Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco
Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
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Forging ahead

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Wed, 03/29/2017 - 06:48
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Forging ahead

The approach to clinical conundrums by an expert clinician is revealed through the presentation of an actual patient’s case in an approach typical of a morning report. Similarly to patient care, sequential pieces of information are provided to the clinician, who is unfamiliar with the case. The focus is on the thought processes of both the clinical team caring for the patient and the discussant. The bolded text represents the patient’s case. Each paragraph that follows represents the discussant’s thoughts.


A 45-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with 2 days of generalized, progressive weakness. Her ability to walk and perform daily chores was increasingly limited. On the morning of her presentation, she was unable to stand up without falling.

A complaint of weakness must be classified as either functional weakness related to a systemic process or true neurologic weakness from dysfunction of the central nervous system (eg, brain, spinal cord) or peripheral nervous system (eg, anterior horn cell, nerve, neuromuscular junction, or muscle). More information on her clinical course and a detailed neurologic exam will help clarify this key branch point.

She was 2 weeks status-post laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and gastric band removal performed in Europe.  Immediately following surgery, she experienced abdominal discomfort and nausea with occasional nonbloody, nonbilious emesis, attributed to expected postoperative anatomical changes. She developed a postoperative pneumonia treated with amoxicillin-clavulanate.  She tolerated her flight back to the United States, but her abdominal discomfort persisted and she had minimal oral intake due to her nausea.

Functional weakness may stem from hypovolemia from insufficient oral intake, anemia related to the recent surgery, electrolyte abnormalities, chronic nutritional issues associated with obesity and weight-reduction surgery, and pneumonia. Prolonged air travel, obesity, and recent surgery place her at risk for venous thromboembolism, which may manifest as reduced exercise tolerance. Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain persisting for 2 weeks after a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery raises several concerns, including gastric remnant distension (although hiccups are often prominent); stomal stenosis, which typically presents several weeks after surgery; marginal ulceration; or infection at the surgical site or from an anastomotic leak. She may also have a surgery- or medication-related myopathy.

The patient had a history of obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, migraine headaches, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Four years previously, she had undergone gastric banding complicated by band migration and ulceration at the banding site. Her medications were amlodipine, losartan, ranitidine, acetaminophen, and nadroparin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis during her flight. She denied alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drug use. On further questioning, she reported diaphoresis, mild dyspnea, loose stools, and a sensation of numbness and “heaviness” in her arms. Her abdominal pain was limited to the surgical incision and was controlled with acetaminophen. She denied fevers, cough, chest pain, diplopia, or dysphagia.

Heaviness in both arms could result from an acutely presenting myopathic or neuropathic process, while the coexistence of numbness suggests a sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Obesity and gastric bypass surgery increase her nutritional risk, and thiamine deficiency may present as an acute axonal polyneuropathy (ie, beriberi). Unlike vitamin B12 deficiency, which may take years to develop, thiamine deficiency can present within 4 weeks of gastric bypass surgery. Her dyspnea may be a manifestation of diaphragmatic weakness, although her ostensibly treated pneumonia or as of yet unproven postoperative anemia may be contributing. Chemoprophylaxis mitigates her risk of venous thromboembolism, which is, nonetheless, unlikely to account for the gastrointestinal symptoms and upper extremity weakness. If she is continuing to take amlodipine and losartan but has become volume-depleted, hypotension may be contributing to the generalized weakness.

Physical examination revealed an obese, pale and diaphoretic woman. Her temperature was 36.9°C, heart rate 77 beats per minute, blood pressure 158/90 mm Hg, respiratory rate 28 breaths per minute, and O2 saturation 99% on ambient air. She had no cervical lymphadenopathy and a normal thyroid exam. There were no murmurs on cardiac examination, and jugular venous pressure was estimated at 10 cm of water. Her lung sounds were clear. Her abdomen was soft, nondistended, with localized tenderness and fluctuance around the midline surgical incision with a small amount of purulent drainage. She was alert and oriented to name, date, place, and situation. Cranial nerves II through XII were grossly intact. Strength was 4/5 in bilateral biceps, triceps and distal hand and finger extensors, 3/5 in bilateral deltoids. Strength in hip flexors was 4/5 and it was 5/5 in distal lower extremities. Sensation was intact to pinprick in upper and lower extremities. Biceps reflexes were absent; patellar and ankle reflexes were 1+ and symmetric. The remainder of the physical exam was unremarkable.

The patient has symmetric proximal muscle weakness with upper extremity predominance and preserved strength in her distal lower extremities. A myopathy could explain this pattern of weakness, further substantiated by absent reflexes and reportedly intact sensation. Subacute causes of myopathy include hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, toxic myopathies from medications, or infection-induced rhabdomyolysis. However, she does not report muscle pain, and the loss of reflexes is faster than would be expected with a myopathy. A more thorough sensory examination would inform the assessment of potential neuropathic processes. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is possible; it most commonly presents as an ascending, distally predominant acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP), although her upper extremity weakness predominates and there are no clear sensory changes. It remains to be determined how her wound infection might relate to her overall presentation.

Her white blood cell count was 12,600/μL (reference range: 3,400-10,000/μL), hemoglobin was 10.2 g/dL, and platelet count was 698,000/μL. Mean corpuscular volume was 86 fL. Serum chemistries were: sodium 138 mEq/L, potassium 3.8 mEq/L, chloride 106 mmol/L, bicarbonate 15 mmol/L, blood urea nitrogen 5 mg/dL, creatinine 0.65 mg/dL, glucose 125 mg/dL, calcium 8.3 mg/dL, magnesium 1.9 mg/dL, phosphorous 2.4 mg/dL, and lactate 1.8 mmol/L (normal: < 2.0 mmol/L). Creatinine kinase (CK), liver function tests, and coagulation panel were normal. Total protein was 6.4 g/dL, and albumin was 2.7 g/dL. Venous blood gas was: pH 7.39 and PCO2 25 mmHg. Urinalysis revealed ketones. Blood and wound cultures were sent for evaluation. A chest x-ray was unremarkable. An electrocardiogram showed normal sinus rhythm. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a multiloculated rim-enhancing fluid collection in the anterior abdominal wall (Figure 1).

Multiloculated rim enhancing collection in the anterior abdominal wall
Figure 1

She does not have any notable electrolyte derangements that would account for her weakness, and the normal creatinine kinase lowers the probability of a myopathy and excludes rhabdomyolysis. Progression of weakness from proximal to distal muscles in a symmetric fashion is consistent with botulism, and she has an intra-abdominal wound infection that could be harboring Clostridium botulinum. Nonetheless, the normal cranial nerve exam and the rarity of botulism occurring with surgical wounds argue against this diagnosis. She should receive intravenous (IV) thiamine for the possibility of beriberi. A lumbar puncture should be performed to assess for albuminocytologic dissociation, which can be seen in patients with GBS.

The patient received high-dose IV thiamine, IV vancomycin, IV piperacillin-tazobactam, and acetaminophen. Over the subsequent 4 hours, her anion gap acidosis worsened. She declined arterial puncture. Repeat venous blood gas was: pH 7.22, PCO2 28 mmHg, and bicarbonate 11 mmol/L. Lactate and glucose were normal. Serum osmolarity was 292 mmol/kg (reference range: 283-301 mmol/kg). She was started on an IV sodium bicarbonate infusion without improvement in her acidemia.

An acute anion gap metabolic acidosis suggests a limited differential diagnosis that includes lactic acidosis, D-lactic acidosis, severe starvation ketoacidosis, acute renal failure, salicylate, or other drug or poison ingestion. Starvation ketoacidosis may be contributing, but a bicarbonate value this low would be unusual. There is no history of alcohol use or other ingestions, and the normal serum osmolality and low osmolal gap (less than 10 mOsm/kg) argue against a poisoning with ethanol, ethylene glycol, or methanol. The initial combined anion gap metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis is consistent with salicylate toxicity, but she does not report aspirin ingestion. Acetaminophen use in the setting of malnutrition or starvation physiology raises the possibility of 5-oxoproline accumulation.



Routine serum lactate does not detect D-lactate, which is produced by colonic bacteria and has been reported in short bowel syndrome and following intestinal bypass surgery. This may occur weeks to months after intestinal procedures, following ingestion of a heavy carbohydrate load, and almost invariably presents with altered mental status and increased anion gap metabolic acidosis, although generalized weakness has been reported.

A surgical consultant drained her wound infection. Fluid Gram stain was negative. D-lactate, salicylate and acetaminophen levels were undetectable. Thiamine pyrophosphate level was 229 nmol/L (reference range: 78-185 nmol/L). Acetaminophen was discontinued and N-acetylcysteine infusion was started for possible 5-oxoprolinemia. Her anion gap acidosis rapidly improved. Twelve hours after admission, she reported sudden onset of blurry vision. Her vital signs were: temperature 37oC, heart rate 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate 40 breaths per minute, blood pressure 168/90, and oxygen saturation 100% on ambient air. Telemetry showed ventricular bigeminy. On examination, she was unable to abduct her right eye; muscle strength was 1/5 in all extremities; biceps, ankle, and patellar reflexes were absent.  

Her neurological deficits have progressed over hours to near complete paralysis, asymmetric cranial nerve paresis, and areflexia. Although botulism can cause blurred vision and absent deep tendon reflexes, patients almost always have symmetrical bulbar findings followed by descending paralysis. Should the “numbness” in her arms reported earlier represent undetected sensory deficits, this, too would be inconsistent with botulism.

A diagnosis of GBS ties together several aspects of her presentation and clinical course. Several variants show different patterns of weakness and may involve cranial nerves. Her tachypnea and dyspnea are concerning signs of potential impending respiratory failure. The ventricular bigeminy and mild hypertension could represent autonomic dysfunction that is seen in many cases of GBS.

She was intubated for airway protection. Computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance imaging of her brain were normal. Cerebral spinal fluid analysis obtained through lumbar puncture showed the following: white blood cell count 3/μL, red blood cell count 11/μL, protein 63 mg/dL (reference range: 15-60mg/dL), and glucose 128 mg/dL (reference range: 40-80mg/dL).

The lumbar puncture is consistent with GBS given the slightly elevated protein and cell count well below 50/μL. Given the severity of her symptoms, treatment with IV immunoglobulin or plasmapheresis should be initiated. Nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) are indicated for diagnostic confirmation.

EMG and NCS revealed a severe sensorimotor polyneuropathy with demyelinating features including a conduction block at a noncompressible site, consistent with AIDP. Left sural nerve biopsy confirmed acute demyelinating and mild axonal neuropathy (Figure 2). On hospital day 2, treatment with IV immunoglobulins (IVIG) was initiated; however, she developed anaphylaxis following her second administration and subsequently received plasmapheresis. A tracheostomy was performed for respiratory muscle weakness, and she was discharged to a nursing facility. C. botulinum cultures from the wound eventually returned negative. Following her hospitalization, a serum 5-oxoproline level sent 10 hours after admission returned as elevated, confirming the additional diagnosis of 5-oxoprolinemia. On follow-up, she can sit up and feed herself without assistance, and her gait continues to improve with physical therapy.

