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Thu, 08/26/2021 - 16:20

Amid the growing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, currently in its expansive growth phase in the United States, the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) have jointly released “COVID-19 Clinical Insights for Our Community of Gastroenterologists and Gastroenterology Care Providers,” which can be found on the websites of the various societies.

“The purpose of this communication is to jointly provide you with up to date COVID-19 information in order to maintain the highest level of health and safety for our patients, staff, community, and ourselves,” according to the AGA website announcement.

In particular, the societies point out that there is recent evidence suggesting the potential for coronavirus transmission through droplets and perhaps fecal shedding, which pose potential risks in particular during endoscopy and colonoscopy procedures to other patients, endoscopy personnel, and practitioners.

Relevant clinical factors related to COVID-19 are discussed, including the fact that asymptomatic spread can occur during the prodromal phase (the mean incubation period is approximately 5 days, with a range of 0-14 days), with viral shedding greatest when symptoms begin.

Between 20% and 30% of patients with COVID-19 infection show abnormal liver enzymes. In addition, COVID-19 patients show drops in their leukocyte counts, and elevated white blood cell counts is a poor prognostic sign, according to the release.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists vulnerable populations at the greatest risk for more serious outcomes; these include the elderly and those with severe chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, decompensated cirrhosis, HIV with low CD4 counts, and immunosuppression (including liver and other solid organ transplant recipients), are at higher risk of developing more serious illness. In addition pregnancy may provide added risk.

Specific advice for the gastroenterology profession

The joint statement urges that practitioners strongly consider rescheduling elective nonurgent endoscopic procedures, although some nonurgent procedures are higher priority and may need to be performed, including cancer evaluations, prosthetic removals, and evaluation of significant symptoms. “Of note, the Surgeon General on 3/14/20 advised hospitals to postpone all elective surgeries,” the document states.

Patient concerns

In all cases, patients should be prescreened for high-risk exposure or symptoms. This includes asking about history of fever or respiratory symptoms, family members or close contacts with similar symptoms, any contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, and recent travel to a high-risk area. “Avoid bringing patients (or their escorts) into the medical facility who are over age 65 or have one of the CDC recognized risks listed above,” the societies advise.

Check body temperature of the patient upon arrival at endoscopy unit or clinic, and keep all patients at an appropriate distance from each other (6 feet is recommended) throughout the entire time in the endoscopy unit.

“For COVID-19 positive patients, or those awaiting test results, isolation precautions should be taken with procedures performed in negative pressure rooms,” according to the statement.

In addition, use telemedicine where possible in elective cases, and consider phone follow-up after any procedures at 7 and 14 days to ask about new diagnosis of COVID-19 or development of its symptoms, .

Those patients who are on immunosuppressive drugs for inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune hepatitis should continue taking their medications because the risk of disease flare outweighs the chance of contracting coronavirus, according to the document. In addition, these patients should be advised to follow CDC guidelines for at-risk groups by avoiding crowds and limiting travel.



Protection of practitioners

Key factors in ensuring practitioner safety and maintaining practice functionality are discussed by the joint document. In particular, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn by all members of the endoscopy team: gloves, mask, eye shield/goggles, face shields, and gown, but practitioners should also be aware of how to put on and take off PPE appropriately.

“Conservation of PPE is critical. Only essential personnel should be present in cases. Consider extended use or reuse of surgical masks and eye protection in accordance with hospital policies,” the document recommends.

“It is important to address our collective staff needs and institute policies that protect our workforce.” To that end, the document recommends that centers should strategically assign available personnel in order to minimize concomitant exposure of those with similar or unique skill sets. This includes the use of nonphysician practitioners and fellows that cannot participate in cases for screening and triaging patients, or performing virtual visits.

Coming at a time of pandemic, when gastrointestinal symptoms have been recognized as a more common symptom of COVID-19 than previously expected and liver damage has been noted as a potential repercussion of SARS-CoV-2 infection, these clinical insights provide a template for gastroenterologists and related professionals for dealing with their patients and keeping themselves safe under dramatically changed circumstances.

The partnered organizations, AASLD, ACG, AGA, and ASGE, are committed to providing updated COVID-19 information as appropriate. However: “Given the evolving and fluid nature of the situation, institutions, hospitals and clinics have also been formulating their own local guidelines, so we urge you to follow the evolving CDC recommendations and your local requirements,” according to the AGA website announcement.

In addition to the joint communication, the society websites each offer additional COVID-19 information. The AGA practice updates on the COVID-19 webpage provides information about announcements, such as the cancellation of Digestive Disease Week® in May, a location for AGA members to discuss their COVID-19 experiences and share advice, and links to the CDC COVID-19 updates.

SOURCE: American Gastroenterological Association et al. March 2020, COVID-19 Clinical Insights for Our Community of Gastroenterologists and Gastroenterology Care Providers.


