Protuberant, Pink, Irritated Growth on the Buttocks

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Fri, 03/10/2023 - 17:08
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Protuberant, Pink, Irritated Growth on the Buttocks

The Diagnosis: Superficial Angiomyxoma

Superficial angiomyxoma is a rare, benign, cutaneous tumor of a myxoid matrix and blood vessels that was first described in association with Carney complex.1 Tumors may be solitary or multiple. A recent review of cases in the literature revealed a roughly equal distribution of superficial angiomyxomas in males and females occurring most frequently on the head and neck, extremities, and trunk or back. The peak incidence is between the fourth and fifth decades of life.2 Superficial angiomyxomas can occur sporadically or in association with Carney complex, an autosomal-dominant condition with germline inactivating mutations in protein kinase A, PRKAR1A. Interestingly, sporadic cases of superficial angiomyxoma also have shown loss of PRKAR1A expression on immunohistochemistry (IHC).3

Common histologic mimics of superficial angiomyxoma include aggressive angiomyxoma and angiomyofibroblastoma.4 It is thought that these 3 distinct tumor entities may arise from a common pluripotent cell of origin located near connective tissue vasculature, which may contribute to the similarities observed between them.5 For example, aggressive angiomyxomas and angiomyofibroblastomas also demonstrate a similar myxoid background and vascular proliferation that can closely mimic superficial angiomyxomas clinically. However, the vessels of superficial angiomyxomas tend to be long and thin walled, while aggressive angiomyxomas are characterized by large and thick-walled vessels and angiomyofibroblastomas by abundant smaller vessels. Additionally, unlike superficial angiomyxomas, both aggressive angiomyxomas and angiomyofibroblastomas typically occur in the genital tract of young to middle-aged women.6

Histopathologic examination is imperative for differentiating between superficial angiomyxoma and more aggressive histologic mimics. Superficial angiomyxomas typically consist of a rich myxoid stroma, thin-walled or arborizing blood vessels, and spindled to stellate fibroblastlike cells (quiz image 2).3 Although not prominent in our case, superficial angiomyxomas also frequently present with stromal neutrophils and epithelial components, including keratinous cysts, basaloid buds, and strands of squamous epithelium.7 Minimal cellular atypia, mitotic activity, and nuclear pleomorphism often are seen, with IHC negative for desmin, estrogen receptor, and progesterone receptor; positive for CD34 and smooth muscle actin; and variable for S-100 and muscle-specific actin. Although IHC has limited utility in the diagnosis of superficial angiomyxomas, it may be useful to rule out other differential diagnoses.2,3 Superficial angiomyxomas usually show fibroblastic stromal cells, proteoglycan matrix, and collagen fibers on electron microscopy.8 Importantly, histopathologic examination of aggressive angiomyxoma will comparatively present with more invasive, infiltrative, and less well-circumscribed tumors.9 Other differential diagnoses on histology may include neurofibroma, focal cutaneous mucinosis, spindle cell lipoma, and myxofibrosarcoma. Additional considerations include fibroepithelial polyp, nevus lipomatosis, angiomyxolipoma, and anetoderma.

An important differential diagnosis in the evaluation of superficial angiomyxoma is neurofibroma, a benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor that presents as a smooth, flesh-colored, and painless papule or nodule commonly associated with the buttonhole sign. Histopathology of neurofibroma features elongated spindle cells with comma-shaped or buckled wavy nuclei and variably sized collagen bundles described as “shredded carrots” (Figure 1).10 Occasional mast cells also can be seen. Immunohistochemistry targeting elements of peripheral nerve sheaths may assist in the diagnosis of neurofibromas, including positive S-100 and SOX10 in Schwann cells, epithelial membrane antigen in perineural cells, and fingerprint positivity for CD34 in fibroblasts.10

Neurofibroma. Interlacing bundles of elongated cells with comma-shaped nuclei are seen on a background of variably sized collagen bundles where the stroma contains mucin and interspersed mast cells (H&E, original magnification ×10).
FIGURE 1. Neurofibroma. Interlacing bundles of elongated cells with comma-shaped nuclei are seen on a background of variably sized collagen bundles where the stroma contains mucin and interspersed mast cells (H&E, original magnification ×10).

Cutaneous mucinoses encompass a diverse group of connective tissue disorders characterized by accumulation of mucin in the skin. Solitary focal cutaneous mucinoses (FCMs) are individual isolated lesions of mucin deposits that are unassociated with systemic conditions.11 Conversely, multiple FCMs presenting with multiple cutaneous lesions also have been described in association with systemic diseases such as scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, and thyroid disease.12 Solitary FCM typically presents as an asymptomatic, flesh-colored papule or nodule on the extremities. It often arises in mid to late adulthood with a slightly increased frequency among males.12 Histopathology of solitary FCM commonly demonstrates a dome-shaped pool of basophilic mucin in the upper dermis sparing involvement of the underlying subcutaneous tissue (Figure 2).13 Notably, FCM often lacks the vascularity as well as stromal neutrophils and epithelial elements that are seen in superficial angiomyxomas. Although hematoxylin and eosin stains can be sufficient for diagnosis of solitary FCM, additional stains for mucin such as Alcian blue, colloidal iron, or toluidine blue also may be considered to support the diagnosis.12

Focal cutaneous mucinosis. An isolated dome-shaped lesion with a focal, circumscribed, dermal pool of mucin and surrounding dermis with slightly increased fibroblasts (H&E, original magnification ×4).
FIGURE 2. Focal cutaneous mucinosis. An isolated dome-shaped lesion with a focal, circumscribed, dermal pool of mucin and surrounding dermis with slightly increased fibroblasts (H&E, original magnification ×4).

Spindle cell lipomas (SCLs) are rare, benign, subcutaneous, adipocytic tumors that arise on the upper back, posterior neck, or shoulders of middle-aged or elderly adult males.14 The clinical presentation often is an asymptomatic, well-circumscribed, mobile subcutaneous mass that is firmer than a common lipoma. Histologically, SCLs are characterized by mature adipocytes, spindle cells, and wire or ropelike collagen fibers in a myxoid background (Figure 3). The spindle cells usually are bland with a notable bipolar shape and blunted ends. Infiltrative growth patterns or mitotic figures are uncommon. Diagnosis can be supported by IHC, as SCLs stain diffusely positive for CD34 with loss of the retinoblastoma protein.7

Spindle cell lipoma. A well-circumscribed subcutaneous tumor of mature adipocytes, spindle cells, and ropey collagen fibers with no infiltrative growth pattern or mitotic figures (H&E, original magnification ×10).
FIGURE 3. Spindle cell lipoma. A well-circumscribed subcutaneous tumor of mature adipocytes, spindle cells, and ropey collagen fibers with no infiltrative growth pattern or mitotic figures (H&E, original magnification ×10).

Another important differential diagnosis to consider is myxofibrosarcoma, a rare and malignant myxoid cutaneous tumor. Clinically, it presents asymptomatically as an indolent, slow-growing nodule on the limbs and limb girdles.7 Histopathologic features demonstrate a multilobular tumor composed of a mixture of hypocellular and hypercellular regions with incomplete fibrous septae (Figure 4). The presence of curvilinear vasculature is characteristic. Multinucleated giant cells and cellular atypia with nuclear pleomorphism also can be seen. Although IHC findings generally are not specific, they can be used to rule out other potential diagnoses. Myxofibrosarcomas stain positive for vimentin and occasionally smooth muscle actin, muscle-specific actin, and CD34.7

Myxofibrosarcoma. A lobulated tumor with a mixture of hypocellular and hypercellular areas with incomplete fibrous septae. Cells with atypical nuclei and pleomorphism with occasional multinucleated giant cells also are seen
FIGURE 4. Myxofibrosarcoma. A lobulated tumor with a mixture of hypocellular and hypercellular areas with incomplete fibrous septae. Cells with atypical nuclei and pleomorphism with occasional multinucleated giant cells also are seen (H&E, original magnification ×10).

Superficial angiomyxomas are benign; however, excision is recommended to distinguish between mimics. Local recurrence after excision is common in 30% to 40% of patients.15 Mohs micrographic surgery has been considered, especially if the following are present: tumor characteristics (eg, poorly circumscribed), location (eg, head and neck or other cosmetically or functionally sensitive areas), and likelihood of recurrence (high for superficial angiomyxomas). 16 This case otherwise highlights a rare example of superficial angiomyxomas involving the buttocks.

  1. Allen PW, Dymock RB, MacCormac LB. Superficial angiomyxomas with and without epithelial components. report of 30 tumors in 28 patients. Am J Surg Pathol. 1988;12:519-530. doi:10.1097 /00000478-198807000-00003
  2. Sharma A, Khaitan N, Ko JS, et al. A clinicopathologic analysis of 54 cases of cutaneous myxoma. Hum Pathol. 2021:S0046-8177(21) 00201-X. doi:10.1016/j.humpath.2021.12.003
  3. Hafeez F, Krakowski AC, Lian CG, et al. Sporadic superficial angiomyxomas demonstrate loss of PRKAR1A expression [published online March 17, 2022]. Histopathology. 2022;80:1001-1003. doi:10.1111/his.14568
  4. Mehrotra K, Bhandari M, Khullar G, et al. Large superficial angiomyxoma of the vulva: report of two cases with varied clinical presentation. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2021;12:605-607. doi:10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_489_20
  5. Alameda F, Munné A, Baró T, et al. Vulvar angiomyxoma, aggressive angiomyxoma, and angiomyofibroblastoma: an immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study. Ultrastruct Pathol. 2006;30:193-205. doi:10.1080/01913120500520911
  6. Haroon S, Irshad L, Zia S, et al. Aggressive angiomyxoma, angiomyofibroblastoma, and cellular angiofibroma of the lower female genital tract: related entities with different outcomes. Cureus. 2022;14:E29250. doi:10.7759/cureus.29250
  7. Zou Y, Billings SD. Myxoid cutaneous tumors: a review. J Cutan Pathol. 2016;43:903-918. doi:10.1111/cup.12749
  8. Allen PW. Myxoma is not a single entity: a review of the concept of myxoma. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2000;4:99-123. doi:10.1016 /s1092-9134(00)90019-4
  9. Lee C-C, Chen Y-L, Liau J-Y, et al. Superficial angiomyxoma on the vulva of an adolescent. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2014;53:104-106. doi:10.1016/j.tjog.2013.08.001
  10. Magro G, Amico P, Vecchio GM, et al. Multinucleated floret-like giant cells in sporadic and NF1-associated neurofibromas: a clinicopathologic study of 94 cases. Virchows Arch. 2010;456:71-76. doi:10.1007/s00428-009-0859-y
  11. Kuo KL, Lee LY, Kuo TT. Solitary cutaneous focal mucinosis: a clinicopathological study of 11 cases of soft fibroma-like cutaneous mucinous lesions. J Dermatol. 2017;44:335-338. doi:10.1111/1346-8138.13523
  12. Gutierrez N, Erickson C, Calame A, et al. Solitary cutaneous focal mucinosis. Cureus. 2021;13:E18618. doi:10.7759/cureus.18618
  13. Biondo G, Sola S, Pastorino C, et al. Clinical, dermoscopic, and histologic aspects of two cases of cutaneous focal mucinosis. An Bras Dermatol. 2019;94:334-336. doi:10.1590/abd1806-4841.20198381
  14. Chen S, Huang H, He S, et al. Spindle cell lipoma: clinicopathologic characterization of 40 cases. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2019;12:2613-2621.
  15. Bembem K, Jaiswal A, Singh M, et al. Cyto-histo correlation of a very rare tumor: superficial angiomyxoma. J Cytol. 2017;34:230-232. doi:10.4103/0970-9371.216119
  16. Aberdein G, Veitch D, Perrett C. Mohs micrographic surgery for the treatment of superficial angiomyxoma. Dermatol Surg. 2016;42: 1014-1016. doi:10.1097/DSS.0000000000000782
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Author and Disclosure Information

From the Division of Dermatology, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Ms. Wei also is from the University of South Florida Health Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa. Drs. Kesty and Lountzis also are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Nektarios Lountzis, MD, Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 (

Cutis - 111(3)
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Author and Disclosure Information

From the Division of Dermatology, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Ms. Wei also is from the University of South Florida Health Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa. Drs. Kesty and Lountzis also are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Nektarios Lountzis, MD, Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 (

Author and Disclosure Information

From the Division of Dermatology, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Ms. Wei also is from the University of South Florida Health Morsani College of Medicine, Tampa. Drs. Kesty and Lountzis also are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Nektarios Lountzis, MD, Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 (

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The Diagnosis: Superficial Angiomyxoma

Superficial angiomyxoma is a rare, benign, cutaneous tumor of a myxoid matrix and blood vessels that was first described in association with Carney complex.1 Tumors may be solitary or multiple. A recent review of cases in the literature revealed a roughly equal distribution of superficial angiomyxomas in males and females occurring most frequently on the head and neck, extremities, and trunk or back. The peak incidence is between the fourth and fifth decades of life.2 Superficial angiomyxomas can occur sporadically or in association with Carney complex, an autosomal-dominant condition with germline inactivating mutations in protein kinase A, PRKAR1A. Interestingly, sporadic cases of superficial angiomyxoma also have shown loss of PRKAR1A expression on immunohistochemistry (IHC).3

Common histologic mimics of superficial angiomyxoma include aggressive angiomyxoma and angiomyofibroblastoma.4 It is thought that these 3 distinct tumor entities may arise from a common pluripotent cell of origin located near connective tissue vasculature, which may contribute to the similarities observed between them.5 For example, aggressive angiomyxomas and angiomyofibroblastomas also demonstrate a similar myxoid background and vascular proliferation that can closely mimic superficial angiomyxomas clinically. However, the vessels of superficial angiomyxomas tend to be long and thin walled, while aggressive angiomyxomas are characterized by large and thick-walled vessels and angiomyofibroblastomas by abundant smaller vessels. Additionally, unlike superficial angiomyxomas, both aggressive angiomyxomas and angiomyofibroblastomas typically occur in the genital tract of young to middle-aged women.6

Histopathologic examination is imperative for differentiating between superficial angiomyxoma and more aggressive histologic mimics. Superficial angiomyxomas typically consist of a rich myxoid stroma, thin-walled or arborizing blood vessels, and spindled to stellate fibroblastlike cells (quiz image 2).3 Although not prominent in our case, superficial angiomyxomas also frequently present with stromal neutrophils and epithelial components, including keratinous cysts, basaloid buds, and strands of squamous epithelium.7 Minimal cellular atypia, mitotic activity, and nuclear pleomorphism often are seen, with IHC negative for desmin, estrogen receptor, and progesterone receptor; positive for CD34 and smooth muscle actin; and variable for S-100 and muscle-specific actin. Although IHC has limited utility in the diagnosis of superficial angiomyxomas, it may be useful to rule out other differential diagnoses.2,3 Superficial angiomyxomas usually show fibroblastic stromal cells, proteoglycan matrix, and collagen fibers on electron microscopy.8 Importantly, histopathologic examination of aggressive angiomyxoma will comparatively present with more invasive, infiltrative, and less well-circumscribed tumors.9 Other differential diagnoses on histology may include neurofibroma, focal cutaneous mucinosis, spindle cell lipoma, and myxofibrosarcoma. Additional considerations include fibroepithelial polyp, nevus lipomatosis, angiomyxolipoma, and anetoderma.

An important differential diagnosis in the evaluation of superficial angiomyxoma is neurofibroma, a benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor that presents as a smooth, flesh-colored, and painless papule or nodule commonly associated with the buttonhole sign. Histopathology of neurofibroma features elongated spindle cells with comma-shaped or buckled wavy nuclei and variably sized collagen bundles described as “shredded carrots” (Figure 1).10 Occasional mast cells also can be seen. Immunohistochemistry targeting elements of peripheral nerve sheaths may assist in the diagnosis of neurofibromas, including positive S-100 and SOX10 in Schwann cells, epithelial membrane antigen in perineural cells, and fingerprint positivity for CD34 in fibroblasts.10

Neurofibroma. Interlacing bundles of elongated cells with comma-shaped nuclei are seen on a background of variably sized collagen bundles where the stroma contains mucin and interspersed mast cells (H&E, original magnification ×10).
FIGURE 1. Neurofibroma. Interlacing bundles of elongated cells with comma-shaped nuclei are seen on a background of variably sized collagen bundles where the stroma contains mucin and interspersed mast cells (H&E, original magnification ×10).

Cutaneous mucinoses encompass a diverse group of connective tissue disorders characterized by accumulation of mucin in the skin. Solitary focal cutaneous mucinoses (FCMs) are individual isolated lesions of mucin deposits that are unassociated with systemic conditions.11 Conversely, multiple FCMs presenting with multiple cutaneous lesions also have been described in association with systemic diseases such as scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, and thyroid disease.12 Solitary FCM typically presents as an asymptomatic, flesh-colored papule or nodule on the extremities. It often arises in mid to late adulthood with a slightly increased frequency among males.12 Histopathology of solitary FCM commonly demonstrates a dome-shaped pool of basophilic mucin in the upper dermis sparing involvement of the underlying subcutaneous tissue (Figure 2).13 Notably, FCM often lacks the vascularity as well as stromal neutrophils and epithelial elements that are seen in superficial angiomyxomas. Although hematoxylin and eosin stains can be sufficient for diagnosis of solitary FCM, additional stains for mucin such as Alcian blue, colloidal iron, or toluidine blue also may be considered to support the diagnosis.12

Focal cutaneous mucinosis. An isolated dome-shaped lesion with a focal, circumscribed, dermal pool of mucin and surrounding dermis with slightly increased fibroblasts (H&E, original magnification ×4).
FIGURE 2. Focal cutaneous mucinosis. An isolated dome-shaped lesion with a focal, circumscribed, dermal pool of mucin and surrounding dermis with slightly increased fibroblasts (H&E, original magnification ×4).

Spindle cell lipomas (SCLs) are rare, benign, subcutaneous, adipocytic tumors that arise on the upper back, posterior neck, or shoulders of middle-aged or elderly adult males.14 The clinical presentation often is an asymptomatic, well-circumscribed, mobile subcutaneous mass that is firmer than a common lipoma. Histologically, SCLs are characterized by mature adipocytes, spindle cells, and wire or ropelike collagen fibers in a myxoid background (Figure 3). The spindle cells usually are bland with a notable bipolar shape and blunted ends. Infiltrative growth patterns or mitotic figures are uncommon. Diagnosis can be supported by IHC, as SCLs stain diffusely positive for CD34 with loss of the retinoblastoma protein.7

Spindle cell lipoma. A well-circumscribed subcutaneous tumor of mature adipocytes, spindle cells, and ropey collagen fibers with no infiltrative growth pattern or mitotic figures (H&E, original magnification ×10).
FIGURE 3. Spindle cell lipoma. A well-circumscribed subcutaneous tumor of mature adipocytes, spindle cells, and ropey collagen fibers with no infiltrative growth pattern or mitotic figures (H&E, original magnification ×10).

Another important differential diagnosis to consider is myxofibrosarcoma, a rare and malignant myxoid cutaneous tumor. Clinically, it presents asymptomatically as an indolent, slow-growing nodule on the limbs and limb girdles.7 Histopathologic features demonstrate a multilobular tumor composed of a mixture of hypocellular and hypercellular regions with incomplete fibrous septae (Figure 4). The presence of curvilinear vasculature is characteristic. Multinucleated giant cells and cellular atypia with nuclear pleomorphism also can be seen. Although IHC findings generally are not specific, they can be used to rule out other potential diagnoses. Myxofibrosarcomas stain positive for vimentin and occasionally smooth muscle actin, muscle-specific actin, and CD34.7

Myxofibrosarcoma. A lobulated tumor with a mixture of hypocellular and hypercellular areas with incomplete fibrous septae. Cells with atypical nuclei and pleomorphism with occasional multinucleated giant cells also are seen
FIGURE 4. Myxofibrosarcoma. A lobulated tumor with a mixture of hypocellular and hypercellular areas with incomplete fibrous septae. Cells with atypical nuclei and pleomorphism with occasional multinucleated giant cells also are seen (H&E, original magnification ×10).

Superficial angiomyxomas are benign; however, excision is recommended to distinguish between mimics. Local recurrence after excision is common in 30% to 40% of patients.15 Mohs micrographic surgery has been considered, especially if the following are present: tumor characteristics (eg, poorly circumscribed), location (eg, head and neck or other cosmetically or functionally sensitive areas), and likelihood of recurrence (high for superficial angiomyxomas). 16 This case otherwise highlights a rare example of superficial angiomyxomas involving the buttocks.

The Diagnosis: Superficial Angiomyxoma

Superficial angiomyxoma is a rare, benign, cutaneous tumor of a myxoid matrix and blood vessels that was first described in association with Carney complex.1 Tumors may be solitary or multiple. A recent review of cases in the literature revealed a roughly equal distribution of superficial angiomyxomas in males and females occurring most frequently on the head and neck, extremities, and trunk or back. The peak incidence is between the fourth and fifth decades of life.2 Superficial angiomyxomas can occur sporadically or in association with Carney complex, an autosomal-dominant condition with germline inactivating mutations in protein kinase A, PRKAR1A. Interestingly, sporadic cases of superficial angiomyxoma also have shown loss of PRKAR1A expression on immunohistochemistry (IHC).3

Common histologic mimics of superficial angiomyxoma include aggressive angiomyxoma and angiomyofibroblastoma.4 It is thought that these 3 distinct tumor entities may arise from a common pluripotent cell of origin located near connective tissue vasculature, which may contribute to the similarities observed between them.5 For example, aggressive angiomyxomas and angiomyofibroblastomas also demonstrate a similar myxoid background and vascular proliferation that can closely mimic superficial angiomyxomas clinically. However, the vessels of superficial angiomyxomas tend to be long and thin walled, while aggressive angiomyxomas are characterized by large and thick-walled vessels and angiomyofibroblastomas by abundant smaller vessels. Additionally, unlike superficial angiomyxomas, both aggressive angiomyxomas and angiomyofibroblastomas typically occur in the genital tract of young to middle-aged women.6

Histopathologic examination is imperative for differentiating between superficial angiomyxoma and more aggressive histologic mimics. Superficial angiomyxomas typically consist of a rich myxoid stroma, thin-walled or arborizing blood vessels, and spindled to stellate fibroblastlike cells (quiz image 2).3 Although not prominent in our case, superficial angiomyxomas also frequently present with stromal neutrophils and epithelial components, including keratinous cysts, basaloid buds, and strands of squamous epithelium.7 Minimal cellular atypia, mitotic activity, and nuclear pleomorphism often are seen, with IHC negative for desmin, estrogen receptor, and progesterone receptor; positive for CD34 and smooth muscle actin; and variable for S-100 and muscle-specific actin. Although IHC has limited utility in the diagnosis of superficial angiomyxomas, it may be useful to rule out other differential diagnoses.2,3 Superficial angiomyxomas usually show fibroblastic stromal cells, proteoglycan matrix, and collagen fibers on electron microscopy.8 Importantly, histopathologic examination of aggressive angiomyxoma will comparatively present with more invasive, infiltrative, and less well-circumscribed tumors.9 Other differential diagnoses on histology may include neurofibroma, focal cutaneous mucinosis, spindle cell lipoma, and myxofibrosarcoma. Additional considerations include fibroepithelial polyp, nevus lipomatosis, angiomyxolipoma, and anetoderma.

An important differential diagnosis in the evaluation of superficial angiomyxoma is neurofibroma, a benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor that presents as a smooth, flesh-colored, and painless papule or nodule commonly associated with the buttonhole sign. Histopathology of neurofibroma features elongated spindle cells with comma-shaped or buckled wavy nuclei and variably sized collagen bundles described as “shredded carrots” (Figure 1).10 Occasional mast cells also can be seen. Immunohistochemistry targeting elements of peripheral nerve sheaths may assist in the diagnosis of neurofibromas, including positive S-100 and SOX10 in Schwann cells, epithelial membrane antigen in perineural cells, and fingerprint positivity for CD34 in fibroblasts.10

Neurofibroma. Interlacing bundles of elongated cells with comma-shaped nuclei are seen on a background of variably sized collagen bundles where the stroma contains mucin and interspersed mast cells (H&E, original magnification ×10).
FIGURE 1. Neurofibroma. Interlacing bundles of elongated cells with comma-shaped nuclei are seen on a background of variably sized collagen bundles where the stroma contains mucin and interspersed mast cells (H&E, original magnification ×10).

Cutaneous mucinoses encompass a diverse group of connective tissue disorders characterized by accumulation of mucin in the skin. Solitary focal cutaneous mucinoses (FCMs) are individual isolated lesions of mucin deposits that are unassociated with systemic conditions.11 Conversely, multiple FCMs presenting with multiple cutaneous lesions also have been described in association with systemic diseases such as scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, and thyroid disease.12 Solitary FCM typically presents as an asymptomatic, flesh-colored papule or nodule on the extremities. It often arises in mid to late adulthood with a slightly increased frequency among males.12 Histopathology of solitary FCM commonly demonstrates a dome-shaped pool of basophilic mucin in the upper dermis sparing involvement of the underlying subcutaneous tissue (Figure 2).13 Notably, FCM often lacks the vascularity as well as stromal neutrophils and epithelial elements that are seen in superficial angiomyxomas. Although hematoxylin and eosin stains can be sufficient for diagnosis of solitary FCM, additional stains for mucin such as Alcian blue, colloidal iron, or toluidine blue also may be considered to support the diagnosis.12

Focal cutaneous mucinosis. An isolated dome-shaped lesion with a focal, circumscribed, dermal pool of mucin and surrounding dermis with slightly increased fibroblasts (H&E, original magnification ×4).
FIGURE 2. Focal cutaneous mucinosis. An isolated dome-shaped lesion with a focal, circumscribed, dermal pool of mucin and surrounding dermis with slightly increased fibroblasts (H&E, original magnification ×4).

Spindle cell lipomas (SCLs) are rare, benign, subcutaneous, adipocytic tumors that arise on the upper back, posterior neck, or shoulders of middle-aged or elderly adult males.14 The clinical presentation often is an asymptomatic, well-circumscribed, mobile subcutaneous mass that is firmer than a common lipoma. Histologically, SCLs are characterized by mature adipocytes, spindle cells, and wire or ropelike collagen fibers in a myxoid background (Figure 3). The spindle cells usually are bland with a notable bipolar shape and blunted ends. Infiltrative growth patterns or mitotic figures are uncommon. Diagnosis can be supported by IHC, as SCLs stain diffusely positive for CD34 with loss of the retinoblastoma protein.7

Spindle cell lipoma. A well-circumscribed subcutaneous tumor of mature adipocytes, spindle cells, and ropey collagen fibers with no infiltrative growth pattern or mitotic figures (H&E, original magnification ×10).
FIGURE 3. Spindle cell lipoma. A well-circumscribed subcutaneous tumor of mature adipocytes, spindle cells, and ropey collagen fibers with no infiltrative growth pattern or mitotic figures (H&E, original magnification ×10).