Sural nerve biopsy
Figure 2


This patient presented with rapidly progressive weakness that developed in the 2 weeks following bariatric surgery. In the postsurgical setting, patient complaints of weakness are commonly encountered and can pose a diagnostic challenge. Asthenia (ie, general loss of strength or energy) is frequently reported in the immediate postoperative period, and may result from the stress of surgery, pain, deconditioning, or infection. This must be distinguished from true neurologic weakness, which results from dysfunction of the brain, spinal cord, nerve, neuromuscular junction, or muscle. The initial history can help elucidate the inciting events such as preceding surgery, infections or ingestions, and can also categorize the pattern of weakness. The neurologic examination can localize the pathology within the neuraxis. EMG and NCS can distinguish neuropathy from radiculopathy, and categorize the process as axonal, demyelinating, or mixed. In this case, the oculomotor weakness, sensory abnormalities and areflexia signaled a severe sensorimotor polyneuropathy, and EMG/NCS confirmed a demyelinating process consistent with GBS.

Guillain-Barré syndrome is an acute, immune-mediated polyneuropathy. Patients with GBS often present with a preceding respiratory or diarrheal illness; however, the stress of a recent surgery can serve as an inciting event. The syndrome, acute postgastric reduction surgery (APGARS) neuropathy, was introduced in the literature in 2002, describing 3 patients who presented with progressive vomiting, weakness, and hyporeflexia following bariatric surgery.1 The term has been used to describe bariatric surgery patients who developed postoperative quadriparesis, cranial nerve deficits, and respiratory compromise.2 Given the clinical heterogeneity in the literature with relation to APGARS, it is probable that the cases described could result from multiple etiologies. While GBS is purely immune-mediated and can be precipitated by the stress of surgery itself, postbariatric surgery patients are susceptible to many nutritional deficiencies that can lead to similar presentations.3 For example, thiamine (vitamin B1) and cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiencies cause distinct postbariatric surgery neuropathies.4 Thiamine deficiency may manifest weeks to months after surgery and can rapidly progress, whereas cobalamin deficiency generally develops over 3 to 5 years. Both of these syndromes demonstrate an axonal pattern of nerve injury on EMG/NCS, in contrast to the demyelinating pattern typically seen in GBS. In addition, bariatric surgery patients are at higher risk for copper deficiency, which usually presents as a myeloneuropathy with subacute gait decline and upper motor neuron signs including spasticity.

Although GBS classically presents with symmetric ascending weakness and sensory abnormalities, it may manifest in myriad ways. Factors influencing the presentation include the types of nerve fibers involved (motor, sensory, cranial or autonomic), the predominant mode of injury (axonal vs demyelinating), and the presence or absence of alteration in consciousness.5 The most common form of GBS is AIDP. The classic presentation involves paresthesias in the fingertips and toes followed by lower extremity weakness that ascends over hours to days to involve the arms and potentially the muscles of respiration. A minority of patients with GBS first experience weakness in the upper extremities or facial muscles, and oculomotor involvement is rare.5 Pain is common and often severe.6 Dysautonomia affects most patients with GBS and may manifest as labile blood pressure or arrhythmias.5 Several variant GBS presentation patterns have been described, including acute motor axonal neuropathy, a pure motor form of GBS; ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and areflexia in Miller Fisher syndrome; and alteration in consciousness, hyperreflexia, ataxia, and ophthalmoparesis in Bickerstaff’s brain stem encephalitis.5

Patients with GBS can progress rapidly to respiratory failure. Serial neurologic exams may signal the diagnosis and inform triage to the appropriate level of care. Measurement of bedside pulmonary function, including mean inspiratory force and functional vital capacity, help to determine if there is weakness of diaphragmatic muscles. Patients with signs or symptoms of diaphragmatic weakness require monitoring in an intensive care unit and potentially early intubation. Treatment with IVIG or plasmapheresis has been found to hasten recovery from GBS, including earlier improvement in muscle strength and a reduced need for mechanical ventilation.7 Treatment selection is based on available resources as both modalities are felt to be equivalent.The majority of patients with GBS make a full recovery over a period of weeks to months, although many have persistent motor weakness. Despite immunotherapy, up to 20% of patients remain severely disabled and approximately 5% die.8 Advanced age, rapid progression of weakness over a period of less than 72 hours, need for mechanical ventilation, and absent compound muscle action potentials on NCS are all associated with prolonged and incomplete recovery.9

This patient developed respiratory failure within 12 hours of hospitalization, prior to being diagnosed with GBS. Even in that short time, the treating clinicians encountered a series of clinical diversions. The initial proximal pattern of muscle weakness suggested a possible myopathic process; the wound infection introduced the possibility of botulism; obesity and recent bariatric surgery triggered concern for thiamine deficiency; and the anion gap acidosis from 5-oxoprolinemia created yet another clinical detour. While the path from presentation to diagnosis is seldom a straight line, when faced with rapidly progressive weakness, it is paramount to forge ahead with an efficient diagnostic evaluation and timely therapeutic intervention.




  • A complaint of general weakness requires distinction between asthenia (ie, general loss of strength or energy) and true neuromuscular weakness from dysfunction of the brain, spinal cord, nerve, neuromuscular junction, and/or muscle.
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome may present in a variety of atypical fashions not limited to ascending, distally predominant weakness.
  • Acute postgastric reduction surgery neuropathy should be considered in patients presenting with weakness, vomiting, or hyporeflexia after bariatric surgery.
  • Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy may rapidly progress to respiratory failure, and warrants serial neurologic examinations, monitoring of pulmonary function, and an expedited diagnostic evaluation.


Nothing to report.


1. Akhtar M, Collins MP, Kissel JT. Acute postgastric reduction surgery (APGARS) Neuropathy: A polynutritional, multisystem disorder. Neurology. 2002;58:A68. PubMed
2. Chang CG, Adams-Huet B, Provost DA. Acute post-gastric reduction surgery (APGARS) neuropathy. Obes Surg. 2004;14(2):182-189. PubMed
3. Chang CG, Helling TS, Black WE, Rymer MM. Weakness after gastric bypass. Obes Surg. 2002;12(4):592-597. PubMed
4. Shankar P, Boylan M, Sriram K. Micronutrient deficiencies after bariatric surgery. Nutrition. 2010;26(11-12):1031-1037. PubMed
5. Dimachkie MM, Barohn RJ. Guillain-Barré syndrome and variants. Neurol Clin. 2013;31(2):491-510. PubMed
6. Ruts L, Drenthen J, Jongen JL, et al. Pain in Guillain-Barré syndrome: a long-term follow-up study. Neurology. 2010;75(16):1439-1447. PubMed
7. Hughes RAC, Wijdicks EFM, Barohn R, et al: Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Practice parameter: immunotherapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome: report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2003;61:736-740. PubMed
8. Hughes RA, Swan AV, Raphaël JC, Annane D, van Koningsveld R, van Doorn PA. Immunotherapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome: a systematic review. Brain. 2007;130(Pt 9):2245-2257. PubMed
9. Rajabally YA, Uncini A. Outcome and predictors in Guillain-Barré syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2012;83(7):711-718. PubMed

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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 12(3)
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Article PDF

The approach to clinical conundrums by an expert clinician is revealed through the presentation of an actual patient’s case in an approach typical of a morning report. Similarly to patient care, sequential pieces of information are provided to the clinician, who is unfamiliar with the case. The focus is on the thought processes of both the clinical team caring for the patient and the discussant. The bolded text represents the patient’s case. Each paragraph that follows represents the discussant’s thoughts.


A 45-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with 2 days of generalized, progressive weakness. Her ability to walk and perform daily chores was increasingly limited. On the morning of her presentation, she was unable to stand up without falling.

A complaint of weakness must be classified as either functional weakness related to a systemic process or true neurologic weakness from dysfunction of the central nervous system (eg, brain, spinal cord) or peripheral nervous system (eg, anterior horn cell, nerve, neuromuscular junction, or muscle). More information on her clinical course and a detailed neurologic exam will help clarify this key branch point.

She was 2 weeks status-post laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and gastric band removal performed in Europe.  Immediately following surgery, she experienced abdominal discomfort and nausea with occasional nonbloody, nonbilious emesis, attributed to expected postoperative anatomical changes. She developed a postoperative pneumonia treated with amoxicillin-clavulanate.  She tolerated her flight back to the United States, but her abdominal discomfort persisted and she had minimal oral intake due to her nausea.

Functional weakness may stem from hypovolemia from insufficient oral intake, anemia related to the recent surgery, electrolyte abnormalities, chronic nutritional issues associated with obesity and weight-reduction surgery, and pneumonia. Prolonged air travel, obesity, and recent surgery place her at risk for venous thromboembolism, which may manifest as reduced exercise tolerance. Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain persisting for 2 weeks after a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery raises several concerns, including gastric remnant distension (although hiccups are often prominent); stomal stenosis, which typically presents several weeks after surgery; marginal ulceration; or infection at the surgical site or from an anastomotic leak. She may also have a surgery- or medication-related myopathy.

The patient had a history of obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, migraine headaches, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Four years previously, she had undergone gastric banding complicated by band migration and ulceration at the banding site. Her medications were amlodipine, losartan, ranitidine, acetaminophen, and nadroparin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis during her flight. She denied alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drug use. On further questioning, she reported diaphoresis, mild dyspnea, loose stools, and a sensation of numbness and “heaviness” in her arms. Her abdominal pain was limited to the surgical incision and was controlled with acetaminophen. She denied fevers, cough, chest pain, diplopia, or dysphagia.

Heaviness in both arms could result from an acutely presenting myopathic or neuropathic process, while the coexistence of numbness suggests a sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Obesity and gastric bypass surgery increase her nutritional risk, and thiamine deficiency may present as an acute axonal polyneuropathy (ie, beriberi). Unlike vitamin B12 deficiency, which may take years to develop, thiamine deficiency can present within 4 weeks of gastric bypass surgery. Her dyspnea may be a manifestation of diaphragmatic weakness, although her ostensibly treated pneumonia or as of yet unproven postoperative anemia may be contributing. Chemoprophylaxis mitigates her risk of venous thromboembolism, which is, nonetheless, unlikely to account for the gastrointestinal symptoms and upper extremity weakness. If she is continuing to take amlodipine and losartan but has become volume-depleted, hypotension may be contributing to the generalized weakness.

