Hospitalist Program, Division of General Medicine, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Given name(s)
Hiren M.
Family name

Improving Teamwork with SIDR

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Thu, 05/25/2017 - 21:31
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Improving teamwork: Impact of structured interdisciplinary rounds on a hospitalist unit

Communication among hospital care providers is critically important to provide safe and effective care.15 Yet, studies in operating rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), and general medical units have revealed widely discrepant views on the quality of collaboration and communication between physicians and nurses.68 Although physicians consistently gave high ratings to the quality of collaboration with nurses, nurses rated the quality of collaboration with physicians relatively poorly.

A significant barrier to communication among providers on patient care units is the fluidity and geographic dispersion of team members.8 Physicians, nurses, and other hospital care providers have difficulty finding a way to discuss the care of their patients in person. Research has shown that nurses and physicians on patient care units do not communicate consistently and frequently are not in agreement about their patients' plans of care9, 10

Interdisciplinary Rounds (IDR) have been used as a means to assemble patient care unit team members and improve collaboration on the plan of care.1114 Prior research has demonstrated improved ratings of collaboration on the part of physicians,13, 14 but the effect of IDR on nurses' ratings of collaboration and teamwork has not been adequately assessed. One IDR study did not assess nurses' perceptions,13 while others used instruments not previously described and/or validated in the literature.12, 14 Regarding more concrete outcomes, research indicates variable effects of IDR on length of stay (LOS) and cost. Although 2 studies documented a reduction in LOS and cost with the use of IDR,12, 13 another study showed no effect.15 Furthermore, prior studies evaluated the use of IDR on resident‐covered teaching services. The effect IDR has on collaboration, LOS, and cost in a nonteaching hospitalist service setting is not known.

This study had 3 aims. The first was to assess the impact of an intervention, Structured Inter‐Disciplinary Rounds (SIDR), on nurses' ratings of collaboration and teamwork. The second was to assess the feasibility and sustainability of the intervention. The third was to assess the impact of the intervention on hospital LOS and cost.


Setting and Study Design

The study was conducted at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH), an 897‐bed tertiary care teaching hospital in Chicago, IL, and was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Northwestern University. The study was a controlled trial of an intervention, SIDR, on collaboration and teamwork on patient care units. One of 2 similar hospitalist service units was randomly selected for the intervention, while the other served as a control unit. SIDR was implemented in August 2008 and data were collected over a 24 week study period.

Each hospitalist service unit consisted of 30 beds and was equipped with continuous cardiac telemetry monitoring. Units were also identical in structure and staffing of nonphysician personnel. The intervention unit included a heart failure‐hospitalist comanagement service. Patients followed at the Center for Heart Failure in the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute of Northwestern were preferentially admitted to this service. All other patients were admitted to units based on bed availability in a quasi‐randomized fashion. Hospitalists worked 7 consecutive days while on service and cared for patients primarily on the units involved in this study. Therefore, hospitalists cared for patients on both the intervention and control units during their weeks on service. Hospitalists cared for patients independently without the assistance of resident physicians or mid‐level providers (ie, physician assistants or nurse practitioners).


SIDR combined a structured format for communication with a forum for regular interdisciplinary meetings. A working group, consisting of nurses, hospitalists, and the unit pharmacist, social worker, and case manager, met weekly for 12 weeks prior to implementation. The working group determined the optimal timing, frequency, and location for SIDR. Additionally, the working group finalized the content of a structured communication tool (Supporting Information) to be used during SIDR. The structured communication tool was modeled after prior research demonstrating the benefit of daily goals of care forms16, 17 and ensured that important elements of the daily plan of care were discussed. Based on the working group's recommendation, SIDR took place each weekday at 11:00 AM in the unit conference room and lasted approximately 30 minutes. The nurse manager and a unit medical director co‐led rounds each day. SIDR was attended by all nurses and hospitalists caring for patients on the unit, as well as the pharmacist, social worker, and case manager assigned to the unit.

Provider Survey

Nurses working on the intervention and control units during the study period were administered a survey 16 weeks to 20 weeks after implementation of SIDR to assess ratings of collaboration and teamwork. The first portion of the survey was based on previously published surveys assessing teamwork attitudes among providers.6, 7 We asked nurses to rate the quality of communication and collaboration they had experienced with hospitalists using a 5‐point ordinal scale (1 = very low, 2 = low, 3 = adequate, 4 = high, 5 = very high). The second portion of the survey assessed teamwork and safety climate using the teamwork and safety domains of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) developed by Sexton et al.18 The SAQ is based on previous research in aviation and medicine and has been validated in clinical settings.19, 20 Because hospitalists worked with nurses on both units, and in light of our prior research demonstrating that hospitalists rate the quality of collaboration with nurses highly,8 we did not assess hospitalists' ratings of collaboration. A final portion of the survey assessed nurses' perceptions of whether SIDR improved efficiency of communication, collaboration among team members, and patient care using a 5‐point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly agree). Hospitalists also received this portion of the survey at the completion of each clinical rotation. All surveys were administered in a web‐based format using an internet link ( from Vroman Systems, Inc.) delivered through email. Respondents entered the survey website using a unique login, which allowed for identification of nonresponders. However, survey responses were de‐identified. We sent nonresponders up to 3 reminder emails. The low number of social workers, case managers, and pharmacists on each unit precluded our ability to meaningfully assess their perceptions of collaboration and ratings of teamwork and safety climate.

SIDR Characteristics and Attendance

The unit medical director recorded the duration of SIDR, the number of patients on the unit, and the number of patients discussed each day. Attendance for each discipline was also recorded each day during the study period.

Data Analysis

Provider demographic data were obtained from completed surveys and group comparisons were done using chi‐square and t tests. The percentage of nurses on each unit rating of the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalist physicians as high or very high was compared using chi‐square. Teamwork and safety climate scores were compared using the Mann Whitney U test.

Patient data were obtained from administrative databases for both the control and intervention unit during the study period as well as for the intervention unit in the 24 weeks preceding the study period. Demographic data were compared using chi‐square and t tests. Primary discharge diagnosis ICD‐9 codes were grouped into diagnosis clusters using the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project system of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.21 Diagnosis clusters were then analyzed using the chi‐square test. Because of case mix differences between patients on the intervention and control units, we analyzed LOS and cost using a concurrent control as well as an historic control. Unadjusted LOS and costs were compared using the Mann Whitney U test. We then conducted multivariable linear regression analyses to assess the impact of SIDR on LOS and cost. To satisfy normality requirements and distribution of residuals, we explored 2 methods of transforming skewed data on LOS and cost: logarithmic conversion and truncation at the mean LOS + 3 standard deviations (SDs). Since both techniques yielded similar results, we chose to present results by using truncation. Covariates for multivariable analyses included age, gender, race, payor, admission source, case‐mix, discharge disposition, presence of ICU stay during hospitalization, and Medicare Severity‐Diagnosis Related Group (MS‐DRG) weight. We used standard errors robust to the clustering of patients within each physician. All analyses were conducted using Stata version 10.0 (College Station, TX).


Characteristics of Providers, Patients, and SIDR

Forty‐nine of 58 (84%) nurses completed the survey. Eighty‐eight of 96 (92%) surveys were completed by hospitalists at the end of their week on service. Hospitalist surveys represented 33 different hospitalists because individuals may have worked on study units more than once during the study period. Nurses were a mean 35.0 10.4 years of age and had been working at the hospital for a mean 5.0 6.3 years. Hospitalists were a mean 32.8 2.8 years of age and had been working at the hospital for a mean 2.6 1.9 years.

Patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. Intervention unit patients were admitted from the Emergency Department slightly more often in the postSIDR period. Patient case mix differed between the control and intervention unit, but was similar when comparing the intervention unit preSIDR and postSIDR. Intervention unit MS‐DRG weight was lower in the postSIDR period.

Characteristics of Patients*
 Control Unit (n = 815)Intervention Unit Pre‐SIDR (n = 722)Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR (n = 684)P Value for Comparison of Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR vs. ControlP Value for Comparison of Intervention Unit Post‐ vs. Pre‐SIDR
  • Percentages may not equal 100% because of rounding.

  • Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; SIDR, Structured Inter‐Disciplinary Round.

Mean age, years (SD)63.8 (16.0)64.2 (16.3)64.1 (17.2)0.740.92
Women, n (%)403 (49)347 (48)336 (49)0.900.69
Ethnicity, n (%)   0.220.71
White438 (54)350 (48)334 (49)  
Black269 (33)266 (37)264 (39)  
Hispanic48 (6)40 (6)34 (5)  
Asian6 (1)8 (1)4 (1)  
Other54 (7)58 (8)48 (7)  
Payor, n (%)   0.070.67
Medicare456 (56)436 (60)399 (58)  
Private261 (32)176 (24)182 (27)  
Medicaid67 (8)75 (10)65 (10)  
Self pay31 (4)35 (5)38 (6)  
Admission source, n (%)   0.510.03
Emergency department695 (85)590 (82)593 (87)  
Direct admission92 (11)99 (14)65 (10)  
Transfer28 (3)33 (5)26 (4)  
Case mix, n (%)     
Congestive heart failure78 (10)164 (23)144 (21)<0.010.45
Cardiac dysrhythmia167 (20)69 (10)81 (12)<0.010.17
Chest pain100 (12)47 (7)59 (9)0.020.13
Coronary atherosclerosis52 (6)19 (3)19 (3)<0.010.87
Hypertension24 (3)38 (5)24 (4)0.540.11
Syncope27 (3)23 (3)26 (4)0.610.53
Fluid or electrolyte disorder11 (1)25 (3)23 (3)0.010.92
Pneumonia14 (2)13 (2)22 (3)0.060.09
Pulmonary heart disease16 (2)13 (2)14 (2)0.910.74
Intervertebral disc or other back problem32 (4)3 (0)6 (1)<0.010.28
Other diagnosis294 (36)308 (43)266 (39)0.260.15
Cardiovascular procedure during admission151 (19)95 (13)86 (13)<0.010.74
Intensive care unit stay during admission, n (%)39 (5)44 (6)27 (4)0.430.07
Discharge disposition, n (%)     
Home736 (90)646 (89)610 (89)0.880.82
Skilled nursing facility or rehabilitation66 (8)61 (8)63 (9)  
Other facility9 (1)11 (2)7 (1)  
Expired4 (0)4 (1)4 (1)  
Mean Medicare severity ‐diagnosis related group weight (SD)1.08 (0.73)1.14 (0.76)1.06 (0.72)0.610.04

SIDR occurred each weekday (with the exception of holidays) on the intervention unit and lasted a mean 27.7 4.6 minutes. The unit had a mean 27 patients per day and 86% of patients on the unit were discussed each day. Attendance exceeded 85% for each discipline (hospitalists, nurses, and the unit pharmacist, social worker, and case manager).

Ratings of Teamwork and Perceptions of SIDR

As shown in Figure 1, a larger percentage of nurses rated the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalists as high or very high on the intervention unit compared to the control unit (80% vs. 54%; P = 0.05).

Figure 1
Nurses' ratings of the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalists by unit. *P = 0.05.

Nurses' ratings of the teamwork and safety climate are summarized in Table 2. The median teamwork climate score was 85.7 (interquartile range [IQR], 75.092.9) for the intervention unit as compared to 61.6 (IQR, 48.283.9) for the control unit (P = 0.008). The median safety climate score was 75.0 (IQR, 70.581.3) for the intervention unit as compared to 61.1 (IQR, 30.281.3) for the control unit (P = 0.03).

Nurses' Ratings of Teamwork and Patient Safety Climate by Unit
 Control Unit, n = 24Intervention Unit, n = 25P Value
  • Abbreviation: IQR, interquartile range.

Median Teamwork Climate Score (IQR)75.0 (70.581.3)61.6 (48.283.9)0.008
Median Safety Climate Score (IQR)85.7 (75.092.9)61.1 (30.281.3)0.03

Sixty‐five of 88 (74%) hospitalists and 18 of 24 (75%) nurses agreed that SIDR improved the efficiency of their work day. Eighty of 88 (91%) hospitalists and 18 of 24 (75%) nurses agreed that SIDR improved team collaboration. Seventy‐six of 88 (86%) hospitalists and 18 of 24 (75%) nurses agreed that SIDR improved patient care. Sixty‐seven of 88 (76%) hospitalists and 22 of 25 (88%) nurses indicated that they wanted SIDR to continue indefinitely.

SIDR Impact on LOS and Cost

The unadjusted mean LOS was significantly higher for the intervention unit postSIDR as compared to the control unit (4.0 3.4 vs. 3.7 3.3 days; P = 0.03). However, the unadjusted mean LOS was not significantly different for the intervention unit postSIDR as compared to the intervention unit preSIDR (4.0 3.4 vs. 4.26 3.5 days; P = 0.10). The unadjusted cost was lower for the intervention unit postSIDR as compared to the control unit ($7,513.23 7,085.10 vs. $8,588.66 7,381.03; P < 0.001). The unadjusted mean cost was not significantly different for the invention unit postSIDR as compared to the intervention unit preSIDR ($7,513.23 7,085.10 vs. $7,937.00 7,512.23; P = 0.19).

Multivariable analyses of LOS and cost are summarized in Table 3. The adjusted LOS was not significantly different when comparing the intervention unit postSIDR to either the control unit or the intervention unit preSIDR. The adjusted cost for the intervention unit postSIDR was $739.55 less than the control unit (P = 0.02). The adjusted cost was not significantly different when comparing the intervention unit postSIDR to the intervention unit preSIDR.

Adjusted Analyses of Length of Stay and Cost
 Adjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR vs. ControlP Value for Adjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR vs. ControlAdjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐ vs. Pre‐SIDRP Value for Adjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐ vs. Pre‐SIDR
  • NOTE: Multivariable analyses included age, gender, ethnicity, payor type, admission source, case‐mix, intensive care unit stay, discharge disposition, and Medicare Severity‐Diagnosis Related Group (MS‐DRG) weight as covariates. Analyses were adjusted for clustering of physicians and truncated at the mean LOS + 3 SDs.

  • Abbreviations: LOS, length of stay; SD, standard deviation; SIDR, Structured Inter‐Disciplinary Round.

Length of stay0.050.750.040.83


We found that nurses working on a unit using SIDR rated the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalists significantly higher as compared to a control unit. Notably, because hospitalists worked on both the intervention and control unit during their weeks on service, nurses on each unit were rating the quality of collaboration with the same hospitalists. Nurses also rated the teamwork and safety climate higher on the intervention unit. These findings are important because prior research has shown that nurses are often dissatisfied with the quality of collaboration and teamwork with physicians.68 Potential explanations include fundamental differences between nurses and physicians with regard to status/authority, gender, training, and patient care responsibilities.6 Unfortunately, a culture of poor teamwork may lead to a workplace in which team members feel unable to approach certain individuals and uncomfortable raising concerns. Not surprisingly, higher ratings of teamwork culture have been associated with nurse retention.22, 23 SIDR provided a facilitated forum for interdisciplinary discussion, exchange of critical clinical information, and collaboration on the plan of care.

Our findings are also important because poor communication represents a major etiology of preventable adverse events in hospitals.15 Higher ratings of collaboration and teamwork have been associated with better patient outcomes in observational studies.2426 Further research should evaluate the impact of improved interdisciplinary collaboration as a result of SIDR on the safety of care delivered on inpatient medical units.

The majority of providers agreed that SIDR improved patient care and that SIDR should continue indefinitely. Importantly, providers also felt that SIDR improved the efficiency of their workday and attendance was high among all disciplines. Prior studies on IDR either did not report attendance or struggled with attendance.11 Incorporating the input of frontline providers into the design of SIDR allowed us to create a sustainable intervention which fit into daily workflow.

Our bivariate analyses found significant patient case‐mix differences between the intervention and control unit, limiting our ability to perform direct comparisons in LOS and cost. Pre‐post analyses of LOS and cost may be affected by cyclical or secular trends. Because each approach has its own limitations, we felt that analyses using both an historic as well as a concurrent control would provide a more complete assessment of the effect of the intervention. We included case mix, among other variables, in out multivariable regression analyses and found no benefit to SIDR with regard to LOS and cost. Two prior studies have shown a reduction in LOS and cost with the use of IDR.12, 13 However, one study was conducted approximately 15 years ago and included patients with a longer mean LOS.12 The second study used a pre‐post study design which may not have accounted for unmeasured confounders affecting LOS and cost.13 A third, smaller study showed no effect on LOS and cost with the use of IDR.15 No prior study has evaluated the effect of IDR on LOS and cost in a nonteaching hospitalist service setting.

Our study has several limitations. First, our study reflects the experience of an intervention unit compared to a control unit in a single hospital. Larger studies will be required to test the reproducibility and generalizability of our findings. Second, we did not conduct preintervention provider surveys for comparison ratings of collaboration and teamwork. A prior study, conducted by our research group, found that nurses gave low ratings to the teamwork climate and the quality of collaboration with hospitalists.8 Because this baseline study showed consistently low nurse ratings of collaboration and teamwork across all medical units, and because the units in the current study were identical in size, structure, and staffing of nonphysician personnel, we did not repeat nurse surveys prior to the intervention. Third, as previously mentioned, our study did not directly assess the effect of improved teamwork and collaboration on patient safety. Further study is needed to evaluate this. Although we are not aware of any other interventions to improve interdisciplinary communication on the intervention unit, it is possible that other unknown factors contributed to our findings. We believe this is unlikely due to the magnitude of the improvement in collaboration and the high ratings of SIDR by nurses and physicians on the intervention unit.

In summary, SIDR had a positive effect on nurses' ratings of collaboration and teamwork on a nonteaching hospitalist unit. Future research efforts should assess whether improved teamwork as a result of SIDR also translates into safer patient care.

