Data are presented as n (%) or mean SD. Abbreviations: API, Asian or Pacific Islander; HA‐PE/LE DVT, hospital‐acquired pulmonary embolism or lower‐extremity deep venous thrombosis; HA‐VTE, hospital‐acquired venous thromboembolism; ICD‐9‐CM, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification; ICU, intensive care unit; LMWH, low‐molecular‐weight heparin; SD, standard deviation; SOI, severity of illness.

  • The first 2 columns, no HA‐VTE and HA‐PE/LE DVT, were compared as noted in the third column. Data on upper‐extremity or superficial thrombosis are not shown in this table.

  • For all variables except age and length of stay, P values are calculated by 2; for age and length of stay, P value is calculated by rank‐sum test.

  • Prophylaxis with LMWH, fondaparinux, unfractionated heparin, or warfarin on the first or second day of hospitalization. Prophylaxis was not estimated in the population that did not develop a HA‐VTE.

Proportion of hospitalizations, %99.490.25 
Age, y48.2 27.162.5 20.0<0.001
Female sex1,347,219 (53.6)3,104 (49.3)<0.001
Race  <0.001
Caucasian1,455,215 (57.9)3,963 (64.7) 
Black600,991 (23.9)1,425 (23.3) 
Hispanic206,553 (8.2)263 (4.3) 
API59,560 (2.4)88 (1.4) 
Other189,902 (7.6)389 (6.4) 
Admission SOI  <0.001
Minor461,411 (18.4)181 (2.9) 
Major922,734 (36.7)1,081 (17.2) 
Severe880,542 (35.1)2,975 (47.2) 
Extreme247,244 (9.8)2,060 (32.7) 
Unknown290 (0.01)0 (0.0) 
Had an active diagnosis of cancer331,705 (13.2)2,162 (34.3)<0.001
Length of stay, d7.31 9.3118.7 19.5<0.001
Spent time in the ICU441,412 (17.6)3,011 (47.8)<0.001
Died in hospital57,954 (2.3)1,036 (16.5)<0.001
Received prophylaxiscc3,454 (54.9)c

Among cases with a code for UE‐DVT (22.5% of all patients with HA‐VTE), 74% were noted to also have a code for a CVC, as did 60% of cases with a HA‐SVT of the antecubital, basilic, or cephalic veins (71% of SVT events; see Supporting Information, Table S1, in the online version of this article).

Of those with HA‐PE/LE‐DVT, 54.9% received pharmacologic prophylaxis on hospital day 1 or 2 (mostly with low‐molecular‐weight heparin or unfractionated heparin).


In this study of medical patients admitted to academic medical centers throughout the United States, we found that HA‐VTE/SVT was coded in approximately 0.51% of discharges, and the incidence of HA‐PE/LE‐DVT was 0.25%. Patients with a HA‐PE/LE‐DVT code were, in general, older and sicker than those who did not develop VTE. We further found that close to half of all HA‐VTE/SVT occurred in the upper extremity, with the majority of these occurring in patients who had CVCs. Finally, the majority of patients diagnosed with HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were started on VTEP on the first or second hospital day.

The overall incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT we discovered corresponds well to other studies, even those with disparate populations. A single‐institution study found a HA‐VTE/SVT incidence of approximately 0.6% among hospitalized patients on medical and nonmedical services.[12] The study by Barba found a rate of 0.93%,[18] whereas the study by Lederle found a rate of approximately 1%.[19] Spyropolous found an HA‐VTE incidence of 0.55%.[11] Rothberg found a lower rate of 0.25% in his risk‐stratification study, though in the pre‐POA and preupdated code era.[20] Our findings extend and provide context for, in a much larger population, the results of these prior studies, and represent the first national examination of HA‐VTE/SVT in the setting of numerous quality‐improvement and other efforts to reduce hospital‐associated VTE.

The incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT codes we observed likely underestimates the incidence of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT by a factor of approximately 4, for 2 reasons. First, although VTE/SVT codes with a POA flag set to No are truly hospital‐acquired events on chart review approximately 75% of the time, and thus overestimate HA‐VTE/SVT, 25% of POA = Yes codes are actually HA‐VTE/SVT events on chart review, and therefore lead to underestimation of HA‐VTE/SVT.[9] Because VTE/SVT codes with a POA flag set to Yes outnumber those flagged No by 3 or 4 to 1, events mis‐flagged Yes contribute a much greater number of undercounted HA‐VTE/SVT, elevating the actual HA‐VTE/SVT event rate by a factor of approximately 2. Second, HA‐VTE events do not include hospital‐associated VTE events that are diagnosed after the index hospitalization. In the Spyropolous study, 45% of hospital‐associated VTE events occurred after discharge, so translating HA‐VTE/SVT events to hospital‐associated VTE/SVT events would again involve multiplying by a factor of 2.[11] Thus, the overall incidence of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT events in our sample may have been approximately 2% (0.51% 4), and the overall incidence of hospital‐associated PE or LE‐DVT events may have been approximately 1%, though there may be significant variation around these estimates given that individual institutions were themselves quite variable in their POA flag accuracy in our study.[9] There is additionally the possibility that hospitals may have deliberately left some VTE/SVT uncoded, but in the absence of financial incentives to do so for anything other than postsurgical VTE, and in the presence of penalties from CMS for undercoding, we believe this to be unlikely, at least at present.

Despite these upward extrapolations, the estimated incidence of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT in our study may seem low compared with that reported in the MEDENOX[2] and PREVENT studies.[3] Much of this discrepancy vanishes on closer examination. In the large randomized trials, patients were uniformly and routinely assessed for LE‐DVT using vascular ultrasound; in contrast, in our population of hospitalizations patients may have only had diagnostic studies done for signs or symptoms. Clinically apparent hospital‐associated VTE is less common than all hospital‐associated VTE, as it was even in PREVENT,[3] and increased surveillance may even be partially driving increased hospital‐associated VTE/SVT at some hospitals.[21] Our findings suggest that success or failure in preventing administratively coded, clinically apparent HA LE‐VTE/PE should be judged, broadly, against numbers in the range established in our study (eg, 0.25%), not the 5% or 15% of chart‐abstracted, aggressively ascertained (and sometimes clinically silent) hospital‐associated VTE in the large randomized controlled trials. That is, 0.25% is not an achievement, but rather the average, expected value.

Almost 25% of the observed HA‐VTE/SVTs coded were UE‐DVT, with roughly 75% of these being likely related to central venous catheterization (including those peripherally inserted). An additional 1/5 were upper‐extremity SVT of the antecubital, cephalic, and basilic veins, with the majority of these (60%) also listed as catheter‐related. Such thrombosis is best prevented by decreased use of central catheters or perhaps by using smaller‐caliber catheters.[22] It is unclear if VTEP can prevent such clots, though in cancer patients at least one recent trial seems promising.[23]

We found that patients with a coded HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were remarkably different from those not developing HA‐VTE/SVT. Patients with HA‐PE or HA‐LE‐DVT were older, sicker, more likely to have cancer, significantly more likely to spend time in the ICU, and much more likely to die in the hospital; risk factors for HA‐VTE overlap significantly with risk factors for death in the hospital. A small majority (55%) of patients in the HA‐PE/LE‐DVT group had actually received VTEP on at least day 1 or 2 of hospitalization. It may be the case that the dose of VTEP was insufficient to suppress clot formation in these patients, or that HA‐PE/LE‐DVT in patients with this degree of comorbidity is difficult to prevent.

There are a number of limitations to our study. We analyzed administrative codes, which underestimate hospital‐associated VTE/SVT events as noted above. This was a descriptive study, cross‐sectional across each hospitalization, and we were unable to draw any causal inference for differences in HA‐VTE/SVT incidence that might exist between subpopulations. We estimated VTEP from medication usage in just the first 2 days of hospitalization; we could not assess mechanical prophylaxis in this dataset; and we did not have any VTEP data for the first 2 days of hospitalization on the patients who did not develop a HA‐VTE/SVT, which made it impossible to compare the 2 populations on this measure. For those who did not receive VTEP, we were unable to obtain data regarding possible contraindications to VTEP, such as ongoing gastrointestinal or intracerebral hemorrhage. Additionally, our data are based on academic hospitals only and may not generalize to nonacademic settings. Extrapolating from HA‐VTE/SVT to hospital‐associated VTE/SVT may not be possible due to heterogeneity of clotting events and perhaps variability in whether patients would return to the hospital for all of them (eg, superficial or UE VTE may not result in readmission). Finally, it is unclear whether a switch to ICD Tenth Revision (ICD‐10) codes will impact our measured baseline in the coming year. The strengths of our analysis included stratification by type of HA‐VTE/SVT and our ability to assess the incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT in a large national population, and the provision of a baseline for VTE incidenceeasily usable by any individual hospital, network, or researcher with access to administrative datagoing forward.

In conclusion, among patients hospitalized in academic medical centers, HA‐VTE/SVT was coded in approximately 0.51% of patients with a medical illness staying >2 days, with approximately half of the events due to HA‐PE/LE‐DVT. Patients who developed HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were more acutely ill than those who did not, and VTE developed despite 55% of these patients receiving VTEP on day 1 or 2. Hospitals can reasonably treat the 0.25% figure as the baseline around which to assess their own performance in preventing HA‐PE/LE‐DVT, and can measure their own performance using administrative data. Further research is needed to determine how best to achieve further reductions in HA‐VTE/SVT through risk stratification and/or through other interventions.


Nothing to report.

  1. Guyatt GH, Akl EA, Crowther M, Gutterman DD, Schuünemann HJ;American College of Chest Physicians AntithromboticTherapy and Prevention of Thrombosis Panel. Executive summary: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence‐Based Clinical Practice Guidelines [published corrections appear in Chest. 2012;141(4):1129 and 2012;142(6):1698]. Chest. 2012;141(2 suppl):7S–47S.
  2. Samama MM, Cohen AT, Darmon JY, et al;Prophylaxis in Medical Patients with Enoxaparin Study Group. A comparison of enoxaparin with placebo for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in acutely ill medical patients. N Engl J Med. 1999;341(11):793800.
  3. Leizorovicz A, Cohen AT, Turpie AG, Olsson CG, Vaitkus PT, Goldhaber SZ. Randomized, placebo‐controlled trial of dalteparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in acutely ill medical patients. Circulation. 2004;110(7):874879.
  4. The Joint Commission.Specifications Manual for National Hospital Inpatient Quality Measures. Available at: Accessed July 18, 2012.
  5. Maynard G, Stein J. Preventing Hospital‐Acquired Venous Thromboembolism: A Guide for Effective Quality Improvement. Prepared by the Society of Hospital Medicine. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; AHRQ Publication No. 08‐0075.
  6. Geerts WH, Pineo GF, Heit JA, et al. Prevention of venous thromboembolism: the Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy. Chest. 2004;126(3 suppl):338S400S.
  7. Kahn SR, Lim W, Dunn AS, et al. Prevention of VTE in nonsurgical patients: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence‐Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest. 2012;141(2 suppl):e195Se226S.
  8. Centers for Medicare 46(6 part 1):19461962.
  9. Spyropoulos AC, Anderson FA, Fitzgerald G, et al. Predictive and associative models to identify hospitalized medical patients at risk for VTE. Chest. 2011;140(3):706714.
  10. Khanna R, Vittinghoff E, Maselli J, Auerbach A. Unintended consequences of a standard admission order set on venous thromboembolism prophylaxis and patient outcomes. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(3):318324.
  11. United Health Consortium Website. Available at: Accessed March 8, 2012.
  12. ICD‐9‐CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting. Available at: Published 2010. Accessed June 4, 2013.
  13. Centers for Medicare 27(5):587612.
  14. Overview of Disease Severity Measures Disseminated with the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) and Kids' Inpatient Database (KID). Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Published December 9, 2005. Accessed June 4, 2013.
  15. Barba R, Zapatero A, Losa JE, et al. Venous thromboembolism in acutely ill hospitalized medical patients. Thromb Res. 2010;126(4):276279.
  16. Lederle FA, Zylla D, MacDonald R, Wilt TJ. Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients and those with stroke: a background review for an American College of Physicians Clinical Practice Guideline. Ann Intern Med. 2011;155(9):602615.
  17. Rothberg MB, Lindenauer PK, Lahti M, Pekow PS, Selker HP. Risk factor model to predict venous thromboembolism in hospitalized medical patients. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(4):202209.
  18. Bilimoria KY, Chung J, Ju MH, et al. Evaluation of surveillance bias and the validity of the venous thromboembolism quality measure. JAMA. 2013;310(14):14821489.
  19. Evans RS, Sharp JH, Linford LH, et al. Reduction of peripherally inserted central catheter‐associated DVT. Chest. 2013;143(3):627633.
  20. Lavau‐Denes S, Lacroix P, Maubon A, et al. Prophylaxis of catheter‐related deep vein thrombosis in cancer patients with low‐dose warfarin, low molecular weight heparin, or control: a randomized, controlled, phase III study. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2013;72(1):6573.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 9(4)
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Pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT), historically referred to together as venous thromboembolism (VTE), are common, treatable, sometimes fatal, and potentially preventable medical problems.[1] Such thromboses can both precipitate a hospitalization as well as complicate it (either during or soon after discharge). Preventing such thrombosis as a complication of medical care has become a national imperative. Landmark studies such as Prophylaxis in Medical Patients With Enoxaparin (MEDENOX)[2] and Prospective Evaluation of Dalteparin Efficacy for Prevention of VTE in Immobilized Patients Trial (PREVENT)[3] demonstrated both a high incidence of thrombosis in a hospitalized high‐risk medical population (15% and 5% in the 2 trials' placebo arms, respectively) as well as significant relative risk reduction through venous thromboembolism pharmacoprophylaxis (VTEP)63% and 45%, respectively. The Joint Commission,[4] the Society of Hospital Medicine,[5] and the American College of Chest Physicians[6, 7] have thus all strived to ensure the appropriate provision of VTEP in order to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with thrombosis in hospitalized patients, including those on medical services.

