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Ninety-four women allege a Utah doctor sexually assaulted them. Here’s why a judge threw out their case

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Wed, 03/01/2023 - 13:35

This article was produced for ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network in partnership with The Salt Lake Tribune.

At 19 years old and about to be married, Stephanie Mateer went to an ob.gyn. within walking distance of her student housing near Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.

She wanted to start using birth control, and she was looking for guidance about having sex for the first time on her 2008 wedding night.

Ms. Mateer was shocked, she said, when David Broadbent, MD, reached under her gown to grab and squeeze her breasts, started a vaginal exam without warning, then followed it with an extremely painful examination of her rectum.

She felt disgusted and violated, but doubt also crept in. She told herself she must have misinterpreted his actions, or that she should have known that he would do a rectal exam. Raised as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she said she was taught to defer to men in leadership.

“I viewed him as being a man in authority,” Ms. Mateer said. “He’s a doctor.”

It was years, she said, before she learned that her experience was in a sharp contrast to the conduct called for in professional standards, including that doctors use only their fingertips during a breast exam and communicate clearly what they are doing in advance, to gain the consent of their patients. Eventually, she gave her experience another name: sexual assault.

Utah judges, however, have called it health care.

And that legal distinction means Utahns like Ms. Mateer who decide to sue a health care provider for alleged sexual abuse are treated more harshly by the court system than plaintiffs who say they were harmed in other settings.

The chance to go to civil court for damages is an important option for survivors, experts say. While a criminal conviction can provide a sense of justice, winning a lawsuit can help victims pay for the therapy and additional support they need to heal after trauma.

Ms. Mateer laid out her allegations in a lawsuit that she and 93 other women filed against Dr. Broadbent last year. But they quickly learned they would be treated differently than other sexual assault survivors.

Filing their case, which alleged the Utah County doctor sexually assaulted them over the span of his 47-year career, was an empowering moment, Ms. Mateer said. But a judge threw out the lawsuit without even considering the merits, determining that because their alleged assailant is a doctor, the case must be governed by medical malpractice rules rather than those that apply to cases of sexual assault.

Under Utah’s rules of medical malpractice, claims made by victims who allege a health care worker sexually assaulted them are literally worth less than lawsuits brought by someone who was assaulted in other settings – even if a jury rules in their favor, a judge is required to limit how much money they receive. And they must meet a shorter filing deadline.

“It’s just crazy that a doctor can sexually assault women and then be protected by the white coat,” Ms. Mateer said. “It’s just a really scary precedent to be calling sexual assault ‘health care.’ ”

Because of the judge’s ruling that leaves them with a shorter window in which to file, some of Dr. Broadbent’s accusers stand to lose their chance to sue. Others were already past that deadline but had hoped to take advantage of an exception that allows plaintiffs to sue if they can prove that the person who harmed them had covered up the wrongdoing and if they discovered they had been hurt within the previous year.

As a group, the women are appealing the ruling to the Utah Supreme Court, which has agreed to hear the case. This decision will set a precedent for future sexual assault victims in Utah.

Dr. Broadbent’s attorney, Chris Nelson, declined an interview request but wrote in an email: “We believe that the allegations against Dr. Broadbent are without merit and will present our case in court. Given that this is an active legal matter, we will not be sharing any details outside the courtroom.”

States have varying legal definitions of medical malpractice, but it’s generally described as treatment that falls short of accepted standards of care. That includes mistakes, such as a surgeon leaving a piece of gauze inside a patient.

Utah is among the states with the broadest definition of medical malpractice, covering any acts “arising” out of health care. The Utah Supreme Court has ruled that a teenage boy was receiving health care when he was allowed to climb a steep, snow-dusted rock outcrop as part of wilderness therapy. When he broke his leg, he could only sue for medical malpractice, so the case faced shorter filing deadlines and lower monetary caps. Similarly, the court has ruled that a boy harmed by another child while in foster care was also bound by medical malpractice law.

Despite these state Supreme Court rulings, Utah legislators have so far not moved to narrow the wording of the malpractice act.

The lawsuit against Dr. Broadbent – and the questions it raises about the broadness of Utah’s medical malpractice laws – comes during a national reckoning with how sexual assault survivors are treated by the law. Legislators in several states have been rewriting laws to give sexual assault victims more time to sue their attackers, in response to the growing cultural understanding of the impact of trauma and the barriers to reporting. Even in Utah, those who were sexually abused as children now have no deadline to file suits against their abusers.

That isn’t true for sexual abuse in a medical setting, where cases must be filed within 2 years of the assault.

These higher hurdles should not exist in Utah, said state Sen. Mike K. McKell, a Utah County Republican who works as a personal injury attorney. He is trying to change state law to ensure that sexual assault lawsuits do not fall under Utah’s Health Care Malpractice Act, a law designed to cover negligence and poor care, not necessarily deliberate actions like an assault.

“Sexual assault, to me, is not medical care. Period,” he said. “It’s sad that we need to clarify that sexual assault is not medical care. But trying to tie sexual assault to a medical malpractice [filing deadline] – it’s just wrong.”



‘Your husband is a lucky man’

Ms. Mateer had gone to Dr. Broadbent in 2008 for a premarital exam, a uniquely Utah visit often scheduled by young women who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Leaders of the faith, which is predominant in Utah, focus on chastity when speaking to young, unmarried people about sex, and public schools have typically focused on abstinence-based sex education. So for some, these visits are the first place they learn about sexual health.

Young women who get premarital exams are typically given a birth control prescription, but the appointments can include care that’s less common for healthy women in other states – such as doctors giving them vaginal dilators to stretch their tissues before their wedding nights.

That’s what Ms. Mateer was expecting when she visited Dr. Broadbent’s office. The ob.gyn. had been practicing for decades in his Provo clinic nestled between student housing apartments across the street from Brigham Young University, which is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

So Ms. Mateer was “just totally taken aback,” she said, by the painful examination and by Dr. Broadbent snapping off his gloves after the exam and saying, “Your husband is a lucky man.”

She repeated that remark in her legal filing, along with the doctor’s advice for her: If she bled during intercourse, “just do what the Boy Scouts do and apply pressure.”

“The whole thing was like I’m some object for my husband to enjoy and let him do whatever he wants,” Ms. Mateer said. “It was just very violating and not a great way to start my sexual relationship with my new husband, with these ideas in mind.”

Ms. Mateer thought back to that visit over the years, particularly when she went to other ob.gyns. for health care. Her subsequent doctors, she said, never performed a rectal exam and always explained to her what they were doing and how it would feel, and asked for her consent.

She thought about Dr. Broadbent again in 2017, as the #MeToo movement gained momentum, and looked him up online. Ms. Mateer found reviews from other women who described Dr. Broadbent doing rough examinations without warning that left them feeling the same way she had years before.

Then in December 2021, she spoke out on “Mormon Stories,” a podcast where people who have left or have questioned their Latter-day Saint faith share their life stories. In the episode, she described the painful way he examined her, how it left her feeling traumatized, and her discovery of the reviews that echoed her experience.

“He’s on University Avenue, in Provo, giving these exams to who knows how many naive Mormon 18-year-old, 19-year-old girls who are getting married. … They are naive and they don’t know what to expect,” she said on the podcast. “His name is Dr. David Broadbent.”

After the podcast aired, Ms. Mateer was flooded with messages from women who heard the episode and reached out to tell her that Dr. Broadbent had harmed them, too.

Ms. Mateer and three other women decided to sue the ob.gyn., and in the following weeks and months, 90 additional women joined the lawsuit they filed in Provo. Many of the women allege Dr. Broadbent inappropriately touched their breasts, vaginas and rectums, hurting them, without warning or explanation. Some said he used his bare hand – instead of using a speculum or gloves – during exams. One alleged that she saw he had an erection while he was touching her.

Dr. Broadbent’s actions were not medically necessary, the women allege, and were instead “performed for no other reason than his own sexual gratification.”

The lawsuit also named as defendants two hospitals where Dr. Broadbent had delivered babies and where some of the women allege they were assaulted. The suit accused hospital administrators of knowing about Dr. Broadbent’s inappropriate behavior and doing nothing about it.

After he was sued, the ob.gyn. quickly lost his privileges at the hospitals where he worked. Dr. Broadbent, now 75, has also voluntarily put his medical license in Utah on hold while police investigate 29 reports of sexual assault made against him.

Prosecutors are still considering whether to criminally prosecute Dr. Broadbent. Provo police forwarded more than a dozen reports to the Utah County attorney’s office in November, which are still being reviewed by a local prosecutor.

A spokesperson for Intermountain Health, the nonprofit health system that owns Utah Valley Hospital, where some of the women in the suit were treated, did not respond to specific questions. The spokesperson emphasized in an email that Dr. Broadbent was an “independent physician” who was not employed by Utah Valley Hospital, adding that most of the alleged incidents took place at Dr. Broadbent’s medical office.

A representative for MountainStar Healthcare, another hospital chain named as a defendant, denied knowledge of any allegations of inappropriate conduct reported to its hospital and also emphasized that Dr. Broadbent worked independently, not as an employee.

“Our position since this lawsuit was filed has been that we were inappropriately named in this suit,” said Brittany Glas, the communications director for MountainStar.



Debating whether sexual abuse is health care

For the women who sued Dr. Broadbent, their case boiled down to a key question: Were the sexual assaults they say they experienced part of their health care? There was a lot hanging on the answer.

If their case was considered medical malpractice, they would be limited in how much money they could receive in damages for their pain and suffering. If a jury awarded them millions of dollars, a judge would be required by law to cut that down to $450,000. There’s no cap on these monetary awards for victims sexually assaulted in other settings.

They would also be required to go before a panel, which includes a doctor, a lawyer and a community member, that decides whether their claims have merit. This step, aimed at resolving disputes out of court, does not block anyone from suing afterward. But it does add cost and delay, and for sexual assault victims who’ve gone through this step, it has been another time they were required to describe their experiences and hope they were believed.

The shorter, 2-year filing deadline for medical malpractice cases can also be a particular challenge for those who have been sexually abused because research shows that it’s common to delay reporting such assaults.

Nationwide, these kinds of malpractice reforms were adopted in the 1970s amid concerns – largely driven by insurance companies – that the cost of health care was rising because of frivolous lawsuits and “runaway juries” doling out multimillion-dollar payouts.

Restricting the size of malpractice awards and imposing other limits, many argued, were effective ways to balance compensating injured patients with protecting everyone’s access to health care.

State laws are generally silent on whether sexual assault lawsuits should be covered by malpractice laws, leaving courts to grapple with that question and leading to different conclusions across the country. The Tribune and ProPublica identified at least six cases in which state appellate judges sharply distinguished between assault and health care in considering whether malpractice laws should apply to sexual assault–related cases.

An appellate court in Wisconsin, for example, ruled in 1993 that a physician having an erection and groping a patient was a purposeful harm, not medical malpractice.

Florida’s law is similar to Utah’s, defining allegations “arising” out of medical care as malpractice. While an earlier ruling did treat sexual assault in a health care setting as medical malpractice, appellate rulings in the last decade have moved away from that interpretation. In 2005, an appellate court affirmed a lower-court ruling that when a dentist “stopped providing dental treatment to the victim and began sexually assaulting her, his professional services ended.”

Similarly, a federal judge in Iowa in 1995 weighed in on the meaning of “arising” out of health care: “Rape is not patient care activity,” he wrote.

But Utah’s malpractice law is so broad that judges have been interpreting it as covering any act performed by a health care provider during medical care. The law was passed in 1976 and is popular with doctors and other health care providers, who have lobbied to keep it in place – and who use it to get lawsuits dismissed.

One precedent-setting case in Utah shows the law’s power to safeguard health care providers and was an important test of how Utah defines medical malpractice. Jacob Scott sued WinGate Wilderness Therapy after the teen broke his leg in 2015 when a hiking guide from the center allowed him to climb up and down a steep outcrop in Utah’s red rock desert.

His parents are both lawyers, and after they found that Utah had a 4-year deadline for filing a personal injury lawsuit, court records said, they decided to prioritize “getting Jacob better” for the first 2 years after the accident. But when Mr. Scott’s suit was filed, WinGate argued it was too late – based on the shorter, 2-year deadline for medical malpractice claims.

Mr. Scott’s attorneys scoffed. “Interacting with nature,” his attorneys argued, “is not health care even under the broadest interpretation of … the Utah Health Care Malpractice Act.”

A judge disagreed and threw out Mr. Scott’s case. The Utah Supreme Court unanimously upheld that ruling in 2021.

“We agree with WinGate,” the justices wrote, “that it was acting as a ‘health care provider’ and providing ‘health care’ when Jacob was hiking and rock climbing.”

Last summer, the women who had sued Dr. Broadbent and the two hospitals watched online as lawyers debated whether the abuse they allegedly suffered was health care.

At the hearing, attorneys for Dr. Broadbent and the hospitals argued that the women should have pursued a medical malpractice case, which required them to first notify Dr. Broadbent and the hospitals that they wanted to sue. They also argued to Judge Robert Lunnen that the case couldn’t move forward because the women hadn’t gone before a prelitigation panel.

Attorneys for Dr. Broadbent and the hospitals argued, one after the other, that the painful and traumatic exams the women described arose out of health care treatments.

“Accepting the allegations of the complaint as true – as we must for purposes of this proceeding – we have to assume that [Broadbent] did something that was medically unnecessary, medically inappropriate,” argued David Jordan, a lawyer for Intermountain Health.

“But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s an act performed to a patient, during the patient’s treatment,” he said. “Because that’s what the patient is doing in the doctor’s office. They’re there for treatment.”

The attorney team for the women pushed back. Terry Rooney argued that if Dr. Broadbent’s actions fell under medical malpractice laws, many women would be knocked out of the case because of the age of their claims, and those who remained would be limited in the amount of money in damages they could receive.

“That’s really what this is about,” he argued. “And so it’s troubling – quite frankly it’s shocking to me – that we’re debating heavily the question of whether sexual abuse is health care.”

The judge mulled the issue for months. Judge Lunnen wrote in a September ruling that if the allegations were true, Dr. Broadbent’s treatment of his patients was “insensitive, disrespectful and degrading.”

But Utah law is clear, he said. Malpractice law covers any act or treatment performed by any health care provider during the patient’s medical care. The women had all been seeking health care, Judge Lunnen wrote, and Dr. Broadbent was providing that when the alleged assaults happened.

Their lawsuit was dismissed.



‘I felt defeated’

Brooke, another plaintiff who alleges Dr. Broadbent groped her, remembers feeling sick on the June day she watched the attorneys arguing. She asked to be identified by only her first name for this story.

She alleges Dr. Broadbent violated her in December 2008 while she was hospitalized after experiencing complications with her first pregnancy.

The nearest hospital to her rural town didn’t have a special unit to take care of premature babies, and her doctors feared she might need to deliver her son 6 weeks early. So Brooke had been rushed by ambulance over a mountain pass in a snowstorm to Utah Valley Hospital.

Brooke and her husband were terrified, she said, when they arrived at the Provo hospital. Dr. Broadbent happened to be the doctor on call. With Brooke’s husband and brother-in-law in the room, Dr. Broadbent examined her late that evening, she said, listening to her chest with a stethoscope.

The doctor then suddenly grabbed her breasts, she recalled – his movements causing her hospital gown to fall to expose her chest. She recounted this experience in her lawsuit, saying it was nothing like the breast exams she has had since.

“It was really traumatizing,” she said. “I was mortified. My husband and brother-in-law – we just didn’t say anything about it because it was so uncomfortable.”

Brooke voiced concerns to the nurse manager, and she was assigned a new doctor.

She gave birth to a healthy baby a little more than a month later, at the hospital near her home.

Hearing the judge’s ruling 14 years later, Brooke felt the decision revealed how Utah’s laws are broken.

“I was frustrated,” she said, “and I felt defeated. … I thought justice is not on our side with this.”

If the Utah Supreme Court rules that these alleged sexual assaults should legally be considered health care, the women will likely refile their claims as a medical malpractice lawsuit, said their attorney, Adam Sorensen. But it would be a challenge to keep all 94 women in the case, he said, due to the shorter filing window. Only two women in the lawsuit allege that they were harmed within the last 2 years.

The legal team for the women would have to convince a judge that their claims should still be allowed because they only recently discovered they were harmed. But based on previous rulings, Mr. Sorensen believes the women will have a better chance to win that argument if the civil suit remained a sexual assault case.

Regardless of what happens in their legal case, the decision by Brooke and the other women to come forward could help change state law for victims who come after them.

Recently, Mr. McKell, the state senator, introduced legislation to clarify that civil lawsuits alleging sexual assault by a health care worker do not fall under Utah’s Health Care Malpractice Act.

“I don’t think it’s a close call. Sexual assault is not medical care,” he said. “I know we’ve got some bizarre rulings that have come down through our courts in Utah.”

Both an association of Utah trial lawyers and the Utah Medical Association, which lobbies on behalf of the state’s physicians, support this reform.

“We support the fact that sexual assault should not be part of health care medical malpractice,” said Michelle McOmber, the CEO for the Utah Medical Association. “Sexual assault should be sexual assault, regardless of where it happens or who’s doing it. Sexual assault should be in that category, which is separate from actual health care. Because it’s not health care.”

MountainStar doesn’t have a position on the bill, Ms. Glas said. “If the laws were to change via new legislation and/or interpretation by the courts, we would abide by and comply with those new laws.”

But lawmakers are running out of time. With only a short time left in Utah’s legislative session, state senate and house leaders have so far prioritized passing new laws banning gender-affirming health care for transgender youths and creating a controversial school voucher program that will provide taxpayer funds for students to attend private school.

Utah lawmakers were also expected to consider a dramatic change for other sexual assault victims: a bill that would remove filing deadlines for civil lawsuits brought by people abused as adults. But that bill stalled before it could be debated.

Brooke had been eager to share her story, she said, in hopes it would help the first four women who’d come forward bolster their lawsuit against Dr. Broadbent. She later joined the case as a plaintiff. She read in their lawsuit about one woman who complained about him to the same hospital 7 years before she did, and about another woman who said Dr. Broadbent similarly molested her 2 days after Brooke had expressed her own concern.

“That bothered me so much,” she said. “It didn’t have to happen to all these women.”

Brooke doubts she’ll get vindication in a courtroom. Justice for her, she suspects, won’t come in the form of a legal ruling or a settlement against the doctor she says hurt her years ago.

Instead, she said, “maybe justice looks like changing the laws for future women.”

This story was originally published on ProPublica. ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive the biggest stories as soon as they’re published.


This article was produced for ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network in partnership with The Salt Lake Tribune.

At 19 years old and about to be married, Stephanie Mateer went to an ob.gyn. within walking distance of her student housing near Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.

She wanted to start using birth control, and she was looking for guidance about having sex for the first time on her 2008 wedding night.

Ms. Mateer was shocked, she said, when David Broadbent, MD, reached under her gown to grab and squeeze her breasts, started a vaginal exam without warning, then followed it with an extremely painful examination of her rectum.

She felt disgusted and violated, but doubt also crept in. She told herself she must have misinterpreted his actions, or that she should have known that he would do a rectal exam. Raised as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she said she was taught to defer to men in leadership.

“I viewed him as being a man in authority,” Ms. Mateer said. “He’s a doctor.”

It was years, she said, before she learned that her experience was in a sharp contrast to the conduct called for in professional standards, including that doctors use only their fingertips during a breast exam and communicate clearly what they are doing in advance, to gain the consent of their patients. Eventually, she gave her experience another name: sexual assault.

Utah judges, however, have called it health care.

And that legal distinction means Utahns like Ms. Mateer who decide to sue a health care provider for alleged sexual abuse are treated more harshly by the court system than plaintiffs who say they were harmed in other settings.

The chance to go to civil court for damages is an important option for survivors, experts say. While a criminal conviction can provide a sense of justice, winning a lawsuit can help victims pay for the therapy and additional support they need to heal after trauma.

Ms. Mateer laid out her allegations in a lawsuit that she and 93 other women filed against Dr. Broadbent last year. But they quickly learned they would be treated differently than other sexual assault survivors.

Filing their case, which alleged the Utah County doctor sexually assaulted them over the span of his 47-year career, was an empowering moment, Ms. Mateer said. But a judge threw out the lawsuit without even considering the merits, determining that because their alleged assailant is a doctor, the case must be governed by medical malpractice rules rather than those that apply to cases of sexual assault.

Under Utah’s rules of medical malpractice, claims made by victims who allege a health care worker sexually assaulted them are literally worth less than lawsuits brought by someone who was assaulted in other settings – even if a jury rules in their favor, a judge is required to limit how much money they receive. And they must meet a shorter filing deadline.

“It’s just crazy that a doctor can sexually assault women and then be protected by the white coat,” Ms. Mateer said. “It’s just a really scary precedent to be calling sexual assault ‘health care.’ ”

Because of the judge’s ruling that leaves them with a shorter window in which to file, some of Dr. Broadbent’s accusers stand to lose their chance to sue. Others were already past that deadline but had hoped to take advantage of an exception that allows plaintiffs to sue if they can prove that the person who harmed them had covered up the wrongdoing and if they discovered they had been hurt within the previous year.

As a group, the women are appealing the ruling to the Utah Supreme Court, which has agreed to hear the case. This decision will set a precedent for future sexual assault victims in Utah.

Dr. Broadbent’s attorney, Chris Nelson, declined an interview request but wrote in an email: “We believe that the allegations against Dr. Broadbent are without merit and will present our case in court. Given that this is an active legal matter, we will not be sharing any details outside the courtroom.”

States have varying legal definitions of medical malpractice, but it’s generally described as treatment that falls short of accepted standards of care. That includes mistakes, such as a surgeon leaving a piece of gauze inside a patient.

Utah is among the states with the broadest definition of medical malpractice, covering any acts “arising” out of health care. The Utah Supreme Court has ruled that a teenage boy was receiving health care when he was allowed to climb a steep, snow-dusted rock outcrop as part of wilderness therapy. When he broke his leg, he could only sue for medical malpractice, so the case faced shorter filing deadlines and lower monetary caps. Similarly, the court has ruled that a boy harmed by another child while in foster care was also bound by medical malpractice law.

Despite these state Supreme Court rulings, Utah legislators have so far not moved to narrow the wording of the malpractice act.

The lawsuit against Dr. Broadbent – and the questions it raises about the broadness of Utah’s medical malpractice laws – comes during a national reckoning with how sexual assault survivors are treated by the law. Legislators in several states have been rewriting laws to give sexual assault victims more time to sue their attackers, in response to the growing cultural understanding of the impact of trauma and the barriers to reporting. Even in Utah, those who were sexually abused as children now have no deadline to file suits against their abusers.

That isn’t true for sexual abuse in a medical setting, where cases must be filed within 2 years of the assault.

These higher hurdles should not exist in Utah, said state Sen. Mike K. McKell, a Utah County Republican who works as a personal injury attorney. He is trying to change state law to ensure that sexual assault lawsuits do not fall under Utah’s Health Care Malpractice Act, a law designed to cover negligence and poor care, not necessarily deliberate actions like an assault.

“Sexual assault, to me, is not medical care. Period,” he said. “It’s sad that we need to clarify that sexual assault is not medical care. But trying to tie sexual assault to a medical malpractice [filing deadline] – it’s just wrong.”



‘Your husband is a lucky man’

Ms. Mateer had gone to Dr. Broadbent in 2008 for a premarital exam, a uniquely Utah visit often scheduled by young women who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Leaders of the faith, which is predominant in Utah, focus on chastity when speaking to young, unmarried people about sex, and public schools have typically focused on abstinence-based sex education. So for some, these visits are the first place they learn about sexual health.

Young women who get premarital exams are typically given a birth control prescription, but the appointments can include care that’s less common for healthy women in other states – such as doctors giving them vaginal dilators to stretch their tissues before their wedding nights.

That’s what Ms. Mateer was expecting when she visited Dr. Broadbent’s office. The ob.gyn. had been practicing for decades in his Provo clinic nestled between student housing apartments across the street from Brigham Young University, which is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

So Ms. Mateer was “just totally taken aback,” she said, by the painful examination and by Dr. Broadbent snapping off his gloves after the exam and saying, “Your husband is a lucky man.”

She repeated that remark in her legal filing, along with the doctor’s advice for her: If she bled during intercourse, “just do what the Boy Scouts do and apply pressure.”

“The whole thing was like I’m some object for my husband to enjoy and let him do whatever he wants,” Ms. Mateer said. “It was just very violating and not a great way to start my sexual relationship with my new husband, with these ideas in mind.”

Ms. Mateer thought back to that visit over the years, particularly when she went to other ob.gyns. for health care. Her subsequent doctors, she said, never performed a rectal exam and always explained to her what they were doing and how it would feel, and asked for her consent.

She thought about Dr. Broadbent again in 2017, as the #MeToo movement gained momentum, and looked him up online. Ms. Mateer found reviews from other women who described Dr. Broadbent doing rough examinations without warning that left them feeling the same way she had years before.

Then in December 2021, she spoke out on “Mormon Stories,” a podcast where people who have left or have questioned their Latter-day Saint faith share their life stories. In the episode, she described the painful way he examined her, how it left her feeling traumatized, and her discovery of the reviews that echoed her experience.

“He’s on University Avenue, in Provo, giving these exams to who knows how many naive Mormon 18-year-old, 19-year-old girls who are getting married. … They are naive and they don’t know what to expect,” she said on the podcast. “His name is Dr. David Broadbent.”

After the podcast aired, Ms. Mateer was flooded with messages from women who heard the episode and reached out to tell her that Dr. Broadbent had harmed them, too.

Ms. Mateer and three other women decided to sue the ob.gyn., and in the following weeks and months, 90 additional women joined the lawsuit they filed in Provo. Many of the women allege Dr. Broadbent inappropriately touched their breasts, vaginas and rectums, hurting them, without warning or explanation. Some said he used his bare hand – instead of using a speculum or gloves – during exams. One alleged that she saw he had an erection while he was touching her.

Dr. Broadbent’s actions were not medically necessary, the women allege, and were instead “performed for no other reason than his own sexual gratification.”

The lawsuit also named as defendants two hospitals where Dr. Broadbent had delivered babies and where some of the women allege they were assaulted. The suit accused hospital administrators of knowing about Dr. Broadbent’s inappropriate behavior and doing nothing about it.

After he was sued, the ob.gyn. quickly lost his privileges at the hospitals where he worked. Dr. Broadbent, now 75, has also voluntarily put his medical license in Utah on hold while police investigate 29 reports of sexual assault made against him.

Prosecutors are still considering whether to criminally prosecute Dr. Broadbent. Provo police forwarded more than a dozen reports to the Utah County attorney’s office in November, which are still being reviewed by a local prosecutor.

A spokesperson for Intermountain Health, the nonprofit health system that owns Utah Valley Hospital, where some of the women in the suit were treated, did not respond to specific questions. The spokesperson emphasized in an email that Dr. Broadbent was an “independent physician” who was not employed by Utah Valley Hospital, adding that most of the alleged incidents took place at Dr. Broadbent’s medical office.

A representative for MountainStar Healthcare, another hospital chain named as a defendant, denied knowledge of any allegations of inappropriate conduct reported to its hospital and also emphasized that Dr. Broadbent worked independently, not as an employee.

“Our position since this lawsuit was filed has been that we were inappropriately named in this suit,” said Brittany Glas, the communications director for MountainStar.



Debating whether sexual abuse is health care

For the women who sued Dr. Broadbent, their case boiled down to a key question: Were the sexual assaults they say they experienced part of their health care? There was a lot hanging on the answer.

If their case was considered medical malpractice, they would be limited in how much money they could receive in damages for their pain and suffering. If a jury awarded them millions of dollars, a judge would be required by law to cut that down to $450,000. There’s no cap on these monetary awards for victims sexually assaulted in other settings.

They would also be required to go before a panel, which includes a doctor, a lawyer and a community member, that decides whether their claims have merit. This step, aimed at resolving disputes out of court, does not block anyone from suing afterward. But it does add cost and delay, and for sexual assault victims who’ve gone through this step, it has been another time they were required to describe their experiences and hope they were believed.

The shorter, 2-year filing deadline for medical malpractice cases can also be a particular challenge for those who have been sexually abused because research shows that it’s common to delay reporting such assaults.

Nationwide, these kinds of malpractice reforms were adopted in the 1970s amid concerns – largely driven by insurance companies – that the cost of health care was rising because of frivolous lawsuits and “runaway juries” doling out multimillion-dollar payouts.

Restricting the size of malpractice awards and imposing other limits, many argued, were effective ways to balance compensating injured patients with protecting everyone’s access to health care.

State laws are generally silent on whether sexual assault lawsuits should be covered by malpractice laws, leaving courts to grapple with that question and leading to different conclusions across the country. The Tribune and ProPublica identified at least six cases in which state appellate judges sharply distinguished between assault and health care in considering whether malpractice laws should apply to sexual assault–related cases.

An appellate court in Wisconsin, for example, ruled in 1993 that a physician having an erection and groping a patient was a purposeful harm, not medical malpractice.

Florida’s law is similar to Utah’s, defining allegations “arising” out of medical care as malpractice. While an earlier ruling did treat sexual assault in a health care setting as medical malpractice, appellate rulings in the last decade have moved away from that interpretation. In 2005, an appellate court affirmed a lower-court ruling that when a dentist “stopped providing dental treatment to the victim and began sexually assaulting her, his professional services ended.”

Similarly, a federal judge in Iowa in 1995 weighed in on the meaning of “arising” out of health care: “Rape is not patient care activity,” he wrote.

But Utah’s malpractice law is so broad that judges have been interpreting it as covering any act performed by a health care provider during medical care. The law was passed in 1976 and is popular with doctors and other health care providers, who have lobbied to keep it in place – and who use it to get lawsuits dismissed.

One precedent-setting case in Utah shows the law’s power to safeguard health care providers and was an important test of how Utah defines medical malpractice. Jacob Scott sued WinGate Wilderness Therapy after the teen broke his leg in 2015 when a hiking guide from the center allowed him to climb up and down a steep outcrop in Utah’s red rock desert.

His parents are both lawyers, and after they found that Utah had a 4-year deadline for filing a personal injury lawsuit, court records said, they decided to prioritize “getting Jacob better” for the first 2 years after the accident. But when Mr. Scott’s suit was filed, WinGate argued it was too late – based on the shorter, 2-year deadline for medical malpractice claims.

Mr. Scott’s attorneys scoffed. “Interacting with nature,” his attorneys argued, “is not health care even under the broadest interpretation of … the Utah Health Care Malpractice Act.”

A judge disagreed and threw out Mr. Scott’s case. The Utah Supreme Court unanimously upheld that ruling in 2021.

“We agree with WinGate,” the justices wrote, “that it was acting as a ‘health care provider’ and providing ‘health care’ when Jacob was hiking and rock climbing.”

Last summer, the women who had sued Dr. Broadbent and the two hospitals watched online as lawyers debated whether the abuse they allegedly suffered was health care.

At the hearing, attorneys for Dr. Broadbent and the hospitals argued that the women should have pursued a medical malpractice case, which required them to first notify Dr. Broadbent and the hospitals that they wanted to sue. They also argued to Judge Robert Lunnen that the case couldn’t move forward because the women hadn’t gone before a prelitigation panel.

Attorneys for Dr. Broadbent and the hospitals argued, one after the other, that the painful and traumatic exams the women described arose out of health care treatments.

“Accepting the allegations of the complaint as true – as we must for purposes of this proceeding – we have to assume that [Broadbent] did something that was medically unnecessary, medically inappropriate,” argued David Jordan, a lawyer for Intermountain Health.

“But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s an act performed to a patient, during the patient’s treatment,” he said. “Because that’s what the patient is doing in the doctor’s office. They’re there for treatment.”

The attorney team for the women pushed back. Terry Rooney argued that if Dr. Broadbent’s actions fell under medical malpractice laws, many women would be knocked out of the case because of the age of their claims, and those who remained would be limited in the amount of money in damages they could receive.

“That’s really what this is about,” he argued. “And so it’s troubling – quite frankly it’s shocking to me – that we’re debating heavily the question of whether sexual abuse is health care.”

The judge mulled the issue for months. Judge Lunnen wrote in a September ruling that if the allegations were true, Dr. Broadbent’s treatment of his patients was “insensitive, disrespectful and degrading.”

But Utah law is clear, he said. Malpractice law covers any act or treatment performed by any health care provider during the patient’s medical care. The women had all been seeking health care, Judge Lunnen wrote, and Dr. Broadbent was providing that when the alleged assaults happened.

Their lawsuit was dismissed.



‘I felt defeated’

Brooke, another plaintiff who alleges Dr. Broadbent groped her, remembers feeling sick on the June day she watched the attorneys arguing. She asked to be identified by only her first name for this story.

She alleges Dr. Broadbent violated her in December 2008 while she was hospitalized after experiencing complications with her first pregnancy.

The nearest hospital to her rural town didn’t have a special unit to take care of premature babies, and her doctors feared she might need to deliver her son 6 weeks early. So Brooke had been rushed by ambulance over a mountain pass in a snowstorm to Utah Valley Hospital.

Brooke and her husband were terrified, she said, when they arrived at the Provo hospital. Dr. Broadbent happened to be the doctor on call. With Brooke’s husband and brother-in-law in the room, Dr. Broadbent examined her late that evening, she said, listening to her chest with a stethoscope.

The doctor then suddenly grabbed her breasts, she recalled – his movements causing her hospital gown to fall to expose her chest. She recounted this experience in her lawsuit, saying it was nothing like the breast exams she has had since.

“It was really traumatizing,” she said. “I was mortified. My husband and brother-in-law – we just didn’t say anything about it because it was so uncomfortable.”

Brooke voiced concerns to the nurse manager, and she was assigned a new doctor.

She gave birth to a healthy baby a little more than a month later, at the hospital near her home.

Hearing the judge’s ruling 14 years later, Brooke felt the decision revealed how Utah’s laws are broken.

“I was frustrated,” she said, “and I felt defeated. … I thought justice is not on our side with this.”