  1. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Sentinel Event Statistics. Available at: Accessed March2010.
  2. Donchin Y,Gopher D,Olin M, et al.A look into the nature and causes of human errors in the intensive care unit.Crit Care Med.1995;23(2):294300.
  3. Leape LL,Brennan TA,Laird N, et al.The nature of adverse events in hospitalized patients. Results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study II.N Engl J Med.1991;324(6):377384.
  4. Sutcliffe KM,Lewton E,Rosenthal MM.Communication failures: an insidious contributor to medical mishaps.Acad Med.2004;79(2):186194.
  5. Wilson RM,Runciman WB,Gibberd RW,Harrison BT,Newby L,Hamilton JD.The quality in Australian Health Care Study.Med J Aust.1995;163(9):458471.
  6. Makary MA,Sexton JB,Freischlag JA, et al.Operating room teamwork among physicians and nurses: teamwork in the eye of the beholder.J Am Coll Surg.2006;202(5):746752.
  7. Thomas EJ,Sexton JB,Helmreich RL.Discrepant attitudes about teamwork among critical care nurses and physicians.Crit Care Med.2003;31(3):956959.
  8. O'Leary KJ,Ritter CD,Wheeler H,Szekendi MK,Brinton TS,Williams MV.Teamwork on inpatient medical units: assessing attitudes and barriers.Qual Saf Health Care2010;19(2):117121.
  9. Evanoff B,Potter P,Wolf L,Grayson D,Dunagan C,Boxerman S.Can we talk? Priorities for patient care differed among health care providers:AHRQ;2005.
  10. O'Leary KJ,Thompson JA,Landler MP, et al.Patterns of nurse—physicians communication and agreement on the plan of care.Qual Saf Health Care. In press.
  11. Cowan MJ,Shapiro M,Hays RD, et al.The effect of a multidisciplinary hospitalist/physician and advanced practice nurse collaboration on hospital costs.J Nurs Adm.2006;36(2):7985.
  12. Curley C,McEachern JE,Speroff T.A firm trial of interdisciplinary rounds on the inpatient medical wards: an intervention designed using continuous quality improvement.Med Care.1998;36(8 Suppl):AS4A12.
  13. O'Mahony S,Mazur E,Charney P,Wang Y,Fine J.Use of multidisciplinary rounds to simultaneously improve quality outcomes, enhance resident education, and shorten length of stay.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22(8):10731079.
  14. Vazirani S,Hays RD,Shapiro MF,Cowan M.Effect of a multidisciplinary intervention on communication and collaboration among physicians and nurses.Am J Crit Care.2005;14(1):7177.
  15. Wild D,Nawaz H,Chan W,Katz DL.Effects of interdisciplinary rounds on length of stay in a telemetry unit.J Public Health Manag Pract.2004;10(1):6369.
  16. Narasimhan M,Eisen LA,Mahoney CD,Acerra FL,Rosen MJ.Improving nurse‐physician communication and satisfaction in the intensive care unit with a daily goals worksheet.Am J Crit Care.2006;15(2):217222.
  17. Pronovost P,Berenholtz S,Dorman T,Lipsett PA,Simmonds T,Haraden C.Improving communication in the ICU using daily goals.J Crit Care.2003;18(2):7175.
  18. Sexton JB,Helmreich RL,Neilands TB, et al.The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire: psychometric properties, benchmarking data, and emerging research.BMC Health Serv Res.2006;6:44.
  19. Kho ME,Carbone JM,Lucas J,Cook DJ.Safety Climate Survey: reliability of results from a multicenter ICU survey.Qual Saf Health Care.2005;14(4):273278.
  20. Sexton JB,Makary MA,Tersigni AR, et al.Teamwork in the operating room: frontline perspectives among hospitals and operating room personnel.Anesthesiology.2006;105(5):877884.
  21. HCUP Clinical Classification Software [computer program]. Version: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Accessed March2010.
  22. Mohr DC,Burgess JF,Young GJ.The influence of teamwork culture on physician and nurse resignation rates in hospitals.Health Serv Manage Res.2008;21(1):2331.
  23. Rosenstein AH.Original research: nurse‐physician relationships: impact on nurse satisfaction and retention.Am J Nurs.2002;102(6):2634.
  24. Baggs JG,Schmitt MH,Mushlin AI, et al.Association between nurse‐physician collaboration and patient outcomes in three intensive care units.Crit Care Med.1999;27(9):19911998.
  25. Davenport DL,Henderson WG,Mosca CL,Khuri SF,Mentzer RM.Risk‐adjusted morbidity in teaching hospitals correlates with reported levels of communication and collaboration on surgical teams but not with scale measures of teamwork climate, safety climate, or working conditions.J Am Coll Surg.2007;205(6):778784.
  26. Wheelan SA,Burchill CN,Tilin F.The link between teamwork and patients' outcomes in intensive care units.Am J Crit Care.2003;12(6):527534.
Article PDF
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(2)
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Legacy Keywords
teamwork, patient safety, communication, hospitalist
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Communication among hospital care providers is critically important to provide safe and effective care.15 Yet, studies in operating rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), and general medical units have revealed widely discrepant views on the quality of collaboration and communication between physicians and nurses.68 Although physicians consistently gave high ratings to the quality of collaboration with nurses, nurses rated the quality of collaboration with physicians relatively poorly.

A significant barrier to communication among providers on patient care units is the fluidity and geographic dispersion of team members.8 Physicians, nurses, and other hospital care providers have difficulty finding a way to discuss the care of their patients in person. Research has shown that nurses and physicians on patient care units do not communicate consistently and frequently are not in agreement about their patients' plans of care9, 10

Interdisciplinary Rounds (IDR) have been used as a means to assemble patient care unit team members and improve collaboration on the plan of care.1114 Prior research has demonstrated improved ratings of collaboration on the part of physicians,13, 14 but the effect of IDR on nurses' ratings of collaboration and teamwork has not been adequately assessed. One IDR study did not assess nurses' perceptions,13 while others used instruments not previously described and/or validated in the literature.12, 14 Regarding more concrete outcomes, research indicates variable effects of IDR on length of stay (LOS) and cost. Although 2 studies documented a reduction in LOS and cost with the use of IDR,12, 13 another study showed no effect.15 Furthermore, prior studies evaluated the use of IDR on resident‐covered teaching services. The effect IDR has on collaboration, LOS, and cost in a nonteaching hospitalist service setting is not known.

This study had 3 aims. The first was to assess the impact of an intervention, Structured Inter‐Disciplinary Rounds (SIDR), on nurses' ratings of collaboration and teamwork. The second was to assess the feasibility and sustainability of the intervention. The third was to assess the impact of the intervention on hospital LOS and cost.


Setting and Study Design

The study was conducted at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH), an 897‐bed tertiary care teaching hospital in Chicago, IL, and was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Northwestern University. The study was a controlled trial of an intervention, SIDR, on collaboration and teamwork on patient care units. One of 2 similar hospitalist service units was randomly selected for the intervention, while the other served as a control unit. SIDR was implemented in August 2008 and data were collected over a 24 week study period.

Each hospitalist service unit consisted of 30 beds and was equipped with continuous cardiac telemetry monitoring. Units were also identical in structure and staffing of nonphysician personnel. The intervention unit included a heart failure‐hospitalist comanagement service. Patients followed at the Center for Heart Failure in the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute of Northwestern were preferentially admitted to this service. All other patients were admitted to units based on bed availability in a quasi‐randomized fashion. Hospitalists worked 7 consecutive days while on service and cared for patients primarily on the units involved in this study. Therefore, hospitalists cared for patients on both the intervention and control units during their weeks on service. Hospitalists cared for patients independently without the assistance of resident physicians or mid‐level providers (ie, physician assistants or nurse practitioners).


SIDR combined a structured format for communication with a forum for regular interdisciplinary meetings. A working group, consisting of nurses, hospitalists, and the unit pharmacist, social worker, and case manager, met weekly for 12 weeks prior to implementation. The working group determined the optimal timing, frequency, and location for SIDR. Additionally, the working group finalized the content of a structured communication tool (Supporting Information) to be used during SIDR. The structured communication tool was modeled after prior research demonstrating the benefit of daily goals of care forms16, 17 and ensured that important elements of the daily plan of care were discussed. Based on the working group's recommendation, SIDR took place each weekday at 11:00 AM in the unit conference room and lasted approximately 30 minutes. The nurse manager and a unit medical director co‐led rounds each day. SIDR was attended by all nurses and hospitalists caring for patients on the unit, as well as the pharmacist, social worker, and case manager assigned to the unit.

Provider Survey

Nurses working on the intervention and control units during the study period were administered a survey 16 weeks to 20 weeks after implementation of SIDR to assess ratings of collaboration and teamwork. The first portion of the survey was based on previously published surveys assessing teamwork attitudes among providers.6, 7 We asked nurses to rate the quality of communication and collaboration they had experienced with hospitalists using a 5‐point ordinal scale (1 = very low, 2 = low, 3 = adequate, 4 = high, 5 = very high). The second portion of the survey assessed teamwork and safety climate using the teamwork and safety domains of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) developed by Sexton et al.18 The SAQ is based on previous research in aviation and medicine and has been validated in clinical settings.19, 20 Because hospitalists worked with nurses on both units, and in light of our prior research demonstrating that hospitalists rate the quality of collaboration with nurses highly,8 we did not assess hospitalists' ratings of collaboration. A final portion of the survey assessed nurses' perceptions of whether SIDR improved efficiency of communication, collaboration among team members, and patient care using a 5‐point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly agree). Hospitalists also received this portion of the survey at the completion of each clinical rotation. All surveys were administered in a web‐based format using an internet link ( from Vroman Systems, Inc.) delivered through email. Respondents entered the survey website using a unique login, which allowed for identification of nonresponders. However, survey responses were de‐identified. We sent nonresponders up to 3 reminder emails. The low number of social workers, case managers, and pharmacists on each unit precluded our ability to meaningfully assess their perceptions of collaboration and ratings of teamwork and safety climate.

SIDR Characteristics and Attendance

The unit medical director recorded the duration of SIDR, the number of patients on the unit, and the number of patients discussed each day. Attendance for each discipline was also recorded each day during the study period.

Data Analysis

Provider demographic data were obtained from completed surveys and group comparisons were done using chi‐square and t tests. The percentage of nurses on each unit rating of the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalist physicians as high or very high was compared using chi‐square. Teamwork and safety climate scores were compared using the Mann Whitney U test.

Patient data were obtained from administrative databases for both the control and intervention unit during the study period as well as for the intervention unit in the 24 weeks preceding the study period. Demographic data were compared using chi‐square and t tests. Primary discharge diagnosis ICD‐9 codes were grouped into diagnosis clusters using the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project system of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.21 Diagnosis clusters were then analyzed using the chi‐square test. Because of case mix differences between patients on the intervention and control units, we analyzed LOS and cost using a concurrent control as well as an historic control. Unadjusted LOS and costs were compared using the Mann Whitney U test. We then conducted multivariable linear regression analyses to assess the impact of SIDR on LOS and cost. To satisfy normality requirements and distribution of residuals, we explored 2 methods of transforming skewed data on LOS and cost: logarithmic conversion and truncation at the mean LOS + 3 standard deviations (SDs). Since both techniques yielded similar results, we chose to present results by using truncation. Covariates for multivariable analyses included age, gender, race, payor, admission source, case‐mix, discharge disposition, presence of ICU stay during hospitalization, and Medicare Severity‐Diagnosis Related Group (MS‐DRG) weight. We used standard errors robust to the clustering of patients within each physician. All analyses were conducted using Stata version 10.0 (College Station, TX).


Characteristics of Providers, Patients, and SIDR

Forty‐nine of 58 (84%) nurses completed the survey. Eighty‐eight of 96 (92%) surveys were completed by hospitalists at the end of their week on service. Hospitalist surveys represented 33 different hospitalists because individuals may have worked on study units more than once during the study period. Nurses were a mean 35.0 10.4 years of age and had been working at the hospital for a mean 5.0 6.3 years. Hospitalists were a mean 32.8 2.8 years of age and had been working at the hospital for a mean 2.6 1.9 years.

Patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. Intervention unit patients were admitted from the Emergency Department slightly more often in the postSIDR period. Patient case mix differed between the control and intervention unit, but was similar when comparing the intervention unit preSIDR and postSIDR. Intervention unit MS‐DRG weight was lower in the postSIDR period.

Characteristics of Patients*
 Control Unit (n = 815)Intervention Unit Pre‐SIDR (n = 722)Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR (n = 684)P Value for Comparison of Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR vs. ControlP Value for Comparison of Intervention Unit Post‐ vs. Pre‐SIDR
  • Percentages may not equal 100% because of rounding.

  • Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; SIDR, Structured Inter‐Disciplinary Round.

Mean age, years (SD)63.8 (16.0)64.2 (16.3)64.1 (17.2)0.740.92
Women, n (%)403 (49)347 (48)336 (49)0.900.69
Ethnicity, n (%)   0.220.71
White438 (54)350 (48)334 (49)  
Black269 (33)266 (37)264 (39)  
Hispanic48 (6)40 (6)34 (5)  
Asian6 (1)8 (1)4 (1)  
Other54 (7)58 (8)48 (7)  
Payor, n (%)   0.070.67
Medicare456 (56)436 (60)399 (58)  
Private261 (32)176 (24)182 (27)  
Medicaid67 (8)75 (10)65 (10)  
Self pay31 (4)35 (5)38 (6)  
Admission source, n (%)   0.510.03
Emergency department695 (85)590 (82)593 (87)  
Direct admission92 (11)99 (14)65 (10)  
Transfer28 (3)33 (5)26 (4)  
Case mix, n (%)     
Congestive heart failure78 (10)164 (23)144 (21)<0.010.45
Cardiac dysrhythmia167 (20)69 (10)81 (12)<0.010.17
Chest pain100 (12)47 (7)59 (9)0.020.13
Coronary atherosclerosis52 (6)19 (3)19 (3)<0.010.87
Hypertension24 (3)38 (5)24 (4)0.540.11
Syncope27 (3)23 (3)26 (4)0.610.53
Fluid or electrolyte disorder11 (1)25 (3)23 (3)0.010.92
Pneumonia14 (2)13 (2)22 (3)0.060.09
Pulmonary heart disease16 (2)13 (2)14 (2)0.910.74
Intervertebral disc or other back problem32 (4)3 (0)6 (1)<0.010.28
Other diagnosis294 (36)308 (43)266 (39)0.260.15
Cardiovascular procedure during admission151 (19)95 (13)86 (13)<0.010.74
Intensive care unit stay during admission, n (%)39 (5)44 (6)27 (4)0.430.07
Discharge disposition, n (%)     
Home736 (90)646 (89)610 (89)0.880.82
Skilled nursing facility or rehabilitation66 (8)61 (8)63 (9)  
Other facility9 (1)11 (2)7 (1)  
Expired4 (0)4 (1)4 (1)  
Mean Medicare severity ‐diagnosis related group weight (SD)1.08 (0.73)1.14 (0.76)1.06 (0.72)0.610.04

SIDR occurred each weekday (with the exception of holidays) on the intervention unit and lasted a mean 27.7 4.6 minutes. The unit had a mean 27 patients per day and 86% of patients on the unit were discussed each day. Attendance exceeded 85% for each discipline (hospitalists, nurses, and the unit pharmacist, social worker, and case manager).

Ratings of Teamwork and Perceptions of SIDR

As shown in Figure 1, a larger percentage of nurses rated the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalists as high or very high on the intervention unit compared to the control unit (80% vs. 54%; P = 0.05).

Figure 1
Nurses' ratings of the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalists by unit. *P = 0.05.

Nurses' ratings of the teamwork and safety climate are summarized in Table 2. The median teamwork climate score was 85.7 (interquartile range [IQR], 75.092.9) for the intervention unit as compared to 61.6 (IQR, 48.283.9) for the control unit (P = 0.008). The median safety climate score was 75.0 (IQR, 70.581.3) for the intervention unit as compared to 61.1 (IQR, 30.281.3) for the control unit (P = 0.03).

Nurses' Ratings of Teamwork and Patient Safety Climate by Unit
 Control Unit, n = 24Intervention Unit, n = 25P Value
  • Abbreviation: IQR, interquartile range.

Median Teamwork Climate Score (IQR)75.0 (70.581.3)61.6 (48.283.9)0.008
Median Safety Climate Score (IQR)85.7 (75.092.9)61.1 (30.281.3)0.03

Sixty‐five of 88 (74%) hospitalists and 18 of 24 (75%) nurses agreed that SIDR improved the efficiency of their work day. Eighty of 88 (91%) hospitalists and 18 of 24 (75%) nurses agreed that SIDR improved team collaboration. Seventy‐six of 88 (86%) hospitalists and 18 of 24 (75%) nurses agreed that SIDR improved patient care. Sixty‐seven of 88 (76%) hospitalists and 22 of 25 (88%) nurses indicated that they wanted SIDR to continue indefinitely.

SIDR Impact on LOS and Cost

The unadjusted mean LOS was significantly higher for the intervention unit postSIDR as compared to the control unit (4.0 3.4 vs. 3.7 3.3 days; P = 0.03). However, the unadjusted mean LOS was not significantly different for the intervention unit postSIDR as compared to the intervention unit preSIDR (4.0 3.4 vs. 4.26 3.5 days; P = 0.10). The unadjusted cost was lower for the intervention unit postSIDR as compared to the control unit ($7,513.23 7,085.10 vs. $8,588.66 7,381.03; P < 0.001). The unadjusted mean cost was not significantly different for the invention unit postSIDR as compared to the intervention unit preSIDR ($7,513.23 7,085.10 vs. $7,937.00 7,512.23; P = 0.19).

Multivariable analyses of LOS and cost are summarized in Table 3. The adjusted LOS was not significantly different when comparing the intervention unit postSIDR to either the control unit or the intervention unit preSIDR. The adjusted cost for the intervention unit postSIDR was $739.55 less than the control unit (P = 0.02). The adjusted cost was not significantly different when comparing the intervention unit postSIDR to the intervention unit preSIDR.

Adjusted Analyses of Length of Stay and Cost
 Adjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR vs. ControlP Value for Adjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR vs. ControlAdjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐ vs. Pre‐SIDRP Value for Adjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐ vs. Pre‐SIDR
  • NOTE: Multivariable analyses included age, gender, ethnicity, payor type, admission source, case‐mix, intensive care unit stay, discharge disposition, and Medicare Severity‐Diagnosis Related Group (MS‐DRG) weight as covariates. Analyses were adjusted for clustering of physicians and truncated at the mean LOS + 3 SDs.

  • Abbreviations: LOS, length of stay; SD, standard deviation; SIDR, Structured Inter‐Disciplinary Round.