Physical examination revealed an obese, pale and diaphoretic woman. Her temperature was 36.9°C, heart rate 77 beats per minute, blood pressure 158/90 mm Hg, respiratory rate 28 breaths per minute, and O2 saturation 99% on ambient air. She had no cervical lymphadenopathy and a normal thyroid exam. There were no murmurs on cardiac examination, and jugular venous pressure was estimated at 10 cm of water. Her lung sounds were clear. Her abdomen was soft, nondistended, with localized tenderness and fluctuance around the midline surgical incision with a small amount of purulent drainage. She was alert and oriented to name, date, place, and situation. Cranial nerves II through XII were grossly intact. Strength was 4/5 in bilateral biceps, triceps and distal hand and finger extensors, 3/5 in bilateral deltoids. Strength in hip flexors was 4/5 and it was 5/5 in distal lower extremities. Sensation was intact to pinprick in upper and lower extremities. Biceps reflexes were absent; patellar and ankle reflexes were 1+ and symmetric. The remainder of the physical exam was unremarkable.

The patient has symmetric proximal muscle weakness with upper extremity predominance and preserved strength in her distal lower extremities. A myopathy could explain this pattern of weakness, further substantiated by absent reflexes and reportedly intact sensation. Subacute causes of myopathy include hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, toxic myopathies from medications, or infection-induced rhabdomyolysis. However, she does not report muscle pain, and the loss of reflexes is faster than would be expected with a myopathy. A more thorough sensory examination would inform the assessment of potential neuropathic processes. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is possible; it most commonly presents as an ascending, distally predominant acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP), although her upper extremity weakness predominates and there are no clear sensory changes. It remains to be determined how her wound infection might relate to her overall presentation.

Her white blood cell count was 12,600/μL (reference range: 3,400-10,000/μL), hemoglobin was 10.2 g/dL, and platelet count was 698,000/μL. Mean corpuscular volume was 86 fL. Serum chemistries were: sodium 138 mEq/L, potassium 3.8 mEq/L, chloride 106 mmol/L, bicarbonate 15 mmol/L, blood urea nitrogen 5 mg/dL, creatinine 0.65 mg/dL, glucose 125 mg/dL, calcium 8.3 mg/dL, magnesium 1.9 mg/dL, phosphorous 2.4 mg/dL, and lactate 1.8 mmol/L (normal: < 2.0 mmol/L). Creatinine kinase (CK), liver function tests, and coagulation panel were normal. Total protein was 6.4 g/dL, and albumin was 2.7 g/dL. Venous blood gas was: pH 7.39 and PCO2 25 mmHg. Urinalysis revealed ketones. Blood and wound cultures were sent for evaluation. A chest x-ray was unremarkable. An electrocardiogram showed normal sinus rhythm. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a multiloculated rim-enhancing fluid collection in the anterior abdominal wall (Figure 1).

Multiloculated rim enhancing collection in the anterior abdominal wall
Figure 1

She does not have any notable electrolyte derangements that would account for her weakness, and the normal creatinine kinase lowers the probability of a myopathy and excludes rhabdomyolysis. Progression of weakness from proximal to distal muscles in a symmetric fashion is consistent with botulism, and she has an intra-abdominal wound infection that could be harboring Clostridium botulinum. Nonetheless, the normal cranial nerve exam and the rarity of botulism occurring with surgical wounds argue against this diagnosis. She should receive intravenous (IV) thiamine for the possibility of beriberi. A lumbar puncture should be performed to assess for albuminocytologic dissociation, which can be seen in patients with GBS.

The patient received high-dose IV thiamine, IV vancomycin, IV piperacillin-tazobactam, and acetaminophen. Over the subsequent 4 hours, her anion gap acidosis worsened. She declined arterial puncture. Repeat venous blood gas was: pH 7.22, PCO2 28 mmHg, and bicarbonate 11 mmol/L. Lactate and glucose were normal. Serum osmolarity was 292 mmol/kg (reference range: 283-301 mmol/kg). She was started on an IV sodium bicarbonate infusion without improvement in her acidemia.

An acute anion gap metabolic acidosis suggests a limited differential diagnosis that includes lactic acidosis, D-lactic acidosis, severe starvation ketoacidosis, acute renal failure, salicylate, or other drug or poison ingestion. Starvation ketoacidosis may be contributing, but a bicarbonate value this low would be unusual. There is no history of alcohol use or other ingestions, and the normal serum osmolality and low osmolal gap (less than 10 mOsm/kg) argue against a poisoning with ethanol, ethylene glycol, or methanol. The initial combined anion gap metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis is consistent with salicylate toxicity, but she does not report aspirin ingestion. Acetaminophen use in the setting of malnutrition or starvation physiology raises the possibility of 5-oxoproline accumulation.



Routine serum lactate does not detect D-lactate, which is produced by colonic bacteria and has been reported in short bowel syndrome and following intestinal bypass surgery. This may occur weeks to months after intestinal procedures, following ingestion of a heavy carbohydrate load, and almost invariably presents with altered mental status and increased anion gap metabolic acidosis, although generalized weakness has been reported.

A surgical consultant drained her wound infection. Fluid Gram stain was negative. D-lactate, salicylate and acetaminophen levels were undetectable. Thiamine pyrophosphate level was 229 nmol/L (reference range: 78-185 nmol/L). Acetaminophen was discontinued and N-acetylcysteine infusion was started for possible 5-oxoprolinemia. Her anion gap acidosis rapidly improved. Twelve hours after admission, she reported sudden onset of blurry vision. Her vital signs were: temperature 37oC, heart rate 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate 40 breaths per minute, blood pressure 168/90, and oxygen saturation 100% on ambient air. Telemetry showed ventricular bigeminy. On examination, she was unable to abduct her right eye; muscle strength was 1/5 in all extremities; biceps, ankle, and patellar reflexes were absent.  

Her neurological deficits have progressed over hours to near complete paralysis, asymmetric cranial nerve paresis, and areflexia. Although botulism can cause blurred vision and absent deep tendon reflexes, patients almost always have symmetrical bulbar findings followed by descending paralysis. Should the “numbness” in her arms reported earlier represent undetected sensory deficits, this, too would be inconsistent with botulism.

A diagnosis of GBS ties together several aspects of her presentation and clinical course. Several variants show different patterns of weakness and may involve cranial nerves. Her tachypnea and dyspnea are concerning signs of potential impending respiratory failure. The ventricular bigeminy and mild hypertension could represent autonomic dysfunction that is seen in many cases of GBS.

She was intubated for airway protection. Computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance imaging of her brain were normal. Cerebral spinal fluid analysis obtained through lumbar puncture showed the following: white blood cell count 3/μL, red blood cell count 11/μL, protein 63 mg/dL (reference range: 15-60mg/dL), and glucose 128 mg/dL (reference range: 40-80mg/dL).

The lumbar puncture is consistent with GBS given the slightly elevated protein and cell count well below 50/μL. Given the severity of her symptoms, treatment with IV immunoglobulin or plasmapheresis should be initiated. Nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) are indicated for diagnostic confirmation.

EMG and NCS revealed a severe sensorimotor polyneuropathy with demyelinating features including a conduction block at a noncompressible site, consistent with AIDP. Left sural nerve biopsy confirmed acute demyelinating and mild axonal neuropathy (Figure 2). On hospital day 2, treatment with IV immunoglobulins (IVIG) was initiated; however, she developed anaphylaxis following her second administration and subsequently received plasmapheresis. A tracheostomy was performed for respiratory muscle weakness, and she was discharged to a nursing facility. C. botulinum cultures from the wound eventually returned negative. Following her hospitalization, a serum 5-oxoproline level sent 10 hours after admission returned as elevated, confirming the additional diagnosis of 5-oxoprolinemia. On follow-up, she can sit up and feed herself without assistance, and her gait continues to improve with physical therapy.

Sural nerve biopsy
Figure 2


This patient presented with rapidly progressive weakness that developed in the 2 weeks following bariatric surgery. In the postsurgical setting, patient complaints of weakness are commonly encountered and can pose a diagnostic challenge. Asthenia (ie, general loss of strength or energy) is frequently reported in the immediate postoperative period, and may result from the stress of surgery, pain, deconditioning, or infection. This must be distinguished from true neurologic weakness, which results from dysfunction of the brain, spinal cord, nerve, neuromuscular junction, or muscle. The initial history can help elucidate the inciting events such as preceding surgery, infections or ingestions, and can also categorize the pattern of weakness. The neurologic examination can localize the pathology within the neuraxis. EMG and NCS can distinguish neuropathy from radiculopathy, and categorize the process as axonal, demyelinating, or mixed. In this case, the oculomotor weakness, sensory abnormalities and areflexia signaled a severe sensorimotor polyneuropathy, and EMG/NCS confirmed a demyelinating process consistent with GBS.

Guillain-Barré syndrome is an acute, immune-mediated polyneuropathy. Patients with GBS often present with a preceding respiratory or diarrheal illness; however, the stress of a recent surgery can serve as an inciting event. The syndrome, acute postgastric reduction surgery (APGARS) neuropathy, was introduced in the literature in 2002, describing 3 patients who presented with progressive vomiting, weakness, and hyporeflexia following bariatric surgery.1 The term has been used to describe bariatric surgery patients who developed postoperative quadriparesis, cranial nerve deficits, and respiratory compromise.2 Given the clinical heterogeneity in the literature with relation to APGARS, it is probable that the cases described could result from multiple etiologies. While GBS is purely immune-mediated and can be precipitated by the stress of surgery itself, postbariatric surgery patients are susceptible to many nutritional deficiencies that can lead to similar presentations.3 For example, thiamine (vitamin B1) and cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiencies cause distinct postbariatric surgery neuropathies.4 Thiamine deficiency may manifest weeks to months after surgery and can rapidly progress, whereas cobalamin deficiency generally develops over 3 to 5 years. Both of these syndromes demonstrate an axonal pattern of nerve injury on EMG/NCS, in contrast to the demyelinating pattern typically seen in GBS. In addition, bariatric surgery patients are at higher risk for copper deficiency, which usually presents as a myeloneuropathy with subacute gait decline and upper motor neuron signs including spasticity.

