An Rx for Burnout, Grief, and Illness: Dance

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Tue, 10/01/2024 - 15:15

In 2012, Tara Rynders’ sister was diagnosed with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. For Ms. Rynders, a registered nurse in Denver, Colorado, the news was devastating.

“She was this beautiful 26-year-old woman, strong and healthy, and within 12 hours, she went into a coma and couldn’t move or speak,” Ms. Rynders remembered. She flew to her sister in Reno, Nevada, and moved into her intensive care unit room. The helplessness she felt wasn’t just as a sister, but as a healthcare provider.

“As a nurse, we love to fix things,” Ms. Rynders said. “But when my sister was sick, I couldn’t do anything to fix her. The doctors didn’t even know what was going on.”

When Ms. Rynders’ sister woke from the coma, she couldn’t speak. The only comfort Ms. Rynders could provide was her presence and the ability to put a smile on her sister’s face. So, Ms. Rynders did what came naturally ...

She danced.

In that tiny hospital room, she blasted her sister’s favorite song — “Party in the U.S.A.” by Miley Cyrus — and danced around the room, doing anything she could to make her sister laugh.

And this patient who could not form words found her voice.

“She’d holler so deeply, it almost sounded like she was crying,” Ms. Rynders remembered. “The depths of her grief and the depths of her joy coming out simultaneously. It was really amazing and so healing for both of us.”

Do You Know How Powerful Dancing Really Is?

Ms. Rynders is far from the only healthcare professional who’s discovered the healing power of dance. In recent years, doctors and nurses across the country, from Los Angeles, California, to Atlanta, Georgia; from TikTok’s “Dancing Nurse,” Cindy Jones, to Max Chiu, Nebraska’s breakdancing oncologist, have demonstrated that finding new ways to move your body isn’t just good advice for patients but could be exactly what healthcare providers need to stay mentally and physically healthy.

It comes at a time when the field faces a “mental health crisis,” according to a 2023 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Medscape Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2024 found current rates of 49% for burnout and 20% for depression.

And medical professionals are often hesitant about seeking help. Nearly 40% of physicians reported reluctance to seek out mental health treatment over fears of professional repercussions, according to 2024 recommendations by the Mayo Clinic.

The solution? It just might be dancing.

There’s ample evidence. A 2024 study from the University of Sydney, Australia, found that dancing offers more psychological and cognitive benefits — helping with everything from depression to motivation to emotional well-being — than any other type of exercise.

Another study, published in February by The BMJ medical journal, compared the mental health benefits of everything from aerobic exercise to cognitive behavioral therapy with antidepressants and found that dance consistently offered the largest reductions in depression.

Structured dance, where you learn specific movements, can offer a huge boost to mental health, according to a 2024 University of Sydney study. But so does unchoreographed dancing, where you’re basically just letting your limbs do their own thing. A 2021 study, published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, found that 95% of dancers who just moved their bodies, regardless of how it looked to the outside world, still had huge benefits with depression, anxiety, and trauma.



How to Turn a Mastectomy Into a Dance Party

Deborah Cohan, MD, 55, an obstetrician at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, San Francisco, California, discovered firsthand the power of dance back in 2013. After finding a lump in her breast during a self-exam, Dr. Cohan feared the worst. Days later, her radiologist confirmed she had invasive ductal carcinoma.

“It was a complete shock,” Dr. Cohan remembered. “I took care of myself. I ate right. I had no obvious risk factors. I did work the night shift, and there’s actually an increased risk for breast cancer among ob.gyn. workers who do night shift work. But still, it took me completely by surprise. My kids were 5 and 8 at the time, and I was terrified that they’d grow up without a mom.”

So, Dr. Cohan turned to the only thing that gave her comfort — dance class. Dancing had been an escape for Dr. Cohan since she took her first ballet class at age 3. So, she skipped work and went to her weekly Soul Motion dance class, where she found herself doing the exact opposite of escaping. She embraced her fears.

“I visualized death as a dance partner,” Dr. Cohan said. “I felt a freedom come over my body. It didn’t make sense to me at the time, but it was almost joyful. Not that I was accepting death or anticipating death, but just that I acknowledged its presence. There’s so much pressure among people with cancer to be positive. [But] that’s something that needs to come from within a person, not from outside. Nobody can dictate how someone should be feeling. And as I danced, I was genuinely feeling joy even as I recognized my own fears and didn’t turn away from them. I was experiencing all the emotions at once. It was such a relief to realize this wasn’t all going to be about sadness.”

The experience was so healing for Dr. Cohan that she decided to see if she could bring those same feelings into her bilateral mastectomy. When meeting with her surgical team, Dr. Cohan made an unorthodox request: Could her pre-op include a dance party?

“I asked the anesthesiologist in the pre-op appointment if I could dance, and he said yes,” she remembered, laughing. “And then I checked with the surgeon, and he said yes. And then I asked the perioperative nurse, and he said yes, ‘but only if you don’t make me dance, too’. So somehow it all came together.”

Dr. Cohan decided on the Beyoncé song “Get Me Bodied,” which she says resonated with her because “it’s all about being in your body and being your full self. I was like, that is exactly how I want to show up in the operating room.” The moment the music kicked in and Dr. Cohan broke into dance, all of her stress melted away.

“Even though I’d been given permission to dance, I never expected anybody else to join in,” Dr. Cohan said. But that’s exactly what they did. A friend took a video, which shows Dr. Cohan in a hospital gown and bouffant cap, dancing alongside her surgical and anesthesia teams, all of whom are dressed in scrubs, at Mount Zion Hospital in San Francisco, California.

“It’s weird to say, especially about a mastectomy,” Dr. Cohan said, “but it was one of the most joyful moments of my life.”

The video’s been viewed 8.4 million times and is so inspirational — we dare you to watch it and not want to jump out of your chair to dance — that soon others were following Dr. Cohan’s lead.

  • Sixteen-year-old Amari Hall danced to celebrate her successful heart transplant.
  • Ana-Alecia Ayala, a 32-year-old uterine cancer survivor, danced along to “Juju on That Beat” to make chemotherapy more tolerable.
  • Doreta Norris, a patient with breast cancer, chose “Gangnam Style” to serenade her into surgery.

Bringing Dance to Other Medical Pros

Ms. Rynders realized the true power of dance years before her sister’s illness, when her mother died of cancer. “I’ve always considered myself to be very resilient as a human, but I couldn’t bounce back after my mom died,” she said. “I was nursing full time in the emergency room, and I was sad all the time. And then one day I realized, you know what brings me joy? It’s always been dance.”