Length of stay0.050.750.040.83


We found that nurses working on a unit using SIDR rated the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalists significantly higher as compared to a control unit. Notably, because hospitalists worked on both the intervention and control unit during their weeks on service, nurses on each unit were rating the quality of collaboration with the same hospitalists. Nurses also rated the teamwork and safety climate higher on the intervention unit. These findings are important because prior research has shown that nurses are often dissatisfied with the quality of collaboration and teamwork with physicians.68 Potential explanations include fundamental differences between nurses and physicians with regard to status/authority, gender, training, and patient care responsibilities.6 Unfortunately, a culture of poor teamwork may lead to a workplace in which team members feel unable to approach certain individuals and uncomfortable raising concerns. Not surprisingly, higher ratings of teamwork culture have been associated with nurse retention.22, 23 SIDR provided a facilitated forum for interdisciplinary discussion, exchange of critical clinical information, and collaboration on the plan of care.

Our findings are also important because poor communication represents a major etiology of preventable adverse events in hospitals.15 Higher ratings of collaboration and teamwork have been associated with better patient outcomes in observational studies.2426 Further research should evaluate the impact of improved interdisciplinary collaboration as a result of SIDR on the safety of care delivered on inpatient medical units.

The majority of providers agreed that SIDR improved patient care and that SIDR should continue indefinitely. Importantly, providers also felt that SIDR improved the efficiency of their workday and attendance was high among all disciplines. Prior studies on IDR either did not report attendance or struggled with attendance.11 Incorporating the input of frontline providers into the design of SIDR allowed us to create a sustainable intervention which fit into daily workflow.

Our bivariate analyses found significant patient case‐mix differences between the intervention and control unit, limiting our ability to perform direct comparisons in LOS and cost. Pre‐post analyses of LOS and cost may be affected by cyclical or secular trends. Because each approach has its own limitations, we felt that analyses using both an historic as well as a concurrent control would provide a more complete assessment of the effect of the intervention. We included case mix, among other variables, in out multivariable regression analyses and found no benefit to SIDR with regard to LOS and cost. Two prior studies have shown a reduction in LOS and cost with the use of IDR.12, 13 However, one study was conducted approximately 15 years ago and included patients with a longer mean LOS.12 The second study used a pre‐post study design which may not have accounted for unmeasured confounders affecting LOS and cost.13 A third, smaller study showed no effect on LOS and cost with the use of IDR.15 No prior study has evaluated the effect of IDR on LOS and cost in a nonteaching hospitalist service setting.

Our study has several limitations. First, our study reflects the experience of an intervention unit compared to a control unit in a single hospital. Larger studies will be required to test the reproducibility and generalizability of our findings. Second, we did not conduct preintervention provider surveys for comparison ratings of collaboration and teamwork. A prior study, conducted by our research group, found that nurses gave low ratings to the teamwork climate and the quality of collaboration with hospitalists.8 Because this baseline study showed consistently low nurse ratings of collaboration and teamwork across all medical units, and because the units in the current study were identical in size, structure, and staffing of nonphysician personnel, we did not repeat nurse surveys prior to the intervention. Third, as previously mentioned, our study did not directly assess the effect of improved teamwork and collaboration on patient safety. Further study is needed to evaluate this. Although we are not aware of any other interventions to improve interdisciplinary communication on the intervention unit, it is possible that other unknown factors contributed to our findings. We believe this is unlikely due to the magnitude of the improvement in collaboration and the high ratings of SIDR by nurses and physicians on the intervention unit.

In summary, SIDR had a positive effect on nurses' ratings of collaboration and teamwork on a nonteaching hospitalist unit. Future research efforts should assess whether improved teamwork as a result of SIDR also translates into safer patient care.

Communication among hospital care providers is critically important to provide safe and effective care.15 Yet, studies in operating rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), and general medical units have revealed widely discrepant views on the quality of collaboration and communication between physicians and nurses.68 Although physicians consistently gave high ratings to the quality of collaboration with nurses, nurses rated the quality of collaboration with physicians relatively poorly.

A significant barrier to communication among providers on patient care units is the fluidity and geographic dispersion of team members.8 Physicians, nurses, and other hospital care providers have difficulty finding a way to discuss the care of their patients in person. Research has shown that nurses and physicians on patient care units do not communicate consistently and frequently are not in agreement about their patients' plans of care9, 10

Interdisciplinary Rounds (IDR) have been used as a means to assemble patient care unit team members and improve collaboration on the plan of care.1114 Prior research has demonstrated improved ratings of collaboration on the part of physicians,13, 14 but the effect of IDR on nurses' ratings of collaboration and teamwork has not been adequately assessed. One IDR study did not assess nurses' perceptions,13 while others used instruments not previously described and/or validated in the literature.12, 14 Regarding more concrete outcomes, research indicates variable effects of IDR on length of stay (LOS) and cost. Although 2 studies documented a reduction in LOS and cost with the use of IDR,12, 13 another study showed no effect.15 Furthermore, prior studies evaluated the use of IDR on resident‐covered teaching services. The effect IDR has on collaboration, LOS, and cost in a nonteaching hospitalist service setting is not known.

This study had 3 aims. The first was to assess the impact of an intervention, Structured Inter‐Disciplinary Rounds (SIDR), on nurses' ratings of collaboration and teamwork. The second was to assess the feasibility and sustainability of the intervention. The third was to assess the impact of the intervention on hospital LOS and cost.


Setting and Study Design

The study was conducted at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH), an 897‐bed tertiary care teaching hospital in Chicago, IL, and was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Northwestern University. The study was a controlled trial of an intervention, SIDR, on collaboration and teamwork on patient care units. One of 2 similar hospitalist service units was randomly selected for the intervention, while the other served as a control unit. SIDR was implemented in August 2008 and data were collected over a 24 week study period.

Each hospitalist service unit consisted of 30 beds and was equipped with continuous cardiac telemetry monitoring. Units were also identical in structure and staffing of nonphysician personnel. The intervention unit included a heart failure‐hospitalist comanagement service. Patients followed at the Center for Heart Failure in the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute of Northwestern were preferentially admitted to this service. All other patients were admitted to units based on bed availability in a quasi‐randomized fashion. Hospitalists worked 7 consecutive days while on service and cared for patients primarily on the units involved in this study. Therefore, hospitalists cared for patients on both the intervention and control units during their weeks on service. Hospitalists cared for patients independently without the assistance of resident physicians or mid‐level providers (ie, physician assistants or nurse practitioners).


SIDR combined a structured format for communication with a forum for regular interdisciplinary meetings. A working group, consisting of nurses, hospitalists, and the unit pharmacist, social worker, and case manager, met weekly for 12 weeks prior to implementation. The working group determined the optimal timing, frequency, and location for SIDR. Additionally, the working group finalized the content of a structured communication tool (Supporting Information) to be used during SIDR. The structured communication tool was modeled after prior research demonstrating the benefit of daily goals of care forms16, 17 and ensured that important elements of the daily plan of care were discussed. Based on the working group's recommendation, SIDR took place each weekday at 11:00 AM in the unit conference room and lasted approximately 30 minutes. The nurse manager and a unit medical director co‐led rounds each day. SIDR was attended by all nurses and hospitalists caring for patients on the unit, as well as the pharmacist, social worker, and case manager assigned to the unit.

Provider Survey

Nurses working on the intervention and control units during the study period were administered a survey 16 weeks to 20 weeks after implementation of SIDR to assess ratings of collaboration and teamwork. The first portion of the survey was based on previously published surveys assessing teamwork attitudes among providers.6, 7 We asked nurses to rate the quality of communication and collaboration they had experienced with hospitalists using a 5‐point ordinal scale (1 = very low, 2 = low, 3 = adequate, 4 = high, 5 = very high). The second portion of the survey assessed teamwork and safety climate using the teamwork and safety domains of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) developed by Sexton et al.18 The SAQ is based on previous research in aviation and medicine and has been validated in clinical settings.19, 20 Because hospitalists worked with nurses on both units, and in light of our prior research demonstrating that hospitalists rate the quality of collaboration with nurses highly,8 we did not assess hospitalists' ratings of collaboration. A final portion of the survey assessed nurses' perceptions of whether SIDR improved efficiency of communication, collaboration among team members, and patient care using a 5‐point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = neutral; 4 = agree; 5 = strongly agree). Hospitalists also received this portion of the survey at the completion of each clinical rotation. All surveys were administered in a web‐based format using an internet link ( from Vroman Systems, Inc.) delivered through email. Respondents entered the survey website using a unique login, which allowed for identification of nonresponders. However, survey responses were de‐identified. We sent nonresponders up to 3 reminder emails. The low number of social workers, case managers, and pharmacists on each unit precluded our ability to meaningfully assess their perceptions of collaboration and ratings of teamwork and safety climate.

SIDR Characteristics and Attendance

The unit medical director recorded the duration of SIDR, the number of patients on the unit, and the number of patients discussed each day. Attendance for each discipline was also recorded each day during the study period.

Data Analysis

Provider demographic data were obtained from completed surveys and group comparisons were done using chi‐square and t tests. The percentage of nurses on each unit rating of the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalist physicians as high or very high was compared using chi‐square. Teamwork and safety climate scores were compared using the Mann Whitney U test.

Patient data were obtained from administrative databases for both the control and intervention unit during the study period as well as for the intervention unit in the 24 weeks preceding the study period. Demographic data were compared using chi‐square and t tests. Primary discharge diagnosis ICD‐9 codes were grouped into diagnosis clusters using the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project system of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.21 Diagnosis clusters were then analyzed using the chi‐square test. Because of case mix differences between patients on the intervention and control units, we analyzed LOS and cost using a concurrent control as well as an historic control. Unadjusted LOS and costs were compared using the Mann Whitney U test. We then conducted multivariable linear regression analyses to assess the impact of SIDR on LOS and cost. To satisfy normality requirements and distribution of residuals, we explored 2 methods of transforming skewed data on LOS and cost: logarithmic conversion and truncation at the mean LOS + 3 standard deviations (SDs). Since both techniques yielded similar results, we chose to present results by using truncation. Covariates for multivariable analyses included age, gender, race, payor, admission source, case‐mix, discharge disposition, presence of ICU stay during hospitalization, and Medicare Severity‐Diagnosis Related Group (MS‐DRG) weight. We used standard errors robust to the clustering of patients within each physician. All analyses were conducted using Stata version 10.0 (College Station, TX).


Characteristics of Providers, Patients, and SIDR

Forty‐nine of 58 (84%) nurses completed the survey. Eighty‐eight of 96 (92%) surveys were completed by hospitalists at the end of their week on service. Hospitalist surveys represented 33 different hospitalists because individuals may have worked on study units more than once during the study period. Nurses were a mean 35.0 10.4 years of age and had been working at the hospital for a mean 5.0 6.3 years. Hospitalists were a mean 32.8 2.8 years of age and had been working at the hospital for a mean 2.6 1.9 years.

Patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. Intervention unit patients were admitted from the Emergency Department slightly more often in the postSIDR period. Patient case mix differed between the control and intervention unit, but was similar when comparing the intervention unit preSIDR and postSIDR. Intervention unit MS‐DRG weight was lower in the postSIDR period.

Characteristics of Patients*
 Control Unit (n = 815)Intervention Unit Pre‐SIDR (n = 722)Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR (n = 684)P Value for Comparison of Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR vs. ControlP Value for Comparison of Intervention Unit Post‐ vs. Pre‐SIDR
  • Percentages may not equal 100% because of rounding.

  • Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; SIDR, Structured Inter‐Disciplinary Round.

Mean age, years (SD)63.8 (16.0)64.2 (16.3)64.1 (17.2)0.740.92
Women, n (%)403 (49)347 (48)336 (49)0.900.69
Ethnicity, n (%)   0.220.71
White438 (54)350 (48)334 (49)  
Black269 (33)266 (37)264 (39)  
Hispanic48 (6)40 (6)34 (5)  
Asian6 (1)8 (1)4 (1)  
Other54 (7)58 (8)48 (7)  
Payor, n (%)   0.070.67
Medicare456 (56)436 (60)399 (58)  
Private261 (32)176 (24)182 (27)  
Medicaid67 (8)75 (10)65 (10)  
Self pay31 (4)35 (5)38 (6)  
Admission source, n (%)   0.510.03
Emergency department695 (85)590 (82)593 (87)  
Direct admission92 (11)99 (14)65 (10)  
Transfer28 (3)33 (5)26 (4)  
Case mix, n (%)     
Congestive heart failure78 (10)164 (23)144 (21)<0.010.45
Cardiac dysrhythmia167 (20)69 (10)81 (12)<0.010.17
Chest pain100 (12)47 (7)59 (9)0.020.13
Coronary atherosclerosis52 (6)19 (3)19 (3)<0.010.87
Hypertension24 (3)38 (5)24 (4)0.540.11
Syncope27 (3)23 (3)26 (4)0.610.53
Fluid or electrolyte disorder11 (1)25 (3)23 (3)0.010.92
Pneumonia14 (2)13 (2)22 (3)0.060.09
Pulmonary heart disease16 (2)13 (2)14 (2)0.910.74
Intervertebral disc or other back problem32 (4)3 (0)6 (1)<0.010.28
Other diagnosis294 (36)308 (43)266 (39)0.260.15
Cardiovascular procedure during admission151 (19)95 (13)86 (13)<0.010.74
Intensive care unit stay during admission, n (%)39 (5)44 (6)27 (4)0.430.07
Discharge disposition, n (%)     
Home736 (90)646 (89)610 (89)0.880.82
Skilled nursing facility or rehabilitation66 (8)61 (8)63 (9)  
Other facility9 (1)11 (2)7 (1)  
Expired4 (0)4 (1)4 (1)  
Mean Medicare severity ‐diagnosis related group weight (SD)1.08 (0.73)1.14 (0.76)1.06 (0.72)0.610.04

SIDR occurred each weekday (with the exception of holidays) on the intervention unit and lasted a mean 27.7 4.6 minutes. The unit had a mean 27 patients per day and 86% of patients on the unit were discussed each day. Attendance exceeded 85% for each discipline (hospitalists, nurses, and the unit pharmacist, social worker, and case manager).

Ratings of Teamwork and Perceptions of SIDR

As shown in Figure 1, a larger percentage of nurses rated the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalists as high or very high on the intervention unit compared to the control unit (80% vs. 54%; P = 0.05).

Figure 1
Nurses' ratings of the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalists by unit. *P = 0.05.

Nurses' ratings of the teamwork and safety climate are summarized in Table 2. The median teamwork climate score was 85.7 (interquartile range [IQR], 75.092.9) for the intervention unit as compared to 61.6 (IQR, 48.283.9) for the control unit (P = 0.008). The median safety climate score was 75.0 (IQR, 70.581.3) for the intervention unit as compared to 61.1 (IQR, 30.281.3) for the control unit (P = 0.03).

Nurses' Ratings of Teamwork and Patient Safety Climate by Unit
 Control Unit, n = 24Intervention Unit, n = 25P Value
  • Abbreviation: IQR, interquartile range.

Median Teamwork Climate Score (IQR)75.0 (70.581.3)61.6 (48.283.9)0.008
Median Safety Climate Score (IQR)85.7 (75.092.9)61.1 (30.281.3)0.03

Sixty‐five of 88 (74%) hospitalists and 18 of 24 (75%) nurses agreed that SIDR improved the efficiency of their work day. Eighty of 88 (91%) hospitalists and 18 of 24 (75%) nurses agreed that SIDR improved team collaboration. Seventy‐six of 88 (86%) hospitalists and 18 of 24 (75%) nurses agreed that SIDR improved patient care. Sixty‐seven of 88 (76%) hospitalists and 22 of 25 (88%) nurses indicated that they wanted SIDR to continue indefinitely.

SIDR Impact on LOS and Cost

The unadjusted mean LOS was significantly higher for the intervention unit postSIDR as compared to the control unit (4.0 3.4 vs. 3.7 3.3 days; P = 0.03). However, the unadjusted mean LOS was not significantly different for the intervention unit postSIDR as compared to the intervention unit preSIDR (4.0 3.4 vs. 4.26 3.5 days; P = 0.10). The unadjusted cost was lower for the intervention unit postSIDR as compared to the control unit ($7,513.23 7,085.10 vs. $8,588.66 7,381.03; P < 0.001). The unadjusted mean cost was not significantly different for the invention unit postSIDR as compared to the intervention unit preSIDR ($7,513.23 7,085.10 vs. $7,937.00 7,512.23; P = 0.19).

Multivariable analyses of LOS and cost are summarized in Table 3. The adjusted LOS was not significantly different when comparing the intervention unit postSIDR to either the control unit or the intervention unit preSIDR. The adjusted cost for the intervention unit postSIDR was $739.55 less than the control unit (P = 0.02). The adjusted cost was not significantly different when comparing the intervention unit postSIDR to the intervention unit preSIDR.

Adjusted Analyses of Length of Stay and Cost
 Adjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR vs. ControlP Value for Adjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐SIDR vs. ControlAdjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐ vs. Pre‐SIDRP Value for Adjusted Difference for Intervention Unit Post‐ vs. Pre‐SIDR
  • NOTE: Multivariable analyses included age, gender, ethnicity, payor type, admission source, case‐mix, intensive care unit stay, discharge disposition, and Medicare Severity‐Diagnosis Related Group (MS‐DRG) weight as covariates. Analyses were adjusted for clustering of physicians and truncated at the mean LOS + 3 SDs.

  • Abbreviations: LOS, length of stay; SD, standard deviation; SIDR, Structured Inter‐Disciplinary Round.

Length of stay0.050.750.040.83


We found that nurses working on a unit using SIDR rated the quality of communication and collaboration with hospitalists significantly higher as compared to a control unit. Notably, because hospitalists worked on both the intervention and control unit during their weeks on service, nurses on each unit were rating the quality of collaboration with the same hospitalists. Nurses also rated the teamwork and safety climate higher on the intervention unit. These findings are important because prior research has shown that nurses are often dissatisfied with the quality of collaboration and teamwork with physicians.68 Potential explanations include fundamental differences between nurses and physicians with regard to status/authority, gender, training, and patient care responsibilities.6 Unfortunately, a culture of poor teamwork may lead to a workplace in which team members feel unable to approach certain individuals and uncomfortable raising concerns. Not surprisingly, higher ratings of teamwork culture have been associated with nurse retention.22, 23 SIDR provided a facilitated forum for interdisciplinary discussion, exchange of critical clinical information, and collaboration on the plan of care.