If the Utah Supreme Court rules that these alleged sexual assaults should legally be considered health care, the women will likely refile their claims as a medical malpractice lawsuit, said their attorney, Adam Sorensen. But it would be a challenge to keep all 94 women in the case, he said, due to the shorter filing window. Only two women in the lawsuit allege that they were harmed within the last 2 years.

The legal team for the women would have to convince a judge that their claims should still be allowed because they only recently discovered they were harmed. But based on previous rulings, Mr. Sorensen believes the women will have a better chance to win that argument if the civil suit remained a sexual assault case.

Regardless of what happens in their legal case, the decision by Brooke and the other women to come forward could help change state law for victims who come after them.

Recently, Mr. McKell, the state senator, introduced legislation to clarify that civil lawsuits alleging sexual assault by a health care worker do not fall under Utah’s Health Care Malpractice Act.

“I don’t think it’s a close call. Sexual assault is not medical care,” he said. “I know we’ve got some bizarre rulings that have come down through our courts in Utah.”

Both an association of Utah trial lawyers and the Utah Medical Association, which lobbies on behalf of the state’s physicians, support this reform.

“We support the fact that sexual assault should not be part of health care medical malpractice,” said Michelle McOmber, the CEO for the Utah Medical Association. “Sexual assault should be sexual assault, regardless of where it happens or who’s doing it. Sexual assault should be in that category, which is separate from actual health care. Because it’s not health care.”

MountainStar doesn’t have a position on the bill, Ms. Glas said. “If the laws were to change via new legislation and/or interpretation by the courts, we would abide by and comply with those new laws.”

But lawmakers are running out of time. With only a short time left in Utah’s legislative session, state senate and house leaders have so far prioritized passing new laws banning gender-affirming health care for transgender youths and creating a controversial school voucher program that will provide taxpayer funds for students to attend private school.

Utah lawmakers were also expected to consider a dramatic change for other sexual assault victims: a bill that would remove filing deadlines for civil lawsuits brought by people abused as adults. But that bill stalled before it could be debated.

Brooke had been eager to share her story, she said, in hopes it would help the first four women who’d come forward bolster their lawsuit against Dr. Broadbent. She later joined the case as a plaintiff. She read in their lawsuit about one woman who complained about him to the same hospital 7 years before she did, and about another woman who said Dr. Broadbent similarly molested her 2 days after Brooke had expressed her own concern.

“That bothered me so much,” she said. “It didn’t have to happen to all these women.”

Brooke doubts she’ll get vindication in a courtroom. Justice for her, she suspects, won’t come in the form of a legal ruling or a settlement against the doctor she says hurt her years ago.

Instead, she said, “maybe justice looks like changing the laws for future women.”

This story was originally published on ProPublica. ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive the biggest stories as soon as they’re published.

This article was produced for ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network in partnership with The Salt Lake Tribune.

At 19 years old and about to be married, Stephanie Mateer went to an ob.gyn. within walking distance of her student housing near Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.

She wanted to start using birth control, and she was looking for guidance about having sex for the first time on her 2008 wedding night.

Ms. Mateer was shocked, she said, when David Broadbent, MD, reached under her gown to grab and squeeze her breasts, started a vaginal exam without warning, then followed it with an extremely painful examination of her rectum.

She felt disgusted and violated, but doubt also crept in. She told herself she must have misinterpreted his actions, or that she should have known that he would do a rectal exam. Raised as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she said she was taught to defer to men in leadership.

“I viewed him as being a man in authority,” Ms. Mateer said. “He’s a doctor.”

It was years, she said, before she learned that her experience was in a sharp contrast to the conduct called for in professional standards, including that doctors use only their fingertips during a breast exam and communicate clearly what they are doing in advance, to gain the consent of their patients. Eventually, she gave her experience another name: sexual assault.

Utah judges, however, have called it health care.

And that legal distinction means Utahns like Ms. Mateer who decide to sue a health care provider for alleged sexual abuse are treated more harshly by the court system than plaintiffs who say they were harmed in other settings.

The chance to go to civil court for damages is an important option for survivors, experts say. While a criminal conviction can provide a sense of justice, winning a lawsuit can help victims pay for the therapy and additional support they need to heal after trauma.

Ms. Mateer laid out her allegations in a lawsuit that she and 93 other women filed against Dr. Broadbent last year. But they quickly learned they would be treated differently than other sexual assault survivors.

Filing their case, which alleged the Utah County doctor sexually assaulted them over the span of his 47-year career, was an empowering moment, Ms. Mateer said. But a judge threw out the lawsuit without even considering the merits, determining that because their alleged assailant is a doctor, the case must be governed by medical malpractice rules rather than those that apply to cases of sexual assault.

Under Utah’s rules of medical malpractice, claims made by victims who allege a health care worker sexually assaulted them are literally worth less than lawsuits brought by someone who was assaulted in other settings – even if a jury rules in their favor, a judge is required to limit how much money they receive. And they must meet a shorter filing deadline.

“It’s just crazy that a doctor can sexually assault women and then be protected by the white coat,” Ms. Mateer said. “It’s just a really scary precedent to be calling sexual assault ‘health care.’ ”

Because of the judge’s ruling that leaves them with a shorter window in which to file, some of Dr. Broadbent’s accusers stand to lose their chance to sue. Others were already past that deadline but had hoped to take advantage of an exception that allows plaintiffs to sue if they can prove that the person who harmed them had covered up the wrongdoing and if they discovered they had been hurt within the previous year.

As a group, the women are appealing the ruling to the Utah Supreme Court, which has agreed to hear the case. This decision will set a precedent for future sexual assault victims in Utah.

Dr. Broadbent’s attorney, Chris Nelson, declined an interview request but wrote in an email: “We believe that the allegations against Dr. Broadbent are without merit and will present our case in court. Given that this is an active legal matter, we will not be sharing any details outside the courtroom.”

States have varying legal definitions of medical malpractice, but it’s generally described as treatment that falls short of accepted standards of care. That includes mistakes, such as a surgeon leaving a piece of gauze inside a patient.

Utah is among the states with the broadest definition of medical malpractice, covering any acts “arising” out of health care. The Utah Supreme Court has ruled that a teenage boy was receiving health care when he was allowed to climb a steep, snow-dusted rock outcrop as part of wilderness therapy. When he broke his leg, he could only sue for medical malpractice, so the case faced shorter filing deadlines and lower monetary caps. Similarly, the court has ruled that a boy harmed by another child while in foster care was also bound by medical malpractice law.

Despite these state Supreme Court rulings, Utah legislators have so far not moved to narrow the wording of the malpractice act.

The lawsuit against Dr. Broadbent – and the questions it raises about the broadness of Utah’s medical malpractice laws – comes during a national reckoning with how sexual assault survivors are treated by the law. Legislators in several states have been rewriting laws to give sexual assault victims more time to sue their attackers, in response to the growing cultural understanding of the impact of trauma and the barriers to reporting. Even in Utah, those who were sexually abused as children now have no deadline to file suits against their abusers.

That isn’t true for sexual abuse in a medical setting, where cases must be filed within 2 years of the assault.

These higher hurdles should not exist in Utah, said state Sen. Mike K. McKell, a Utah County Republican who works as a personal injury attorney. He is trying to change state law to ensure that sexual assault lawsuits do not fall under Utah’s Health Care Malpractice Act, a law designed to cover negligence and poor care, not necessarily deliberate actions like an assault.

“Sexual assault, to me, is not medical care. Period,” he said. “It’s sad that we need to clarify that sexual assault is not medical care. But trying to tie sexual assault to a medical malpractice [filing deadline] – it’s just wrong.”



‘Your husband is a lucky man’

Ms. Mateer had gone to Dr. Broadbent in 2008 for a premarital exam, a uniquely Utah visit often scheduled by young women who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Leaders of the faith, which is predominant in Utah, focus on chastity when speaking to young, unmarried people about sex, and public schools have typically focused on abstinence-based sex education. So for some, these visits are the first place they learn about sexual health.

Young women who get premarital exams are typically given a birth control prescription, but the appointments can include care that’s less common for healthy women in other states – such as doctors giving them vaginal dilators to stretch their tissues before their wedding nights.

That’s what Ms. Mateer was expecting when she visited Dr. Broadbent’s office. The ob.gyn. had been practicing for decades in his Provo clinic nestled between student housing apartments across the street from Brigham Young University, which is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

So Ms. Mateer was “just totally taken aback,” she said, by the painful examination and by Dr. Broadbent snapping off his gloves after the exam and saying, “Your husband is a lucky man.”

She repeated that remark in her legal filing, along with the doctor’s advice for her: If she bled during intercourse, “just do what the Boy Scouts do and apply pressure.”

“The whole thing was like I’m some object for my husband to enjoy and let him do whatever he wants,” Ms. Mateer said. “It was just very violating and not a great way to start my sexual relationship with my new husband, with these ideas in mind.”

Ms. Mateer thought back to that visit over the years, particularly when she went to other ob.gyns. for health care. Her subsequent doctors, she said, never performed a rectal exam and always explained to her what they were doing and how it would feel, and asked for her consent.

She thought about Dr. Broadbent again in 2017, as the #MeToo movement gained momentum, and looked him up online. Ms. Mateer found reviews from other women who described Dr. Broadbent doing rough examinations without warning that left them feeling the same way she had years before.

Then in December 2021, she spoke out on “Mormon Stories,” a podcast where people who have left or have questioned their Latter-day Saint faith share their life stories. In the episode, she described the painful way he examined her, how it left her feeling traumatized, and her discovery of the reviews that echoed her experience.

“He’s on University Avenue, in Provo, giving these exams to who knows how many naive Mormon 18-year-old, 19-year-old girls who are getting married. … They are naive and they don’t know what to expect,” she said on the podcast. “His name is Dr. David Broadbent.”

After the podcast aired, Ms. Mateer was flooded with messages from women who heard the episode and reached out to tell her that Dr. Broadbent had harmed them, too.

Ms. Mateer and three other women decided to sue the ob.gyn., and in the following weeks and months, 90 additional women joined the lawsuit they filed in Provo. Many of the women allege Dr. Broadbent inappropriately touched their breasts, vaginas and rectums, hurting them, without warning or explanation. Some said he used his bare hand – instead of using a speculum or gloves – during exams. One alleged that she saw he had an erection while he was touching her.

Dr. Broadbent’s actions were not medically necessary, the women allege, and were instead “performed for no other reason than his own sexual gratification.”

The lawsuit also named as defendants two hospitals where Dr. Broadbent had delivered babies and where some of the women allege they were assaulted. The suit accused hospital administrators of knowing about Dr. Broadbent’s inappropriate behavior and doing nothing about it.

After he was sued, the ob.gyn. quickly lost his privileges at the hospitals where he worked. Dr. Broadbent, now 75, has also voluntarily put his medical license in Utah on hold while police investigate 29 reports of sexual assault made against him.

Prosecutors are still considering whether to criminally prosecute Dr. Broadbent. Provo police forwarded more than a dozen reports to the Utah County attorney’s office in November, which are still being reviewed by a local prosecutor.

A spokesperson for Intermountain Health, the nonprofit health system that owns Utah Valley Hospital, where some of the women in the suit were treated, did not respond to specific questions. The spokesperson emphasized in an email that Dr. Broadbent was an “independent physician” who was not employed by Utah Valley Hospital, adding that most of the alleged incidents took place at Dr. Broadbent’s medical office.

A representative for MountainStar Healthcare, another hospital chain named as a defendant, denied knowledge of any allegations of inappropriate conduct reported to its hospital and also emphasized that Dr. Broadbent worked independently, not as an employee.

“Our position since this lawsuit was filed has been that we were inappropriately named in this suit,” said Brittany Glas, the communications director for MountainStar.



Debating whether sexual abuse is health care

For the women who sued Dr. Broadbent, their case boiled down to a key question: Were the sexual assaults they say they experienced part of their health care? There was a lot hanging on the answer.

If their case was considered medical malpractice, they would be limited in how much money they could receive in damages for their pain and suffering. If a jury awarded them millions of dollars, a judge would be required by law to cut that down to $450,000. There’s no cap on these monetary awards for victims sexually assaulted in other settings.

They would also be required to go before a panel, which includes a doctor, a lawyer and a community member, that decides whether their claims have merit. This step, aimed at resolving disputes out of court, does not block anyone from suing afterward. But it does add cost and delay, and for sexual assault victims who’ve gone through this step, it has been another time they were required to describe their experiences and hope they were believed.

The shorter, 2-year filing deadline for medical malpractice cases can also be a particular challenge for those who have been sexually abused because research shows that it’s common to delay reporting such assaults.

Nationwide, these kinds of malpractice reforms were adopted in the 1970s amid concerns – largely driven by insurance companies – that the cost of health care was rising because of frivolous lawsuits and “runaway juries” doling out multimillion-dollar payouts.

Restricting the size of malpractice awards and imposing other limits, many argued, were effective ways to balance compensating injured patients with protecting everyone’s access to health care.

State laws are generally silent on whether sexual assault lawsuits should be covered by malpractice laws, leaving courts to grapple with that question and leading to different conclusions across the country. The Tribune and ProPublica identified at least six cases in which state appellate judges sharply distinguished between assault and health care in considering whether malpractice laws should apply to sexual assault–related cases.

An appellate court in Wisconsin, for example, ruled in 1993 that a physician having an erection and groping a patient was a purposeful harm, not medical malpractice.

Florida’s law is similar to Utah’s, defining allegations “arising” out of medical care as malpractice. While an earlier ruling did treat sexual assault in a health care setting as medical malpractice, appellate rulings in the last decade have moved away from that interpretation. In 2005, an appellate court affirmed a lower-court ruling that when a dentist “stopped providing dental treatment to the victim and began sexually assaulting her, his professional services ended.”

Similarly, a federal judge in Iowa in 1995 weighed in on the meaning of “arising” out of health care: “Rape is not patient care activity,” he wrote.

But Utah’s malpractice law is so broad that judges have been interpreting it as covering any act performed by a health care provider during medical care. The law was passed in 1976 and is popular with doctors and other health care providers, who have lobbied to keep it in place – and who use it to get lawsuits dismissed.

One precedent-setting case in Utah shows the law’s power to safeguard health care providers and was an important test of how Utah defines medical malpractice. Jacob Scott sued WinGate Wilderness Therapy after the teen broke his leg in 2015 when a hiking guide from the center allowed him to climb up and down a steep outcrop in Utah’s red rock desert.

His parents are both lawyers, and after they found that Utah had a 4-year deadline for filing a personal injury lawsuit, court records said, they decided to prioritize “getting Jacob better” for the first 2 years after the accident. But when Mr. Scott’s suit was filed, WinGate argued it was too late – based on the shorter, 2-year deadline for medical malpractice claims.

Mr. Scott’s attorneys scoffed. “Interacting with nature,” his attorneys argued, “is not health care even under the broadest interpretation of … the Utah Health Care Malpractice Act.”

A judge disagreed and threw out Mr. Scott’s case. The Utah Supreme Court unanimously upheld that ruling in 2021.

“We agree with WinGate,” the justices wrote, “that it was acting as a ‘health care provider’ and providing ‘health care’ when Jacob was hiking and rock climbing.”

Last summer, the women who had sued Dr. Broadbent and the two hospitals watched online as lawyers debated whether the abuse they allegedly suffered was health care.

At the hearing, attorneys for Dr. Broadbent and the hospitals argued that the women should have pursued a medical malpractice case, which required them to first notify Dr. Broadbent and the hospitals that they wanted to sue. They also argued to Judge Robert Lunnen that the case couldn’t move forward because the women hadn’t gone before a prelitigation panel.

Attorneys for Dr. Broadbent and the hospitals argued, one after the other, that the painful and traumatic exams the women described arose out of health care treatments.

“Accepting the allegations of the complaint as true – as we must for purposes of this proceeding – we have to assume that [Broadbent] did something that was medically unnecessary, medically inappropriate,” argued David Jordan, a lawyer for Intermountain Health.

“But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s an act performed to a patient, during the patient’s treatment,” he said. “Because that’s what the patient is doing in the doctor’s office. They’re there for treatment.”

The attorney team for the women pushed back. Terry Rooney argued that if Dr. Broadbent’s actions fell under medical malpractice laws, many women would be knocked out of the case because of the age of their claims, and those who remained would be limited in the amount of money in damages they could receive.

“That’s really what this is about,” he argued. “And so it’s troubling – quite frankly it’s shocking to me – that we’re debating heavily the question of whether sexual abuse is health care.”

The judge mulled the issue for months. Judge Lunnen wrote in a September ruling that if the allegations were true, Dr. Broadbent’s treatment of his patients was “insensitive, disrespectful and degrading.”

But Utah law is clear, he said. Malpractice law covers any act or treatment performed by any health care provider during the patient’s medical care. The women had all been seeking health care, Judge Lunnen wrote, and Dr. Broadbent was providing that when the alleged assaults happened.

Their lawsuit was dismissed.



‘I felt defeated’

Brooke, another plaintiff who alleges Dr. Broadbent groped her, remembers feeling sick on the June day she watched the attorneys arguing. She asked to be identified by only her first name for this story.

She alleges Dr. Broadbent violated her in December 2008 while she was hospitalized after experiencing complications with her first pregnancy.

The nearest hospital to her rural town didn’t have a special unit to take care of premature babies, and her doctors feared she might need to deliver her son 6 weeks early. So Brooke had been rushed by ambulance over a mountain pass in a snowstorm to Utah Valley Hospital.

Brooke and her husband were terrified, she said, when they arrived at the Provo hospital. Dr. Broadbent happened to be the doctor on call. With Brooke’s husband and brother-in-law in the room, Dr. Broadbent examined her late that evening, she said, listening to her chest with a stethoscope.

The doctor then suddenly grabbed her breasts, she recalled – his movements causing her hospital gown to fall to expose her chest. She recounted this experience in her lawsuit, saying it was nothing like the breast exams she has had since.

“It was really traumatizing,” she said. “I was mortified. My husband and brother-in-law – we just didn’t say anything about it because it was so uncomfortable.”

Brooke voiced concerns to the nurse manager, and she was assigned a new doctor.

She gave birth to a healthy baby a little more than a month later, at the hospital near her home.

Hearing the judge’s ruling 14 years later, Brooke felt the decision revealed how Utah’s laws are broken.

“I was frustrated,” she said, “and I felt defeated. … I thought justice is not on our side with this.”

If the Utah Supreme Court rules that these alleged sexual assaults should legally be considered health care, the women will likely refile their claims as a medical malpractice lawsuit, said their attorney, Adam Sorensen. But it would be a challenge to keep all 94 women in the case, he said, due to the shorter filing window. Only two women in the lawsuit allege that they were harmed within the last 2 years.

The legal team for the women would have to convince a judge that their claims should still be allowed because they only recently discovered they were harmed. But based on previous rulings, Mr. Sorensen believes the women will have a better chance to win that argument if the civil suit remained a sexual assault case.

Regardless of what happens in their legal case, the decision by Brooke and the other women to come forward could help change state law for victims who come after them.

Recently, Mr. McKell, the state senator, introduced legislation to clarify that civil lawsuits alleging sexual assault by a health care worker do not fall under Utah’s Health Care Malpractice Act.

“I don’t think it’s a close call. Sexual assault is not medical care,” he said. “I know we’ve got some bizarre rulings that have come down through our courts in Utah.”

Both an association of Utah trial lawyers and the Utah Medical Association, which lobbies on behalf of the state’s physicians, support this reform.

“We support the fact that sexual assault should not be part of health care medical malpractice,” said Michelle McOmber, the CEO for the Utah Medical Association. “Sexual assault should be sexual assault, regardless of where it happens or who’s doing it. Sexual assault should be in that category, which is separate from actual health care. Because it’s not health care.”

MountainStar doesn’t have a position on the bill, Ms. Glas said. “If the laws were to change via new legislation and/or interpretation by the courts, we would abide by and comply with those new laws.”

But lawmakers are running out of time. With only a short time left in Utah’s legislative session, state senate and house leaders have so far prioritized passing new laws banning gender-affirming health care for transgender youths and creating a controversial school voucher program that will provide taxpayer funds for students to attend private school.

Utah lawmakers were also expected to consider a dramatic change for other sexual assault victims: a bill that would remove filing deadlines for civil lawsuits brought by people abused as adults. But that bill stalled before it could be debated.

Brooke had been eager to share her story, she said, in hopes it would help the first four women who’d come forward bolster their lawsuit against Dr. Broadbent. She later joined the case as a plaintiff. She read in their lawsuit about one woman who complained about him to the same hospital 7 years before she did, and about another woman who said Dr. Broadbent similarly molested her 2 days after Brooke had expressed her own concern.

“That bothered me so much,” she said. “It didn’t have to happen to all these women.”

Brooke doubts she’ll get vindication in a courtroom. Justice for her, she suspects, won’t come in the form of a legal ruling or a settlement against the doctor she says hurt her years ago.

Instead, she said, “maybe justice looks like changing the laws for future women.”

This story was originally published on ProPublica. ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive the biggest stories as soon as they’re published.

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Trends in HPV vaccination among adults aged 27 to 45 years

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Sun, 02/26/2023 - 11:10

In 2019, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended patient-clinician shared decision-making for human papillomavirus vaccination in adults aged 27 to 45 years. Has the recommendation increased vaccine uptake in this age group? 

Source: Suk R, Liao K, Bauer CX, et al. Human papillomavirus vaccine administration trends among commercially insured US adults aged 27-45 years before and after Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommendation change, 2007-2020. JAMA Health Forum. 2022;3:e224716. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2022.4716. 

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In 2019, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended patient-clinician shared decision-making for human papillomavirus vaccination in adults aged 27 to 45 years. Has the recommendation increased vaccine uptake in this age group? 

Source: Suk R, Liao K, Bauer CX, et al. Human papillomavirus vaccine administration trends among commercially insured US adults aged 27-45 years before and after Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommendation change, 2007-2020. JAMA Health Forum. 2022;3:e224716. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2022.4716. 

In 2019, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended patient-clinician shared decision-making for human papillomavirus vaccination in adults aged 27 to 45 years. Has the recommendation increased vaccine uptake in this age group? 

Source: Suk R, Liao K, Bauer CX, et al. Human papillomavirus vaccine administration trends among commercially insured US adults aged 27-45 years before and after Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommendation change, 2007-2020. JAMA Health Forum. 2022;3:e224716. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2022.4716. 

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Is there still a role for tubal surgery in the modern world of IVF?

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Fri, 02/17/2023 - 12:14

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions, in 2019 2.1% of all infants born in the United States were conceived by assisted reproductive technology (ART). Now 45 years old, ART, namely in vitro fertilization (IVF), is offered in nearly 500 clinics in the United States, contributing to over 300,000 treatment cycles per year.

A tubal factor is responsible for 30% of female infertility and may involve proximal and/or distal tubal occlusion, irrespective of pelvic adhesions.1 Before the advent of IVF, the sole approach to the treatment of a tubal factor had been surgery. Given its success and minimal invasiveness, IVF is increasingly being offered to circumvent a tubal factor for infertility. This month we examine the utility of surgical treatment of tubal factor infertility. The options for fertility with a history of bilateral tubal ligation was covered in a prior Reproductive Rounds column.

Dr. Trolice is director of The IVF Center in Winter Park, Fla., and   professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.
Dr. Mark P. Trolice

Tubal disease and pelvic adhesions prevent the normal transport of the oocyte and sperm through the fallopian tube. The primary etiology of tubal factor infertility is pelvic inflammatory disease, mainly caused by chlamydia or gonorrhea. Other conditions that may interfere with tubal transport include severe endometriosis, adhesions from previous surgery, or nontubal infection (for example, appendicitis, inflammatory bowel disease), pelvic tuberculosis, and salpingitis isthmica nodosa (that is, diverticulosis of the fallopian tube).

Proximal tubal occlusion

During a hysterosalpingogram (HSG), transient uterine cornual spasm can result if a woman experiences significant uterine cramping, thereby resulting in a false-positive diagnosis of proximal tubal occlusion. When a repeat HSG is gently performed with slow instillation of contrast, uterine cramping is less likely, and the tubal patency rate is 60%. PTO may also result from plugs of mucus and amorphous debris, but this is not true occlusion.2 In cases with unilateral PTO, controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with intrauterine insemination has resulted in pregnancy rates similar to those in patients with unexplained infertility.3

Reconstructive surgery for bilateral PTO has limited effectiveness and the risk of subsequent ectopic pregnancy is as high as 20%.4 A more successful option is fluoroscopic tubal catheterization (FTC), an outpatient procedure performed in a radiology or infertility center. FTC uses a coaxial catheter system where the outer catheter is guided through the tubal ostium and an inner catheter is atraumatically advanced to overcome the blockage. This procedure is 85% successful for tubal patency with 50% of patients conceiving in the first 12 months; one-third of time the tubes reocclude. After the reestablishment of patency with FTC, the chance of achieving a live birth is 22% and the risk of ectopic pregnancy is 4%.5

Treatment of distal tubal occlusion – the hydrosalpinx

Surgery for treating tubal factor infertility is most successful in women with distal tubal obstruction (DTO), often caused by a hydrosalpinx. Fimbrioplasty is the lysis of fimbrial adhesions or dilatation of fimbrial strictures; the tube is patent, but there are adhesive bands that surround the terminal end with preserved tubal rugae. Gentle introduction of an alligator laparoscopic forceps into the tubal ostium followed by opening and withdrawal of the forceps helps to stretch the tube and release minor degrees of fimbrial agglutination.6

A hydrosalpinx is diagnosed by DTO with dilation and intraluminal fluid accumulation along with the reduction/loss of endothelial cilia. Left untreated, a hydrosalpinx can lead to a 50% reduction in IVF pregnancy rates.7 Tube-sparing treatment involves neosalpingostomy to create a new tubal opening. A nonsurgical approach, ultrasound-guided aspiration of hydrosalpinges, has not been shown to significantly increase the rate of clinical pregnancy. Efficacy for improving fertility is generally poor, but depends upon tubal wall thickness, ampullary dilation, presence of mucosal folds, percentage of ciliated cells in the fimbrial end, and peritubal adhesions.8

Evidence supports that laparoscopic salpingectomy in women with hydrosalpinges improves the outcomes of IVF treatment, compared with no surgical intervention.9 The improvement in pregnancy and live birth rates likely stems from the elimination of the retrograde flow of embryotoxic fluid that disrupts implantation. Endometrial receptivity markers (endometrial cell adhesion molecules, integrins, and HOXA10) have been shown to be reduced in the presence of hydrosalpinx.10 A small, randomized trial demonstrated that bipolar diathermy prior to IVF improved pregnancy outcomes.11 PTO was not more effective than salpingectomy. Conceptions, without IVF, have been reported following salpingectomy for unilateral hydrosalpinx.12

In a series including 434 patients with DTO who underwent laparoscopic fimbrioplasty (enlargement of the ostium) or neosalpingostomy (creation of a new ostium) by a single surgeon, 5-year actuarial delivery rates decreased as the severity of tubal occlusion increased; the ectopic rate was stable at approximately 15%.13 A prospective study reported that the relative increase in the pregnancy rate after salpingectomy was greatest in women with a large hydrosalpinx visible on ultrasound.14

Because of the possible risks of decreased ovarian reserve secondary to interruption of ovarian blood supply, salpingectomy should be done with minimal thermal injury and very close to the fallopian tube.

Pros and cons of in vitro fertilization over tubal surgery



Surgery may be considered for young women with mild distal tubal disease as one surgical procedure can lead to several pregnancies whereas IVF must be performed each time pregnancy is desired. IVF is more likely than surgery to be successful in women with bilateral hydrosalpinx, in those with pelvic adhesions, in older reproductive aged women, and for both proximal and distal tubal occlusion.15 An online prediction calculator from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) can be helpful in counseling patients on personalized expectations for IVF pregnancy outcomes.

Dr. Trolice is director of The IVF Center in Winter Park, Fla., and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.


1. Ambildhuke K et al. Cureus. 2022;1:14(11):e30990.

2. Fatemeh Z et al. Br J Radiol. 2021 Jun 1;94(1122):20201386.

3. Farhi J et al. Fertil Steril. 2007 Aug;88(2):396.

4. Honoré GM et al. Fertil Steril. 1999;71(5):785.

5. De Silva PM et al. Hum Reprod. 2017;32(4):836.

6. Namnoum A and Murphy A. “Diagnostic and Operative Laparoscopy,” in Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997, pp. 389.

7. Camus E et al.Hum Reprod. 1999;14(5):1243.

8. Marana R et al. Hum Reprod. 1999;14(12):2991-5.

9. Johnson N et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Jan 20;2010(1):CD002125.

10. Savaris RF et al. Fertil Steril. 2006 Jan;85(1):188.

11. Kontoravdis A et al. Fertil Steril. 2006;86(6):1642.

12. Sagoskin AW et al. Hum Reprod. 2003;18(12):2634.

13. Audebert A et al. Fertil Steril. 2014;102(4):1203.

14. Bildirici I et al. Hum Reprod. 2001;16(11):2422.

15. Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Fertil Steril. 2012;97(3):539.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions, in 2019 2.1% of all infants born in the United States were conceived by assisted reproductive technology (ART). Now 45 years old, ART, namely in vitro fertilization (IVF), is offered in nearly 500 clinics in the United States, contributing to over 300,000 treatment cycles per year.

A tubal factor is responsible for 30% of female infertility and may involve proximal and/or distal tubal occlusion, irrespective of pelvic adhesions.1 Before the advent of IVF, the sole approach to the treatment of a tubal factor had been surgery. Given its success and minimal invasiveness, IVF is increasingly being offered to circumvent a tubal factor for infertility. This month we examine the utility of surgical treatment of tubal factor infertility. The options for fertility with a history of bilateral tubal ligation was covered in a prior Reproductive Rounds column.

Dr. Trolice is director of The IVF Center in Winter Park, Fla., and   professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.
Dr. Mark P. Trolice

Tubal disease and pelvic adhesions prevent the normal transport of the oocyte and sperm through the fallopian tube. The primary etiology of tubal factor infertility is pelvic inflammatory disease, mainly caused by chlamydia or gonorrhea. Other conditions that may interfere with tubal transport include severe endometriosis, adhesions from previous surgery, or nontubal infection (for example, appendicitis, inflammatory bowel disease), pelvic tuberculosis, and salpingitis isthmica nodosa (that is, diverticulosis of the fallopian tube).

Proximal tubal occlusion

During a hysterosalpingogram (HSG), transient uterine cornual spasm can result if a woman experiences significant uterine cramping, thereby resulting in a false-positive diagnosis of proximal tubal occlusion. When a repeat HSG is gently performed with slow instillation of contrast, uterine cramping is less likely, and the tubal patency rate is 60%. PTO may also result from plugs of mucus and amorphous debris, but this is not true occlusion.2 In cases with unilateral PTO, controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with intrauterine insemination has resulted in pregnancy rates similar to those in patients with unexplained infertility.3

Reconstructive surgery for bilateral PTO has limited effectiveness and the risk of subsequent ectopic pregnancy is as high as 20%.4 A more successful option is fluoroscopic tubal catheterization (FTC), an outpatient procedure performed in a radiology or infertility center. FTC uses a coaxial catheter system where the outer catheter is guided through the tubal ostium and an inner catheter is atraumatically advanced to overcome the blockage. This procedure is 85% successful for tubal patency with 50% of patients conceiving in the first 12 months; one-third of time the tubes reocclude. After the reestablishment of patency with FTC, the chance of achieving a live birth is 22% and the risk of ectopic pregnancy is 4%.5

Treatment of distal tubal occlusion – the hydrosalpinx

Surgery for treating tubal factor infertility is most successful in women with distal tubal obstruction (DTO), often caused by a hydrosalpinx. Fimbrioplasty is the lysis of fimbrial adhesions or dilatation of fimbrial strictures; the tube is patent, but there are adhesive bands that surround the terminal end with preserved tubal rugae. Gentle introduction of an alligator laparoscopic forceps into the tubal ostium followed by opening and withdrawal of the forceps helps to stretch the tube and release minor degrees of fimbrial agglutination.6

A hydrosalpinx is diagnosed by DTO with dilation and intraluminal fluid accumulation along with the reduction/loss of endothelial cilia. Left untreated, a hydrosalpinx can lead to a 50% reduction in IVF pregnancy rates.7 Tube-sparing treatment involves neosalpingostomy to create a new tubal opening. A nonsurgical approach, ultrasound-guided aspiration of hydrosalpinges, has not been shown to significantly increase the rate of clinical pregnancy. Efficacy for improving fertility is generally poor, but depends upon tubal wall thickness, ampullary dilation, presence of mucosal folds, percentage of ciliated cells in the fimbrial end, and peritubal adhesions.8

Evidence supports that laparoscopic salpingectomy in women with hydrosalpinges improves the outcomes of IVF treatment, compared with no surgical intervention.9 The improvement in pregnancy and live birth rates likely stems from the elimination of the retrograde flow of embryotoxic fluid that disrupts implantation. Endometrial receptivity markers (endometrial cell adhesion molecules, integrins, and HOXA10) have been shown to be reduced in the presence of hydrosalpinx.10 A small, randomized trial demonstrated that bipolar diathermy prior to IVF improved pregnancy outcomes.11 PTO was not more effective than salpingectomy. Conceptions, without IVF, have been reported following salpingectomy for unilateral hydrosalpinx.12

In a series including 434 patients with DTO who underwent laparoscopic fimbrioplasty (enlargement of the ostium) or neosalpingostomy (creation of a new ostium) by a single surgeon, 5-year actuarial delivery rates decreased as the severity of tubal occlusion increased; the ectopic rate was stable at approximately 15%.13 A prospective study reported that the relative increase in the pregnancy rate after salpingectomy was greatest in women with a large hydrosalpinx visible on ultrasound.14

Because of the possible risks of decreased ovarian reserve secondary to interruption of ovarian blood supply, salpingectomy should be done with minimal thermal injury and very close to the fallopian tube.

