Division of Hospital Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic
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Face‐to‐Face Handoffs and Outcomes

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Sun, 05/21/2017 - 13:21
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Association of face‐to‐face handoffs and outcomes of hospitalized internal medicine patients

Handoffs are key events in the care of hospitalized patients whereby vital information is relayed between healthcare providers. Resident duty hour restrictions and the popularity of shift‐based work schedules have increased the frequency of inpatient handoffs.[1, 2] Failures in communication at the time of patient handoff have been implicated as contributing factors to preventable adverse events.[3, 4, 5, 6] With patient safety in mind, accreditation organizations and professional societies have made the standardization of hospital handoff procedures a priority.[7, 8] A variety of strategies have been utilized to standardize handoffs. Examples include the use of mnemonics,[9] electronic resources,[10, 11, 12] preformatted handoff sheets,[13, 14, 15, 16] and optimization of the handoff environment.[17] The primary outcomes for many of these studies center on the provider by measuring their retention of patient facts[18, 19] and completion of tasks[14, 16] after handoff, for example. Few studies examined patient‐centered outcomes such as transfer to a higher level of care,[20] length of stay,[11] mortality,[21] or readmission rate.[22] A study in the pediatric population found that implementation of a handoff bundle was associated with a decrease in medical errors and preventable adverse events.[23]

The Society of Hospital Medicine recommends that patient handoffs consist of both a written and verbal component.[8] Providers in our division work on 3 shifts: day, evening, and night. In 2009, we developed a face‐to‐face morning handoff, during which night‐shift providers hand off patient care to day‐shift providers incorporating an electronically generated service information list.[17] Given that the evening shift ends well before the day shift begins, the evening‐shift providers do not participate in this face‐to‐face handoff of care for patients they admit to day providers.

We wished to compare the clinical outcomes and adverse events of patients admitted by the night‐shift providers to those admitted by the evening‐shift providers. We hypothesized that transfer of care using a face‐to‐face handoff would be associated with fewer adverse events and improved clinical outcomes.


The study was deemed exempt by the Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board.

Study Population

Hospitalists at the study institution, a 1157‐bed academic tertiary referral hospital, admit general medical patients from the emergency department, as transfers from other institutions, and as direct admissions from outpatient offices. Patients included in the study were all adults admitted by evening‐ and night‐shift hospitalists from August 1, 2011 through August 1, 2012 between 6:45 pm and midnight. Our institution primarily uses 2 levels of care for adult inpatients on internal medicine services, including a general care floor for low‐acuity patients and an intensive care unit for high‐acuity patients. All of the patients in this study were triaged as low acuity at the time of admission and were initially admitted to general care units.


The division's shift schedule during the study period is depicted in Figure 1. Day‐shift providers included a physician and nurse practitioner (NP) or physician assistant (PA) on each of 7 teams. Each service had an average daily patient census between 10 and 15 patients with 3 to 4 new admissions every 24 hours, with 1 to 2 of these admissions occurring during the evening and night shifts, on average. The day shift started at 7:45 am and ended at 7:45 pm, at which time the day teams transitioned care of their patients to 1 of 2 overnight NP/PAs who provided cross‐cover for all teams through the night. The overnight NP/PAs then transitioned care back to the day teams at 7:45 am the following morning.

Figure 1
Provider schedules. Abbreviations: NP, nurse practitioner; PA, physician assistant.

Two evening‐shift providers, both physicians, including a staff hospitalist and a hospital medicine fellowship trainee, admitted patients without any cross‐cover responsibility. Their shifts had the same start time, but staggered end times (2 pm10 pm and 2 pmmidnight). At the end of their shifts, the evening‐shift providers relayed concerns or items for follow‐up to the night cross‐cover NP/PAs; however, this handoff was nonstandardized and provider dependent. The cross‐cover providers could also choose to pass on any relevant information to day‐shift providers if thought to be necessary, but this, again, was not required or standardized. A printed electronic handoff tool (including the patient's problem list, medications, vital signs, laboratory results, and to do list as determined by the admitting provider) as well as all clinical notes generated since admission were made available to day‐shift providers who assumed care at 7:45 am; however, there was no face‐to‐face handoff between the evening‐ and day‐shift providers.

Two night‐shift physicians, including a moonlighting board‐eligible internal medicine physician and staff hospitalist, also started at staggered times, 6:45 pm and 10 pm, but their shifts both ended at 7:45 am. These physicians also admitted patients without cross‐cover responsibilities. At 7:45 am, in a face‐to‐face meeting, they transitioned care of patients admitted overnight to day‐shift providers. This handoff occurred at a predesignated place with assigned start times for each team. During the meeting, printed electronic documents, including the aforementioned electronic handoff tool as well as all clinical notes generated since admission, were made available to the oncoming day‐shift providers. The face‐to‐face interaction between night‐ and day‐shift providers lasted approximately 5 minutes and allowed for a brief presentation of the patient, review of the diagnostic testing and treatments performed so far, as well as anticipatory guidance regarding potential issues throughout the remainder of the hospitalization. Although inclusion of the above components was encouraged during the face‐to‐face handoff, the interaction was not scripted and topics discussed were at the providers' discretion.

Patients admitted during the evening and night shifts were assigned to day‐shift services primarily based on the current census of each team, so as to distribute the workload evenly.

Chart Review

Patients included in the study were admitted by evening‐ or night‐shift providers between 6:45 pm and midnight. This time period accounts for when the evening shift and night shift overlap, allowing for direct comparison of patients admitted during the same time of day, so as to avoid confounding factors. Patients were grouped by whether they were admitted by an evening‐shift provider or a night‐shift provider. Each study patient's chart was retrospectively reviewed and relevant demographic and clinical data were collected. Demographic information included age, gender, and race. Clinical information included medical comorbidities, Charlson Comorbidity Index score, rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, death in hospital, 30‐day readmission rate, length of stay (LOS), and adverse events. The Charlson Comorbidity Index score[24] was determined from diagnoses in the institution's medical index database. The 30‐day readmission rate included observation stays and full hospital admissions that occurred at our institution in the 30 days following the patient's hospital discharge from the index admission. LOS was determined based on the time of admission and discharge, as reported in the hospital billing system, and is reported as the median and mean LOS in hours for all patients in each group.

The Global Trigger Tool (GTT) was used to identify adverse events, as defined within the GTT whitepaper to be unintended physical injury resulting from or contributed to by medical care that requires additional monitoring, treatment or hospitalization, or that results in death.[25] Developed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the GTT uses triggers, clues in the medical record that suggest an adverse event may have occurred, to cue a more detailed chart review. Registered nurses trained in use of the GTT reviewed all of the included patients' electronic medical records. If a trigger was identified (such as a patient fall suffered in the hospital), further chart review was prompted to determine if patient harm occurred. If there was evidence of harm, an adverse event was determined to have occurred and was then categorized using the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention Index for Categorizing Errors.[26] For example, in the case of a patient fall whereby the patient was determined to have fallen in the hospital and suffered a laceration requiring wound care, but the hospital stay was not prolonged, this adverse event was categorized as category E (an adverse event that caused the patient temporary harm necessitating intervention, without prolongation of the hospital stay).

Outcomes including rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, death in the hospital, and adverse events, as identified using the GTT, were counted if they occurred between 7:45 am on the first morning of admission until 12 hours later at 7:45 pm, at the time of the first evening handoff of the admitted patients' care.

Statistical Methods

Study data were collected and managed using REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) electronic data capture tools hosted at Mayo Clinic.[27] When comparing outcomes between the 2 groups, Fisher exact test was used for categorical variables and Student t test was used for continuous variables. Global Trigger Tool data were analyzed using the SAS GENMOD procedure, assuming a negative binomial distribution. All the above analyses were performed using SAS version 9.3 software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Rates of adverse events were compared using MedCalc version 13 software (MedCalc Software, Ostend, Belgium).[28] A P value <0.05 was considered significant.


Of 805 patients admitted between 6:45 pm and midnight during the study period, 305 (37.9%) patients were handed off to day‐shift providers without face‐to‐face handoff, and 500 (62.1%) patients were transferred to the care of day‐shift providers with the use of a face‐to‐face handoff.

Baseline characteristics of both groups are depicted in Table 1. Demographic characteristics, including age, gender, and race, were not significantly different between groups. The mean Charlson Comorbidity Index score was not significantly different between the groups without and with a face‐to‐face handoff. In addition, the presence of medical comorbidities including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary artery disease, hyperlipidemia, heart failure, body mass index (BMI) <18, active cancer, and current cigarette smoking were not significantly different between the 2 groups. There was a trend to a significantly increased proportion of patients with a BMI >30 in the group without face‐to‐face handoff (P=0.05).

Baseline Patient Characteristics
 Without Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=305With Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=500P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; SD, standard deviation.

Age, y, mean (SD)65.8 (19.0)64.2 (20.0)0.25
Sex, n (%)  0.69
Female166 (54%)265 (53%) 
Male139 (46%)235 (47%) 
Race, n (%)  0.94
White287 (95%)466 (93%) 
African American5 (2%)9 (2%) 
Arab/Middle Eastern3 (1%)8 (2%) 
Asian1 (0%)3 (1%) 
Indian subcontinental1 (0%)1 (0%) 
American Indian/Alaskan1 (0%)1 (0%) 
Other3 (1%)8 (2%) 
Unknown1 (0%)4 (1%) 
Charlson Comorbidity Index, mean ( SD)2.98 ( 3.73)2.93 ( 3.72)0.85
Comorbidities, n (%)   
Type 2 diabetes82 (27%)143 (29%)0.60
Hypertension195 (64%)303 (61%)0.34
Coronary artery disease76 (25%)137 (27%)0.44
Hyperlipidemia122 (40%)206 (41%)0.74
Heart failure30 (10%)66 (13%)0.15
BMI >30109 (36%)146 (29%)0.05
BMI <187 (2%)12 (2%)0.92
Active cancer29 (10%)46 (9%)0.88
Current smoker49 (16%)90 (18%)0.48

Results for the outcomes of this study are depicted in Table 2. The frequency of rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, and death in the hospital in the 12 hours following the first morning handoff of the admission were not significantly different between the 2 groups. Both 30‐day readmission rate and LOS (median and mean) were not significantly different between groups.

Patient Outcomes
 Without Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=305With Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=500P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation.

  • Global Trigger Tool adverse events were categorized by the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention Index for Categorizing Medication Errors, using categories E through I.

Rapid response team call, n (%)4 (1%)5 (1%)0.68
Code team call, n (%)0 (0%)1 (0%)0.43
Transfer to higher level of care, n (%)7 (2%)11 (2%)0.93
Patient death, n (%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1.00
30‐day readmission, n (%)50 (16%)67 (13%)0.23
Hospital length of stay   
Median, h (IQR)66.5 (41.3115.6)70.3 (41.9131.2)0.30
Mean, h ( SD)102.0 ( 110.0)102.9 ( 94.0)0.90
Adverse events (Global Trigger Tool)
Temporary harm and required intervention (E)470.92
Temporary harm and required initial or prolonged hospitalization (F)780.53
Permanent harm (G)010.44
Intervention required to sustain life (H)060.14
Death (I)001.00
Total adverse events per 100 admissions3.614.400.59
% of admissions with an adverse event2.6%3.2%0.64

There was no significant difference between the 2 groups in the frequency of adverse events resulting in harm for any of the categories (categories EI). Total adverse events between groups were also compared. Adverse events per 100 admissions were not significantly different between the group without face‐to‐face handoff compared to the group with face‐to‐face handoff. The percentage of admissions with an adverse event was also similar between groups.


We found no significant difference in the rate of rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, death in hospital, or adverse events when comparing patients transitioned to the care of day‐shift providers with or without a face‐to‐face handoff. We hypothesize that a reason adverse events were no different between the 2 groups may be that providers were more vigilant when they did not receive a face‐to‐face handoff from the previous provider. As a result, providers may have dedicated additional time reviewing the medical record, speaking with the patients, and communicating with other healthcare providers to ensure a safe care transition. Similarly, other studies found no significant reduction in adverse events when using a standardized handoff.[10, 13, 29] This may be because patient handoff is 1 of a multitude of factors that impact the rate of adverse events, and a handoff may play a less vital role in a system where documentation of care for a given patient is readily accessible, uniform, and detailed. A face‐to‐face interaction itself in a patient handoff may be less pertinent if key information can be communicated through other channels, such as an electronic handoff tool, email, or phone.

Another potential explanation for the lack of a significant difference in patient outcomes with and without a face‐to‐face handoff is related to the study design and inherent rate of the events measured. With the exception of 30‐day readmission rate and LOS, the outcomes of the study were recorded only if they occurred in the 12 hours following the first morning handoff of the admission. This was done in an attempt to isolate the effect of the nonface‐to‐face versus face‐to‐face handoff on the first morning of the admission, and to avoid confounding effects by subsequent transitions of care later in the hospitalization. The frequency of hospital admissions in which an adverse event occurred during this relatively short 12‐hour window was approximately 3% for all patients in the study. With 805 total patients in the study, there may have been insufficient statistical power to detect a difference in the rate of outcomes, if a difference did exist, considering the event rate for both groups and the sample size.