Our findings are also important because poor communication represents a major etiology of preventable adverse events in hospitals.15 Higher ratings of collaboration and teamwork have been associated with better patient outcomes in observational studies.2426 Further research should evaluate the impact of improved interdisciplinary collaboration as a result of SIDR on the safety of care delivered on inpatient medical units.

The majority of providers agreed that SIDR improved patient care and that SIDR should continue indefinitely. Importantly, providers also felt that SIDR improved the efficiency of their workday and attendance was high among all disciplines. Prior studies on IDR either did not report attendance or struggled with attendance.11 Incorporating the input of frontline providers into the design of SIDR allowed us to create a sustainable intervention which fit into daily workflow.

Our bivariate analyses found significant patient case‐mix differences between the intervention and control unit, limiting our ability to perform direct comparisons in LOS and cost. Pre‐post analyses of LOS and cost may be affected by cyclical or secular trends. Because each approach has its own limitations, we felt that analyses using both an historic as well as a concurrent control would provide a more complete assessment of the effect of the intervention. We included case mix, among other variables, in out multivariable regression analyses and found no benefit to SIDR with regard to LOS and cost. Two prior studies have shown a reduction in LOS and cost with the use of IDR.12, 13 However, one study was conducted approximately 15 years ago and included patients with a longer mean LOS.12 The second study used a pre‐post study design which may not have accounted for unmeasured confounders affecting LOS and cost.13 A third, smaller study showed no effect on LOS and cost with the use of IDR.15 No prior study has evaluated the effect of IDR on LOS and cost in a nonteaching hospitalist service setting.

Our study has several limitations. First, our study reflects the experience of an intervention unit compared to a control unit in a single hospital. Larger studies will be required to test the reproducibility and generalizability of our findings. Second, we did not conduct preintervention provider surveys for comparison ratings of collaboration and teamwork. A prior study, conducted by our research group, found that nurses gave low ratings to the teamwork climate and the quality of collaboration with hospitalists.8 Because this baseline study showed consistently low nurse ratings of collaboration and teamwork across all medical units, and because the units in the current study were identical in size, structure, and staffing of nonphysician personnel, we did not repeat nurse surveys prior to the intervention. Third, as previously mentioned, our study did not directly assess the effect of improved teamwork and collaboration on patient safety. Further study is needed to evaluate this. Although we are not aware of any other interventions to improve interdisciplinary communication on the intervention unit, it is possible that other unknown factors contributed to our findings. We believe this is unlikely due to the magnitude of the improvement in collaboration and the high ratings of SIDR by nurses and physicians on the intervention unit.

In summary, SIDR had a positive effect on nurses' ratings of collaboration and teamwork on a nonteaching hospitalist unit. Future research efforts should assess whether improved teamwork as a result of SIDR also translates into safer patient care.

  1. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Sentinel Event Statistics. Available at: Accessed March2010.
  2. Donchin Y,Gopher D,Olin M, et al.A look into the nature and causes of human errors in the intensive care unit.Crit Care Med.1995;23(2):294300.
  3. Leape LL,Brennan TA,Laird N, et al.The nature of adverse events in hospitalized patients. Results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study II.N Engl J Med.1991;324(6):377384.
  4. Sutcliffe KM,Lewton E,Rosenthal MM.Communication failures: an insidious contributor to medical mishaps.Acad Med.2004;79(2):186194.
  5. Wilson RM,Runciman WB,Gibberd RW,Harrison BT,Newby L,Hamilton JD.The quality in Australian Health Care Study.Med J Aust.1995;163(9):458471.
  6. Makary MA,Sexton JB,Freischlag JA, et al.Operating room teamwork among physicians and nurses: teamwork in the eye of the beholder.J Am Coll Surg.2006;202(5):746752.
  7. Thomas EJ,Sexton JB,Helmreich RL.Discrepant attitudes about teamwork among critical care nurses and physicians.Crit Care Med.2003;31(3):956959.
  8. O'Leary KJ,Ritter CD,Wheeler H,Szekendi MK,Brinton TS,Williams MV.Teamwork on inpatient medical units: assessing attitudes and barriers.Qual Saf Health Care2010;19(2):117121.
  9. Evanoff B,Potter P,Wolf L,Grayson D,Dunagan C,Boxerman S.Can we talk? Priorities for patient care differed among health care providers:AHRQ;2005.
  10. O'Leary KJ,Thompson JA,Landler MP, et al.Patterns of nurse—physicians communication and agreement on the plan of care.Qual Saf Health Care. In press.
  11. Cowan MJ,Shapiro M,Hays RD, et al.The effect of a multidisciplinary hospitalist/physician and advanced practice nurse collaboration on hospital costs.J Nurs Adm.2006;36(2):7985.
  12. Curley C,McEachern JE,Speroff T.A firm trial of interdisciplinary rounds on the inpatient medical wards: an intervention designed using continuous quality improvement.Med Care.1998;36(8 Suppl):AS4A12.
  13. O'Mahony S,Mazur E,Charney P,Wang Y,Fine J.Use of multidisciplinary rounds to simultaneously improve quality outcomes, enhance resident education, and shorten length of stay.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22(8):10731079.
  14. Vazirani S,Hays RD,Shapiro MF,Cowan M.Effect of a multidisciplinary intervention on communication and collaboration among physicians and nurses.Am J Crit Care.2005;14(1):7177.
  15. Wild D,Nawaz H,Chan W,Katz DL.Effects of interdisciplinary rounds on length of stay in a telemetry unit.J Public Health Manag Pract.2004;10(1):6369.
  16. Narasimhan M,Eisen LA,Mahoney CD,Acerra FL,Rosen MJ.Improving nurse‐physician communication and satisfaction in the intensive care unit with a daily goals worksheet.Am J Crit Care.2006;15(2):217222.
  17. Pronovost P,Berenholtz S,Dorman T,Lipsett PA,Simmonds T,Haraden C.Improving communication in the ICU using daily goals.J Crit Care.2003;18(2):7175.
  18. Sexton JB,Helmreich RL,Neilands TB, et al.The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire: psychometric properties, benchmarking data, and emerging research.BMC Health Serv Res.2006;6:44.
  19. Kho ME,Carbone JM,Lucas J,Cook DJ.Safety Climate Survey: reliability of results from a multicenter ICU survey.Qual Saf Health Care.2005;14(4):273278.
  20. Sexton JB,Makary MA,Tersigni AR, et al.Teamwork in the operating room: frontline perspectives among hospitals and operating room personnel.Anesthesiology.2006;105(5):877884.
  21. HCUP Clinical Classification Software [computer program]. Version: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Accessed March2010.
  22. Mohr DC,Burgess JF,Young GJ.The influence of teamwork culture on physician and nurse resignation rates in hospitals.Health Serv Manage Res.2008;21(1):2331.
  23. Rosenstein AH.Original research: nurse‐physician relationships: impact on nurse satisfaction and retention.Am J Nurs.2002;102(6):2634.
  24. Baggs JG,Schmitt MH,Mushlin AI, et al.Association between nurse‐physician collaboration and patient outcomes in three intensive care units.Crit Care Med.1999;27(9):19911998.
  25. Davenport DL,Henderson WG,Mosca CL,Khuri SF,Mentzer RM.Risk‐adjusted morbidity in teaching hospitals correlates with reported levels of communication and collaboration on surgical teams but not with scale measures of teamwork climate, safety climate, or working conditions.J Am Coll Surg.2007;205(6):778784.
  26. Wheelan SA,Burchill CN,Tilin F.The link between teamwork and patients' outcomes in intensive care units.Am J Crit Care.2003;12(6):527534.
  1. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Sentinel Event Statistics. Available at: Accessed March2010.
  2. Donchin Y,Gopher D,Olin M, et al.A look into the nature and causes of human errors in the intensive care unit.Crit Care Med.1995;23(2):294300.
  3. Leape LL,Brennan TA,Laird N, et al.The nature of adverse events in hospitalized patients. Results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study II.N Engl J Med.1991;324(6):377384.
  4. Sutcliffe KM,Lewton E,Rosenthal MM.Communication failures: an insidious contributor to medical mishaps.Acad Med.2004;79(2):186194.
  5. Wilson RM,Runciman WB,Gibberd RW,Harrison BT,Newby L,Hamilton JD.The quality in Australian Health Care Study.Med J Aust.1995;163(9):458471.
  6. Makary MA,Sexton JB,Freischlag JA, et al.Operating room teamwork among physicians and nurses: teamwork in the eye of the beholder.J Am Coll Surg.2006;202(5):746752.
  7. Thomas EJ,Sexton JB,Helmreich RL.Discrepant attitudes about teamwork among critical care nurses and physicians.Crit Care Med.2003;31(3):956959.
  8. O'Leary KJ,Ritter CD,Wheeler H,Szekendi MK,Brinton TS,Williams MV.Teamwork on inpatient medical units: assessing attitudes and barriers.Qual Saf Health Care2010;19(2):117121.
  9. Evanoff B,Potter P,Wolf L,Grayson D,Dunagan C,Boxerman S.Can we talk? Priorities for patient care differed among health care providers:AHRQ;2005.
  10. O'Leary KJ,Thompson JA,Landler MP, et al.Patterns of nurse—physicians communication and agreement on the plan of care.Qual Saf Health Care. In press.
  11. Cowan MJ,Shapiro M,Hays RD, et al.The effect of a multidisciplinary hospitalist/physician and advanced practice nurse collaboration on hospital costs.J Nurs Adm.2006;36(2):7985.
  12. Curley C,McEachern JE,Speroff T.A firm trial of interdisciplinary rounds on the inpatient medical wards: an intervention designed using continuous quality improvement.Med Care.1998;36(8 Suppl):AS4A12.
  13. O'Mahony S,Mazur E,Charney P,Wang Y,Fine J.Use of multidisciplinary rounds to simultaneously improve quality outcomes, enhance resident education, and shorten length of stay.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22(8):10731079.
  14. Vazirani S,Hays RD,Shapiro MF,Cowan M.Effect of a multidisciplinary intervention on communication and collaboration among physicians and nurses.Am J Crit Care.2005;14(1):7177.
  15. Wild D,Nawaz H,Chan W,Katz DL.Effects of interdisciplinary rounds on length of stay in a telemetry unit.J Public Health Manag Pract.2004;10(1):6369.
  16. Narasimhan M,Eisen LA,Mahoney CD,Acerra FL,Rosen MJ.Improving nurse‐physician communication and satisfaction in the intensive care unit with a daily goals worksheet.Am J Crit Care.2006;15(2):217222.
  17. Pronovost P,Berenholtz S,Dorman T,Lipsett PA,Simmonds T,Haraden C.Improving communication in the ICU using daily goals.J Crit Care.2003;18(2):7175.
  18. Sexton JB,Helmreich RL,Neilands TB, et al.The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire: psychometric properties, benchmarking data, and emerging research.BMC Health Serv Res.2006;6:44.
  19. Kho ME,Carbone JM,Lucas J,Cook DJ.Safety Climate Survey: reliability of results from a multicenter ICU survey.Qual Saf Health Care.2005;14(4):273278.
  20. Sexton JB,Makary MA,Tersigni AR, et al.Teamwork in the operating room: frontline perspectives among hospitals and operating room personnel.Anesthesiology.2006;105(5):877884.
  21. HCUP Clinical Classification Software [computer program]. Version: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Available at: http://www.hcup‐ Accessed March2010.
  22. Mohr DC,Burgess JF,Young GJ.The influence of teamwork culture on physician and nurse resignation rates in hospitals.Health Serv Manage Res.2008;21(1):2331.
  23. Rosenstein AH.Original research: nurse‐physician relationships: impact on nurse satisfaction and retention.Am J Nurs.2002;102(6):2634.
  24. Baggs JG,Schmitt MH,Mushlin AI, et al.Association between nurse‐physician collaboration and patient outcomes in three intensive care units.Crit Care Med.1999;27(9):19911998.
  25. Davenport DL,Henderson WG,Mosca CL,Khuri SF,Mentzer RM.Risk‐adjusted morbidity in teaching hospitals correlates with reported levels of communication and collaboration on surgical teams but not with scale measures of teamwork climate, safety climate, or working conditions.J Am Coll Surg.2007;205(6):778784.
  26. Wheelan SA,Burchill CN,Tilin F.The link between teamwork and patients' outcomes in intensive care units.Am J Crit Care.2003;12(6):527534.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(2)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 6(2)
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Improving teamwork: Impact of structured interdisciplinary rounds on a hospitalist unit
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Improving teamwork: Impact of structured interdisciplinary rounds on a hospitalist unit
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teamwork, patient safety, communication, hospitalist
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teamwork, patient safety, communication, hospitalist
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Copyright © 2010 Society of Hospital Medicine

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Non–Housestaff Medicine Services in Academic Centers

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Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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Non–housestaff medicine services in academic centers: Models and challenges

Many academic medical centers (AMCs) have developed nonhousestaff services to provide clinical care once provided by physicians‐in‐training. These services, often staffed by hospitalists and/or midlevel providers, have experienced tremendous growth in the past few years, yet very little exists in the literature about their development, structure, efficacy, or impact on hospitals, patients, and hospital medicine programs. The primary forces driving this growth include Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) resident duty hour restrictions,1 growth of the hospitalist movement,2 and the emphasis on simultaneously improving financial performance and quality of care in AMCs.3

Resident Duty Hour Restrictions

In 2003, the ACGME mandated restrictions on resident work hours, limiting trainees to 80 hours per week.1 Many training programs struggled with how to provide important clinical services while complying with the new restrictionscreating numerous models that bridged care between different shifts of residents.45 Implementation of day floats (a dedicated resident who rounds with the postcall team), night floats (a dedicated overnight resident who admits and cross‐covers patients), or some variation of both was common.6 No guidelines accompanied the ACGME mandate, leaving institutions to independently structure their programs without a known best practice.

Subsequent literature carefully addressed how the duty hour restrictions affect residents' lives and education but failed to discuss models for providing care.711 Training programs began to institute necessary changes but in doing so, created greater patient discontinuity and increased handoffs between residents, elevating the potential for adverse patient outcomes.12 Recent large‐scale studies indicate that inpatient care is the same or improved since adoption of the duty hour restrictions,1316 but controversy continues, with several editorials debating the issue.1719

Because increasing the volume of patients on housestaff services was not a viable option,20 many AMCs created nonhousestaff services and hired midlevel providers (nurse practitioners and physician assistants) to offset resident workloads and comply with the new restrictions. However, this strategy represented a very expensive alternative.21 Moreover, the current 80‐hour work limits may be revised downward, particularly given the lower restrictions in other countries,22 and this will further drive the demand for nonhousestaff services. Hospitalists, with their documented impact on efficiency and return on investment,23 represent a solution to fill these needs and have quickly become the predominant approach at AMCs.

The Hospitalist Movement

Since the term hospitalist was first coined in 1996,24 the remarkable growth of the number of practicing hospitalists emphasizes how first community hospitals and now AMCs have embraced this approach.25 With more than 20,000 nationwide and projections that the field will grow to 30,000 by 2010,26 hospitalists are becoming the primary providers for in‐patients.2 This growth was further catalyzed when widely expressed concerns about safety and quality became public,2728 and hospitalists incorporated patient safety and quality improvement activities into their efforts.3 The confluence of these factors also prompted emergence of hospital medicine programs at AMCs, a growth that came with anticipated dangers.29 Reflecting the recognition that hospital medicine is becoming a separate specialty30 and is integral to the functioning of an AMC, institutions now operate dedicated divisions of hospital medicine.

AMCs and Hospital Performance

AMCs operate 3 related enterprises: a medical school that trains future physicians, a research arena that promotes basic and clinical investigation, and health care services that often encompass both hospitals and clinics. The financial viability of AMCs has always been a topic of debate, largely because of the different missions they pursue and the financial means by which they survive.3133 Over the past decade, cuts in Medicare reimbursement, challenges in balancing bed availability with occupancy rates, and a growing emphasis on cost reduction have created a more competitive health care environment, but without the predicted demise of AMCs.34 Because education and research generally fail to bolster the bottom line, AMCs have focused on optimizing clinical services to promote financial viability.

Hospitalists are uniquely positioned to help this bottom line, just as they do at community hospitals. Their involvement in patient care may produce reductions in length of stay, greater efficiency in discharge planning, and significant cost savings.3537 Hospitalists may also improve throughput in emergency departments and decrease wait times, leading to more efficient bed utilization.38 This leads to a potential for greater hospital revenue by increasing both the number of admissions, particularly surgical cases, and staffed inpatient beds, the latter a premium, as AMCs continue to expand their bed capacity almost annually. Finally, hospitalists may serve as change agents in improving the quality and safety of care delivered, an increasingly important metric given the desire for and expansion of publicly reported measures.

From a financial standpoint, Medicare support to AMCs for training residents now subsidizes fewer clinical care hours. Hospitalist‐driven nonhousestaff services will continue to fulfill a need created by this marked change in residency training. The tension of who pays for nonhousestaff servicesincreased federal support, financial backing from AMCs, or academic department fundsposes an ongoing struggle. In fact, this may be the most important issue currently debated among hospital administrators and department chairs. Regardless, AMCs continue to view hospitalists as a mechanism (or even solution) to maintaining their financial bottom line through improving care delivery systems, adhering to resident work hour restrictions, leading quality and safety improvement initiatives, and improving clinical patient outcomes.