Pros and cons of in vitro fertilization over tubal surgery



Surgery may be considered for young women with mild distal tubal disease as one surgical procedure can lead to several pregnancies whereas IVF must be performed each time pregnancy is desired. IVF is more likely than surgery to be successful in women with bilateral hydrosalpinx, in those with pelvic adhesions, in older reproductive aged women, and for both proximal and distal tubal occlusion.15 An online prediction calculator from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) can be helpful in counseling patients on personalized expectations for IVF pregnancy outcomes.

Dr. Trolice is director of The IVF Center in Winter Park, Fla., and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.


1. Ambildhuke K et al. Cureus. 2022;1:14(11):e30990.

2. Fatemeh Z et al. Br J Radiol. 2021 Jun 1;94(1122):20201386.

3. Farhi J et al. Fertil Steril. 2007 Aug;88(2):396.

4. Honoré GM et al. Fertil Steril. 1999;71(5):785.

5. De Silva PM et al. Hum Reprod. 2017;32(4):836.

6. Namnoum A and Murphy A. “Diagnostic and Operative Laparoscopy,” in Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997, pp. 389.

7. Camus E et al.Hum Reprod. 1999;14(5):1243.

8. Marana R et al. Hum Reprod. 1999;14(12):2991-5.

9. Johnson N et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Jan 20;2010(1):CD002125.

10. Savaris RF et al. Fertil Steril. 2006 Jan;85(1):188.

11. Kontoravdis A et al. Fertil Steril. 2006;86(6):1642.

12. Sagoskin AW et al. Hum Reprod. 2003;18(12):2634.

13. Audebert A et al. Fertil Steril. 2014;102(4):1203.

14. Bildirici I et al. Hum Reprod. 2001;16(11):2422.

15. Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Fertil Steril. 2012;97(3):539.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions, in 2019 2.1% of all infants born in the United States were conceived by assisted reproductive technology (ART). Now 45 years old, ART, namely in vitro fertilization (IVF), is offered in nearly 500 clinics in the United States, contributing to over 300,000 treatment cycles per year.

A tubal factor is responsible for 30% of female infertility and may involve proximal and/or distal tubal occlusion, irrespective of pelvic adhesions.1 Before the advent of IVF, the sole approach to the treatment of a tubal factor had been surgery. Given its success and minimal invasiveness, IVF is increasingly being offered to circumvent a tubal factor for infertility. This month we examine the utility of surgical treatment of tubal factor infertility. The options for fertility with a history of bilateral tubal ligation was covered in a prior Reproductive Rounds column.

Dr. Trolice is director of The IVF Center in Winter Park, Fla., and   professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.
Dr. Mark P. Trolice

Tubal disease and pelvic adhesions prevent the normal transport of the oocyte and sperm through the fallopian tube. The primary etiology of tubal factor infertility is pelvic inflammatory disease, mainly caused by chlamydia or gonorrhea. Other conditions that may interfere with tubal transport include severe endometriosis, adhesions from previous surgery, or nontubal infection (for example, appendicitis, inflammatory bowel disease), pelvic tuberculosis, and salpingitis isthmica nodosa (that is, diverticulosis of the fallopian tube).

Proximal tubal occlusion

During a hysterosalpingogram (HSG), transient uterine cornual spasm can result if a woman experiences significant uterine cramping, thereby resulting in a false-positive diagnosis of proximal tubal occlusion. When a repeat HSG is gently performed with slow instillation of contrast, uterine cramping is less likely, and the tubal patency rate is 60%. PTO may also result from plugs of mucus and amorphous debris, but this is not true occlusion.2 In cases with unilateral PTO, controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with intrauterine insemination has resulted in pregnancy rates similar to those in patients with unexplained infertility.3

Reconstructive surgery for bilateral PTO has limited effectiveness and the risk of subsequent ectopic pregnancy is as high as 20%.4 A more successful option is fluoroscopic tubal catheterization (FTC), an outpatient procedure performed in a radiology or infertility center. FTC uses a coaxial catheter system where the outer catheter is guided through the tubal ostium and an inner catheter is atraumatically advanced to overcome the blockage. This procedure is 85% successful for tubal patency with 50% of patients conceiving in the first 12 months; one-third of time the tubes reocclude. After the reestablishment of patency with FTC, the chance of achieving a live birth is 22% and the risk of ectopic pregnancy is 4%.5

Treatment of distal tubal occlusion – the hydrosalpinx

Surgery for treating tubal factor infertility is most successful in women with distal tubal obstruction (DTO), often caused by a hydrosalpinx. Fimbrioplasty is the lysis of fimbrial adhesions or dilatation of fimbrial strictures; the tube is patent, but there are adhesive bands that surround the terminal end with preserved tubal rugae. Gentle introduction of an alligator laparoscopic forceps into the tubal ostium followed by opening and withdrawal of the forceps helps to stretch the tube and release minor degrees of fimbrial agglutination.6

A hydrosalpinx is diagnosed by DTO with dilation and intraluminal fluid accumulation along with the reduction/loss of endothelial cilia. Left untreated, a hydrosalpinx can lead to a 50% reduction in IVF pregnancy rates.7 Tube-sparing treatment involves neosalpingostomy to create a new tubal opening. A nonsurgical approach, ultrasound-guided aspiration of hydrosalpinges, has not been shown to significantly increase the rate of clinical pregnancy. Efficacy for improving fertility is generally poor, but depends upon tubal wall thickness, ampullary dilation, presence of mucosal folds, percentage of ciliated cells in the fimbrial end, and peritubal adhesions.8

Evidence supports that laparoscopic salpingectomy in women with hydrosalpinges improves the outcomes of IVF treatment, compared with no surgical intervention.9 The improvement in pregnancy and live birth rates likely stems from the elimination of the retrograde flow of embryotoxic fluid that disrupts implantation. Endometrial receptivity markers (endometrial cell adhesion molecules, integrins, and HOXA10) have been shown to be reduced in the presence of hydrosalpinx.10 A small, randomized trial demonstrated that bipolar diathermy prior to IVF improved pregnancy outcomes.11 PTO was not more effective than salpingectomy. Conceptions, without IVF, have been reported following salpingectomy for unilateral hydrosalpinx.12

In a series including 434 patients with DTO who underwent laparoscopic fimbrioplasty (enlargement of the ostium) or neosalpingostomy (creation of a new ostium) by a single surgeon, 5-year actuarial delivery rates decreased as the severity of tubal occlusion increased; the ectopic rate was stable at approximately 15%.13 A prospective study reported that the relative increase in the pregnancy rate after salpingectomy was greatest in women with a large hydrosalpinx visible on ultrasound.14

Because of the possible risks of decreased ovarian reserve secondary to interruption of ovarian blood supply, salpingectomy should be done with minimal thermal injury and very close to the fallopian tube.

Pros and cons of in vitro fertilization over tubal surgery



Surgery may be considered for young women with mild distal tubal disease as one surgical procedure can lead to several pregnancies whereas IVF must be performed each time pregnancy is desired. IVF is more likely than surgery to be successful in women with bilateral hydrosalpinx, in those with pelvic adhesions, in older reproductive aged women, and for both proximal and distal tubal occlusion.15 An online prediction calculator from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) can be helpful in counseling patients on personalized expectations for IVF pregnancy outcomes.

Dr. Trolice is director of The IVF Center in Winter Park, Fla., and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.


1. Ambildhuke K et al. Cureus. 2022;1:14(11):e30990.

2. Fatemeh Z et al. Br J Radiol. 2021 Jun 1;94(1122):20201386.

3. Farhi J et al. Fertil Steril. 2007 Aug;88(2):396.

4. Honoré GM et al. Fertil Steril. 1999;71(5):785.

5. De Silva PM et al. Hum Reprod. 2017;32(4):836.

6. Namnoum A and Murphy A. “Diagnostic and Operative Laparoscopy,” in Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1997, pp. 389.

7. Camus E et al.Hum Reprod. 1999;14(5):1243.

8. Marana R et al. Hum Reprod. 1999;14(12):2991-5.

9. Johnson N et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Jan 20;2010(1):CD002125.

10. Savaris RF et al. Fertil Steril. 2006 Jan;85(1):188.

11. Kontoravdis A et al. Fertil Steril. 2006;86(6):1642.

12. Sagoskin AW et al. Hum Reprod. 2003;18(12):2634.

13. Audebert A et al. Fertil Steril. 2014;102(4):1203.

14. Bildirici I et al. Hum Reprod. 2001;16(11):2422.

15. Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Fertil Steril. 2012;97(3):539.

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‘Forever chemicals’ up type 2 diabetes risk in midlife White women

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Tue, 02/14/2023 - 07:31

Middle-aged White women who had higher levels of some breakdown products of phthalates – a class of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), or “forever chemicals,” that act as plasticizers – had a significantly greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes over a 6-year period compared with other similar women.

However, this association was not seen among Black or Asian middle-aged women.

These findings from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation – Multipollutant Study (SWAN-MPS), by Mia Q. Peng, PhD, MPH, and colleagues, have been published online in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

“Overall, our study has added some evidence to support the potential diabetogenic effects of phthalates, but it also highlights that much is still unknown about the metabolic effects of these chemicals,” the group noted.

“The apparent racial/ethnic differences in the associations between phthalates and incident diabetes should be investigated in future studies,” they cautioned.

Recruiting younger participants and observing them longer, they suggested, “will also help us understand the effects of phthalates on different stages of the diabetogenic process, including whether body fat gain is an important mediator.”

Phthalates are all around us

Low-molecular-weight phthalates are frequently added to personal care products, such as fragrance, nail polish, and some feminine hygiene products, as solvents, plasticizers, and fixatives, the researchers explained.

And high-molecular-weight phthalates are frequently added to polyvinyl chloride plastic products, such as plastic food packaging, clothing, and vinyl flooring, as plasticizers.

Phthalates have been hypothesized to contribute to the development of diabetes, but longitudinal evidence in humans was limited.

“Given widespread exposure to phthalates and the enormous costs of diabetes to individuals and societies, ongoing investments in the research on phthalates’ metabolic effects are warranted,” the researchers concluded.

Racial differences in phthalates and incident diabetes

“A new finding is that we observed some phthalates are associated with a higher risk of diabetes development, especially in White women [that] were not seen in Black or Asian women,” senior author Sung Kyun Park, ScD, MPH, of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, told this news organization.

“We were surprised to see the racial/ethnic differences,” added Dr. Peng, formerly of the University of Michigan and now at Lifecourse Epidemiology of Adiposity and Diabetes Center, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

A possible explanation is that “compared to White women, Black women develop diabetes at a younger age and are exposed to higher levels of several phthalates,” and this study excluded women who already had diabetes by midlife, she noted.

“Although our study was conducted in a cohort of women,” Dr. Park stressed, “we hope that our findings are not interpreted that only women should be concerned of phthalates. Our findings add to the current literature that phthalates may be a potential risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

“Certain phthalates are prohibited in children’s toys and child care articles,” Dr. Peng noted, as explained by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. In addition, a bill has been introduced in Congress to ban phthalates in food contact substances.

“If phthalates are removed from plastics and other consumer products,” she cautioned, “we do have to be careful in the process to avoid replacing them with some other potentially harmful chemicals.”

A well-known example of this type of “regrettable substitution,” Dr. Park added, “is ‘BPA-free’ plastics that replaced bisphenol A with other bisphenols such as bisphenol-F (BPF) or bisphenol-S (BPS). The product has a label of ‘BPA-free’, but those replaced chemicals turned out to be equally toxic. Science is slow to determine if a new chemical introduced to the market is safe and can replace a regulated chemical.”

And studies have shown that a diet rich in meat, fat, and ultraprocessed foods is associated with increased exposures to some phthalates, especially when the foods are obtained away from home, such as fast foods, Dr. Peng observed. In addition, some phthalates are added to personal care products such as fragrance.

“As a first step,” she said, “I think reducing consumption of ultraprocessed foods packaged in plastics may help reduce phthalate exposure.”

A 2020 report from the Endocrine Society and the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN), titled, “Plastics, EDCs, and Health,” summarizes research on bisphenol A, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), phthalates, and other EDCs that leach from plastics. The Endocrine Society website also has a link to a 2-page summary.  



Levels of 12 phthalate metabolites

Previously, the researchers reported how another class of “forever chemicals,” PFAS, were associated with risk of hypertension in a 17-year follow-up of middle-aged women in the SWAN study.

In the current study, they analyzed data from 1,308 women in SWAN-MPS who had been recruited at five study sites (Oakland, Calif; Los Angeles; Detroit; Pittsburgh; and Boston).

The women were between ages 42 and 52 years in 1996-1997 and self-identified as White, Black, Chinese, or Japanese.

They did not have diabetes in 1999-2000 and had sufficient urine samples for phthalate assessment then and midway through a 6-year follow-up.

The women were a median age of 49 years in 1999-2000. About half were White, 20% were Black, 13% were Chinese, and 15% were Japanese.

Researchers analyzed levels of 12 metabolites, chosen because their parent phthalates have been widely used in industry and commerce, and exposure to these phthalates is a national biomonitoring priority.

The measured phthalates were:

Three metabolites of low-molecular-weight phthalates:

  • mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP)
  • mono-n-butyl phthalate (MnBP)
  • mono-isobutyl phthalate (MiBP)

Four metabolites of the high-molecular-weight phthalate di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), which is of particular public health interest:

  • mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP)
  • mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP)
  • mono(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (MEOHP)
  • mono(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate (MECPP)

Five metabolites of other high-molecular-weight phthalates:

  • monobenzyl phthalate (MBzP)
  • monoisononyl phthalate (MiNP)
  • mono-carboxyoctyl phthalate (MCOP)
  • mono-carboxy-isononyl phthalate (MCNP)
  • mono(3-carboxypropyl) phthalate (MCPP)

The researchers excluded MiNP from all analyses because it was detected in less than 1% of urine samples.

The different phthalate metabolites were detected in 84.8% of samples (MEHP) to 100% of samples (MnBP and MECPP).

Women who were younger, Black, current smokers, or obese generally had higher concentrations of phthalate metabolites.

Over 6 years, 61 women developed diabetes (an incidence rate of 8.1 per 1000 person-years).

Compared with other women, those with incident diabetes had significantly higher concentrations of all phthalate metabolites except DEHP metabolites and MCPP. 

Phthalates were not associated with incident diabetes in Black or Asian women.

However, among White women, each doubling of the concentrations of MiBP, MBzP, MCOP, MCNP, and MCCP was associated with a 30% to 63% higher incidence of diabetes (HR 1.30 for MCNP; HR 1.63 for MiBP).

The SWAN study was supported by the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health & Human Services, National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health, and SWAN Repository. The current study was supported by the National Center for Research Resources, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, NIH, National Institute of Environmental Health, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Dr. Peng was supported by an Interdisciplinary Research Training on Health and Aging grant from the NIA. The authors have reported no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article first appeared on


Middle-aged White women who had higher levels of some breakdown products of phthalates – a class of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), or “forever chemicals,” that act as plasticizers – had a significantly greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes over a 6-year period compared with other similar women.

However, this association was not seen among Black or Asian middle-aged women.

These findings from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation – Multipollutant Study (SWAN-MPS), by Mia Q. Peng, PhD, MPH, and colleagues, have been published online in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

“Overall, our study has added some evidence to support the potential diabetogenic effects of phthalates, but it also highlights that much is still unknown about the metabolic effects of these chemicals,” the group noted.

“The apparent racial/ethnic differences in the associations between phthalates and incident diabetes should be investigated in future studies,” they cautioned.

Recruiting younger participants and observing them longer, they suggested, “will also help us understand the effects of phthalates on different stages of the diabetogenic process, including whether body fat gain is an important mediator.”

Phthalates are all around us

Low-molecular-weight phthalates are frequently added to personal care products, such as fragrance, nail polish, and some feminine hygiene products, as solvents, plasticizers, and fixatives, the researchers explained.

And high-molecular-weight phthalates are frequently added to polyvinyl chloride plastic products, such as plastic food packaging, clothing, and vinyl flooring, as plasticizers.

Phthalates have been hypothesized to contribute to the development of diabetes, but longitudinal evidence in humans was limited.

“Given widespread exposure to phthalates and the enormous costs of diabetes to individuals and societies, ongoing investments in the research on phthalates’ metabolic effects are warranted,” the researchers concluded.

Racial differences in phthalates and incident diabetes

“A new finding is that we observed some phthalates are associated with a higher risk of diabetes development, especially in White women [that] were not seen in Black or Asian women,” senior author Sung Kyun Park, ScD, MPH, of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, told this news organization.

“We were surprised to see the racial/ethnic differences,” added Dr. Peng, formerly of the University of Michigan and now at Lifecourse Epidemiology of Adiposity and Diabetes Center, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

A possible explanation is that “compared to White women, Black women develop diabetes at a younger age and are exposed to higher levels of several phthalates,” and this study excluded women who already had diabetes by midlife, she noted.

“Although our study was conducted in a cohort of women,” Dr. Park stressed, “we hope that our findings are not interpreted that only women should be concerned of phthalates. Our findings add to the current literature that phthalates may be a potential risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

“Certain phthalates are prohibited in children’s toys and child care articles,” Dr. Peng noted, as explained by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. In addition, a bill has been introduced in Congress to ban phthalates in food contact substances.

“If phthalates are removed from plastics and other consumer products,” she cautioned, “we do have to be careful in the process to avoid replacing them with some other potentially harmful chemicals.”

A well-known example of this type of “regrettable substitution,” Dr. Park added, “is ‘BPA-free’ plastics that replaced bisphenol A with other bisphenols such as bisphenol-F (BPF) or bisphenol-S (BPS). The product has a label of ‘BPA-free’, but those replaced chemicals turned out to be equally toxic. Science is slow to determine if a new chemical introduced to the market is safe and can replace a regulated chemical.”

And studies have shown that a diet rich in meat, fat, and ultraprocessed foods is associated with increased exposures to some phthalates, especially when the foods are obtained away from home, such as fast foods, Dr. Peng observed. In addition, some phthalates are added to personal care products such as fragrance.

“As a first step,” she said, “I think reducing consumption of ultraprocessed foods packaged in plastics may help reduce phthalate exposure.”

A 2020 report from the Endocrine Society and the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN), titled, “Plastics, EDCs, and Health,” summarizes research on bisphenol A, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), phthalates, and other EDCs that leach from plastics. The Endocrine Society website also has a link to a 2-page summary.  



Levels of 12 phthalate metabolites

Previously, the researchers reported how another class of “forever chemicals,” PFAS, were associated with risk of hypertension in a 17-year follow-up of middle-aged women in the SWAN study.

In the current study, they analyzed data from 1,308 women in SWAN-MPS who had been recruited at five study sites (Oakland, Calif; Los Angeles; Detroit; Pittsburgh; and Boston).

The women were between ages 42 and 52 years in 1996-1997 and self-identified as White, Black, Chinese, or Japanese.

They did not have diabetes in 1999-2000 and had sufficient urine samples for phthalate assessment then and midway through a 6-year follow-up.

The women were a median age of 49 years in 1999-2000. About half were White, 20% were Black, 13% were Chinese, and 15% were Japanese.

Researchers analyzed levels of 12 metabolites, chosen because their parent phthalates have been widely used in industry and commerce, and exposure to these phthalates is a national biomonitoring priority.

The measured phthalates were:

Three metabolites of low-molecular-weight phthalates:

  • mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP)
  • mono-n-butyl phthalate (MnBP)
  • mono-isobutyl phthalate (MiBP)

Four metabolites of the high-molecular-weight phthalate di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), which is of particular public health interest:

  • mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP)
  • mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP)
  • mono(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (MEOHP)
  • mono(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate (MECPP)

Five metabolites of other high-molecular-weight phthalates:

  • monobenzyl phthalate (MBzP)
  • monoisononyl phthalate (MiNP)
  • mono-carboxyoctyl phthalate (MCOP)
  • mono-carboxy-isononyl phthalate (MCNP)
  • mono(3-carboxypropyl) phthalate (MCPP)

The researchers excluded MiNP from all analyses because it was detected in less than 1% of urine samples.

The different phthalate metabolites were detected in 84.8% of samples (MEHP) to 100% of samples (MnBP and MECPP).

Women who were younger, Black, current smokers, or obese generally had higher concentrations of phthalate metabolites.

Over 6 years, 61 women developed diabetes (an incidence rate of 8.1 per 1000 person-years).

Compared with other women, those with incident diabetes had significantly higher concentrations of all phthalate metabolites except DEHP metabolites and MCPP. 

Phthalates were not associated with incident diabetes in Black or Asian women.

However, among White women, each doubling of the concentrations of MiBP, MBzP, MCOP, MCNP, and MCCP was associated with a 30% to 63% higher incidence of diabetes (HR 1.30 for MCNP; HR 1.63 for MiBP).

The SWAN study was supported by the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health & Human Services, National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health, and SWAN Repository. The current study was supported by the National Center for Research Resources, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, NIH, National Institute of Environmental Health, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Dr. Peng was supported by an Interdisciplinary Research Training on Health and Aging grant from the NIA. The authors have reported no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article first appeared on

Middle-aged White women who had higher levels of some breakdown products of phthalates – a class of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), or “forever chemicals,” that act as plasticizers – had a significantly greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes over a 6-year period compared with other similar women.

However, this association was not seen among Black or Asian middle-aged women.

These findings from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation – Multipollutant Study (SWAN-MPS), by Mia Q. Peng, PhD, MPH, and colleagues, have been published online in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

“Overall, our study has added some evidence to support the potential diabetogenic effects of phthalates, but it also highlights that much is still unknown about the metabolic effects of these chemicals,” the group noted.

“The apparent racial/ethnic differences in the associations between phthalates and incident diabetes should be investigated in future studies,” they cautioned.

Recruiting younger participants and observing them longer, they suggested, “will also help us understand the effects of phthalates on different stages of the diabetogenic process, including whether body fat gain is an important mediator.”

Phthalates are all around us

Low-molecular-weight phthalates are frequently added to personal care products, such as fragrance, nail polish, and some feminine hygiene products, as solvents, plasticizers, and fixatives, the researchers explained.

And high-molecular-weight phthalates are frequently added to polyvinyl chloride plastic products, such as plastic food packaging, clothing, and vinyl flooring, as plasticizers.

Phthalates have been hypothesized to contribute to the development of diabetes, but longitudinal evidence in humans was limited.

“Given widespread exposure to phthalates and the enormous costs of diabetes to individuals and societies, ongoing investments in the research on phthalates’ metabolic effects are warranted,” the researchers concluded.

Racial differences in phthalates and incident diabetes

“A new finding is that we observed some phthalates are associated with a higher risk of diabetes development, especially in White women [that] were not seen in Black or Asian women,” senior author Sung Kyun Park, ScD, MPH, of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, told this news organization.

“We were surprised to see the racial/ethnic differences,” added Dr. Peng, formerly of the University of Michigan and now at Lifecourse Epidemiology of Adiposity and Diabetes Center, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

A possible explanation is that “compared to White women, Black women develop diabetes at a younger age and are exposed to higher levels of several phthalates,” and this study excluded women who already had diabetes by midlife, she noted.

“Although our study was conducted in a cohort of women,” Dr. Park stressed, “we hope that our findings are not interpreted that only women should be concerned of phthalates. Our findings add to the current literature that phthalates may be a potential risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

“Certain phthalates are prohibited in children’s toys and child care articles,” Dr. Peng noted, as explained by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. In addition, a bill has been introduced in Congress to ban phthalates in food contact substances.

“If phthalates are removed from plastics and other consumer products,” she cautioned, “we do have to be careful in the process to avoid replacing them with some other potentially harmful chemicals.”

A well-known example of this type of “regrettable substitution,” Dr. Park added, “is ‘BPA-free’ plastics that replaced bisphenol A with other bisphenols such as bisphenol-F (BPF) or bisphenol-S (BPS). The product has a label of ‘BPA-free’, but those replaced chemicals turned out to be equally toxic. Science is slow to determine if a new chemical introduced to the market is safe and can replace a regulated chemical.”

And studies have shown that a diet rich in meat, fat, and ultraprocessed foods is associated with increased exposures to some phthalates, especially when the foods are obtained away from home, such as fast foods, Dr. Peng observed. In addition, some phthalates are added to personal care products such as fragrance.

“As a first step,” she said, “I think reducing consumption of ultraprocessed foods packaged in plastics may help reduce phthalate exposure.”

A 2020 report from the Endocrine Society and the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN), titled, “Plastics, EDCs, and Health,” summarizes research on bisphenol A, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), phthalates, and other EDCs that leach from plastics. The Endocrine Society website also has a link to a 2-page summary.  



Levels of 12 phthalate metabolites

Previously, the researchers reported how another class of “forever chemicals,” PFAS, were associated with risk of hypertension in a 17-year follow-up of middle-aged women in the SWAN study.

In the current study, they analyzed data from 1,308 women in SWAN-MPS who had been recruited at five study sites (Oakland, Calif; Los Angeles; Detroit; Pittsburgh; and Boston).

The women were between ages 42 and 52 years in 1996-1997 and self-identified as White, Black, Chinese, or Japanese.

They did not have diabetes in 1999-2000 and had sufficient urine samples for phthalate assessment then and midway through a 6-year follow-up.

The women were a median age of 49 years in 1999-2000. About half were White, 20% were Black, 13% were Chinese, and 15% were Japanese.

Researchers analyzed levels of 12 metabolites, chosen because their parent phthalates have been widely used in industry and commerce, and exposure to these phthalates is a national biomonitoring priority.

The measured phthalates were:

Three metabolites of low-molecular-weight phthalates:

  • mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP)
  • mono-n-butyl phthalate (MnBP)
  • mono-isobutyl phthalate (MiBP)

Four metabolites of the high-molecular-weight phthalate di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), which is of particular public health interest:

  • mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP)
  • mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP)
  • mono(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (MEOHP)
  • mono(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate (MECPP)

Five metabolites of other high-molecular-weight phthalates:

  • monobenzyl phthalate (MBzP)
  • monoisononyl phthalate (MiNP)
  • mono-carboxyoctyl phthalate (MCOP)
  • mono-carboxy-isononyl phthalate (MCNP)
  • mono(3-carboxypropyl) phthalate (MCPP)

The researchers excluded MiNP from all analyses because it was detected in less than 1% of urine samples.

The different phthalate metabolites were detected in 84.8% of samples (MEHP) to 100% of samples (MnBP and MECPP).

Women who were younger, Black, current smokers, or obese generally had higher concentrations of phthalate metabolites.

Over 6 years, 61 women developed diabetes (an incidence rate of 8.1 per 1000 person-years).

Compared with other women, those with incident diabetes had significantly higher concentrations of all phthalate metabolites except DEHP metabolites and MCPP. 

Phthalates were not associated with incident diabetes in Black or Asian women.

However, among White women, each doubling of the concentrations of MiBP, MBzP, MCOP, MCNP, and MCCP was associated with a 30% to 63% higher incidence of diabetes (HR 1.30 for MCNP; HR 1.63 for MiBP).

The SWAN study was supported by the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health & Human Services, National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Nursing Research, NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health, and SWAN Repository. The current study was supported by the National Center for Research Resources, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, NIH, National Institute of Environmental Health, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Dr. Peng was supported by an Interdisciplinary Research Training on Health and Aging grant from the NIA. The authors have reported no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article first appeared on

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Scientists create ‘vagina on a chip’: What to know

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Wed, 02/15/2023 - 08:35

For years, women’s health advocates have argued that far more research is needed on women’s bodies and health. The world’s first-ever “vagina on a chip,” recently developed at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering in Boston, could go a long way to making that happen. 

“Women’s health has not received the attention it deserves,” says Don Ingber, MD, PhD, who led the team that created the vagina chip. The advance quickly drew media attention after it was reported in the journal Microbiome. But researchers hope for more than headlines. They see the chip as a way to facilitate vaginal health research and open the door to vital new treatments. 

By now, you may have heard of “organs on chips”: tiny devices about the size of a flash drive that are designed to mimic the biological activity of human organs. These glass chips contain living human cells within grooves that allow the passage of fluid, to either maintain or disrupt the cells’ function. So far, Dr. Ingber and his team at the Wyss Institute have developed more than 15 organ chip models, including chips that mimic the lung, intestine, kidney, and bone marrow. 

The idea to develop a vagina chip grew out of research, funded by the Gates Foundation, on a childhood disease called environmental enteric dysfunction, an intestinal disease most commonly found in low-resource nations that is the second leading cause of death in children under 5. That’s when Dr. Ingber discovered just how much the child’s microbiome influences this disease. 

Stemming from that work, the Gates Foundation turned its attention to newborn health – in particular, the impact of bacterial vaginosis, an imbalance in the vagina’s bacterial makeup. Bacterial vaginosis occurs in one out of four women worldwide and has been linked to premature birth as well as HIV, HPV persistence, and cervical cancer. 

Upon establishing the Vaginal Microbiome Research Consortium,  the foundation asked Dr. Ingber to engineer an organ chip that mimicked the vagina’s microbiome. The goal was to test “live biotherapeutic products,” or living microbes like probiotics, that might restore the vagina’s microbiome to health.  

No other preclinical model exists to perform tests like that, says Dr. Ingber. 

“The vagina chip is a way to help make some advances,” he says. 

The Gates Foundation recognized that women’s reproductive health is a major issue, not only in low-income nations, but everywhere around the world. As the project evolved, Dr. Ingber began to hear from female colleagues about how neglected women’s reproductive health is in medical science. 

“It is something I became sensitive to and realized this is just the starting point,” Dr. Ingber says.

Take bacterial vaginosis, for example. Since 1982, treatment has revolved around the same two antibiotics. That’s partly because there is no animal model to study. No other species has the same vaginal bacterial community as humans do.

That makes developing any new therapy “incredibly challenging,” explains Caroline Mitchell, MD, MPH, an ob.gyn. at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, and a member of the consortium. 

It turns out, replicating the vagina in a lab dish is, to use the technical term, very hard. 

“That’s where a vagina chip offers an opportunity,” Dr. Mitchell says. “It’s not super-high throughput, but it’s way more high throughput than a [human] clinical trial.” 

As such, the vagina chip could help scientists find new treatments much faster. 

Like Dr. Ingber, Dr. Mitchell also sees the chip as a way to bring more attention to the largely unmet needs in female reproductive medicine.

“Women’s reproductive health has been under-resourced, under-prioritized, and largely disregarded for decades,” she says. And the time may be ripe for change: Dr. Mitchell says she was encouraged by the National Institutes of Health’s Advancing NIH Research on the Health of Women conference, held in 2021 in response to a congressional request to address women’s health research efforts.  

Beyond bacterial vaginosis, Dr. Mitchell imagines the chip could help scientists find new treatments for vaginal yeast infection (candidiasis), chlamydia, and endometriosis. As with bacterial vaginosis, medicines for vaginal yeast infections have not advanced in decades, Dr. Mitchell says.  Efforts to develop a vaccine for chlamydia – which can cause permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system – have dragged on for many years. And endometriosis, an often painful condition in which the tissue that makes up the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, remains under-researched despite affecting 10% of childbearing-age women.

While some mouse models are used in chlamydia research, it’s hard to say if they’ll translate to humans, given the vaginal and cervical bacterial differences. 

“Our understanding of the basic physiology of the environment of the vagina and cervix is another area where we’re woefully ignorant,” Dr. Mitchell says.

To that end, Dr. Ingber’s team is developing more complex chips mimicking the vagina and the cervix. One of his team members wants to use the chips to study infertility. The researchers have already used the chips to see how bacterial vaginosis and mucous changes impact the way sperm migrates up the reproductive tract. 

The lab is now linking vagina and cervix chips together to study viral infections of the cervix, like HPV, and all types of bacterial diseases of the vaginal tract. By applying cervical mucus to the vagina chip, they hope to learn more about how female reproductive tissues respond to infection and inflammation.

“I always say that organ chips are like synthetic biology at the cell tissue and organ level,” says Dr. Ingber. “You start simple and see if you [can] mimic a clinical situation.” 

As they make the chips more complex – perhaps by adding blood vessel cells and female hormones – Dr. Ingber foresees being able to study the response to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle.

“We can begin to explore the effects of cycling over time as well as other types of hormonal effects,” he says.

Dr. Ingber also envisions linking the vagina chip to other organ chips – he’s already succeeded in linking eight different organ types together. But for now, the team hopes the vagina chip will enhance our understanding of basic female reproductive biology and speed up the process of developing new treatments for women’s health. 

A version of this article first appeared on


For years, women’s health advocates have argued that far more research is needed on women’s bodies and health. The world’s first-ever “vagina on a chip,” recently developed at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering in Boston, could go a long way to making that happen. 

“Women’s health has not received the attention it deserves,” says Don Ingber, MD, PhD, who led the team that created the vagina chip. The advance quickly drew media attention after it was reported in the journal Microbiome. But researchers hope for more than headlines. They see the chip as a way to facilitate vaginal health research and open the door to vital new treatments. 

By now, you may have heard of “organs on chips”: tiny devices about the size of a flash drive that are designed to mimic the biological activity of human organs. These glass chips contain living human cells within grooves that allow the passage of fluid, to either maintain or disrupt the cells’ function. So far, Dr. Ingber and his team at the Wyss Institute have developed more than 15 organ chip models, including chips that mimic the lung, intestine, kidney, and bone marrow. 

The idea to develop a vagina chip grew out of research, funded by the Gates Foundation, on a childhood disease called environmental enteric dysfunction, an intestinal disease most commonly found in low-resource nations that is the second leading cause of death in children under 5. That’s when Dr. Ingber discovered just how much the child’s microbiome influences this disease. 

Stemming from that work, the Gates Foundation turned its attention to newborn health – in particular, the impact of bacterial vaginosis, an imbalance in the vagina’s bacterial makeup. Bacterial vaginosis occurs in one out of four women worldwide and has been linked to premature birth as well as HIV, HPV persistence, and cervical cancer. 