Ideally, the global success of these efforts would be assessed by measuring the rate of hospital‐associated VTE (potentially including superficial venous thrombosis [SVT], which, like upper‐extremity deep venous thrombosis [UE‐DVT], is commonly a central venous catheter [CVC]‐associated, or peripherally inserted central catheter [PICC]‐associated, complication)thrombosis acquired and diagnosed during either the index hospitalization (hospital‐acquired, or HA‐VTE/SVT) or up to 30 days postdischarge. Unfortunately, postdischarge VTE/SVT is difficult to measure because patients developing it may not present to the original hospital, or at all (eg, if they do not seek care, are treated as outpatients, or, in the most extreme case, die at home). In this context, despite being far less comprehensive, HA‐VTE/SVT is a useful subset of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT, for several reasons. First, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have mandated hospitals to qualify all medical diagnoses as present‐on‐admission (POA = Y) or not (POA = N) since 2008, such that all medical diagnoses coded POA = N can be considered hospital acquired.[8] Second, refinements made to the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (ICD‐9) codes now allow differentiation of UE‐DVT and SVT from lower‐extremity (LE) DVT/PE, whereas the former were sometimes obscured by nonspecific coding.[9] Third, recent studies have shown that medical diagnoses administratively coded as HA‐VTE/SVT correlated well with HA‐VTE/SVT ascertained through chart review.[9, 10] Finally, previous work has estimated that approximately half of all hospital‐associated VTE are HA‐VTE and the other half are postdischarge VTE.[11] Thus, HA‐VTE, though comprising only approximately half of all hospital‐associated VTE, is often used as a surrogate for measuring the success of ongoing VTE prevention programs.[12]

Our study aimed to assess the incidence of HA‐VTE plus HA‐SVT in the era of mandatory POA coding and newer ICD‐9 codes for VTE.


Setting and Cases

We conducted a retrospective analysis of discharges from the 83 academic medical centers belonging to the UHC (formerly, the University HealthSystem Consortium,[13] between October 1, 2009 and March 31, 2011. UHC collects demographic, clinical, and billing data from these centers including medical diagnoses and procedures coded using the ICD‐9‐Clinical Modification (ICD‐9‐CM), a POA indicator for each diagnosis; UHC also collects data on medication use. This study was approved by the institutional review board at the University of California Davis.

Patients in our analysis were age 18 years and discharged with a medical medical severity diagnostic‐related group (MS‐DRG) code, hospitalized for 48 hours, and did not have a surgical or obstetric MS‐DRG code (except when assigned a surgical MS‐DRG code solely due to insertion of an inferior vena cava filter, with no other major procedures performed). Cases excluded discharges with a principal diagnosis of acute VTE/SVT (defined here as including PE, LE‐DVT, UE‐DVT, SVT, chronic VTE, and thrombosis not otherwise specified), as coding guidelines prohibit assigning a HA‐VTE as the principal diagnosis for the index hospitalization.[14]

Hospital‐Acquired Venous Thromboembolism or Superficial Venous Thrombosis

Cases were classified as having a HA‐VTE/SVT if there was 1 VTE/SVT coded in a secondary diagnosis position (other diagnosis) with a corresponding POA indicator equal to either N (not POA) or U (documentation insufficient to clarify whether VTE was POA or not). This usage corresponds to CMS guidelines and reimbursement policies for hospital‐acquired conditions.[15] Among cases with 1 HA‐VTE (or SVT), we assigned 1 HA‐VTE diagnosis using a hierarchy based on the highest level of clinical importance: first, PE; then LE‐DVT; then UE‐DVT; then SVT; then chronic VTE; then, finally, unspecified VTE. We subsequently excluded cases with primarily chronic VTE from our analysis because these were likely miscodes (ie, it is unclear how a chronic VTE could not be POA) and there were only 30 such cases. Cases with HA‐PE or HA‐LE DVT were analyzed separately as an important subset of HA‐VTE (plus SVT), because HA‐PE/LE‐DVT is both life‐threatening and theoretically preventable with VTEP.

Severity of Illness and Other Measures of Comorbidity

For each case we used proprietary software (3M Health Information Systems, Murray UT) to classify severity of illness (SOI). The SOI scale, based on physiologic derangement and organ system loss of function,[16] has 4 levels: minor, major, severe, and extreme. Defined within specific disease groups (All Patient Refined DRGs), it is often compared across diseases as well.[17] We also assessed whether patients had a cancer diagnosis, spent time in the intensive care unit (ICU), and died in the hospital.

Central Venous Catheter Use in Patients With Upper‐Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis or Superficial Venous Thrombosis

Because UE‐DVT and SVT are frequently associated with a CVC or PICC, we assessed central venous catheterization among patients with an UE‐DVT or SVT of the cephalic, basilic, or antecubital veins using diagnosis codes for complications related to dialysis devices, implants, and grafts.

Pharmacologic Thromboprophylaxis

Pharmacy records of the subset of HA‐VTE/SVT cases with PE or LE‐DVT were analyzed to determine if VTEP was administered on hospital day 1 or 2, as per Joint Commission performance requirements.[4] Medications that met criteria as VTEP included unfractionated heparin, 5000 IU, given 2 or 3 a day; enoxaparin, 40 mg, given daily; dalteparin, 2500 or 5000 IU, given daily; fondaparinux, 2.5 mg, given daily; and warfarin. We could not reliably determine if VTEP was used throughout the entire hospitalization, or whether mechanical prophylaxis was used at all.

Statistical Analysis

This was a descriptive analysis to determine the incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT and describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of this population. We calculated means and standard deviations (SD) for continuous variables and proportions for binary variables (including HA‐VTE/SVT incidence). All comparisons between populations were performed as either 2‐tailed t tests or 2 analyses. All analysis was conducted using SAS software, version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC).


For the 18‐month period between October 1, 2009, and March 31, 2011, across 83 UHC hospitals, there were 2,525,068 cases. Among these, 12,847 (0.51%) had 1 HA‐VTE/SVT coded. As per the clinical importance hierarchy described above, 2449 (19.1%) cases had at least a PE coded; 3848 (30%) had at least a LE‐DVT (but not a PE) coded; 2893 (22.5%) had at least an UE‐DVT coded; 3248 (25.3%) had at least an SVT coded; 30 had at least a chronic VTE coded; and 379 had at least a VTE coded with no specified location. Of those with SVT, 192 (5.8%) were LE‐SVT codes, whereas the rest were SVT/thrombophlebitis of the upper extremities or not otherwise specified. There were 11,882 (92.5%) hospitalizations with a single HA‐VTE/SVT code and an additional 965 (7.5%) with multiple codes, for a total of 13,749 HA‐VTE/SVT events (see Supporting Information, Table S1, in the online version of this article for more specific data for the individual ICD‐9 codes used to specify HA‐VTE events).

Compared with those who did not develop any HA‐VTE/SVT, patients with HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were more likely to be Caucasian (65% vs 58%, P < 0.001) and were older (age 62 vs 48 years, P < 0.001) and sicker (79.9% vs 44.9% with a severe or extreme SOI, P < 0.001). They also were more likely to have cancer, have longer lengths of stay, be more likely to stay in the ICU, and die in the hospital (P < 0.001 for all comparisons; Table 1).

Patients With No HA‐VTE Code and Patients With a HA‐PE/LE‐DVT Code (ICD‐9‐CM)
CharacteristicNo HA‐VTE, n = 2,512,221HA‐PE/LE DVT, n = 6,297aP Valueb
  • NOTE: Data are presented as n (%) or mean SD. Abbreviations: API, Asian or Pacific Islander; HA‐PE/LE DVT, hospital‐acquired pulmonary embolism or lower‐extremity deep venous thrombosis; HA‐VTE, hospital‐acquired venous thromboembolism; ICD‐9‐CM, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification; ICU, intensive care unit; LMWH, low‐molecular‐weight heparin; SD, standard deviation; SOI, severity of illness.

  • The first 2 columns, no HA‐VTE and HA‐PE/LE DVT, were compared as noted in the third column. Data on upper‐extremity or superficial thrombosis are not shown in this table.

  • For all variables except age and length of stay, P values are calculated by 2; for age and length of stay, P value is calculated by rank‐sum test.

  • Prophylaxis with LMWH, fondaparinux, unfractionated heparin, or warfarin on the first or second day of hospitalization. Prophylaxis was not estimated in the population that did not develop a HA‐VTE.

Proportion of hospitalizations, %99.490.25 
Age, y48.2 27.162.5 20.0<0.001
Female sex1,347,219 (53.6)3,104 (49.3)<0.001
Race  <0.001
Caucasian1,455,215 (57.9)3,963 (64.7) 
Black600,991 (23.9)1,425 (23.3) 
Hispanic206,553 (8.2)263 (4.3) 
API59,560 (2.4)88 (1.4) 
Other189,902 (7.6)389 (6.4) 
Admission SOI  <0.001
Minor461,411 (18.4)181 (2.9) 
Major922,734 (36.7)1,081 (17.2) 
Severe880,542 (35.1)2,975 (47.2) 
Extreme247,244 (9.8)2,060 (32.7) 
Unknown290 (0.01)0 (0.0) 
Had an active diagnosis of cancer331,705 (13.2)2,162 (34.3)<0.001
Length of stay, d7.31 9.3118.7 19.5<0.001
Spent time in the ICU441,412 (17.6)3,011 (47.8)<0.001
Died in hospital57,954 (2.3)1,036 (16.5)<0.001
Received prophylaxiscc3,454 (54.9)c

Among cases with a code for UE‐DVT (22.5% of all patients with HA‐VTE), 74% were noted to also have a code for a CVC, as did 60% of cases with a HA‐SVT of the antecubital, basilic, or cephalic veins (71% of SVT events; see Supporting Information, Table S1, in the online version of this article).

Of those with HA‐PE/LE‐DVT, 54.9% received pharmacologic prophylaxis on hospital day 1 or 2 (mostly with low‐molecular‐weight heparin or unfractionated heparin).


In this study of medical patients admitted to academic medical centers throughout the United States, we found that HA‐VTE/SVT was coded in approximately 0.51% of discharges, and the incidence of HA‐PE/LE‐DVT was 0.25%. Patients with a HA‐PE/LE‐DVT code were, in general, older and sicker than those who did not develop VTE. We further found that close to half of all HA‐VTE/SVT occurred in the upper extremity, with the majority of these occurring in patients who had CVCs. Finally, the majority of patients diagnosed with HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were started on VTEP on the first or second hospital day.

The overall incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT we discovered corresponds well to other studies, even those with disparate populations. A single‐institution study found a HA‐VTE/SVT incidence of approximately 0.6% among hospitalized patients on medical and nonmedical services.[12] The study by Barba found a rate of 0.93%,[18] whereas the study by Lederle found a rate of approximately 1%.[19] Spyropolous found an HA‐VTE incidence of 0.55%.[11] Rothberg found a lower rate of 0.25% in his risk‐stratification study, though in the pre‐POA and preupdated code era.[20] Our findings extend and provide context for, in a much larger population, the results of these prior studies, and represent the first national examination of HA‐VTE/SVT in the setting of numerous quality‐improvement and other efforts to reduce hospital‐associated VTE.

The incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT codes we observed likely underestimates the incidence of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT by a factor of approximately 4, for 2 reasons. First, although VTE/SVT codes with a POA flag set to No are truly hospital‐acquired events on chart review approximately 75% of the time, and thus overestimate HA‐VTE/SVT, 25% of POA = Yes codes are actually HA‐VTE/SVT events on chart review, and therefore lead to underestimation of HA‐VTE/SVT.[9] Because VTE/SVT codes with a POA flag set to Yes outnumber those flagged No by 3 or 4 to 1, events mis‐flagged Yes contribute a much greater number of undercounted HA‐VTE/SVT, elevating the actual HA‐VTE/SVT event rate by a factor of approximately 2. Second, HA‐VTE events do not include hospital‐associated VTE events that are diagnosed after the index hospitalization. In the Spyropolous study, 45% of hospital‐associated VTE events occurred after discharge, so translating HA‐VTE/SVT events to hospital‐associated VTE/SVT events would again involve multiplying by a factor of 2.[11] Thus, the overall incidence of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT events in our sample may have been approximately 2% (0.51% 4), and the overall incidence of hospital‐associated PE or LE‐DVT events may have been approximately 1%, though there may be significant variation around these estimates given that individual institutions were themselves quite variable in their POA flag accuracy in our study.[9] There is additionally the possibility that hospitals may have deliberately left some VTE/SVT uncoded, but in the absence of financial incentives to do so for anything other than postsurgical VTE, and in the presence of penalties from CMS for undercoding, we believe this to be unlikely, at least at present.

Despite these upward extrapolations, the estimated incidence of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT in our study may seem low compared with that reported in the MEDENOX[2] and PREVENT studies.[3] Much of this discrepancy vanishes on closer examination. In the large randomized trials, patients were uniformly and routinely assessed for LE‐DVT using vascular ultrasound; in contrast, in our population of hospitalizations patients may have only had diagnostic studies done for signs or symptoms. Clinically apparent hospital‐associated VTE is less common than all hospital‐associated VTE, as it was even in PREVENT,[3] and increased surveillance may even be partially driving increased hospital‐associated VTE/SVT at some hospitals.[21] Our findings suggest that success or failure in preventing administratively coded, clinically apparent HA LE‐VTE/PE should be judged, broadly, against numbers in the range established in our study (eg, 0.25%), not the 5% or 15% of chart‐abstracted, aggressively ascertained (and sometimes clinically silent) hospital‐associated VTE in the large randomized controlled trials. That is, 0.25% is not an achievement, but rather the average, expected value.