For AMCs developing nonhousestaff services, the process begins by addressing a series of important questions (Table 1). How these questions are answered is often driven by local factors such as the vision of local leadership and the availability of important resources. Nonetheless, it is important for hospitals to share their experiences because best practices remain unclear. Table 2 provides a tabular snapshot of nonhousestaff medicine services at 5 AMCs to highlight similarities and differences. Data in the table were compiled by having a representative from each AMC report the different attributes, which reflects each program as of July 2007. Table 2 provides no data on the quality or efficiency of housestaff versus nonhousestaff services, though this type of investigation is underway and will be critical in future planning.3940

Important Questions in Developing a NonHousestaff Medicine Service
Questions Potential options
Who will provide care on nonhousestaff services? Physicians seeking a 1‐year position
Physicians committed to a purely clinical career
Physicians committed to an academic career in hospital medicine
Will hospitalists share nonhousestaff service time, or will there be dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists? Hybrid positions
Dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists
Use of PGY‐4s1‐year positions (often individuals planning a fellowship)
How should staffing be organized? Hospitalist‐only services
Use of midlevel providers
Will there be 24‐7 coverage, and if so, how will nights be staffed? Dedicated nocturnists
Shared among daytime hospitalists
Midlevel providers
Moonlighters (fellows or residents)
What type of schedule will provide blocks of clinical time to ensure continuity of care but also ensure adequate nonclinical time to prevent physician burnout and turnover? 7 on/7 off sequences
45 day sequences
Longer shifts with fewer shifts per month
Shorter shifts with more shifts per month
Where will patients on a nonhousestaff service receive care? Geographically designed serviced
○ Different floor
○ Different hospital
Mixed among housestaff service
What patient population will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Same as on housestaff service
Based on bed availability if nonhousestaff service is geographic (a unit)
Based on triage guidelines (lower acuity, observation patients, specific diagnoses)
What volume of patients will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Fixed census cap based on staffing
Flexible census depending on activity of housestaff service (above their cap)
Will compensation for providing nonhousestaff services differ from that on housestaff services? Higher base salary
Incentives tied to nonhousestaff time
Different incentive structures
Characteristics of NonHouse Staff Medicine Services at 5 Academic Centers
Attributes BWH Emory University of Michigan Northwestern UCSF
Description of staffing model Mon.‐Sun.: 1 daytime Hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 4 daytime hospitalists, 2 swing shift admitters Weekdays: 7 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 8 daytime hospitalists, 1 triage hospitalist Weekdays: 2 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist
Nights: 1 MD Nights: 1 MDs Weekends: 7 daytime hospitalists Nights: 2 MDs Weekends: 2 daytime hospitalists
Nights: 2 MDs Nights: 1 MD
Location of service In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital Physically separate hospital affiliate (UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion)
Nonhousestaff FTEs/total hospitalist group 3/15 10/14 20/30 25/34 6/36
What hospitalists provide care on nonhous estaff services? Core of 3 hospitalists (also do month on housestaff service) Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 14 FTEs dedicated to nonhousestaff services Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 6 Mount Zionbased hospitalists (also spend 23 months on housestaff service at university hospital)
Other 6 FTEs consist of 10 faculty with mixed roles
Age of service 2 years 4 years 3 years 5 years 3 years
How patients get assigned to non‐housestaff service? 1. Only ED admissions with no transfers from ICU or other services Assigned by rotation 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during afternoon 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during day 1. Lower‐acuity admissions from ED
2. Admit whenever bed open on service (geographic) 2. Observation cases triaged directly to service 2. Lower‐acuity patients and direct admissions 2. Lower‐acuity admissions from clinics
3. Once housestaff cap, all subsequent admits until midnight to nonhousestaff service 3. Nonhousestaff service admits all patients once resident caps reached 3. Transfers from housestaff service no longer requiring tertiary services (or with complex discharge planning)
Average daily census of nonhousestaff service 12 56 70 (75 cap) 8595 2026
Number of shifts per month/shift duration 15/1012 hours 15/12 hours 1517 (depending on number of nights covered)/812 hours (swing = 8 hours, day = 1012 hours, night = 12 hours) 20/1012 hours 1617/1012 hours
Shift sequences 710 days consecutive Variable 67 days consecutive followed by 1 night for those who cover nights 7 days consecutive 4‐ to 6‐day variable sequences
Total clinical days worked/year 168 182.5 185202 (depending on number of nights covered) 212 196
Weekend clinical time 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends
Night coverage/by whom? Yes/exclusively moonlighters Yes/shared (50% covered by 1 dedicated nocturnist) Yes/66% of nights staffed by dedicated nocturnists with remainder shared Yes/exclusively by six 1‐year nocturnists Yes/exclusively by moonlighters
Presence of midlevel providers Yes 6 FTE PAs Mon.‐Sun. No Yes 8 FTE PAs weekdays No No
Presence of dedicated case manager Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Presence of medical students for patient care No No Yes, 4th‐year subinterns or students on elective rotation No No
Compensation model Salary + weekend bonus beyond 10 Salary + incentive Base + shift‐based incentive + quality incentive Salary + incentive Salary
Pay differential compared to housestaff service compensation 10% Higher because of weekend bonus None About 20% higher base compensation; loan forgiveness program tied to nonhousestaff time None About 20% higher compensation
Hospital financial support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 2 does illustrate several important considerations in structuring nonhousestaff services. For example, if a nonhousestaff service operates at a different physical location, careful triage of patients is necessary. Resources, including the availability of subspecialty and surgical consultants, may differ, and thus patient complexity and acuity may dictate whether a patient gets admitted to the nonhousestaff service. These triage factors were a major challenge in the design of UCSF's nonhousestaff service. The other nonhousestaff services handle overflow admissions after the housestaff service reaches a census or admission cap; transfers between services rarely occur, and resources are similar.

Other observations include that hospitalists work a similar number of hours each year and cover 50% of weekends but with differing shift lengths and sequences. Each service also provides night coverage but only Emory, the University of Michigan, and Northwestern utilize dedicated nocturnists. The University of Michigan and Brigham & Women's Hospital are the only sites that employ midlevel providers who work closely with hospitalists. In terms of group structure, Northwestern's hospitalists are the most integrated, with each hospitalist sharing equal responsibility for nonhousestaff coverage. In contrast, the other programs use selected hospitalists or a dedicated core of hospitalists to provide nonhousestaff services. Compensation models also vary, with certain groups salaried and others having incentive systems, although all receive hospital‐based funding support. Hospital‐based funding support ranges from 40% to 100% of total program costs across sites, creating similar variance in a given program's deficit risk. Finally, most programs do compensate nonhousestaff services at higher rates.

All the decisions captured in Table 2 have implications for costs, recruitment, and service structure. Furthermore, the striking variations demonstrate how different academic hospitalist positions can occur both within a hospital medicine group and across institutions. Of note, Table 2 only characterizes nonhousestaff medicine services, not the growing number of comanagement (eg, orthopedics, neurosurgery, or hematology/oncology) and other clinical services (eg, observation unit or preoperative medicine clinic) also staffed by hospitalists at AMCs.


Hospital medicine programs and AMCs face several challenges in building non‐housestaff services, but these will likely become less daunting as programs learn from their own experiences, from those of colleagues at other institutions, and from future investigations of these care models. We highlight a few issues below that warrant important consideration.

The Equities of the System

Prior to developing nonhousestaff services, our academic hospitalist programs scheduled teaching service time in month or half‐month blocks, balancing holidays and weekends. Equity in scheduling became a function of required clinical time, sources of non‐clinical funding (eg, grants, educational or administrative roles), and expectations for scholarship, attributes typical of most subspecialty academic divisions. Given the differing clinical missions that have stimulated academic hospital medicine programs to form, concerns of scheduling equity have grown, posing challenges not experienced in other divisions.

Institutions that choose to divide housestaff and nonhousestaff duties among distinct groups of hospitalists create the potential for a 2‐tiered system, one in which those with housestaff roles are more valued and respected by the institution. Hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services admit patients, write orders, and field direct patient calls, a role rarely undertaken by subspecialty attendings or hospitalists on housestaff services. Our collective experiences provide evidence of the danger of this second‐class‐citizen status, one that requires attention to ensure job satisfaction, retention, and necessary career development.

Institutions have accentuated the second‐class‐citizen concern by staffing nonhousestaff roles with 1‐year hospitalistsPGY‐4s. Most of these hires in our institutions are individuals just out of residency and intent on pursuing a fellowship. We speculate that they enjoy the comforts of the AMC where they often trained and accept purely nonhousestaff positions because of what they view as an appealing work schedule and salary. Although this approach addresses the growing need for hospitalists on nonhousestaff services in the short term, these positions must remain attractive enough (both financially and professionally) to encourage residency graduates to pursue an academic hospitalist career instead of a 1‐year position as a transition to fellowship. Otherwise, the approach conveys a message that relatively inexperienced physicians are good enough to be hospitalists.

Developing a cadre of clinically focused hospitalists who provide outstanding patient care and also garner respect as successful academicians is a difficult task. Although 1 group in our sample (Northwestern) shares nonhousestaff responsibilities equally, others may find this impractical, particularly where faculty members were hired before nonhousestaff services were established. Redefining such clinical positions several years into a career may be challenging, as it forces faculty members into roles they didn't sign up for or grandfathers them out of such roles, adding to the risk of a 2‐tiered system. Alternatively, groups may focus on building academic activities into nonhousestaff services, including medical student teaching, quality improvement, or clinical research activities. In this article, we deliberately classified these services as nonhousestaff rather than non‐teaching because the latter fails to acknowledge that these hospitalists often serve as teachers (eg, housestaff conferences, supervision of midlevel providers, and/or rotating medical students)an important if not symbolic distinction. It is imperative that planning for nonhousestaff services balance the larger academic mission of hospital medicine groups with creating equitable, valued, and sustainable job descriptions.

Defining the Patient Mix

Developing an optimal patient mix on nonhousestaff services also carries important implications. For services that work in parallel with the housestaff service and simply take extra patients above the resident cap, this concern may be less significant. However, other nonhousestaff services have been structured to care for lower‐acuity patients (eg, cellulitis, asthma, pneumonia) or select patient populations (eg, sickle cell or inflammatory bowel disease). This distribution system potentially changes the educational experience on the housestaff servicedecreasing the bread‐and‐butter admissionsbut also may affect the job satisfaction of hospitalists and midlevel providers on nonhousestaff services. Building triage criteria, working with emergency department leadership, and avoiding patients being turfed between different services is critical. We strongly recommend a regular process to review admissions to each service and determine when the triage process requires further calibration.

Recruitment and Retention

Traditionally, graduates of residency or fellowship training programs chose academic positions because of an interest in teaching, a desire for scholarship, or a commitment to research. Those interested in primarily clinical roles typically pursued positions in nonacademic settings. The development of nonhousestaff services challenges this paradigm because the objective for academic hospitalist leadership now becomes recruiting pure clinicians as well as academicians. These might be the same individual, a hospitalist who provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services, or 2 different individuals if the nonhousestaff service is covered by dedicated hospitalists. In addition, with the current promotion structure in academia, a purely clinical position may be less attractive, as it provides fewer opportunities for advancement.

Therefore, recruitment and retention of academic hospitalists will require job descriptions that provide dedicated teaching opportunities, time for participation in quality and safety improvement projects, or pursuit of a scholarly interest in non‐clinical timethe diastole of an academic hospitalist.41 Hospital medicine leadership will also need to better distinguish off‐time from non‐clinical time, as many young hospitalists struggle to balance professional and personal commitmentsa recipe for burnout.42 Regardless of how clinical responsibilities differ between 2 hospitalists, providing them with similar academic resources is what will distinguish their positions from that in the community. Furthermore, many groups have chosen to pay faculty a premium for their nonhousestaff roles or to use specific recruitment incentives such as educational loan forgiveness programs.

With the expected growth of nonhousestaff services and surgical comanagement, hospital medicine programs will also need to determine if new hires will focus on a specific service (eg, orthopedic hospitalist) or whether job descriptions will include a mix of activities (eg, 3 months' teaching service, 3 months' nonhousestaff medical service, and 3 months' surgical comanagement service). A second and equally important question is where does the hospitalist live? If cardiology wants hospitalists to care for their patients, should they be hired and mentored by cardiologists or by hospitalists in a division of general or hospital medicine? In many cases, a graduating resident with plans to pursue a fellowship (eg, cardiology or hematology/oncology) may be a perfect candidate for a 1‐year position on his or her future specialty service. However, in the long term, maintaining all the academic hospitalists under the same umbrella will provide greater mentorship, professional development, opportunities for collaboration, clinical diversity, and sense of belonging to a group, rather than being a token hospitalist for another division.

Compensation and Financial Relationships with AMCs

Salaries for hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services are typically higher at AMCs, which are competing with community standards given the similar level of clinical hours worked. However, although pay for nonhousestaff activities should reflect the nature of the work, compensation models based on clinical productivity alone may prove inadequate. It appears hospitalists working in academic facilities spend significant time on indirect patient care because of these hospitals' inefficiencies, usually not found in community settings.43 Devising compensation for an academic hospitalist requires careful attention and must balance a number of factors because these hospitalists will not generate their entire salary from clinical services. Financial support must come from either the division or medical center, an annual negotiation at AMCs.

Several methods exist to structure hospitalist compensation. A hospitalist's salary may be fixed, may have a base salary with incentives, or may be derived based on clinical productivity. For example, if a hospital medicine program provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services and employs a fixed‐salary approach, it may choose a menu‐style method to determine compensation (eg, 6 months on nonhousestaff service at x dollars/month + 3 months on housestaff service at x dollars/month = annual salary). If a hospitalist takes on a funded nonclinical role or secures extramural funding, the salary menu gets adjusted accordingly as the clinical time is bought out. Critics of the fixed‐salary approach argue that paying each hospitalist the same salary regardless of the specific job description yields an inequitable system in which some are rewarded with less clinical time.

Compensation should probably have a guaranteed base salary with incentives, which could be determined by a formula that weighs clinical productivity, quality improvement efforts, scholarly activity, and teaching excellence. This model provides financial incentives to develop both clinically and academically but introduces complexity in determining a fair incentive structure. Finally, compensation can be structured without salary guarantee and putting compensation fully at risk based on clinical productivity, although this is an unlikely strategy for any hospital medicine group. This approach does disproportionately reward high volume providers, potentially at the risk of quality and safety, but also creates significant incentives to improve efficiency.

With respect to AMC relationships, hospital medicine programs must ensure the positive return on investment that drives financial support at their institutions. This fundamental economic dynamic makes AMCs dependent on their hospital medicine groups and vice versa. We caution programs from solely relying on measures such as reduced hospital costs or length of stay as a basis of funding unless there is a reward for maintaining performance once it inevitably plateaus. Moreover, explicitly tying utilization efficiency (ie, length of stay) to salary violates Stark rules44 and carries potential malpractice implications should patient care errors be attributable to premature hospital discharge. Over time hospitalists will need to maintain clinical benchmarks but also provide additional and valued services to their institutions, including quality and safety improvement activities and compliance with residency work hour restrictions.

Defining the Academic Hospitalist

The question is simple and perhaps philosophical: Are hospitalists who work at an AMC academic hospitalists? And what job description truly defines an academic hospitalist? Currently, there are no standards for the clinical activity of an academic hospitalist position (eg, number of weeks, weekends, and hours) or for assessment of nonclinical productivity. Hospital medicine programs face the challenge of defining positions that fulfill the growing clinical mission at AMCs but have little experience or guidance in ensuring they will lead to advancing the academic mission. Specifically, how do hospitalists who provide mostly clinical care, particularly on nonhousestaff services, achieve promotion? Hospital medicine program leadership must create enough opportunity and time for the development of skills in research, education, and quality or systems improvement if academic hospitalists are to succeed.

The Association of Chiefs of General Internal Medicine (ACGIM), the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), and the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) are currently collaborating to develop consensus guidelines in this area. Ultimately, through the efforts of these important governing bodies, the specialty of hospital medicine will be able to demonstrate the unique skills and services they provide and move toward advocating for academic promotion criteria that recognize their value and accomplishments.


Many lament that the milieu for academic hospitalists raises more challenges than solutions, but we believe the current era is one of excitement and opportunity. In the coming years, we will experience continued growth of nonhousestaff services, including greater comanagement with our surgical and medical specialty colleagues. These opportunities will create new relationships and increase our visibility in AMCs. However, we must remain committed to studying nonhousestaff services and determine if and how they differ from their housestaff and community counterparts, as this will be an important step toward addressing current challenges.

As hospitalists take on increasingly diverse roles,45 we must also lead initiatives to better train, recruit, and retain those interested in our specialty. Promoting our field and recruiting future faculty should occur through local hospitalist career nights, events at national meetings (targeting students, housestaff, and fellows), and other mechanisms utilized by our subspecialty colleagues. For housestaff interested in fellowship training, the growing number of hospitalist fellowships can provide skills in teaching and quality improvement.46 For trainees committed to research, we should work with existing general medicine research fellowships and partner to provide hospitalist mentorship.

Hospitalists are in a unique position to influence the delivery of clinical services, shape the future of residency training, guide quality and safety improvement initiatives, and take on leadership roles through our departments, universities, and medical centers. With the growing number of clinical services being added to our portfolio, we will need careful planning and evaluation of our efforts to build successful partnerships and develop faculty roles that balance clinical and academic pursuits to sustain long‐term and satisfying hospitalist careers.