Although GBS classically presents with symmetric ascending weakness and sensory abnormalities, it may manifest in myriad ways. Factors influencing the presentation include the types of nerve fibers involved (motor, sensory, cranial or autonomic), the predominant mode of injury (axonal vs demyelinating), and the presence or absence of alteration in consciousness.5 The most common form of GBS is AIDP. The classic presentation involves paresthesias in the fingertips and toes followed by lower extremity weakness that ascends over hours to days to involve the arms and potentially the muscles of respiration. A minority of patients with GBS first experience weakness in the upper extremities or facial muscles, and oculomotor involvement is rare.5 Pain is common and often severe.6 Dysautonomia affects most patients with GBS and may manifest as labile blood pressure or arrhythmias.5 Several variant GBS presentation patterns have been described, including acute motor axonal neuropathy, a pure motor form of GBS; ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and areflexia in Miller Fisher syndrome; and alteration in consciousness, hyperreflexia, ataxia, and ophthalmoparesis in Bickerstaff’s brain stem encephalitis.5

Patients with GBS can progress rapidly to respiratory failure. Serial neurologic exams may signal the diagnosis and inform triage to the appropriate level of care. Measurement of bedside pulmonary function, including mean inspiratory force and functional vital capacity, help to determine if there is weakness of diaphragmatic muscles. Patients with signs or symptoms of diaphragmatic weakness require monitoring in an intensive care unit and potentially early intubation. Treatment with IVIG or plasmapheresis has been found to hasten recovery from GBS, including earlier improvement in muscle strength and a reduced need for mechanical ventilation.7 Treatment selection is based on available resources as both modalities are felt to be equivalent.The majority of patients with GBS make a full recovery over a period of weeks to months, although many have persistent motor weakness. Despite immunotherapy, up to 20% of patients remain severely disabled and approximately 5% die.8 Advanced age, rapid progression of weakness over a period of less than 72 hours, need for mechanical ventilation, and absent compound muscle action potentials on NCS are all associated with prolonged and incomplete recovery.9

This patient developed respiratory failure within 12 hours of hospitalization, prior to being diagnosed with GBS. Even in that short time, the treating clinicians encountered a series of clinical diversions. The initial proximal pattern of muscle weakness suggested a possible myopathic process; the wound infection introduced the possibility of botulism; obesity and recent bariatric surgery triggered concern for thiamine deficiency; and the anion gap acidosis from 5-oxoprolinemia created yet another clinical detour. While the path from presentation to diagnosis is seldom a straight line, when faced with rapidly progressive weakness, it is paramount to forge ahead with an efficient diagnostic evaluation and timely therapeutic intervention.




  • A complaint of general weakness requires distinction between asthenia (ie, general loss of strength or energy) and true neuromuscular weakness from dysfunction of the brain, spinal cord, nerve, neuromuscular junction, and/or muscle.
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome may present in a variety of atypical fashions not limited to ascending, distally predominant weakness.
  • Acute postgastric reduction surgery neuropathy should be considered in patients presenting with weakness, vomiting, or hyporeflexia after bariatric surgery.
  • Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy may rapidly progress to respiratory failure, and warrants serial neurologic examinations, monitoring of pulmonary function, and an expedited diagnostic evaluation.


Nothing to report.

The approach to clinical conundrums by an expert clinician is revealed through the presentation of an actual patient’s case in an approach typical of a morning report. Similarly to patient care, sequential pieces of information are provided to the clinician, who is unfamiliar with the case. The focus is on the thought processes of both the clinical team caring for the patient and the discussant. The bolded text represents the patient’s case. Each paragraph that follows represents the discussant’s thoughts.


A 45-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with 2 days of generalized, progressive weakness. Her ability to walk and perform daily chores was increasingly limited. On the morning of her presentation, she was unable to stand up without falling.

A complaint of weakness must be classified as either functional weakness related to a systemic process or true neurologic weakness from dysfunction of the central nervous system (eg, brain, spinal cord) or peripheral nervous system (eg, anterior horn cell, nerve, neuromuscular junction, or muscle). More information on her clinical course and a detailed neurologic exam will help clarify this key branch point.

She was 2 weeks status-post laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and gastric band removal performed in Europe.  Immediately following surgery, she experienced abdominal discomfort and nausea with occasional nonbloody, nonbilious emesis, attributed to expected postoperative anatomical changes. She developed a postoperative pneumonia treated with amoxicillin-clavulanate.  She tolerated her flight back to the United States, but her abdominal discomfort persisted and she had minimal oral intake due to her nausea.

Functional weakness may stem from hypovolemia from insufficient oral intake, anemia related to the recent surgery, electrolyte abnormalities, chronic nutritional issues associated with obesity and weight-reduction surgery, and pneumonia. Prolonged air travel, obesity, and recent surgery place her at risk for venous thromboembolism, which may manifest as reduced exercise tolerance. Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain persisting for 2 weeks after a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery raises several concerns, including gastric remnant distension (although hiccups are often prominent); stomal stenosis, which typically presents several weeks after surgery; marginal ulceration; or infection at the surgical site or from an anastomotic leak. She may also have a surgery- or medication-related myopathy.

The patient had a history of obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, migraine headaches, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Four years previously, she had undergone gastric banding complicated by band migration and ulceration at the banding site. Her medications were amlodipine, losartan, ranitidine, acetaminophen, and nadroparin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis during her flight. She denied alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drug use. On further questioning, she reported diaphoresis, mild dyspnea, loose stools, and a sensation of numbness and “heaviness” in her arms. Her abdominal pain was limited to the surgical incision and was controlled with acetaminophen. She denied fevers, cough, chest pain, diplopia, or dysphagia.

Heaviness in both arms could result from an acutely presenting myopathic or neuropathic process, while the coexistence of numbness suggests a sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Obesity and gastric bypass surgery increase her nutritional risk, and thiamine deficiency may present as an acute axonal polyneuropathy (ie, beriberi). Unlike vitamin B12 deficiency, which may take years to develop, thiamine deficiency can present within 4 weeks of gastric bypass surgery. Her dyspnea may be a manifestation of diaphragmatic weakness, although her ostensibly treated pneumonia or as of yet unproven postoperative anemia may be contributing. Chemoprophylaxis mitigates her risk of venous thromboembolism, which is, nonetheless, unlikely to account for the gastrointestinal symptoms and upper extremity weakness. If she is continuing to take amlodipine and losartan but has become volume-depleted, hypotension may be contributing to the generalized weakness.

Physical examination revealed an obese, pale and diaphoretic woman. Her temperature was 36.9°C, heart rate 77 beats per minute, blood pressure 158/90 mm Hg, respiratory rate 28 breaths per minute, and O2 saturation 99% on ambient air. She had no cervical lymphadenopathy and a normal thyroid exam. There were no murmurs on cardiac examination, and jugular venous pressure was estimated at 10 cm of water. Her lung sounds were clear. Her abdomen was soft, nondistended, with localized tenderness and fluctuance around the midline surgical incision with a small amount of purulent drainage. She was alert and oriented to name, date, place, and situation. Cranial nerves II through XII were grossly intact. Strength was 4/5 in bilateral biceps, triceps and distal hand and finger extensors, 3/5 in bilateral deltoids. Strength in hip flexors was 4/5 and it was 5/5 in distal lower extremities. Sensation was intact to pinprick in upper and lower extremities. Biceps reflexes were absent; patellar and ankle reflexes were 1+ and symmetric. The remainder of the physical exam was unremarkable.

The patient has symmetric proximal muscle weakness with upper extremity predominance and preserved strength in her distal lower extremities. A myopathy could explain this pattern of weakness, further substantiated by absent reflexes and reportedly intact sensation. Subacute causes of myopathy include hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, toxic myopathies from medications, or infection-induced rhabdomyolysis. However, she does not report muscle pain, and the loss of reflexes is faster than would be expected with a myopathy. A more thorough sensory examination would inform the assessment of potential neuropathic processes. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is possible; it most commonly presents as an ascending, distally predominant acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP), although her upper extremity weakness predominates and there are no clear sensory changes. It remains to be determined how her wound infection might relate to her overall presentation.

Her white blood cell count was 12,600/μL (reference range: 3,400-10,000/μL), hemoglobin was 10.2 g/dL, and platelet count was 698,000/μL. Mean corpuscular volume was 86 fL. Serum chemistries were: sodium 138 mEq/L, potassium 3.8 mEq/L, chloride 106 mmol/L, bicarbonate 15 mmol/L, blood urea nitrogen 5 mg/dL, creatinine 0.65 mg/dL, glucose 125 mg/dL, calcium 8.3 mg/dL, magnesium 1.9 mg/dL, phosphorous 2.4 mg/dL, and lactate 1.8 mmol/L (normal: < 2.0 mmol/L). Creatinine kinase (CK), liver function tests, and coagulation panel were normal. Total protein was 6.4 g/dL, and albumin was 2.7 g/dL. Venous blood gas was: pH 7.39 and PCO2 25 mmHg. Urinalysis revealed ketones. Blood and wound cultures were sent for evaluation. A chest x-ray was unremarkable. An electrocardiogram showed normal sinus rhythm. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a multiloculated rim-enhancing fluid collection in the anterior abdominal wall (Figure 1).

Multiloculated rim enhancing collection in the anterior abdominal wall
Figure 1

She does not have any notable electrolyte derangements that would account for her weakness, and the normal creatinine kinase lowers the probability of a myopathy and excludes rhabdomyolysis. Progression of weakness from proximal to distal muscles in a symmetric fashion is consistent with botulism, and she has an intra-abdominal wound infection that could be harboring Clostridium botulinum. Nonetheless, the normal cranial nerve exam and the rarity of botulism occurring with surgical wounds argue against this diagnosis. She should receive intravenous (IV) thiamine for the possibility of beriberi. A lumbar puncture should be performed to assess for albuminocytologic dissociation, which can be seen in patients with GBS.

The patient received high-dose IV thiamine, IV vancomycin, IV piperacillin-tazobactam, and acetaminophen. Over the subsequent 4 hours, her anion gap acidosis worsened. She declined arterial puncture. Repeat venous blood gas was: pH 7.22, PCO2 28 mmHg, and bicarbonate 11 mmol/L. Lactate and glucose were normal. Serum osmolarity was 292 mmol/kg (reference range: 283-301 mmol/kg). She was started on an IV sodium bicarbonate infusion without improvement in her acidemia.

An acute anion gap metabolic acidosis suggests a limited differential diagnosis that includes lactic acidosis, D-lactic acidosis, severe starvation ketoacidosis, acute renal failure, salicylate, or other drug or poison ingestion. Starvation ketoacidosis may be contributing, but a bicarbonate value this low would be unusual. There is no history of alcohol use or other ingestions, and the normal serum osmolality and low osmolal gap (less than 10 mOsm/kg) argue against a poisoning with ethanol, ethylene glycol, or methanol. The initial combined anion gap metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis is consistent with salicylate toxicity, but she does not report aspirin ingestion. Acetaminophen use in the setting of malnutrition or starvation physiology raises the possibility of 5-oxoproline accumulation.



Routine serum lactate does not detect D-lactate, which is produced by colonic bacteria and has been reported in short bowel syndrome and following intestinal bypass surgery. This may occur weeks to months after intestinal procedures, following ingestion of a heavy carbohydrate load, and almost invariably presents with altered mental status and increased anion gap metabolic acidosis, although generalized weakness has been reported.

A surgical consultant drained her wound infection. Fluid Gram stain was negative. D-lactate, salicylate and acetaminophen levels were undetectable. Thiamine pyrophosphate level was 229 nmol/L (reference range: 78-185 nmol/L). Acetaminophen was discontinued and N-acetylcysteine infusion was started for possible 5-oxoprolinemia. Her anion gap acidosis rapidly improved. Twelve hours after admission, she reported sudden onset of blurry vision. Her vital signs were: temperature 37oC, heart rate 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate 40 breaths per minute, blood pressure 168/90, and oxygen saturation 100% on ambient air. Telemetry showed ventricular bigeminy. On examination, she was unable to abduct her right eye; muscle strength was 1/5 in all extremities; biceps, ankle, and patellar reflexes were absent.  