Upon establishing the Vaginal Microbiome Research Consortium,  the foundation asked Dr. Ingber to engineer an organ chip that mimicked the vagina’s microbiome. The goal was to test “live biotherapeutic products,” or living microbes like probiotics, that might restore the vagina’s microbiome to health.  

No other preclinical model exists to perform tests like that, says Dr. Ingber. 

“The vagina chip is a way to help make some advances,” he says. 

The Gates Foundation recognized that women’s reproductive health is a major issue, not only in low-income nations, but everywhere around the world. As the project evolved, Dr. Ingber began to hear from female colleagues about how neglected women’s reproductive health is in medical science. 

“It is something I became sensitive to and realized this is just the starting point,” Dr. Ingber says.

Take bacterial vaginosis, for example. Since 1982, treatment has revolved around the same two antibiotics. That’s partly because there is no animal model to study. No other species has the same vaginal bacterial community as humans do.

That makes developing any new therapy “incredibly challenging,” explains Caroline Mitchell, MD, MPH, an ob.gyn. at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, and a member of the consortium. 

It turns out, replicating the vagina in a lab dish is, to use the technical term, very hard. 

“That’s where a vagina chip offers an opportunity,” Dr. Mitchell says. “It’s not super-high throughput, but it’s way more high throughput than a [human] clinical trial.” 

As such, the vagina chip could help scientists find new treatments much faster. 

Like Dr. Ingber, Dr. Mitchell also sees the chip as a way to bring more attention to the largely unmet needs in female reproductive medicine.

“Women’s reproductive health has been under-resourced, under-prioritized, and largely disregarded for decades,” she says. And the time may be ripe for change: Dr. Mitchell says she was encouraged by the National Institutes of Health’s Advancing NIH Research on the Health of Women conference, held in 2021 in response to a congressional request to address women’s health research efforts.  

Beyond bacterial vaginosis, Dr. Mitchell imagines the chip could help scientists find new treatments for vaginal yeast infection (candidiasis), chlamydia, and endometriosis. As with bacterial vaginosis, medicines for vaginal yeast infections have not advanced in decades, Dr. Mitchell says.  Efforts to develop a vaccine for chlamydia – which can cause permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system – have dragged on for many years. And endometriosis, an often painful condition in which the tissue that makes up the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, remains under-researched despite affecting 10% of childbearing-age women.

While some mouse models are used in chlamydia research, it’s hard to say if they’ll translate to humans, given the vaginal and cervical bacterial differences. 

“Our understanding of the basic physiology of the environment of the vagina and cervix is another area where we’re woefully ignorant,” Dr. Mitchell says.

To that end, Dr. Ingber’s team is developing more complex chips mimicking the vagina and the cervix. One of his team members wants to use the chips to study infertility. The researchers have already used the chips to see how bacterial vaginosis and mucous changes impact the way sperm migrates up the reproductive tract. 

The lab is now linking vagina and cervix chips together to study viral infections of the cervix, like HPV, and all types of bacterial diseases of the vaginal tract. By applying cervical mucus to the vagina chip, they hope to learn more about how female reproductive tissues respond to infection and inflammation.

“I always say that organ chips are like synthetic biology at the cell tissue and organ level,” says Dr. Ingber. “You start simple and see if you [can] mimic a clinical situation.” 

As they make the chips more complex – perhaps by adding blood vessel cells and female hormones – Dr. Ingber foresees being able to study the response to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle.

“We can begin to explore the effects of cycling over time as well as other types of hormonal effects,” he says.

Dr. Ingber also envisions linking the vagina chip to other organ chips – he’s already succeeded in linking eight different organ types together. But for now, the team hopes the vagina chip will enhance our understanding of basic female reproductive biology and speed up the process of developing new treatments for women’s health. 

A version of this article first appeared on

For years, women’s health advocates have argued that far more research is needed on women’s bodies and health. The world’s first-ever “vagina on a chip,” recently developed at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering in Boston, could go a long way to making that happen. 

“Women’s health has not received the attention it deserves,” says Don Ingber, MD, PhD, who led the team that created the vagina chip. The advance quickly drew media attention after it was reported in the journal Microbiome. But researchers hope for more than headlines. They see the chip as a way to facilitate vaginal health research and open the door to vital new treatments. 

By now, you may have heard of “organs on chips”: tiny devices about the size of a flash drive that are designed to mimic the biological activity of human organs. These glass chips contain living human cells within grooves that allow the passage of fluid, to either maintain or disrupt the cells’ function. So far, Dr. Ingber and his team at the Wyss Institute have developed more than 15 organ chip models, including chips that mimic the lung, intestine, kidney, and bone marrow. 

The idea to develop a vagina chip grew out of research, funded by the Gates Foundation, on a childhood disease called environmental enteric dysfunction, an intestinal disease most commonly found in low-resource nations that is the second leading cause of death in children under 5. That’s when Dr. Ingber discovered just how much the child’s microbiome influences this disease. 

Stemming from that work, the Gates Foundation turned its attention to newborn health – in particular, the impact of bacterial vaginosis, an imbalance in the vagina’s bacterial makeup. Bacterial vaginosis occurs in one out of four women worldwide and has been linked to premature birth as well as HIV, HPV persistence, and cervical cancer. 

Upon establishing the Vaginal Microbiome Research Consortium,  the foundation asked Dr. Ingber to engineer an organ chip that mimicked the vagina’s microbiome. The goal was to test “live biotherapeutic products,” or living microbes like probiotics, that might restore the vagina’s microbiome to health.  

No other preclinical model exists to perform tests like that, says Dr. Ingber. 

“The vagina chip is a way to help make some advances,” he says. 

The Gates Foundation recognized that women’s reproductive health is a major issue, not only in low-income nations, but everywhere around the world. As the project evolved, Dr. Ingber began to hear from female colleagues about how neglected women’s reproductive health is in medical science. 

“It is something I became sensitive to and realized this is just the starting point,” Dr. Ingber says.

Take bacterial vaginosis, for example. Since 1982, treatment has revolved around the same two antibiotics. That’s partly because there is no animal model to study. No other species has the same vaginal bacterial community as humans do.

That makes developing any new therapy “incredibly challenging,” explains Caroline Mitchell, MD, MPH, an ob.gyn. at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, and a member of the consortium. 

It turns out, replicating the vagina in a lab dish is, to use the technical term, very hard. 

“That’s where a vagina chip offers an opportunity,” Dr. Mitchell says. “It’s not super-high throughput, but it’s way more high throughput than a [human] clinical trial.” 

As such, the vagina chip could help scientists find new treatments much faster. 

Like Dr. Ingber, Dr. Mitchell also sees the chip as a way to bring more attention to the largely unmet needs in female reproductive medicine.

“Women’s reproductive health has been under-resourced, under-prioritized, and largely disregarded for decades,” she says. And the time may be ripe for change: Dr. Mitchell says she was encouraged by the National Institutes of Health’s Advancing NIH Research on the Health of Women conference, held in 2021 in response to a congressional request to address women’s health research efforts.  

Beyond bacterial vaginosis, Dr. Mitchell imagines the chip could help scientists find new treatments for vaginal yeast infection (candidiasis), chlamydia, and endometriosis. As with bacterial vaginosis, medicines for vaginal yeast infections have not advanced in decades, Dr. Mitchell says.  Efforts to develop a vaccine for chlamydia – which can cause permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system – have dragged on for many years. And endometriosis, an often painful condition in which the tissue that makes up the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, remains under-researched despite affecting 10% of childbearing-age women.

While some mouse models are used in chlamydia research, it’s hard to say if they’ll translate to humans, given the vaginal and cervical bacterial differences. 

“Our understanding of the basic physiology of the environment of the vagina and cervix is another area where we’re woefully ignorant,” Dr. Mitchell says.

To that end, Dr. Ingber’s team is developing more complex chips mimicking the vagina and the cervix. One of his team members wants to use the chips to study infertility. The researchers have already used the chips to see how bacterial vaginosis and mucous changes impact the way sperm migrates up the reproductive tract. 

The lab is now linking vagina and cervix chips together to study viral infections of the cervix, like HPV, and all types of bacterial diseases of the vaginal tract. By applying cervical mucus to the vagina chip, they hope to learn more about how female reproductive tissues respond to infection and inflammation.

“I always say that organ chips are like synthetic biology at the cell tissue and organ level,” says Dr. Ingber. “You start simple and see if you [can] mimic a clinical situation.” 

As they make the chips more complex – perhaps by adding blood vessel cells and female hormones – Dr. Ingber foresees being able to study the response to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle.

“We can begin to explore the effects of cycling over time as well as other types of hormonal effects,” he says.

Dr. Ingber also envisions linking the vagina chip to other organ chips – he’s already succeeded in linking eight different organ types together. But for now, the team hopes the vagina chip will enhance our understanding of basic female reproductive biology and speed up the process of developing new treatments for women’s health. 

A version of this article first appeared on

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Bacterial vaginosis linked with persistent HPV infections

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Mon, 02/06/2023 - 16:52

– Four in five women will be infected by one or more human papillomavirus (HPV) strains during their lifetimes. For most of these women, the HPV will be cleared from the body, but 5% of them will develop precancerous lesions in the cervix. The role of vaginal flora in persistent HPV has been brought into focus by research studies carried out over the past few years.

At a press conference ahead of the 46th meeting of the French Colposcopy and Cervical and Vaginal Diseases Society, Julia Maruani, MD, a medical gynecologist in Marseille, France, took the opportunity to discuss the importance of vaginal flora and the need to treat cases of bacterial vaginosis.

Striking a balance

Essential for reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections, a healthy vaginal flora is made up of millions of microorganisms, mainly lactobacilli, as well as other bacteria (Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Prevotella, streptococcus, gonococcus), HPV, and fungi.

Lactobacilli produce lactic acid, which reduces the vagina’s pH, as well as hydrogen peroxide, which is toxic to the other bacteria.

Different factors, such as alcohol, a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and sugar, and especially smoking, can lead to an imbalance of the bacteria in the vaginal flora and thus result in vaginosis. What occurs is an abnormal multiplication of different types of anaerobic bacteria that are normally present in much lower numbers. There is a relative reduction in lactobacilli, which results in an increased vaginal pH, a greater risk of contracting an STI, and reduced clearance of the HPV infection. “Women who smoke probably experience persistent HPV infections due to an imbalance in vaginal flora,” said Dr. Maruani.

Vaginosis and HPV

When there are fewer lactobacilli than there should be, these bacteria can no longer protect the vaginal mucosa, which is disrupted by other bacteria. “HPV then has access to the basal cells,” said Dr. Maruani, acknowledging that the relationship between bacterial vaginosis and persistent HPV infections has been the subject of numerous research studies over the past decade or so. “For years, I would see this same link in my patients. Those with persistent vaginosis were also the ones with persistent HPV. And I’m not the only one to notice this. Studies have also been carried out investigating this exact correlation,” she added.

These studies have shown that HPV infections persist in cases of vaginosis, resulting in the appearance of epithelial lesions. Additionally, the lesions are more severe when dysbiosis is more severe.

What about probiotics? Can they treat dysbiosis and an HPV infection at the same time? “Probiotics work very well for vaginosis, provided they are used for a long time. We know that they lessen HPV infections and low-grade lesions,” said Dr. Maruani, although no randomized studies support this conclusion. “It’s not a one size fits all. We aren’t about to treat patients with precancerous lesions with probiotics.” There are currently no data concerning the efficacy of probiotics on high-grade lesions. These days, Dr. Maruani has been thinking about a new issue: the benefit of diagnosing cases of asymptomatic vaginosis – because treating them would reduce the risk of persistent HPV infection.

This article was translated from the Medscape French edition. A version of this article appeared on


– Four in five women will be infected by one or more human papillomavirus (HPV) strains during their lifetimes. For most of these women, the HPV will be cleared from the body, but 5% of them will develop precancerous lesions in the cervix. The role of vaginal flora in persistent HPV has been brought into focus by research studies carried out over the past few years.

At a press conference ahead of the 46th meeting of the French Colposcopy and Cervical and Vaginal Diseases Society, Julia Maruani, MD, a medical gynecologist in Marseille, France, took the opportunity to discuss the importance of vaginal flora and the need to treat cases of bacterial vaginosis.

Striking a balance

Essential for reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections, a healthy vaginal flora is made up of millions of microorganisms, mainly lactobacilli, as well as other bacteria (Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Prevotella, streptococcus, gonococcus), HPV, and fungi.

Lactobacilli produce lactic acid, which reduces the vagina’s pH, as well as hydrogen peroxide, which is toxic to the other bacteria.

Different factors, such as alcohol, a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and sugar, and especially smoking, can lead to an imbalance of the bacteria in the vaginal flora and thus result in vaginosis. What occurs is an abnormal multiplication of different types of anaerobic bacteria that are normally present in much lower numbers. There is a relative reduction in lactobacilli, which results in an increased vaginal pH, a greater risk of contracting an STI, and reduced clearance of the HPV infection. “Women who smoke probably experience persistent HPV infections due to an imbalance in vaginal flora,” said Dr. Maruani.

Vaginosis and HPV

When there are fewer lactobacilli than there should be, these bacteria can no longer protect the vaginal mucosa, which is disrupted by other bacteria. “HPV then has access to the basal cells,” said Dr. Maruani, acknowledging that the relationship between bacterial vaginosis and persistent HPV infections has been the subject of numerous research studies over the past decade or so. “For years, I would see this same link in my patients. Those with persistent vaginosis were also the ones with persistent HPV. And I’m not the only one to notice this. Studies have also been carried out investigating this exact correlation,” she added.

These studies have shown that HPV infections persist in cases of vaginosis, resulting in the appearance of epithelial lesions. Additionally, the lesions are more severe when dysbiosis is more severe.

What about probiotics? Can they treat dysbiosis and an HPV infection at the same time? “Probiotics work very well for vaginosis, provided they are used for a long time. We know that they lessen HPV infections and low-grade lesions,” said Dr. Maruani, although no randomized studies support this conclusion. “It’s not a one size fits all. We aren’t about to treat patients with precancerous lesions with probiotics.” There are currently no data concerning the efficacy of probiotics on high-grade lesions. These days, Dr. Maruani has been thinking about a new issue: the benefit of diagnosing cases of asymptomatic vaginosis – because treating them would reduce the risk of persistent HPV infection.

This article was translated from the Medscape French edition. A version of this article appeared on

– Four in five women will be infected by one or more human papillomavirus (HPV) strains during their lifetimes. For most of these women, the HPV will be cleared from the body, but 5% of them will develop precancerous lesions in the cervix. The role of vaginal flora in persistent HPV has been brought into focus by research studies carried out over the past few years.

At a press conference ahead of the 46th meeting of the French Colposcopy and Cervical and Vaginal Diseases Society, Julia Maruani, MD, a medical gynecologist in Marseille, France, took the opportunity to discuss the importance of vaginal flora and the need to treat cases of bacterial vaginosis.

Striking a balance

Essential for reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections, a healthy vaginal flora is made up of millions of microorganisms, mainly lactobacilli, as well as other bacteria (Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Prevotella, streptococcus, gonococcus), HPV, and fungi.

Lactobacilli produce lactic acid, which reduces the vagina’s pH, as well as hydrogen peroxide, which is toxic to the other bacteria.

Different factors, such as alcohol, a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and sugar, and especially smoking, can lead to an imbalance of the bacteria in the vaginal flora and thus result in vaginosis. What occurs is an abnormal multiplication of different types of anaerobic bacteria that are normally present in much lower numbers. There is a relative reduction in lactobacilli, which results in an increased vaginal pH, a greater risk of contracting an STI, and reduced clearance of the HPV infection. “Women who smoke probably experience persistent HPV infections due to an imbalance in vaginal flora,” said Dr. Maruani.

Vaginosis and HPV

When there are fewer lactobacilli than there should be, these bacteria can no longer protect the vaginal mucosa, which is disrupted by other bacteria. “HPV then has access to the basal cells,” said Dr. Maruani, acknowledging that the relationship between bacterial vaginosis and persistent HPV infections has been the subject of numerous research studies over the past decade or so. “For years, I would see this same link in my patients. Those with persistent vaginosis were also the ones with persistent HPV. And I’m not the only one to notice this. Studies have also been carried out investigating this exact correlation,” she added.

These studies have shown that HPV infections persist in cases of vaginosis, resulting in the appearance of epithelial lesions. Additionally, the lesions are more severe when dysbiosis is more severe.

What about probiotics? Can they treat dysbiosis and an HPV infection at the same time? “Probiotics work very well for vaginosis, provided they are used for a long time. We know that they lessen HPV infections and low-grade lesions,” said Dr. Maruani, although no randomized studies support this conclusion. “It’s not a one size fits all. We aren’t about to treat patients with precancerous lesions with probiotics.” There are currently no data concerning the efficacy of probiotics on high-grade lesions. These days, Dr. Maruani has been thinking about a new issue: the benefit of diagnosing cases of asymptomatic vaginosis – because treating them would reduce the risk of persistent HPV infection.

This article was translated from the Medscape French edition. A version of this article appeared on

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Advances in fertility preservation: Q & A

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Tue, 01/24/2023 - 10:05

From the first obscure reference until the 19th century, the maternal mortality rate from an ectopic pregnancy was nearly 100%. In the past 140 years, because of early detection and prompt surgical management, the mortality rate from an ectopic pregnancy declined from 72%-90% in 1880 to 0.48% from 2004 to 2008.1 Given this remarkable reduction in mortality, the 20th-century approach to ectopic pregnancy evolved from preserving the life of the mother to preserving fertility by utilizing conservative treatment with methotrexate and/or tubal surgery.

Why the reference to ectopic pregnancy? Advances in oncology have comparably affected our approach to cancer patients. The increase in survival rates following a cancer diagnosis has fostered revolutionary developments in fertility preservation to obviate the effect of gonadotoxic therapy. We have evolved from shielding and transposing ovaries to ovarian tissue cryopreservation2,3 with rapid implementation.

Dr. Mark P. Trolice, director, Fertility CARE: The IVF Center, and professor, UCF College of Medicine, Orlando
Dr. Mark P. Trolice

One of the leaders in the field of female fertility preservation is Kutluk Oktay, MD, of Yale University, New Haven, Conn. I posed the following salient questions to him on the state of fertility preservation as well as expectations for the future.

Dr. Kutluk Oktay, professor of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive sciences and director of the Laboratory of Molecular Reproduction and Fertility Preservation at Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
Dr. Kutluk Oktay


Q1. What medication/treatment is gonadotoxic that warrants a consultation for fertility preservation?

A: While new drugs for cancer treatment continue to be approved and require testing for gonadotoxicity, evidence is clear on the damaging effects of alkylating agents such as cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, chlorambucil, and melphalan on primordial follicle reserve.4 A useful tool to determine the risk of alkylating agents affecting fertility is the Cyclophosphamide Equivalent Dose (CED) Calculator. Likewise, topoisomerase inhibitors, such as doxorubicin4 induce ovarian reserve damage by causing double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) in oocytes.5-7 Contrary to common belief, chemotherapy exposure suppresses the mechanisms that can initiate follicle growth.6 When DSBs occur, some oocytes may be able to repair such damage, otherwise apoptosis is triggered, which results in irreversible ovarian reserve loss.7 Younger individuals have much higher repair capacity, the magnitude of damage can be hard to predict, and it is variable.8,9 So, prior exposure to gonadotoxic drugs does not preclude consideration of fertility preservation.10

In addition, pelvic radiation, in a dose-dependent manner, causes severe DSBs and triggers the same cell suicide mechanisms while also potentially damaging uterine function. Additional information can be found in the American Society of Clinical Oncology Fertility Preservation Guidelines.4

Q2. What are the current options for fertility preservation in patients who will be exposed to gonadotoxic medication/treatment?

A: The current fertility preservation options for female patients faced with gonadotoxic treatments are embryo, oocyte, and ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC). Selection of fertility preservation is typically contingent upon the timetable of treatment. Oocyte and embryo cryopreservation have been the standard of care. Recently, OTC had its experimental designation removed by American Society for Reproductive Medicine11 with the advantage of not requiring ovarian stimulation or sexual maturity; and it may to be performed while patients are receiving chemotherapy. If successful, OTC followed by orthotopic transplantation has the potential to restore natural ovarian function, thereby allowing spontaneous conception.10 Especially in young adults, ovarian reserve loss is fractional and can remain at reasonable levels after a few courses of chemotherapy. Ovarian stimulation is risky after the initiation of chemotherapy because of the severe DNA damage to oocytes of developing follicles and the associated poor response.7 Hence, ovarian stimulation should be initiated and completed before the initiation of chemotherapy.



Q3. How successful are the approved fertility preservation options in obtaining oocytes for future utilization by ART?

We have decades of experience with embryo cryopreservation and proven success rates that patients can check on the website for individual clinics. For oocyte cryopreservation, models are used to provide calculation estimates because the technique is less established.12 Although success rates are approaching those with fresh oocytes, they are still not equal.13 OTC followed by orthotopic tissue transplantation has the least outcomes data (approximately 200 reported livebirths to date with a 25% live birth rate per recipient worldwide10 since the first success was reported in 2000.2,14

With our robotic surgical approach to orthotopic and heterotopic ovarian tissue transplantation and the utility of neovascularizing agents, we have found that ovarian graft longevity is extended. Oocytes/embryos can be obtained and has resulted in one to two livebirths in all our recipients to date.10 Unfortunately, if any of the critical steps are not up to standards (freezing, thawing, or transplantation), success rates can dramatically decline. Therefore, providers and patients should seek centers with experience in all three stages of this procedure to maximize outcomes.

Q4. Are there concerns of increasing recurrence/mortality with fertility preservation given hormonal exposure?

A: Yes, this concern exists, at least in theory for estrogen-sensitive cancers, most commonly breast cancer. We developed ovarian stimulation protocols supplemented with anti-estrogen treatments (tamoxifen, an estrogen-receptor antagonist, and letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor) that appear equally effective and reduce estrogen exposure in any susceptible cancer.15,16 Even in estrogen receptor–negative tumors, high estrogen exposure may activate non–estrogen receptor–dependent pathways. In addition, even those tumors that are practically deemed estrogen receptor negative may still contain a small percentage of estrogen receptors, which may become active at high estrogen levels.

Therefore, when we approach women with estrogen-sensitive cancers, e.g., breast and endometrial, we do not alter our approach based on receptor status. One exception occurs in women with BRCA mutations, especially the BRCA1, as they have 25% lower serum anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) levels,8,17 yield fewer oocytes in response to ovarian stimulation,18,19 and have lower fertilization rates and embryo numbers20 compared with those without the mutations.

Q5. Are all reproductive centers capable of offering fertility preservation? If not, how does a patient find a center?

A: All IVF clinics offer embryo and, presumably, oocyte cryopreservation. Pregnancy outcomes vary based on the center’s experience. Globally, major differences exist in the availability and competency of OTC along with the subsequent transplantation approach. A limited number of centers have competency in all aspects of OTC, i.e., cryopreservation, thawing, and transplantation. In general, fertility preservation patients have a multitude of medical issues that necessitate management expertise and the bandwidth to coordinate with cancer health professionals. The reproductive centers offering fertility preservation should be prepared to respond immediately and accommodate patients about to undergo gonadotoxic treatment.

Q6. How should a patient be counseled before proceeding with fertility preservation?

The candidate should be counseled on the likelihood of damage from gonadotoxic therapy and all fertility preservation options, on the basis of the urgency of treatment and the woman’s long-term goals. For example, the desire for a large family may compel a patient to undergo multiple cycles of ovarian stimulation or a combination of oocyte/embryo cryopreservation with OTC. In patients who are undergoing embryo cryopreservation, I recommend preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies, although there are limitations to its application. Other novel pieces of information we are using in counseling are baseline AMH levels and BRCA mutation status for women with breast cancer. In an 8-year-long NIH-funded prospective longitudinal study we found that women with both baseline AMH < 2 ng/mL and BRCA mutations are at significantly higher risk of losing their ovarian reserve and developing amenorrhea.21 Because the oocytes of women with BRCA mutations are deficient in DNA repair as we have previously shown,19 they are more liable to death upon exposure to DNA-damaging cancer drugs such as cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin.22



Q7. What is the time limit for use of cryopreserved oocytes/tissue?

A: Under optimal storage conditions, cryopreserved oocytes/tissue can be utilized indefinitely without a negative effect on pregnancy outcomes.

Q8. What does the future hold for fertility preservation?

A: The future holds promise for both the medical and nonmedical (planned) utility of fertility preservation. With the former, we will see that the utility of OTC and orthotopic and heterotopic tissue transplantation increase as success rates improve. Improved neovascularizing agents will make the transplants last longer and enhance pregnancy outcomes.23,24 I see planned fertility preservation increasing, based on the experience gained from cancer patients and some preliminary experience with planned OTC, especially for healthy women who wish to consider delaying menopause.25,26

Because of attrition from apoptosis, approximately 2,000 oocytes are wasted per ovulation. Through calculation models, we predict that if an equivalent of one-third of a woman’s ovarian cortex can be cryopreserved (which may not significantly affect the age at natural menopause) before age 40 years, transplantation at perimenopause may provide sufficient primordial follicles to delay menopause for 5 years or longer.26 Because ovarian tissue can also be transplanted subcutaneously under local anesthesia, as we have shown,27,28 repeated heterotopic transplants can be performed in an office setting at reduced cost, invasiveness, and with enhanced effectiveness. We can expect increasing reports and progress on this planned use of OTC and transplantation in the future. 

Dr. Oktay is professor of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive sciences and director of the Laboratory of Molecular Reproduction and Fertility Preservation at Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Dr. Trolice is director of The IVF Center in Winter Park, Fla., and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.


1. Lurie S. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1992 Jan 9;43(1):1-7.

2. Oktay K and Karlikaya G. N Engl J Med. 2000 Jun 22;342(25):1919.

3. Sonmezer and Oktay K. Hum Reprod Update. 2004;10(3):251-66.

4. Oktay K et al. J Clin Oncol. 2018 Jul 1;36(19):1994-2001.

5. Goldfarb SB et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2021;185:165-73.

6. Titus S et al. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 11;11(1):407.

7. Soleimani R et al. Aging (Albany NY). 2011 Aug;3(8):782-93.

8. Titus S et al. Sci Transl Med. 2013 Feb 13;5(172):172ra21.

9. Oktay KH et al. Fertil Steril. 2022 Jan 5:S0015-0282(21)02293-7.

10. Oktay K et al. Fertil Steril. 2022;117(1):181-92.

11. Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Fertil Steril. 2019;112(6):1022–33.

12. Cil A et al. Fertil Steril. 2013 Aug;100(2):492-9.e3.

13. Goldman KN et al. Fertil Steril. 2013 Sep;100(3):712-7.

14. Marin L and Oktay K. Scientific history of ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation. In: Oktay K (ed.), Principles and Practice of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Transplantation. Elsevier;2022:1-10.

15. Oktay K et al. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Jul 1;23(19):4347-53.

16. Kim JY et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Apr;101(4):1364-71.

17. Turan V et al. J Clin Oncol. 2021;39:18.

18. Oktay K et al. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Jan 10;28(2):240-4.

19. Lin W et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102(10):3839-47.

20. Turan V et al. Reprod Sci. 2018;(25):26-32.

21. Oktay K et al. Presence of BRCA mutations and a pre-chemotherapy AMH level of < 2ng/mL strongly predict risk of amenorrhea in women with breast cancer P-291. Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine 78th annual meeting, Anaheim, Calif. Oct. 22-26, 2022.

22. Oktay KH et al. Fertil Steril. 2020;113(6):1251‐60.e1.

23. Soleimani R et al. PLoS One. 2011 Apr 29;6(4):e19475.

24. Marin L et al. Future aspects of ovarian cryopreservation and transplantation. In: Oktay K (ed.). Principles and Practice of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Transplantation. Elsevier; 2022;223-30.

25. Oktay KH et al. Trends Mol Med. 2021;27(8):753-61.

26. Oktay K and Marin L. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation for delaying childbearing and menopause. In: Oktay, K. (Ed.), Principles and Practice of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Transplantation. Elsevier;2022:195-204.

27. Oktay K et al. JAMA. 2001 Sep 26;286(12):1490-3.

28. Oktay K et al. Lancet. 2004 Mar 13;363(9412):837-40.


From the first obscure reference until the 19th century, the maternal mortality rate from an ectopic pregnancy was nearly 100%. In the past 140 years, because of early detection and prompt surgical management, the mortality rate from an ectopic pregnancy declined from 72%-90% in 1880 to 0.48% from 2004 to 2008.1 Given this remarkable reduction in mortality, the 20th-century approach to ectopic pregnancy evolved from preserving the life of the mother to preserving fertility by utilizing conservative treatment with methotrexate and/or tubal surgery.

Why the reference to ectopic pregnancy? Advances in oncology have comparably affected our approach to cancer patients. The increase in survival rates following a cancer diagnosis has fostered revolutionary developments in fertility preservation to obviate the effect of gonadotoxic therapy. We have evolved from shielding and transposing ovaries to ovarian tissue cryopreservation2,3 with rapid implementation.

Dr. Mark P. Trolice, director, Fertility CARE: The IVF Center, and professor, UCF College of Medicine, Orlando
Dr. Mark P. Trolice

One of the leaders in the field of female fertility preservation is Kutluk Oktay, MD, of Yale University, New Haven, Conn. I posed the following salient questions to him on the state of fertility preservation as well as expectations for the future.

Dr. Kutluk Oktay, professor of obstetrics &amp; gynecology and reproductive sciences and director of the Laboratory of Molecular Reproduction and Fertility Preservation at Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
Dr. Kutluk Oktay


Q1. What medication/treatment is gonadotoxic that warrants a consultation for fertility preservation?

A: While new drugs for cancer treatment continue to be approved and require testing for gonadotoxicity, evidence is clear on the damaging effects of alkylating agents such as cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, chlorambucil, and melphalan on primordial follicle reserve.4 A useful tool to determine the risk of alkylating agents affecting fertility is the Cyclophosphamide Equivalent Dose (CED) Calculator. Likewise, topoisomerase inhibitors, such as doxorubicin4 induce ovarian reserve damage by causing double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) in oocytes.5-7 Contrary to common belief, chemotherapy exposure suppresses the mechanisms that can initiate follicle growth.6 When DSBs occur, some oocytes may be able to repair such damage, otherwise apoptosis is triggered, which results in irreversible ovarian reserve loss.7 Younger individuals have much higher repair capacity, the magnitude of damage can be hard to predict, and it is variable.8,9 So, prior exposure to gonadotoxic drugs does not preclude consideration of fertility preservation.10

In addition, pelvic radiation, in a dose-dependent manner, causes severe DSBs and triggers the same cell suicide mechanisms while also potentially damaging uterine function. Additional information can be found in the American Society of Clinical Oncology Fertility Preservation Guidelines.4

Q2. What are the current options for fertility preservation in patients who will be exposed to gonadotoxic medication/treatment?

A: The current fertility preservation options for female patients faced with gonadotoxic treatments are embryo, oocyte, and ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC). Selection of fertility preservation is typically contingent upon the timetable of treatment. Oocyte and embryo cryopreservation have been the standard of care. Recently, OTC had its experimental designation removed by American Society for Reproductive Medicine11 with the advantage of not requiring ovarian stimulation or sexual maturity; and it may to be performed while patients are receiving chemotherapy. If successful, OTC followed by orthotopic transplantation has the potential to restore natural ovarian function, thereby allowing spontaneous conception.10 Especially in young adults, ovarian reserve loss is fractional and can remain at reasonable levels after a few courses of chemotherapy. Ovarian stimulation is risky after the initiation of chemotherapy because of the severe DNA damage to oocytes of developing follicles and the associated poor response.7 Hence, ovarian stimulation should be initiated and completed before the initiation of chemotherapy.



Q3. How successful are the approved fertility preservation options in obtaining oocytes for future utilization by ART?

We have decades of experience with embryo cryopreservation and proven success rates that patients can check on the website for individual clinics. For oocyte cryopreservation, models are used to provide calculation estimates because the technique is less established.12 Although success rates are approaching those with fresh oocytes, they are still not equal.13 OTC followed by orthotopic tissue transplantation has the least outcomes data (approximately 200 reported livebirths to date with a 25% live birth rate per recipient worldwide10 since the first success was reported in 2000.2,14

With our robotic surgical approach to orthotopic and heterotopic ovarian tissue transplantation and the utility of neovascularizing agents, we have found that ovarian graft longevity is extended. Oocytes/embryos can be obtained and has resulted in one to two livebirths in all our recipients to date.10 Unfortunately, if any of the critical steps are not up to standards (freezing, thawing, or transplantation), success rates can dramatically decline. Therefore, providers and patients should seek centers with experience in all three stages of this procedure to maximize outcomes.

Q4. Are there concerns of increasing recurrence/mortality with fertility preservation given hormonal exposure?

A: Yes, this concern exists, at least in theory for estrogen-sensitive cancers, most commonly breast cancer. We developed ovarian stimulation protocols supplemented with anti-estrogen treatments (tamoxifen, an estrogen-receptor antagonist, and letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor) that appear equally effective and reduce estrogen exposure in any susceptible cancer.15,16 Even in estrogen receptor–negative tumors, high estrogen exposure may activate non–estrogen receptor–dependent pathways. In addition, even those tumors that are practically deemed estrogen receptor negative may still contain a small percentage of estrogen receptors, which may become active at high estrogen levels.

Therefore, when we approach women with estrogen-sensitive cancers, e.g., breast and endometrial, we do not alter our approach based on receptor status. One exception occurs in women with BRCA mutations, especially the BRCA1, as they have 25% lower serum anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) levels,8,17 yield fewer oocytes in response to ovarian stimulation,18,19 and have lower fertilization rates and embryo numbers20 compared with those without the mutations.

Q5. Are all reproductive centers capable of offering fertility preservation? If not, how does a patient find a center?