Almost 25% of the observed HA‐VTE/SVTs coded were UE‐DVT, with roughly 75% of these being likely related to central venous catheterization (including those peripherally inserted). An additional 1/5 were upper‐extremity SVT of the antecubital, cephalic, and basilic veins, with the majority of these (60%) also listed as catheter‐related. Such thrombosis is best prevented by decreased use of central catheters or perhaps by using smaller‐caliber catheters.[22] It is unclear if VTEP can prevent such clots, though in cancer patients at least one recent trial seems promising.[23]

We found that patients with a coded HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were remarkably different from those not developing HA‐VTE/SVT. Patients with HA‐PE or HA‐LE‐DVT were older, sicker, more likely to have cancer, significantly more likely to spend time in the ICU, and much more likely to die in the hospital; risk factors for HA‐VTE overlap significantly with risk factors for death in the hospital. A small majority (55%) of patients in the HA‐PE/LE‐DVT group had actually received VTEP on at least day 1 or 2 of hospitalization. It may be the case that the dose of VTEP was insufficient to suppress clot formation in these patients, or that HA‐PE/LE‐DVT in patients with this degree of comorbidity is difficult to prevent.

There are a number of limitations to our study. We analyzed administrative codes, which underestimate hospital‐associated VTE/SVT events as noted above. This was a descriptive study, cross‐sectional across each hospitalization, and we were unable to draw any causal inference for differences in HA‐VTE/SVT incidence that might exist between subpopulations. We estimated VTEP from medication usage in just the first 2 days of hospitalization; we could not assess mechanical prophylaxis in this dataset; and we did not have any VTEP data for the first 2 days of hospitalization on the patients who did not develop a HA‐VTE/SVT, which made it impossible to compare the 2 populations on this measure. For those who did not receive VTEP, we were unable to obtain data regarding possible contraindications to VTEP, such as ongoing gastrointestinal or intracerebral hemorrhage. Additionally, our data are based on academic hospitals only and may not generalize to nonacademic settings. Extrapolating from HA‐VTE/SVT to hospital‐associated VTE/SVT may not be possible due to heterogeneity of clotting events and perhaps variability in whether patients would return to the hospital for all of them (eg, superficial or UE VTE may not result in readmission). Finally, it is unclear whether a switch to ICD Tenth Revision (ICD‐10) codes will impact our measured baseline in the coming year. The strengths of our analysis included stratification by type of HA‐VTE/SVT and our ability to assess the incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT in a large national population, and the provision of a baseline for VTE incidenceeasily usable by any individual hospital, network, or researcher with access to administrative datagoing forward.

In conclusion, among patients hospitalized in academic medical centers, HA‐VTE/SVT was coded in approximately 0.51% of patients with a medical illness staying >2 days, with approximately half of the events due to HA‐PE/LE‐DVT. Patients who developed HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were more acutely ill than those who did not, and VTE developed despite 55% of these patients receiving VTEP on day 1 or 2. Hospitals can reasonably treat the 0.25% figure as the baseline around which to assess their own performance in preventing HA‐PE/LE‐DVT, and can measure their own performance using administrative data. Further research is needed to determine how best to achieve further reductions in HA‐VTE/SVT through risk stratification and/or through other interventions.


Nothing to report.

Pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT), historically referred to together as venous thromboembolism (VTE), are common, treatable, sometimes fatal, and potentially preventable medical problems.[1] Such thromboses can both precipitate a hospitalization as well as complicate it (either during or soon after discharge). Preventing such thrombosis as a complication of medical care has become a national imperative. Landmark studies such as Prophylaxis in Medical Patients With Enoxaparin (MEDENOX)[2] and Prospective Evaluation of Dalteparin Efficacy for Prevention of VTE in Immobilized Patients Trial (PREVENT)[3] demonstrated both a high incidence of thrombosis in a hospitalized high‐risk medical population (15% and 5% in the 2 trials' placebo arms, respectively) as well as significant relative risk reduction through venous thromboembolism pharmacoprophylaxis (VTEP)63% and 45%, respectively. The Joint Commission,[4] the Society of Hospital Medicine,[5] and the American College of Chest Physicians[6, 7] have thus all strived to ensure the appropriate provision of VTEP in order to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with thrombosis in hospitalized patients, including those on medical services.

Ideally, the global success of these efforts would be assessed by measuring the rate of hospital‐associated VTE (potentially including superficial venous thrombosis [SVT], which, like upper‐extremity deep venous thrombosis [UE‐DVT], is commonly a central venous catheter [CVC]‐associated, or peripherally inserted central catheter [PICC]‐associated, complication)thrombosis acquired and diagnosed during either the index hospitalization (hospital‐acquired, or HA‐VTE/SVT) or up to 30 days postdischarge. Unfortunately, postdischarge VTE/SVT is difficult to measure because patients developing it may not present to the original hospital, or at all (eg, if they do not seek care, are treated as outpatients, or, in the most extreme case, die at home). In this context, despite being far less comprehensive, HA‐VTE/SVT is a useful subset of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT, for several reasons. First, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have mandated hospitals to qualify all medical diagnoses as present‐on‐admission (POA = Y) or not (POA = N) since 2008, such that all medical diagnoses coded POA = N can be considered hospital acquired.[8] Second, refinements made to the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (ICD‐9) codes now allow differentiation of UE‐DVT and SVT from lower‐extremity (LE) DVT/PE, whereas the former were sometimes obscured by nonspecific coding.[9] Third, recent studies have shown that medical diagnoses administratively coded as HA‐VTE/SVT correlated well with HA‐VTE/SVT ascertained through chart review.[9, 10] Finally, previous work has estimated that approximately half of all hospital‐associated VTE are HA‐VTE and the other half are postdischarge VTE.[11] Thus, HA‐VTE, though comprising only approximately half of all hospital‐associated VTE, is often used as a surrogate for measuring the success of ongoing VTE prevention programs.[12]

Our study aimed to assess the incidence of HA‐VTE plus HA‐SVT in the era of mandatory POA coding and newer ICD‐9 codes for VTE.


Setting and Cases

We conducted a retrospective analysis of discharges from the 83 academic medical centers belonging to the UHC (formerly, the University HealthSystem Consortium,[13] between October 1, 2009 and March 31, 2011. UHC collects demographic, clinical, and billing data from these centers including medical diagnoses and procedures coded using the ICD‐9‐Clinical Modification (ICD‐9‐CM), a POA indicator for each diagnosis; UHC also collects data on medication use. This study was approved by the institutional review board at the University of California Davis.

Patients in our analysis were age 18 years and discharged with a medical medical severity diagnostic‐related group (MS‐DRG) code, hospitalized for 48 hours, and did not have a surgical or obstetric MS‐DRG code (except when assigned a surgical MS‐DRG code solely due to insertion of an inferior vena cava filter, with no other major procedures performed). Cases excluded discharges with a principal diagnosis of acute VTE/SVT (defined here as including PE, LE‐DVT, UE‐DVT, SVT, chronic VTE, and thrombosis not otherwise specified), as coding guidelines prohibit assigning a HA‐VTE as the principal diagnosis for the index hospitalization.[14]

Hospital‐Acquired Venous Thromboembolism or Superficial Venous Thrombosis

Cases were classified as having a HA‐VTE/SVT if there was 1 VTE/SVT coded in a secondary diagnosis position (other diagnosis) with a corresponding POA indicator equal to either N (not POA) or U (documentation insufficient to clarify whether VTE was POA or not). This usage corresponds to CMS guidelines and reimbursement policies for hospital‐acquired conditions.[15] Among cases with 1 HA‐VTE (or SVT), we assigned 1 HA‐VTE diagnosis using a hierarchy based on the highest level of clinical importance: first, PE; then LE‐DVT; then UE‐DVT; then SVT; then chronic VTE; then, finally, unspecified VTE. We subsequently excluded cases with primarily chronic VTE from our analysis because these were likely miscodes (ie, it is unclear how a chronic VTE could not be POA) and there were only 30 such cases. Cases with HA‐PE or HA‐LE DVT were analyzed separately as an important subset of HA‐VTE (plus SVT), because HA‐PE/LE‐DVT is both life‐threatening and theoretically preventable with VTEP.

Severity of Illness and Other Measures of Comorbidity

For each case we used proprietary software (3M Health Information Systems, Murray UT) to classify severity of illness (SOI). The SOI scale, based on physiologic derangement and organ system loss of function,[16] has 4 levels: minor, major, severe, and extreme. Defined within specific disease groups (All Patient Refined DRGs), it is often compared across diseases as well.[17] We also assessed whether patients had a cancer diagnosis, spent time in the intensive care unit (ICU), and died in the hospital.

Central Venous Catheter Use in Patients With Upper‐Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis or Superficial Venous Thrombosis

Because UE‐DVT and SVT are frequently associated with a CVC or PICC, we assessed central venous catheterization among patients with an UE‐DVT or SVT of the cephalic, basilic, or antecubital veins using diagnosis codes for complications related to dialysis devices, implants, and grafts.

Pharmacologic Thromboprophylaxis

Pharmacy records of the subset of HA‐VTE/SVT cases with PE or LE‐DVT were analyzed to determine if VTEP was administered on hospital day 1 or 2, as per Joint Commission performance requirements.[4] Medications that met criteria as VTEP included unfractionated heparin, 5000 IU, given 2 or 3 a day; enoxaparin, 40 mg, given daily; dalteparin, 2500 or 5000 IU, given daily; fondaparinux, 2.5 mg, given daily; and warfarin. We could not reliably determine if VTEP was used throughout the entire hospitalization, or whether mechanical prophylaxis was used at all.

Statistical Analysis

This was a descriptive analysis to determine the incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT and describe the demographic and clinical characteristics of this population. We calculated means and standard deviations (SD) for continuous variables and proportions for binary variables (including HA‐VTE/SVT incidence). All comparisons between populations were performed as either 2‐tailed t tests or 2 analyses. All analysis was conducted using SAS software, version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC).


For the 18‐month period between October 1, 2009, and March 31, 2011, across 83 UHC hospitals, there were 2,525,068 cases. Among these, 12,847 (0.51%) had 1 HA‐VTE/SVT coded. As per the clinical importance hierarchy described above, 2449 (19.1%) cases had at least a PE coded; 3848 (30%) had at least a LE‐DVT (but not a PE) coded; 2893 (22.5%) had at least an UE‐DVT coded; 3248 (25.3%) had at least an SVT coded; 30 had at least a chronic VTE coded; and 379 had at least a VTE coded with no specified location. Of those with SVT, 192 (5.8%) were LE‐SVT codes, whereas the rest were SVT/thrombophlebitis of the upper extremities or not otherwise specified. There were 11,882 (92.5%) hospitalizations with a single HA‐VTE/SVT code and an additional 965 (7.5%) with multiple codes, for a total of 13,749 HA‐VTE/SVT events (see Supporting Information, Table S1, in the online version of this article for more specific data for the individual ICD‐9 codes used to specify HA‐VTE events).

Compared with those who did not develop any HA‐VTE/SVT, patients with HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were more likely to be Caucasian (65% vs 58%, P < 0.001) and were older (age 62 vs 48 years, P < 0.001) and sicker (79.9% vs 44.9% with a severe or extreme SOI, P < 0.001). They also were more likely to have cancer, have longer lengths of stay, be more likely to stay in the ICU, and die in the hospital (P < 0.001 for all comparisons; Table 1).

Patients With No HA‐VTE Code and Patients With a HA‐PE/LE‐DVT Code (ICD‐9‐CM)
CharacteristicNo HA‐VTE, n = 2,512,221HA‐PE/LE DVT, n = 6,297aP Valueb
  • NOTE: Data are presented as n (%) or mean SD. Abbreviations: API, Asian or Pacific Islander; HA‐PE/LE DVT, hospital‐acquired pulmonary embolism or lower‐extremity deep venous thrombosis; HA‐VTE, hospital‐acquired venous thromboembolism; ICD‐9‐CM, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification; ICU, intensive care unit; LMWH, low‐molecular‐weight heparin; SD, standard deviation; SOI, severity of illness.

  • The first 2 columns, no HA‐VTE and HA‐PE/LE DVT, were compared as noted in the third column. Data on upper‐extremity or superficial thrombosis are not shown in this table.

  • For all variables except age and length of stay, P values are calculated by 2; for age and length of stay, P value is calculated by rank‐sum test.

  • Prophylaxis with LMWH, fondaparinux, unfractionated heparin, or warfarin on the first or second day of hospitalization. Prophylaxis was not estimated in the population that did not develop a HA‐VTE.

Proportion of hospitalizations, %99.490.25 
Age, y48.2 27.162.5 20.0<0.001
Female sex1,347,219 (53.6)3,104 (49.3)<0.001
Race  <0.001
Caucasian1,455,215 (57.9)3,963 (64.7) 
Black600,991 (23.9)1,425 (23.3) 
Hispanic206,553 (8.2)263 (4.3) 
API59,560 (2.4)88 (1.4) 
Other189,902 (7.6)389 (6.4) 
Admission SOI  <0.001
Minor461,411 (18.4)181 (2.9) 
Major922,734 (36.7)1,081 (17.2) 
Severe880,542 (35.1)2,975 (47.2) 
Extreme247,244 (9.8)2,060 (32.7) 
Unknown290 (0.01)0 (0.0) 
Had an active diagnosis of cancer331,705 (13.2)2,162 (34.3)<0.001
Length of stay, d7.31 9.3118.7 19.5<0.001
Spent time in the ICU441,412 (17.6)3,011 (47.8)<0.001
Died in hospital57,954 (2.3)1,036 (16.5)<0.001
Received prophylaxiscc3,454 (54.9)c

Among cases with a code for UE‐DVT (22.5% of all patients with HA‐VTE), 74% were noted to also have a code for a CVC, as did 60% of cases with a HA‐SVT of the antecubital, basilic, or cephalic veins (71% of SVT events; see Supporting Information, Table S1, in the online version of this article).

Of those with HA‐PE/LE‐DVT, 54.9% received pharmacologic prophylaxis on hospital day 1 or 2 (mostly with low‐molecular‐weight heparin or unfractionated heparin).


In this study of medical patients admitted to academic medical centers throughout the United States, we found that HA‐VTE/SVT was coded in approximately 0.51% of discharges, and the incidence of HA‐PE/LE‐DVT was 0.25%. Patients with a HA‐PE/LE‐DVT code were, in general, older and sicker than those who did not develop VTE. We further found that close to half of all HA‐VTE/SVT occurred in the upper extremity, with the majority of these occurring in patients who had CVCs. Finally, the majority of patients diagnosed with HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were started on VTEP on the first or second hospital day.