Amid the growing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, currently in its expansive growth phase in the United States, the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) have jointly released “COVID-19 Clinical Insights for Our Community of Gastroenterologists and Gastroenterology Care Providers,” which can be found on the websites of the various societies.

“The purpose of this communication is to jointly provide you with up to date COVID-19 information in order to maintain the highest level of health and safety for our patients, staff, community, and ourselves,” according to the AGA website announcement.

In particular, the societies point out that there is recent evidence suggesting the potential for coronavirus transmission through droplets and perhaps fecal shedding, which pose potential risks in particular during endoscopy and colonoscopy procedures to other patients, endoscopy personnel, and practitioners.

Relevant clinical factors related to COVID-19 are discussed, including the fact that asymptomatic spread can occur during the prodromal phase (the mean incubation period is approximately 5 days, with a range of 0-14 days), with viral shedding greatest when symptoms begin.

Between 20% and 30% of patients with COVID-19 infection show abnormal liver enzymes. In addition, COVID-19 patients show drops in their leukocyte counts, and elevated white blood cell counts is a poor prognostic sign, according to the release.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists vulnerable populations at the greatest risk for more serious outcomes; these include the elderly and those with severe chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, decompensated cirrhosis, HIV with low CD4 counts, and immunosuppression (including liver and other solid organ transplant recipients), are at higher risk of developing more serious illness. In addition pregnancy may provide added risk.

Specific advice for the gastroenterology profession

The joint statement urges that practitioners strongly consider rescheduling elective nonurgent endoscopic procedures, although some nonurgent procedures are higher priority and may need to be performed, including cancer evaluations, prosthetic removals, and evaluation of significant symptoms. “Of note, the Surgeon General on 3/14/20 advised hospitals to postpone all elective surgeries,” the document states.

Patient concerns

In all cases, patients should be prescreened for high-risk exposure or symptoms. This includes asking about history of fever or respiratory symptoms, family members or close contacts with similar symptoms, any contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, and recent travel to a high-risk area. “Avoid bringing patients (or their escorts) into the medical facility who are over age 65 or have one of the CDC recognized risks listed above,” the societies advise.

Check body temperature of the patient upon arrival at endoscopy unit or clinic, and keep all patients at an appropriate distance from each other (6 feet is recommended) throughout the entire time in the endoscopy unit.

“For COVID-19 positive patients, or those awaiting test results, isolation precautions should be taken with procedures performed in negative pressure rooms,” according to the statement.

In addition, use telemedicine where possible in elective cases, and consider phone follow-up after any procedures at 7 and 14 days to ask about new diagnosis of COVID-19 or development of its symptoms, .

Those patients who are on immunosuppressive drugs for inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune hepatitis should continue taking their medications because the risk of disease flare outweighs the chance of contracting coronavirus, according to the document. In addition, these patients should be advised to follow CDC guidelines for at-risk groups by avoiding crowds and limiting travel.



Protection of practitioners

Key factors in ensuring practitioner safety and maintaining practice functionality are discussed by the joint document. In particular, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn by all members of the endoscopy team: gloves, mask, eye shield/goggles, face shields, and gown, but practitioners should also be aware of how to put on and take off PPE appropriately.

“Conservation of PPE is critical. Only essential personnel should be present in cases. Consider extended use or reuse of surgical masks and eye protection in accordance with hospital policies,” the document recommends.

“It is important to address our collective staff needs and institute policies that protect our workforce.” To that end, the document recommends that centers should strategically assign available personnel in order to minimize concomitant exposure of those with similar or unique skill sets. This includes the use of nonphysician practitioners and fellows that cannot participate in cases for screening and triaging patients, or performing virtual visits.

Coming at a time of pandemic, when gastrointestinal symptoms have been recognized as a more common symptom of COVID-19 than previously expected and liver damage has been noted as a potential repercussion of SARS-CoV-2 infection, these clinical insights provide a template for gastroenterologists and related professionals for dealing with their patients and keeping themselves safe under dramatically changed circumstances.

The partnered organizations, AASLD, ACG, AGA, and ASGE, are committed to providing updated COVID-19 information as appropriate. However: “Given the evolving and fluid nature of the situation, institutions, hospitals and clinics have also been formulating their own local guidelines, so we urge you to follow the evolving CDC recommendations and your local requirements,” according to the AGA website announcement.

In addition to the joint communication, the society websites each offer additional COVID-19 information. The AGA practice updates on the COVID-19 webpage provides information about announcements, such as the cancellation of Digestive Disease Week® in May, a location for AGA members to discuss their COVID-19 experiences and share advice, and links to the CDC COVID-19 updates.

SOURCE: American Gastroenterological Association et al. March 2020, COVID-19 Clinical Insights for Our Community of Gastroenterologists and Gastroenterology Care Providers.