A: All IVF clinics offer embryo and, presumably, oocyte cryopreservation. Pregnancy outcomes vary based on the center’s experience. Globally, major differences exist in the availability and competency of OTC along with the subsequent transplantation approach. A limited number of centers have competency in all aspects of OTC, i.e., cryopreservation, thawing, and transplantation. In general, fertility preservation patients have a multitude of medical issues that necessitate management expertise and the bandwidth to coordinate with cancer health professionals. The reproductive centers offering fertility preservation should be prepared to respond immediately and accommodate patients about to undergo gonadotoxic treatment.

Q6. How should a patient be counseled before proceeding with fertility preservation?

The candidate should be counseled on the likelihood of damage from gonadotoxic therapy and all fertility preservation options, on the basis of the urgency of treatment and the woman’s long-term goals. For example, the desire for a large family may compel a patient to undergo multiple cycles of ovarian stimulation or a combination of oocyte/embryo cryopreservation with OTC. In patients who are undergoing embryo cryopreservation, I recommend preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies, although there are limitations to its application. Other novel pieces of information we are using in counseling are baseline AMH levels and BRCA mutation status for women with breast cancer. In an 8-year-long NIH-funded prospective longitudinal study we found that women with both baseline AMH < 2 ng/mL and BRCA mutations are at significantly higher risk of losing their ovarian reserve and developing amenorrhea.21 Because the oocytes of women with BRCA mutations are deficient in DNA repair as we have previously shown,19 they are more liable to death upon exposure to DNA-damaging cancer drugs such as cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin.22



Q7. What is the time limit for use of cryopreserved oocytes/tissue?

A: Under optimal storage conditions, cryopreserved oocytes/tissue can be utilized indefinitely without a negative effect on pregnancy outcomes.

Q8. What does the future hold for fertility preservation?

A: The future holds promise for both the medical and nonmedical (planned) utility of fertility preservation. With the former, we will see that the utility of OTC and orthotopic and heterotopic tissue transplantation increase as success rates improve. Improved neovascularizing agents will make the transplants last longer and enhance pregnancy outcomes.23,24 I see planned fertility preservation increasing, based on the experience gained from cancer patients and some preliminary experience with planned OTC, especially for healthy women who wish to consider delaying menopause.25,26

Because of attrition from apoptosis, approximately 2,000 oocytes are wasted per ovulation. Through calculation models, we predict that if an equivalent of one-third of a woman’s ovarian cortex can be cryopreserved (which may not significantly affect the age at natural menopause) before age 40 years, transplantation at perimenopause may provide sufficient primordial follicles to delay menopause for 5 years or longer.26 Because ovarian tissue can also be transplanted subcutaneously under local anesthesia, as we have shown,27,28 repeated heterotopic transplants can be performed in an office setting at reduced cost, invasiveness, and with enhanced effectiveness. We can expect increasing reports and progress on this planned use of OTC and transplantation in the future. 

Dr. Oktay is professor of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive sciences and director of the Laboratory of Molecular Reproduction and Fertility Preservation at Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Dr. Trolice is director of The IVF Center in Winter Park, Fla., and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.


1. Lurie S. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1992 Jan 9;43(1):1-7.

2. Oktay K and Karlikaya G. N Engl J Med. 2000 Jun 22;342(25):1919.

3. Sonmezer and Oktay K. Hum Reprod Update. 2004;10(3):251-66.

4. Oktay K et al. J Clin Oncol. 2018 Jul 1;36(19):1994-2001.

5. Goldfarb SB et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2021;185:165-73.

6. Titus S et al. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 11;11(1):407.

7. Soleimani R et al. Aging (Albany NY). 2011 Aug;3(8):782-93.

8. Titus S et al. Sci Transl Med. 2013 Feb 13;5(172):172ra21.

9. Oktay KH et al. Fertil Steril. 2022 Jan 5:S0015-0282(21)02293-7.

10. Oktay K et al. Fertil Steril. 2022;117(1):181-92.

11. Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Fertil Steril. 2019;112(6):1022–33.

12. Cil A et al. Fertil Steril. 2013 Aug;100(2):492-9.e3.

13. Goldman KN et al. Fertil Steril. 2013 Sep;100(3):712-7.

14. Marin L and Oktay K. Scientific history of ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation. In: Oktay K (ed.), Principles and Practice of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Transplantation. Elsevier;2022:1-10.

15. Oktay K et al. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Jul 1;23(19):4347-53.

16. Kim JY et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Apr;101(4):1364-71.

17. Turan V et al. J Clin Oncol. 2021;39:18.

18. Oktay K et al. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Jan 10;28(2):240-4.

19. Lin W et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102(10):3839-47.

20. Turan V et al. Reprod Sci. 2018;(25):26-32.

21. Oktay K et al. Presence of BRCA mutations and a pre-chemotherapy AMH level of < 2ng/mL strongly predict risk of amenorrhea in women with breast cancer P-291. Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine 78th annual meeting, Anaheim, Calif. Oct. 22-26, 2022.

22. Oktay KH et al. Fertil Steril. 2020;113(6):1251‐60.e1.

23. Soleimani R et al. PLoS One. 2011 Apr 29;6(4):e19475.

24. Marin L et al. Future aspects of ovarian cryopreservation and transplantation. In: Oktay K (ed.). Principles and Practice of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Transplantation. Elsevier; 2022;223-30.

25. Oktay KH et al. Trends Mol Med. 2021;27(8):753-61.

26. Oktay K and Marin L. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation for delaying childbearing and menopause. In: Oktay, K. (Ed.), Principles and Practice of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Transplantation. Elsevier;2022:195-204.

27. Oktay K et al. JAMA. 2001 Sep 26;286(12):1490-3.

28. Oktay K et al. Lancet. 2004 Mar 13;363(9412):837-40.

From the first obscure reference until the 19th century, the maternal mortality rate from an ectopic pregnancy was nearly 100%. In the past 140 years, because of early detection and prompt surgical management, the mortality rate from an ectopic pregnancy declined from 72%-90% in 1880 to 0.48% from 2004 to 2008.1 Given this remarkable reduction in mortality, the 20th-century approach to ectopic pregnancy evolved from preserving the life of the mother to preserving fertility by utilizing conservative treatment with methotrexate and/or tubal surgery.

Why the reference to ectopic pregnancy? Advances in oncology have comparably affected our approach to cancer patients. The increase in survival rates following a cancer diagnosis has fostered revolutionary developments in fertility preservation to obviate the effect of gonadotoxic therapy. We have evolved from shielding and transposing ovaries to ovarian tissue cryopreservation2,3 with rapid implementation.

Dr. Mark P. Trolice, director, Fertility CARE: The IVF Center, and professor, UCF College of Medicine, Orlando
Dr. Mark P. Trolice

One of the leaders in the field of female fertility preservation is Kutluk Oktay, MD, of Yale University, New Haven, Conn. I posed the following salient questions to him on the state of fertility preservation as well as expectations for the future.

Dr. Kutluk Oktay, professor of obstetrics &amp; gynecology and reproductive sciences and director of the Laboratory of Molecular Reproduction and Fertility Preservation at Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
Dr. Kutluk Oktay


Q1. What medication/treatment is gonadotoxic that warrants a consultation for fertility preservation?

A: While new drugs for cancer treatment continue to be approved and require testing for gonadotoxicity, evidence is clear on the damaging effects of alkylating agents such as cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, chlorambucil, and melphalan on primordial follicle reserve.4 A useful tool to determine the risk of alkylating agents affecting fertility is the Cyclophosphamide Equivalent Dose (CED) Calculator. Likewise, topoisomerase inhibitors, such as doxorubicin4 induce ovarian reserve damage by causing double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) in oocytes.5-7 Contrary to common belief, chemotherapy exposure suppresses the mechanisms that can initiate follicle growth.6 When DSBs occur, some oocytes may be able to repair such damage, otherwise apoptosis is triggered, which results in irreversible ovarian reserve loss.7 Younger individuals have much higher repair capacity, the magnitude of damage can be hard to predict, and it is variable.8,9 So, prior exposure to gonadotoxic drugs does not preclude consideration of fertility preservation.10

In addition, pelvic radiation, in a dose-dependent manner, causes severe DSBs and triggers the same cell suicide mechanisms while also potentially damaging uterine function. Additional information can be found in the American Society of Clinical Oncology Fertility Preservation Guidelines.4

Q2. What are the current options for fertility preservation in patients who will be exposed to gonadotoxic medication/treatment?

A: The current fertility preservation options for female patients faced with gonadotoxic treatments are embryo, oocyte, and ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC). Selection of fertility preservation is typically contingent upon the timetable of treatment. Oocyte and embryo cryopreservation have been the standard of care. Recently, OTC had its experimental designation removed by American Society for Reproductive Medicine11 with the advantage of not requiring ovarian stimulation or sexual maturity; and it may to be performed while patients are receiving chemotherapy. If successful, OTC followed by orthotopic transplantation has the potential to restore natural ovarian function, thereby allowing spontaneous conception.10 Especially in young adults, ovarian reserve loss is fractional and can remain at reasonable levels after a few courses of chemotherapy. Ovarian stimulation is risky after the initiation of chemotherapy because of the severe DNA damage to oocytes of developing follicles and the associated poor response.7 Hence, ovarian stimulation should be initiated and completed before the initiation of chemotherapy.



Q3. How successful are the approved fertility preservation options in obtaining oocytes for future utilization by ART?

We have decades of experience with embryo cryopreservation and proven success rates that patients can check on the website for individual clinics. For oocyte cryopreservation, models are used to provide calculation estimates because the technique is less established.12 Although success rates are approaching those with fresh oocytes, they are still not equal.13 OTC followed by orthotopic tissue transplantation has the least outcomes data (approximately 200 reported livebirths to date with a 25% live birth rate per recipient worldwide10 since the first success was reported in 2000.2,14

With our robotic surgical approach to orthotopic and heterotopic ovarian tissue transplantation and the utility of neovascularizing agents, we have found that ovarian graft longevity is extended. Oocytes/embryos can be obtained and has resulted in one to two livebirths in all our recipients to date.10 Unfortunately, if any of the critical steps are not up to standards (freezing, thawing, or transplantation), success rates can dramatically decline. Therefore, providers and patients should seek centers with experience in all three stages of this procedure to maximize outcomes.

Q4. Are there concerns of increasing recurrence/mortality with fertility preservation given hormonal exposure?

A: Yes, this concern exists, at least in theory for estrogen-sensitive cancers, most commonly breast cancer. We developed ovarian stimulation protocols supplemented with anti-estrogen treatments (tamoxifen, an estrogen-receptor antagonist, and letrozole, an aromatase inhibitor) that appear equally effective and reduce estrogen exposure in any susceptible cancer.15,16 Even in estrogen receptor–negative tumors, high estrogen exposure may activate non–estrogen receptor–dependent pathways. In addition, even those tumors that are practically deemed estrogen receptor negative may still contain a small percentage of estrogen receptors, which may become active at high estrogen levels.

Therefore, when we approach women with estrogen-sensitive cancers, e.g., breast and endometrial, we do not alter our approach based on receptor status. One exception occurs in women with BRCA mutations, especially the BRCA1, as they have 25% lower serum anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) levels,8,17 yield fewer oocytes in response to ovarian stimulation,18,19 and have lower fertilization rates and embryo numbers20 compared with those without the mutations.

Q5. Are all reproductive centers capable of offering fertility preservation? If not, how does a patient find a center?

A: All IVF clinics offer embryo and, presumably, oocyte cryopreservation. Pregnancy outcomes vary based on the center’s experience. Globally, major differences exist in the availability and competency of OTC along with the subsequent transplantation approach. A limited number of centers have competency in all aspects of OTC, i.e., cryopreservation, thawing, and transplantation. In general, fertility preservation patients have a multitude of medical issues that necessitate management expertise and the bandwidth to coordinate with cancer health professionals. The reproductive centers offering fertility preservation should be prepared to respond immediately and accommodate patients about to undergo gonadotoxic treatment.

Q6. How should a patient be counseled before proceeding with fertility preservation?

The candidate should be counseled on the likelihood of damage from gonadotoxic therapy and all fertility preservation options, on the basis of the urgency of treatment and the woman’s long-term goals. For example, the desire for a large family may compel a patient to undergo multiple cycles of ovarian stimulation or a combination of oocyte/embryo cryopreservation with OTC. In patients who are undergoing embryo cryopreservation, I recommend preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies, although there are limitations to its application. Other novel pieces of information we are using in counseling are baseline AMH levels and BRCA mutation status for women with breast cancer. In an 8-year-long NIH-funded prospective longitudinal study we found that women with both baseline AMH < 2 ng/mL and BRCA mutations are at significantly higher risk of losing their ovarian reserve and developing amenorrhea.21 Because the oocytes of women with BRCA mutations are deficient in DNA repair as we have previously shown,19 they are more liable to death upon exposure to DNA-damaging cancer drugs such as cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin.22



Q7. What is the time limit for use of cryopreserved oocytes/tissue?

A: Under optimal storage conditions, cryopreserved oocytes/tissue can be utilized indefinitely without a negative effect on pregnancy outcomes.

Q8. What does the future hold for fertility preservation?

A: The future holds promise for both the medical and nonmedical (planned) utility of fertility preservation. With the former, we will see that the utility of OTC and orthotopic and heterotopic tissue transplantation increase as success rates improve. Improved neovascularizing agents will make the transplants last longer and enhance pregnancy outcomes.23,24 I see planned fertility preservation increasing, based on the experience gained from cancer patients and some preliminary experience with planned OTC, especially for healthy women who wish to consider delaying menopause.25,26

Because of attrition from apoptosis, approximately 2,000 oocytes are wasted per ovulation. Through calculation models, we predict that if an equivalent of one-third of a woman’s ovarian cortex can be cryopreserved (which may not significantly affect the age at natural menopause) before age 40 years, transplantation at perimenopause may provide sufficient primordial follicles to delay menopause for 5 years or longer.26 Because ovarian tissue can also be transplanted subcutaneously under local anesthesia, as we have shown,27,28 repeated heterotopic transplants can be performed in an office setting at reduced cost, invasiveness, and with enhanced effectiveness. We can expect increasing reports and progress on this planned use of OTC and transplantation in the future. 

Dr. Oktay is professor of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive sciences and director of the Laboratory of Molecular Reproduction and Fertility Preservation at Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Dr. Trolice is director of The IVF Center in Winter Park, Fla., and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Central Florida, Orlando.


1. Lurie S. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1992 Jan 9;43(1):1-7.

2. Oktay K and Karlikaya G. N Engl J Med. 2000 Jun 22;342(25):1919.

3. Sonmezer and Oktay K. Hum Reprod Update. 2004;10(3):251-66.

4. Oktay K et al. J Clin Oncol. 2018 Jul 1;36(19):1994-2001.

5. Goldfarb SB et al. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2021;185:165-73.

6. Titus S et al. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 11;11(1):407.

7. Soleimani R et al. Aging (Albany NY). 2011 Aug;3(8):782-93.

8. Titus S et al. Sci Transl Med. 2013 Feb 13;5(172):172ra21.

9. Oktay KH et al. Fertil Steril. 2022 Jan 5:S0015-0282(21)02293-7.

10. Oktay K et al. Fertil Steril. 2022;117(1):181-92.

11. Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Fertil Steril. 2019;112(6):1022–33.

12. Cil A et al. Fertil Steril. 2013 Aug;100(2):492-9.e3.

13. Goldman KN et al. Fertil Steril. 2013 Sep;100(3):712-7.

14. Marin L and Oktay K. Scientific history of ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation. In: Oktay K (ed.), Principles and Practice of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Transplantation. Elsevier;2022:1-10.

15. Oktay K et al. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Jul 1;23(19):4347-53.

16. Kim JY et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Apr;101(4):1364-71.

17. Turan V et al. J Clin Oncol. 2021;39:18.

18. Oktay K et al. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Jan 10;28(2):240-4.

19. Lin W et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102(10):3839-47.

20. Turan V et al. Reprod Sci. 2018;(25):26-32.

21. Oktay K et al. Presence of BRCA mutations and a pre-chemotherapy AMH level of < 2ng/mL strongly predict risk of amenorrhea in women with breast cancer P-291. Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine 78th annual meeting, Anaheim, Calif. Oct. 22-26, 2022.

22. Oktay KH et al. Fertil Steril. 2020;113(6):1251‐60.e1.

23. Soleimani R et al. PLoS One. 2011 Apr 29;6(4):e19475.

24. Marin L et al. Future aspects of ovarian cryopreservation and transplantation. In: Oktay K (ed.). Principles and Practice of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Transplantation. Elsevier; 2022;223-30.

25. Oktay KH et al. Trends Mol Med. 2021;27(8):753-61.

26. Oktay K and Marin L. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation for delaying childbearing and menopause. In: Oktay, K. (Ed.), Principles and Practice of Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation and Transplantation. Elsevier;2022:195-204.

27. Oktay K et al. JAMA. 2001 Sep 26;286(12):1490-3.

28. Oktay K et al. Lancet. 2004 Mar 13;363(9412):837-40.

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35 years in service to you, our community of reproductive health care clinicians

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Mon, 01/16/2023 - 19:37


The mission of OBG Management is to enhance the quality of reproductive health care and the professional development of obstetrician-gynecologists and all reproductive health care clinicians. As we celebrate the beginning of our 35th anniversary year, we recommit to our mission, providing the highest quality reproductive health information in both print and electronic portals. Guiding all our actions is our deep commitment to being worthy of the trust of our readers.

OBG Management is one of the most widely-read publications dedicated to obstetrician-gynecologists. We recognize that it is difficult for clinicians to keep up with the vast and growing corpus of information that is relevant to clinical practice. A priority goal of OBG Management is to ensure our readers are aware of practice-changing information. The OBG Management Board of Editors guide all aspects of the editorial work at OBG Management, alerting us to upcoming practice-changing discoveries, including new research findings, new medications, and important guidelines. As we begin our 35th anniversary year, we would like to highlight our distinguished Board of Editors. Of note, this year, Dr. Cheryl B. Iglesia was named as Deputy Editor, with an expanded responsibility to curate the gynecology content for OBG Management.

We wish all our readers a wonderful New Year and the best health possible for our patients.


Arnold P. Advincula, MD

I serve on the executive board that oversees the Fellowships in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (FMIGS), and in January 2023 will transition into the role of President. I bring to this leadership role nearly 25 years of surgical experience, both as a clinician educator and inventor. My goal during the next 2 years will be to move toward subspecialty recognition of Complex Gynecology. 

Linda D. Bradley, MD

My passion is diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy, simple procedures that can both evaluate and treat intrauterine pathology. Recently, I was thrilled to coauthor an article on office hysteroscopy for Obstetrics & Gynecology (September 2022). I will have a chapter on operative hysteroscopy in the 2023 edition of TeLinde’s Textbook of Gynecology, and I am an author for the topic Office and Operative Hysteroscopy in UpToDate. Locally, I am known as the “foodie gynecologist”—I travel, take cooking classes, and I have more cookbooks than gynecology textbooks. Since Covid, I have embraced biking and just completed a riverboat biking cruise from Salamanca, Spain, to Lisbon, Portugal.

Amy L. Garcia, MD

I am fellowship trained as a minimally invasive gynecologic surgeon (MIGS) and have had a private surgical practice since 2005. I am involved with The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), AAGL, and international surgical education for office hysteroscopy and related practice management. I am passionate about working with start-up companies in the gynecologic medical device arena and innovation in gynecologic surgery.

Steven R. Goldstein, MD, NCMP, CCD

I just completed my term as President of the International Menopause Society. This culminated in the society’s 18th World Congress in Lisbon, attended by over 1,700 health care providers from 76 countries. I delivered the Pieter van Keep Memorial Lecture, named for one of the society’s founders who died prematurely of pancreatic cancer. I was further honored by receiving the society’s Distinguished Service Award. I am very proud to have previously received the NAMS Thomas B. Clarkson award for Outstanding Clinical and Basic Science Research in Menopause. I also have one foot in the gynecologic ultrasound world and was given the Joseph H. Holmes Pioneer Award and was the 2023 recipient of the William J. Fry Memorial Lecture Award, both from the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, having written the second book ever on vaginal ultrasonography.

On a personal level, I love to play golf (in spite of my foot drop and 14 orthopedic surgeries). My season tickets show some diversity—the New York City Ballet and St. John’s basketball.

Cheryl B. Iglesia, MD

I am the 49th president of the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons, the 5th woman to hold this position, and the first of Filipino-American descent. I recognize that it is only through extraordinary mentorship and support from other giants in gynecology, like Drs. Andrew Kaunitz (fellow OBG Management Board member), Linda Brubaker, and Dee Fenner and the love, support, and encouragement of my parents, husband, and daughters that I have been able to reach this milestone. A feather in my cap is the recent appointment to Deputy Editor of Gynecology for this journal, under the tutelage of Dr. Robert Barbieri. Over the past 31 years, I have had the privilege of learning from the best experts and gynecologic surgeons and the honor of working with skilled partners as we pass on our collective knowledge to our fellows, residents, and medical students. The passion in this next generation of ObGyns is so invigorating!

PS—In the spirit of continually learning, I want to add the Argentine tango to my dancing repertoire and go on an African safari; both are on my bucket list as the pandemic eases.

Andrew M. Kaunitz, MD, NCMP

Since starting with the University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville in 1984, I have enjoyed caring for patients, training residents and medical students, and being involved with publications and research. My areas of focus are menopause, contraception, gyn ultrasound and evaluation/management of women with abnormal uterine bleeding. In 2020, I received the North American Menopause Society/Leon Speroff Outstanding Educator Award. In 2021, I received the ACOG Distinguished Service Award. I enjoy spending time with my family, neighborhood bicycling, and searching for sharks’ teeth at the beach. 

Barbara Levy, MD

I have been privileged to serve on the OBG Management Editorial Board for several decades. I am passionate about delivering the best possible care for the patients we serve, and helping women’s health care professionals provide that care. Through positions at AAGL, ACOG, and the American Medical Association, I have worked hard to champion best practices and to support fair, equitable, and accessible care for our patients and reimbursement for our services. My true north is to base patient care on reliable, valid, and properly interpreted data.

Continue to: David G. Mutch, MD...



David G. Mutch, MD

I am ending my 6-year term as Chair of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) gynecologic cancer steering committee. That is the committee that vets all NCI-sponsored clinical trials in gynecologic oncology. I am on the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Cancer committee, Co-Chair of the American Joint Committee on Cancer gyn staging committee and on the Reproductive Scientist Development Program selection committee. I also am completing my term as Chair of the Foundation for Women’s Cancer; this is the C3, charitable arm, of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology. We have distributed more than $3.5 million to young investigators to help start their research careers in gynecologic oncology.

Errol R. Norwitz, MD, PhD, MBA

I am a physician-scientist with subspecialty training in high-risk obstetrics (maternal-fetal medicine). I was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, and I have trained/practiced in 5 countries on 3 continents. My research interests include the pathophysiology, prediction, prevention, and management of pregnancy complications, primarily preterm birth and preeclampsia. I am a member of the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. I am currently President & CEO of Newton-Wellesley Hospital, a comprehensive community-based academic medical center and a member of the Mass General Brigham health care system in Boston, Massachusetts.

Jaimey Pauli, MD

I am the Division Chief and Professor of Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) at the Penn State College of Medicine and Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. I had exceptional mentoring throughout my medical career, particularly by a former member of the Editorial Board, Dr. John T. Repke. One of the biggest perks of my job is that our division provides full-scope MFM care. While I often serve as the more traditional MFM consultant and academic educator, I also provide longitudinal prenatal care and deliver many of my own patients, often through subsequent pregnancies. Serving as a member of the Editorial Board combines my passion for clinical obstetrical care with my talents (as a former English major) of reading, writing, and editing. I believe that the work we do provides accessible, evidence-based, and practical guidance for our colleagues so they can provide excellence in obstetrical care.


JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, NCMP

I am a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Division Chief of Midlife Health at the University of Virginia (UVA) Health. Passionate about menopause, I am an executive director emeritus of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) and past-President of NAMS (2008-2009). Within the past few years, I have served as an expert advisor for the recent ACOG Clinical Practice Guidelines on Osteoporosis, the NAMS Position Statements on Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis, and the Global Consensus on Menopause and Androgen Therapy. I received the 2022 South Atlantic Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Lifetime Achievement Award for my expertise and work in menopause and the NAMS 2020 Ann Voda Community Service Award for my biannual community educational symposiums. I remain active in research, currently the lead and UVA principal investigator for the Oasis 2 multicenter clinical trial, which is testing a neurokinin receptor antagonist as a nonhormone therapy for the relief of hot flashes. Serving on the OBG Management Editorial Board is an honor that allows me to use my expertise in menopause management and hormone therapy to provide practical, evidence-based guidance for clinicians.

Joseph S. Sanfilippo, MD, MBA

I feel honored and privileged to have received the Golden Apple Teaching Award from the Universityof Pittsburgh School of Medicine. I am also fortunate to be the recipient of the Faculty Educator of the Month Award for resident teaching. I have been named Top Doctor 20 years in a row. My current academic activities include, since 2007, Program Director for Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh and Chair of the Mentor-Mentee Program at University of Pittsburgh Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences. I am Guest Editor for the medical malpractice section of the journal Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. Recently, I completed a patient-focused book, “Experts Guide to Fertility,” which will be published in May 2023 by J Hopkins University Publisher and is designed for patients going through infertility treatment. Regarding outside events, I enjoy climbing steep hills and riding far and wide on my “electric bike.” Highly recommend it!

James Simon, MD, CCD, IF, NCMP

It’s been an honor serving on the OBG Management Board for many years, as a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist/reproductive endocrinologist, certified menopause practitioner, and sexuality counsellor. Nicknamed “The Menopause Whisperer” by Washingtonian Magazine, my solo, private practice, IntimMedicine Specialists®, one of the few such practices remaining in Washington, DC, is about 6 blocks from the White House. By virtue of my practice’s location, I care for women at the highest levels of government seeking personalized gynecological, menopause, and sexual medicine care. Some high-powered patients believe they have all the answers even before I open my mouth, so I just fall back on my experience as both the President of NAMS, and The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, or principal investigator on more than 400 clinical research trials, or Chief Medical Officer of a pharmaceutical company, or author of more than 800 publications. I love what I do every day and cannot imagine slowing down or stopping. ●


Looking over the horizon to the future of obstetrics and gynecology

I asked our distinguished Board of Editors to identify the most important changes that they believe will occur over the next 5 years, influencing the practice of obstetrics and gynecology. Their expert predictions are summarized below.

Arnold Advincula, MD

As one of the world’s most experienced gynecologic robotic surgeons, the role of this technology will become even more refined over the next 2-5 years with the introduction of sophisticated image guidance, “smart molecules,” and artificial intelligence. All of this will transform both the patient and surgeon experience as well as impact how we train future surgeons.

Linda Bradley, MD

My hope is that a partnership with industry and hysteroscopy thought leaders will enable new developments/technology in performing hysteroscopic sterilization. Conquering the tubal ostia for sterilization in an office setting would profoundly improve contraceptive options for women. Conquering the tubal ostia is the last frontier in gynecology.

Amy Garcia, MD

I predict that new technologies will allow for a significant increase in the number of gynecologists who perform in-office hysteroscopy and that a paradigm shift will occur to replace blind biopsy with hysteroscopy-directed biopsy and evaluation of the uterine cavity.

Steven Goldstein, MD, NCMP, CCD

Among the most important changes in the next 5 years, in my opinion, will be in the arenas of precision medicine, genetic advancement, and artificial intelligence. In addition, unfortunately, there will be an even greater movement toward guidelines utilizing algorithms and clinical pathways. I leave you with the following quote:

“Neither evidence nor clinical judgement alone is sufficient. Evidence without judgement can be applied by a technician. Judgement without evidence can be applied by a friend. But the integration of evidence and judgement is what the healthcare provider does in order to dispense the best clinical care.” —Hertzel Gerstein, MD

Cheryl Iglesia, MD

Technology related to minimally invasive surgery will continue to change our practice, and I predict that surgery will be more centralized to high volume practices. Reimbursements for these procedures may remain a hot button issue, however. The materials used for pelvic reconstruction will be derived from autologous stem cells and advancements made in regenerative medicine.

Andrew Kaunitz, MD, NCMP

As use of contraceptive implants and intrauterine devices continues to grow, I anticipate the incidence of unintended pregnancies will continue to decline. As the novel gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists combined with estrogen-progestin add-back grow in use, I anticipate this will provide our patients with more nonsurgical options for managing abnormal uterine bleeding, including that associated with uterine fibroids.

Barbara Levy, MD

Quality will be redefined by patient-defined outcome measures that assess what matters to the people we serve. Real-world evidence will be incorporated to support those measures and provide data on patient outcomes in populations not studied in the randomized controlled trials on which we have created guidelines. This will help to refine guidelines and support more equitable and accessible care.

David Mutch, MD

Over the next 5 years, our expanding insights into the molecular biology of cancer will lead to targeted therapies that will yield better responses with less toxicity.

Errol R. Norwitz, MD, PhD, MBA

In the near future we will use predictive AI algorithms to: 1) identify patients at risk of adverse pregnancy events; 2) stratify patients into high-, average-, and low-risk; and 3) design a personalized obstetric care journey for each patient based on their individualized risk stratification with a view to improving safety and quality outcome metrics, addressing health care disparity, and lowering the cost of care.

Jaimey Pauli, MD

I predict (and fervently hope) that breakthroughs will occur in the prevention of two of the most devastating diseases to affect obstetric patients and their families—preterm birth and preeclampsia.

JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, NCMP

New nonhormone management therapies will be available to treat hot flashes and the genitourinary syndrome of menopause. These treatments will be especially welcomed by patients who cannot or choose not to take hormone therapy. We should not allow new technology to overshadow the patient. We must remember to treat the patient with the condition, not just the disease. Consider what is important to the individual woman, her quality of life, and her ability to function, and keep that in mind when deciding what therapy to suggest.

Joseph S. Sanfilippo, MD, MBA

Artificial intelligence will change the way we educate and provide patient care. Three-dimensional perspectives will cross a number of horizons, some of which include:

  • advances in assisted reproductive technology (IVF), offering the next level of “in vitro maturation” of oocytes for patients heretofore unable to conceive. They can progress to having a baby with decreased ovarian reserve or in association with “life after cancer.”
  • biogenic engineering and bioinformatics will allow correction of genetic defects in embryos prior to implantation
  • the surgical arena will incorporate direct robotic initiated procedures and bring robotic surgery to the next level
  • with regard to medical education, at all levels, virtual reality, computer-generated 3-dimensional imaging will provide innovative tools.

James Simon, MD, CCD, IF, NCMP

Medicine’s near-term future portends the realization of truly personalized medicine based upon one’s genetic predisposition to disease, and intentional genetic manipulation to mitigate it. Such advances are here already, simply pending regulatory and ethical approval. My concern going forward is that such individualization, and an algorithm-driven decision-making process will result in taking the personal out of personalized medicine. We humans are more than the collected downstream impact of our genes. In our quest for advances, let’s not forget the balance between nature (our genes) and nurture (environment). The risk of forgetting this aphorism, like the electronic health record, gives me heartburn, or worse, burnout!

Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Robert L. Barbieri, MD

Editor in Chief, OBG Management
Chair Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Kate Macy Ladd Distinguished Professor of Obstetrics,
Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

The author reports no conflict of interest related to this article.

OBG Management - 35(1)
Page Number
Author and Disclosure Information

Robert L. Barbieri, MD

Editor in Chief, OBG Management
Chair Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Kate Macy Ladd Distinguished Professor of Obstetrics,
Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

The author reports no conflict of interest related to this article.

Author and Disclosure Information

Robert L. Barbieri, MD

Editor in Chief, OBG Management
Chair Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Kate Macy Ladd Distinguished Professor of Obstetrics,
Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

The author reports no conflict of interest related to this article.

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The mission of OBG Management is to enhance the quality of reproductive health care and the professional development of obstetrician-gynecologists and all reproductive health care clinicians. As we celebrate the beginning of our 35th anniversary year, we recommit to our mission, providing the highest quality reproductive health information in both print and electronic portals. Guiding all our actions is our deep commitment to being worthy of the trust of our readers.

OBG Management is one of the most widely-read publications dedicated to obstetrician-gynecologists. We recognize that it is difficult for clinicians to keep up with the vast and growing corpus of information that is relevant to clinical practice. A priority goal of OBG Management is to ensure our readers are aware of practice-changing information. The OBG Management Board of Editors guide all aspects of the editorial work at OBG Management, alerting us to upcoming practice-changing discoveries, including new research findings, new medications, and important guidelines. As we begin our 35th anniversary year, we would like to highlight our distinguished Board of Editors. Of note, this year, Dr. Cheryl B. Iglesia was named as Deputy Editor, with an expanded responsibility to curate the gynecology content for OBG Management.

We wish all our readers a wonderful New Year and the best health possible for our patients.


Arnold P. Advincula, MD

I serve on the executive board that oversees the Fellowships in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (FMIGS), and in January 2023 will transition into the role of President. I bring to this leadership role nearly 25 years of surgical experience, both as a clinician educator and inventor. My goal during the next 2 years will be to move toward subspecialty recognition of Complex Gynecology. 

Linda D. Bradley, MD

My passion is diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy, simple procedures that can both evaluate and treat intrauterine pathology. Recently, I was thrilled to coauthor an article on office hysteroscopy for Obstetrics & Gynecology (September 2022). I will have a chapter on operative hysteroscopy in the 2023 edition of TeLinde’s Textbook of Gynecology, and I am an author for the topic Office and Operative Hysteroscopy in UpToDate. Locally, I am known as the “foodie gynecologist”—I travel, take cooking classes, and I have more cookbooks than gynecology textbooks. Since Covid, I have embraced biking and just completed a riverboat biking cruise from Salamanca, Spain, to Lisbon, Portugal.

Amy L. Garcia, MD

I am fellowship trained as a minimally invasive gynecologic surgeon (MIGS) and have had a private surgical practice since 2005. I am involved with The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), AAGL, and international surgical education for office hysteroscopy and related practice management. I am passionate about working with start-up companies in the gynecologic medical device arena and innovation in gynecologic surgery.

