Department of Internal Medicine, Center for Health Services Research, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
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Hospitalist Value in an ACO World

Article Type
Tue, 04/24/2018 - 06:53

The accountable care organization (ACO) concept, elucidated in 2006 as the development of partnerships between hospitals and physicians to coordinate and deliver efficient care,1 seeks to remove existing barriers to improving value.2 Some advocate this concept as a promising payment model that could successfully realign the current payment system to financially reward improvements in quality and efficiency that bend the cost curve.3,4 Hospitalists fit well with this philosophy. As the fastest growing medical specialty in the history of American medicine, from a couple of thousand hospitalists in the mid-1990s to more than 50,000, the remarkable progression of hospitalists has ostensibly been driven partially by hospitals’ efforts to improve the value equation through enhanced efficiency in inpatient care. Importantly, hospitalists probably provide care for more than half of all hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries and increasingly patients in skilled nursing facilities (ie, SNFists).5 Along with primary care physicians, hospitalists thus represent an essential group of physicians needed to transform care delivery.


When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) established the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), ACOs leaped from being an intellectual concept1,2 into a pragmatic health system strategy.3,4 Following Medicare, various private health insurance plans and some state Medicaid programs entered into contracts with groups of healthcare providers (hospitals, physicians, or health systems) to serve as ACOs for their insured enrollees.6 Leavitt Partners’ ACO tracking database showed that the number of ACOs increased from 157 in March of 2012 to 782 in December of 2015.7

Until recently, the federal government’s commitment to having 50% of total Medicare spending via value-based payment models by 2018, coupled with endorsement from state Medicaid programs and commercial insurers, demonstrated strong support for continuation of ACOs. Unexpectedly on August 15, 2017, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) outlined a plan in its proposed rulemaking to cancel the Episode Payment Models and the Cardiac Rehabilitation incentive payment model, which were scheduled to commence on January 1, 2018. CMS also plans to scale back the mandatory Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CCJR) bundled payment model from 67 selected geographic areas to 34. Although this proposed rulemaking created some equipoise in the healthcare industry regarding the future of value-based reimbursement approaches, cost containment and improved efficiency remain as major focuses of the federal government’s healthcare effort. Notably, CMS offers providers that are newly excluded from the CCJR model the opportunity to voluntarily participate in the program and is expected to increase opportunities for providers to participate in voluntary rather than large-scale mandatory episode payment model initiatives. In 2018, the agency also plans to develop new voluntary bundled payment models that will meet criteria to be considered an advanced alternative payment model for Quality Payment Program purposes.

Importantly, the value-based reimbursement movement was well underway before ACA legislation. Through ACA health reform, value-based reimbursement efforts were expanded through ACOs, bundled payments, value-based purchasing, the CMS Innovation Center and other initiatives. With health systems having an overflowing plate of activities, a wait-and-see attitude might seem reasonable at first. However, being unprepared for the inevitable shift to value-based reimbursement and reduced fee-for-service revenue places an organization at risk. A successful ACO requires system-level transformation, especially cultural and structural changes to achieve clinical integration. Being embedded in health system delivery, hospitalists can help shape a team-oriented culture and foster success in value-based payment models. This requires hospitalists to take a more active role in assessing and striking a balance between high-quality, cost-efficient care and financial risk inherent in ACO models.


The key to hospitalists fulfilling their value creation potential and becoming enablers for ACO success lies in developing a thorough understanding of the aspects of an ACO that promote efficient and effective care, while accounting for financial factors. Fundamentally, the ACO concept combines provider payment and delivery system reforms. Specifically, the definition of an ACO contains 3 factors: (1) a local healthcare organization (eg, hospital or multispecialty group of physicians) with a related set of providers that (2) can be held accountable for the cost and quality of care delivered to (3) a defined population. While the notion of accountability is not new, the locus of accountability is changed in the ACO model—emphasizing accountability at the level of actual care delivery with documentation of quality and cost outcomes. The ACO approach aims to address multiple, frequent, and recurring problems, including lack of financial incentives to improve quality and reduce cost, as well as the negative consequences of a pay-for-volume system—uncoordinated and fragmented care, overutilization of unnecessary tests and treatments, and poor patient experience all manifested as unwarranted geographic variation in practice patterns, clinical outcomes, and health spending. Participants in an ACO are rewarded financially if they can slow the growth of their patients’ healthcare costs while maintaining or improving the quality of care delivered. To succeed in this ACO world, hospitalists must assume greater prudence in the use of healthcare services while improving (or at a minimum, maintaining) patient outcomes, thus excising avoidable waste across the continuum of care.



More than half of ACOs include a hospital.8 However, whether hospital-led ACOs possess an advantage remains to be elucidated. Early reports indicated that physician-led ACOs saved more money.9,10 However, others argue that hospitals11 are better capitalized, have greater capacity for data sharing, and possess economies of scale that allow them to invest in more advanced technology, such as predictive modeling and/or simulation software. Such analytics can identify high-cost patients (ie, multiple comorbidities), super utilizers and populations lacking care, allowing ACOs to implement preventive measures to reduce unnecessary utilization. Recently released CMS MSSP 2016 performance data12 showed that nearly half (45%) of physician-only ACOs earned shared savings, whereas 23% of ACOs that include hospitals earned shared savings. However, among all the ACOs that achieved savings, ACO entities that include hospitals generated the highest amount of shared savings (eg, Advocate, Hackensack Alliance, Cleveland Clinic, and AMITA Health). Notably, hospital-led ACOs tend to have much larger beneficiary populations than physician-led ACOs, which may create a scenario of higher risk but higher potential reward.


The emphasis on value over volume inherent in the development of ACOs occurs through employing care strategies implemented through changes in policies, and eventual structural and cultural changes. These changes require participating organizations to possess certain key competencies, including the following: 1) leadership that facilitates change; 2) organizational culture of teamwork; 3) collaborative relationships among providers; 4) information technology infrastructure for population management and care coordination; 5) infrastructure for monitoring, managing, and reporting quality; 6) ability to manage financial risk; 7) ability to receive and distribute payments or savings; and 8) resources for patient education and support.2,3,13-16 Table 1 summarizes the broad range of roles that hospitalists can serve in delivering care to ACO populations.17-19

Hospitalists’ active pursuit of nonclinical training and selection for administrative positions demonstrate their proclivity to provide these competencies. In addition to full-time clinician hospitalists, who can directly influence the delivery of high-value care to patients, hospitalists serve many other roles in hospitals and each can contribute differently based on their specialized expertise. Examples include the success of the Society of Hospital Medicine’s Leadership Academy; the acknowledged expertise of hospitalists in quality improvement (QI), informatics, teamwork, patient experience, care coordination and utilization; and advancement of hospitalists to senior leadership positions (eg, CQO, CMO, CEO). Given that nearly a third of healthcare expenditures are for hospital care,20 hospitalists are in a unique position to foster ACO competencies while impacting the quality of care episodes associated with an index hospital stay.

Importantly, hospitalists cannot act as gatekeepers to restrict care. Managed care organizations and health maintenance organizations use of this approach in the 1990s to limit access to services in order to reduce costs led to unacceptable outcomes and numerous malpractice lawsuits. ACOs should aspire to deliver the most cost-effective high-quality care, and their performance should be monitored to ensure that they provide recommended services and timely access. The Medicare ACO contract holds the provider accountable for meeting 34 different quality measures (Supplemental Table 1), and hospitalists can influence outcomes for the majority. Especially through hospital and health system QI initiatives, hospitalists can directly impact and share accountability for measures ranging from care coordination to implementation of evidence-based care (eg, ACE inhibitors and beta blockers for heart failure) to patient and family caregiver experience.

Aligned with Medicare ACO quality measures, 5 high-impact target areas were identified for ACOs21: (1) Prevention and wellness; (2) Chronic conditions/care management; (3) Reduced hospitalizations; (4) Care transitions across the fragmented system; and (5) Multispecialty care coordination of complex patients. One essential element of a successful ACO is the ability to implement evidence-based medical guidelines and/or practices across the continuum of care for selected targeted initiatives. Optimizing care coordination/continuum requires team-based care, and hospitalists already routinely collaborate with nurses, social workers, case managers, pharmacists, and other stakeholders such as dieticians and physical therapists on inpatient care. Hospitalists are also experienced in facilitating communication and improving integration and coordination efficiencies among primary care providers and specialists, and between hospital care and post-acute care, as they coordinate post-hospital care and follow-up. This provides an opportunity to lead health system care coordination efforts, especially for complex and/or high-risk patients.22,23 CMS MSSP 2016 performance data12 showed that ACOs achieving shared savings had a decline in inpatient expenditures and utilization across several facility types (hospital, SNF, rehabilitation, long term). Postacute care management is critical to earning shared savings; SNF and Home Health expenditures fell by 18.3% and 9.7%, respectively, on average. We believe that hospitalists can have more influence over these cost areas by influencing treatment of hospitalized patients in a timely manner, discharge coordination, and selection of appropriate disposition locations. Hospitalists also play an integral role in ensuring the hospital performs well on quality metrics, including 30-day readmissions, hospital acquired conditions, and patient satisfaction. Examples below document the effectiveness of hospitalists in this new ACO era.



Care Transitions/Coordination

Before the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP) delineated in the ACA, hospitalists developed Project BOOST (Better Outcomes by Optimizing Care Transitions) to improve hospital discharge care transition. The evidence-based foundation of this project led CMS to list Project BOOST as an example program that can reduce readmissions.24 Through the dissemination and mentored implementation of Project BOOST to over 200 hospitals across the United States,25 hospitalists contributed to the marked reduction in hospital readmission occurring since 2010.26 Although hospital medicine began as a practice specific to the hospital setting, hospitalists’ skills generated growing demand for them in postacute facilities. SNF residents commonly come from hospitals postdischarge and suffer from multiple comorbidities and limitations in activities of daily living. Not surprisingly, SNF residents experience high rates of rehospitalizations.27 Hospitalists can serve as a bridge between hospitals and SNFs and optimize this transition process to yield improved outcomes. Industry experts endorse this approach.28 A recent study demonstrated a significant reduction in readmissions in 1 SNF (32.3% to 16.1%, odds ratio = 0.403, P < .001), by having a hospitalist-led team follow patients discharged from the hospital.29

Chronic Conditions Management/High-Risk Patients

Interest in patients with multiple chronic comorbidities and social issues intensifies as healthcare systems focus limited resources on these high-risk patients to prevent the unnecessary use of costly services.30,31 As health systems assume financial risk for health outcomes and costs of designated patient groups, they undertake efforts to understand the population they serve. Such efforts aim to identify patients with established high utilization patterns (or those at risk for high utilization). This knowledge enables targeted actions to provide access, treatment, and preventive interventions to avoid unneeded emergency and hospital services. Hospitalists commonly care for these patients and are positioned to lead the implementation of patient risk assessment and stratification, develop patient-centered care models across care settings, and act as a liaison with primary care. For frail elderly and seriously ill patients, the integration of hospitalists into palliative care provides several opportunities for improving the quality of care at the end of life.32 As patients and their family caregivers commonly do not address goals of care until faced with a life-threatening condition in the hospital, hospitalists represent ideal primary palliative care physicians to initiate these conversations.33 A hospitalist communicating with a patient and/or their family caregiver about alleviating symptoms and clarifying patients’ preferences for care often yields decreases in ineffective healthcare utilization and better patient outcomes. The hospitalists’ ability to communicate with other providers within the hospital setting also allows them to better coordinate interdisciplinary care and prevent unnecessary and ineffective treatments and procedures.

De-Implementation/Waste Reduction

The largest inefficiencies in healthcare noted in the National Academy of Medicine report, Demanding Value from Our Health Care (2012), are failure to deliver known beneficial therapies or providing unnecessary or nonevidenced based services that do not improve outcomes, but come with associated risk and cost.34 “De-implementation” of unnecessary diagnostic tests or ineffective or even harmful treatments by hospitalists represents a significant opportunity to reduce costs while maintaining or even improving the quality of care. The Society of Hospital Medicine joined the Choosing Wisely® campaign and made 5 recommendations in adult care as an explicit starting point for eliminating waste in the hospital in 2013.35 Since then, hospitalists have participated in multiple successful efforts to address overutilization of care; some published results include the following:

  • decreased frequency of unnecessary common labs through a multifaceted hospitalist QI intervention;36
  • reduced length of stay and cost by appropriate use of telemetry;37 and
  • reduced unnecessary radiology testing by providing physicians with individualized audit and feedback reports.38


Hundreds of ACOs now exist across the US, formed by a variety of providers including hospitals, physician groups, and integrated delivery systems. Provider groups range in size from primary care-focused physician groups with a handful of offices to large, multistate integrated delivery systems with dozens of hospitals and hundreds of office locations. Evaluations of ACO outcomes reveal mixed results.9,39-53 Admittedly, assessments attempting to compare the magnitude of savings across ACO models are difficult given the variation in size, variability in specific efforts to influence utilization, and substantial turnover among participating beneficiaries.54 Nonetheless, a newly published Office of Inspector General report55 showed that most Medicare ACOs reduced spending and improved care quality (82% of the individual quality measures) over the first 3 years of the program, and savings increased with duration of an ACO program. The report also noted that considerable time and managerial resources are required to implement changes to improve quality and lower costs. While the political terrain ostensibly supports value-based care and the need to diminish the proportion of our nation’s gross domestic product dedicated to healthcare, health systems are navigating an environment that still largely rewards volume. Hospitalists may be ideal facilitators for this transitional period as they possess the clinical experience caring for complex patients with multiple comorbidities and quality improvement skills to lead efforts in this new ACO era.




The authors have nothing to disclose.


1. Fisher ES, Staiger DO, Bynum JP, Gottlieb DJ. Creating accountable care organizations: the extended hospital medical staff. Health Aff(Project Hope). 2007;26(1):w44-w57. PubMed
2. Fisher ES, McClellan MB, Bertko J, et al. Fostering accountable health care: moving forward in medicare. Health Aff(Project Hope). 2009;28(2):w219-w231. PubMed
3. McClellan M, McKethan AN, Lewis JL, Roski J, Fisher ES. A national strategy to put accountable care into practice. Health Aff(Project Hope). 2010;29(5):982-990. PubMed
4. Berwick DM. Making good on ACOs’ promise--the final rule for the Medicare shared savings program. N Engl J Med. 2011;365(19):1753-1756. PubMed
5. Kuo YF, Sharma G, Freeman JL, Goodwin JS. Growth in the care of older patients by hospitalists in the United States. N Engl J Med. 2009;360(11):1102-1112. PubMed
6. Kennedy K. Health Care Providers Embracing Cost-saving Groups. USA Today, July 24, 2011.
7. Leavitt Partners. Available at, April 2016.
8. Colla CH, Lewis VA, Tierney E, Muhlestein DB. Hospitals Participating In ACOs Tend To Be Large And Urban, Allowing Access To Capital And Data. Health Aff(Millwood). 2016;35(3):431-439. PubMed
9. McWilliams JM, Hatfield LA, Chernew ME, Landon BE, Schwartz AL. Early Performance of Accountable Care Organizations in Medicare. N Engl J Med. 2016;374(24):2357-2366. PubMed
10. Muhlestein D, Saunders R, McClellan M. Medicare Accountable Care Organization Results For 2015: The Journey To Better Quality And Lower Costs Continues. In. Health Affairs Blog. Bethesda, MD 2016.
11. Chernew ME. New Health Care Symposium: Building An ACO---What Services Do You Need And How Are Physicians Impacted? In Health Affairs Blog. Bethesda, MD 2016. 
12. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Performance Year 2016 Quality Performance and Financial Reconciliation Results for ACOs with 2012-2016 Start Dates. Available at 2017.
13. Shortell SM, Casalino LP. Implementing qualifications criteria and technical assistance for accountable care organizations. JAMA. 2010;303(17):1747-1748. PubMed
14. Shortell SM, Casalino LP, Fisher ES. How the center for Medicare and Medicaid innovation should test accountable care organizations. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2010;29(7):1293-1298. PubMed
15. Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. Accountable Care Organizations Payment Systems October 2015. Available at
16. American Hospital Association. 2010 Committee on Research. AHA Research Synthesis Report: Accountable Care Organization. 
17. D’Aunno T, Broffman L, Sparer M, Kumar SR. Factors That Distinguish High-Performing Accountable Care Organizations in the Medicare Shared Savings Program. Health Serv. Res. 2016. PubMed
18. Peiris D, Phipps-Taylor MC, Stachowski CA, et al. ACOs Holding Commercial Contracts Are Larger And More Efficient Than Noncommercial ACOs. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2016;35(10):1849-1856. PubMed
19. Ouayogode MH, Colla CH, Lewis VA. Determinants of success in Shared Savings Programs: An analysis of ACO and market characteristics. Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2017;5(1-2):53-61. PubMed
20. National Center for Health Statistics. Health, United States, 2016: With Chartbook on Long-term Trends in Health. In: Hyattsville, MD.2017. PubMed
21. Gbemudu JN. Larson BK, Van Citters AD, Kreindler SA, Nelson EC, Shortell SM, Fisher ES. Norton Healthcare: A Strong Payer–Provider Partnership for the Journey to Accountable Care. January 2012. Available at
22. O’Leary KJ, Haviley C, Slade ME, Shah HM, Lee J, Williams MV. Improving teamwork: impact of structured interdisciplinary rounds on a hospitalist unit. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(2):88-93. PubMed
23. Hansen LO, Greenwald JL, Budnitz T, et al. Project BOOST: effectiveness of a multihospital effort to reduce rehospitalization. J. Hosp. Med.. 2013;8(8):421-427. PubMed
24. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Solicitation for Applications: Community-based Care Transitions Program. Available at September 7, 2017.
25. Li J, Hinami K, Hansen LO, Maynard G, Budnitz T, Williams MV. The physician mentored implementation model: a promising quality improvement framework for health care change. Acad Med. 2015;90(3):303-310. PubMed
26. Williams MV, Li J, Hansen LO, et al. Project BOOST implementation: lessons learned. South Med J. 2014;107(7):455-465. PubMed
27. Ouslander JG, Lamb G, Perloe M, et al. Potentially avoidable hospitalizations of nursing home residents: frequency, causes, and costs: [see editorial comments by Drs. Jean F. Wyman and William R. Hazzard, pp 760-761]. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010;58(4):627-635. PubMed
28. Pittman D. SNFs: New Turf for Hospitalists? 2013. Available at
29. Petigara S, Krishnamurthy M, Livert D. Necessity is the mother of invention: an innovative hospitalist-resident initiative for improving quality and reducing readmissions from skilled nursing facilities. J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2017;7(2):66-69. PubMed
30. Silow-Carroll S, Edwards J. Early Adopters of the Accountable Care Model: A Field Report on Improvements in Health Care Delivery. New York, NY: The Commonwealth Fund;March 2013. 
31. Hasselman D. Super-Utilizer Summit: Common Themes from Innovative Complex Care Management Programs. Hamilton, NJ: Center for Health Care Strategies;October 2013. 
32. Wald HL, Glasheen JJ, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth JM, Cumbler EU. Evaluation of a hospitalist-run acute care for the elderly service. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(6):313-321. PubMed

33. Quill TE, Abernethy AP. Generalist plus specialist palliative care--creating a more sustainable model. N Engl J Med. 2013;368(13):1173-1175. PubMed
34. O’Kane M, Buto K, Alteras T, et. al. Demanding Value from Our Health Care: Motivating Patient Action to Reduce Waste in Health Care. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. July 2012. Accessed Accessed June 18, 2017.
35. Bulger J, Nickel W, Messler J, et al. Choosing wisely in adult hospital medicine: five opportunities for improved healthcare value. J Hosp Med. 2013;8(9):486-492. PubMed
36. Corson AH, Fan VS, White T, et al. A multifaceted hospitalist quality improvement intervention: Decreased frequency of common labs. J Hosp Med. 2015;10(6):390-395. PubMed
37. Svec D, Ahuja N, Evans KH, et al. Hospitalist intervention for appropriate use of telemetry reduces length of stay and cost. J Hosp Med. 2015;10(9):627-632. PubMed
38. Neeman N, Quinn K, Soni K, Mourad M, Sehgal NL. Reducing radiology use on an inpatient medical service: choosing wisely. JAMA Intern Med. 2012;172(20):1606-1608. PubMed
39. Abrams M, Nuzum R, Zezza M, Ryan J, Kiszla J, Guterman S. The Affordable Care Act’s Payment and Delivery System Reforms: A Progress Report at Five Years. Bipartisan Policy Center, May 2015. Available at
40. Kocot SL, White R, Katikaneni P, McClellan MB. A More Complete Picture of Pioneer ACO Results. The Brookings Institution, October 13, 2014. Available at
41. Blumenthal D, Abrams M, Nuzum R. The Affordable Care Act at 5 Years. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(25):2451-2458. PubMed
42. Colla CH, Lewis VA, Kao LS, O’Malley AJ, Chang CH, Fisher ES. Association Between Medicare Accountable Care Organization Implementation and Spending Among Clinically Vulnerable Beneficiaries. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(8):1167-1175. PubMed
43. Epstein AM, Jha AK, Orav EJ, et al. Analysis of early accountable care organizations defines patient, structural, cost, and quality-of-care characteristics. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2014;33(1):95-102. PubMed
44. Fullerton CA, Henke RM, Crable E, Hohlbauch A, Cummings N. The Impact Of Medicare ACOs On Improving Integration And Coordination Of Physical And Behavioral Health Care. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2016;35(7):1257-1265. PubMed
45. Herrel LA, Norton EC, Hawken SR, Ye Z, Hollenbeck BK, Miller DC. Early impact of Medicare accountable care organizations on cancer surgery outcomes. Cancer. 2016;122(17):2739-2746. PubMed
46. McConnell KJ, Renfro S, Chan BK, et al. Early Performance in Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations: A Comparison of Oregon and Colorado. JAMA Intern Med. 2017;177(4):538-545. PubMed
47. Nyweide DJ, Lee W, Cuerdon TT, et al. Association of Pioneer Accountable Care Organizations vs traditional Medicare fee for service with spending, utilization, and patient experience. JAMA. 2015;313(21):2152-2161. PubMed
48. Rajkumar R, Press MJ, Conway PH. The CMS Innovation Center--a five-year self-assessment. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(21):1981-1983. PubMed
49. Rose S, Zaslavsky AM, McWilliams JM. Variation In Accountable Care Organization Spending And Sensitivity To Risk Adjustment: Implications For Benchmarking. Health affairs (Project Hope). 2016;35(3):440-448. PubMed
50. Shortell SM, Poon BY, Ramsay PP, et al. A Multilevel Analysis of Patient Engagement and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Primary Care Practices of Accountable Care Organizations. J Gen Intern Med. 2017;32(6):640-647. PubMed
51. Winblad U, Mor V, McHugh JP, Rahman M. ACO-Affiliated Hospitals Reduced Rehospitalizations From Skilled Nursing Facilities Faster Than Other Hospitals. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2017;36(1):67-73. PubMed
52. Zhang Y, Caines KJ, Powers CA. Evaluating the Effects of Pioneer Accountable Care Organizations on Medicare Part D Drug Spending and Utilization. Med Care. 2017;55(5):470-475. PubMed
53. Muhlestein D. Medicare ACOs: Mixed Initial Results and Cautious Optimism. Health Affairs Blog, February 4, 2014. Available at
54. Hsu J, Price M, Vogeli C, et al. Bending The Spending Curve By Altering Care Delivery Patterns: The Role Of Care Management Within A Pioneer ACO. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2017;36(5):876-884. PubMed
55. Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations Have Shown Potential For Reducing Spending And Improving Quality. Office of Inspector General;August 2017. 

Article PDF
Journal of Hospital Medicine 13(4)
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The accountable care organization (ACO) concept, elucidated in 2006 as the development of partnerships between hospitals and physicians to coordinate and deliver efficient care,1 seeks to remove existing barriers to improving value.2 Some advocate this concept as a promising payment model that could successfully realign the current payment system to financially reward improvements in quality and efficiency that bend the cost curve.3,4 Hospitalists fit well with this philosophy. As the fastest growing medical specialty in the history of American medicine, from a couple of thousand hospitalists in the mid-1990s to more than 50,000, the remarkable progression of hospitalists has ostensibly been driven partially by hospitals’ efforts to improve the value equation through enhanced efficiency in inpatient care. Importantly, hospitalists probably provide care for more than half of all hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries and increasingly patients in skilled nursing facilities (ie, SNFists).5 Along with primary care physicians, hospitalists thus represent an essential group of physicians needed to transform care delivery.


