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Study estimates carbon footprint reduction of virtual isotretinoin visits

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Fri, 07/30/2021 - 17:56

The environmental impact of virtual isotretinoin management at West Virginia University Hospital (WVUH) in 2020 has been estimated in a new study: A reduction of 5,137 kg of greenhouse gas emissions in carbon dioxide equivalents.

In what they say is “one of the first studies to evaluate the environmental impact of any aspect of dermatology,” the authors of the retrospective cross-sectional study identified patients who had virtual visits for isotretinoin management between March 25 and May 29, 2020, – the period during which all such visits were conducted virtually in keeping with hospital recommendations to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

The investigators, from the department of dermatology and the department of civil and environmental engineering at West Virginia University, Morgantown, then counted the number of virtual visits that occurred during this period and through Dec. 1, 2020, (175 virtual visits), calculated the distance patients would have traveled round-trip had these visits been in-person, and converted miles saved into the environmental impact using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Highway Administration data and relevant EPA standards.

Most patients had elected to continue virtual visits after May 29, the point at which patients were given the option to return to the WVUH clinic. (Patients who initiated treatment during the 2-month identification period were not included.)

The investigators determined that virtual management of isotretinoin saved a median of 37.8 miles per visit during the study period of March 25 to Dec. 1, and estimated that the virtual visits reduced total travel by 14,450 miles. For the analysis, patients were assumed to use light-duty vehicles.

In addition to calculating the reduction in emissions during the study period (5,137 kg of CO2equivalents) they used patient census data from 2019 to 2020 and data from the study period to project the mileage – and the associated emissions – that would be saved annually if all in-person visits for isotretinoin management occurred virtually.

Their calculation for a projected emissions reduction with 1 year of all-virtual isotretinoin management was 49,400 kg of greenhouse gas emissions in CO2equivalents. This is the emission load released when 24,690 kg of coal are burned or 6.3 million smartphones are charged, the researchers wrote.

“Considering that more than 1,000,000 prescriptions of isotretinoin are authorized annually in the United States, the environmental impact could be magnified if virtual delivery of isotretinoin care is adopted on a national scale,” they commented.“Given the serious consequences of global climate change, analysis of the environmental impact of all fields of medicine, including dermatology, is warranted,” they added.

The reduced greenhouse gas emissions are “definitely [being taken] into consideration for future decisions about virtual visits” in the department of dermatology, said Zachary Zinn, MD, residency director and associate professor in the department of dermatology at West Virginia University, Morgantown, who is the senior author of the study. “The main benefit of virtual care in my opinion,” he said in an interview, “is the potential to reduce our carbon footprint.”

Justin Lee, MD, an intern at WVU and the study’s first author, said that the research team was motivated to think about how they “could reduce the negative environmental impact of practicing dermatology” after they read a paper about the environmental impact of endoscopy, written by a gastroenterologist.

In the study, no pregnancies occurred and monthly tests were performed, but “formal assessment of pregnancy risk with virtual isotretinoin management would be warranted,” Dr. Lee and coauthors wrote, noting too that, while no differences were seen with respect to isotretinoin side effects, these were not formally analyzed.

Dr. Zinn said that he and colleagues at WVUH are currently conducting clinical trials to assess the quality and efficacy of virtual care for patients with acne, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis. Delivering care virtually “will be easier to do if there are data supporting [its] quality and efficacy,” he said. Rosacea is another condition that may be amendable to virtual care, he noted.

Meanwhile, he said, isotretinoin management is “well suited” for virtual visits. When initiating isotretinoin treatment, Dr. Zinn now “proactively inquires” if patients would like to pursue their follow-up visits virtually. “I’ll note that it will save the time and decrease the burden of travel, including the financial cost as well as the environmental cost of travel,” he said, estimating that about half of their management visits are currently virtual.

Asked about the study, Misha Rosenbach, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, said the reduced carbon footprint calculated by the researchers and its downstream health benefits “should be taken into consideration by [dermatology] departments, insurers and policymakers” when making decisions about teledermatology.

While environmental impact is “not something I think most institutions are considering for virtual versus in-person care, they should be. And some are,” said Dr. Rosenbach, a founder and cochair of the American Academy of Dermatology Expert Resource Group for Climate Change and Environmental Issues.

Limitations of the study include the generalizability of the results. The impact of virtual isotretinoin management “may be less in predominantly urban areas” than it is in predominately rural West Virginia, the study authors note. And in the case of West Virginia, travel to a local laboratory and pharmacy offsets some of the environmental benefits for the virtual care, they noted. Such travel wasn’t accounted for in the study, but it was found to be a fraction of travel to the WVU hospital clinic. (Patients traveled a median of 5.8 miles to a lab 2.4 times from March 25 to Dec. 1, 2020.)

Dr. Lee will start his dermatology residency at WVU next year. The study was funded by a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation. The authors have no relevant conflicts of interest, according to Dr. Lee.


The environmental impact of virtual isotretinoin management at West Virginia University Hospital (WVUH) in 2020 has been estimated in a new study: A reduction of 5,137 kg of greenhouse gas emissions in carbon dioxide equivalents.

In what they say is “one of the first studies to evaluate the environmental impact of any aspect of dermatology,” the authors of the retrospective cross-sectional study identified patients who had virtual visits for isotretinoin management between March 25 and May 29, 2020, – the period during which all such visits were conducted virtually in keeping with hospital recommendations to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

The investigators, from the department of dermatology and the department of civil and environmental engineering at West Virginia University, Morgantown, then counted the number of virtual visits that occurred during this period and through Dec. 1, 2020, (175 virtual visits), calculated the distance patients would have traveled round-trip had these visits been in-person, and converted miles saved into the environmental impact using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Highway Administration data and relevant EPA standards.

Most patients had elected to continue virtual visits after May 29, the point at which patients were given the option to return to the WVUH clinic. (Patients who initiated treatment during the 2-month identification period were not included.)

The investigators determined that virtual management of isotretinoin saved a median of 37.8 miles per visit during the study period of March 25 to Dec. 1, and estimated that the virtual visits reduced total travel by 14,450 miles. For the analysis, patients were assumed to use light-duty vehicles.

In addition to calculating the reduction in emissions during the study period (5,137 kg of CO2equivalents) they used patient census data from 2019 to 2020 and data from the study period to project the mileage – and the associated emissions – that would be saved annually if all in-person visits for isotretinoin management occurred virtually.

Their calculation for a projected emissions reduction with 1 year of all-virtual isotretinoin management was 49,400 kg of greenhouse gas emissions in CO2equivalents. This is the emission load released when 24,690 kg of coal are burned or 6.3 million smartphones are charged, the researchers wrote.

“Considering that more than 1,000,000 prescriptions of isotretinoin are authorized annually in the United States, the environmental impact could be magnified if virtual delivery of isotretinoin care is adopted on a national scale,” they commented.“Given the serious consequences of global climate change, analysis of the environmental impact of all fields of medicine, including dermatology, is warranted,” they added.

The reduced greenhouse gas emissions are “definitely [being taken] into consideration for future decisions about virtual visits” in the department of dermatology, said Zachary Zinn, MD, residency director and associate professor in the department of dermatology at West Virginia University, Morgantown, who is the senior author of the study. “The main benefit of virtual care in my opinion,” he said in an interview, “is the potential to reduce our carbon footprint.”

Justin Lee, MD, an intern at WVU and the study’s first author, said that the research team was motivated to think about how they “could reduce the negative environmental impact of practicing dermatology” after they read a paper about the environmental impact of endoscopy, written by a gastroenterologist.

In the study, no pregnancies occurred and monthly tests were performed, but “formal assessment of pregnancy risk with virtual isotretinoin management would be warranted,” Dr. Lee and coauthors wrote, noting too that, while no differences were seen with respect to isotretinoin side effects, these were not formally analyzed.

Dr. Zinn said that he and colleagues at WVUH are currently conducting clinical trials to assess the quality and efficacy of virtual care for patients with acne, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis. Delivering care virtually “will be easier to do if there are data supporting [its] quality and efficacy,” he said. Rosacea is another condition that may be amendable to virtual care, he noted.

Meanwhile, he said, isotretinoin management is “well suited” for virtual visits. When initiating isotretinoin treatment, Dr. Zinn now “proactively inquires” if patients would like to pursue their follow-up visits virtually. “I’ll note that it will save the time and decrease the burden of travel, including the financial cost as well as the environmental cost of travel,” he said, estimating that about half of their management visits are currently virtual.

Asked about the study, Misha Rosenbach, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, said the reduced carbon footprint calculated by the researchers and its downstream health benefits “should be taken into consideration by [dermatology] departments, insurers and policymakers” when making decisions about teledermatology.

While environmental impact is “not something I think most institutions are considering for virtual versus in-person care, they should be. And some are,” said Dr. Rosenbach, a founder and cochair of the American Academy of Dermatology Expert Resource Group for Climate Change and Environmental Issues.

Limitations of the study include the generalizability of the results. The impact of virtual isotretinoin management “may be less in predominantly urban areas” than it is in predominately rural West Virginia, the study authors note. And in the case of West Virginia, travel to a local laboratory and pharmacy offsets some of the environmental benefits for the virtual care, they noted. Such travel wasn’t accounted for in the study, but it was found to be a fraction of travel to the WVU hospital clinic. (Patients traveled a median of 5.8 miles to a lab 2.4 times from March 25 to Dec. 1, 2020.)

Dr. Lee will start his dermatology residency at WVU next year. The study was funded by a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation. The authors have no relevant conflicts of interest, according to Dr. Lee.

The environmental impact of virtual isotretinoin management at West Virginia University Hospital (WVUH) in 2020 has been estimated in a new study: A reduction of 5,137 kg of greenhouse gas emissions in carbon dioxide equivalents.

In what they say is “one of the first studies to evaluate the environmental impact of any aspect of dermatology,” the authors of the retrospective cross-sectional study identified patients who had virtual visits for isotretinoin management between March 25 and May 29, 2020, – the period during which all such visits were conducted virtually in keeping with hospital recommendations to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

The investigators, from the department of dermatology and the department of civil and environmental engineering at West Virginia University, Morgantown, then counted the number of virtual visits that occurred during this period and through Dec. 1, 2020, (175 virtual visits), calculated the distance patients would have traveled round-trip had these visits been in-person, and converted miles saved into the environmental impact using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Highway Administration data and relevant EPA standards.

Most patients had elected to continue virtual visits after May 29, the point at which patients were given the option to return to the WVUH clinic. (Patients who initiated treatment during the 2-month identification period were not included.)

The investigators determined that virtual management of isotretinoin saved a median of 37.8 miles per visit during the study period of March 25 to Dec. 1, and estimated that the virtual visits reduced total travel by 14,450 miles. For the analysis, patients were assumed to use light-duty vehicles.

In addition to calculating the reduction in emissions during the study period (5,137 kg of CO2equivalents) they used patient census data from 2019 to 2020 and data from the study period to project the mileage – and the associated emissions – that would be saved annually if all in-person visits for isotretinoin management occurred virtually.

Their calculation for a projected emissions reduction with 1 year of all-virtual isotretinoin management was 49,400 kg of greenhouse gas emissions in CO2equivalents. This is the emission load released when 24,690 kg of coal are burned or 6.3 million smartphones are charged, the researchers wrote.

“Considering that more than 1,000,000 prescriptions of isotretinoin are authorized annually in the United States, the environmental impact could be magnified if virtual delivery of isotretinoin care is adopted on a national scale,” they commented.“Given the serious consequences of global climate change, analysis of the environmental impact of all fields of medicine, including dermatology, is warranted,” they added.

The reduced greenhouse gas emissions are “definitely [being taken] into consideration for future decisions about virtual visits” in the department of dermatology, said Zachary Zinn, MD, residency director and associate professor in the department of dermatology at West Virginia University, Morgantown, who is the senior author of the study. “The main benefit of virtual care in my opinion,” he said in an interview, “is the potential to reduce our carbon footprint.”

Justin Lee, MD, an intern at WVU and the study’s first author, said that the research team was motivated to think about how they “could reduce the negative environmental impact of practicing dermatology” after they read a paper about the environmental impact of endoscopy, written by a gastroenterologist.

In the study, no pregnancies occurred and monthly tests were performed, but “formal assessment of pregnancy risk with virtual isotretinoin management would be warranted,” Dr. Lee and coauthors wrote, noting too that, while no differences were seen with respect to isotretinoin side effects, these were not formally analyzed.

Dr. Zinn said that he and colleagues at WVUH are currently conducting clinical trials to assess the quality and efficacy of virtual care for patients with acne, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis. Delivering care virtually “will be easier to do if there are data supporting [its] quality and efficacy,” he said. Rosacea is another condition that may be amendable to virtual care, he noted.

Meanwhile, he said, isotretinoin management is “well suited” for virtual visits. When initiating isotretinoin treatment, Dr. Zinn now “proactively inquires” if patients would like to pursue their follow-up visits virtually. “I’ll note that it will save the time and decrease the burden of travel, including the financial cost as well as the environmental cost of travel,” he said, estimating that about half of their management visits are currently virtual.

Asked about the study, Misha Rosenbach, MD, associate professor of dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, said the reduced carbon footprint calculated by the researchers and its downstream health benefits “should be taken into consideration by [dermatology] departments, insurers and policymakers” when making decisions about teledermatology.

While environmental impact is “not something I think most institutions are considering for virtual versus in-person care, they should be. And some are,” said Dr. Rosenbach, a founder and cochair of the American Academy of Dermatology Expert Resource Group for Climate Change and Environmental Issues.

Limitations of the study include the generalizability of the results. The impact of virtual isotretinoin management “may be less in predominantly urban areas” than it is in predominately rural West Virginia, the study authors note. And in the case of West Virginia, travel to a local laboratory and pharmacy offsets some of the environmental benefits for the virtual care, they noted. Such travel wasn’t accounted for in the study, but it was found to be a fraction of travel to the WVU hospital clinic. (Patients traveled a median of 5.8 miles to a lab 2.4 times from March 25 to Dec. 1, 2020.)

Dr. Lee will start his dermatology residency at WVU next year. The study was funded by a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation. The authors have no relevant conflicts of interest, according to Dr. Lee.

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Unexpected Complications: A Case of Rosacea Fulminans in Pregnancy

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Fri, 08/20/2021 - 09:16

Rosacea fulminans (RF) is a rare facial dermatosis characterized by its fulminating course. 1 It presents with superficial and deep-seated papules, pustules, and nodules combined with an intense reddish or cyanotic erythema localized to the face. Furthermore, there is an absence of comedones and involvement of the chest or back. 2 Rosacea fulminans primarily affects women and often is, but not always, proceeded by seborrhea, chronic acne vulgaris, or rosacea. Although the etiology of RF remains unknown, immunologic, hormonal, and vascular factors have been implicated. 3 We report a case of RF in a pregnant patient with a history of mild acne as a teenager that was long ago resolved.

Case Report

A 32-year-old pregnant woman (10 weeks’ gestation) presented with a rapidly progressing inflammatory disorder of the face of 1 month’s duration. The lesions developed 3 weeks after beginning progesterone therapy (200 mg vaginal suppository) for infertility due to polycystic ovary syndrome. Despite discontinuing progesterone for the last month, the patient’s lesions had dramatically worsened (Figure 1). Empiric cephalosporin treatment prescribed by her primary care physician yielded no improvement. Physical examination at the current presentation revealed erythematous nodules and pustules all over the face, coalescing into large thick plaques on the patient’s right cheek and chin. Submental nodes were palpable and tender. Based on the initial clinical findings, acne conglobata secondary to progesterone therapy was considered. The patient was given intralesional triamcinolone (2.5 mg/cc) injections to all larger nodules and several blue light treatments.

Figure 1. Rosacea fulminans in a pregnant woman at presentation (10 weeks’ gestation).

The injected areas had improved 5 days after the initial visit; however, the chin and right paranasal cheek developed even more nodules and papules coalescing into large plaques. After consulting the patient’s obstetrician, prednisone (20 mg once daily) was initiated. Three weeks later, the patient’s nodular lesions had improved, but there was a showering of more than 100 pustules and increased general erythema of the entire face (Figure 2). Crotamiton cream 10% (every day before noon), ivermectin cream 1% (every night at bedtime), and sodium sulfacetamide cleanser 10% once daily were added to the treatment plan.

Figure 2. Three weeks after starting prednisone, there was a showering of more than 100 pustules and increased general erythema of the entire face due to rosacea fulminans.

At 16 weeks’ gestation, there was slight improvement; however, there was still erythema on the entire face with scattered pustules and multiple papules and nodules. Many small ice-pick scars were seen on the cheeks and forehead. No comedones were observed. A punch biopsy of an intact papule showed a prominent inflammatory infiltrate with granulomatous reaction and numerous neutrophils predominantly affecting hair follicles. Based on the clinical presentation and histopathology, a diagnosis of RF was made. Azithromycin (250 mg once daily) and metronidazole cream 0.75% twice daily were added. Two weeks later there were fewer nodules but many papules, edema, and intense erythema. The prednisone dosage was increased to 40 mg once daily. Two weeks later, the patient showed improvement with fewer lesions, less edema, and less erythema. The patient was instructed to finish the azithromycin course and discontinue use. At 28 weeks’ gestation, a prednisone taper was started with the intention to reduce the daily dose by delivery.

The patient delivered a healthy girl (birth weight, 1.985 kg) prematurely at 34 weeks’ gestation. At 2 months postpartum, the patient’s existing lesions continued to spontaneously improve; however, she still had numerous nodules and papules and continued to develop new lesions and form additional scars. Isotretinoin was instituted at 3 months postpartum upon cessation of nursing. Three months later (40 mg/d isotretinoin), the patient was nearly clear. At 8 months postpartum, isotretinoin was discontinued after a course of 150 mg/kg.


Rosacea fulminans initially was called pyoderma faciale but was later regarded as a severe form of rosacea and was renamed rosacea fulminans.2 According to a PubMed search of articles indexed for MEDLINE using the terms pregnancy and rosacea fulminans or pyoderma faciale, we identified 12 publications reporting 20 cases of RF associated with pregnancy (Table). Although there is no substantial evidence regarding the exact mechanism, these cases indicate that pregnancy can be an exacerbating or causative factor in the pathogenesis of RF.

In addition to pregnancy, RF has been associated with inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid and liver disease, erythema nodosum, and severe emotional trauma. However, no organism has been consistently isolated, and no evidence of family history has been reported.1 Histopathologic findings are dependent on the stage of disease. Massive infiltrates of neutrophils may be observed in early stages. In older lesions, infiltrates take the form of epithelioid cell granulomas.2

Treatment of RF during pregnancy is challenging. Early and aggressive treatment with retinoids, tetracycline antibiotics, antiandrogenic contraceptives, and dapsone is recommended in patients who are not pregnant; these therapies are all contraindicated in pregnancy. Topical steroids can be safely used; however, systemic steroids usually are required to control RF. The use of systemic steroids can only be justified if the risks for intrauterine growth retardation, maternal diabetes mellitus, and hypertension outweigh the benefits of treating this severe disfiguring skin condition.10 A study by Bakar et al13 indicated that azithromycin is an effective and safe alternative in the treatment of RF. It has a superior pharmacokinetic profile compared to other macrolides and does not pose increased risks for congenital malformation or miscarriage. Because of the concomitant use of both azithromycin and prednisone, it is not possible to determine which had the larger role in the patient’s improvement.

Isotretinoin therapy in our patient led to substantial improvement of RF. Time will tell if the response will be durable. Also unknown is the risk for recurrence with subsequent pregnancies, which has not been reported in the literature. Although it is difficult to confidently say that pregnancy was the inciting factor in this patient’s RF, this case certainly provides more evidence for a link between pregnancy and RF.

  1. Jarrett R, Gonsalves R, Anstey AV. Differing obstetric outcomes of rosacea fulminans in pregnancy: report of three cases with review of pathogenesis and management. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2010;35:888-891. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2230.2010.03846.x
  2. Ferahbas A, Utas S, Mistik S, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy: case report and review of the literature. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2006;7:141-144. doi:10.2165/00128071-200607020-00007
  3. Fuentelsaz V, Ara M, Corredera C, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy: successful treatment with azithromycin. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2011;36:674-676. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2230.2011.04042.x
  4. Garayar Cantero M, Garabito Solovera E, Aguado García Á, et al. Use of permethrin in the treatment of rosacea fulminans during pregnancy: one case report. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33:E13436. doi:10.1111/dth.13436
  5. Demir O, Tas IS, Gunay B, et al. A rare dermatologic disease in pregnancy: rosacea fulminans—case report and review of the literature. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018;6:1438-1441. doi:10.3889/oamjms.2018.267
  6. Markou AG, Alessandrini V, Muray JM, et al. Rosacea fulminans during pregnancy. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2017;44:157-159.
  7. Haenen CCP, Kouwenhoven STP, van Doorn R. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy [in Dutch]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2015;159:A8334.
  8. de Morais e Silva FA, Bonassi M, Steiner D, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy with ocular perforation. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2011;9:542-543. doi:10.1111/j.1610-0387.2011.07616.x
  9. Cisse M, Maruani A, Bré C. Rosacea fulminans in the early course of a pregnancy by in vitro fertilization with embryo transfer [in French]. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2008;135:675-678. doi:10.1016/j.annder.2008.04.015
  10. Lewis VJ, Holme SA, Wright A, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy. Br J Dermatol. 2004;151:917-919. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2133.2004.06190.x
  11. Plewig G, Jansen T, Kligman AM. Pyoderma faciale. a review and report of 20 additional cases: is it rosacea? Arch Dermatol. 1992;128:1611-1617. doi:10.1001/archderm.128.12.1611
  13. Massa MC, Su WP. Pyoderma faciale: a clinical study of twenty-nine patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1982;6:84-91. doi:10.1016/s0190-9622(82)70008-8
  15. Bakar O, Demirçay Z, Gürbüz O. Therapeutic potential of azithromycin in rosacea. Int J Dermatol. 2004;43:151-154. doi:10.1111/j.1365-4632.2004.01958.x
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Author and Disclosure Information

Mr. Ranpariya is from Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Dr. Baldwin is from Acne Treatment and Research Center, Morristown, New Jersey.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Varun Ranpariya, BA, 142 Joralemon St, Brooklyn, NY 11201 (

cutis - 108(1)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Mr. Ranpariya is from Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Dr. Baldwin is from Acne Treatment and Research Center, Morristown, New Jersey.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Varun Ranpariya, BA, 142 Joralemon St, Brooklyn, NY 11201 (

Author and Disclosure Information

Mr. Ranpariya is from Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Dr. Baldwin is from Acne Treatment and Research Center, Morristown, New Jersey.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Varun Ranpariya, BA, 142 Joralemon St, Brooklyn, NY 11201 (

Article PDF
Article PDF

Rosacea fulminans (RF) is a rare facial dermatosis characterized by its fulminating course. 1 It presents with superficial and deep-seated papules, pustules, and nodules combined with an intense reddish or cyanotic erythema localized to the face. Furthermore, there is an absence of comedones and involvement of the chest or back. 2 Rosacea fulminans primarily affects women and often is, but not always, proceeded by seborrhea, chronic acne vulgaris, or rosacea. Although the etiology of RF remains unknown, immunologic, hormonal, and vascular factors have been implicated. 3 We report a case of RF in a pregnant patient with a history of mild acne as a teenager that was long ago resolved.

Case Report

A 32-year-old pregnant woman (10 weeks’ gestation) presented with a rapidly progressing inflammatory disorder of the face of 1 month’s duration. The lesions developed 3 weeks after beginning progesterone therapy (200 mg vaginal suppository) for infertility due to polycystic ovary syndrome. Despite discontinuing progesterone for the last month, the patient’s lesions had dramatically worsened (Figure 1). Empiric cephalosporin treatment prescribed by her primary care physician yielded no improvement. Physical examination at the current presentation revealed erythematous nodules and pustules all over the face, coalescing into large thick plaques on the patient’s right cheek and chin. Submental nodes were palpable and tender. Based on the initial clinical findings, acne conglobata secondary to progesterone therapy was considered. The patient was given intralesional triamcinolone (2.5 mg/cc) injections to all larger nodules and several blue light treatments.

Figure 1. Rosacea fulminans in a pregnant woman at presentation (10 weeks’ gestation).

The injected areas had improved 5 days after the initial visit; however, the chin and right paranasal cheek developed even more nodules and papules coalescing into large plaques. After consulting the patient’s obstetrician, prednisone (20 mg once daily) was initiated. Three weeks later, the patient’s nodular lesions had improved, but there was a showering of more than 100 pustules and increased general erythema of the entire face (Figure 2). Crotamiton cream 10% (every day before noon), ivermectin cream 1% (every night at bedtime), and sodium sulfacetamide cleanser 10% once daily were added to the treatment plan.

Figure 2. Three weeks after starting prednisone, there was a showering of more than 100 pustules and increased general erythema of the entire face due to rosacea fulminans.