She went back to school to get her Master of Fine Arts in Dance from the University of Colorado at Boulder, which she believes helped her heal. “I was actually able to grieve instead of just pretending I was okay,” she said.

Inspired by these experiences, Ms. Rynders founded The Clinic in 2017, a company that provides dance workshops for healthcare professionals struggling with burnout and secondary traumatic stress.

“I see these nurses running down hospital hallways, covered in blood from patients whose lives are literally hanging on a thread,” she said. “They’re dealing with so much stress and grief and hardship. And then to see them with us, playing and laughing — those deep belly laughs that you haven’t done since you were a kid, the deep laughing that comes from deep in your soul. It can be transformational, for them and for you.”

Ms. Rynders remembers one especially healing workshop in which the participants pretended to be astronauts in deep space, using zero gravity to inform their movements. After the exercise, a veteran hospital nurse took Ms. Rynders aside to thank her, mentioning that she was still dealing with grief for her late son, who had died from suicide years earlier.

“She had a lot of guilt around it,” Ms. Rynders remembered. “And she said to me, ‘When I went to space, I felt closer to him.’ It was just this silly little game, but it gave her this lightness that she hadn’t felt in years. She was able to be free and laugh and play and feel close to her son again.”

Good Medicine

Dr. Cohan, who today is cancer free, said her experience made her completely rethink her relationship with patients. She has danced with more than a few of them, though she’s careful never to force it on them. “I never want to project my idea of joy onto others,” she said. “But more than anything, it’s changed my thinking on what it means to take ownership as a patient.”

The one thing Dr. Cohan never wanted as a patient, and the thing she never wants for her own patients, is the loss of agency. “When I danced, I didn’t feel like I was just handing over my body and begrudgingly accepting what was about to happen to me,” she said. “I was taking ownership around my decision, and I felt connected, really connected, to my surgical team.”

As a patient, Dr. Cohan experienced what she calls the “regimented” atmosphere of medicine. “You’re told where to go, what to do, and you have no control over any of it,” recalled Dr. Cohan, who’s now semiretired and runs retreats for women with breast cancer. “But by bringing in dance, it felt really radical that my healthcare team was doing my thing, not the other way around.”



(Re)Learning to Move More Consciously

Healthcare providers need these moments of escape just as much as patients living with disease. The difference is, as Ms. Rynders points out, those in the medical field aren’t always as aware of their emotional distress. “I think if you ask a nurse, ‘How can I help you? What do you need?’ They’re usually like, ‘I don’t know. I don’t even know what I need,’ ” Ms. Rynders said. “Even if they did know what they needed, I think it’s hard to ask for it and even harder to receive it.”

At Ms. Rynders’ workshops, not everybody is comfortable dancing, of course. So, new participants are always given the option just to witness, to be in the room and watch what happens. “But I also really encourage people to take advantage of this opportunity to do something different and disrupt the way we live on a daily basis,” Ms. Rynders said. “Let your brain try something new and be courageous. We’ve only had a few people who sat on the sidelines the whole time.”

It’s not always just about feelings, Dr. Cohan added, but physical relaxation. “Sometimes it’s just about remembering how to move consciously. When I was having surgery, I didn’t just dance to relax myself. I wanted my entire surgical team to be relaxed.”

For Ms. Rynders, every time she dances with her patients, or with fellow healthcare workers, she’s reminded of her sister and the comfort she was able to give her when no amount of medicine would make things better.

“We don’t always need to be fixed by things,” she said. “Sometimes we just need to be present with one another and be with each other. And sometimes, the best way to do that is by dancing till the tears roll down your cheeks.”

A version of this article appeared on


In 2012, Tara Rynders’ sister was diagnosed with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. For Ms. Rynders, a registered nurse in Denver, Colorado, the news was devastating.

“She was this beautiful 26-year-old woman, strong and healthy, and within 12 hours, she went into a coma and couldn’t move or speak,” Ms. Rynders remembered. She flew to her sister in Reno, Nevada, and moved into her intensive care unit room. The helplessness she felt wasn’t just as a sister, but as a healthcare provider.

“As a nurse, we love to fix things,” Ms. Rynders said. “But when my sister was sick, I couldn’t do anything to fix her. The doctors didn’t even know what was going on.”

When Ms. Rynders’ sister woke from the coma, she couldn’t speak. The only comfort Ms. Rynders could provide was her presence and the ability to put a smile on her sister’s face. So, Ms. Rynders did what came naturally ...

She danced.

In that tiny hospital room, she blasted her sister’s favorite song — “Party in the U.S.A.” by Miley Cyrus — and danced around the room, doing anything she could to make her sister laugh.

And this patient who could not form words found her voice.

“She’d holler so deeply, it almost sounded like she was crying,” Ms. Rynders remembered. “The depths of her grief and the depths of her joy coming out simultaneously. It was really amazing and so healing for both of us.”

Do You Know How Powerful Dancing Really Is?

Ms. Rynders is far from the only healthcare professional who’s discovered the healing power of dance. In recent years, doctors and nurses across the country, from Los Angeles, California, to Atlanta, Georgia; from TikTok’s “Dancing Nurse,” Cindy Jones, to Max Chiu, Nebraska’s breakdancing oncologist, have demonstrated that finding new ways to move your body isn’t just good advice for patients but could be exactly what healthcare providers need to stay mentally and physically healthy.

It comes at a time when the field faces a “mental health crisis,” according to a 2023 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Medscape Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2024 found current rates of 49% for burnout and 20% for depression.

And medical professionals are often hesitant about seeking help. Nearly 40% of physicians reported reluctance to seek out mental health treatment over fears of professional repercussions, according to 2024 recommendations by the Mayo Clinic.

The solution? It just might be dancing.

There’s ample evidence. A 2024 study from the University of Sydney, Australia, found that dancing offers more psychological and cognitive benefits — helping with everything from depression to motivation to emotional well-being — than any other type of exercise.

Another study, published in February by The BMJ medical journal, compared the mental health benefits of everything from aerobic exercise to cognitive behavioral therapy with antidepressants and found that dance consistently offered the largest reductions in depression.

Structured dance, where you learn specific movements, can offer a huge boost to mental health, according to a 2024 University of Sydney study. But so does unchoreographed dancing, where you’re basically just letting your limbs do their own thing. A 2021 study, published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, found that 95% of dancers who just moved their bodies, regardless of how it looked to the outside world, still had huge benefits with depression, anxiety, and trauma.