Another important differential diagnosis to consider is myxofibrosarcoma, a rare and malignant myxoid cutaneous tumor. Clinically, it presents asymptomatically as an indolent, slow-growing nodule on the limbs and limb girdles.7 Histopathologic features demonstrate a multilobular tumor composed of a mixture of hypocellular and hypercellular regions with incomplete fibrous septae (Figure 4). The presence of curvilinear vasculature is characteristic. Multinucleated giant cells and cellular atypia with nuclear pleomorphism also can be seen. Although IHC findings generally are not specific, they can be used to rule out other potential diagnoses. Myxofibrosarcomas stain positive for vimentin and occasionally smooth muscle actin, muscle-specific actin, and CD34.7

Myxofibrosarcoma. A lobulated tumor with a mixture of hypocellular and hypercellular areas with incomplete fibrous septae. Cells with atypical nuclei and pleomorphism with occasional multinucleated giant cells also are seen
FIGURE 4. Myxofibrosarcoma. A lobulated tumor with a mixture of hypocellular and hypercellular areas with incomplete fibrous septae. Cells with atypical nuclei and pleomorphism with occasional multinucleated giant cells also are seen (H&E, original magnification ×10).

Superficial angiomyxomas are benign; however, excision is recommended to distinguish between mimics. Local recurrence after excision is common in 30% to 40% of patients.15 Mohs micrographic surgery has been considered, especially if the following are present: tumor characteristics (eg, poorly circumscribed), location (eg, head and neck or other cosmetically or functionally sensitive areas), and likelihood of recurrence (high for superficial angiomyxomas). 16 This case otherwise highlights a rare example of superficial angiomyxomas involving the buttocks.

  1. Allen PW, Dymock RB, MacCormac LB. Superficial angiomyxomas with and without epithelial components. report of 30 tumors in 28 patients. Am J Surg Pathol. 1988;12:519-530. doi:10.1097 /00000478-198807000-00003
  2. Sharma A, Khaitan N, Ko JS, et al. A clinicopathologic analysis of 54 cases of cutaneous myxoma. Hum Pathol. 2021:S0046-8177(21) 00201-X. doi:10.1016/j.humpath.2021.12.003
  3. Hafeez F, Krakowski AC, Lian CG, et al. Sporadic superficial angiomyxomas demonstrate loss of PRKAR1A expression [published online March 17, 2022]. Histopathology. 2022;80:1001-1003. doi:10.1111/his.14568
  4. Mehrotra K, Bhandari M, Khullar G, et al. Large superficial angiomyxoma of the vulva: report of two cases with varied clinical presentation. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2021;12:605-607. doi:10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_489_20
  5. Alameda F, Munné A, Baró T, et al. Vulvar angiomyxoma, aggressive angiomyxoma, and angiomyofibroblastoma: an immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study. Ultrastruct Pathol. 2006;30:193-205. doi:10.1080/01913120500520911
  6. Haroon S, Irshad L, Zia S, et al. Aggressive angiomyxoma, angiomyofibroblastoma, and cellular angiofibroma of the lower female genital tract: related entities with different outcomes. Cureus. 2022;14:E29250. doi:10.7759/cureus.29250
  7. Zou Y, Billings SD. Myxoid cutaneous tumors: a review. J Cutan Pathol. 2016;43:903-918. doi:10.1111/cup.12749
  8. Allen PW. Myxoma is not a single entity: a review of the concept of myxoma. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2000;4:99-123. doi:10.1016 /s1092-9134(00)90019-4
  9. Lee C-C, Chen Y-L, Liau J-Y, et al. Superficial angiomyxoma on the vulva of an adolescent. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2014;53:104-106. doi:10.1016/j.tjog.2013.08.001
  10. Magro G, Amico P, Vecchio GM, et al. Multinucleated floret-like giant cells in sporadic and NF1-associated neurofibromas: a clinicopathologic study of 94 cases. Virchows Arch. 2010;456:71-76. doi:10.1007/s00428-009-0859-y
  11. Kuo KL, Lee LY, Kuo TT. Solitary cutaneous focal mucinosis: a clinicopathological study of 11 cases of soft fibroma-like cutaneous mucinous lesions. J Dermatol. 2017;44:335-338. doi:10.1111/1346-8138.13523
  12. Gutierrez N, Erickson C, Calame A, et al. Solitary cutaneous focal mucinosis. Cureus. 2021;13:E18618. doi:10.7759/cureus.18618
  13. Biondo G, Sola S, Pastorino C, et al. Clinical, dermoscopic, and histologic aspects of two cases of cutaneous focal mucinosis. An Bras Dermatol. 2019;94:334-336. doi:10.1590/abd1806-4841.20198381
  14. Chen S, Huang H, He S, et al. Spindle cell lipoma: clinicopathologic characterization of 40 cases. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2019;12:2613-2621.
  15. Bembem K, Jaiswal A, Singh M, et al. Cyto-histo correlation of a very rare tumor: superficial angiomyxoma. J Cytol. 2017;34:230-232. doi:10.4103/0970-9371.216119
  16. Aberdein G, Veitch D, Perrett C. Mohs micrographic surgery for the treatment of superficial angiomyxoma. Dermatol Surg. 2016;42: 1014-1016. doi:10.1097/DSS.0000000000000782
  1. Allen PW, Dymock RB, MacCormac LB. Superficial angiomyxomas with and without epithelial components. report of 30 tumors in 28 patients. Am J Surg Pathol. 1988;12:519-530. doi:10.1097 /00000478-198807000-00003
  2. Sharma A, Khaitan N, Ko JS, et al. A clinicopathologic analysis of 54 cases of cutaneous myxoma. Hum Pathol. 2021:S0046-8177(21) 00201-X. doi:10.1016/j.humpath.2021.12.003
  3. Hafeez F, Krakowski AC, Lian CG, et al. Sporadic superficial angiomyxomas demonstrate loss of PRKAR1A expression [published online March 17, 2022]. Histopathology. 2022;80:1001-1003. doi:10.1111/his.14568
  4. Mehrotra K, Bhandari M, Khullar G, et al. Large superficial angiomyxoma of the vulva: report of two cases with varied clinical presentation. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2021;12:605-607. doi:10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_489_20
  5. Alameda F, Munné A, Baró T, et al. Vulvar angiomyxoma, aggressive angiomyxoma, and angiomyofibroblastoma: an immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study. Ultrastruct Pathol. 2006;30:193-205. doi:10.1080/01913120500520911
  6. Haroon S, Irshad L, Zia S, et al. Aggressive angiomyxoma, angiomyofibroblastoma, and cellular angiofibroma of the lower female genital tract: related entities with different outcomes. Cureus. 2022;14:E29250. doi:10.7759/cureus.29250
  7. Zou Y, Billings SD. Myxoid cutaneous tumors: a review. J Cutan Pathol. 2016;43:903-918. doi:10.1111/cup.12749
  8. Allen PW. Myxoma is not a single entity: a review of the concept of myxoma. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2000;4:99-123. doi:10.1016 /s1092-9134(00)90019-4
  9. Lee C-C, Chen Y-L, Liau J-Y, et al. Superficial angiomyxoma on the vulva of an adolescent. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2014;53:104-106. doi:10.1016/j.tjog.2013.08.001
  10. Magro G, Amico P, Vecchio GM, et al. Multinucleated floret-like giant cells in sporadic and NF1-associated neurofibromas: a clinicopathologic study of 94 cases. Virchows Arch. 2010;456:71-76. doi:10.1007/s00428-009-0859-y
  11. Kuo KL, Lee LY, Kuo TT. Solitary cutaneous focal mucinosis: a clinicopathological study of 11 cases of soft fibroma-like cutaneous mucinous lesions. J Dermatol. 2017;44:335-338. doi:10.1111/1346-8138.13523
  12. Gutierrez N, Erickson C, Calame A, et al. Solitary cutaneous focal mucinosis. Cureus. 2021;13:E18618. doi:10.7759/cureus.18618
  13. Biondo G, Sola S, Pastorino C, et al. Clinical, dermoscopic, and histologic aspects of two cases of cutaneous focal mucinosis. An Bras Dermatol. 2019;94:334-336. doi:10.1590/abd1806-4841.20198381
  14. Chen S, Huang H, He S, et al. Spindle cell lipoma: clinicopathologic characterization of 40 cases. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2019;12:2613-2621.
  15. Bembem K, Jaiswal A, Singh M, et al. Cyto-histo correlation of a very rare tumor: superficial angiomyxoma. J Cytol. 2017;34:230-232. doi:10.4103/0970-9371.216119
  16. Aberdein G, Veitch D, Perrett C. Mohs micrographic surgery for the treatment of superficial angiomyxoma. Dermatol Surg. 2016;42: 1014-1016. doi:10.1097/DSS.0000000000000782
Cutis - 111(3)
Cutis - 111(3)
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Protuberant, Pink, Irritated Growth on the Buttocks
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Protuberant, Pink, Irritated Growth on the Buttocks
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A 25-year-old woman presented with an irritated growth on the left buttock of 6 months’ duration. The lesion had grown slowly over time and became irritated because of the constant rubbing on her clothing due to its location. Physical examination revealed a 1-cm, pink, protuberant, soft, dome-shaped nodule on the left upper medial buttock (inset). A biopsy was performed for diagnostic purposes.

H&E, original magnification ×4. Reference bar indicates 500 μm.
H&E, original magnification ×4. Reference bar indicates 500 μm.

H&E, original magnification ×10 (reference bar indicates 200 μm). Inset: colloidal iron stain, original magnification ×10 (reference bar indicates 50 μm).
H&E, original magnification ×10 (reference bar indicates 200 μm). Inset: colloidal iron stain, original magnification ×10 (reference bar indicates 50 μm).

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Bullous Retiform Purpura on the Ears and Legs

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Tue, 08/17/2021 - 16:09

The Diagnosis: Levamisole-Induced Vasculopathy


Biopsy of one of the bullous retiform purpura on the leg (Figure 1) revealed a combined leukocytoclastic vasculitis and thrombotic vasculopathy (quiz images). Periodic acid-Schiff and Gram stains, with adequate controls, were negative for pathogenic fungal and bacterial organisms. Although this reaction pattern has an extensive differential, in this clinical setting with associated cocaine-positive urine toxicologic analysis, perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA), and leukopenia, the histopathologic findings were consistent with levamisole-induced vasculopathy (LIV).1,2 Although not specific, leukocytoclastic vasculitis and thrombotic vasculopathy have been reported as the classic histopathologic findings of LIV. In addition, interstitial and perivascular neovascularization have been reported as a potential histopathologic finding associated with this entity but was not seen in our case.3  

Figure 1. A and B, Edematous purpura of the earlobe and bullous retiform purpura on the leg.

Levamisole is an anthelminthic agent used to adulterate cocaine, a practice first noted in 2003 with increasing incidence.1 Both levamisole and cocaine stimulate the sympathetic nervous system by increasing dopamine in the euphoric areas of the brain.1,3 By combining the 2 substances, preparation costs are reduced and stimulant effects are enhanced. It is estimated that 69% to 80% of cocaine in the United States is contaminated with levamisole.2,4,5 The constellation of findings seen in patients abusing levamisole-contaminated cocaine include agranulocytosis; p-ANCA; and a tender, vasculitic, retiform purpura presentation. The most common sites for the purpura include the cheeks and ears. The purpura can progress to bullous lesions, as seen in our patient, followed by necrosis.4,6 Recurrent use of levamisole-contaminated cocaine is associated with recurrent agranulocytosis and classic skin findings, which is suggestive of a causal relationship.6  

Serologic testing for levamisole exposure presents a challenge. The half-life of levamisole is relatively short (estimated at 5.6 hours) and is found in urine samples approximately 3% of the time.1,3,6 The volatile diagnostic characteristics of levamisole make concrete laboratory confirmation difficult. Although a skin biopsy can be helpful to rule out other causes of vasculitislike presentations, it is not specific for LIV. Therefore, clinical suspicion for LIV should remain high in patients who present with the cutaneous findings described as well as agranulocytosis, positive p-ANCA, and a history of cocaine use with a skin biopsy showing leukocytoclastic vasculitis and thrombotic vasculopathy.  

The differential diagnosis for LIV with retiform bullous lesions includes several other vasculitides and vesiculobullous diseases. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a multisystem vasculitis that is characterized by eosinophilia, asthma, and rhinosinusitis. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis primarily affects small and medium arteries in the skin and respiratory tract and occurs in 3 stages: prodromal, eosinophilic, and vasculitic. These stages are characterized by mild asthma or rhinitis, eosinophilia with multiorgan infiltration, and vasculitis with extravascular granulomatosis, respectively. Diagnosis often is clinical based on these findings and laboratory evaluation. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis presents with positive p-ANCA in 40% to 60% of patients.7 The vasculitis stage of EGPA presents with cutaneous findings in 60% of cases, including palpable purpura, infiltrated papules and plaques, urticaria, necrotizing lesions, and rarely vesicles and bullae.8 Classic histopathologic features include leukocytoclastic or eosinophilic vasculitis, an eosinophilic infiltrate, granuloma formation, and eosinophilic granule deposition onto collagen fibrils (otherwise known as flame figures)(Figure 2). Biopsy of these lesions with the aforementioned findings, in constellation with the described systemic signs and symptoms, can aid in diagnosis of EGPA.  

Figure 2. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis with a dermal eosinophilic infiltrate and eosinophilic granules deposited onto collagen fibrils (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a vasculitis that can be either multisystem or limited to one organ. Classic PAN affects the small- to medium-sized vessels. When there is multisystem involvement, it most often affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys. It presents with subcutaneous or dermal nodules, necrotic lesions, livedo reticularis, hypertension, abdominal pain, and an acute abdomen.9 When PAN is in its limited form, it most commonly occurs in the skin. The cutaneous manifestations of skin-limited PAN are identical to classic PAN, most commonly occurring on the legs and arms and less often on the trunk, head, and neck.10 To aid in diagnosis, biopsies of cutaneous lesions are beneficial. Dermatopathologic examination of PAN reveals fibrinoid necrosis of small and medium vessels with a perivascular mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate (Figure 3). Cutaneous PAN rarely progresses to multisystem classic PAN and carries a more favorable prognosis.  

Figure 3. Polyarteritis nodosa. Fibrinoid necrosis of small and medium vessels with a perivascular mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Microvascular occlusion syndromes can result in clinical presentations that resemble LIV. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is a hematologic autoimmune condition resulting in destruction of platelets and subsequent thrombocytopenia. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura can be either primary or secondary to infections, drugs, malignancy, or other autoimmune conditions. Clinically, it presents as mucosal or cutaneous bleeding, epistaxis, hematochezia, or hematuria and can result in substantial hemorrhage. On the skin, it can appear as petechiae and ecchymoses in dependent areas and rarely hemorrhagic bullae of the skin and mucous membranes in cases of severe thrombocytopenia.11,12 Biopsies of these lesions will show notable extravasation of red blood cells with incipient hemorrhagic bullae formation (Figure 4). Recognition of hemorrhagic bullae as a presentation of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is critical to identifying severe underlying disease.  

Figure 4. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Dermal and epidermal extravasation of red blood cells with incipient hemorrhagic intraepidermal bullae (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Beyond other vasculitides and microvascular occlusion syndromes, vessel-invasive microorganisms can result in similar histopathologic and clinical presentations to LIV. Ecthyma gangrenosum (EG) is a septic vasculitis, often caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, usually affecting immunocompromised patients. Ecthyma gangrenosum presents with vesiculobullous lesions with erythematous violaceous borders that develop into hemorrhagic bullae with necrotic centers.13 Biopsy of EG will show vascular occlusion and basophilic granular material within or around vessels, suggestive of bacterial sepsis (Figure 5). The detection of an infectious agent on histopathology allows one to easily distinguish between EG and LIV.  

Figure 5. Ecthyma gangrenosum. Dilated and congested dermal blood vessels. Basophilic granular material is seen surrounding the vasculature with a slight mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate (H&E, original magnification ×400).

  1. Bajaj S, Hibler B, Rossi A. Painful violaceous purpura on a 44-year-old woman. Am J Med. 2016;129:E5-E7.
  2. Munoz-Vahos CH, Herrera-Uribe S, Arbelaez-Cortes A, et al. Clinical profile of levamisole-adulterated cocaine-induced vasculitis/vasculopathy. J Clin Rheumatol. 2019;25:E16-E26.
  3. Jacob RS, Silva CY, Powers JG, et al. Levamisole-induced vasculopathy: a report of 2 cases and a novel histopathologic finding. Am J Dermatopathol. 2012;34:208-213.
  4. Gillis JA, Green P, Williams J. Levamisole-induced vasculopathy: staging and management. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2014;67:E29-E31.
  5. Farhat EK, Muirhead TT, Chafins ML, et al. Levamisole-induced cutaneous necrosis mimicking coagulopathy. Arch Dermatol. 2010;146:1320-1321.
  6. Chung C, Tumeh PC, Birnbaum R, et al. Characteristic purpura of the ears, vasculitis, and neutropenia-a potential public health epidemic associated with levamisole-adulterated cocaine. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2010;65:722-725.
  7. Negbenebor NA, Khalifian S, Foreman RK, et al. A 92-year-old male with eosinophilic asthma presenting with recurrent palpable purpuric plaques. Dermatopathology (Basel). 2018;5:44-48.
  8. Sherman S, Gal N, Didkovsky E, et al. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss) relapsing as bullous eruption. Acta Derm Venereol. 2017;97:406-407.
  9. Braungart S, Campbell A, Besarovic S. Atypical Henoch-Schonlein purpura? consider polyarteritis nodosa! BMJ Case Rep. 2014. doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-201764
  10. Alquorain NAA, Aljabr ASH, Alghamdi NJ. Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa treated with pentoxifylline and clobetasol propionate: a case report. Saudi J Med Sci. 2018;6:104-107.
  11. Helms AE, Schaffer RI. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura with black oral mucosal lesions. Cutis. 2007;79:456-458.
  12. Lountzis N, Maroon M, Tyler W. Mucocutaneous hemorrhagic bullae in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2009;60:AB124.
  13. Llamas-Velasco M, Alegeria V, Santos-Briz A, et al. Occlusive nonvasculitic vasculopathy. Am J Dermatopathol. 2017;39:637-662.
Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Drs. Swink, Gupta, Asad, and Dorfman are from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Dr. Lountzis is from Advanced Dermatology Associates, LTD, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Shane M. Swink, DO, MS, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 ( 

cutis - 108(2)
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90, 97-98
Author and Disclosure Information

Drs. Swink, Gupta, Asad, and Dorfman are from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Dr. Lountzis is from Advanced Dermatology Associates, LTD, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Shane M. Swink, DO, MS, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 ( 

Author and Disclosure Information

Drs. Swink, Gupta, Asad, and Dorfman are from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Dr. Lountzis is from Advanced Dermatology Associates, LTD, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Shane M. Swink, DO, MS, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 ( 

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Related Articles

The Diagnosis: Levamisole-Induced Vasculopathy


Biopsy of one of the bullous retiform purpura on the leg (Figure 1) revealed a combined leukocytoclastic vasculitis and thrombotic vasculopathy (quiz images). Periodic acid-Schiff and Gram stains, with adequate controls, were negative for pathogenic fungal and bacterial organisms. Although this reaction pattern has an extensive differential, in this clinical setting with associated cocaine-positive urine toxicologic analysis, perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA), and leukopenia, the histopathologic findings were consistent with levamisole-induced vasculopathy (LIV).1,2 Although not specific, leukocytoclastic vasculitis and thrombotic vasculopathy have been reported as the classic histopathologic findings of LIV. In addition, interstitial and perivascular neovascularization have been reported as a potential histopathologic finding associated with this entity but was not seen in our case.3  

Figure 1. A and B, Edematous purpura of the earlobe and bullous retiform purpura on the leg.

Levamisole is an anthelminthic agent used to adulterate cocaine, a practice first noted in 2003 with increasing incidence.1 Both levamisole and cocaine stimulate the sympathetic nervous system by increasing dopamine in the euphoric areas of the brain.1,3 By combining the 2 substances, preparation costs are reduced and stimulant effects are enhanced. It is estimated that 69% to 80% of cocaine in the United States is contaminated with levamisole.2,4,5 The constellation of findings seen in patients abusing levamisole-contaminated cocaine include agranulocytosis; p-ANCA; and a tender, vasculitic, retiform purpura presentation. The most common sites for the purpura include the cheeks and ears. The purpura can progress to bullous lesions, as seen in our patient, followed by necrosis.4,6 Recurrent use of levamisole-contaminated cocaine is associated with recurrent agranulocytosis and classic skin findings, which is suggestive of a causal relationship.6  

Serologic testing for levamisole exposure presents a challenge. The half-life of levamisole is relatively short (estimated at 5.6 hours) and is found in urine samples approximately 3% of the time.1,3,6 The volatile diagnostic characteristics of levamisole make concrete laboratory confirmation difficult. Although a skin biopsy can be helpful to rule out other causes of vasculitislike presentations, it is not specific for LIV. Therefore, clinical suspicion for LIV should remain high in patients who present with the cutaneous findings described as well as agranulocytosis, positive p-ANCA, and a history of cocaine use with a skin biopsy showing leukocytoclastic vasculitis and thrombotic vasculopathy.  

The differential diagnosis for LIV with retiform bullous lesions includes several other vasculitides and vesiculobullous diseases. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a multisystem vasculitis that is characterized by eosinophilia, asthma, and rhinosinusitis. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis primarily affects small and medium arteries in the skin and respiratory tract and occurs in 3 stages: prodromal, eosinophilic, and vasculitic. These stages are characterized by mild asthma or rhinitis, eosinophilia with multiorgan infiltration, and vasculitis with extravascular granulomatosis, respectively. Diagnosis often is clinical based on these findings and laboratory evaluation. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis presents with positive p-ANCA in 40% to 60% of patients.7 The vasculitis stage of EGPA presents with cutaneous findings in 60% of cases, including palpable purpura, infiltrated papules and plaques, urticaria, necrotizing lesions, and rarely vesicles and bullae.8 Classic histopathologic features include leukocytoclastic or eosinophilic vasculitis, an eosinophilic infiltrate, granuloma formation, and eosinophilic granule deposition onto collagen fibrils (otherwise known as flame figures)(Figure 2). Biopsy of these lesions with the aforementioned findings, in constellation with the described systemic signs and symptoms, can aid in diagnosis of EGPA.  

Figure 2. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis with a dermal eosinophilic infiltrate and eosinophilic granules deposited onto collagen fibrils (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a vasculitis that can be either multisystem or limited to one organ. Classic PAN affects the small- to medium-sized vessels. When there is multisystem involvement, it most often affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys. It presents with subcutaneous or dermal nodules, necrotic lesions, livedo reticularis, hypertension, abdominal pain, and an acute abdomen.9 When PAN is in its limited form, it most commonly occurs in the skin. The cutaneous manifestations of skin-limited PAN are identical to classic PAN, most commonly occurring on the legs and arms and less often on the trunk, head, and neck.10 To aid in diagnosis, biopsies of cutaneous lesions are beneficial. Dermatopathologic examination of PAN reveals fibrinoid necrosis of small and medium vessels with a perivascular mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate (Figure 3). Cutaneous PAN rarely progresses to multisystem classic PAN and carries a more favorable prognosis.  

Figure 3. Polyarteritis nodosa. Fibrinoid necrosis of small and medium vessels with a perivascular mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Microvascular occlusion syndromes can result in clinical presentations that resemble LIV. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is a hematologic autoimmune condition resulting in destruction of platelets and subsequent thrombocytopenia. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura can be either primary or secondary to infections, drugs, malignancy, or other autoimmune conditions. Clinically, it presents as mucosal or cutaneous bleeding, epistaxis, hematochezia, or hematuria and can result in substantial hemorrhage. On the skin, it can appear as petechiae and ecchymoses in dependent areas and rarely hemorrhagic bullae of the skin and mucous membranes in cases of severe thrombocytopenia.11,12 Biopsies of these lesions will show notable extravasation of red blood cells with incipient hemorrhagic bullae formation (Figure 4). Recognition of hemorrhagic bullae as a presentation of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is critical to identifying severe underlying disease.  

Figure 4. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Dermal and epidermal extravasation of red blood cells with incipient hemorrhagic intraepidermal bullae (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Beyond other vasculitides and microvascular occlusion syndromes, vessel-invasive microorganisms can result in similar histopathologic and clinical presentations to LIV. Ecthyma gangrenosum (EG) is a septic vasculitis, often caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, usually affecting immunocompromised patients. Ecthyma gangrenosum presents with vesiculobullous lesions with erythematous violaceous borders that develop into hemorrhagic bullae with necrotic centers.13 Biopsy of EG will show vascular occlusion and basophilic granular material within or around vessels, suggestive of bacterial sepsis (Figure 5). The detection of an infectious agent on histopathology allows one to easily distinguish between EG and LIV.  

Figure 5. Ecthyma gangrenosum. Dilated and congested dermal blood vessels. Basophilic granular material is seen surrounding the vasculature with a slight mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate (H&E, original magnification ×400).

The Diagnosis: Levamisole-Induced Vasculopathy


Biopsy of one of the bullous retiform purpura on the leg (Figure 1) revealed a combined leukocytoclastic vasculitis and thrombotic vasculopathy (quiz images). Periodic acid-Schiff and Gram stains, with adequate controls, were negative for pathogenic fungal and bacterial organisms. Although this reaction pattern has an extensive differential, in this clinical setting with associated cocaine-positive urine toxicologic analysis, perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (p-ANCA), and leukopenia, the histopathologic findings were consistent with levamisole-induced vasculopathy (LIV).1,2 Although not specific, leukocytoclastic vasculitis and thrombotic vasculopathy have been reported as the classic histopathologic findings of LIV. In addition, interstitial and perivascular neovascularization have been reported as a potential histopathologic finding associated with this entity but was not seen in our case.3  

Figure 1. A and B, Edematous purpura of the earlobe and bullous retiform purpura on the leg.

