Clinical Inquiries
Clinical Inquiries
Is the incidence of depressive disorders increased following cerebral concussion?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Yes, in some populations. Youth and adolescents with self-reported history of concussion had increased risk of depressive...
Clinical Inquiries
Does XR injectable naltrexone prevent relapse as effectively as daily sublingual buprenorphine-naloxone?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Yes. Monthly extended-release injectable naltrexone (XR-NTX) treats opioid use disorder as effectively as daily sublingual...
Clinical Inquiries
Do electronic reminder systems help patients with T2DM to lose weight?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: PROBABLY NOT—but they may augment self-management. Four-component telehealth systems—including electronic reminders,...
Clinical Inquiries
Does early introduction of peanuts to an infant’s diet reduce the risk for peanut allergy?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Probably not, unless the child has severe eczema or egg allergy. In a general pediatric population, introducing peanuts...
Clinical Inquiries
Does evidence support the use of supplements to aid in BP control?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Yes. A number of well-tolerated natural therapies have been shown to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP). (...
Clinical Inquiries
Which medications work best for menorrhagia?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Four medications have been shown to reduce menstrual blood loss (MBL) significantly in placebo-controlled randomized...
Clinical Inquiries
Does concurrent use of clopidogrel and PPIs increase CV risk in patients with ACS?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: No. Adding a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) in patients taking antiplatelet medications such as clopidogrel for acute coronary...
Clinical Inquiries
Do cinnamon supplements improve glycemic control in adults with T2DM?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: The answer isn’t clear. Cinnamon supplements for adults with type 2 diabetes haven’t been shown to decrease hemoglobin A1C...
Clinical Inquiries
Does vitamin D supplementation reduce asthma exacerbations?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Yes, to some extent it does, and primarily in patients with low vitamin D levels. Supplementation reduces asthma...
Clinical Inquiries
Do prophylactic antipyretics reduce vaccination-associated symptoms in children?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Yes for acetaminophen, not so much for ibuprofen. Prophylactic acetaminophen reduces the odds of febrile reactions in the...
Clinical Inquiries
Does screening by primary care providers effectively detect melanoma and other skin cancers?
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Possibly. No trials have directly assessed detection of melanoma and other skin cancers by primary care providers.