Steven R. Goldstein, MD, NCMP, CCD

I just completed my term as President of the International Menopause Society. This culminated in the society’s 18th World Congress in Lisbon, attended by over 1,700 health care providers from 76 countries. I delivered the Pieter van Keep Memorial Lecture, named for one of the society’s founders who died prematurely of pancreatic cancer. I was further honored by receiving the society’s Distinguished Service Award. I am very proud to have previously received the NAMS Thomas B. Clarkson award for Outstanding Clinical and Basic Science Research in Menopause. I also have one foot in the gynecologic ultrasound world and was given the Joseph H. Holmes Pioneer Award and was the 2023 recipient of the William J. Fry Memorial Lecture Award, both from the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, having written the second book ever on vaginal ultrasonography.

On a personal level, I love to play golf (in spite of my foot drop and 14 orthopedic surgeries). My season tickets show some diversity—the New York City Ballet and St. John’s basketball.

Cheryl B. Iglesia, MD

I am the 49th president of the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons, the 5th woman to hold this position, and the first of Filipino-American descent. I recognize that it is only through extraordinary mentorship and support from other giants in gynecology, like Drs. Andrew Kaunitz (fellow OBG Management Board member), Linda Brubaker, and Dee Fenner and the love, support, and encouragement of my parents, husband, and daughters that I have been able to reach this milestone. A feather in my cap is the recent appointment to Deputy Editor of Gynecology for this journal, under the tutelage of Dr. Robert Barbieri. Over the past 31 years, I have had the privilege of learning from the best experts and gynecologic surgeons and the honor of working with skilled partners as we pass on our collective knowledge to our fellows, residents, and medical students. The passion in this next generation of ObGyns is so invigorating!

PS—In the spirit of continually learning, I want to add the Argentine tango to my dancing repertoire and go on an African safari; both are on my bucket list as the pandemic eases.

Andrew M. Kaunitz, MD, NCMP

Since starting with the University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville in 1984, I have enjoyed caring for patients, training residents and medical students, and being involved with publications and research. My areas of focus are menopause, contraception, gyn ultrasound and evaluation/management of women with abnormal uterine bleeding. In 2020, I received the North American Menopause Society/Leon Speroff Outstanding Educator Award. In 2021, I received the ACOG Distinguished Service Award. I enjoy spending time with my family, neighborhood bicycling, and searching for sharks’ teeth at the beach. 

Barbara Levy, MD

I have been privileged to serve on the OBG Management Editorial Board for several decades. I am passionate about delivering the best possible care for the patients we serve, and helping women’s health care professionals provide that care. Through positions at AAGL, ACOG, and the American Medical Association, I have worked hard to champion best practices and to support fair, equitable, and accessible care for our patients and reimbursement for our services. My true north is to base patient care on reliable, valid, and properly interpreted data.

Continue to: David G. Mutch, MD...



David G. Mutch, MD

I am ending my 6-year term as Chair of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) gynecologic cancer steering committee. That is the committee that vets all NCI-sponsored clinical trials in gynecologic oncology. I am on the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Cancer committee, Co-Chair of the American Joint Committee on Cancer gyn staging committee and on the Reproductive Scientist Development Program selection committee. I also am completing my term as Chair of the Foundation for Women’s Cancer; this is the C3, charitable arm, of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology. We have distributed more than $3.5 million to young investigators to help start their research careers in gynecologic oncology.

Errol R. Norwitz, MD, PhD, MBA

I am a physician-scientist with subspecialty training in high-risk obstetrics (maternal-fetal medicine). I was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, and I have trained/practiced in 5 countries on 3 continents. My research interests include the pathophysiology, prediction, prevention, and management of pregnancy complications, primarily preterm birth and preeclampsia. I am a member of the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. I am currently President & CEO of Newton-Wellesley Hospital, a comprehensive community-based academic medical center and a member of the Mass General Brigham health care system in Boston, Massachusetts.

Jaimey Pauli, MD

I am the Division Chief and Professor of Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) at the Penn State College of Medicine and Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. I had exceptional mentoring throughout my medical career, particularly by a former member of the Editorial Board, Dr. John T. Repke. One of the biggest perks of my job is that our division provides full-scope MFM care. While I often serve as the more traditional MFM consultant and academic educator, I also provide longitudinal prenatal care and deliver many of my own patients, often through subsequent pregnancies. Serving as a member of the Editorial Board combines my passion for clinical obstetrical care with my talents (as a former English major) of reading, writing, and editing. I believe that the work we do provides accessible, evidence-based, and practical guidance for our colleagues so they can provide excellence in obstetrical care.


JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, NCMP

I am a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Division Chief of Midlife Health at the University of Virginia (UVA) Health. Passionate about menopause, I am an executive director emeritus of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) and past-President of NAMS (2008-2009). Within the past few years, I have served as an expert advisor for the recent ACOG Clinical Practice Guidelines on Osteoporosis, the NAMS Position Statements on Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis, and the Global Consensus on Menopause and Androgen Therapy. I received the 2022 South Atlantic Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Lifetime Achievement Award for my expertise and work in menopause and the NAMS 2020 Ann Voda Community Service Award for my biannual community educational symposiums. I remain active in research, currently the lead and UVA principal investigator for the Oasis 2 multicenter clinical trial, which is testing a neurokinin receptor antagonist as a nonhormone therapy for the relief of hot flashes. Serving on the OBG Management Editorial Board is an honor that allows me to use my expertise in menopause management and hormone therapy to provide practical, evidence-based guidance for clinicians.

Joseph S. Sanfilippo, MD, MBA

I feel honored and privileged to have received the Golden Apple Teaching Award from the Universityof Pittsburgh School of Medicine. I am also fortunate to be the recipient of the Faculty Educator of the Month Award for resident teaching. I have been named Top Doctor 20 years in a row. My current academic activities include, since 2007, Program Director for Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh and Chair of the Mentor-Mentee Program at University of Pittsburgh Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences. I am Guest Editor for the medical malpractice section of the journal Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. Recently, I completed a patient-focused book, “Experts Guide to Fertility,” which will be published in May 2023 by J Hopkins University Publisher and is designed for patients going through infertility treatment. Regarding outside events, I enjoy climbing steep hills and riding far and wide on my “electric bike.” Highly recommend it!

James Simon, MD, CCD, IF, NCMP

It’s been an honor serving on the OBG Management Board for many years, as a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist/reproductive endocrinologist, certified menopause practitioner, and sexuality counsellor. Nicknamed “The Menopause Whisperer” by Washingtonian Magazine, my solo, private practice, IntimMedicine Specialists®, one of the few such practices remaining in Washington, DC, is about 6 blocks from the White House. By virtue of my practice’s location, I care for women at the highest levels of government seeking personalized gynecological, menopause, and sexual medicine care. Some high-powered patients believe they have all the answers even before I open my mouth, so I just fall back on my experience as both the President of NAMS, and The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, or principal investigator on more than 400 clinical research trials, or Chief Medical Officer of a pharmaceutical company, or author of more than 800 publications. I love what I do every day and cannot imagine slowing down or stopping. ●


Looking over the horizon to the future of obstetrics and gynecology

I asked our distinguished Board of Editors to identify the most important changes that they believe will occur over the next 5 years, influencing the practice of obstetrics and gynecology. Their expert predictions are summarized below.

Arnold Advincula, MD

As one of the world’s most experienced gynecologic robotic surgeons, the role of this technology will become even more refined over the next 2-5 years with the introduction of sophisticated image guidance, “smart molecules,” and artificial intelligence. All of this will transform both the patient and surgeon experience as well as impact how we train future surgeons.

Linda Bradley, MD

My hope is that a partnership with industry and hysteroscopy thought leaders will enable new developments/technology in performing hysteroscopic sterilization. Conquering the tubal ostia for sterilization in an office setting would profoundly improve contraceptive options for women. Conquering the tubal ostia is the last frontier in gynecology.

Amy Garcia, MD

I predict that new technologies will allow for a significant increase in the number of gynecologists who perform in-office hysteroscopy and that a paradigm shift will occur to replace blind biopsy with hysteroscopy-directed biopsy and evaluation of the uterine cavity.

Steven Goldstein, MD, NCMP, CCD

Among the most important changes in the next 5 years, in my opinion, will be in the arenas of precision medicine, genetic advancement, and artificial intelligence. In addition, unfortunately, there will be an even greater movement toward guidelines utilizing algorithms and clinical pathways. I leave you with the following quote:

“Neither evidence nor clinical judgement alone is sufficient. Evidence without judgement can be applied by a technician. Judgement without evidence can be applied by a friend. But the integration of evidence and judgement is what the healthcare provider does in order to dispense the best clinical care.” —Hertzel Gerstein, MD

Cheryl Iglesia, MD

Technology related to minimally invasive surgery will continue to change our practice, and I predict that surgery will be more centralized to high volume practices. Reimbursements for these procedures may remain a hot button issue, however. The materials used for pelvic reconstruction will be derived from autologous stem cells and advancements made in regenerative medicine.

Andrew Kaunitz, MD, NCMP

As use of contraceptive implants and intrauterine devices continues to grow, I anticipate the incidence of unintended pregnancies will continue to decline. As the novel gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists combined with estrogen-progestin add-back grow in use, I anticipate this will provide our patients with more nonsurgical options for managing abnormal uterine bleeding, including that associated with uterine fibroids.

Barbara Levy, MD

Quality will be redefined by patient-defined outcome measures that assess what matters to the people we serve. Real-world evidence will be incorporated to support those measures and provide data on patient outcomes in populations not studied in the randomized controlled trials on which we have created guidelines. This will help to refine guidelines and support more equitable and accessible care.

David Mutch, MD

Over the next 5 years, our expanding insights into the molecular biology of cancer will lead to targeted therapies that will yield better responses with less toxicity.

Errol R. Norwitz, MD, PhD, MBA

In the near future we will use predictive AI algorithms to: 1) identify patients at risk of adverse pregnancy events; 2) stratify patients into high-, average-, and low-risk; and 3) design a personalized obstetric care journey for each patient based on their individualized risk stratification with a view to improving safety and quality outcome metrics, addressing health care disparity, and lowering the cost of care.

Jaimey Pauli, MD

I predict (and fervently hope) that breakthroughs will occur in the prevention of two of the most devastating diseases to affect obstetric patients and their families—preterm birth and preeclampsia.

JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, NCMP

New nonhormone management therapies will be available to treat hot flashes and the genitourinary syndrome of menopause. These treatments will be especially welcomed by patients who cannot or choose not to take hormone therapy. We should not allow new technology to overshadow the patient. We must remember to treat the patient with the condition, not just the disease. Consider what is important to the individual woman, her quality of life, and her ability to function, and keep that in mind when deciding what therapy to suggest.

Joseph S. Sanfilippo, MD, MBA

Artificial intelligence will change the way we educate and provide patient care. Three-dimensional perspectives will cross a number of horizons, some of which include:

  • advances in assisted reproductive technology (IVF), offering the next level of “in vitro maturation” of oocytes for patients heretofore unable to conceive. They can progress to having a baby with decreased ovarian reserve or in association with “life after cancer.”
  • biogenic engineering and bioinformatics will allow correction of genetic defects in embryos prior to implantation
  • the surgical arena will incorporate direct robotic initiated procedures and bring robotic surgery to the next level
  • with regard to medical education, at all levels, virtual reality, computer-generated 3-dimensional imaging will provide innovative tools.

James Simon, MD, CCD, IF, NCMP

Medicine’s near-term future portends the realization of truly personalized medicine based upon one’s genetic predisposition to disease, and intentional genetic manipulation to mitigate it. Such advances are here already, simply pending regulatory and ethical approval. My concern going forward is that such individualization, and an algorithm-driven decision-making process will result in taking the personal out of personalized medicine. We humans are more than the collected downstream impact of our genes. In our quest for advances, let’s not forget the balance between nature (our genes) and nurture (environment). The risk of forgetting this aphorism, like the electronic health record, gives me heartburn, or worse, burnout!


The mission of OBG Management is to enhance the quality of reproductive health care and the professional development of obstetrician-gynecologists and all reproductive health care clinicians. As we celebrate the beginning of our 35th anniversary year, we recommit to our mission, providing the highest quality reproductive health information in both print and electronic portals. Guiding all our actions is our deep commitment to being worthy of the trust of our readers.

OBG Management is one of the most widely-read publications dedicated to obstetrician-gynecologists. We recognize that it is difficult for clinicians to keep up with the vast and growing corpus of information that is relevant to clinical practice. A priority goal of OBG Management is to ensure our readers are aware of practice-changing information. The OBG Management Board of Editors guide all aspects of the editorial work at OBG Management, alerting us to upcoming practice-changing discoveries, including new research findings, new medications, and important guidelines. As we begin our 35th anniversary year, we would like to highlight our distinguished Board of Editors. Of note, this year, Dr. Cheryl B. Iglesia was named as Deputy Editor, with an expanded responsibility to curate the gynecology content for OBG Management.

We wish all our readers a wonderful New Year and the best health possible for our patients.


Arnold P. Advincula, MD

I serve on the executive board that oversees the Fellowships in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery (FMIGS), and in January 2023 will transition into the role of President. I bring to this leadership role nearly 25 years of surgical experience, both as a clinician educator and inventor. My goal during the next 2 years will be to move toward subspecialty recognition of Complex Gynecology. 

Linda D. Bradley, MD

My passion is diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy, simple procedures that can both evaluate and treat intrauterine pathology. Recently, I was thrilled to coauthor an article on office hysteroscopy for Obstetrics & Gynecology (September 2022). I will have a chapter on operative hysteroscopy in the 2023 edition of TeLinde’s Textbook of Gynecology, and I am an author for the topic Office and Operative Hysteroscopy in UpToDate. Locally, I am known as the “foodie gynecologist”—I travel, take cooking classes, and I have more cookbooks than gynecology textbooks. Since Covid, I have embraced biking and just completed a riverboat biking cruise from Salamanca, Spain, to Lisbon, Portugal.

Amy L. Garcia, MD

I am fellowship trained as a minimally invasive gynecologic surgeon (MIGS) and have had a private surgical practice since 2005. I am involved with The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), AAGL, and international surgical education for office hysteroscopy and related practice management. I am passionate about working with start-up companies in the gynecologic medical device arena and innovation in gynecologic surgery.

Steven R. Goldstein, MD, NCMP, CCD

I just completed my term as President of the International Menopause Society. This culminated in the society’s 18th World Congress in Lisbon, attended by over 1,700 health care providers from 76 countries. I delivered the Pieter van Keep Memorial Lecture, named for one of the society’s founders who died prematurely of pancreatic cancer. I was further honored by receiving the society’s Distinguished Service Award. I am very proud to have previously received the NAMS Thomas B. Clarkson award for Outstanding Clinical and Basic Science Research in Menopause. I also have one foot in the gynecologic ultrasound world and was given the Joseph H. Holmes Pioneer Award and was the 2023 recipient of the William J. Fry Memorial Lecture Award, both from the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, having written the second book ever on vaginal ultrasonography.

On a personal level, I love to play golf (in spite of my foot drop and 14 orthopedic surgeries). My season tickets show some diversity—the New York City Ballet and St. John’s basketball.

Cheryl B. Iglesia, MD

I am the 49th president of the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons, the 5th woman to hold this position, and the first of Filipino-American descent. I recognize that it is only through extraordinary mentorship and support from other giants in gynecology, like Drs. Andrew Kaunitz (fellow OBG Management Board member), Linda Brubaker, and Dee Fenner and the love, support, and encouragement of my parents, husband, and daughters that I have been able to reach this milestone. A feather in my cap is the recent appointment to Deputy Editor of Gynecology for this journal, under the tutelage of Dr. Robert Barbieri. Over the past 31 years, I have had the privilege of learning from the best experts and gynecologic surgeons and the honor of working with skilled partners as we pass on our collective knowledge to our fellows, residents, and medical students. The passion in this next generation of ObGyns is so invigorating!

PS—In the spirit of continually learning, I want to add the Argentine tango to my dancing repertoire and go on an African safari; both are on my bucket list as the pandemic eases.

Andrew M. Kaunitz, MD, NCMP

Since starting with the University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville in 1984, I have enjoyed caring for patients, training residents and medical students, and being involved with publications and research. My areas of focus are menopause, contraception, gyn ultrasound and evaluation/management of women with abnormal uterine bleeding. In 2020, I received the North American Menopause Society/Leon Speroff Outstanding Educator Award. In 2021, I received the ACOG Distinguished Service Award. I enjoy spending time with my family, neighborhood bicycling, and searching for sharks’ teeth at the beach. 

Barbara Levy, MD

I have been privileged to serve on the OBG Management Editorial Board for several decades. I am passionate about delivering the best possible care for the patients we serve, and helping women’s health care professionals provide that care. Through positions at AAGL, ACOG, and the American Medical Association, I have worked hard to champion best practices and to support fair, equitable, and accessible care for our patients and reimbursement for our services. My true north is to base patient care on reliable, valid, and properly interpreted data.

Continue to: David G. Mutch, MD...



David G. Mutch, MD

I am ending my 6-year term as Chair of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) gynecologic cancer steering committee. That is the committee that vets all NCI-sponsored clinical trials in gynecologic oncology. I am on the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Cancer committee, Co-Chair of the American Joint Committee on Cancer gyn staging committee and on the Reproductive Scientist Development Program selection committee. I also am completing my term as Chair of the Foundation for Women’s Cancer; this is the C3, charitable arm, of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology. We have distributed more than $3.5 million to young investigators to help start their research careers in gynecologic oncology.

Errol R. Norwitz, MD, PhD, MBA

I am a physician-scientist with subspecialty training in high-risk obstetrics (maternal-fetal medicine). I was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, and I have trained/practiced in 5 countries on 3 continents. My research interests include the pathophysiology, prediction, prevention, and management of pregnancy complications, primarily preterm birth and preeclampsia. I am a member of the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. I am currently President & CEO of Newton-Wellesley Hospital, a comprehensive community-based academic medical center and a member of the Mass General Brigham health care system in Boston, Massachusetts.

Jaimey Pauli, MD

I am the Division Chief and Professor of Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM) at the Penn State College of Medicine and Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. I had exceptional mentoring throughout my medical career, particularly by a former member of the Editorial Board, Dr. John T. Repke. One of the biggest perks of my job is that our division provides full-scope MFM care. While I often serve as the more traditional MFM consultant and academic educator, I also provide longitudinal prenatal care and deliver many of my own patients, often through subsequent pregnancies. Serving as a member of the Editorial Board combines my passion for clinical obstetrical care with my talents (as a former English major) of reading, writing, and editing. I believe that the work we do provides accessible, evidence-based, and practical guidance for our colleagues so they can provide excellence in obstetrical care.


JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, NCMP

I am a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Division Chief of Midlife Health at the University of Virginia (UVA) Health. Passionate about menopause, I am an executive director emeritus of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) and past-President of NAMS (2008-2009). Within the past few years, I have served as an expert advisor for the recent ACOG Clinical Practice Guidelines on Osteoporosis, the NAMS Position Statements on Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis, and the Global Consensus on Menopause and Androgen Therapy. I received the 2022 South Atlantic Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Lifetime Achievement Award for my expertise and work in menopause and the NAMS 2020 Ann Voda Community Service Award for my biannual community educational symposiums. I remain active in research, currently the lead and UVA principal investigator for the Oasis 2 multicenter clinical trial, which is testing a neurokinin receptor antagonist as a nonhormone therapy for the relief of hot flashes. Serving on the OBG Management Editorial Board is an honor that allows me to use my expertise in menopause management and hormone therapy to provide practical, evidence-based guidance for clinicians.

Joseph S. Sanfilippo, MD, MBA

I feel honored and privileged to have received the Golden Apple Teaching Award from the Universityof Pittsburgh School of Medicine. I am also fortunate to be the recipient of the Faculty Educator of the Month Award for resident teaching. I have been named Top Doctor 20 years in a row. My current academic activities include, since 2007, Program Director for Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh and Chair of the Mentor-Mentee Program at University of Pittsburgh Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences. I am Guest Editor for the medical malpractice section of the journal Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology. Recently, I completed a patient-focused book, “Experts Guide to Fertility,” which will be published in May 2023 by J Hopkins University Publisher and is designed for patients going through infertility treatment. Regarding outside events, I enjoy climbing steep hills and riding far and wide on my “electric bike.” Highly recommend it!

James Simon, MD, CCD, IF, NCMP

It’s been an honor serving on the OBG Management Board for many years, as a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist/reproductive endocrinologist, certified menopause practitioner, and sexuality counsellor. Nicknamed “The Menopause Whisperer” by Washingtonian Magazine, my solo, private practice, IntimMedicine Specialists®, one of the few such practices remaining in Washington, DC, is about 6 blocks from the White House. By virtue of my practice’s location, I care for women at the highest levels of government seeking personalized gynecological, menopause, and sexual medicine care. Some high-powered patients believe they have all the answers even before I open my mouth, so I just fall back on my experience as both the President of NAMS, and The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, or principal investigator on more than 400 clinical research trials, or Chief Medical Officer of a pharmaceutical company, or author of more than 800 publications. I love what I do every day and cannot imagine slowing down or stopping. ●


Looking over the horizon to the future of obstetrics and gynecology

I asked our distinguished Board of Editors to identify the most important changes that they believe will occur over the next 5 years, influencing the practice of obstetrics and gynecology. Their expert predictions are summarized below.

Arnold Advincula, MD

As one of the world’s most experienced gynecologic robotic surgeons, the role of this technology will become even more refined over the next 2-5 years with the introduction of sophisticated image guidance, “smart molecules,” and artificial intelligence. All of this will transform both the patient and surgeon experience as well as impact how we train future surgeons.

Linda Bradley, MD

My hope is that a partnership with industry and hysteroscopy thought leaders will enable new developments/technology in performing hysteroscopic sterilization. Conquering the tubal ostia for sterilization in an office setting would profoundly improve contraceptive options for women. Conquering the tubal ostia is the last frontier in gynecology.

Amy Garcia, MD

I predict that new technologies will allow for a significant increase in the number of gynecologists who perform in-office hysteroscopy and that a paradigm shift will occur to replace blind biopsy with hysteroscopy-directed biopsy and evaluation of the uterine cavity.

Steven Goldstein, MD, NCMP, CCD

Among the most important changes in the next 5 years, in my opinion, will be in the arenas of precision medicine, genetic advancement, and artificial intelligence. In addition, unfortunately, there will be an even greater movement toward guidelines utilizing algorithms and clinical pathways. I leave you with the following quote:

“Neither evidence nor clinical judgement alone is sufficient. Evidence without judgement can be applied by a technician. Judgement without evidence can be applied by a friend. But the integration of evidence and judgement is what the healthcare provider does in order to dispense the best clinical care.” —Hertzel Gerstein, MD

Cheryl Iglesia, MD

Technology related to minimally invasive surgery will continue to change our practice, and I predict that surgery will be more centralized to high volume practices. Reimbursements for these procedures may remain a hot button issue, however. The materials used for pelvic reconstruction will be derived from autologous stem cells and advancements made in regenerative medicine.

Andrew Kaunitz, MD, NCMP

As use of contraceptive implants and intrauterine devices continues to grow, I anticipate the incidence of unintended pregnancies will continue to decline. As the novel gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists combined with estrogen-progestin add-back grow in use, I anticipate this will provide our patients with more nonsurgical options for managing abnormal uterine bleeding, including that associated with uterine fibroids.

Barbara Levy, MD

Quality will be redefined by patient-defined outcome measures that assess what matters to the people we serve. Real-world evidence will be incorporated to support those measures and provide data on patient outcomes in populations not studied in the randomized controlled trials on which we have created guidelines. This will help to refine guidelines and support more equitable and accessible care.

David Mutch, MD

Over the next 5 years, our expanding insights into the molecular biology of cancer will lead to targeted therapies that will yield better responses with less toxicity.

Errol R. Norwitz, MD, PhD, MBA

In the near future we will use predictive AI algorithms to: 1) identify patients at risk of adverse pregnancy events; 2) stratify patients into high-, average-, and low-risk; and 3) design a personalized obstetric care journey for each patient based on their individualized risk stratification with a view to improving safety and quality outcome metrics, addressing health care disparity, and lowering the cost of care.

Jaimey Pauli, MD

I predict (and fervently hope) that breakthroughs will occur in the prevention of two of the most devastating diseases to affect obstetric patients and their families—preterm birth and preeclampsia.

JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, NCMP

New nonhormone management therapies will be available to treat hot flashes and the genitourinary syndrome of menopause. These treatments will be especially welcomed by patients who cannot or choose not to take hormone therapy. We should not allow new technology to overshadow the patient. We must remember to treat the patient with the condition, not just the disease. Consider what is important to the individual woman, her quality of life, and her ability to function, and keep that in mind when deciding what therapy to suggest.

Joseph S. Sanfilippo, MD, MBA

Artificial intelligence will change the way we educate and provide patient care. Three-dimensional perspectives will cross a number of horizons, some of which include:

  • advances in assisted reproductive technology (IVF), offering the next level of “in vitro maturation” of oocytes for patients heretofore unable to conceive. They can progress to having a baby with decreased ovarian reserve or in association with “life after cancer.”
  • biogenic engineering and bioinformatics will allow correction of genetic defects in embryos prior to implantation
  • the surgical arena will incorporate direct robotic initiated procedures and bring robotic surgery to the next level
  • with regard to medical education, at all levels, virtual reality, computer-generated 3-dimensional imaging will provide innovative tools.

James Simon, MD, CCD, IF, NCMP

Medicine’s near-term future portends the realization of truly personalized medicine based upon one’s genetic predisposition to disease, and intentional genetic manipulation to mitigate it. Such advances are here already, simply pending regulatory and ethical approval. My concern going forward is that such individualization, and an algorithm-driven decision-making process will result in taking the personal out of personalized medicine. We humans are more than the collected downstream impact of our genes. In our quest for advances, let’s not forget the balance between nature (our genes) and nurture (environment). The risk of forgetting this aphorism, like the electronic health record, gives me heartburn, or worse, burnout!

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Mon, 01/02/2023 - 12:47


Marklund A, Lekberg T, Hedayati E, et al. Relapse rates and disease-specific mortality following procedures for fertility preservation at time of breast cancer diagnosis. JAMA Oncol. 2022;8:1438-1446. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.3677.



Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer among US women after skin cancer.1 As of the end of 2020, 7.8 million women were alive who were diagnosed with breast cancer in the past 5 years, making it the world’s most prevalent cancer. Given the wide reach of breast cancer and the increase in its distant stage by more than 4% per year in women of reproductive age (20–39 years), clinicians are urged to address fertility preservation due to reproductive compromise of gonadotoxic therapies and gonadectomy.2 To predict the risk of infertility following chemotherapy, a Cyclophosphamide Equivalent Dose (CED) calculator can be used. A CED of 4,000 mg/m2 has been associated with a significant risk of infertility.3

In 2012, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine removed the experimental label of oocyte cryopreservation then recently endorsed ovarian cryopreservation, thereby providing acceptable procedures for fertility preservation.4 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist use during chemotherapy, which is used to protect the ovary in premenopausal women against the effects of chemotherapy, has been shown to have inconsistent findings and should not replace the established modalities of oocyte/embryo/ovarian tissue cryopreservation.2,5

Details of the study

While studies have been reassuring that ovarian stimulation for fertility preservation in women with breast cancer does not worsen the prognosis, findings are limited by short-term follow-up.6

The recent study by Marklund and colleagues presented an analysis of breast cancer relapse and mortality following fertility preservation with and without hormonal stimulation. In their prospective cohort study of 425 Swedish women who underwent fertility preservation, the authors categorized patients into 2 groups: oocyte and embryo cryopreservation by ovarian hormonal stimulation and ovarian tissue cryopreservation without hormonal stimulation. The control group included 850 women with breast cancer who did not undergo fertility preservation. The cohort and the control groups were matched on age, calendar period of diagnosis, and region. Three Swedish registers for breast cancer were used to obtain the study cohort, and for each participant, 2 breast cancer patients who were unexposed to fertility preservation were used for comparison. The primary outcome was mortality while the secondary outcome was any event of death due to breast cancer or relapse.

Results. A total of 1,275 women were studied at the time of breast cancer diagnosis. After stratification, which included age, parity at diagnosis, tumor size, number of lymph node metastases, and estrogen receptor status, disease-specific mortality was similar in all categories of women, that is, hormonal fertility preservation, nonhormonal fertility preservation, and controls. In the subcohort of 723 women, the adjusted rate of relapse and disease-specific mortality remained the same among all groups.

Study strengths and limitations

This study prompts several areas of criticism. The follow-up of breast cancer patients was only 5 years, adding to the limitations of short-term monitoring seen in prior studies. The authors also considered a delay in pregnancy attempts following breast cancer treatment of hormonally sensitive cancers of 5 to 10 years. However, the long-term safety of pregnancy following breast cancer has shown a statistically significantly superior disease-free survival (DFS) in patients who became pregnant less than 2 years from diagnosis and no difference in those who became pregnant 2 or more years from diagnosis.7

Only 58 women in the nonhormonal fertility preservation group (ovarian tissue cryopreservation) were studied, which may limit an adequate evaluation although it is not expected to negatively impact breast cancer prognosis. Another area of potential bias was the use of only a subcohort to assess relapse-free survival as opposed to the entire cohort that was used to assess mortality.

Strengths of this study include obligatory reporting to the registry and equal access to anticancer treatment and fertility preservation in Sweden. Ovarian stimulating drugs were examined, as letrozole is often used in breast cancer patients to maintain lower estradiol levels due to aromatase inhibition. Nevertheless, this study did not demonstrate a difference in mortality with or without letrozole use. ●


Marklund and colleagues’ findings revealed no increase of breast cancer relapse and mortality following fertility preservation with or without hormonal stimulation. They also propose a “healthy user effect” whereby a woman who feels healthy may choose to undergo fertility preservation, thereby biasing the outcome by having a better survival.8

Future studies with longer follow-up are needed to address the hormonal impact of fertility preservation, if any, on breast cancer DFS and mortality, as well as to evaluate subsequent pregnancy outcomes, stratified for medication treatment type via the CED calculator. To date, evidence continues to support fertility preservation options that use hormonal ovarian stimulation in breast cancer patients as apparently safe for, at least, up to 5 years of follow-up.




  1. Giaquinto AN, Sung H, Miller KD, et al. Breast cancer statistics, 2022. CA Cancer J Clin. 2022;72:524-541. doi:10.3322/caac.21754.
  2. Oktay K, Harvey BE, Partridge AH, et al. Fertility preservation in patients with cancer: ASCO clinical practice guideline update. J Clin Oncol. 2018;1;36:1994-2001. doi:10.1200/JCO.2018.78.1914.
  3. Fertility Preservation in Pittsburgh. CED calculator. Accessed November 14, 2022.
  4. Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Fertility preservation in patients undergoing gonadotoxic therapy or gonadectomy: a committee opinion. Fertil Steril. 2019;112:1022-1033. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2019.09.013.
  5. Blumenfeld Z. Fertility preservation using GnRH agonists: rationale, possible mechanisms, and explanation of controversy. Clin Med Insights Reprod Health. 2019;13: 1179558119870163. doi:10.1177/1179558119870163.
  6. Beebeejaun Y, Athithan A, Copeland TP, et al. Risk of breast cancer in women treated with ovarian stimulation drugs for infertility: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fertil Steril. 2021;116:198-207. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.01.044.
  7. Lambertini M, Kroman N, Ameye L, et al. Long-term safety of pregnancy following breast cancer according to estrogen receptor status. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2018;110:426-429. doi:10.1093/jnci/djx206.
  8.  Marklund A, Lundberg FE, Eloranta S, et al. Reproductive outcomes after breast cancer in women with vs without fertility preservation. JAMA Oncol. 2021;7:86-91. doi:10.1001/ jamaoncol.2020.5957.
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Author and Disclosure Information

Mark P. Trolice, MD, is Director, The IVF Center, Orlando, Florida, and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Orlando.


The author reports no financial relationships relevant to this article.

OBG Management - 34(12)
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Author and Disclosure Information

Mark P. Trolice, MD, is Director, The IVF Center, Orlando, Florida, and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Orlando.


The author reports no financial relationships relevant to this article.

Author and Disclosure Information

Mark P. Trolice, MD, is Director, The IVF Center, Orlando, Florida, and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Orlando.


The author reports no financial relationships relevant to this article.

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Marklund A, Lekberg T, Hedayati E, et al. Relapse rates and disease-specific mortality following procedures for fertility preservation at time of breast cancer diagnosis. JAMA Oncol. 2022;8:1438-1446. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.3677.



Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer among US women after skin cancer.1 As of the end of 2020, 7.8 million women were alive who were diagnosed with breast cancer in the past 5 years, making it the world’s most prevalent cancer. Given the wide reach of breast cancer and the increase in its distant stage by more than 4% per year in women of reproductive age (20–39 years), clinicians are urged to address fertility preservation due to reproductive compromise of gonadotoxic therapies and gonadectomy.2 To predict the risk of infertility following chemotherapy, a Cyclophosphamide Equivalent Dose (CED) calculator can be used. A CED of 4,000 mg/m2 has been associated with a significant risk of infertility.3

In 2012, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine removed the experimental label of oocyte cryopreservation then recently endorsed ovarian cryopreservation, thereby providing acceptable procedures for fertility preservation.4 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist use during chemotherapy, which is used to protect the ovary in premenopausal women against the effects of chemotherapy, has been shown to have inconsistent findings and should not replace the established modalities of oocyte/embryo/ovarian tissue cryopreservation.2,5

Details of the study

While studies have been reassuring that ovarian stimulation for fertility preservation in women with breast cancer does not worsen the prognosis, findings are limited by short-term follow-up.6

The recent study by Marklund and colleagues presented an analysis of breast cancer relapse and mortality following fertility preservation with and without hormonal stimulation. In their prospective cohort study of 425 Swedish women who underwent fertility preservation, the authors categorized patients into 2 groups: oocyte and embryo cryopreservation by ovarian hormonal stimulation and ovarian tissue cryopreservation without hormonal stimulation. The control group included 850 women with breast cancer who did not undergo fertility preservation. The cohort and the control groups were matched on age, calendar period of diagnosis, and region. Three Swedish registers for breast cancer were used to obtain the study cohort, and for each participant, 2 breast cancer patients who were unexposed to fertility preservation were used for comparison. The primary outcome was mortality while the secondary outcome was any event of death due to breast cancer or relapse.