At 16 weeks’ gestation, there was slight improvement; however, there was still erythema on the entire face with scattered pustules and multiple papules and nodules. Many small ice-pick scars were seen on the cheeks and forehead. No comedones were observed. A punch biopsy of an intact papule showed a prominent inflammatory infiltrate with granulomatous reaction and numerous neutrophils predominantly affecting hair follicles. Based on the clinical presentation and histopathology, a diagnosis of RF was made. Azithromycin (250 mg once daily) and metronidazole cream 0.75% twice daily were added. Two weeks later there were fewer nodules but many papules, edema, and intense erythema. The prednisone dosage was increased to 40 mg once daily. Two weeks later, the patient showed improvement with fewer lesions, less edema, and less erythema. The patient was instructed to finish the azithromycin course and discontinue use. At 28 weeks’ gestation, a prednisone taper was started with the intention to reduce the daily dose by delivery.

The patient delivered a healthy girl (birth weight, 1.985 kg) prematurely at 34 weeks’ gestation. At 2 months postpartum, the patient’s existing lesions continued to spontaneously improve; however, she still had numerous nodules and papules and continued to develop new lesions and form additional scars. Isotretinoin was instituted at 3 months postpartum upon cessation of nursing. Three months later (40 mg/d isotretinoin), the patient was nearly clear. At 8 months postpartum, isotretinoin was discontinued after a course of 150 mg/kg.


Rosacea fulminans initially was called pyoderma faciale but was later regarded as a severe form of rosacea and was renamed rosacea fulminans.2 According to a PubMed search of articles indexed for MEDLINE using the terms pregnancy and rosacea fulminans or pyoderma faciale, we identified 12 publications reporting 20 cases of RF associated with pregnancy (Table). Although there is no substantial evidence regarding the exact mechanism, these cases indicate that pregnancy can be an exacerbating or causative factor in the pathogenesis of RF.

In addition to pregnancy, RF has been associated with inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid and liver disease, erythema nodosum, and severe emotional trauma. However, no organism has been consistently isolated, and no evidence of family history has been reported.1 Histopathologic findings are dependent on the stage of disease. Massive infiltrates of neutrophils may be observed in early stages. In older lesions, infiltrates take the form of epithelioid cell granulomas.2

Treatment of RF during pregnancy is challenging. Early and aggressive treatment with retinoids, tetracycline antibiotics, antiandrogenic contraceptives, and dapsone is recommended in patients who are not pregnant; these therapies are all contraindicated in pregnancy. Topical steroids can be safely used; however, systemic steroids usually are required to control RF. The use of systemic steroids can only be justified if the risks for intrauterine growth retardation, maternal diabetes mellitus, and hypertension outweigh the benefits of treating this severe disfiguring skin condition.10 A study by Bakar et al13 indicated that azithromycin is an effective and safe alternative in the treatment of RF. It has a superior pharmacokinetic profile compared to other macrolides and does not pose increased risks for congenital malformation or miscarriage. Because of the concomitant use of both azithromycin and prednisone, it is not possible to determine which had the larger role in the patient’s improvement.

Isotretinoin therapy in our patient led to substantial improvement of RF. Time will tell if the response will be durable. Also unknown is the risk for recurrence with subsequent pregnancies, which has not been reported in the literature. Although it is difficult to confidently say that pregnancy was the inciting factor in this patient’s RF, this case certainly provides more evidence for a link between pregnancy and RF.

Rosacea fulminans (RF) is a rare facial dermatosis characterized by its fulminating course. 1 It presents with superficial and deep-seated papules, pustules, and nodules combined with an intense reddish or cyanotic erythema localized to the face. Furthermore, there is an absence of comedones and involvement of the chest or back. 2 Rosacea fulminans primarily affects women and often is, but not always, proceeded by seborrhea, chronic acne vulgaris, or rosacea. Although the etiology of RF remains unknown, immunologic, hormonal, and vascular factors have been implicated. 3 We report a case of RF in a pregnant patient with a history of mild acne as a teenager that was long ago resolved.

Case Report

A 32-year-old pregnant woman (10 weeks’ gestation) presented with a rapidly progressing inflammatory disorder of the face of 1 month’s duration. The lesions developed 3 weeks after beginning progesterone therapy (200 mg vaginal suppository) for infertility due to polycystic ovary syndrome. Despite discontinuing progesterone for the last month, the patient’s lesions had dramatically worsened (Figure 1). Empiric cephalosporin treatment prescribed by her primary care physician yielded no improvement. Physical examination at the current presentation revealed erythematous nodules and pustules all over the face, coalescing into large thick plaques on the patient’s right cheek and chin. Submental nodes were palpable and tender. Based on the initial clinical findings, acne conglobata secondary to progesterone therapy was considered. The patient was given intralesional triamcinolone (2.5 mg/cc) injections to all larger nodules and several blue light treatments.

Figure 1. Rosacea fulminans in a pregnant woman at presentation (10 weeks’ gestation).

The injected areas had improved 5 days after the initial visit; however, the chin and right paranasal cheek developed even more nodules and papules coalescing into large plaques. After consulting the patient’s obstetrician, prednisone (20 mg once daily) was initiated. Three weeks later, the patient’s nodular lesions had improved, but there was a showering of more than 100 pustules and increased general erythema of the entire face (Figure 2). Crotamiton cream 10% (every day before noon), ivermectin cream 1% (every night at bedtime), and sodium sulfacetamide cleanser 10% once daily were added to the treatment plan.

Figure 2. Three weeks after starting prednisone, there was a showering of more than 100 pustules and increased general erythema of the entire face due to rosacea fulminans.

At 16 weeks’ gestation, there was slight improvement; however, there was still erythema on the entire face with scattered pustules and multiple papules and nodules. Many small ice-pick scars were seen on the cheeks and forehead. No comedones were observed. A punch biopsy of an intact papule showed a prominent inflammatory infiltrate with granulomatous reaction and numerous neutrophils predominantly affecting hair follicles. Based on the clinical presentation and histopathology, a diagnosis of RF was made. Azithromycin (250 mg once daily) and metronidazole cream 0.75% twice daily were added. Two weeks later there were fewer nodules but many papules, edema, and intense erythema. The prednisone dosage was increased to 40 mg once daily. Two weeks later, the patient showed improvement with fewer lesions, less edema, and less erythema. The patient was instructed to finish the azithromycin course and discontinue use. At 28 weeks’ gestation, a prednisone taper was started with the intention to reduce the daily dose by delivery.

The patient delivered a healthy girl (birth weight, 1.985 kg) prematurely at 34 weeks’ gestation. At 2 months postpartum, the patient’s existing lesions continued to spontaneously improve; however, she still had numerous nodules and papules and continued to develop new lesions and form additional scars. Isotretinoin was instituted at 3 months postpartum upon cessation of nursing. Three months later (40 mg/d isotretinoin), the patient was nearly clear. At 8 months postpartum, isotretinoin was discontinued after a course of 150 mg/kg.


Rosacea fulminans initially was called pyoderma faciale but was later regarded as a severe form of rosacea and was renamed rosacea fulminans.2 According to a PubMed search of articles indexed for MEDLINE using the terms pregnancy and rosacea fulminans or pyoderma faciale, we identified 12 publications reporting 20 cases of RF associated with pregnancy (Table). Although there is no substantial evidence regarding the exact mechanism, these cases indicate that pregnancy can be an exacerbating or causative factor in the pathogenesis of RF.

In addition to pregnancy, RF has been associated with inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid and liver disease, erythema nodosum, and severe emotional trauma. However, no organism has been consistently isolated, and no evidence of family history has been reported.1 Histopathologic findings are dependent on the stage of disease. Massive infiltrates of neutrophils may be observed in early stages. In older lesions, infiltrates take the form of epithelioid cell granulomas.2

Treatment of RF during pregnancy is challenging. Early and aggressive treatment with retinoids, tetracycline antibiotics, antiandrogenic contraceptives, and dapsone is recommended in patients who are not pregnant; these therapies are all contraindicated in pregnancy. Topical steroids can be safely used; however, systemic steroids usually are required to control RF. The use of systemic steroids can only be justified if the risks for intrauterine growth retardation, maternal diabetes mellitus, and hypertension outweigh the benefits of treating this severe disfiguring skin condition.10 A study by Bakar et al13 indicated that azithromycin is an effective and safe alternative in the treatment of RF. It has a superior pharmacokinetic profile compared to other macrolides and does not pose increased risks for congenital malformation or miscarriage. Because of the concomitant use of both azithromycin and prednisone, it is not possible to determine which had the larger role in the patient’s improvement.

Isotretinoin therapy in our patient led to substantial improvement of RF. Time will tell if the response will be durable. Also unknown is the risk for recurrence with subsequent pregnancies, which has not been reported in the literature. Although it is difficult to confidently say that pregnancy was the inciting factor in this patient’s RF, this case certainly provides more evidence for a link between pregnancy and RF.

  1. Jarrett R, Gonsalves R, Anstey AV. Differing obstetric outcomes of rosacea fulminans in pregnancy: report of three cases with review of pathogenesis and management. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2010;35:888-891. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2230.2010.03846.x
  2. Ferahbas A, Utas S, Mistik S, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy: case report and review of the literature. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2006;7:141-144. doi:10.2165/00128071-200607020-00007
  3. Fuentelsaz V, Ara M, Corredera C, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy: successful treatment with azithromycin. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2011;36:674-676. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2230.2011.04042.x
  4. Garayar Cantero M, Garabito Solovera E, Aguado García Á, et al. Use of permethrin in the treatment of rosacea fulminans during pregnancy: one case report. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33:E13436. doi:10.1111/dth.13436
  5. Demir O, Tas IS, Gunay B, et al. A rare dermatologic disease in pregnancy: rosacea fulminans—case report and review of the literature. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018;6:1438-1441. doi:10.3889/oamjms.2018.267
  6. Markou AG, Alessandrini V, Muray JM, et al. Rosacea fulminans during pregnancy. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2017;44:157-159.
  7. Haenen CCP, Kouwenhoven STP, van Doorn R. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy [in Dutch]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2015;159:A8334.
  8. de Morais e Silva FA, Bonassi M, Steiner D, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy with ocular perforation. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2011;9:542-543. doi:10.1111/j.1610-0387.2011.07616.x
  9. Cisse M, Maruani A, Bré C. Rosacea fulminans in the early course of a pregnancy by in vitro fertilization with embryo transfer [in French]. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2008;135:675-678. doi:10.1016/j.annder.2008.04.015
  10. Lewis VJ, Holme SA, Wright A, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy. Br J Dermatol. 2004;151:917-919. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2133.2004.06190.x
  11. Plewig G, Jansen T, Kligman AM. Pyoderma faciale. a review and report of 20 additional cases: is it rosacea? Arch Dermatol. 1992;128:1611-1617. doi:10.1001/archderm.128.12.1611
  13. Massa MC, Su WP. Pyoderma faciale: a clinical study of twenty-nine patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1982;6:84-91. doi:10.1016/s0190-9622(82)70008-8
  15. Bakar O, Demirçay Z, Gürbüz O. Therapeutic potential of azithromycin in rosacea. Int J Dermatol. 2004;43:151-154. doi:10.1111/j.1365-4632.2004.01958.x
  1. Jarrett R, Gonsalves R, Anstey AV. Differing obstetric outcomes of rosacea fulminans in pregnancy: report of three cases with review of pathogenesis and management. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2010;35:888-891. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2230.2010.03846.x
  2. Ferahbas A, Utas S, Mistik S, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy: case report and review of the literature. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2006;7:141-144. doi:10.2165/00128071-200607020-00007
  3. Fuentelsaz V, Ara M, Corredera C, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy: successful treatment with azithromycin. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2011;36:674-676. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2230.2011.04042.x
  4. Garayar Cantero M, Garabito Solovera E, Aguado García Á, et al. Use of permethrin in the treatment of rosacea fulminans during pregnancy: one case report. Dermatol Ther. 2020;33:E13436. doi:10.1111/dth.13436
  5. Demir O, Tas IS, Gunay B, et al. A rare dermatologic disease in pregnancy: rosacea fulminans—case report and review of the literature. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018;6:1438-1441. doi:10.3889/oamjms.2018.267
  6. Markou AG, Alessandrini V, Muray JM, et al. Rosacea fulminans during pregnancy. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2017;44:157-159.
  7. Haenen CCP, Kouwenhoven STP, van Doorn R. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy [in Dutch]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2015;159:A8334.
  8. de Morais e Silva FA, Bonassi M, Steiner D, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy with ocular perforation. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2011;9:542-543. doi:10.1111/j.1610-0387.2011.07616.x
  9. Cisse M, Maruani A, Bré C. Rosacea fulminans in the early course of a pregnancy by in vitro fertilization with embryo transfer [in French]. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2008;135:675-678. doi:10.1016/j.annder.2008.04.015
  10. Lewis VJ, Holme SA, Wright A, et al. Rosacea fulminans in pregnancy. Br J Dermatol. 2004;151:917-919. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2133.2004.06190.x
  11. Plewig G, Jansen T, Kligman AM. Pyoderma faciale. a review and report of 20 additional cases: is it rosacea? Arch Dermatol. 1992;128:1611-1617. doi:10.1001/archderm.128.12.1611
  13. Massa MC, Su WP. Pyoderma faciale: a clinical study of twenty-nine patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1982;6:84-91. doi:10.1016/s0190-9622(82)70008-8
  15. Bakar O, Demirçay Z, Gürbüz O. Therapeutic potential of azithromycin in rosacea. Int J Dermatol. 2004;43:151-154. doi:10.1111/j.1365-4632.2004.01958.x
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Practice Points

  • Rosacea fulminans (RF) is a rare facial dermatosis that can present in pregnant patients.
  • Treatment of RF in a pregnant patient requires special considerations because typical therapies are contraindicated in pregnancy.
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Acne and Rosacea Supplement

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Mon, 09/13/2021 - 12:25
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Acne and Rosacea Supplement

Acne & Rosacea

  • Rosacea phenotypes
  • Erythema and flushing
  • Aggressive treatment of acne
  • Energy-based rosacea therapy
  • Diet and acne




Acne & Rosacea

  • Rosacea phenotypes
  • Erythema and flushing
  • Aggressive treatment of acne
  • Energy-based rosacea therapy
  • Diet and acne



Acne & Rosacea

  • Rosacea phenotypes
  • Erythema and flushing
  • Aggressive treatment of acne
  • Energy-based rosacea therapy
  • Diet and acne



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Acne and Rosacea Supplement
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Acne and Rosacea Supplement
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Isotretinoin Meets COVID-19: Revisiting a Fragmented Paradigm

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Thu, 08/26/2021 - 15:45

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein

Amidst the myriad of disruptions and corollary solutions budding from the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, management of acne with isotretinoin underwent a makeover. Firstly, as with any pharmaceutical prescribed in the last 1 to 2 years, patients asked the compelling question, “Will this prescription put me at higher risk for COVID-19?”, resulting in a complex set of answers from both clinical and basic science perspectives. Further, the practical use of telemedicine for clinical visits and pregnancy test reporting altered the shape of isotretinoin physician-patient communication and follow-up. Finally, the combination of these circumstances spurred us to revisit common quandaries in prescribing this drug: Can we trust what patients tell us when they are taking isotretinoin? Do we need to monitor laboratory values and follow patients on isotretinoin as closely and as frequently as we have in the past? Does the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program of iPLEDGE hold true utility?

Impact of COVID-19 on Isotretinoin Use

Isotretinoin may have varying influence on the ease of host entry and virulence of COVID-19. Because the majority of patients experience some degree of mucous membrane desiccation on isotretinoin, it originally was postulated that disruption of the nasal mucosa, thereby uncovering the basal epithelial layer where angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors are expressed, could increase the risk for viral invasion, as ACE2 is the host receptor for COVID-19 entry.1,2 On the other hand, a study of 672 medications and their effect on regulation of ACE2 levels stratified isotretinoin in the highest category of ACE2 downregulators, therefore theoretically preventing cellular entry and replication of the virus.3 In conferring with many of my colleagues and reviewing available literature, I found that these data did not summarily deter providers from initiating or continuing isotretinoin during the pandemic, and research is ongoing to particularly earmark isotretinoin as a possible COVID-19 therapy option.4,5 Despite this, and despite the lower risk for COVID-19 in the customary isotretinoin adolescent and young adult age range, an Italian study reported that 14.7% of patients (5/34) prematurely interrupted isotretinoin therapy during lockdown because of fear of COVID-19 infection.6 Data also suggest that college towns (akin to where I practice, rife with isotretinoin-eligible patients) reflected higher COVID-19 infection and death rates, likely due to dense cohabitation and intermittent migration of students and staff to and from campuses and within their communities.7 Approximately 30% of my patients on isotretinoin in the last 18 months reported having COVID-19 at some point during the pandemic, though no data exist to guide us on whether isotretinoin should be discontinued in this scenario; my patients typically continued the drug unless their primary health care team discouraged it, and in those cases, all of them resumed it after COVID-19 symptomatology resolved.

Last spring, the US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Food and Drug Administration announced that health care professionals who prescribe and/or dispense drugs subject to REMS with laboratory testing or imaging requirements should consider whether there are compelling reasons not to complete the required testing/imaging during the current public health emergency and use their best medical judgment in weighing the benefits and risks of continuing treatment in the absence of these tests. It also was stressed that prescribers should effectively communicate with their patients regarding these benefits, risks, and altered protocols.8 Further, the iPLEDGE program concurred that telemedicine was an acceptable visit type for both initiating and maintaining isotretinoin, and home pregnancy tests were valid for females of childbearing potential if an accurate testing date and results were communicated by patients to the prescriber in the required reporting windows.9 This allowed dermatologists to foster what was one of our most important roles as outpatient clinicians during the pandemic: to maintain normalcy, continuity, and support for as many patients as possible.

Isotretinoin and Telemedicine

During the pandemic, continuation of isotretinoin therapy proved easier than initiating it, given that patients could access and maintain a clear connection to the online visit platform, display understanding of the REMS mandates (along with a guardian present for a minor), perform a home pregnancy test and report the result followed by the quiz (for females), and collect the prescription in the allotted window. For new patients, the absence of a detailed in-person examination and rapport with the patient (and guardians when applicable) as well as misalignment of the date of iPLEDGE registration with the timing of the pregnancy test results and prescribing window were more onerous using digital or mailed versions of consent forms and photodocumentation of urine pregnancy test results. This tangle of requirements perpetuated missed prescribing windows, increased patient portal and phone messages, resulted in more time on the phone with the iPLEDGE help desk, and intensified angst for clinical staff.

These telemedicine visits also required validation of the patient’s geographic location to verify the billability of the visit and whether the patient was in a secure location to have a US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act–compliant conversation as well as the abstract notion that the timing and result of the pregnancy tests for females reflected a true nonpregnant state.10,11 Verification of the pregnancy tests in these situations was approached by either the patient reporting the outcome verbally or displaying the pregnancy test kit result in a video or photograph form for the medical record, all of which leave room for error, doubt, and lower sensitivity than laboratory-based collection. That being said, the increased implementation of telemedicine visits during the pandemic sustained patient access, decreased cost with less laboratory testing and reduced time away from work or school, and resulted in high patient satisfaction with their care.12 Additionally, it allowed providers to continue to more comfortably inch away from frequent in-person serologic cholesterol and hepatic testing during therapy based on mounting data that it is not indicated.13

Accordingly, the complicated concepts of trust, practicality, and sustainability for the safe and effective management of isotretinoin patients re-emerged. For example, prior to COVID-19, we trusted patients who said they were regularly taking their oral contraceptives or were truly practicing abstinence as a form of contraception. During the pandemic, we then added a layer of trust with home pregnancy test reporting. If the patient or guardian signed the isotretinoin consent form and understood the risks of the medication, ideally the physician-patient relationship fostered the optimal goals of honest conversation, adherence to the drug, safety, and clear skin. However, there is yet another trust assay: iPLEDGE, in turn, trusts that we are reporting patient data accurately, provoking us to reiterate questions we asked ourselves before the pandemic. Is the extra provider and staff clerical work and validation necessary, compounded by prior data that iPLEDGE’s capacity to limit pregnancy-related morbidity with isotretinoin has been called into question in the last decade?14 Do males need to be followed every month? Is laboratory monitoring still necessary for all isotretinoin candidates? Will post–COVID-19 data show that during various versions of the lockdown, an increased number of isotretinoin patients developed unmonitored morbidity, including transaminitis, hypertriglyceridemia, and an increase in pregnancies? How long will telemedicine visits for isotretinoin be reimbursable beyond the pandemic? Are there other models to enhance and improve isotretinoin teledermatology and compliance?15

Final Thoughts

Dermatologists’ experience managing high volumes of isotretinoin patients paired with the creativity to maintain meaningful (and truthful) patient connections and decrease administrative burden lie front and center in 2021. Because the COVID-19 pandemic remains ambient with a dearth of data to guide us, I pose the questions above as points for commiseration and catapults for future study, discussion, collaboration, and innovation. Perhaps the neo–COVID-19 world provided us with the spark we needed to metaphorically clean up the dusty isotretinoin tenets that have frayed our time and patience so we can maintain excellent care for this worthy population.

  1. Hamming I, Timens W, Bulthuis MLC, et al. Tissue disruption of ACE2 protein, the functional receptor for SARS coronavirus. a first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis. J Pathol. 2004;203:631-637.
  2. British Association of Dermatologists. COVID-19—isotretinoin guidance. Published March 26, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  3. Sinha S, Cheng K, Schäffer AA, et al. In vitro and in vivo identification of clinically approved drugs that modify ACE2 expression. Mol Syst Biol. 2020;16:E9628.
  4. Öǧüt ND, Kutlu Ö, Erbaǧcı E. Oral isotretinoin treatment in patients with acne vulgaris during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective cohort study in a tertiary care hospital [published online April 22, 2021]. J Cosmet Dermatol. doi:10.1111/jocd.14168
  5. Isotretinoin in treatment of COVID-19. National Library of Medicine website. identifier: NCT04361422. Updated September 23, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  6. Donnarumma M, Nocerino M, Lauro W, et al. Isotretinoin in acne treatment during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a retrospective analysis of adherence to therapy and side effects [published online December 22, 2020]. Dermatol Ther. 2021;34:E14677.
  7. Ivory D, Gebeloff R, Mervosh S. Young people have less COVID-19 risk, but in college towns, deaths rose fast. The New York Times. December 12, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  8. US Food and Drug Administration. Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: FDA provides update on patient access to certain REMS drugs during COVID-19 public health emergency. Published March 22, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  9. Haelle T. iPledge allows at-home pregnancy tests during pandemic. Dermatology News. Published April 3, 2020. Accessed June 28, 2021.
  10. Bressler MY, Siegel DM, Markowitz O. Virtual dermatology: a COVID-19 update. Cutis. 2020;105:163-164; E2.
  11. Telemedicine key issues and policy. Federation of State Medical Boards website. Accessed June 28, 2021.
  12. Ruggiero A, Megna M, Annunziata MC, et al. Teledermatology for acne during COVID-19: high patients’ satisfaction in spite of the emergency. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020;34:E662-E663.
  13. Barbieri JS, Shin DB, Wang S, et al. The clinical utility of laboratory monitoring during isotretinoin therapy for acne and changes to monitoring practices over time. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:72-79.
  14. Tkachenko E, Singer S, Sharma P, et al. US Food and Drug Administration reports of pregnancy and pregnancy-related adverse events associated with isotretinoin. JAMA Dermatol. 2019;155:1175-1179.
  15. Das S, et al. Asynchronous telemedicine for isotretinoin management: a direct care pilot [published online January 21, 2021]. J Am Acad Dermatol. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2021.01.039
Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

From the Department of Dermatology, Geisinger Scenery Park, State College, Pennsylvania.

The author reports no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Lorraine L. Rosamilia, MD, 200 Scenery Dr, 56-02, State College, PA 16801 (

cutis - 108(1)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

From the Department of Dermatology, Geisinger Scenery Park, State College, Pennsylvania.

The author reports no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Lorraine L. Rosamilia, MD, 200 Scenery Dr, 56-02, State College, PA 16801 (

Author and Disclosure Information

From the Department of Dermatology, Geisinger Scenery Park, State College, Pennsylvania.

The author reports no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Lorraine L. Rosamilia, MD, 200 Scenery Dr, 56-02, State College, PA 16801 (

Article PDF
Article PDF

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein

Amidst the myriad of disruptions and corollary solutions budding from the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, management of acne with isotretinoin underwent a makeover. Firstly, as with any pharmaceutical prescribed in the last 1 to 2 years, patients asked the compelling question, “Will this prescription put me at higher risk for COVID-19?”, resulting in a complex set of answers from both clinical and basic science perspectives. Further, the practical use of telemedicine for clinical visits and pregnancy test reporting altered the shape of isotretinoin physician-patient communication and follow-up. Finally, the combination of these circumstances spurred us to revisit common quandaries in prescribing this drug: Can we trust what patients tell us when they are taking isotretinoin? Do we need to monitor laboratory values and follow patients on isotretinoin as closely and as frequently as we have in the past? Does the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program of iPLEDGE hold true utility?