The overall incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT we discovered corresponds well to other studies, even those with disparate populations. A single‐institution study found a HA‐VTE/SVT incidence of approximately 0.6% among hospitalized patients on medical and nonmedical services.[12] The study by Barba found a rate of 0.93%,[18] whereas the study by Lederle found a rate of approximately 1%.[19] Spyropolous found an HA‐VTE incidence of 0.55%.[11] Rothberg found a lower rate of 0.25% in his risk‐stratification study, though in the pre‐POA and preupdated code era.[20] Our findings extend and provide context for, in a much larger population, the results of these prior studies, and represent the first national examination of HA‐VTE/SVT in the setting of numerous quality‐improvement and other efforts to reduce hospital‐associated VTE.

The incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT codes we observed likely underestimates the incidence of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT by a factor of approximately 4, for 2 reasons. First, although VTE/SVT codes with a POA flag set to No are truly hospital‐acquired events on chart review approximately 75% of the time, and thus overestimate HA‐VTE/SVT, 25% of POA = Yes codes are actually HA‐VTE/SVT events on chart review, and therefore lead to underestimation of HA‐VTE/SVT.[9] Because VTE/SVT codes with a POA flag set to Yes outnumber those flagged No by 3 or 4 to 1, events mis‐flagged Yes contribute a much greater number of undercounted HA‐VTE/SVT, elevating the actual HA‐VTE/SVT event rate by a factor of approximately 2. Second, HA‐VTE events do not include hospital‐associated VTE events that are diagnosed after the index hospitalization. In the Spyropolous study, 45% of hospital‐associated VTE events occurred after discharge, so translating HA‐VTE/SVT events to hospital‐associated VTE/SVT events would again involve multiplying by a factor of 2.[11] Thus, the overall incidence of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT events in our sample may have been approximately 2% (0.51% 4), and the overall incidence of hospital‐associated PE or LE‐DVT events may have been approximately 1%, though there may be significant variation around these estimates given that individual institutions were themselves quite variable in their POA flag accuracy in our study.[9] There is additionally the possibility that hospitals may have deliberately left some VTE/SVT uncoded, but in the absence of financial incentives to do so for anything other than postsurgical VTE, and in the presence of penalties from CMS for undercoding, we believe this to be unlikely, at least at present.

Despite these upward extrapolations, the estimated incidence of hospital‐associated VTE/SVT in our study may seem low compared with that reported in the MEDENOX[2] and PREVENT studies.[3] Much of this discrepancy vanishes on closer examination. In the large randomized trials, patients were uniformly and routinely assessed for LE‐DVT using vascular ultrasound; in contrast, in our population of hospitalizations patients may have only had diagnostic studies done for signs or symptoms. Clinically apparent hospital‐associated VTE is less common than all hospital‐associated VTE, as it was even in PREVENT,[3] and increased surveillance may even be partially driving increased hospital‐associated VTE/SVT at some hospitals.[21] Our findings suggest that success or failure in preventing administratively coded, clinically apparent HA LE‐VTE/PE should be judged, broadly, against numbers in the range established in our study (eg, 0.25%), not the 5% or 15% of chart‐abstracted, aggressively ascertained (and sometimes clinically silent) hospital‐associated VTE in the large randomized controlled trials. That is, 0.25% is not an achievement, but rather the average, expected value.

Almost 25% of the observed HA‐VTE/SVTs coded were UE‐DVT, with roughly 75% of these being likely related to central venous catheterization (including those peripherally inserted). An additional 1/5 were upper‐extremity SVT of the antecubital, cephalic, and basilic veins, with the majority of these (60%) also listed as catheter‐related. Such thrombosis is best prevented by decreased use of central catheters or perhaps by using smaller‐caliber catheters.[22] It is unclear if VTEP can prevent such clots, though in cancer patients at least one recent trial seems promising.[23]

We found that patients with a coded HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were remarkably different from those not developing HA‐VTE/SVT. Patients with HA‐PE or HA‐LE‐DVT were older, sicker, more likely to have cancer, significantly more likely to spend time in the ICU, and much more likely to die in the hospital; risk factors for HA‐VTE overlap significantly with risk factors for death in the hospital. A small majority (55%) of patients in the HA‐PE/LE‐DVT group had actually received VTEP on at least day 1 or 2 of hospitalization. It may be the case that the dose of VTEP was insufficient to suppress clot formation in these patients, or that HA‐PE/LE‐DVT in patients with this degree of comorbidity is difficult to prevent.

There are a number of limitations to our study. We analyzed administrative codes, which underestimate hospital‐associated VTE/SVT events as noted above. This was a descriptive study, cross‐sectional across each hospitalization, and we were unable to draw any causal inference for differences in HA‐VTE/SVT incidence that might exist between subpopulations. We estimated VTEP from medication usage in just the first 2 days of hospitalization; we could not assess mechanical prophylaxis in this dataset; and we did not have any VTEP data for the first 2 days of hospitalization on the patients who did not develop a HA‐VTE/SVT, which made it impossible to compare the 2 populations on this measure. For those who did not receive VTEP, we were unable to obtain data regarding possible contraindications to VTEP, such as ongoing gastrointestinal or intracerebral hemorrhage. Additionally, our data are based on academic hospitals only and may not generalize to nonacademic settings. Extrapolating from HA‐VTE/SVT to hospital‐associated VTE/SVT may not be possible due to heterogeneity of clotting events and perhaps variability in whether patients would return to the hospital for all of them (eg, superficial or UE VTE may not result in readmission). Finally, it is unclear whether a switch to ICD Tenth Revision (ICD‐10) codes will impact our measured baseline in the coming year. The strengths of our analysis included stratification by type of HA‐VTE/SVT and our ability to assess the incidence of HA‐VTE/SVT in a large national population, and the provision of a baseline for VTE incidenceeasily usable by any individual hospital, network, or researcher with access to administrative datagoing forward.

In conclusion, among patients hospitalized in academic medical centers, HA‐VTE/SVT was coded in approximately 0.51% of patients with a medical illness staying >2 days, with approximately half of the events due to HA‐PE/LE‐DVT. Patients who developed HA‐PE/LE‐DVT were more acutely ill than those who did not, and VTE developed despite 55% of these patients receiving VTEP on day 1 or 2. Hospitals can reasonably treat the 0.25% figure as the baseline around which to assess their own performance in preventing HA‐PE/LE‐DVT, and can measure their own performance using administrative data. Further research is needed to determine how best to achieve further reductions in HA‐VTE/SVT through risk stratification and/or through other interventions.


Nothing to report.

  1. Guyatt GH, Akl EA, Crowther M, Gutterman DD, Schuünemann HJ;American College of Chest Physicians AntithromboticTherapy and Prevention of Thrombosis Panel. Executive summary: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence‐Based Clinical Practice Guidelines [published corrections appear in Chest. 2012;141(4):1129 and 2012;142(6):1698]. Chest. 2012;141(2 suppl):7S–47S.
  2. Samama MM, Cohen AT, Darmon JY, et al;Prophylaxis in Medical Patients with Enoxaparin Study Group. A comparison of enoxaparin with placebo for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in acutely ill medical patients. N Engl J Med. 1999;341(11):793800.
  3. Leizorovicz A, Cohen AT, Turpie AG, Olsson CG, Vaitkus PT, Goldhaber SZ. Randomized, placebo‐controlled trial of dalteparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in acutely ill medical patients. Circulation. 2004;110(7):874879.
  4. The Joint Commission.Specifications Manual for National Hospital Inpatient Quality Measures. Available at: Accessed July 18, 2012.
  5. Maynard G, Stein J. Preventing Hospital‐Acquired Venous Thromboembolism: A Guide for Effective Quality Improvement. Prepared by the Society of Hospital Medicine. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; AHRQ Publication No. 08‐0075.
  6. Geerts WH, Pineo GF, Heit JA, et al. Prevention of venous thromboembolism: the Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy. Chest. 2004;126(3 suppl):338S400S.
  7. Kahn SR, Lim W, Dunn AS, et al. Prevention of VTE in nonsurgical patients: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence‐Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest. 2012;141(2 suppl):e195Se226S.
  8. Centers for Medicare 46(6 part 1):19461962.
  9. Spyropoulos AC, Anderson FA, Fitzgerald G, et al. Predictive and associative models to identify hospitalized medical patients at risk for VTE. Chest. 2011;140(3):706714.
  10. Khanna R, Vittinghoff E, Maselli J, Auerbach A. Unintended consequences of a standard admission order set on venous thromboembolism prophylaxis and patient outcomes. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(3):318324.
  11. United Health Consortium Website. Available at: Accessed March 8, 2012.
  12. ICD‐9‐CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting. Available at: Published 2010. Accessed June 4, 2013.
  13. Centers for Medicare 27(5):587612.
  14. Overview of Disease Severity Measures Disseminated with the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) and Kids' Inpatient Database (KID). Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Published December 9, 2005. Accessed June 4, 2013.
  15. Barba R, Zapatero A, Losa JE, et al. Venous thromboembolism in acutely ill hospitalized medical patients. Thromb Res. 2010;126(4):276279.
  16. Lederle FA, Zylla D, MacDonald R, Wilt TJ. Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients and those with stroke: a background review for an American College of Physicians Clinical Practice Guideline. Ann Intern Med. 2011;155(9):602615.
  17. Rothberg MB, Lindenauer PK, Lahti M, Pekow PS, Selker HP. Risk factor model to predict venous thromboembolism in hospitalized medical patients. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(4):202209.
  18. Bilimoria KY, Chung J, Ju MH, et al. Evaluation of surveillance bias and the validity of the venous thromboembolism quality measure. JAMA. 2013;310(14):14821489.
  19. Evans RS, Sharp JH, Linford LH, et al. Reduction of peripherally inserted central catheter‐associated DVT. Chest. 2013;143(3):627633.
  20. Lavau‐Denes S, Lacroix P, Maubon A, et al. Prophylaxis of catheter‐related deep vein thrombosis in cancer patients with low‐dose warfarin, low molecular weight heparin, or control: a randomized, controlled, phase III study. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2013;72(1):6573.
  1. Guyatt GH, Akl EA, Crowther M, Gutterman DD, Schuünemann HJ;American College of Chest Physicians AntithromboticTherapy and Prevention of Thrombosis Panel. Executive summary: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence‐Based Clinical Practice Guidelines [published corrections appear in Chest. 2012;141(4):1129 and 2012;142(6):1698]. Chest. 2012;141(2 suppl):7S–47S.
  2. Samama MM, Cohen AT, Darmon JY, et al;Prophylaxis in Medical Patients with Enoxaparin Study Group. A comparison of enoxaparin with placebo for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in acutely ill medical patients. N Engl J Med. 1999;341(11):793800.
  3. Leizorovicz A, Cohen AT, Turpie AG, Olsson CG, Vaitkus PT, Goldhaber SZ. Randomized, placebo‐controlled trial of dalteparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in acutely ill medical patients. Circulation. 2004;110(7):874879.
  4. The Joint Commission.Specifications Manual for National Hospital Inpatient Quality Measures. Available at: Accessed July 18, 2012.
  5. Maynard G, Stein J. Preventing Hospital‐Acquired Venous Thromboembolism: A Guide for Effective Quality Improvement. Prepared by the Society of Hospital Medicine. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; AHRQ Publication No. 08‐0075.
  6. Geerts WH, Pineo GF, Heit JA, et al. Prevention of venous thromboembolism: the Seventh ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy. Chest. 2004;126(3 suppl):338S400S.
  7. Kahn SR, Lim W, Dunn AS, et al. Prevention of VTE in nonsurgical patients: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence‐Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest. 2012;141(2 suppl):e195Se226S.
  8. Centers for Medicare 46(6 part 1):19461962.
  9. Spyropoulos AC, Anderson FA, Fitzgerald G, et al. Predictive and associative models to identify hospitalized medical patients at risk for VTE. Chest. 2011;140(3):706714.
  10. Khanna R, Vittinghoff E, Maselli J, Auerbach A. Unintended consequences of a standard admission order set on venous thromboembolism prophylaxis and patient outcomes. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(3):318324.
  11. United Health Consortium Website. Available at: Accessed March 8, 2012.
  12. ICD‐9‐CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting. Available at: Published 2010. Accessed June 4, 2013.
  13. Centers for Medicare 27(5):587612.
  14. Overview of Disease Severity Measures Disseminated with the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) and Kids' Inpatient Database (KID). Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Published December 9, 2005. Accessed June 4, 2013.
  15. Barba R, Zapatero A, Losa JE, et al. Venous thromboembolism in acutely ill hospitalized medical patients. Thromb Res. 2010;126(4):276279.
  16. Lederle FA, Zylla D, MacDonald R, Wilt TJ. Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients and those with stroke: a background review for an American College of Physicians Clinical Practice Guideline. Ann Intern Med. 2011;155(9):602615.
  17. Rothberg MB, Lindenauer PK, Lahti M, Pekow PS, Selker HP. Risk factor model to predict venous thromboembolism in hospitalized medical patients. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(4):202209.
  18. Bilimoria KY, Chung J, Ju MH, et al. Evaluation of surveillance bias and the validity of the venous thromboembolism quality measure. JAMA. 2013;310(14):14821489.
  19. Evans RS, Sharp JH, Linford LH, et al. Reduction of peripherally inserted central catheter‐associated DVT. Chest. 2013;143(3):627633.
  20. Lavau‐Denes S, Lacroix P, Maubon A, et al. Prophylaxis of catheter‐related deep vein thrombosis in cancer patients with low‐dose warfarin, low molecular weight heparin, or control: a randomized, controlled, phase III study. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2013;72(1):6573.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 9(4)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 9(4)
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Incidence of hospital‐acquired venous thromboembolic codes in medical patients hospitalized in academic medical centers
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Incidence of hospital‐acquired venous thromboembolic codes in medical patients hospitalized in academic medical centers
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Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Raman Khanna, MD, MAS, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, Department of Medicine, Division of Hospital Medicine, 533 Parnassus, U136, San Francisco, CA; Telephone: 415‐476‐4806; Fax: 415‐514‐2094; E‐mail:
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Inappropriate Prescribing of PPIs

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Mon, 05/22/2017 - 18:46
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Inappropriate prescribing of proton pump inhibitors in hospitalized patients

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the third most commonly prescribed class of medication in the United States, with $13.6 billion in yearly sales.1 Despite their effectiveness in treating acid reflux2 and their mortality benefit in the treatment of patients with gastrointestinal bleeding,3 recent literature has identified a number of risks associated with PPIs, including an increased incidence of Clostridium difficile infection,4 decreased effectiveness of clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome,5 increased risk of community‐ and hospital‐acquired pneumonia, and an increased risk of hip fracture.69 Additionally, in March of 2011, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning regarding the potential for PPIs to cause low magnesium levels which can, in turn, cause muscle spasms, an irregular heartbeat, and convulsions.10

Inappropriate PPI prescription practice has been demonstrated in the primary care setting,11 as well as in small studies conducted in the hospital setting.1216 We hypothesized that many hospitalized patients receive these medications without having an accepted indication, and examined 2 populations of hospitalized patients, including administrative data from 6.5 million discharges from US university hospitals, to look for appropriate diagnoses justifying their use.