Results. A total of 1,275 women were studied at the time of breast cancer diagnosis. After stratification, which included age, parity at diagnosis, tumor size, number of lymph node metastases, and estrogen receptor status, disease-specific mortality was similar in all categories of women, that is, hormonal fertility preservation, nonhormonal fertility preservation, and controls. In the subcohort of 723 women, the adjusted rate of relapse and disease-specific mortality remained the same among all groups.

Study strengths and limitations

This study prompts several areas of criticism. The follow-up of breast cancer patients was only 5 years, adding to the limitations of short-term monitoring seen in prior studies. The authors also considered a delay in pregnancy attempts following breast cancer treatment of hormonally sensitive cancers of 5 to 10 years. However, the long-term safety of pregnancy following breast cancer has shown a statistically significantly superior disease-free survival (DFS) in patients who became pregnant less than 2 years from diagnosis and no difference in those who became pregnant 2 or more years from diagnosis.7

Only 58 women in the nonhormonal fertility preservation group (ovarian tissue cryopreservation) were studied, which may limit an adequate evaluation although it is not expected to negatively impact breast cancer prognosis. Another area of potential bias was the use of only a subcohort to assess relapse-free survival as opposed to the entire cohort that was used to assess mortality.

Strengths of this study include obligatory reporting to the registry and equal access to anticancer treatment and fertility preservation in Sweden. Ovarian stimulating drugs were examined, as letrozole is often used in breast cancer patients to maintain lower estradiol levels due to aromatase inhibition. Nevertheless, this study did not demonstrate a difference in mortality with or without letrozole use. ●


Marklund and colleagues’ findings revealed no increase of breast cancer relapse and mortality following fertility preservation with or without hormonal stimulation. They also propose a “healthy user effect” whereby a woman who feels healthy may choose to undergo fertility preservation, thereby biasing the outcome by having a better survival.8

Future studies with longer follow-up are needed to address the hormonal impact of fertility preservation, if any, on breast cancer DFS and mortality, as well as to evaluate subsequent pregnancy outcomes, stratified for medication treatment type via the CED calculator. To date, evidence continues to support fertility preservation options that use hormonal ovarian stimulation in breast cancer patients as apparently safe for, at least, up to 5 years of follow-up.



Marklund A, Lekberg T, Hedayati E, et al. Relapse rates and disease-specific mortality following procedures for fertility preservation at time of breast cancer diagnosis. JAMA Oncol. 2022;8:1438-1446. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2022.3677.



Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer among US women after skin cancer.1 As of the end of 2020, 7.8 million women were alive who were diagnosed with breast cancer in the past 5 years, making it the world’s most prevalent cancer. Given the wide reach of breast cancer and the increase in its distant stage by more than 4% per year in women of reproductive age (20–39 years), clinicians are urged to address fertility preservation due to reproductive compromise of gonadotoxic therapies and gonadectomy.2 To predict the risk of infertility following chemotherapy, a Cyclophosphamide Equivalent Dose (CED) calculator can be used. A CED of 4,000 mg/m2 has been associated with a significant risk of infertility.3

In 2012, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine removed the experimental label of oocyte cryopreservation then recently endorsed ovarian cryopreservation, thereby providing acceptable procedures for fertility preservation.4 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist use during chemotherapy, which is used to protect the ovary in premenopausal women against the effects of chemotherapy, has been shown to have inconsistent findings and should not replace the established modalities of oocyte/embryo/ovarian tissue cryopreservation.2,5

Details of the study

While studies have been reassuring that ovarian stimulation for fertility preservation in women with breast cancer does not worsen the prognosis, findings are limited by short-term follow-up.6

The recent study by Marklund and colleagues presented an analysis of breast cancer relapse and mortality following fertility preservation with and without hormonal stimulation. In their prospective cohort study of 425 Swedish women who underwent fertility preservation, the authors categorized patients into 2 groups: oocyte and embryo cryopreservation by ovarian hormonal stimulation and ovarian tissue cryopreservation without hormonal stimulation. The control group included 850 women with breast cancer who did not undergo fertility preservation. The cohort and the control groups were matched on age, calendar period of diagnosis, and region. Three Swedish registers for breast cancer were used to obtain the study cohort, and for each participant, 2 breast cancer patients who were unexposed to fertility preservation were used for comparison. The primary outcome was mortality while the secondary outcome was any event of death due to breast cancer or relapse.

Results. A total of 1,275 women were studied at the time of breast cancer diagnosis. After stratification, which included age, parity at diagnosis, tumor size, number of lymph node metastases, and estrogen receptor status, disease-specific mortality was similar in all categories of women, that is, hormonal fertility preservation, nonhormonal fertility preservation, and controls. In the subcohort of 723 women, the adjusted rate of relapse and disease-specific mortality remained the same among all groups.

Study strengths and limitations

This study prompts several areas of criticism. The follow-up of breast cancer patients was only 5 years, adding to the limitations of short-term monitoring seen in prior studies. The authors also considered a delay in pregnancy attempts following breast cancer treatment of hormonally sensitive cancers of 5 to 10 years. However, the long-term safety of pregnancy following breast cancer has shown a statistically significantly superior disease-free survival (DFS) in patients who became pregnant less than 2 years from diagnosis and no difference in those who became pregnant 2 or more years from diagnosis.7

Only 58 women in the nonhormonal fertility preservation group (ovarian tissue cryopreservation) were studied, which may limit an adequate evaluation although it is not expected to negatively impact breast cancer prognosis. Another area of potential bias was the use of only a subcohort to assess relapse-free survival as opposed to the entire cohort that was used to assess mortality.

Strengths of this study include obligatory reporting to the registry and equal access to anticancer treatment and fertility preservation in Sweden. Ovarian stimulating drugs were examined, as letrozole is often used in breast cancer patients to maintain lower estradiol levels due to aromatase inhibition. Nevertheless, this study did not demonstrate a difference in mortality with or without letrozole use. ●


Marklund and colleagues’ findings revealed no increase of breast cancer relapse and mortality following fertility preservation with or without hormonal stimulation. They also propose a “healthy user effect” whereby a woman who feels healthy may choose to undergo fertility preservation, thereby biasing the outcome by having a better survival.8

Future studies with longer follow-up are needed to address the hormonal impact of fertility preservation, if any, on breast cancer DFS and mortality, as well as to evaluate subsequent pregnancy outcomes, stratified for medication treatment type via the CED calculator. To date, evidence continues to support fertility preservation options that use hormonal ovarian stimulation in breast cancer patients as apparently safe for, at least, up to 5 years of follow-up.




  1. Giaquinto AN, Sung H, Miller KD, et al. Breast cancer statistics, 2022. CA Cancer J Clin. 2022;72:524-541. doi:10.3322/caac.21754.
  2. Oktay K, Harvey BE, Partridge AH, et al. Fertility preservation in patients with cancer: ASCO clinical practice guideline update. J Clin Oncol. 2018;1;36:1994-2001. doi:10.1200/JCO.2018.78.1914.
  3. Fertility Preservation in Pittsburgh. CED calculator. Accessed November 14, 2022.
  4. Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Fertility preservation in patients undergoing gonadotoxic therapy or gonadectomy: a committee opinion. Fertil Steril. 2019;112:1022-1033. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2019.09.013.
  5. Blumenfeld Z. Fertility preservation using GnRH agonists: rationale, possible mechanisms, and explanation of controversy. Clin Med Insights Reprod Health. 2019;13: 1179558119870163. doi:10.1177/1179558119870163.
  6. Beebeejaun Y, Athithan A, Copeland TP, et al. Risk of breast cancer in women treated with ovarian stimulation drugs for infertility: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fertil Steril. 2021;116:198-207. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.01.044.
  7. Lambertini M, Kroman N, Ameye L, et al. Long-term safety of pregnancy following breast cancer according to estrogen receptor status. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2018;110:426-429. doi:10.1093/jnci/djx206.
  8.  Marklund A, Lundberg FE, Eloranta S, et al. Reproductive outcomes after breast cancer in women with vs without fertility preservation. JAMA Oncol. 2021;7:86-91. doi:10.1001/ jamaoncol.2020.5957.


  1. Giaquinto AN, Sung H, Miller KD, et al. Breast cancer statistics, 2022. CA Cancer J Clin. 2022;72:524-541. doi:10.3322/caac.21754.
  2. Oktay K, Harvey BE, Partridge AH, et al. Fertility preservation in patients with cancer: ASCO clinical practice guideline update. J Clin Oncol. 2018;1;36:1994-2001. doi:10.1200/JCO.2018.78.1914.
  3. Fertility Preservation in Pittsburgh. CED calculator. Accessed November 14, 2022.
  4. Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Fertility preservation in patients undergoing gonadotoxic therapy or gonadectomy: a committee opinion. Fertil Steril. 2019;112:1022-1033. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2019.09.013.
  5. Blumenfeld Z. Fertility preservation using GnRH agonists: rationale, possible mechanisms, and explanation of controversy. Clin Med Insights Reprod Health. 2019;13: 1179558119870163. doi:10.1177/1179558119870163.
  6. Beebeejaun Y, Athithan A, Copeland TP, et al. Risk of breast cancer in women treated with ovarian stimulation drugs for infertility: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fertil Steril. 2021;116:198-207. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.01.044.
  7. Lambertini M, Kroman N, Ameye L, et al. Long-term safety of pregnancy following breast cancer according to estrogen receptor status. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2018;110:426-429. doi:10.1093/jnci/djx206.
  8.  Marklund A, Lundberg FE, Eloranta S, et al. Reproductive outcomes after breast cancer in women with vs without fertility preservation. JAMA Oncol. 2021;7:86-91. doi:10.1001/ jamaoncol.2020.5957.
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Simplify your approach to the diagnosis and treatment of PCOS

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Mon, 01/02/2023 - 12:46



PCOS is a common problem, with a prevalence of 6% to 10% among women of reproductive age.1 Patients with PCOS often present with hirsutism, acne, female androgenetic alopecia, oligomenorrhea (also known as infrequent menstrual bleeding), amenorrhea, infertility, overweight, or obesity. In addition, many patients with PCOS have insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, and an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM).2 A simplified approach to the diagnosis of PCOS will save health care resources by reducing the use of low-value diagnostic tests. A simplified approach to the treatment of PCOS will support patient medication adherence and improve health outcomes.

Simplify the diagnosis of PCOS

Simplify PCOS diagnosis by focusing on the core criteria of hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation. There are 3 major approaches to diagnosis:

  1. the 1990 National Institutes of Health (NIH) criteria3
  2. the 2003 Rotterdam criteria4,5
  3. the 2008 Androgen Excess and PCOS Society (AES) criteria.6

Using the 1990 NIH approach, the diagnosis of PCOS is made by the presence of 2 core criteria: hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, typically manifested as oligomenorrhea. In addition, other causes of hyperandrogenism should be excluded, including nonclassical adrenal hyperplasia (NCAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency.3 Using the 1990 NIH criteria, PCOS can be diagnosed based on history (oligomenorrhea) and physical examination (assessment of the severity of hirsutism), but laboratory tests including total testosterone are often ordered.7

The Rotterdam approach to the diagnosis added a third criteria, the detection by ultrasonography of a multifollicular ovary and/or increased ovarian volume.4,5 Using the Rotterdam approach, PCOS is diagnosed in the presence of any 2 of the following 3 criteria: hyperandrogenism, oligo-ovulation, or ultrasound imaging showing the presence of a multifollicular ovary, identified by ≥ 12 antral follicles (2 to 9 mm in diameter) in each ovary or increased ovarian volume (> 10 mL).4,5

The Rotterdam approach using ovarian ultrasound as a criterion to diagnose PCOS is rife with serious problems, including:

  • The number of small antral follicles in the normal ovary is age dependent, and many ovulatory and nonhirsute patients have ≥ 12 small antral follicles in each ovary.8,9
  • There is no consensus on the number of small antral follicles needed to diagnose a multifollicular ovary, with recommendations to use thresholds of 124,5 or 20 follicles10 as the diagnostic cut-off.
  • Accurate counting of the number of small ovarian follicles requires transvaginal ultrasound, which is not appropriate for many young adolescent patients.
  • The process of counting ovarian follicles is operator-dependent.
  • The high cost of ultrasound assessment of ovarian follicles (≥ $500 per examination).

The Rotterdam approach supports the diagnosis of PCOS in a patient with oligo-ovulation plus an ultrasound showing a multifollicular ovary in the absence of any clinical or laboratory evidence of hyperandrogenism.3,4,5 This approach to the diagnosis of PCOS is rejected by both the 1990 NIH3 and AES6 recommendations, which require the presence of hyperandrogenism as the sine qua non in the diagnosis of PCOS. I recommend against diagnosing PCOS in a non-hyperandrogenic patient with oligo-ovulation and a multifollicular ovary because other diagnoses are also possible, such as functional hypothalamic oligo-ovulation, especially in young patients. The Rotterdam approach also supports the diagnosis of PCOS in a patient with hyperandrogenism, an ultrasound showing a multifollicular ovary, and normal ovulation and menses.3,4 For most patients with normal, regular ovulation and menses, the testosterone concentration is normal and the only evidence of hyperandrogenism is hirsutism. Patients with normal, regular ovulation and menses plus hirsutism usually have idiopathic hirsutism. Idiopathic hirsutism is a problem caused by excessive 5-alpha-reductase activity in the hair pilosebaceous unit, which catalyzes the conversion of weak androgens into dihydrotestosterone, a potent intracellular androgen that stimulates terminal hair growth.11 In my opinion, the Rotterdam approach to diagnosing PCOS has created unnecessary confusion and complexity for both clinicians and patients. I believe we should simplify the diagnosis of PCOS and return to the 1990 NIH criteria.3

On occasion, a patient presents for a consultation and has already had an ovarian ultrasound to assess for a multifollicular ovary. I carefully read the report and, if a multifollicular ovary has been identified, I consider it as a secondary supporting finding of PCOS in my clinical assessment. But I do not base my diagnosis on the ultrasound finding. Patients often present with other laboratory tests that are secondary supporting findings of PCOS, which I carefully consider but do not use to make a diagnosis of PCOS. Secondary supporting laboratory findings consistent with PCOS include: 1) a markedly elevated anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) level,12 2) an elevated fasting insulin level,2,13 and 3) an elevated luteinizing hormone (LH) to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ratio.13,14 But it is not necessary to measure AMH, fasting insulin, LH, and FSH levels. To conserve health care resources, I recommend against measuring those analytes to diagnose PCOS.

Continue to: Simplify the core laboratory tests...



Simplify the core laboratory tests

Simplify the testing used to support the diagnosis of PCOS by measuring total testosterone, sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and early morning 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH Prog).

The core criteria for diagnosis of PCOS are hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, typically manifested as oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea. Hyperandrogenism can be clinically diagnosed by assessing for the presence of hirsutism.7 Elevated levels of total testosterone, free testosterone, androstenedione, and/or dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) suggest the presence of hyperandrogenism. In clinical practice, the laboratory approach to the diagnosis of hyperandrogenism can be simplified to the measurement of total testosterone, SHBG, and 17-OH Prog. By measuring total testosterone and SHBG, an estimate of free testosterone can be made. If the total testosterone is elevated, it is highly likely that the free testosterone is elevated. If the SHBG is abnormally low and the total testosterone level is in the upper limit of the normal range, the free testosterone is likely to be elevated.15 Using this approach, either an elevated total testosterone or an abnormally low SHBG indicate elevated free testosterone. For patients with hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, an early morning (8 to 9 AM) 17-OH Prog level ≤ 2 ng/mL rules out the presence of NCAH due to a 21-hydroxylase deficiency.16 In my practice, the core laboratory tests I order when considering the diagnosis of PCOS are a total testosterone, SHBG, and 17-OH Prog.

Additional laboratory tests may be warranted to assess the patient diagnosed with PCOS. For example, if the patient has amenorrhea due to anovulation, tests for prolactin, FSH, and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels are warranted to assess for the presence of a prolactinoma, primary ovarian insufficiency, or thyroid disease, respectively. If the patient has a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg/m2, a hemoglobin A1c concentration is warranted to assess for the presence of prediabetes or DM.2 Many patients with PCOS have dyslipidemia, manifested through low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and a lipid panel assessment may be indicated. Among patients with PCOS, the most common lipid abnormality is a low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level.17

Simplify the treatment of PCOS

Simplify treatment by counseling about lifestyle changes and prescribing an estrogen-progestin contraceptive, spironolactone, and metformin.

Most patients with PCOS have dysfunction in reproductive, metabolic, and dermatologic systems. For patients who are overweight or obese, lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, that result in a 5% to 10% decrease in weight can improve metabolic balance, reduce circulating androgens, and increase menstrual frequency.18 For patients with PCOS and weight issues, referral to nutrition counseling or a full-service weight loss program can be very beneficial. In addition to lifestyle changes, patients with PCOS benefit from treatment with estrogen-progestin medications, spironolactone, and metformin.

Combination estrogen-progestin medications will lower LH secretion, decrease ovarian androgen production, increase SHBG production, decrease free testosterone levels and, if given cyclically, cause regular withdrawal bleeding.19 Spironolactone is an antiandrogen, which blocks the intracellular action of dihydrotestosterone and improves hirsutism and acne. Spironolactone also modestly decreases circulating levels of testosterone and DHEAS.20 For patients with metabolic problems, including insulin resistance and obesity, weight loss and/or treatment with metformin can help improve metabolic balance, which may result in restoration of ovulatory menses.21,22 Metformin can be effective in restoring ovulatory menses in both obese and lean patients with PCOS.22 The most common dermatologic problem caused by PCOS are hirsutism and acne. Both combination estrogen-progestin medications and spironolactone are effective treatments for hirsutism and acne.23

Estrogen-progestin hormones, spironolactone, and metformin are low-cost medications for the treatment of PCOS. Additional high-cost options for treatment of PCOS in obese patients include bariatric surgery and glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) agonist medications (liraglutide and exenatide). For patients with PCOS and a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35 kg/m2, bariatric surgery often results in sufficient weight loss to resolve the patient’s hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, restoring spontaneous ovulatory cycles.24 In a study of more than 1,000 patients with: PCOS; mean BMI, 44 kg/m2; mean age, 31 years who were followed post-bariatric surgery for 5 years, > 90% of patients reported reductions in hirsutism and resumption of regular menses.25 For patients with PCOS seeking fertility, bariatric surgery often results in spontaneous pregnancy and live birth.26 GLP-1 agonists, including liraglutide or exenatide with or without metformin are effective in reducing weight, decreasing androgen levels, and restoring ovulatory menses.27,28

In my practice, I often prescribe 2 or 3 core medications for a patient with PCOS: 1) combination estrogen-progestin used cyclically or continuously, 2) spironolactone, and 3) metformin.19 Any estrogen-progestin contraceptive will suppress LH and ovarian androgen production; however, in the treatment of patients with PCOS, I prefer to use an estrogen-progestin combination that does not contain the androgenic progestin levonorgestrel.29 For the treatment of PCOS, I prefer to use an estrogen-progestin contraceptive with a non-androgenic progestin such as drospirenone, desogestrel, or gestodene. I routinely prescribe spironolactone at a dose of 100 mg, once daily, a dose near the top of the dose-response curve. A daily dose ≤ 50 mg of spironolactone is subtherapeutic for the treatment of hirsutism. A daily dose of 200 mg of spironolactone may cause bothersome breakthrough bleeding. When prescribing metformin, I usually recommend the extended-release formulation, at a dose of 750 mg with dinner. If well tolerated, I will increase the dose to 1,500 mg with dinner. Most of my patients with PCOS are taking a combination of 2 medications, either an estrogen-progestin contraceptive plus spironolactone or an estrogen-progestin contraceptive plus metformin.19 Some of my patients are taking all 3 medications. All 3 medications are very low cost.

For patients with PCOS and anovulatory infertility, letrozole treatment often results in ovulatory cycles and pregnancy with live birth. In obese PCOS patients, compared with clomiphene, letrozole results in superior live birth rates.30 Unlike clomiphene, letrozole is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of anovulatory infertility.

The diagnosis of PCOS is often delayed due to confusion about how to make the diagnosis.31 To simplify the diagnosis of PCOS and improve patient encounters for PCOS, I focus on 2 core criteria: hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation. I recommend against ordering ultrasound imaging to assess for the presence of a multifollicular ovary. To simplify the treatment of PCOS I frequently prescribe an estrogen-progestin contraceptive, spironolactone, and metformin. By simplifying the diagnosis and treatment of PCOS, ObGyns will reduce patient confusion, improve outcomes, and save health care resources. ●

Complex issues in the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome

PCOS and adolescent patients

It is difficult to diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in adolescents because oligo-ovulation is a common physiological feature of adolescence. Based on consensus among experts, PCOS should not be diagnosed within the first 2 years following menarche because the prevalence of oligo-ovulation is common at this stage of pubertal development. Two years after menarche, if an adolescent has a cycle length that is routinely > 45 days, it is likely that the pattern will persist, suggesting the presence of oligo-ovulation. Hyperandrogenism can be diagnosed based on the presence of moderate to severe hirsutism and/or an elevated testosterone or abnormally low sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) concentration. Two years after menarche the presence of oligo-ovulation and hyperandrogenism establishes the diagnosis of PCOS.1

PCOS and thrombophilia or migraine with aura

For patients with PCOS and a Factor V Leiden allele, where an estrogen-progestin contraceptive is contraindicated because of an increased risk of a venous thrombus, I prescribe spironolactone plus a levonorgestrel-intrauterine device. A low-dose oral progestin also may be considered because it will modestly suppress LH and ovarian androgen production. Similarly for patients with migraine with aura, where an estrogen-progestin contraceptive is contraindicated because of an increased of stroke, spironolactone plus a levonorgesterel intrauterine device may be effective in the treatment of hirsutism.

Androgen secreting tumors

Occasionally during the evaluation of a patient with hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, measurement of total testosterone levels will reveal a value > 1.5 ng/mL. Most patients with PCOS have a total testosterone level ≤ 1.5 ng/mL. A total testosterone concentration > 1.5 ng/mL may be caused by ovarian stromal hyperthecosis or an androgen-producing tumor.2

Strongly-held patient perspectives on PCOS

At the first consultation visit, some patients are fearful and not receptive to a diagnosis of PCOS. If a clinician senses that the patient is not prepared to hear that they have PCOS, the clinician can be supportive of the patient’s perspective and focus on the patient’s chief health concerns, which may include abnormal cycle length, hirsutism, and/or overweight or obesity. During follow-up visits, as the patient builds trust with the clinician, the patient will be better prepared to discuss the diagnosis of PCOS. At the first consultation visit, some patients present with a strong belief that they have PCOS but have seen clinicians who conclude that they do not have PCOS. The diagnosis of PCOS is confusing because of competing diagnostic frameworks (NIH, Rotterdam, and AES). I avoid engaging in an argument with a patient who strongly believes that they have PCOS. In these situations, I focus on identifying the patient’s chief health concerns and discussing interventions to support their health goals.


1. Rosenfield RL. Perspectives on the international recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescence. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2020;33:445-447.

2. Meczekalski B, Szeliga A, Maciejewska-Jeske M, et al. Hyperthecosis: an underestimated nontumorous cause of hyperandrogenism. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2021;37:677-682.



  1. Bozdag G, Mumusoglu S, Zengin D, et al. The prevalence and phenotypic features of polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod. 2016;31:2841-2855.
  2. Livadas S, Anagnostis P, Bosdou JK, et al. Polycystic ovary syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a state-of-the-art review. World J Diabetes. 2022;13:5-26.
  3. Zawadski JK, Dunaif A. Diagnostic criteria for polycystic ovary syndrome: towards a rational approach. In: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Current Issues in Endocrinology and Metabolism. Dunaif A, Givens JR, Haseltine FP, Merriam GE (eds.). Blackwell Scientific Inc. Boston, Massachusetts; 1992:377.
  4. Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-sponsored PCOS consensus workshop group. Revised 2003 consensus on diagnostic criteria and long-term health risks related to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Human Reprod. 2004;19:41-47.
  5. Legro RS, Arslanian SA, Ehrmann DA, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98:4565-4592.
  6. Azziz R, Carmina E, Dewailly D, et al. The Androgen Excess and PCOS Society criteria for the polycystic ovary syndrome: the complete task force report. Fertil Steril. 2009;91:456-488.
  7. Hatch R, Rosenfield RS, Kim MH, et al. Hirsutism: implications, etiology, and management. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1981;140:815-830.
  8. Johnstone EB, Rosen MP, Neril R, et al. The polycystic ovary post-Rotterdam: a common age-dependent finding in ovulatory women without metabolic significance. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010;95:4965-4972.
  9. Alsamarai S, Adams JM, Murphy MK, et al. Criteria for polycystic ovarian morphology in polycystic ovary syndrome as a function of age. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009;94:4961-4970.
  10. Teede HJ, Misso ML, Costello MF, et al. International PCOS Network. Recommendations from the international evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril. 2018;110:364-379.
  11. Serafini P, Lobo RA. Increased 5 alpha-reductase activity in idiopathic hirsutism. Fertil Steril. 1985;43:74-78.
  12. Pigny P, Jonard S, Robert Y, et al. Serum anti-Müllerian hormone as a surrogate for antral follicle count for definition of the polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006;91:941-945.
  13. Randeva HS, Tan BK, Weickert MO, et al. Cardiometabolic aspects of the polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocr Rev. 2012;33:812-841.
  14. Kumar N, Agarwal H. Early clinical, biochemical and radiologic features in obese and non-obese young women with polycystic ovarian syndrome: a comparative study. Horm Metab Res. 2022;54:620-624.
  15. Lim SS, Norman RJ, Davies MJ, et al. The effect of obesity on polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Rev. 2013;14:95-109.
  16. Nordenstrom A, Falhammar H. Management of endocrine disease: diagnosis and management of the patient with non-classic CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Eur J Endocrinol. 2019;180:R127-145.
  17. Guo F, Gong Z, Fernando T, et al. The lipid profiles in different characteristics of women with PCOS and the interaction between dyslipidemia and metabolic disorder states: a retrospective study in Chinese population. Front Endocrinol. 2022;13:892125.
  18. Dietz de Loos ALP, Jiskoot G, Timman R, et al. Improvements in PCOS characteristics and phenotype severity during a randomized controlled lifestyle intervention. Reprod Biomed Online. 2021;43:298-309.
  19. Ezeh U, Huang A, Landay M, et al. Long-term response of hirsutism and other hyperandrogenic symptoms to combination therapy in polycystic ovary syndrome. J Women’s Health. 2018;27:892-902.
  20. Ashraf Ganie M, Khurana ML, Eunice M, et al. Comparison of efficacy of spironolactone with metformin in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome: an open-labeled study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004;89:2756-2762.
  21. Pasquali R, Gambineri A, Cavazza C, et al. Heterogeneity in the responsiveness to long-term lifestyle intervention and predictability in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Eur J Endocrinol. 2011;164:53-60.
  22. Yang PK, Hsu CY, Chen MJ, et al. The efficacy of 24-month metformin for improving menses, hormones and metabolic profiles in polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103:890-899.
  23. Garg V, Choi J, James WD, et al. Long-term use of spironolactone for acne in women: a case series of 403 patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2021;84:1348-1355.
  24. Hu L, Ma L, Ying T, et al. Efficacy of bariatric surgery in the treatment of women with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022;107:e3217-3229.
  25. Bhandari M, Kosta S, Bhandari M, et al. Effects of bariatric surgery on people with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome: a large single center study from India. Obes Surg. 2022;32:3305-3312.
  26. Benito E, Gomez-Martin JM, Vega-Pinero B, et al. Fertility and pregnancy outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome following bariatric surgery. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020;105:e3384-3391.
  27. Xing C, Li C, He B. Insulin sensitizers for improving the endocrine and metabolic profile in overweight women with PCOS. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020;105:2950-2963.
  28. Elkind-Hirsch KE, Chappell N, Shaler D, et al. Liraglutide 3 mg on weight, body composition and hormonal and metabolic parameters in women with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized placebo-controlled-phase 3 study. Fertil Steril. 2022;118:371-381.
  29. Amiri M, Nahidi F, Bidhendi-Yarandi R, et al. A comparison of the effects of oral contraceptives on the clinical and biochemical manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome: a crossover randomized controlled trial. Hum Reprod. 2020;35:175-186.
  30. Legro RS, Brzyski RG, Diamond NP, et al. Letrozole versus clomiphene for infertility in the polycystic ovary syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2014;371:119-129.
  31. Gibson-Helm M, Teede H, Dunaif A, et al. Delayed diagnosis and lack of information associated with dissatisfaction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102:604-612.
Article PDF
Author and Disclosure Information

Robert L. Barbieri, MD

Editor in Chief, OBG Management
Chair Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Kate Macy Ladd Distinguished Professor of Obstetrics,
Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

OBG Management - 34(12)
Page Number
9-12, 16-17
Author and Disclosure Information

Robert L. Barbieri, MD

Editor in Chief, OBG Management
Chair Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Kate Macy Ladd Distinguished Professor of Obstetrics,
Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

Author and Disclosure Information

Robert L. Barbieri, MD

Editor in Chief, OBG Management
Chair Emeritus, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Kate Macy Ladd Distinguished Professor of Obstetrics,
Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

Article PDF
Article PDF



PCOS is a common problem, with a prevalence of 6% to 10% among women of reproductive age.1 Patients with PCOS often present with hirsutism, acne, female androgenetic alopecia, oligomenorrhea (also known as infrequent menstrual bleeding), amenorrhea, infertility, overweight, or obesity. In addition, many patients with PCOS have insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, and an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM).2 A simplified approach to the diagnosis of PCOS will save health care resources by reducing the use of low-value diagnostic tests. A simplified approach to the treatment of PCOS will support patient medication adherence and improve health outcomes.

Simplify the diagnosis of PCOS

Simplify PCOS diagnosis by focusing on the core criteria of hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation. There are 3 major approaches to diagnosis:

  1. the 1990 National Institutes of Health (NIH) criteria3
  2. the 2003 Rotterdam criteria4,5
  3. the 2008 Androgen Excess and PCOS Society (AES) criteria.6

Using the 1990 NIH approach, the diagnosis of PCOS is made by the presence of 2 core criteria: hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, typically manifested as oligomenorrhea. In addition, other causes of hyperandrogenism should be excluded, including nonclassical adrenal hyperplasia (NCAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency.3 Using the 1990 NIH criteria, PCOS can be diagnosed based on history (oligomenorrhea) and physical examination (assessment of the severity of hirsutism), but laboratory tests including total testosterone are often ordered.7

The Rotterdam approach to the diagnosis added a third criteria, the detection by ultrasonography of a multifollicular ovary and/or increased ovarian volume.4,5 Using the Rotterdam approach, PCOS is diagnosed in the presence of any 2 of the following 3 criteria: hyperandrogenism, oligo-ovulation, or ultrasound imaging showing the presence of a multifollicular ovary, identified by ≥ 12 antral follicles (2 to 9 mm in diameter) in each ovary or increased ovarian volume (> 10 mL).4,5

The Rotterdam approach using ovarian ultrasound as a criterion to diagnose PCOS is rife with serious problems, including:

  • The number of small antral follicles in the normal ovary is age dependent, and many ovulatory and nonhirsute patients have ≥ 12 small antral follicles in each ovary.8,9
  • There is no consensus on the number of small antral follicles needed to diagnose a multifollicular ovary, with recommendations to use thresholds of 124,5 or 20 follicles10 as the diagnostic cut-off.
  • Accurate counting of the number of small ovarian follicles requires transvaginal ultrasound, which is not appropriate for many young adolescent patients.
  • The process of counting ovarian follicles is operator-dependent.
  • The high cost of ultrasound assessment of ovarian follicles (≥ $500 per examination).

The Rotterdam approach supports the diagnosis of PCOS in a patient with oligo-ovulation plus an ultrasound showing a multifollicular ovary in the absence of any clinical or laboratory evidence of hyperandrogenism.3,4,5 This approach to the diagnosis of PCOS is rejected by both the 1990 NIH3 and AES6 recommendations, which require the presence of hyperandrogenism as the sine qua non in the diagnosis of PCOS. I recommend against diagnosing PCOS in a non-hyperandrogenic patient with oligo-ovulation and a multifollicular ovary because other diagnoses are also possible, such as functional hypothalamic oligo-ovulation, especially in young patients. The Rotterdam approach also supports the diagnosis of PCOS in a patient with hyperandrogenism, an ultrasound showing a multifollicular ovary, and normal ovulation and menses.3,4 For most patients with normal, regular ovulation and menses, the testosterone concentration is normal and the only evidence of hyperandrogenism is hirsutism. Patients with normal, regular ovulation and menses plus hirsutism usually have idiopathic hirsutism. Idiopathic hirsutism is a problem caused by excessive 5-alpha-reductase activity in the hair pilosebaceous unit, which catalyzes the conversion of weak androgens into dihydrotestosterone, a potent intracellular androgen that stimulates terminal hair growth.11 In my opinion, the Rotterdam approach to diagnosing PCOS has created unnecessary confusion and complexity for both clinicians and patients. I believe we should simplify the diagnosis of PCOS and return to the 1990 NIH criteria.3

On occasion, a patient presents for a consultation and has already had an ovarian ultrasound to assess for a multifollicular ovary. I carefully read the report and, if a multifollicular ovary has been identified, I consider it as a secondary supporting finding of PCOS in my clinical assessment. But I do not base my diagnosis on the ultrasound finding. Patients often present with other laboratory tests that are secondary supporting findings of PCOS, which I carefully consider but do not use to make a diagnosis of PCOS. Secondary supporting laboratory findings consistent with PCOS include: 1) a markedly elevated anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) level,12 2) an elevated fasting insulin level,2,13 and 3) an elevated luteinizing hormone (LH) to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ratio.13,14 But it is not necessary to measure AMH, fasting insulin, LH, and FSH levels. To conserve health care resources, I recommend against measuring those analytes to diagnose PCOS.