When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) established the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), ACOs leaped from being an intellectual concept1,2 into a pragmatic health system strategy.3,4 Following Medicare, various private health insurance plans and some state Medicaid programs entered into contracts with groups of healthcare providers (hospitals, physicians, or health systems) to serve as ACOs for their insured enrollees.6 Leavitt Partners’ ACO tracking database showed that the number of ACOs increased from 157 in March of 2012 to 782 in December of 2015.7

Until recently, the federal government’s commitment to having 50% of total Medicare spending via value-based payment models by 2018, coupled with endorsement from state Medicaid programs and commercial insurers, demonstrated strong support for continuation of ACOs. Unexpectedly on August 15, 2017, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) outlined a plan in its proposed rulemaking to cancel the Episode Payment Models and the Cardiac Rehabilitation incentive payment model, which were scheduled to commence on January 1, 2018. CMS also plans to scale back the mandatory Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CCJR) bundled payment model from 67 selected geographic areas to 34. Although this proposed rulemaking created some equipoise in the healthcare industry regarding the future of value-based reimbursement approaches, cost containment and improved efficiency remain as major focuses of the federal government’s healthcare effort. Notably, CMS offers providers that are newly excluded from the CCJR model the opportunity to voluntarily participate in the program and is expected to increase opportunities for providers to participate in voluntary rather than large-scale mandatory episode payment model initiatives. In 2018, the agency also plans to develop new voluntary bundled payment models that will meet criteria to be considered an advanced alternative payment model for Quality Payment Program purposes.

Importantly, the value-based reimbursement movement was well underway before ACA legislation. Through ACA health reform, value-based reimbursement efforts were expanded through ACOs, bundled payments, value-based purchasing, the CMS Innovation Center and other initiatives. With health systems having an overflowing plate of activities, a wait-and-see attitude might seem reasonable at first. However, being unprepared for the inevitable shift to value-based reimbursement and reduced fee-for-service revenue places an organization at risk. A successful ACO requires system-level transformation, especially cultural and structural changes to achieve clinical integration. Being embedded in health system delivery, hospitalists can help shape a team-oriented culture and foster success in value-based payment models. This requires hospitalists to take a more active role in assessing and striking a balance between high-quality, cost-efficient care and financial risk inherent in ACO models.


The key to hospitalists fulfilling their value creation potential and becoming enablers for ACO success lies in developing a thorough understanding of the aspects of an ACO that promote efficient and effective care, while accounting for financial factors. Fundamentally, the ACO concept combines provider payment and delivery system reforms. Specifically, the definition of an ACO contains 3 factors: (1) a local healthcare organization (eg, hospital or multispecialty group of physicians) with a related set of providers that (2) can be held accountable for the cost and quality of care delivered to (3) a defined population. While the notion of accountability is not new, the locus of accountability is changed in the ACO model—emphasizing accountability at the level of actual care delivery with documentation of quality and cost outcomes. The ACO approach aims to address multiple, frequent, and recurring problems, including lack of financial incentives to improve quality and reduce cost, as well as the negative consequences of a pay-for-volume system—uncoordinated and fragmented care, overutilization of unnecessary tests and treatments, and poor patient experience all manifested as unwarranted geographic variation in practice patterns, clinical outcomes, and health spending. Participants in an ACO are rewarded financially if they can slow the growth of their patients’ healthcare costs while maintaining or improving the quality of care delivered. To succeed in this ACO world, hospitalists must assume greater prudence in the use of healthcare services while improving (or at a minimum, maintaining) patient outcomes, thus excising avoidable waste across the continuum of care.



More than half of ACOs include a hospital.8 However, whether hospital-led ACOs possess an advantage remains to be elucidated. Early reports indicated that physician-led ACOs saved more money.9,10 However, others argue that hospitals11 are better capitalized, have greater capacity for data sharing, and possess economies of scale that allow them to invest in more advanced technology, such as predictive modeling and/or simulation software. Such analytics can identify high-cost patients (ie, multiple comorbidities), super utilizers and populations lacking care, allowing ACOs to implement preventive measures to reduce unnecessary utilization. Recently released CMS MSSP 2016 performance data12 showed that nearly half (45%) of physician-only ACOs earned shared savings, whereas 23% of ACOs that include hospitals earned shared savings. However, among all the ACOs that achieved savings, ACO entities that include hospitals generated the highest amount of shared savings (eg, Advocate, Hackensack Alliance, Cleveland Clinic, and AMITA Health). Notably, hospital-led ACOs tend to have much larger beneficiary populations than physician-led ACOs, which may create a scenario of higher risk but higher potential reward.


The emphasis on value over volume inherent in the development of ACOs occurs through employing care strategies implemented through changes in policies, and eventual structural and cultural changes. These changes require participating organizations to possess certain key competencies, including the following: 1) leadership that facilitates change; 2) organizational culture of teamwork; 3) collaborative relationships among providers; 4) information technology infrastructure for population management and care coordination; 5) infrastructure for monitoring, managing, and reporting quality; 6) ability to manage financial risk; 7) ability to receive and distribute payments or savings; and 8) resources for patient education and support.2,3,13-16 Table 1 summarizes the broad range of roles that hospitalists can serve in delivering care to ACO populations.17-19

Hospitalists’ active pursuit of nonclinical training and selection for administrative positions demonstrate their proclivity to provide these competencies. In addition to full-time clinician hospitalists, who can directly influence the delivery of high-value care to patients, hospitalists serve many other roles in hospitals and each can contribute differently based on their specialized expertise. Examples include the success of the Society of Hospital Medicine’s Leadership Academy; the acknowledged expertise of hospitalists in quality improvement (QI), informatics, teamwork, patient experience, care coordination and utilization; and advancement of hospitalists to senior leadership positions (eg, CQO, CMO, CEO). Given that nearly a third of healthcare expenditures are for hospital care,20 hospitalists are in a unique position to foster ACO competencies while impacting the quality of care episodes associated with an index hospital stay.

Importantly, hospitalists cannot act as gatekeepers to restrict care. Managed care organizations and health maintenance organizations use of this approach in the 1990s to limit access to services in order to reduce costs led to unacceptable outcomes and numerous malpractice lawsuits. ACOs should aspire to deliver the most cost-effective high-quality care, and their performance should be monitored to ensure that they provide recommended services and timely access. The Medicare ACO contract holds the provider accountable for meeting 34 different quality measures (Supplemental Table 1), and hospitalists can influence outcomes for the majority. Especially through hospital and health system QI initiatives, hospitalists can directly impact and share accountability for measures ranging from care coordination to implementation of evidence-based care (eg, ACE inhibitors and beta blockers for heart failure) to patient and family caregiver experience.

Aligned with Medicare ACO quality measures, 5 high-impact target areas were identified for ACOs21: (1) Prevention and wellness; (2) Chronic conditions/care management; (3) Reduced hospitalizations; (4) Care transitions across the fragmented system; and (5) Multispecialty care coordination of complex patients. One essential element of a successful ACO is the ability to implement evidence-based medical guidelines and/or practices across the continuum of care for selected targeted initiatives. Optimizing care coordination/continuum requires team-based care, and hospitalists already routinely collaborate with nurses, social workers, case managers, pharmacists, and other stakeholders such as dieticians and physical therapists on inpatient care. Hospitalists are also experienced in facilitating communication and improving integration and coordination efficiencies among primary care providers and specialists, and between hospital care and post-acute care, as they coordinate post-hospital care and follow-up. This provides an opportunity to lead health system care coordination efforts, especially for complex and/or high-risk patients.22,23 CMS MSSP 2016 performance data12 showed that ACOs achieving shared savings had a decline in inpatient expenditures and utilization across several facility types (hospital, SNF, rehabilitation, long term). Postacute care management is critical to earning shared savings; SNF and Home Health expenditures fell by 18.3% and 9.7%, respectively, on average. We believe that hospitalists can have more influence over these cost areas by influencing treatment of hospitalized patients in a timely manner, discharge coordination, and selection of appropriate disposition locations. Hospitalists also play an integral role in ensuring the hospital performs well on quality metrics, including 30-day readmissions, hospital acquired conditions, and patient satisfaction. Examples below document the effectiveness of hospitalists in this new ACO era.



Care Transitions/Coordination

Before the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP) delineated in the ACA, hospitalists developed Project BOOST (Better Outcomes by Optimizing Care Transitions) to improve hospital discharge care transition. The evidence-based foundation of this project led CMS to list Project BOOST as an example program that can reduce readmissions.24 Through the dissemination and mentored implementation of Project BOOST to over 200 hospitals across the United States,25 hospitalists contributed to the marked reduction in hospital readmission occurring since 2010.26 Although hospital medicine began as a practice specific to the hospital setting, hospitalists’ skills generated growing demand for them in postacute facilities. SNF residents commonly come from hospitals postdischarge and suffer from multiple comorbidities and limitations in activities of daily living. Not surprisingly, SNF residents experience high rates of rehospitalizations.27 Hospitalists can serve as a bridge between hospitals and SNFs and optimize this transition process to yield improved outcomes. Industry experts endorse this approach.28 A recent study demonstrated a significant reduction in readmissions in 1 SNF (32.3% to 16.1%, odds ratio = 0.403, P < .001), by having a hospitalist-led team follow patients discharged from the hospital.29

Chronic Conditions Management/High-Risk Patients

Interest in patients with multiple chronic comorbidities and social issues intensifies as healthcare systems focus limited resources on these high-risk patients to prevent the unnecessary use of costly services.30,31 As health systems assume financial risk for health outcomes and costs of designated patient groups, they undertake efforts to understand the population they serve. Such efforts aim to identify patients with established high utilization patterns (or those at risk for high utilization). This knowledge enables targeted actions to provide access, treatment, and preventive interventions to avoid unneeded emergency and hospital services. Hospitalists commonly care for these patients and are positioned to lead the implementation of patient risk assessment and stratification, develop patient-centered care models across care settings, and act as a liaison with primary care. For frail elderly and seriously ill patients, the integration of hospitalists into palliative care provides several opportunities for improving the quality of care at the end of life.32 As patients and their family caregivers commonly do not address goals of care until faced with a life-threatening condition in the hospital, hospitalists represent ideal primary palliative care physicians to initiate these conversations.33 A hospitalist communicating with a patient and/or their family caregiver about alleviating symptoms and clarifying patients’ preferences for care often yields decreases in ineffective healthcare utilization and better patient outcomes. The hospitalists’ ability to communicate with other providers within the hospital setting also allows them to better coordinate interdisciplinary care and prevent unnecessary and ineffective treatments and procedures.

De-Implementation/Waste Reduction

The largest inefficiencies in healthcare noted in the National Academy of Medicine report, Demanding Value from Our Health Care (2012), are failure to deliver known beneficial therapies or providing unnecessary or nonevidenced based services that do not improve outcomes, but come with associated risk and cost.34 “De-implementation” of unnecessary diagnostic tests or ineffective or even harmful treatments by hospitalists represents a significant opportunity to reduce costs while maintaining or even improving the quality of care. The Society of Hospital Medicine joined the Choosing Wisely® campaign and made 5 recommendations in adult care as an explicit starting point for eliminating waste in the hospital in 2013.35 Since then, hospitalists have participated in multiple successful efforts to address overutilization of care; some published results include the following:

  • decreased frequency of unnecessary common labs through a multifaceted hospitalist QI intervention;36
  • reduced length of stay and cost by appropriate use of telemetry;37 and
  • reduced unnecessary radiology testing by providing physicians with individualized audit and feedback reports.38


Hundreds of ACOs now exist across the US, formed by a variety of providers including hospitals, physician groups, and integrated delivery systems. Provider groups range in size from primary care-focused physician groups with a handful of offices to large, multistate integrated delivery systems with dozens of hospitals and hundreds of office locations. Evaluations of ACO outcomes reveal mixed results.9,39-53 Admittedly, assessments attempting to compare the magnitude of savings across ACO models are difficult given the variation in size, variability in specific efforts to influence utilization, and substantial turnover among participating beneficiaries.54 Nonetheless, a newly published Office of Inspector General report55 showed that most Medicare ACOs reduced spending and improved care quality (82% of the individual quality measures) over the first 3 years of the program, and savings increased with duration of an ACO program. The report also noted that considerable time and managerial resources are required to implement changes to improve quality and lower costs. While the political terrain ostensibly supports value-based care and the need to diminish the proportion of our nation’s gross domestic product dedicated to healthcare, health systems are navigating an environment that still largely rewards volume. Hospitalists may be ideal facilitators for this transitional period as they possess the clinical experience caring for complex patients with multiple comorbidities and quality improvement skills to lead efforts in this new ACO era.




The authors have nothing to disclose.

The accountable care organization (ACO) concept, elucidated in 2006 as the development of partnerships between hospitals and physicians to coordinate and deliver efficient care,1 seeks to remove existing barriers to improving value.2 Some advocate this concept as a promising payment model that could successfully realign the current payment system to financially reward improvements in quality and efficiency that bend the cost curve.3,4 Hospitalists fit well with this philosophy. As the fastest growing medical specialty in the history of American medicine, from a couple of thousand hospitalists in the mid-1990s to more than 50,000, the remarkable progression of hospitalists has ostensibly been driven partially by hospitals’ efforts to improve the value equation through enhanced efficiency in inpatient care. Importantly, hospitalists probably provide care for more than half of all hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries and increasingly patients in skilled nursing facilities (ie, SNFists).5 Along with primary care physicians, hospitalists thus represent an essential group of physicians needed to transform care delivery.


When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) established the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), ACOs leaped from being an intellectual concept1,2 into a pragmatic health system strategy.3,4 Following Medicare, various private health insurance plans and some state Medicaid programs entered into contracts with groups of healthcare providers (hospitals, physicians, or health systems) to serve as ACOs for their insured enrollees.6 Leavitt Partners’ ACO tracking database showed that the number of ACOs increased from 157 in March of 2012 to 782 in December of 2015.7

Until recently, the federal government’s commitment to having 50% of total Medicare spending via value-based payment models by 2018, coupled with endorsement from state Medicaid programs and commercial insurers, demonstrated strong support for continuation of ACOs. Unexpectedly on August 15, 2017, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) outlined a plan in its proposed rulemaking to cancel the Episode Payment Models and the Cardiac Rehabilitation incentive payment model, which were scheduled to commence on January 1, 2018. CMS also plans to scale back the mandatory Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CCJR) bundled payment model from 67 selected geographic areas to 34. Although this proposed rulemaking created some equipoise in the healthcare industry regarding the future of value-based reimbursement approaches, cost containment and improved efficiency remain as major focuses of the federal government’s healthcare effort. Notably, CMS offers providers that are newly excluded from the CCJR model the opportunity to voluntarily participate in the program and is expected to increase opportunities for providers to participate in voluntary rather than large-scale mandatory episode payment model initiatives. In 2018, the agency also plans to develop new voluntary bundled payment models that will meet criteria to be considered an advanced alternative payment model for Quality Payment Program purposes.

Importantly, the value-based reimbursement movement was well underway before ACA legislation. Through ACA health reform, value-based reimbursement efforts were expanded through ACOs, bundled payments, value-based purchasing, the CMS Innovation Center and other initiatives. With health systems having an overflowing plate of activities, a wait-and-see attitude might seem reasonable at first. However, being unprepared for the inevitable shift to value-based reimbursement and reduced fee-for-service revenue places an organization at risk. A successful ACO requires system-level transformation, especially cultural and structural changes to achieve clinical integration. Being embedded in health system delivery, hospitalists can help shape a team-oriented culture and foster success in value-based payment models. This requires hospitalists to take a more active role in assessing and striking a balance between high-quality, cost-efficient care and financial risk inherent in ACO models.


The key to hospitalists fulfilling their value creation potential and becoming enablers for ACO success lies in developing a thorough understanding of the aspects of an ACO that promote efficient and effective care, while accounting for financial factors. Fundamentally, the ACO concept combines provider payment and delivery system reforms. Specifically, the definition of an ACO contains 3 factors: (1) a local healthcare organization (eg, hospital or multispecialty group of physicians) with a related set of providers that (2) can be held accountable for the cost and quality of care delivered to (3) a defined population. While the notion of accountability is not new, the locus of accountability is changed in the ACO model—emphasizing accountability at the level of actual care delivery with documentation of quality and cost outcomes. The ACO approach aims to address multiple, frequent, and recurring problems, including lack of financial incentives to improve quality and reduce cost, as well as the negative consequences of a pay-for-volume system—uncoordinated and fragmented care, overutilization of unnecessary tests and treatments, and poor patient experience all manifested as unwarranted geographic variation in practice patterns, clinical outcomes, and health spending. Participants in an ACO are rewarded financially if they can slow the growth of their patients’ healthcare costs while maintaining or improving the quality of care delivered. To succeed in this ACO world, hospitalists must assume greater prudence in the use of healthcare services while improving (or at a minimum, maintaining) patient outcomes, thus excising avoidable waste across the continuum of care.



More than half of ACOs include a hospital.8 However, whether hospital-led ACOs possess an advantage remains to be elucidated. Early reports indicated that physician-led ACOs saved more money.9,10 However, others argue that hospitals11 are better capitalized, have greater capacity for data sharing, and possess economies of scale that allow them to invest in more advanced technology, such as predictive modeling and/or simulation software. Such analytics can identify high-cost patients (ie, multiple comorbidities), super utilizers and populations lacking care, allowing ACOs to implement preventive measures to reduce unnecessary utilization. Recently released CMS MSSP 2016 performance data12 showed that nearly half (45%) of physician-only ACOs earned shared savings, whereas 23% of ACOs that include hospitals earned shared savings. However, among all the ACOs that achieved savings, ACO entities that include hospitals generated the highest amount of shared savings (eg, Advocate, Hackensack Alliance, Cleveland Clinic, and AMITA Health). Notably, hospital-led ACOs tend to have much larger beneficiary populations than physician-led ACOs, which may create a scenario of higher risk but higher potential reward.


The emphasis on value over volume inherent in the development of ACOs occurs through employing care strategies implemented through changes in policies, and eventual structural and cultural changes. These changes require participating organizations to possess certain key competencies, including the following: 1) leadership that facilitates change; 2) organizational culture of teamwork; 3) collaborative relationships among providers; 4) information technology infrastructure for population management and care coordination; 5) infrastructure for monitoring, managing, and reporting quality; 6) ability to manage financial risk; 7) ability to receive and distribute payments or savings; and 8) resources for patient education and support.2,3,13-16 Table 1 summarizes the broad range of roles that hospitalists can serve in delivering care to ACO populations.17-19

Hospitalists’ active pursuit of nonclinical training and selection for administrative positions demonstrate their proclivity to provide these competencies. In addition to full-time clinician hospitalists, who can directly influence the delivery of high-value care to patients, hospitalists serve many other roles in hospitals and each can contribute differently based on their specialized expertise. Examples include the success of the Society of Hospital Medicine’s Leadership Academy; the acknowledged expertise of hospitalists in quality improvement (QI), informatics, teamwork, patient experience, care coordination and utilization; and advancement of hospitalists to senior leadership positions (eg, CQO, CMO, CEO). Given that nearly a third of healthcare expenditures are for hospital care,20 hospitalists are in a unique position to foster ACO competencies while impacting the quality of care episodes associated with an index hospital stay.

Importantly, hospitalists cannot act as gatekeepers to restrict care. Managed care organizations and health maintenance organizations use of this approach in the 1990s to limit access to services in order to reduce costs led to unacceptable outcomes and numerous malpractice lawsuits. ACOs should aspire to deliver the most cost-effective high-quality care, and their performance should be monitored to ensure that they provide recommended services and timely access. The Medicare ACO contract holds the provider accountable for meeting 34 different quality measures (Supplemental Table 1), and hospitalists can influence outcomes for the majority. Especially through hospital and health system QI initiatives, hospitalists can directly impact and share accountability for measures ranging from care coordination to implementation of evidence-based care (eg, ACE inhibitors and beta blockers for heart failure) to patient and family caregiver experience.

Aligned with Medicare ACO quality measures, 5 high-impact target areas were identified for ACOs21: (1) Prevention and wellness; (2) Chronic conditions/care management; (3) Reduced hospitalizations; (4) Care transitions across the fragmented system; and (5) Multispecialty care coordination of complex patients. One essential element of a successful ACO is the ability to implement evidence-based medical guidelines and/or practices across the continuum of care for selected targeted initiatives. Optimizing care coordination/continuum requires team-based care, and hospitalists already routinely collaborate with nurses, social workers, case managers, pharmacists, and other stakeholders such as dieticians and physical therapists on inpatient care. Hospitalists are also experienced in facilitating communication and improving integration and coordination efficiencies among primary care providers and specialists, and between hospital care and post-acute care, as they coordinate post-hospital care and follow-up. This provides an opportunity to lead health system care coordination efforts, especially for complex and/or high-risk patients.22,23 CMS MSSP 2016 performance data12 showed that ACOs achieving shared savings had a decline in inpatient expenditures and utilization across several facility types (hospital, SNF, rehabilitation, long term). Postacute care management is critical to earning shared savings; SNF and Home Health expenditures fell by 18.3% and 9.7%, respectively, on average. We believe that hospitalists can have more influence over these cost areas by influencing treatment of hospitalized patients in a timely manner, discharge coordination, and selection of appropriate disposition locations. Hospitalists also play an integral role in ensuring the hospital performs well on quality metrics, including 30-day readmissions, hospital acquired conditions, and patient satisfaction. Examples below document the effectiveness of hospitalists in this new ACO era.



Care Transitions/Coordination

Before the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP) delineated in the ACA, hospitalists developed Project BOOST (Better Outcomes by Optimizing Care Transitions) to improve hospital discharge care transition. The evidence-based foundation of this project led CMS to list Project BOOST as an example program that can reduce readmissions.24 Through the dissemination and mentored implementation of Project BOOST to over 200 hospitals across the United States,25 hospitalists contributed to the marked reduction in hospital readmission occurring since 2010.26 Although hospital medicine began as a practice specific to the hospital setting, hospitalists’ skills generated growing demand for them in postacute facilities. SNF residents commonly come from hospitals postdischarge and suffer from multiple comorbidities and limitations in activities of daily living. Not surprisingly, SNF residents experience high rates of rehospitalizations.27 Hospitalists can serve as a bridge between hospitals and SNFs and optimize this transition process to yield improved outcomes. Industry experts endorse this approach.28 A recent study demonstrated a significant reduction in readmissions in 1 SNF (32.3% to 16.1%, odds ratio = 0.403, P < .001), by having a hospitalist-led team follow patients discharged from the hospital.29

Chronic Conditions Management/High-Risk Patients

Interest in patients with multiple chronic comorbidities and social issues intensifies as healthcare systems focus limited resources on these high-risk patients to prevent the unnecessary use of costly services.30,31 As health systems assume financial risk for health outcomes and costs of designated patient groups, they undertake efforts to understand the population they serve. Such efforts aim to identify patients with established high utilization patterns (or those at risk for high utilization). This knowledge enables targeted actions to provide access, treatment, and preventive interventions to avoid unneeded emergency and hospital services. Hospitalists commonly care for these patients and are positioned to lead the implementation of patient risk assessment and stratification, develop patient-centered care models across care settings, and act as a liaison with primary care. For frail elderly and seriously ill patients, the integration of hospitalists into palliative care provides several opportunities for improving the quality of care at the end of life.32 As patients and their family caregivers commonly do not address goals of care until faced with a life-threatening condition in the hospital, hospitalists represent ideal primary palliative care physicians to initiate these conversations.33 A hospitalist communicating with a patient and/or their family caregiver about alleviating symptoms and clarifying patients’ preferences for care often yields decreases in ineffective healthcare utilization and better patient outcomes. The hospitalists’ ability to communicate with other providers within the hospital setting also allows them to better coordinate interdisciplinary care and prevent unnecessary and ineffective treatments and procedures.

