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Priority Articles
New Author Guidelines for Addressing Race and Racism in the Journal of Hospital Medicine
Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Hospital Medicine
Nationwide Hospital Performance on Publicly Reported Episode Spending Measures
Analysis of Hospital Resource Availability and COVID-19 Mortality Across the United States
Variation in COVID-19 Mortality Across 117 US Hospitals in High- and Low-Burden Settings
Supine-Related Pseudoanemia in Hospitalized Patients
Healthcare Encounter and Financial Impact of COVID-19 on Children’s Hospitals
Clinical Guideline Highlights for the Hospitalist: Management of Acute and Chronic Pain in Sickle Cell Disease
Procedural Competency Among Hospitalists: A Literature Review and Future Considerations
Things We Do for No Reason™: Ova and Parasite Testing in Patients With Acute Diarrhea Arising During Hospitalization
More Is Less
FDA Regulation of Predictive Clinical Decision-Support Tools: What Does It Mean for Hospitals?
Development and Evolution of Hospital Medicine in Korea
Striking While the Iron Is Hot: Using the Updated PHM Competencies in Time-Variable Training
A Rising Tide: No Hospital Is an Island Unto Itself in the Era of COVID-19
Hospital-Level Variability in Outcomes of Patients With COVID-19
Preserving Margins to Promote Missions: COVID-19’s Toll on US Children’s Hospitals
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