Impact of COVID-19 on Isotretinoin Use

Isotretinoin may have varying influence on the ease of host entry and virulence of COVID-19. Because the majority of patients experience some degree of mucous membrane desiccation on isotretinoin, it originally was postulated that disruption of the nasal mucosa, thereby uncovering the basal epithelial layer where angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors are expressed, could increase the risk for viral invasion, as ACE2 is the host receptor for COVID-19 entry.1,2 On the other hand, a study of 672 medications and their effect on regulation of ACE2 levels stratified isotretinoin in the highest category of ACE2 downregulators, therefore theoretically preventing cellular entry and replication of the virus.3 In conferring with many of my colleagues and reviewing available literature, I found that these data did not summarily deter providers from initiating or continuing isotretinoin during the pandemic, and research is ongoing to particularly earmark isotretinoin as a possible COVID-19 therapy option.4,5 Despite this, and despite the lower risk for COVID-19 in the customary isotretinoin adolescent and young adult age range, an Italian study reported that 14.7% of patients (5/34) prematurely interrupted isotretinoin therapy during lockdown because of fear of COVID-19 infection.6 Data also suggest that college towns (akin to where I practice, rife with isotretinoin-eligible patients) reflected higher COVID-19 infection and death rates, likely due to dense cohabitation and intermittent migration of students and staff to and from campuses and within their communities.7 Approximately 30% of my patients on isotretinoin in the last 18 months reported having COVID-19 at some point during the pandemic, though no data exist to guide us on whether isotretinoin should be discontinued in this scenario; my patients typically continued the drug unless their primary health care team discouraged it, and in those cases, all of them resumed it after COVID-19 symptomatology resolved.

Last spring, the US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Food and Drug Administration announced that health care professionals who prescribe and/or dispense drugs subject to REMS with laboratory testing or imaging requirements should consider whether there are compelling reasons not to complete the required testing/imaging during the current public health emergency and use their best medical judgment in weighing the benefits and risks of continuing treatment in the absence of these tests. It also was stressed that prescribers should effectively communicate with their patients regarding these benefits, risks, and altered protocols.8 Further, the iPLEDGE program concurred that telemedicine was an acceptable visit type for both initiating and maintaining isotretinoin, and home pregnancy tests were valid for females of childbearing potential if an accurate testing date and results were communicated by patients to the prescriber in the required reporting windows.9 This allowed dermatologists to foster what was one of our most important roles as outpatient clinicians during the pandemic: to maintain normalcy, continuity, and support for as many patients as possible.

Isotretinoin and Telemedicine

During the pandemic, continuation of isotretinoin therapy proved easier than initiating it, given that patients could access and maintain a clear connection to the online visit platform, display understanding of the REMS mandates (along with a guardian present for a minor), perform a home pregnancy test and report the result followed by the quiz (for females), and collect the prescription in the allotted window. For new patients, the absence of a detailed in-person examination and rapport with the patient (and guardians when applicable) as well as misalignment of the date of iPLEDGE registration with the timing of the pregnancy test results and prescribing window were more onerous using digital or mailed versions of consent forms and photodocumentation of urine pregnancy test results. This tangle of requirements perpetuated missed prescribing windows, increased patient portal and phone messages, resulted in more time on the phone with the iPLEDGE help desk, and intensified angst for clinical staff.

These telemedicine visits also required validation of the patient’s geographic location to verify the billability of the visit and whether the patient was in a secure location to have a US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act–compliant conversation as well as the abstract notion that the timing and result of the pregnancy tests for females reflected a true nonpregnant state.10,11 Verification of the pregnancy tests in these situations was approached by either the patient reporting the outcome verbally or displaying the pregnancy test kit result in a video or photograph form for the medical record, all of which leave room for error, doubt, and lower sensitivity than laboratory-based collection. That being said, the increased implementation of telemedicine visits during the pandemic sustained patient access, decreased cost with less laboratory testing and reduced time away from work or school, and resulted in high patient satisfaction with their care.12 Additionally, it allowed providers to continue to more comfortably inch away from frequent in-person serologic cholesterol and hepatic testing during therapy based on mounting data that it is not indicated.13

Accordingly, the complicated concepts of trust, practicality, and sustainability for the safe and effective management of isotretinoin patients re-emerged. For example, prior to COVID-19, we trusted patients who said they were regularly taking their oral contraceptives or were truly practicing abstinence as a form of contraception. During the pandemic, we then added a layer of trust with home pregnancy test reporting. If the patient or guardian signed the isotretinoin consent form and understood the risks of the medication, ideally the physician-patient relationship fostered the optimal goals of honest conversation, adherence to the drug, safety, and clear skin. However, there is yet another trust assay: iPLEDGE, in turn, trusts that we are reporting patient data accurately, provoking us to reiterate questions we asked ourselves before the pandemic. Is the extra provider and staff clerical work and validation necessary, compounded by prior data that iPLEDGE’s capacity to limit pregnancy-related morbidity with isotretinoin has been called into question in the last decade?14 Do males need to be followed every month? Is laboratory monitoring still necessary for all isotretinoin candidates? Will post–COVID-19 data show that during various versions of the lockdown, an increased number of isotretinoin patients developed unmonitored morbidity, including transaminitis, hypertriglyceridemia, and an increase in pregnancies? How long will telemedicine visits for isotretinoin be reimbursable beyond the pandemic? Are there other models to enhance and improve isotretinoin teledermatology and compliance?15

Final Thoughts

Dermatologists’ experience managing high volumes of isotretinoin patients paired with the creativity to maintain meaningful (and truthful) patient connections and decrease administrative burden lie front and center in 2021. Because the COVID-19 pandemic remains ambient with a dearth of data to guide us, I pose the questions above as points for commiseration and catapults for future study, discussion, collaboration, and innovation. Perhaps the neo–COVID-19 world provided us with the spark we needed to metaphorically clean up the dusty isotretinoin tenets that have frayed our time and patience so we can maintain excellent care for this worthy population.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein

Amidst the myriad of disruptions and corollary solutions budding from the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, management of acne with isotretinoin underwent a makeover. Firstly, as with any pharmaceutical prescribed in the last 1 to 2 years, patients asked the compelling question, “Will this prescription put me at higher risk for COVID-19?”, resulting in a complex set of answers from both clinical and basic science perspectives. Further, the practical use of telemedicine for clinical visits and pregnancy test reporting altered the shape of isotretinoin physician-patient communication and follow-up. Finally, the combination of these circumstances spurred us to revisit common quandaries in prescribing this drug: Can we trust what patients tell us when they are taking isotretinoin? Do we need to monitor laboratory values and follow patients on isotretinoin as closely and as frequently as we have in the past? Does the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program of iPLEDGE hold true utility?

Impact of COVID-19 on Isotretinoin Use

Isotretinoin may have varying influence on the ease of host entry and virulence of COVID-19. Because the majority of patients experience some degree of mucous membrane desiccation on isotretinoin, it originally was postulated that disruption of the nasal mucosa, thereby uncovering the basal epithelial layer where angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors are expressed, could increase the risk for viral invasion, as ACE2 is the host receptor for COVID-19 entry.1,2 On the other hand, a study of 672 medications and their effect on regulation of ACE2 levels stratified isotretinoin in the highest category of ACE2 downregulators, therefore theoretically preventing cellular entry and replication of the virus.3 In conferring with many of my colleagues and reviewing available literature, I found that these data did not summarily deter providers from initiating or continuing isotretinoin during the pandemic, and research is ongoing to particularly earmark isotretinoin as a possible COVID-19 therapy option.4,5 Despite this, and despite the lower risk for COVID-19 in the customary isotretinoin adolescent and young adult age range, an Italian study reported that 14.7% of patients (5/34) prematurely interrupted isotretinoin therapy during lockdown because of fear of COVID-19 infection.6 Data also suggest that college towns (akin to where I practice, rife with isotretinoin-eligible patients) reflected higher COVID-19 infection and death rates, likely due to dense cohabitation and intermittent migration of students and staff to and from campuses and within their communities.7 Approximately 30% of my patients on isotretinoin in the last 18 months reported having COVID-19 at some point during the pandemic, though no data exist to guide us on whether isotretinoin should be discontinued in this scenario; my patients typically continued the drug unless their primary health care team discouraged it, and in those cases, all of them resumed it after COVID-19 symptomatology resolved.

Last spring, the US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Food and Drug Administration announced that health care professionals who prescribe and/or dispense drugs subject to REMS with laboratory testing or imaging requirements should consider whether there are compelling reasons not to complete the required testing/imaging during the current public health emergency and use their best medical judgment in weighing the benefits and risks of continuing treatment in the absence of these tests. It also was stressed that prescribers should effectively communicate with their patients regarding these benefits, risks, and altered protocols.8 Further, the iPLEDGE program concurred that telemedicine was an acceptable visit type for both initiating and maintaining isotretinoin, and home pregnancy tests were valid for females of childbearing potential if an accurate testing date and results were communicated by patients to the prescriber in the required reporting windows.9 This allowed dermatologists to foster what was one of our most important roles as outpatient clinicians during the pandemic: to maintain normalcy, continuity, and support for as many patients as possible.

Isotretinoin and Telemedicine

During the pandemic, continuation of isotretinoin therapy proved easier than initiating it, given that patients could access and maintain a clear connection to the online visit platform, display understanding of the REMS mandates (along with a guardian present for a minor), perform a home pregnancy test and report the result followed by the quiz (for females), and collect the prescription in the allotted window. For new patients, the absence of a detailed in-person examination and rapport with the patient (and guardians when applicable) as well as misalignment of the date of iPLEDGE registration with the timing of the pregnancy test results and prescribing window were more onerous using digital or mailed versions of consent forms and photodocumentation of urine pregnancy test results. This tangle of requirements perpetuated missed prescribing windows, increased patient portal and phone messages, resulted in more time on the phone with the iPLEDGE help desk, and intensified angst for clinical staff.

These telemedicine visits also required validation of the patient’s geographic location to verify the billability of the visit and whether the patient was in a secure location to have a US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act–compliant conversation as well as the abstract notion that the timing and result of the pregnancy tests for females reflected a true nonpregnant state.10,11 Verification of the pregnancy tests in these situations was approached by either the patient reporting the outcome verbally or displaying the pregnancy test kit result in a video or photograph form for the medical record, all of which leave room for error, doubt, and lower sensitivity than laboratory-based collection. That being said, the increased implementation of telemedicine visits during the pandemic sustained patient access, decreased cost with less laboratory testing and reduced time away from work or school, and resulted in high patient satisfaction with their care.12 Additionally, it allowed providers to continue to more comfortably inch away from frequent in-person serologic cholesterol and hepatic testing during therapy based on mounting data that it is not indicated.13

Accordingly, the complicated concepts of trust, practicality, and sustainability for the safe and effective management of isotretinoin patients re-emerged. For example, prior to COVID-19, we trusted patients who said they were regularly taking their oral contraceptives or were truly practicing abstinence as a form of contraception. During the pandemic, we then added a layer of trust with home pregnancy test reporting. If the patient or guardian signed the isotretinoin consent form and understood the risks of the medication, ideally the physician-patient relationship fostered the optimal goals of honest conversation, adherence to the drug, safety, and clear skin. However, there is yet another trust assay: iPLEDGE, in turn, trusts that we are reporting patient data accurately, provoking us to reiterate questions we asked ourselves before the pandemic. Is the extra provider and staff clerical work and validation necessary, compounded by prior data that iPLEDGE’s capacity to limit pregnancy-related morbidity with isotretinoin has been called into question in the last decade?14 Do males need to be followed every month? Is laboratory monitoring still necessary for all isotretinoin candidates? Will post–COVID-19 data show that during various versions of the lockdown, an increased number of isotretinoin patients developed unmonitored morbidity, including transaminitis, hypertriglyceridemia, and an increase in pregnancies? How long will telemedicine visits for isotretinoin be reimbursable beyond the pandemic? Are there other models to enhance and improve isotretinoin teledermatology and compliance?15

Final Thoughts

Dermatologists’ experience managing high volumes of isotretinoin patients paired with the creativity to maintain meaningful (and truthful) patient connections and decrease administrative burden lie front and center in 2021. Because the COVID-19 pandemic remains ambient with a dearth of data to guide us, I pose the questions above as points for commiseration and catapults for future study, discussion, collaboration, and innovation. Perhaps the neo–COVID-19 world provided us with the spark we needed to metaphorically clean up the dusty isotretinoin tenets that have frayed our time and patience so we can maintain excellent care for this worthy population.

  1. Hamming I, Timens W, Bulthuis MLC, et al. Tissue disruption of ACE2 protein, the functional receptor for SARS coronavirus. a first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis. J Pathol. 2004;203:631-637.
  2. British Association of Dermatologists. COVID-19—isotretinoin guidance. Published March 26, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  3. Sinha S, Cheng K, Schäffer AA, et al. In vitro and in vivo identification of clinically approved drugs that modify ACE2 expression. Mol Syst Biol. 2020;16:E9628.
  4. Öǧüt ND, Kutlu Ö, Erbaǧcı E. Oral isotretinoin treatment in patients with acne vulgaris during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective cohort study in a tertiary care hospital [published online April 22, 2021]. J Cosmet Dermatol. doi:10.1111/jocd.14168
  5. Isotretinoin in treatment of COVID-19. National Library of Medicine website. identifier: NCT04361422. Updated September 23, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  6. Donnarumma M, Nocerino M, Lauro W, et al. Isotretinoin in acne treatment during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a retrospective analysis of adherence to therapy and side effects [published online December 22, 2020]. Dermatol Ther. 2021;34:E14677.
  7. Ivory D, Gebeloff R, Mervosh S. Young people have less COVID-19 risk, but in college towns, deaths rose fast. The New York Times. December 12, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  8. US Food and Drug Administration. Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: FDA provides update on patient access to certain REMS drugs during COVID-19 public health emergency. Published March 22, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  9. Haelle T. iPledge allows at-home pregnancy tests during pandemic. Dermatology News. Published April 3, 2020. Accessed June 28, 2021.
  10. Bressler MY, Siegel DM, Markowitz O. Virtual dermatology: a COVID-19 update. Cutis. 2020;105:163-164; E2.
  11. Telemedicine key issues and policy. Federation of State Medical Boards website. Accessed June 28, 2021.
  12. Ruggiero A, Megna M, Annunziata MC, et al. Teledermatology for acne during COVID-19: high patients’ satisfaction in spite of the emergency. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020;34:E662-E663.
  13. Barbieri JS, Shin DB, Wang S, et al. The clinical utility of laboratory monitoring during isotretinoin therapy for acne and changes to monitoring practices over time. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:72-79.
  14. Tkachenko E, Singer S, Sharma P, et al. US Food and Drug Administration reports of pregnancy and pregnancy-related adverse events associated with isotretinoin. JAMA Dermatol. 2019;155:1175-1179.
  15. Das S, et al. Asynchronous telemedicine for isotretinoin management: a direct care pilot [published online January 21, 2021]. J Am Acad Dermatol. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2021.01.039
  1. Hamming I, Timens W, Bulthuis MLC, et al. Tissue disruption of ACE2 protein, the functional receptor for SARS coronavirus. a first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis. J Pathol. 2004;203:631-637.
  2. British Association of Dermatologists. COVID-19—isotretinoin guidance. Published March 26, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  3. Sinha S, Cheng K, Schäffer AA, et al. In vitro and in vivo identification of clinically approved drugs that modify ACE2 expression. Mol Syst Biol. 2020;16:E9628.
  4. Öǧüt ND, Kutlu Ö, Erbaǧcı E. Oral isotretinoin treatment in patients with acne vulgaris during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective cohort study in a tertiary care hospital [published online April 22, 2021]. J Cosmet Dermatol. doi:10.1111/jocd.14168
  5. Isotretinoin in treatment of COVID-19. National Library of Medicine website. identifier: NCT04361422. Updated September 23, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  6. Donnarumma M, Nocerino M, Lauro W, et al. Isotretinoin in acne treatment during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a retrospective analysis of adherence to therapy and side effects [published online December 22, 2020]. Dermatol Ther. 2021;34:E14677.
  7. Ivory D, Gebeloff R, Mervosh S. Young people have less COVID-19 risk, but in college towns, deaths rose fast. The New York Times. December 12, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  8. US Food and Drug Administration. Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: FDA provides update on patient access to certain REMS drugs during COVID-19 public health emergency. Published March 22, 2020. Accessed June 21, 2021.
  9. Haelle T. iPledge allows at-home pregnancy tests during pandemic. Dermatology News. Published April 3, 2020. Accessed June 28, 2021.
  10. Bressler MY, Siegel DM, Markowitz O. Virtual dermatology: a COVID-19 update. Cutis. 2020;105:163-164; E2.
  11. Telemedicine key issues and policy. Federation of State Medical Boards website. Accessed June 28, 2021.
  12. Ruggiero A, Megna M, Annunziata MC, et al. Teledermatology for acne during COVID-19: high patients’ satisfaction in spite of the emergency. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020;34:E662-E663.
  13. Barbieri JS, Shin DB, Wang S, et al. The clinical utility of laboratory monitoring during isotretinoin therapy for acne and changes to monitoring practices over time. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020;82:72-79.
  14. Tkachenko E, Singer S, Sharma P, et al. US Food and Drug Administration reports of pregnancy and pregnancy-related adverse events associated with isotretinoin. JAMA Dermatol. 2019;155:1175-1179.
  15. Das S, et al. Asynchronous telemedicine for isotretinoin management: a direct care pilot [published online January 21, 2021]. J Am Acad Dermatol. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2021.01.039
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Results of Laboratory Monitoring in Patients Taking Isotretinoin for Acne

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Tue, 07/13/2021 - 23:05

Introduced in 1982, isotretinoin is a retinoid derivative that has been widely used to treat various dermatologic conditions such as acne vulgaris, rosacea, hidradenitis suppurativa, and hair folliculitis. 1 It remains one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of all forms of acne vulgaris, especially the nodulocystic type, and exerts its effects via different mechanisms that affect the major domains involved in the pathogenesis of acne. 2 One month after treatment initiation, isotretinoin suppresses sebum production by decreasing the size and activity of sebaceous glands. In addition, it notably stabilizes keratinization of the skin and decreases the number of Propionibacterium acnes, which will minimize the inflammation associated with acne. 3,4 Despite its beneficial effects, isotretinoin therapy has been associated with several complications. The most commonly reported adverse effects include fissured lips, dry skin, eczema, epistaxis, dry eyes, gastrointestinal tract upset, angular stomatitis, and back pain. Less frequent systemic adverse effects have been reported and relate mainly to teratogenicity, pancreatitis, drug-induced hepatotoxicity, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. 5

Isotretinoin use has been associated with alterations in hepatic and lipid profiles; elevations of serum liver enzymes and triglycerides (TGs) following isotretinoin treatment have been reported.4 Consequently, different protocols for laboratory monitoring during isotretinoin therapy have been established and utilized by various health care institutes.6 Despite the time and economic investment involved, certain protocols recommend repetition of liver function tests and several other laboratory parameters following a baseline test.7 The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of laboratory changes in alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), cholesterol, and TGs among patients with acne receiving isotretinoin therapy, as well as to link the initial and second laboratory readings of the aforementioned parameters following initiation of isotretinoin treatment.

Materials and Methods

This retrospective cohort design study obtained patient data, including laboratory test results, from the Electronic System for Integrated Health Information at King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH)(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). All patients older than 16 years who presented with acne vulgaris to the dermatology department at KKUH; who received a course of isotretinoin for at least 4 weeks between 2011 and 2016; and who had available baseline readings of ALT, AST, cholesterol, and TGs, as well as 2 concurrent follow-up readings after isotretinoin treatment initiation, were included in this study. Patients with only 1 reading following treatment initiation and those receiving isotretinoin treatment for reasons other than acne were excluded. This study was approved by the institutional review board of the College of Medicine at King Saud University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)(E-18-3310).

Statistical Analysis
Data were entered into a Microsoft Excel document, and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (version 22.0). Data were represented as numbers and percentages. Repeated measures analysis was performed using the Cochran Q test to compare proportions of abnormal laboratory values among 3 groups: baseline, first reading, and second reading. When test results were significant, a post hoc test was used to compare proportions between any 2 groups. Moreover, a Spearman rank correlation was performed to investigate the association between the daily isotretinoin dose and the laboratory parameters. Results with P<.05 were considered statistically significant.


During the study period, treatment with oral isotretinoin was undertaken by 386 patients at KKUH. Several of these patients were excluded due to incomplete medical records. The age of the studied patients ranged from 17 to 60 years, with a median age of 24 years (interquartile range, 20−28 years). The daily administered dose ranged from 10 to 80 mg, with a median dose of 30 mg (interquartile range, 20−40 mg), as illustrated in the Table. Repeated-measures analysis of liver enzymes (AST and ALT), total cholesterol, and TGs is detailed in eTable 1. Eight (2.2%) of 371 patients showed abnormal baseline AST levels. The first follow-up measurements of AST revealed high levels in 7 (1.9%) patients. This figure doubled (14 [3.8%] patients) at the second follow-up, with no statistically significant differences (P>.05). Likewise, ALT showed abnormally high levels at baseline and at both the first and second follow-ups (47/371 [12.7%], 49/371 [13.2%], and 37/371 [10.0%], respectively) with no significant differences (P>.05). Furthermore, the proportions of high cholesterol levels at baseline and at both the first and second follow-ups (40/331 [12.1%], 72/331 [21.8%], and 62/331 [18.7%], respectively) showed a statistically significant difference (P=.001). The proportions of high cholesterol levels in both the first and second follow-ups were significantly higher than the baseline proportions (P=.001 and P=.002, respectively). However, the percentages of high cholesterol were reduced at the second reading relative to the first but with no significant differences. Regarding TGs, there was a statistically significant difference in the proportions of high levels over time (5/320 [1.6%], 12/320 [3.8%], and 14/320 [4.4%] at baseline and at the first and second readings, respectively). Moreover, pairwise comparison among the 3 readings revealed a significant difference between the second follow-up and the baseline levels (P=.048). eTable 2 demonstrates statistically significant positive weak associations between the daily administered isotretinoin dose and each of the cholesterol and TG levels, both at the first and second follow-up readings (P<.05).


Evaluation of the effects of isotretinoin on liver enzymes and lipids has suggested that oral isotretinoin may cause alterations in liver aminotransferases (AST and ALT) and lipid profiles to various degrees.8 Furthermore, there are controversies regarding the routine laboratory monitoring of these patients. Some studies have reported severe alterations in serum liver transaminase and lipid levels, and they support the need for careful monitoring when treating patients with isotretinoin. However, other studies have reported that adverse effects are minimal, with no need for costly laboratory monitoring.9

Our study explored the profile of changes in liver aminotransferases (AST and ALT), cholesterol, and TGs in patients with acne who had been treated with oral isotretinoin. The cholesterol levels showed a nonprogressive increase, with a prevalence rate of 21.8% and 18.7% at the first and second follow-ups, respectively. Likewise, the frequency of high TG levels was 3.8% and 4.4%, respectively, with significant differences from the baseline levels (P=.041). However, liver enzymes were less affected by isotretinoin therapy than lipid profiles. Both AST and ALT showed nonsignificant minimal elevations during follow-up of the patients.

Similar to our findings, Zane et al6 at the University of California, San Francisco, studied 13,772 patients with acne who underwent oral isotretinoin therapy between 1995 and 2002. They reported a cumulative incidence of new abnormalities in patients with normal values at baseline at a frequency of 44% for TG levels, 31% for total cholesterol levels, and 11% for transaminase levels. Moreover, they suggested that these abnormalities generally were transient and reversible.6 Another retrospective study in Brazil included 130 patients who were treated with isotretinoin for 3 months and reported that TG levels had increased beyond the normal range in 11% of patients, whereas 8.6% had elevated AST levels and 7.3% had elevated ALT levels.8 Comparable to our findings, Kizilyel et al10 concluded that isotretinoin appeared to have a greater effect on lipids than on liver enzymes, and they recommended its use with careful monitoring.

The transient effects of isotretinoin therapy on lipid profiles were highlighted in an earlier study. It has been reported that the changes in low-density lipoprotein and TGs returned to baseline levels 2 months following termination of treatment.11 Although many studies have reported alterations in serum transaminase and lipid levels, other studies fail to report any such effects. Alcalay et al7 investigated 907 patients who completed a treatment course lasting 5 to 9 months. They reported that only 1.5% of patients had serum TG levels above 400 mg. Additionally, serum levels of liver enzymes were not elevated to a degree necessitating discontinuation of treatment. They concluded that isotretinoin is a safe therapeutic drug and suggested that there is no need for routine laboratory follow-up in young healthy patients apart from a pregnancy test for females.7 In addition, Brito et al12 conducted a prospective clinical and laboratory evaluation of 150 patients being treated with oral isotretinoin prior to the start of therapy, 1 month after therapy initiation, and every 3 months thereafter until the completion of treatment. They found no statistically significant changes in liver transaminase, TG, or cholesterol levels.12 In another study of 30 participants, Baxter et al13 also reported no significant changes in TG or cholesterol levels measured at baseline or during treatment with isotretinoin. Furthermore, a systematic review and meta-analysis has estimated the laboratory changes that occur during isotretinoin therapy of acne vulgaris.14 The evidence revealed in this study does not support monthly laboratory testing for use of standard doses of oral isotretinoin for the typical patient with acne.