Amid the growing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, currently in its expansive growth phase in the United States, the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) have jointly released “COVID-19 Clinical Insights for Our Community of Gastroenterologists and Gastroenterology Care Providers,” which can be found on the websites of the various societies.

“The purpose of this communication is to jointly provide you with up to date COVID-19 information in order to maintain the highest level of health and safety for our patients, staff, community, and ourselves,” according to the AGA website announcement.

In particular, the societies point out that there is recent evidence suggesting the potential for coronavirus transmission through droplets and perhaps fecal shedding, which pose potential risks in particular during endoscopy and colonoscopy procedures to other patients, endoscopy personnel, and practitioners.

Relevant clinical factors related to COVID-19 are discussed, including the fact that asymptomatic spread can occur during the prodromal phase (the mean incubation period is approximately 5 days, with a range of 0-14 days), with viral shedding greatest when symptoms begin.

Between 20% and 30% of patients with COVID-19 infection show abnormal liver enzymes. In addition, COVID-19 patients show drops in their leukocyte counts, and elevated white blood cell counts is a poor prognostic sign, according to the release.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists vulnerable populations at the greatest risk for more serious outcomes; these include the elderly and those with severe chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, decompensated cirrhosis, HIV with low CD4 counts, and immunosuppression (including liver and other solid organ transplant recipients), are at higher risk of developing more serious illness. In addition pregnancy may provide added risk.

Specific advice for the gastroenterology profession

The joint statement urges that practitioners strongly consider rescheduling elective nonurgent endoscopic procedures, although some nonurgent procedures are higher priority and may need to be performed, including cancer evaluations, prosthetic removals, and evaluation of significant symptoms. “Of note, the Surgeon General on 3/14/20 advised hospitals to postpone all elective surgeries,” the document states.

Patient concerns

In all cases, patients should be prescreened for high-risk exposure or symptoms. This includes asking about history of fever or respiratory symptoms, family members or close contacts with similar symptoms, any contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, and recent travel to a high-risk area. “Avoid bringing patients (or their escorts) into the medical facility who are over age 65 or have one of the CDC recognized risks listed above,” the societies advise.

Check body temperature of the patient upon arrival at endoscopy unit or clinic, and keep all patients at an appropriate distance from each other (6 feet is recommended) throughout the entire time in the endoscopy unit.

“For COVID-19 positive patients, or those awaiting test results, isolation precautions should be taken with procedures performed in negative pressure rooms,” according to the statement.

In addition, use telemedicine where possible in elective cases, and consider phone follow-up after any procedures at 7 and 14 days to ask about new diagnosis of COVID-19 or development of its symptoms, .

Those patients who are on immunosuppressive drugs for inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune hepatitis should continue taking their medications because the risk of disease flare outweighs the chance of contracting coronavirus, according to the document. In addition, these patients should be advised to follow CDC guidelines for at-risk groups by avoiding crowds and limiting travel.



Protection of practitioners

Key factors in ensuring practitioner safety and maintaining practice functionality are discussed by the joint document. In particular, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn by all members of the endoscopy team: gloves, mask, eye shield/goggles, face shields, and gown, but practitioners should also be aware of how to put on and take off PPE appropriately.

“Conservation of PPE is critical. Only essential personnel should be present in cases. Consider extended use or reuse of surgical masks and eye protection in accordance with hospital policies,” the document recommends.

“It is important to address our collective staff needs and institute policies that protect our workforce.” To that end, the document recommends that centers should strategically assign available personnel in order to minimize concomitant exposure of those with similar or unique skill sets. This includes the use of nonphysician practitioners and fellows that cannot participate in cases for screening and triaging patients, or performing virtual visits.

Coming at a time of pandemic, when gastrointestinal symptoms have been recognized as a more common symptom of COVID-19 than previously expected and liver damage has been noted as a potential repercussion of SARS-CoV-2 infection, these clinical insights provide a template for gastroenterologists and related professionals for dealing with their patients and keeping themselves safe under dramatically changed circumstances.

The partnered organizations, AASLD, ACG, AGA, and ASGE, are committed to providing updated COVID-19 information as appropriate. However: “Given the evolving and fluid nature of the situation, institutions, hospitals and clinics have also been formulating their own local guidelines, so we urge you to follow the evolving CDC recommendations and your local requirements,” according to the AGA website announcement.

In addition to the joint communication, the society websites each offer additional COVID-19 information. The AGA practice updates on the COVID-19 webpage provides information about announcements, such as the cancellation of Digestive Disease Week® in May, a location for AGA members to discuss their COVID-19 experiences and share advice, and links to the CDC COVID-19 updates.

SOURCE: American Gastroenterological Association et al. March 2020, COVID-19 Clinical Insights for Our Community of Gastroenterologists and Gastroenterology Care Providers.

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