Levamisole is an anthelminthic agent used to adulterate cocaine, a practice first noted in 2003 with increasing incidence.1 Both levamisole and cocaine stimulate the sympathetic nervous system by increasing dopamine in the euphoric areas of the brain.1,3 By combining the 2 substances, preparation costs are reduced and stimulant effects are enhanced. It is estimated that 69% to 80% of cocaine in the United States is contaminated with levamisole.2,4,5 The constellation of findings seen in patients abusing levamisole-contaminated cocaine include agranulocytosis; p-ANCA; and a tender, vasculitic, retiform purpura presentation. The most common sites for the purpura include the cheeks and ears. The purpura can progress to bullous lesions, as seen in our patient, followed by necrosis.4,6 Recurrent use of levamisole-contaminated cocaine is associated with recurrent agranulocytosis and classic skin findings, which is suggestive of a causal relationship.6  

Serologic testing for levamisole exposure presents a challenge. The half-life of levamisole is relatively short (estimated at 5.6 hours) and is found in urine samples approximately 3% of the time.1,3,6 The volatile diagnostic characteristics of levamisole make concrete laboratory confirmation difficult. Although a skin biopsy can be helpful to rule out other causes of vasculitislike presentations, it is not specific for LIV. Therefore, clinical suspicion for LIV should remain high in patients who present with the cutaneous findings described as well as agranulocytosis, positive p-ANCA, and a history of cocaine use with a skin biopsy showing leukocytoclastic vasculitis and thrombotic vasculopathy.  

The differential diagnosis for LIV with retiform bullous lesions includes several other vasculitides and vesiculobullous diseases. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a multisystem vasculitis that is characterized by eosinophilia, asthma, and rhinosinusitis. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis primarily affects small and medium arteries in the skin and respiratory tract and occurs in 3 stages: prodromal, eosinophilic, and vasculitic. These stages are characterized by mild asthma or rhinitis, eosinophilia with multiorgan infiltration, and vasculitis with extravascular granulomatosis, respectively. Diagnosis often is clinical based on these findings and laboratory evaluation. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis presents with positive p-ANCA in 40% to 60% of patients.7 The vasculitis stage of EGPA presents with cutaneous findings in 60% of cases, including palpable purpura, infiltrated papules and plaques, urticaria, necrotizing lesions, and rarely vesicles and bullae.8 Classic histopathologic features include leukocytoclastic or eosinophilic vasculitis, an eosinophilic infiltrate, granuloma formation, and eosinophilic granule deposition onto collagen fibrils (otherwise known as flame figures)(Figure 2). Biopsy of these lesions with the aforementioned findings, in constellation with the described systemic signs and symptoms, can aid in diagnosis of EGPA.  

Figure 2. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis with a dermal eosinophilic infiltrate and eosinophilic granules deposited onto collagen fibrils (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a vasculitis that can be either multisystem or limited to one organ. Classic PAN affects the small- to medium-sized vessels. When there is multisystem involvement, it most often affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys. It presents with subcutaneous or dermal nodules, necrotic lesions, livedo reticularis, hypertension, abdominal pain, and an acute abdomen.9 When PAN is in its limited form, it most commonly occurs in the skin. The cutaneous manifestations of skin-limited PAN are identical to classic PAN, most commonly occurring on the legs and arms and less often on the trunk, head, and neck.10 To aid in diagnosis, biopsies of cutaneous lesions are beneficial. Dermatopathologic examination of PAN reveals fibrinoid necrosis of small and medium vessels with a perivascular mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate (Figure 3). Cutaneous PAN rarely progresses to multisystem classic PAN and carries a more favorable prognosis.  

Figure 3. Polyarteritis nodosa. Fibrinoid necrosis of small and medium vessels with a perivascular mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Microvascular occlusion syndromes can result in clinical presentations that resemble LIV. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is a hematologic autoimmune condition resulting in destruction of platelets and subsequent thrombocytopenia. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura can be either primary or secondary to infections, drugs, malignancy, or other autoimmune conditions. Clinically, it presents as mucosal or cutaneous bleeding, epistaxis, hematochezia, or hematuria and can result in substantial hemorrhage. On the skin, it can appear as petechiae and ecchymoses in dependent areas and rarely hemorrhagic bullae of the skin and mucous membranes in cases of severe thrombocytopenia.11,12 Biopsies of these lesions will show notable extravasation of red blood cells with incipient hemorrhagic bullae formation (Figure 4). Recognition of hemorrhagic bullae as a presentation of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is critical to identifying severe underlying disease.  

Figure 4. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Dermal and epidermal extravasation of red blood cells with incipient hemorrhagic intraepidermal bullae (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Beyond other vasculitides and microvascular occlusion syndromes, vessel-invasive microorganisms can result in similar histopathologic and clinical presentations to LIV. Ecthyma gangrenosum (EG) is a septic vasculitis, often caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, usually affecting immunocompromised patients. Ecthyma gangrenosum presents with vesiculobullous lesions with erythematous violaceous borders that develop into hemorrhagic bullae with necrotic centers.13 Biopsy of EG will show vascular occlusion and basophilic granular material within or around vessels, suggestive of bacterial sepsis (Figure 5). The detection of an infectious agent on histopathology allows one to easily distinguish between EG and LIV.  

Figure 5. Ecthyma gangrenosum. Dilated and congested dermal blood vessels. Basophilic granular material is seen surrounding the vasculature with a slight mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate (H&E, original magnification ×400).

  1. Bajaj S, Hibler B, Rossi A. Painful violaceous purpura on a 44-year-old woman. Am J Med. 2016;129:E5-E7.
  2. Munoz-Vahos CH, Herrera-Uribe S, Arbelaez-Cortes A, et al. Clinical profile of levamisole-adulterated cocaine-induced vasculitis/vasculopathy. J Clin Rheumatol. 2019;25:E16-E26.
  3. Jacob RS, Silva CY, Powers JG, et al. Levamisole-induced vasculopathy: a report of 2 cases and a novel histopathologic finding. Am J Dermatopathol. 2012;34:208-213.
  4. Gillis JA, Green P, Williams J. Levamisole-induced vasculopathy: staging and management. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2014;67:E29-E31.
  5. Farhat EK, Muirhead TT, Chafins ML, et al. Levamisole-induced cutaneous necrosis mimicking coagulopathy. Arch Dermatol. 2010;146:1320-1321.
  6. Chung C, Tumeh PC, Birnbaum R, et al. Characteristic purpura of the ears, vasculitis, and neutropenia-a potential public health epidemic associated with levamisole-adulterated cocaine. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2010;65:722-725.
  7. Negbenebor NA, Khalifian S, Foreman RK, et al. A 92-year-old male with eosinophilic asthma presenting with recurrent palpable purpuric plaques. Dermatopathology (Basel). 2018;5:44-48.
  8. Sherman S, Gal N, Didkovsky E, et al. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss) relapsing as bullous eruption. Acta Derm Venereol. 2017;97:406-407.
  9. Braungart S, Campbell A, Besarovic S. Atypical Henoch-Schonlein purpura? consider polyarteritis nodosa! BMJ Case Rep. 2014. doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-201764
  10. Alquorain NAA, Aljabr ASH, Alghamdi NJ. Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa treated with pentoxifylline and clobetasol propionate: a case report. Saudi J Med Sci. 2018;6:104-107.
  11. Helms AE, Schaffer RI. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura with black oral mucosal lesions. Cutis. 2007;79:456-458.
  12. Lountzis N, Maroon M, Tyler W. Mucocutaneous hemorrhagic bullae in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2009;60:AB124.
  13. Llamas-Velasco M, Alegeria V, Santos-Briz A, et al. Occlusive nonvasculitic vasculopathy. Am J Dermatopathol. 2017;39:637-662.
  1. Bajaj S, Hibler B, Rossi A. Painful violaceous purpura on a 44-year-old woman. Am J Med. 2016;129:E5-E7.
  2. Munoz-Vahos CH, Herrera-Uribe S, Arbelaez-Cortes A, et al. Clinical profile of levamisole-adulterated cocaine-induced vasculitis/vasculopathy. J Clin Rheumatol. 2019;25:E16-E26.
  3. Jacob RS, Silva CY, Powers JG, et al. Levamisole-induced vasculopathy: a report of 2 cases and a novel histopathologic finding. Am J Dermatopathol. 2012;34:208-213.
  4. Gillis JA, Green P, Williams J. Levamisole-induced vasculopathy: staging and management. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2014;67:E29-E31.
  5. Farhat EK, Muirhead TT, Chafins ML, et al. Levamisole-induced cutaneous necrosis mimicking coagulopathy. Arch Dermatol. 2010;146:1320-1321.
  6. Chung C, Tumeh PC, Birnbaum R, et al. Characteristic purpura of the ears, vasculitis, and neutropenia-a potential public health epidemic associated with levamisole-adulterated cocaine. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2010;65:722-725.
  7. Negbenebor NA, Khalifian S, Foreman RK, et al. A 92-year-old male with eosinophilic asthma presenting with recurrent palpable purpuric plaques. Dermatopathology (Basel). 2018;5:44-48.
  8. Sherman S, Gal N, Didkovsky E, et al. Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss) relapsing as bullous eruption. Acta Derm Venereol. 2017;97:406-407.
  9. Braungart S, Campbell A, Besarovic S. Atypical Henoch-Schonlein purpura? consider polyarteritis nodosa! BMJ Case Rep. 2014. doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-201764
  10. Alquorain NAA, Aljabr ASH, Alghamdi NJ. Cutaneous polyarteritis nodosa treated with pentoxifylline and clobetasol propionate: a case report. Saudi J Med Sci. 2018;6:104-107.
  11. Helms AE, Schaffer RI. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura with black oral mucosal lesions. Cutis. 2007;79:456-458.
  12. Lountzis N, Maroon M, Tyler W. Mucocutaneous hemorrhagic bullae in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2009;60:AB124.
  13. Llamas-Velasco M, Alegeria V, Santos-Briz A, et al. Occlusive nonvasculitic vasculopathy. Am J Dermatopathol. 2017;39:637-662.
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cutis - 108(2)
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90, 97-98
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90, 97-98
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Questionnaire Body

H&E, original magnification ×100.

H&E, original magnification ×200.

A 40-year-old woman presented with a progressive painful rash on the ears and legs of 2 weeks’ duration. She described the rash as initially red and nonpainful; it started on the right leg and progressed to the left leg, eventually involving the earlobes 4 days prior to presentation. Physical examination revealed edematous purpura of the earlobes and bullous retiform purpura on the lower extremities. Laboratory studies revealed leukopenia (3.6×103 /cm2 [reference range, 4.0–10.5×103 /cm2 ]) and elevated antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (1:320 titer [reference range, <1:40]) in a perinuclear pattern (perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies). Urine toxicology screening was positive for cocaine and opiates. A punch biopsy of a bullous retiform purpura on the right thigh was obtained for standard hematoxylin and eosin staining.



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Exuberant Lymphomatoid Papulosis of the Head and Upper Trunk

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Tue, 05/25/2021 - 12:33


To the Editor:

Lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) is a chronic, recurring, self-healing, primary cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorder. This disease affects patients of all ages but most commonly presents in the fifth decade with a slight male predominance.1 The estimated worldwide incidence is 1.2 to 1.9 cases per 1,000,000 individuals, and the 10-year survival rate is close to 100%.1 Clinically, LyP presents as a few to more than 100 red-brown papules or nodules, some with hemorrhagic crust or central necrosis, often occurring in crops and in various stages of evolution. They most commonly are distributed on the trunk and extremities; however, the face, scalp, and oral mucosa rarely may be involved. Each lesion may last on average 3 to 8 weeks, with residual hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation of the skin or superficial varioliform scars. The clinical characteristic of spontaneous regression is crucial for distinguishing LyP from other forms of cutaneous lymphoma.2 The disease course is variable, lasting anywhere from a few months to decades. Histopathologically, LyP consists of a frequently CD30+ lymphocytic proliferation in multiple described patterns.1 We report a case of LyP in a patient who initially presented with pink edematous papules and vesicles that progressed to crusted ulcerations, nodules, and deep necrotic eschars on the scalp, neck, and upper trunk. Multiple biopsies and T-cell gene rearrangement studies were necessary to make the diagnosis.

A 73-year-old man presented with edematous crusted papules and nodules as well as scarring with serous drainage on the scalp and upper trunk of several months’ duration. He also reported pain and pruritus. He had a medical history of B-cell CD20 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) that was treated with fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, rituximab, and intravenous immunoglobulin approximately one year prior and currently was in remission; prostate cancer treated with prostatectomy; hypertension; and type 2 diabetes mellitus. His medications included metoprolol, valsartan, and glipizide.

Histopathology revealed a hypersensitivity reaction, and the clinicopathologic correlation was believed to represent an exuberant arthropod bite reaction in the setting of CLL. The eruption responded well to oral prednisone and topical corticosteroids but recurred when the medications were withdrawn. A repeat biopsy resulted in a diagnosis of atypical eosinophil-predominant Sweet syndrome. The condition resolved.

Three years later he developed multiple honey-crusted, superficial ulcers as well as serous, fluid-filled vesiculobullae on the head. A tissue culture revealed Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterococcus faecalis, and was negative for acid-fast bacteria and fungus. Biopsy of these lesions revealed dermal ulceration with a mixed inflammatory infiltrate and numerous eosinophils as well as a few clustered CD30+ cells; direct immunofluorescence was negative. An extensive laboratory workup including bullous pemphigoid antigens, C-reactive protein, antinuclear antibodies comprehensive profile, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, rheumatoid factor, anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, serum protein electrophoresis, lactate dehydrogenase, complete blood cell count with differential, complete metabolic profile, thyroid-stimulating hormone, uric acid, C3, C4, immunoglobulin profile, angiotensin-converting enzyme level, and urinalysis was unremarkable. He improved with courses of minocycline, prednisone, and topical clobetasol, but he had periodic and progressive flares over several months with punched-out crusted ulcerations developing on the scalp (Figure 1A) and neck (Figure 1B). The oral and ocular mucosae were uninvolved, but the nasal mucosa had some involvement.

Figure 1. Lymphomatoid papulosis. A, The patient’s scalp demonstrated punched-out crusted ulcerations. B, Multiple pink edematous papules and crusted ulcerations were noted on the neck.

A repeat biopsy demonstrated an atypical CD30+ lymphoid infiltrate favoring LyP. T-cell clonality performed on this specimen and the prior biopsy demonstrated identical T-cell receptor β and γ clones. CD3, CD5, CD7, and CD4 immunostains highlighted the perivascular, perifollicular, and folliculotropic lymphocytic infiltrate. CD8 highlighted occasional background small T cells with only a few folliculotropic forms. A CD30 study revealed several scattered enlarged lymphocytes, and CD20 displayed a few dispersed B cells. A repeat perilesional direct immunofluorescence study was again negative. With treatment, he later formed multiple dry punched-out ulcers with dark eschars on the scalp, posterior neck, and upper back. There were multiple scars on the head, chest, and back, and no vesicles or bullae were present (Figure 2). The patient was presented at a meeting of the Philadelphia Dermatological Society and a consensus diagnosis of LyP was reached. The patient has continued to improve with oral minocycline 100 mg twice daily, topical clobetasol, and topical mupirocin.

Figure 2. Lymphomatoid papulosis. A, Multiple dry, punched-out ulcers with dark eschars and scarring later formed on the scalp with treatment. B, Crusted ulcerations and scarring on the upper back.

Lymphomatoid papulosis is an indolent cutaneous lymphoma; however, it is associated with the potential development of a second hematologic malignancy, with some disagreement in the literature concerning the exact percentage.3 In some studies, lymphoma has been estimated to occur in less than 20% of cases.4,5 Wieser et al1 reported a retrospective analysis of 180 patients with LyP that revealed a secondary malignancy in 52% of patients. They also reported that the number of lesions and the symptom severity were not associated with lymphoma development.1 Similarly, Cordel et al6 reported a diagnosis of lymphoma in 41% of 106 patients. These analyses reveal that the association with lymphoma may be higher than previously thought, but referral bias may be a confounding factor in these numbers.1,5,6 Associated malignancies may occur prior to, concomitantly, or years after the diagnosis of LyP. The most frequently reported malignancies include mycosis fungoides, Hodgkin lymphoma, and primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma.1,4

Nicolaou et al3 indicated that head involvement was more likely associated with lymphoma. Our patient had a history of CLL prior to the development of LyP, and it continues to be in remission. The incidence of CLL in patients with LyP is reported to be 0.8%.4 Our patient had an exuberant case of LyP predominantly involving the head, neck, and upper torso, which is an unusual distribution. Vesiculobullous lesions also are uncharacteristic of LyP and may have represented concomitant bullous impetigo, but bullous variants of LyP also have been reported.7 Due to the unique distribution and characteristic scarring, Brunsting-Perry cicatricial pemphigoid also was considered in the clinical differential diagnosis.

The pathogenesis of LyP associated with malignancy is not definitively known. Theories propose that progression to a malignant clonal T-cell population may come from cytogenetic events, inadequate host response, or persistent antigenic or viral stimulation.4 Studies have demonstrated overlapping T-cell receptor gene rearrangement clones in lesions in patients with both LyP and mycosis fungoides, suggesting a common origin between the diseases.8 Other theories suggest that LyP may arise from an early, reactive, polyclonal lymphoid expansion that evolves into a clonal neoplastic process.4 Interestingly, LyP is a clonal T-cell disorder, while Hodgkin lymphoma and CLL are B-cell disorders. Thus, reports of CLL occurring with LyP, as in our patient, may support the theory that LyP arises from an early stem-cell or precursor-cell defect.4

There is no cure for LyP and data regarding the potential of aggressive therapy on the prevention of secondary lymphomas is lacking. Wieser et al1 reported that treatment did not prevent the progression to lymphoma in their retrospective analysis of 180 patients. The number of lesions, frequency of outbreaks, and extent of the scarring can dictate the treatment approach for LyP. Conservative topical therapies include corticosteroids, bexarotene, and imiquimod. Mupirocin may help to prevent infection of ulcerated lesions.1,2 Low-dose methotrexate has been shown to be the most efficacious treatment in reducing the number of lesions, particularly for scarring or cosmetically sensitive areas. Oral methotrexate at a dosage of 10 mg to 25 mg weekly tapered to the lowest effective dose may suppress outbreaks of LyP lesions.1,2 Other therapies include psoralen plus UVA, UVB, interferon alfa-2a, oral bexarotene, oral acyclovir or valacyclovir, etretinate, mycophenolic acid, photodynamic therapy, oral antibiotics, excision, and radiotherapy.1,2 Systemic chemotherapy and total-skin electron beam therapy have shown efficacy in clearing the lesions; however, the disease recurs after discontinuation of therapy.2 Systemic chemotherapy is not recommended for the treatment of LyP, as risks outweigh the benefits and it does not reduce the risk for developing lymphoma.1 The prognosis generally is good, though long-term follow-up is imperative to monitor for the development of other lymphomas.

Our patient presented with LyP a few months after completing chemotherapy for his CLL. It is unknown if he developed LyP just before the time of presentation, or if he may have developed it at the same time as his CLL by a common inciting event. In the latter case, it is speculative that the LyP may have been controlled by chemotherapy for his CLL, only to become clinically apparent after discontinuation, then naturally remit for a longer period. Case reports such as ours with unusual clinical presentations, B-cell lymphoma associations, and unique timing of lymphoma onset may help to provide insight into the pathogenesis of this disease.

We highlighted an unusual case of LyP that presented clinically with crusted ulcerations as well as vesiculobullous and edematous papules that progressed into deep punched-out ulcers with eschars, nodules, and scarring on the head and upper trunk. Lymphomatoid papulosis can be difficult to diagnose histopathologically at the early stages, and multiple repeat biopsies may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. T-cell gene rearrangement and immunohistochemistry studies are helpful along with clinical correlation to establish a diagnosis in these cases. We recommend that physicians keep LyP on the differential diagnosis for patients with similar clinical presentations and remain vigilant in monitoring for the development of secondary lymphoma.

  1. Wieser I, Oh C, Talpur R, et al. Lymphomatoid papulosis: treatment response and associated lymphomas in a study of 180 patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;74:59-67.
  2. Duvic M. CD30+ neoplasms of the skin. Curr Hematol Malig Rep. 2011;6:245-250.
  3. Nicolaou V, Papadavid E, Ekonomise A, et al. Association of clinicopathological characteristics with secondary neoplastic lymphoproliferative disorders in patients with lymphomatoid papulosis. Leuk Lymphoma. 2015;56:1303-1307.
  4. Ahn C, Orscheln C, Huang W. Lymphomatoid papulosis as a harbinger of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Ann Hematol. 2014;93:1923-1925.
  5. Kunishige J, McDonald H, Alvarez G, et al. Lymphomatoid papulosis and associated lymphomas: a retrospective case series of 84 patients. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2009;34:576-5781.
  6. Cordel N, Tressières B, D’Incan M, et al. Frequency and risk factors for associated lymphomas in patients with lymphomatoid papulosis. Oncologist. 2016;21:76-83.
  7. Sureda N, Thomas L, Bathelier E, et al. Bullous lymphomatoid papulosis. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2011;36:800-801.
  8. de la Garza Bravo M, Patel KP, Loghavi S, et al. Shared clonality in distinctive lesions of lymphomatoid papulosis and mycosis fungoides occurring in the same patients suggests a common origin. Hum Pathol. 2015;46:558-569.
Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Hemperly is from the Dermatology Residency Program, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. Lountzis and Purcell are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Stephen Hemperly, DO, Lehigh Valley Health Network, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Allentown, PA 18103 (

Cutis - 107(5)
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Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Hemperly is from the Dermatology Residency Program, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. Lountzis and Purcell are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Stephen Hemperly, DO, Lehigh Valley Health Network, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Allentown, PA 18103 (

Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Hemperly is from the Dermatology Residency Program, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. Lountzis and Purcell are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Stephen Hemperly, DO, Lehigh Valley Health Network, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Allentown, PA 18103 (

Article PDF
Article PDF


To the Editor:

Lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) is a chronic, recurring, self-healing, primary cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorder. This disease affects patients of all ages but most commonly presents in the fifth decade with a slight male predominance.1 The estimated worldwide incidence is 1.2 to 1.9 cases per 1,000,000 individuals, and the 10-year survival rate is close to 100%.1 Clinically, LyP presents as a few to more than 100 red-brown papules or nodules, some with hemorrhagic crust or central necrosis, often occurring in crops and in various stages of evolution. They most commonly are distributed on the trunk and extremities; however, the face, scalp, and oral mucosa rarely may be involved. Each lesion may last on average 3 to 8 weeks, with residual hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation of the skin or superficial varioliform scars. The clinical characteristic of spontaneous regression is crucial for distinguishing LyP from other forms of cutaneous lymphoma.2 The disease course is variable, lasting anywhere from a few months to decades. Histopathologically, LyP consists of a frequently CD30+ lymphocytic proliferation in multiple described patterns.1 We report a case of LyP in a patient who initially presented with pink edematous papules and vesicles that progressed to crusted ulcerations, nodules, and deep necrotic eschars on the scalp, neck, and upper trunk. Multiple biopsies and T-cell gene rearrangement studies were necessary to make the diagnosis.

A 73-year-old man presented with edematous crusted papules and nodules as well as scarring with serous drainage on the scalp and upper trunk of several months’ duration. He also reported pain and pruritus. He had a medical history of B-cell CD20 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) that was treated with fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, rituximab, and intravenous immunoglobulin approximately one year prior and currently was in remission; prostate cancer treated with prostatectomy; hypertension; and type 2 diabetes mellitus. His medications included metoprolol, valsartan, and glipizide.

Histopathology revealed a hypersensitivity reaction, and the clinicopathologic correlation was believed to represent an exuberant arthropod bite reaction in the setting of CLL. The eruption responded well to oral prednisone and topical corticosteroids but recurred when the medications were withdrawn. A repeat biopsy resulted in a diagnosis of atypical eosinophil-predominant Sweet syndrome. The condition resolved.

Three years later he developed multiple honey-crusted, superficial ulcers as well as serous, fluid-filled vesiculobullae on the head. A tissue culture revealed Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterococcus faecalis, and was negative for acid-fast bacteria and fungus. Biopsy of these lesions revealed dermal ulceration with a mixed inflammatory infiltrate and numerous eosinophils as well as a few clustered CD30+ cells; direct immunofluorescence was negative. An extensive laboratory workup including bullous pemphigoid antigens, C-reactive protein, antinuclear antibodies comprehensive profile, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, rheumatoid factor, anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, serum protein electrophoresis, lactate dehydrogenase, complete blood cell count with differential, complete metabolic profile, thyroid-stimulating hormone, uric acid, C3, C4, immunoglobulin profile, angiotensin-converting enzyme level, and urinalysis was unremarkable. He improved with courses of minocycline, prednisone, and topical clobetasol, but he had periodic and progressive flares over several months with punched-out crusted ulcerations developing on the scalp (Figure 1A) and neck (Figure 1B). The oral and ocular mucosae were uninvolved, but the nasal mucosa had some involvement.

Figure 1. Lymphomatoid papulosis. A, The patient’s scalp demonstrated punched-out crusted ulcerations. B, Multiple pink edematous papules and crusted ulcerations were noted on the neck.

A repeat biopsy demonstrated an atypical CD30+ lymphoid infiltrate favoring LyP. T-cell clonality performed on this specimen and the prior biopsy demonstrated identical T-cell receptor β and γ clones. CD3, CD5, CD7, and CD4 immunostains highlighted the perivascular, perifollicular, and folliculotropic lymphocytic infiltrate. CD8 highlighted occasional background small T cells with only a few folliculotropic forms. A CD30 study revealed several scattered enlarged lymphocytes, and CD20 displayed a few dispersed B cells. A repeat perilesional direct immunofluorescence study was again negative. With treatment, he later formed multiple dry punched-out ulcers with dark eschars on the scalp, posterior neck, and upper back. There were multiple scars on the head, chest, and back, and no vesicles or bullae were present (Figure 2). The patient was presented at a meeting of the Philadelphia Dermatological Society and a consensus diagnosis of LyP was reached. The patient has continued to improve with oral minocycline 100 mg twice daily, topical clobetasol, and topical mupirocin.

Figure 2. Lymphomatoid papulosis. A, Multiple dry, punched-out ulcers with dark eschars and scarring later formed on the scalp with treatment. B, Crusted ulcerations and scarring on the upper back.