De-Implementation/Waste Reduction

The largest inefficiencies in healthcare noted in the National Academy of Medicine report, Demanding Value from Our Health Care (2012), are failure to deliver known beneficial therapies or providing unnecessary or nonevidenced based services that do not improve outcomes, but come with associated risk and cost.34 “De-implementation” of unnecessary diagnostic tests or ineffective or even harmful treatments by hospitalists represents a significant opportunity to reduce costs while maintaining or even improving the quality of care. The Society of Hospital Medicine joined the Choosing Wisely® campaign and made 5 recommendations in adult care as an explicit starting point for eliminating waste in the hospital in 2013.35 Since then, hospitalists have participated in multiple successful efforts to address overutilization of care; some published results include the following:

  • decreased frequency of unnecessary common labs through a multifaceted hospitalist QI intervention;36
  • reduced length of stay and cost by appropriate use of telemetry;37 and
  • reduced unnecessary radiology testing by providing physicians with individualized audit and feedback reports.38


Hundreds of ACOs now exist across the US, formed by a variety of providers including hospitals, physician groups, and integrated delivery systems. Provider groups range in size from primary care-focused physician groups with a handful of offices to large, multistate integrated delivery systems with dozens of hospitals and hundreds of office locations. Evaluations of ACO outcomes reveal mixed results.9,39-53 Admittedly, assessments attempting to compare the magnitude of savings across ACO models are difficult given the variation in size, variability in specific efforts to influence utilization, and substantial turnover among participating beneficiaries.54 Nonetheless, a newly published Office of Inspector General report55 showed that most Medicare ACOs reduced spending and improved care quality (82% of the individual quality measures) over the first 3 years of the program, and savings increased with duration of an ACO program. The report also noted that considerable time and managerial resources are required to implement changes to improve quality and lower costs. While the political terrain ostensibly supports value-based care and the need to diminish the proportion of our nation’s gross domestic product dedicated to healthcare, health systems are navigating an environment that still largely rewards volume. Hospitalists may be ideal facilitators for this transitional period as they possess the clinical experience caring for complex patients with multiple comorbidities and quality improvement skills to lead efforts in this new ACO era.




The authors have nothing to disclose.


1. Fisher ES, Staiger DO, Bynum JP, Gottlieb DJ. Creating accountable care organizations: the extended hospital medical staff. Health Aff(Project Hope). 2007;26(1):w44-w57. PubMed
2. Fisher ES, McClellan MB, Bertko J, et al. Fostering accountable health care: moving forward in medicare. Health Aff(Project Hope). 2009;28(2):w219-w231. PubMed
3. McClellan M, McKethan AN, Lewis JL, Roski J, Fisher ES. A national strategy to put accountable care into practice. Health Aff(Project Hope). 2010;29(5):982-990. PubMed
4. Berwick DM. Making good on ACOs’ promise--the final rule for the Medicare shared savings program. N Engl J Med. 2011;365(19):1753-1756. PubMed
5. Kuo YF, Sharma G, Freeman JL, Goodwin JS. Growth in the care of older patients by hospitalists in the United States. N Engl J Med. 2009;360(11):1102-1112. PubMed
6. Kennedy K. Health Care Providers Embracing Cost-saving Groups. USA Today, July 24, 2011.
7. Leavitt Partners. Available at, April 2016.
8. Colla CH, Lewis VA, Tierney E, Muhlestein DB. Hospitals Participating In ACOs Tend To Be Large And Urban, Allowing Access To Capital And Data. Health Aff(Millwood). 2016;35(3):431-439. PubMed
9. McWilliams JM, Hatfield LA, Chernew ME, Landon BE, Schwartz AL. Early Performance of Accountable Care Organizations in Medicare. N Engl J Med. 2016;374(24):2357-2366. PubMed
10. Muhlestein D, Saunders R, McClellan M. Medicare Accountable Care Organization Results For 2015: The Journey To Better Quality And Lower Costs Continues. In. Health Affairs Blog. Bethesda, MD 2016.
11. Chernew ME. New Health Care Symposium: Building An ACO---What Services Do You Need And How Are Physicians Impacted? In Health Affairs Blog. Bethesda, MD 2016. 
12. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Performance Year 2016 Quality Performance and Financial Reconciliation Results for ACOs with 2012-2016 Start Dates. Available at 2017.
13. Shortell SM, Casalino LP. Implementing qualifications criteria and technical assistance for accountable care organizations. JAMA. 2010;303(17):1747-1748. PubMed
14. Shortell SM, Casalino LP, Fisher ES. How the center for Medicare and Medicaid innovation should test accountable care organizations. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2010;29(7):1293-1298. PubMed
15. Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. Accountable Care Organizations Payment Systems October 2015. Available at
16. American Hospital Association. 2010 Committee on Research. AHA Research Synthesis Report: Accountable Care Organization. 
17. D’Aunno T, Broffman L, Sparer M, Kumar SR. Factors That Distinguish High-Performing Accountable Care Organizations in the Medicare Shared Savings Program. Health Serv. Res. 2016. PubMed
18. Peiris D, Phipps-Taylor MC, Stachowski CA, et al. ACOs Holding Commercial Contracts Are Larger And More Efficient Than Noncommercial ACOs. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2016;35(10):1849-1856. PubMed
19. Ouayogode MH, Colla CH, Lewis VA. Determinants of success in Shared Savings Programs: An analysis of ACO and market characteristics. Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2017;5(1-2):53-61. PubMed
20. National Center for Health Statistics. Health, United States, 2016: With Chartbook on Long-term Trends in Health. In: Hyattsville, MD.2017. PubMed
21. Gbemudu JN. Larson BK, Van Citters AD, Kreindler SA, Nelson EC, Shortell SM, Fisher ES. Norton Healthcare: A Strong Payer–Provider Partnership for the Journey to Accountable Care. January 2012. Available at
22. O’Leary KJ, Haviley C, Slade ME, Shah HM, Lee J, Williams MV. Improving teamwork: impact of structured interdisciplinary rounds on a hospitalist unit. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(2):88-93. PubMed
23. Hansen LO, Greenwald JL, Budnitz T, et al. Project BOOST: effectiveness of a multihospital effort to reduce rehospitalization. J. Hosp. Med.. 2013;8(8):421-427. PubMed
24. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Solicitation for Applications: Community-based Care Transitions Program. Available at September 7, 2017.
25. Li J, Hinami K, Hansen LO, Maynard G, Budnitz T, Williams MV. The physician mentored implementation model: a promising quality improvement framework for health care change. Acad Med. 2015;90(3):303-310. PubMed
26. Williams MV, Li J, Hansen LO, et al. Project BOOST implementation: lessons learned. South Med J. 2014;107(7):455-465. PubMed
27. Ouslander JG, Lamb G, Perloe M, et al. Potentially avoidable hospitalizations of nursing home residents: frequency, causes, and costs: [see editorial comments by Drs. Jean F. Wyman and William R. Hazzard, pp 760-761]. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010;58(4):627-635. PubMed
28. Pittman D. SNFs: New Turf for Hospitalists? 2013. Available at
29. Petigara S, Krishnamurthy M, Livert D. Necessity is the mother of invention: an innovative hospitalist-resident initiative for improving quality and reducing readmissions from skilled nursing facilities. J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2017;7(2):66-69. PubMed
30. Silow-Carroll S, Edwards J. Early Adopters of the Accountable Care Model: A Field Report on Improvements in Health Care Delivery. New York, NY: The Commonwealth Fund;March 2013. 
31. Hasselman D. Super-Utilizer Summit: Common Themes from Innovative Complex Care Management Programs. Hamilton, NJ: Center for Health Care Strategies;October 2013. 
32. Wald HL, Glasheen JJ, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth JM, Cumbler EU. Evaluation of a hospitalist-run acute care for the elderly service. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(6):313-321. PubMed

33. Quill TE, Abernethy AP. Generalist plus specialist palliative care--creating a more sustainable model. N Engl J Med. 2013;368(13):1173-1175. PubMed
34. O’Kane M, Buto K, Alteras T, et. al. Demanding Value from Our Health Care: Motivating Patient Action to Reduce Waste in Health Care. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. July 2012. Accessed Accessed June 18, 2017.
35. Bulger J, Nickel W, Messler J, et al. Choosing wisely in adult hospital medicine: five opportunities for improved healthcare value. J Hosp Med. 2013;8(9):486-492. PubMed
36. Corson AH, Fan VS, White T, et al. A multifaceted hospitalist quality improvement intervention: Decreased frequency of common labs. J Hosp Med. 2015;10(6):390-395. PubMed
37. Svec D, Ahuja N, Evans KH, et al. Hospitalist intervention for appropriate use of telemetry reduces length of stay and cost. J Hosp Med. 2015;10(9):627-632. PubMed
38. Neeman N, Quinn K, Soni K, Mourad M, Sehgal NL. Reducing radiology use on an inpatient medical service: choosing wisely. JAMA Intern Med. 2012;172(20):1606-1608. PubMed
39. Abrams M, Nuzum R, Zezza M, Ryan J, Kiszla J, Guterman S. The Affordable Care Act’s Payment and Delivery System Reforms: A Progress Report at Five Years. Bipartisan Policy Center, May 2015. Available at
40. Kocot SL, White R, Katikaneni P, McClellan MB. A More Complete Picture of Pioneer ACO Results. The Brookings Institution, October 13, 2014. Available at
41. Blumenthal D, Abrams M, Nuzum R. The Affordable Care Act at 5 Years. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(25):2451-2458. PubMed
42. Colla CH, Lewis VA, Kao LS, O’Malley AJ, Chang CH, Fisher ES. Association Between Medicare Accountable Care Organization Implementation and Spending Among Clinically Vulnerable Beneficiaries. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(8):1167-1175. PubMed
43. Epstein AM, Jha AK, Orav EJ, et al. Analysis of early accountable care organizations defines patient, structural, cost, and quality-of-care characteristics. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2014;33(1):95-102. PubMed
44. Fullerton CA, Henke RM, Crable E, Hohlbauch A, Cummings N. The Impact Of Medicare ACOs On Improving Integration And Coordination Of Physical And Behavioral Health Care. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2016;35(7):1257-1265. PubMed
45. Herrel LA, Norton EC, Hawken SR, Ye Z, Hollenbeck BK, Miller DC. Early impact of Medicare accountable care organizations on cancer surgery outcomes. Cancer. 2016;122(17):2739-2746. PubMed
46. McConnell KJ, Renfro S, Chan BK, et al. Early Performance in Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations: A Comparison of Oregon and Colorado. JAMA Intern Med. 2017;177(4):538-545. PubMed
47. Nyweide DJ, Lee W, Cuerdon TT, et al. Association of Pioneer Accountable Care Organizations vs traditional Medicare fee for service with spending, utilization, and patient experience. JAMA. 2015;313(21):2152-2161. PubMed
48. Rajkumar R, Press MJ, Conway PH. The CMS Innovation Center--a five-year self-assessment. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(21):1981-1983. PubMed
49. Rose S, Zaslavsky AM, McWilliams JM. Variation In Accountable Care Organization Spending And Sensitivity To Risk Adjustment: Implications For Benchmarking. Health affairs (Project Hope). 2016;35(3):440-448. PubMed
50. Shortell SM, Poon BY, Ramsay PP, et al. A Multilevel Analysis of Patient Engagement and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Primary Care Practices of Accountable Care Organizations. J Gen Intern Med. 2017;32(6):640-647. PubMed
51. Winblad U, Mor V, McHugh JP, Rahman M. ACO-Affiliated Hospitals Reduced Rehospitalizations From Skilled Nursing Facilities Faster Than Other Hospitals. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2017;36(1):67-73. PubMed
52. Zhang Y, Caines KJ, Powers CA. Evaluating the Effects of Pioneer Accountable Care Organizations on Medicare Part D Drug Spending and Utilization. Med Care. 2017;55(5):470-475. PubMed
53. Muhlestein D. Medicare ACOs: Mixed Initial Results and Cautious Optimism. Health Affairs Blog, February 4, 2014. Available at
54. Hsu J, Price M, Vogeli C, et al. Bending The Spending Curve By Altering Care Delivery Patterns: The Role Of Care Management Within A Pioneer ACO. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2017;36(5):876-884. PubMed
55. Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations Have Shown Potential For Reducing Spending And Improving Quality. Office of Inspector General;August 2017. 


1. Fisher ES, Staiger DO, Bynum JP, Gottlieb DJ. Creating accountable care organizations: the extended hospital medical staff. Health Aff(Project Hope). 2007;26(1):w44-w57. PubMed
2. Fisher ES, McClellan MB, Bertko J, et al. Fostering accountable health care: moving forward in medicare. Health Aff(Project Hope). 2009;28(2):w219-w231. PubMed
3. McClellan M, McKethan AN, Lewis JL, Roski J, Fisher ES. A national strategy to put accountable care into practice. Health Aff(Project Hope). 2010;29(5):982-990. PubMed
4. Berwick DM. Making good on ACOs’ promise--the final rule for the Medicare shared savings program. N Engl J Med. 2011;365(19):1753-1756. PubMed
5. Kuo YF, Sharma G, Freeman JL, Goodwin JS. Growth in the care of older patients by hospitalists in the United States. N Engl J Med. 2009;360(11):1102-1112. PubMed
6. Kennedy K. Health Care Providers Embracing Cost-saving Groups. USA Today, July 24, 2011.
7. Leavitt Partners. Available at, April 2016.
8. Colla CH, Lewis VA, Tierney E, Muhlestein DB. Hospitals Participating In ACOs Tend To Be Large And Urban, Allowing Access To Capital And Data. Health Aff(Millwood). 2016;35(3):431-439. PubMed
9. McWilliams JM, Hatfield LA, Chernew ME, Landon BE, Schwartz AL. Early Performance of Accountable Care Organizations in Medicare. N Engl J Med. 2016;374(24):2357-2366. PubMed
10. Muhlestein D, Saunders R, McClellan M. Medicare Accountable Care Organization Results For 2015: The Journey To Better Quality And Lower Costs Continues. In. Health Affairs Blog. Bethesda, MD 2016.
11. Chernew ME. New Health Care Symposium: Building An ACO---What Services Do You Need And How Are Physicians Impacted? In Health Affairs Blog. Bethesda, MD 2016. 
12. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Performance Year 2016 Quality Performance and Financial Reconciliation Results for ACOs with 2012-2016 Start Dates. Available at 2017.
13. Shortell SM, Casalino LP. Implementing qualifications criteria and technical assistance for accountable care organizations. JAMA. 2010;303(17):1747-1748. PubMed
14. Shortell SM, Casalino LP, Fisher ES. How the center for Medicare and Medicaid innovation should test accountable care organizations. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2010;29(7):1293-1298. PubMed
15. Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. Accountable Care Organizations Payment Systems October 2015. Available at
16. American Hospital Association. 2010 Committee on Research. AHA Research Synthesis Report: Accountable Care Organization. 
17. D’Aunno T, Broffman L, Sparer M, Kumar SR. Factors That Distinguish High-Performing Accountable Care Organizations in the Medicare Shared Savings Program. Health Serv. Res. 2016. PubMed
18. Peiris D, Phipps-Taylor MC, Stachowski CA, et al. ACOs Holding Commercial Contracts Are Larger And More Efficient Than Noncommercial ACOs. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2016;35(10):1849-1856. PubMed
19. Ouayogode MH, Colla CH, Lewis VA. Determinants of success in Shared Savings Programs: An analysis of ACO and market characteristics. Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2017;5(1-2):53-61. PubMed
20. National Center for Health Statistics. Health, United States, 2016: With Chartbook on Long-term Trends in Health. In: Hyattsville, MD.2017. PubMed
21. Gbemudu JN. Larson BK, Van Citters AD, Kreindler SA, Nelson EC, Shortell SM, Fisher ES. Norton Healthcare: A Strong Payer–Provider Partnership for the Journey to Accountable Care. January 2012. Available at
22. O’Leary KJ, Haviley C, Slade ME, Shah HM, Lee J, Williams MV. Improving teamwork: impact of structured interdisciplinary rounds on a hospitalist unit. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(2):88-93. PubMed
23. Hansen LO, Greenwald JL, Budnitz T, et al. Project BOOST: effectiveness of a multihospital effort to reduce rehospitalization. J. Hosp. Med.. 2013;8(8):421-427. PubMed
24. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Solicitation for Applications: Community-based Care Transitions Program. Available at September 7, 2017.
25. Li J, Hinami K, Hansen LO, Maynard G, Budnitz T, Williams MV. The physician mentored implementation model: a promising quality improvement framework for health care change. Acad Med. 2015;90(3):303-310. PubMed
26. Williams MV, Li J, Hansen LO, et al. Project BOOST implementation: lessons learned. South Med J. 2014;107(7):455-465. PubMed
27. Ouslander JG, Lamb G, Perloe M, et al. Potentially avoidable hospitalizations of nursing home residents: frequency, causes, and costs: [see editorial comments by Drs. Jean F. Wyman and William R. Hazzard, pp 760-761]. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010;58(4):627-635. PubMed
28. Pittman D. SNFs: New Turf for Hospitalists? 2013. Available at
29. Petigara S, Krishnamurthy M, Livert D. Necessity is the mother of invention: an innovative hospitalist-resident initiative for improving quality and reducing readmissions from skilled nursing facilities. J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2017;7(2):66-69. PubMed
30. Silow-Carroll S, Edwards J. Early Adopters of the Accountable Care Model: A Field Report on Improvements in Health Care Delivery. New York, NY: The Commonwealth Fund;March 2013. 
31. Hasselman D. Super-Utilizer Summit: Common Themes from Innovative Complex Care Management Programs. Hamilton, NJ: Center for Health Care Strategies;October 2013. 
32. Wald HL, Glasheen JJ, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth JM, Cumbler EU. Evaluation of a hospitalist-run acute care for the elderly service. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(6):313-321. PubMed

33. Quill TE, Abernethy AP. Generalist plus specialist palliative care--creating a more sustainable model. N Engl J Med. 2013;368(13):1173-1175. PubMed
34. O’Kane M, Buto K, Alteras T, et. al. Demanding Value from Our Health Care: Motivating Patient Action to Reduce Waste in Health Care. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. July 2012. Accessed Accessed June 18, 2017.
35. Bulger J, Nickel W, Messler J, et al. Choosing wisely in adult hospital medicine: five opportunities for improved healthcare value. J Hosp Med. 2013;8(9):486-492. PubMed
36. Corson AH, Fan VS, White T, et al. A multifaceted hospitalist quality improvement intervention: Decreased frequency of common labs. J Hosp Med. 2015;10(6):390-395. PubMed
37. Svec D, Ahuja N, Evans KH, et al. Hospitalist intervention for appropriate use of telemetry reduces length of stay and cost. J Hosp Med. 2015;10(9):627-632. PubMed
38. Neeman N, Quinn K, Soni K, Mourad M, Sehgal NL. Reducing radiology use on an inpatient medical service: choosing wisely. JAMA Intern Med. 2012;172(20):1606-1608. PubMed
39. Abrams M, Nuzum R, Zezza M, Ryan J, Kiszla J, Guterman S. The Affordable Care Act’s Payment and Delivery System Reforms: A Progress Report at Five Years. Bipartisan Policy Center, May 2015. Available at
40. Kocot SL, White R, Katikaneni P, McClellan MB. A More Complete Picture of Pioneer ACO Results. The Brookings Institution, October 13, 2014. Available at
41. Blumenthal D, Abrams M, Nuzum R. The Affordable Care Act at 5 Years. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(25):2451-2458. PubMed
42. Colla CH, Lewis VA, Kao LS, O’Malley AJ, Chang CH, Fisher ES. Association Between Medicare Accountable Care Organization Implementation and Spending Among Clinically Vulnerable Beneficiaries. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(8):1167-1175. PubMed
43. Epstein AM, Jha AK, Orav EJ, et al. Analysis of early accountable care organizations defines patient, structural, cost, and quality-of-care characteristics. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2014;33(1):95-102. PubMed
44. Fullerton CA, Henke RM, Crable E, Hohlbauch A, Cummings N. The Impact Of Medicare ACOs On Improving Integration And Coordination Of Physical And Behavioral Health Care. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2016;35(7):1257-1265. PubMed
45. Herrel LA, Norton EC, Hawken SR, Ye Z, Hollenbeck BK, Miller DC. Early impact of Medicare accountable care organizations on cancer surgery outcomes. Cancer. 2016;122(17):2739-2746. PubMed
46. McConnell KJ, Renfro S, Chan BK, et al. Early Performance in Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations: A Comparison of Oregon and Colorado. JAMA Intern Med. 2017;177(4):538-545. PubMed
47. Nyweide DJ, Lee W, Cuerdon TT, et al. Association of Pioneer Accountable Care Organizations vs traditional Medicare fee for service with spending, utilization, and patient experience. JAMA. 2015;313(21):2152-2161. PubMed
48. Rajkumar R, Press MJ, Conway PH. The CMS Innovation Center--a five-year self-assessment. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(21):1981-1983. PubMed
49. Rose S, Zaslavsky AM, McWilliams JM. Variation In Accountable Care Organization Spending And Sensitivity To Risk Adjustment: Implications For Benchmarking. Health affairs (Project Hope). 2016;35(3):440-448. PubMed
50. Shortell SM, Poon BY, Ramsay PP, et al. A Multilevel Analysis of Patient Engagement and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Primary Care Practices of Accountable Care Organizations. J Gen Intern Med. 2017;32(6):640-647. PubMed
51. Winblad U, Mor V, McHugh JP, Rahman M. ACO-Affiliated Hospitals Reduced Rehospitalizations From Skilled Nursing Facilities Faster Than Other Hospitals. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2017;36(1):67-73. PubMed
52. Zhang Y, Caines KJ, Powers CA. Evaluating the Effects of Pioneer Accountable Care Organizations on Medicare Part D Drug Spending and Utilization. Med Care. 2017;55(5):470-475. PubMed
53. Muhlestein D. Medicare ACOs: Mixed Initial Results and Cautious Optimism. Health Affairs Blog, February 4, 2014. Available at
54. Hsu J, Price M, Vogeli C, et al. Bending The Spending Curve By Altering Care Delivery Patterns: The Role Of Care Management Within A Pioneer ACO. Health Aff (Project Hope). 2017;36(5):876-884. PubMed
55. Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations Have Shown Potential For Reducing Spending And Improving Quality. Office of Inspector General;August 2017. 

Journal of Hospital Medicine 13(4)
Journal of Hospital Medicine 13(4)
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Mark V. Williams, MD, Director, Center for Health Services Research, Professor & Vice Chair, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Kentucky, 740 South Limestone, Kentucky Clinic J525, Lexington, KY 40536-0284; Telephone: (859) 218-1039; E-mail:
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Outpatient Parenteral Therapy in PWID

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Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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Perceptions and practices of physicians regarding outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy in persons who inject drugs

Injection drug use (IDU) is a major public health problem leading to increased morbidity, mortality, and healthcare expenditures.[1, 2, 3] Persons who inject drugs (PWID) are often hospitalized with severe infections, such as endocarditis,[4, 5] which typically require prolonged courses of intravenous (IV) antibiotics. Outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) via a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) is the standard of care for continuing IV medications once patients are medically stable and ready for discharge.[6] PWID have been excluded from OPAT studies,[6] leaving little evidence to guide care.[7] Furthermore, likely due to fears of ongoing IDU, PWID are often kept in the hospital for the full duration of their antibiotic courses. This practice is costly and may not be optimal, especially considering that hospitalized PWID have high rates of discharges against medical advice.[8, 9]

In 2012, as part of a quality‐improvement effort focused on hospitalized PWID requiring long courses of IV antibiotics, UKHealthCare in Lexington, Kentucky, established a protocol for OPAT in PWID meeting specific criteria. As this protocol was not widely adopted, we sought to formally assess attitudes, practices, and mediating factors impacting the decision making about discharging PWID on OPAT to inform future efforts. This study was approved by the University of Kentucky (UK) Institutional Review Board.