In our study, liver enzymes were less affected than lipids in patients who were treated with isotretinoin. Additionally, laboratory alterations in lipid profiles were nonprogressive and nonsevere. Consequently, isotretinoin may be administered with minimal concern for changes in serum transaminase and lipid profile. However, physicians should exercise caution when administering isotretinoin in patients with a history of abnormal findings.

  1. Kaymak Y, Ilter N. The results and side effects of systemic isotretinoin treatment in 100 patients with acne vulgaris. Dermatol Nurs. 2006;18:576-580.
  2. Al-Mutairi N, Manchanda Y, Nour-Eldin O, et al. Isotretinoin in acne vulgaris: a prospective analysis of 160 cases from Kuwait. J Drugs Dermatol. 2005;4:369-373.
  3. Agarwal US, Besarwal RK, Bhola K. Oral isotretinoin in different dose regimens for acne vulgaris: a randomized comparative trial. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2011;77:688-694.
  4. Hansen TJ, Lucking S, Miller JJ, et al. Standardized laboratory monitoring with use of isotretinoin in acne. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:323-328.
  5. Strauss JS, Rapini RP, Shalita AR, et al. Isotretinoin therapy for acne: results of a multicenter dose-response study. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1984;10:490-496.
  6. Zane LT, Leyden WA, Marqueling AL, et al. A population-based analysis of laboratory abnormalities during isotretinoin therapy for acne vulgaris. Arch Dermatol. 2006;142:1016-1022.
  7. Alcalay J, Landau M, Zucker A. Analysis of laboratory data in acne patients treated with isotretinoin: is there really a need to perform routine laboratory tests? J Dermatolog Treat. 2001;12:9-12.
  8. Vieira AS, Beijamini V, Melchiors AC. The effect of isotretinoin on triglycerides and liver aminotransferases. An Bras Dermatol. 2012;87:382-387.
  9. Bauer LB, Ornelas JN, Elston DM, et al. Isotretinoin: controversies, facts, and recommendations. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2016;9:1435-1442.
  10. Kizilyel O, Metin MS, Elmas ÖF, et al. Effects of oral isotretinoin on lipids and liver enzymes in acne patients. Cutis. 2014;94:234-238.
  11. Bershad S, Rubinstein A, Paterniti JR, et al. Changes in plasma lipids and lipoproteins during isotretinoin therapy for acne. N Engl J Med. 1985;313:981-985.
  12. Brito MDFDM, Sant’Anna IP, Galindo JCS, et al. Evaluation of clinical adverse effects and laboratory alterations in patients with acne vulgaris treated with oral isotretinoin. An Bras Dermatol. 2010;85:331-337.
  13. Baxter KF, Ling TC, Barth JH, et al. Retrospective survey of serum lipids in patients receiving more than three courses of isotretinoin. J Dermatolog Treat. 2004;14:216-218.
  14. Lee YH, Scharnitz TP, Muscat J, et al. Laboratory monitoring during isotretinoin therapy for acne: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Dermatol. 2016;152:35-44.
Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

From the Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

The eTables are available in the Appendix online at

Correspondence: Mohammed Al-Haddab, MD, FRCPC, PO Box 4545, Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, 11472, Saudi Arabia (

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43-45, E1-E2
Author and Disclosure Information

From the Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

The eTables are available in the Appendix online at

Correspondence: Mohammed Al-Haddab, MD, FRCPC, PO Box 4545, Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, 11472, Saudi Arabia (

Author and Disclosure Information

From the Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

The eTables are available in the Appendix online at

Correspondence: Mohammed Al-Haddab, MD, FRCPC, PO Box 4545, Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, 11472, Saudi Arabia (

Article PDF
Article PDF

Introduced in 1982, isotretinoin is a retinoid derivative that has been widely used to treat various dermatologic conditions such as acne vulgaris, rosacea, hidradenitis suppurativa, and hair folliculitis. 1 It remains one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of all forms of acne vulgaris, especially the nodulocystic type, and exerts its effects via different mechanisms that affect the major domains involved in the pathogenesis of acne. 2 One month after treatment initiation, isotretinoin suppresses sebum production by decreasing the size and activity of sebaceous glands. In addition, it notably stabilizes keratinization of the skin and decreases the number of Propionibacterium acnes, which will minimize the inflammation associated with acne. 3,4 Despite its beneficial effects, isotretinoin therapy has been associated with several complications. The most commonly reported adverse effects include fissured lips, dry skin, eczema, epistaxis, dry eyes, gastrointestinal tract upset, angular stomatitis, and back pain. Less frequent systemic adverse effects have been reported and relate mainly to teratogenicity, pancreatitis, drug-induced hepatotoxicity, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. 5

Isotretinoin use has been associated with alterations in hepatic and lipid profiles; elevations of serum liver enzymes and triglycerides (TGs) following isotretinoin treatment have been reported.4 Consequently, different protocols for laboratory monitoring during isotretinoin therapy have been established and utilized by various health care institutes.6 Despite the time and economic investment involved, certain protocols recommend repetition of liver function tests and several other laboratory parameters following a baseline test.7 The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of laboratory changes in alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), cholesterol, and TGs among patients with acne receiving isotretinoin therapy, as well as to link the initial and second laboratory readings of the aforementioned parameters following initiation of isotretinoin treatment.

Materials and Methods

This retrospective cohort design study obtained patient data, including laboratory test results, from the Electronic System for Integrated Health Information at King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH)(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). All patients older than 16 years who presented with acne vulgaris to the dermatology department at KKUH; who received a course of isotretinoin for at least 4 weeks between 2011 and 2016; and who had available baseline readings of ALT, AST, cholesterol, and TGs, as well as 2 concurrent follow-up readings after isotretinoin treatment initiation, were included in this study. Patients with only 1 reading following treatment initiation and those receiving isotretinoin treatment for reasons other than acne were excluded. This study was approved by the institutional review board of the College of Medicine at King Saud University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)(E-18-3310).

Statistical Analysis
Data were entered into a Microsoft Excel document, and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (version 22.0). Data were represented as numbers and percentages. Repeated measures analysis was performed using the Cochran Q test to compare proportions of abnormal laboratory values among 3 groups: baseline, first reading, and second reading. When test results were significant, a post hoc test was used to compare proportions between any 2 groups. Moreover, a Spearman rank correlation was performed to investigate the association between the daily isotretinoin dose and the laboratory parameters. Results with P<.05 were considered statistically significant.


During the study period, treatment with oral isotretinoin was undertaken by 386 patients at KKUH. Several of these patients were excluded due to incomplete medical records. The age of the studied patients ranged from 17 to 60 years, with a median age of 24 years (interquartile range, 20−28 years). The daily administered dose ranged from 10 to 80 mg, with a median dose of 30 mg (interquartile range, 20−40 mg), as illustrated in the Table. Repeated-measures analysis of liver enzymes (AST and ALT), total cholesterol, and TGs is detailed in eTable 1. Eight (2.2%) of 371 patients showed abnormal baseline AST levels. The first follow-up measurements of AST revealed high levels in 7 (1.9%) patients. This figure doubled (14 [3.8%] patients) at the second follow-up, with no statistically significant differences (P>.05). Likewise, ALT showed abnormally high levels at baseline and at both the first and second follow-ups (47/371 [12.7%], 49/371 [13.2%], and 37/371 [10.0%], respectively) with no significant differences (P>.05). Furthermore, the proportions of high cholesterol levels at baseline and at both the first and second follow-ups (40/331 [12.1%], 72/331 [21.8%], and 62/331 [18.7%], respectively) showed a statistically significant difference (P=.001). The proportions of high cholesterol levels in both the first and second follow-ups were significantly higher than the baseline proportions (P=.001 and P=.002, respectively). However, the percentages of high cholesterol were reduced at the second reading relative to the first but with no significant differences. Regarding TGs, there was a statistically significant difference in the proportions of high levels over time (5/320 [1.6%], 12/320 [3.8%], and 14/320 [4.4%] at baseline and at the first and second readings, respectively). Moreover, pairwise comparison among the 3 readings revealed a significant difference between the second follow-up and the baseline levels (P=.048). eTable 2 demonstrates statistically significant positive weak associations between the daily administered isotretinoin dose and each of the cholesterol and TG levels, both at the first and second follow-up readings (P<.05).


Evaluation of the effects of isotretinoin on liver enzymes and lipids has suggested that oral isotretinoin may cause alterations in liver aminotransferases (AST and ALT) and lipid profiles to various degrees.8 Furthermore, there are controversies regarding the routine laboratory monitoring of these patients. Some studies have reported severe alterations in serum liver transaminase and lipid levels, and they support the need for careful monitoring when treating patients with isotretinoin. However, other studies have reported that adverse effects are minimal, with no need for costly laboratory monitoring.9

Our study explored the profile of changes in liver aminotransferases (AST and ALT), cholesterol, and TGs in patients with acne who had been treated with oral isotretinoin. The cholesterol levels showed a nonprogressive increase, with a prevalence rate of 21.8% and 18.7% at the first and second follow-ups, respectively. Likewise, the frequency of high TG levels was 3.8% and 4.4%, respectively, with significant differences from the baseline levels (P=.041). However, liver enzymes were less affected by isotretinoin therapy than lipid profiles. Both AST and ALT showed nonsignificant minimal elevations during follow-up of the patients.

Similar to our findings, Zane et al6 at the University of California, San Francisco, studied 13,772 patients with acne who underwent oral isotretinoin therapy between 1995 and 2002. They reported a cumulative incidence of new abnormalities in patients with normal values at baseline at a frequency of 44% for TG levels, 31% for total cholesterol levels, and 11% for transaminase levels. Moreover, they suggested that these abnormalities generally were transient and reversible.6 Another retrospective study in Brazil included 130 patients who were treated with isotretinoin for 3 months and reported that TG levels had increased beyond the normal range in 11% of patients, whereas 8.6% had elevated AST levels and 7.3% had elevated ALT levels.8 Comparable to our findings, Kizilyel et al10 concluded that isotretinoin appeared to have a greater effect on lipids than on liver enzymes, and they recommended its use with careful monitoring.

The transient effects of isotretinoin therapy on lipid profiles were highlighted in an earlier study. It has been reported that the changes in low-density lipoprotein and TGs returned to baseline levels 2 months following termination of treatment.11 Although many studies have reported alterations in serum transaminase and lipid levels, other studies fail to report any such effects. Alcalay et al7 investigated 907 patients who completed a treatment course lasting 5 to 9 months. They reported that only 1.5% of patients had serum TG levels above 400 mg. Additionally, serum levels of liver enzymes were not elevated to a degree necessitating discontinuation of treatment. They concluded that isotretinoin is a safe therapeutic drug and suggested that there is no need for routine laboratory follow-up in young healthy patients apart from a pregnancy test for females.7 In addition, Brito et al12 conducted a prospective clinical and laboratory evaluation of 150 patients being treated with oral isotretinoin prior to the start of therapy, 1 month after therapy initiation, and every 3 months thereafter until the completion of treatment. They found no statistically significant changes in liver transaminase, TG, or cholesterol levels.12 In another study of 30 participants, Baxter et al13 also reported no significant changes in TG or cholesterol levels measured at baseline or during treatment with isotretinoin. Furthermore, a systematic review and meta-analysis has estimated the laboratory changes that occur during isotretinoin therapy of acne vulgaris.14 The evidence revealed in this study does not support monthly laboratory testing for use of standard doses of oral isotretinoin for the typical patient with acne.


In our study, liver enzymes were less affected than lipids in patients who were treated with isotretinoin. Additionally, laboratory alterations in lipid profiles were nonprogressive and nonsevere. Consequently, isotretinoin may be administered with minimal concern for changes in serum transaminase and lipid profile. However, physicians should exercise caution when administering isotretinoin in patients with a history of abnormal findings.

Introduced in 1982, isotretinoin is a retinoid derivative that has been widely used to treat various dermatologic conditions such as acne vulgaris, rosacea, hidradenitis suppurativa, and hair folliculitis. 1 It remains one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of all forms of acne vulgaris, especially the nodulocystic type, and exerts its effects via different mechanisms that affect the major domains involved in the pathogenesis of acne. 2 One month after treatment initiation, isotretinoin suppresses sebum production by decreasing the size and activity of sebaceous glands. In addition, it notably stabilizes keratinization of the skin and decreases the number of Propionibacterium acnes, which will minimize the inflammation associated with acne. 3,4 Despite its beneficial effects, isotretinoin therapy has been associated with several complications. The most commonly reported adverse effects include fissured lips, dry skin, eczema, epistaxis, dry eyes, gastrointestinal tract upset, angular stomatitis, and back pain. Less frequent systemic adverse effects have been reported and relate mainly to teratogenicity, pancreatitis, drug-induced hepatotoxicity, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. 5

Isotretinoin use has been associated with alterations in hepatic and lipid profiles; elevations of serum liver enzymes and triglycerides (TGs) following isotretinoin treatment have been reported.4 Consequently, different protocols for laboratory monitoring during isotretinoin therapy have been established and utilized by various health care institutes.6 Despite the time and economic investment involved, certain protocols recommend repetition of liver function tests and several other laboratory parameters following a baseline test.7 The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of laboratory changes in alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), cholesterol, and TGs among patients with acne receiving isotretinoin therapy, as well as to link the initial and second laboratory readings of the aforementioned parameters following initiation of isotretinoin treatment.

Materials and Methods

This retrospective cohort design study obtained patient data, including laboratory test results, from the Electronic System for Integrated Health Information at King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH)(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). All patients older than 16 years who presented with acne vulgaris to the dermatology department at KKUH; who received a course of isotretinoin for at least 4 weeks between 2011 and 2016; and who had available baseline readings of ALT, AST, cholesterol, and TGs, as well as 2 concurrent follow-up readings after isotretinoin treatment initiation, were included in this study. Patients with only 1 reading following treatment initiation and those receiving isotretinoin treatment for reasons other than acne were excluded. This study was approved by the institutional review board of the College of Medicine at King Saud University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)(E-18-3310).

Statistical Analysis
Data were entered into a Microsoft Excel document, and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (version 22.0). Data were represented as numbers and percentages. Repeated measures analysis was performed using the Cochran Q test to compare proportions of abnormal laboratory values among 3 groups: baseline, first reading, and second reading. When test results were significant, a post hoc test was used to compare proportions between any 2 groups. Moreover, a Spearman rank correlation was performed to investigate the association between the daily isotretinoin dose and the laboratory parameters. Results with P<.05 were considered statistically significant.


During the study period, treatment with oral isotretinoin was undertaken by 386 patients at KKUH. Several of these patients were excluded due to incomplete medical records. The age of the studied patients ranged from 17 to 60 years, with a median age of 24 years (interquartile range, 20−28 years). The daily administered dose ranged from 10 to 80 mg, with a median dose of 30 mg (interquartile range, 20−40 mg), as illustrated in the Table. Repeated-measures analysis of liver enzymes (AST and ALT), total cholesterol, and TGs is detailed in eTable 1. Eight (2.2%) of 371 patients showed abnormal baseline AST levels. The first follow-up measurements of AST revealed high levels in 7 (1.9%) patients. This figure doubled (14 [3.8%] patients) at the second follow-up, with no statistically significant differences (P>.05). Likewise, ALT showed abnormally high levels at baseline and at both the first and second follow-ups (47/371 [12.7%], 49/371 [13.2%], and 37/371 [10.0%], respectively) with no significant differences (P>.05). Furthermore, the proportions of high cholesterol levels at baseline and at both the first and second follow-ups (40/331 [12.1%], 72/331 [21.8%], and 62/331 [18.7%], respectively) showed a statistically significant difference (P=.001). The proportions of high cholesterol levels in both the first and second follow-ups were significantly higher than the baseline proportions (P=.001 and P=.002, respectively). However, the percentages of high cholesterol were reduced at the second reading relative to the first but with no significant differences. Regarding TGs, there was a statistically significant difference in the proportions of high levels over time (5/320 [1.6%], 12/320 [3.8%], and 14/320 [4.4%] at baseline and at the first and second readings, respectively). Moreover, pairwise comparison among the 3 readings revealed a significant difference between the second follow-up and the baseline levels (P=.048). eTable 2 demonstrates statistically significant positive weak associations between the daily administered isotretinoin dose and each of the cholesterol and TG levels, both at the first and second follow-up readings (P<.05).


Evaluation of the effects of isotretinoin on liver enzymes and lipids has suggested that oral isotretinoin may cause alterations in liver aminotransferases (AST and ALT) and lipid profiles to various degrees.8 Furthermore, there are controversies regarding the routine laboratory monitoring of these patients. Some studies have reported severe alterations in serum liver transaminase and lipid levels, and they support the need for careful monitoring when treating patients with isotretinoin. However, other studies have reported that adverse effects are minimal, with no need for costly laboratory monitoring.9

Our study explored the profile of changes in liver aminotransferases (AST and ALT), cholesterol, and TGs in patients with acne who had been treated with oral isotretinoin. The cholesterol levels showed a nonprogressive increase, with a prevalence rate of 21.8% and 18.7% at the first and second follow-ups, respectively. Likewise, the frequency of high TG levels was 3.8% and 4.4%, respectively, with significant differences from the baseline levels (P=.041). However, liver enzymes were less affected by isotretinoin therapy than lipid profiles. Both AST and ALT showed nonsignificant minimal elevations during follow-up of the patients.

Similar to our findings, Zane et al6 at the University of California, San Francisco, studied 13,772 patients with acne who underwent oral isotretinoin therapy between 1995 and 2002. They reported a cumulative incidence of new abnormalities in patients with normal values at baseline at a frequency of 44% for TG levels, 31% for total cholesterol levels, and 11% for transaminase levels. Moreover, they suggested that these abnormalities generally were transient and reversible.6 Another retrospective study in Brazil included 130 patients who were treated with isotretinoin for 3 months and reported that TG levels had increased beyond the normal range in 11% of patients, whereas 8.6% had elevated AST levels and 7.3% had elevated ALT levels.8 Comparable to our findings, Kizilyel et al10 concluded that isotretinoin appeared to have a greater effect on lipids than on liver enzymes, and they recommended its use with careful monitoring.

The transient effects of isotretinoin therapy on lipid profiles were highlighted in an earlier study. It has been reported that the changes in low-density lipoprotein and TGs returned to baseline levels 2 months following termination of treatment.11 Although many studies have reported alterations in serum transaminase and lipid levels, other studies fail to report any such effects. Alcalay et al7 investigated 907 patients who completed a treatment course lasting 5 to 9 months. They reported that only 1.5% of patients had serum TG levels above 400 mg. Additionally, serum levels of liver enzymes were not elevated to a degree necessitating discontinuation of treatment. They concluded that isotretinoin is a safe therapeutic drug and suggested that there is no need for routine laboratory follow-up in young healthy patients apart from a pregnancy test for females.7 In addition, Brito et al12 conducted a prospective clinical and laboratory evaluation of 150 patients being treated with oral isotretinoin prior to the start of therapy, 1 month after therapy initiation, and every 3 months thereafter until the completion of treatment. They found no statistically significant changes in liver transaminase, TG, or cholesterol levels.12 In another study of 30 participants, Baxter et al13 also reported no significant changes in TG or cholesterol levels measured at baseline or during treatment with isotretinoin. Furthermore, a systematic review and meta-analysis has estimated the laboratory changes that occur during isotretinoin therapy of acne vulgaris.14 The evidence revealed in this study does not support monthly laboratory testing for use of standard doses of oral isotretinoin for the typical patient with acne.


In our study, liver enzymes were less affected than lipids in patients who were treated with isotretinoin. Additionally, laboratory alterations in lipid profiles were nonprogressive and nonsevere. Consequently, isotretinoin may be administered with minimal concern for changes in serum transaminase and lipid profile. However, physicians should exercise caution when administering isotretinoin in patients with a history of abnormal findings.

  1. Kaymak Y, Ilter N. The results and side effects of systemic isotretinoin treatment in 100 patients with acne vulgaris. Dermatol Nurs. 2006;18:576-580.
  2. Al-Mutairi N, Manchanda Y, Nour-Eldin O, et al. Isotretinoin in acne vulgaris: a prospective analysis of 160 cases from Kuwait. J Drugs Dermatol. 2005;4:369-373.
  3. Agarwal US, Besarwal RK, Bhola K. Oral isotretinoin in different dose regimens for acne vulgaris: a randomized comparative trial. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2011;77:688-694.
  4. Hansen TJ, Lucking S, Miller JJ, et al. Standardized laboratory monitoring with use of isotretinoin in acne. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:323-328.
  5. Strauss JS, Rapini RP, Shalita AR, et al. Isotretinoin therapy for acne: results of a multicenter dose-response study. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1984;10:490-496.
  6. Zane LT, Leyden WA, Marqueling AL, et al. A population-based analysis of laboratory abnormalities during isotretinoin therapy for acne vulgaris. Arch Dermatol. 2006;142:1016-1022.
  7. Alcalay J, Landau M, Zucker A. Analysis of laboratory data in acne patients treated with isotretinoin: is there really a need to perform routine laboratory tests? J Dermatolog Treat. 2001;12:9-12.
  8. Vieira AS, Beijamini V, Melchiors AC. The effect of isotretinoin on triglycerides and liver aminotransferases. An Bras Dermatol. 2012;87:382-387.
  9. Bauer LB, Ornelas JN, Elston DM, et al. Isotretinoin: controversies, facts, and recommendations. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2016;9:1435-1442.
  10. Kizilyel O, Metin MS, Elmas ÖF, et al. Effects of oral isotretinoin on lipids and liver enzymes in acne patients. Cutis. 2014;94:234-238.
  11. Bershad S, Rubinstein A, Paterniti JR, et al. Changes in plasma lipids and lipoproteins during isotretinoin therapy for acne. N Engl J Med. 1985;313:981-985.
  12. Brito MDFDM, Sant’Anna IP, Galindo JCS, et al. Evaluation of clinical adverse effects and laboratory alterations in patients with acne vulgaris treated with oral isotretinoin. An Bras Dermatol. 2010;85:331-337.
  13. Baxter KF, Ling TC, Barth JH, et al. Retrospective survey of serum lipids in patients receiving more than three courses of isotretinoin. J Dermatolog Treat. 2004;14:216-218.
  14. Lee YH, Scharnitz TP, Muscat J, et al. Laboratory monitoring during isotretinoin therapy for acne: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Dermatol. 2016;152:35-44.
  1. Kaymak Y, Ilter N. The results and side effects of systemic isotretinoin treatment in 100 patients with acne vulgaris. Dermatol Nurs. 2006;18:576-580.
  2. Al-Mutairi N, Manchanda Y, Nour-Eldin O, et al. Isotretinoin in acne vulgaris: a prospective analysis of 160 cases from Kuwait. J Drugs Dermatol. 2005;4:369-373.
  3. Agarwal US, Besarwal RK, Bhola K. Oral isotretinoin in different dose regimens for acne vulgaris: a randomized comparative trial. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2011;77:688-694.
  4. Hansen TJ, Lucking S, Miller JJ, et al. Standardized laboratory monitoring with use of isotretinoin in acne. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75:323-328.
  5. Strauss JS, Rapini RP, Shalita AR, et al. Isotretinoin therapy for acne: results of a multicenter dose-response study. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1984;10:490-496.
  6. Zane LT, Leyden WA, Marqueling AL, et al. A population-based analysis of laboratory abnormalities during isotretinoin therapy for acne vulgaris. Arch Dermatol. 2006;142:1016-1022.
  7. Alcalay J, Landau M, Zucker A. Analysis of laboratory data in acne patients treated with isotretinoin: is there really a need to perform routine laboratory tests? J Dermatolog Treat. 2001;12:9-12.
  8. Vieira AS, Beijamini V, Melchiors AC. The effect of isotretinoin on triglycerides and liver aminotransferases. An Bras Dermatol. 2012;87:382-387.
  9. Bauer LB, Ornelas JN, Elston DM, et al. Isotretinoin: controversies, facts, and recommendations. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2016;9:1435-1442.
  10. Kizilyel O, Metin MS, Elmas ÖF, et al. Effects of oral isotretinoin on lipids and liver enzymes in acne patients. Cutis. 2014;94:234-238.
  11. Bershad S, Rubinstein A, Paterniti JR, et al. Changes in plasma lipids and lipoproteins during isotretinoin therapy for acne. N Engl J Med. 1985;313:981-985.
  12. Brito MDFDM, Sant’Anna IP, Galindo JCS, et al. Evaluation of clinical adverse effects and laboratory alterations in patients with acne vulgaris treated with oral isotretinoin. An Bras Dermatol. 2010;85:331-337.
  13. Baxter KF, Ling TC, Barth JH, et al. Retrospective survey of serum lipids in patients receiving more than three courses of isotretinoin. J Dermatolog Treat. 2004;14:216-218.
  14. Lee YH, Scharnitz TP, Muscat J, et al. Laboratory monitoring during isotretinoin therapy for acne: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Dermatol. 2016;152:35-44.
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Practice Points

  • Isotretinoin is the mainstay treatment for severe acne.
  • Cost and convenience to patients should always be considered.
  • Frequent monitoring for laboratory changes during isotretinoin treatment is not warranted.
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Study eyes impact of isotretinoin on triglycerides, other lab measures

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Wed, 08/04/2021 - 08:00


Isotretinoin use contributed to abnormal lipid lab values in pediatric patients, but no secondary effects were observed, results from a single-center retrospective study demonstrated.