There are several additional limitations to our study. First, the GTT was designed to be applied across the entirety of a hospitalization. By screening for adverse events over the span of only 12 hours for each hospitalization, the sensitivity of the tool may have been diminished, with a proportion of adverse events not captured, even when the sequence of events leading to patient harm began during the 12 hours in question. Second, this is a retrospective study, and all adverse events may not be documented in the medical record. Third, although not formally structured and infrequent, some evening‐shift providers did send an email or call the oncoming day‐shift provider to discuss patients admitted. This process, however, was provider dependent, unstructured, uncommon, and erratic, and thus we were not able to capture it from medical record review. Finally, the patients in this study were deemed low acuity upon triage prior to admission. A face‐to‐face handoff may be less important in ensuring patient safety when caring for low‐acuity compared to high‐acuity patients, considering the rapidity at which the critically ill can deteriorate.

Handoffs of patient care in the hospital have certainly increased in recent years. Consequently, communication among providers is undoubtedly important, with patient safety being the primary goal. Our work suggests that a face‐to‐face component of a handoff is not vital to ensure a safe care transition. Because of the increasing frequency of handoffs, providers' ability to do so face‐to‐face will likely be challenged by time and logistical constraints. Future work is needed to delineate the most effective components of the handoff so that we can design information transfer that promotes safe and efficient care, even without a face‐to‐face interaction.


The authors are grateful for support from the Mayo Clinic Department of Medicine Clinical Research Office, Ms. Donna Lawson, and Mr. Stephen Cha.

Disclosures: This publication was made possible by the Mayo Clinic Center for Clinical and Translational Science through grant number UL1 TR000135 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Science, a component of the National Institutes of Health. The authors report no conflicts of interest.

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  2. Robeznieks A. 'Shift work': 24‐hour workdays are out as residents, hospitals deal with changes, mixed feelings on restrictions. Mod Healthc. 2011;41(30):67, 16, 1.
  3. Horwitz LI, Moin T, Krumholz HM, Wang L, Bradley EH. Consequences of inadequate sign‐out for patient care. Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(16):17551760.
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  5. Singh H, Thomas EJ, Petersen LA, Studdert DM. Medical errors involving trainees: a study of closed malpractice claims from 5 insurers. Archives of internal medicine. 2007;167(19):20302036.
  6. Greenberg CC, Regenbogen SE, Studdert DM, et al. Patterns of communication breakdowns resulting in injury to surgical patients. J Am Coll Surg. 2007;204(4):533540.
  7. Joint Commission International. Standard PC.02.02.01. 2013 Hospital Accreditation Standards. Oak Brook, IL: Joint Commission Resources; 2013.
  8. Arora VM, Manjarrez E, Dressler DD, Basaviah P, Halasyamani L, Kripalani S. Hospitalist handoffs: a systematic review and task force recommendations. J Hosp Med. 2009;4(7):433440.
  9. Riesenberg LA, Leitzsch J, Little BW. Systematic review of handoff mnemonics literature. Am J Med Qual. 2009;24(3):196204.
  10. Petersen LA, Orav EJ, Teich JM, O'Neil AC, Brennan TA. Using a computerized sign‐out program to improve continuity of inpatient care and prevent adverse events. Jt Comm J Qual Improv. 1998;24(2):7787.
  11. Ryan S, O'Riordan JM, Tierney S, Conlon KC, Ridgway PF. Impact of a new electronic handover system in surgery. Int J Surg. 2011;9(3):217220.
  12. Eaton EG, Horvath KD, Lober WB, Pellegrini CA. Organizing the transfer of patient care information: the development of a computerized resident sign‐out system. Surgery. 2004;136(1):513.
  13. Zavalkoff SR, Razack SI, Lavoie J, Dancea AB. Handover after pediatric heart surgery: a simple tool improves information exchange. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2011;12(3):309313.
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  22. Hess DR, Tokarczyk A, O'Malley M, Gavaghan S, Sullivan J, Schmidt U. The value of adding a verbal report to written handoffs on early readmission following prolonged respiratory failure. Chest. 2010;138(6):14751479.
  23. Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Simon DW, et al. Rates of medical errors and preventable adverse events among hospitalized children following implementation of a resident handoff bundle. JAMA. 2013;310(21):22622270.
  24. Charlson ME, Pompei P, Ales KL, MacKenzie CR. A new method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies: development and validation. J Chronic Dis. 1987;40(5):373383.
  25. Griffin FA, Resar RK. IHI Global Trigger Tool for measuring adverse events (second edition). IHI Innovation Series white paper. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2009. Available at: Accessed June 1, 2014.
  26. National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP) index for categorizing errors. Available at: Accessed June 1, 2014.
  27. Harris PA, Taylor R, Thielke R, Payne J, Gonzalez N, Conde JG. Research electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata‐driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support. J Biomed Inform. 2009;42(2):377381.
  28. Sahai H, Khurshid A. Statistics in Epidemiology: Methods, Techniques, and Applications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 1996.
  29. Eaton EG, McDonough K, Lober WB, Johnson EA, Pellegrini CA, Horvath KD. Safety of using a computerized rounding and sign‐out system to reduce resident duty hours. Acad Med. 2010;85(7):11891195.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(3)
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Handoffs are key events in the care of hospitalized patients whereby vital information is relayed between healthcare providers. Resident duty hour restrictions and the popularity of shift‐based work schedules have increased the frequency of inpatient handoffs.[1, 2] Failures in communication at the time of patient handoff have been implicated as contributing factors to preventable adverse events.[3, 4, 5, 6] With patient safety in mind, accreditation organizations and professional societies have made the standardization of hospital handoff procedures a priority.[7, 8] A variety of strategies have been utilized to standardize handoffs. Examples include the use of mnemonics,[9] electronic resources,[10, 11, 12] preformatted handoff sheets,[13, 14, 15, 16] and optimization of the handoff environment.[17] The primary outcomes for many of these studies center on the provider by measuring their retention of patient facts[18, 19] and completion of tasks[14, 16] after handoff, for example. Few studies examined patient‐centered outcomes such as transfer to a higher level of care,[20] length of stay,[11] mortality,[21] or readmission rate.[22] A study in the pediatric population found that implementation of a handoff bundle was associated with a decrease in medical errors and preventable adverse events.[23]

The Society of Hospital Medicine recommends that patient handoffs consist of both a written and verbal component.[8] Providers in our division work on 3 shifts: day, evening, and night. In 2009, we developed a face‐to‐face morning handoff, during which night‐shift providers hand off patient care to day‐shift providers incorporating an electronically generated service information list.[17] Given that the evening shift ends well before the day shift begins, the evening‐shift providers do not participate in this face‐to‐face handoff of care for patients they admit to day providers.

We wished to compare the clinical outcomes and adverse events of patients admitted by the night‐shift providers to those admitted by the evening‐shift providers. We hypothesized that transfer of care using a face‐to‐face handoff would be associated with fewer adverse events and improved clinical outcomes.


The study was deemed exempt by the Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board.

Study Population

Hospitalists at the study institution, a 1157‐bed academic tertiary referral hospital, admit general medical patients from the emergency department, as transfers from other institutions, and as direct admissions from outpatient offices. Patients included in the study were all adults admitted by evening‐ and night‐shift hospitalists from August 1, 2011 through August 1, 2012 between 6:45 pm and midnight. Our institution primarily uses 2 levels of care for adult inpatients on internal medicine services, including a general care floor for low‐acuity patients and an intensive care unit for high‐acuity patients. All of the patients in this study were triaged as low acuity at the time of admission and were initially admitted to general care units.


The division's shift schedule during the study period is depicted in Figure 1. Day‐shift providers included a physician and nurse practitioner (NP) or physician assistant (PA) on each of 7 teams. Each service had an average daily patient census between 10 and 15 patients with 3 to 4 new admissions every 24 hours, with 1 to 2 of these admissions occurring during the evening and night shifts, on average. The day shift started at 7:45 am and ended at 7:45 pm, at which time the day teams transitioned care of their patients to 1 of 2 overnight NP/PAs who provided cross‐cover for all teams through the night. The overnight NP/PAs then transitioned care back to the day teams at 7:45 am the following morning.

Figure 1
Provider schedules. Abbreviations: NP, nurse practitioner; PA, physician assistant.

Two evening‐shift providers, both physicians, including a staff hospitalist and a hospital medicine fellowship trainee, admitted patients without any cross‐cover responsibility. Their shifts had the same start time, but staggered end times (2 pm10 pm and 2 pmmidnight). At the end of their shifts, the evening‐shift providers relayed concerns or items for follow‐up to the night cross‐cover NP/PAs; however, this handoff was nonstandardized and provider dependent. The cross‐cover providers could also choose to pass on any relevant information to day‐shift providers if thought to be necessary, but this, again, was not required or standardized. A printed electronic handoff tool (including the patient's problem list, medications, vital signs, laboratory results, and to do list as determined by the admitting provider) as well as all clinical notes generated since admission were made available to day‐shift providers who assumed care at 7:45 am; however, there was no face‐to‐face handoff between the evening‐ and day‐shift providers.

Two night‐shift physicians, including a moonlighting board‐eligible internal medicine physician and staff hospitalist, also started at staggered times, 6:45 pm and 10 pm, but their shifts both ended at 7:45 am. These physicians also admitted patients without cross‐cover responsibilities. At 7:45 am, in a face‐to‐face meeting, they transitioned care of patients admitted overnight to day‐shift providers. This handoff occurred at a predesignated place with assigned start times for each team. During the meeting, printed electronic documents, including the aforementioned electronic handoff tool as well as all clinical notes generated since admission, were made available to the oncoming day‐shift providers. The face‐to‐face interaction between night‐ and day‐shift providers lasted approximately 5 minutes and allowed for a brief presentation of the patient, review of the diagnostic testing and treatments performed so far, as well as anticipatory guidance regarding potential issues throughout the remainder of the hospitalization. Although inclusion of the above components was encouraged during the face‐to‐face handoff, the interaction was not scripted and topics discussed were at the providers' discretion.

Patients admitted during the evening and night shifts were assigned to day‐shift services primarily based on the current census of each team, so as to distribute the workload evenly.

Chart Review

Patients included in the study were admitted by evening‐ or night‐shift providers between 6:45 pm and midnight. This time period accounts for when the evening shift and night shift overlap, allowing for direct comparison of patients admitted during the same time of day, so as to avoid confounding factors. Patients were grouped by whether they were admitted by an evening‐shift provider or a night‐shift provider. Each study patient's chart was retrospectively reviewed and relevant demographic and clinical data were collected. Demographic information included age, gender, and race. Clinical information included medical comorbidities, Charlson Comorbidity Index score, rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, death in hospital, 30‐day readmission rate, length of stay (LOS), and adverse events. The Charlson Comorbidity Index score[24] was determined from diagnoses in the institution's medical index database. The 30‐day readmission rate included observation stays and full hospital admissions that occurred at our institution in the 30 days following the patient's hospital discharge from the index admission. LOS was determined based on the time of admission and discharge, as reported in the hospital billing system, and is reported as the median and mean LOS in hours for all patients in each group.

The Global Trigger Tool (GTT) was used to identify adverse events, as defined within the GTT whitepaper to be unintended physical injury resulting from or contributed to by medical care that requires additional monitoring, treatment or hospitalization, or that results in death.[25] Developed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the GTT uses triggers, clues in the medical record that suggest an adverse event may have occurred, to cue a more detailed chart review. Registered nurses trained in use of the GTT reviewed all of the included patients' electronic medical records. If a trigger was identified (such as a patient fall suffered in the hospital), further chart review was prompted to determine if patient harm occurred. If there was evidence of harm, an adverse event was determined to have occurred and was then categorized using the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention Index for Categorizing Errors.[26] For example, in the case of a patient fall whereby the patient was determined to have fallen in the hospital and suffered a laceration requiring wound care, but the hospital stay was not prolonged, this adverse event was categorized as category E (an adverse event that caused the patient temporary harm necessitating intervention, without prolongation of the hospital stay).

Outcomes including rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, death in the hospital, and adverse events, as identified using the GTT, were counted if they occurred between 7:45 am on the first morning of admission until 12 hours later at 7:45 pm, at the time of the first evening handoff of the admitted patients' care.

Statistical Methods

Study data were collected and managed using REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) electronic data capture tools hosted at Mayo Clinic.[27] When comparing outcomes between the 2 groups, Fisher exact test was used for categorical variables and Student t test was used for continuous variables. Global Trigger Tool data were analyzed using the SAS GENMOD procedure, assuming a negative binomial distribution. All the above analyses were performed using SAS version 9.3 software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Rates of adverse events were compared using MedCalc version 13 software (MedCalc Software, Ostend, Belgium).[28] A P value <0.05 was considered significant.