Her neurological deficits have progressed over hours to near complete paralysis, asymmetric cranial nerve paresis, and areflexia. Although botulism can cause blurred vision and absent deep tendon reflexes, patients almost always have symmetrical bulbar findings followed by descending paralysis. Should the “numbness” in her arms reported earlier represent undetected sensory deficits, this, too would be inconsistent with botulism.

A diagnosis of GBS ties together several aspects of her presentation and clinical course. Several variants show different patterns of weakness and may involve cranial nerves. Her tachypnea and dyspnea are concerning signs of potential impending respiratory failure. The ventricular bigeminy and mild hypertension could represent autonomic dysfunction that is seen in many cases of GBS.

She was intubated for airway protection. Computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance imaging of her brain were normal. Cerebral spinal fluid analysis obtained through lumbar puncture showed the following: white blood cell count 3/μL, red blood cell count 11/μL, protein 63 mg/dL (reference range: 15-60mg/dL), and glucose 128 mg/dL (reference range: 40-80mg/dL).

The lumbar puncture is consistent with GBS given the slightly elevated protein and cell count well below 50/μL. Given the severity of her symptoms, treatment with IV immunoglobulin or plasmapheresis should be initiated. Nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) are indicated for diagnostic confirmation.

EMG and NCS revealed a severe sensorimotor polyneuropathy with demyelinating features including a conduction block at a noncompressible site, consistent with AIDP. Left sural nerve biopsy confirmed acute demyelinating and mild axonal neuropathy (Figure 2). On hospital day 2, treatment with IV immunoglobulins (IVIG) was initiated; however, she developed anaphylaxis following her second administration and subsequently received plasmapheresis. A tracheostomy was performed for respiratory muscle weakness, and she was discharged to a nursing facility. C. botulinum cultures from the wound eventually returned negative. Following her hospitalization, a serum 5-oxoproline level sent 10 hours after admission returned as elevated, confirming the additional diagnosis of 5-oxoprolinemia. On follow-up, she can sit up and feed herself without assistance, and her gait continues to improve with physical therapy.

Sural nerve biopsy
Figure 2


This patient presented with rapidly progressive weakness that developed in the 2 weeks following bariatric surgery. In the postsurgical setting, patient complaints of weakness are commonly encountered and can pose a diagnostic challenge. Asthenia (ie, general loss of strength or energy) is frequently reported in the immediate postoperative period, and may result from the stress of surgery, pain, deconditioning, or infection. This must be distinguished from true neurologic weakness, which results from dysfunction of the brain, spinal cord, nerve, neuromuscular junction, or muscle. The initial history can help elucidate the inciting events such as preceding surgery, infections or ingestions, and can also categorize the pattern of weakness. The neurologic examination can localize the pathology within the neuraxis. EMG and NCS can distinguish neuropathy from radiculopathy, and categorize the process as axonal, demyelinating, or mixed. In this case, the oculomotor weakness, sensory abnormalities and areflexia signaled a severe sensorimotor polyneuropathy, and EMG/NCS confirmed a demyelinating process consistent with GBS.

Guillain-Barré syndrome is an acute, immune-mediated polyneuropathy. Patients with GBS often present with a preceding respiratory or diarrheal illness; however, the stress of a recent surgery can serve as an inciting event. The syndrome, acute postgastric reduction surgery (APGARS) neuropathy, was introduced in the literature in 2002, describing 3 patients who presented with progressive vomiting, weakness, and hyporeflexia following bariatric surgery.1 The term has been used to describe bariatric surgery patients who developed postoperative quadriparesis, cranial nerve deficits, and respiratory compromise.2 Given the clinical heterogeneity in the literature with relation to APGARS, it is probable that the cases described could result from multiple etiologies. While GBS is purely immune-mediated and can be precipitated by the stress of surgery itself, postbariatric surgery patients are susceptible to many nutritional deficiencies that can lead to similar presentations.3 For example, thiamine (vitamin B1) and cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiencies cause distinct postbariatric surgery neuropathies.4 Thiamine deficiency may manifest weeks to months after surgery and can rapidly progress, whereas cobalamin deficiency generally develops over 3 to 5 years. Both of these syndromes demonstrate an axonal pattern of nerve injury on EMG/NCS, in contrast to the demyelinating pattern typically seen in GBS. In addition, bariatric surgery patients are at higher risk for copper deficiency, which usually presents as a myeloneuropathy with subacute gait decline and upper motor neuron signs including spasticity.

Although GBS classically presents with symmetric ascending weakness and sensory abnormalities, it may manifest in myriad ways. Factors influencing the presentation include the types of nerve fibers involved (motor, sensory, cranial or autonomic), the predominant mode of injury (axonal vs demyelinating), and the presence or absence of alteration in consciousness.5 The most common form of GBS is AIDP. The classic presentation involves paresthesias in the fingertips and toes followed by lower extremity weakness that ascends over hours to days to involve the arms and potentially the muscles of respiration. A minority of patients with GBS first experience weakness in the upper extremities or facial muscles, and oculomotor involvement is rare.5 Pain is common and often severe.6 Dysautonomia affects most patients with GBS and may manifest as labile blood pressure or arrhythmias.5 Several variant GBS presentation patterns have been described, including acute motor axonal neuropathy, a pure motor form of GBS; ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and areflexia in Miller Fisher syndrome; and alteration in consciousness, hyperreflexia, ataxia, and ophthalmoparesis in Bickerstaff’s brain stem encephalitis.5

Patients with GBS can progress rapidly to respiratory failure. Serial neurologic exams may signal the diagnosis and inform triage to the appropriate level of care. Measurement of bedside pulmonary function, including mean inspiratory force and functional vital capacity, help to determine if there is weakness of diaphragmatic muscles. Patients with signs or symptoms of diaphragmatic weakness require monitoring in an intensive care unit and potentially early intubation. Treatment with IVIG or plasmapheresis has been found to hasten recovery from GBS, including earlier improvement in muscle strength and a reduced need for mechanical ventilation.7 Treatment selection is based on available resources as both modalities are felt to be equivalent.The majority of patients with GBS make a full recovery over a period of weeks to months, although many have persistent motor weakness. Despite immunotherapy, up to 20% of patients remain severely disabled and approximately 5% die.8 Advanced age, rapid progression of weakness over a period of less than 72 hours, need for mechanical ventilation, and absent compound muscle action potentials on NCS are all associated with prolonged and incomplete recovery.9

This patient developed respiratory failure within 12 hours of hospitalization, prior to being diagnosed with GBS. Even in that short time, the treating clinicians encountered a series of clinical diversions. The initial proximal pattern of muscle weakness suggested a possible myopathic process; the wound infection introduced the possibility of botulism; obesity and recent bariatric surgery triggered concern for thiamine deficiency; and the anion gap acidosis from 5-oxoprolinemia created yet another clinical detour. While the path from presentation to diagnosis is seldom a straight line, when faced with rapidly progressive weakness, it is paramount to forge ahead with an efficient diagnostic evaluation and timely therapeutic intervention.




  • A complaint of general weakness requires distinction between asthenia (ie, general loss of strength or energy) and true neuromuscular weakness from dysfunction of the brain, spinal cord, nerve, neuromuscular junction, and/or muscle.
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome may present in a variety of atypical fashions not limited to ascending, distally predominant weakness.
  • Acute postgastric reduction surgery neuropathy should be considered in patients presenting with weakness, vomiting, or hyporeflexia after bariatric surgery.
  • Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy may rapidly progress to respiratory failure, and warrants serial neurologic examinations, monitoring of pulmonary function, and an expedited diagnostic evaluation.


Nothing to report.


1. Akhtar M, Collins MP, Kissel JT. Acute postgastric reduction surgery (APGARS) Neuropathy: A polynutritional, multisystem disorder. Neurology. 2002;58:A68. PubMed
2. Chang CG, Adams-Huet B, Provost DA. Acute post-gastric reduction surgery (APGARS) neuropathy. Obes Surg. 2004;14(2):182-189. PubMed
3. Chang CG, Helling TS, Black WE, Rymer MM. Weakness after gastric bypass. Obes Surg. 2002;12(4):592-597. PubMed
4. Shankar P, Boylan M, Sriram K. Micronutrient deficiencies after bariatric surgery. Nutrition. 2010;26(11-12):1031-1037. PubMed
5. Dimachkie MM, Barohn RJ. Guillain-Barré syndrome and variants. Neurol Clin. 2013;31(2):491-510. PubMed
6. Ruts L, Drenthen J, Jongen JL, et al. Pain in Guillain-Barré syndrome: a long-term follow-up study. Neurology. 2010;75(16):1439-1447. PubMed
7. Hughes RAC, Wijdicks EFM, Barohn R, et al: Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Practice parameter: immunotherapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome: report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2003;61:736-740. PubMed
8. Hughes RA, Swan AV, Raphaël JC, Annane D, van Koningsveld R, van Doorn PA. Immunotherapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome: a systematic review. Brain. 2007;130(Pt 9):2245-2257. PubMed
9. Rajabally YA, Uncini A. Outcome and predictors in Guillain-Barré syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2012;83(7):711-718. PubMed


1. Akhtar M, Collins MP, Kissel JT. Acute postgastric reduction surgery (APGARS) Neuropathy: A polynutritional, multisystem disorder. Neurology. 2002;58:A68. PubMed
2. Chang CG, Adams-Huet B, Provost DA. Acute post-gastric reduction surgery (APGARS) neuropathy. Obes Surg. 2004;14(2):182-189. PubMed
3. Chang CG, Helling TS, Black WE, Rymer MM. Weakness after gastric bypass. Obes Surg. 2002;12(4):592-597. PubMed
4. Shankar P, Boylan M, Sriram K. Micronutrient deficiencies after bariatric surgery. Nutrition. 2010;26(11-12):1031-1037. PubMed
5. Dimachkie MM, Barohn RJ. Guillain-Barré syndrome and variants. Neurol Clin. 2013;31(2):491-510. PubMed
6. Ruts L, Drenthen J, Jongen JL, et al. Pain in Guillain-Barré syndrome: a long-term follow-up study. Neurology. 2010;75(16):1439-1447. PubMed
7. Hughes RAC, Wijdicks EFM, Barohn R, et al: Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Practice parameter: immunotherapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome: report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2003;61:736-740. PubMed
8. Hughes RA, Swan AV, Raphaël JC, Annane D, van Koningsveld R, van Doorn PA. Immunotherapy for Guillain-Barré syndrome: a systematic review. Brain. 2007;130(Pt 9):2245-2257. PubMed
9. Rajabally YA, Uncini A. Outcome and predictors in Guillain-Barré syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2012;83(7):711-718. PubMed

Journal of Hospital Medicine - 12(3)
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Standardized attending rounds to improve the patient experience: A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

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Fri, 12/14/2018 - 08:29
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Standardized attending rounds to improve the patient experience: A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