Lymphomatoid papulosis is an indolent cutaneous lymphoma; however, it is associated with the potential development of a second hematologic malignancy, with some disagreement in the literature concerning the exact percentage.3 In some studies, lymphoma has been estimated to occur in less than 20% of cases.4,5 Wieser et al1 reported a retrospective analysis of 180 patients with LyP that revealed a secondary malignancy in 52% of patients. They also reported that the number of lesions and the symptom severity were not associated with lymphoma development.1 Similarly, Cordel et al6 reported a diagnosis of lymphoma in 41% of 106 patients. These analyses reveal that the association with lymphoma may be higher than previously thought, but referral bias may be a confounding factor in these numbers.1,5,6 Associated malignancies may occur prior to, concomitantly, or years after the diagnosis of LyP. The most frequently reported malignancies include mycosis fungoides, Hodgkin lymphoma, and primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma.1,4

Nicolaou et al3 indicated that head involvement was more likely associated with lymphoma. Our patient had a history of CLL prior to the development of LyP, and it continues to be in remission. The incidence of CLL in patients with LyP is reported to be 0.8%.4 Our patient had an exuberant case of LyP predominantly involving the head, neck, and upper torso, which is an unusual distribution. Vesiculobullous lesions also are uncharacteristic of LyP and may have represented concomitant bullous impetigo, but bullous variants of LyP also have been reported.7 Due to the unique distribution and characteristic scarring, Brunsting-Perry cicatricial pemphigoid also was considered in the clinical differential diagnosis.

The pathogenesis of LyP associated with malignancy is not definitively known. Theories propose that progression to a malignant clonal T-cell population may come from cytogenetic events, inadequate host response, or persistent antigenic or viral stimulation.4 Studies have demonstrated overlapping T-cell receptor gene rearrangement clones in lesions in patients with both LyP and mycosis fungoides, suggesting a common origin between the diseases.8 Other theories suggest that LyP may arise from an early, reactive, polyclonal lymphoid expansion that evolves into a clonal neoplastic process.4 Interestingly, LyP is a clonal T-cell disorder, while Hodgkin lymphoma and CLL are B-cell disorders. Thus, reports of CLL occurring with LyP, as in our patient, may support the theory that LyP arises from an early stem-cell or precursor-cell defect.4

There is no cure for LyP and data regarding the potential of aggressive therapy on the prevention of secondary lymphomas is lacking. Wieser et al1 reported that treatment did not prevent the progression to lymphoma in their retrospective analysis of 180 patients. The number of lesions, frequency of outbreaks, and extent of the scarring can dictate the treatment approach for LyP. Conservative topical therapies include corticosteroids, bexarotene, and imiquimod. Mupirocin may help to prevent infection of ulcerated lesions.1,2 Low-dose methotrexate has been shown to be the most efficacious treatment in reducing the number of lesions, particularly for scarring or cosmetically sensitive areas. Oral methotrexate at a dosage of 10 mg to 25 mg weekly tapered to the lowest effective dose may suppress outbreaks of LyP lesions.1,2 Other therapies include psoralen plus UVA, UVB, interferon alfa-2a, oral bexarotene, oral acyclovir or valacyclovir, etretinate, mycophenolic acid, photodynamic therapy, oral antibiotics, excision, and radiotherapy.1,2 Systemic chemotherapy and total-skin electron beam therapy have shown efficacy in clearing the lesions; however, the disease recurs after discontinuation of therapy.2 Systemic chemotherapy is not recommended for the treatment of LyP, as risks outweigh the benefits and it does not reduce the risk for developing lymphoma.1 The prognosis generally is good, though long-term follow-up is imperative to monitor for the development of other lymphomas.

Our patient presented with LyP a few months after completing chemotherapy for his CLL. It is unknown if he developed LyP just before the time of presentation, or if he may have developed it at the same time as his CLL by a common inciting event. In the latter case, it is speculative that the LyP may have been controlled by chemotherapy for his CLL, only to become clinically apparent after discontinuation, then naturally remit for a longer period. Case reports such as ours with unusual clinical presentations, B-cell lymphoma associations, and unique timing of lymphoma onset may help to provide insight into the pathogenesis of this disease.

We highlighted an unusual case of LyP that presented clinically with crusted ulcerations as well as vesiculobullous and edematous papules that progressed into deep punched-out ulcers with eschars, nodules, and scarring on the head and upper trunk. Lymphomatoid papulosis can be difficult to diagnose histopathologically at the early stages, and multiple repeat biopsies may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. T-cell gene rearrangement and immunohistochemistry studies are helpful along with clinical correlation to establish a diagnosis in these cases. We recommend that physicians keep LyP on the differential diagnosis for patients with similar clinical presentations and remain vigilant in monitoring for the development of secondary lymphoma.


To the Editor:

Lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) is a chronic, recurring, self-healing, primary cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorder. This disease affects patients of all ages but most commonly presents in the fifth decade with a slight male predominance.1 The estimated worldwide incidence is 1.2 to 1.9 cases per 1,000,000 individuals, and the 10-year survival rate is close to 100%.1 Clinically, LyP presents as a few to more than 100 red-brown papules or nodules, some with hemorrhagic crust or central necrosis, often occurring in crops and in various stages of evolution. They most commonly are distributed on the trunk and extremities; however, the face, scalp, and oral mucosa rarely may be involved. Each lesion may last on average 3 to 8 weeks, with residual hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation of the skin or superficial varioliform scars. The clinical characteristic of spontaneous regression is crucial for distinguishing LyP from other forms of cutaneous lymphoma.2 The disease course is variable, lasting anywhere from a few months to decades. Histopathologically, LyP consists of a frequently CD30+ lymphocytic proliferation in multiple described patterns.1 We report a case of LyP in a patient who initially presented with pink edematous papules and vesicles that progressed to crusted ulcerations, nodules, and deep necrotic eschars on the scalp, neck, and upper trunk. Multiple biopsies and T-cell gene rearrangement studies were necessary to make the diagnosis.

A 73-year-old man presented with edematous crusted papules and nodules as well as scarring with serous drainage on the scalp and upper trunk of several months’ duration. He also reported pain and pruritus. He had a medical history of B-cell CD20 chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) that was treated with fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, rituximab, and intravenous immunoglobulin approximately one year prior and currently was in remission; prostate cancer treated with prostatectomy; hypertension; and type 2 diabetes mellitus. His medications included metoprolol, valsartan, and glipizide.

Histopathology revealed a hypersensitivity reaction, and the clinicopathologic correlation was believed to represent an exuberant arthropod bite reaction in the setting of CLL. The eruption responded well to oral prednisone and topical corticosteroids but recurred when the medications were withdrawn. A repeat biopsy resulted in a diagnosis of atypical eosinophil-predominant Sweet syndrome. The condition resolved.

Three years later he developed multiple honey-crusted, superficial ulcers as well as serous, fluid-filled vesiculobullae on the head. A tissue culture revealed Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Enterococcus faecalis, and was negative for acid-fast bacteria and fungus. Biopsy of these lesions revealed dermal ulceration with a mixed inflammatory infiltrate and numerous eosinophils as well as a few clustered CD30+ cells; direct immunofluorescence was negative. An extensive laboratory workup including bullous pemphigoid antigens, C-reactive protein, antinuclear antibodies comprehensive profile, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, rheumatoid factor, anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, serum protein electrophoresis, lactate dehydrogenase, complete blood cell count with differential, complete metabolic profile, thyroid-stimulating hormone, uric acid, C3, C4, immunoglobulin profile, angiotensin-converting enzyme level, and urinalysis was unremarkable. He improved with courses of minocycline, prednisone, and topical clobetasol, but he had periodic and progressive flares over several months with punched-out crusted ulcerations developing on the scalp (Figure 1A) and neck (Figure 1B). The oral and ocular mucosae were uninvolved, but the nasal mucosa had some involvement.

Figure 1. Lymphomatoid papulosis. A, The patient’s scalp demonstrated punched-out crusted ulcerations. B, Multiple pink edematous papules and crusted ulcerations were noted on the neck.

A repeat biopsy demonstrated an atypical CD30+ lymphoid infiltrate favoring LyP. T-cell clonality performed on this specimen and the prior biopsy demonstrated identical T-cell receptor β and γ clones. CD3, CD5, CD7, and CD4 immunostains highlighted the perivascular, perifollicular, and folliculotropic lymphocytic infiltrate. CD8 highlighted occasional background small T cells with only a few folliculotropic forms. A CD30 study revealed several scattered enlarged lymphocytes, and CD20 displayed a few dispersed B cells. A repeat perilesional direct immunofluorescence study was again negative. With treatment, he later formed multiple dry punched-out ulcers with dark eschars on the scalp, posterior neck, and upper back. There were multiple scars on the head, chest, and back, and no vesicles or bullae were present (Figure 2). The patient was presented at a meeting of the Philadelphia Dermatological Society and a consensus diagnosis of LyP was reached. The patient has continued to improve with oral minocycline 100 mg twice daily, topical clobetasol, and topical mupirocin.

Figure 2. Lymphomatoid papulosis. A, Multiple dry, punched-out ulcers with dark eschars and scarring later formed on the scalp with treatment. B, Crusted ulcerations and scarring on the upper back.

Lymphomatoid papulosis is an indolent cutaneous lymphoma; however, it is associated with the potential development of a second hematologic malignancy, with some disagreement in the literature concerning the exact percentage.3 In some studies, lymphoma has been estimated to occur in less than 20% of cases.4,5 Wieser et al1 reported a retrospective analysis of 180 patients with LyP that revealed a secondary malignancy in 52% of patients. They also reported that the number of lesions and the symptom severity were not associated with lymphoma development.1 Similarly, Cordel et al6 reported a diagnosis of lymphoma in 41% of 106 patients. These analyses reveal that the association with lymphoma may be higher than previously thought, but referral bias may be a confounding factor in these numbers.1,5,6 Associated malignancies may occur prior to, concomitantly, or years after the diagnosis of LyP. The most frequently reported malignancies include mycosis fungoides, Hodgkin lymphoma, and primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma.1,4

Nicolaou et al3 indicated that head involvement was more likely associated with lymphoma. Our patient had a history of CLL prior to the development of LyP, and it continues to be in remission. The incidence of CLL in patients with LyP is reported to be 0.8%.4 Our patient had an exuberant case of LyP predominantly involving the head, neck, and upper torso, which is an unusual distribution. Vesiculobullous lesions also are uncharacteristic of LyP and may have represented concomitant bullous impetigo, but bullous variants of LyP also have been reported.7 Due to the unique distribution and characteristic scarring, Brunsting-Perry cicatricial pemphigoid also was considered in the clinical differential diagnosis.

The pathogenesis of LyP associated with malignancy is not definitively known. Theories propose that progression to a malignant clonal T-cell population may come from cytogenetic events, inadequate host response, or persistent antigenic or viral stimulation.4 Studies have demonstrated overlapping T-cell receptor gene rearrangement clones in lesions in patients with both LyP and mycosis fungoides, suggesting a common origin between the diseases.8 Other theories suggest that LyP may arise from an early, reactive, polyclonal lymphoid expansion that evolves into a clonal neoplastic process.4 Interestingly, LyP is a clonal T-cell disorder, while Hodgkin lymphoma and CLL are B-cell disorders. Thus, reports of CLL occurring with LyP, as in our patient, may support the theory that LyP arises from an early stem-cell or precursor-cell defect.4

There is no cure for LyP and data regarding the potential of aggressive therapy on the prevention of secondary lymphomas is lacking. Wieser et al1 reported that treatment did not prevent the progression to lymphoma in their retrospective analysis of 180 patients. The number of lesions, frequency of outbreaks, and extent of the scarring can dictate the treatment approach for LyP. Conservative topical therapies include corticosteroids, bexarotene, and imiquimod. Mupirocin may help to prevent infection of ulcerated lesions.1,2 Low-dose methotrexate has been shown to be the most efficacious treatment in reducing the number of lesions, particularly for scarring or cosmetically sensitive areas. Oral methotrexate at a dosage of 10 mg to 25 mg weekly tapered to the lowest effective dose may suppress outbreaks of LyP lesions.1,2 Other therapies include psoralen plus UVA, UVB, interferon alfa-2a, oral bexarotene, oral acyclovir or valacyclovir, etretinate, mycophenolic acid, photodynamic therapy, oral antibiotics, excision, and radiotherapy.1,2 Systemic chemotherapy and total-skin electron beam therapy have shown efficacy in clearing the lesions; however, the disease recurs after discontinuation of therapy.2 Systemic chemotherapy is not recommended for the treatment of LyP, as risks outweigh the benefits and it does not reduce the risk for developing lymphoma.1 The prognosis generally is good, though long-term follow-up is imperative to monitor for the development of other lymphomas.

Our patient presented with LyP a few months after completing chemotherapy for his CLL. It is unknown if he developed LyP just before the time of presentation, or if he may have developed it at the same time as his CLL by a common inciting event. In the latter case, it is speculative that the LyP may have been controlled by chemotherapy for his CLL, only to become clinically apparent after discontinuation, then naturally remit for a longer period. Case reports such as ours with unusual clinical presentations, B-cell lymphoma associations, and unique timing of lymphoma onset may help to provide insight into the pathogenesis of this disease.

We highlighted an unusual case of LyP that presented clinically with crusted ulcerations as well as vesiculobullous and edematous papules that progressed into deep punched-out ulcers with eschars, nodules, and scarring on the head and upper trunk. Lymphomatoid papulosis can be difficult to diagnose histopathologically at the early stages, and multiple repeat biopsies may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. T-cell gene rearrangement and immunohistochemistry studies are helpful along with clinical correlation to establish a diagnosis in these cases. We recommend that physicians keep LyP on the differential diagnosis for patients with similar clinical presentations and remain vigilant in monitoring for the development of secondary lymphoma.

  1. Wieser I, Oh C, Talpur R, et al. Lymphomatoid papulosis: treatment response and associated lymphomas in a study of 180 patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;74:59-67.
  2. Duvic M. CD30+ neoplasms of the skin. Curr Hematol Malig Rep. 2011;6:245-250.
  3. Nicolaou V, Papadavid E, Ekonomise A, et al. Association of clinicopathological characteristics with secondary neoplastic lymphoproliferative disorders in patients with lymphomatoid papulosis. Leuk Lymphoma. 2015;56:1303-1307.
  4. Ahn C, Orscheln C, Huang W. Lymphomatoid papulosis as a harbinger of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Ann Hematol. 2014;93:1923-1925.
  5. Kunishige J, McDonald H, Alvarez G, et al. Lymphomatoid papulosis and associated lymphomas: a retrospective case series of 84 patients. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2009;34:576-5781.
  6. Cordel N, Tressières B, D’Incan M, et al. Frequency and risk factors for associated lymphomas in patients with lymphomatoid papulosis. Oncologist. 2016;21:76-83.
  7. Sureda N, Thomas L, Bathelier E, et al. Bullous lymphomatoid papulosis. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2011;36:800-801.
  8. de la Garza Bravo M, Patel KP, Loghavi S, et al. Shared clonality in distinctive lesions of lymphomatoid papulosis and mycosis fungoides occurring in the same patients suggests a common origin. Hum Pathol. 2015;46:558-569.
  1. Wieser I, Oh C, Talpur R, et al. Lymphomatoid papulosis: treatment response and associated lymphomas in a study of 180 patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;74:59-67.
  2. Duvic M. CD30+ neoplasms of the skin. Curr Hematol Malig Rep. 2011;6:245-250.
  3. Nicolaou V, Papadavid E, Ekonomise A, et al. Association of clinicopathological characteristics with secondary neoplastic lymphoproliferative disorders in patients with lymphomatoid papulosis. Leuk Lymphoma. 2015;56:1303-1307.
  4. Ahn C, Orscheln C, Huang W. Lymphomatoid papulosis as a harbinger of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Ann Hematol. 2014;93:1923-1925.
  5. Kunishige J, McDonald H, Alvarez G, et al. Lymphomatoid papulosis and associated lymphomas: a retrospective case series of 84 patients. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2009;34:576-5781.
  6. Cordel N, Tressières B, D’Incan M, et al. Frequency and risk factors for associated lymphomas in patients with lymphomatoid papulosis. Oncologist. 2016;21:76-83.
  7. Sureda N, Thomas L, Bathelier E, et al. Bullous lymphomatoid papulosis. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2011;36:800-801.
  8. de la Garza Bravo M, Patel KP, Loghavi S, et al. Shared clonality in distinctive lesions of lymphomatoid papulosis and mycosis fungoides occurring in the same patients suggests a common origin. Hum Pathol. 2015;46:558-569.
Cutis - 107(5)
Cutis - 107(5)
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Inside the Article

Practice Points

  • Lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) is a chronic, recurring, self-healing, primary cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by red-brown papules or nodules, some with hemorrhagic crust or central necrosis, often occurring in crops and in various stages of evolution.
  • Histopathologically, LyP consists of a frequently CD30Mathematical Pi LT Std+ lymphocytic proliferation in multiple described patterns.
  • Lymphomatoid papulosis is an indolent cutaneous lymphoma; however, it is associated with the potential development of a second hematologic malignancy.
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Scalp Arteriovenous Fistula With Intracranial Communication

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Fri, 11/20/2020 - 22:42

To the Editor:

A 71-year-old man presented with a nodule on the vertex of the scalp of 1 year’s duration. The lesion had become soft and tender during the week prior to presentation. He noted that he was experiencing headaches and a buzzing sound in his head. He denied all other neurologic symptoms. The patient was given amoxicillin from a primary care physician and was referred to our institution for evaluation of a presumed inflamed cyst.

The patient’s medical history included an intracranial arteriovenous fistula (AVF) treated with endovascular embolization 1 year prior to presentation, 2 substantial falls in childhood with head trauma and loss of consciousness, essential hypertension, and an aortic aneurysm. His medications included amlodipine, lisinopril, amoxicillin, a multivitamin, and grape seed extract.

Physical examination revealed a 2-cm, pink, somewhat rubbery, subcutaneous, nonmobile nodule on the vertex of the scalp (Figure 1). The lesion was not consistent with a common pilar cyst, and an excisional biopsy was performed to exclude malignancy. Upon superficial incision, the lesion bled moderately, and the procedure was immediately discontinued. Hemostasis was obtained, and the patient was sent for ultrasonography of the lesion.

Figure 1. An arteriovenous fistula on the vertex of the scalp several weeks after the lesion was superficially incised for a biopsy.

Ultrasonography demonstrated a small hypoechoic nodule measuring up to 0.5 cm containing a tangle of vessels in the subcutaneous soft tissue corresponding to the palpable abnormality. A cerebral angiogram demonstrated a dural AVF of the superior sagittal sinus with multifocal supply that connected with this scalp nodule (Figure 2). The patient was treated by interventional neuroradiology with endovascular embolization, which resulted in complete resolution of the scalp nodule.

Figure 2. Cerebral angiogram demonstrated a dural arteriovenous fistula of the superior sagittal sinus with multifocal supply that connected with this scalp nodule.

Scalp arteriovenous fistulas (S-AVFs) are characterized by abnormal connections between supplying arteries and draining veins in the subcutaneous plane of the scalp.1,2 The veins of an S-AVF undergo progressive aneurysmal dilatation from abnormal hemodynamics.1-3 Scalp arteriovenous fistulas are rare and may present as either an innocuous-looking scalp nodule or a progressively enlarging pulsatile mass on the scalp.2-4 Associated symptoms often include headache, local pain, bruits, tinnitus, and thrill.1,3,4 Recurrent hemorrhage, scalp necrosis, congestive heart failure, epilepsy, mental retardation, and intracranial ischemia also may occur.4

Scalp AVFs may occur with or without intracranial communication.4 Spontaneous S-AVFs with intracranial communication are uncommon, and their etiology is unclear. They may form as congenital malformations or may be idiopathic. Factors increasing circulation through the S-AVF such as trauma, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and inflammation prompt the development of symptoms.4 Scalp AVFs also may be caused by trauma.3 Scalp AVFs without intracranial communication have been reported following hair transplantation.1 Scalp AVFs with intracranial communication have been reported months to years after skull fracture or craniotomy.2 True spontaneous S-AVFs are difficult to differentiate from traumatic S-AVFs other than by history alone.2

Increased venous pressure has been shown to generate AVFs in rats.5 It has been suggested that S-AVFs can become enlarged by capturing subcutaneous or intracranial feeder vessels and that the consequent hemodynamic stress may induce de novo aneurysms in S-AVFs. Additionally, intracranial AVFs may alter the intracranial hemodynamics, leading to increased venous pressure in the superior sagittal sinus and the formation of communicating S-AVFs.5 Interestingly, our patient had an intracranial AVF treated with endovascular embolization 1 year prior to the formation of the S-AVF. An angiogram at the time of this embolization procedure did not demonstrate any S-AVFs. Furthermore, our patient has a history of 2 substantial falls in childhood with head trauma and loss of consciousness. Perhaps these traumas initiated a channel through the cranium where an S-AVF with intracranial communication was able to form and may have only become clinically or radiographically detectable once it enlarged due to the altered hemodynamics caused by the intracranial AVF 1 year prior.

The diagnosis of an S-AVF is confirmed with imaging studies. Doppler ultrasonography initially will help to detect that a lesion is vascular in nature. Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography is the gold-standard imaging technique and is necessary to delineate the feeding arteries and the draining channels as well as possible communication with intracranial vasculature.1,2 There is controversy regarding the appropriate treatment of S-AVFs.2 Each S-AVF possesses unique anatomic features that dictate appropriate management. The prognosis for an S-AVF is extremely variable, and the decision to treat is based on the patient’s symptoms and risk for exsanguinating hemorrhage.2,4 Neurosurgical approaches include ligation of the feeding arteries, surgical resection, electrothrombosis, direct intralesional injection of sclerosing agents, and endovascular embolization. Endovascular intervention increasingly is utilized as a primary treatment or as a preoperative adjunct to surgery.2,4 Large S-AVFs have a high risk for recurrence after treatment with endovascular embolization alone. In cases with intracranial communication, the intracranial component is treated first.2

This case emphasizes the importance of including S-AVFs on the dermatologic differential diagnosis of a scalp nodule, especially in patients with any history of intracranial AVF. A thorough history, detailed intake of potential signs and symptoms of AVF, and palpation for bruits is recommended as part of the surgical evaluation of a scalp nodule. Imaging of scalp nodules also should be considered for patients with any history of intracranial AVF; S-AVFs should be referred to neurosurgery or interventional neuroradiology for evaluation and possible treatment.

  1. Bernstein J, Podnos S, Leavitt M. Arteriovenous fistula following hair transplantation. Dermatol Surg. 2011;37:873-875.
  2. Kumar R, Sharma G, Sharma BS. Management of scalp arterio-venous malformation: case series and review of literature. Br J Neurosurg. 2012;26:371-377.
  3. Gurkanlar D, Gonul M, Solmaz I, et al. Cirsoid aneurysms of the scalp. Neurosurg Rev. 2006;29:208-212.
  4. Senoglu M, Yasim A, Gokce M, et al. Nontraumatic scalp arteriovenous fistula in an adult: technical report on an illustrative case. Surg Neurol. 2008;70:194-197.
  5. Lanzino G, Passacantilli E, Lemole G, et al. Scalp arteriovenous malformation draining into the superior sagittal sinus associated with an intracranial arteriovenous malformation: just a coincidence? case report. Neurosurgery. 2003;52:440-443.
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Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Hemperly is from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. McClain, Lountzis, and Purcell are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Stephen Hemperly, DO, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Dermatology Residency Program, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Allentown, PA 18103 (

Cutis - 106(5)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Hemperly is from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. McClain, Lountzis, and Purcell are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Stephen Hemperly, DO, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Dermatology Residency Program, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Allentown, PA 18103 (

Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Hemperly is from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. McClain, Lountzis, and Purcell are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Stephen Hemperly, DO, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Dermatology Residency Program, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Allentown, PA 18103 (

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To the Editor:

A 71-year-old man presented with a nodule on the vertex of the scalp of 1 year’s duration. The lesion had become soft and tender during the week prior to presentation. He noted that he was experiencing headaches and a buzzing sound in his head. He denied all other neurologic symptoms. The patient was given amoxicillin from a primary care physician and was referred to our institution for evaluation of a presumed inflamed cyst.

The patient’s medical history included an intracranial arteriovenous fistula (AVF) treated with endovascular embolization 1 year prior to presentation, 2 substantial falls in childhood with head trauma and loss of consciousness, essential hypertension, and an aortic aneurysm. His medications included amlodipine, lisinopril, amoxicillin, a multivitamin, and grape seed extract.

Physical examination revealed a 2-cm, pink, somewhat rubbery, subcutaneous, nonmobile nodule on the vertex of the scalp (Figure 1). The lesion was not consistent with a common pilar cyst, and an excisional biopsy was performed to exclude malignancy. Upon superficial incision, the lesion bled moderately, and the procedure was immediately discontinued. Hemostasis was obtained, and the patient was sent for ultrasonography of the lesion.

Figure 1. An arteriovenous fistula on the vertex of the scalp several weeks after the lesion was superficially incised for a biopsy.

Ultrasonography demonstrated a small hypoechoic nodule measuring up to 0.5 cm containing a tangle of vessels in the subcutaneous soft tissue corresponding to the palpable abnormality. A cerebral angiogram demonstrated a dural AVF of the superior sagittal sinus with multifocal supply that connected with this scalp nodule (Figure 2). The patient was treated by interventional neuroradiology with endovascular embolization, which resulted in complete resolution of the scalp nodule.

Figure 2. Cerebral angiogram demonstrated a dural arteriovenous fistula of the superior sagittal sinus with multifocal supply that connected with this scalp nodule.