Of 805 patients admitted between 6:45 pm and midnight during the study period, 305 (37.9%) patients were handed off to day‐shift providers without face‐to‐face handoff, and 500 (62.1%) patients were transferred to the care of day‐shift providers with the use of a face‐to‐face handoff.

Baseline characteristics of both groups are depicted in Table 1. Demographic characteristics, including age, gender, and race, were not significantly different between groups. The mean Charlson Comorbidity Index score was not significantly different between the groups without and with a face‐to‐face handoff. In addition, the presence of medical comorbidities including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary artery disease, hyperlipidemia, heart failure, body mass index (BMI) <18, active cancer, and current cigarette smoking were not significantly different between the 2 groups. There was a trend to a significantly increased proportion of patients with a BMI >30 in the group without face‐to‐face handoff (P=0.05).

Baseline Patient Characteristics
 Without Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=305With Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=500P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; SD, standard deviation.

Age, y, mean (SD)65.8 (19.0)64.2 (20.0)0.25
Sex, n (%)  0.69
Female166 (54%)265 (53%) 
Male139 (46%)235 (47%) 
Race, n (%)  0.94
White287 (95%)466 (93%) 
African American5 (2%)9 (2%) 
Arab/Middle Eastern3 (1%)8 (2%) 
Asian1 (0%)3 (1%) 
Indian subcontinental1 (0%)1 (0%) 
American Indian/Alaskan1 (0%)1 (0%) 
Other3 (1%)8 (2%) 
Unknown1 (0%)4 (1%) 
Charlson Comorbidity Index, mean ( SD)2.98 ( 3.73)2.93 ( 3.72)0.85
Comorbidities, n (%)   
Type 2 diabetes82 (27%)143 (29%)0.60
Hypertension195 (64%)303 (61%)0.34
Coronary artery disease76 (25%)137 (27%)0.44
Hyperlipidemia122 (40%)206 (41%)0.74
Heart failure30 (10%)66 (13%)0.15
BMI >30109 (36%)146 (29%)0.05
BMI <187 (2%)12 (2%)0.92
Active cancer29 (10%)46 (9%)0.88
Current smoker49 (16%)90 (18%)0.48

Results for the outcomes of this study are depicted in Table 2. The frequency of rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, and death in the hospital in the 12 hours following the first morning handoff of the admission were not significantly different between the 2 groups. Both 30‐day readmission rate and LOS (median and mean) were not significantly different between groups.

Patient Outcomes
 Without Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=305With Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=500P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation.

  • Global Trigger Tool adverse events were categorized by the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention Index for Categorizing Medication Errors, using categories E through I.

Rapid response team call, n (%)4 (1%)5 (1%)0.68
Code team call, n (%)0 (0%)1 (0%)0.43
Transfer to higher level of care, n (%)7 (2%)11 (2%)0.93
Patient death, n (%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1.00
30‐day readmission, n (%)50 (16%)67 (13%)0.23
Hospital length of stay   
Median, h (IQR)66.5 (41.3115.6)70.3 (41.9131.2)0.30
Mean, h ( SD)102.0 ( 110.0)102.9 ( 94.0)0.90
Adverse events (Global Trigger Tool)
Temporary harm and required intervention (E)470.92
Temporary harm and required initial or prolonged hospitalization (F)780.53
Permanent harm (G)010.44
Intervention required to sustain life (H)060.14
Death (I)001.00
Total adverse events per 100 admissions3.614.400.59
% of admissions with an adverse event2.6%3.2%0.64

There was no significant difference between the 2 groups in the frequency of adverse events resulting in harm for any of the categories (categories EI). Total adverse events between groups were also compared. Adverse events per 100 admissions were not significantly different between the group without face‐to‐face handoff compared to the group with face‐to‐face handoff. The percentage of admissions with an adverse event was also similar between groups.


We found no significant difference in the rate of rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, death in hospital, or adverse events when comparing patients transitioned to the care of day‐shift providers with or without a face‐to‐face handoff. We hypothesize that a reason adverse events were no different between the 2 groups may be that providers were more vigilant when they did not receive a face‐to‐face handoff from the previous provider. As a result, providers may have dedicated additional time reviewing the medical record, speaking with the patients, and communicating with other healthcare providers to ensure a safe care transition. Similarly, other studies found no significant reduction in adverse events when using a standardized handoff.[10, 13, 29] This may be because patient handoff is 1 of a multitude of factors that impact the rate of adverse events, and a handoff may play a less vital role in a system where documentation of care for a given patient is readily accessible, uniform, and detailed. A face‐to‐face interaction itself in a patient handoff may be less pertinent if key information can be communicated through other channels, such as an electronic handoff tool, email, or phone.

Another potential explanation for the lack of a significant difference in patient outcomes with and without a face‐to‐face handoff is related to the study design and inherent rate of the events measured. With the exception of 30‐day readmission rate and LOS, the outcomes of the study were recorded only if they occurred in the 12 hours following the first morning handoff of the admission. This was done in an attempt to isolate the effect of the nonface‐to‐face versus face‐to‐face handoff on the first morning of the admission, and to avoid confounding effects by subsequent transitions of care later in the hospitalization. The frequency of hospital admissions in which an adverse event occurred during this relatively short 12‐hour window was approximately 3% for all patients in the study. With 805 total patients in the study, there may have been insufficient statistical power to detect a difference in the rate of outcomes, if a difference did exist, considering the event rate for both groups and the sample size.

There are several additional limitations to our study. First, the GTT was designed to be applied across the entirety of a hospitalization. By screening for adverse events over the span of only 12 hours for each hospitalization, the sensitivity of the tool may have been diminished, with a proportion of adverse events not captured, even when the sequence of events leading to patient harm began during the 12 hours in question. Second, this is a retrospective study, and all adverse events may not be documented in the medical record. Third, although not formally structured and infrequent, some evening‐shift providers did send an email or call the oncoming day‐shift provider to discuss patients admitted. This process, however, was provider dependent, unstructured, uncommon, and erratic, and thus we were not able to capture it from medical record review. Finally, the patients in this study were deemed low acuity upon triage prior to admission. A face‐to‐face handoff may be less important in ensuring patient safety when caring for low‐acuity compared to high‐acuity patients, considering the rapidity at which the critically ill can deteriorate.

Handoffs of patient care in the hospital have certainly increased in recent years. Consequently, communication among providers is undoubtedly important, with patient safety being the primary goal. Our work suggests that a face‐to‐face component of a handoff is not vital to ensure a safe care transition. Because of the increasing frequency of handoffs, providers' ability to do so face‐to‐face will likely be challenged by time and logistical constraints. Future work is needed to delineate the most effective components of the handoff so that we can design information transfer that promotes safe and efficient care, even without a face‐to‐face interaction.


The authors are grateful for support from the Mayo Clinic Department of Medicine Clinical Research Office, Ms. Donna Lawson, and Mr. Stephen Cha.

Disclosures: This publication was made possible by the Mayo Clinic Center for Clinical and Translational Science through grant number UL1 TR000135 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Science, a component of the National Institutes of Health. The authors report no conflicts of interest.

Handoffs are key events in the care of hospitalized patients whereby vital information is relayed between healthcare providers. Resident duty hour restrictions and the popularity of shift‐based work schedules have increased the frequency of inpatient handoffs.[1, 2] Failures in communication at the time of patient handoff have been implicated as contributing factors to preventable adverse events.[3, 4, 5, 6] With patient safety in mind, accreditation organizations and professional societies have made the standardization of hospital handoff procedures a priority.[7, 8] A variety of strategies have been utilized to standardize handoffs. Examples include the use of mnemonics,[9] electronic resources,[10, 11, 12] preformatted handoff sheets,[13, 14, 15, 16] and optimization of the handoff environment.[17] The primary outcomes for many of these studies center on the provider by measuring their retention of patient facts[18, 19] and completion of tasks[14, 16] after handoff, for example. Few studies examined patient‐centered outcomes such as transfer to a higher level of care,[20] length of stay,[11] mortality,[21] or readmission rate.[22] A study in the pediatric population found that implementation of a handoff bundle was associated with a decrease in medical errors and preventable adverse events.[23]

The Society of Hospital Medicine recommends that patient handoffs consist of both a written and verbal component.[8] Providers in our division work on 3 shifts: day, evening, and night. In 2009, we developed a face‐to‐face morning handoff, during which night‐shift providers hand off patient care to day‐shift providers incorporating an electronically generated service information list.[17] Given that the evening shift ends well before the day shift begins, the evening‐shift providers do not participate in this face‐to‐face handoff of care for patients they admit to day providers.

We wished to compare the clinical outcomes and adverse events of patients admitted by the night‐shift providers to those admitted by the evening‐shift providers. We hypothesized that transfer of care using a face‐to‐face handoff would be associated with fewer adverse events and improved clinical outcomes.


The study was deemed exempt by the Mayo Clinic Institutional Review Board.

Study Population

Hospitalists at the study institution, a 1157‐bed academic tertiary referral hospital, admit general medical patients from the emergency department, as transfers from other institutions, and as direct admissions from outpatient offices. Patients included in the study were all adults admitted by evening‐ and night‐shift hospitalists from August 1, 2011 through August 1, 2012 between 6:45 pm and midnight. Our institution primarily uses 2 levels of care for adult inpatients on internal medicine services, including a general care floor for low‐acuity patients and an intensive care unit for high‐acuity patients. All of the patients in this study were triaged as low acuity at the time of admission and were initially admitted to general care units.


The division's shift schedule during the study period is depicted in Figure 1. Day‐shift providers included a physician and nurse practitioner (NP) or physician assistant (PA) on each of 7 teams. Each service had an average daily patient census between 10 and 15 patients with 3 to 4 new admissions every 24 hours, with 1 to 2 of these admissions occurring during the evening and night shifts, on average. The day shift started at 7:45 am and ended at 7:45 pm, at which time the day teams transitioned care of their patients to 1 of 2 overnight NP/PAs who provided cross‐cover for all teams through the night. The overnight NP/PAs then transitioned care back to the day teams at 7:45 am the following morning.

Figure 1
Provider schedules. Abbreviations: NP, nurse practitioner; PA, physician assistant.

Two evening‐shift providers, both physicians, including a staff hospitalist and a hospital medicine fellowship trainee, admitted patients without any cross‐cover responsibility. Their shifts had the same start time, but staggered end times (2 pm10 pm and 2 pmmidnight). At the end of their shifts, the evening‐shift providers relayed concerns or items for follow‐up to the night cross‐cover NP/PAs; however, this handoff was nonstandardized and provider dependent. The cross‐cover providers could also choose to pass on any relevant information to day‐shift providers if thought to be necessary, but this, again, was not required or standardized. A printed electronic handoff tool (including the patient's problem list, medications, vital signs, laboratory results, and to do list as determined by the admitting provider) as well as all clinical notes generated since admission were made available to day‐shift providers who assumed care at 7:45 am; however, there was no face‐to‐face handoff between the evening‐ and day‐shift providers.

Two night‐shift physicians, including a moonlighting board‐eligible internal medicine physician and staff hospitalist, also started at staggered times, 6:45 pm and 10 pm, but their shifts both ended at 7:45 am. These physicians also admitted patients without cross‐cover responsibilities. At 7:45 am, in a face‐to‐face meeting, they transitioned care of patients admitted overnight to day‐shift providers. This handoff occurred at a predesignated place with assigned start times for each team. During the meeting, printed electronic documents, including the aforementioned electronic handoff tool as well as all clinical notes generated since admission, were made available to the oncoming day‐shift providers. The face‐to‐face interaction between night‐ and day‐shift providers lasted approximately 5 minutes and allowed for a brief presentation of the patient, review of the diagnostic testing and treatments performed so far, as well as anticipatory guidance regarding potential issues throughout the remainder of the hospitalization. Although inclusion of the above components was encouraged during the face‐to‐face handoff, the interaction was not scripted and topics discussed were at the providers' discretion.

Patients admitted during the evening and night shifts were assigned to day‐shift services primarily based on the current census of each team, so as to distribute the workload evenly.

Chart Review

Patients included in the study were admitted by evening‐ or night‐shift providers between 6:45 pm and midnight. This time period accounts for when the evening shift and night shift overlap, allowing for direct comparison of patients admitted during the same time of day, so as to avoid confounding factors. Patients were grouped by whether they were admitted by an evening‐shift provider or a night‐shift provider. Each study patient's chart was retrospectively reviewed and relevant demographic and clinical data were collected. Demographic information included age, gender, and race. Clinical information included medical comorbidities, Charlson Comorbidity Index score, rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, death in hospital, 30‐day readmission rate, length of stay (LOS), and adverse events. The Charlson Comorbidity Index score[24] was determined from diagnoses in the institution's medical index database. The 30‐day readmission rate included observation stays and full hospital admissions that occurred at our institution in the 30 days following the patient's hospital discharge from the index admission. LOS was determined based on the time of admission and discharge, as reported in the hospital billing system, and is reported as the median and mean LOS in hours for all patients in each group.