How to Turn a Mastectomy Into a Dance Party

Deborah Cohan, MD, 55, an obstetrician at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, San Francisco, California, discovered firsthand the power of dance back in 2013. After finding a lump in her breast during a self-exam, Dr. Cohan feared the worst. Days later, her radiologist confirmed she had invasive ductal carcinoma.

“It was a complete shock,” Dr. Cohan remembered. “I took care of myself. I ate right. I had no obvious risk factors. I did work the night shift, and there’s actually an increased risk for breast cancer among ob.gyn. workers who do night shift work. But still, it took me completely by surprise. My kids were 5 and 8 at the time, and I was terrified that they’d grow up without a mom.”

So, Dr. Cohan turned to the only thing that gave her comfort — dance class. Dancing had been an escape for Dr. Cohan since she took her first ballet class at age 3. So, she skipped work and went to her weekly Soul Motion dance class, where she found herself doing the exact opposite of escaping. She embraced her fears.

“I visualized death as a dance partner,” Dr. Cohan said. “I felt a freedom come over my body. It didn’t make sense to me at the time, but it was almost joyful. Not that I was accepting death or anticipating death, but just that I acknowledged its presence. There’s so much pressure among people with cancer to be positive. [But] that’s something that needs to come from within a person, not from outside. Nobody can dictate how someone should be feeling. And as I danced, I was genuinely feeling joy even as I recognized my own fears and didn’t turn away from them. I was experiencing all the emotions at once. It was such a relief to realize this wasn’t all going to be about sadness.”

The experience was so healing for Dr. Cohan that she decided to see if she could bring those same feelings into her bilateral mastectomy. When meeting with her surgical team, Dr. Cohan made an unorthodox request: Could her pre-op include a dance party?

“I asked the anesthesiologist in the pre-op appointment if I could dance, and he said yes,” she remembered, laughing. “And then I checked with the surgeon, and he said yes. And then I asked the perioperative nurse, and he said yes, ‘but only if you don’t make me dance, too’. So somehow it all came together.”

Dr. Cohan decided on the Beyoncé song “Get Me Bodied,” which she says resonated with her because “it’s all about being in your body and being your full self. I was like, that is exactly how I want to show up in the operating room.” The moment the music kicked in and Dr. Cohan broke into dance, all of her stress melted away.

“Even though I’d been given permission to dance, I never expected anybody else to join in,” Dr. Cohan said. But that’s exactly what they did. A friend took a video, which shows Dr. Cohan in a hospital gown and bouffant cap, dancing alongside her surgical and anesthesia teams, all of whom are dressed in scrubs, at Mount Zion Hospital in San Francisco, California.

“It’s weird to say, especially about a mastectomy,” Dr. Cohan said, “but it was one of the most joyful moments of my life.”

The video’s been viewed 8.4 million times and is so inspirational — we dare you to watch it and not want to jump out of your chair to dance — that soon others were following Dr. Cohan’s lead.

  • Sixteen-year-old Amari Hall danced to celebrate her successful heart transplant.
  • Ana-Alecia Ayala, a 32-year-old uterine cancer survivor, danced along to “Juju on That Beat” to make chemotherapy more tolerable.
  • Doreta Norris, a patient with breast cancer, chose “Gangnam Style” to serenade her into surgery.

Bringing Dance to Other Medical Pros

Ms. Rynders realized the true power of dance years before her sister’s illness, when her mother died of cancer. “I’ve always considered myself to be very resilient as a human, but I couldn’t bounce back after my mom died,” she said. “I was nursing full time in the emergency room, and I was sad all the time. And then one day I realized, you know what brings me joy? It’s always been dance.”

She went back to school to get her Master of Fine Arts in Dance from the University of Colorado at Boulder, which she believes helped her heal. “I was actually able to grieve instead of just pretending I was okay,” she said.

Inspired by these experiences, Ms. Rynders founded The Clinic in 2017, a company that provides dance workshops for healthcare professionals struggling with burnout and secondary traumatic stress.

“I see these nurses running down hospital hallways, covered in blood from patients whose lives are literally hanging on a thread,” she said. “They’re dealing with so much stress and grief and hardship. And then to see them with us, playing and laughing — those deep belly laughs that you haven’t done since you were a kid, the deep laughing that comes from deep in your soul. It can be transformational, for them and for you.”

Ms. Rynders remembers one especially healing workshop in which the participants pretended to be astronauts in deep space, using zero gravity to inform their movements. After the exercise, a veteran hospital nurse took Ms. Rynders aside to thank her, mentioning that she was still dealing with grief for her late son, who had died from suicide years earlier.

“She had a lot of guilt around it,” Ms. Rynders remembered. “And she said to me, ‘When I went to space, I felt closer to him.’ It was just this silly little game, but it gave her this lightness that she hadn’t felt in years. She was able to be free and laugh and play and feel close to her son again.”

Good Medicine

Dr. Cohan, who today is cancer free, said her experience made her completely rethink her relationship with patients. She has danced with more than a few of them, though she’s careful never to force it on them. “I never want to project my idea of joy onto others,” she said. “But more than anything, it’s changed my thinking on what it means to take ownership as a patient.”

The one thing Dr. Cohan never wanted as a patient, and the thing she never wants for her own patients, is the loss of agency. “When I danced, I didn’t feel like I was just handing over my body and begrudgingly accepting what was about to happen to me,” she said. “I was taking ownership around my decision, and I felt connected, really connected, to my surgical team.”

As a patient, Dr. Cohan experienced what she calls the “regimented” atmosphere of medicine. “You’re told where to go, what to do, and you have no control over any of it,” recalled Dr. Cohan, who’s now semiretired and runs retreats for women with breast cancer. “But by bringing in dance, it felt really radical that my healthcare team was doing my thing, not the other way around.”



(Re)Learning to Move More Consciously

Healthcare providers need these moments of escape just as much as patients living with disease. The difference is, as Ms. Rynders points out, those in the medical field aren’t always as aware of their emotional distress. “I think if you ask a nurse, ‘How can I help you? What do you need?’ They’re usually like, ‘I don’t know. I don’t even know what I need,’ ” Ms. Rynders said. “Even if they did know what they needed, I think it’s hard to ask for it and even harder to receive it.”

At Ms. Rynders’ workshops, not everybody is comfortable dancing, of course. So, new participants are always given the option just to witness, to be in the room and watch what happens. “But I also really encourage people to take advantage of this opportunity to do something different and disrupt the way we live on a daily basis,” Ms. Rynders said. “Let your brain try something new and be courageous. We’ve only had a few people who sat on the sidelines the whole time.”