Scalp arteriovenous fistulas (S-AVFs) are characterized by abnormal connections between supplying arteries and draining veins in the subcutaneous plane of the scalp.1,2 The veins of an S-AVF undergo progressive aneurysmal dilatation from abnormal hemodynamics.1-3 Scalp arteriovenous fistulas are rare and may present as either an innocuous-looking scalp nodule or a progressively enlarging pulsatile mass on the scalp.2-4 Associated symptoms often include headache, local pain, bruits, tinnitus, and thrill.1,3,4 Recurrent hemorrhage, scalp necrosis, congestive heart failure, epilepsy, mental retardation, and intracranial ischemia also may occur.4

Scalp AVFs may occur with or without intracranial communication.4 Spontaneous S-AVFs with intracranial communication are uncommon, and their etiology is unclear. They may form as congenital malformations or may be idiopathic. Factors increasing circulation through the S-AVF such as trauma, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and inflammation prompt the development of symptoms.4 Scalp AVFs also may be caused by trauma.3 Scalp AVFs without intracranial communication have been reported following hair transplantation.1 Scalp AVFs with intracranial communication have been reported months to years after skull fracture or craniotomy.2 True spontaneous S-AVFs are difficult to differentiate from traumatic S-AVFs other than by history alone.2

Increased venous pressure has been shown to generate AVFs in rats.5 It has been suggested that S-AVFs can become enlarged by capturing subcutaneous or intracranial feeder vessels and that the consequent hemodynamic stress may induce de novo aneurysms in S-AVFs. Additionally, intracranial AVFs may alter the intracranial hemodynamics, leading to increased venous pressure in the superior sagittal sinus and the formation of communicating S-AVFs.5 Interestingly, our patient had an intracranial AVF treated with endovascular embolization 1 year prior to the formation of the S-AVF. An angiogram at the time of this embolization procedure did not demonstrate any S-AVFs. Furthermore, our patient has a history of 2 substantial falls in childhood with head trauma and loss of consciousness. Perhaps these traumas initiated a channel through the cranium where an S-AVF with intracranial communication was able to form and may have only become clinically or radiographically detectable once it enlarged due to the altered hemodynamics caused by the intracranial AVF 1 year prior.

The diagnosis of an S-AVF is confirmed with imaging studies. Doppler ultrasonography initially will help to detect that a lesion is vascular in nature. Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography is the gold-standard imaging technique and is necessary to delineate the feeding arteries and the draining channels as well as possible communication with intracranial vasculature.1,2 There is controversy regarding the appropriate treatment of S-AVFs.2 Each S-AVF possesses unique anatomic features that dictate appropriate management. The prognosis for an S-AVF is extremely variable, and the decision to treat is based on the patient’s symptoms and risk for exsanguinating hemorrhage.2,4 Neurosurgical approaches include ligation of the feeding arteries, surgical resection, electrothrombosis, direct intralesional injection of sclerosing agents, and endovascular embolization. Endovascular intervention increasingly is utilized as a primary treatment or as a preoperative adjunct to surgery.2,4 Large S-AVFs have a high risk for recurrence after treatment with endovascular embolization alone. In cases with intracranial communication, the intracranial component is treated first.2

This case emphasizes the importance of including S-AVFs on the dermatologic differential diagnosis of a scalp nodule, especially in patients with any history of intracranial AVF. A thorough history, detailed intake of potential signs and symptoms of AVF, and palpation for bruits is recommended as part of the surgical evaluation of a scalp nodule. Imaging of scalp nodules also should be considered for patients with any history of intracranial AVF; S-AVFs should be referred to neurosurgery or interventional neuroradiology for evaluation and possible treatment.

To the Editor:

A 71-year-old man presented with a nodule on the vertex of the scalp of 1 year’s duration. The lesion had become soft and tender during the week prior to presentation. He noted that he was experiencing headaches and a buzzing sound in his head. He denied all other neurologic symptoms. The patient was given amoxicillin from a primary care physician and was referred to our institution for evaluation of a presumed inflamed cyst.

The patient’s medical history included an intracranial arteriovenous fistula (AVF) treated with endovascular embolization 1 year prior to presentation, 2 substantial falls in childhood with head trauma and loss of consciousness, essential hypertension, and an aortic aneurysm. His medications included amlodipine, lisinopril, amoxicillin, a multivitamin, and grape seed extract.

Physical examination revealed a 2-cm, pink, somewhat rubbery, subcutaneous, nonmobile nodule on the vertex of the scalp (Figure 1). The lesion was not consistent with a common pilar cyst, and an excisional biopsy was performed to exclude malignancy. Upon superficial incision, the lesion bled moderately, and the procedure was immediately discontinued. Hemostasis was obtained, and the patient was sent for ultrasonography of the lesion.

Figure 1. An arteriovenous fistula on the vertex of the scalp several weeks after the lesion was superficially incised for a biopsy.

Ultrasonography demonstrated a small hypoechoic nodule measuring up to 0.5 cm containing a tangle of vessels in the subcutaneous soft tissue corresponding to the palpable abnormality. A cerebral angiogram demonstrated a dural AVF of the superior sagittal sinus with multifocal supply that connected with this scalp nodule (Figure 2). The patient was treated by interventional neuroradiology with endovascular embolization, which resulted in complete resolution of the scalp nodule.

Figure 2. Cerebral angiogram demonstrated a dural arteriovenous fistula of the superior sagittal sinus with multifocal supply that connected with this scalp nodule.

Scalp arteriovenous fistulas (S-AVFs) are characterized by abnormal connections between supplying arteries and draining veins in the subcutaneous plane of the scalp.1,2 The veins of an S-AVF undergo progressive aneurysmal dilatation from abnormal hemodynamics.1-3 Scalp arteriovenous fistulas are rare and may present as either an innocuous-looking scalp nodule or a progressively enlarging pulsatile mass on the scalp.2-4 Associated symptoms often include headache, local pain, bruits, tinnitus, and thrill.1,3,4 Recurrent hemorrhage, scalp necrosis, congestive heart failure, epilepsy, mental retardation, and intracranial ischemia also may occur.4

Scalp AVFs may occur with or without intracranial communication.4 Spontaneous S-AVFs with intracranial communication are uncommon, and their etiology is unclear. They may form as congenital malformations or may be idiopathic. Factors increasing circulation through the S-AVF such as trauma, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and inflammation prompt the development of symptoms.4 Scalp AVFs also may be caused by trauma.3 Scalp AVFs without intracranial communication have been reported following hair transplantation.1 Scalp AVFs with intracranial communication have been reported months to years after skull fracture or craniotomy.2 True spontaneous S-AVFs are difficult to differentiate from traumatic S-AVFs other than by history alone.2

Increased venous pressure has been shown to generate AVFs in rats.5 It has been suggested that S-AVFs can become enlarged by capturing subcutaneous or intracranial feeder vessels and that the consequent hemodynamic stress may induce de novo aneurysms in S-AVFs. Additionally, intracranial AVFs may alter the intracranial hemodynamics, leading to increased venous pressure in the superior sagittal sinus and the formation of communicating S-AVFs.5 Interestingly, our patient had an intracranial AVF treated with endovascular embolization 1 year prior to the formation of the S-AVF. An angiogram at the time of this embolization procedure did not demonstrate any S-AVFs. Furthermore, our patient has a history of 2 substantial falls in childhood with head trauma and loss of consciousness. Perhaps these traumas initiated a channel through the cranium where an S-AVF with intracranial communication was able to form and may have only become clinically or radiographically detectable once it enlarged due to the altered hemodynamics caused by the intracranial AVF 1 year prior.

The diagnosis of an S-AVF is confirmed with imaging studies. Doppler ultrasonography initially will help to detect that a lesion is vascular in nature. Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography is the gold-standard imaging technique and is necessary to delineate the feeding arteries and the draining channels as well as possible communication with intracranial vasculature.1,2 There is controversy regarding the appropriate treatment of S-AVFs.2 Each S-AVF possesses unique anatomic features that dictate appropriate management. The prognosis for an S-AVF is extremely variable, and the decision to treat is based on the patient’s symptoms and risk for exsanguinating hemorrhage.2,4 Neurosurgical approaches include ligation of the feeding arteries, surgical resection, electrothrombosis, direct intralesional injection of sclerosing agents, and endovascular embolization. Endovascular intervention increasingly is utilized as a primary treatment or as a preoperative adjunct to surgery.2,4 Large S-AVFs have a high risk for recurrence after treatment with endovascular embolization alone. In cases with intracranial communication, the intracranial component is treated first.2

This case emphasizes the importance of including S-AVFs on the dermatologic differential diagnosis of a scalp nodule, especially in patients with any history of intracranial AVF. A thorough history, detailed intake of potential signs and symptoms of AVF, and palpation for bruits is recommended as part of the surgical evaluation of a scalp nodule. Imaging of scalp nodules also should be considered for patients with any history of intracranial AVF; S-AVFs should be referred to neurosurgery or interventional neuroradiology for evaluation and possible treatment.

  1. Bernstein J, Podnos S, Leavitt M. Arteriovenous fistula following hair transplantation. Dermatol Surg. 2011;37:873-875.
  2. Kumar R, Sharma G, Sharma BS. Management of scalp arterio-venous malformation: case series and review of literature. Br J Neurosurg. 2012;26:371-377.
  3. Gurkanlar D, Gonul M, Solmaz I, et al. Cirsoid aneurysms of the scalp. Neurosurg Rev. 2006;29:208-212.
  4. Senoglu M, Yasim A, Gokce M, et al. Nontraumatic scalp arteriovenous fistula in an adult: technical report on an illustrative case. Surg Neurol. 2008;70:194-197.
  5. Lanzino G, Passacantilli E, Lemole G, et al. Scalp arteriovenous malformation draining into the superior sagittal sinus associated with an intracranial arteriovenous malformation: just a coincidence? case report. Neurosurgery. 2003;52:440-443.
  1. Bernstein J, Podnos S, Leavitt M. Arteriovenous fistula following hair transplantation. Dermatol Surg. 2011;37:873-875.
  2. Kumar R, Sharma G, Sharma BS. Management of scalp arterio-venous malformation: case series and review of literature. Br J Neurosurg. 2012;26:371-377.
  3. Gurkanlar D, Gonul M, Solmaz I, et al. Cirsoid aneurysms of the scalp. Neurosurg Rev. 2006;29:208-212.
  4. Senoglu M, Yasim A, Gokce M, et al. Nontraumatic scalp arteriovenous fistula in an adult: technical report on an illustrative case. Surg Neurol. 2008;70:194-197.
  5. Lanzino G, Passacantilli E, Lemole G, et al. Scalp arteriovenous malformation draining into the superior sagittal sinus associated with an intracranial arteriovenous malformation: just a coincidence? case report. Neurosurgery. 2003;52:440-443.
Cutis - 106(5)
Cutis - 106(5)
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Inside the Article

Practice Points

  • Scalp arteriovenous fistulas may be traumatic or spontaneous and present as either an innocuous-looking scalp nodule or as a progressively enlarging pulsatile mass on the scalp.
  • Clinical detection followed by appropriate imaging and referral to neurosurgery or interventional neuroradiology is vital to patient safety.
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Ill-Defined Macule on the Abdomen

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Thu, 07/18/2019 - 11:31
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Ill-Defined Macule on the Abdomen

The Diagnosis: Microvenular Hemangioma  

Microvenular hemangioma is an acquired benign vascular neoplasm that was described by Hunt et al1 in 1991, though Bantel et al2 reported a similar entity termed micropapillary angioma in 1989. Microvenular hemangioma typically presents as a solitary, slowly enlarging, red to violaceous, asymptomatic papule, plaque, or nodule measuring 5 to 20 mm in diameter. It usually is located on the trunk, arms, or legs of young adults without any gender predilection. Microvenular hemangioma is rare.3 The etiology has not been elucidated, though a relationship with hormonal factors such as pregnancy or hormonal contraceptives has been described.2  

Histopathologically, microvenular hemangioma has a characteristic morphology. It is comprised of a well-circumscribed collection of thin-walled blood vessels with narrow lumens (quiz image).4 The blood vessels tend to infiltrate the superficial and deep dermis and are surrounded by a collagenous or desmoplastic stroma. The endothelial cells are normal in size without atypia, mitotic figures, or pleomorphism. A mild lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate sometimes is present. Microvenular hemangioma expresses many vascular markers confirming its endothelial origin, including CD34, CD31, WT1, factor VIII-related antigen, and von Willebrand factor.3 Moreover, WT1 staining suggests the lesion is a vascular proliferative growth, as it usually is negative in vascular malformations due to errors of endothelial development.5 In addition, it lacks expression of podoplanin (D2-40), which also supports a vascular as opposed to a lymphatic origin.4  

Cutaneous angiosarcoma is a rare and highly aggressive malignant neoplasm of the vascular endothelium with a predilection for the skin and superficial soft tissue. Clinical presentation is variable, as it can arise sporadically, commonly on the scalp and face of elderly patients, in areas of chronic radiation therapy, or in association with chronic lymphedema (Stewart-Treves syndrome).6 Sporadic neoplasms appear clinically as purpuric macules, plaques, or nodules and are more common in elderly men than women. They are aggressive tumors that tend to recur and metastasize despite aggressive therapy and therefore carry a poor prognosis.7 Histopathologically, well-differentiated tumors are characterized by irregular dissecting vessels lined with crowded inconspicuous endothelial cells (Figure 1). Cutaneous angiosarcoma is poorly circumscribed with marked cytologic atypia, and the vessels can take on a sinusoidal growth pattern.

Figure 1. Cutaneous angiosarcoma. Dermal proliferation of irregular dissecting vessels lined with crowded inconspicuous endothelial cells (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a virally induced lymphoangioproliferative disease, with human herpesvirus 8 as the implicated agent. There are 4 principal clinical variants of KS: epidemic or AIDS-associated KS, endemic or African KS, KS due to iatrogenic immunosuppression, and Mediterranean or classic KS.9 Cutaneous lesions vary from pink patches to dark purple plaques or nodules that commonly occur on the lower legs10; however, the clinical appearance of KS varies depending on the clinical variant and stage. Histopathologically, early lesions of KS exhibit a superficial dermal proliferation of small angulated and jagged vessels that tend to separate into collagen bundles and are surrounded by a lymphoplasmacytic perivascular infiltrate. These native vascular structures often are surrounded by more ectatic neoplastic channels with plump endothelial cells, known as the promontory sign (Figure 2).11 With more advanced lesions, the proliferation of slitlike vessels becomes more cellular and extends deeper into the dermis and subcutis. Although the histopathologic features vary with the stage of the lesion, they do not notably vary between clinical subtypes. 

Figure 2. Kaposi sarcoma. Angulated and jagged vessels surrounded by a lymphoplasmacytic perivascular infiltrate and ectatic neoplastic channels, known as the promontory sign (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma, also known as hobnail hemangioma, is a small, benign, vascular tumor that usually affects the trunk, arms, and legs in young to middle-aged adults without a gender predilection. Clinically, it appears as a small, solitary, red to purple papule or macule that typically is surrounded by a pale thin area and a peripheral ecchymotic ring, creating a targetoid appearance, thus the term targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma.12 Histopathologically, there is a prominent dermal vascular proliferation. In the papillary dermis, there are dilated superficial vessels lined with a single layer of endothelial cells characterized by a plump, hobnail-like appearance that protrude into the lumen (Figure 3). In the deeper dermis, the vascular spaces are angulated and slitlike and appear to dissect through collagen bundles. Hemosiderin, thrombi, extravasated erythrocytes, and a lymphocytic infiltrate also are often seen.13  

Figure 3. Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma. Dilated superficial vessels lined by plump, hobnail-like endothelial cells that protrude into the lumen (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Tufted angioma is a rare benign vascular lesion that usually presents as an acquired lesion in children and young adults, though it may be congenital. It is commonly localized to the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Clinically, the lesions appear as red to purple patches and plaques that typically are located on the neck or trunk. More than 50% of cases present during the first year of life and slowly spread to involve large areas before stabilizing in size.14 Partial spontaneous regression may occur, but complete regression is rare.15 Lesions usually are asymptomatic but may be painful during periods of platelet trapping (Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon), which may develop in congenital cases. Tufted angioma is named for its characteristic histopathologic appearance, which consists of multiple discrete lobules or tufts of tightly packed capillaries in a cannonball-like appearance throughout the dermis and subcutis (Figure 4).14,15  

Figure 4. Tufted angioma. Discrete lobules or tufts of tightly packed capillaries in a cannonball-like appearance throughout the dermis (H&E, original magnification ×200 [inset, original magnification ×40]).

  1. Hunt SJ, Santa Cruz DJ, Barr RJ. Microvenular hemangioma. J Cutan Pathol. 1991;18:235-240.  
  2. Bantel E, Grosshans E, Ortonne JP. Understanding microcapillary angioma, observations in pregnant patients and in females treated with hormonal contraceptives [in German]. Z Hautkr. 1989;64:1071-1074. 
  3. Mansur AT, Demirci GT, Ozbal Koc E, et al. An unusual lesion on the nose: microvenular hemangioma. Dermatol Pract Concept. 2018;8:7-11. 
  4. Napekoski KM, Fernandez AP, Billings SD. Microvenular hemangioma: a clinicopathologic review of 13 cases. J Cutan Pathol. 2014;41:816-822. 
  5. Trinidade F, Tellechea O, Torrelo A, et al. Wilms tumor 1 expression in vascular neoplasms and vascular malformations. Am J Dermatopathol. 2011;33:569-572.  
  6. Shustef E, Kazlouskaya V, Prieto VG, et al. Cutaneous angiosarcoma: a current update. J Clin Pathol. 2017;70:917-925. 
  7. Morgan M, Swann M, Somach S, et al. Cutaneous angiosarcoma: a case series with prognostic correlation. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004;50:867-874. 
  8. Shon W, Billings SD. Cutaneous malignant vascular neoplasms. Clin Lab Med. 2017;37:633-646. 
  9. Régnier-Rosencher E, Guillot B, Dupin N. Treatments for classic Kaposi sarcoma: a systematic review of the literature. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013;68:313-331.  
  10. Tappero JW, Conant MA, Wolfe SF, et al. Kaposi's sarcoma: epidemiology, pathogenesis, histology, clinical spectrum, staging criteria and therapy. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1993;28:371-395.  
  11. Grayson W, Pantanowitz L. Histological variants of cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma. Diagn Pathol. 2008;3:31. 
  12. Mentzel T, Partanen TA, Kutzner H. Hobnail hemangioma ("targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma"): clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis of 62 cases. J Cutan Pathol. 1999;26:279-286. 
  13. Morales-Callaghan AM, Martinez-Garcia G, Aragoneses-Fraile H, et al. Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma: clinical and dermoscopical findings. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2007;21:267-269. 
  14. Kamath GH, Bhat RM, Kumar S. Tufted angioma. Int J Dermatol. 2005;44:1045-1047. 
  15. Prasuna A, Rao P. A tufted angioma. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2015;6:266-268. 
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Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Dorfman is from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. Lountzis and Ermolovich are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, LTD, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Claire O. Dorfman, DO, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 (

Cutis - 104(1)
Page Number
53, 68-69
Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Dorfman is from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. Lountzis and Ermolovich are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, LTD, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Claire O. Dorfman, DO, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 (

Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Dorfman is from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. Lountzis and Ermolovich are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, LTD, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Claire O. Dorfman, DO, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 (

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Related Articles

The Diagnosis: Microvenular Hemangioma  

Microvenular hemangioma is an acquired benign vascular neoplasm that was described by Hunt et al1 in 1991, though Bantel et al2 reported a similar entity termed micropapillary angioma in 1989. Microvenular hemangioma typically presents as a solitary, slowly enlarging, red to violaceous, asymptomatic papule, plaque, or nodule measuring 5 to 20 mm in diameter. It usually is located on the trunk, arms, or legs of young adults without any gender predilection. Microvenular hemangioma is rare.3 The etiology has not been elucidated, though a relationship with hormonal factors such as pregnancy or hormonal contraceptives has been described.2  

Histopathologically, microvenular hemangioma has a characteristic morphology. It is comprised of a well-circumscribed collection of thin-walled blood vessels with narrow lumens (quiz image).4 The blood vessels tend to infiltrate the superficial and deep dermis and are surrounded by a collagenous or desmoplastic stroma. The endothelial cells are normal in size without atypia, mitotic figures, or pleomorphism. A mild lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate sometimes is present. Microvenular hemangioma expresses many vascular markers confirming its endothelial origin, including CD34, CD31, WT1, factor VIII-related antigen, and von Willebrand factor.3 Moreover, WT1 staining suggests the lesion is a vascular proliferative growth, as it usually is negative in vascular malformations due to errors of endothelial development.5 In addition, it lacks expression of podoplanin (D2-40), which also supports a vascular as opposed to a lymphatic origin.4  

Cutaneous angiosarcoma is a rare and highly aggressive malignant neoplasm of the vascular endothelium with a predilection for the skin and superficial soft tissue. Clinical presentation is variable, as it can arise sporadically, commonly on the scalp and face of elderly patients, in areas of chronic radiation therapy, or in association with chronic lymphedema (Stewart-Treves syndrome).6 Sporadic neoplasms appear clinically as purpuric macules, plaques, or nodules and are more common in elderly men than women. They are aggressive tumors that tend to recur and metastasize despite aggressive therapy and therefore carry a poor prognosis.7 Histopathologically, well-differentiated tumors are characterized by irregular dissecting vessels lined with crowded inconspicuous endothelial cells (Figure 1). Cutaneous angiosarcoma is poorly circumscribed with marked cytologic atypia, and the vessels can take on a sinusoidal growth pattern.

Figure 1. Cutaneous angiosarcoma. Dermal proliferation of irregular dissecting vessels lined with crowded inconspicuous endothelial cells (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a virally induced lymphoangioproliferative disease, with human herpesvirus 8 as the implicated agent. There are 4 principal clinical variants of KS: epidemic or AIDS-associated KS, endemic or African KS, KS due to iatrogenic immunosuppression, and Mediterranean or classic KS.9 Cutaneous lesions vary from pink patches to dark purple plaques or nodules that commonly occur on the lower legs10; however, the clinical appearance of KS varies depending on the clinical variant and stage. Histopathologically, early lesions of KS exhibit a superficial dermal proliferation of small angulated and jagged vessels that tend to separate into collagen bundles and are surrounded by a lymphoplasmacytic perivascular infiltrate. These native vascular structures often are surrounded by more ectatic neoplastic channels with plump endothelial cells, known as the promontory sign (Figure 2).11 With more advanced lesions, the proliferation of slitlike vessels becomes more cellular and extends deeper into the dermis and subcutis. Although the histopathologic features vary with the stage of the lesion, they do not notably vary between clinical subtypes. 

Figure 2. Kaposi sarcoma. Angulated and jagged vessels surrounded by a lymphoplasmacytic perivascular infiltrate and ectatic neoplastic channels, known as the promontory sign (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma, also known as hobnail hemangioma, is a small, benign, vascular tumor that usually affects the trunk, arms, and legs in young to middle-aged adults without a gender predilection. Clinically, it appears as a small, solitary, red to purple papule or macule that typically is surrounded by a pale thin area and a peripheral ecchymotic ring, creating a targetoid appearance, thus the term targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma.12 Histopathologically, there is a prominent dermal vascular proliferation. In the papillary dermis, there are dilated superficial vessels lined with a single layer of endothelial cells characterized by a plump, hobnail-like appearance that protrude into the lumen (Figure 3). In the deeper dermis, the vascular spaces are angulated and slitlike and appear to dissect through collagen bundles. Hemosiderin, thrombi, extravasated erythrocytes, and a lymphocytic infiltrate also are often seen.13  

Figure 3. Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma. Dilated superficial vessels lined by plump, hobnail-like endothelial cells that protrude into the lumen (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Tufted angioma is a rare benign vascular lesion that usually presents as an acquired lesion in children and young adults, though it may be congenital. It is commonly localized to the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Clinically, the lesions appear as red to purple patches and plaques that typically are located on the neck or trunk. More than 50% of cases present during the first year of life and slowly spread to involve large areas before stabilizing in size.14 Partial spontaneous regression may occur, but complete regression is rare.15 Lesions usually are asymptomatic but may be painful during periods of platelet trapping (Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon), which may develop in congenital cases. Tufted angioma is named for its characteristic histopathologic appearance, which consists of multiple discrete lobules or tufts of tightly packed capillaries in a cannonball-like appearance throughout the dermis and subcutis (Figure 4).14,15  

Figure 4. Tufted angioma. Discrete lobules or tufts of tightly packed capillaries in a cannonball-like appearance throughout the dermis (H&E, original magnification ×200 [inset, original magnification ×40]).

The Diagnosis: Microvenular Hemangioma  

Microvenular hemangioma is an acquired benign vascular neoplasm that was described by Hunt et al1 in 1991, though Bantel et al2 reported a similar entity termed micropapillary angioma in 1989. Microvenular hemangioma typically presents as a solitary, slowly enlarging, red to violaceous, asymptomatic papule, plaque, or nodule measuring 5 to 20 mm in diameter. It usually is located on the trunk, arms, or legs of young adults without any gender predilection. Microvenular hemangioma is rare.3 The etiology has not been elucidated, though a relationship with hormonal factors such as pregnancy or hormonal contraceptives has been described.2  

Histopathologically, microvenular hemangioma has a characteristic morphology. It is comprised of a well-circumscribed collection of thin-walled blood vessels with narrow lumens (quiz image).4 The blood vessels tend to infiltrate the superficial and deep dermis and are surrounded by a collagenous or desmoplastic stroma. The endothelial cells are normal in size without atypia, mitotic figures, or pleomorphism. A mild lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate sometimes is present. Microvenular hemangioma expresses many vascular markers confirming its endothelial origin, including CD34, CD31, WT1, factor VIII-related antigen, and von Willebrand factor.3 Moreover, WT1 staining suggests the lesion is a vascular proliferative growth, as it usually is negative in vascular malformations due to errors of endothelial development.5 In addition, it lacks expression of podoplanin (D2-40), which also supports a vascular as opposed to a lymphatic origin.4  

Cutaneous angiosarcoma is a rare and highly aggressive malignant neoplasm of the vascular endothelium with a predilection for the skin and superficial soft tissue. Clinical presentation is variable, as it can arise sporadically, commonly on the scalp and face of elderly patients, in areas of chronic radiation therapy, or in association with chronic lymphedema (Stewart-Treves syndrome).6 Sporadic neoplasms appear clinically as purpuric macules, plaques, or nodules and are more common in elderly men than women. They are aggressive tumors that tend to recur and metastasize despite aggressive therapy and therefore carry a poor prognosis.7 Histopathologically, well-differentiated tumors are characterized by irregular dissecting vessels lined with crowded inconspicuous endothelial cells (Figure 1). Cutaneous angiosarcoma is poorly circumscribed with marked cytologic atypia, and the vessels can take on a sinusoidal growth pattern.