  1. Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Information related to the ACGME's effort to address resident duty hours and other relevant resource materials. Available at: Accessed May 28,2007.
  2. Kralovec PD,Miller JA,Wellikson LW,Huddleston JM.The status of hospital medicine groups in the United States.J Hosp Med.2006;1:7580.
  3. Wachter RM.Reflections: the hospitalist movement a decade later.J Hosp Med.2006;1:248252.
  4. Weinstein DF.Duty hours for resident physicians—tough choices for teaching hospitals.N Engl J Med.2002;347:12751278.
  5. Parekh V,Flanders S.Resident work hours, hospitalist programs and academic medical centers.The Hospitalist.2005;Jan/Feb:3033.
  6. Yoon HH.Adapting to duty‐hour limits—four years on.N Engl J Med.2007;356:26682670.
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  8. Vidyarthi AR,Katz PP,Wall SD,Wachter RM,Auerbach AD.Impact of reduced duty hours on residents' educational satisfaction at the University of California, San Francisco.Acad Med.2006;81:7681.
  9. Reed DA,Levine RB,Miller RG, et al.Effect of Residency Duty‐Hour Limits. Views of Key Clinical Faculty.Arch Intern Med.2007;167:14871492.
  10. West CP,Cook RJ,Popkave C,Kolars JC.Perceived impact of duty hours regulation: a survey of residents and program directors.Am J Med.2007;120:644648.
  11. Vidyarthi AR,Auerbach AD,Wachter RM,Katz PP.The impact of duty hours on resident self reports of errors.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22:205209.
  12. Vidyarthi AR,Arora V,Schnipper JL,Wall SD,Wachter RM.Managing discontinuity in academic medical centers: strategies for a safe and effective resident sign‐out.J Hosp Med.2006;1:257266.
  13. Shetty KD,Bhattacharya J.Changes in hospital mortality associated with residency work‐hour regulations.Ann Intern Med.2007;147:7380.
  14. Horwitz LI,Kosiborod M,Lin Z,Krumholz HM.Changes in outcomes for internal medicine inpatients after work‐hour regulations.Ann Intern Med.2007;147:97103.
  15. Volpp KG,Rosen AK,Rosenbaum PR, et al.Mortality among hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries in the first 2 years following ACGME resident duty hour reform.JAMA.2007;298:975983.
  16. Volpp KG,Rosen AK,Rosenbaum PR, et al.Mortality among patients in VA hospitals in the first 2 years following ACGME resident duty hour reform.JAMA.2007;298:984991.
  17. Okie S.An elusive balance—residents' work hours and the continuity of care.N Engl J Med.2007;356:26652667.
  18. Goldman L,Fiebach NH.Hippocrates affirmed? Limiting residents' work hours does no harm to patients.Ann Intern Med.2007;356:143144.
  19. Meltzer DO,Arora VM.Evaluating resident duty hour reforms.JAMA.2007;298:10551057.
  20. Ong M,Bostrom A,Vidyarthi A,McCulloch C,Auerbach A.Housestaff team workload and organization effects on patient outcomes in an academic general internal medicine inpatient service.Arch Intern Med.2007;167:4752.
  21. Mitchell CC,Ashley SW,Zinner MJ,Moore FD.Predicting future staffing needs at teaching hospitals: use of an analytical program with multiple variables.Arch Surg.2007;142:329334.
  22. Kwan R. A primer on: resident work hours. American Medical Student Association. 6th ed. 2005. Available at: Accessed May 28,2007.
  23. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The hospitalist movement 5 years later.JAMA.2002;287:487494.
  24. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The emerging role of “hospitalists” in the American health care system.N Engl J Med.1996;335:514517.
  25. Williams MV.The future of hospital medicine: evolution or revolution?Am J Med.2004;117:446450.
  26. Society of Hospital Medicine. Media Center link: Growth of hospital medicine nationwide. Available at Accessed May 28,2007.
  27. Kohn L,Corrigan JM,Donaldson MS, eds.To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System.Washington DC:Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press;2000.
  28. Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine.Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2001.
  29. Saint S,Flanders SA.Hospitalists in teaching hospitals: opportunities but not without danger.J Gen Intern Med.2004;19:392393.
  30. Wachter RM.What will board certification be‐and mean‐for hospitalists?J Hosp Med.2007;2:102104.
  31. Kassirer JP.Academic medical centers under siege.N Engl J Med.1994;331:13701371.
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  34. Moses H,Their S,Matheson D.Why have academic medical center survived?JAMA.2005:293;14951500.
  35. Rifkin W,Holmboe E,Scherer H,Sierra H.Comparison of hospitalist and nonhospitalists in inpatient length of stay adjusting for patient and physician characteristics.J Gen Intern Med.2004;19:11271132.
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  37. Coffman J,Rundall TG.The impact of hospitalists on the cost and quality of inpatient care in the United States: a research synthesis.Med Care Res Rev.2005;62:379406.
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  41. Arora V,Fang MC,Kripalani S,Amin AN.Preparing for “diastole”: advanced training opportunities for academic hospitalists.J Hosp Med.2006;1:368377.
  42. Society of Hospital Medicine Career Satisfaction Task Force. White Paper on Hospitalist Career Satisfaction. 2006;1–45. Available at: Accessed August 11,2007.
  43. O'Leary KJ,Liebovitz DM,Baker DW.How hospitalists spend their time: insights on efficiency and safety.J Hosp Med.2006;1:8893.
  44. A Guide to Complying with Stark Self‐Referral Rules.Washington, DC:Atlantic Information Services, Inc.; 2004. Available at: Accessed September 9, 2007.
  45. Sehgal NL,Wachter RM.The expanding role of hospitalists in the United States.Swiss Med Wkly.2006;136:591596.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(3)
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hospitalists, non‐housestaff services, academic medical centers
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Many academic medical centers (AMCs) have developed nonhousestaff services to provide clinical care once provided by physicians‐in‐training. These services, often staffed by hospitalists and/or midlevel providers, have experienced tremendous growth in the past few years, yet very little exists in the literature about their development, structure, efficacy, or impact on hospitals, patients, and hospital medicine programs. The primary forces driving this growth include Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) resident duty hour restrictions,1 growth of the hospitalist movement,2 and the emphasis on simultaneously improving financial performance and quality of care in AMCs.3

Resident Duty Hour Restrictions

In 2003, the ACGME mandated restrictions on resident work hours, limiting trainees to 80 hours per week.1 Many training programs struggled with how to provide important clinical services while complying with the new restrictionscreating numerous models that bridged care between different shifts of residents.45 Implementation of day floats (a dedicated resident who rounds with the postcall team), night floats (a dedicated overnight resident who admits and cross‐covers patients), or some variation of both was common.6 No guidelines accompanied the ACGME mandate, leaving institutions to independently structure their programs without a known best practice.

Subsequent literature carefully addressed how the duty hour restrictions affect residents' lives and education but failed to discuss models for providing care.711 Training programs began to institute necessary changes but in doing so, created greater patient discontinuity and increased handoffs between residents, elevating the potential for adverse patient outcomes.12 Recent large‐scale studies indicate that inpatient care is the same or improved since adoption of the duty hour restrictions,1316 but controversy continues, with several editorials debating the issue.1719

Because increasing the volume of patients on housestaff services was not a viable option,20 many AMCs created nonhousestaff services and hired midlevel providers (nurse practitioners and physician assistants) to offset resident workloads and comply with the new restrictions. However, this strategy represented a very expensive alternative.21 Moreover, the current 80‐hour work limits may be revised downward, particularly given the lower restrictions in other countries,22 and this will further drive the demand for nonhousestaff services. Hospitalists, with their documented impact on efficiency and return on investment,23 represent a solution to fill these needs and have quickly become the predominant approach at AMCs.

The Hospitalist Movement

Since the term hospitalist was first coined in 1996,24 the remarkable growth of the number of practicing hospitalists emphasizes how first community hospitals and now AMCs have embraced this approach.25 With more than 20,000 nationwide and projections that the field will grow to 30,000 by 2010,26 hospitalists are becoming the primary providers for in‐patients.2 This growth was further catalyzed when widely expressed concerns about safety and quality became public,2728 and hospitalists incorporated patient safety and quality improvement activities into their efforts.3 The confluence of these factors also prompted emergence of hospital medicine programs at AMCs, a growth that came with anticipated dangers.29 Reflecting the recognition that hospital medicine is becoming a separate specialty30 and is integral to the functioning of an AMC, institutions now operate dedicated divisions of hospital medicine.

AMCs and Hospital Performance

AMCs operate 3 related enterprises: a medical school that trains future physicians, a research arena that promotes basic and clinical investigation, and health care services that often encompass both hospitals and clinics. The financial viability of AMCs has always been a topic of debate, largely because of the different missions they pursue and the financial means by which they survive.3133 Over the past decade, cuts in Medicare reimbursement, challenges in balancing bed availability with occupancy rates, and a growing emphasis on cost reduction have created a more competitive health care environment, but without the predicted demise of AMCs.34 Because education and research generally fail to bolster the bottom line, AMCs have focused on optimizing clinical services to promote financial viability.

Hospitalists are uniquely positioned to help this bottom line, just as they do at community hospitals. Their involvement in patient care may produce reductions in length of stay, greater efficiency in discharge planning, and significant cost savings.3537 Hospitalists may also improve throughput in emergency departments and decrease wait times, leading to more efficient bed utilization.38 This leads to a potential for greater hospital revenue by increasing both the number of admissions, particularly surgical cases, and staffed inpatient beds, the latter a premium, as AMCs continue to expand their bed capacity almost annually. Finally, hospitalists may serve as change agents in improving the quality and safety of care delivered, an increasingly important metric given the desire for and expansion of publicly reported measures.

From a financial standpoint, Medicare support to AMCs for training residents now subsidizes fewer clinical care hours. Hospitalist‐driven nonhousestaff services will continue to fulfill a need created by this marked change in residency training. The tension of who pays for nonhousestaff servicesincreased federal support, financial backing from AMCs, or academic department fundsposes an ongoing struggle. In fact, this may be the most important issue currently debated among hospital administrators and department chairs. Regardless, AMCs continue to view hospitalists as a mechanism (or even solution) to maintaining their financial bottom line through improving care delivery systems, adhering to resident work hour restrictions, leading quality and safety improvement initiatives, and improving clinical patient outcomes.


For AMCs developing nonhousestaff services, the process begins by addressing a series of important questions (Table 1). How these questions are answered is often driven by local factors such as the vision of local leadership and the availability of important resources. Nonetheless, it is important for hospitals to share their experiences because best practices remain unclear. Table 2 provides a tabular snapshot of nonhousestaff medicine services at 5 AMCs to highlight similarities and differences. Data in the table were compiled by having a representative from each AMC report the different attributes, which reflects each program as of July 2007. Table 2 provides no data on the quality or efficiency of housestaff versus nonhousestaff services, though this type of investigation is underway and will be critical in future planning.3940

Important Questions in Developing a NonHousestaff Medicine Service
Questions Potential options
Who will provide care on nonhousestaff services? Physicians seeking a 1‐year position
Physicians committed to a purely clinical career
Physicians committed to an academic career in hospital medicine
Will hospitalists share nonhousestaff service time, or will there be dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists? Hybrid positions
Dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists
Use of PGY‐4s1‐year positions (often individuals planning a fellowship)
How should staffing be organized? Hospitalist‐only services
Use of midlevel providers
Will there be 24‐7 coverage, and if so, how will nights be staffed? Dedicated nocturnists
Shared among daytime hospitalists
Midlevel providers
Moonlighters (fellows or residents)
What type of schedule will provide blocks of clinical time to ensure continuity of care but also ensure adequate nonclinical time to prevent physician burnout and turnover? 7 on/7 off sequences
45 day sequences
Longer shifts with fewer shifts per month
Shorter shifts with more shifts per month
Where will patients on a nonhousestaff service receive care? Geographically designed serviced
○ Different floor
○ Different hospital
Mixed among housestaff service
What patient population will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Same as on housestaff service
Based on bed availability if nonhousestaff service is geographic (a unit)
Based on triage guidelines (lower acuity, observation patients, specific diagnoses)
What volume of patients will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Fixed census cap based on staffing
Flexible census depending on activity of housestaff service (above their cap)
Will compensation for providing nonhousestaff services differ from that on housestaff services? Higher base salary
Incentives tied to nonhousestaff time
Different incentive structures
Characteristics of NonHouse Staff Medicine Services at 5 Academic Centers
Attributes BWH Emory University of Michigan Northwestern UCSF
Description of staffing model Mon.‐Sun.: 1 daytime Hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 4 daytime hospitalists, 2 swing shift admitters Weekdays: 7 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 8 daytime hospitalists, 1 triage hospitalist Weekdays: 2 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist
Nights: 1 MD Nights: 1 MDs Weekends: 7 daytime hospitalists Nights: 2 MDs Weekends: 2 daytime hospitalists
Nights: 2 MDs Nights: 1 MD
Location of service In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital Physically separate hospital affiliate (UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion)
Nonhousestaff FTEs/total hospitalist group 3/15 10/14 20/30 25/34 6/36
What hospitalists provide care on nonhous estaff services? Core of 3 hospitalists (also do month on housestaff service) Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 14 FTEs dedicated to nonhousestaff services Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 6 Mount Zionbased hospitalists (also spend 23 months on housestaff service at university hospital)
Other 6 FTEs consist of 10 faculty with mixed roles
Age of service 2 years 4 years 3 years 5 years 3 years
How patients get assigned to non‐housestaff service? 1. Only ED admissions with no transfers from ICU or other services Assigned by rotation 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during afternoon 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during day 1. Lower‐acuity admissions from ED
2. Admit whenever bed open on service (geographic) 2. Observation cases triaged directly to service 2. Lower‐acuity patients and direct admissions 2. Lower‐acuity admissions from clinics
3. Once housestaff cap, all subsequent admits until midnight to nonhousestaff service 3. Nonhousestaff service admits all patients once resident caps reached 3. Transfers from housestaff service no longer requiring tertiary services (or with complex discharge planning)
Average daily census of nonhousestaff service 12 56 70 (75 cap) 8595 2026
Number of shifts per month/shift duration 15/1012 hours 15/12 hours 1517 (depending on number of nights covered)/812 hours (swing = 8 hours, day = 1012 hours, night = 12 hours) 20/1012 hours 1617/1012 hours
Shift sequences 710 days consecutive Variable 67 days consecutive followed by 1 night for those who cover nights 7 days consecutive 4‐ to 6‐day variable sequences
Total clinical days worked/year 168 182.5 185202 (depending on number of nights covered) 212 196
Weekend clinical time 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends
Night coverage/by whom? Yes/exclusively moonlighters Yes/shared (50% covered by 1 dedicated nocturnist) Yes/66% of nights staffed by dedicated nocturnists with remainder shared Yes/exclusively by six 1‐year nocturnists Yes/exclusively by moonlighters
Presence of midlevel providers Yes 6 FTE PAs Mon.‐Sun. No Yes 8 FTE PAs weekdays No No
Presence of dedicated case manager Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Presence of medical students for patient care No No Yes, 4th‐year subinterns or students on elective rotation No No
Compensation model Salary + weekend bonus beyond 10 Salary + incentive Base + shift‐based incentive + quality incentive Salary + incentive Salary
Pay differential compared to housestaff service compensation 10% Higher because of weekend bonus None About 20% higher base compensation; loan forgiveness program tied to nonhousestaff time None About 20% higher compensation
Hospital financial support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 2 does illustrate several important considerations in structuring nonhousestaff services. For example, if a nonhousestaff service operates at a different physical location, careful triage of patients is necessary. Resources, including the availability of subspecialty and surgical consultants, may differ, and thus patient complexity and acuity may dictate whether a patient gets admitted to the nonhousestaff service. These triage factors were a major challenge in the design of UCSF's nonhousestaff service. The other nonhousestaff services handle overflow admissions after the housestaff service reaches a census or admission cap; transfers between services rarely occur, and resources are similar.

Other observations include that hospitalists work a similar number of hours each year and cover 50% of weekends but with differing shift lengths and sequences. Each service also provides night coverage but only Emory, the University of Michigan, and Northwestern utilize dedicated nocturnists. The University of Michigan and Brigham & Women's Hospital are the only sites that employ midlevel providers who work closely with hospitalists. In terms of group structure, Northwestern's hospitalists are the most integrated, with each hospitalist sharing equal responsibility for nonhousestaff coverage. In contrast, the other programs use selected hospitalists or a dedicated core of hospitalists to provide nonhousestaff services. Compensation models also vary, with certain groups salaried and others having incentive systems, although all receive hospital‐based funding support. Hospital‐based funding support ranges from 40% to 100% of total program costs across sites, creating similar variance in a given program's deficit risk. Finally, most programs do compensate nonhousestaff services at higher rates.

All the decisions captured in Table 2 have implications for costs, recruitment, and service structure. Furthermore, the striking variations demonstrate how different academic hospitalist positions can occur both within a hospital medicine group and across institutions. Of note, Table 2 only characterizes nonhousestaff medicine services, not the growing number of comanagement (eg, orthopedics, neurosurgery, or hematology/oncology) and other clinical services (eg, observation unit or preoperative medicine clinic) also staffed by hospitalists at AMCs.


Hospital medicine programs and AMCs face several challenges in building non‐housestaff services, but these will likely become less daunting as programs learn from their own experiences, from those of colleagues at other institutions, and from future investigations of these care models. We highlight a few issues below that warrant important consideration.

The Equities of the System

Prior to developing nonhousestaff services, our academic hospitalist programs scheduled teaching service time in month or half‐month blocks, balancing holidays and weekends. Equity in scheduling became a function of required clinical time, sources of non‐clinical funding (eg, grants, educational or administrative roles), and expectations for scholarship, attributes typical of most subspecialty academic divisions. Given the differing clinical missions that have stimulated academic hospital medicine programs to form, concerns of scheduling equity have grown, posing challenges not experienced in other divisions.

Institutions that choose to divide housestaff and nonhousestaff duties among distinct groups of hospitalists create the potential for a 2‐tiered system, one in which those with housestaff roles are more valued and respected by the institution. Hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services admit patients, write orders, and field direct patient calls, a role rarely undertaken by subspecialty attendings or hospitalists on housestaff services. Our collective experiences provide evidence of the danger of this second‐class‐citizen status, one that requires attention to ensure job satisfaction, retention, and necessary career development.

Institutions have accentuated the second‐class‐citizen concern by staffing nonhousestaff roles with 1‐year hospitalistsPGY‐4s. Most of these hires in our institutions are individuals just out of residency and intent on pursuing a fellowship. We speculate that they enjoy the comforts of the AMC where they often trained and accept purely nonhousestaff positions because of what they view as an appealing work schedule and salary. Although this approach addresses the growing need for hospitalists on nonhousestaff services in the short term, these positions must remain attractive enough (both financially and professionally) to encourage residency graduates to pursue an academic hospitalist career instead of a 1‐year position as a transition to fellowship. Otherwise, the approach conveys a message that relatively inexperienced physicians are good enough to be hospitalists.

Developing a cadre of clinically focused hospitalists who provide outstanding patient care and also garner respect as successful academicians is a difficult task. Although 1 group in our sample (Northwestern) shares nonhousestaff responsibilities equally, others may find this impractical, particularly where faculty members were hired before nonhousestaff services were established. Redefining such clinical positions several years into a career may be challenging, as it forces faculty members into roles they didn't sign up for or grandfathers them out of such roles, adding to the risk of a 2‐tiered system. Alternatively, groups may focus on building academic activities into nonhousestaff services, including medical student teaching, quality improvement, or clinical research activities. In this article, we deliberately classified these services as nonhousestaff rather than non‐teaching because the latter fails to acknowledge that these hospitalists often serve as teachers (eg, housestaff conferences, supervision of midlevel providers, and/or rotating medical students)an important if not symbolic distinction. It is imperative that planning for nonhousestaff services balance the larger academic mission of hospital medicine groups with creating equitable, valued, and sustainable job descriptions.