Patient experience has recently received heightened attention given evidence supporting an association between patient experience and quality of care,1 and the coupling of patient satisfaction to reimbursement rates for Medicare patients.2 Patient experience is often assessed through surveys of patient satisfaction, which correlates with patient perceptions of nurse and physician communication.3 Teaching hospitals introduce variables that may impact communication, including the involvement of multiple levels of care providers and competing patient care vs. educational priorities. Patients admitted to teaching services express decreased satisfaction with coordination and overall care compared with patients on nonteaching services.4

Clinical supervision of trainees on teaching services is primarily achieved through attending rounds (AR), where patients’ clinical presentations and management are discussed with an attending physician. Poor communication during AR may negatively affect the patient experience through inefficient care coordination among the inter-professional care team or through implementation of interventions without patients’ knowledge or input.5-11 Although patient engagement in rounds has been associated with higher patient satisfaction with rounds,12-19 AR and case presentations often occur at a distance from the patient’s bedside.20,21 Furthermore, AR vary in the time allotted per patient and the extent of participation of nurses and other allied health professionals. Standardized bedside rounding processes have been shown to improve efficiency, decrease daily resident work hours,22 and improve nurse-physician teamwork.23

Despite these benefits, recent prospective studies of bedside AR interventions have not improved patient satisfaction with rounds. One involved the implementation of interprofessional patient-centered bedside rounds on a nonteaching service,24 while the other evaluated the impact of integrating athletic principles into multidisciplinary work rounds.25 Work at our institution had sought to develop AR practice recommendations to foster an optimal patient experience, while maintaining provider workflow efficiency, facilitating interdisciplinary communication, and advancing trainee education.26 Using these AR recommendations, we conducted a prospective randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impact of implementing a standardized bedside AR model on patient satisfaction with rounds. We also assessed attending physician and trainee satisfaction with rounds, and perceived and actual AR duration.


Setting and Participants

This trial was conducted on the internal medicine teaching service of the University of California San Francisco Medical Center from September 3, 2013 to November 27, 2013. The service is comprised of 8 teams, with a total average daily census of 80 to 90 patients. Teams are comprised of an attending physician, a senior resident (in the second or third year of residency training), 2 interns, and a third- and/or fourth-year medical student.



This trial, which was approved by the University of California, San Francisco Committee on Human Research (UCSF CHR) and was registered with (NCT01931553), was classified under Quality Improvement and did not require informed consent of patients or providers.

Intervention Description

We conducted a cluster randomized trial to evaluate the impact of a bundled set of 5 AR practice recommendations, adapted from published work,26 on patient experience, as well as on attending and trainee satisfaction: 1) huddling to establish the rounding schedule and priorities; 2) conducting bedside rounds; 3) integrating bedside nurses; 4) completing real-time order entry using bedside computers; 5) updating the whiteboard in each patient’s room with care plan information.

At the beginning of each month, study investigators (Nader Najafi and Bradley Monash) led a 1.5-hour workshop to train attending physicians and trainees allocated to the intervention arm on the recommended AR practices. Participants also received informational handouts to be referenced during AR. Attending physicians and trainees randomized to the control arm continued usual rounding practices. Control teams were notified that there would be observers on rounds but were not informed of the study aims.

Randomization and Team Assignments

The medicine service was divided into 2 arms, each comprised of 4 teams. Using a coin flip, Cluster 1 (Teams A, B, C and D) was randomized to the intervention, and Cluster 2 (Teams E, F, G and H) was randomized to the control. This design was pragmatically chosen to ensure that 1 team from each arm would admit patients daily. Allocation concealment of attending physicians and trainees was not possible given the nature of the intervention. Patients were blinded to study arm allocation.


Adherence to Practice Recommendations

Thirty premedical students served as volunteer AR auditors. Each auditor received orientation and training in data collection techniques during a single 2-hour workshop. The auditors, blinded to study arm allocation, independently observed morning AR during weekdays and recorded the completion of the following elements as a dichotomous (yes/no) outcome: pre-rounds huddle, participation of nurse in AR, real-time order entry, and whiteboard use. They recorded the duration of AR per day for each team (minutes) and the rounding model for each patient rounding encounter during AR (bedside, hallway, or card flip).23 Bedside rounds were defined as presentation and discussion of the patient care plan in the presence of the patient. Hallway rounds were defined as presentation and discussion of the patient care plan partially outside the patient’s room and partially in the presence of the patient. Card-flip rounds were defined as presentation and discussion of the patient care plan entirely outside of the patient’s room without the team seeing the patient together. Two auditors simultaneously observed a random subset of patient-rounding encounters to evaluate inter-rater reliability, and the concordance between auditor observations was good (Pearson correlation = 0.66).27

Patient-Related Outcomes

The primary outcome was patient satisfaction with AR, assessed using a survey adapted from published work.12,14,28,29 Patients were approached to complete the questionnaire after they had experienced at least 1 AR. Patients were excluded if they were non-English-speaking, unavailable (eg, off the unit for testing or treatment), in isolation, or had impaired mental status. For patients admitted multiple times during the study period, only the first questionnaire was used. Survey questions included patient involvement in decision-making, quality of communication between patient and medicine team, and the perception that the medicine team cared about the patient. Patients were asked to state their level of agreement with each item on a 5-point Likert scale. We obtained data on patient demographics from administrative datasets.

Healthcare Provider Outcomes

Attending physicians and trainees on service for at least 7 consecutive days were sent an electronic survey, adapted from published work.25,30 Questions assessed satisfaction with AR, perceived value of bedside rounds, and extent of patient and nursing involvement.Level of agreement with each item was captured on a continuous scale; 0 = strongly disagree to 100 = strongly agree, or from 0 (far too little) to 100 (far too much), with 50 equating to “about right.” Attending physicians and trainees were also asked to estimate the average duration of AR (in minutes).

Statistical Analyses

Analyses were blinded to study arm allocation and followed intention-to-treat principles. One attending physician crossed over from intervention to control arm; patient surveys associated with this attending (n = 4) were excluded to avoid contamination. No trainees crossed over.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who completed the survey are reported (Appendix). To compare patient satisfaction scores, we used a random-effects regression model to account for correlation among responses within teams within randomized clusters, defining teams by attending physician. As this correlation was negligible and not statistically significant, we did not adjust ordinary linear regression models for clustering. Given observed differences in patient characteristics, we adjusted for a number of covariates (eg, age, gender, insurance payer, race, marital status, trial group arm).

We conducted simple linear regression for attending and trainee satisfaction comparisons between arms, adjusting only for trainee type (eg, resident, intern, and medical student).

We compared the frequency with which intervention and control teams adhered to the 5 recommended AR practices using chi-square tests. We used independent Student’s t tests to compare total duration of AR by teams within each arm, as well as mean time spent per patient.

This trial had a fixed number of arms (n = 2), each of fixed size (n = 600), based on the average monthly inpatient census on the medicine service. This fixed sample size, with 80% power and α = 0.05, will be able to detect a 0.16 difference in patient satisfaction scores between groups.

All analyses were conducted using SAS® v 9.4 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC).




We observed 241 AR involving 1855 patient rounding encounters in the intervention arm and 264 AR involving 1903 patient rounding encounters in the control arm (response rates shown in Figure 1).

Study flow diagram
Figure 1
Intervention teams adopted each of the recommended AR practices at significantly higher rates compared to control teams, with the largest difference occurring for AR occurring at the bedside (52.9% vs. 5.4%; Figure 2).
Prevalence of recommended rounding practices
Figure 2
Teams in the intervention arm demonstrated highest adherence to the pre-rounds huddle (78.1%) and lowest adherence to whiteboard use (29.9%).

Patient Satisfaction and Clinical Outcomes

Five hundred ninety-five patients were allocated to the intervention arm and 605 were allocated to the control arm (Figure 1). Mean age, gender, race, marital status, primary language, and insurance provider did not differ between intervention and control arms (Table 1).

Hospitalized Patient Characteristics by Intervention and Control Arms
Table 1
One hundred forty-six (24.5%) and 141 (23.3%) patients completed surveys in the intervention and control arms, respectively. Patients who completed surveys in each arm were younger and more likely to have commercial insurance (Appendix).

Patients in the intervention arm reported significantly higher satisfaction with AR and felt more cared for by their medicine team (Table 2).
Patient, Attending, and Trainee Satisfaction by Randomized Arm
Table 2
Patient-perceived quality of communication and shared decision-making did not differ between arms.

Actual and Perceived Duration of Attending Rounds

The intervention shortened the total duration of AR by 8 minutes on average (143 vs. 151 minutes, P = 0.052) and the time spent per patient by 4 minutes on average (19 vs. 23 minutes, P < 0.001). Despite this, trainees in the intervention arm perceived AR to last longer (mean estimated time: 167 min vs. 152 min, P < 0.001).

Healthcare Provider Outcomes

We observed 79 attending physicians and trainees in the intervention arm and 78 in the control arm, with survey response rates shown in Figure 1. Attending physicians in the intervention and the control arms reported high levels of satisfaction with the quality of AR (Table 2). Attending physicians in the intervention arm were more likely to report an appropriate level of patient involvement and nurse involvement.

Although trainees in the intervention and control arms reported high levels of satisfaction with the quality of AR, trainees in the intervention arm reported lower satisfaction with AR compared with control arm trainees (Table 2). Trainees in the intervention arm reported that AR involved less autonomy, efficiency, and teaching. Trainees in the intervention arm also scored patient involvement more towards the “far too much” end of the scale compared with “about right” in the control arm. However, trainees in the intervention arm perceived nurse involvement closer to “about right,” as opposed to “far too little” in the control arm.


Training internal medicine teams to adhere to 5 recommended AR practices increased patient satisfaction with AR and the perception that patients were more cared for by their medicine team. Despite the intervention potentially shortening the duration of AR, attending physicians and trainees perceived AR to last longer, and trainee satisfaction with AR decreased.

Teams in the intervention arm adhered to all recommended rounding practices at higher rates than the control teams. Although intervention teams rounded at the bedside 53% of the time, they were encouraged to bedside round only on patients who desired to participate in rounds, were not altered, and for whom the clinical discussion was not too sensitive to occur at the bedside. Of the recommended rounding behaviors, the lowest adherence was seen with whiteboard use.

A major component of the intervention was to move the clinical presentation to the patient’s bedside. Most patients prefer being included in rounds and partaking in trainee education.12-19,28,29,31-33 Patients may also perceive that more time is spent with them during bedside case presentations,14,28 and exposure to providers conferring on their care may enhance patient confidence in the care being delivered.12 Although a recent study of patient-centered bedside rounding on a nonteaching service did not result in increased patient satisfaction,24 teaching services may offer more opportunities for improvement in care coordination and communication.4

Other aspects of the intervention may have contributed to increased patient satisfaction with AR. The pre-rounds huddle may have helped teams prioritize which patients required more time or would benefit most from bedside rounds. The involvement of nurses in AR may have bolstered communication and team dynamics, enhancing the patient’s perception of interprofessional collaboration. Real-time order entry might have led to more efficient implementation of the care plan, and whiteboard use may have helped to keep patients abreast of the care plan.