Figure 1. Cutaneous angiosarcoma. Dermal proliferation of irregular dissecting vessels lined with crowded inconspicuous endothelial cells (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is a virally induced lymphoangioproliferative disease, with human herpesvirus 8 as the implicated agent. There are 4 principal clinical variants of KS: epidemic or AIDS-associated KS, endemic or African KS, KS due to iatrogenic immunosuppression, and Mediterranean or classic KS.9 Cutaneous lesions vary from pink patches to dark purple plaques or nodules that commonly occur on the lower legs10; however, the clinical appearance of KS varies depending on the clinical variant and stage. Histopathologically, early lesions of KS exhibit a superficial dermal proliferation of small angulated and jagged vessels that tend to separate into collagen bundles and are surrounded by a lymphoplasmacytic perivascular infiltrate. These native vascular structures often are surrounded by more ectatic neoplastic channels with plump endothelial cells, known as the promontory sign (Figure 2).11 With more advanced lesions, the proliferation of slitlike vessels becomes more cellular and extends deeper into the dermis and subcutis. Although the histopathologic features vary with the stage of the lesion, they do not notably vary between clinical subtypes. 

Figure 2. Kaposi sarcoma. Angulated and jagged vessels surrounded by a lymphoplasmacytic perivascular infiltrate and ectatic neoplastic channels, known as the promontory sign (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma, also known as hobnail hemangioma, is a small, benign, vascular tumor that usually affects the trunk, arms, and legs in young to middle-aged adults without a gender predilection. Clinically, it appears as a small, solitary, red to purple papule or macule that typically is surrounded by a pale thin area and a peripheral ecchymotic ring, creating a targetoid appearance, thus the term targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma.12 Histopathologically, there is a prominent dermal vascular proliferation. In the papillary dermis, there are dilated superficial vessels lined with a single layer of endothelial cells characterized by a plump, hobnail-like appearance that protrude into the lumen (Figure 3). In the deeper dermis, the vascular spaces are angulated and slitlike and appear to dissect through collagen bundles. Hemosiderin, thrombi, extravasated erythrocytes, and a lymphocytic infiltrate also are often seen.13  

Figure 3. Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma. Dilated superficial vessels lined by plump, hobnail-like endothelial cells that protrude into the lumen (H&E, original magnification ×200).

Tufted angioma is a rare benign vascular lesion that usually presents as an acquired lesion in children and young adults, though it may be congenital. It is commonly localized to the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Clinically, the lesions appear as red to purple patches and plaques that typically are located on the neck or trunk. More than 50% of cases present during the first year of life and slowly spread to involve large areas before stabilizing in size.14 Partial spontaneous regression may occur, but complete regression is rare.15 Lesions usually are asymptomatic but may be painful during periods of platelet trapping (Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon), which may develop in congenital cases. Tufted angioma is named for its characteristic histopathologic appearance, which consists of multiple discrete lobules or tufts of tightly packed capillaries in a cannonball-like appearance throughout the dermis and subcutis (Figure 4).14,15  

Figure 4. Tufted angioma. Discrete lobules or tufts of tightly packed capillaries in a cannonball-like appearance throughout the dermis (H&E, original magnification ×200 [inset, original magnification ×40]).

  1. Hunt SJ, Santa Cruz DJ, Barr RJ. Microvenular hemangioma. J Cutan Pathol. 1991;18:235-240.  
  2. Bantel E, Grosshans E, Ortonne JP. Understanding microcapillary angioma, observations in pregnant patients and in females treated with hormonal contraceptives [in German]. Z Hautkr. 1989;64:1071-1074. 
  3. Mansur AT, Demirci GT, Ozbal Koc E, et al. An unusual lesion on the nose: microvenular hemangioma. Dermatol Pract Concept. 2018;8:7-11. 
  4. Napekoski KM, Fernandez AP, Billings SD. Microvenular hemangioma: a clinicopathologic review of 13 cases. J Cutan Pathol. 2014;41:816-822. 
  5. Trinidade F, Tellechea O, Torrelo A, et al. Wilms tumor 1 expression in vascular neoplasms and vascular malformations. Am J Dermatopathol. 2011;33:569-572.  
  6. Shustef E, Kazlouskaya V, Prieto VG, et al. Cutaneous angiosarcoma: a current update. J Clin Pathol. 2017;70:917-925. 
  7. Morgan M, Swann M, Somach S, et al. Cutaneous angiosarcoma: a case series with prognostic correlation. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004;50:867-874. 
  8. Shon W, Billings SD. Cutaneous malignant vascular neoplasms. Clin Lab Med. 2017;37:633-646. 
  9. Régnier-Rosencher E, Guillot B, Dupin N. Treatments for classic Kaposi sarcoma: a systematic review of the literature. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013;68:313-331.  
  10. Tappero JW, Conant MA, Wolfe SF, et al. Kaposi's sarcoma: epidemiology, pathogenesis, histology, clinical spectrum, staging criteria and therapy. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1993;28:371-395.  
  11. Grayson W, Pantanowitz L. Histological variants of cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma. Diagn Pathol. 2008;3:31. 
  12. Mentzel T, Partanen TA, Kutzner H. Hobnail hemangioma ("targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma"): clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis of 62 cases. J Cutan Pathol. 1999;26:279-286. 
  13. Morales-Callaghan AM, Martinez-Garcia G, Aragoneses-Fraile H, et al. Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma: clinical and dermoscopical findings. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2007;21:267-269. 
  14. Kamath GH, Bhat RM, Kumar S. Tufted angioma. Int J Dermatol. 2005;44:1045-1047. 
  15. Prasuna A, Rao P. A tufted angioma. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2015;6:266-268. 
  1. Hunt SJ, Santa Cruz DJ, Barr RJ. Microvenular hemangioma. J Cutan Pathol. 1991;18:235-240.  
  2. Bantel E, Grosshans E, Ortonne JP. Understanding microcapillary angioma, observations in pregnant patients and in females treated with hormonal contraceptives [in German]. Z Hautkr. 1989;64:1071-1074. 
  3. Mansur AT, Demirci GT, Ozbal Koc E, et al. An unusual lesion on the nose: microvenular hemangioma. Dermatol Pract Concept. 2018;8:7-11. 
  4. Napekoski KM, Fernandez AP, Billings SD. Microvenular hemangioma: a clinicopathologic review of 13 cases. J Cutan Pathol. 2014;41:816-822. 
  5. Trinidade F, Tellechea O, Torrelo A, et al. Wilms tumor 1 expression in vascular neoplasms and vascular malformations. Am J Dermatopathol. 2011;33:569-572.  
  6. Shustef E, Kazlouskaya V, Prieto VG, et al. Cutaneous angiosarcoma: a current update. J Clin Pathol. 2017;70:917-925. 
  7. Morgan M, Swann M, Somach S, et al. Cutaneous angiosarcoma: a case series with prognostic correlation. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004;50:867-874. 
  8. Shon W, Billings SD. Cutaneous malignant vascular neoplasms. Clin Lab Med. 2017;37:633-646. 
  9. Régnier-Rosencher E, Guillot B, Dupin N. Treatments for classic Kaposi sarcoma: a systematic review of the literature. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013;68:313-331.  
  10. Tappero JW, Conant MA, Wolfe SF, et al. Kaposi's sarcoma: epidemiology, pathogenesis, histology, clinical spectrum, staging criteria and therapy. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1993;28:371-395.  
  11. Grayson W, Pantanowitz L. Histological variants of cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma. Diagn Pathol. 2008;3:31. 
  12. Mentzel T, Partanen TA, Kutzner H. Hobnail hemangioma ("targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma"): clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis of 62 cases. J Cutan Pathol. 1999;26:279-286. 
  13. Morales-Callaghan AM, Martinez-Garcia G, Aragoneses-Fraile H, et al. Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma: clinical and dermoscopical findings. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2007;21:267-269. 
  14. Kamath GH, Bhat RM, Kumar S. Tufted angioma. Int J Dermatol. 2005;44:1045-1047. 
  15. Prasuna A, Rao P. A tufted angioma. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2015;6:266-268. 
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Cutis - 104(1)
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53, 68-69
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Ill-Defined Macule on the Abdomen
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Ill-Defined Macule on the Abdomen
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H&E, original magnification ×200 (inset, original magnification ×40).

A 38-year-old woman presented with an asymptomatic lesion on the abdomen. On physical examination, there was a 5×2-mm, solitary, ill-defined pink macule on the right side of the abdomen. The patient denied recent change in size or color of the lesion, prior trauma, or a personal or family history of similar lesions. Due to the uncertain diagnostic appearance, a punch biopsy was performed.

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Relapsing Polychondritis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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Wed, 04/17/2019 - 08:40
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Relapsing Polychondritis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is a recurrent inflammatory condition involving primarily cartilaginous structures. The disease, first described as a clinical entity in 1960 by Pearson et al,1 is rare with an estimated incidence of 3.5 cases per 1 million individuals.2 The pathogenesis of RP is widely accepted as being autoimmune in nature, largely due to the identification of circulating autoantibodies seen in the sera of patients with similar clinical pictures.3

Although in most patients the primary process involves inflammation of cartilage, a subset of patients experience involvement of noncartilaginous sites.4 The degree of systemic involvement varies from none to notable, affecting the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and potentially leading to life-threatening complications, including cardiac valve compromise and airway collapse. Relapsing polychondritis is considered to be a progressive disease with the ultimate potential to be life-threatening.5

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection leads to a profound state of immune dysregulation, affecting innate, adaptive, and natural killer components of the immune system.6 There is variability in the development of autoimmune disease in HIV patients depending on the stage of infection. The frequency of rheumatologic disease in HIV patients might be as high as 60%.6 Relapsing polychondritis is rare in patients with HIV.7-9 Of 4 reported cases, 2 patients had other coexisting autoimmune disease—sarcoidosis and Behçet disease.8,9

Case Report

A 36-year-old man presented to the clinic with a concern of recurrent ear pain and swelling of approximately 2 years’ duration. Onset was sudden without inciting event. Symptoms initially involved the right ear with eventual progression to both ears. Additional symptoms included an auditory perception of underwater submersion, intermittent vertigo, and 3 episodes of throat closure sensation.

The patient’s medical history was notable for asthma; gastritis; depression; and HIV infection, which was diagnosed 4 years earlier and adequately managed with highly active antiretroviral therapy. His family history was notable for systemic lupus erythematosus in his mother, maternal aunt, and maternal cousin.

At presentation, the patient’s CD4 count was 799 cells/mm3 with an undetectable viral load. Medications included abacavir-dolutegravir-lamivudine, hydroxyzine, meclizine, mometasone, and quetiapine. Physical examination showed erythema, swelling, and tenderness of the left and right auricles with sparing of the earlobe that was more noticeable on the left ear (Figure 1). Bacterial culture from the external auditory meatus was positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Biopsy revealed chronic inflammatory perichondritis with mild to moderate fibrosis and chronic lymphocytic inflammation at the dermal cartilaginous junction (Figure 2). A direct immunofluorescent biopsy was unremarkable, but subsequent type II collagen antibodies were positive (35.5 endotoxin units/mL [reference range, <20 endotoxin units/mL]).

Figure 1. Erythema and swelling of the auricle of the left ear with notable sparing of the earlobe.

Figure 2. Biopsy of the antihelix of the left ear revealed chronic inflammatory perichondritis with mild to moderate fibrosis and chronic lymphocytic inflammation at the dermal cartilaginous junction (H&E, original magnification ×20).
The patient was started on dapsone 50 mg twice daily, which was increased to 100 mg twice daily when the patient’s condition did not improve. He also was started on mupirocin otic drops compounded with mineral oil, resulting in a negative follow-up bacterial culture of the external auditory meatus.




Relapsing polychondritis is an uncommon progressive disease characterized by recurrent inflammatory insults to cartilaginous and proteoglycan-rich structures.4 The most consistent clinical features of RP are ear inflammation that involves the auricle and spares the lobe, nasal chondritis, and arthralgia.10 Laryngotracheal compromise may occur from tracheal cartilage inflammation. The involvement of these specific structures is due to commonality between their component collagens.5 Although any organ system can be affected, as many as 50% of patients have respiratory tract involvement, which may affect any portion of the respiratory tree.11 If involving the larynx, this inflammation can lead to severe edema warranting intubation. Cardiovascular involvement is present in 24% to 52% of patients,10 which most commonly manifests as valvular impairment affecting the aortic valve more frequently than the mitral valve.5

Although the etiology of RP remains undetermined, multiple hypotheses have been proposed. One is that a certain subset of patients is predisposed to autoimmunity, and a secondary triggering event in the form of infection, malignancy, or medication catalyzes development of RP. A second hypothesis is that mechanical trauma to cartilage exposes the immune system to certain antigens that would have otherwise remained hidden, prompting autosensitization.12,13

Regardless of cause, an autoimmune pathogenesis is favored based on the following observations: RP is frequently associated with other autoimmune diseases in the same patient, glucocorticosteroids and other immunosuppressive therapies are effective for treatment, and histopathologic findings include an infiltrate of CD4+ T lymphocytes with detection of immunoglobulins and plasma cells in different lesions.5 The detection of autoantibodies against collagen in the serum of patients with RP further supports an autoimmune pathogenesis.3 The earliest identified autoantibodies in patients with RP were against type II collagen. Subsequent studies have identified autoantibodies against type IV and type XI collagens as well as other cartilage-related proteins such as matrilin 114 and cartilage oligomeric matrix proteins.15 Although circulating antibodies to type II collagen are present in a variable number of patients with the disease (30%–70%), levels likely correlate with disease activity and are highest at times of acute inflammation.3 Additionally, titers of type II collagen antibodies have been shown to decrease upon institution of immunosuppressive therapy.16

Although a humoral response dominates the picture of RP, there also is an associated T cell–mediated response.13 Histopathologically, biopsy of an active lesion of auricular cartilage shows a mixed inflammatory infiltrate composed primarily of lymphocytes, with variable numbers of polymorphonuclear cells, monocytes, and plasma cells. Loss of basophilia of the cartilage matrix can be observed, thought to be the result of proteoglycan depletion.13 Later, lesions classically display apoptosis of chondrocytes, focal calcification, or fibrosis.5

Relapsing polychondritis acts classically as an autoimmune disease with a variable presentation, making diagnosis a challenge. Many sets of diagnostic criteria have been proposed. The most referenced remains the original criteria described by McAdam et al.17 In 2012, the Relapsing Polychondritis Disease Activity Index modified criteria set forth by Michet et al18 and might serve as the standard for diagnosis going forward.19

McAdam et al17 proposed that 3 of 6 clinical features are necessary for diagnosis: bilateral auricular chondritis, nonerosive seronegative inflammatory polyarthritis, nasal chondritis, ocular inflammation, respiratory tract chondritis, and audiovestibular damage. Michet et al18 proposed that 1 of 2 conditions are necessary for diagnosis of RP: (1) proven inflammation in 2 of 3 of the auricular, nasal, or laryngotracheal cartilages; or (2) proven inflammation in 1 of 3 of the auricular, nasal, or laryngotracheal cartilages, plus 2 other signs, including ocular inflammation, vestibular dysfunction, seronegative inflammatory arthritis, and hearing loss.

These criteria were proposed originally in 197617 and modified in 1986.18 No further updates have been offered since then. As such, serologic findings, such as antibodies against type II collagen, are not included in the diagnostic criteria. Additionally, these antibodies are not specific for RP and can be seen in other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.20

More recently, imaging analysis has been employed in conjunction with clinical and serologic data to diagnose the disease and evaluate its severity. The use of imaging modalities for these purposes is most beneficial in patients with notable disease and respiratory involvement.21

Although the clinical picture is typified by the classic findings described above, the clinician must be aware of more subtle clues to diagnosis,11 which is of particular importance to the dermatologist because 35% of patients with RP alone will have skin manifestations that can precede onset of chondritis.10 Most commonly, dermatologic manifestations are nonspecific and can include nodules on the limbs, purpura, and urticarial lesions.22 Individual case reports have noted the coexistence of RP with erythema multiforme,18 erythema annulare centrifugum,23 pyoderma gangrenosum,24 and panniculitis,18 among other disorders.



Standardized guidelines for treatment do not exist. Treatments should be chosen based on severity of disease. Mild disease, presenting with recurrent chondritis and arthritis without evidence of systemic involvement, can be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dapsone, or colchicine. Refractory disease often requires high-dose systemic corticosteroids.5

Severe systemic involvement leads to increased mortality and warrants more aggressive treatment.22 Commonly used agents include the immunosuppressants cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, and methotrexate. Tumor necrosis factor α inhibitors have been the most widely utilized immunomodulatory agent for treatment of RP.25,26 Abatacept and rituximab also have been used with variable efficacy in patients with severe disease. Recently, the IL-6 receptor blocker tocilizumab has been used with some success.27

The prognosis for patients with RP largely depends on the severity of disease and degree of internal involvement. With improved management, largely due to awareness and recognition of disease, the survival rate among RP patients has increased from 55% at 10 years to 94% at the end of 8 years.18 The main cause of death in RP patients is airway complications related to laryngotracheal involvement.10 The second most common cause of death is cardiovascular complications in which valvular disease predominates.5

Concomitant Illness
Thirty-five percent of RP patients have coexisting autoimmune disease, the most common being antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody–associated vasculitis.5,28 Although this association with autoimmune disease is well described, reports of RP occurring in other states of immune dysfunction are sparse. One case of RP has been reported in a child with common variable immunodeficiency thought to be related to underlying abnormal immune regulation and immunodeficiency.29 Relapsing polychondritis has been described in 4 patients with HIV, 2 of whom had concomitant autoimmune disease.7-9

Human immunodeficiency virus infection is a well-established cause of immune dysregulation and has variable association with autoimmunity. This variability depends largely on the stage of infection. When divided into stages, autoimmune diseases develop predominantly in stage I, during acute infection with an intact immune system; in stage III, with immunosuppression, a low CD4 count, and development of AIDS; and in stage IV, when the immune system is restored with the institution of highly active antiretroviral therapy.6 The interplay between HIV infection and development of autoimmune disease is complex, and pathogenesis remains speculative.


Our patient represents a case of RP in an HIV-positive patient. Additionally, our patient had no other identifiable autoimmune conditions but did have a strong family history of them. It is important for providers to be aware of the potential for development of RP as well as other autoimmune disease in the setting of HIV infection. The implications of a missed diagnosis could be dire because the disease course of RP is progressive and has the potential to decrease survival.

  1. Pearson CM, Kline HM, Newcomer VD. Relapsing polychondritis. N Engl J Med. 1960;263:51-58.
  2. Kent PD, Michet CJ Jr, Luthra HS. Relapsing polychondritis. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2004;16:56-61.
  3. Ebringer R, Rook G, Swana GT, et al. Autoantibodies to cartilage and type II collagen in relapsing polychondritis and other rheumatic diseases. Ann Rheum Dis. 1981;40:473-479.
  4. Sharma A, Law AD, Bambery P, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: clinical presentations, disease activity and outcomes. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014;9:198.
  5. Vitale A, Sota J, Rigante D, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: an update on pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostic tools, and therapeutic perspectives. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2016;18:3.
  6. Zandman-Goddard G, Shoenfeld Y. HIV and autoimmunity. Autoimmun Rev. 2002;1:329-337.
  7. Dolev JC, Maurer TA, Reddy SG, et al. Relapsing polychondritis in HIV-infected patients: a report of two cases. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004;51:1023-1025.
  8. Zandman-Goddard G, Peeva E, Barland P. Combined autoimmune disease in a patient with AIDS. Clin Rheumatol. 2002;21:70-72.
  9. Belzunegui J, Cancio J, Pego JM, et al. Relapsing polychondritis and Behc¸et’s syndrome in a patient with HIV infection. Ann Rheum Dis. 1995;54:780.
  10. Sharma A, Gnanapandithan K, Sharma K, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: a review. Clin Rheumatol. 2013;32:1575-1583.
  11. Cantarini L, Vitale A, Brizi MG, et al. Diagnosis and classification of relapsing polychondritis. J Autoimmun. 2014;48-49:53-59.
  12. Cañas CA, Bonilla Abadía F. Local cartilage trauma as a pathogenic factor in autoimmunity (one hypothesis based on patients with relapsing polychondritis triggered by cartilage trauma). Autoimmune Dis. 2012;2012:453698.
  13. Ouchi N, Uzuki M, Kamataki A, et al. Cartilage destruction is partly induced by the internal proteolytic enzymes and apoptotic phenomenon of chondrocytes in relapsing polychondritis. J Rheumatol. 2011;38:730-737.
  14. Buckner JH, Wu JJ, Reife RA, et al. Autoreactivity against matrilin-1 in a patient with relapsing polychondritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2000;43:939-943.
  15. Kempta Lekpa F, Piette JC, Bastuji-Garin S, et al. Serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) is a marker of disease activity in relapsing polychondritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2010;28:553-555.
  16. Foidart JM, Abe S, Martin GR, et al. Antibodies to type II collagen in relapsing polychondritis. N Engl J Med. 1978;299:1203-1207.
  17. McAdam LP, O’Hanlan MA, Bluestone R, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: prospective study of 23 patients and review of the literature. Medicine (Baltimore). 1976;55:193-215.
  18. Michet CJ, McKenna CH, Luthra HS, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: survival and predictive role of early disease manifestations. Ann Intern Med. 1986;104:74-78.
  19. Arnaud L, Devilliers H, Peng SL, et al. The Relapsing Polychondritis Disease Activity Index: development of a disease activity score for relapsing polychondritis. Autoimmun Rev. 2012;12:204-209.
  20. Brand DD, Kang AH, Rosloniec EF. Immunopathogenesis of collagen arthritis. Springer Semin Immunopathol. 2003;25:3-18.
  21. Thaiss WM, Nikolaou K, Spengler W, et al. Imaging diagnosis in relapsing polychondritis and correlation with clinical and serological data. Skeletal Radiol. 2015;5:339-346.
  22. Lahmer T, Treiber M, von Werder A, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: an autoimmune disease with many faces. Autoimmun Rev. 2010;9:540-546.
  23. Watkins S, Magill JM Jr, Ramos-Caro FA. Annular eruption preceding relapsing polychondritis: case report and review of the literature. Int J Dermatol. 2009;48:356-362.
  24. Francès C, el Rassi R, Laporte JL, et al. Dermatologic manifestations of relapsing polychondritis. A study of 200 cases at a single center. Medicine (Baltimore). 2001;80:173-179.
  25. Chopra R, Chaudhary N, Kay J. Relapsing polychondritis. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2013;39:263-276.
  26. Moulis G, Sailler L, Pugnet G, et al. Biologics in relapsing polychondritis: a case series. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2013;31:937-939.
  27. Henes CJ, Xenitidis T, Horger M. Tocilizumab for refractory relapsing polychondritis—long-term response monitoring by magnetic resonance imaging. Joint Bone Spine. 2016;83:365-366.
  28. Weinberger A, Myers AR. Relapsing polychondritis associated with cutaneous vasculitis. Arch Dermatol. 1979;115:980-981.
  29. Karaca NE, Aksu G, Yildiz B, et al. Relapsing polychondritis in a child with common variable immunodeficiency. Int J Dermatol. 2009;48:525-528.
Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Quinn is from the Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center, Red Bank, New Jersey. Drs. Lountzis and Purcell are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Kelly Quinn, DO, Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center, 225 State Rt 35, Ste 208, Red Bank, NJ 07701 (

Cutis - 103(4)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Quinn is from the Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center, Red Bank, New Jersey. Drs. Lountzis and Purcell are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Kelly Quinn, DO, Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center, 225 State Rt 35, Ste 208, Red Bank, NJ 07701 (

Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Quinn is from the Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center, Red Bank, New Jersey. Drs. Lountzis and Purcell are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, Ltd, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Kelly Quinn, DO, Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center, 225 State Rt 35, Ste 208, Red Bank, NJ 07701 (

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Article PDF

Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is a recurrent inflammatory condition involving primarily cartilaginous structures. The disease, first described as a clinical entity in 1960 by Pearson et al,1 is rare with an estimated incidence of 3.5 cases per 1 million individuals.2 The pathogenesis of RP is widely accepted as being autoimmune in nature, largely due to the identification of circulating autoantibodies seen in the sera of patients with similar clinical pictures.3

Although in most patients the primary process involves inflammation of cartilage, a subset of patients experience involvement of noncartilaginous sites.4 The degree of systemic involvement varies from none to notable, affecting the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and potentially leading to life-threatening complications, including cardiac valve compromise and airway collapse. Relapsing polychondritis is considered to be a progressive disease with the ultimate potential to be life-threatening.5

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection leads to a profound state of immune dysregulation, affecting innate, adaptive, and natural killer components of the immune system.6 There is variability in the development of autoimmune disease in HIV patients depending on the stage of infection. The frequency of rheumatologic disease in HIV patients might be as high as 60%.6 Relapsing polychondritis is rare in patients with HIV.7-9 Of 4 reported cases, 2 patients had other coexisting autoimmune disease—sarcoidosis and Behçet disease.8,9

Case Report

A 36-year-old man presented to the clinic with a concern of recurrent ear pain and swelling of approximately 2 years’ duration. Onset was sudden without inciting event. Symptoms initially involved the right ear with eventual progression to both ears. Additional symptoms included an auditory perception of underwater submersion, intermittent vertigo, and 3 episodes of throat closure sensation.

The patient’s medical history was notable for asthma; gastritis; depression; and HIV infection, which was diagnosed 4 years earlier and adequately managed with highly active antiretroviral therapy. His family history was notable for systemic lupus erythematosus in his mother, maternal aunt, and maternal cousin.

At presentation, the patient’s CD4 count was 799 cells/mm3 with an undetectable viral load. Medications included abacavir-dolutegravir-lamivudine, hydroxyzine, meclizine, mometasone, and quetiapine. Physical examination showed erythema, swelling, and tenderness of the left and right auricles with sparing of the earlobe that was more noticeable on the left ear (Figure 1). Bacterial culture from the external auditory meatus was positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Biopsy revealed chronic inflammatory perichondritis with mild to moderate fibrosis and chronic lymphocytic inflammation at the dermal cartilaginous junction (Figure 2). A direct immunofluorescent biopsy was unremarkable, but subsequent type II collagen antibodies were positive (35.5 endotoxin units/mL [reference range, <20 endotoxin units/mL]).

Figure 1. Erythema and swelling of the auricle of the left ear with notable sparing of the earlobe.

Figure 2. Biopsy of the antihelix of the left ear revealed chronic inflammatory perichondritis with mild to moderate fibrosis and chronic lymphocytic inflammation at the dermal cartilaginous junction (H&E, original magnification ×20).
The patient was started on dapsone 50 mg twice daily, which was increased to 100 mg twice daily when the patient’s condition did not improve. He also was started on mupirocin otic drops compounded with mineral oil, resulting in a negative follow-up bacterial culture of the external auditory meatus.