We performed a retrospective review of administrative data collected between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009 from 2 patient populations: (a) those discharged from Denver Health (DH), a university‐affiliated public safety net hospital in Denver, CO; and (b) patients discharged from 112 academic health centers and 256 of their affiliated hospitals that participate in the University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC). The Colorado Multiple Institution Review Board reviewed and approved the conduct of this study.

Inclusion criteria for both populations were age >18 or <90 years, and hospitalization on a Medicine service. Prisoners and women known to be pregnant were excluded. In both cohorts, if patients had more than 1 admission during the 2‐year study period, only data from the first admission were used.

We recorded demographics, admitting diagnosis, and discharge diagnoses together with information pertaining to the name, route, and duration of administration of all PPIs (ie, omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomeprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole). We created a broadly inclusive set of valid indications for PPIs by incorporating diagnoses that could be identified by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision.

(ICD‐9) codes from a number of previously published sources including the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines issued by the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom in 200012, 1721 (Table 1).

Valid Indications for Proton Pump Inhibitors
IndicationICD‐9 Code
  • NOTE: Stress ulcer prophylaxis was not included in the list due to methodological limitations.

  • Abbreviations: ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision.

Helicobacter pylori041.86
Abnormality of secretion of gastrin251.5
Esophageal varices with bleeding456.0
Esophageal varices without mention of bleeding456.1
Esophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere456.2
Perforation of esophagus530.4
Gastroesophageal laceration‐hemorrhage syndrome530.7
Esophageal reflux530.81
Barrett's esophagus530.85
Gastric ulcer531.0031.91
Duodenal ulcer532.00532.91
Peptic ulcer, site unspecified533.00533.91
Gastritis and duodenitis535.00535.71
Dyspepsia and other specified disorders of function of stomach536.8
Hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract, unspecified578.9

To assess the accuracy of the administrative data from DH, we also reviewed the Emergency Department histories, admission histories, progress notes, electronic pharmacy records, endoscopy reports, and discharge summaries of 123 patients randomly selected (ie, a 5% sample) from the group of patients identified by administrative data to have received a PPI without a valid indication, looking for any accepted indication that might have been missed in the administrative data.

All analyses were performed using SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). A Student t test was used to compare continuous variables and a chi‐square test was used to compare categorical variables. Bonferroni corrections were used for multiple comparisons, such that P values less than 0.01 were considered to be significant for categorical variables.


Inclusion criteria were met by 9875 patients in the Denver Health database and 6,592,100 patients in the UHC database. The demographics and primary discharge diagnoses for these patients are summarized in Table 2.

Admission Characteristics of Denver Health and UHC Study Population
DH (N = 9875)UHC (N = 6,592,100)
 Received a PPINo PPI Received a PPINo PPI
  • Abbreviations: DH, Denver Health; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; UHC, University HealthSystem Consortium.

No. (%)3962 (40)5913 (60) 918,474 (14)5,673,626 (86)
Age (mean SD)53 1551 16 59 1755 18
Gender (% male)2197 (55)3438 (58) 464,552 (51)2,882,577 (51)
Race (% white)1610 (41)2425 (41) 619,571 (67)3,670,450 (65)
Top 5 primary discharge diagnoses     
Chest pain229 (6)462 (8)Coronary atherosclerosis35,470 (4)186,321 (3)
Alcohol withdrawal147 (4)174 (3)Acute myocardial infarction26,507 (3)132,159 (2)
Pneumonia, organism unspecified142 (4)262 (4)Heart failure21,143 (2)103,751 (2)
Acute pancreatitis132 (3)106 (2)Septicemia20,345 (2)64,915 (1)
Obstructive chronic bronchitis with (acute) exacerbation89 (2)154 (3)Chest pain16,936 (2)107,497 (2)

Only 39% and 27% of the patients in the DH and UHC databases, respectively, had a valid indication for PPIs on the basis of discharge diagnoses (Table 3). In the DH data, if admission ICD‐9 codes were also inspected for valid PPI indications, 1579 (40%) of patients receiving PPIs had a valid indication (admission ICD‐9 codes were not available for patients in the UHC database). Thirty‐one percent of Denver Health patients spent time in the intensive care unit (ICU) during their hospital stay and 65% of those patients received a PPI without a valid indication, as compared to 59% of patients who remained on the General Medicine ward (Table 3).

Patients Receiving PPIs With and Without a Valid Indication
 DH (N = 9875)UHC (N = 6,592,100)
  • Abbreviations: DH, Denver Health; ICU, intensive care unit; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; UHC, University HealthSystem Consortium.

  • From International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD‐9) codes at time of discharge.

  • P value 0.001.

Patients receiving PPIs (% of total)3962 (40)918,474 (14)
Any ICU stay, N (% of all patients)1238 (31) 
General Medicine ward only, N (% of all patients)2724 (69) 
Patients with indication for PPI (% of all patients receiving PPIs)*1540 (39)247,142 (27)
Any ICU stay, N (% of all ICU patients)434 (35) 
General Medicine ward only, N (% of all ward patients)1106 (41) 
Patients without indication for PPI (% of those receiving PPIs)*2422 (61)671,332 (73)
Any ICU stay, N (% of all ICU patients)804 (65) 
General Medicine ward only, N (% of all ward patients)1618 (59) 

Higher rates of concurrent C. difficile infections were observed in patients receiving PPIs in both databases; a higher rate of concurrent diagnosis of pneumonia was seen in patients receiving PPIs in the UHC population, with a nonsignificant trend towards the same finding in DH patients (Table 4).

Incidence of Pneumonia and Clostridium difficile Infection
 Denver HealthUHC
Concurrent diagnosis(+) PPI 3962() PPI 5913P(+) PPI 918,474() PPI 5,673,626P
  • NOTE: After Bonferroni correction, P value < 0.01 is statistically significant.

  • Abbreviations: PPI, proton pump inhibitor; UHC, University HealthSystem Consortium.

C. difficile46 (1.16)26 (0.44)<0.000112,113 (1.32)175 (0.0031)<0.0001
Pneumonia400 (10.1)517 (8.7)0.023275,274 (8.2)300,557 (5.3)<0.0001

Chart review in the DH population found valid indications for PPIs in 19% of patients who were thought not have a valid indication on the basis of the administrative data (Table 5). For 56% of those in whom no valid indication was confirmed, physicians identified prophylaxis as the justification.

Chart Review of 123 (5%) DH Patients Receiving PPI Without Valid Indication
CharacteristicN (%)
  • Abbreviations: DH, Denver Health; PPI, proton pump inhibitor.

Valid indication found on chart review only23 (19)
No valid indication after chart review100 (81)
Written indication: prophylaxis56 (56)
No written documentation of indication present in the chart33 (33)
Written indication: continue home medication9 (9)
Intubated with or without written indication of prophylaxis16 (16)


The important finding of this study was that the majority of patients in 2 large groups of Medicine patients hospitalized in university‐affiliated hospitals received PPIs without having a valid indication. To our knowledge, the more than 900,000 UHC patients who received a PPI during their hospitalization represent the largest inpatient population evaluated for appropriateness of PPI prescriptions.

Our finding that 41% of the patients admitted to the DH Medicine service received a PPI during their hospital stay is similar to what has been observed by others.9, 14, 22 The rate of PPI prescription was lower in the UHC population (14%) for unclear reasons. By our definition, 61% lacked an adequate diagnosis to justify the prescription of the PPI. After performing a chart review on a randomly selected 5% of these records, we found that the DH administrative database had failed to identify 19% of patients who had a valid indication for receiving a PPI. Adjusting the administrative data accordingly still resulted in 50% of DH patients not having a valid indication for receiving a PPI. This is consistent with the 54% recorded by Batuwitage and colleagues11 in the outpatient setting by direct chart review, as well as a range of 60%‐75% for hospitalized patients in other studies.12, 13, 15, 23, 24

Stomach acidity is believed to provide an important host defense against lower gastrointestinal tract infections including Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Clostridium difficile.25 A recent study by Howell et al26 showed a doseresponse effect between PPI use and C. difficile infection, supporting a causal connection between loss of stomach acidity and development of Clostridium difficile‐associated diarrhea (CDAD). We found that C. difficile infection was more common in both populations of patients receiving PPIs (although the relative risk was much higher in the UHC database) (Table 5). The rate of CDAD in DH patients who received PPIs was 2.6 times higher than in patients who did not receive these acid suppressive agents.

The role of acid suppression in increasing risk for community‐acquired pneumonia is not entirely clear. Theories regarding the loss of an important host defense and bacterial proliferation head the list.6, 8, 27 Gastric and duodenal bacterial overgrowth is significantly more common in patients receiving PPIs than in patients receiving histamine type‐2 (H2) blockers.28 Previous studies have identified an increased rate of hospital‐acquired pneumonia and recurrent community‐acquired pneumonia27 in patients receiving any form of acid suppression therapy, but the risk appears to be greater in patients receiving PPIs than in those receiving H2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs).9 Significantly more patients in the UHC population who were taking PPIs had a concurrent diagnosis of pneumonia, consistent with previous studies alerting to this association6, 8, 9, 27 and consistent with the nonsignificant trend observed in the DH population.

Our study has a number of limitations. Our database comes from a single university‐affiliated public hospital with residents and hospitalists writing orders for all medications. The hospitals in the UHC are also teaching hospitals. Accordingly, our results might not generalize to other settings or reflect prescribing patterns in private, nonteaching hospital environments. Because our study was retrospective, we could not confirm the decision‐making process supporting the prescription of PPIs. Similarly, we could not temporarily relate the existence of the indication with the time the PPI was prescribed. Our list of appropriate indications for prescribing PPIs was developed by reviewing a number of references, and other studies have used slightly different lists (albeit the more commonly recognized indications are the same), but it may be argued that the list either includes or misses diagnoses in error.

While there is considerable debate about the use of PPIs for stress ulcer prophylaxis,29 we specifically chose not to include this as one of our valid indications for PPIs for 4 reasons. First, the American Society of Health‐System Pharmacists (ASHP) Report does not recommend prophylaxis for non‐ICU patients, and only recommends prophylaxis for those ICU patients with a coagulopathy, those requiring mechanical ventilation for more than 48 hours, those with a history of gastrointestinal ulceration or bleeding in the year prior to admission, and those with 2 or more of the following indications: sepsis, ICU stay >1 week, occult bleeding lasting 6 or more days, receiving high‐dose corticosteroids, and selected surgical situations.30 At the time the guideline was written, the authors note that there was insufficient data on PPIs to make any recommendations on their use, but no subsequent guidelines have been issued.30 Second, a review by Mohebbi and Hesch published in 2009, and a meta‐analysis by Lin and colleagues published in 2010, summarize subsequent randomized trials that suggest that PPIs and H2 blockers are, at best, similarly effective at preventing upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding among critically ill patients.31, 32 Third, the NICE guidelines do not include stress ulcer prophylaxis as an appropriate indication for PPIs except in the prevention and treatment of NSAID [non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug]‐associated ulcers.19 Finally, H2RAs are currently the only medications with an FDA‐approved indication for stress ulcer prophylaxis. We acknowledge that PPIs may be a reasonable and acceptable choice for stress ulcer prophylaxis in patients who meet indications, but we were unable to identify such patients in either of our administrative databases.

In our Denver Health population, only 31% of our patients spent any time in the intensive care unit, and only a fraction of these would have both an accepted indication for stress ulcer prophylaxis by the ASHP guidelines and an intolerance or contraindication to an H2RA or sulcralfate. While our administrative database lacked the detail necessary to identify this small group of patients, the number of patients who might have been misclassified as not having a valid PPI indication was likely very small. Similar to the findings of previous studies,15, 18, 23, 29 prophylaxis against gastrointestinal bleeding was the stated justification for prescribing the PPI in 56% of the DH patient charts reviewed. It is impossible for us to estimate the number of patients in our administrative database for whom stress ulcer prophylaxis was justified by existing guidelines, as it would be necessary to gather a number of specific clinical details for each patient including: 1) ICU stay; 2) presence of coagulopathy; 3) duration of mechanical ventilation; 4) presence of sepsis; 5) duration of ICU stay; 6) presence of occult bleeding for >6 days; and 7) use of high‐dose corticosteroids. This level of clinical detail would likely only be available through a prospective study design, as has been suggested by other authors.33 Further research into the use, safety, and effectiveness of PPIs specifically for stress ulcer prophylaxis is warranted.

In conclusion, we found that 73% of nearly 1 million Medicine patients discharged from academic medical centers received a PPI without a valid indication during their hospitalization. The implications of our findings are broad. PPIs are more expensive31 than H2RAs and there is increasing evidence that they have significant side effects. In both databases we examined, the rate of C. difficile infection was higher in patients receiving PPIs than others. The prescribing habits of physicians in these university hospital settings appear to be far out of line with published guidelines and evidence‐based practice. Reducing inappropriate prescribing of PPIs would be an important educational and quality assurance project in most institutions.