The Global Trigger Tool (GTT) was used to identify adverse events, as defined within the GTT whitepaper to be unintended physical injury resulting from or contributed to by medical care that requires additional monitoring, treatment or hospitalization, or that results in death.[25] Developed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the GTT uses triggers, clues in the medical record that suggest an adverse event may have occurred, to cue a more detailed chart review. Registered nurses trained in use of the GTT reviewed all of the included patients' electronic medical records. If a trigger was identified (such as a patient fall suffered in the hospital), further chart review was prompted to determine if patient harm occurred. If there was evidence of harm, an adverse event was determined to have occurred and was then categorized using the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention Index for Categorizing Errors.[26] For example, in the case of a patient fall whereby the patient was determined to have fallen in the hospital and suffered a laceration requiring wound care, but the hospital stay was not prolonged, this adverse event was categorized as category E (an adverse event that caused the patient temporary harm necessitating intervention, without prolongation of the hospital stay).

Outcomes including rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, death in the hospital, and adverse events, as identified using the GTT, were counted if they occurred between 7:45 am on the first morning of admission until 12 hours later at 7:45 pm, at the time of the first evening handoff of the admitted patients' care.

Statistical Methods

Study data were collected and managed using REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) electronic data capture tools hosted at Mayo Clinic.[27] When comparing outcomes between the 2 groups, Fisher exact test was used for categorical variables and Student t test was used for continuous variables. Global Trigger Tool data were analyzed using the SAS GENMOD procedure, assuming a negative binomial distribution. All the above analyses were performed using SAS version 9.3 software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Rates of adverse events were compared using MedCalc version 13 software (MedCalc Software, Ostend, Belgium).[28] A P value <0.05 was considered significant.


Of 805 patients admitted between 6:45 pm and midnight during the study period, 305 (37.9%) patients were handed off to day‐shift providers without face‐to‐face handoff, and 500 (62.1%) patients were transferred to the care of day‐shift providers with the use of a face‐to‐face handoff.

Baseline characteristics of both groups are depicted in Table 1. Demographic characteristics, including age, gender, and race, were not significantly different between groups. The mean Charlson Comorbidity Index score was not significantly different between the groups without and with a face‐to‐face handoff. In addition, the presence of medical comorbidities including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary artery disease, hyperlipidemia, heart failure, body mass index (BMI) <18, active cancer, and current cigarette smoking were not significantly different between the 2 groups. There was a trend to a significantly increased proportion of patients with a BMI >30 in the group without face‐to‐face handoff (P=0.05).

Baseline Patient Characteristics
 Without Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=305With Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=500P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; SD, standard deviation.

Age, y, mean (SD)65.8 (19.0)64.2 (20.0)0.25
Sex, n (%)  0.69
Female166 (54%)265 (53%) 
Male139 (46%)235 (47%) 
Race, n (%)  0.94
White287 (95%)466 (93%) 
African American5 (2%)9 (2%) 
Arab/Middle Eastern3 (1%)8 (2%) 
Asian1 (0%)3 (1%) 
Indian subcontinental1 (0%)1 (0%) 
American Indian/Alaskan1 (0%)1 (0%) 
Other3 (1%)8 (2%) 
Unknown1 (0%)4 (1%) 
Charlson Comorbidity Index, mean ( SD)2.98 ( 3.73)2.93 ( 3.72)0.85
Comorbidities, n (%)   
Type 2 diabetes82 (27%)143 (29%)0.60
Hypertension195 (64%)303 (61%)0.34
Coronary artery disease76 (25%)137 (27%)0.44
Hyperlipidemia122 (40%)206 (41%)0.74
Heart failure30 (10%)66 (13%)0.15
BMI >30109 (36%)146 (29%)0.05
BMI <187 (2%)12 (2%)0.92
Active cancer29 (10%)46 (9%)0.88
Current smoker49 (16%)90 (18%)0.48

Results for the outcomes of this study are depicted in Table 2. The frequency of rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, and death in the hospital in the 12 hours following the first morning handoff of the admission were not significantly different between the 2 groups. Both 30‐day readmission rate and LOS (median and mean) were not significantly different between groups.

Patient Outcomes
 Without Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=305With Face‐to‐Face Handoff, N=500P Value
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation.

  • Global Trigger Tool adverse events were categorized by the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention Index for Categorizing Medication Errors, using categories E through I.

Rapid response team call, n (%)4 (1%)5 (1%)0.68
Code team call, n (%)0 (0%)1 (0%)0.43
Transfer to higher level of care, n (%)7 (2%)11 (2%)0.93
Patient death, n (%)0 (0%)0 (0%)1.00
30‐day readmission, n (%)50 (16%)67 (13%)0.23
Hospital length of stay   
Median, h (IQR)66.5 (41.3115.6)70.3 (41.9131.2)0.30
Mean, h ( SD)102.0 ( 110.0)102.9 ( 94.0)0.90
Adverse events (Global Trigger Tool)
Temporary harm and required intervention (E)470.92
Temporary harm and required initial or prolonged hospitalization (F)780.53
Permanent harm (G)010.44
Intervention required to sustain life (H)060.14
Death (I)001.00
Total adverse events per 100 admissions3.614.400.59
% of admissions with an adverse event2.6%3.2%0.64

There was no significant difference between the 2 groups in the frequency of adverse events resulting in harm for any of the categories (categories EI). Total adverse events between groups were also compared. Adverse events per 100 admissions were not significantly different between the group without face‐to‐face handoff compared to the group with face‐to‐face handoff. The percentage of admissions with an adverse event was also similar between groups.


We found no significant difference in the rate of rapid response team calls, code team calls, transfers to a higher level of care, death in hospital, or adverse events when comparing patients transitioned to the care of day‐shift providers with or without a face‐to‐face handoff. We hypothesize that a reason adverse events were no different between the 2 groups may be that providers were more vigilant when they did not receive a face‐to‐face handoff from the previous provider. As a result, providers may have dedicated additional time reviewing the medical record, speaking with the patients, and communicating with other healthcare providers to ensure a safe care transition. Similarly, other studies found no significant reduction in adverse events when using a standardized handoff.[10, 13, 29] This may be because patient handoff is 1 of a multitude of factors that impact the rate of adverse events, and a handoff may play a less vital role in a system where documentation of care for a given patient is readily accessible, uniform, and detailed. A face‐to‐face interaction itself in a patient handoff may be less pertinent if key information can be communicated through other channels, such as an electronic handoff tool, email, or phone.

Another potential explanation for the lack of a significant difference in patient outcomes with and without a face‐to‐face handoff is related to the study design and inherent rate of the events measured. With the exception of 30‐day readmission rate and LOS, the outcomes of the study were recorded only if they occurred in the 12 hours following the first morning handoff of the admission. This was done in an attempt to isolate the effect of the nonface‐to‐face versus face‐to‐face handoff on the first morning of the admission, and to avoid confounding effects by subsequent transitions of care later in the hospitalization. The frequency of hospital admissions in which an adverse event occurred during this relatively short 12‐hour window was approximately 3% for all patients in the study. With 805 total patients in the study, there may have been insufficient statistical power to detect a difference in the rate of outcomes, if a difference did exist, considering the event rate for both groups and the sample size.

There are several additional limitations to our study. First, the GTT was designed to be applied across the entirety of a hospitalization. By screening for adverse events over the span of only 12 hours for each hospitalization, the sensitivity of the tool may have been diminished, with a proportion of adverse events not captured, even when the sequence of events leading to patient harm began during the 12 hours in question. Second, this is a retrospective study, and all adverse events may not be documented in the medical record. Third, although not formally structured and infrequent, some evening‐shift providers did send an email or call the oncoming day‐shift provider to discuss patients admitted. This process, however, was provider dependent, unstructured, uncommon, and erratic, and thus we were not able to capture it from medical record review. Finally, the patients in this study were deemed low acuity upon triage prior to admission. A face‐to‐face handoff may be less important in ensuring patient safety when caring for low‐acuity compared to high‐acuity patients, considering the rapidity at which the critically ill can deteriorate.

Handoffs of patient care in the hospital have certainly increased in recent years. Consequently, communication among providers is undoubtedly important, with patient safety being the primary goal. Our work suggests that a face‐to‐face component of a handoff is not vital to ensure a safe care transition. Because of the increasing frequency of handoffs, providers' ability to do so face‐to‐face will likely be challenged by time and logistical constraints. Future work is needed to delineate the most effective components of the handoff so that we can design information transfer that promotes safe and efficient care, even without a face‐to‐face interaction.


The authors are grateful for support from the Mayo Clinic Department of Medicine Clinical Research Office, Ms. Donna Lawson, and Mr. Stephen Cha.

Disclosures: This publication was made possible by the Mayo Clinic Center for Clinical and Translational Science through grant number UL1 TR000135 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Science, a component of the National Institutes of Health. The authors report no conflicts of interest.