It’s not always just about feelings, Dr. Cohan added, but physical relaxation. “Sometimes it’s just about remembering how to move consciously. When I was having surgery, I didn’t just dance to relax myself. I wanted my entire surgical team to be relaxed.”

For Ms. Rynders, every time she dances with her patients, or with fellow healthcare workers, she’s reminded of her sister and the comfort she was able to give her when no amount of medicine would make things better.

“We don’t always need to be fixed by things,” she said. “Sometimes we just need to be present with one another and be with each other. And sometimes, the best way to do that is by dancing till the tears roll down your cheeks.”

A version of this article appeared on

In 2012, Tara Rynders’ sister was diagnosed with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. For Ms. Rynders, a registered nurse in Denver, Colorado, the news was devastating.

“She was this beautiful 26-year-old woman, strong and healthy, and within 12 hours, she went into a coma and couldn’t move or speak,” Ms. Rynders remembered. She flew to her sister in Reno, Nevada, and moved into her intensive care unit room. The helplessness she felt wasn’t just as a sister, but as a healthcare provider.

“As a nurse, we love to fix things,” Ms. Rynders said. “But when my sister was sick, I couldn’t do anything to fix her. The doctors didn’t even know what was going on.”

When Ms. Rynders’ sister woke from the coma, she couldn’t speak. The only comfort Ms. Rynders could provide was her presence and the ability to put a smile on her sister’s face. So, Ms. Rynders did what came naturally ...

She danced.

In that tiny hospital room, she blasted her sister’s favorite song — “Party in the U.S.A.” by Miley Cyrus — and danced around the room, doing anything she could to make her sister laugh.

And this patient who could not form words found her voice.

“She’d holler so deeply, it almost sounded like she was crying,” Ms. Rynders remembered. “The depths of her grief and the depths of her joy coming out simultaneously. It was really amazing and so healing for both of us.”

Do You Know How Powerful Dancing Really Is?

Ms. Rynders is far from the only healthcare professional who’s discovered the healing power of dance. In recent years, doctors and nurses across the country, from Los Angeles, California, to Atlanta, Georgia; from TikTok’s “Dancing Nurse,” Cindy Jones, to Max Chiu, Nebraska’s breakdancing oncologist, have demonstrated that finding new ways to move your body isn’t just good advice for patients but could be exactly what healthcare providers need to stay mentally and physically healthy.

It comes at a time when the field faces a “mental health crisis,” according to a 2023 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Medscape Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2024 found current rates of 49% for burnout and 20% for depression.

And medical professionals are often hesitant about seeking help. Nearly 40% of physicians reported reluctance to seek out mental health treatment over fears of professional repercussions, according to 2024 recommendations by the Mayo Clinic.

The solution? It just might be dancing.

There’s ample evidence. A 2024 study from the University of Sydney, Australia, found that dancing offers more psychological and cognitive benefits — helping with everything from depression to motivation to emotional well-being — than any other type of exercise.

Another study, published in February by The BMJ medical journal, compared the mental health benefits of everything from aerobic exercise to cognitive behavioral therapy with antidepressants and found that dance consistently offered the largest reductions in depression.

Structured dance, where you learn specific movements, can offer a huge boost to mental health, according to a 2024 University of Sydney study. But so does unchoreographed dancing, where you’re basically just letting your limbs do their own thing. A 2021 study, published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, found that 95% of dancers who just moved their bodies, regardless of how it looked to the outside world, still had huge benefits with depression, anxiety, and trauma.



How to Turn a Mastectomy Into a Dance Party

Deborah Cohan, MD, 55, an obstetrician at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, San Francisco, California, discovered firsthand the power of dance back in 2013. After finding a lump in her breast during a self-exam, Dr. Cohan feared the worst. Days later, her radiologist confirmed she had invasive ductal carcinoma.

“It was a complete shock,” Dr. Cohan remembered. “I took care of myself. I ate right. I had no obvious risk factors. I did work the night shift, and there’s actually an increased risk for breast cancer among ob.gyn. workers who do night shift work. But still, it took me completely by surprise. My kids were 5 and 8 at the time, and I was terrified that they’d grow up without a mom.”

So, Dr. Cohan turned to the only thing that gave her comfort — dance class. Dancing had been an escape for Dr. Cohan since she took her first ballet class at age 3. So, she skipped work and went to her weekly Soul Motion dance class, where she found herself doing the exact opposite of escaping. She embraced her fears.

“I visualized death as a dance partner,” Dr. Cohan said. “I felt a freedom come over my body. It didn’t make sense to me at the time, but it was almost joyful. Not that I was accepting death or anticipating death, but just that I acknowledged its presence. There’s so much pressure among people with cancer to be positive. [But] that’s something that needs to come from within a person, not from outside. Nobody can dictate how someone should be feeling. And as I danced, I was genuinely feeling joy even as I recognized my own fears and didn’t turn away from them. I was experiencing all the emotions at once. It was such a relief to realize this wasn’t all going to be about sadness.”

The experience was so healing for Dr. Cohan that she decided to see if she could bring those same feelings into her bilateral mastectomy. When meeting with her surgical team, Dr. Cohan made an unorthodox request: Could her pre-op include a dance party?

“I asked the anesthesiologist in the pre-op appointment if I could dance, and he said yes,” she remembered, laughing. “And then I checked with the surgeon, and he said yes. And then I asked the perioperative nurse, and he said yes, ‘but only if you don’t make me dance, too’. So somehow it all came together.”

Dr. Cohan decided on the Beyoncé song “Get Me Bodied,” which she says resonated with her because “it’s all about being in your body and being your full self. I was like, that is exactly how I want to show up in the operating room.” The moment the music kicked in and Dr. Cohan broke into dance, all of her stress melted away.

“Even though I’d been given permission to dance, I never expected anybody else to join in,” Dr. Cohan said. But that’s exactly what they did. A friend took a video, which shows Dr. Cohan in a hospital gown and bouffant cap, dancing alongside her surgical and anesthesia teams, all of whom are dressed in scrubs, at Mount Zion Hospital in San Francisco, California.

“It’s weird to say, especially about a mastectomy,” Dr. Cohan said, “but it was one of the most joyful moments of my life.”

The video’s been viewed 8.4 million times and is so inspirational — we dare you to watch it and not want to jump out of your chair to dance — that soon others were following Dr. Cohan’s lead.