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  32. Lin PC,Chang CH,Hsu PI,Tseng PL,Huang YB.The efficacy and safety of proton pump inhibitors vs histamine‐2 receptor antagonists for stress ulcer bleeding prophylaxis among critical care patients: a meta‐analysis.Crit Care Med.2010;38(4):11971205.
  33. Pongprasobchai S,Kridkratoke S,Nopmaneejumruslers C.Proton pump inhibitors for the prevention of stress‐related mucosal disease in critically‐ill patients: a meta‐analysis.J Med Assoc Thai.2009;92(5):632637.
  34. Yachimski PS,Farrell EA,Hunt DP,Reid AE.Proton pump inhibitors for prophylaxis of nosocomial upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding: effect of standardized guidelines on prescribing practice.Arch Intern Med.2010;170(9):779783.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(5)
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Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the third most commonly prescribed class of medication in the United States, with $13.6 billion in yearly sales.1 Despite their effectiveness in treating acid reflux2 and their mortality benefit in the treatment of patients with gastrointestinal bleeding,3 recent literature has identified a number of risks associated with PPIs, including an increased incidence of Clostridium difficile infection,4 decreased effectiveness of clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome,5 increased risk of community‐ and hospital‐acquired pneumonia, and an increased risk of hip fracture.69 Additionally, in March of 2011, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning regarding the potential for PPIs to cause low magnesium levels which can, in turn, cause muscle spasms, an irregular heartbeat, and convulsions.10

Inappropriate PPI prescription practice has been demonstrated in the primary care setting,11 as well as in small studies conducted in the hospital setting.1216 We hypothesized that many hospitalized patients receive these medications without having an accepted indication, and examined 2 populations of hospitalized patients, including administrative data from 6.5 million discharges from US university hospitals, to look for appropriate diagnoses justifying their use.


We performed a retrospective review of administrative data collected between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009 from 2 patient populations: (a) those discharged from Denver Health (DH), a university‐affiliated public safety net hospital in Denver, CO; and (b) patients discharged from 112 academic health centers and 256 of their affiliated hospitals that participate in the University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC). The Colorado Multiple Institution Review Board reviewed and approved the conduct of this study.

Inclusion criteria for both populations were age >18 or <90 years, and hospitalization on a Medicine service. Prisoners and women known to be pregnant were excluded. In both cohorts, if patients had more than 1 admission during the 2‐year study period, only data from the first admission were used.

We recorded demographics, admitting diagnosis, and discharge diagnoses together with information pertaining to the name, route, and duration of administration of all PPIs (ie, omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomeprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole). We created a broadly inclusive set of valid indications for PPIs by incorporating diagnoses that could be identified by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision.

(ICD‐9) codes from a number of previously published sources including the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines issued by the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom in 200012, 1721 (Table 1).

Valid Indications for Proton Pump Inhibitors
IndicationICD‐9 Code
  • NOTE: Stress ulcer prophylaxis was not included in the list due to methodological limitations.

  • Abbreviations: ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision.

Helicobacter pylori041.86
Abnormality of secretion of gastrin251.5
Esophageal varices with bleeding456.0
Esophageal varices without mention of bleeding456.1
Esophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere456.2
Perforation of esophagus530.4
Gastroesophageal laceration‐hemorrhage syndrome530.7
Esophageal reflux530.81
Barrett's esophagus530.85
Gastric ulcer531.0031.91
Duodenal ulcer532.00532.91
Peptic ulcer, site unspecified533.00533.91
Gastritis and duodenitis535.00535.71
Dyspepsia and other specified disorders of function of stomach536.8
Hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract, unspecified578.9

To assess the accuracy of the administrative data from DH, we also reviewed the Emergency Department histories, admission histories, progress notes, electronic pharmacy records, endoscopy reports, and discharge summaries of 123 patients randomly selected (ie, a 5% sample) from the group of patients identified by administrative data to have received a PPI without a valid indication, looking for any accepted indication that might have been missed in the administrative data.

All analyses were performed using SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). A Student t test was used to compare continuous variables and a chi‐square test was used to compare categorical variables. Bonferroni corrections were used for multiple comparisons, such that P values less than 0.01 were considered to be significant for categorical variables.


Inclusion criteria were met by 9875 patients in the Denver Health database and 6,592,100 patients in the UHC database. The demographics and primary discharge diagnoses for these patients are summarized in Table 2.

Admission Characteristics of Denver Health and UHC Study Population
DH (N = 9875)UHC (N = 6,592,100)
 Received a PPINo PPI Received a PPINo PPI
  • Abbreviations: DH, Denver Health; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; UHC, University HealthSystem Consortium.

No. (%)3962 (40)5913 (60) 918,474 (14)5,673,626 (86)
Age (mean SD)53 1551 16 59 1755 18
Gender (% male)2197 (55)3438 (58) 464,552 (51)2,882,577 (51)
Race (% white)1610 (41)2425 (41) 619,571 (67)3,670,450 (65)
Top 5 primary discharge diagnoses     
Chest pain229 (6)462 (8)Coronary atherosclerosis35,470 (4)186,321 (3)
Alcohol withdrawal147 (4)174 (3)Acute myocardial infarction26,507 (3)132,159 (2)
Pneumonia, organism unspecified142 (4)262 (4)Heart failure21,143 (2)103,751 (2)
Acute pancreatitis132 (3)106 (2)Septicemia20,345 (2)64,915 (1)
Obstructive chronic bronchitis with (acute) exacerbation89 (2)154 (3)Chest pain16,936 (2)107,497 (2)

Only 39% and 27% of the patients in the DH and UHC databases, respectively, had a valid indication for PPIs on the basis of discharge diagnoses (Table 3). In the DH data, if admission ICD‐9 codes were also inspected for valid PPI indications, 1579 (40%) of patients receiving PPIs had a valid indication (admission ICD‐9 codes were not available for patients in the UHC database). Thirty‐one percent of Denver Health patients spent time in the intensive care unit (ICU) during their hospital stay and 65% of those patients received a PPI without a valid indication, as compared to 59% of patients who remained on the General Medicine ward (Table 3).

Patients Receiving PPIs With and Without a Valid Indication
 DH (N = 9875)UHC (N = 6,592,100)
  • Abbreviations: DH, Denver Health; ICU, intensive care unit; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; UHC, University HealthSystem Consortium.

  • From International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD‐9) codes at time of discharge.

  • P value 0.001.

Patients receiving PPIs (% of total)3962 (40)918,474 (14)
Any ICU stay, N (% of all patients)1238 (31) 
General Medicine ward only, N (% of all patients)2724 (69) 
Patients with indication for PPI (% of all patients receiving PPIs)*1540 (39)247,142 (27)
Any ICU stay, N (% of all ICU patients)434 (35) 
General Medicine ward only, N (% of all ward patients)1106 (41) 
Patients without indication for PPI (% of those receiving PPIs)*2422 (61)671,332 (73)
Any ICU stay, N (% of all ICU patients)804 (65) 
General Medicine ward only, N (% of all ward patients)1618 (59) 

Higher rates of concurrent C. difficile infections were observed in patients receiving PPIs in both databases; a higher rate of concurrent diagnosis of pneumonia was seen in patients receiving PPIs in the UHC population, with a nonsignificant trend towards the same finding in DH patients (Table 4).

Incidence of Pneumonia and Clostridium difficile Infection
 Denver HealthUHC
Concurrent diagnosis(+) PPI 3962() PPI 5913P(+) PPI 918,474() PPI 5,673,626P
  • NOTE: After Bonferroni correction, P value < 0.01 is statistically significant.

  • Abbreviations: PPI, proton pump inhibitor; UHC, University HealthSystem Consortium.

C. difficile46 (1.16)26 (0.44)<0.000112,113 (1.32)175 (0.0031)<0.0001
Pneumonia400 (10.1)517 (8.7)0.023275,274 (8.2)300,557 (5.3)<0.0001

Chart review in the DH population found valid indications for PPIs in 19% of patients who were thought not have a valid indication on the basis of the administrative data (Table 5). For 56% of those in whom no valid indication was confirmed, physicians identified prophylaxis as the justification.

Chart Review of 123 (5%) DH Patients Receiving PPI Without Valid Indication
CharacteristicN (%)
  • Abbreviations: DH, Denver Health; PPI, proton pump inhibitor.

Valid indication found on chart review only23 (19)
No valid indication after chart review100 (81)
Written indication: prophylaxis56 (56)
No written documentation of indication present in the chart33 (33)
Written indication: continue home medication9 (9)
Intubated with or without written indication of prophylaxis16 (16)


The important finding of this study was that the majority of patients in 2 large groups of Medicine patients hospitalized in university‐affiliated hospitals received PPIs without having a valid indication. To our knowledge, the more than 900,000 UHC patients who received a PPI during their hospitalization represent the largest inpatient population evaluated for appropriateness of PPI prescriptions.

Our finding that 41% of the patients admitted to the DH Medicine service received a PPI during their hospital stay is similar to what has been observed by others.9, 14, 22 The rate of PPI prescription was lower in the UHC population (14%) for unclear reasons. By our definition, 61% lacked an adequate diagnosis to justify the prescription of the PPI. After performing a chart review on a randomly selected 5% of these records, we found that the DH administrative database had failed to identify 19% of patients who had a valid indication for receiving a PPI. Adjusting the administrative data accordingly still resulted in 50% of DH patients not having a valid indication for receiving a PPI. This is consistent with the 54% recorded by Batuwitage and colleagues11 in the outpatient setting by direct chart review, as well as a range of 60%‐75% for hospitalized patients in other studies.12, 13, 15, 23, 24

Stomach acidity is believed to provide an important host defense against lower gastrointestinal tract infections including Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Clostridium difficile.25 A recent study by Howell et al26 showed a doseresponse effect between PPI use and C. difficile infection, supporting a causal connection between loss of stomach acidity and development of Clostridium difficile‐associated diarrhea (CDAD). We found that C. difficile infection was more common in both populations of patients receiving PPIs (although the relative risk was much higher in the UHC database) (Table 5). The rate of CDAD in DH patients who received PPIs was 2.6 times higher than in patients who did not receive these acid suppressive agents.

The role of acid suppression in increasing risk for community‐acquired pneumonia is not entirely clear. Theories regarding the loss of an important host defense and bacterial proliferation head the list.6, 8, 27 Gastric and duodenal bacterial overgrowth is significantly more common in patients receiving PPIs than in patients receiving histamine type‐2 (H2) blockers.28 Previous studies have identified an increased rate of hospital‐acquired pneumonia and recurrent community‐acquired pneumonia27 in patients receiving any form of acid suppression therapy, but the risk appears to be greater in patients receiving PPIs than in those receiving H2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs).9 Significantly more patients in the UHC population who were taking PPIs had a concurrent diagnosis of pneumonia, consistent with previous studies alerting to this association6, 8, 9, 27 and consistent with the nonsignificant trend observed in the DH population.

Our study has a number of limitations. Our database comes from a single university‐affiliated public hospital with residents and hospitalists writing orders for all medications. The hospitals in the UHC are also teaching hospitals. Accordingly, our results might not generalize to other settings or reflect prescribing patterns in private, nonteaching hospital environments. Because our study was retrospective, we could not confirm the decision‐making process supporting the prescription of PPIs. Similarly, we could not temporarily relate the existence of the indication with the time the PPI was prescribed. Our list of appropriate indications for prescribing PPIs was developed by reviewing a number of references, and other studies have used slightly different lists (albeit the more commonly recognized indications are the same), but it may be argued that the list either includes or misses diagnoses in error.

While there is considerable debate about the use of PPIs for stress ulcer prophylaxis,29 we specifically chose not to include this as one of our valid indications for PPIs for 4 reasons. First, the American Society of Health‐System Pharmacists (ASHP) Report does not recommend prophylaxis for non‐ICU patients, and only recommends prophylaxis for those ICU patients with a coagulopathy, those requiring mechanical ventilation for more than 48 hours, those with a history of gastrointestinal ulceration or bleeding in the year prior to admission, and those with 2 or more of the following indications: sepsis, ICU stay >1 week, occult bleeding lasting 6 or more days, receiving high‐dose corticosteroids, and selected surgical situations.30 At the time the guideline was written, the authors note that there was insufficient data on PPIs to make any recommendations on their use, but no subsequent guidelines have been issued.30 Second, a review by Mohebbi and Hesch published in 2009, and a meta‐analysis by Lin and colleagues published in 2010, summarize subsequent randomized trials that suggest that PPIs and H2 blockers are, at best, similarly effective at preventing upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding among critically ill patients.31, 32 Third, the NICE guidelines do not include stress ulcer prophylaxis as an appropriate indication for PPIs except in the prevention and treatment of NSAID [non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug]‐associated ulcers.19 Finally, H2RAs are currently the only medications with an FDA‐approved indication for stress ulcer prophylaxis. We acknowledge that PPIs may be a reasonable and acceptable choice for stress ulcer prophylaxis in patients who meet indications, but we were unable to identify such patients in either of our administrative databases.

In our Denver Health population, only 31% of our patients spent any time in the intensive care unit, and only a fraction of these would have both an accepted indication for stress ulcer prophylaxis by the ASHP guidelines and an intolerance or contraindication to an H2RA or sulcralfate. While our administrative database lacked the detail necessary to identify this small group of patients, the number of patients who might have been misclassified as not having a valid PPI indication was likely very small. Similar to the findings of previous studies,15, 18, 23, 29 prophylaxis against gastrointestinal bleeding was the stated justification for prescribing the PPI in 56% of the DH patient charts reviewed. It is impossible for us to estimate the number of patients in our administrative database for whom stress ulcer prophylaxis was justified by existing guidelines, as it would be necessary to gather a number of specific clinical details for each patient including: 1) ICU stay; 2) presence of coagulopathy; 3) duration of mechanical ventilation; 4) presence of sepsis; 5) duration of ICU stay; 6) presence of occult bleeding for >6 days; and 7) use of high‐dose corticosteroids. This level of clinical detail would likely only be available through a prospective study design, as has been suggested by other authors.33 Further research into the use, safety, and effectiveness of PPIs specifically for stress ulcer prophylaxis is warranted.