  1. Desai SV, Feldman L, Brown L, et al. Effect of the 2011 vs 2003 duty hour regulation‐compliant models on sleep duration, trainee education, and continuity of patient care among internal medicine house staff: a randomized trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(8):649655.
  2. Robeznieks A. 'Shift work': 24‐hour workdays are out as residents, hospitals deal with changes, mixed feelings on restrictions. Mod Healthc. 2011;41(30):67, 16, 1.
  3. Horwitz LI, Moin T, Krumholz HM, Wang L, Bradley EH. Consequences of inadequate sign‐out for patient care. Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(16):17551760.
  4. Arora V, Johnson J, Lovinger D, Humphrey HJ, Meltzer DO. Communication failures in patient sign‐out and suggestions for improvement: a critical incident analysis. Qual Saf Health Care. 2005;14(6):401407.
  5. Singh H, Thomas EJ, Petersen LA, Studdert DM. Medical errors involving trainees: a study of closed malpractice claims from 5 insurers. Archives of internal medicine. 2007;167(19):20302036.
  6. Greenberg CC, Regenbogen SE, Studdert DM, et al. Patterns of communication breakdowns resulting in injury to surgical patients. J Am Coll Surg. 2007;204(4):533540.
  7. Joint Commission International. Standard PC.02.02.01. 2013 Hospital Accreditation Standards. Oak Brook, IL: Joint Commission Resources; 2013.
  8. Arora VM, Manjarrez E, Dressler DD, Basaviah P, Halasyamani L, Kripalani S. Hospitalist handoffs: a systematic review and task force recommendations. J Hosp Med. 2009;4(7):433440.
  9. Riesenberg LA, Leitzsch J, Little BW. Systematic review of handoff mnemonics literature. Am J Med Qual. 2009;24(3):196204.
  10. Petersen LA, Orav EJ, Teich JM, O'Neil AC, Brennan TA. Using a computerized sign‐out program to improve continuity of inpatient care and prevent adverse events. Jt Comm J Qual Improv. 1998;24(2):7787.
  11. Ryan S, O'Riordan JM, Tierney S, Conlon KC, Ridgway PF. Impact of a new electronic handover system in surgery. Int J Surg. 2011;9(3):217220.
  12. Eaton EG, Horvath KD, Lober WB, Pellegrini CA. Organizing the transfer of patient care information: the development of a computerized resident sign‐out system. Surgery. 2004;136(1):513.
  13. Zavalkoff SR, Razack SI, Lavoie J, Dancea AB. Handover after pediatric heart surgery: a simple tool improves information exchange. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2011;12(3):309313.
  14. Wayne JD, Tyagi R, Reinhardt G, et al. Simple standardized patient handoff system that increases accuracy and completeness. J Surg Educ. 2008;65(6):476485.
  15. Stahl K, Palileo A, Schulman CI, et al. Enhancing patient safety in the trauma/surgical intensive care unit. J Trauma. 2009;67(3):430433; discussion 433–435.
  16. Salerno SM, Arnett MV, Domanski JP. Standardized sign‐out reduces intern perception of medical errors on the general internal medicine ward. Teach Learn Med. 2009;21(2):121126.
  17. Burton MC, Kashiwagi DT, Kirkland LL, Manning D, Varkey P. Gaining efficiency and satisfaction in the handoff process. J Hosp Med. 2010;5(9):547552.
  18. Pickering BW, Hurley K, Marsh B. Identification of patient information corruption in the intensive care unit: using a scoring tool to direct quality improvements in handover. Crit Care Med. 2009;37(11):29052912.
  19. Dowding D. Examining the effects that manipulating information given in the change of shift report has on nurses' care planning ability. J Adv Nurs. 2001;33(6):836846.
  20. Horwitz LI, Parwani V, Shah NR, et al. Evaluation of an asynchronous physician voicemail sign‐out for emergency department admissions. Ann Emerg Med. 2009;54(3):368378.
  21. Mazzocco K, Petitti DB, Fong KT, et al. Surgical team behaviors and patient outcomes. Am J Surg. 2009;197(5):678685.
  22. Hess DR, Tokarczyk A, O'Malley M, Gavaghan S, Sullivan J, Schmidt U. The value of adding a verbal report to written handoffs on early readmission following prolonged respiratory failure. Chest. 2010;138(6):14751479.
  23. Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Simon DW, et al. Rates of medical errors and preventable adverse events among hospitalized children following implementation of a resident handoff bundle. JAMA. 2013;310(21):22622270.
  24. Charlson ME, Pompei P, Ales KL, MacKenzie CR. A new method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies: development and validation. J Chronic Dis. 1987;40(5):373383.
  25. Griffin FA, Resar RK. IHI Global Trigger Tool for measuring adverse events (second edition). IHI Innovation Series white paper. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2009. Available at: Accessed June 1, 2014.
  26. National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP) index for categorizing errors. Available at: Accessed June 1, 2014.
  27. Harris PA, Taylor R, Thielke R, Payne J, Gonzalez N, Conde JG. Research electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata‐driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support. J Biomed Inform. 2009;42(2):377381.
  28. Sahai H, Khurshid A. Statistics in Epidemiology: Methods, Techniques, and Applications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 1996.
  29. Eaton EG, McDonough K, Lober WB, Johnson EA, Pellegrini CA, Horvath KD. Safety of using a computerized rounding and sign‐out system to reduce resident duty hours. Acad Med. 2010;85(7):11891195.
  1. Desai SV, Feldman L, Brown L, et al. Effect of the 2011 vs 2003 duty hour regulation‐compliant models on sleep duration, trainee education, and continuity of patient care among internal medicine house staff: a randomized trial. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(8):649655.
  2. Robeznieks A. 'Shift work': 24‐hour workdays are out as residents, hospitals deal with changes, mixed feelings on restrictions. Mod Healthc. 2011;41(30):67, 16, 1.
  3. Horwitz LI, Moin T, Krumholz HM, Wang L, Bradley EH. Consequences of inadequate sign‐out for patient care. Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(16):17551760.
  4. Arora V, Johnson J, Lovinger D, Humphrey HJ, Meltzer DO. Communication failures in patient sign‐out and suggestions for improvement: a critical incident analysis. Qual Saf Health Care. 2005;14(6):401407.
  5. Singh H, Thomas EJ, Petersen LA, Studdert DM. Medical errors involving trainees: a study of closed malpractice claims from 5 insurers. Archives of internal medicine. 2007;167(19):20302036.
  6. Greenberg CC, Regenbogen SE, Studdert DM, et al. Patterns of communication breakdowns resulting in injury to surgical patients. J Am Coll Surg. 2007;204(4):533540.
  7. Joint Commission International. Standard PC.02.02.01. 2013 Hospital Accreditation Standards. Oak Brook, IL: Joint Commission Resources; 2013.
  8. Arora VM, Manjarrez E, Dressler DD, Basaviah P, Halasyamani L, Kripalani S. Hospitalist handoffs: a systematic review and task force recommendations. J Hosp Med. 2009;4(7):433440.
  9. Riesenberg LA, Leitzsch J, Little BW. Systematic review of handoff mnemonics literature. Am J Med Qual. 2009;24(3):196204.
  10. Petersen LA, Orav EJ, Teich JM, O'Neil AC, Brennan TA. Using a computerized sign‐out program to improve continuity of inpatient care and prevent adverse events. Jt Comm J Qual Improv. 1998;24(2):7787.
  11. Ryan S, O'Riordan JM, Tierney S, Conlon KC, Ridgway PF. Impact of a new electronic handover system in surgery. Int J Surg. 2011;9(3):217220.
  12. Eaton EG, Horvath KD, Lober WB, Pellegrini CA. Organizing the transfer of patient care information: the development of a computerized resident sign‐out system. Surgery. 2004;136(1):513.
  13. Zavalkoff SR, Razack SI, Lavoie J, Dancea AB. Handover after pediatric heart surgery: a simple tool improves information exchange. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2011;12(3):309313.
  14. Wayne JD, Tyagi R, Reinhardt G, et al. Simple standardized patient handoff system that increases accuracy and completeness. J Surg Educ. 2008;65(6):476485.
  15. Stahl K, Palileo A, Schulman CI, et al. Enhancing patient safety in the trauma/surgical intensive care unit. J Trauma. 2009;67(3):430433; discussion 433–435.
  16. Salerno SM, Arnett MV, Domanski JP. Standardized sign‐out reduces intern perception of medical errors on the general internal medicine ward. Teach Learn Med. 2009;21(2):121126.
  17. Burton MC, Kashiwagi DT, Kirkland LL, Manning D, Varkey P. Gaining efficiency and satisfaction in the handoff process. J Hosp Med. 2010;5(9):547552.
  18. Pickering BW, Hurley K, Marsh B. Identification of patient information corruption in the intensive care unit: using a scoring tool to direct quality improvements in handover. Crit Care Med. 2009;37(11):29052912.
  19. Dowding D. Examining the effects that manipulating information given in the change of shift report has on nurses' care planning ability. J Adv Nurs. 2001;33(6):836846.
  20. Horwitz LI, Parwani V, Shah NR, et al. Evaluation of an asynchronous physician voicemail sign‐out for emergency department admissions. Ann Emerg Med. 2009;54(3):368378.
  21. Mazzocco K, Petitti DB, Fong KT, et al. Surgical team behaviors and patient outcomes. Am J Surg. 2009;197(5):678685.
  22. Hess DR, Tokarczyk A, O'Malley M, Gavaghan S, Sullivan J, Schmidt U. The value of adding a verbal report to written handoffs on early readmission following prolonged respiratory failure. Chest. 2010;138(6):14751479.
  23. Starmer AJ, Sectish TC, Simon DW, et al. Rates of medical errors and preventable adverse events among hospitalized children following implementation of a resident handoff bundle. JAMA. 2013;310(21):22622270.
  24. Charlson ME, Pompei P, Ales KL, MacKenzie CR. A new method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies: development and validation. J Chronic Dis. 1987;40(5):373383.
  25. Griffin FA, Resar RK. IHI Global Trigger Tool for measuring adverse events (second edition). IHI Innovation Series white paper. Cambridge, MA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2009. Available at: Accessed June 1, 2014.
  26. National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP) index for categorizing errors. Available at: Accessed June 1, 2014.
  27. Harris PA, Taylor R, Thielke R, Payne J, Gonzalez N, Conde JG. Research electronic data capture (REDCap)—a metadata‐driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support. J Biomed Inform. 2009;42(2):377381.
  28. Sahai H, Khurshid A. Statistics in Epidemiology: Methods, Techniques, and Applications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 1996.
  29. Eaton EG, McDonough K, Lober WB, Johnson EA, Pellegrini CA, Horvath KD. Safety of using a computerized rounding and sign‐out system to reduce resident duty hours. Acad Med. 2010;85(7):11891195.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(3)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(3)
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Association of face‐to‐face handoffs and outcomes of hospitalized internal medicine patients
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Association of face‐to‐face handoffs and outcomes of hospitalized internal medicine patients
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© 2015 Society of Hospital Medicine

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Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Deanne T. Kashiwagi, MD, Division of Hospital Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905; Telephone: 507‐255‐9225; Fax: 507‐255‐9189; E‐mail:
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South American Hospitalist Conference Draws Record Attendance

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Fri, 09/14/2018 - 12:21
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South American Hospitalist Conference Draws Record Attendance

Carolina Candotti, MD, of Penn State Hershey (Pa.) Medical Center (left), demonstrates portable ultrasound techniques on volunteer Paulo Caro, a medical student at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Drs. John Park and Fernando Rivera from Mayo Clinic (right to left) listen to a lecture in Spanish being translated to English using a portable headphone system.

A record number of hospitalists attended the combined biannual conference of the Chilean Society of Hospitalists and the Pan American Society of Hospitalists (PASHA) July 19-20 in Santiago, Chile. The meeting sold out with more than 250 attendees, and the energy of the South American hospitalist movement could be felt inside as hospitalists from across the Americas packed into the conference center.

It was the third such combined meeting, and hospitalists from Argentina, Colombia, the United States, and all parts of Chile were present. The first national meeting of hospitalists in Chile was held in 2008, and meetings have occurred every other year since 2008. PASHA was established in 2010 to unite hospitalists in South America and build collaborations with hospitalists in North America. PASHA’s past meetings were held in Brazil and Argentina, and organizers plan to continue it annually.

Hospitalists and subspecialists gathered to update their clinical knowledge and share ideas on patient safety, quality improvement (QI), and transitions of care.

“All of our countries have different challenges, but hospitalists everywhere are trying to do the same thing—provide quality healthcare as efficiently as possible. This central goal of hospitalists allows us to share ideas and learn from each other,” said Andres Aizman, MD, director of the division of hospital medicine at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago.

Lectures were translated into multiple languages, including English, to engage not only local physicians, but also those from abroad.

“This has been an incredible experience,” said Dr. Eddie Greene, a nephrologist from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., who presented a lecture on hypertensive crises. “Getting so many talented people from different backgrounds in the same place exchanging ideas on diverse topics has been an amazing experience. This is something special, and I hope to see it continue to grow.”

Two internists at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile founded its first HM division in 2004. The division has grown to include nine physicians, and there is a second, five-physician group of hospitalists at Universidad de Chile, a neighboring teaching hospital. The actual number of practicing hospitalists in Chile is hard to estimate because there are many hospital-based internists that have yet to be recognized as hospitalists; however, the most active academic hospitalists in the Chilean Society of Hospitalists are at the two universities.

Nilam Soni, MD, University of Texas-Health Science Center at San Antonio (left), teaches ultrasound technique to (from left to right) hospitalist Gonzalo Navarrete, MD, of Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile; hospitalist Raimundo Gazitua, MD, of Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile; internal-medicine resident Elizabeth Milla of Hospital San Borja Arriaran; and medical students Juan Urbina and Esteban Giannini of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

One of the highlights of this year’s conference was a workshop on bedside applications of portable ultrasound for hospitalists. Lectures on procedural and diagnostic applications of portable ultrasound were presented to the general assembly, and a hands-on workshop with limited seating was sold out.

The workshop included brief lectures, simulation-based training, and scanning of live models.

“This meeting has enlightened me on so many topics and tools that I can easily use in my hospital,” said Ofelia Leiva, MD, a hospitalist from Curico, a city of 250,000 in southern Chile. “There are so many ways we can use ultrasound in the hospital. I’m grateful that I was able to attend.”



Nilam Soni, MD, of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, spearheaded the ultrasound workshop in collaboration with Dr. Ricardo Franco from John H. Stroger Hospital in Chicago and Dr. Carolina Candotti from Penn State Hershey Medical Center.

Faculty from the Mayo Clinic, including Drs. Jamie Newman, Fernando Rivera, John Park, and Eddie Greene, attended the meeting for a second consecutive time. Their contributions made the event even more attractive to local hospitalists.

This meeting has enlightened me on so many topics and tools that I can easily use in my hospital. There are so many ways we can use ultrasound in the hospital. I’m grateful that I was able to attend.

—Ofelia Leiva, hospitalist, Curico, Chile

Although HM continues to grow in South America, barriers still exist. Each country has a different healthcare system, and the economic and political forces that drive these systems affect hospitalists and their patients. Certain metrics that are often used to gauge hospitalists’ impact in North America, such as length of stay, are less meaningful in Chile and other countries. Additionally, hospitalists’ ability to participate in conferences and exchange ideas is limited by distance and circumstance; the average hospitalist in Chile earns the equivalent of about $70,000 a year. Lastly, many hospitalists in South America aspire to develop research programs, but obtaining research training is challenging. Such opportunities are limited in South America, and physicians often encounter cost and immigration issues when they seek training abroad.

Despite the challenges, the enthusiasm to advance HM in South America and build international collaborations continues to grow. Hospitalists from different institutions in the U.S. have returned every year to participate in the conference. The opportunity to meet hospitalists from different countries, exchange ideas, and be part of the hospitalist movement abroad draws people back. The energy of the hospitalist movement is still alive.

Dr. Abbott and Dr. Rodriguez are adjunct professors and Dr. Aizman is an assistant professor in the department of internal medicine at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Medicine in Santiago; Dr. Newman is an assistant professor in the division of hospital medicine at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.; and Dr. Soni is an assistant professor of medicine in the division of hospital medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

The Hospitalist - 2012(10)

Carolina Candotti, MD, of Penn State Hershey (Pa.) Medical Center (left), demonstrates portable ultrasound techniques on volunteer Paulo Caro, a medical student at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Drs. John Park and Fernando Rivera from Mayo Clinic (right to left) listen to a lecture in Spanish being translated to English using a portable headphone system.

A record number of hospitalists attended the combined biannual conference of the Chilean Society of Hospitalists and the Pan American Society of Hospitalists (PASHA) July 19-20 in Santiago, Chile. The meeting sold out with more than 250 attendees, and the energy of the South American hospitalist movement could be felt inside as hospitalists from across the Americas packed into the conference center.