Varsha Parthasarathy, 4th-year medical student, Georgetown University, Washington
Varsha Parthasarathy

“Isotretinoin is a very effective treatment for severe acne,” Varsha Parthasarathy said at the annual meeting of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology. “However, initiating this medication requires a complex process of laboratory testing,” which includes human chorionic gonadotropin pregnancy testing, because isotretinoin is a teratogen, as well as lipid labs and liver function tests, she noted. “Importantly, triglycerides are measured due to an association in adults between isotretinoin and hypertriglyceridemia-associated pancreatitis. However, these findings in children are limited to case reports, as are findings of retinoid-induced hepatotoxicity.”

To identify the role of isotretinoin on changes in lipids, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and to determine the impact on treatment course, Ms. Parthasarathy, a 4-year medical student at George Washington University, Washington, and colleagues retrospectively reviewed the charts of 130 patients aged 12-21 years who were cared for at Children’s National Hospital between January 2012 and October 2020. Nearly two-thirds (65%) were male, their average age was 16 years, and the mean time to obtain follow-up labs after starting isotretinoin was 3.25 months.

Between baseline and follow-up, the researchers observed increases in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (P less than .001 for all associations) and a decrease in HDL (P = .001), but there were no significant changes in AST or ALT levels. These findings were consistent with prior studies in adults examining the utility of these laboratory tests, most notably a 2016 study by Timothy J. Hansen, MD, and colleagues.

Among the 13 patients with elevated triglycerides at baseline, 9 (69%) were overweight or obese. Of the 20 patients with elevated triglycerides at follow-up, 11 patients (55%) were obese. At follow-up, 11 patients had levels of 200-500 mg/dL (grade I elevation), and 2 patients had levels of 501-1,000 mg/dL (grade II elevation). Isotretinoin was stopped in the latter two patients, who also had obesity as a risk factor for their hypertriglyceridemia.

“None of these patients had clinical sequelae from their hypertriglyceridemia, such as pancreatitis at baseline or follow-up,” Ms. Parthasarathy said. “However, since pancreatitis would be expected to be exceedingly rare, the sample size may be limited in identifying this adverse effect.”

She noted that while isotretinoin might cause a significant increase in lipid levels, the mean levels remained within normal limits at both baseline and follow-up. “Of the patients with elevated triglycerides at baseline and follow-up, obesity may have been a potential risk factor,” she said. “This could suggest a possible strategy for reduced testing in nonobese isotretinoin patients, which can be further explored in larger study populations.”

In addition, “there was a lack of significant change in AST and ALT in this study and adult studies, as well as minimal evidence for pediatric retinoid-induced hepatotoxicity, which raises the question of the necessity of baseline and follow-up comprehensive metabolic panel testing,” Ms. Parthasarathy added. “Clinicians must weigh the laboratory values with the costs of laboratory testing, including opportunity costs such as time, monetary costs, and the discomfort of testing for pediatric patients.”

The study’s senior author was A. Yasmine Kirkorian, MD, chief of dermatology at Children’s National Hospital, Washington. The researchers reported having no relevant financial disclosures.



Isotretinoin use contributed to abnormal lipid lab values in pediatric patients, but no secondary effects were observed, results from a single-center retrospective study demonstrated.

Varsha Parthasarathy, 4th-year medical student, Georgetown University, Washington
Varsha Parthasarathy

“Isotretinoin is a very effective treatment for severe acne,” Varsha Parthasarathy said at the annual meeting of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology. “However, initiating this medication requires a complex process of laboratory testing,” which includes human chorionic gonadotropin pregnancy testing, because isotretinoin is a teratogen, as well as lipid labs and liver function tests, she noted. “Importantly, triglycerides are measured due to an association in adults between isotretinoin and hypertriglyceridemia-associated pancreatitis. However, these findings in children are limited to case reports, as are findings of retinoid-induced hepatotoxicity.”

To identify the role of isotretinoin on changes in lipids, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and to determine the impact on treatment course, Ms. Parthasarathy, a 4-year medical student at George Washington University, Washington, and colleagues retrospectively reviewed the charts of 130 patients aged 12-21 years who were cared for at Children’s National Hospital between January 2012 and October 2020. Nearly two-thirds (65%) were male, their average age was 16 years, and the mean time to obtain follow-up labs after starting isotretinoin was 3.25 months.

Between baseline and follow-up, the researchers observed increases in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (P less than .001 for all associations) and a decrease in HDL (P = .001), but there were no significant changes in AST or ALT levels. These findings were consistent with prior studies in adults examining the utility of these laboratory tests, most notably a 2016 study by Timothy J. Hansen, MD, and colleagues.

Among the 13 patients with elevated triglycerides at baseline, 9 (69%) were overweight or obese. Of the 20 patients with elevated triglycerides at follow-up, 11 patients (55%) were obese. At follow-up, 11 patients had levels of 200-500 mg/dL (grade I elevation), and 2 patients had levels of 501-1,000 mg/dL (grade II elevation). Isotretinoin was stopped in the latter two patients, who also had obesity as a risk factor for their hypertriglyceridemia.

“None of these patients had clinical sequelae from their hypertriglyceridemia, such as pancreatitis at baseline or follow-up,” Ms. Parthasarathy said. “However, since pancreatitis would be expected to be exceedingly rare, the sample size may be limited in identifying this adverse effect.”

She noted that while isotretinoin might cause a significant increase in lipid levels, the mean levels remained within normal limits at both baseline and follow-up. “Of the patients with elevated triglycerides at baseline and follow-up, obesity may have been a potential risk factor,” she said. “This could suggest a possible strategy for reduced testing in nonobese isotretinoin patients, which can be further explored in larger study populations.”

In addition, “there was a lack of significant change in AST and ALT in this study and adult studies, as well as minimal evidence for pediatric retinoid-induced hepatotoxicity, which raises the question of the necessity of baseline and follow-up comprehensive metabolic panel testing,” Ms. Parthasarathy added. “Clinicians must weigh the laboratory values with the costs of laboratory testing, including opportunity costs such as time, monetary costs, and the discomfort of testing for pediatric patients.”

The study’s senior author was A. Yasmine Kirkorian, MD, chief of dermatology at Children’s National Hospital, Washington. The researchers reported having no relevant financial disclosures.


Isotretinoin use contributed to abnormal lipid lab values in pediatric patients, but no secondary effects were observed, results from a single-center retrospective study demonstrated.

Varsha Parthasarathy, 4th-year medical student, Georgetown University, Washington
Varsha Parthasarathy

“Isotretinoin is a very effective treatment for severe acne,” Varsha Parthasarathy said at the annual meeting of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology. “However, initiating this medication requires a complex process of laboratory testing,” which includes human chorionic gonadotropin pregnancy testing, because isotretinoin is a teratogen, as well as lipid labs and liver function tests, she noted. “Importantly, triglycerides are measured due to an association in adults between isotretinoin and hypertriglyceridemia-associated pancreatitis. However, these findings in children are limited to case reports, as are findings of retinoid-induced hepatotoxicity.”

To identify the role of isotretinoin on changes in lipids, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and to determine the impact on treatment course, Ms. Parthasarathy, a 4-year medical student at George Washington University, Washington, and colleagues retrospectively reviewed the charts of 130 patients aged 12-21 years who were cared for at Children’s National Hospital between January 2012 and October 2020. Nearly two-thirds (65%) were male, their average age was 16 years, and the mean time to obtain follow-up labs after starting isotretinoin was 3.25 months.

Between baseline and follow-up, the researchers observed increases in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (P less than .001 for all associations) and a decrease in HDL (P = .001), but there were no significant changes in AST or ALT levels. These findings were consistent with prior studies in adults examining the utility of these laboratory tests, most notably a 2016 study by Timothy J. Hansen, MD, and colleagues.

Among the 13 patients with elevated triglycerides at baseline, 9 (69%) were overweight or obese. Of the 20 patients with elevated triglycerides at follow-up, 11 patients (55%) were obese. At follow-up, 11 patients had levels of 200-500 mg/dL (grade I elevation), and 2 patients had levels of 501-1,000 mg/dL (grade II elevation). Isotretinoin was stopped in the latter two patients, who also had obesity as a risk factor for their hypertriglyceridemia.

“None of these patients had clinical sequelae from their hypertriglyceridemia, such as pancreatitis at baseline or follow-up,” Ms. Parthasarathy said. “However, since pancreatitis would be expected to be exceedingly rare, the sample size may be limited in identifying this adverse effect.”

She noted that while isotretinoin might cause a significant increase in lipid levels, the mean levels remained within normal limits at both baseline and follow-up. “Of the patients with elevated triglycerides at baseline and follow-up, obesity may have been a potential risk factor,” she said. “This could suggest a possible strategy for reduced testing in nonobese isotretinoin patients, which can be further explored in larger study populations.”

In addition, “there was a lack of significant change in AST and ALT in this study and adult studies, as well as minimal evidence for pediatric retinoid-induced hepatotoxicity, which raises the question of the necessity of baseline and follow-up comprehensive metabolic panel testing,” Ms. Parthasarathy added. “Clinicians must weigh the laboratory values with the costs of laboratory testing, including opportunity costs such as time, monetary costs, and the discomfort of testing for pediatric patients.”

The study’s senior author was A. Yasmine Kirkorian, MD, chief of dermatology at Children’s National Hospital, Washington. The researchers reported having no relevant financial disclosures.

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Isotretinoin benefits similar in overweight, obese adolescents, and those in normal weight range

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Fri, 07/09/2021 - 07:35


Although adolescents with acne received different cumulative doses of isotretinoin based on their body mass index, there were no differences in acne clearance, relapse, and most side effects between normal-weight, overweight, and obese individuals, a retrospective cohort study found.

Maggie Tallmadge, medical student, Medical College of Wisconsin
Maggie Tallmadge

“Oral isotretinoin is among the most effective treatments for acne and is indicated for the treatment of severe acne or when first-line regimens have failed,” Maggie Tallmadge said at the annual meeting of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology. In adolescents with acne, isotretinoin is prescribed at a dose of 0.5-1 mg/kg per day “with the goal of reaching a cumulative dose of 120-150 mg/kg and clinical clearance with durable remission,” she said. “Most providers do not prescribe a daily dose over 80 mg due to perceived increased risk of side effects, including xerosis, cheilitis, liver dysfunction, and acne flare. However, many adolescents weigh over 80 kg and are therefore effectively underdosed, prolonging treatment time and possibly increasing the risk of side effects due to prolonged therapy.”

To evaluate differences in treatment courses among normal-weight, overweight, and obese adolescents, and the efficacy and safety of treatment, Ms. Tallmadge, a third-year medical student at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and colleagues completed a retrospective chart review of 550 dermatology patients at Children’s Wisconsin, also in Milwaukee, who completed at least 2 months of isotretinoin treatment for acne when they were between the ages of 10 and 24, from November 2012 to January 2020. They collected data on age, weight, height, daily dose, cumulative dose, time to acne clearance, side effects, and acne recurrence after treatment, and classified patients as normal weight, overweight, or obese based on their body mass index for age percentile.

Of the 550 patients, 367 (67%) were normal weight, 101 (18%) were overweight, and 82 (15%) were obese. The median age of those in the normal-weight and overweight groups was 16, and was 15 in the obese group.

There was were significant differences in the median cumulative dose in each weight group: 143.7 mg/kg for normal-weight patients, 138.2 mg/kg for overweight patients, and 140.6 mg/kg for obese patients (P < .001).

“Despite achieving different cumulative doses, there was no difference in acne clearance, relapse, and most side effects among the three [body mass index] cohorts,” Ms. Tallmadge said. “Thus, it appears that current treatment strategies may be appropriate for overweight and obese adolescents.”

The proportion of patients with acne clearance did not differ significantly among the three groups of patients: 62% who were in the normal weight range, 60% who were overweight, and 59% who were obese had clearance of facial acne with treatment (P = .84).

Of patients whose treatment course was completed by the time of data collection, the proportion with acne recurrences was similar between the three groups: 25% of normal-weight patients, 27% of overweight patients, and 35% of obese patients (P > .05). Of patients whose treatment course was completed by the time of data collection, there was no significant differences in acne recurrence: 25% of normal-weight patients, 27% of overweight patients, and 35% of obese patients.

However, the proportion of patients reporting headaches differed significantly between the groups: 29% of normal-weight patients, compared with 40% of both overweight and obese patients (P = .035). The researchers also observed a significant positive correlation between increased BMI and increased triglyceride and ALT levels during treatment (P < .001 for both associations), yet no elevations required clinical action.

Funding for the study was provided by the MCW Medical Student Summer Research Program and the American Acne & Rosacea Society.



Although adolescents with acne received different cumulative doses of isotretinoin based on their body mass index, there were no differences in acne clearance, relapse, and most side effects between normal-weight, overweight, and obese individuals, a retrospective cohort study found.

Maggie Tallmadge, medical student, Medical College of Wisconsin
Maggie Tallmadge

“Oral isotretinoin is among the most effective treatments for acne and is indicated for the treatment of severe acne or when first-line regimens have failed,” Maggie Tallmadge said at the annual meeting of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology. In adolescents with acne, isotretinoin is prescribed at a dose of 0.5-1 mg/kg per day “with the goal of reaching a cumulative dose of 120-150 mg/kg and clinical clearance with durable remission,” she said. “Most providers do not prescribe a daily dose over 80 mg due to perceived increased risk of side effects, including xerosis, cheilitis, liver dysfunction, and acne flare. However, many adolescents weigh over 80 kg and are therefore effectively underdosed, prolonging treatment time and possibly increasing the risk of side effects due to prolonged therapy.”

To evaluate differences in treatment courses among normal-weight, overweight, and obese adolescents, and the efficacy and safety of treatment, Ms. Tallmadge, a third-year medical student at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and colleagues completed a retrospective chart review of 550 dermatology patients at Children’s Wisconsin, also in Milwaukee, who completed at least 2 months of isotretinoin treatment for acne when they were between the ages of 10 and 24, from November 2012 to January 2020. They collected data on age, weight, height, daily dose, cumulative dose, time to acne clearance, side effects, and acne recurrence after treatment, and classified patients as normal weight, overweight, or obese based on their body mass index for age percentile.

Of the 550 patients, 367 (67%) were normal weight, 101 (18%) were overweight, and 82 (15%) were obese. The median age of those in the normal-weight and overweight groups was 16, and was 15 in the obese group.

There was were significant differences in the median cumulative dose in each weight group: 143.7 mg/kg for normal-weight patients, 138.2 mg/kg for overweight patients, and 140.6 mg/kg for obese patients (P < .001).

“Despite achieving different cumulative doses, there was no difference in acne clearance, relapse, and most side effects among the three [body mass index] cohorts,” Ms. Tallmadge said. “Thus, it appears that current treatment strategies may be appropriate for overweight and obese adolescents.”

The proportion of patients with acne clearance did not differ significantly among the three groups of patients: 62% who were in the normal weight range, 60% who were overweight, and 59% who were obese had clearance of facial acne with treatment (P = .84).

Of patients whose treatment course was completed by the time of data collection, the proportion with acne recurrences was similar between the three groups: 25% of normal-weight patients, 27% of overweight patients, and 35% of obese patients (P > .05). Of patients whose treatment course was completed by the time of data collection, there was no significant differences in acne recurrence: 25% of normal-weight patients, 27% of overweight patients, and 35% of obese patients.

However, the proportion of patients reporting headaches differed significantly between the groups: 29% of normal-weight patients, compared with 40% of both overweight and obese patients (P = .035). The researchers also observed a significant positive correlation between increased BMI and increased triglyceride and ALT levels during treatment (P < .001 for both associations), yet no elevations required clinical action.

Funding for the study was provided by the MCW Medical Student Summer Research Program and the American Acne & Rosacea Society.


Although adolescents with acne received different cumulative doses of isotretinoin based on their body mass index, there were no differences in acne clearance, relapse, and most side effects between normal-weight, overweight, and obese individuals, a retrospective cohort study found.

Maggie Tallmadge, medical student, Medical College of Wisconsin
Maggie Tallmadge

“Oral isotretinoin is among the most effective treatments for acne and is indicated for the treatment of severe acne or when first-line regimens have failed,” Maggie Tallmadge said at the annual meeting of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology. In adolescents with acne, isotretinoin is prescribed at a dose of 0.5-1 mg/kg per day “with the goal of reaching a cumulative dose of 120-150 mg/kg and clinical clearance with durable remission,” she said. “Most providers do not prescribe a daily dose over 80 mg due to perceived increased risk of side effects, including xerosis, cheilitis, liver dysfunction, and acne flare. However, many adolescents weigh over 80 kg and are therefore effectively underdosed, prolonging treatment time and possibly increasing the risk of side effects due to prolonged therapy.”

To evaluate differences in treatment courses among normal-weight, overweight, and obese adolescents, and the efficacy and safety of treatment, Ms. Tallmadge, a third-year medical student at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and colleagues completed a retrospective chart review of 550 dermatology patients at Children’s Wisconsin, also in Milwaukee, who completed at least 2 months of isotretinoin treatment for acne when they were between the ages of 10 and 24, from November 2012 to January 2020. They collected data on age, weight, height, daily dose, cumulative dose, time to acne clearance, side effects, and acne recurrence after treatment, and classified patients as normal weight, overweight, or obese based on their body mass index for age percentile.

Of the 550 patients, 367 (67%) were normal weight, 101 (18%) were overweight, and 82 (15%) were obese. The median age of those in the normal-weight and overweight groups was 16, and was 15 in the obese group.

There was were significant differences in the median cumulative dose in each weight group: 143.7 mg/kg for normal-weight patients, 138.2 mg/kg for overweight patients, and 140.6 mg/kg for obese patients (P < .001).

“Despite achieving different cumulative doses, there was no difference in acne clearance, relapse, and most side effects among the three [body mass index] cohorts,” Ms. Tallmadge said. “Thus, it appears that current treatment strategies may be appropriate for overweight and obese adolescents.”

The proportion of patients with acne clearance did not differ significantly among the three groups of patients: 62% who were in the normal weight range, 60% who were overweight, and 59% who were obese had clearance of facial acne with treatment (P = .84).

Of patients whose treatment course was completed by the time of data collection, the proportion with acne recurrences was similar between the three groups: 25% of normal-weight patients, 27% of overweight patients, and 35% of obese patients (P > .05). Of patients whose treatment course was completed by the time of data collection, there was no significant differences in acne recurrence: 25% of normal-weight patients, 27% of overweight patients, and 35% of obese patients.

However, the proportion of patients reporting headaches differed significantly between the groups: 29% of normal-weight patients, compared with 40% of both overweight and obese patients (P = .035). The researchers also observed a significant positive correlation between increased BMI and increased triglyceride and ALT levels during treatment (P < .001 for both associations), yet no elevations required clinical action.

Funding for the study was provided by the MCW Medical Student Summer Research Program and the American Acne & Rosacea Society.

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In Black patients, acne scarring might not mean what you think

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Mon, 06/28/2021 - 08:43

Treating the needs of patients of color requires an understanding of differences that may not be readily apparent, a dermatologist told colleagues. For example, clinicians generally understand what White patients are talking about when they mention acne scarring, but Black patients have a different perception of the term that may be misinterpreted in the doctor’s office.

Dr. Amy J. McMichael, professor and chair of dermatology at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Dr. Amy McMichael

“Scarring is not usually what they’re talking about, although they may have some of that as well. They’re [typically] talking about what we know as postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, not scarring. So right away, you have to clarify,” Amy McMichael, MD, professor and chair of dermatology at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C., said in a presentation at the Inaugural Symposium for Inflammatory Skin Disease. “When you’re talking about scarring, do you mean the dark spots? What exactly are you concerned about?”

Dr. McMichael highlighted a 2014 study that reported the results of a survey of 208 women (51% were White; 49% were non-White), which included 51 Black, 23 Hispanic, and 16 Asian women aged 25-45 (mean age, 35) with 25 or more lesions. White women were more troubled by facial acne than were women of color (89% vs. 76%, respectively, P < .05), and they were more likely to say lesion clearance was most important to them (58% vs. 32%, respectively, P < .001).

Meanwhile, non-White women were much more likely than were White women to say that clearance of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation was most important to them (42% vs. 8%, respectively, P < .0001).

“Seventy percent of [non-White women] felt that their race and ethnicity required targeted attention [in treatment], and two-thirds desired acne treatment that was designed to meet the needs of their skin type,” Dr. McMichael said. “If you don’t address the issues, if you don’t talk about the pigmentation with them or explain how you’re going to address it, people don’t feel heard. They don’t feel like they’ve really seen a dermatologist who understands their needs.”

She added that it’s crucial to ask about over-the-counter products. “If you don’t discuss them, they’ll assume that what they’re doing is okay.” She warns her patients against using and exposing their skin and face to cocoa butter and oils such as tea tree oil.

Research has suggested that among people of color, Blacks and Hispanics are most likely to experience dyspigmentation and scarring, Dr. McMichael said. She advised colleagues to be aware of pomade acne in these two groups of patients. Pomade acne appears along the hair line and is caused by the use of hair products. She also cautioned about acne cosmetica, which can be triggered by products such as makeup, used to cover up acne and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.

As for acne treatments, Dr. McMichael highlighted a long list of familiar topical and oral agents and procedural options. Less familiar strategies include laser and light-based therapies, she said.

As for up-and-coming options, she pointed to topical minocycline, “which allows us to use an anti-inflammatory agent topically rather than orally when we’re trying to get away from using a lot of oral antibiotics.”

Also consider whether female patients have polycystic ovary syndrome, she said. “Then you might consider spironolactone. I certainly use a lot more of that these days to try to avoid long-term oral antibiotics.”

She recommended earlier use of isotretinoin in patients overall, and she urged colleagues to proceed with their standard retinoid approaches. However, she noted that she lets patients know that she’ll focus first on treating the acne itself and then work on the dark spots in later treatments. “If you give people a bleaching agent in the beginning, they’re going to stop using their main products, and they’re going to chase those dark spots. That’s just something that they can’t help doing.”

Dr. McMichael disclosed investigator and consultant relationships with multiple drug makers.


Treating the needs of patients of color requires an understanding of differences that may not be readily apparent, a dermatologist told colleagues. For example, clinicians generally understand what White patients are talking about when they mention acne scarring, but Black patients have a different perception of the term that may be misinterpreted in the doctor’s office.

Dr. Amy J. McMichael, professor and chair of dermatology at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Dr. Amy McMichael

“Scarring is not usually what they’re talking about, although they may have some of that as well. They’re [typically] talking about what we know as postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, not scarring. So right away, you have to clarify,” Amy McMichael, MD, professor and chair of dermatology at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C., said in a presentation at the Inaugural Symposium for Inflammatory Skin Disease. “When you’re talking about scarring, do you mean the dark spots? What exactly are you concerned about?”

Dr. McMichael highlighted a 2014 study that reported the results of a survey of 208 women (51% were White; 49% were non-White), which included 51 Black, 23 Hispanic, and 16 Asian women aged 25-45 (mean age, 35) with 25 or more lesions. White women were more troubled by facial acne than were women of color (89% vs. 76%, respectively, P < .05), and they were more likely to say lesion clearance was most important to them (58% vs. 32%, respectively, P < .001).

Meanwhile, non-White women were much more likely than were White women to say that clearance of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation was most important to them (42% vs. 8%, respectively, P < .0001).

“Seventy percent of [non-White women] felt that their race and ethnicity required targeted attention [in treatment], and two-thirds desired acne treatment that was designed to meet the needs of their skin type,” Dr. McMichael said. “If you don’t address the issues, if you don’t talk about the pigmentation with them or explain how you’re going to address it, people don’t feel heard. They don’t feel like they’ve really seen a dermatologist who understands their needs.”

She added that it’s crucial to ask about over-the-counter products. “If you don’t discuss them, they’ll assume that what they’re doing is okay.” She warns her patients against using and exposing their skin and face to cocoa butter and oils such as tea tree oil.

Research has suggested that among people of color, Blacks and Hispanics are most likely to experience dyspigmentation and scarring, Dr. McMichael said. She advised colleagues to be aware of pomade acne in these two groups of patients. Pomade acne appears along the hair line and is caused by the use of hair products. She also cautioned about acne cosmetica, which can be triggered by products such as makeup, used to cover up acne and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.