Patients in the intervention arm felt more cared for by their medicine teams but did not report improvements in communication or in shared decision-making. Prior work highlights that limited patient engagement, activation, and shared decision-making may occur during AR.24,34 Patient-physician communication during AR is challenged by time pressures and competing priorities, including the “need” for trainees to demonstrate their medical knowledge and clinical skills. Efforts that encourage bedside rounding should include communication training with respect to patient engagement and shared decision-making.

Attending physicians reported positive attitudes toward bedside rounding, consistent with prior studies.13,21,31 However, trainees in the intervention arm expressed decreased satisfaction with AR, estimating that AR took longer and reporting too much patient involvement. Prior studies reflect similar bedside-rounding concerns, including perceived workflow inefficiencies, infringement on teaching opportunities, and time constraints.12,20,35 Trainees are under intense time pressures to complete their work, attend educational conferences, and leave the hospital to attend afternoon clinic or to comply with duty-hour restrictions. Trainees value succinctness,12,35,36 so the perception that intervention AR lasted longer likely contributed to trainee dissatisfaction.

Reduced trainee satisfaction with intervention AR may have also stemmed from the perception of decreased autonomy and less teaching, both valued by trainees.20,35,36 The intervention itself reduced trainee autonomy because usual practice at our hospital involves residents deciding where and how to round. Attending physician presence at the bedside during rounds may have further infringed on trainee autonomy if the patient looked to the attending for answers, or if the attending was seen as the AR leader. Attending physicians may mitigate the risk of compromising trainee autonomy by allowing the trainee to speak first, ensuring the trainee is positioned closer to, and at eye level with, the patient, and redirecting patient questions to the trainee as appropriate. Optimizing trainee experience with bedside AR requires preparation and training of attending physicians, who may feel inadequately prepared to lead bedside rounds and conduct bedside teaching.37 Faculty must learn how to preserve team efficiency, create a safe, nonpunitive bedside environment that fosters the trainee-patient relationship, and ensure rounds remain educational.36,38,39

The intervention reduced the average time spent on AR and time spent per patient. Studies examining the relationship between bedside rounding and duration of rounds have yielded mixed results: some have demonstrated no effect of bedside rounds on rounding time,28,40 while others report longer rounding times.37 The pre-rounds huddle and real-time order writing may have enhanced workflow efficiency.

Our study has several limitations. These results reflect the experience of a single large academic medical center and may not be generalizable to other settings. Although overall patient response to the survey was low and may not be representative of the entire patient population, response rates in the intervention and control arms were equivalent. Non-English speaking patients may have preferences that were not reflected in our survey results, and we did not otherwise quantify individual reasons for survey noncompletion. The presence of auditors on AR may have introduced observer bias. There may have been crossover effect; however, observed prevalence of individual practices remained low in the control arm. The 1.5-hour workshop may have inadequately equipped trainees with the complex skills required to lead and participate in bedside rounding, and more training, experience, and feedback may have yielded different results. For instance, residents with more exposure to bedside rounding express greater appreciation of its role in education and patient care.20 While adherence to some of the recommended practices remained low, we did not employ a full range of change-management techniques. Instead, we opted for a “low intensity” intervention (eg, single workshop, handouts) that relied on voluntary adoption by medicine teams and that we hoped other institutions could reproduce. Finally, we did not assess the relative impact of individual rounding behaviors on the measured outcomes.

In conclusion, training medicine teams to adhere to a standardized bedside AR model increased patient satisfaction with rounds. Concomitant trainee dissatisfaction may require further experience and training of attending physicians and trainees to ensure successful adoption.




We would like to thank all patients, providers, and trainees who participated in this study. We would also like to acknowledge the following volunteer auditors who observed teams daily: Arianna Abundo, Elahhe Afkhamnejad, Yolanda Banuelos, Laila Fozoun, Soe Yupar Khin, Tam Thien Le, Wing Sum Li, Yaqiao Li, Mengyao Liu, Tzyy-Harn Lo, Shynh-Herng Lo, David Lowe, Danoush Paborji, Sa Nan Park, Urmila Powale, Redha Fouad Qabazard, Monique Quiroz, John-Luke Marcelo Rivera, Manfred Roy Luna Salvador, Tobias Gowen Squier-Roper, Flora Yan Ting, Francesca Natasha T. Tizon, Emily Claire Trautner, Stephen Weiner, Alice Wilson, Kimberly Woo, Bingling J Wu, Johnny Wu, Brenda Yee. Statistical expertise was provided by Joan Hilton from the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), which is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, through UCSF-CTSI Grant Number UL1 TR000004. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH. Thanks also to Oralia Schatzman, Andrea Mazzini, and Erika Huie for their administrative support, and John Hillman for data-related support. Special thanks to Kirsten Kangelaris and Andrew Auerbach for their valuable feedback throughout, and to Maria Novelero and Robert Wachter for their divisional support of this project. 


The authors report no financial conflicts of interest.


1. Doyle C, Lennox L, Bell D. A systematic review of evidence on the links between patient experience and clinical safety and effectiveness. BMJ Open. 2013;3(1):1-18. PubMed
2. Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Fact Sheet. August 2013. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Baltimore, MD. Accessed December 1, 2015.
3. Boulding W, Glickman SW, Manary MP, Schulman KA, Staelin R. Relationship between patient satisfaction with inpatient care and hospital readmission within 30 days. Am J Manag Care. 2011;17:41-48. PubMed

4. Wray CM, Flores A, Padula WV, Prochaska MT, Meltzer DO, Arora VM. Measuring patient experiences on hospitalist and teaching services: Patient responses to a 30-day postdischarge questionnaire. J Hosp Med. 2016;11(2):99-104. PubMed
5. Bharwani AM, Harris GC, Southwick FS. Perspective: A business school view of medical interprofessional rounds: transforming rounding groups into rounding teams. Acad Med. 2012;87(12):1768-1771. PubMed
6. Chand DV. Observational study using the tools of lean six sigma to improve the efficiency of the resident rounding process. J Grad Med Educ. 2011;3(2):144-150. PubMed

7. Stickrath C, Noble M, Prochazka A, et al. Attending rounds in the current era: what is and is not happening. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(12):1084-1089. PubMed
8. Weber H, Stöckli M, Nübling M, Langewitz WA. Communication during ward rounds in internal medicine. An analysis of patient-nurse-physician interactions using RIAS. Patient Educ Couns. 2007;67(3):343-348. PubMed
9. McMahon GT, Katz JT, Thorndike ME, Levy BD, Loscalzo J. Evaluation of a redesign initiative in an internal-medicine residency. N Engl J Med. 2010;362(14):1304-1311. PubMed

10. Amoss J. Attending rounds: where do we go from here?: comment on “Attending rounds in the current era”. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(12):1089-1090. PubMed
11. Curley C, McEachern JE, Speroff T. A firm trial of interdisciplinary rounds on the inpatient medical wards: an intervention designed using continuous quality improvement. Med Care. 1998;36(suppl 8):AS4-A12. PubMed
12. Wang-Cheng RM, Barnas GP, Sigmann P, Riendl PA, Young MJ. Bedside case presentations: why patients like them but learners don’t. J Gen Intern Med. 1989;4(4):284-287. PubMed

13. Chauke, HL, Pattinson RC. Ward rounds—bedside or conference room? S Afr Med J. 2006;96(5):398-400. PubMed
14. Lehmann LS, Brancati FL, Chen MC, Roter D, Dobs AS. The effect of bedside case presentations on patients’ perceptions of their medical care. N Engl J Med. 1997;336(16):336, 1150-1155. PubMed
15. Simons RJ, Baily RG, Zelis R, Zwillich CW. The physiologic and psychological effects of the bedside presentation. N Engl J Med. 1989;321(18):1273-1275. PubMed

16. Wise TN, Feldheim D, Mann LS, Boyle E, Rustgi VK. Patients’ reactions to house staff work rounds. Psychosomatics. 1985;26(8):669-672. PubMed
17. Linfors EW, Neelon FA. Sounding Boards. The case of bedside rounds. N Engl J Med. 1980;303(21):1230-1233. PubMed
18. Nair BR, Coughlan JL, Hensley MJ. Student and patient perspectives on bedside teaching. Med Educ. 1997;31(5):341-346. PubMed

19. Romano J. Patients’ attitudes and behavior in ward round teaching. JAMA. 1941;117(9):664-667.
20. Gonzalo JD, Masters PA, Simons RJ, Chuang CH. Attending rounds and bedside case presentations: medical student and medicine resident experiences and attitudes. Teach Learn Med. 2009;21(2):105-110. PubMed
21. Shoeb M, Khanna R, Fang M, et al. Internal medicine rounding practices and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education core competencies. J Hosp Med. 2014;9(4):239-243. PubMed

22. Calderon AS, Blackmore CC, Williams BL, et al. Transforming ward rounds through rounding-in-flow. J Grad Med Educ. 2014;6(4):750-755. PubMed
23. Henkin S, Chon TY, Christopherson ML, Halvorsen AJ, Worden LM, Ratelle JT. Improving nurse-physician teamwork through interprofessional bedside rounding. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2016;9:201-205. PubMed
24. O’Leary KJ, Killarney A, Hansen LO, et al. Effect of patient-centred bedside rounds on hospitalised patients’ decision control, activation and satisfaction with care. BMJ Qual Saf. 2016;25:921-928. PubMed

25. Southwick F, Lewis M, Treloar D, et al. Applying athletic principles to medical rounds to improve teaching and patient care. Acad Med. 2014;89(7):1018-1023. PubMed
26. Najafi N, Monash B, Mourad M, et al. Improving attending rounds: Qualitative reflections from multidisciplinary providers. Hosp Pract (1995). 2015;43(3):186-190. PubMed
27. Altman DG. Practical Statistics For Medical Research. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC; 2006.