It was the third such combined meeting, and hospitalists from Argentina, Colombia, the United States, and all parts of Chile were present. The first national meeting of hospitalists in Chile was held in 2008, and meetings have occurred every other year since 2008. PASHA was established in 2010 to unite hospitalists in South America and build collaborations with hospitalists in North America. PASHA’s past meetings were held in Brazil and Argentina, and organizers plan to continue it annually.

Hospitalists and subspecialists gathered to update their clinical knowledge and share ideas on patient safety, quality improvement (QI), and transitions of care.

“All of our countries have different challenges, but hospitalists everywhere are trying to do the same thing—provide quality healthcare as efficiently as possible. This central goal of hospitalists allows us to share ideas and learn from each other,” said Andres Aizman, MD, director of the division of hospital medicine at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago.

Lectures were translated into multiple languages, including English, to engage not only local physicians, but also those from abroad.

“This has been an incredible experience,” said Dr. Eddie Greene, a nephrologist from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., who presented a lecture on hypertensive crises. “Getting so many talented people from different backgrounds in the same place exchanging ideas on diverse topics has been an amazing experience. This is something special, and I hope to see it continue to grow.”

Two internists at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile founded its first HM division in 2004. The division has grown to include nine physicians, and there is a second, five-physician group of hospitalists at Universidad de Chile, a neighboring teaching hospital. The actual number of practicing hospitalists in Chile is hard to estimate because there are many hospital-based internists that have yet to be recognized as hospitalists; however, the most active academic hospitalists in the Chilean Society of Hospitalists are at the two universities.

Nilam Soni, MD, University of Texas-Health Science Center at San Antonio (left), teaches ultrasound technique to (from left to right) hospitalist Gonzalo Navarrete, MD, of Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile; hospitalist Raimundo Gazitua, MD, of Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile; internal-medicine resident Elizabeth Milla of Hospital San Borja Arriaran; and medical students Juan Urbina and Esteban Giannini of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

One of the highlights of this year’s conference was a workshop on bedside applications of portable ultrasound for hospitalists. Lectures on procedural and diagnostic applications of portable ultrasound were presented to the general assembly, and a hands-on workshop with limited seating was sold out.

The workshop included brief lectures, simulation-based training, and scanning of live models.

“This meeting has enlightened me on so many topics and tools that I can easily use in my hospital,” said Ofelia Leiva, MD, a hospitalist from Curico, a city of 250,000 in southern Chile. “There are so many ways we can use ultrasound in the hospital. I’m grateful that I was able to attend.”



Nilam Soni, MD, of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, spearheaded the ultrasound workshop in collaboration with Dr. Ricardo Franco from John H. Stroger Hospital in Chicago and Dr. Carolina Candotti from Penn State Hershey Medical Center.

Faculty from the Mayo Clinic, including Drs. Jamie Newman, Fernando Rivera, John Park, and Eddie Greene, attended the meeting for a second consecutive time. Their contributions made the event even more attractive to local hospitalists.

This meeting has enlightened me on so many topics and tools that I can easily use in my hospital. There are so many ways we can use ultrasound in the hospital. I’m grateful that I was able to attend.

—Ofelia Leiva, hospitalist, Curico, Chile

Although HM continues to grow in South America, barriers still exist. Each country has a different healthcare system, and the economic and political forces that drive these systems affect hospitalists and their patients. Certain metrics that are often used to gauge hospitalists’ impact in North America, such as length of stay, are less meaningful in Chile and other countries. Additionally, hospitalists’ ability to participate in conferences and exchange ideas is limited by distance and circumstance; the average hospitalist in Chile earns the equivalent of about $70,000 a year. Lastly, many hospitalists in South America aspire to develop research programs, but obtaining research training is challenging. Such opportunities are limited in South America, and physicians often encounter cost and immigration issues when they seek training abroad.

Despite the challenges, the enthusiasm to advance HM in South America and build international collaborations continues to grow. Hospitalists from different institutions in the U.S. have returned every year to participate in the conference. The opportunity to meet hospitalists from different countries, exchange ideas, and be part of the hospitalist movement abroad draws people back. The energy of the hospitalist movement is still alive.

Dr. Abbott and Dr. Rodriguez are adjunct professors and Dr. Aizman is an assistant professor in the department of internal medicine at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Medicine in Santiago; Dr. Newman is an assistant professor in the division of hospital medicine at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.; and Dr. Soni is an assistant professor of medicine in the division of hospital medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

Carolina Candotti, MD, of Penn State Hershey (Pa.) Medical Center (left), demonstrates portable ultrasound techniques on volunteer Paulo Caro, a medical student at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Drs. John Park and Fernando Rivera from Mayo Clinic (right to left) listen to a lecture in Spanish being translated to English using a portable headphone system.

A record number of hospitalists attended the combined biannual conference of the Chilean Society of Hospitalists and the Pan American Society of Hospitalists (PASHA) July 19-20 in Santiago, Chile. The meeting sold out with more than 250 attendees, and the energy of the South American hospitalist movement could be felt inside as hospitalists from across the Americas packed into the conference center.

It was the third such combined meeting, and hospitalists from Argentina, Colombia, the United States, and all parts of Chile were present. The first national meeting of hospitalists in Chile was held in 2008, and meetings have occurred every other year since 2008. PASHA was established in 2010 to unite hospitalists in South America and build collaborations with hospitalists in North America. PASHA’s past meetings were held in Brazil and Argentina, and organizers plan to continue it annually.

Hospitalists and subspecialists gathered to update their clinical knowledge and share ideas on patient safety, quality improvement (QI), and transitions of care.

“All of our countries have different challenges, but hospitalists everywhere are trying to do the same thing—provide quality healthcare as efficiently as possible. This central goal of hospitalists allows us to share ideas and learn from each other,” said Andres Aizman, MD, director of the division of hospital medicine at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago.

Lectures were translated into multiple languages, including English, to engage not only local physicians, but also those from abroad.

“This has been an incredible experience,” said Dr. Eddie Greene, a nephrologist from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., who presented a lecture on hypertensive crises. “Getting so many talented people from different backgrounds in the same place exchanging ideas on diverse topics has been an amazing experience. This is something special, and I hope to see it continue to grow.”

Two internists at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile founded its first HM division in 2004. The division has grown to include nine physicians, and there is a second, five-physician group of hospitalists at Universidad de Chile, a neighboring teaching hospital. The actual number of practicing hospitalists in Chile is hard to estimate because there are many hospital-based internists that have yet to be recognized as hospitalists; however, the most active academic hospitalists in the Chilean Society of Hospitalists are at the two universities.

Nilam Soni, MD, University of Texas-Health Science Center at San Antonio (left), teaches ultrasound technique to (from left to right) hospitalist Gonzalo Navarrete, MD, of Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile; hospitalist Raimundo Gazitua, MD, of Hospital Clinico Universidad de Chile; internal-medicine resident Elizabeth Milla of Hospital San Borja Arriaran; and medical students Juan Urbina and Esteban Giannini of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

One of the highlights of this year’s conference was a workshop on bedside applications of portable ultrasound for hospitalists. Lectures on procedural and diagnostic applications of portable ultrasound were presented to the general assembly, and a hands-on workshop with limited seating was sold out.

The workshop included brief lectures, simulation-based training, and scanning of live models.

“This meeting has enlightened me on so many topics and tools that I can easily use in my hospital,” said Ofelia Leiva, MD, a hospitalist from Curico, a city of 250,000 in southern Chile. “There are so many ways we can use ultrasound in the hospital. I’m grateful that I was able to attend.”



Nilam Soni, MD, of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, spearheaded the ultrasound workshop in collaboration with Dr. Ricardo Franco from John H. Stroger Hospital in Chicago and Dr. Carolina Candotti from Penn State Hershey Medical Center.

Faculty from the Mayo Clinic, including Drs. Jamie Newman, Fernando Rivera, John Park, and Eddie Greene, attended the meeting for a second consecutive time. Their contributions made the event even more attractive to local hospitalists.

This meeting has enlightened me on so many topics and tools that I can easily use in my hospital. There are so many ways we can use ultrasound in the hospital. I’m grateful that I was able to attend.

—Ofelia Leiva, hospitalist, Curico, Chile

Although HM continues to grow in South America, barriers still exist. Each country has a different healthcare system, and the economic and political forces that drive these systems affect hospitalists and their patients. Certain metrics that are often used to gauge hospitalists’ impact in North America, such as length of stay, are less meaningful in Chile and other countries. Additionally, hospitalists’ ability to participate in conferences and exchange ideas is limited by distance and circumstance; the average hospitalist in Chile earns the equivalent of about $70,000 a year. Lastly, many hospitalists in South America aspire to develop research programs, but obtaining research training is challenging. Such opportunities are limited in South America, and physicians often encounter cost and immigration issues when they seek training abroad.

Despite the challenges, the enthusiasm to advance HM in South America and build international collaborations continues to grow. Hospitalists from different institutions in the U.S. have returned every year to participate in the conference. The opportunity to meet hospitalists from different countries, exchange ideas, and be part of the hospitalist movement abroad draws people back. The energy of the hospitalist movement is still alive.

Dr. Abbott and Dr. Rodriguez are adjunct professors and Dr. Aizman is an assistant professor in the department of internal medicine at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile School of Medicine in Santiago; Dr. Newman is an assistant professor in the division of hospital medicine at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.; and Dr. Soni is an assistant professor of medicine in the division of hospital medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

The Hospitalist - 2012(10)
The Hospitalist - 2012(10)
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South American Hospitalist Conference Draws Record Attendance
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South American Hospitalist Conference Draws Record Attendance
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International Hospital Medicine Scene

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Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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The international hospital medicine scene

In the 15 years since Wachter and Goldman coined the term hospitalists, the specialty of Hospital Medicine grew faster than any other in the history of American medicine.1 The early drivers for growth were largely economic: There were significant reductions in resource use, with a 13% decrease in hospital costs and a 16% decrease in hospital lengths of stay (LOS).2 Hospitalist clinician‐educators increased the satisfaction of residents and medical students in academic settings.2 Patient satisfaction and hospital mortality did not suffer.2

Recent growth of Hospital Medicine revolves around 3 drivers: 1) improving quality and safety of hospitalized patientsowing in large part to the Institute of Medicine's 2 compelling reports, To Err Is Human3 and Crossing the Quality Chasm4; 2) hospitalist and specialist (surgeon) comanagement; and 3) the effects of duty hours restrictions imposed by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education affecting United States (US) teaching hospitals.5

In this issue of the Journal of Hospital Medicine, Shu and colleagues6 report on the performance of a hospitalist program in Taiwan. To the best of our knowledge, this report from Asia is the first published report of a successful hospitalist model with measurable patient outcomes outside of North America. Specifically, over a year, the authors found that patients admitted by hospitalists had a shorter LOS and lower cost per case, with no difference in in‐hospital mortality and 30‐day readmission. These results were obtained despite the fact that the cohort of patients admitted to the hospitalist team was older, sicker, and had worse functional capacity. Additionally, the patients admitted to the hospitalist team, and who died during hospitalization, were more likely to have a do‐not‐resuscitate (DNR) order signed, when compared with those patients admitted to the general internal medicine teaching service. Comparing LOS with North America may be problematic. As Shu and colleagues6 point out, there are cultural and economic issues that affect the behavior of patients and physicians in Taiwan.

The healthcare system in Taiwan has similarities to the healthcare systems in the United Kingdom (UK) and the US. In 1995, Taiwan implemented a national health insurance system. The UK has had a National Health Service for many years that provides most services for free. The Taiwanese system requires modest copayments for services. The implementation of the national health insurance system in Taiwan increased healthcare access from 57% of the population to 98%.7 The increase in insurance across the population with modest copayments has made it possible for a larger percentage of the population to access the healthcare system.7 According to the authors, this has resulted in increased hospital admissions (35% in the decade since the introduction of national health insurance), resulting in a shortage of Hospital Medicine physicians and hospital beds.7 Compounding the stressors on this system is that the diagnosis related group (DRG) reimbursement model, similar to the American DRG reimbursement model, will soon take effect in Taiwan. As a result, our colleagues in Taiwan are experiencing issues commonly faced by mature hospitalist programs in the US: increased needs in efficiency to improve patient flow and decrease emergency room overcrowding and LOS; and concerns with safe discharges of high‐risk patients while ensuring outpatient follow‐up. This is a scenario with which US hospitalists are all too familiar.

The next step for Taiwan might be to implement a culturally specific patient education program regarding the discharge process. The first step would be a needs assessment survey of patients in Taiwan, inquiring about concerns regarding readiness for discharge. They might inquire about patient beliefs regarding understanding indications for inpatient hospitalization versus discharge to home, home with home services, or skilled nursing facilities. They might be able to drill down to the root cause of refusal to be discharged home. These data could help our colleagues in Taiwan create their own discharge program to drive down LOS closer to that of the US and other Western countries, in order to reap financial benefits and improve resource utilization.