Defining the Patient Mix

Developing an optimal patient mix on nonhousestaff services also carries important implications. For services that work in parallel with the housestaff service and simply take extra patients above the resident cap, this concern may be less significant. However, other nonhousestaff services have been structured to care for lower‐acuity patients (eg, cellulitis, asthma, pneumonia) or select patient populations (eg, sickle cell or inflammatory bowel disease). This distribution system potentially changes the educational experience on the housestaff servicedecreasing the bread‐and‐butter admissionsbut also may affect the job satisfaction of hospitalists and midlevel providers on nonhousestaff services. Building triage criteria, working with emergency department leadership, and avoiding patients being turfed between different services is critical. We strongly recommend a regular process to review admissions to each service and determine when the triage process requires further calibration.

Recruitment and Retention

Traditionally, graduates of residency or fellowship training programs chose academic positions because of an interest in teaching, a desire for scholarship, or a commitment to research. Those interested in primarily clinical roles typically pursued positions in nonacademic settings. The development of nonhousestaff services challenges this paradigm because the objective for academic hospitalist leadership now becomes recruiting pure clinicians as well as academicians. These might be the same individual, a hospitalist who provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services, or 2 different individuals if the nonhousestaff service is covered by dedicated hospitalists. In addition, with the current promotion structure in academia, a purely clinical position may be less attractive, as it provides fewer opportunities for advancement.

Therefore, recruitment and retention of academic hospitalists will require job descriptions that provide dedicated teaching opportunities, time for participation in quality and safety improvement projects, or pursuit of a scholarly interest in non‐clinical timethe diastole of an academic hospitalist.41 Hospital medicine leadership will also need to better distinguish off‐time from non‐clinical time, as many young hospitalists struggle to balance professional and personal commitmentsa recipe for burnout.42 Regardless of how clinical responsibilities differ between 2 hospitalists, providing them with similar academic resources is what will distinguish their positions from that in the community. Furthermore, many groups have chosen to pay faculty a premium for their nonhousestaff roles or to use specific recruitment incentives such as educational loan forgiveness programs.

With the expected growth of nonhousestaff services and surgical comanagement, hospital medicine programs will also need to determine if new hires will focus on a specific service (eg, orthopedic hospitalist) or whether job descriptions will include a mix of activities (eg, 3 months' teaching service, 3 months' nonhousestaff medical service, and 3 months' surgical comanagement service). A second and equally important question is where does the hospitalist live? If cardiology wants hospitalists to care for their patients, should they be hired and mentored by cardiologists or by hospitalists in a division of general or hospital medicine? In many cases, a graduating resident with plans to pursue a fellowship (eg, cardiology or hematology/oncology) may be a perfect candidate for a 1‐year position on his or her future specialty service. However, in the long term, maintaining all the academic hospitalists under the same umbrella will provide greater mentorship, professional development, opportunities for collaboration, clinical diversity, and sense of belonging to a group, rather than being a token hospitalist for another division.

Compensation and Financial Relationships with AMCs

Salaries for hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services are typically higher at AMCs, which are competing with community standards given the similar level of clinical hours worked. However, although pay for nonhousestaff activities should reflect the nature of the work, compensation models based on clinical productivity alone may prove inadequate. It appears hospitalists working in academic facilities spend significant time on indirect patient care because of these hospitals' inefficiencies, usually not found in community settings.43 Devising compensation for an academic hospitalist requires careful attention and must balance a number of factors because these hospitalists will not generate their entire salary from clinical services. Financial support must come from either the division or medical center, an annual negotiation at AMCs.

Several methods exist to structure hospitalist compensation. A hospitalist's salary may be fixed, may have a base salary with incentives, or may be derived based on clinical productivity. For example, if a hospital medicine program provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services and employs a fixed‐salary approach, it may choose a menu‐style method to determine compensation (eg, 6 months on nonhousestaff service at x dollars/month + 3 months on housestaff service at x dollars/month = annual salary). If a hospitalist takes on a funded nonclinical role or secures extramural funding, the salary menu gets adjusted accordingly as the clinical time is bought out. Critics of the fixed‐salary approach argue that paying each hospitalist the same salary regardless of the specific job description yields an inequitable system in which some are rewarded with less clinical time.

Compensation should probably have a guaranteed base salary with incentives, which could be determined by a formula that weighs clinical productivity, quality improvement efforts, scholarly activity, and teaching excellence. This model provides financial incentives to develop both clinically and academically but introduces complexity in determining a fair incentive structure. Finally, compensation can be structured without salary guarantee and putting compensation fully at risk based on clinical productivity, although this is an unlikely strategy for any hospital medicine group. This approach does disproportionately reward high volume providers, potentially at the risk of quality and safety, but also creates significant incentives to improve efficiency.

With respect to AMC relationships, hospital medicine programs must ensure the positive return on investment that drives financial support at their institutions. This fundamental economic dynamic makes AMCs dependent on their hospital medicine groups and vice versa. We caution programs from solely relying on measures such as reduced hospital costs or length of stay as a basis of funding unless there is a reward for maintaining performance once it inevitably plateaus. Moreover, explicitly tying utilization efficiency (ie, length of stay) to salary violates Stark rules44 and carries potential malpractice implications should patient care errors be attributable to premature hospital discharge. Over time hospitalists will need to maintain clinical benchmarks but also provide additional and valued services to their institutions, including quality and safety improvement activities and compliance with residency work hour restrictions.

Defining the Academic Hospitalist

The question is simple and perhaps philosophical: Are hospitalists who work at an AMC academic hospitalists? And what job description truly defines an academic hospitalist? Currently, there are no standards for the clinical activity of an academic hospitalist position (eg, number of weeks, weekends, and hours) or for assessment of nonclinical productivity. Hospital medicine programs face the challenge of defining positions that fulfill the growing clinical mission at AMCs but have little experience or guidance in ensuring they will lead to advancing the academic mission. Specifically, how do hospitalists who provide mostly clinical care, particularly on nonhousestaff services, achieve promotion? Hospital medicine program leadership must create enough opportunity and time for the development of skills in research, education, and quality or systems improvement if academic hospitalists are to succeed.

The Association of Chiefs of General Internal Medicine (ACGIM), the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), and the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) are currently collaborating to develop consensus guidelines in this area. Ultimately, through the efforts of these important governing bodies, the specialty of hospital medicine will be able to demonstrate the unique skills and services they provide and move toward advocating for academic promotion criteria that recognize their value and accomplishments.


Many lament that the milieu for academic hospitalists raises more challenges than solutions, but we believe the current era is one of excitement and opportunity. In the coming years, we will experience continued growth of nonhousestaff services, including greater comanagement with our surgical and medical specialty colleagues. These opportunities will create new relationships and increase our visibility in AMCs. However, we must remain committed to studying nonhousestaff services and determine if and how they differ from their housestaff and community counterparts, as this will be an important step toward addressing current challenges.

As hospitalists take on increasingly diverse roles,45 we must also lead initiatives to better train, recruit, and retain those interested in our specialty. Promoting our field and recruiting future faculty should occur through local hospitalist career nights, events at national meetings (targeting students, housestaff, and fellows), and other mechanisms utilized by our subspecialty colleagues. For housestaff interested in fellowship training, the growing number of hospitalist fellowships can provide skills in teaching and quality improvement.46 For trainees committed to research, we should work with existing general medicine research fellowships and partner to provide hospitalist mentorship.

Hospitalists are in a unique position to influence the delivery of clinical services, shape the future of residency training, guide quality and safety improvement initiatives, and take on leadership roles through our departments, universities, and medical centers. With the growing number of clinical services being added to our portfolio, we will need careful planning and evaluation of our efforts to build successful partnerships and develop faculty roles that balance clinical and academic pursuits to sustain long‐term and satisfying hospitalist careers.

Many academic medical centers (AMCs) have developed nonhousestaff services to provide clinical care once provided by physicians‐in‐training. These services, often staffed by hospitalists and/or midlevel providers, have experienced tremendous growth in the past few years, yet very little exists in the literature about their development, structure, efficacy, or impact on hospitals, patients, and hospital medicine programs. The primary forces driving this growth include Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) resident duty hour restrictions,1 growth of the hospitalist movement,2 and the emphasis on simultaneously improving financial performance and quality of care in AMCs.3

Resident Duty Hour Restrictions

In 2003, the ACGME mandated restrictions on resident work hours, limiting trainees to 80 hours per week.1 Many training programs struggled with how to provide important clinical services while complying with the new restrictionscreating numerous models that bridged care between different shifts of residents.45 Implementation of day floats (a dedicated resident who rounds with the postcall team), night floats (a dedicated overnight resident who admits and cross‐covers patients), or some variation of both was common.6 No guidelines accompanied the ACGME mandate, leaving institutions to independently structure their programs without a known best practice.

Subsequent literature carefully addressed how the duty hour restrictions affect residents' lives and education but failed to discuss models for providing care.711 Training programs began to institute necessary changes but in doing so, created greater patient discontinuity and increased handoffs between residents, elevating the potential for adverse patient outcomes.12 Recent large‐scale studies indicate that inpatient care is the same or improved since adoption of the duty hour restrictions,1316 but controversy continues, with several editorials debating the issue.1719

Because increasing the volume of patients on housestaff services was not a viable option,20 many AMCs created nonhousestaff services and hired midlevel providers (nurse practitioners and physician assistants) to offset resident workloads and comply with the new restrictions. However, this strategy represented a very expensive alternative.21 Moreover, the current 80‐hour work limits may be revised downward, particularly given the lower restrictions in other countries,22 and this will further drive the demand for nonhousestaff services. Hospitalists, with their documented impact on efficiency and return on investment,23 represent a solution to fill these needs and have quickly become the predominant approach at AMCs.

The Hospitalist Movement

Since the term hospitalist was first coined in 1996,24 the remarkable growth of the number of practicing hospitalists emphasizes how first community hospitals and now AMCs have embraced this approach.25 With more than 20,000 nationwide and projections that the field will grow to 30,000 by 2010,26 hospitalists are becoming the primary providers for in‐patients.2 This growth was further catalyzed when widely expressed concerns about safety and quality became public,2728 and hospitalists incorporated patient safety and quality improvement activities into their efforts.3 The confluence of these factors also prompted emergence of hospital medicine programs at AMCs, a growth that came with anticipated dangers.29 Reflecting the recognition that hospital medicine is becoming a separate specialty30 and is integral to the functioning of an AMC, institutions now operate dedicated divisions of hospital medicine.

AMCs and Hospital Performance

AMCs operate 3 related enterprises: a medical school that trains future physicians, a research arena that promotes basic and clinical investigation, and health care services that often encompass both hospitals and clinics. The financial viability of AMCs has always been a topic of debate, largely because of the different missions they pursue and the financial means by which they survive.3133 Over the past decade, cuts in Medicare reimbursement, challenges in balancing bed availability with occupancy rates, and a growing emphasis on cost reduction have created a more competitive health care environment, but without the predicted demise of AMCs.34 Because education and research generally fail to bolster the bottom line, AMCs have focused on optimizing clinical services to promote financial viability.

Hospitalists are uniquely positioned to help this bottom line, just as they do at community hospitals. Their involvement in patient care may produce reductions in length of stay, greater efficiency in discharge planning, and significant cost savings.3537 Hospitalists may also improve throughput in emergency departments and decrease wait times, leading to more efficient bed utilization.38 This leads to a potential for greater hospital revenue by increasing both the number of admissions, particularly surgical cases, and staffed inpatient beds, the latter a premium, as AMCs continue to expand their bed capacity almost annually. Finally, hospitalists may serve as change agents in improving the quality and safety of care delivered, an increasingly important metric given the desire for and expansion of publicly reported measures.

From a financial standpoint, Medicare support to AMCs for training residents now subsidizes fewer clinical care hours. Hospitalist‐driven nonhousestaff services will continue to fulfill a need created by this marked change in residency training. The tension of who pays for nonhousestaff servicesincreased federal support, financial backing from AMCs, or academic department fundsposes an ongoing struggle. In fact, this may be the most important issue currently debated among hospital administrators and department chairs. Regardless, AMCs continue to view hospitalists as a mechanism (or even solution) to maintaining their financial bottom line through improving care delivery systems, adhering to resident work hour restrictions, leading quality and safety improvement initiatives, and improving clinical patient outcomes.


For AMCs developing nonhousestaff services, the process begins by addressing a series of important questions (Table 1). How these questions are answered is often driven by local factors such as the vision of local leadership and the availability of important resources. Nonetheless, it is important for hospitals to share their experiences because best practices remain unclear. Table 2 provides a tabular snapshot of nonhousestaff medicine services at 5 AMCs to highlight similarities and differences. Data in the table were compiled by having a representative from each AMC report the different attributes, which reflects each program as of July 2007. Table 2 provides no data on the quality or efficiency of housestaff versus nonhousestaff services, though this type of investigation is underway and will be critical in future planning.3940

Important Questions in Developing a NonHousestaff Medicine Service
Questions Potential options
Who will provide care on nonhousestaff services? Physicians seeking a 1‐year position
Physicians committed to a purely clinical career
Physicians committed to an academic career in hospital medicine
Will hospitalists share nonhousestaff service time, or will there be dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists? Hybrid positions
Dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists
Use of PGY‐4s1‐year positions (often individuals planning a fellowship)
How should staffing be organized? Hospitalist‐only services
Use of midlevel providers
Will there be 24‐7 coverage, and if so, how will nights be staffed? Dedicated nocturnists
Shared among daytime hospitalists
Midlevel providers
Moonlighters (fellows or residents)
What type of schedule will provide blocks of clinical time to ensure continuity of care but also ensure adequate nonclinical time to prevent physician burnout and turnover? 7 on/7 off sequences
45 day sequences
Longer shifts with fewer shifts per month
Shorter shifts with more shifts per month
Where will patients on a nonhousestaff service receive care? Geographically designed serviced
○ Different floor
○ Different hospital
Mixed among housestaff service
What patient population will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Same as on housestaff service
Based on bed availability if nonhousestaff service is geographic (a unit)
Based on triage guidelines (lower acuity, observation patients, specific diagnoses)
What volume of patients will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Fixed census cap based on staffing
Flexible census depending on activity of housestaff service (above their cap)
Will compensation for providing nonhousestaff services differ from that on housestaff services? Higher base salary
Incentives tied to nonhousestaff time
Different incentive structures
Characteristics of NonHouse Staff Medicine Services at 5 Academic Centers
Attributes BWH Emory University of Michigan Northwestern UCSF
Description of staffing model Mon.‐Sun.: 1 daytime Hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 4 daytime hospitalists, 2 swing shift admitters Weekdays: 7 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 8 daytime hospitalists, 1 triage hospitalist Weekdays: 2 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist
Nights: 1 MD Nights: 1 MDs Weekends: 7 daytime hospitalists Nights: 2 MDs Weekends: 2 daytime hospitalists
Nights: 2 MDs Nights: 1 MD
Location of service In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital Physically separate hospital affiliate (UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion)
Nonhousestaff FTEs/total hospitalist group 3/15 10/14 20/30 25/34 6/36
What hospitalists provide care on nonhous estaff services? Core of 3 hospitalists (also do month on housestaff service) Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 14 FTEs dedicated to nonhousestaff services Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 6 Mount Zionbased hospitalists (also spend 23 months on housestaff service at university hospital)
Other 6 FTEs consist of 10 faculty with mixed roles
Age of service 2 years 4 years 3 years 5 years 3 years
How patients get assigned to non‐housestaff service? 1. Only ED admissions with no transfers from ICU or other services Assigned by rotation 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during afternoon 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during day 1. Lower‐acuity admissions from ED
2. Admit whenever bed open on service (geographic) 2. Observation cases triaged directly to service 2. Lower‐acuity patients and direct admissions 2. Lower‐acuity admissions from clinics
3. Once housestaff cap, all subsequent admits until midnight to nonhousestaff service 3. Nonhousestaff service admits all patients once resident caps reached 3. Transfers from housestaff service no longer requiring tertiary services (or with complex discharge planning)
Average daily census of nonhousestaff service 12 56 70 (75 cap) 8595 2026
Number of shifts per month/shift duration 15/1012 hours 15/12 hours 1517 (depending on number of nights covered)/812 hours (swing = 8 hours, day = 1012 hours, night = 12 hours) 20/1012 hours 1617/1012 hours
Shift sequences 710 days consecutive Variable 67 days consecutive followed by 1 night for those who cover nights 7 days consecutive 4‐ to 6‐day variable sequences
Total clinical days worked/year 168 182.5 185202 (depending on number of nights covered) 212 196
Weekend clinical time 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends
Night coverage/by whom? Yes/exclusively moonlighters Yes/shared (50% covered by 1 dedicated nocturnist) Yes/66% of nights staffed by dedicated nocturnists with remainder shared Yes/exclusively by six 1‐year nocturnists Yes/exclusively by moonlighters
Presence of midlevel providers Yes 6 FTE PAs Mon.‐Sun. No Yes 8 FTE PAs weekdays No No
Presence of dedicated case manager Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Presence of medical students for patient care No No Yes, 4th‐year subinterns or students on elective rotation No No
Compensation model Salary + weekend bonus beyond 10 Salary + incentive Base + shift‐based incentive + quality incentive Salary + incentive Salary
Pay differential compared to housestaff service compensation 10% Higher because of weekend bonus None About 20% higher base compensation; loan forgiveness program tied to nonhousestaff time None About 20% higher compensation
Hospital financial support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 2 does illustrate several important considerations in structuring nonhousestaff services. For example, if a nonhousestaff service operates at a different physical location, careful triage of patients is necessary. Resources, including the availability of subspecialty and surgical consultants, may differ, and thus patient complexity and acuity may dictate whether a patient gets admitted to the nonhousestaff service. These triage factors were a major challenge in the design of UCSF's nonhousestaff service. The other nonhousestaff services handle overflow admissions after the housestaff service reaches a census or admission cap; transfers between services rarely occur, and resources are similar.

Other observations include that hospitalists work a similar number of hours each year and cover 50% of weekends but with differing shift lengths and sequences. Each service also provides night coverage but only Emory, the University of Michigan, and Northwestern utilize dedicated nocturnists. The University of Michigan and Brigham & Women's Hospital are the only sites that employ midlevel providers who work closely with hospitalists. In terms of group structure, Northwestern's hospitalists are the most integrated, with each hospitalist sharing equal responsibility for nonhousestaff coverage. In contrast, the other programs use selected hospitalists or a dedicated core of hospitalists to provide nonhousestaff services. Compensation models also vary, with certain groups salaried and others having incentive systems, although all receive hospital‐based funding support. Hospital‐based funding support ranges from 40% to 100% of total program costs across sites, creating similar variance in a given program's deficit risk. Finally, most programs do compensate nonhousestaff services at higher rates.