As for acne treatments, Dr. McMichael highlighted a long list of familiar topical and oral agents and procedural options. Less familiar strategies include laser and light-based therapies, she said.

As for up-and-coming options, she pointed to topical minocycline, “which allows us to use an anti-inflammatory agent topically rather than orally when we’re trying to get away from using a lot of oral antibiotics.”

Also consider whether female patients have polycystic ovary syndrome, she said. “Then you might consider spironolactone. I certainly use a lot more of that these days to try to avoid long-term oral antibiotics.”

She recommended earlier use of isotretinoin in patients overall, and she urged colleagues to proceed with their standard retinoid approaches. However, she noted that she lets patients know that she’ll focus first on treating the acne itself and then work on the dark spots in later treatments. “If you give people a bleaching agent in the beginning, they’re going to stop using their main products, and they’re going to chase those dark spots. That’s just something that they can’t help doing.”

Dr. McMichael disclosed investigator and consultant relationships with multiple drug makers.

Treating the needs of patients of color requires an understanding of differences that may not be readily apparent, a dermatologist told colleagues. For example, clinicians generally understand what White patients are talking about when they mention acne scarring, but Black patients have a different perception of the term that may be misinterpreted in the doctor’s office.

Dr. Amy J. McMichael, professor and chair of dermatology at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Dr. Amy McMichael

“Scarring is not usually what they’re talking about, although they may have some of that as well. They’re [typically] talking about what we know as postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, not scarring. So right away, you have to clarify,” Amy McMichael, MD, professor and chair of dermatology at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C., said in a presentation at the Inaugural Symposium for Inflammatory Skin Disease. “When you’re talking about scarring, do you mean the dark spots? What exactly are you concerned about?”

Dr. McMichael highlighted a 2014 study that reported the results of a survey of 208 women (51% were White; 49% were non-White), which included 51 Black, 23 Hispanic, and 16 Asian women aged 25-45 (mean age, 35) with 25 or more lesions. White women were more troubled by facial acne than were women of color (89% vs. 76%, respectively, P < .05), and they were more likely to say lesion clearance was most important to them (58% vs. 32%, respectively, P < .001).

Meanwhile, non-White women were much more likely than were White women to say that clearance of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation was most important to them (42% vs. 8%, respectively, P < .0001).

“Seventy percent of [non-White women] felt that their race and ethnicity required targeted attention [in treatment], and two-thirds desired acne treatment that was designed to meet the needs of their skin type,” Dr. McMichael said. “If you don’t address the issues, if you don’t talk about the pigmentation with them or explain how you’re going to address it, people don’t feel heard. They don’t feel like they’ve really seen a dermatologist who understands their needs.”

She added that it’s crucial to ask about over-the-counter products. “If you don’t discuss them, they’ll assume that what they’re doing is okay.” She warns her patients against using and exposing their skin and face to cocoa butter and oils such as tea tree oil.

Research has suggested that among people of color, Blacks and Hispanics are most likely to experience dyspigmentation and scarring, Dr. McMichael said. She advised colleagues to be aware of pomade acne in these two groups of patients. Pomade acne appears along the hair line and is caused by the use of hair products. She also cautioned about acne cosmetica, which can be triggered by products such as makeup, used to cover up acne and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.

As for acne treatments, Dr. McMichael highlighted a long list of familiar topical and oral agents and procedural options. Less familiar strategies include laser and light-based therapies, she said.

As for up-and-coming options, she pointed to topical minocycline, “which allows us to use an anti-inflammatory agent topically rather than orally when we’re trying to get away from using a lot of oral antibiotics.”

Also consider whether female patients have polycystic ovary syndrome, she said. “Then you might consider spironolactone. I certainly use a lot more of that these days to try to avoid long-term oral antibiotics.”

She recommended earlier use of isotretinoin in patients overall, and she urged colleagues to proceed with their standard retinoid approaches. However, she noted that she lets patients know that she’ll focus first on treating the acne itself and then work on the dark spots in later treatments. “If you give people a bleaching agent in the beginning, they’re going to stop using their main products, and they’re going to chase those dark spots. That’s just something that they can’t help doing.”

Dr. McMichael disclosed investigator and consultant relationships with multiple drug makers.

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Reexamining the Role of Diet in Dermatology

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Tue, 08/09/2022 - 09:46

Within the last decade, almost 3000 articles have been published on the role of diet in the prevention and management of dermatologic conditions. Patients are increasingly interested in—and employing—dietary modifications that may influence skin appearance and aid in the treatment of cutaneous disease.1 It is essential that dermatologists are familiar with existing evidence on the role of diet in dermatology to counsel patients appropriately. Herein, we discuss the compositions of several popular diets and their proposed utility for dermatologic purposes. We highlight the limited literature that exists surrounding this topic and emphasize the need for future, well-designed clinical trials that study the impact of diet on skin disease.

Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet has a macronutrient profile composed of high fat, low to moderate protein, and very low carbohydrates. Nutritional ketosis occurs as the body begins to use free fatty acids (via beta oxidation) as the primary metabolite driving cellular metabolism. It has been suggested that the ketogenic diet may impart beneficial effects on skin disease; however, limited literature exists on the role of nutritional ketosis in the treatment of dermatologic conditions.

Mechanistically, the ketogenic diet decreases the secretion of insulin and insulinlike growth factor 1, resulting in a reduction of circulating androgens and increased activity of the retinoid X receptor.2 In acne vulgaris, it has been suggested that the ketogenic diet may be beneficial in decreasing androgen-induced sebum production and the overproliferation of keratinocytes.2-7 The ketogenic diet is one of the most rapidly effective dietary strategies for normalizing both insulin and androgens, thus it may theoretically be useful for other metabolic and hormone-dependent skin diseases, such as hidradenitis suppurativa.8,9

The cutaneous manifestations associated with chronic hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia are numerous and include acanthosis nigricans, acrochordons, diabetic dermopathy, scleredema diabeticorum, bullosis diabeticorum, keratosis pilaris, and generalized granuloma annulare. There also is an increased risk for bacterial and fungal skin infections associated with hyperglycemic states.10 The ketogenic diet is an effective nonpharmacologic tool for normalizing serum insulin and glucose levels in most patients and may have utility in the aforementioned conditions.11,12 In addition to improving insulin sensitivity, it has been used as a dietary strategy for weight loss.11-15 Because obesity and metabolic syndrome are highly correlated with common skin conditions such as psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and androgenetic alopecia, there may be a role for employing the ketogenic diet in these patient populations.16,17

Although robust clinical studies on ketogenic diets in skin disease are lacking, a recent single-arm, open-label clinical trial observed benefit in all 37 drug-naïve, overweight patients with chronic plaque psoriasis who underwent a ketogenic weight loss protocol. Significant reductions in psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score and dermatology life quality index score were reported (P<.001).18 Another study of 30 patients with psoriasis found that a 4-week, low-calorie, ketogenic diet resulted in 50% improvement of PASI scores, 10% weight loss, and a reduction in the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-2.19 Despite these results, it is a challenge to tease out if the specific dietary intervention or its associated weight loss was the main driver in these reported improvements in skin disease.

There is mixed evidence on the anti-inflammatory nature of the ketogenic diet, likely due to wide variation in the composition of foods included in individual diets. In many instances, the ketogenic diet is thought to possess considerable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities. Ketones are known activators of the nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 pathway, which upregulates the production of glutathione, a major endogenous intracellular antioxidant.20 Additionally, dietary compounds from foods that are encouraged while on the ketogenic diet, such as sulforaphane from broccoli, also are independent activators of nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2.21 Ketones are efficiently utilized by mitochondria, which also may result in the decreased production of reactive oxygen species and lower oxidative stress.22 Moreover, the ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate has demonstrated the ability to reduce proinflammatory IL-1β levels via suppression of nucleotide-binding domain-like receptor protein 3 inflammasome activity.23,24 The activity of IL-1β is known to be elevated in many dermatologic conditions, including juvenile idiopathic arthritis, relapsing polychondritis, Schnitzler syndrome, hidradenitis suppurativa, Behçet disease, and other autoinflammatory syndromes.25 Ketones also have been shown to inhibit the nuclear factor–κB proinflammatory signaling pathway.22,26,27 Overexpression of IL-1β and aberrant activation of nuclear factor–κB are implicated in a variety of inflammatory, autoimmune, and oncologic cutaneous pathologies. The ketogenic diet may prove to be an effective adjunctive treatment for dermatologists to consider in select patient populations.23,24,28-30

For patients with keratinocyte carcinomas, the ketogenic diet may offer the aforementioned anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, as well as suppression of the mechanistic target of rapamycin, a major regulator of cell metabolism and proliferation.31,32 Inhibition of mechanistic target of rapamycin activity has been shown to slow tumor growth and reduce the development of squamous cell carcinoma.25,33,34 The ketogenic diet also may exploit the preferential utilization of glucose exhibited by many types of cancer cells, thereby “starving” the tumor of its primary fuel source.35,36 In vitro and animal studies in a variety of cancer types have demonstrated that a ketogenic metabolic state—achieved through the ketogenic diet or fasting—can sensitize tumor cells to chemotherapy and radiation while conferring a protective effect to normal cells.37-40 This recently described phenomenon is known as differential stress resistance, but it has not been studied in keratinocyte malignancies or melanoma to date. Importantly, some basal cell carcinomas and BRAF V600E–mutated melanomas have worsened while on the ketogenic diet, suggesting more data is needed before it can be recommended for all cancer patients.41,42 Furthermore, other skin conditions such as prurigo pigmentosa have been associated with initiation of the ketogenic diet.43




Fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAPs) are short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed, osmotically active, and rapidly fermented by intestinal bacteria.44 The low FODMAP diet has been shown to be efficacious for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and some cases of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).44-49 A low FODMAP diet may have potential implications for several dermatologic conditions.

Rosacea has been associated with various gastrointestinal tract disorders including irritable bowel syndrome, SIBO, and IBD.50-54 A single study found that patients with rosacea had a 13-fold increased risk for SIBO.55,56 Treatment of 40 patients with SIBO using rifaximin resulted in complete resolution of rosacea in all patients, with no relapse after a 3-year follow-up period.55 Psoriasis also has been associated with SIBO and IBD.57,58 One small study found that eradication of SIBO in psoriatic patients resulted in improved PASI scores and colorimetric values.59

Although the long-term health consequences of the low FODMAP diet are unknown, further research on such dietary interventions for inflammatory skin conditions is warranted given the mounting evidence of a gut-skin connection and the role of the intestinal microbiome in skin health.50,51

Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten is a protein found in a variety of grains. Although the role of gluten in the pathogenesis of celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis is indisputable, the deleterious effects of gluten outside of the context of these diseases remain controversial. There may be a compelling case for eliminating gluten in psoriasis patients with seropositivity for celiac disease. A recent systematic review found a 2.2-fold increased risk for celiac disease in psoriasis patients.60 Antigliadin antibody titers also were found to be positively correlated with psoriatic disease severity.61 In addition, one open-label study found a reduction in PASI scores in 73% of patients with antigliadin antibodies after 3 months on a gluten-free diet compared to those without antibodies; however, the study only included 22 patients.62 Several other small studies have yielded similar results63,64; however, antigliadin antibodies are neither the most sensitive nor specific markers of celiac disease, and additional testing should be completed in any patient who may carry this diagnosis. A survey study by the National Psoriasis Foundation found that the dietary change associated with the greatest skin improvement was removal of gluten and nightshade vegetables in approximately 50% of the 1200 psoriasis patients that responded.65 Case reports of various dermatologic conditions including sarcoidosis, vitiligo, alopecia areata, lichen planus, dermatomyositis, pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema nodosum, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, linear IgA bullous dermatosis, and aphthous ulcerations have reportedly improved with a gluten-free diet; however, this should not be used as primary therapy in patients without celiac disease.66-71 Because gluten-free diets can be expensive and challenging to follow, a formal assessment for celiac disease should be considered before recommendation of this dietary intervention.

Low Histamine Diet

Histamine is a biogenic amine produced by the decarboxylation of the amino acid histidine.72 It is found in several foods in varying amounts. Because bacteria can convert histidine into histamine, many fermented and aged foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, cheese, and red wine contain high levels of histamine. Individuals who have decreased activity of diamine oxidase (DAO), an enzyme that degrades histamine, may be more susceptible to histamine intolerance.72 The symptoms of histamine intolerance are numerous and include gastrointestinal tract distress, rhinorrhea and nasal congestion, headache, urticaria, flushing, and pruritus. Histamine intolerance can mimic an IgE-mediated food allergy; however, allergy testing is negative in these patients. Unfortunately, there is no laboratory test for histamine intolerance; a double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge is considered the gold-standard test.72

As it pertains to dermatology, a low histamine diet may play a role in the treatment of certain patients with atopic dermatitis and chronic spontaneous urticaria. One study reported that 17 of 54 (31.5%) atopic patients had higher basal levels of serum histamine compared to controls.73 Another study found that a histamine-free diet led to improvement in both histamine intolerance symptoms and atopic dermatitis disease severity (SCORing atopic dermatitis) in patients with low DAO activity.74 In chronic spontaneous urticaria, a recent systematic review found that in 223 patients placed on a low histamine diet for 3 to 4 weeks, 12% and 44% achieved complete and partial remission, respectively.75 Although treatment response based on a patient’s DAO activity level has not been correlated, a diet low in histamine may prove useful for patients with persistent atopic dermatitis and chronic spontaneous urticaria who have negative food allergy tests and report exacerbation of symptoms after ingestion of histamine-rich foods.76,77

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet has been touted as one of the healthiest diets to date, and large randomized clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness in weight loss, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing inflammatory cytokine profiles.78,79 A major criticism of the Mediterranean diet is that it has considerable ambiguity and lacks a precise definition due to the variability of what is consumed in different Mediterranean regions. Generally, the diet emphasizes high consumption of colorful fruits and vegetables, aromatic herbs and spices, olive oil, nuts, and seafood, as well as modest amounts of dairy, eggs, and red meat.80 The anti-inflammatory effects of this diet largely have been attributed to its abundance of polyphenols, carotenoids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).80,81 Examples of polyphenols include resveratrol in red grapes, quercetin in apples and red onions, and curcumin in turmeric, while examples of carotenoids include lycopene in tomatoes and zeaxanthin in dark leafy greens. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid present in high concentrations in olive oil, while eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are omega-3 PUFAs predominantly found in fish.82

Unfortunately, rigorous clinical trials regarding the Mediterranean diet as it pertains to dermatology have not been undertaken. Numerous observational studies in patients with psoriasis have suggested that close adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with improvement in PASI scores.83-86 The National Psoriasis Foundation now recommends a trial of the Mediterranean diet in some patients with psoriasis, emphasizing increased dietary intake of olive oil, fish, and vegetables.87 Adherence to a Mediterranean diet also has been inversely correlated to the severity of acne vulgaris and hidradenitis suppurativa88,89; however, these studies failed to account for the multifactorial risk factors associated with these conditions. Mediterranean diets also may impart a chemopreventive effect, supported by a number of in vivo and in vitro studies demonstrating the inhibition and/or reversal of cutaneous DNA damage induced by UV radiation through supplementation with various phytonutrients and omega-3 PUFAs.81,90-92 Although small case-control studies have found a decreased risk of basal cell carcinoma in those who closely adhered to a Mediterranean diet, more rigorous clinical research is needed.93



Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet

A whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) diet is another popular dietary approach that consists of eating fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains in their whole natural form.94 This diet discourages all animal products, including red meat, seafood, dairy, and eggs. It is similar to a vegan diet except that it eliminates all highly refined carbohydrates, vegetable oils, and other processed foods.94 Randomized clinical studies have demonstrated the WFPB diet to be effective in the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome.95,96

A WFPB diet has been shown to increase the antioxidant capacity of cells, lengthen telomeres, and reduce formation of advanced glycation end products.94,97,98 These benefits may help combat accelerated skin aging, including increased skin permeability, reduced elasticity and hydration, decreased angiogenesis, impaired immune function, and decreased vitamin D synthesis. Accelerated skin aging can result in delayed wound healing and susceptibility to skin tears and ecchymoses and also may promote the development of cutaneous malignancies.99 There remains a lack of clinical data studying a properly formulated WFPB diet in the dermatologic setting.

Paleolithic Diet

The paleolithic (Paleo) diet is an increasingly popular way of eating that attempts to mirror what our ancestors may have consumed between 10,000 and 2.5 million years ago.100 It is similar to the Mediterranean diet but excludes grains, dairy, legumes, and nightshade vegetables. It also calls for elimination of highly processed sugars and oils as well as chemical food additives and preservatives. There is a strict variation of the diet for individuals with autoimmune disease that also excludes eggs, nuts, and seeds, as these can be inflammatory or immunogenic in some patients.100-106 Other variations of the diet exist, including the ketogenic Paleo diet, pegan (Paleo vegan) diet, and lacto-Paleo diet.100 An often cited criticism of the Paleo diet is the low intake of calcium and risk for osteoporosis; however, consumption of calcium-rich foods or a calcium supplement can address this concern.107

Although small clinical studies have found the Paleo diet to be beneficial for various autoimmune diseases, clinical data evaluating the utility of the diet for cutaneous disease is lacking.108,109 Numerous randomized trials have demonstrated the Paleo diet to be effective for weight loss and improving insulin sensitivity and lipid levels.110-116 Thus, the Paleo diet may theoretically serve as a viable adjunct dietary approach to the treatment of cutaneous diseases associated with obesity and metabolic derangement.117

Carnivore Diet

Arguably the most controversial and radical diet is the carnivore diet. As the name implies, the carnivore diet is based on consuming solely animal products. A properly structured carnivore diet emphasizes a “nose-to-tail” eating approach where all parts of the animal including the muscle meats, organs, and fat are consumed. Proponents of the diet cite anthropologic evidence from fossil-stable carbon-13/carbon-12 isotope analyses, craniodental features, and numerous other adaptations that indicate increased consumption of meat during human evolution.118-122 Notably, many early humans ate a carnivore diet, but life span was very short at this time, suggesting the diet may not be as beneficial as has been suggested.

Despite the abundance of anecdotal evidence supporting its use for a variety of chronic conditions, including cutaneous autoimmune disease, there is a virtual absence of high-quality research on the carnivore diet.123-125

The purported benefits of the carnivore diet may be attributed to the consumption of organ meats that contain highly bioavailable essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, copper, selenium, thiamine, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, and choline.126-128 Other dietary compounds that have demonstrated benefit for skin health and are predominantly found in animal foods include carnosine, carnitine, creatine, taurine, coenzyme Q10, and collagen.129-134 Nevertheless, there is no data to recommend the elimination of antioxidant- and micronutrient-dense plant-based foods. Rigorous clinical research evaluating the efficacy and safety of the carnivore diet in dermatologic patients is needed. A carnivore diet should not be undertaken without the assistance of a dietician who can ensure adequate micronutrient and macronutrient support.

Final Thoughts

The adjunctive role of diet in the treatment of skin disease is expanding and becoming more widely accepted among dermatologists. Unfortunately, there remains a lack of randomized controlled trials confirming the efficacy of various dietary interventions in the dermatologic setting. Although evidence-based dietary recommendations currently are limited, it is important for dermatologists to be aware of the varied and nuanced dietary interventions employed by patients.

Ultimately, dietary recommendations must be personalized, considering a patient’s comorbidities, personal beliefs and preferences, and nutrigenetics. The emerging field of dermatonutrigenomics—the study of how dietary compounds interact with one’s genes to influence skin health—may allow for precise dietary recommendations to be made in dermatologic practice. Direct-to-consumer genetic tests targeted toward dermatology patients are already on the market, but their clinical utility awaits validation.1 Because nutritional science is a constantly evolving field, becoming familiar with these popular diets will serve both dermatologists and their patients well.

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  113. Ghaedi E, Mohammadi M, Mohammadi H, et al. Effects of a paleolithic diet on cardiovascular disease risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Adv Nutr. 2019;10:634-646. 
  114. Mellberg C, Sandberg S, Ryberg M, et al. Long-term effects of a palaeolithic-type diet in obese postmenopausal women: a 2-year randomized trial. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2014;68:350-357. 
  115. Pastore RL, Brooks JT, Carbone JW. Paleolithic nutrition improves plasma lipid concentrations of hypercholesterolemic adults to a greater extent than traditional heart-healthy dietary recommendations. Nutr Res. 2015;35:474-479. 
  116. Otten J, Stomby A, Waling M, et al. Benefits of a paleolithic diet with and without supervised exercise on fat mass, insulin sensitivity, and glycemic control: a randomized controlled trial in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2017;33:E2828. 
  117. Stefanadi EC, Dimitrakakis G, Antoniou C-K, et al. Metabolic syndrome and the skin: a more than superficial association. reviewing the association between skin diseases and metabolic syndrome and a clinical decision algorithm for high risk patients. Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2018;10:9. 
  118. Mann N. Meat in the human diet: an anthropological perspective. Nutr Dietetics. 2007;64(suppl 4):S102-S107. 
  119. Bramble DM, Lieberman DE. Endurance running and the evolution of Homo. Nature. 2004;432:345-352. 
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  121. Kobayashi H, Kohshima S. Unique morphology of the human eye and its adaptive meaning: comparative studies on external morphology of the primate eye. J Hum Evol. 2001;40:419-435. 
  122. Cordain L, Eaton SB, Miller JB, et al. The paradoxical nature of hunter-gatherer diets: meat-based, yet non-atherogenic. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2002;56(suppl 1):S42-S52. 
  123. McClellan WS, Du Bois EF. Clinical calorimetry: XLV. prolonged meat diets with a study of kidney function and ketosis. J Biol Chem. 1930;87:651-668. 
  124. O'Hearn A. Can a carnivore diet provide all essential nutrients? Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2020;27:312-316. 
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Author and Disclosure Information

Mr. Svoboda is from the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, Roanoke. Dr. Christopher is from Ironwood Dermatology and Aesthetic Services, Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Shields is from the Department of Dermatology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison.

The authors report no conflicts of interest.

Correspondence: Bridget E. Shields, MD, 1 S Park St, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Dermatology, Madison, WI 53711 (

cutis - 107(6)
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Author and Disclosure Information

Mr. Svoboda is from the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, Roanoke. Dr. Christopher is from Ironwood Dermatology and Aesthetic Services, Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Shields is from the Department of Dermatology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison.

The authors report no conflicts of interest.

Correspondence: Bridget E. Shields, MD, 1 S Park St, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Dermatology, Madison, WI 53711 (

Author and Disclosure Information

Mr. Svoboda is from the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, Roanoke. Dr. Christopher is from Ironwood Dermatology and Aesthetic Services, Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Shields is from the Department of Dermatology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison.

The authors report no conflicts of interest.

Correspondence: Bridget E. Shields, MD, 1 S Park St, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Dermatology, Madison, WI 53711 (

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Article PDF

Within the last decade, almost 3000 articles have been published on the role of diet in the prevention and management of dermatologic conditions. Patients are increasingly interested in—and employing—dietary modifications that may influence skin appearance and aid in the treatment of cutaneous disease.1 It is essential that dermatologists are familiar with existing evidence on the role of diet in dermatology to counsel patients appropriately. Herein, we discuss the compositions of several popular diets and their proposed utility for dermatologic purposes. We highlight the limited literature that exists surrounding this topic and emphasize the need for future, well-designed clinical trials that study the impact of diet on skin disease.

Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet has a macronutrient profile composed of high fat, low to moderate protein, and very low carbohydrates. Nutritional ketosis occurs as the body begins to use free fatty acids (via beta oxidation) as the primary metabolite driving cellular metabolism. It has been suggested that the ketogenic diet may impart beneficial effects on skin disease; however, limited literature exists on the role of nutritional ketosis in the treatment of dermatologic conditions.

Mechanistically, the ketogenic diet decreases the secretion of insulin and insulinlike growth factor 1, resulting in a reduction of circulating androgens and increased activity of the retinoid X receptor.2 In acne vulgaris, it has been suggested that the ketogenic diet may be beneficial in decreasing androgen-induced sebum production and the overproliferation of keratinocytes.2-7 The ketogenic diet is one of the most rapidly effective dietary strategies for normalizing both insulin and androgens, thus it may theoretically be useful for other metabolic and hormone-dependent skin diseases, such as hidradenitis suppurativa.8,9

The cutaneous manifestations associated with chronic hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia are numerous and include acanthosis nigricans, acrochordons, diabetic dermopathy, scleredema diabeticorum, bullosis diabeticorum, keratosis pilaris, and generalized granuloma annulare. There also is an increased risk for bacterial and fungal skin infections associated with hyperglycemic states.10 The ketogenic diet is an effective nonpharmacologic tool for normalizing serum insulin and glucose levels in most patients and may have utility in the aforementioned conditions.11,12 In addition to improving insulin sensitivity, it has been used as a dietary strategy for weight loss.11-15 Because obesity and metabolic syndrome are highly correlated with common skin conditions such as psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and androgenetic alopecia, there may be a role for employing the ketogenic diet in these patient populations.16,17

Although robust clinical studies on ketogenic diets in skin disease are lacking, a recent single-arm, open-label clinical trial observed benefit in all 37 drug-naïve, overweight patients with chronic plaque psoriasis who underwent a ketogenic weight loss protocol. Significant reductions in psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score and dermatology life quality index score were reported (P<.001).18 Another study of 30 patients with psoriasis found that a 4-week, low-calorie, ketogenic diet resulted in 50% improvement of PASI scores, 10% weight loss, and a reduction in the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-2.19 Despite these results, it is a challenge to tease out if the specific dietary intervention or its associated weight loss was the main driver in these reported improvements in skin disease.