Relapsing polychondritis is an uncommon progressive disease characterized by recurrent inflammatory insults to cartilaginous and proteoglycan-rich structures.4 The most consistent clinical features of RP are ear inflammation that involves the auricle and spares the lobe, nasal chondritis, and arthralgia.10 Laryngotracheal compromise may occur from tracheal cartilage inflammation. The involvement of these specific structures is due to commonality between their component collagens.5 Although any organ system can be affected, as many as 50% of patients have respiratory tract involvement, which may affect any portion of the respiratory tree.11 If involving the larynx, this inflammation can lead to severe edema warranting intubation. Cardiovascular involvement is present in 24% to 52% of patients,10 which most commonly manifests as valvular impairment affecting the aortic valve more frequently than the mitral valve.5

Although the etiology of RP remains undetermined, multiple hypotheses have been proposed. One is that a certain subset of patients is predisposed to autoimmunity, and a secondary triggering event in the form of infection, malignancy, or medication catalyzes development of RP. A second hypothesis is that mechanical trauma to cartilage exposes the immune system to certain antigens that would have otherwise remained hidden, prompting autosensitization.12,13

Regardless of cause, an autoimmune pathogenesis is favored based on the following observations: RP is frequently associated with other autoimmune diseases in the same patient, glucocorticosteroids and other immunosuppressive therapies are effective for treatment, and histopathologic findings include an infiltrate of CD4+ T lymphocytes with detection of immunoglobulins and plasma cells in different lesions.5 The detection of autoantibodies against collagen in the serum of patients with RP further supports an autoimmune pathogenesis.3 The earliest identified autoantibodies in patients with RP were against type II collagen. Subsequent studies have identified autoantibodies against type IV and type XI collagens as well as other cartilage-related proteins such as matrilin 114 and cartilage oligomeric matrix proteins.15 Although circulating antibodies to type II collagen are present in a variable number of patients with the disease (30%–70%), levels likely correlate with disease activity and are highest at times of acute inflammation.3 Additionally, titers of type II collagen antibodies have been shown to decrease upon institution of immunosuppressive therapy.16

Although a humoral response dominates the picture of RP, there also is an associated T cell–mediated response.13 Histopathologically, biopsy of an active lesion of auricular cartilage shows a mixed inflammatory infiltrate composed primarily of lymphocytes, with variable numbers of polymorphonuclear cells, monocytes, and plasma cells. Loss of basophilia of the cartilage matrix can be observed, thought to be the result of proteoglycan depletion.13 Later, lesions classically display apoptosis of chondrocytes, focal calcification, or fibrosis.5

Relapsing polychondritis acts classically as an autoimmune disease with a variable presentation, making diagnosis a challenge. Many sets of diagnostic criteria have been proposed. The most referenced remains the original criteria described by McAdam et al.17 In 2012, the Relapsing Polychondritis Disease Activity Index modified criteria set forth by Michet et al18 and might serve as the standard for diagnosis going forward.19

McAdam et al17 proposed that 3 of 6 clinical features are necessary for diagnosis: bilateral auricular chondritis, nonerosive seronegative inflammatory polyarthritis, nasal chondritis, ocular inflammation, respiratory tract chondritis, and audiovestibular damage. Michet et al18 proposed that 1 of 2 conditions are necessary for diagnosis of RP: (1) proven inflammation in 2 of 3 of the auricular, nasal, or laryngotracheal cartilages; or (2) proven inflammation in 1 of 3 of the auricular, nasal, or laryngotracheal cartilages, plus 2 other signs, including ocular inflammation, vestibular dysfunction, seronegative inflammatory arthritis, and hearing loss.

These criteria were proposed originally in 197617 and modified in 1986.18 No further updates have been offered since then. As such, serologic findings, such as antibodies against type II collagen, are not included in the diagnostic criteria. Additionally, these antibodies are not specific for RP and can be seen in other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.20

More recently, imaging analysis has been employed in conjunction with clinical and serologic data to diagnose the disease and evaluate its severity. The use of imaging modalities for these purposes is most beneficial in patients with notable disease and respiratory involvement.21

Although the clinical picture is typified by the classic findings described above, the clinician must be aware of more subtle clues to diagnosis,11 which is of particular importance to the dermatologist because 35% of patients with RP alone will have skin manifestations that can precede onset of chondritis.10 Most commonly, dermatologic manifestations are nonspecific and can include nodules on the limbs, purpura, and urticarial lesions.22 Individual case reports have noted the coexistence of RP with erythema multiforme,18 erythema annulare centrifugum,23 pyoderma gangrenosum,24 and panniculitis,18 among other disorders.



Standardized guidelines for treatment do not exist. Treatments should be chosen based on severity of disease. Mild disease, presenting with recurrent chondritis and arthritis without evidence of systemic involvement, can be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dapsone, or colchicine. Refractory disease often requires high-dose systemic corticosteroids.5

Severe systemic involvement leads to increased mortality and warrants more aggressive treatment.22 Commonly used agents include the immunosuppressants cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, and methotrexate. Tumor necrosis factor α inhibitors have been the most widely utilized immunomodulatory agent for treatment of RP.25,26 Abatacept and rituximab also have been used with variable efficacy in patients with severe disease. Recently, the IL-6 receptor blocker tocilizumab has been used with some success.27

The prognosis for patients with RP largely depends on the severity of disease and degree of internal involvement. With improved management, largely due to awareness and recognition of disease, the survival rate among RP patients has increased from 55% at 10 years to 94% at the end of 8 years.18 The main cause of death in RP patients is airway complications related to laryngotracheal involvement.10 The second most common cause of death is cardiovascular complications in which valvular disease predominates.5

Concomitant Illness
Thirty-five percent of RP patients have coexisting autoimmune disease, the most common being antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody–associated vasculitis.5,28 Although this association with autoimmune disease is well described, reports of RP occurring in other states of immune dysfunction are sparse. One case of RP has been reported in a child with common variable immunodeficiency thought to be related to underlying abnormal immune regulation and immunodeficiency.29 Relapsing polychondritis has been described in 4 patients with HIV, 2 of whom had concomitant autoimmune disease.7-9

Human immunodeficiency virus infection is a well-established cause of immune dysregulation and has variable association with autoimmunity. This variability depends largely on the stage of infection. When divided into stages, autoimmune diseases develop predominantly in stage I, during acute infection with an intact immune system; in stage III, with immunosuppression, a low CD4 count, and development of AIDS; and in stage IV, when the immune system is restored with the institution of highly active antiretroviral therapy.6 The interplay between HIV infection and development of autoimmune disease is complex, and pathogenesis remains speculative.


Our patient represents a case of RP in an HIV-positive patient. Additionally, our patient had no other identifiable autoimmune conditions but did have a strong family history of them. It is important for providers to be aware of the potential for development of RP as well as other autoimmune disease in the setting of HIV infection. The implications of a missed diagnosis could be dire because the disease course of RP is progressive and has the potential to decrease survival.

Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is a recurrent inflammatory condition involving primarily cartilaginous structures. The disease, first described as a clinical entity in 1960 by Pearson et al,1 is rare with an estimated incidence of 3.5 cases per 1 million individuals.2 The pathogenesis of RP is widely accepted as being autoimmune in nature, largely due to the identification of circulating autoantibodies seen in the sera of patients with similar clinical pictures.3

Although in most patients the primary process involves inflammation of cartilage, a subset of patients experience involvement of noncartilaginous sites.4 The degree of systemic involvement varies from none to notable, affecting the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and potentially leading to life-threatening complications, including cardiac valve compromise and airway collapse. Relapsing polychondritis is considered to be a progressive disease with the ultimate potential to be life-threatening.5

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection leads to a profound state of immune dysregulation, affecting innate, adaptive, and natural killer components of the immune system.6 There is variability in the development of autoimmune disease in HIV patients depending on the stage of infection. The frequency of rheumatologic disease in HIV patients might be as high as 60%.6 Relapsing polychondritis is rare in patients with HIV.7-9 Of 4 reported cases, 2 patients had other coexisting autoimmune disease—sarcoidosis and Behçet disease.8,9

Case Report

A 36-year-old man presented to the clinic with a concern of recurrent ear pain and swelling of approximately 2 years’ duration. Onset was sudden without inciting event. Symptoms initially involved the right ear with eventual progression to both ears. Additional symptoms included an auditory perception of underwater submersion, intermittent vertigo, and 3 episodes of throat closure sensation.

The patient’s medical history was notable for asthma; gastritis; depression; and HIV infection, which was diagnosed 4 years earlier and adequately managed with highly active antiretroviral therapy. His family history was notable for systemic lupus erythematosus in his mother, maternal aunt, and maternal cousin.

At presentation, the patient’s CD4 count was 799 cells/mm3 with an undetectable viral load. Medications included abacavir-dolutegravir-lamivudine, hydroxyzine, meclizine, mometasone, and quetiapine. Physical examination showed erythema, swelling, and tenderness of the left and right auricles with sparing of the earlobe that was more noticeable on the left ear (Figure 1). Bacterial culture from the external auditory meatus was positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Biopsy revealed chronic inflammatory perichondritis with mild to moderate fibrosis and chronic lymphocytic inflammation at the dermal cartilaginous junction (Figure 2). A direct immunofluorescent biopsy was unremarkable, but subsequent type II collagen antibodies were positive (35.5 endotoxin units/mL [reference range, <20 endotoxin units/mL]).

Figure 1. Erythema and swelling of the auricle of the left ear with notable sparing of the earlobe.

Figure 2. Biopsy of the antihelix of the left ear revealed chronic inflammatory perichondritis with mild to moderate fibrosis and chronic lymphocytic inflammation at the dermal cartilaginous junction (H&E, original magnification ×20).
The patient was started on dapsone 50 mg twice daily, which was increased to 100 mg twice daily when the patient’s condition did not improve. He also was started on mupirocin otic drops compounded with mineral oil, resulting in a negative follow-up bacterial culture of the external auditory meatus.




Relapsing polychondritis is an uncommon progressive disease characterized by recurrent inflammatory insults to cartilaginous and proteoglycan-rich structures.4 The most consistent clinical features of RP are ear inflammation that involves the auricle and spares the lobe, nasal chondritis, and arthralgia.10 Laryngotracheal compromise may occur from tracheal cartilage inflammation. The involvement of these specific structures is due to commonality between their component collagens.5 Although any organ system can be affected, as many as 50% of patients have respiratory tract involvement, which may affect any portion of the respiratory tree.11 If involving the larynx, this inflammation can lead to severe edema warranting intubation. Cardiovascular involvement is present in 24% to 52% of patients,10 which most commonly manifests as valvular impairment affecting the aortic valve more frequently than the mitral valve.5

Although the etiology of RP remains undetermined, multiple hypotheses have been proposed. One is that a certain subset of patients is predisposed to autoimmunity, and a secondary triggering event in the form of infection, malignancy, or medication catalyzes development of RP. A second hypothesis is that mechanical trauma to cartilage exposes the immune system to certain antigens that would have otherwise remained hidden, prompting autosensitization.12,13

Regardless of cause, an autoimmune pathogenesis is favored based on the following observations: RP is frequently associated with other autoimmune diseases in the same patient, glucocorticosteroids and other immunosuppressive therapies are effective for treatment, and histopathologic findings include an infiltrate of CD4+ T lymphocytes with detection of immunoglobulins and plasma cells in different lesions.5 The detection of autoantibodies against collagen in the serum of patients with RP further supports an autoimmune pathogenesis.3 The earliest identified autoantibodies in patients with RP were against type II collagen. Subsequent studies have identified autoantibodies against type IV and type XI collagens as well as other cartilage-related proteins such as matrilin 114 and cartilage oligomeric matrix proteins.15 Although circulating antibodies to type II collagen are present in a variable number of patients with the disease (30%–70%), levels likely correlate with disease activity and are highest at times of acute inflammation.3 Additionally, titers of type II collagen antibodies have been shown to decrease upon institution of immunosuppressive therapy.16

Although a humoral response dominates the picture of RP, there also is an associated T cell–mediated response.13 Histopathologically, biopsy of an active lesion of auricular cartilage shows a mixed inflammatory infiltrate composed primarily of lymphocytes, with variable numbers of polymorphonuclear cells, monocytes, and plasma cells. Loss of basophilia of the cartilage matrix can be observed, thought to be the result of proteoglycan depletion.13 Later, lesions classically display apoptosis of chondrocytes, focal calcification, or fibrosis.5

Relapsing polychondritis acts classically as an autoimmune disease with a variable presentation, making diagnosis a challenge. Many sets of diagnostic criteria have been proposed. The most referenced remains the original criteria described by McAdam et al.17 In 2012, the Relapsing Polychondritis Disease Activity Index modified criteria set forth by Michet et al18 and might serve as the standard for diagnosis going forward.19

McAdam et al17 proposed that 3 of 6 clinical features are necessary for diagnosis: bilateral auricular chondritis, nonerosive seronegative inflammatory polyarthritis, nasal chondritis, ocular inflammation, respiratory tract chondritis, and audiovestibular damage. Michet et al18 proposed that 1 of 2 conditions are necessary for diagnosis of RP: (1) proven inflammation in 2 of 3 of the auricular, nasal, or laryngotracheal cartilages; or (2) proven inflammation in 1 of 3 of the auricular, nasal, or laryngotracheal cartilages, plus 2 other signs, including ocular inflammation, vestibular dysfunction, seronegative inflammatory arthritis, and hearing loss.

These criteria were proposed originally in 197617 and modified in 1986.18 No further updates have been offered since then. As such, serologic findings, such as antibodies against type II collagen, are not included in the diagnostic criteria. Additionally, these antibodies are not specific for RP and can be seen in other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.20

More recently, imaging analysis has been employed in conjunction with clinical and serologic data to diagnose the disease and evaluate its severity. The use of imaging modalities for these purposes is most beneficial in patients with notable disease and respiratory involvement.21

Although the clinical picture is typified by the classic findings described above, the clinician must be aware of more subtle clues to diagnosis,11 which is of particular importance to the dermatologist because 35% of patients with RP alone will have skin manifestations that can precede onset of chondritis.10 Most commonly, dermatologic manifestations are nonspecific and can include nodules on the limbs, purpura, and urticarial lesions.22 Individual case reports have noted the coexistence of RP with erythema multiforme,18 erythema annulare centrifugum,23 pyoderma gangrenosum,24 and panniculitis,18 among other disorders.



Standardized guidelines for treatment do not exist. Treatments should be chosen based on severity of disease. Mild disease, presenting with recurrent chondritis and arthritis without evidence of systemic involvement, can be treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dapsone, or colchicine. Refractory disease often requires high-dose systemic corticosteroids.5

Severe systemic involvement leads to increased mortality and warrants more aggressive treatment.22 Commonly used agents include the immunosuppressants cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, and methotrexate. Tumor necrosis factor α inhibitors have been the most widely utilized immunomodulatory agent for treatment of RP.25,26 Abatacept and rituximab also have been used with variable efficacy in patients with severe disease. Recently, the IL-6 receptor blocker tocilizumab has been used with some success.27

The prognosis for patients with RP largely depends on the severity of disease and degree of internal involvement. With improved management, largely due to awareness and recognition of disease, the survival rate among RP patients has increased from 55% at 10 years to 94% at the end of 8 years.18 The main cause of death in RP patients is airway complications related to laryngotracheal involvement.10 The second most common cause of death is cardiovascular complications in which valvular disease predominates.5

Concomitant Illness
Thirty-five percent of RP patients have coexisting autoimmune disease, the most common being antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody–associated vasculitis.5,28 Although this association with autoimmune disease is well described, reports of RP occurring in other states of immune dysfunction are sparse. One case of RP has been reported in a child with common variable immunodeficiency thought to be related to underlying abnormal immune regulation and immunodeficiency.29 Relapsing polychondritis has been described in 4 patients with HIV, 2 of whom had concomitant autoimmune disease.7-9

Human immunodeficiency virus infection is a well-established cause of immune dysregulation and has variable association with autoimmunity. This variability depends largely on the stage of infection. When divided into stages, autoimmune diseases develop predominantly in stage I, during acute infection with an intact immune system; in stage III, with immunosuppression, a low CD4 count, and development of AIDS; and in stage IV, when the immune system is restored with the institution of highly active antiretroviral therapy.6 The interplay between HIV infection and development of autoimmune disease is complex, and pathogenesis remains speculative.


Our patient represents a case of RP in an HIV-positive patient. Additionally, our patient had no other identifiable autoimmune conditions but did have a strong family history of them. It is important for providers to be aware of the potential for development of RP as well as other autoimmune disease in the setting of HIV infection. The implications of a missed diagnosis could be dire because the disease course of RP is progressive and has the potential to decrease survival.

  1. Pearson CM, Kline HM, Newcomer VD. Relapsing polychondritis. N Engl J Med. 1960;263:51-58.
  2. Kent PD, Michet CJ Jr, Luthra HS. Relapsing polychondritis. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2004;16:56-61.
  3. Ebringer R, Rook G, Swana GT, et al. Autoantibodies to cartilage and type II collagen in relapsing polychondritis and other rheumatic diseases. Ann Rheum Dis. 1981;40:473-479.
  4. Sharma A, Law AD, Bambery P, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: clinical presentations, disease activity and outcomes. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014;9:198.
  5. Vitale A, Sota J, Rigante D, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: an update on pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostic tools, and therapeutic perspectives. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2016;18:3.
  6. Zandman-Goddard G, Shoenfeld Y. HIV and autoimmunity. Autoimmun Rev. 2002;1:329-337.
  7. Dolev JC, Maurer TA, Reddy SG, et al. Relapsing polychondritis in HIV-infected patients: a report of two cases. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004;51:1023-1025.
  8. Zandman-Goddard G, Peeva E, Barland P. Combined autoimmune disease in a patient with AIDS. Clin Rheumatol. 2002;21:70-72.
  9. Belzunegui J, Cancio J, Pego JM, et al. Relapsing polychondritis and Behc¸et’s syndrome in a patient with HIV infection. Ann Rheum Dis. 1995;54:780.
  10. Sharma A, Gnanapandithan K, Sharma K, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: a review. Clin Rheumatol. 2013;32:1575-1583.
  11. Cantarini L, Vitale A, Brizi MG, et al. Diagnosis and classification of relapsing polychondritis. J Autoimmun. 2014;48-49:53-59.
  12. Cañas CA, Bonilla Abadía F. Local cartilage trauma as a pathogenic factor in autoimmunity (one hypothesis based on patients with relapsing polychondritis triggered by cartilage trauma). Autoimmune Dis. 2012;2012:453698.
  13. Ouchi N, Uzuki M, Kamataki A, et al. Cartilage destruction is partly induced by the internal proteolytic enzymes and apoptotic phenomenon of chondrocytes in relapsing polychondritis. J Rheumatol. 2011;38:730-737.
  14. Buckner JH, Wu JJ, Reife RA, et al. Autoreactivity against matrilin-1 in a patient with relapsing polychondritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2000;43:939-943.
  15. Kempta Lekpa F, Piette JC, Bastuji-Garin S, et al. Serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) is a marker of disease activity in relapsing polychondritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2010;28:553-555.
  16. Foidart JM, Abe S, Martin GR, et al. Antibodies to type II collagen in relapsing polychondritis. N Engl J Med. 1978;299:1203-1207.
  17. McAdam LP, O’Hanlan MA, Bluestone R, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: prospective study of 23 patients and review of the literature. Medicine (Baltimore). 1976;55:193-215.
  18. Michet CJ, McKenna CH, Luthra HS, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: survival and predictive role of early disease manifestations. Ann Intern Med. 1986;104:74-78.
  19. Arnaud L, Devilliers H, Peng SL, et al. The Relapsing Polychondritis Disease Activity Index: development of a disease activity score for relapsing polychondritis. Autoimmun Rev. 2012;12:204-209.
  20. Brand DD, Kang AH, Rosloniec EF. Immunopathogenesis of collagen arthritis. Springer Semin Immunopathol. 2003;25:3-18.
  21. Thaiss WM, Nikolaou K, Spengler W, et al. Imaging diagnosis in relapsing polychondritis and correlation with clinical and serological data. Skeletal Radiol. 2015;5:339-346.
  22. Lahmer T, Treiber M, von Werder A, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: an autoimmune disease with many faces. Autoimmun Rev. 2010;9:540-546.
  23. Watkins S, Magill JM Jr, Ramos-Caro FA. Annular eruption preceding relapsing polychondritis: case report and review of the literature. Int J Dermatol. 2009;48:356-362.
  24. Francès C, el Rassi R, Laporte JL, et al. Dermatologic manifestations of relapsing polychondritis. A study of 200 cases at a single center. Medicine (Baltimore). 2001;80:173-179.
  25. Chopra R, Chaudhary N, Kay J. Relapsing polychondritis. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2013;39:263-276.
  26. Moulis G, Sailler L, Pugnet G, et al. Biologics in relapsing polychondritis: a case series. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2013;31:937-939.
  27. Henes CJ, Xenitidis T, Horger M. Tocilizumab for refractory relapsing polychondritis—long-term response monitoring by magnetic resonance imaging. Joint Bone Spine. 2016;83:365-366.
  28. Weinberger A, Myers AR. Relapsing polychondritis associated with cutaneous vasculitis. Arch Dermatol. 1979;115:980-981.
  29. Karaca NE, Aksu G, Yildiz B, et al. Relapsing polychondritis in a child with common variable immunodeficiency. Int J Dermatol. 2009;48:525-528.
  1. Pearson CM, Kline HM, Newcomer VD. Relapsing polychondritis. N Engl J Med. 1960;263:51-58.
  2. Kent PD, Michet CJ Jr, Luthra HS. Relapsing polychondritis. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2004;16:56-61.
  3. Ebringer R, Rook G, Swana GT, et al. Autoantibodies to cartilage and type II collagen in relapsing polychondritis and other rheumatic diseases. Ann Rheum Dis. 1981;40:473-479.
  4. Sharma A, Law AD, Bambery P, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: clinical presentations, disease activity and outcomes. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014;9:198.
  5. Vitale A, Sota J, Rigante D, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: an update on pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostic tools, and therapeutic perspectives. Curr Rheumatol Rep. 2016;18:3.
  6. Zandman-Goddard G, Shoenfeld Y. HIV and autoimmunity. Autoimmun Rev. 2002;1:329-337.
  7. Dolev JC, Maurer TA, Reddy SG, et al. Relapsing polychondritis in HIV-infected patients: a report of two cases. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004;51:1023-1025.
  8. Zandman-Goddard G, Peeva E, Barland P. Combined autoimmune disease in a patient with AIDS. Clin Rheumatol. 2002;21:70-72.
  9. Belzunegui J, Cancio J, Pego JM, et al. Relapsing polychondritis and Behc¸et’s syndrome in a patient with HIV infection. Ann Rheum Dis. 1995;54:780.
  10. Sharma A, Gnanapandithan K, Sharma K, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: a review. Clin Rheumatol. 2013;32:1575-1583.
  11. Cantarini L, Vitale A, Brizi MG, et al. Diagnosis and classification of relapsing polychondritis. J Autoimmun. 2014;48-49:53-59.
  12. Cañas CA, Bonilla Abadía F. Local cartilage trauma as a pathogenic factor in autoimmunity (one hypothesis based on patients with relapsing polychondritis triggered by cartilage trauma). Autoimmune Dis. 2012;2012:453698.
  13. Ouchi N, Uzuki M, Kamataki A, et al. Cartilage destruction is partly induced by the internal proteolytic enzymes and apoptotic phenomenon of chondrocytes in relapsing polychondritis. J Rheumatol. 2011;38:730-737.
  14. Buckner JH, Wu JJ, Reife RA, et al. Autoreactivity against matrilin-1 in a patient with relapsing polychondritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2000;43:939-943.
  15. Kempta Lekpa F, Piette JC, Bastuji-Garin S, et al. Serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) is a marker of disease activity in relapsing polychondritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2010;28:553-555.
  16. Foidart JM, Abe S, Martin GR, et al. Antibodies to type II collagen in relapsing polychondritis. N Engl J Med. 1978;299:1203-1207.
  17. McAdam LP, O’Hanlan MA, Bluestone R, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: prospective study of 23 patients and review of the literature. Medicine (Baltimore). 1976;55:193-215.
  18. Michet CJ, McKenna CH, Luthra HS, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: survival and predictive role of early disease manifestations. Ann Intern Med. 1986;104:74-78.
  19. Arnaud L, Devilliers H, Peng SL, et al. The Relapsing Polychondritis Disease Activity Index: development of a disease activity score for relapsing polychondritis. Autoimmun Rev. 2012;12:204-209.
  20. Brand DD, Kang AH, Rosloniec EF. Immunopathogenesis of collagen arthritis. Springer Semin Immunopathol. 2003;25:3-18.
  21. Thaiss WM, Nikolaou K, Spengler W, et al. Imaging diagnosis in relapsing polychondritis and correlation with clinical and serological data. Skeletal Radiol. 2015;5:339-346.
  22. Lahmer T, Treiber M, von Werder A, et al. Relapsing polychondritis: an autoimmune disease with many faces. Autoimmun Rev. 2010;9:540-546.
  23. Watkins S, Magill JM Jr, Ramos-Caro FA. Annular eruption preceding relapsing polychondritis: case report and review of the literature. Int J Dermatol. 2009;48:356-362.
  24. Francès C, el Rassi R, Laporte JL, et al. Dermatologic manifestations of relapsing polychondritis. A study of 200 cases at a single center. Medicine (Baltimore). 2001;80:173-179.
  25. Chopra R, Chaudhary N, Kay J. Relapsing polychondritis. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2013;39:263-276.
  26. Moulis G, Sailler L, Pugnet G, et al. Biologics in relapsing polychondritis: a case series. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2013;31:937-939.
  27. Henes CJ, Xenitidis T, Horger M. Tocilizumab for refractory relapsing polychondritis—long-term response monitoring by magnetic resonance imaging. Joint Bone Spine. 2016;83:365-366.
  28. Weinberger A, Myers AR. Relapsing polychondritis associated with cutaneous vasculitis. Arch Dermatol. 1979;115:980-981.
  29. Karaca NE, Aksu G, Yildiz B, et al. Relapsing polychondritis in a child with common variable immunodeficiency. Int J Dermatol. 2009;48:525-528.
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Relapsing Polychondritis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus
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Relapsing Polychondritis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Inside the Article

Practice Points

  • Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is characterized by recurrent inflammatory insults to cartilaginous and proteoglycan-rich structures, most often manifesting as ear inflammation that involves the auricle but spares the lobe, nasal chondritis, and arthralgia.
  • Relapsing polychondritis acts classically as an autoimmune disease with a variable presentation, making diagnosis a challenge.
  • One-third of RP patients have coexisting autoimmune disease.
  • Treatment of RP depends on severity of disease.
  • Dermatologists must be aware of the potential for development of RP in the setting of human immunodeficiency virus infection; a missed diagnosis of this progressive disease has the potential to be life-threatening.
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Solitary Tender Nodule on the Back

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Thu, 01/10/2019 - 13:46
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Solitary Tender Nodule on the Back

The Diagnosis: Solitary Fibrous Tumor

Solitary fibrous tumors (SFTs), as first described by Klemperer and Rabin1 in 1931, are relatively uncommon mesenchymal neoplasms that occur primarily in the pleura. This lesion is now known to affect many other extrathoracic sites, such as the liver, kidney, adrenal glands, thyroid, central nervous system, and soft tissue, with rare examples originating from the skin.2 Okamura et al3 reported the first known case of cutaneous SFT in 1997, with most of the literature limited to case reports. Erdag et al2 described one of the largest case series of primary cutaneous SFTs. These lesions can occur across a wide age range but tend to primarily affect middle-aged adults. Solitary fibrous tumors have been known to have no sex predilection; however, Erdag et al2 found a male predominance with a male to female ratio of 4 to 1. 