What do we know about the growth of Hospital Medicine around the world? The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) reports international members from 26 countries around the world. In North America, SHM members are found in the US, Canada, and Bermuda. In Europe, SHM members are found in England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, and Germany. In South America, SHM members are found in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina. In Asia and the Middle East, SHM has members in Saudi Arabia, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Japan, China, the Philippines, and Singapore. In Oceania, SHM has members in Australia, and New Zealand. In Africa, 1 SHM member is from Nigeria (Society of Hospital Medicine Data, 2011). In fact, the International Hospitalists Section of SHM is 1 of only 2 sections that the Society recognizes.

Hospitalists are organizing themselves abroad as well. In Canada, the Canadian Society of Hospital Medicine was founded in 2001 and has had 8 national conferences to date.8 There are roughly 1,000 Canadian hospitalists (Wilton D, personal communication, 2011). Whereas most US hospitalists are internists or pediatricians, in Canada, most hospitalists are family physicians. In the US, hospitalists are more likely to perform the following services: consultation, intensive care unit patient care, rapid response team service, surgical comanagement, and evening on‐site coverage. Canadian hospitalists are more likely to provide pediatric care and psychiatry inpatient comanagement.9

In the UK, the professional organization of physicians most similar to US hospitalists, acute physicians, is called SAM (The Society for Acute Medicine). It was founded in 2000.10 In the UK, general practitioners (GPs) never care for inpatients; at the time, GPs referred all admissions to organ‐specific specialists (eg, cardiologists). Acute medicine was created due to the realization that medical inpatients were too complex to have specialists managing them. Training programs were set up circa 2003 to create this specialty and address this need. Acute physicians staff geographically localized acute medicine units near emergency departments. These patients stay 1 to 3 days in an effort to concentrate services and resources to these patients, to prevent longer stays once fully admitted (Smith R, personal communication, April 23, 2011). Acute medicine units in the UK, Ireland, and Australia have led to positive benefits on patient outcomes. A review article by Scott and colleagues revealed reductions in LOS, inpatient mortality, and emergency department LOS, without increased 30‐day readmission rates. They found increased staff and patient satisfaction, and more medical patients discharged directly to home from acute medical units.11 The development of acute medicine in Australia and New Zealand began around 2005 and derives from the geographic localization of the UK model. Whereas the UK model has a focus on the first 72 hours of hospitalization, the model in Australia and New Zealand is more similar to the US model of following patients through their entire admission.12 Unlike the UK, Australia does not have dedicated acute medicine training programs.

PASHA, the Pan‐American Society of Hospitalists, is a loose affiliation of hospitalists largely in South America, linking with their North American colleagues. PASHA grew out of SOBRAMH, Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Hospitalarthe first Hospital Medicine Society in South America, tracing its roots to 2004. To date, PASHA has had 1 international conference, but there have been 2 national conferences each in Brazil and Chile, and 1 in Colombia. The concept and advantages of Hospital Medicine have been presented at a conference in Panama. Argentina has its first Hospital Medicine Congress scheduled for September 2011, in concert with PASHA.

Two Hospital Medicine programs abroad deserve special mention. Both started in 2005 and have instituted the full hospitalist package, including multiple evidence‐based order sets at both sites (eg, deep vein thrombosis [DVT] prophylaxis and hyperglycemia management). At the Pontificia Universidad Catlica in Santiago, Chile, they have been awarded national grants to study hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients, and they have sent their faculty to the US for additional training in patient safety, quality improvement, leadership, and medical informatics. They have succeeded in decreasing LOS and improved the exam grades of their learners. Their faculty has published in national journals and is now beginning to submit their work for publication in US‐based journals (Rojas L, personal communication, April 22, 2011). The Clnica Universidad de Navarra (CUN) in Pamplona, Spain is a Joint Commission certified facility with a full electronic medical record. Hospitalists there are looking at ways in which hospitalist‐staffed intermediate care units can benefit patient outcomes. Additionally, they have comanagement arrangements with nearly all surgical subspecialties. The Management of the Hospitalized Patient symposium was organized by CUN hospitalists in 2007the first Hospital Medicine Congress, to our knowledge, in continental Europe. At any one time, 30% of all residents in all specialties rotate with CUN hospitalists (Lucena F, personal communication, April 22, 2011).

The specialty of Hospital Medicine is truly global. Our colleagues around the world employing the hospitalist model of care are now producing outcomes similar to the published models in North America and to the acute medicine models in Europe and Australia. According to the Society of Hospital Medicine, there are over 30,000 hospitalists in the US. There could be well over 50,000 hospitalists around the world. In 5 years, the world may have 100,000 hospitalists. The same drivers are fueling the growth of Hospital Medicine around the world. The evidence is building that the hospitalist model of care has financial and quality benefits that transcend borders. We forecast that the hospitalist model of care will become an increasingly larger part of the solution around the world to fix these international healthcare systems.

  1. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The emerging role of “hospitalists” in the American health care system.N Engl J Med.1996;335(7):514517.
  2. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The hospitalist movement 5 years later.JAMA.2002;287(4):487494.
  3. Kohn L,Corrigan J,Donaldson M.To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System; Institute of Medicine Committee on Quality of Health Care in America.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2000.
  4. Kohn L,Corrigan J,Donaldson M.Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century; Institute of Medicine Committee of Health Care in America.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2001.
  5. Wachter RM.The state of hospital medicine in 2008.Med Clin North Am.2008;92:265273.
  6. Shu et al.J Hosp Med.2011;6:378–382.
  7. Wen CP,Tsai SP,Chung WS.A 10‐year experience with universal health insurance in Taiwan: measuring changes in health and health disparity.Ann Intern Med.2008;148(4):258267.
  8. Canadian Hospitalist: Canadian Society of Hospital Medicine Web site. Available at: Accessed April 15,2011.
  9. Soong CFE,Howell EE,Maloney RJ,Pronovost PJ,Wilton D,Wright SM.Characteristics of hospitalists and hospitalist programs in the United States and Canada.J Clin Outcomes Manage.2009;16(2):6974.
  10. The Society for Acute Medicine Web site. Available at: Accessed April 14,2011.
  11. Scott I,Vaughn L,Bell D.Effectiveness of acute medical units in hospitals: a systematic review.Int J Qual Health Care.2009;21(6):397407.
  12. MacDonald A.Acute and general medicine on opposite sides of the world.Acute Med.2011;10(2):6768.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(7)
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In the 15 years since Wachter and Goldman coined the term hospitalists, the specialty of Hospital Medicine grew faster than any other in the history of American medicine.1 The early drivers for growth were largely economic: There were significant reductions in resource use, with a 13% decrease in hospital costs and a 16% decrease in hospital lengths of stay (LOS).2 Hospitalist clinician‐educators increased the satisfaction of residents and medical students in academic settings.2 Patient satisfaction and hospital mortality did not suffer.2

Recent growth of Hospital Medicine revolves around 3 drivers: 1) improving quality and safety of hospitalized patientsowing in large part to the Institute of Medicine's 2 compelling reports, To Err Is Human3 and Crossing the Quality Chasm4; 2) hospitalist and specialist (surgeon) comanagement; and 3) the effects of duty hours restrictions imposed by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education affecting United States (US) teaching hospitals.5

In this issue of the Journal of Hospital Medicine, Shu and colleagues6 report on the performance of a hospitalist program in Taiwan. To the best of our knowledge, this report from Asia is the first published report of a successful hospitalist model with measurable patient outcomes outside of North America. Specifically, over a year, the authors found that patients admitted by hospitalists had a shorter LOS and lower cost per case, with no difference in in‐hospital mortality and 30‐day readmission. These results were obtained despite the fact that the cohort of patients admitted to the hospitalist team was older, sicker, and had worse functional capacity. Additionally, the patients admitted to the hospitalist team, and who died during hospitalization, were more likely to have a do‐not‐resuscitate (DNR) order signed, when compared with those patients admitted to the general internal medicine teaching service. Comparing LOS with North America may be problematic. As Shu and colleagues6 point out, there are cultural and economic issues that affect the behavior of patients and physicians in Taiwan.

The healthcare system in Taiwan has similarities to the healthcare systems in the United Kingdom (UK) and the US. In 1995, Taiwan implemented a national health insurance system. The UK has had a National Health Service for many years that provides most services for free. The Taiwanese system requires modest copayments for services. The implementation of the national health insurance system in Taiwan increased healthcare access from 57% of the population to 98%.7 The increase in insurance across the population with modest copayments has made it possible for a larger percentage of the population to access the healthcare system.7 According to the authors, this has resulted in increased hospital admissions (35% in the decade since the introduction of national health insurance), resulting in a shortage of Hospital Medicine physicians and hospital beds.7 Compounding the stressors on this system is that the diagnosis related group (DRG) reimbursement model, similar to the American DRG reimbursement model, will soon take effect in Taiwan. As a result, our colleagues in Taiwan are experiencing issues commonly faced by mature hospitalist programs in the US: increased needs in efficiency to improve patient flow and decrease emergency room overcrowding and LOS; and concerns with safe discharges of high‐risk patients while ensuring outpatient follow‐up. This is a scenario with which US hospitalists are all too familiar.

The next step for Taiwan might be to implement a culturally specific patient education program regarding the discharge process. The first step would be a needs assessment survey of patients in Taiwan, inquiring about concerns regarding readiness for discharge. They might inquire about patient beliefs regarding understanding indications for inpatient hospitalization versus discharge to home, home with home services, or skilled nursing facilities. They might be able to drill down to the root cause of refusal to be discharged home. These data could help our colleagues in Taiwan create their own discharge program to drive down LOS closer to that of the US and other Western countries, in order to reap financial benefits and improve resource utilization.

What do we know about the growth of Hospital Medicine around the world? The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) reports international members from 26 countries around the world. In North America, SHM members are found in the US, Canada, and Bermuda. In Europe, SHM members are found in England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, and Germany. In South America, SHM members are found in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina. In Asia and the Middle East, SHM has members in Saudi Arabia, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Japan, China, the Philippines, and Singapore. In Oceania, SHM has members in Australia, and New Zealand. In Africa, 1 SHM member is from Nigeria (Society of Hospital Medicine Data, 2011). In fact, the International Hospitalists Section of SHM is 1 of only 2 sections that the Society recognizes.

Hospitalists are organizing themselves abroad as well. In Canada, the Canadian Society of Hospital Medicine was founded in 2001 and has had 8 national conferences to date.8 There are roughly 1,000 Canadian hospitalists (Wilton D, personal communication, 2011). Whereas most US hospitalists are internists or pediatricians, in Canada, most hospitalists are family physicians. In the US, hospitalists are more likely to perform the following services: consultation, intensive care unit patient care, rapid response team service, surgical comanagement, and evening on‐site coverage. Canadian hospitalists are more likely to provide pediatric care and psychiatry inpatient comanagement.9

In the UK, the professional organization of physicians most similar to US hospitalists, acute physicians, is called SAM (The Society for Acute Medicine). It was founded in 2000.10 In the UK, general practitioners (GPs) never care for inpatients; at the time, GPs referred all admissions to organ‐specific specialists (eg, cardiologists). Acute medicine was created due to the realization that medical inpatients were too complex to have specialists managing them. Training programs were set up circa 2003 to create this specialty and address this need. Acute physicians staff geographically localized acute medicine units near emergency departments. These patients stay 1 to 3 days in an effort to concentrate services and resources to these patients, to prevent longer stays once fully admitted (Smith R, personal communication, April 23, 2011). Acute medicine units in the UK, Ireland, and Australia have led to positive benefits on patient outcomes. A review article by Scott and colleagues revealed reductions in LOS, inpatient mortality, and emergency department LOS, without increased 30‐day readmission rates. They found increased staff and patient satisfaction, and more medical patients discharged directly to home from acute medical units.11 The development of acute medicine in Australia and New Zealand began around 2005 and derives from the geographic localization of the UK model. Whereas the UK model has a focus on the first 72 hours of hospitalization, the model in Australia and New Zealand is more similar to the US model of following patients through their entire admission.12 Unlike the UK, Australia does not have dedicated acute medicine training programs.

PASHA, the Pan‐American Society of Hospitalists, is a loose affiliation of hospitalists largely in South America, linking with their North American colleagues. PASHA grew out of SOBRAMH, Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Hospitalarthe first Hospital Medicine Society in South America, tracing its roots to 2004. To date, PASHA has had 1 international conference, but there have been 2 national conferences each in Brazil and Chile, and 1 in Colombia. The concept and advantages of Hospital Medicine have been presented at a conference in Panama. Argentina has its first Hospital Medicine Congress scheduled for September 2011, in concert with PASHA.

