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Priority Articles
Trends and Variation in the Use of Observation Stays at Children’s Hospitals
Traditional Medicare Spending on Inpatient Episodes as Hospitalizations Decline
Association of Healthcare Access With Intensive Care Unit Utilization and Mortality in Patients of Hispanic Ethnicity Hospitalized With COVID-19
Deficits in Identification of Goals and Goal-Concordant Care After Sepsis Hospitalization
Leadership & Professional Development: Everyone Resists Change
Methodologic Progress Note: A Clinician’s Guide to Logistic Regression
Clinical Progress Note: Consolidated Guidelines on Management of Coagulopathy and Antithrombotic Agents for Common Bedside Procedures
Evaluation and Medical Management of the Pediatric Patient With Orbital Cellulitis/Abscess: A Systematic Review
Policy in Clinical Practice: Hospital Price Transparency
Things We Do For No Reason™: Serum Serologic Helicobacter pylori Testing
Falling Through the Cracks
Designing Quality Programs for Rural Hospitals
Problematic Trends in Observation Status for Children’s Hospitals
Where Have All the Medicare Inpatients Gone?
Goal-Concordant Care After Hospitalization for Serious Acute Illness: A Key Opportunity for Hospitalists in Patient-Centered Outcomes
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Price Publication Requirement: If You Post It, Will They Come?
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