A 14‐item survey (see Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article) with multiple‐choice and open‐ended response items was developed based on the existing protocol, and themes were confirmed through semistructured interviews with 10 attending physicians in hospital medicine (HM) and infectious disease (ID). Questions were designed to elucidate the role that IDU played in the decision to discharge patients on OPAT, identify barriers to discharging PWID on OPAT, as well as elicit recommendations for requisite services or programs. The first question excluded providers not caring for patients requiring long‐term IV antibiotics. Questions that allowed for open‐ended responses were categorized thematically initially by 1 researcher (L.F.), then refined and confirmed by another team member (J.L.). The survey was distributed over email through Qualtrics (Provo, Utah) software to attending physicians in HM, ID, cardiology, and surgery at UK. Qualtrics software was used to generate descriptive statistics.


In January 2015, the survey was emailed to 66 physicians, and the response rate was 83%, with 91% reporting caring for patients requiring long‐term IV antibiotics. Of those, 41 (82%) completed all items; 66% of completers were in HM, 12% ID, 10% surgery, and 2% cardiology. Sixty percent were male and in practice an average of 7.2 years. Thirty‐nine (95%) use OPAT for patients without IDU, but only 12 (29%) would consider OPAT in PWID. If the patient has a remote history of IDU, then 33 (79%) would consider OPAT. There was no agreed‐upon definition of remote history of IDU (range, 2120 months; median, 12 months).

The most common physician‐identified barriers to discharging PWID on OPAT, as well as recommendations for services or processes to be in place to allow PWID to be discharged with OPAT, are listed in Table 1.

Barriers to Discharging PWID on OPAT and Recommendations for Services or Processes to Be in Place to Discharge PWID on OPAT
Identified Barriers to Discharging PWID on OPAT (41 Responses) % (No.)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: ID, infectious diseases; IDU, injection drug use; IV, intravenous; OPAT, outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy; PICC, peripherally inserted central catheter; PWID, persons who inject drugs. *The University of Kentucky developed a behavioral agreement to outline the risks of misusing a PICC line for PWID. Free‐text responses included variability in provider practices, lack of appointment availability, close nurse follow‐up. Responses are listed in decreasing order of frequency of citation Fewer than 5 responses.

Socioeconomic factors (stable housing, transportation, living with responsible adult) 66 (27)
Potential risk of the patient misusing PICC line for IDU 66 (27)
Willingness of ID physician to follow the patient as an outpatient 59 (24)
Potential risk of not completing IV antibiotic therapy 49 (20)
Positive urine drug screen on admission 44 (18)
Patient willingness to sign behavioral contract* 39 (16)
Patient willingness to enter mental health or substance use disorder treatment 39 (16)
Lack of a tamper‐evident mechanism that discourages misuse of the PICC line 27 (11)
Lack of data on outcomes for OPAT in PWID 24 (10)
Potential risk of being sued by a patient or family 20 (8)
Recommendations for services or processes among providers who do not currently consider discharging PWID on OPAT (28 responses)
Outpatient or ID follow‐up 32 (9)
Monitoring mechanism including random urine drug screens
Substance use disorder and mental health services and treatment
Home health services
Institutional placement (eg, inpatient rehab, extended‐care facility)
More explicit legal protection
Screening criteria to identify high risk for PICC line misuse
Designated coordinator for this patient population


This survey illustrates the extremely complex barriers present when treating hospitalized PWID requiring long courses of IV antibiotics, and supports the anecdotal evidence that physicians often keep PWID in the hospital for weeks to administer IV antibiotics. The majority of our sample of physicians believe that the largest barriers to OPAT in PWID are socioeconomic factors and the potential risk of the patient misusing the PICC line. Although the overall response rate of our physician survey was robust,[10] our results reflect the opinions of HM and ID physicians at a single site. The low response rate among cardiologists in particular limits the generalizability of this survey. We suspect, however, that our results pertain to HM in other US hospitals, as nearly three‐fourths of 37 HM physicians surveyed at the University of California, Irvine were very concerned about PWIDs potentially misusing the PICC line, and approximately half reported they usually or always kept PWID in the hospital for prolonged treatment due to concern of substance use (personal and email communication: Lloyd Rucker, MD, unpublished data, November 6, 2015).

We were surprised that fewer than half of respondents identified substance use disorder (SUD) treatment as essential to the OPAT decision. The reasons that may explain this observation are likely multifactorial, and may include gaps in knowledge about and resources to provide evidence‐based addiction medicine. Further research is warranted to explore this observation, including the effect of enrollment into medication‐assisted treatment programs (eg, methadone, buprenorphine).

This survey suggests that although there is variability, OPAT may be an option in PWID, if outpatient follow‐up and ancillary services (ie, home health and possibly intensive case management) were well established. We believe the comorbid SUD must be also addressed. Based on the survey results and recommendations, we have begun relationships with community SUD treatment providers willing to monitor IV antibiotics with PICC lines, and dedicated additional case management staff to this population. We are evaluating these programs with the goal of contributing to an evidence base for this high‐risk population.


The authors thank Inski Yu, MD, for assistance with survey development, and Lloyd Rucker, MD, for data sharing.

Disclosure: Nothing to report.

  1. Zibbell JE, Iqbal K, Patel RC, et al. Increases in hepatitis C virus infection related to injection drug use among persons aged ≤30 years—Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, 2006–2012. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;64(17):453458.
  2. Rudd RA, Aleshire N, Zibbell JE, Gladden RM. Increases in drug and opioid overdose deaths—United States, 2000‐2014. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2016;64(50–51):13781382.
  3. Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, O'Grady KE, Restivo L, Mitchell SG, Jaffe JH. Understanding patterns of high‐cost health care use across different substance user groups. Health Aff (Millwood). 2016;35(1):1219.
  4. Lloyd‐Smith E, Wood E, Zhang R, et al. Determinants of hospitalization for a cutaneous injection‐related infection among injection drug users: a cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2010;10:327.
  5. Gordon RJ, Lowy FD. Bacterial infections in drug users. N Engl J Med. 2005;353(18):19451954.
  6. Tice AD, Rehm SJ, Dalovisio JR, et al. Practice guidelines for outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 2004;38(12):16511671.
  7. Ho J, Archuleta S, Sulaiman Z, Fisher D. Safe and successful treatment of intravenous drug users with a peripherally inserted central catheter in an outpatient parenteral antibiotic treatment service. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2010;65(12):26412644.
  8. McNeil R, Small W, Wood E, Kerr T. Hospitals as a ‘risk environment’: an ethno‐epidemiological study of voluntary and involuntary discharge from hospital against medical advice among people who inject drugs. Soc Sci Med. 2014;105:5966.
  9. Glasgow JM, Vaughn‐Sarrazin M, Kaboli PJ. Leaving against medical advice (AMA): risk of 30‐day mortality and hospital readmission. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(9):926929.
  10. Willis GB, Smith T, Lee HJ. Do additional recontacts to increase response rate improve physician survey data quality? Med Care. 2013;51(10):945948.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 11(8)
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Injection drug use (IDU) is a major public health problem leading to increased morbidity, mortality, and healthcare expenditures.[1, 2, 3] Persons who inject drugs (PWID) are often hospitalized with severe infections, such as endocarditis,[4, 5] which typically require prolonged courses of intravenous (IV) antibiotics. Outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) via a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) is the standard of care for continuing IV medications once patients are medically stable and ready for discharge.[6] PWID have been excluded from OPAT studies,[6] leaving little evidence to guide care.[7] Furthermore, likely due to fears of ongoing IDU, PWID are often kept in the hospital for the full duration of their antibiotic courses. This practice is costly and may not be optimal, especially considering that hospitalized PWID have high rates of discharges against medical advice.[8, 9]

In 2012, as part of a quality‐improvement effort focused on hospitalized PWID requiring long courses of IV antibiotics, UKHealthCare in Lexington, Kentucky, established a protocol for OPAT in PWID meeting specific criteria. As this protocol was not widely adopted, we sought to formally assess attitudes, practices, and mediating factors impacting the decision making about discharging PWID on OPAT to inform future efforts. This study was approved by the University of Kentucky (UK) Institutional Review Board.


A 14‐item survey (see Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article) with multiple‐choice and open‐ended response items was developed based on the existing protocol, and themes were confirmed through semistructured interviews with 10 attending physicians in hospital medicine (HM) and infectious disease (ID). Questions were designed to elucidate the role that IDU played in the decision to discharge patients on OPAT, identify barriers to discharging PWID on OPAT, as well as elicit recommendations for requisite services or programs. The first question excluded providers not caring for patients requiring long‐term IV antibiotics. Questions that allowed for open‐ended responses were categorized thematically initially by 1 researcher (L.F.), then refined and confirmed by another team member (J.L.). The survey was distributed over email through Qualtrics (Provo, Utah) software to attending physicians in HM, ID, cardiology, and surgery at UK. Qualtrics software was used to generate descriptive statistics.


In January 2015, the survey was emailed to 66 physicians, and the response rate was 83%, with 91% reporting caring for patients requiring long‐term IV antibiotics. Of those, 41 (82%) completed all items; 66% of completers were in HM, 12% ID, 10% surgery, and 2% cardiology. Sixty percent were male and in practice an average of 7.2 years. Thirty‐nine (95%) use OPAT for patients without IDU, but only 12 (29%) would consider OPAT in PWID. If the patient has a remote history of IDU, then 33 (79%) would consider OPAT. There was no agreed‐upon definition of remote history of IDU (range, 2120 months; median, 12 months).

The most common physician‐identified barriers to discharging PWID on OPAT, as well as recommendations for services or processes to be in place to allow PWID to be discharged with OPAT, are listed in Table 1.

Barriers to Discharging PWID on OPAT and Recommendations for Services or Processes to Be in Place to Discharge PWID on OPAT
Identified Barriers to Discharging PWID on OPAT (41 Responses) % (No.)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: ID, infectious diseases; IDU, injection drug use; IV, intravenous; OPAT, outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy; PICC, peripherally inserted central catheter; PWID, persons who inject drugs. *The University of Kentucky developed a behavioral agreement to outline the risks of misusing a PICC line for PWID. Free‐text responses included variability in provider practices, lack of appointment availability, close nurse follow‐up. Responses are listed in decreasing order of frequency of citation Fewer than 5 responses.

Socioeconomic factors (stable housing, transportation, living with responsible adult) 66 (27)
Potential risk of the patient misusing PICC line for IDU 66 (27)
Willingness of ID physician to follow the patient as an outpatient 59 (24)
Potential risk of not completing IV antibiotic therapy 49 (20)
Positive urine drug screen on admission 44 (18)
Patient willingness to sign behavioral contract* 39 (16)
Patient willingness to enter mental health or substance use disorder treatment 39 (16)
Lack of a tamper‐evident mechanism that discourages misuse of the PICC line 27 (11)
Lack of data on outcomes for OPAT in PWID 24 (10)
Potential risk of being sued by a patient or family 20 (8)
Recommendations for services or processes among providers who do not currently consider discharging PWID on OPAT (28 responses)
Outpatient or ID follow‐up 32 (9)
Monitoring mechanism including random urine drug screens
Substance use disorder and mental health services and treatment
Home health services
Institutional placement (eg, inpatient rehab, extended‐care facility)
More explicit legal protection
Screening criteria to identify high risk for PICC line misuse
Designated coordinator for this patient population


This survey illustrates the extremely complex barriers present when treating hospitalized PWID requiring long courses of IV antibiotics, and supports the anecdotal evidence that physicians often keep PWID in the hospital for weeks to administer IV antibiotics. The majority of our sample of physicians believe that the largest barriers to OPAT in PWID are socioeconomic factors and the potential risk of the patient misusing the PICC line. Although the overall response rate of our physician survey was robust,[10] our results reflect the opinions of HM and ID physicians at a single site. The low response rate among cardiologists in particular limits the generalizability of this survey. We suspect, however, that our results pertain to HM in other US hospitals, as nearly three‐fourths of 37 HM physicians surveyed at the University of California, Irvine were very concerned about PWIDs potentially misusing the PICC line, and approximately half reported they usually or always kept PWID in the hospital for prolonged treatment due to concern of substance use (personal and email communication: Lloyd Rucker, MD, unpublished data, November 6, 2015).

We were surprised that fewer than half of respondents identified substance use disorder (SUD) treatment as essential to the OPAT decision. The reasons that may explain this observation are likely multifactorial, and may include gaps in knowledge about and resources to provide evidence‐based addiction medicine. Further research is warranted to explore this observation, including the effect of enrollment into medication‐assisted treatment programs (eg, methadone, buprenorphine).

This survey suggests that although there is variability, OPAT may be an option in PWID, if outpatient follow‐up and ancillary services (ie, home health and possibly intensive case management) were well established. We believe the comorbid SUD must be also addressed. Based on the survey results and recommendations, we have begun relationships with community SUD treatment providers willing to monitor IV antibiotics with PICC lines, and dedicated additional case management staff to this population. We are evaluating these programs with the goal of contributing to an evidence base for this high‐risk population.


The authors thank Inski Yu, MD, for assistance with survey development, and Lloyd Rucker, MD, for data sharing.

Disclosure: Nothing to report.

Injection drug use (IDU) is a major public health problem leading to increased morbidity, mortality, and healthcare expenditures.[1, 2, 3] Persons who inject drugs (PWID) are often hospitalized with severe infections, such as endocarditis,[4, 5] which typically require prolonged courses of intravenous (IV) antibiotics. Outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) via a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) is the standard of care for continuing IV medications once patients are medically stable and ready for discharge.[6] PWID have been excluded from OPAT studies,[6] leaving little evidence to guide care.[7] Furthermore, likely due to fears of ongoing IDU, PWID are often kept in the hospital for the full duration of their antibiotic courses. This practice is costly and may not be optimal, especially considering that hospitalized PWID have high rates of discharges against medical advice.[8, 9]

In 2012, as part of a quality‐improvement effort focused on hospitalized PWID requiring long courses of IV antibiotics, UKHealthCare in Lexington, Kentucky, established a protocol for OPAT in PWID meeting specific criteria. As this protocol was not widely adopted, we sought to formally assess attitudes, practices, and mediating factors impacting the decision making about discharging PWID on OPAT to inform future efforts. This study was approved by the University of Kentucky (UK) Institutional Review Board.


A 14‐item survey (see Supporting Information, Appendix, in the online version of this article) with multiple‐choice and open‐ended response items was developed based on the existing protocol, and themes were confirmed through semistructured interviews with 10 attending physicians in hospital medicine (HM) and infectious disease (ID). Questions were designed to elucidate the role that IDU played in the decision to discharge patients on OPAT, identify barriers to discharging PWID on OPAT, as well as elicit recommendations for requisite services or programs. The first question excluded providers not caring for patients requiring long‐term IV antibiotics. Questions that allowed for open‐ended responses were categorized thematically initially by 1 researcher (L.F.), then refined and confirmed by another team member (J.L.). The survey was distributed over email through Qualtrics (Provo, Utah) software to attending physicians in HM, ID, cardiology, and surgery at UK. Qualtrics software was used to generate descriptive statistics.


In January 2015, the survey was emailed to 66 physicians, and the response rate was 83%, with 91% reporting caring for patients requiring long‐term IV antibiotics. Of those, 41 (82%) completed all items; 66% of completers were in HM, 12% ID, 10% surgery, and 2% cardiology. Sixty percent were male and in practice an average of 7.2 years. Thirty‐nine (95%) use OPAT for patients without IDU, but only 12 (29%) would consider OPAT in PWID. If the patient has a remote history of IDU, then 33 (79%) would consider OPAT. There was no agreed‐upon definition of remote history of IDU (range, 2120 months; median, 12 months).

The most common physician‐identified barriers to discharging PWID on OPAT, as well as recommendations for services or processes to be in place to allow PWID to be discharged with OPAT, are listed in Table 1.

Barriers to Discharging PWID on OPAT and Recommendations for Services or Processes to Be in Place to Discharge PWID on OPAT
Identified Barriers to Discharging PWID on OPAT (41 Responses) % (No.)
  • NOTE: Abbreviations: ID, infectious diseases; IDU, injection drug use; IV, intravenous; OPAT, outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy; PICC, peripherally inserted central catheter; PWID, persons who inject drugs. *The University of Kentucky developed a behavioral agreement to outline the risks of misusing a PICC line for PWID. Free‐text responses included variability in provider practices, lack of appointment availability, close nurse follow‐up. Responses are listed in decreasing order of frequency of citation Fewer than 5 responses.

Socioeconomic factors (stable housing, transportation, living with responsible adult) 66 (27)
Potential risk of the patient misusing PICC line for IDU 66 (27)
Willingness of ID physician to follow the patient as an outpatient 59 (24)
Potential risk of not completing IV antibiotic therapy 49 (20)
Positive urine drug screen on admission 44 (18)
Patient willingness to sign behavioral contract* 39 (16)
Patient willingness to enter mental health or substance use disorder treatment 39 (16)
Lack of a tamper‐evident mechanism that discourages misuse of the PICC line 27 (11)
Lack of data on outcomes for OPAT in PWID 24 (10)
Potential risk of being sued by a patient or family 20 (8)
Recommendations for services or processes among providers who do not currently consider discharging PWID on OPAT (28 responses)
Outpatient or ID follow‐up 32 (9)
Monitoring mechanism including random urine drug screens
Substance use disorder and mental health services and treatment
Home health services
Institutional placement (eg, inpatient rehab, extended‐care facility)
More explicit legal protection
Screening criteria to identify high risk for PICC line misuse
Designated coordinator for this patient population


This survey illustrates the extremely complex barriers present when treating hospitalized PWID requiring long courses of IV antibiotics, and supports the anecdotal evidence that physicians often keep PWID in the hospital for weeks to administer IV antibiotics. The majority of our sample of physicians believe that the largest barriers to OPAT in PWID are socioeconomic factors and the potential risk of the patient misusing the PICC line. Although the overall response rate of our physician survey was robust,[10] our results reflect the opinions of HM and ID physicians at a single site. The low response rate among cardiologists in particular limits the generalizability of this survey. We suspect, however, that our results pertain to HM in other US hospitals, as nearly three‐fourths of 37 HM physicians surveyed at the University of California, Irvine were very concerned about PWIDs potentially misusing the PICC line, and approximately half reported they usually or always kept PWID in the hospital for prolonged treatment due to concern of substance use (personal and email communication: Lloyd Rucker, MD, unpublished data, November 6, 2015).

We were surprised that fewer than half of respondents identified substance use disorder (SUD) treatment as essential to the OPAT decision. The reasons that may explain this observation are likely multifactorial, and may include gaps in knowledge about and resources to provide evidence‐based addiction medicine. Further research is warranted to explore this observation, including the effect of enrollment into medication‐assisted treatment programs (eg, methadone, buprenorphine).

This survey suggests that although there is variability, OPAT may be an option in PWID, if outpatient follow‐up and ancillary services (ie, home health and possibly intensive case management) were well established. We believe the comorbid SUD must be also addressed. Based on the survey results and recommendations, we have begun relationships with community SUD treatment providers willing to monitor IV antibiotics with PICC lines, and dedicated additional case management staff to this population. We are evaluating these programs with the goal of contributing to an evidence base for this high‐risk population.


The authors thank Inski Yu, MD, for assistance with survey development, and Lloyd Rucker, MD, for data sharing.

Disclosure: Nothing to report.

  1. Zibbell JE, Iqbal K, Patel RC, et al. Increases in hepatitis C virus infection related to injection drug use among persons aged ≤30 years—Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, 2006–2012. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;64(17):453458.
  2. Rudd RA, Aleshire N, Zibbell JE, Gladden RM. Increases in drug and opioid overdose deaths—United States, 2000‐2014. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2016;64(50–51):13781382.
  3. Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, O'Grady KE, Restivo L, Mitchell SG, Jaffe JH. Understanding patterns of high‐cost health care use across different substance user groups. Health Aff (Millwood). 2016;35(1):1219.
  4. Lloyd‐Smith E, Wood E, Zhang R, et al. Determinants of hospitalization for a cutaneous injection‐related infection among injection drug users: a cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2010;10:327.
  5. Gordon RJ, Lowy FD. Bacterial infections in drug users. N Engl J Med. 2005;353(18):19451954.
  6. Tice AD, Rehm SJ, Dalovisio JR, et al. Practice guidelines for outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 2004;38(12):16511671.
  7. Ho J, Archuleta S, Sulaiman Z, Fisher D. Safe and successful treatment of intravenous drug users with a peripherally inserted central catheter in an outpatient parenteral antibiotic treatment service. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2010;65(12):26412644.
  8. McNeil R, Small W, Wood E, Kerr T. Hospitals as a ‘risk environment’: an ethno‐epidemiological study of voluntary and involuntary discharge from hospital against medical advice among people who inject drugs. Soc Sci Med. 2014;105:5966.
  9. Glasgow JM, Vaughn‐Sarrazin M, Kaboli PJ. Leaving against medical advice (AMA): risk of 30‐day mortality and hospital readmission. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(9):926929.
  10. Willis GB, Smith T, Lee HJ. Do additional recontacts to increase response rate improve physician survey data quality? Med Care. 2013;51(10):945948.
  1. Zibbell JE, Iqbal K, Patel RC, et al. Increases in hepatitis C virus infection related to injection drug use among persons aged ≤30 years—Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, 2006–2012. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015;64(17):453458.
  2. Rudd RA, Aleshire N, Zibbell JE, Gladden RM. Increases in drug and opioid overdose deaths—United States, 2000‐2014. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2016;64(50–51):13781382.
  3. Gryczynski J, Schwartz RP, O'Grady KE, Restivo L, Mitchell SG, Jaffe JH. Understanding patterns of high‐cost health care use across different substance user groups. Health Aff (Millwood). 2016;35(1):1219.
  4. Lloyd‐Smith E, Wood E, Zhang R, et al. Determinants of hospitalization for a cutaneous injection‐related infection among injection drug users: a cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2010;10:327.
  5. Gordon RJ, Lowy FD. Bacterial infections in drug users. N Engl J Med. 2005;353(18):19451954.
  6. Tice AD, Rehm SJ, Dalovisio JR, et al. Practice guidelines for outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 2004;38(12):16511671.
  7. Ho J, Archuleta S, Sulaiman Z, Fisher D. Safe and successful treatment of intravenous drug users with a peripherally inserted central catheter in an outpatient parenteral antibiotic treatment service. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2010;65(12):26412644.
  8. McNeil R, Small W, Wood E, Kerr T. Hospitals as a ‘risk environment’: an ethno‐epidemiological study of voluntary and involuntary discharge from hospital against medical advice among people who inject drugs. Soc Sci Med. 2014;105:5966.
  9. Glasgow JM, Vaughn‐Sarrazin M, Kaboli PJ. Leaving against medical advice (AMA): risk of 30‐day mortality and hospital readmission. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(9):926929.
  10. Willis GB, Smith T, Lee HJ. Do additional recontacts to increase response rate improve physician survey data quality? Med Care. 2013;51(10):945948.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 11(8)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 11(8)
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Perceptions and practices of physicians regarding outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy in persons who inject drugs
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Perceptions and practices of physicians regarding outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy in persons who inject drugs
Article Source
© 2016 Society of Hospital Medicine
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Correspondence Location
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Laura Fanucchi, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, 900 South Limestone, 306B Charles T. Wethington Bldg., Lexington, KY 40536; Telephone: 859‐323‐1982; Fax: 859‐323‐1197; E‐mail:
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Managing Superutilizers

Article Type
Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
Display Headline
Managing superutilizers—staying patient centered is the solution

We have known for years that the distribution of healthcare expenditures in the United States is skewed, with a small portion of the population consuming a disproportionately high share of resources. In 2010, 1% of the population accounted for 21.4% of the $1.3 trillion spent on healthcare.[1] Growing evidence documents that most of these high‐cost patients are not receiving coordinated care, preventive care, or care in the most appropriate settings.[2] The term superutilizer describes individuals with complex physical, behavioral, and social needs who have frequent emergency department (ED) visits and multiple costly hospital admissions.[3] Not surprisingly, multiple superutilizer programs and new funding opportunities target this population attempting to reduce their healthcare costs while improving their care, as public and private insurers shift to value‐based care.[4]

Beginning in 2006, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation supported the Camden Coalition[5] with 3 grants to develop a community‐based approach to identify high‐utilizer patients and provide them with coordinated medical and social services.[6] These programs include community‐based teams that focus on the highest utilizers in a specific geographic area and provide intensive outpatient case management. Building on these efforts, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) awarded 2 Health Care Innovation Awards totaling $17.2 million to target Medicaid superutilizers.[7] Through its State Innovation Models initiative, CMMI also encourages states to pilot superutilizer programs to increase care coordination and support of persons with certain risk factors such as homelessness or mental illness.[8] Additionally, the National Governors Association developed a 1‐year, multistate policy academy to develop state‐level capacity and state action plans that guide how to improve the delivery and financing of care for superutilizers.[9]

With all these ongoing activities in the setting of a paucity of research identifying the most cost‐efficient practices to manage super‐utilizers, we are glad to see the Journal of Hospital Medicine publish an evaluation of a quality‐improvement project targeting superutilizers.[10] Mercer and colleagues at Duke University Hospital show that developing an individualized care plan and integrating it into their electronic health record (EHR) reduced hospital admissions, but not ED visits. Although we applaud the reportedly individualized patient approach and recognize the effort required to refer patients to a more appropriate care setting, we believe the researchers neglected 3 important components for the intervention: (1) patient engagement in developing individualized care plans, (2) care coordination integrated with community collaboration, and (3) feedback on continuum of care relayed back to providers. The managing strategies mentioned in the article seem to have evolved exclusively from the provider's perspective, a common mistake that the Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research Institute emphasizes must be avoided. We are concerned about the lack of clarity regarding the set of management strategies focused on providing high‐quality care while limiting unnecessary admissions reported by them. We fear this strategy was imposed on patients and not developed collaboratively with them. Effective interventions for superutilizers should do more than just guide providers actions, but also connect services to the patient's needs. There should be coordination and continuous improvement of these efforts, which requires engagement of the patient and their community with feedback to the system.

