Surgical Techniques

How to perform a vulvar biopsy

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Tips for honing in on your vulvar biopsy skills and communicating clearly with your pathologist



Many benign, premalignant, and malignant lesions can occur on the vulva. These can be challenging to differentiate by examination alone. A vulvar biopsy often is needed to appropriately diagnose—and ultimately treat—these various conditions.

In this article, we review vulvar biopsy procedures, describe how to prepare tissue specimens for the pathologist, and provide some brief case examples in which biopsy established the diagnosis.

Ask questions first

Prior to examining a patient with a vulvar lesion, obtain a detailed history. Asking specific questions may aid in making the correct diagnosis, such as:

  • How long has the lesion been present? Has it changed? What color is it?
  • Was any trigger, or trauma, associated with onset of the lesion?
  • Does the lesion itch, burn, or cause pain? Is there any associated bleeding or discharge?
  • Are other lesions present in the vagina, anus, or mouth, or are other skin lesions present?
  • Are any systemic symptoms present, such as fever, lymphadenopathy, weight loss, or joint pain?
  • What is the patient’s previous treatment history, including over-the-counter medications and prescribed medications?
  • Has there been any incontinence of urine or stool? Does the patient use a pad?
  • Is the patient scratching? Is there any nighttime scratching? It also can be useful to ask her partner, if she has one, about nighttime scratching.
  • Is there a family history of vulvar conditions?
  • Has there been any change in her use of products like soap, lotions, cleansing wipes, sprays, lubricants, or laundry detergent?
  • Has the patient had any new partners or significant travel history?

Preprocedure counseling points

Prior to proceeding with a vulvar biopsy, review with the patient the risks, benefits, and alternatives and obtain patient consent for the procedure. Vulvar biopsy risks include pain, bleeding, infection, injury to surrounding tissue, and the need for further surgery. Make patients aware that some biopsies are nondiagnostic. We recommend that clinicians perform a time-out verification to ensure that the patient’s identity and planned procedure are correct.

Assess the biopsy site

A wide variety of lesions may require a biopsy for diagnosis. While it can be challenging to know where to biopsy, taking the time to determine the proper biopsy site may enhance pathology results.

When considering colored lesions, depth is the important factor, and a punch biopsy often is sufficient. A tumor should be biopsied in the thickest area. Lesions that are concerning for malignancy may require multiple biopsies. An erosion or ulcer is best biopsied on the edge, including a small amount of surrounding tissue. For most patients, biopsy of normal-appearing tissue is of low diagnostic yield. Lastly, we try to avoid biopsies directly on the midline to facilitate better healing.1

A photograph of the vulva prior to biopsy may be helpful for the pathologist to see the tissue. Some electronic medical records have the capability to include photographs. Due to the sensitive nature of these photographs, we prefer that a separate written patient consent be obtained prior to taking photographs. We find also that photos are a useful reference for progression of disease at follow-up in a shared care team.

Continue to: Anesthesia procedure and instrument kit...


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