There is mixed evidence on the anti-inflammatory nature of the ketogenic diet, likely due to wide variation in the composition of foods included in individual diets. In many instances, the ketogenic diet is thought to possess considerable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities. Ketones are known activators of the nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 pathway, which upregulates the production of glutathione, a major endogenous intracellular antioxidant.20 Additionally, dietary compounds from foods that are encouraged while on the ketogenic diet, such as sulforaphane from broccoli, also are independent activators of nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2.21 Ketones are efficiently utilized by mitochondria, which also may result in the decreased production of reactive oxygen species and lower oxidative stress.22 Moreover, the ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate has demonstrated the ability to reduce proinflammatory IL-1β levels via suppression of nucleotide-binding domain-like receptor protein 3 inflammasome activity.23,24 The activity of IL-1β is known to be elevated in many dermatologic conditions, including juvenile idiopathic arthritis, relapsing polychondritis, Schnitzler syndrome, hidradenitis suppurativa, Behçet disease, and other autoinflammatory syndromes.25 Ketones also have been shown to inhibit the nuclear factor–κB proinflammatory signaling pathway.22,26,27 Overexpression of IL-1β and aberrant activation of nuclear factor–κB are implicated in a variety of inflammatory, autoimmune, and oncologic cutaneous pathologies. The ketogenic diet may prove to be an effective adjunctive treatment for dermatologists to consider in select patient populations.23,24,28-30

For patients with keratinocyte carcinomas, the ketogenic diet may offer the aforementioned anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, as well as suppression of the mechanistic target of rapamycin, a major regulator of cell metabolism and proliferation.31,32 Inhibition of mechanistic target of rapamycin activity has been shown to slow tumor growth and reduce the development of squamous cell carcinoma.25,33,34 The ketogenic diet also may exploit the preferential utilization of glucose exhibited by many types of cancer cells, thereby “starving” the tumor of its primary fuel source.35,36 In vitro and animal studies in a variety of cancer types have demonstrated that a ketogenic metabolic state—achieved through the ketogenic diet or fasting—can sensitize tumor cells to chemotherapy and radiation while conferring a protective effect to normal cells.37-40 This recently described phenomenon is known as differential stress resistance, but it has not been studied in keratinocyte malignancies or melanoma to date. Importantly, some basal cell carcinomas and BRAF V600E–mutated melanomas have worsened while on the ketogenic diet, suggesting more data is needed before it can be recommended for all cancer patients.41,42 Furthermore, other skin conditions such as prurigo pigmentosa have been associated with initiation of the ketogenic diet.43




Fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAPs) are short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed, osmotically active, and rapidly fermented by intestinal bacteria.44 The low FODMAP diet has been shown to be efficacious for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and some cases of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).44-49 A low FODMAP diet may have potential implications for several dermatologic conditions.

Rosacea has been associated with various gastrointestinal tract disorders including irritable bowel syndrome, SIBO, and IBD.50-54 A single study found that patients with rosacea had a 13-fold increased risk for SIBO.55,56 Treatment of 40 patients with SIBO using rifaximin resulted in complete resolution of rosacea in all patients, with no relapse after a 3-year follow-up period.55 Psoriasis also has been associated with SIBO and IBD.57,58 One small study found that eradication of SIBO in psoriatic patients resulted in improved PASI scores and colorimetric values.59

Although the long-term health consequences of the low FODMAP diet are unknown, further research on such dietary interventions for inflammatory skin conditions is warranted given the mounting evidence of a gut-skin connection and the role of the intestinal microbiome in skin health.50,51

Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten is a protein found in a variety of grains. Although the role of gluten in the pathogenesis of celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis is indisputable, the deleterious effects of gluten outside of the context of these diseases remain controversial. There may be a compelling case for eliminating gluten in psoriasis patients with seropositivity for celiac disease. A recent systematic review found a 2.2-fold increased risk for celiac disease in psoriasis patients.60 Antigliadin antibody titers also were found to be positively correlated with psoriatic disease severity.61 In addition, one open-label study found a reduction in PASI scores in 73% of patients with antigliadin antibodies after 3 months on a gluten-free diet compared to those without antibodies; however, the study only included 22 patients.62 Several other small studies have yielded similar results63,64; however, antigliadin antibodies are neither the most sensitive nor specific markers of celiac disease, and additional testing should be completed in any patient who may carry this diagnosis. A survey study by the National Psoriasis Foundation found that the dietary change associated with the greatest skin improvement was removal of gluten and nightshade vegetables in approximately 50% of the 1200 psoriasis patients that responded.65 Case reports of various dermatologic conditions including sarcoidosis, vitiligo, alopecia areata, lichen planus, dermatomyositis, pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema nodosum, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, linear IgA bullous dermatosis, and aphthous ulcerations have reportedly improved with a gluten-free diet; however, this should not be used as primary therapy in patients without celiac disease.66-71 Because gluten-free diets can be expensive and challenging to follow, a formal assessment for celiac disease should be considered before recommendation of this dietary intervention.

Low Histamine Diet

Histamine is a biogenic amine produced by the decarboxylation of the amino acid histidine.72 It is found in several foods in varying amounts. Because bacteria can convert histidine into histamine, many fermented and aged foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, cheese, and red wine contain high levels of histamine. Individuals who have decreased activity of diamine oxidase (DAO), an enzyme that degrades histamine, may be more susceptible to histamine intolerance.72 The symptoms of histamine intolerance are numerous and include gastrointestinal tract distress, rhinorrhea and nasal congestion, headache, urticaria, flushing, and pruritus. Histamine intolerance can mimic an IgE-mediated food allergy; however, allergy testing is negative in these patients. Unfortunately, there is no laboratory test for histamine intolerance; a double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge is considered the gold-standard test.72

As it pertains to dermatology, a low histamine diet may play a role in the treatment of certain patients with atopic dermatitis and chronic spontaneous urticaria. One study reported that 17 of 54 (31.5%) atopic patients had higher basal levels of serum histamine compared to controls.73 Another study found that a histamine-free diet led to improvement in both histamine intolerance symptoms and atopic dermatitis disease severity (SCORing atopic dermatitis) in patients with low DAO activity.74 In chronic spontaneous urticaria, a recent systematic review found that in 223 patients placed on a low histamine diet for 3 to 4 weeks, 12% and 44% achieved complete and partial remission, respectively.75 Although treatment response based on a patient’s DAO activity level has not been correlated, a diet low in histamine may prove useful for patients with persistent atopic dermatitis and chronic spontaneous urticaria who have negative food allergy tests and report exacerbation of symptoms after ingestion of histamine-rich foods.76,77

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet has been touted as one of the healthiest diets to date, and large randomized clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness in weight loss, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing inflammatory cytokine profiles.78,79 A major criticism of the Mediterranean diet is that it has considerable ambiguity and lacks a precise definition due to the variability of what is consumed in different Mediterranean regions. Generally, the diet emphasizes high consumption of colorful fruits and vegetables, aromatic herbs and spices, olive oil, nuts, and seafood, as well as modest amounts of dairy, eggs, and red meat.80 The anti-inflammatory effects of this diet largely have been attributed to its abundance of polyphenols, carotenoids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).80,81 Examples of polyphenols include resveratrol in red grapes, quercetin in apples and red onions, and curcumin in turmeric, while examples of carotenoids include lycopene in tomatoes and zeaxanthin in dark leafy greens. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid present in high concentrations in olive oil, while eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are omega-3 PUFAs predominantly found in fish.82

Unfortunately, rigorous clinical trials regarding the Mediterranean diet as it pertains to dermatology have not been undertaken. Numerous observational studies in patients with psoriasis have suggested that close adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with improvement in PASI scores.83-86 The National Psoriasis Foundation now recommends a trial of the Mediterranean diet in some patients with psoriasis, emphasizing increased dietary intake of olive oil, fish, and vegetables.87 Adherence to a Mediterranean diet also has been inversely correlated to the severity of acne vulgaris and hidradenitis suppurativa88,89; however, these studies failed to account for the multifactorial risk factors associated with these conditions. Mediterranean diets also may impart a chemopreventive effect, supported by a number of in vivo and in vitro studies demonstrating the inhibition and/or reversal of cutaneous DNA damage induced by UV radiation through supplementation with various phytonutrients and omega-3 PUFAs.81,90-92 Although small case-control studies have found a decreased risk of basal cell carcinoma in those who closely adhered to a Mediterranean diet, more rigorous clinical research is needed.93



Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet

A whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) diet is another popular dietary approach that consists of eating fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains in their whole natural form.94 This diet discourages all animal products, including red meat, seafood, dairy, and eggs. It is similar to a vegan diet except that it eliminates all highly refined carbohydrates, vegetable oils, and other processed foods.94 Randomized clinical studies have demonstrated the WFPB diet to be effective in the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome.95,96

A WFPB diet has been shown to increase the antioxidant capacity of cells, lengthen telomeres, and reduce formation of advanced glycation end products.94,97,98 These benefits may help combat accelerated skin aging, including increased skin permeability, reduced elasticity and hydration, decreased angiogenesis, impaired immune function, and decreased vitamin D synthesis. Accelerated skin aging can result in delayed wound healing and susceptibility to skin tears and ecchymoses and also may promote the development of cutaneous malignancies.99 There remains a lack of clinical data studying a properly formulated WFPB diet in the dermatologic setting.

Paleolithic Diet

The paleolithic (Paleo) diet is an increasingly popular way of eating that attempts to mirror what our ancestors may have consumed between 10,000 and 2.5 million years ago.100 It is similar to the Mediterranean diet but excludes grains, dairy, legumes, and nightshade vegetables. It also calls for elimination of highly processed sugars and oils as well as chemical food additives and preservatives. There is a strict variation of the diet for individuals with autoimmune disease that also excludes eggs, nuts, and seeds, as these can be inflammatory or immunogenic in some patients.100-106 Other variations of the diet exist, including the ketogenic Paleo diet, pegan (Paleo vegan) diet, and lacto-Paleo diet.100 An often cited criticism of the Paleo diet is the low intake of calcium and risk for osteoporosis; however, consumption of calcium-rich foods or a calcium supplement can address this concern.107

Although small clinical studies have found the Paleo diet to be beneficial for various autoimmune diseases, clinical data evaluating the utility of the diet for cutaneous disease is lacking.108,109 Numerous randomized trials have demonstrated the Paleo diet to be effective for weight loss and improving insulin sensitivity and lipid levels.110-116 Thus, the Paleo diet may theoretically serve as a viable adjunct dietary approach to the treatment of cutaneous diseases associated with obesity and metabolic derangement.117

Carnivore Diet

Arguably the most controversial and radical diet is the carnivore diet. As the name implies, the carnivore diet is based on consuming solely animal products. A properly structured carnivore diet emphasizes a “nose-to-tail” eating approach where all parts of the animal including the muscle meats, organs, and fat are consumed. Proponents of the diet cite anthropologic evidence from fossil-stable carbon-13/carbon-12 isotope analyses, craniodental features, and numerous other adaptations that indicate increased consumption of meat during human evolution.118-122 Notably, many early humans ate a carnivore diet, but life span was very short at this time, suggesting the diet may not be as beneficial as has been suggested.

Despite the abundance of anecdotal evidence supporting its use for a variety of chronic conditions, including cutaneous autoimmune disease, there is a virtual absence of high-quality research on the carnivore diet.123-125

The purported benefits of the carnivore diet may be attributed to the consumption of organ meats that contain highly bioavailable essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, copper, selenium, thiamine, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, and choline.126-128 Other dietary compounds that have demonstrated benefit for skin health and are predominantly found in animal foods include carnosine, carnitine, creatine, taurine, coenzyme Q10, and collagen.129-134 Nevertheless, there is no data to recommend the elimination of antioxidant- and micronutrient-dense plant-based foods. Rigorous clinical research evaluating the efficacy and safety of the carnivore diet in dermatologic patients is needed. A carnivore diet should not be undertaken without the assistance of a dietician who can ensure adequate micronutrient and macronutrient support.

Final Thoughts

The adjunctive role of diet in the treatment of skin disease is expanding and becoming more widely accepted among dermatologists. Unfortunately, there remains a lack of randomized controlled trials confirming the efficacy of various dietary interventions in the dermatologic setting. Although evidence-based dietary recommendations currently are limited, it is important for dermatologists to be aware of the varied and nuanced dietary interventions employed by patients.

Ultimately, dietary recommendations must be personalized, considering a patient’s comorbidities, personal beliefs and preferences, and nutrigenetics. The emerging field of dermatonutrigenomics—the study of how dietary compounds interact with one’s genes to influence skin health—may allow for precise dietary recommendations to be made in dermatologic practice. Direct-to-consumer genetic tests targeted toward dermatology patients are already on the market, but their clinical utility awaits validation.1 Because nutritional science is a constantly evolving field, becoming familiar with these popular diets will serve both dermatologists and their patients well.

Within the last decade, almost 3000 articles have been published on the role of diet in the prevention and management of dermatologic conditions. Patients are increasingly interested in—and employing—dietary modifications that may influence skin appearance and aid in the treatment of cutaneous disease.1 It is essential that dermatologists are familiar with existing evidence on the role of diet in dermatology to counsel patients appropriately. Herein, we discuss the compositions of several popular diets and their proposed utility for dermatologic purposes. We highlight the limited literature that exists surrounding this topic and emphasize the need for future, well-designed clinical trials that study the impact of diet on skin disease.

Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet has a macronutrient profile composed of high fat, low to moderate protein, and very low carbohydrates. Nutritional ketosis occurs as the body begins to use free fatty acids (via beta oxidation) as the primary metabolite driving cellular metabolism. It has been suggested that the ketogenic diet may impart beneficial effects on skin disease; however, limited literature exists on the role of nutritional ketosis in the treatment of dermatologic conditions.

Mechanistically, the ketogenic diet decreases the secretion of insulin and insulinlike growth factor 1, resulting in a reduction of circulating androgens and increased activity of the retinoid X receptor.2 In acne vulgaris, it has been suggested that the ketogenic diet may be beneficial in decreasing androgen-induced sebum production and the overproliferation of keratinocytes.2-7 The ketogenic diet is one of the most rapidly effective dietary strategies for normalizing both insulin and androgens, thus it may theoretically be useful for other metabolic and hormone-dependent skin diseases, such as hidradenitis suppurativa.8,9

The cutaneous manifestations associated with chronic hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia are numerous and include acanthosis nigricans, acrochordons, diabetic dermopathy, scleredema diabeticorum, bullosis diabeticorum, keratosis pilaris, and generalized granuloma annulare. There also is an increased risk for bacterial and fungal skin infections associated with hyperglycemic states.10 The ketogenic diet is an effective nonpharmacologic tool for normalizing serum insulin and glucose levels in most patients and may have utility in the aforementioned conditions.11,12 In addition to improving insulin sensitivity, it has been used as a dietary strategy for weight loss.11-15 Because obesity and metabolic syndrome are highly correlated with common skin conditions such as psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa, and androgenetic alopecia, there may be a role for employing the ketogenic diet in these patient populations.16,17

Although robust clinical studies on ketogenic diets in skin disease are lacking, a recent single-arm, open-label clinical trial observed benefit in all 37 drug-naïve, overweight patients with chronic plaque psoriasis who underwent a ketogenic weight loss protocol. Significant reductions in psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score and dermatology life quality index score were reported (P<.001).18 Another study of 30 patients with psoriasis found that a 4-week, low-calorie, ketogenic diet resulted in 50% improvement of PASI scores, 10% weight loss, and a reduction in the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-2.19 Despite these results, it is a challenge to tease out if the specific dietary intervention or its associated weight loss was the main driver in these reported improvements in skin disease.

There is mixed evidence on the anti-inflammatory nature of the ketogenic diet, likely due to wide variation in the composition of foods included in individual diets. In many instances, the ketogenic diet is thought to possess considerable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities. Ketones are known activators of the nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2 pathway, which upregulates the production of glutathione, a major endogenous intracellular antioxidant.20 Additionally, dietary compounds from foods that are encouraged while on the ketogenic diet, such as sulforaphane from broccoli, also are independent activators of nuclear factor erythroid 2–related factor 2.21 Ketones are efficiently utilized by mitochondria, which also may result in the decreased production of reactive oxygen species and lower oxidative stress.22 Moreover, the ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate has demonstrated the ability to reduce proinflammatory IL-1β levels via suppression of nucleotide-binding domain-like receptor protein 3 inflammasome activity.23,24 The activity of IL-1β is known to be elevated in many dermatologic conditions, including juvenile idiopathic arthritis, relapsing polychondritis, Schnitzler syndrome, hidradenitis suppurativa, Behçet disease, and other autoinflammatory syndromes.25 Ketones also have been shown to inhibit the nuclear factor–κB proinflammatory signaling pathway.22,26,27 Overexpression of IL-1β and aberrant activation of nuclear factor–κB are implicated in a variety of inflammatory, autoimmune, and oncologic cutaneous pathologies. The ketogenic diet may prove to be an effective adjunctive treatment for dermatologists to consider in select patient populations.23,24,28-30

For patients with keratinocyte carcinomas, the ketogenic diet may offer the aforementioned anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, as well as suppression of the mechanistic target of rapamycin, a major regulator of cell metabolism and proliferation.31,32 Inhibition of mechanistic target of rapamycin activity has been shown to slow tumor growth and reduce the development of squamous cell carcinoma.25,33,34 The ketogenic diet also may exploit the preferential utilization of glucose exhibited by many types of cancer cells, thereby “starving” the tumor of its primary fuel source.35,36 In vitro and animal studies in a variety of cancer types have demonstrated that a ketogenic metabolic state—achieved through the ketogenic diet or fasting—can sensitize tumor cells to chemotherapy and radiation while conferring a protective effect to normal cells.37-40 This recently described phenomenon is known as differential stress resistance, but it has not been studied in keratinocyte malignancies or melanoma to date. Importantly, some basal cell carcinomas and BRAF V600E–mutated melanomas have worsened while on the ketogenic diet, suggesting more data is needed before it can be recommended for all cancer patients.41,42 Furthermore, other skin conditions such as prurigo pigmentosa have been associated with initiation of the ketogenic diet.43




Fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAPs) are short-chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed, osmotically active, and rapidly fermented by intestinal bacteria.44 The low FODMAP diet has been shown to be efficacious for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and some cases of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).44-49 A low FODMAP diet may have potential implications for several dermatologic conditions.

Rosacea has been associated with various gastrointestinal tract disorders including irritable bowel syndrome, SIBO, and IBD.50-54 A single study found that patients with rosacea had a 13-fold increased risk for SIBO.55,56 Treatment of 40 patients with SIBO using rifaximin resulted in complete resolution of rosacea in all patients, with no relapse after a 3-year follow-up period.55 Psoriasis also has been associated with SIBO and IBD.57,58 One small study found that eradication of SIBO in psoriatic patients resulted in improved PASI scores and colorimetric values.59

Although the long-term health consequences of the low FODMAP diet are unknown, further research on such dietary interventions for inflammatory skin conditions is warranted given the mounting evidence of a gut-skin connection and the role of the intestinal microbiome in skin health.50,51

Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten is a protein found in a variety of grains. Although the role of gluten in the pathogenesis of celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis is indisputable, the deleterious effects of gluten outside of the context of these diseases remain controversial. There may be a compelling case for eliminating gluten in psoriasis patients with seropositivity for celiac disease. A recent systematic review found a 2.2-fold increased risk for celiac disease in psoriasis patients.60 Antigliadin antibody titers also were found to be positively correlated with psoriatic disease severity.61 In addition, one open-label study found a reduction in PASI scores in 73% of patients with antigliadin antibodies after 3 months on a gluten-free diet compared to those without antibodies; however, the study only included 22 patients.62 Several other small studies have yielded similar results63,64; however, antigliadin antibodies are neither the most sensitive nor specific markers of celiac disease, and additional testing should be completed in any patient who may carry this diagnosis. A survey study by the National Psoriasis Foundation found that the dietary change associated with the greatest skin improvement was removal of gluten and nightshade vegetables in approximately 50% of the 1200 psoriasis patients that responded.65 Case reports of various dermatologic conditions including sarcoidosis, vitiligo, alopecia areata, lichen planus, dermatomyositis, pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema nodosum, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, linear IgA bullous dermatosis, and aphthous ulcerations have reportedly improved with a gluten-free diet; however, this should not be used as primary therapy in patients without celiac disease.66-71 Because gluten-free diets can be expensive and challenging to follow, a formal assessment for celiac disease should be considered before recommendation of this dietary intervention.

Low Histamine Diet

Histamine is a biogenic amine produced by the decarboxylation of the amino acid histidine.72 It is found in several foods in varying amounts. Because bacteria can convert histidine into histamine, many fermented and aged foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, cheese, and red wine contain high levels of histamine. Individuals who have decreased activity of diamine oxidase (DAO), an enzyme that degrades histamine, may be more susceptible to histamine intolerance.72 The symptoms of histamine intolerance are numerous and include gastrointestinal tract distress, rhinorrhea and nasal congestion, headache, urticaria, flushing, and pruritus. Histamine intolerance can mimic an IgE-mediated food allergy; however, allergy testing is negative in these patients. Unfortunately, there is no laboratory test for histamine intolerance; a double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge is considered the gold-standard test.72

As it pertains to dermatology, a low histamine diet may play a role in the treatment of certain patients with atopic dermatitis and chronic spontaneous urticaria. One study reported that 17 of 54 (31.5%) atopic patients had higher basal levels of serum histamine compared to controls.73 Another study found that a histamine-free diet led to improvement in both histamine intolerance symptoms and atopic dermatitis disease severity (SCORing atopic dermatitis) in patients with low DAO activity.74 In chronic spontaneous urticaria, a recent systematic review found that in 223 patients placed on a low histamine diet for 3 to 4 weeks, 12% and 44% achieved complete and partial remission, respectively.75 Although treatment response based on a patient’s DAO activity level has not been correlated, a diet low in histamine may prove useful for patients with persistent atopic dermatitis and chronic spontaneous urticaria who have negative food allergy tests and report exacerbation of symptoms after ingestion of histamine-rich foods.76,77

Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet has been touted as one of the healthiest diets to date, and large randomized clinical trials have demonstrated its effectiveness in weight loss, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing inflammatory cytokine profiles.78,79 A major criticism of the Mediterranean diet is that it has considerable ambiguity and lacks a precise definition due to the variability of what is consumed in different Mediterranean regions. Generally, the diet emphasizes high consumption of colorful fruits and vegetables, aromatic herbs and spices, olive oil, nuts, and seafood, as well as modest amounts of dairy, eggs, and red meat.80 The anti-inflammatory effects of this diet largely have been attributed to its abundance of polyphenols, carotenoids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).80,81 Examples of polyphenols include resveratrol in red grapes, quercetin in apples and red onions, and curcumin in turmeric, while examples of carotenoids include lycopene in tomatoes and zeaxanthin in dark leafy greens. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid present in high concentrations in olive oil, while eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid are omega-3 PUFAs predominantly found in fish.82

Unfortunately, rigorous clinical trials regarding the Mediterranean diet as it pertains to dermatology have not been undertaken. Numerous observational studies in patients with psoriasis have suggested that close adherence to the Mediterranean diet was associated with improvement in PASI scores.83-86 The National Psoriasis Foundation now recommends a trial of the Mediterranean diet in some patients with psoriasis, emphasizing increased dietary intake of olive oil, fish, and vegetables.87 Adherence to a Mediterranean diet also has been inversely correlated to the severity of acne vulgaris and hidradenitis suppurativa88,89; however, these studies failed to account for the multifactorial risk factors associated with these conditions. Mediterranean diets also may impart a chemopreventive effect, supported by a number of in vivo and in vitro studies demonstrating the inhibition and/or reversal of cutaneous DNA damage induced by UV radiation through supplementation with various phytonutrients and omega-3 PUFAs.81,90-92 Although small case-control studies have found a decreased risk of basal cell carcinoma in those who closely adhered to a Mediterranean diet, more rigorous clinical research is needed.93



Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet

A whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) diet is another popular dietary approach that consists of eating fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains in their whole natural form.94 This diet discourages all animal products, including red meat, seafood, dairy, and eggs. It is similar to a vegan diet except that it eliminates all highly refined carbohydrates, vegetable oils, and other processed foods.94 Randomized clinical studies have demonstrated the WFPB diet to be effective in the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome.95,96

A WFPB diet has been shown to increase the antioxidant capacity of cells, lengthen telomeres, and reduce formation of advanced glycation end products.94,97,98 These benefits may help combat accelerated skin aging, including increased skin permeability, reduced elasticity and hydration, decreased angiogenesis, impaired immune function, and decreased vitamin D synthesis. Accelerated skin aging can result in delayed wound healing and susceptibility to skin tears and ecchymoses and also may promote the development of cutaneous malignancies.99 There remains a lack of clinical data studying a properly formulated WFPB diet in the dermatologic setting.