  • Sixteen-year-old Amari Hall danced to celebrate her successful heart transplant.
  • Ana-Alecia Ayala, a 32-year-old uterine cancer survivor, danced along to “Juju on That Beat” to make chemotherapy more tolerable.
  • Doreta Norris, a patient with breast cancer, chose “Gangnam Style” to serenade her into surgery.

Bringing Dance to Other Medical Pros

Ms. Rynders realized the true power of dance years before her sister’s illness, when her mother died of cancer. “I’ve always considered myself to be very resilient as a human, but I couldn’t bounce back after my mom died,” she said. “I was nursing full time in the emergency room, and I was sad all the time. And then one day I realized, you know what brings me joy? It’s always been dance.”

She went back to school to get her Master of Fine Arts in Dance from the University of Colorado at Boulder, which she believes helped her heal. “I was actually able to grieve instead of just pretending I was okay,” she said.

Inspired by these experiences, Ms. Rynders founded The Clinic in 2017, a company that provides dance workshops for healthcare professionals struggling with burnout and secondary traumatic stress.

“I see these nurses running down hospital hallways, covered in blood from patients whose lives are literally hanging on a thread,” she said. “They’re dealing with so much stress and grief and hardship. And then to see them with us, playing and laughing — those deep belly laughs that you haven’t done since you were a kid, the deep laughing that comes from deep in your soul. It can be transformational, for them and for you.”

Ms. Rynders remembers one especially healing workshop in which the participants pretended to be astronauts in deep space, using zero gravity to inform their movements. After the exercise, a veteran hospital nurse took Ms. Rynders aside to thank her, mentioning that she was still dealing with grief for her late son, who had died from suicide years earlier.

“She had a lot of guilt around it,” Ms. Rynders remembered. “And she said to me, ‘When I went to space, I felt closer to him.’ It was just this silly little game, but it gave her this lightness that she hadn’t felt in years. She was able to be free and laugh and play and feel close to her son again.”

Good Medicine

Dr. Cohan, who today is cancer free, said her experience made her completely rethink her relationship with patients. She has danced with more than a few of them, though she’s careful never to force it on them. “I never want to project my idea of joy onto others,” she said. “But more than anything, it’s changed my thinking on what it means to take ownership as a patient.”

The one thing Dr. Cohan never wanted as a patient, and the thing she never wants for her own patients, is the loss of agency. “When I danced, I didn’t feel like I was just handing over my body and begrudgingly accepting what was about to happen to me,” she said. “I was taking ownership around my decision, and I felt connected, really connected, to my surgical team.”

As a patient, Dr. Cohan experienced what she calls the “regimented” atmosphere of medicine. “You’re told where to go, what to do, and you have no control over any of it,” recalled Dr. Cohan, who’s now semiretired and runs retreats for women with breast cancer. “But by bringing in dance, it felt really radical that my healthcare team was doing my thing, not the other way around.”



(Re)Learning to Move More Consciously

Healthcare providers need these moments of escape just as much as patients living with disease. The difference is, as Ms. Rynders points out, those in the medical field aren’t always as aware of their emotional distress. “I think if you ask a nurse, ‘How can I help you? What do you need?’ They’re usually like, ‘I don’t know. I don’t even know what I need,’ ” Ms. Rynders said. “Even if they did know what they needed, I think it’s hard to ask for it and even harder to receive it.”

At Ms. Rynders’ workshops, not everybody is comfortable dancing, of course. So, new participants are always given the option just to witness, to be in the room and watch what happens. “But I also really encourage people to take advantage of this opportunity to do something different and disrupt the way we live on a daily basis,” Ms. Rynders said. “Let your brain try something new and be courageous. We’ve only had a few people who sat on the sidelines the whole time.”

It’s not always just about feelings, Dr. Cohan added, but physical relaxation. “Sometimes it’s just about remembering how to move consciously. When I was having surgery, I didn’t just dance to relax myself. I wanted my entire surgical team to be relaxed.”

For Ms. Rynders, every time she dances with her patients, or with fellow healthcare workers, she’s reminded of her sister and the comfort she was able to give her when no amount of medicine would make things better.

“We don’t always need to be fixed by things,” she said. “Sometimes we just need to be present with one another and be with each other. And sometimes, the best way to do that is by dancing till the tears roll down your cheeks.”

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This Tech Will Change Your Practice Sooner Than You Think

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Fri, 05/03/2024 - 16:51

Medical innovations don’t happen overnight — but in today’s digital world, they happen pretty fast. Some are advancing faster than you think.

We’re not talking theory or hoped-for breakthroughs in the next decade. These technologies are already a reality for many doctors and expected to grow rapidly in the next 1-3 years.

Are you ready? Let’s find out.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Medical Scribes

You may already be using this or, at the very least, have heard about it.

Physician burnout is a growing problem, with many doctors spending 2 hours on paperwork for every hour with patients. But some doctors, such as Gregory Ator, MD, chief medical informatics officer at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, have found a better way.

“I have been using it for 9 months now, and it truly is a life changer,” Dr. Ator said of Abridge, an AI helper that transcribes and summarizes his conversations with patients. “Now, I go into the room, place my phone just about anywhere, and I can just listen.” He estimated that the tech saves him between 3 and 10 minutes per patient. “At 20 patients a day, that saves me around 2 hours,” he said.

Bonus: Patients “get a doctor’s full attention instead of just looking at the top of his head while they play with the computer,” Dr. Ator said. “I have yet to have a patient who didn’t think that was a positive thing.”

Several companies are already selling these AI devices, including Ambience HealthcareAugmedixNuance, and Suki, and they offer more than just transcriptions, said John D. Halamka, MD, president of Mayo Clinic Platform, who oversees Mayo’s adoption of AI. They also generate notes for treatment and billing and update data in the electronic health record.

“It’s preparation of documentation based on ambient listening of doctor-patient conversations,” Dr. Halamka explained. “I’m very optimistic about the use of emerging AI technologies to enable every clinician to practice at the top of their license.”

Patricia Garcia, MD, associate clinical information officer for ambulatory care at Stanford Health Care, has spent much of the last year co-running the medical center’s pilot program for AI scribes, and she’s so impressed with the technology that she “expects it’ll become more widely available as an option for any clinician that wants to use it in the next 12-18 months.”

2. Three-Dimensional (3D) Printing

Although 3D-printed organs may not happen anytime soon, the future is here for some 3D-printed prosthetics and implants — everything from dentures to spinal implants to prosthetic fingers and noses.