In conclusion, we found that 73% of nearly 1 million Medicine patients discharged from academic medical centers received a PPI without a valid indication during their hospitalization. The implications of our findings are broad. PPIs are more expensive31 than H2RAs and there is increasing evidence that they have significant side effects. In both databases we examined, the rate of C. difficile infection was higher in patients receiving PPIs than others. The prescribing habits of physicians in these university hospital settings appear to be far out of line with published guidelines and evidence‐based practice. Reducing inappropriate prescribing of PPIs would be an important educational and quality assurance project in most institutions.

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the third most commonly prescribed class of medication in the United States, with $13.6 billion in yearly sales.1 Despite their effectiveness in treating acid reflux2 and their mortality benefit in the treatment of patients with gastrointestinal bleeding,3 recent literature has identified a number of risks associated with PPIs, including an increased incidence of Clostridium difficile infection,4 decreased effectiveness of clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome,5 increased risk of community‐ and hospital‐acquired pneumonia, and an increased risk of hip fracture.69 Additionally, in March of 2011, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning regarding the potential for PPIs to cause low magnesium levels which can, in turn, cause muscle spasms, an irregular heartbeat, and convulsions.10

Inappropriate PPI prescription practice has been demonstrated in the primary care setting,11 as well as in small studies conducted in the hospital setting.1216 We hypothesized that many hospitalized patients receive these medications without having an accepted indication, and examined 2 populations of hospitalized patients, including administrative data from 6.5 million discharges from US university hospitals, to look for appropriate diagnoses justifying their use.


We performed a retrospective review of administrative data collected between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2009 from 2 patient populations: (a) those discharged from Denver Health (DH), a university‐affiliated public safety net hospital in Denver, CO; and (b) patients discharged from 112 academic health centers and 256 of their affiliated hospitals that participate in the University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC). The Colorado Multiple Institution Review Board reviewed and approved the conduct of this study.

Inclusion criteria for both populations were age >18 or <90 years, and hospitalization on a Medicine service. Prisoners and women known to be pregnant were excluded. In both cohorts, if patients had more than 1 admission during the 2‐year study period, only data from the first admission were used.

We recorded demographics, admitting diagnosis, and discharge diagnoses together with information pertaining to the name, route, and duration of administration of all PPIs (ie, omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomeprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole). We created a broadly inclusive set of valid indications for PPIs by incorporating diagnoses that could be identified by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision.

(ICD‐9) codes from a number of previously published sources including the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines issued by the National Health Service (NHS) of the United Kingdom in 200012, 1721 (Table 1).

Valid Indications for Proton Pump Inhibitors
IndicationICD‐9 Code
  • NOTE: Stress ulcer prophylaxis was not included in the list due to methodological limitations.

  • Abbreviations: ICD‐9, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision.

Helicobacter pylori041.86
Abnormality of secretion of gastrin251.5
Esophageal varices with bleeding456.0
Esophageal varices without mention of bleeding456.1
Esophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere456.2
Perforation of esophagus530.4
Gastroesophageal laceration‐hemorrhage syndrome530.7
Esophageal reflux530.81
Barrett's esophagus530.85
Gastric ulcer531.0031.91
Duodenal ulcer532.00532.91
Peptic ulcer, site unspecified533.00533.91
Gastritis and duodenitis535.00535.71
Dyspepsia and other specified disorders of function of stomach536.8
Hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract, unspecified578.9

To assess the accuracy of the administrative data from DH, we also reviewed the Emergency Department histories, admission histories, progress notes, electronic pharmacy records, endoscopy reports, and discharge summaries of 123 patients randomly selected (ie, a 5% sample) from the group of patients identified by administrative data to have received a PPI without a valid indication, looking for any accepted indication that might have been missed in the administrative data.

All analyses were performed using SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). A Student t test was used to compare continuous variables and a chi‐square test was used to compare categorical variables. Bonferroni corrections were used for multiple comparisons, such that P values less than 0.01 were considered to be significant for categorical variables.


Inclusion criteria were met by 9875 patients in the Denver Health database and 6,592,100 patients in the UHC database. The demographics and primary discharge diagnoses for these patients are summarized in Table 2.

Admission Characteristics of Denver Health and UHC Study Population
DH (N = 9875)UHC (N = 6,592,100)
 Received a PPINo PPI Received a PPINo PPI
  • Abbreviations: DH, Denver Health; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; UHC, University HealthSystem Consortium.

No. (%)3962 (40)5913 (60) 918,474 (14)5,673,626 (86)
Age (mean SD)53 1551 16 59 1755 18
Gender (% male)2197 (55)3438 (58) 464,552 (51)2,882,577 (51)
Race (% white)1610 (41)2425 (41) 619,571 (67)3,670,450 (65)
Top 5 primary discharge diagnoses     
Chest pain229 (6)462 (8)Coronary atherosclerosis35,470 (4)186,321 (3)
Alcohol withdrawal147 (4)174 (3)Acute myocardial infarction26,507 (3)132,159 (2)
Pneumonia, organism unspecified142 (4)262 (4)Heart failure21,143 (2)103,751 (2)
Acute pancreatitis132 (3)106 (2)Septicemia20,345 (2)64,915 (1)
Obstructive chronic bronchitis with (acute) exacerbation89 (2)154 (3)Chest pain16,936 (2)107,497 (2)

Only 39% and 27% of the patients in the DH and UHC databases, respectively, had a valid indication for PPIs on the basis of discharge diagnoses (Table 3). In the DH data, if admission ICD‐9 codes were also inspected for valid PPI indications, 1579 (40%) of patients receiving PPIs had a valid indication (admission ICD‐9 codes were not available for patients in the UHC database). Thirty‐one percent of Denver Health patients spent time in the intensive care unit (ICU) during their hospital stay and 65% of those patients received a PPI without a valid indication, as compared to 59% of patients who remained on the General Medicine ward (Table 3).

Patients Receiving PPIs With and Without a Valid Indication
 DH (N = 9875)UHC (N = 6,592,100)
  • Abbreviations: DH, Denver Health; ICU, intensive care unit; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; UHC, University HealthSystem Consortium.

  • From International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD‐9) codes at time of discharge.

  • P value 0.001.

Patients receiving PPIs (% of total)3962 (40)918,474 (14)
Any ICU stay, N (% of all patients)1238 (31) 
General Medicine ward only, N (% of all patients)2724 (69) 
Patients with indication for PPI (% of all patients receiving PPIs)*1540 (39)247,142 (27)
Any ICU stay, N (% of all ICU patients)434 (35) 
General Medicine ward only, N (% of all ward patients)1106 (41) 
Patients without indication for PPI (% of those receiving PPIs)*2422 (61)671,332 (73)
Any ICU stay, N (% of all ICU patients)804 (65) 
General Medicine ward only, N (% of all ward patients)1618 (59) 

Higher rates of concurrent C. difficile infections were observed in patients receiving PPIs in both databases; a higher rate of concurrent diagnosis of pneumonia was seen in patients receiving PPIs in the UHC population, with a nonsignificant trend towards the same finding in DH patients (Table 4).

Incidence of Pneumonia and Clostridium difficile Infection
 Denver HealthUHC
Concurrent diagnosis(+) PPI 3962() PPI 5913P(+) PPI 918,474() PPI 5,673,626P
  • NOTE: After Bonferroni correction, P value < 0.01 is statistically significant.

  • Abbreviations: PPI, proton pump inhibitor; UHC, University HealthSystem Consortium.

C. difficile46 (1.16)26 (0.44)<0.000112,113 (1.32)175 (0.0031)<0.0001
Pneumonia400 (10.1)517 (8.7)0.023275,274 (8.2)300,557 (5.3)<0.0001

Chart review in the DH population found valid indications for PPIs in 19% of patients who were thought not have a valid indication on the basis of the administrative data (Table 5). For 56% of those in whom no valid indication was confirmed, physicians identified prophylaxis as the justification.

Chart Review of 123 (5%) DH Patients Receiving PPI Without Valid Indication
CharacteristicN (%)
  • Abbreviations: DH, Denver Health; PPI, proton pump inhibitor.

Valid indication found on chart review only23 (19)
No valid indication after chart review100 (81)
Written indication: prophylaxis56 (56)
No written documentation of indication present in the chart33 (33)
Written indication: continue home medication9 (9)
Intubated with or without written indication of prophylaxis16 (16)


The important finding of this study was that the majority of patients in 2 large groups of Medicine patients hospitalized in university‐affiliated hospitals received PPIs without having a valid indication. To our knowledge, the more than 900,000 UHC patients who received a PPI during their hospitalization represent the largest inpatient population evaluated for appropriateness of PPI prescriptions.

Our finding that 41% of the patients admitted to the DH Medicine service received a PPI during their hospital stay is similar to what has been observed by others.9, 14, 22 The rate of PPI prescription was lower in the UHC population (14%) for unclear reasons. By our definition, 61% lacked an adequate diagnosis to justify the prescription of the PPI. After performing a chart review on a randomly selected 5% of these records, we found that the DH administrative database had failed to identify 19% of patients who had a valid indication for receiving a PPI. Adjusting the administrative data accordingly still resulted in 50% of DH patients not having a valid indication for receiving a PPI. This is consistent with the 54% recorded by Batuwitage and colleagues11 in the outpatient setting by direct chart review, as well as a range of 60%‐75% for hospitalized patients in other studies.12, 13, 15, 23, 24

Stomach acidity is believed to provide an important host defense against lower gastrointestinal tract infections including Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Clostridium difficile.25 A recent study by Howell et al26 showed a doseresponse effect between PPI use and C. difficile infection, supporting a causal connection between loss of stomach acidity and development of Clostridium difficile‐associated diarrhea (CDAD). We found that C. difficile infection was more common in both populations of patients receiving PPIs (although the relative risk was much higher in the UHC database) (Table 5). The rate of CDAD in DH patients who received PPIs was 2.6 times higher than in patients who did not receive these acid suppressive agents.

The role of acid suppression in increasing risk for community‐acquired pneumonia is not entirely clear. Theories regarding the loss of an important host defense and bacterial proliferation head the list.6, 8, 27 Gastric and duodenal bacterial overgrowth is significantly more common in patients receiving PPIs than in patients receiving histamine type‐2 (H2) blockers.28 Previous studies have identified an increased rate of hospital‐acquired pneumonia and recurrent community‐acquired pneumonia27 in patients receiving any form of acid suppression therapy, but the risk appears to be greater in patients receiving PPIs than in those receiving H2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs).9 Significantly more patients in the UHC population who were taking PPIs had a concurrent diagnosis of pneumonia, consistent with previous studies alerting to this association6, 8, 9, 27 and consistent with the nonsignificant trend observed in the DH population.

Our study has a number of limitations. Our database comes from a single university‐affiliated public hospital with residents and hospitalists writing orders for all medications. The hospitals in the UHC are also teaching hospitals. Accordingly, our results might not generalize to other settings or reflect prescribing patterns in private, nonteaching hospital environments. Because our study was retrospective, we could not confirm the decision‐making process supporting the prescription of PPIs. Similarly, we could not temporarily relate the existence of the indication with the time the PPI was prescribed. Our list of appropriate indications for prescribing PPIs was developed by reviewing a number of references, and other studies have used slightly different lists (albeit the more commonly recognized indications are the same), but it may be argued that the list either includes or misses diagnoses in error.

While there is considerable debate about the use of PPIs for stress ulcer prophylaxis,29 we specifically chose not to include this as one of our valid indications for PPIs for 4 reasons. First, the American Society of Health‐System Pharmacists (ASHP) Report does not recommend prophylaxis for non‐ICU patients, and only recommends prophylaxis for those ICU patients with a coagulopathy, those requiring mechanical ventilation for more than 48 hours, those with a history of gastrointestinal ulceration or bleeding in the year prior to admission, and those with 2 or more of the following indications: sepsis, ICU stay >1 week, occult bleeding lasting 6 or more days, receiving high‐dose corticosteroids, and selected surgical situations.30 At the time the guideline was written, the authors note that there was insufficient data on PPIs to make any recommendations on their use, but no subsequent guidelines have been issued.30 Second, a review by Mohebbi and Hesch published in 2009, and a meta‐analysis by Lin and colleagues published in 2010, summarize subsequent randomized trials that suggest that PPIs and H2 blockers are, at best, similarly effective at preventing upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding among critically ill patients.31, 32 Third, the NICE guidelines do not include stress ulcer prophylaxis as an appropriate indication for PPIs except in the prevention and treatment of NSAID [non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drug]‐associated ulcers.19 Finally, H2RAs are currently the only medications with an FDA‐approved indication for stress ulcer prophylaxis. We acknowledge that PPIs may be a reasonable and acceptable choice for stress ulcer prophylaxis in patients who meet indications, but we were unable to identify such patients in either of our administrative databases.

In our Denver Health population, only 31% of our patients spent any time in the intensive care unit, and only a fraction of these would have both an accepted indication for stress ulcer prophylaxis by the ASHP guidelines and an intolerance or contraindication to an H2RA or sulcralfate. While our administrative database lacked the detail necessary to identify this small group of patients, the number of patients who might have been misclassified as not having a valid PPI indication was likely very small. Similar to the findings of previous studies,15, 18, 23, 29 prophylaxis against gastrointestinal bleeding was the stated justification for prescribing the PPI in 56% of the DH patient charts reviewed. It is impossible for us to estimate the number of patients in our administrative database for whom stress ulcer prophylaxis was justified by existing guidelines, as it would be necessary to gather a number of specific clinical details for each patient including: 1) ICU stay; 2) presence of coagulopathy; 3) duration of mechanical ventilation; 4) presence of sepsis; 5) duration of ICU stay; 6) presence of occult bleeding for >6 days; and 7) use of high‐dose corticosteroids. This level of clinical detail would likely only be available through a prospective study design, as has been suggested by other authors.33 Further research into the use, safety, and effectiveness of PPIs specifically for stress ulcer prophylaxis is warranted.