Possibly most important, an individualized approach to superutilizers needs to be patient‐centeredprioritizing patient goals and preferences, selecting interventions and services guided by the needs of the individual, and emphasizing modifiable outcomes that matter to the patient. Such a patient‐centered approach goes beyond the individual patient to incorporate information about social support and family dynamics, highlighting the role of caregivers. Patients and their caregivers must be engaged or activated to ensure adherence to appropriate care and behaviors in any superutilizer programs. Additionally, individualized patient‐centered care plans should be dynamic and bidirectional to accommodate changes in health priorities that may occur over time. Such lack of patient and community engagement may explain why ED‐visit frequency was unchanged in their study.

The approach of having a Complex Care Plan Committee deserves attention as it appropriately included the right people at the academic medical center. However, why is it voluntary? Should not an important, or even essential, committee such as this be supported by the health system? Moreover, although the care plan developed by members of the committee possesses understandable aspects to be considered in a patient's care, why is this not shown to the patient for their input? Instead of being done to the patient, we recommend including patients in this process, believing such patient engagement would improve care further and likely yield sustained changes. We suggest the researchers remember the maxim nothing about me, without me.

Patients who use the most healthcare services typically have complicated social situations that directly impact their ability to improve their health and stay well.[2, 11] Addressing the social determinants of health is not a new concept; however, creating healthy communities as a core responsibility of the healthcare industry is. Contributing to the dizzying state of change in US healthcare are efforts to shift to value‐based purchasing and population health management.[12] This transformation from a fee‐for‐service hospital‐centric industry into one focused on the continuum of care requires outreach into communities where superutilizers live. Ultimately, all healthcare is local, as this is where patients receive the vast majority of their care. Improving quality and reducing costs requires healthcare providers to work together on a collaborative mission that focuses on the needs of patients and community, not just efforts to reduce utilization. Even hospitalists must forge collaborative relationships with skilled nursing facilities and patient‐centered medical homes.

Given the successes of some superutilizer programs,[3] a key issue is how to scale or disseminate such labor‐intensive highly individualized programs. Each patient has very complex and specific medical, behavioral, and social needs that require creativity and flexibility to adequately address these needs. Without question, patients and/or their caregivers should be members of the care team aiming to optimize their care. Unfortunately, our current healthcare system is not designed to address the complexity and uniqueness of each superutilizer. Nonetheless, summarizing patients history into the EHR and integrating recommendations offers an opportunity to share information as originally hoped by the transition from paper‐based records. It additionally offers an opportunity to learn from use of this information as academic medical centers aim to become learning health systems.[13] Future implementation science research in this area should assess how to scale patient‐centered approaches to care, particularly for those with chronic illness and other vulnerabilities. We must eschew efforts that solely focus on reducing utilization by patients without involving them; after all, they are the focus of healthcare.


Nothing to report.

  1. Cohen S, Uberoi N. Differentials in the concentration in the level of health expenditures across population subgroups in the U.S, 2010. Statistical brief #421. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2013.
  2. Mulder BJ, Tzeng HM, Vecchioni ND. Preventing avoidable rehospitalizations by understanding the characteristics of “frequent fliers.” J Nurs Care Qual. 2012;27(1):7782.
  3. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Super‐utilizer summit: common themes from innovative complex care management programs. Available at:‐utilizer‐summit.html. Published October 2013; accessed March 22, 2015.
  4. Burwell SM. Setting value‐based payment goals—HHS efforts to improve U.S. health care. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(10):897899.
  5. Gawande A. Medical Report: The hot spotters—can we lower medical costs by giving the neediest patients better care? Available at: Published January 24, 2011; accessed March 22, 2015.
  6. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. A coalition creates a citywide care management system. Available at: Published January 13, 2011; revised June 13, 2014; accessed March 22, 2015.
  7. Centers for Medicare 10(XX):XXXXXX.
  8. Kronick RG, Bella M, Gilmer TP, Somers SA. The faces of Medicaid II: recognizing the care needs of people with multiple chronic conditions. Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. Available at: Published October 2007; accessed March 22, 2015.
  9. Casalino LP. Accountable care organizations—the risk of failure and the risks of success. N Engl J Med. 2014;371(18):17501751.
  10. Greene SM, Reid RJ, Larson EB. Implementing the learning health system: from concept to action. Ann Intern Med. 2012;157(3):207210.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(7)
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We have known for years that the distribution of healthcare expenditures in the United States is skewed, with a small portion of the population consuming a disproportionately high share of resources. In 2010, 1% of the population accounted for 21.4% of the $1.3 trillion spent on healthcare.[1] Growing evidence documents that most of these high‐cost patients are not receiving coordinated care, preventive care, or care in the most appropriate settings.[2] The term superutilizer describes individuals with complex physical, behavioral, and social needs who have frequent emergency department (ED) visits and multiple costly hospital admissions.[3] Not surprisingly, multiple superutilizer programs and new funding opportunities target this population attempting to reduce their healthcare costs while improving their care, as public and private insurers shift to value‐based care.[4]

Beginning in 2006, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation supported the Camden Coalition[5] with 3 grants to develop a community‐based approach to identify high‐utilizer patients and provide them with coordinated medical and social services.[6] These programs include community‐based teams that focus on the highest utilizers in a specific geographic area and provide intensive outpatient case management. Building on these efforts, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) awarded 2 Health Care Innovation Awards totaling $17.2 million to target Medicaid superutilizers.[7] Through its State Innovation Models initiative, CMMI also encourages states to pilot superutilizer programs to increase care coordination and support of persons with certain risk factors such as homelessness or mental illness.[8] Additionally, the National Governors Association developed a 1‐year, multistate policy academy to develop state‐level capacity and state action plans that guide how to improve the delivery and financing of care for superutilizers.[9]

With all these ongoing activities in the setting of a paucity of research identifying the most cost‐efficient practices to manage super‐utilizers, we are glad to see the Journal of Hospital Medicine publish an evaluation of a quality‐improvement project targeting superutilizers.[10] Mercer and colleagues at Duke University Hospital show that developing an individualized care plan and integrating it into their electronic health record (EHR) reduced hospital admissions, but not ED visits. Although we applaud the reportedly individualized patient approach and recognize the effort required to refer patients to a more appropriate care setting, we believe the researchers neglected 3 important components for the intervention: (1) patient engagement in developing individualized care plans, (2) care coordination integrated with community collaboration, and (3) feedback on continuum of care relayed back to providers. The managing strategies mentioned in the article seem to have evolved exclusively from the provider's perspective, a common mistake that the Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research Institute emphasizes must be avoided. We are concerned about the lack of clarity regarding the set of management strategies focused on providing high‐quality care while limiting unnecessary admissions reported by them. We fear this strategy was imposed on patients and not developed collaboratively with them. Effective interventions for superutilizers should do more than just guide providers actions, but also connect services to the patient's needs. There should be coordination and continuous improvement of these efforts, which requires engagement of the patient and their community with feedback to the system.

Possibly most important, an individualized approach to superutilizers needs to be patient‐centeredprioritizing patient goals and preferences, selecting interventions and services guided by the needs of the individual, and emphasizing modifiable outcomes that matter to the patient. Such a patient‐centered approach goes beyond the individual patient to incorporate information about social support and family dynamics, highlighting the role of caregivers. Patients and their caregivers must be engaged or activated to ensure adherence to appropriate care and behaviors in any superutilizer programs. Additionally, individualized patient‐centered care plans should be dynamic and bidirectional to accommodate changes in health priorities that may occur over time. Such lack of patient and community engagement may explain why ED‐visit frequency was unchanged in their study.

The approach of having a Complex Care Plan Committee deserves attention as it appropriately included the right people at the academic medical center. However, why is it voluntary? Should not an important, or even essential, committee such as this be supported by the health system? Moreover, although the care plan developed by members of the committee possesses understandable aspects to be considered in a patient's care, why is this not shown to the patient for their input? Instead of being done to the patient, we recommend including patients in this process, believing such patient engagement would improve care further and likely yield sustained changes. We suggest the researchers remember the maxim nothing about me, without me.

Patients who use the most healthcare services typically have complicated social situations that directly impact their ability to improve their health and stay well.[2, 11] Addressing the social determinants of health is not a new concept; however, creating healthy communities as a core responsibility of the healthcare industry is. Contributing to the dizzying state of change in US healthcare are efforts to shift to value‐based purchasing and population health management.[12] This transformation from a fee‐for‐service hospital‐centric industry into one focused on the continuum of care requires outreach into communities where superutilizers live. Ultimately, all healthcare is local, as this is where patients receive the vast majority of their care. Improving quality and reducing costs requires healthcare providers to work together on a collaborative mission that focuses on the needs of patients and community, not just efforts to reduce utilization. Even hospitalists must forge collaborative relationships with skilled nursing facilities and patient‐centered medical homes.

Given the successes of some superutilizer programs,[3] a key issue is how to scale or disseminate such labor‐intensive highly individualized programs. Each patient has very complex and specific medical, behavioral, and social needs that require creativity and flexibility to adequately address these needs. Without question, patients and/or their caregivers should be members of the care team aiming to optimize their care. Unfortunately, our current healthcare system is not designed to address the complexity and uniqueness of each superutilizer. Nonetheless, summarizing patients history into the EHR and integrating recommendations offers an opportunity to share information as originally hoped by the transition from paper‐based records. It additionally offers an opportunity to learn from use of this information as academic medical centers aim to become learning health systems.[13] Future implementation science research in this area should assess how to scale patient‐centered approaches to care, particularly for those with chronic illness and other vulnerabilities. We must eschew efforts that solely focus on reducing utilization by patients without involving them; after all, they are the focus of healthcare.


Nothing to report.

We have known for years that the distribution of healthcare expenditures in the United States is skewed, with a small portion of the population consuming a disproportionately high share of resources. In 2010, 1% of the population accounted for 21.4% of the $1.3 trillion spent on healthcare.[1] Growing evidence documents that most of these high‐cost patients are not receiving coordinated care, preventive care, or care in the most appropriate settings.[2] The term superutilizer describes individuals with complex physical, behavioral, and social needs who have frequent emergency department (ED) visits and multiple costly hospital admissions.[3] Not surprisingly, multiple superutilizer programs and new funding opportunities target this population attempting to reduce their healthcare costs while improving their care, as public and private insurers shift to value‐based care.[4]

Beginning in 2006, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation supported the Camden Coalition[5] with 3 grants to develop a community‐based approach to identify high‐utilizer patients and provide them with coordinated medical and social services.[6] These programs include community‐based teams that focus on the highest utilizers in a specific geographic area and provide intensive outpatient case management. Building on these efforts, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) awarded 2 Health Care Innovation Awards totaling $17.2 million to target Medicaid superutilizers.[7] Through its State Innovation Models initiative, CMMI also encourages states to pilot superutilizer programs to increase care coordination and support of persons with certain risk factors such as homelessness or mental illness.[8] Additionally, the National Governors Association developed a 1‐year, multistate policy academy to develop state‐level capacity and state action plans that guide how to improve the delivery and financing of care for superutilizers.[9]

With all these ongoing activities in the setting of a paucity of research identifying the most cost‐efficient practices to manage super‐utilizers, we are glad to see the Journal of Hospital Medicine publish an evaluation of a quality‐improvement project targeting superutilizers.[10] Mercer and colleagues at Duke University Hospital show that developing an individualized care plan and integrating it into their electronic health record (EHR) reduced hospital admissions, but not ED visits. Although we applaud the reportedly individualized patient approach and recognize the effort required to refer patients to a more appropriate care setting, we believe the researchers neglected 3 important components for the intervention: (1) patient engagement in developing individualized care plans, (2) care coordination integrated with community collaboration, and (3) feedback on continuum of care relayed back to providers. The managing strategies mentioned in the article seem to have evolved exclusively from the provider's perspective, a common mistake that the Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research Institute emphasizes must be avoided. We are concerned about the lack of clarity regarding the set of management strategies focused on providing high‐quality care while limiting unnecessary admissions reported by them. We fear this strategy was imposed on patients and not developed collaboratively with them. Effective interventions for superutilizers should do more than just guide providers actions, but also connect services to the patient's needs. There should be coordination and continuous improvement of these efforts, which requires engagement of the patient and their community with feedback to the system.

Possibly most important, an individualized approach to superutilizers needs to be patient‐centeredprioritizing patient goals and preferences, selecting interventions and services guided by the needs of the individual, and emphasizing modifiable outcomes that matter to the patient. Such a patient‐centered approach goes beyond the individual patient to incorporate information about social support and family dynamics, highlighting the role of caregivers. Patients and their caregivers must be engaged or activated to ensure adherence to appropriate care and behaviors in any superutilizer programs. Additionally, individualized patient‐centered care plans should be dynamic and bidirectional to accommodate changes in health priorities that may occur over time. Such lack of patient and community engagement may explain why ED‐visit frequency was unchanged in their study.

The approach of having a Complex Care Plan Committee deserves attention as it appropriately included the right people at the academic medical center. However, why is it voluntary? Should not an important, or even essential, committee such as this be supported by the health system? Moreover, although the care plan developed by members of the committee possesses understandable aspects to be considered in a patient's care, why is this not shown to the patient for their input? Instead of being done to the patient, we recommend including patients in this process, believing such patient engagement would improve care further and likely yield sustained changes. We suggest the researchers remember the maxim nothing about me, without me.

Patients who use the most healthcare services typically have complicated social situations that directly impact their ability to improve their health and stay well.[2, 11] Addressing the social determinants of health is not a new concept; however, creating healthy communities as a core responsibility of the healthcare industry is. Contributing to the dizzying state of change in US healthcare are efforts to shift to value‐based purchasing and population health management.[12] This transformation from a fee‐for‐service hospital‐centric industry into one focused on the continuum of care requires outreach into communities where superutilizers live. Ultimately, all healthcare is local, as this is where patients receive the vast majority of their care. Improving quality and reducing costs requires healthcare providers to work together on a collaborative mission that focuses on the needs of patients and community, not just efforts to reduce utilization. Even hospitalists must forge collaborative relationships with skilled nursing facilities and patient‐centered medical homes.

Given the successes of some superutilizer programs,[3] a key issue is how to scale or disseminate such labor‐intensive highly individualized programs. Each patient has very complex and specific medical, behavioral, and social needs that require creativity and flexibility to adequately address these needs. Without question, patients and/or their caregivers should be members of the care team aiming to optimize their care. Unfortunately, our current healthcare system is not designed to address the complexity and uniqueness of each superutilizer. Nonetheless, summarizing patients history into the EHR and integrating recommendations offers an opportunity to share information as originally hoped by the transition from paper‐based records. It additionally offers an opportunity to learn from use of this information as academic medical centers aim to become learning health systems.[13] Future implementation science research in this area should assess how to scale patient‐centered approaches to care, particularly for those with chronic illness and other vulnerabilities. We must eschew efforts that solely focus on reducing utilization by patients without involving them; after all, they are the focus of healthcare.


Nothing to report.

  1. Cohen S, Uberoi N. Differentials in the concentration in the level of health expenditures across population subgroups in the U.S, 2010. Statistical brief #421. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2013.
  2. Mulder BJ, Tzeng HM, Vecchioni ND. Preventing avoidable rehospitalizations by understanding the characteristics of “frequent fliers.” J Nurs Care Qual. 2012;27(1):7782.
  3. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Super‐utilizer summit: common themes from innovative complex care management programs. Available at:‐utilizer‐summit.html. Published October 2013; accessed March 22, 2015.
  4. Burwell SM. Setting value‐based payment goals—HHS efforts to improve U.S. health care. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(10):897899.
  5. Gawande A. Medical Report: The hot spotters—can we lower medical costs by giving the neediest patients better care? Available at: Published January 24, 2011; accessed March 22, 2015.
  6. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. A coalition creates a citywide care management system. Available at: Published January 13, 2011; revised June 13, 2014; accessed March 22, 2015.
  7. Centers for Medicare 10(XX):XXXXXX.
  8. Kronick RG, Bella M, Gilmer TP, Somers SA. The faces of Medicaid II: recognizing the care needs of people with multiple chronic conditions. Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. Available at: Published October 2007; accessed March 22, 2015.
  9. Casalino LP. Accountable care organizations—the risk of failure and the risks of success. N Engl J Med. 2014;371(18):17501751.
  10. Greene SM, Reid RJ, Larson EB. Implementing the learning health system: from concept to action. Ann Intern Med. 2012;157(3):207210.
  1. Cohen S, Uberoi N. Differentials in the concentration in the level of health expenditures across population subgroups in the U.S, 2010. Statistical brief #421. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2013.
  2. Mulder BJ, Tzeng HM, Vecchioni ND. Preventing avoidable rehospitalizations by understanding the characteristics of “frequent fliers.” J Nurs Care Qual. 2012;27(1):7782.
  3. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Super‐utilizer summit: common themes from innovative complex care management programs. Available at:‐utilizer‐summit.html. Published October 2013; accessed March 22, 2015.
  4. Burwell SM. Setting value‐based payment goals—HHS efforts to improve U.S. health care. N Engl J Med. 2015;372(10):897899.
  5. Gawande A. Medical Report: The hot spotters—can we lower medical costs by giving the neediest patients better care? Available at: Published January 24, 2011; accessed March 22, 2015.
  6. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. A coalition creates a citywide care management system. Available at: Published January 13, 2011; revised June 13, 2014; accessed March 22, 2015.
  7. Centers for Medicare 10(XX):XXXXXX.
  8. Kronick RG, Bella M, Gilmer TP, Somers SA. The faces of Medicaid II: recognizing the care needs of people with multiple chronic conditions. Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. Available at: Published October 2007; accessed March 22, 2015.
  9. Casalino LP. Accountable care organizations—the risk of failure and the risks of success. N Engl J Med. 2014;371(18):17501751.
  10. Greene SM, Reid RJ, Larson EB. Implementing the learning health system: from concept to action. Ann Intern Med. 2012;157(3):207210.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(7)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(7)
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Page Number
Article Type
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Managing superutilizers—staying patient centered is the solution
Display Headline
Managing superutilizers—staying patient centered is the solution
Article Source
© 2015 Society of Hospital Medicine
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Correspondence Location
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Mark V. Williams, MD, Director, Center for Health Services Research, Professor Telephone: 859‐218‐1039; Fax: 859-257-0521; E‐mail:
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Optimizing transitions of care to reduce rehospitalizations

Article Type
Thu, 03/28/2019 - 15:47
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Optimizing transitions of care to reduce rehospitalizations

You have spent several days checking on a patient hospitalized for an acute exacerbation of heart failure. You have straightened out her medications and diet and discussed a plan for follow-up with the patient and a family member, and now she is being wheeled out the door. What happens to her next?

Too often, not your desired plan. If she is going home, maybe she understands what she needs to do, maybe not. Maybe she will get your prescriptions filled and take the medications as directed, maybe not. If she is going to a nursing home, maybe the physician covering the nursing home will get your plan, maybe not. There is a good chance she will be back in the emergency room soon, all because of a poor transition of care.

Transitions of care are changes in the level, location, or providers of care as patients move within the health care system. These can be critical junctures in patients’ lives, and if poorly executed can result in many adverse effects—including rehospitalization.1

Although high rehospitalization rates gained national attention in 2009 after a analysis of Medicare data,2 health care providers have known about the lack of coordinated care transitions for more than 50 years.3 Despite some progress, improving care transitions remains a national challenge. As the health system evolves from a fee-for-service financial model to payment-for-value,4 it is especially important that health care providers improve care for patients by optimizing care transitions.

In this article, we summarize the factors contributing to poor care transitions, highlight programs that improve them, and discuss strategies for successful transitions.


Transitions of care occur when patients move to short-term and long-term acute care hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, primary and specialty care offices, community health centers, rehabilitation facilities, home health agencies, hospice, and their own homes.5 Problems can arise at any of these transitions, but the risk is especially high when patients leave the hospital to receive care in another setting or at home.

In the past decade, one in five Medicare patients was rehospitalized within 30 days of discharge from the hospital,2 and up to 25% were rehospitalized after being discharged to a skilled nursing facility.6 Some diagnoses (eg, sickle cell anemia, gangrene) and procedures (eg, kidney transplantation, ileostomy) are associated with readmission rates of nearly one in three.7,8

The desire of policymakers to “bend the cost curve” of health care has led to efforts to enhance care coordination by improving transitions between care venues. Through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a number of federal initiatives are promoting strategies to improve care transitions and prevent readmissions after hospital discharge.

The Hospital Readmission Reduction Program9 drives much of this effort. In fiscal year 2013 (beginning October 1, 2012), more than 2,000 hospitals incurred financial penalties of up to 1% of total Medicare diagnosis-related group payments (about $280 million the first year) for excess readmissions.10 The penalty’s maximum rose to 2% in fiscal year 2014 and could increase to 3% in 2015. The total penalty for 2014 is projected to be $227 million, with 2,225 hospitals affected.11

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation has committed hundreds of millions of dollars to Community-based Care Transitions Programs12 and more than $200 million to Hospital Engagement Networks13 to carry out the goals of the Partnership for Patients,14 aiming to reduce rehospitalizations and other adverse events.

At first, despite these efforts, readmission rates did not appear to change substantially.15 However, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reported that hospital readmission rates for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries declined in 2012 to 18.4%,16 although some believe that the reduction is related to an increase in the number of patients admitted for observation in recent years.17


Although some readmissions are unavoidable—resulting from the inevitable progression of disease or worsening of chronic conditions18—they may also result from a fumbled transition between care settings. Our current system of care transition has serious deficiencies that endanger patients. Areas that need improvement include communication between providers, patient education about medications and treatments, monitoring of medication adherence and complications, follow-up of pending tests and procedures after discharge, and outpatient follow-up soon after discharge.19–21

Traditional health care does not have dependable mechanisms for coordinating care across settings; we are all ensconced in “silos” that generally keep the focus within individual venues.22 Lack of coordination blurs the lines of responsibility for patients in the period between discharge from one location and admission to another, leaving them confused about whom to contact for care, especially if symptoms worsen.23,24

Gaps in coordination are not surprising, given the complexity of the US health care system and the often remarkable number of physicians caring for an individual patient.5 Medicare beneficiaries see an average of two primary care physicians and five specialists during a 2-year period; patients with chronic conditions may see up to 16 physicians in 1 year.25 Coordinating care between so many providers in different settings, combined with possible patient factors such as disadvantaged socioeconomic status, lack of caregiver support, and inadequate health literacy, provides many opportunities for failures.