“In the next few years, I see rapid growth in the use of 3D printing technology across orthopedic surgery,” said Rishin J. Kadakia, MD, an orthopedic surgeon in Atlanta. “It’s becoming more common not just at large academic institutions. More and more providers will turn to using 3D printing technology to help tackle challenging cases that previously did not have good solutions.”

Dr. Kadakia has experienced this firsthand with his patients at the Emory Orthopaedics & Spine Center. One female patient developed talar avascular necrosis due to a bone break she’d sustained in a serious car crash. An ankle and subtalar joint fusion would repair the damage but limit her mobility and change her gait. So instead, in August of 2021, Dr. Kadakia and fellow orthopedic surgeon Jason Bariteau, MD, created for her a 3D-printed cobalt chrome talus implant.

“It provided an opportunity for her to keep her ankle’s range of motion, and also mobilize faster than with a subtalar and ankle joint fusion,” said Dr. Kadakia.

The technology is also playing a role in customized medical devices — patient-specific tools for greater precision — and 3D-printed anatomical models, built to the exact specifications of individual patients. Mayo Clinic already has 3D modeling units in three states, and other hospitals are following suit. The models not only help doctors prepare for complicated surgeries but also can dramatically cut down on costs. A 2021 study from Durham University reported that 3D models helped reduce surgery time by between 1.5 and 2.5 hours in lengthy procedures.



3. Drones

For patients who can’t make it to a pharmacy to pick up their prescriptions, either because of distance or lack of transportation, drones — which can deliver medications onto a customer’s back yard or front porch — offer a compelling solution.

Several companies and hospitals are already experimenting with drones, like WellSpan Health in Pennsylvania, Amazon Pharmacy, and the Cleveland Clinic, which announced a partnership with drone delivery company Zipline and plans to begin prescription deliveries across Northeast Ohio by 2025.

Healthcare systems are just beginning to explore the potential of drone deliveries, for everything from lab samples to medical and surgical supplies — even defibrillators that could arrive at an ailing patient’s front door before an emergency medical technician arrives.

“For many providers, when you take a sample from a patient, that sample waits around for hours until a courier picks up all of the facility’s samples and drives them to an outside facility for processing,” said Hillary Brendzel, head of Zipline’s US Healthcare Practice.

According to a 2022 survey from American Nurse Journal, 71% of nurses said that medical courier delays and errors negatively affected their ability to provide patient care. But with drone delivery, “lab samples can be sent for processing immediately, on-demand, resulting in faster diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately better outcomes,” said Ms. Brendzel.

4. Portable Ultrasound

Within the next 2 years, portable ultrasound — pocket-sized devices that connect to a smartphone or tablet — will become the “21st-century stethoscope,” said Abhilash Hareendranathan, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

AI can make these devices easy to use, allowing clinicians with minimal imaging training to capture clear images and understand the results. Dr. Hareendranathan developed the Ultrasound Arm Injury Detection tool, a portable ultrasound that uses AI to detect fracture.

“We plan to introduce this technology in emergency departments, where it could be used by triage nurses to perform quick examinations to detect fractures of the wrist, elbow, or shoulder,” he said.

More pocket-sized scanners like these could “reshape the way diagnostic care is provided in rural and remote communities,” Dr. Hareendranathan said, and will “reduce wait times in crowded emergency departments.” Bill Gates believes enough in portable ultrasound that last September, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation granted $44 million to GE HealthCare to develop the technology for under-resourced communities.

5. Virtual Reality (VR)

When RelieVRx became the first US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved VR therapy for chronic back pain in 2021, the technology was used in just a handful of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities. But today, thousands of VR headsets have been deployed to more than 160 VA medical centers and clinics across the country.

“The VR experiences encompass pain neuroscience education, mindfulness, pleasant and relaxing distraction, and key skills to calm the nervous system,” said Beth Darnall, PhD, director of the Stanford Pain Relief Innovations Lab, who helped design the RelieVRx. She expects VR to go mainstream soon, not just because of increasing evidence that it works but also thanks to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which recently issued a Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System code for VR. “This billing infrastructure will encourage adoption and uptake,” she said.

Hundreds of hospitals across the United States have already adopted the technology, for everything from childbirth pain to wound debridement, said Josh Sackman, the president and cofounder of AppliedVR, the company that developed RelieVRx.

“Over the next few years, we may see hundreds more deploy unique applications [for VR] that can handle multiple clinical indications,” he said. “Given the modality’s ability to scale and reduce reliance on pharmacological interventions, it has the power to improve the cost and quality of care.”

Hospital systems like Geisinger and Cedars-Sinai are already finding unique ways to implement the technology, he said, like using VR to reduce “scanxiety” during imaging service.

Other VR innovations are already being introduced, from the Smileyscope, a VR device for children that’s been proven to lessen the pain of a blood draw or intravenous insertion (it was cleared by the FDA last November) to several VR platforms launched by Cedars-Sinai in recent months, for applications that range from gastrointestinal issues to mental health therapy. “There may already be a thousand hospitals using VR in some capacity,” said Brennan Spiegel, MD, director of Health Services Research at Cedars-Sinai.

A version of this article appeared on


Medical innovations don’t happen overnight — but in today’s digital world, they happen pretty fast. Some are advancing faster than you think.

We’re not talking theory or hoped-for breakthroughs in the next decade. These technologies are already a reality for many doctors and expected to grow rapidly in the next 1-3 years.

Are you ready? Let’s find out.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Medical Scribes

You may already be using this or, at the very least, have heard about it.

Physician burnout is a growing problem, with many doctors spending 2 hours on paperwork for every hour with patients. But some doctors, such as Gregory Ator, MD, chief medical informatics officer at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, have found a better way.

“I have been using it for 9 months now, and it truly is a life changer,” Dr. Ator said of Abridge, an AI helper that transcribes and summarizes his conversations with patients. “Now, I go into the room, place my phone just about anywhere, and I can just listen.” He estimated that the tech saves him between 3 and 10 minutes per patient. “At 20 patients a day, that saves me around 2 hours,” he said.

Bonus: Patients “get a doctor’s full attention instead of just looking at the top of his head while they play with the computer,” Dr. Ator said. “I have yet to have a patient who didn’t think that was a positive thing.”

Several companies are already selling these AI devices, including Ambience HealthcareAugmedixNuance, and Suki, and they offer more than just transcriptions, said John D. Halamka, MD, president of Mayo Clinic Platform, who oversees Mayo’s adoption of AI. They also generate notes for treatment and billing and update data in the electronic health record.