Paleolithic Diet

The paleolithic (Paleo) diet is an increasingly popular way of eating that attempts to mirror what our ancestors may have consumed between 10,000 and 2.5 million years ago.100 It is similar to the Mediterranean diet but excludes grains, dairy, legumes, and nightshade vegetables. It also calls for elimination of highly processed sugars and oils as well as chemical food additives and preservatives. There is a strict variation of the diet for individuals with autoimmune disease that also excludes eggs, nuts, and seeds, as these can be inflammatory or immunogenic in some patients.100-106 Other variations of the diet exist, including the ketogenic Paleo diet, pegan (Paleo vegan) diet, and lacto-Paleo diet.100 An often cited criticism of the Paleo diet is the low intake of calcium and risk for osteoporosis; however, consumption of calcium-rich foods or a calcium supplement can address this concern.107

Although small clinical studies have found the Paleo diet to be beneficial for various autoimmune diseases, clinical data evaluating the utility of the diet for cutaneous disease is lacking.108,109 Numerous randomized trials have demonstrated the Paleo diet to be effective for weight loss and improving insulin sensitivity and lipid levels.110-116 Thus, the Paleo diet may theoretically serve as a viable adjunct dietary approach to the treatment of cutaneous diseases associated with obesity and metabolic derangement.117

Carnivore Diet

Arguably the most controversial and radical diet is the carnivore diet. As the name implies, the carnivore diet is based on consuming solely animal products. A properly structured carnivore diet emphasizes a “nose-to-tail” eating approach where all parts of the animal including the muscle meats, organs, and fat are consumed. Proponents of the diet cite anthropologic evidence from fossil-stable carbon-13/carbon-12 isotope analyses, craniodental features, and numerous other adaptations that indicate increased consumption of meat during human evolution.118-122 Notably, many early humans ate a carnivore diet, but life span was very short at this time, suggesting the diet may not be as beneficial as has been suggested.

Despite the abundance of anecdotal evidence supporting its use for a variety of chronic conditions, including cutaneous autoimmune disease, there is a virtual absence of high-quality research on the carnivore diet.123-125

The purported benefits of the carnivore diet may be attributed to the consumption of organ meats that contain highly bioavailable essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, copper, selenium, thiamine, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, and choline.126-128 Other dietary compounds that have demonstrated benefit for skin health and are predominantly found in animal foods include carnosine, carnitine, creatine, taurine, coenzyme Q10, and collagen.129-134 Nevertheless, there is no data to recommend the elimination of antioxidant- and micronutrient-dense plant-based foods. Rigorous clinical research evaluating the efficacy and safety of the carnivore diet in dermatologic patients is needed. A carnivore diet should not be undertaken without the assistance of a dietician who can ensure adequate micronutrient and macronutrient support.

Final Thoughts

The adjunctive role of diet in the treatment of skin disease is expanding and becoming more widely accepted among dermatologists. Unfortunately, there remains a lack of randomized controlled trials confirming the efficacy of various dietary interventions in the dermatologic setting. Although evidence-based dietary recommendations currently are limited, it is important for dermatologists to be aware of the varied and nuanced dietary interventions employed by patients.

Ultimately, dietary recommendations must be personalized, considering a patient’s comorbidities, personal beliefs and preferences, and nutrigenetics. The emerging field of dermatonutrigenomics—the study of how dietary compounds interact with one’s genes to influence skin health—may allow for precise dietary recommendations to be made in dermatologic practice. Direct-to-consumer genetic tests targeted toward dermatology patients are already on the market, but their clinical utility awaits validation.1 Because nutritional science is a constantly evolving field, becoming familiar with these popular diets will serve both dermatologists and their patients well.

  1. Jaros J, Katta R, Shi VY. Dermatonutrigenomics: past, present, and future. Dermatology. 2019;235:164-166. 
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  116. Otten J, Stomby A, Waling M, et al. Benefits of a paleolithic diet with and without supervised exercise on fat mass, insulin sensitivity, and glycemic control: a randomized controlled trial in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2017;33:E2828. 
  117. Stefanadi EC, Dimitrakakis G, Antoniou C-K, et al. Metabolic syndrome and the skin: a more than superficial association. reviewing the association between skin diseases and metabolic syndrome and a clinical decision algorithm for high risk patients. Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2018;10:9. 
  118. Mann N. Meat in the human diet: an anthropological perspective. Nutr Dietetics. 2007;64(suppl 4):S102-S107. 
  119. Bramble DM, Lieberman DE. Endurance running and the evolution of Homo. Nature. 2004;432:345-352. 
  120. Kuhn JE. Throwing, the shoulder, and human evolution. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2016;45:110-114. 
  121. Kobayashi H, Kohshima S. Unique morphology of the human eye and its adaptive meaning: comparative studies on external morphology of the primate eye. J Hum Evol. 2001;40:419-435. 
  122. Cordain L, Eaton SB, Miller JB, et al. The paradoxical nature of hunter-gatherer diets: meat-based, yet non-atherogenic. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2002;56(suppl 1):S42-S52. 
  123. McClellan WS, Du Bois EF. Clinical calorimetry: XLV. prolonged meat diets with a study of kidney function and ketosis. J Biol Chem. 1930;87:651-668. 
  124. O'Hearn A. Can a carnivore diet provide all essential nutrients? Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2020;27:312-316. 
  125. O'Hearn LA. A survey of improvements experienced on a carnivore diet compared to only carbohydrate restriction. Open Science Forum website. Published February 12, 2019. Accessed May 17, 2021. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/5FU4D 
  126. Williams P. Nutritional composition of red meat. Nutrition & Dietetics. 2007;64(suppl 4):S113-S119. 
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  128. Elmadfa I, Meyer AL. The role of the status of selected micronutrients in shaping the immune function. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets. 2019;19:1100-1115. 
  129. Babizhayev M. Treatment of skin aging and photoaging with innovative oral dosage forms of nonhydrolized carnosine and carcinine. Int J Clin Derm Res. 2017;5:116-143. 
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  133. Fischer F, Achterberg V, März A, et al. Folic acid and creatineimprove the firmness of human skin in vivo. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2011;10:15-23. 
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  • Patients are increasingly interested in dietary modifications that may influence skin appearance and aid in the treatment of cutaneous disease.
  • Although evidence-based dietary recommendations currently are limited, it is important for dermatologists to be aware of the varied and nuanced dietary interventions employed by patients.
  • There remains a lack of randomized controlled trials assessing the efficacy of various dietary interventions in the dermatologic setting.
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LGBTQ patients face unique skin risks

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Wed, 12/08/2021 - 12:27

Dermatologists cautioned colleagues to be aware of special hazards facing the LGBTQ community: A higher risk of skin cancer among gay men, possibly because of excess ultraviolet exposure, and acne in transgender people, who are especially vulnerable to acne because of hormone therapy.

Matthew Mansh, MD, department of dermatology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Dr. Matthew Mansh

The identities of sexual minorities “have a significant influence on many facets of health,” dermatologist Matthew Mansh, MD, of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, said in a presentation at the American Academy of Dermatology Virtual Meeting Experience.

In regard to skin cancer, he said, “there seems to be consistently higher rates of skin cancer and certain preventable risk behaviors like indoor tanning among sexual minority men.”

Dr. Mansh, codirector of the high-risk nonmelanoma skin cancer clinic at the University of Minnesota, highlighted a report, published in JAMA Dermatology in 2020, that used 2014-2018 U.S. survey data of over 870,000 adults to look at the association between sexual orientation and lifetime prevalence of skin cancer. The investigators found that gay and bisexual men had a higher lifetime prevalence of skin cancer compared with heterosexual men (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.25; 95% confidence interval, 1.03-1.50; P = .02; and aOR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.01-2.10; P = .04; for gay and bisexual men, respectively).

When compared with heterosexual women, risk among bisexual women was lower (aOR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.60-0.95; P  = .02), but not among lesbian women (aOR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.77-1.33; P = .95, respectively).

Other studies have reached similar conclusions, Dr. Mansh said, although there’s been fairly little research in this area. What could explain these differences? Factors such as smoking, age, and alcohol use affect skin cancer risk, he said, but these studies control for those variables. Instead, he noted, it’s useful to look at studies of ultraviolet exposure.

For example, he highlighted a study published in JAMA Dermatology in 2015, which examined 12-month indoor-tanning rates and skin cancer prevalence by sexual orientation, using data from California and national health interview surveys. The study found that compared with heterosexual men, “sexual minority men had higher rates of indoor tanning by roughly three- to sixfold,” said Dr. Mansh, the lead author. “And this was among respondents who were adults over age 18. People between the ages of 18 and 34 years are important from a skin cancer perspective as it’s well established that exposure to tanning beds at a younger age is most associated with an increased risk of skin cancer.”

Sexual minority men were also significantly more likely to report having skin cancer, compared with heterosexual men.

In the study, sexual minority women had about half the odds of engaging in indoor tanning compared with heterosexual women, and were less likely to report having been diagnosed with nonmelanoma skin cancer, he added.

Other studies suggest that gay and bisexual men live in neighborhoods with more indoor tanning salons and that they may spend more time in the sun outside too, he said. Some research suggests motivations for tanning include social pressure and the desire to improve appearance, he added.

Overall, “we may be able to use these data to add more appropriate screening and recommendations for these patients, which are sorely lacking in dermatology,” and to design targeted behavioral interventions, said Dr. Mansh, codirector of the dermatology gender care clinic at the University of Minnesota.

What can dermatologists do now? In an interview, dermatologist Jon Klint Peebles, MD, of the mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, in Largo, Md., suggested that colleagues ask patients questions about indoor tanning frequency, the motivations for tanning, exposure to outdoor ultraviolet radiation, sunscreen use, and use of photoprotective clothing.

Jon Klint Peebles, MD, dermatologist, mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, Largo, Md.
Dr. Jon Klint Peebles


Hormone therapy and acne

In a related presentation at the meeting, Howa Yeung, MD, of the department of dermatology, Emory University, Atlanta, said that in transgender people, estrogen therapy can actually reduce sebum production and often improves acne, while testosterone therapy frequently has the opposite effect.

Howa Yeung, MD, department of dermatology, Emory University, Atlanta
Dr. Howa Yeung

“We’ve seen some pretty tough cases of acne in transmasculine patients in my practice,” said Dr. Yeung, who highlighted a recently published study that tracked 988 transgender patients in Boston who underwent testosterone therapy. Nearly a third were diagnosed with acne, compared with 6% prior to hormone therapy, and those at the highest risk were aged 18-21.

The prevalence of acne was 25% 2 years after initiation of hormone therapy. “Acne remains a very common issue and not just at the beginning of treatment,” he said.

In 2020, Dr. Yeung and colleagues reported the results of a survey of 696 transgender patients in California and Georgia; most were treated with hormone therapy. They found that 14% of transmasculine patients reported currently having moderate to severe acne diagnosed by a physician, compared with 1% of transfeminine patients.

Dr. Yeung noted that another survey of transmasculine persons who had received testosterone found that those who had moderate to severe acne were more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than were those who had never had acne (aOR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.1-5.4; P = .001, for depression; and aOR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.2-6.3; P = .002, for anxiety).

Acne treatments in transmasculine patients are complicated by the fact that hormone treatments for acne can have feminizing effects, Dr. Yeung said, adding that it’s not clear how clascoterone, a new anti-androgen topical therapy for acne, will affect them. For now, many patients will require isotretinoin for treating acne.

Dr. Peebles cautioned that with isotretinoin, “we still do not yet have solid data on the optimal dosing or duration in the context of testosterone-induced acne, as well as what individual factors may be predictive of treatment success or failure. It is also important to be aware of any planned surgical procedures, whether as part of gender-affirming care or otherwise, given that some surgeons may view isotretinoin as a barrier for some procedures, despite limited data to support this.”

Both Dr. Peebles and Dr. Yeung noted that the iPledge risk management program for isotretinoin patients who may become pregnant is problematic. “A trans man who is assigned female at birth and identifies as a man and has a uterus and ovaries must be registered as a female with reproductive potential,” Dr. Yeung said.

“While the program remains inherently discriminatory, it is important to have an honest conversation with patients about these issues in a sensitive way,” Dr. Peebles noted. “Luckily, there is substantial momentum building around modifying iPLEDGE to become more inclusive. While the mechanics are complicated and involve a variety of entities and advocacy initiatives, we are optimistic that major changes are in the pipeline.”

Dr. Mansh, Dr. Yeung, and Dr. Peebles reported no disclosures.


Dermatologists cautioned colleagues to be aware of special hazards facing the LGBTQ community: A higher risk of skin cancer among gay men, possibly because of excess ultraviolet exposure, and acne in transgender people, who are especially vulnerable to acne because of hormone therapy.

Matthew Mansh, MD, department of dermatology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Dr. Matthew Mansh

The identities of sexual minorities “have a significant influence on many facets of health,” dermatologist Matthew Mansh, MD, of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, said in a presentation at the American Academy of Dermatology Virtual Meeting Experience.

In regard to skin cancer, he said, “there seems to be consistently higher rates of skin cancer and certain preventable risk behaviors like indoor tanning among sexual minority men.”

Dr. Mansh, codirector of the high-risk nonmelanoma skin cancer clinic at the University of Minnesota, highlighted a report, published in JAMA Dermatology in 2020, that used 2014-2018 U.S. survey data of over 870,000 adults to look at the association between sexual orientation and lifetime prevalence of skin cancer. The investigators found that gay and bisexual men had a higher lifetime prevalence of skin cancer compared with heterosexual men (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.25; 95% confidence interval, 1.03-1.50; P = .02; and aOR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.01-2.10; P = .04; for gay and bisexual men, respectively).

When compared with heterosexual women, risk among bisexual women was lower (aOR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.60-0.95; P  = .02), but not among lesbian women (aOR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.77-1.33; P = .95, respectively).

Other studies have reached similar conclusions, Dr. Mansh said, although there’s been fairly little research in this area. What could explain these differences? Factors such as smoking, age, and alcohol use affect skin cancer risk, he said, but these studies control for those variables. Instead, he noted, it’s useful to look at studies of ultraviolet exposure.

For example, he highlighted a study published in JAMA Dermatology in 2015, which examined 12-month indoor-tanning rates and skin cancer prevalence by sexual orientation, using data from California and national health interview surveys. The study found that compared with heterosexual men, “sexual minority men had higher rates of indoor tanning by roughly three- to sixfold,” said Dr. Mansh, the lead author. “And this was among respondents who were adults over age 18. People between the ages of 18 and 34 years are important from a skin cancer perspective as it’s well established that exposure to tanning beds at a younger age is most associated with an increased risk of skin cancer.”

Sexual minority men were also significantly more likely to report having skin cancer, compared with heterosexual men.

In the study, sexual minority women had about half the odds of engaging in indoor tanning compared with heterosexual women, and were less likely to report having been diagnosed with nonmelanoma skin cancer, he added.

Other studies suggest that gay and bisexual men live in neighborhoods with more indoor tanning salons and that they may spend more time in the sun outside too, he said. Some research suggests motivations for tanning include social pressure and the desire to improve appearance, he added.

Overall, “we may be able to use these data to add more appropriate screening and recommendations for these patients, which are sorely lacking in dermatology,” and to design targeted behavioral interventions, said Dr. Mansh, codirector of the dermatology gender care clinic at the University of Minnesota.

What can dermatologists do now? In an interview, dermatologist Jon Klint Peebles, MD, of the mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, in Largo, Md., suggested that colleagues ask patients questions about indoor tanning frequency, the motivations for tanning, exposure to outdoor ultraviolet radiation, sunscreen use, and use of photoprotective clothing.

Jon Klint Peebles, MD, dermatologist, mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, Largo, Md.
Dr. Jon Klint Peebles


Hormone therapy and acne

In a related presentation at the meeting, Howa Yeung, MD, of the department of dermatology, Emory University, Atlanta, said that in transgender people, estrogen therapy can actually reduce sebum production and often improves acne, while testosterone therapy frequently has the opposite effect.

Howa Yeung, MD, department of dermatology, Emory University, Atlanta
Dr. Howa Yeung

“We’ve seen some pretty tough cases of acne in transmasculine patients in my practice,” said Dr. Yeung, who highlighted a recently published study that tracked 988 transgender patients in Boston who underwent testosterone therapy. Nearly a third were diagnosed with acne, compared with 6% prior to hormone therapy, and those at the highest risk were aged 18-21.

The prevalence of acne was 25% 2 years after initiation of hormone therapy. “Acne remains a very common issue and not just at the beginning of treatment,” he said.

In 2020, Dr. Yeung and colleagues reported the results of a survey of 696 transgender patients in California and Georgia; most were treated with hormone therapy. They found that 14% of transmasculine patients reported currently having moderate to severe acne diagnosed by a physician, compared with 1% of transfeminine patients.

Dr. Yeung noted that another survey of transmasculine persons who had received testosterone found that those who had moderate to severe acne were more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than were those who had never had acne (aOR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.1-5.4; P = .001, for depression; and aOR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.2-6.3; P = .002, for anxiety).

Acne treatments in transmasculine patients are complicated by the fact that hormone treatments for acne can have feminizing effects, Dr. Yeung said, adding that it’s not clear how clascoterone, a new anti-androgen topical therapy for acne, will affect them. For now, many patients will require isotretinoin for treating acne.

Dr. Peebles cautioned that with isotretinoin, “we still do not yet have solid data on the optimal dosing or duration in the context of testosterone-induced acne, as well as what individual factors may be predictive of treatment success or failure. It is also important to be aware of any planned surgical procedures, whether as part of gender-affirming care or otherwise, given that some surgeons may view isotretinoin as a barrier for some procedures, despite limited data to support this.”

Both Dr. Peebles and Dr. Yeung noted that the iPledge risk management program for isotretinoin patients who may become pregnant is problematic. “A trans man who is assigned female at birth and identifies as a man and has a uterus and ovaries must be registered as a female with reproductive potential,” Dr. Yeung said.

“While the program remains inherently discriminatory, it is important to have an honest conversation with patients about these issues in a sensitive way,” Dr. Peebles noted. “Luckily, there is substantial momentum building around modifying iPLEDGE to become more inclusive. While the mechanics are complicated and involve a variety of entities and advocacy initiatives, we are optimistic that major changes are in the pipeline.”

Dr. Mansh, Dr. Yeung, and Dr. Peebles reported no disclosures.

Dermatologists cautioned colleagues to be aware of special hazards facing the LGBTQ community: A higher risk of skin cancer among gay men, possibly because of excess ultraviolet exposure, and acne in transgender people, who are especially vulnerable to acne because of hormone therapy.

Matthew Mansh, MD, department of dermatology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Dr. Matthew Mansh

The identities of sexual minorities “have a significant influence on many facets of health,” dermatologist Matthew Mansh, MD, of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, said in a presentation at the American Academy of Dermatology Virtual Meeting Experience.

In regard to skin cancer, he said, “there seems to be consistently higher rates of skin cancer and certain preventable risk behaviors like indoor tanning among sexual minority men.”

Dr. Mansh, codirector of the high-risk nonmelanoma skin cancer clinic at the University of Minnesota, highlighted a report, published in JAMA Dermatology in 2020, that used 2014-2018 U.S. survey data of over 870,000 adults to look at the association between sexual orientation and lifetime prevalence of skin cancer. The investigators found that gay and bisexual men had a higher lifetime prevalence of skin cancer compared with heterosexual men (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.25; 95% confidence interval, 1.03-1.50; P = .02; and aOR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.01-2.10; P = .04; for gay and bisexual men, respectively).

When compared with heterosexual women, risk among bisexual women was lower (aOR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.60-0.95; P  = .02), but not among lesbian women (aOR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.77-1.33; P = .95, respectively).

Other studies have reached similar conclusions, Dr. Mansh said, although there’s been fairly little research in this area. What could explain these differences? Factors such as smoking, age, and alcohol use affect skin cancer risk, he said, but these studies control for those variables. Instead, he noted, it’s useful to look at studies of ultraviolet exposure.

For example, he highlighted a study published in JAMA Dermatology in 2015, which examined 12-month indoor-tanning rates and skin cancer prevalence by sexual orientation, using data from California and national health interview surveys. The study found that compared with heterosexual men, “sexual minority men had higher rates of indoor tanning by roughly three- to sixfold,” said Dr. Mansh, the lead author. “And this was among respondents who were adults over age 18. People between the ages of 18 and 34 years are important from a skin cancer perspective as it’s well established that exposure to tanning beds at a younger age is most associated with an increased risk of skin cancer.”

Sexual minority men were also significantly more likely to report having skin cancer, compared with heterosexual men.

In the study, sexual minority women had about half the odds of engaging in indoor tanning compared with heterosexual women, and were less likely to report having been diagnosed with nonmelanoma skin cancer, he added.

Other studies suggest that gay and bisexual men live in neighborhoods with more indoor tanning salons and that they may spend more time in the sun outside too, he said. Some research suggests motivations for tanning include social pressure and the desire to improve appearance, he added.

Overall, “we may be able to use these data to add more appropriate screening and recommendations for these patients, which are sorely lacking in dermatology,” and to design targeted behavioral interventions, said Dr. Mansh, codirector of the dermatology gender care clinic at the University of Minnesota.

What can dermatologists do now? In an interview, dermatologist Jon Klint Peebles, MD, of the mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, in Largo, Md., suggested that colleagues ask patients questions about indoor tanning frequency, the motivations for tanning, exposure to outdoor ultraviolet radiation, sunscreen use, and use of photoprotective clothing.

Jon Klint Peebles, MD, dermatologist, mid-Atlantic Permanente Medical Group, Largo, Md.
Dr. Jon Klint Peebles


Hormone therapy and acne

In a related presentation at the meeting, Howa Yeung, MD, of the department of dermatology, Emory University, Atlanta, said that in transgender people, estrogen therapy can actually reduce sebum production and often improves acne, while testosterone therapy frequently has the opposite effect.

Howa Yeung, MD, department of dermatology, Emory University, Atlanta
Dr. Howa Yeung

“We’ve seen some pretty tough cases of acne in transmasculine patients in my practice,” said Dr. Yeung, who highlighted a recently published study that tracked 988 transgender patients in Boston who underwent testosterone therapy. Nearly a third were diagnosed with acne, compared with 6% prior to hormone therapy, and those at the highest risk were aged 18-21.

The prevalence of acne was 25% 2 years after initiation of hormone therapy. “Acne remains a very common issue and not just at the beginning of treatment,” he said.

In 2020, Dr. Yeung and colleagues reported the results of a survey of 696 transgender patients in California and Georgia; most were treated with hormone therapy. They found that 14% of transmasculine patients reported currently having moderate to severe acne diagnosed by a physician, compared with 1% of transfeminine patients.

Dr. Yeung noted that another survey of transmasculine persons who had received testosterone found that those who had moderate to severe acne were more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than were those who had never had acne (aOR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.1-5.4; P = .001, for depression; and aOR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.2-6.3; P = .002, for anxiety).

Acne treatments in transmasculine patients are complicated by the fact that hormone treatments for acne can have feminizing effects, Dr. Yeung said, adding that it’s not clear how clascoterone, a new anti-androgen topical therapy for acne, will affect them. For now, many patients will require isotretinoin for treating acne.

Dr. Peebles cautioned that with isotretinoin, “we still do not yet have solid data on the optimal dosing or duration in the context of testosterone-induced acne, as well as what individual factors may be predictive of treatment success or failure. It is also important to be aware of any planned surgical procedures, whether as part of gender-affirming care or otherwise, given that some surgeons may view isotretinoin as a barrier for some procedures, despite limited data to support this.”

Both Dr. Peebles and Dr. Yeung noted that the iPledge risk management program for isotretinoin patients who may become pregnant is problematic. “A trans man who is assigned female at birth and identifies as a man and has a uterus and ovaries must be registered as a female with reproductive potential,” Dr. Yeung said.

“While the program remains inherently discriminatory, it is important to have an honest conversation with patients about these issues in a sensitive way,” Dr. Peebles noted. “Luckily, there is substantial momentum building around modifying iPLEDGE to become more inclusive. While the mechanics are complicated and involve a variety of entities and advocacy initiatives, we are optimistic that major changes are in the pipeline.”

Dr. Mansh, Dr. Yeung, and Dr. Peebles reported no disclosures.

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