In conclusion, we found that 73% of nearly 1 million Medicine patients discharged from academic medical centers received a PPI without a valid indication during their hospitalization. The implications of our findings are broad. PPIs are more expensive31 than H2RAs and there is increasing evidence that they have significant side effects. In both databases we examined, the rate of C. difficile infection was higher in patients receiving PPIs than others. The prescribing habits of physicians in these university hospital settings appear to be far out of line with published guidelines and evidence‐based practice. Reducing inappropriate prescribing of PPIs would be an important educational and quality assurance project in most institutions.

  1. IMS Health Web site. Available at:‐line%20Market%20Data/2009%20Top‐line%20Market%20Data/Top%20Therapy%20Classes%20by%20U.S.Sales.pdf. Accessed May 1,2011.
  2. Bate CM,Keeling PW, O'Morain C, et al.Comparison of omeprazole and cimetidine in reflux oesophagitis: symptomatic, endoscopic, and histological evaluations.Gut.1990;31(9):968972.
  3. Lau JY,Leung WK,Wu JC, et al.Omeprazole before endoscopy in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding.N Engl J Med.2007;356(16):16311640.
  4. Dial S,Delaney JA,Barkun AN,Suissa S.Use of gastric acid‐suppressive agents and the risk of community‐acquired Clostridium difficile‐associated disease.JAMA.2005;294(23):29892995.
  5. Ho PM,Maddox TM,Wang L, et al.Risk of adverse outcomes associated with concomitant use of clopidogrel and proton pump inhibitors following acute coronary syndrome.JAMA.2009;301(9):937944.
  6. Laheij RJ,Sturkenboom MC,Hassing RJ,Dieleman J,Stricker BH,Jansen JB.Risk of community‐acquired pneumonia and use of gastric acid‐suppressive drugs.JAMA.2004;292(16):19551960.
  7. Yang YX,Lewis JD,Epstein S,Metz DC.Long‐term proton pump inhibitor therapy and risk of hip fracture.JAMA2006;296(24):29472953.
  8. Gulmez SE,Holm A,Frederiksen H,Jensen TG,Pedersen C,Hallas J.Use of proton pump inhibitors and the risk of community‐acquired pneumonia: a population‐based case‐control study.Arch Intern Med.2007;167(9):950955.
  9. Herzig SJ,Howell MD,Ngo LH,Marcantonio ER.Acid‐suppressive medication use and the risk for hospital‐acquired pneumonia.JAMA.2009;301(20):21202128.
  10. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Website. Available at: HumanMedicalProducts/ucm245275.htm. Accessed March 2,2011.
  11. Batuwitage BT,Kingham JG,Morgan NE,Bartlett RL.Inappropriate prescribing of proton pump inhibitors in primary care.Postgrad Med J.2007;83(975):6668.
  12. Grube RR,May DB.Stress ulcer prophylaxis in hospitalized patients not in intensive care units.Am J Health Syst Pharm.2007;64(13):13961400.
  13. Afif W,Alsulaiman R,Martel M,Barkun AN.Predictors of inappropriate utilization of intravenous proton pump inhibitors.Aliment Pharmacol Ther.2007;25(5):609615.
  14. Nardino RJ,Vender RJ,Herbert PN.Overuse of acid‐suppressive therapy in hospitalized patients.Am J Gastroenterol.2000;95(11):31183122.
  15. Eid SM,Boueiz A,Paranji S,Mativo C,Landis R,Abougergi MS.Patterns and predictors of proton pump inhibitor overuse among academic and non‐academic hospitalists.Intern Med2010;49(23):25612568.
  16. Parente F,Cucino C,Gallus S, et al.Hospital use of acid‐suppressive medications and its fall‐out on prescribing in general practice: a 1‐month survey.Aliment Pharmacol Ther.2003;17(12):15031506.
  17. Choudhry MN,Soran H,Ziglam HM.Overuse and inappropriate prescribing of proton pump inhibitors in patients with Clostridium difficile‐associated disease.QJM.2008;101(6):445448.
  18. Pham CQ,Regal RE,Bostwick TR,Knauf KS.Acid suppressive therapy use on an inpatient internal medicine service.Ann Pharmacother.2006;40(7–8):12611266.
  19. National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE), National Health Service (NHS), Dyspepsia: Management of dyspepsia in adults in primary care. Web site. Available at: Accessed May 1,2011.
  20. Quenot JP,Thiery N,Barbar S.When should stress ulcer prophylaxis be used in the ICU?Curr Opin Crit Care.2009;15(2):139143.
  21. Walker NM,McDonald J.An evaluation of the use of proton pump inhibitors.Pharm World Sci2001;23(3):116117.
  22. Naunton M,Peterson GM,Bleasel MD.Overuse of proton pump inhibitors.J Clin Pharm Ther.2000;25(5):333340.
  23. Alsultan MS,Mayet AY,Malhani AA,Alshaikh MK.Pattern of intravenous proton pump inhibitors use in ICU and non‐ICU setting: a prospective observational study.Saudi J Gastroenterol.2010;16(4):275279.
  24. Ramirez E,Lei SH,Borobia AM, et al.Overuse of PPIs in patients at admission, during treatment, and at discharge in a tertiary Spanish hospital.Curr Clin Pharmacol.2010;5(4):288297.
  25. Leonard J,Marshall JK,Moayyedi P.Systematic review of the risk of enteric infection in patients taking acid suppression.Am J Gastroenterol.2007;102(9):20472056.
  26. Howell MD,Novack V,Grgurich P, et al.Iatrogenic gastric acid suppression and the risk of nosocomial Clostridium difficile infection.Arch Intern Med.2010;170(9):784790.
  27. Eurich DT,Sadowski CA,Simpson SH,Marrie TJ,Majumdar SR.Recurrent community‐acquired pneumonia in patients starting acid‐suppressing drugs.Am J Med.2010;123(1):4753.
  28. Thorens J,Froehlich F,Schwizer W, et al.Bacterial overgrowth during treatment with omeprazole compared with cimetidine: a prospective randomised double blind study.Gut.1996;39(1):5459.
  29. Hussain S,Stefan M,Visintainer P,Rothberg M.Why do physicians prescribe stress ulcer prophylaxis to general medicine patients?South Med J2010;103(11):11031110.
  30. ASHP therapeutic guidelines on stress ulcer prophylaxis.ASHP Commission on Therapeutics and approved by the ASHP Board of Directors on November 14, 1998.Am J Health Syst Pharm.1999;56(4):347379.
  31. Mohebbi L,Hesch K.Stress ulcer prophylaxis in the intensive care unit.Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent).2009;22(4):373376.
  32. Lin PC,Chang CH,Hsu PI,Tseng PL,Huang YB.The efficacy and safety of proton pump inhibitors vs histamine‐2 receptor antagonists for stress ulcer bleeding prophylaxis among critical care patients: a meta‐analysis.Crit Care Med.2010;38(4):11971205.
  33. Pongprasobchai S,Kridkratoke S,Nopmaneejumruslers C.Proton pump inhibitors for the prevention of stress‐related mucosal disease in critically‐ill patients: a meta‐analysis.J Med Assoc Thai.2009;92(5):632637.
  34. Yachimski PS,Farrell EA,Hunt DP,Reid AE.Proton pump inhibitors for prophylaxis of nosocomial upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding: effect of standardized guidelines on prescribing practice.Arch Intern Med.2010;170(9):779783.
  1. IMS Health Web site. Available at:‐line%20Market%20Data/2009%20Top‐line%20Market%20Data/Top%20Therapy%20Classes%20by%20U.S.Sales.pdf. Accessed May 1,2011.
  2. Bate CM,Keeling PW, O'Morain C, et al.Comparison of omeprazole and cimetidine in reflux oesophagitis: symptomatic, endoscopic, and histological evaluations.Gut.1990;31(9):968972.
  3. Lau JY,Leung WK,Wu JC, et al.Omeprazole before endoscopy in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding.N Engl J Med.2007;356(16):16311640.
  4. Dial S,Delaney JA,Barkun AN,Suissa S.Use of gastric acid‐suppressive agents and the risk of community‐acquired Clostridium difficile‐associated disease.JAMA.2005;294(23):29892995.
  5. Ho PM,Maddox TM,Wang L, et al.Risk of adverse outcomes associated with concomitant use of clopidogrel and proton pump inhibitors following acute coronary syndrome.JAMA.2009;301(9):937944.
  6. Laheij RJ,Sturkenboom MC,Hassing RJ,Dieleman J,Stricker BH,Jansen JB.Risk of community‐acquired pneumonia and use of gastric acid‐suppressive drugs.JAMA.2004;292(16):19551960.
  7. Yang YX,Lewis JD,Epstein S,Metz DC.Long‐term proton pump inhibitor therapy and risk of hip fracture.JAMA2006;296(24):29472953.
  8. Gulmez SE,Holm A,Frederiksen H,Jensen TG,Pedersen C,Hallas J.Use of proton pump inhibitors and the risk of community‐acquired pneumonia: a population‐based case‐control study.Arch Intern Med.2007;167(9):950955.
  9. Herzig SJ,Howell MD,Ngo LH,Marcantonio ER.Acid‐suppressive medication use and the risk for hospital‐acquired pneumonia.JAMA.2009;301(20):21202128.
  10. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Website. Available at: HumanMedicalProducts/ucm245275.htm. Accessed March 2,2011.
  11. Batuwitage BT,Kingham JG,Morgan NE,Bartlett RL.Inappropriate prescribing of proton pump inhibitors in primary care.Postgrad Med J.2007;83(975):6668.
  12. Grube RR,May DB.Stress ulcer prophylaxis in hospitalized patients not in intensive care units.Am J Health Syst Pharm.2007;64(13):13961400.
  13. Afif W,Alsulaiman R,Martel M,Barkun AN.Predictors of inappropriate utilization of intravenous proton pump inhibitors.Aliment Pharmacol Ther.2007;25(5):609615.
  14. Nardino RJ,Vender RJ,Herbert PN.Overuse of acid‐suppressive therapy in hospitalized patients.Am J Gastroenterol.2000;95(11):31183122.
  15. Eid SM,Boueiz A,Paranji S,Mativo C,Landis R,Abougergi MS.Patterns and predictors of proton pump inhibitor overuse among academic and non‐academic hospitalists.Intern Med2010;49(23):25612568.
  16. Parente F,Cucino C,Gallus S, et al.Hospital use of acid‐suppressive medications and its fall‐out on prescribing in general practice: a 1‐month survey.Aliment Pharmacol Ther.2003;17(12):15031506.
  17. Choudhry MN,Soran H,Ziglam HM.Overuse and inappropriate prescribing of proton pump inhibitors in patients with Clostridium difficile‐associated disease.QJM.2008;101(6):445448.
  18. Pham CQ,Regal RE,Bostwick TR,Knauf KS.Acid suppressive therapy use on an inpatient internal medicine service.Ann Pharmacother.2006;40(7–8):12611266.
  19. National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE), National Health Service (NHS), Dyspepsia: Management of dyspepsia in adults in primary care. Web site. Available at: Accessed May 1,2011.
  20. Quenot JP,Thiery N,Barbar S.When should stress ulcer prophylaxis be used in the ICU?Curr Opin Crit Care.2009;15(2):139143.
  21. Walker NM,McDonald J.An evaluation of the use of proton pump inhibitors.Pharm World Sci2001;23(3):116117.
  22. Naunton M,Peterson GM,Bleasel MD.Overuse of proton pump inhibitors.J Clin Pharm Ther.2000;25(5):333340.
  23. Alsultan MS,Mayet AY,Malhani AA,Alshaikh MK.Pattern of intravenous proton pump inhibitors use in ICU and non‐ICU setting: a prospective observational study.Saudi J Gastroenterol.2010;16(4):275279.
  24. Ramirez E,Lei SH,Borobia AM, et al.Overuse of PPIs in patients at admission, during treatment, and at discharge in a tertiary Spanish hospital.Curr Clin Pharmacol.2010;5(4):288297.
  25. Leonard J,Marshall JK,Moayyedi P.Systematic review of the risk of enteric infection in patients taking acid suppression.Am J Gastroenterol.2007;102(9):20472056.
  26. Howell MD,Novack V,Grgurich P, et al.Iatrogenic gastric acid suppression and the risk of nosocomial Clostridium difficile infection.Arch Intern Med.2010;170(9):784790.
  27. Eurich DT,Sadowski CA,Simpson SH,Marrie TJ,Majumdar SR.Recurrent community‐acquired pneumonia in patients starting acid‐suppressing drugs.Am J Med.2010;123(1):4753.
  28. Thorens J,Froehlich F,Schwizer W, et al.Bacterial overgrowth during treatment with omeprazole compared with cimetidine: a prospective randomised double blind study.Gut.1996;39(1):5459.
  29. Hussain S,Stefan M,Visintainer P,Rothberg M.Why do physicians prescribe stress ulcer prophylaxis to general medicine patients?South Med J2010;103(11):11031110.
  30. ASHP therapeutic guidelines on stress ulcer prophylaxis.ASHP Commission on Therapeutics and approved by the ASHP Board of Directors on November 14, 1998.Am J Health Syst Pharm.1999;56(4):347379.
  31. Mohebbi L,Hesch K.Stress ulcer prophylaxis in the intensive care unit.Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent).2009;22(4):373376.
  32. Lin PC,Chang CH,Hsu PI,Tseng PL,Huang YB.The efficacy and safety of proton pump inhibitors vs histamine‐2 receptor antagonists for stress ulcer bleeding prophylaxis among critical care patients: a meta‐analysis.Crit Care Med.2010;38(4):11971205.
  33. Pongprasobchai S,Kridkratoke S,Nopmaneejumruslers C.Proton pump inhibitors for the prevention of stress‐related mucosal disease in critically‐ill patients: a meta‐analysis.J Med Assoc Thai.2009;92(5):632637.
  34. Yachimski PS,Farrell EA,Hunt DP,Reid AE.Proton pump inhibitors for prophylaxis of nosocomial upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding: effect of standardized guidelines on prescribing practice.Arch Intern Med.2010;170(9):779783.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(5)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 7(5)
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Inappropriate prescribing of proton pump inhibitors in hospitalized patients
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Inappropriate prescribing of proton pump inhibitors in hospitalized patients
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