“It’s preparation of documentation based on ambient listening of doctor-patient conversations,” Dr. Halamka explained. “I’m very optimistic about the use of emerging AI technologies to enable every clinician to practice at the top of their license.”

Patricia Garcia, MD, associate clinical information officer for ambulatory care at Stanford Health Care, has spent much of the last year co-running the medical center’s pilot program for AI scribes, and she’s so impressed with the technology that she “expects it’ll become more widely available as an option for any clinician that wants to use it in the next 12-18 months.”

2. Three-Dimensional (3D) Printing

Although 3D-printed organs may not happen anytime soon, the future is here for some 3D-printed prosthetics and implants — everything from dentures to spinal implants to prosthetic fingers and noses.

“In the next few years, I see rapid growth in the use of 3D printing technology across orthopedic surgery,” said Rishin J. Kadakia, MD, an orthopedic surgeon in Atlanta. “It’s becoming more common not just at large academic institutions. More and more providers will turn to using 3D printing technology to help tackle challenging cases that previously did not have good solutions.”

Dr. Kadakia has experienced this firsthand with his patients at the Emory Orthopaedics & Spine Center. One female patient developed talar avascular necrosis due to a bone break she’d sustained in a serious car crash. An ankle and subtalar joint fusion would repair the damage but limit her mobility and change her gait. So instead, in August of 2021, Dr. Kadakia and fellow orthopedic surgeon Jason Bariteau, MD, created for her a 3D-printed cobalt chrome talus implant.

“It provided an opportunity for her to keep her ankle’s range of motion, and also mobilize faster than with a subtalar and ankle joint fusion,” said Dr. Kadakia.

The technology is also playing a role in customized medical devices — patient-specific tools for greater precision — and 3D-printed anatomical models, built to the exact specifications of individual patients. Mayo Clinic already has 3D modeling units in three states, and other hospitals are following suit. The models not only help doctors prepare for complicated surgeries but also can dramatically cut down on costs. A 2021 study from Durham University reported that 3D models helped reduce surgery time by between 1.5 and 2.5 hours in lengthy procedures.



3. Drones

For patients who can’t make it to a pharmacy to pick up their prescriptions, either because of distance or lack of transportation, drones — which can deliver medications onto a customer’s back yard or front porch — offer a compelling solution.

Several companies and hospitals are already experimenting with drones, like WellSpan Health in Pennsylvania, Amazon Pharmacy, and the Cleveland Clinic, which announced a partnership with drone delivery company Zipline and plans to begin prescription deliveries across Northeast Ohio by 2025.

Healthcare systems are just beginning to explore the potential of drone deliveries, for everything from lab samples to medical and surgical supplies — even defibrillators that could arrive at an ailing patient’s front door before an emergency medical technician arrives.

“For many providers, when you take a sample from a patient, that sample waits around for hours until a courier picks up all of the facility’s samples and drives them to an outside facility for processing,” said Hillary Brendzel, head of Zipline’s US Healthcare Practice.

According to a 2022 survey from American Nurse Journal, 71% of nurses said that medical courier delays and errors negatively affected their ability to provide patient care. But with drone delivery, “lab samples can be sent for processing immediately, on-demand, resulting in faster diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately better outcomes,” said Ms. Brendzel.

4. Portable Ultrasound

Within the next 2 years, portable ultrasound — pocket-sized devices that connect to a smartphone or tablet — will become the “21st-century stethoscope,” said Abhilash Hareendranathan, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

AI can make these devices easy to use, allowing clinicians with minimal imaging training to capture clear images and understand the results. Dr. Hareendranathan developed the Ultrasound Arm Injury Detection tool, a portable ultrasound that uses AI to detect fracture.

“We plan to introduce this technology in emergency departments, where it could be used by triage nurses to perform quick examinations to detect fractures of the wrist, elbow, or shoulder,” he said.

More pocket-sized scanners like these could “reshape the way diagnostic care is provided in rural and remote communities,” Dr. Hareendranathan said, and will “reduce wait times in crowded emergency departments.” Bill Gates believes enough in portable ultrasound that last September, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation granted $44 million to GE HealthCare to develop the technology for under-resourced communities.

5. Virtual Reality (VR)

When RelieVRx became the first US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved VR therapy for chronic back pain in 2021, the technology was used in just a handful of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities. But today, thousands of VR headsets have been deployed to more than 160 VA medical centers and clinics across the country.

“The VR experiences encompass pain neuroscience education, mindfulness, pleasant and relaxing distraction, and key skills to calm the nervous system,” said Beth Darnall, PhD, director of the Stanford Pain Relief Innovations Lab, who helped design the RelieVRx. She expects VR to go mainstream soon, not just because of increasing evidence that it works but also thanks to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which recently issued a Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System code for VR. “This billing infrastructure will encourage adoption and uptake,” she said.

Hundreds of hospitals across the United States have already adopted the technology, for everything from childbirth pain to wound debridement, said Josh Sackman, the president and cofounder of AppliedVR, the company that developed RelieVRx.

“Over the next few years, we may see hundreds more deploy unique applications [for VR] that can handle multiple clinical indications,” he said. “Given the modality’s ability to scale and reduce reliance on pharmacological interventions, it has the power to improve the cost and quality of care.”

Hospital systems like Geisinger and Cedars-Sinai are already finding unique ways to implement the technology, he said, like using VR to reduce “scanxiety” during imaging service.

Other VR innovations are already being introduced, from the Smileyscope, a VR device for children that’s been proven to lessen the pain of a blood draw or intravenous insertion (it was cleared by the FDA last November) to several VR platforms launched by Cedars-Sinai in recent months, for applications that range from gastrointestinal issues to mental health therapy. “There may already be a thousand hospitals using VR in some capacity,” said Brennan Spiegel, MD, director of Health Services Research at Cedars-Sinai.

A version of this article appeared on

Medical innovations don’t happen overnight — but in today’s digital world, they happen pretty fast. Some are advancing faster than you think.

We’re not talking theory or hoped-for breakthroughs in the next decade. These technologies are already a reality for many doctors and expected to grow rapidly in the next 1-3 years.

Are you ready? Let’s find out.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Medical Scribes

You may already be using this or, at the very least, have heard about it.

Physician burnout is a growing problem, with many doctors spending 2 hours on paperwork for every hour with patients. But some doctors, such as Gregory Ator, MD, chief medical informatics officer at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas, have found a better way.