Continue to: Simplify the core laboratory tests...



Simplify the core laboratory tests

Simplify the testing used to support the diagnosis of PCOS by measuring total testosterone, sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and early morning 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH Prog).

The core criteria for diagnosis of PCOS are hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, typically manifested as oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea. Hyperandrogenism can be clinically diagnosed by assessing for the presence of hirsutism.7 Elevated levels of total testosterone, free testosterone, androstenedione, and/or dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) suggest the presence of hyperandrogenism. In clinical practice, the laboratory approach to the diagnosis of hyperandrogenism can be simplified to the measurement of total testosterone, SHBG, and 17-OH Prog. By measuring total testosterone and SHBG, an estimate of free testosterone can be made. If the total testosterone is elevated, it is highly likely that the free testosterone is elevated. If the SHBG is abnormally low and the total testosterone level is in the upper limit of the normal range, the free testosterone is likely to be elevated.15 Using this approach, either an elevated total testosterone or an abnormally low SHBG indicate elevated free testosterone. For patients with hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, an early morning (8 to 9 AM) 17-OH Prog level ≤ 2 ng/mL rules out the presence of NCAH due to a 21-hydroxylase deficiency.16 In my practice, the core laboratory tests I order when considering the diagnosis of PCOS are a total testosterone, SHBG, and 17-OH Prog.

Additional laboratory tests may be warranted to assess the patient diagnosed with PCOS. For example, if the patient has amenorrhea due to anovulation, tests for prolactin, FSH, and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels are warranted to assess for the presence of a prolactinoma, primary ovarian insufficiency, or thyroid disease, respectively. If the patient has a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg/m2, a hemoglobin A1c concentration is warranted to assess for the presence of prediabetes or DM.2 Many patients with PCOS have dyslipidemia, manifested through low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and a lipid panel assessment may be indicated. Among patients with PCOS, the most common lipid abnormality is a low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level.17

Simplify the treatment of PCOS

Simplify treatment by counseling about lifestyle changes and prescribing an estrogen-progestin contraceptive, spironolactone, and metformin.

Most patients with PCOS have dysfunction in reproductive, metabolic, and dermatologic systems. For patients who are overweight or obese, lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, that result in a 5% to 10% decrease in weight can improve metabolic balance, reduce circulating androgens, and increase menstrual frequency.18 For patients with PCOS and weight issues, referral to nutrition counseling or a full-service weight loss program can be very beneficial. In addition to lifestyle changes, patients with PCOS benefit from treatment with estrogen-progestin medications, spironolactone, and metformin.

Combination estrogen-progestin medications will lower LH secretion, decrease ovarian androgen production, increase SHBG production, decrease free testosterone levels and, if given cyclically, cause regular withdrawal bleeding.19 Spironolactone is an antiandrogen, which blocks the intracellular action of dihydrotestosterone and improves hirsutism and acne. Spironolactone also modestly decreases circulating levels of testosterone and DHEAS.20 For patients with metabolic problems, including insulin resistance and obesity, weight loss and/or treatment with metformin can help improve metabolic balance, which may result in restoration of ovulatory menses.21,22 Metformin can be effective in restoring ovulatory menses in both obese and lean patients with PCOS.22 The most common dermatologic problem caused by PCOS are hirsutism and acne. Both combination estrogen-progestin medications and spironolactone are effective treatments for hirsutism and acne.23

Estrogen-progestin hormones, spironolactone, and metformin are low-cost medications for the treatment of PCOS. Additional high-cost options for treatment of PCOS in obese patients include bariatric surgery and glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) agonist medications (liraglutide and exenatide). For patients with PCOS and a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35 kg/m2, bariatric surgery often results in sufficient weight loss to resolve the patient’s hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, restoring spontaneous ovulatory cycles.24 In a study of more than 1,000 patients with: PCOS; mean BMI, 44 kg/m2; mean age, 31 years who were followed post-bariatric surgery for 5 years, > 90% of patients reported reductions in hirsutism and resumption of regular menses.25 For patients with PCOS seeking fertility, bariatric surgery often results in spontaneous pregnancy and live birth.26 GLP-1 agonists, including liraglutide or exenatide with or without metformin are effective in reducing weight, decreasing androgen levels, and restoring ovulatory menses.27,28

In my practice, I often prescribe 2 or 3 core medications for a patient with PCOS: 1) combination estrogen-progestin used cyclically or continuously, 2) spironolactone, and 3) metformin.19 Any estrogen-progestin contraceptive will suppress LH and ovarian androgen production; however, in the treatment of patients with PCOS, I prefer to use an estrogen-progestin combination that does not contain the androgenic progestin levonorgestrel.29 For the treatment of PCOS, I prefer to use an estrogen-progestin contraceptive with a non-androgenic progestin such as drospirenone, desogestrel, or gestodene. I routinely prescribe spironolactone at a dose of 100 mg, once daily, a dose near the top of the dose-response curve. A daily dose ≤ 50 mg of spironolactone is subtherapeutic for the treatment of hirsutism. A daily dose of 200 mg of spironolactone may cause bothersome breakthrough bleeding. When prescribing metformin, I usually recommend the extended-release formulation, at a dose of 750 mg with dinner. If well tolerated, I will increase the dose to 1,500 mg with dinner. Most of my patients with PCOS are taking a combination of 2 medications, either an estrogen-progestin contraceptive plus spironolactone or an estrogen-progestin contraceptive plus metformin.19 Some of my patients are taking all 3 medications. All 3 medications are very low cost.

For patients with PCOS and anovulatory infertility, letrozole treatment often results in ovulatory cycles and pregnancy with live birth. In obese PCOS patients, compared with clomiphene, letrozole results in superior live birth rates.30 Unlike clomiphene, letrozole is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of anovulatory infertility.

The diagnosis of PCOS is often delayed due to confusion about how to make the diagnosis.31 To simplify the diagnosis of PCOS and improve patient encounters for PCOS, I focus on 2 core criteria: hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation. I recommend against ordering ultrasound imaging to assess for the presence of a multifollicular ovary. To simplify the treatment of PCOS I frequently prescribe an estrogen-progestin contraceptive, spironolactone, and metformin. By simplifying the diagnosis and treatment of PCOS, ObGyns will reduce patient confusion, improve outcomes, and save health care resources. ●

Complex issues in the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome

PCOS and adolescent patients

It is difficult to diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in adolescents because oligo-ovulation is a common physiological feature of adolescence. Based on consensus among experts, PCOS should not be diagnosed within the first 2 years following menarche because the prevalence of oligo-ovulation is common at this stage of pubertal development. Two years after menarche, if an adolescent has a cycle length that is routinely > 45 days, it is likely that the pattern will persist, suggesting the presence of oligo-ovulation. Hyperandrogenism can be diagnosed based on the presence of moderate to severe hirsutism and/or an elevated testosterone or abnormally low sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) concentration. Two years after menarche the presence of oligo-ovulation and hyperandrogenism establishes the diagnosis of PCOS.1

PCOS and thrombophilia or migraine with aura

For patients with PCOS and a Factor V Leiden allele, where an estrogen-progestin contraceptive is contraindicated because of an increased risk of a venous thrombus, I prescribe spironolactone plus a levonorgestrel-intrauterine device. A low-dose oral progestin also may be considered because it will modestly suppress LH and ovarian androgen production. Similarly for patients with migraine with aura, where an estrogen-progestin contraceptive is contraindicated because of an increased of stroke, spironolactone plus a levonorgesterel intrauterine device may be effective in the treatment of hirsutism.

Androgen secreting tumors

Occasionally during the evaluation of a patient with hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, measurement of total testosterone levels will reveal a value > 1.5 ng/mL. Most patients with PCOS have a total testosterone level ≤ 1.5 ng/mL. A total testosterone concentration > 1.5 ng/mL may be caused by ovarian stromal hyperthecosis or an androgen-producing tumor.2

Strongly-held patient perspectives on PCOS

At the first consultation visit, some patients are fearful and not receptive to a diagnosis of PCOS. If a clinician senses that the patient is not prepared to hear that they have PCOS, the clinician can be supportive of the patient’s perspective and focus on the patient’s chief health concerns, which may include abnormal cycle length, hirsutism, and/or overweight or obesity. During follow-up visits, as the patient builds trust with the clinician, the patient will be better prepared to discuss the diagnosis of PCOS. At the first consultation visit, some patients present with a strong belief that they have PCOS but have seen clinicians who conclude that they do not have PCOS. The diagnosis of PCOS is confusing because of competing diagnostic frameworks (NIH, Rotterdam, and AES). I avoid engaging in an argument with a patient who strongly believes that they have PCOS. In these situations, I focus on identifying the patient’s chief health concerns and discussing interventions to support their health goals.


1. Rosenfield RL. Perspectives on the international recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescence. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2020;33:445-447.

2. Meczekalski B, Szeliga A, Maciejewska-Jeske M, et al. Hyperthecosis: an underestimated nontumorous cause of hyperandrogenism. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2021;37:677-682.



PCOS is a common problem, with a prevalence of 6% to 10% among women of reproductive age.1 Patients with PCOS often present with hirsutism, acne, female androgenetic alopecia, oligomenorrhea (also known as infrequent menstrual bleeding), amenorrhea, infertility, overweight, or obesity. In addition, many patients with PCOS have insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, and an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM).2 A simplified approach to the diagnosis of PCOS will save health care resources by reducing the use of low-value diagnostic tests. A simplified approach to the treatment of PCOS will support patient medication adherence and improve health outcomes.

Simplify the diagnosis of PCOS

Simplify PCOS diagnosis by focusing on the core criteria of hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation. There are 3 major approaches to diagnosis:

  1. the 1990 National Institutes of Health (NIH) criteria3
  2. the 2003 Rotterdam criteria4,5
  3. the 2008 Androgen Excess and PCOS Society (AES) criteria.6

Using the 1990 NIH approach, the diagnosis of PCOS is made by the presence of 2 core criteria: hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, typically manifested as oligomenorrhea. In addition, other causes of hyperandrogenism should be excluded, including nonclassical adrenal hyperplasia (NCAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency.3 Using the 1990 NIH criteria, PCOS can be diagnosed based on history (oligomenorrhea) and physical examination (assessment of the severity of hirsutism), but laboratory tests including total testosterone are often ordered.7

The Rotterdam approach to the diagnosis added a third criteria, the detection by ultrasonography of a multifollicular ovary and/or increased ovarian volume.4,5 Using the Rotterdam approach, PCOS is diagnosed in the presence of any 2 of the following 3 criteria: hyperandrogenism, oligo-ovulation, or ultrasound imaging showing the presence of a multifollicular ovary, identified by ≥ 12 antral follicles (2 to 9 mm in diameter) in each ovary or increased ovarian volume (> 10 mL).4,5

The Rotterdam approach using ovarian ultrasound as a criterion to diagnose PCOS is rife with serious problems, including:

  • The number of small antral follicles in the normal ovary is age dependent, and many ovulatory and nonhirsute patients have ≥ 12 small antral follicles in each ovary.8,9
  • There is no consensus on the number of small antral follicles needed to diagnose a multifollicular ovary, with recommendations to use thresholds of 124,5 or 20 follicles10 as the diagnostic cut-off.
  • Accurate counting of the number of small ovarian follicles requires transvaginal ultrasound, which is not appropriate for many young adolescent patients.
  • The process of counting ovarian follicles is operator-dependent.
  • The high cost of ultrasound assessment of ovarian follicles (≥ $500 per examination).

The Rotterdam approach supports the diagnosis of PCOS in a patient with oligo-ovulation plus an ultrasound showing a multifollicular ovary in the absence of any clinical or laboratory evidence of hyperandrogenism.3,4,5 This approach to the diagnosis of PCOS is rejected by both the 1990 NIH3 and AES6 recommendations, which require the presence of hyperandrogenism as the sine qua non in the diagnosis of PCOS. I recommend against diagnosing PCOS in a non-hyperandrogenic patient with oligo-ovulation and a multifollicular ovary because other diagnoses are also possible, such as functional hypothalamic oligo-ovulation, especially in young patients. The Rotterdam approach also supports the diagnosis of PCOS in a patient with hyperandrogenism, an ultrasound showing a multifollicular ovary, and normal ovulation and menses.3,4 For most patients with normal, regular ovulation and menses, the testosterone concentration is normal and the only evidence of hyperandrogenism is hirsutism. Patients with normal, regular ovulation and menses plus hirsutism usually have idiopathic hirsutism. Idiopathic hirsutism is a problem caused by excessive 5-alpha-reductase activity in the hair pilosebaceous unit, which catalyzes the conversion of weak androgens into dihydrotestosterone, a potent intracellular androgen that stimulates terminal hair growth.11 In my opinion, the Rotterdam approach to diagnosing PCOS has created unnecessary confusion and complexity for both clinicians and patients. I believe we should simplify the diagnosis of PCOS and return to the 1990 NIH criteria.3

On occasion, a patient presents for a consultation and has already had an ovarian ultrasound to assess for a multifollicular ovary. I carefully read the report and, if a multifollicular ovary has been identified, I consider it as a secondary supporting finding of PCOS in my clinical assessment. But I do not base my diagnosis on the ultrasound finding. Patients often present with other laboratory tests that are secondary supporting findings of PCOS, which I carefully consider but do not use to make a diagnosis of PCOS. Secondary supporting laboratory findings consistent with PCOS include: 1) a markedly elevated anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) level,12 2) an elevated fasting insulin level,2,13 and 3) an elevated luteinizing hormone (LH) to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ratio.13,14 But it is not necessary to measure AMH, fasting insulin, LH, and FSH levels. To conserve health care resources, I recommend against measuring those analytes to diagnose PCOS.

Continue to: Simplify the core laboratory tests...



Simplify the core laboratory tests

Simplify the testing used to support the diagnosis of PCOS by measuring total testosterone, sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and early morning 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH Prog).

The core criteria for diagnosis of PCOS are hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, typically manifested as oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea. Hyperandrogenism can be clinically diagnosed by assessing for the presence of hirsutism.7 Elevated levels of total testosterone, free testosterone, androstenedione, and/or dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) suggest the presence of hyperandrogenism. In clinical practice, the laboratory approach to the diagnosis of hyperandrogenism can be simplified to the measurement of total testosterone, SHBG, and 17-OH Prog. By measuring total testosterone and SHBG, an estimate of free testosterone can be made. If the total testosterone is elevated, it is highly likely that the free testosterone is elevated. If the SHBG is abnormally low and the total testosterone level is in the upper limit of the normal range, the free testosterone is likely to be elevated.15 Using this approach, either an elevated total testosterone or an abnormally low SHBG indicate elevated free testosterone. For patients with hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, an early morning (8 to 9 AM) 17-OH Prog level ≤ 2 ng/mL rules out the presence of NCAH due to a 21-hydroxylase deficiency.16 In my practice, the core laboratory tests I order when considering the diagnosis of PCOS are a total testosterone, SHBG, and 17-OH Prog.

Additional laboratory tests may be warranted to assess the patient diagnosed with PCOS. For example, if the patient has amenorrhea due to anovulation, tests for prolactin, FSH, and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels are warranted to assess for the presence of a prolactinoma, primary ovarian insufficiency, or thyroid disease, respectively. If the patient has a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg/m2, a hemoglobin A1c concentration is warranted to assess for the presence of prediabetes or DM.2 Many patients with PCOS have dyslipidemia, manifested through low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and a lipid panel assessment may be indicated. Among patients with PCOS, the most common lipid abnormality is a low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level.17

Simplify the treatment of PCOS

Simplify treatment by counseling about lifestyle changes and prescribing an estrogen-progestin contraceptive, spironolactone, and metformin.

Most patients with PCOS have dysfunction in reproductive, metabolic, and dermatologic systems. For patients who are overweight or obese, lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, that result in a 5% to 10% decrease in weight can improve metabolic balance, reduce circulating androgens, and increase menstrual frequency.18 For patients with PCOS and weight issues, referral to nutrition counseling or a full-service weight loss program can be very beneficial. In addition to lifestyle changes, patients with PCOS benefit from treatment with estrogen-progestin medications, spironolactone, and metformin.

Combination estrogen-progestin medications will lower LH secretion, decrease ovarian androgen production, increase SHBG production, decrease free testosterone levels and, if given cyclically, cause regular withdrawal bleeding.19 Spironolactone is an antiandrogen, which blocks the intracellular action of dihydrotestosterone and improves hirsutism and acne. Spironolactone also modestly decreases circulating levels of testosterone and DHEAS.20 For patients with metabolic problems, including insulin resistance and obesity, weight loss and/or treatment with metformin can help improve metabolic balance, which may result in restoration of ovulatory menses.21,22 Metformin can be effective in restoring ovulatory menses in both obese and lean patients with PCOS.22 The most common dermatologic problem caused by PCOS are hirsutism and acne. Both combination estrogen-progestin medications and spironolactone are effective treatments for hirsutism and acne.23

Estrogen-progestin hormones, spironolactone, and metformin are low-cost medications for the treatment of PCOS. Additional high-cost options for treatment of PCOS in obese patients include bariatric surgery and glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) agonist medications (liraglutide and exenatide). For patients with PCOS and a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35 kg/m2, bariatric surgery often results in sufficient weight loss to resolve the patient’s hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, restoring spontaneous ovulatory cycles.24 In a study of more than 1,000 patients with: PCOS; mean BMI, 44 kg/m2; mean age, 31 years who were followed post-bariatric surgery for 5 years, > 90% of patients reported reductions in hirsutism and resumption of regular menses.25 For patients with PCOS seeking fertility, bariatric surgery often results in spontaneous pregnancy and live birth.26 GLP-1 agonists, including liraglutide or exenatide with or without metformin are effective in reducing weight, decreasing androgen levels, and restoring ovulatory menses.27,28

In my practice, I often prescribe 2 or 3 core medications for a patient with PCOS: 1) combination estrogen-progestin used cyclically or continuously, 2) spironolactone, and 3) metformin.19 Any estrogen-progestin contraceptive will suppress LH and ovarian androgen production; however, in the treatment of patients with PCOS, I prefer to use an estrogen-progestin combination that does not contain the androgenic progestin levonorgestrel.29 For the treatment of PCOS, I prefer to use an estrogen-progestin contraceptive with a non-androgenic progestin such as drospirenone, desogestrel, or gestodene. I routinely prescribe spironolactone at a dose of 100 mg, once daily, a dose near the top of the dose-response curve. A daily dose ≤ 50 mg of spironolactone is subtherapeutic for the treatment of hirsutism. A daily dose of 200 mg of spironolactone may cause bothersome breakthrough bleeding. When prescribing metformin, I usually recommend the extended-release formulation, at a dose of 750 mg with dinner. If well tolerated, I will increase the dose to 1,500 mg with dinner. Most of my patients with PCOS are taking a combination of 2 medications, either an estrogen-progestin contraceptive plus spironolactone or an estrogen-progestin contraceptive plus metformin.19 Some of my patients are taking all 3 medications. All 3 medications are very low cost.

For patients with PCOS and anovulatory infertility, letrozole treatment often results in ovulatory cycles and pregnancy with live birth. In obese PCOS patients, compared with clomiphene, letrozole results in superior live birth rates.30 Unlike clomiphene, letrozole is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of anovulatory infertility.

The diagnosis of PCOS is often delayed due to confusion about how to make the diagnosis.31 To simplify the diagnosis of PCOS and improve patient encounters for PCOS, I focus on 2 core criteria: hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation. I recommend against ordering ultrasound imaging to assess for the presence of a multifollicular ovary. To simplify the treatment of PCOS I frequently prescribe an estrogen-progestin contraceptive, spironolactone, and metformin. By simplifying the diagnosis and treatment of PCOS, ObGyns will reduce patient confusion, improve outcomes, and save health care resources. ●

Complex issues in the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome

PCOS and adolescent patients

It is difficult to diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in adolescents because oligo-ovulation is a common physiological feature of adolescence. Based on consensus among experts, PCOS should not be diagnosed within the first 2 years following menarche because the prevalence of oligo-ovulation is common at this stage of pubertal development. Two years after menarche, if an adolescent has a cycle length that is routinely > 45 days, it is likely that the pattern will persist, suggesting the presence of oligo-ovulation. Hyperandrogenism can be diagnosed based on the presence of moderate to severe hirsutism and/or an elevated testosterone or abnormally low sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) concentration. Two years after menarche the presence of oligo-ovulation and hyperandrogenism establishes the diagnosis of PCOS.1

PCOS and thrombophilia or migraine with aura

For patients with PCOS and a Factor V Leiden allele, where an estrogen-progestin contraceptive is contraindicated because of an increased risk of a venous thrombus, I prescribe spironolactone plus a levonorgestrel-intrauterine device. A low-dose oral progestin also may be considered because it will modestly suppress LH and ovarian androgen production. Similarly for patients with migraine with aura, where an estrogen-progestin contraceptive is contraindicated because of an increased of stroke, spironolactone plus a levonorgesterel intrauterine device may be effective in the treatment of hirsutism.

Androgen secreting tumors

Occasionally during the evaluation of a patient with hyperandrogenism and oligo-ovulation, measurement of total testosterone levels will reveal a value > 1.5 ng/mL. Most patients with PCOS have a total testosterone level ≤ 1.5 ng/mL. A total testosterone concentration > 1.5 ng/mL may be caused by ovarian stromal hyperthecosis or an androgen-producing tumor.2

Strongly-held patient perspectives on PCOS

At the first consultation visit, some patients are fearful and not receptive to a diagnosis of PCOS. If a clinician senses that the patient is not prepared to hear that they have PCOS, the clinician can be supportive of the patient’s perspective and focus on the patient’s chief health concerns, which may include abnormal cycle length, hirsutism, and/or overweight or obesity. During follow-up visits, as the patient builds trust with the clinician, the patient will be better prepared to discuss the diagnosis of PCOS. At the first consultation visit, some patients present with a strong belief that they have PCOS but have seen clinicians who conclude that they do not have PCOS. The diagnosis of PCOS is confusing because of competing diagnostic frameworks (NIH, Rotterdam, and AES). I avoid engaging in an argument with a patient who strongly believes that they have PCOS. In these situations, I focus on identifying the patient’s chief health concerns and discussing interventions to support their health goals.


1. Rosenfield RL. Perspectives on the international recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescence. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2020;33:445-447.

2. Meczekalski B, Szeliga A, Maciejewska-Jeske M, et al. Hyperthecosis: an underestimated nontumorous cause of hyperandrogenism. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2021;37:677-682.



  1. Bozdag G, Mumusoglu S, Zengin D, et al. The prevalence and phenotypic features of polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod. 2016;31:2841-2855.
  2. Livadas S, Anagnostis P, Bosdou JK, et al. Polycystic ovary syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a state-of-the-art review. World J Diabetes. 2022;13:5-26.
  3. Zawadski JK, Dunaif A. Diagnostic criteria for polycystic ovary syndrome: towards a rational approach. In: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Current Issues in Endocrinology and Metabolism. Dunaif A, Givens JR, Haseltine FP, Merriam GE (eds.). Blackwell Scientific Inc. Boston, Massachusetts; 1992:377.
  4. Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-sponsored PCOS consensus workshop group. Revised 2003 consensus on diagnostic criteria and long-term health risks related to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Human Reprod. 2004;19:41-47.
  5. Legro RS, Arslanian SA, Ehrmann DA, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98:4565-4592.
  6. Azziz R, Carmina E, Dewailly D, et al. The Androgen Excess and PCOS Society criteria for the polycystic ovary syndrome: the complete task force report. Fertil Steril. 2009;91:456-488.
  7. Hatch R, Rosenfield RS, Kim MH, et al. Hirsutism: implications, etiology, and management. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1981;140:815-830.
  8. Johnstone EB, Rosen MP, Neril R, et al. The polycystic ovary post-Rotterdam: a common age-dependent finding in ovulatory women without metabolic significance. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010;95:4965-4972.
  9. Alsamarai S, Adams JM, Murphy MK, et al. Criteria for polycystic ovarian morphology in polycystic ovary syndrome as a function of age. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009;94:4961-4970.
  10. Teede HJ, Misso ML, Costello MF, et al. International PCOS Network. Recommendations from the international evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril. 2018;110:364-379.
  11. Serafini P, Lobo RA. Increased 5 alpha-reductase activity in idiopathic hirsutism. Fertil Steril. 1985;43:74-78.
  12. Pigny P, Jonard S, Robert Y, et al. Serum anti-Müllerian hormone as a surrogate for antral follicle count for definition of the polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006;91:941-945.
  13. Randeva HS, Tan BK, Weickert MO, et al. Cardiometabolic aspects of the polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocr Rev. 2012;33:812-841.
  14. Kumar N, Agarwal H. Early clinical, biochemical and radiologic features in obese and non-obese young women with polycystic ovarian syndrome: a comparative study. Horm Metab Res. 2022;54:620-624.
  15. Lim SS, Norman RJ, Davies MJ, et al. The effect of obesity on polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Rev. 2013;14:95-109.
  16. Nordenstrom A, Falhammar H. Management of endocrine disease: diagnosis and management of the patient with non-classic CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Eur J Endocrinol. 2019;180:R127-145.
  17. Guo F, Gong Z, Fernando T, et al. The lipid profiles in different characteristics of women with PCOS and the interaction between dyslipidemia and metabolic disorder states: a retrospective study in Chinese population. Front Endocrinol. 2022;13:892125.
  18. Dietz de Loos ALP, Jiskoot G, Timman R, et al. Improvements in PCOS characteristics and phenotype severity during a randomized controlled lifestyle intervention. Reprod Biomed Online. 2021;43:298-309.
  19. Ezeh U, Huang A, Landay M, et al. Long-term response of hirsutism and other hyperandrogenic symptoms to combination therapy in polycystic ovary syndrome. J Women’s Health. 2018;27:892-902.
  20. Ashraf Ganie M, Khurana ML, Eunice M, et al. Comparison of efficacy of spironolactone with metformin in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome: an open-labeled study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004;89:2756-2762.
  21. Pasquali R, Gambineri A, Cavazza C, et al. Heterogeneity in the responsiveness to long-term lifestyle intervention and predictability in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Eur J Endocrinol. 2011;164:53-60.
  22. Yang PK, Hsu CY, Chen MJ, et al. The efficacy of 24-month metformin for improving menses, hormones and metabolic profiles in polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103:890-899.
  23. Garg V, Choi J, James WD, et al. Long-term use of spironolactone for acne in women: a case series of 403 patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2021;84:1348-1355.
  24. Hu L, Ma L, Ying T, et al. Efficacy of bariatric surgery in the treatment of women with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022;107:e3217-3229.
  25. Bhandari M, Kosta S, Bhandari M, et al. Effects of bariatric surgery on people with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome: a large single center study from India. Obes Surg. 2022;32:3305-3312.
  26. Benito E, Gomez-Martin JM, Vega-Pinero B, et al. Fertility and pregnancy outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome following bariatric surgery. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020;105:e3384-3391.
  27. Xing C, Li C, He B. Insulin sensitizers for improving the endocrine and metabolic profile in overweight women with PCOS. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020;105:2950-2963.
  28. Elkind-Hirsch KE, Chappell N, Shaler D, et al. Liraglutide 3 mg on weight, body composition and hormonal and metabolic parameters in women with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized placebo-controlled-phase 3 study. Fertil Steril. 2022;118:371-381.
  29. Amiri M, Nahidi F, Bidhendi-Yarandi R, et al. A comparison of the effects of oral contraceptives on the clinical and biochemical manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome: a crossover randomized controlled trial. Hum Reprod. 2020;35:175-186.
  30. Legro RS, Brzyski RG, Diamond NP, et al. Letrozole versus clomiphene for infertility in the polycystic ovary syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2014;371:119-129.
  31. Gibson-Helm M, Teede H, Dunaif A, et al. Delayed diagnosis and lack of information associated with dissatisfaction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102:604-612.


  1. Bozdag G, Mumusoglu S, Zengin D, et al. The prevalence and phenotypic features of polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod. 2016;31:2841-2855.
  2. Livadas S, Anagnostis P, Bosdou JK, et al. Polycystic ovary syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a state-of-the-art review. World J Diabetes. 2022;13:5-26.
  3. Zawadski JK, Dunaif A. Diagnostic criteria for polycystic ovary syndrome: towards a rational approach. In: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Current Issues in Endocrinology and Metabolism. Dunaif A, Givens JR, Haseltine FP, Merriam GE (eds.). Blackwell Scientific Inc. Boston, Massachusetts; 1992:377.
  4. Rotterdam ESHRE/ASRM-sponsored PCOS consensus workshop group. Revised 2003 consensus on diagnostic criteria and long-term health risks related to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Human Reprod. 2004;19:41-47.
  5. Legro RS, Arslanian SA, Ehrmann DA, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98:4565-4592.
  6. Azziz R, Carmina E, Dewailly D, et al. The Androgen Excess and PCOS Society criteria for the polycystic ovary syndrome: the complete task force report. Fertil Steril. 2009;91:456-488.
  7. Hatch R, Rosenfield RS, Kim MH, et al. Hirsutism: implications, etiology, and management. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1981;140:815-830.
  8. Johnstone EB, Rosen MP, Neril R, et al. The polycystic ovary post-Rotterdam: a common age-dependent finding in ovulatory women without metabolic significance. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010;95:4965-4972.
  9. Alsamarai S, Adams JM, Murphy MK, et al. Criteria for polycystic ovarian morphology in polycystic ovary syndrome as a function of age. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009;94:4961-4970.
  10. Teede HJ, Misso ML, Costello MF, et al. International PCOS Network. Recommendations from the international evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril. 2018;110:364-379.
  11. Serafini P, Lobo RA. Increased 5 alpha-reductase activity in idiopathic hirsutism. Fertil Steril. 1985;43:74-78.
  12. Pigny P, Jonard S, Robert Y, et al. Serum anti-Müllerian hormone as a surrogate for antral follicle count for definition of the polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006;91:941-945.
  13. Randeva HS, Tan BK, Weickert MO, et al. Cardiometabolic aspects of the polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocr Rev. 2012;33:812-841.
  14. Kumar N, Agarwal H. Early clinical, biochemical and radiologic features in obese and non-obese young women with polycystic ovarian syndrome: a comparative study. Horm Metab Res. 2022;54:620-624.
  15. Lim SS, Norman RJ, Davies MJ, et al. The effect of obesity on polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Rev. 2013;14:95-109.
  16. Nordenstrom A, Falhammar H. Management of endocrine disease: diagnosis and management of the patient with non-classic CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Eur J Endocrinol. 2019;180:R127-145.
  17. Guo F, Gong Z, Fernando T, et al. The lipid profiles in different characteristics of women with PCOS and the interaction between dyslipidemia and metabolic disorder states: a retrospective study in Chinese population. Front Endocrinol. 2022;13:892125.
  18. Dietz de Loos ALP, Jiskoot G, Timman R, et al. Improvements in PCOS characteristics and phenotype severity during a randomized controlled lifestyle intervention. Reprod Biomed Online. 2021;43:298-309.
  19. Ezeh U, Huang A, Landay M, et al. Long-term response of hirsutism and other hyperandrogenic symptoms to combination therapy in polycystic ovary syndrome. J Women’s Health. 2018;27:892-902.
  20. Ashraf Ganie M, Khurana ML, Eunice M, et al. Comparison of efficacy of spironolactone with metformin in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome: an open-labeled study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004;89:2756-2762.
  21. Pasquali R, Gambineri A, Cavazza C, et al. Heterogeneity in the responsiveness to long-term lifestyle intervention and predictability in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Eur J Endocrinol. 2011;164:53-60.
  22. Yang PK, Hsu CY, Chen MJ, et al. The efficacy of 24-month metformin for improving menses, hormones and metabolic profiles in polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103:890-899.
  23. Garg V, Choi J, James WD, et al. Long-term use of spironolactone for acne in women: a case series of 403 patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2021;84:1348-1355.
  24. Hu L, Ma L, Ying T, et al. Efficacy of bariatric surgery in the treatment of women with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022;107:e3217-3229.
  25. Bhandari M, Kosta S, Bhandari M, et al. Effects of bariatric surgery on people with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome: a large single center study from India. Obes Surg. 2022;32:3305-3312.
  26. Benito E, Gomez-Martin JM, Vega-Pinero B, et al. Fertility and pregnancy outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome following bariatric surgery. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020;105:e3384-3391.
  27. Xing C, Li C, He B. Insulin sensitizers for improving the endocrine and metabolic profile in overweight women with PCOS. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020;105:2950-2963.
  28. Elkind-Hirsch KE, Chappell N, Shaler D, et al. Liraglutide 3 mg on weight, body composition and hormonal and metabolic parameters in women with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomized placebo-controlled-phase 3 study. Fertil Steril. 2022;118:371-381.
  29. Amiri M, Nahidi F, Bidhendi-Yarandi R, et al. A comparison of the effects of oral contraceptives on the clinical and biochemical manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome: a crossover randomized controlled trial. Hum Reprod. 2020;35:175-186.
  30. Legro RS, Brzyski RG, Diamond NP, et al. Letrozole versus clomiphene for infertility in the polycystic ovary syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2014;371:119-129.
  31. Gibson-Helm M, Teede H, Dunaif A, et al. Delayed diagnosis and lack of information associated with dissatisfaction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102:604-612.
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