All the decisions captured in Table 2 have implications for costs, recruitment, and service structure. Furthermore, the striking variations demonstrate how different academic hospitalist positions can occur both within a hospital medicine group and across institutions. Of note, Table 2 only characterizes nonhousestaff medicine services, not the growing number of comanagement (eg, orthopedics, neurosurgery, or hematology/oncology) and other clinical services (eg, observation unit or preoperative medicine clinic) also staffed by hospitalists at AMCs.


Hospital medicine programs and AMCs face several challenges in building non‐housestaff services, but these will likely become less daunting as programs learn from their own experiences, from those of colleagues at other institutions, and from future investigations of these care models. We highlight a few issues below that warrant important consideration.

The Equities of the System

Prior to developing nonhousestaff services, our academic hospitalist programs scheduled teaching service time in month or half‐month blocks, balancing holidays and weekends. Equity in scheduling became a function of required clinical time, sources of non‐clinical funding (eg, grants, educational or administrative roles), and expectations for scholarship, attributes typical of most subspecialty academic divisions. Given the differing clinical missions that have stimulated academic hospital medicine programs to form, concerns of scheduling equity have grown, posing challenges not experienced in other divisions.

Institutions that choose to divide housestaff and nonhousestaff duties among distinct groups of hospitalists create the potential for a 2‐tiered system, one in which those with housestaff roles are more valued and respected by the institution. Hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services admit patients, write orders, and field direct patient calls, a role rarely undertaken by subspecialty attendings or hospitalists on housestaff services. Our collective experiences provide evidence of the danger of this second‐class‐citizen status, one that requires attention to ensure job satisfaction, retention, and necessary career development.

Institutions have accentuated the second‐class‐citizen concern by staffing nonhousestaff roles with 1‐year hospitalistsPGY‐4s. Most of these hires in our institutions are individuals just out of residency and intent on pursuing a fellowship. We speculate that they enjoy the comforts of the AMC where they often trained and accept purely nonhousestaff positions because of what they view as an appealing work schedule and salary. Although this approach addresses the growing need for hospitalists on nonhousestaff services in the short term, these positions must remain attractive enough (both financially and professionally) to encourage residency graduates to pursue an academic hospitalist career instead of a 1‐year position as a transition to fellowship. Otherwise, the approach conveys a message that relatively inexperienced physicians are good enough to be hospitalists.

Developing a cadre of clinically focused hospitalists who provide outstanding patient care and also garner respect as successful academicians is a difficult task. Although 1 group in our sample (Northwestern) shares nonhousestaff responsibilities equally, others may find this impractical, particularly where faculty members were hired before nonhousestaff services were established. Redefining such clinical positions several years into a career may be challenging, as it forces faculty members into roles they didn't sign up for or grandfathers them out of such roles, adding to the risk of a 2‐tiered system. Alternatively, groups may focus on building academic activities into nonhousestaff services, including medical student teaching, quality improvement, or clinical research activities. In this article, we deliberately classified these services as nonhousestaff rather than non‐teaching because the latter fails to acknowledge that these hospitalists often serve as teachers (eg, housestaff conferences, supervision of midlevel providers, and/or rotating medical students)an important if not symbolic distinction. It is imperative that planning for nonhousestaff services balance the larger academic mission of hospital medicine groups with creating equitable, valued, and sustainable job descriptions.

Defining the Patient Mix

Developing an optimal patient mix on nonhousestaff services also carries important implications. For services that work in parallel with the housestaff service and simply take extra patients above the resident cap, this concern may be less significant. However, other nonhousestaff services have been structured to care for lower‐acuity patients (eg, cellulitis, asthma, pneumonia) or select patient populations (eg, sickle cell or inflammatory bowel disease). This distribution system potentially changes the educational experience on the housestaff servicedecreasing the bread‐and‐butter admissionsbut also may affect the job satisfaction of hospitalists and midlevel providers on nonhousestaff services. Building triage criteria, working with emergency department leadership, and avoiding patients being turfed between different services is critical. We strongly recommend a regular process to review admissions to each service and determine when the triage process requires further calibration.

Recruitment and Retention

Traditionally, graduates of residency or fellowship training programs chose academic positions because of an interest in teaching, a desire for scholarship, or a commitment to research. Those interested in primarily clinical roles typically pursued positions in nonacademic settings. The development of nonhousestaff services challenges this paradigm because the objective for academic hospitalist leadership now becomes recruiting pure clinicians as well as academicians. These might be the same individual, a hospitalist who provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services, or 2 different individuals if the nonhousestaff service is covered by dedicated hospitalists. In addition, with the current promotion structure in academia, a purely clinical position may be less attractive, as it provides fewer opportunities for advancement.

Therefore, recruitment and retention of academic hospitalists will require job descriptions that provide dedicated teaching opportunities, time for participation in quality and safety improvement projects, or pursuit of a scholarly interest in non‐clinical timethe diastole of an academic hospitalist.41 Hospital medicine leadership will also need to better distinguish off‐time from non‐clinical time, as many young hospitalists struggle to balance professional and personal commitmentsa recipe for burnout.42 Regardless of how clinical responsibilities differ between 2 hospitalists, providing them with similar academic resources is what will distinguish their positions from that in the community. Furthermore, many groups have chosen to pay faculty a premium for their nonhousestaff roles or to use specific recruitment incentives such as educational loan forgiveness programs.

With the expected growth of nonhousestaff services and surgical comanagement, hospital medicine programs will also need to determine if new hires will focus on a specific service (eg, orthopedic hospitalist) or whether job descriptions will include a mix of activities (eg, 3 months' teaching service, 3 months' nonhousestaff medical service, and 3 months' surgical comanagement service). A second and equally important question is where does the hospitalist live? If cardiology wants hospitalists to care for their patients, should they be hired and mentored by cardiologists or by hospitalists in a division of general or hospital medicine? In many cases, a graduating resident with plans to pursue a fellowship (eg, cardiology or hematology/oncology) may be a perfect candidate for a 1‐year position on his or her future specialty service. However, in the long term, maintaining all the academic hospitalists under the same umbrella will provide greater mentorship, professional development, opportunities for collaboration, clinical diversity, and sense of belonging to a group, rather than being a token hospitalist for another division.

Compensation and Financial Relationships with AMCs

Salaries for hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services are typically higher at AMCs, which are competing with community standards given the similar level of clinical hours worked. However, although pay for nonhousestaff activities should reflect the nature of the work, compensation models based on clinical productivity alone may prove inadequate. It appears hospitalists working in academic facilities spend significant time on indirect patient care because of these hospitals' inefficiencies, usually not found in community settings.43 Devising compensation for an academic hospitalist requires careful attention and must balance a number of factors because these hospitalists will not generate their entire salary from clinical services. Financial support must come from either the division or medical center, an annual negotiation at AMCs.

Several methods exist to structure hospitalist compensation. A hospitalist's salary may be fixed, may have a base salary with incentives, or may be derived based on clinical productivity. For example, if a hospital medicine program provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services and employs a fixed‐salary approach, it may choose a menu‐style method to determine compensation (eg, 6 months on nonhousestaff service at x dollars/month + 3 months on housestaff service at x dollars/month = annual salary). If a hospitalist takes on a funded nonclinical role or secures extramural funding, the salary menu gets adjusted accordingly as the clinical time is bought out. Critics of the fixed‐salary approach argue that paying each hospitalist the same salary regardless of the specific job description yields an inequitable system in which some are rewarded with less clinical time.

Compensation should probably have a guaranteed base salary with incentives, which could be determined by a formula that weighs clinical productivity, quality improvement efforts, scholarly activity, and teaching excellence. This model provides financial incentives to develop both clinically and academically but introduces complexity in determining a fair incentive structure. Finally, compensation can be structured without salary guarantee and putting compensation fully at risk based on clinical productivity, although this is an unlikely strategy for any hospital medicine group. This approach does disproportionately reward high volume providers, potentially at the risk of quality and safety, but also creates significant incentives to improve efficiency.

With respect to AMC relationships, hospital medicine programs must ensure the positive return on investment that drives financial support at their institutions. This fundamental economic dynamic makes AMCs dependent on their hospital medicine groups and vice versa. We caution programs from solely relying on measures such as reduced hospital costs or length of stay as a basis of funding unless there is a reward for maintaining performance once it inevitably plateaus. Moreover, explicitly tying utilization efficiency (ie, length of stay) to salary violates Stark rules44 and carries potential malpractice implications should patient care errors be attributable to premature hospital discharge. Over time hospitalists will need to maintain clinical benchmarks but also provide additional and valued services to their institutions, including quality and safety improvement activities and compliance with residency work hour restrictions.

Defining the Academic Hospitalist

The question is simple and perhaps philosophical: Are hospitalists who work at an AMC academic hospitalists? And what job description truly defines an academic hospitalist? Currently, there are no standards for the clinical activity of an academic hospitalist position (eg, number of weeks, weekends, and hours) or for assessment of nonclinical productivity. Hospital medicine programs face the challenge of defining positions that fulfill the growing clinical mission at AMCs but have little experience or guidance in ensuring they will lead to advancing the academic mission. Specifically, how do hospitalists who provide mostly clinical care, particularly on nonhousestaff services, achieve promotion? Hospital medicine program leadership must create enough opportunity and time for the development of skills in research, education, and quality or systems improvement if academic hospitalists are to succeed.

The Association of Chiefs of General Internal Medicine (ACGIM), the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), and the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) are currently collaborating to develop consensus guidelines in this area. Ultimately, through the efforts of these important governing bodies, the specialty of hospital medicine will be able to demonstrate the unique skills and services they provide and move toward advocating for academic promotion criteria that recognize their value and accomplishments.


Many lament that the milieu for academic hospitalists raises more challenges than solutions, but we believe the current era is one of excitement and opportunity. In the coming years, we will experience continued growth of nonhousestaff services, including greater comanagement with our surgical and medical specialty colleagues. These opportunities will create new relationships and increase our visibility in AMCs. However, we must remain committed to studying nonhousestaff services and determine if and how they differ from their housestaff and community counterparts, as this will be an important step toward addressing current challenges.

As hospitalists take on increasingly diverse roles,45 we must also lead initiatives to better train, recruit, and retain those interested in our specialty. Promoting our field and recruiting future faculty should occur through local hospitalist career nights, events at national meetings (targeting students, housestaff, and fellows), and other mechanisms utilized by our subspecialty colleagues. For housestaff interested in fellowship training, the growing number of hospitalist fellowships can provide skills in teaching and quality improvement.46 For trainees committed to research, we should work with existing general medicine research fellowships and partner to provide hospitalist mentorship.

Hospitalists are in a unique position to influence the delivery of clinical services, shape the future of residency training, guide quality and safety improvement initiatives, and take on leadership roles through our departments, universities, and medical centers. With the growing number of clinical services being added to our portfolio, we will need careful planning and evaluation of our efforts to build successful partnerships and develop faculty roles that balance clinical and academic pursuits to sustain long‐term and satisfying hospitalist careers.

  1. Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Information related to the ACGME's effort to address resident duty hours and other relevant resource materials. Available at: Accessed May 28,2007.
  2. Kralovec PD,Miller JA,Wellikson LW,Huddleston JM.The status of hospital medicine groups in the United States.J Hosp Med.2006;1:7580.
  3. Wachter RM.Reflections: the hospitalist movement a decade later.J Hosp Med.2006;1:248252.
  4. Weinstein DF.Duty hours for resident physicians—tough choices for teaching hospitals.N Engl J Med.2002;347:12751278.
  5. Parekh V,Flanders S.Resident work hours, hospitalist programs and academic medical centers.The Hospitalist.2005;Jan/Feb:3033.
  6. Yoon HH.Adapting to duty‐hour limits—four years on.N Engl J Med.2007;356:26682670.
  7. Fletcher KE,Underwood W,Davis SQ,Mangrulkar RS,McMahon LF,Saint S.Effects of work hour reduction on residents' lives: a systematic review.JAMA.2005;294:10881100.
  8. Vidyarthi AR,Katz PP,Wall SD,Wachter RM,Auerbach AD.Impact of reduced duty hours on residents' educational satisfaction at the University of California, San Francisco.Acad Med.2006;81:7681.
  9. Reed DA,Levine RB,Miller RG, et al.Effect of Residency Duty‐Hour Limits. Views of Key Clinical Faculty.Arch Intern Med.2007;167:14871492.
  10. West CP,Cook RJ,Popkave C,Kolars JC.Perceived impact of duty hours regulation: a survey of residents and program directors.Am J Med.2007;120:644648.
  11. Vidyarthi AR,Auerbach AD,Wachter RM,Katz PP.The impact of duty hours on resident self reports of errors.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22:205209.
  12. Vidyarthi AR,Arora V,Schnipper JL,Wall SD,Wachter RM.Managing discontinuity in academic medical centers: strategies for a safe and effective resident sign‐out.J Hosp Med.2006;1:257266.
  13. Shetty KD,Bhattacharya J.Changes in hospital mortality associated with residency work‐hour regulations.Ann Intern Med.2007;147:7380.
  14. Horwitz LI,Kosiborod M,Lin Z,Krumholz HM.Changes in outcomes for internal medicine inpatients after work‐hour regulations.Ann Intern Med.2007;147:97103.
  15. Volpp KG,Rosen AK,Rosenbaum PR, et al.Mortality among hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries in the first 2 years following ACGME resident duty hour reform.JAMA.2007;298:975983.
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  17. Okie S.An elusive balance—residents' work hours and the continuity of care.N Engl J Med.2007;356:26652667.
  18. Goldman L,Fiebach NH.Hippocrates affirmed? Limiting residents' work hours does no harm to patients.Ann Intern Med.2007;356:143144.
  19. Meltzer DO,Arora VM.Evaluating resident duty hour reforms.JAMA.2007;298:10551057.
  20. Ong M,Bostrom A,Vidyarthi A,McCulloch C,Auerbach A.Housestaff team workload and organization effects on patient outcomes in an academic general internal medicine inpatient service.Arch Intern Med.2007;167:4752.
  21. Mitchell CC,Ashley SW,Zinner MJ,Moore FD.Predicting future staffing needs at teaching hospitals: use of an analytical program with multiple variables.Arch Surg.2007;142:329334.
  22. Kwan R. A primer on: resident work hours. American Medical Student Association. 6th ed. 2005. Available at: Accessed May 28,2007.
  23. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The hospitalist movement 5 years later.JAMA.2002;287:487494.
  24. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The emerging role of “hospitalists” in the American health care system.N Engl J Med.1996;335:514517.
  25. Williams MV.The future of hospital medicine: evolution or revolution?Am J Med.2004;117:446450.
  26. Society of Hospital Medicine. Media Center link: Growth of hospital medicine nationwide. Available at Accessed May 28,2007.
  27. Kohn L,Corrigan JM,Donaldson MS, eds.To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System.Washington DC:Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press;2000.
  28. Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine.Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2001.
  29. Saint S,Flanders SA.Hospitalists in teaching hospitals: opportunities but not without danger.J Gen Intern Med.2004;19:392393.
  30. Wachter RM.What will board certification be‐and mean‐for hospitalists?J Hosp Med.2007;2:102104.
  31. Kassirer JP.Academic medical centers under siege.N Engl J Med.1994;331:13701371.
  32. Carey RM,Englehard CL.Academic medicine meets managed care: a high impact collision.Acad Med.1996;71:839845.
  33. Berns KI.Preventing the academic medical center from becoming an oxymoron.Acad Med.1996;71:117120.
  34. Moses H,Their S,Matheson D.Why have academic medical center survived?JAMA.2005:293;14951500.
  35. Rifkin W,Holmboe E,Scherer H,Sierra H.Comparison of hospitalist and nonhospitalists in inpatient length of stay adjusting for patient and physician characteristics.J Gen Intern Med.2004;19:11271132.
  36. Everett G,Uddin N,Rudloff B.Comparison of hospital costs and length of stay for community internists, hospitalists, and academicians.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22;662667.
  37. Coffman J,Rundall TG.The impact of hospitalists on the cost and quality of inpatient care in the United States: a research synthesis.Med Care Res Rev.2005;62:379406.
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  39. Khaliq AA,Huang C,Ganti AK,Invie K,Smego RA.Comparison of resource utilization and clinical outcomes between teaching and nonteaching medical services.J Hosp Med.2007;2:150157.
  40. Everett G,Uddin N,Rudloff B.Comparison of hospital costs and length of stay for community internists, hospitalists, and academicians.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22:662667.
  41. Arora V,Fang MC,Kripalani S,Amin AN.Preparing for “diastole”: advanced training opportunities for academic hospitalists.J Hosp Med.2006;1:368377.
  42. Society of Hospital Medicine Career Satisfaction Task Force. White Paper on Hospitalist Career Satisfaction. 2006;1–45. Available at: Accessed August 11,2007.
  43. O'Leary KJ,Liebovitz DM,Baker DW.How hospitalists spend their time: insights on efficiency and safety.J Hosp Med.2006;1:8893.
  44. A Guide to Complying with Stark Self‐Referral Rules.Washington, DC:Atlantic Information Services, Inc.; 2004. Available at: Accessed September 9, 2007.
  45. Sehgal NL,Wachter RM.The expanding role of hospitalists in the United States.Swiss Med Wkly.2006;136:591596.
  46. Ranji SR,Rosenman DJ,Amin AN,Kripalani S.Hospital medicine fellowships: works in progress.Am J Med.2006;119:72e71e77.
  1. Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Information related to the ACGME's effort to address resident duty hours and other relevant resource materials. Available at: Accessed May 28,2007.
  2. Kralovec PD,Miller JA,Wellikson LW,Huddleston JM.The status of hospital medicine groups in the United States.J Hosp Med.2006;1:7580.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(3)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(3)
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Non–housestaff medicine services in academic centers: Models and challenges
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Non–housestaff medicine services in academic centers: Models and challenges
Legacy Keywords
hospitalists, non‐housestaff services, academic medical centers
Legacy Keywords
hospitalists, non‐housestaff services, academic medical centers
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Copyright © 2008 Society of Hospital Medicine
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