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Priority Articles
How Organizations Can Build a Successful and Sustainable Social Media Presence
An Initiative to Improve 30-Day Readmission Rates Using a Transitions-of-Care Clinic Among a Mixed Urban and Rural Veteran Population
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Discharge Opioid Prescribing From a Hospital Medicine Service
Excess Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Factors Associated With COVID-19 Disease Severity in US Children and Adolescents
Leadership & Professional Development: New Team? No Problem. Creating Teams From Strangers
Algorithms for Prediction of Clinical Deterioration on the General Wards: A Scoping Review
Improving Healthcare Value: Managing Length of Stay and Improving the Hospital Medicine Value Proposition
A Short-Lived Crisis
Tweeting Into the Void: Effective Use of Social Media for Healthcare Professionals
Practicing High-Value Pediatric Care During a Pandemic: The Challenges and Opportunities
Drawing Down From Crisis: More Lessons From a Soldier
The Transitions of Care Clinic: Demonstrating the Utility of the Single-Site Quality Improvement Study
Black Pain Matters: Prioritizing Antiracism and Equity in the Opioid Epidemic
Predictive Models for In-Hospital Deterioration in Ward Patients
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