Research has identified several root causes behind most failed care transitions:

Poor provider communication

Multiple studies associate adverse events after discharge with a lack of timely communication between hospital and outpatient providers.26 One study estimated that 80% of serious medical errors involve miscommunication during the hand-off between medical providers.27 Discharge summaries often lack important information such as test results, hospital course, discharge medications, patient counseling, and follow-up plans. Most adverse drug events after hospital discharge result directly from breakdown in communication between hospital staff and patients or primary care physicians.28 Approximately 40% of patients have test results pending at the time of discharge and 10% of these require some action; yet outpatient physicians and patients are often unaware of them.21



Ineffective patient and caregiver education

The Institute of Medicine report, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century,29 noted that patients leaving one setting for another receive little information on how to care for themselves, when to resume activities, what medication side effects to watch out for, and how to get answers to questions. Of particular concern is that patients and caregivers are sometimes omitted from transition planning and often must suddenly assume new self-care responsibilities upon going home that hospital staff managed before discharge. Too often, patients are discharged with inadequate understanding of their medical condition, self-care plan,23,24 and who should manage their care.30

Up to 36% of adults in the United States have inadequate health literacy (defined as the inability to understand basic health information needed to make appropriate decisions), hindering patient education efforts.31–33 Even if they understand, patients and their caregivers must be engaged or “activated” (ie, able and willing to manage one’s health) if we expect them to adhere to appropriate care and behaviors. A review found direct correlations between patient activation and healthy behavior, better health outcomes (eg, achieving normal hemoglobin A1c and cholesterol levels), and better care experiences.34 This review also noted that multiple studies have documented improved activation scores as a result of specific interventions.

No follow-up with primary care providers

The risk of hospital readmission is significantly lower for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or heart failure who receive follow-up within 7 days of discharge.35–38 Of Medicare beneficiaries readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge in 2003–2004, half had no contact with an outpatient physician in the interval between their discharge and their readmission,2 and one in three adult patients discharged from a hospital to the community does not see a physician within 30 days of discharge.39 The dearth of primary care providers in many communities can make follow-up care difficult to coordinate.

Failure to address chronic conditions

Analyses of national data sets reveal that patients are commonly rehospitalized for conditions unrelated to their initial hospitalization. According to the Center for Studying Health System Change, more than a quarter of readmissions in the 30 days after discharge are for conditions unrelated to those identified in the index admission, the proportion rising to more than one-third at 1 year.39 Among Medicare beneficiaries readmitted within 30 days of discharge, the proportion readmitted for the same condition was just 35% after hospitalization for heart failure, 10% after hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction, and 22% after hospitalization for pneumonia.40

Lack of community support

Multiple social and environmental factors contribute to adverse postdischarge events.41–43 For socioeconomically disadvantaged patients, care-transition issues are compounded by insufficient access to outpatient care, lack of social support, and lack of transportation. Some studies indicate that between 40% to 50% of readmissions are linked to social problems and inadequate access to community resources.44–47 Psychosocial issues such as limited health literacy, poor self-management skills, inadequate social support, and living alone are associated with adverse outcomes, including readmission and death.48,49 Such factors may help explain high levels of “no-shows” to outpatient follow-up visits.


Efforts to reduce readmissions have traditionally focused on hospitals, but experts now recognize that multiple factors influence readmissions and must be comprehensively addressed. Several evidence-based models seek to improve patient outcomes with interventions aimed at care transitions:

Project BOOST

Project BOOST (Better Outcomes by Optimizing Safe Transitions)50 is a national initiative developed by the Society of Hospital Medicine to standardize and optimize the care of patients discharged from hospital to home. The program includes evidence-based clinical interventions that can easily be adopted by any hospital. Interventions are aimed at:

  • Identifying patients at high risk on admission
  • Targeting risk-specific situations
  • Improving information flow between inpatient and outpatient providers
  • Improving patient and caregiver education by using the teach-back method
  • Achieving timely follow-up after discharge.

The program includes a year of technical support provided by a physician mentor.

Preliminary results from pilot sites showed a 14% reduction in 30-day readmission rates in units using BOOST compared with control units in the same hospital.51 Mentored implementation was recognized by the Joint Commission and the National Quality Forum with the 2011 John M. Eisenberg Award for Innovation in Patient Safety and Quality.52

Project RED

Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge)53 evolved from efforts by Dr. Brian Jack and colleagues to re-engineer the hospital workflow process to improve patient safety and reduce rehospitalization rates at Boston Medical Center. The intervention has 12 mutually reinforcing components aimed at improving the discharge process.

In a randomized controlled trial, Project RED led to a 30% decrease in emergency department visits and readmissions within 30 days of discharge from a general medical service of an urban academic medical center.54 This study excluded patients admitted from a skilled nursing facility or discharged to one, but a recent study demonstrated that Project RED also led to a lower rate of hospital admission within 30 days of discharge from a skilled nursing facility.55



The STAAR initiative

The STAAR initiative (State Action on Avoidable Re-hospitalizations)56 was launched in 2009 by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement with the goal of reducing avoidable readmissions in the states of Massachusetts, Michigan, and Washington. Hospital teams focus on improving:

  • Assessment of needs after hospital discharge
  • Teaching and learning
  • Real-time hand-off communication
  • Timely follow-up after hospital discharge.

As yet, no published studies other than case reports show a benefit from STAAR.57

The Care Transitions Program

The Care Transitions Program,58 under the leadership of Dr. Eric Coleman, aims to empower patients and caregivers, who meet with a “transition coach.” The program provides assistance with medication reconciliation and self-management, a patient-centered record owned and maintained by the patient to facilitate cross-site information transfer, timely outpatient follow-up with primary or specialty care, a list of red flags to indicate a worsening condition, and instructions on proper responses.

A randomized controlled trial of the program demonstrated a reduction in hospital readmissions at 30, 90, and 180 days, and lower hospital costs at 90 and 180 days.59 This approach also proved effective in a real-world setting.60

The Transitional Care Model

Developed by Dr. Mary Naylor and colleagues, the Transitional Care Model61 also aims at patient and family empowerment, focusing on patients’ stated goals and priorities and ensuring patient engagement. In the program, a transitional care nurse has the job of enhancing patient and caregiver understanding, facilitating patient self-management, and overseeing medication management and transitional care.

A randomized controlled trial demonstrated improved outcomes after hospital discharge for elderly patients with complex medical illnesses, with overall reductions in medical costs through preventing or delaying rehospitalization.62 A subsequent real-world study validated this approach.63

The Bridge Model

The Illinois Transitional Care Consortium’s Bridge Model64 is for older patients discharged home after hospitalization. It is led by social workers (“bridge care coordinators”) who address barriers to implementing the discharge plan, coordinate resources, and intervene at three points: before discharge, 2 days after discharge, and 30 days after discharge.

An initial study showed no impact on the 30-day rehospitalization rate,65 but larger studies are under way with a modified version.

Guided Care

Developed at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Guided Care66 involves nurses who work in partnership with physicians and others in primary care to provide patient-centered, cost-effective care to patients with multiple chronic conditions. Nurses conduct in-home assessments, facilitate care planning, promote patient self-management, monitor conditions, coordinate the efforts of all care professionals, and facilitate access to community resources.

A cluster-randomized controlled trial found that this program had mixed results, reducing the use of home health care but having little effect on the use of other health services in the short run. However, in the subgroup of patients covered by Kaiser-Permanente, those who were randomized to the program accrued, on average, 52% fewer skilled nursing facility days, 47% fewer skilled nursing facility admissions, 49% fewer hospital readmissions, and 17% fewer emergency department visits.67

The GRACE model

The GRACE model (Geriatric Resources for Assessment and Care of Elders)68 was developed to improve the quality of geriatric care, reduce excess health care use, and prevent long-term nursing home placement. Each patient is assigned a support team consisting of a nurse practitioner and a social worker who make home visits, coordinate health care and community services, and develop an individualized care plan.

In one study,69 GRACE reduced hospital admission rates for participants at high risk of hospitalization by 12% in the first year of the program and 44% in the second year. GRACE participants also reported higher quality of life compared with the control group.69


Led by Dr. Joseph Ouslander, INTERACT (Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers)70 is a quality-improvement initiative for skilled nursing facilities, designed to facilitate the early identification, evaluation, documentation, and communication of changes in the status of residents. Visitors to its website can download a set of tools and strategies to help them manage conditions before they become serious enough to require a hospital transfer. The tools assist in promoting important communication among providers and enhancing advance-care planning.

A 6-month study in 25 nursing homes showed a 17% reduction in self-reported hospital admissions with this program compared with the same period the previous year.71

Additional home-based care interventions

Additional innovations are under way in home-based care.

The Home Health Quality Improvement National Campaign is a patient-centered movement to improve the quality of care received by patients residing at home.72 Through its Best Practices Intervention Packages, it offers evidence-based educational tools, resources, and interventions for reducing avoidable hospitalizations, improving medication management, and coordinating transitional care.

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Independence at Home Demonstration73 is testing whether home-based comprehensive primary care can improve care and reduce hospitalizations for Medicare beneficiaries with multiple chronic conditions.




A 2011 review found no single intervention that regularly reduced the 30-day risk of re-hospitalization.74 However, other studies have shown that multifaceted interventions can reduce 30-day readmission rates. Randomized controlled trials in short-stay, acute care hospitals indicate that improvement in the following areas can directly reduce hospital readmission rates:

  • Comprehensive planning and risk assessment throughout hospitalization
  • Quality of care during the initial admission
  • Communication with patients, their caregivers, and their clinicians
  • Patient education
  • Predischarge assessment
  • Coordination of care after discharge.

In randomized trials, successful programs reduced the 30-day readmission rates by 20% to 40%,54,62,75–79 and a 2011 meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials found evidence that interventions associated with discharge planning helped to reduce readmission rates.80

Methods developed by the national care transition models described above can help hospitals optimize patient transitions (Table 1). Although every model has its unique attributes, they have several strategies in common:

Engage a team of key stakeholders that may include patients and caregivers, hospital staff (physicians, nurses, case managers, social workers, and pharmacists), community physicians (primary care, medical homes, and specialists), advance practice providers (physician assistants and nurse practitioners), and postacute care facilities and services (skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, assisted living residences, hospice, and rehabilitation facilities).

Develop a comprehensive transition plan throughout hospitalization that includes attention to factors that may affect self-care, such as health literacy, chronic conditions, medications, and social support.

Enhance medication reconciliation and management. Obtain the best possible medication history on admission, and ensure that patients understand changes in their medications, how to take each medicine correctly, and important side effects.

Institute daily interdisciplinary communication and care coordination by everyone on the health care team with an emphasis on the care plan, discharge planning, and safety issues.81

Standardize transition plans, procedures and forms. All discharging physicians should use a standard discharge summary template that includes pertinent diagnoses, active issues, a reconciled medication list with changes highlighted, results from important tests and consultations, pending test results, planned follow-up and required services, warning signs of a worsening condition, and actions needed if a problem arises.

Always send discharge summaries directly to the patient’s primary care physician or next care setting at the time of discharge.

Give the patient a discharge plan that is easy to understand. Enhance patient and family education using health literacy standards82 and interactive methods such as teach-back,83 in which patients demonstrate comprehension and skills required for self-care immediately after being taught. Such tools actively teach patients and caregivers to follow a care plan, including managing medications.

Follow up and coordinate support in a timely manner after a patient leaves the care setting. Follow-up visits should be arranged before discharge. Within 1 to 3 days after discharge, the patient should be called or visited by a case manager, social worker, nurse, or other health care provider.


Although several models demonstrated significant reductions of hospital readmissions in trials, challenges remain. Studies do not identify which features of the models are necessary or sufficient, or how applicable they are to different hospital and patient characteristics. A 2012 analysis84 of a program designed to reduce readmissions in three states identified key obstacles to successfully improving care transitions:

Collaborative relationships across settings are critical, but very difficult to achieve. It takes time to develop the relationships and trust among providers, and little incentive exists for skilled nursing facilities and physicians outside the hospital to engage in the process.

Infrastructure is lacking, as is experience to implement quality improvements.

We lack proof that models work on a large scale. Confusion exists about which readmissions are preventable and which are not. More evidence is needed to help guide hospitals’ efforts to improve transitions of care and reduce readmissions.

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Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Jing Li, MD, MS
Assistant Professor of Medicine; Center for Health Services Research, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Robert Young, MD, MS
Assistant Professor of Medicine; Division of Hospital Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

Mark V. Williams, MD
Director, Center for Health Services Research; Professor & Vice Chair, Department of Internal Medicine; Interim Chief, Division of Hospital Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Address: Mark V. Williams, MD, MHM, 789 South Limestone, Room 551, Lexington, KY 40536-0596; e-mail:

Dr. Williams has disclosed that he serves as principal investigator on Project BOOST for the Society of Hospital Medicine.

Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 81(5)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Jing Li, MD, MS
Assistant Professor of Medicine; Center for Health Services Research, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Robert Young, MD, MS
Assistant Professor of Medicine; Division of Hospital Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

Mark V. Williams, MD
Director, Center for Health Services Research; Professor & Vice Chair, Department of Internal Medicine; Interim Chief, Division of Hospital Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Address: Mark V. Williams, MD, MHM, 789 South Limestone, Room 551, Lexington, KY 40536-0596; e-mail:

Dr. Williams has disclosed that he serves as principal investigator on Project BOOST for the Society of Hospital Medicine.

Author and Disclosure Information

Jing Li, MD, MS
Assistant Professor of Medicine; Center for Health Services Research, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Robert Young, MD, MS
Assistant Professor of Medicine; Division of Hospital Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

Mark V. Williams, MD
Director, Center for Health Services Research; Professor & Vice Chair, Department of Internal Medicine; Interim Chief, Division of Hospital Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Address: Mark V. Williams, MD, MHM, 789 South Limestone, Room 551, Lexington, KY 40536-0596; e-mail:

Dr. Williams has disclosed that he serves as principal investigator on Project BOOST for the Society of Hospital Medicine.

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Article PDF

You have spent several days checking on a patient hospitalized for an acute exacerbation of heart failure. You have straightened out her medications and diet and discussed a plan for follow-up with the patient and a family member, and now she is being wheeled out the door. What happens to her next?

Too often, not your desired plan. If she is going home, maybe she understands what she needs to do, maybe not. Maybe she will get your prescriptions filled and take the medications as directed, maybe not. If she is going to a nursing home, maybe the physician covering the nursing home will get your plan, maybe not. There is a good chance she will be back in the emergency room soon, all because of a poor transition of care.

Transitions of care are changes in the level, location, or providers of care as patients move within the health care system. These can be critical junctures in patients’ lives, and if poorly executed can result in many adverse effects—including rehospitalization.1

Although high rehospitalization rates gained national attention in 2009 after a analysis of Medicare data,2 health care providers have known about the lack of coordinated care transitions for more than 50 years.3 Despite some progress, improving care transitions remains a national challenge. As the health system evolves from a fee-for-service financial model to payment-for-value,4 it is especially important that health care providers improve care for patients by optimizing care transitions.

In this article, we summarize the factors contributing to poor care transitions, highlight programs that improve them, and discuss strategies for successful transitions.


Transitions of care occur when patients move to short-term and long-term acute care hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, primary and specialty care offices, community health centers, rehabilitation facilities, home health agencies, hospice, and their own homes.5 Problems can arise at any of these transitions, but the risk is especially high when patients leave the hospital to receive care in another setting or at home.

In the past decade, one in five Medicare patients was rehospitalized within 30 days of discharge from the hospital,2 and up to 25% were rehospitalized after being discharged to a skilled nursing facility.6 Some diagnoses (eg, sickle cell anemia, gangrene) and procedures (eg, kidney transplantation, ileostomy) are associated with readmission rates of nearly one in three.7,8

The desire of policymakers to “bend the cost curve” of health care has led to efforts to enhance care coordination by improving transitions between care venues. Through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a number of federal initiatives are promoting strategies to improve care transitions and prevent readmissions after hospital discharge.

The Hospital Readmission Reduction Program9 drives much of this effort. In fiscal year 2013 (beginning October 1, 2012), more than 2,000 hospitals incurred financial penalties of up to 1% of total Medicare diagnosis-related group payments (about $280 million the first year) for excess readmissions.10 The penalty’s maximum rose to 2% in fiscal year 2014 and could increase to 3% in 2015. The total penalty for 2014 is projected to be $227 million, with 2,225 hospitals affected.11

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation has committed hundreds of millions of dollars to Community-based Care Transitions Programs12 and more than $200 million to Hospital Engagement Networks13 to carry out the goals of the Partnership for Patients,14 aiming to reduce rehospitalizations and other adverse events.

At first, despite these efforts, readmission rates did not appear to change substantially.15 However, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reported that hospital readmission rates for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries declined in 2012 to 18.4%,16 although some believe that the reduction is related to an increase in the number of patients admitted for observation in recent years.17


Although some readmissions are unavoidable—resulting from the inevitable progression of disease or worsening of chronic conditions18—they may also result from a fumbled transition between care settings. Our current system of care transition has serious deficiencies that endanger patients. Areas that need improvement include communication between providers, patient education about medications and treatments, monitoring of medication adherence and complications, follow-up of pending tests and procedures after discharge, and outpatient follow-up soon after discharge.19–21

Traditional health care does not have dependable mechanisms for coordinating care across settings; we are all ensconced in “silos” that generally keep the focus within individual venues.22 Lack of coordination blurs the lines of responsibility for patients in the period between discharge from one location and admission to another, leaving them confused about whom to contact for care, especially if symptoms worsen.23,24

Gaps in coordination are not surprising, given the complexity of the US health care system and the often remarkable number of physicians caring for an individual patient.5 Medicare beneficiaries see an average of two primary care physicians and five specialists during a 2-year period; patients with chronic conditions may see up to 16 physicians in 1 year.25 Coordinating care between so many providers in different settings, combined with possible patient factors such as disadvantaged socioeconomic status, lack of caregiver support, and inadequate health literacy, provides many opportunities for failures.

Research has identified several root causes behind most failed care transitions:

Poor provider communication

Multiple studies associate adverse events after discharge with a lack of timely communication between hospital and outpatient providers.26 One study estimated that 80% of serious medical errors involve miscommunication during the hand-off between medical providers.27 Discharge summaries often lack important information such as test results, hospital course, discharge medications, patient counseling, and follow-up plans. Most adverse drug events after hospital discharge result directly from breakdown in communication between hospital staff and patients or primary care physicians.28 Approximately 40% of patients have test results pending at the time of discharge and 10% of these require some action; yet outpatient physicians and patients are often unaware of them.21



Ineffective patient and caregiver education

The Institute of Medicine report, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century,29 noted that patients leaving one setting for another receive little information on how to care for themselves, when to resume activities, what medication side effects to watch out for, and how to get answers to questions. Of particular concern is that patients and caregivers are sometimes omitted from transition planning and often must suddenly assume new self-care responsibilities upon going home that hospital staff managed before discharge. Too often, patients are discharged with inadequate understanding of their medical condition, self-care plan,23,24 and who should manage their care.30

Up to 36% of adults in the United States have inadequate health literacy (defined as the inability to understand basic health information needed to make appropriate decisions), hindering patient education efforts.31–33 Even if they understand, patients and their caregivers must be engaged or “activated” (ie, able and willing to manage one’s health) if we expect them to adhere to appropriate care and behaviors. A review found direct correlations between patient activation and healthy behavior, better health outcomes (eg, achieving normal hemoglobin A1c and cholesterol levels), and better care experiences.34 This review also noted that multiple studies have documented improved activation scores as a result of specific interventions.

No follow-up with primary care providers

The risk of hospital readmission is significantly lower for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or heart failure who receive follow-up within 7 days of discharge.35–38 Of Medicare beneficiaries readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge in 2003–2004, half had no contact with an outpatient physician in the interval between their discharge and their readmission,2 and one in three adult patients discharged from a hospital to the community does not see a physician within 30 days of discharge.39 The dearth of primary care providers in many communities can make follow-up care difficult to coordinate.

Failure to address chronic conditions

Analyses of national data sets reveal that patients are commonly rehospitalized for conditions unrelated to their initial hospitalization. According to the Center for Studying Health System Change, more than a quarter of readmissions in the 30 days after discharge are for conditions unrelated to those identified in the index admission, the proportion rising to more than one-third at 1 year.39 Among Medicare beneficiaries readmitted within 30 days of discharge, the proportion readmitted for the same condition was just 35% after hospitalization for heart failure, 10% after hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction, and 22% after hospitalization for pneumonia.40

Lack of community support

Multiple social and environmental factors contribute to adverse postdischarge events.41–43 For socioeconomically disadvantaged patients, care-transition issues are compounded by insufficient access to outpatient care, lack of social support, and lack of transportation. Some studies indicate that between 40% to 50% of readmissions are linked to social problems and inadequate access to community resources.44–47 Psychosocial issues such as limited health literacy, poor self-management skills, inadequate social support, and living alone are associated with adverse outcomes, including readmission and death.48,49 Such factors may help explain high levels of “no-shows” to outpatient follow-up visits.


Efforts to reduce readmissions have traditionally focused on hospitals, but experts now recognize that multiple factors influence readmissions and must be comprehensively addressed. Several evidence-based models seek to improve patient outcomes with interventions aimed at care transitions:

Project BOOST

Project BOOST (Better Outcomes by Optimizing Safe Transitions)50 is a national initiative developed by the Society of Hospital Medicine to standardize and optimize the care of patients discharged from hospital to home. The program includes evidence-based clinical interventions that can easily be adopted by any hospital. Interventions are aimed at:

  • Identifying patients at high risk on admission
  • Targeting risk-specific situations
  • Improving information flow between inpatient and outpatient providers
  • Improving patient and caregiver education by using the teach-back method
  • Achieving timely follow-up after discharge.

The program includes a year of technical support provided by a physician mentor.

Preliminary results from pilot sites showed a 14% reduction in 30-day readmission rates in units using BOOST compared with control units in the same hospital.51 Mentored implementation was recognized by the Joint Commission and the National Quality Forum with the 2011 John M. Eisenberg Award for Innovation in Patient Safety and Quality.52

Project RED

Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge)53 evolved from efforts by Dr. Brian Jack and colleagues to re-engineer the hospital workflow process to improve patient safety and reduce rehospitalization rates at Boston Medical Center. The intervention has 12 mutually reinforcing components aimed at improving the discharge process.

In a randomized controlled trial, Project RED led to a 30% decrease in emergency department visits and readmissions within 30 days of discharge from a general medical service of an urban academic medical center.54 This study excluded patients admitted from a skilled nursing facility or discharged to one, but a recent study demonstrated that Project RED also led to a lower rate of hospital admission within 30 days of discharge from a skilled nursing facility.55



The STAAR initiative

The STAAR initiative (State Action on Avoidable Re-hospitalizations)56 was launched in 2009 by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement with the goal of reducing avoidable readmissions in the states of Massachusetts, Michigan, and Washington. Hospital teams focus on improving:

  • Assessment of needs after hospital discharge
  • Teaching and learning
  • Real-time hand-off communication
  • Timely follow-up after hospital discharge.

As yet, no published studies other than case reports show a benefit from STAAR.57

The Care Transitions Program

The Care Transitions Program,58 under the leadership of Dr. Eric Coleman, aims to empower patients and caregivers, who meet with a “transition coach.” The program provides assistance with medication reconciliation and self-management, a patient-centered record owned and maintained by the patient to facilitate cross-site information transfer, timely outpatient follow-up with primary or specialty care, a list of red flags to indicate a worsening condition, and instructions on proper responses.

A randomized controlled trial of the program demonstrated a reduction in hospital readmissions at 30, 90, and 180 days, and lower hospital costs at 90 and 180 days.59 This approach also proved effective in a real-world setting.60

The Transitional Care Model

Developed by Dr. Mary Naylor and colleagues, the Transitional Care Model61 also aims at patient and family empowerment, focusing on patients’ stated goals and priorities and ensuring patient engagement. In the program, a transitional care nurse has the job of enhancing patient and caregiver understanding, facilitating patient self-management, and overseeing medication management and transitional care.

A randomized controlled trial demonstrated improved outcomes after hospital discharge for elderly patients with complex medical illnesses, with overall reductions in medical costs through preventing or delaying rehospitalization.62 A subsequent real-world study validated this approach.63

The Bridge Model

The Illinois Transitional Care Consortium’s Bridge Model64 is for older patients discharged home after hospitalization. It is led by social workers (“bridge care coordinators”) who address barriers to implementing the discharge plan, coordinate resources, and intervene at three points: before discharge, 2 days after discharge, and 30 days after discharge.