Histopathologically, a cutaneous SFT is known to appear as a well-circumscribed nodular spindle cell proliferation arranged in interlacing fascicles with an abundant hyalinized collagen stroma (quiz image). Alternating hypocellular and hypercellular areas can be seen. Supporting vasculature often is relatively prominent, represented by angulated and branching staghorn blood vessels (Figure 1).2 A common histopathologic finding of SFTs is a patternless pattern, which suggests that the tumor can have a variety of morphologic appearances (eg, storiform, fascicular, neural, herringbone growth patterns), making histologic diagnosis difficult (quiz image).4 Therefore, immunohistochemistry plays a large role in the diagnosis of this tumor. The most important positive markers include CD34, CD99, B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2), and signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6).5 Nuclear STAT6 staining is an immunomarker for NGFI-A binding protein 2 (NAB2)-STAT6 gene fusion, which is specific for SFT.5,6 Vivero et al7 also reported glutamate receptor, inotropic, AMPA 2 (GRIA2) as a useful immunostain in SFT, though it is also expressed in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP). In this case, the clinical and histopathologic findings best supported a diagnosis of SFT. Some consider hemangiopericytomas to be examples of SFTs; however, true hemangiopericytomas lack the thick hyalinized collagen and hypercellular areas seen in SFT.

Figure 1. Angulated and branching staghorn vessels in a solitary fibrous tumor (H&E, original magnification ×100).

A cellular dermatofibroma generally presents as a single round, reddish brown papule or nodule approximately 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter that is firm to palpation with a central depression or dimple created over the lesion from the lateral pressure. Cellular dermatofibromas mostly occur in middle-aged adults, with the most common locations on the legs and on the sides of the trunk. They are thought to arise after injuries to the skin. On histopathologic examination, cellular dermatofibromas typically exhibit a proliferation of fibrohistiocytic cells with collagen trapping, often at the periphery of the tumor (Figure 2). Although cellular dermatofibromas appear clinically different than SFTs, they often mimic SFTs histopathologically. Immunostaining also can be helpful in differentiating cellular dermatofibromas in which cells stain positive for factor XIIIa. CD34 staining is negative.

Figure 2. Cellular dermatofibroma demonstrating a proliferation of fibrohistiocytic cells with collagen trapping at the periphery of the tumor (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans usually appears as one or multiple firm, red to violaceous nodules or plaques. They most often occur on the trunk in middle-aged adults. Histopathologically, DFSP presents with a dense, hypercellular, spindle cell proliferation that demonstrates a typical storiform pattern. The tumor generally infiltrates into the deep dermis and subcutaneous adipose layer with characteristic adipocyte entrapment (Figure 3). Positive CD34 and negative factor XIIIa staining helps to differentiate DFSP from a cellular dermatofibroma. Immunohistochemically, it is more difficult to distinguish DFSP from SFT, as both are CD34+ spindle cell neoplasms that also stain positive for CD99 and BCL-2.2 GRIA2 positivity also is seen in both SFT and DFSP.7 However, differentiation can be made on morphologic grounds alone, as DFSP has ill-defined tumor borders with adnexal and fat entrapment and SFT tends to be more circumscribed with prominent arborizing hyalinized vessels.8

Figure 3. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans demonstrating a dense, hypercellular, spindle cell proliferation in a storiform pattern with adipocyte entrapment (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Spindle cell lipoma (SCL) is an asymptomatic subcutaneous tumor commonly located on the back, neck, and shoulders in older patients, typically men. It often presents as a solitary lesion, though multiple lesions may occur. It is a well-circumscribed tumor of mature adipose tissue with areas of spindle cell proliferation and ropey collagen bundles (Figure 4). In early lesions, the spindle cell areas are myxoid with the presence of many mast cells.9 The spindle cells stain positive for CD34. Although spindle cell lipoma would be included in both the clinical and histopathologic differential diagnosis for SFT, its histopathologic features often are enough to differentiate SCL, which is highlighted by the aforementioned features as well as a relatively low cellularity and lack of ectatic vessels.8 However, discerning tumor variants, such as low-fat pseudoangiomatous SCL and lipomatous or myxoid SFT, might prove more challenging.

Figure 4. Spindle cell lipoma showing a spindle cell proliferation and ropey collagen bundles in a myxoid stroma (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Nodular fasciitis typically presents as a rapidly growing subcutaneous nodule that may be tender. It is a benign reactive process usually affecting the arms and trunk of young to middle-aged adults, though it commonly involves the head and neck region in children.10 The tumor histopathologically appears as a well-circumscribed subcutaneous or fascial nodule with an angulated appearance. Spindle-shaped and stellate fibroblasts are loosely arranged in an edematous myxomatous stroma with a feathered appearance (Figure 5). Extravasated erythrocytes often are present. With time, collagen bundles become thicker and hyalinized. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrate positivity for vimentin, calponin, muscle-specific actin, and smooth muscle actin. Desmin, CD34, cytokeratin, and S-100 typically are negative.10-12 Therefore, CD34 staining is one of the main differentiating factors between nodular fasciitis and SFTs.

Figure 5. Nodular fasciitis demonstrating spindle-shaped and stellate fibroblasts loosely arranged in an edematous myxomatous stroma with the presence of extravasated erythrocytes (H&E, original magnification ×100).

  1. Klemperer P, Rabin CB. Primary neoplasms of the pleura: a report of five cases. Arch Pathol. 1931;11:385-412.
  2. Erdag G, Qureshi HS, Patterson JW, et al. Solitary fibrous tumors of the skin: a clinicopathologic study of 10 cases and review of the literature. J Cutan Pathol. 2007;34:844-850.
  3. Okamura JM, Barr RJ, Battifora H. Solitary fibrous tumor of the skin. Am J Dermatopathol. 1997;19:515-518.
  4. Lee JY, Park SE, Shin SJ, et al. Solitary fibrous tumor with myxoid stromal change. Am J Dermatopathol. 2015;37:570-573.
  5. Geramizadeh B, Marzban M, Churg A. Role of immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of solitary fibrous tumor, a review. Iran J Pathol. 2016;11:195-293.
  6. Creytens D, Ferdinande L, Dorpe JV. Histopathologically malignant solitary fibrous tumor of the skin: a report of an unusual case. J Cutan Pathol. 2016;43:629-631.
  7. Vivero M, Doyle LA, Fletcher CD, et al. GRIA2 is a novel diagnostic marker for solitary fibrous tumour identified through gene expression profiling. Histopathology. 2014;65:71-80.
  8. Wood L, Fountaine TJ, Rosamilia L, et al. Cutaneous CD34 spindle cell neoplasms: histopathologic features distinguish spindle cell lipoma, solitary fibrous tumor, and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. Am J Dermatopathol. 2010;32:764-768.
  9. Khatib Y, Khade AL, Shah VB, et al. Cytohistological features of spindle cell lipoma--a case report with differential diagnosis. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017;11:10-11.
  10. Kumar E, Patel NR, Demicco EG, et al. Cutaneous nodular fasciitis with genetic analysis: a case series. J Cutan Pathol. 2016;43:1143-1149.
  11. Bracey TS, Wharton S, Smith ME. Nodular 'fasciitis' presenting as a cutaneous polyp. J Cutan Pathol. 2009;36:980-982.
  12. Perez-Montiel MD, Plaza JA, Dominguez-Malagon H, et al. Differential expression of smooth muscle myosin, smooth muscle actin, h-caldesmon, and calponin in the diagnosis of myofibroblastic and smooth muscle lesions of skin and soft tissue. Am J Dermatopathol. 2006;28:105-111.
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Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Dorfman is from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. Oram and Lountzis are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, LTD, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Claire O. Dorfman, DO, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 (

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282, 301-302
Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Dorfman is from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. Oram and Lountzis are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, LTD, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Claire O. Dorfman, DO, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 (

Author and Disclosure Information

Dr. Dorfman is from Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Drs. Oram and Lountzis are from Advanced Dermatology Associates, LTD, Allentown.

The authors report no conflict of interest.

Correspondence: Claire O. Dorfman, DO, 1259 S Cedar Crest Blvd, Ste 100, Allentown, PA 18103 (

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The Diagnosis: Solitary Fibrous Tumor

Solitary fibrous tumors (SFTs), as first described by Klemperer and Rabin1 in 1931, are relatively uncommon mesenchymal neoplasms that occur primarily in the pleura. This lesion is now known to affect many other extrathoracic sites, such as the liver, kidney, adrenal glands, thyroid, central nervous system, and soft tissue, with rare examples originating from the skin.2 Okamura et al3 reported the first known case of cutaneous SFT in 1997, with most of the literature limited to case reports. Erdag et al2 described one of the largest case series of primary cutaneous SFTs. These lesions can occur across a wide age range but tend to primarily affect middle-aged adults. Solitary fibrous tumors have been known to have no sex predilection; however, Erdag et al2 found a male predominance with a male to female ratio of 4 to 1. 

Histopathologically, a cutaneous SFT is known to appear as a well-circumscribed nodular spindle cell proliferation arranged in interlacing fascicles with an abundant hyalinized collagen stroma (quiz image). Alternating hypocellular and hypercellular areas can be seen. Supporting vasculature often is relatively prominent, represented by angulated and branching staghorn blood vessels (Figure 1).2 A common histopathologic finding of SFTs is a patternless pattern, which suggests that the tumor can have a variety of morphologic appearances (eg, storiform, fascicular, neural, herringbone growth patterns), making histologic diagnosis difficult (quiz image).4 Therefore, immunohistochemistry plays a large role in the diagnosis of this tumor. The most important positive markers include CD34, CD99, B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2), and signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6).5 Nuclear STAT6 staining is an immunomarker for NGFI-A binding protein 2 (NAB2)-STAT6 gene fusion, which is specific for SFT.5,6 Vivero et al7 also reported glutamate receptor, inotropic, AMPA 2 (GRIA2) as a useful immunostain in SFT, though it is also expressed in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP). In this case, the clinical and histopathologic findings best supported a diagnosis of SFT. Some consider hemangiopericytomas to be examples of SFTs; however, true hemangiopericytomas lack the thick hyalinized collagen and hypercellular areas seen in SFT.

Figure 1. Angulated and branching staghorn vessels in a solitary fibrous tumor (H&E, original magnification ×100).

A cellular dermatofibroma generally presents as a single round, reddish brown papule or nodule approximately 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter that is firm to palpation with a central depression or dimple created over the lesion from the lateral pressure. Cellular dermatofibromas mostly occur in middle-aged adults, with the most common locations on the legs and on the sides of the trunk. They are thought to arise after injuries to the skin. On histopathologic examination, cellular dermatofibromas typically exhibit a proliferation of fibrohistiocytic cells with collagen trapping, often at the periphery of the tumor (Figure 2). Although cellular dermatofibromas appear clinically different than SFTs, they often mimic SFTs histopathologically. Immunostaining also can be helpful in differentiating cellular dermatofibromas in which cells stain positive for factor XIIIa. CD34 staining is negative.

Figure 2. Cellular dermatofibroma demonstrating a proliferation of fibrohistiocytic cells with collagen trapping at the periphery of the tumor (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans usually appears as one or multiple firm, red to violaceous nodules or plaques. They most often occur on the trunk in middle-aged adults. Histopathologically, DFSP presents with a dense, hypercellular, spindle cell proliferation that demonstrates a typical storiform pattern. The tumor generally infiltrates into the deep dermis and subcutaneous adipose layer with characteristic adipocyte entrapment (Figure 3). Positive CD34 and negative factor XIIIa staining helps to differentiate DFSP from a cellular dermatofibroma. Immunohistochemically, it is more difficult to distinguish DFSP from SFT, as both are CD34+ spindle cell neoplasms that also stain positive for CD99 and BCL-2.2 GRIA2 positivity also is seen in both SFT and DFSP.7 However, differentiation can be made on morphologic grounds alone, as DFSP has ill-defined tumor borders with adnexal and fat entrapment and SFT tends to be more circumscribed with prominent arborizing hyalinized vessels.8

Figure 3. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans demonstrating a dense, hypercellular, spindle cell proliferation in a storiform pattern with adipocyte entrapment (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Spindle cell lipoma (SCL) is an asymptomatic subcutaneous tumor commonly located on the back, neck, and shoulders in older patients, typically men. It often presents as a solitary lesion, though multiple lesions may occur. It is a well-circumscribed tumor of mature adipose tissue with areas of spindle cell proliferation and ropey collagen bundles (Figure 4). In early lesions, the spindle cell areas are myxoid with the presence of many mast cells.9 The spindle cells stain positive for CD34. Although spindle cell lipoma would be included in both the clinical and histopathologic differential diagnosis for SFT, its histopathologic features often are enough to differentiate SCL, which is highlighted by the aforementioned features as well as a relatively low cellularity and lack of ectatic vessels.8 However, discerning tumor variants, such as low-fat pseudoangiomatous SCL and lipomatous or myxoid SFT, might prove more challenging.

Figure 4. Spindle cell lipoma showing a spindle cell proliferation and ropey collagen bundles in a myxoid stroma (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Nodular fasciitis typically presents as a rapidly growing subcutaneous nodule that may be tender. It is a benign reactive process usually affecting the arms and trunk of young to middle-aged adults, though it commonly involves the head and neck region in children.10 The tumor histopathologically appears as a well-circumscribed subcutaneous or fascial nodule with an angulated appearance. Spindle-shaped and stellate fibroblasts are loosely arranged in an edematous myxomatous stroma with a feathered appearance (Figure 5). Extravasated erythrocytes often are present. With time, collagen bundles become thicker and hyalinized. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrate positivity for vimentin, calponin, muscle-specific actin, and smooth muscle actin. Desmin, CD34, cytokeratin, and S-100 typically are negative.10-12 Therefore, CD34 staining is one of the main differentiating factors between nodular fasciitis and SFTs.

Figure 5. Nodular fasciitis demonstrating spindle-shaped and stellate fibroblasts loosely arranged in an edematous myxomatous stroma with the presence of extravasated erythrocytes (H&E, original magnification ×100).

The Diagnosis: Solitary Fibrous Tumor

Solitary fibrous tumors (SFTs), as first described by Klemperer and Rabin1 in 1931, are relatively uncommon mesenchymal neoplasms that occur primarily in the pleura. This lesion is now known to affect many other extrathoracic sites, such as the liver, kidney, adrenal glands, thyroid, central nervous system, and soft tissue, with rare examples originating from the skin.2 Okamura et al3 reported the first known case of cutaneous SFT in 1997, with most of the literature limited to case reports. Erdag et al2 described one of the largest case series of primary cutaneous SFTs. These lesions can occur across a wide age range but tend to primarily affect middle-aged adults. Solitary fibrous tumors have been known to have no sex predilection; however, Erdag et al2 found a male predominance with a male to female ratio of 4 to 1. 

Histopathologically, a cutaneous SFT is known to appear as a well-circumscribed nodular spindle cell proliferation arranged in interlacing fascicles with an abundant hyalinized collagen stroma (quiz image). Alternating hypocellular and hypercellular areas can be seen. Supporting vasculature often is relatively prominent, represented by angulated and branching staghorn blood vessels (Figure 1).2 A common histopathologic finding of SFTs is a patternless pattern, which suggests that the tumor can have a variety of morphologic appearances (eg, storiform, fascicular, neural, herringbone growth patterns), making histologic diagnosis difficult (quiz image).4 Therefore, immunohistochemistry plays a large role in the diagnosis of this tumor. The most important positive markers include CD34, CD99, B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2), and signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 (STAT6).5 Nuclear STAT6 staining is an immunomarker for NGFI-A binding protein 2 (NAB2)-STAT6 gene fusion, which is specific for SFT.5,6 Vivero et al7 also reported glutamate receptor, inotropic, AMPA 2 (GRIA2) as a useful immunostain in SFT, though it is also expressed in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP). In this case, the clinical and histopathologic findings best supported a diagnosis of SFT. Some consider hemangiopericytomas to be examples of SFTs; however, true hemangiopericytomas lack the thick hyalinized collagen and hypercellular areas seen in SFT.

Figure 1. Angulated and branching staghorn vessels in a solitary fibrous tumor (H&E, original magnification ×100).

A cellular dermatofibroma generally presents as a single round, reddish brown papule or nodule approximately 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter that is firm to palpation with a central depression or dimple created over the lesion from the lateral pressure. Cellular dermatofibromas mostly occur in middle-aged adults, with the most common locations on the legs and on the sides of the trunk. They are thought to arise after injuries to the skin. On histopathologic examination, cellular dermatofibromas typically exhibit a proliferation of fibrohistiocytic cells with collagen trapping, often at the periphery of the tumor (Figure 2). Although cellular dermatofibromas appear clinically different than SFTs, they often mimic SFTs histopathologically. Immunostaining also can be helpful in differentiating cellular dermatofibromas in which cells stain positive for factor XIIIa. CD34 staining is negative.

Figure 2. Cellular dermatofibroma demonstrating a proliferation of fibrohistiocytic cells with collagen trapping at the periphery of the tumor (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans usually appears as one or multiple firm, red to violaceous nodules or plaques. They most often occur on the trunk in middle-aged adults. Histopathologically, DFSP presents with a dense, hypercellular, spindle cell proliferation that demonstrates a typical storiform pattern. The tumor generally infiltrates into the deep dermis and subcutaneous adipose layer with characteristic adipocyte entrapment (Figure 3). Positive CD34 and negative factor XIIIa staining helps to differentiate DFSP from a cellular dermatofibroma. Immunohistochemically, it is more difficult to distinguish DFSP from SFT, as both are CD34+ spindle cell neoplasms that also stain positive for CD99 and BCL-2.2 GRIA2 positivity also is seen in both SFT and DFSP.7 However, differentiation can be made on morphologic grounds alone, as DFSP has ill-defined tumor borders with adnexal and fat entrapment and SFT tends to be more circumscribed with prominent arborizing hyalinized vessels.8

Figure 3. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans demonstrating a dense, hypercellular, spindle cell proliferation in a storiform pattern with adipocyte entrapment (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Spindle cell lipoma (SCL) is an asymptomatic subcutaneous tumor commonly located on the back, neck, and shoulders in older patients, typically men. It often presents as a solitary lesion, though multiple lesions may occur. It is a well-circumscribed tumor of mature adipose tissue with areas of spindle cell proliferation and ropey collagen bundles (Figure 4). In early lesions, the spindle cell areas are myxoid with the presence of many mast cells.9 The spindle cells stain positive for CD34. Although spindle cell lipoma would be included in both the clinical and histopathologic differential diagnosis for SFT, its histopathologic features often are enough to differentiate SCL, which is highlighted by the aforementioned features as well as a relatively low cellularity and lack of ectatic vessels.8 However, discerning tumor variants, such as low-fat pseudoangiomatous SCL and lipomatous or myxoid SFT, might prove more challenging.

Figure 4. Spindle cell lipoma showing a spindle cell proliferation and ropey collagen bundles in a myxoid stroma (H&E, original magnification ×100).

Nodular fasciitis typically presents as a rapidly growing subcutaneous nodule that may be tender. It is a benign reactive process usually affecting the arms and trunk of young to middle-aged adults, though it commonly involves the head and neck region in children.10 The tumor histopathologically appears as a well-circumscribed subcutaneous or fascial nodule with an angulated appearance. Spindle-shaped and stellate fibroblasts are loosely arranged in an edematous myxomatous stroma with a feathered appearance (Figure 5). Extravasated erythrocytes often are present. With time, collagen bundles become thicker and hyalinized. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrate positivity for vimentin, calponin, muscle-specific actin, and smooth muscle actin. Desmin, CD34, cytokeratin, and S-100 typically are negative.10-12 Therefore, CD34 staining is one of the main differentiating factors between nodular fasciitis and SFTs.

Figure 5. Nodular fasciitis demonstrating spindle-shaped and stellate fibroblasts loosely arranged in an edematous myxomatous stroma with the presence of extravasated erythrocytes (H&E, original magnification ×100).

  1. Klemperer P, Rabin CB. Primary neoplasms of the pleura: a report of five cases. Arch Pathol. 1931;11:385-412.
  2. Erdag G, Qureshi HS, Patterson JW, et al. Solitary fibrous tumors of the skin: a clinicopathologic study of 10 cases and review of the literature. J Cutan Pathol. 2007;34:844-850.
  3. Okamura JM, Barr RJ, Battifora H. Solitary fibrous tumor of the skin. Am J Dermatopathol. 1997;19:515-518.
  4. Lee JY, Park SE, Shin SJ, et al. Solitary fibrous tumor with myxoid stromal change. Am J Dermatopathol. 2015;37:570-573.
  5. Geramizadeh B, Marzban M, Churg A. Role of immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of solitary fibrous tumor, a review. Iran J Pathol. 2016;11:195-293.
  6. Creytens D, Ferdinande L, Dorpe JV. Histopathologically malignant solitary fibrous tumor of the skin: a report of an unusual case. J Cutan Pathol. 2016;43:629-631.
  7. Vivero M, Doyle LA, Fletcher CD, et al. GRIA2 is a novel diagnostic marker for solitary fibrous tumour identified through gene expression profiling. Histopathology. 2014;65:71-80.
  8. Wood L, Fountaine TJ, Rosamilia L, et al. Cutaneous CD34 spindle cell neoplasms: histopathologic features distinguish spindle cell lipoma, solitary fibrous tumor, and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. Am J Dermatopathol. 2010;32:764-768.
  9. Khatib Y, Khade AL, Shah VB, et al. Cytohistological features of spindle cell lipoma--a case report with differential diagnosis. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017;11:10-11.
  10. Kumar E, Patel NR, Demicco EG, et al. Cutaneous nodular fasciitis with genetic analysis: a case series. J Cutan Pathol. 2016;43:1143-1149.
  11. Bracey TS, Wharton S, Smith ME. Nodular 'fasciitis' presenting as a cutaneous polyp. J Cutan Pathol. 2009;36:980-982.
  12. Perez-Montiel MD, Plaza JA, Dominguez-Malagon H, et al. Differential expression of smooth muscle myosin, smooth muscle actin, h-caldesmon, and calponin in the diagnosis of myofibroblastic and smooth muscle lesions of skin and soft tissue. Am J Dermatopathol. 2006;28:105-111.
  1. Klemperer P, Rabin CB. Primary neoplasms of the pleura: a report of five cases. Arch Pathol. 1931;11:385-412.
  2. Erdag G, Qureshi HS, Patterson JW, et al. Solitary fibrous tumors of the skin: a clinicopathologic study of 10 cases and review of the literature. J Cutan Pathol. 2007;34:844-850.
  3. Okamura JM, Barr RJ, Battifora H. Solitary fibrous tumor of the skin. Am J Dermatopathol. 1997;19:515-518.
  4. Lee JY, Park SE, Shin SJ, et al. Solitary fibrous tumor with myxoid stromal change. Am J Dermatopathol. 2015;37:570-573.
  5. Geramizadeh B, Marzban M, Churg A. Role of immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of solitary fibrous tumor, a review. Iran J Pathol. 2016;11:195-293.
  6. Creytens D, Ferdinande L, Dorpe JV. Histopathologically malignant solitary fibrous tumor of the skin: a report of an unusual case. J Cutan Pathol. 2016;43:629-631.
  7. Vivero M, Doyle LA, Fletcher CD, et al. GRIA2 is a novel diagnostic marker for solitary fibrous tumour identified through gene expression profiling. Histopathology. 2014;65:71-80.
  8. Wood L, Fountaine TJ, Rosamilia L, et al. Cutaneous CD34 spindle cell neoplasms: histopathologic features distinguish spindle cell lipoma, solitary fibrous tumor, and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. Am J Dermatopathol. 2010;32:764-768.
  9. Khatib Y, Khade AL, Shah VB, et al. Cytohistological features of spindle cell lipoma--a case report with differential diagnosis. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017;11:10-11.
  10. Kumar E, Patel NR, Demicco EG, et al. Cutaneous nodular fasciitis with genetic analysis: a case series. J Cutan Pathol. 2016;43:1143-1149.
  11. Bracey TS, Wharton S, Smith ME. Nodular 'fasciitis' presenting as a cutaneous polyp. J Cutan Pathol. 2009;36:980-982.
  12. Perez-Montiel MD, Plaza JA, Dominguez-Malagon H, et al. Differential expression of smooth muscle myosin, smooth muscle actin, h-caldesmon, and calponin in the diagnosis of myofibroblastic and smooth muscle lesions of skin and soft tissue. Am J Dermatopathol. 2006;28:105-111.
Cutis - 100(5)
Cutis - 100(5)
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282, 301-302
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282, 301-302
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Solitary Tender Nodule on the Back
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Solitary Tender Nodule on the Back
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H&E, original magnification ×200 (inset, original magnification ×40).

A 73-year-old man presented with a tender nodule on the back that had recently increased in size. On physical examination, a solitary 4-cm nodule was noted in the right trapezius region. The patient denied any personal or family history of similar lesions or a penchant for cysts. Due to the symptomatic nature of the lesion, surgical excision was performed.

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