Two Hospital Medicine programs abroad deserve special mention. Both started in 2005 and have instituted the full hospitalist package, including multiple evidence‐based order sets at both sites (eg, deep vein thrombosis [DVT] prophylaxis and hyperglycemia management). At the Pontificia Universidad Catlica in Santiago, Chile, they have been awarded national grants to study hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients, and they have sent their faculty to the US for additional training in patient safety, quality improvement, leadership, and medical informatics. They have succeeded in decreasing LOS and improved the exam grades of their learners. Their faculty has published in national journals and is now beginning to submit their work for publication in US‐based journals (Rojas L, personal communication, April 22, 2011). The Clnica Universidad de Navarra (CUN) in Pamplona, Spain is a Joint Commission certified facility with a full electronic medical record. Hospitalists there are looking at ways in which hospitalist‐staffed intermediate care units can benefit patient outcomes. Additionally, they have comanagement arrangements with nearly all surgical subspecialties. The Management of the Hospitalized Patient symposium was organized by CUN hospitalists in 2007the first Hospital Medicine Congress, to our knowledge, in continental Europe. At any one time, 30% of all residents in all specialties rotate with CUN hospitalists (Lucena F, personal communication, April 22, 2011).

The specialty of Hospital Medicine is truly global. Our colleagues around the world employing the hospitalist model of care are now producing outcomes similar to the published models in North America and to the acute medicine models in Europe and Australia. According to the Society of Hospital Medicine, there are over 30,000 hospitalists in the US. There could be well over 50,000 hospitalists around the world. In 5 years, the world may have 100,000 hospitalists. The same drivers are fueling the growth of Hospital Medicine around the world. The evidence is building that the hospitalist model of care has financial and quality benefits that transcend borders. We forecast that the hospitalist model of care will become an increasingly larger part of the solution around the world to fix these international healthcare systems.

In the 15 years since Wachter and Goldman coined the term hospitalists, the specialty of Hospital Medicine grew faster than any other in the history of American medicine.1 The early drivers for growth were largely economic: There were significant reductions in resource use, with a 13% decrease in hospital costs and a 16% decrease in hospital lengths of stay (LOS).2 Hospitalist clinician‐educators increased the satisfaction of residents and medical students in academic settings.2 Patient satisfaction and hospital mortality did not suffer.2

Recent growth of Hospital Medicine revolves around 3 drivers: 1) improving quality and safety of hospitalized patientsowing in large part to the Institute of Medicine's 2 compelling reports, To Err Is Human3 and Crossing the Quality Chasm4; 2) hospitalist and specialist (surgeon) comanagement; and 3) the effects of duty hours restrictions imposed by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education affecting United States (US) teaching hospitals.5

In this issue of the Journal of Hospital Medicine, Shu and colleagues6 report on the performance of a hospitalist program in Taiwan. To the best of our knowledge, this report from Asia is the first published report of a successful hospitalist model with measurable patient outcomes outside of North America. Specifically, over a year, the authors found that patients admitted by hospitalists had a shorter LOS and lower cost per case, with no difference in in‐hospital mortality and 30‐day readmission. These results were obtained despite the fact that the cohort of patients admitted to the hospitalist team was older, sicker, and had worse functional capacity. Additionally, the patients admitted to the hospitalist team, and who died during hospitalization, were more likely to have a do‐not‐resuscitate (DNR) order signed, when compared with those patients admitted to the general internal medicine teaching service. Comparing LOS with North America may be problematic. As Shu and colleagues6 point out, there are cultural and economic issues that affect the behavior of patients and physicians in Taiwan.

The healthcare system in Taiwan has similarities to the healthcare systems in the United Kingdom (UK) and the US. In 1995, Taiwan implemented a national health insurance system. The UK has had a National Health Service for many years that provides most services for free. The Taiwanese system requires modest copayments for services. The implementation of the national health insurance system in Taiwan increased healthcare access from 57% of the population to 98%.7 The increase in insurance across the population with modest copayments has made it possible for a larger percentage of the population to access the healthcare system.7 According to the authors, this has resulted in increased hospital admissions (35% in the decade since the introduction of national health insurance), resulting in a shortage of Hospital Medicine physicians and hospital beds.7 Compounding the stressors on this system is that the diagnosis related group (DRG) reimbursement model, similar to the American DRG reimbursement model, will soon take effect in Taiwan. As a result, our colleagues in Taiwan are experiencing issues commonly faced by mature hospitalist programs in the US: increased needs in efficiency to improve patient flow and decrease emergency room overcrowding and LOS; and concerns with safe discharges of high‐risk patients while ensuring outpatient follow‐up. This is a scenario with which US hospitalists are all too familiar.

The next step for Taiwan might be to implement a culturally specific patient education program regarding the discharge process. The first step would be a needs assessment survey of patients in Taiwan, inquiring about concerns regarding readiness for discharge. They might inquire about patient beliefs regarding understanding indications for inpatient hospitalization versus discharge to home, home with home services, or skilled nursing facilities. They might be able to drill down to the root cause of refusal to be discharged home. These data could help our colleagues in Taiwan create their own discharge program to drive down LOS closer to that of the US and other Western countries, in order to reap financial benefits and improve resource utilization.

What do we know about the growth of Hospital Medicine around the world? The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) reports international members from 26 countries around the world. In North America, SHM members are found in the US, Canada, and Bermuda. In Europe, SHM members are found in England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, and Germany. In South America, SHM members are found in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina. In Asia and the Middle East, SHM has members in Saudi Arabia, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Japan, China, the Philippines, and Singapore. In Oceania, SHM has members in Australia, and New Zealand. In Africa, 1 SHM member is from Nigeria (Society of Hospital Medicine Data, 2011). In fact, the International Hospitalists Section of SHM is 1 of only 2 sections that the Society recognizes.

Hospitalists are organizing themselves abroad as well. In Canada, the Canadian Society of Hospital Medicine was founded in 2001 and has had 8 national conferences to date.8 There are roughly 1,000 Canadian hospitalists (Wilton D, personal communication, 2011). Whereas most US hospitalists are internists or pediatricians, in Canada, most hospitalists are family physicians. In the US, hospitalists are more likely to perform the following services: consultation, intensive care unit patient care, rapid response team service, surgical comanagement, and evening on‐site coverage. Canadian hospitalists are more likely to provide pediatric care and psychiatry inpatient comanagement.9

In the UK, the professional organization of physicians most similar to US hospitalists, acute physicians, is called SAM (The Society for Acute Medicine). It was founded in 2000.10 In the UK, general practitioners (GPs) never care for inpatients; at the time, GPs referred all admissions to organ‐specific specialists (eg, cardiologists). Acute medicine was created due to the realization that medical inpatients were too complex to have specialists managing them. Training programs were set up circa 2003 to create this specialty and address this need. Acute physicians staff geographically localized acute medicine units near emergency departments. These patients stay 1 to 3 days in an effort to concentrate services and resources to these patients, to prevent longer stays once fully admitted (Smith R, personal communication, April 23, 2011). Acute medicine units in the UK, Ireland, and Australia have led to positive benefits on patient outcomes. A review article by Scott and colleagues revealed reductions in LOS, inpatient mortality, and emergency department LOS, without increased 30‐day readmission rates. They found increased staff and patient satisfaction, and more medical patients discharged directly to home from acute medical units.11 The development of acute medicine in Australia and New Zealand began around 2005 and derives from the geographic localization of the UK model. Whereas the UK model has a focus on the first 72 hours of hospitalization, the model in Australia and New Zealand is more similar to the US model of following patients through their entire admission.12 Unlike the UK, Australia does not have dedicated acute medicine training programs.

PASHA, the Pan‐American Society of Hospitalists, is a loose affiliation of hospitalists largely in South America, linking with their North American colleagues. PASHA grew out of SOBRAMH, Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Hospitalarthe first Hospital Medicine Society in South America, tracing its roots to 2004. To date, PASHA has had 1 international conference, but there have been 2 national conferences each in Brazil and Chile, and 1 in Colombia. The concept and advantages of Hospital Medicine have been presented at a conference in Panama. Argentina has its first Hospital Medicine Congress scheduled for September 2011, in concert with PASHA.

Two Hospital Medicine programs abroad deserve special mention. Both started in 2005 and have instituted the full hospitalist package, including multiple evidence‐based order sets at both sites (eg, deep vein thrombosis [DVT] prophylaxis and hyperglycemia management). At the Pontificia Universidad Catlica in Santiago, Chile, they have been awarded national grants to study hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients, and they have sent their faculty to the US for additional training in patient safety, quality improvement, leadership, and medical informatics. They have succeeded in decreasing LOS and improved the exam grades of their learners. Their faculty has published in national journals and is now beginning to submit their work for publication in US‐based journals (Rojas L, personal communication, April 22, 2011). The Clnica Universidad de Navarra (CUN) in Pamplona, Spain is a Joint Commission certified facility with a full electronic medical record. Hospitalists there are looking at ways in which hospitalist‐staffed intermediate care units can benefit patient outcomes. Additionally, they have comanagement arrangements with nearly all surgical subspecialties. The Management of the Hospitalized Patient symposium was organized by CUN hospitalists in 2007the first Hospital Medicine Congress, to our knowledge, in continental Europe. At any one time, 30% of all residents in all specialties rotate with CUN hospitalists (Lucena F, personal communication, April 22, 2011).

The specialty of Hospital Medicine is truly global. Our colleagues around the world employing the hospitalist model of care are now producing outcomes similar to the published models in North America and to the acute medicine models in Europe and Australia. According to the Society of Hospital Medicine, there are over 30,000 hospitalists in the US. There could be well over 50,000 hospitalists around the world. In 5 years, the world may have 100,000 hospitalists. The same drivers are fueling the growth of Hospital Medicine around the world. The evidence is building that the hospitalist model of care has financial and quality benefits that transcend borders. We forecast that the hospitalist model of care will become an increasingly larger part of the solution around the world to fix these international healthcare systems.

  1. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The emerging role of “hospitalists” in the American health care system.N Engl J Med.1996;335(7):514517.
  2. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The hospitalist movement 5 years later.JAMA.2002;287(4):487494.
  3. Kohn L,Corrigan J,Donaldson M.To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System; Institute of Medicine Committee on Quality of Health Care in America.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2000.
  4. Kohn L,Corrigan J,Donaldson M.Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century; Institute of Medicine Committee of Health Care in America.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2001.
  5. Wachter RM.The state of hospital medicine in 2008.Med Clin North Am.2008;92:265273.
  6. Shu et al.J Hosp Med.2011;6:378–382.
  7. Wen CP,Tsai SP,Chung WS.A 10‐year experience with universal health insurance in Taiwan: measuring changes in health and health disparity.Ann Intern Med.2008;148(4):258267.
  8. Canadian Hospitalist: Canadian Society of Hospital Medicine Web site. Available at: Accessed April 15,2011.
  9. Soong CFE,Howell EE,Maloney RJ,Pronovost PJ,Wilton D,Wright SM.Characteristics of hospitalists and hospitalist programs in the United States and Canada.J Clin Outcomes Manage.2009;16(2):6974.
  10. The Society for Acute Medicine Web site. Available at: Accessed April 14,2011.
  11. Scott I,Vaughn L,Bell D.Effectiveness of acute medical units in hospitals: a systematic review.Int J Qual Health Care.2009;21(6):397407.
  12. MacDonald A.Acute and general medicine on opposite sides of the world.Acute Med.2011;10(2):6768.
  1. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The emerging role of “hospitalists” in the American health care system.N Engl J Med.1996;335(7):514517.
  2. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The hospitalist movement 5 years later.JAMA.2002;287(4):487494.
  3. Kohn L,Corrigan J,Donaldson M.To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System; Institute of Medicine Committee on Quality of Health Care in America.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2000.
  4. Kohn L,Corrigan J,Donaldson M.Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century; Institute of Medicine Committee of Health Care in America.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2001.
  5. Wachter RM.The state of hospital medicine in 2008.Med Clin North Am.2008;92:265273.
  6. Shu et al.J Hosp Med.2011;6:378–382.
  7. Wen CP,Tsai SP,Chung WS.A 10‐year experience with universal health insurance in Taiwan: measuring changes in health and health disparity.Ann Intern Med.2008;148(4):258267.
  8. Canadian Hospitalist: Canadian Society of Hospital Medicine Web site. Available at: Accessed April 15,2011.
  9. Soong CFE,Howell EE,Maloney RJ,Pronovost PJ,Wilton D,Wright SM.Characteristics of hospitalists and hospitalist programs in the United States and Canada.J Clin Outcomes Manage.2009;16(2):6974.
  10. The Society for Acute Medicine Web site. Available at: Accessed April 14,2011.
  11. Scott I,Vaughn L,Bell D.Effectiveness of acute medical units in hospitals: a systematic review.Int J Qual Health Care.2009;21(6):397407.
  12. MacDonald A.Acute and general medicine on opposite sides of the world.Acute Med.2011;10(2):6768.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(7)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(7)
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The international hospital medicine scene
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The international hospital medicine scene
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