An initial study showed no impact on the 30-day rehospitalization rate,65 but larger studies are under way with a modified version.

Guided Care

Developed at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Guided Care66 involves nurses who work in partnership with physicians and others in primary care to provide patient-centered, cost-effective care to patients with multiple chronic conditions. Nurses conduct in-home assessments, facilitate care planning, promote patient self-management, monitor conditions, coordinate the efforts of all care professionals, and facilitate access to community resources.

A cluster-randomized controlled trial found that this program had mixed results, reducing the use of home health care but having little effect on the use of other health services in the short run. However, in the subgroup of patients covered by Kaiser-Permanente, those who were randomized to the program accrued, on average, 52% fewer skilled nursing facility days, 47% fewer skilled nursing facility admissions, 49% fewer hospital readmissions, and 17% fewer emergency department visits.67

The GRACE model

The GRACE model (Geriatric Resources for Assessment and Care of Elders)68 was developed to improve the quality of geriatric care, reduce excess health care use, and prevent long-term nursing home placement. Each patient is assigned a support team consisting of a nurse practitioner and a social worker who make home visits, coordinate health care and community services, and develop an individualized care plan.

In one study,69 GRACE reduced hospital admission rates for participants at high risk of hospitalization by 12% in the first year of the program and 44% in the second year. GRACE participants also reported higher quality of life compared with the control group.69


Led by Dr. Joseph Ouslander, INTERACT (Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers)70 is a quality-improvement initiative for skilled nursing facilities, designed to facilitate the early identification, evaluation, documentation, and communication of changes in the status of residents. Visitors to its website can download a set of tools and strategies to help them manage conditions before they become serious enough to require a hospital transfer. The tools assist in promoting important communication among providers and enhancing advance-care planning.

A 6-month study in 25 nursing homes showed a 17% reduction in self-reported hospital admissions with this program compared with the same period the previous year.71

Additional home-based care interventions

Additional innovations are under way in home-based care.

The Home Health Quality Improvement National Campaign is a patient-centered movement to improve the quality of care received by patients residing at home.72 Through its Best Practices Intervention Packages, it offers evidence-based educational tools, resources, and interventions for reducing avoidable hospitalizations, improving medication management, and coordinating transitional care.

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Independence at Home Demonstration73 is testing whether home-based comprehensive primary care can improve care and reduce hospitalizations for Medicare beneficiaries with multiple chronic conditions.




A 2011 review found no single intervention that regularly reduced the 30-day risk of re-hospitalization.74 However, other studies have shown that multifaceted interventions can reduce 30-day readmission rates. Randomized controlled trials in short-stay, acute care hospitals indicate that improvement in the following areas can directly reduce hospital readmission rates:

  • Comprehensive planning and risk assessment throughout hospitalization
  • Quality of care during the initial admission
  • Communication with patients, their caregivers, and their clinicians
  • Patient education
  • Predischarge assessment
  • Coordination of care after discharge.

In randomized trials, successful programs reduced the 30-day readmission rates by 20% to 40%,54,62,75–79 and a 2011 meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials found evidence that interventions associated with discharge planning helped to reduce readmission rates.80

Methods developed by the national care transition models described above can help hospitals optimize patient transitions (Table 1). Although every model has its unique attributes, they have several strategies in common:

Engage a team of key stakeholders that may include patients and caregivers, hospital staff (physicians, nurses, case managers, social workers, and pharmacists), community physicians (primary care, medical homes, and specialists), advance practice providers (physician assistants and nurse practitioners), and postacute care facilities and services (skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, assisted living residences, hospice, and rehabilitation facilities).

Develop a comprehensive transition plan throughout hospitalization that includes attention to factors that may affect self-care, such as health literacy, chronic conditions, medications, and social support.

Enhance medication reconciliation and management. Obtain the best possible medication history on admission, and ensure that patients understand changes in their medications, how to take each medicine correctly, and important side effects.

Institute daily interdisciplinary communication and care coordination by everyone on the health care team with an emphasis on the care plan, discharge planning, and safety issues.81

Standardize transition plans, procedures and forms. All discharging physicians should use a standard discharge summary template that includes pertinent diagnoses, active issues, a reconciled medication list with changes highlighted, results from important tests and consultations, pending test results, planned follow-up and required services, warning signs of a worsening condition, and actions needed if a problem arises.

Always send discharge summaries directly to the patient’s primary care physician or next care setting at the time of discharge.

Give the patient a discharge plan that is easy to understand. Enhance patient and family education using health literacy standards82 and interactive methods such as teach-back,83 in which patients demonstrate comprehension and skills required for self-care immediately after being taught. Such tools actively teach patients and caregivers to follow a care plan, including managing medications.

Follow up and coordinate support in a timely manner after a patient leaves the care setting. Follow-up visits should be arranged before discharge. Within 1 to 3 days after discharge, the patient should be called or visited by a case manager, social worker, nurse, or other health care provider.


Although several models demonstrated significant reductions of hospital readmissions in trials, challenges remain. Studies do not identify which features of the models are necessary or sufficient, or how applicable they are to different hospital and patient characteristics. A 2012 analysis84 of a program designed to reduce readmissions in three states identified key obstacles to successfully improving care transitions:

Collaborative relationships across settings are critical, but very difficult to achieve. It takes time to develop the relationships and trust among providers, and little incentive exists for skilled nursing facilities and physicians outside the hospital to engage in the process.

Infrastructure is lacking, as is experience to implement quality improvements.

We lack proof that models work on a large scale. Confusion exists about which readmissions are preventable and which are not. More evidence is needed to help guide hospitals’ efforts to improve transitions of care and reduce readmissions.

You have spent several days checking on a patient hospitalized for an acute exacerbation of heart failure. You have straightened out her medications and diet and discussed a plan for follow-up with the patient and a family member, and now she is being wheeled out the door. What happens to her next?

Too often, not your desired plan. If she is going home, maybe she understands what she needs to do, maybe not. Maybe she will get your prescriptions filled and take the medications as directed, maybe not. If she is going to a nursing home, maybe the physician covering the nursing home will get your plan, maybe not. There is a good chance she will be back in the emergency room soon, all because of a poor transition of care.

Transitions of care are changes in the level, location, or providers of care as patients move within the health care system. These can be critical junctures in patients’ lives, and if poorly executed can result in many adverse effects—including rehospitalization.1

Although high rehospitalization rates gained national attention in 2009 after a analysis of Medicare data,2 health care providers have known about the lack of coordinated care transitions for more than 50 years.3 Despite some progress, improving care transitions remains a national challenge. As the health system evolves from a fee-for-service financial model to payment-for-value,4 it is especially important that health care providers improve care for patients by optimizing care transitions.

In this article, we summarize the factors contributing to poor care transitions, highlight programs that improve them, and discuss strategies for successful transitions.


Transitions of care occur when patients move to short-term and long-term acute care hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, primary and specialty care offices, community health centers, rehabilitation facilities, home health agencies, hospice, and their own homes.5 Problems can arise at any of these transitions, but the risk is especially high when patients leave the hospital to receive care in another setting or at home.

In the past decade, one in five Medicare patients was rehospitalized within 30 days of discharge from the hospital,2 and up to 25% were rehospitalized after being discharged to a skilled nursing facility.6 Some diagnoses (eg, sickle cell anemia, gangrene) and procedures (eg, kidney transplantation, ileostomy) are associated with readmission rates of nearly one in three.7,8

The desire of policymakers to “bend the cost curve” of health care has led to efforts to enhance care coordination by improving transitions between care venues. Through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a number of federal initiatives are promoting strategies to improve care transitions and prevent readmissions after hospital discharge.

The Hospital Readmission Reduction Program9 drives much of this effort. In fiscal year 2013 (beginning October 1, 2012), more than 2,000 hospitals incurred financial penalties of up to 1% of total Medicare diagnosis-related group payments (about $280 million the first year) for excess readmissions.10 The penalty’s maximum rose to 2% in fiscal year 2014 and could increase to 3% in 2015. The total penalty for 2014 is projected to be $227 million, with 2,225 hospitals affected.11

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation has committed hundreds of millions of dollars to Community-based Care Transitions Programs12 and more than $200 million to Hospital Engagement Networks13 to carry out the goals of the Partnership for Patients,14 aiming to reduce rehospitalizations and other adverse events.

At first, despite these efforts, readmission rates did not appear to change substantially.15 However, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reported that hospital readmission rates for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries declined in 2012 to 18.4%,16 although some believe that the reduction is related to an increase in the number of patients admitted for observation in recent years.17


Although some readmissions are unavoidable—resulting from the inevitable progression of disease or worsening of chronic conditions18—they may also result from a fumbled transition between care settings. Our current system of care transition has serious deficiencies that endanger patients. Areas that need improvement include communication between providers, patient education about medications and treatments, monitoring of medication adherence and complications, follow-up of pending tests and procedures after discharge, and outpatient follow-up soon after discharge.19–21

Traditional health care does not have dependable mechanisms for coordinating care across settings; we are all ensconced in “silos” that generally keep the focus within individual venues.22 Lack of coordination blurs the lines of responsibility for patients in the period between discharge from one location and admission to another, leaving them confused about whom to contact for care, especially if symptoms worsen.23,24

Gaps in coordination are not surprising, given the complexity of the US health care system and the often remarkable number of physicians caring for an individual patient.5 Medicare beneficiaries see an average of two primary care physicians and five specialists during a 2-year period; patients with chronic conditions may see up to 16 physicians in 1 year.25 Coordinating care between so many providers in different settings, combined with possible patient factors such as disadvantaged socioeconomic status, lack of caregiver support, and inadequate health literacy, provides many opportunities for failures.

Research has identified several root causes behind most failed care transitions:

Poor provider communication

Multiple studies associate adverse events after discharge with a lack of timely communication between hospital and outpatient providers.26 One study estimated that 80% of serious medical errors involve miscommunication during the hand-off between medical providers.27 Discharge summaries often lack important information such as test results, hospital course, discharge medications, patient counseling, and follow-up plans. Most adverse drug events after hospital discharge result directly from breakdown in communication between hospital staff and patients or primary care physicians.28 Approximately 40% of patients have test results pending at the time of discharge and 10% of these require some action; yet outpatient physicians and patients are often unaware of them.21



Ineffective patient and caregiver education

The Institute of Medicine report, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century,29 noted that patients leaving one setting for another receive little information on how to care for themselves, when to resume activities, what medication side effects to watch out for, and how to get answers to questions. Of particular concern is that patients and caregivers are sometimes omitted from transition planning and often must suddenly assume new self-care responsibilities upon going home that hospital staff managed before discharge. Too often, patients are discharged with inadequate understanding of their medical condition, self-care plan,23,24 and who should manage their care.30

Up to 36% of adults in the United States have inadequate health literacy (defined as the inability to understand basic health information needed to make appropriate decisions), hindering patient education efforts.31–33 Even if they understand, patients and their caregivers must be engaged or “activated” (ie, able and willing to manage one’s health) if we expect them to adhere to appropriate care and behaviors. A review found direct correlations between patient activation and healthy behavior, better health outcomes (eg, achieving normal hemoglobin A1c and cholesterol levels), and better care experiences.34 This review also noted that multiple studies have documented improved activation scores as a result of specific interventions.

No follow-up with primary care providers

The risk of hospital readmission is significantly lower for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or heart failure who receive follow-up within 7 days of discharge.35–38 Of Medicare beneficiaries readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge in 2003–2004, half had no contact with an outpatient physician in the interval between their discharge and their readmission,2 and one in three adult patients discharged from a hospital to the community does not see a physician within 30 days of discharge.39 The dearth of primary care providers in many communities can make follow-up care difficult to coordinate.

Failure to address chronic conditions

Analyses of national data sets reveal that patients are commonly rehospitalized for conditions unrelated to their initial hospitalization. According to the Center for Studying Health System Change, more than a quarter of readmissions in the 30 days after discharge are for conditions unrelated to those identified in the index admission, the proportion rising to more than one-third at 1 year.39 Among Medicare beneficiaries readmitted within 30 days of discharge, the proportion readmitted for the same condition was just 35% after hospitalization for heart failure, 10% after hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction, and 22% after hospitalization for pneumonia.40

Lack of community support

Multiple social and environmental factors contribute to adverse postdischarge events.41–43 For socioeconomically disadvantaged patients, care-transition issues are compounded by insufficient access to outpatient care, lack of social support, and lack of transportation. Some studies indicate that between 40% to 50% of readmissions are linked to social problems and inadequate access to community resources.44–47 Psychosocial issues such as limited health literacy, poor self-management skills, inadequate social support, and living alone are associated with adverse outcomes, including readmission and death.48,49 Such factors may help explain high levels of “no-shows” to outpatient follow-up visits.


Efforts to reduce readmissions have traditionally focused on hospitals, but experts now recognize that multiple factors influence readmissions and must be comprehensively addressed. Several evidence-based models seek to improve patient outcomes with interventions aimed at care transitions:

Project BOOST

Project BOOST (Better Outcomes by Optimizing Safe Transitions)50 is a national initiative developed by the Society of Hospital Medicine to standardize and optimize the care of patients discharged from hospital to home. The program includes evidence-based clinical interventions that can easily be adopted by any hospital. Interventions are aimed at:

  • Identifying patients at high risk on admission
  • Targeting risk-specific situations
  • Improving information flow between inpatient and outpatient providers
  • Improving patient and caregiver education by using the teach-back method
  • Achieving timely follow-up after discharge.

The program includes a year of technical support provided by a physician mentor.

Preliminary results from pilot sites showed a 14% reduction in 30-day readmission rates in units using BOOST compared with control units in the same hospital.51 Mentored implementation was recognized by the Joint Commission and the National Quality Forum with the 2011 John M. Eisenberg Award for Innovation in Patient Safety and Quality.52

Project RED

Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge)53 evolved from efforts by Dr. Brian Jack and colleagues to re-engineer the hospital workflow process to improve patient safety and reduce rehospitalization rates at Boston Medical Center. The intervention has 12 mutually reinforcing components aimed at improving the discharge process.

In a randomized controlled trial, Project RED led to a 30% decrease in emergency department visits and readmissions within 30 days of discharge from a general medical service of an urban academic medical center.54 This study excluded patients admitted from a skilled nursing facility or discharged to one, but a recent study demonstrated that Project RED also led to a lower rate of hospital admission within 30 days of discharge from a skilled nursing facility.55



The STAAR initiative

The STAAR initiative (State Action on Avoidable Re-hospitalizations)56 was launched in 2009 by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement with the goal of reducing avoidable readmissions in the states of Massachusetts, Michigan, and Washington. Hospital teams focus on improving:

  • Assessment of needs after hospital discharge
  • Teaching and learning
  • Real-time hand-off communication
  • Timely follow-up after hospital discharge.

As yet, no published studies other than case reports show a benefit from STAAR.57

The Care Transitions Program

The Care Transitions Program,58 under the leadership of Dr. Eric Coleman, aims to empower patients and caregivers, who meet with a “transition coach.” The program provides assistance with medication reconciliation and self-management, a patient-centered record owned and maintained by the patient to facilitate cross-site information transfer, timely outpatient follow-up with primary or specialty care, a list of red flags to indicate a worsening condition, and instructions on proper responses.

A randomized controlled trial of the program demonstrated a reduction in hospital readmissions at 30, 90, and 180 days, and lower hospital costs at 90 and 180 days.59 This approach also proved effective in a real-world setting.60

The Transitional Care Model

Developed by Dr. Mary Naylor and colleagues, the Transitional Care Model61 also aims at patient and family empowerment, focusing on patients’ stated goals and priorities and ensuring patient engagement. In the program, a transitional care nurse has the job of enhancing patient and caregiver understanding, facilitating patient self-management, and overseeing medication management and transitional care.

A randomized controlled trial demonstrated improved outcomes after hospital discharge for elderly patients with complex medical illnesses, with overall reductions in medical costs through preventing or delaying rehospitalization.62 A subsequent real-world study validated this approach.63

The Bridge Model

The Illinois Transitional Care Consortium’s Bridge Model64 is for older patients discharged home after hospitalization. It is led by social workers (“bridge care coordinators”) who address barriers to implementing the discharge plan, coordinate resources, and intervene at three points: before discharge, 2 days after discharge, and 30 days after discharge.

An initial study showed no impact on the 30-day rehospitalization rate,65 but larger studies are under way with a modified version.

Guided Care

Developed at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Guided Care66 involves nurses who work in partnership with physicians and others in primary care to provide patient-centered, cost-effective care to patients with multiple chronic conditions. Nurses conduct in-home assessments, facilitate care planning, promote patient self-management, monitor conditions, coordinate the efforts of all care professionals, and facilitate access to community resources.

A cluster-randomized controlled trial found that this program had mixed results, reducing the use of home health care but having little effect on the use of other health services in the short run. However, in the subgroup of patients covered by Kaiser-Permanente, those who were randomized to the program accrued, on average, 52% fewer skilled nursing facility days, 47% fewer skilled nursing facility admissions, 49% fewer hospital readmissions, and 17% fewer emergency department visits.67

The GRACE model

The GRACE model (Geriatric Resources for Assessment and Care of Elders)68 was developed to improve the quality of geriatric care, reduce excess health care use, and prevent long-term nursing home placement. Each patient is assigned a support team consisting of a nurse practitioner and a social worker who make home visits, coordinate health care and community services, and develop an individualized care plan.

In one study,69 GRACE reduced hospital admission rates for participants at high risk of hospitalization by 12% in the first year of the program and 44% in the second year. GRACE participants also reported higher quality of life compared with the control group.69


Led by Dr. Joseph Ouslander, INTERACT (Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers)70 is a quality-improvement initiative for skilled nursing facilities, designed to facilitate the early identification, evaluation, documentation, and communication of changes in the status of residents. Visitors to its website can download a set of tools and strategies to help them manage conditions before they become serious enough to require a hospital transfer. The tools assist in promoting important communication among providers and enhancing advance-care planning.

A 6-month study in 25 nursing homes showed a 17% reduction in self-reported hospital admissions with this program compared with the same period the previous year.71

Additional home-based care interventions

Additional innovations are under way in home-based care.

The Home Health Quality Improvement National Campaign is a patient-centered movement to improve the quality of care received by patients residing at home.72 Through its Best Practices Intervention Packages, it offers evidence-based educational tools, resources, and interventions for reducing avoidable hospitalizations, improving medication management, and coordinating transitional care.

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation Independence at Home Demonstration73 is testing whether home-based comprehensive primary care can improve care and reduce hospitalizations for Medicare beneficiaries with multiple chronic conditions.




A 2011 review found no single intervention that regularly reduced the 30-day risk of re-hospitalization.74 However, other studies have shown that multifaceted interventions can reduce 30-day readmission rates. Randomized controlled trials in short-stay, acute care hospitals indicate that improvement in the following areas can directly reduce hospital readmission rates:

  • Comprehensive planning and risk assessment throughout hospitalization
  • Quality of care during the initial admission
  • Communication with patients, their caregivers, and their clinicians
  • Patient education
  • Predischarge assessment
  • Coordination of care after discharge.

In randomized trials, successful programs reduced the 30-day readmission rates by 20% to 40%,54,62,75–79 and a 2011 meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials found evidence that interventions associated with discharge planning helped to reduce readmission rates.80

Methods developed by the national care transition models described above can help hospitals optimize patient transitions (Table 1). Although every model has its unique attributes, they have several strategies in common:

Engage a team of key stakeholders that may include patients and caregivers, hospital staff (physicians, nurses, case managers, social workers, and pharmacists), community physicians (primary care, medical homes, and specialists), advance practice providers (physician assistants and nurse practitioners), and postacute care facilities and services (skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, assisted living residences, hospice, and rehabilitation facilities).

Develop a comprehensive transition plan throughout hospitalization that includes attention to factors that may affect self-care, such as health literacy, chronic conditions, medications, and social support.

Enhance medication reconciliation and management. Obtain the best possible medication history on admission, and ensure that patients understand changes in their medications, how to take each medicine correctly, and important side effects.

Institute daily interdisciplinary communication and care coordination by everyone on the health care team with an emphasis on the care plan, discharge planning, and safety issues.81

Standardize transition plans, procedures and forms. All discharging physicians should use a standard discharge summary template that includes pertinent diagnoses, active issues, a reconciled medication list with changes highlighted, results from important tests and consultations, pending test results, planned follow-up and required services, warning signs of a worsening condition, and actions needed if a problem arises.

Always send discharge summaries directly to the patient’s primary care physician or next care setting at the time of discharge.

Give the patient a discharge plan that is easy to understand. Enhance patient and family education using health literacy standards82 and interactive methods such as teach-back,83 in which patients demonstrate comprehension and skills required for self-care immediately after being taught. Such tools actively teach patients and caregivers to follow a care plan, including managing medications.

Follow up and coordinate support in a timely manner after a patient leaves the care setting. Follow-up visits should be arranged before discharge. Within 1 to 3 days after discharge, the patient should be called or visited by a case manager, social worker, nurse, or other health care provider.


Although several models demonstrated significant reductions of hospital readmissions in trials, challenges remain. Studies do not identify which features of the models are necessary or sufficient, or how applicable they are to different hospital and patient characteristics. A 2012 analysis84 of a program designed to reduce readmissions in three states identified key obstacles to successfully improving care transitions:

Collaborative relationships across settings are critical, but very difficult to achieve. It takes time to develop the relationships and trust among providers, and little incentive exists for skilled nursing facilities and physicians outside the hospital to engage in the process.

Infrastructure is lacking, as is experience to implement quality improvements.

We lack proof that models work on a large scale. Confusion exists about which readmissions are preventable and which are not. More evidence is needed to help guide hospitals’ efforts to improve transitions of care and reduce readmissions.