“I have been using it for 9 months now, and it truly is a life changer,” Dr. Ator said of Abridge, an AI helper that transcribes and summarizes his conversations with patients. “Now, I go into the room, place my phone just about anywhere, and I can just listen.” He estimated that the tech saves him between 3 and 10 minutes per patient. “At 20 patients a day, that saves me around 2 hours,” he said.

Bonus: Patients “get a doctor’s full attention instead of just looking at the top of his head while they play with the computer,” Dr. Ator said. “I have yet to have a patient who didn’t think that was a positive thing.”

Several companies are already selling these AI devices, including Ambience HealthcareAugmedixNuance, and Suki, and they offer more than just transcriptions, said John D. Halamka, MD, president of Mayo Clinic Platform, who oversees Mayo’s adoption of AI. They also generate notes for treatment and billing and update data in the electronic health record.

“It’s preparation of documentation based on ambient listening of doctor-patient conversations,” Dr. Halamka explained. “I’m very optimistic about the use of emerging AI technologies to enable every clinician to practice at the top of their license.”

Patricia Garcia, MD, associate clinical information officer for ambulatory care at Stanford Health Care, has spent much of the last year co-running the medical center’s pilot program for AI scribes, and she’s so impressed with the technology that she “expects it’ll become more widely available as an option for any clinician that wants to use it in the next 12-18 months.”

2. Three-Dimensional (3D) Printing

Although 3D-printed organs may not happen anytime soon, the future is here for some 3D-printed prosthetics and implants — everything from dentures to spinal implants to prosthetic fingers and noses.

“In the next few years, I see rapid growth in the use of 3D printing technology across orthopedic surgery,” said Rishin J. Kadakia, MD, an orthopedic surgeon in Atlanta. “It’s becoming more common not just at large academic institutions. More and more providers will turn to using 3D printing technology to help tackle challenging cases that previously did not have good solutions.”

Dr. Kadakia has experienced this firsthand with his patients at the Emory Orthopaedics & Spine Center. One female patient developed talar avascular necrosis due to a bone break she’d sustained in a serious car crash. An ankle and subtalar joint fusion would repair the damage but limit her mobility and change her gait. So instead, in August of 2021, Dr. Kadakia and fellow orthopedic surgeon Jason Bariteau, MD, created for her a 3D-printed cobalt chrome talus implant.

“It provided an opportunity for her to keep her ankle’s range of motion, and also mobilize faster than with a subtalar and ankle joint fusion,” said Dr. Kadakia.

The technology is also playing a role in customized medical devices — patient-specific tools for greater precision — and 3D-printed anatomical models, built to the exact specifications of individual patients. Mayo Clinic already has 3D modeling units in three states, and other hospitals are following suit. The models not only help doctors prepare for complicated surgeries but also can dramatically cut down on costs. A 2021 study from Durham University reported that 3D models helped reduce surgery time by between 1.5 and 2.5 hours in lengthy procedures.



3. Drones

For patients who can’t make it to a pharmacy to pick up their prescriptions, either because of distance or lack of transportation, drones — which can deliver medications onto a customer’s back yard or front porch — offer a compelling solution.

Several companies and hospitals are already experimenting with drones, like WellSpan Health in Pennsylvania, Amazon Pharmacy, and the Cleveland Clinic, which announced a partnership with drone delivery company Zipline and plans to begin prescription deliveries across Northeast Ohio by 2025.

Healthcare systems are just beginning to explore the potential of drone deliveries, for everything from lab samples to medical and surgical supplies — even defibrillators that could arrive at an ailing patient’s front door before an emergency medical technician arrives.

“For many providers, when you take a sample from a patient, that sample waits around for hours until a courier picks up all of the facility’s samples and drives them to an outside facility for processing,” said Hillary Brendzel, head of Zipline’s US Healthcare Practice.

According to a 2022 survey from American Nurse Journal, 71% of nurses said that medical courier delays and errors negatively affected their ability to provide patient care. But with drone delivery, “lab samples can be sent for processing immediately, on-demand, resulting in faster diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately better outcomes,” said Ms. Brendzel.

4. Portable Ultrasound

Within the next 2 years, portable ultrasound — pocket-sized devices that connect to a smartphone or tablet — will become the “21st-century stethoscope,” said Abhilash Hareendranathan, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

AI can make these devices easy to use, allowing clinicians with minimal imaging training to capture clear images and understand the results. Dr. Hareendranathan developed the Ultrasound Arm Injury Detection tool, a portable ultrasound that uses AI to detect fracture.

“We plan to introduce this technology in emergency departments, where it could be used by triage nurses to perform quick examinations to detect fractures of the wrist, elbow, or shoulder,” he said.

More pocket-sized scanners like these could “reshape the way diagnostic care is provided in rural and remote communities,” Dr. Hareendranathan said, and will “reduce wait times in crowded emergency departments.” Bill Gates believes enough in portable ultrasound that last September, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation granted $44 million to GE HealthCare to develop the technology for under-resourced communities.

5. Virtual Reality (VR)

When RelieVRx became the first US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved VR therapy for chronic back pain in 2021, the technology was used in just a handful of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities. But today, thousands of VR headsets have been deployed to more than 160 VA medical centers and clinics across the country.

“The VR experiences encompass pain neuroscience education, mindfulness, pleasant and relaxing distraction, and key skills to calm the nervous system,” said Beth Darnall, PhD, director of the Stanford Pain Relief Innovations Lab, who helped design the RelieVRx. She expects VR to go mainstream soon, not just because of increasing evidence that it works but also thanks to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which recently issued a Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System code for VR. “This billing infrastructure will encourage adoption and uptake,” she said.

Hundreds of hospitals across the United States have already adopted the technology, for everything from childbirth pain to wound debridement, said Josh Sackman, the president and cofounder of AppliedVR, the company that developed RelieVRx.

“Over the next few years, we may see hundreds more deploy unique applications [for VR] that can handle multiple clinical indications,” he said. “Given the modality’s ability to scale and reduce reliance on pharmacological interventions, it has the power to improve the cost and quality of care.”

Hospital systems like Geisinger and Cedars-Sinai are already finding unique ways to implement the technology, he said, like using VR to reduce “scanxiety” during imaging service.

Other VR innovations are already being introduced, from the Smileyscope, a VR device for children that’s been proven to lessen the pain of a blood draw or intravenous insertion (it was cleared by the FDA last November) to several VR platforms launched by Cedars-Sinai in recent months, for applications that range from gastrointestinal issues to mental health therapy. “There may already be a thousand hospitals using VR in some capacity,” said Brennan Spiegel, MD, director of Health Services Research at Cedars-Sinai.

A version of this article appeared on

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