  1. Coleman EA. Falling through the cracks: challenges and opportunities for improving transitional care for persons with continuous complex care needs. J Am Geriatr Soc 2003; 51:549555.
  2. Jencks SF, Williams MV, Coleman EA. Rehospitalizations among patients in the Medicare fee-for-service program. N Engl J Med 2009; 360:14181428.
  3. Rosenthal JM, Miller DB. Providers have failed to work for continuity. Hospitals 1979; 53:7983.
  4. Gabow P, Halvorson G, Kaplan G. Marshaling leadership for high-value health care: an Institute of Medicine discussion paper. JAMA 2012; 308:239240.
  5. Bonner A, Schneider CD, Weissman JS. Massachusetts State Quality Improvement Institute. Massachusetts Strategic Plan for Care Transitions. Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, 2010. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  6. Mor V, Intrator O, Feng Z, Grabowski DC. The revolving door of rehospitalization from skilled nursing facilities. Health Aff (Millwood) 2010; 29:5764.
  7. Elixhauser A (AHRQ), Steiner C (AHRQ). Readmissions to US Hospitals by Diagnosis, 2010. HCUP Statistical Brief #153. April 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  8. Weiss AJ (Truven Health Analytics), Elixhauser A (AHRQ), Steiner C (AHRQ). Readmissions to US Hospitals by Procedure, 2010. HCUP Statistical Brief #154. April 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  9. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Readmissions Reduction Program. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  10. Kaiser Health News (KHN); Rau J. Medicare To Penalize 2,217 Hospitals For Excess Readmissions. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  11. Kaiser Health News (KHN); Rau J. Armed With Bigger Fines, Medicare To Punish 2,225 Hospitals For Excess Readmissions. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  12. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Community-based Care Transitions Program. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  13. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Hospital Engagement Networks (HENs). Accessed April 7, 2014.
  14. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). About the Partnership for Patients. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  15. Jha AK, Joynt KE, Orav EJ, Epstein AM. The long-term effect of premier pay for performance on patient outcomes. N Engl J Med 2012; 366:1606615.
  16. Gerhardt G, Yemane A, Hickman P, Oelschlaeger A, Rollins E, Brennan N; Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Medicare Readmission Rates Showed Meaningful Decline in 2012. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  17. Office of Inspector General; US Department of Health and Human Services. Hospitals’ Use of Observation Stays and Short Inpatient Stays for Medicare Beneficiaries. Report (OEI-02-12-00040). Accessed April 7, 2014.
  18. van Walraven C, Bennett C, Jennings A, Austin PC, Forster AJ. Proportion of hospital readmissions deemed avoidable: a systematic review. CMAJ 2011; 183:E391E402.
  19. Forster AJ, Murff HJ, Peterson JF, Gandhi TK, Bates DW. The incidence and severity of adverse events affecting patients after discharge from the hospital. Ann Intern Med 2003; 138:161167.
  20. Moore C, McGinn T, Halm E. Tying up loose ends: discharging patients with unresolved medical issues. Arch Intern Med 2007; 167:13051311.
  21. Roy CL, Poon EG, Karson AS, et al. Patient safety concerns arising from test results that return after hospital discharge. Ann Intern Med 2005; 143:121128.
  22. Coleman EA, Fox PD; HMO Workgroup on Care Management. Managing patient care transitions: a report of the HMO Care Management Workgroup. Health-plan 2004; 45:3639.
  23. Coleman EA, Berenson RA. Lost in transition: challenges and opportunities for improving the quality of transitional care. Ann Intern Med 2004; 141:533536.
  24. Snow V, Beck D, Budnitz T, et al; American College of Physicians; Society of General Internal Medicine; Society of Hospital Medicine; American Geriatrics Society; American College of Emergency Physicians; Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. Transitions of Care Consensus Policy Statement American College of Physicians-Society of General Internal Medicine-Society of Hospital Medicine-American Geriatrics Society-American College of Emergency Physicians-Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. J Gen Intern Med 2009; 24:971976.
  25. Pham HH, Schrag D, O’Malley AS, Wu B, Bach PB. Care patterns in Medicare and their implications for pay for performance. N Engl J Med 2007; 356:11301139.
  26. Kripalani S, LeFevre F, Phillips CO, Williams MV, Basaviah P, Baker DW. Deficits in communication and information transfer between hospital-based and primary care physicians: implications for patient safety and continuity of care. JAMA 2007; 297:831841.
  27. Solet DJ, Norvell JM, Rutan GH, Frankel RM. Lost in translation: challenges and opportunities in physician-to-physician communication during patient handoffs. Acad Med 2005; 80:10941099.
  28. Kripalani S, Jackson AT, Schnipper JL, Coleman EA. Promoting effective transitions of care at hospital discharge: a review of key issues for hospitalists. J Hosp Med 2007; 2:314323.
  29. National Research Council. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2001.
  30. O’Leary KJ, Kulkarni N, Landler MP, et al. Hospitalized patients’ understanding of their plan of care. Mayo Clin Proc 2010; 85:4752.
  31. Coleman EA, Chugh A, Williams MV, et al. Understanding and execution of discharge instructions. Am J Med Qual 2013; 28:383391.
  32. Berkman ND, Sheridan SL, Donahue KE, Halpern DJ, Crotty K. Low health literacy and health outcomes: an updated systematic review. Ann Intern Med 2011; 155:97107.
  33. Kutner M, Greenberg E, Jin Y, Paulsen C. The Health Literacy of America’s Adults: Results From the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NCES 2006–483). US Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics, 2006. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  34. Hibbard JH, Greene J. What the evidence shows about patient activation: better health outcomes and care experiences; fewer data on costs. Health Aff (Millwood) 2013; 32:207214.
  35. Lin CY, Barnato AE, Degenholtz HB. Physician follow-up visits after acute care hospitalization for elderly Medicare beneficiaries discharged to noninstitutional settings. J Am Geriatr Soc 2011; 59:19471954.
  36. Sharma G, Kuo YF, Freeman JL, Zhang DD, Goodwin JS. Outpatient follow-up visit and 30-day emergency department visit and readmission in patients hospitalized for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Arch Intern Med 2010; 170:16641670.
  37. Hernandez AF, Greiner MA, Fonarow GC, et al. Relationship between early physician follow-up and 30-day readmission among Medicare beneficiaries hospitalized for heart failure. JAMA 2010; 303:17161722.
  38. van Walraven C, Taljaard M, Etchells E, et al. The independent association of provider and information continuity on outcomes after hospital discharge: implications for hospitalists. J Hosp Med 2010; 5:398405.
  39. Sommers A, Cunningham PJ. Physician Visits After Hospital Discharge: Implications for Reducing Readmissions. Research Brief No. 6. National Institute for Health Care Reform (NIHCR), 2011. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  40. Dharmarajan K, Hsieh AF, Lin Z, et al. Diagnoses and timing of 30-day readmissions after hospitalization for heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, or pneumonia. JAMA 2013; 309:355363.
  41. Calvillo-King L, Arnold D, Eubank KJ, et al. Impact of social factors on risk of readmission or mortality in pneumonia and heart failure: systematic review. J Gen Intern Med 2013; 28:269282.
  42. Coventry PA, Gemmell I, Todd CJ. Psychosocial risk factors for hospital readmission in COPD patients on early discharge services: a cohort study. BMC Pulm Med 2011; 11:49.
  43. Weissman JS, Stern RS, Epstein AM. The impact of patient socioeconomic status and other social factors on readmission: a prospective study in four Massachusetts hospitals. Inquiry 1994; 31:163172.
  44. Proctor EK, Morrow-Howell N, Li H, Dore P. Adequacy of home care and hospital readmission for elderly congestive heart failure patients. Health Soc Work 2000; 25:8796.
  45. Kansagara D, Ramsay RS, Labby D, Saha S. Post-discharge intervention in vulnerable, chronically ill patients. J Hosp Med 2012; 7:124130.
  46. Englander H, Kansagara D. Planning and designing the care transitions innovation (C-Train) for uninsured and Medicaid patients. J Hosp Med 2012; 7:524529.
  47. Brown R, Peikes D, Chen A, Schore J. 15-site randomized trial of coordinated care in Medicare FFS. Health Care Financ Rev 2008; 30:525.
  48. Arbaje AI, Wolff JL, Yu Q, Powe NR, Anderson GF, Boult C. Post-discharge environmental and socioeconomic factors and the likelihood of early hospital readmission among community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries. Gerontologist 2008; 48:495504.
  49. Peek CJ, Baird MA, Coleman E. Primary care for patient complexity, not only disease. Fam Syst Health 2009; 27:287302.
  50. Society of Hospital Medicine. Project BOOST: Better Outcomes by Optimizing Safe Transitions. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  51. Hansen LO, Greenwald JL, Budnitz T, et al. Project BOOST: effectiveness of a multihospital effort to reduce rehospitalization. J Hosp Med. 2013; 8:421427.
  52. Maynard GA, Budnitz TL, Nickel WK, et al. 2011 John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Awards. Mentored implementation: building leaders and achieving results through a collaborative improvement model. Innovation in patient safety and quality at the national level. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2012; 38:301310.
  53. Boston University Medical Center. Project RED: Re-Engineered Discharge. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  54. Jack BW, Chetty VK, Anthony D, et al. A reengineered hospital discharge program to decrease rehospitalization: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 2009; 150:178187.
  55. Berkowitz RE, Fang Z, Helfand BK, Jones RN, Schreiber R, Paasche-Orlow MK. Project ReEngineered Discharge (RED) lowers hospital readmissions of patients discharged from a skilled nursing facility. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2013; 14:736740.
  56. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. STAAR: STate Action on Avoidable Re-hospitalizations. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  57. Boutwell AE, Johnson MB, Rutherford P, et al. An early look at a four-state initiative to reduce avoidable hospital readmissions. Health Aff (Millwood) 2011; 30:12721280.
  58. University of Colorado Denver. The Care Transitions Program. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  59. Coleman EA, Parry C, Chalmers S, Min SJ. The care transitions intervention: results of a randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern Med 2006; 166:18221828.
  60. Voss R, Gardner R, Baier R, Butterfield K, Lehrman S, Gravenstein S. The care transitions intervention: translating from efficacy to effectiveness. Arch Intern Med 2011; 171:12321237.
  61. Penn Nursing Science. Transitional Care Model. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  62. Naylor M, Brooten D, Jones R, Lavizzo-Mourey R, Mezey M, Pauly M. Comprehensive discharge planning for the hospitalized elderly. A randomized clinical trial. Ann Intern Med 1994; 120:9991006.
  63. Stauffer BD, Fullerton C, Fleming N, et al. Effectiveness and cost of a transitional care program for heart failure: a prospective study with concurrent controls. Arch Intern Med 2011; 171:12381243.
  64. The Illinois Transitional Care Consortium. The Bridge Model. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  65. Altfeld SJ, Shier GE, Rooney M, et al. Effects of an enhanced discharge planning intervention for hospitalized older adults: a randomized trial. Gerontologist 2013; 53:430440.
  66. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Guided Care. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  67. Boult C, Reider L, Leff B, et al. The effect of guided care teams on the use of health services: results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern Med 2011; 171:460466.
  68. Counsell SR, Callahan CM, Buttar AB, Clark DO, Frank KI. Geriatric Resources for Assessment and Care of Elders (GRACE): a new model of primary care for low-income seniors. J Am Geriatr Soc 2006; 54:11361141.
  69. Bielaszka-DuVernay C. The ‘GRACE’ model: in-home assessments lead to better care for dual eligibles. Health Aff (Millwood) 2011; 30:431434.
  70. Florida Atlantic University. INTERACT: Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  71. Ouslander JG, Lamb G, Tappen R, et al. Interventions to reduce hospitalizations from nursing homes: evaluation of the INTERACT II collaborative quality improvement project. J Am Geriatr Soc 2011; 59:745753.
  72. West Virginia Medical Institute. HHQI-BPIPs (Home Health Quality Improvement - Best Practices Intervention Packages). Accessed April 7, 2014.
  73. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Independence at Home Demonstration. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  74. Hansen LO, Young RS, Hinami K, Leung A, Williams MV. Interventions to reduce 30-day rehospitalization: a systematic review. Ann Intern Med 2011; 155:520528.
  75. Naylor MD, Brooten D, Campbell R, et al. Comprehensive discharge planning and home follow-up of hospitalized elders: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 1999; 281:613620.
  76. Koehler BE, Richter KM, Youngblood L, et al. Reduction of 30-day postdischarge hospital readmission or emergency department (ED) visit rates in high-risk elderly medical patients through delivery of a targeted care bundle. J Hosp Med 2009; 4:211218.
  77. Garåsen H, Windspoll R, Johnsen R. Intermediate care at a community hospital as an alternative to prolonged general hospital care for elderly patients: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health 2007; 7:68.
  78. Courtney M, Edwards H, Chang A, Parker A, Finlayson K, Hamilton K. Fewer emergency readmissions and better quality of life for older adults at risk of hospital readmission: a randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of a 24-week exercise and telephone follow-up program. J Am Geriatr Soc 2009; 57:395402.
  79. Coleman EA, Smith JD, Frank JC, Min SJ, Parry C, Kramer AM. Preparing patients and caregivers to participate in care delivered across settings: the Care Transitions Intervention. J Am Geriatr Soc 2004; 52:18171825.
  80. Naylor MD, Aiken LH, Kurtzman ET, Olds DM, Hirschman KB. The care span: the importance of transitional care in achieving health reform. Health Aff (Millwood) 2011; 30:746754.
  81. O’Leary KJ, Buck R, Fligiel HM, et al. Structured interdisciplinary rounds in a medical teaching unit: improving patient safety. Arch Intern Med 2011; 171:678684.
  82. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  83. Schillinger D, Piette J, Grumbach K, et al. Closing the loop: physician communication with diabetic patients who have low health literacy. Arch Intern Med 2003; 163:8390.
  84. Mittler JN, O’Hora JL, Harvey JB, Press MJ, Volpp KG, Scanlon DP. Turning readmission reduction policies into results: some lessons from a multistate initiative to reduce readmissions. Popul Health Manag 2013; 16:255260.
  1. Coleman EA. Falling through the cracks: challenges and opportunities for improving transitional care for persons with continuous complex care needs. J Am Geriatr Soc 2003; 51:549555.
  2. Jencks SF, Williams MV, Coleman EA. Rehospitalizations among patients in the Medicare fee-for-service program. N Engl J Med 2009; 360:14181428.
  3. Rosenthal JM, Miller DB. Providers have failed to work for continuity. Hospitals 1979; 53:7983.
  4. Gabow P, Halvorson G, Kaplan G. Marshaling leadership for high-value health care: an Institute of Medicine discussion paper. JAMA 2012; 308:239240.
  5. Bonner A, Schneider CD, Weissman JS. Massachusetts State Quality Improvement Institute. Massachusetts Strategic Plan for Care Transitions. Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, 2010. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  6. Mor V, Intrator O, Feng Z, Grabowski DC. The revolving door of rehospitalization from skilled nursing facilities. Health Aff (Millwood) 2010; 29:5764.
  7. Elixhauser A (AHRQ), Steiner C (AHRQ). Readmissions to US Hospitals by Diagnosis, 2010. HCUP Statistical Brief #153. April 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  8. Weiss AJ (Truven Health Analytics), Elixhauser A (AHRQ), Steiner C (AHRQ). Readmissions to US Hospitals by Procedure, 2010. HCUP Statistical Brief #154. April 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  9. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Readmissions Reduction Program. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  10. Kaiser Health News (KHN); Rau J. Medicare To Penalize 2,217 Hospitals For Excess Readmissions. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  11. Kaiser Health News (KHN); Rau J. Armed With Bigger Fines, Medicare To Punish 2,225 Hospitals For Excess Readmissions. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  12. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Community-based Care Transitions Program. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  13. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Hospital Engagement Networks (HENs). Accessed April 7, 2014.
  14. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). About the Partnership for Patients. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  15. Jha AK, Joynt KE, Orav EJ, Epstein AM. The long-term effect of premier pay for performance on patient outcomes. N Engl J Med 2012; 366:1606615.
  16. Gerhardt G, Yemane A, Hickman P, Oelschlaeger A, Rollins E, Brennan N; Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Medicare Readmission Rates Showed Meaningful Decline in 2012. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  17. Office of Inspector General; US Department of Health and Human Services. Hospitals’ Use of Observation Stays and Short Inpatient Stays for Medicare Beneficiaries. Report (OEI-02-12-00040). Accessed April 7, 2014.
  18. van Walraven C, Bennett C, Jennings A, Austin PC, Forster AJ. Proportion of hospital readmissions deemed avoidable: a systematic review. CMAJ 2011; 183:E391E402.
  19. Forster AJ, Murff HJ, Peterson JF, Gandhi TK, Bates DW. The incidence and severity of adverse events affecting patients after discharge from the hospital. Ann Intern Med 2003; 138:161167.
  20. Moore C, McGinn T, Halm E. Tying up loose ends: discharging patients with unresolved medical issues. Arch Intern Med 2007; 167:13051311.
  21. Roy CL, Poon EG, Karson AS, et al. Patient safety concerns arising from test results that return after hospital discharge. Ann Intern Med 2005; 143:121128.
  22. Coleman EA, Fox PD; HMO Workgroup on Care Management. Managing patient care transitions: a report of the HMO Care Management Workgroup. Health-plan 2004; 45:3639.
  23. Coleman EA, Berenson RA. Lost in transition: challenges and opportunities for improving the quality of transitional care. Ann Intern Med 2004; 141:533536.
  24. Snow V, Beck D, Budnitz T, et al; American College of Physicians; Society of General Internal Medicine; Society of Hospital Medicine; American Geriatrics Society; American College of Emergency Physicians; Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. Transitions of Care Consensus Policy Statement American College of Physicians-Society of General Internal Medicine-Society of Hospital Medicine-American Geriatrics Society-American College of Emergency Physicians-Society of Academic Emergency Medicine. J Gen Intern Med 2009; 24:971976.
  25. Pham HH, Schrag D, O’Malley AS, Wu B, Bach PB. Care patterns in Medicare and their implications for pay for performance. N Engl J Med 2007; 356:11301139.
  26. Kripalani S, LeFevre F, Phillips CO, Williams MV, Basaviah P, Baker DW. Deficits in communication and information transfer between hospital-based and primary care physicians: implications for patient safety and continuity of care. JAMA 2007; 297:831841.
  27. Solet DJ, Norvell JM, Rutan GH, Frankel RM. Lost in translation: challenges and opportunities in physician-to-physician communication during patient handoffs. Acad Med 2005; 80:10941099.
  28. Kripalani S, Jackson AT, Schnipper JL, Coleman EA. Promoting effective transitions of care at hospital discharge: a review of key issues for hospitalists. J Hosp Med 2007; 2:314323.
  29. National Research Council. Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2001.
  30. O’Leary KJ, Kulkarni N, Landler MP, et al. Hospitalized patients’ understanding of their plan of care. Mayo Clin Proc 2010; 85:4752.
  31. Coleman EA, Chugh A, Williams MV, et al. Understanding and execution of discharge instructions. Am J Med Qual 2013; 28:383391.
  32. Berkman ND, Sheridan SL, Donahue KE, Halpern DJ, Crotty K. Low health literacy and health outcomes: an updated systematic review. Ann Intern Med 2011; 155:97107.
  33. Kutner M, Greenberg E, Jin Y, Paulsen C. The Health Literacy of America’s Adults: Results From the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NCES 2006–483). US Department of Education. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics, 2006. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  34. Hibbard JH, Greene J. What the evidence shows about patient activation: better health outcomes and care experiences; fewer data on costs. Health Aff (Millwood) 2013; 32:207214.
  35. Lin CY, Barnato AE, Degenholtz HB. Physician follow-up visits after acute care hospitalization for elderly Medicare beneficiaries discharged to noninstitutional settings. J Am Geriatr Soc 2011; 59:19471954.
  36. Sharma G, Kuo YF, Freeman JL, Zhang DD, Goodwin JS. Outpatient follow-up visit and 30-day emergency department visit and readmission in patients hospitalized for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Arch Intern Med 2010; 170:16641670.
  37. Hernandez AF, Greiner MA, Fonarow GC, et al. Relationship between early physician follow-up and 30-day readmission among Medicare beneficiaries hospitalized for heart failure. JAMA 2010; 303:17161722.
  38. van Walraven C, Taljaard M, Etchells E, et al. The independent association of provider and information continuity on outcomes after hospital discharge: implications for hospitalists. J Hosp Med 2010; 5:398405.
  39. Sommers A, Cunningham PJ. Physician Visits After Hospital Discharge: Implications for Reducing Readmissions. Research Brief No. 6. National Institute for Health Care Reform (NIHCR), 2011. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  40. Dharmarajan K, Hsieh AF, Lin Z, et al. Diagnoses and timing of 30-day readmissions after hospitalization for heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, or pneumonia. JAMA 2013; 309:355363.
  41. Calvillo-King L, Arnold D, Eubank KJ, et al. Impact of social factors on risk of readmission or mortality in pneumonia and heart failure: systematic review. J Gen Intern Med 2013; 28:269282.
  42. Coventry PA, Gemmell I, Todd CJ. Psychosocial risk factors for hospital readmission in COPD patients on early discharge services: a cohort study. BMC Pulm Med 2011; 11:49.
  43. Weissman JS, Stern RS, Epstein AM. The impact of patient socioeconomic status and other social factors on readmission: a prospective study in four Massachusetts hospitals. Inquiry 1994; 31:163172.
  44. Proctor EK, Morrow-Howell N, Li H, Dore P. Adequacy of home care and hospital readmission for elderly congestive heart failure patients. Health Soc Work 2000; 25:8796.
  45. Kansagara D, Ramsay RS, Labby D, Saha S. Post-discharge intervention in vulnerable, chronically ill patients. J Hosp Med 2012; 7:124130.
  46. Englander H, Kansagara D. Planning and designing the care transitions innovation (C-Train) for uninsured and Medicaid patients. J Hosp Med 2012; 7:524529.
  47. Brown R, Peikes D, Chen A, Schore J. 15-site randomized trial of coordinated care in Medicare FFS. Health Care Financ Rev 2008; 30:525.
  48. Arbaje AI, Wolff JL, Yu Q, Powe NR, Anderson GF, Boult C. Post-discharge environmental and socioeconomic factors and the likelihood of early hospital readmission among community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries. Gerontologist 2008; 48:495504.
  49. Peek CJ, Baird MA, Coleman E. Primary care for patient complexity, not only disease. Fam Syst Health 2009; 27:287302.
  50. Society of Hospital Medicine. Project BOOST: Better Outcomes by Optimizing Safe Transitions. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  51. Hansen LO, Greenwald JL, Budnitz T, et al. Project BOOST: effectiveness of a multihospital effort to reduce rehospitalization. J Hosp Med. 2013; 8:421427.
  52. Maynard GA, Budnitz TL, Nickel WK, et al. 2011 John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Awards. Mentored implementation: building leaders and achieving results through a collaborative improvement model. Innovation in patient safety and quality at the national level. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2012; 38:301310.
  53. Boston University Medical Center. Project RED: Re-Engineered Discharge. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  54. Jack BW, Chetty VK, Anthony D, et al. A reengineered hospital discharge program to decrease rehospitalization: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 2009; 150:178187.
  55. Berkowitz RE, Fang Z, Helfand BK, Jones RN, Schreiber R, Paasche-Orlow MK. Project ReEngineered Discharge (RED) lowers hospital readmissions of patients discharged from a skilled nursing facility. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2013; 14:736740.
  56. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. STAAR: STate Action on Avoidable Re-hospitalizations. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  57. Boutwell AE, Johnson MB, Rutherford P, et al. An early look at a four-state initiative to reduce avoidable hospital readmissions. Health Aff (Millwood) 2011; 30:12721280.
  58. University of Colorado Denver. The Care Transitions Program. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  59. Coleman EA, Parry C, Chalmers S, Min SJ. The care transitions intervention: results of a randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern Med 2006; 166:18221828.
  60. Voss R, Gardner R, Baier R, Butterfield K, Lehrman S, Gravenstein S. The care transitions intervention: translating from efficacy to effectiveness. Arch Intern Med 2011; 171:12321237.
  61. Penn Nursing Science. Transitional Care Model. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  62. Naylor M, Brooten D, Jones R, Lavizzo-Mourey R, Mezey M, Pauly M. Comprehensive discharge planning for the hospitalized elderly. A randomized clinical trial. Ann Intern Med 1994; 120:9991006.
  63. Stauffer BD, Fullerton C, Fleming N, et al. Effectiveness and cost of a transitional care program for heart failure: a prospective study with concurrent controls. Arch Intern Med 2011; 171:12381243.
  64. The Illinois Transitional Care Consortium. The Bridge Model. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  65. Altfeld SJ, Shier GE, Rooney M, et al. Effects of an enhanced discharge planning intervention for hospitalized older adults: a randomized trial. Gerontologist 2013; 53:430440.
  66. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Guided Care. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  67. Boult C, Reider L, Leff B, et al. The effect of guided care teams on the use of health services: results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern Med 2011; 171:460466.
  68. Counsell SR, Callahan CM, Buttar AB, Clark DO, Frank KI. Geriatric Resources for Assessment and Care of Elders (GRACE): a new model of primary care for low-income seniors. J Am Geriatr Soc 2006; 54:11361141.
  69. Bielaszka-DuVernay C. The ‘GRACE’ model: in-home assessments lead to better care for dual eligibles. Health Aff (Millwood) 2011; 30:431434.
  70. Florida Atlantic University. INTERACT: Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers. Accessed April 7, 2014.
  71. Ouslander JG, Lamb G, Tappen R, et al. Interventions to reduce hospitalizations from nursing homes: evaluation of the INTERACT II collaborative quality improvement project. J Am Geriatr Soc 2011; 59:745753.
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Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 81(5)
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine - 81(5)
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Optimizing transitions of care to reduce rehospitalizations
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Optimizing transitions of care to reduce rehospitalizations
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  • Traditional health care delivery models typically do not have mechanisms in place for coordinating care across settings, such as when a patient goes from the hospital to a skilled nursing facility or to home.
  • Transitions can fail, leading to hospital readmission, because of ineffective patient and caregiver education, discharge summaries that are incomplete or not communicated to the patient and the next care setting, lack of follow-up with primary care providers, and poor patient social support.
  • A number of programs are trying to improve transitions of care, with some showing reductions in hospital readmission rates and emergency department visits.
  • Successful programs use multiple interventions simultaneously, including improved communication among health care providers, better patient and caregiver education, and coordination of social and health care services.
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