28. Gonzalo JD, Chuang CH, Huang G, Smith C. The return of bedside rounds: an educational intervention. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(8):792-798. PubMed
29. Fletcher KE, Rankey DS, Stern DT. Bedside interactions from the other side of the bedrail. J Gen Intern Med. 2005;20(1):58-61. PubMed

30. Gatorounds: Applying Championship Athletic Principles to Healthcare. University of Florida Health. Accessed March 1, 2013.
31. Gonzalo JD, Heist BS, Duffy BL, et al. The value of bedside rounds: a multicenter qualitative study. Teach Learn Med. 2013;25(4):326-333. PubMed
32. Rogers HD, Carline JD, Paauw DS. Examination room presentations in general internal medicine clinic: patients’ and students’ perceptions. Acad Med. 2003;78(9):945-949. PubMed



33. Fletcher KE, Furney SL, Stern DT. Patients speak: what’s really important about bedside interactions with physician teams. Teach Learn Med. 2007;19(2):120-127. PubMed
34. Satterfield JM, Bereknyei S, Hilton JF, et al. The prevalence of social and behavioral topics and related educational opportunities during attending rounds. Acad Med. 2014; 89(11):1548-1557. PubMed
35. Kroenke K, Simmons JO, Copley JB, Smith C. Attending rounds: a survey of physician attitudes. J Gen Intern Med. 1990;5(3):229-233. PubMed

36. Castiglioni A, Shewchuk RM, Willett LL, Heudebert GR, Centor RM. A pilot study using nominal group technique to assess residents’ perceptions of successful attending rounds. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(7):1060-1065. PubMed
37. Crumlish CM, Yialamas MA, McMahon GT. Quantification of bedside teaching by an academic hospitalist group. J Hosp Med. 2009;4(5):304-307. PubMed
38. Gonzalo JD, Wolpaw DR, Lehman E, Chuang CH. Patient-centered interprofessional collaborative care: factors associated with bedside interprofessional rounds. J Gen Intern Med. 2014;29(7):1040-1047. PubMed

39. Roy B, Castiglioni A, Kraemer RR, et al. Using cognitive mapping to define key domains for successful attending rounds. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(11):1492-1498. PubMed
40. Bhansali P, Birch S, Campbell JK, et al. A time-motion study of inpatient rounds using a family-centered rounds model. Hosp Pediatr. 2013;3(1):31-38. PubMed

Article PDF
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 12(3)
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Patient experience has recently received heightened attention given evidence supporting an association between patient experience and quality of care,1 and the coupling of patient satisfaction to reimbursement rates for Medicare patients.2 Patient experience is often assessed through surveys of patient satisfaction, which correlates with patient perceptions of nurse and physician communication.3 Teaching hospitals introduce variables that may impact communication, including the involvement of multiple levels of care providers and competing patient care vs. educational priorities. Patients admitted to teaching services express decreased satisfaction with coordination and overall care compared with patients on nonteaching services.4

Clinical supervision of trainees on teaching services is primarily achieved through attending rounds (AR), where patients’ clinical presentations and management are discussed with an attending physician. Poor communication during AR may negatively affect the patient experience through inefficient care coordination among the inter-professional care team or through implementation of interventions without patients’ knowledge or input.5-11 Although patient engagement in rounds has been associated with higher patient satisfaction with rounds,12-19 AR and case presentations often occur at a distance from the patient’s bedside.20,21 Furthermore, AR vary in the time allotted per patient and the extent of participation of nurses and other allied health professionals. Standardized bedside rounding processes have been shown to improve efficiency, decrease daily resident work hours,22 and improve nurse-physician teamwork.23

Despite these benefits, recent prospective studies of bedside AR interventions have not improved patient satisfaction with rounds. One involved the implementation of interprofessional patient-centered bedside rounds on a nonteaching service,24 while the other evaluated the impact of integrating athletic principles into multidisciplinary work rounds.25 Work at our institution had sought to develop AR practice recommendations to foster an optimal patient experience, while maintaining provider workflow efficiency, facilitating interdisciplinary communication, and advancing trainee education.26 Using these AR recommendations, we conducted a prospective randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impact of implementing a standardized bedside AR model on patient satisfaction with rounds. We also assessed attending physician and trainee satisfaction with rounds, and perceived and actual AR duration.


Setting and Participants

This trial was conducted on the internal medicine teaching service of the University of California San Francisco Medical Center from September 3, 2013 to November 27, 2013. The service is comprised of 8 teams, with a total average daily census of 80 to 90 patients. Teams are comprised of an attending physician, a senior resident (in the second or third year of residency training), 2 interns, and a third- and/or fourth-year medical student.



This trial, which was approved by the University of California, San Francisco Committee on Human Research (UCSF CHR) and was registered with (NCT01931553), was classified under Quality Improvement and did not require informed consent of patients or providers.

Intervention Description

We conducted a cluster randomized trial to evaluate the impact of a bundled set of 5 AR practice recommendations, adapted from published work,26 on patient experience, as well as on attending and trainee satisfaction: 1) huddling to establish the rounding schedule and priorities; 2) conducting bedside rounds; 3) integrating bedside nurses; 4) completing real-time order entry using bedside computers; 5) updating the whiteboard in each patient’s room with care plan information.

At the beginning of each month, study investigators (Nader Najafi and Bradley Monash) led a 1.5-hour workshop to train attending physicians and trainees allocated to the intervention arm on the recommended AR practices. Participants also received informational handouts to be referenced during AR. Attending physicians and trainees randomized to the control arm continued usual rounding practices. Control teams were notified that there would be observers on rounds but were not informed of the study aims.

Randomization and Team Assignments

The medicine service was divided into 2 arms, each comprised of 4 teams. Using a coin flip, Cluster 1 (Teams A, B, C and D) was randomized to the intervention, and Cluster 2 (Teams E, F, G and H) was randomized to the control. This design was pragmatically chosen to ensure that 1 team from each arm would admit patients daily. Allocation concealment of attending physicians and trainees was not possible given the nature of the intervention. Patients were blinded to study arm allocation.


Adherence to Practice Recommendations

Thirty premedical students served as volunteer AR auditors. Each auditor received orientation and training in data collection techniques during a single 2-hour workshop. The auditors, blinded to study arm allocation, independently observed morning AR during weekdays and recorded the completion of the following elements as a dichotomous (yes/no) outcome: pre-rounds huddle, participation of nurse in AR, real-time order entry, and whiteboard use. They recorded the duration of AR per day for each team (minutes) and the rounding model for each patient rounding encounter during AR (bedside, hallway, or card flip).23 Bedside rounds were defined as presentation and discussion of the patient care plan in the presence of the patient. Hallway rounds were defined as presentation and discussion of the patient care plan partially outside the patient’s room and partially in the presence of the patient. Card-flip rounds were defined as presentation and discussion of the patient care plan entirely outside of the patient’s room without the team seeing the patient together. Two auditors simultaneously observed a random subset of patient-rounding encounters to evaluate inter-rater reliability, and the concordance between auditor observations was good (Pearson correlation = 0.66).27

Patient-Related Outcomes

The primary outcome was patient satisfaction with AR, assessed using a survey adapted from published work.12,14,28,29 Patients were approached to complete the questionnaire after they had experienced at least 1 AR. Patients were excluded if they were non-English-speaking, unavailable (eg, off the unit for testing or treatment), in isolation, or had impaired mental status. For patients admitted multiple times during the study period, only the first questionnaire was used. Survey questions included patient involvement in decision-making, quality of communication between patient and medicine team, and the perception that the medicine team cared about the patient. Patients were asked to state their level of agreement with each item on a 5-point Likert scale. We obtained data on patient demographics from administrative datasets.

Healthcare Provider Outcomes

Attending physicians and trainees on service for at least 7 consecutive days were sent an electronic survey, adapted from published work.25,30 Questions assessed satisfaction with AR, perceived value of bedside rounds, and extent of patient and nursing involvement.Level of agreement with each item was captured on a continuous scale; 0 = strongly disagree to 100 = strongly agree, or from 0 (far too little) to 100 (far too much), with 50 equating to “about right.” Attending physicians and trainees were also asked to estimate the average duration of AR (in minutes).

Statistical Analyses

Analyses were blinded to study arm allocation and followed intention-to-treat principles. One attending physician crossed over from intervention to control arm; patient surveys associated with this attending (n = 4) were excluded to avoid contamination. No trainees crossed over.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who completed the survey are reported (Appendix). To compare patient satisfaction scores, we used a random-effects regression model to account for correlation among responses within teams within randomized clusters, defining teams by attending physician. As this correlation was negligible and not statistically significant, we did not adjust ordinary linear regression models for clustering. Given observed differences in patient characteristics, we adjusted for a number of covariates (eg, age, gender, insurance payer, race, marital status, trial group arm).

We conducted simple linear regression for attending and trainee satisfaction comparisons between arms, adjusting only for trainee type (eg, resident, intern, and medical student).

We compared the frequency with which intervention and control teams adhered to the 5 recommended AR practices using chi-square tests. We used independent Student’s t tests to compare total duration of AR by teams within each arm, as well as mean time spent per patient.

This trial had a fixed number of arms (n = 2), each of fixed size (n = 600), based on the average monthly inpatient census on the medicine service. This fixed sample size, with 80% power and α = 0.05, will be able to detect a 0.16 difference in patient satisfaction scores between groups.

All analyses were conducted using SAS® v 9.4 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC).




We observed 241 AR involving 1855 patient rounding encounters in the intervention arm and 264 AR involving 1903 patient rounding encounters in the control arm (response rates shown in Figure 1).

Study flow diagram
Figure 1
Intervention teams adopted each of the recommended AR practices at significantly higher rates compared to control teams, with the largest difference occurring for AR occurring at the bedside (52.9% vs. 5.4%; Figure 2).
Prevalence of recommended rounding practices
Figure 2
Teams in the intervention arm demonstrated highest adherence to the pre-rounds huddle (78.1%) and lowest adherence to whiteboard use (29.9%).

Patient Satisfaction and Clinical Outcomes

Five hundred ninety-five patients were allocated to the intervention arm and 605 were allocated to the control arm (Figure 1). Mean age, gender, race, marital status, primary language, and insurance provider did not differ between intervention and control arms (Table 1).

Hospitalized Patient Characteristics by Intervention and Control Arms
Table 1
One hundred forty-six (24.5%) and 141 (23.3%) patients completed surveys in the intervention and control arms, respectively. Patients who completed surveys in each arm were younger and more likely to have commercial insurance (Appendix).

Patients in the intervention arm reported significantly higher satisfaction with AR and felt more cared for by their medicine team (Table 2).
Patient, Attending, and Trainee Satisfaction by Randomized Arm
Table 2
Patient-perceived quality of communication and shared decision-making did not differ between arms.

Actual and Perceived Duration of Attending Rounds

The intervention shortened the total duration of AR by 8 minutes on average (143 vs. 151 minutes, P = 0.052) and the time spent per patient by 4 minutes on average (19 vs. 23 minutes, P < 0.001). Despite this, trainees in the intervention arm perceived AR to last longer (mean estimated time: 167 min vs. 152 min, P < 0.001).

Healthcare Provider Outcomes

We observed 79 attending physicians and trainees in the intervention arm and 78 in the control arm, with survey response rates shown in Figure 1. Attending physicians in the intervention and the control arms reported high levels of satisfaction with the quality of AR (Table 2). Attending physicians in the intervention arm were more likely to report an appropriate level of patient involvement and nurse involvement.

Although trainees in the intervention and control arms reported high levels of satisfaction with the quality of AR, trainees in the intervention arm reported lower satisfaction with AR compared with control arm trainees (Table 2). Trainees in the intervention arm reported that AR involved less autonomy, efficiency, and teaching. Trainees in the intervention arm also scored patient involvement more towards the “far too much” end of the scale compared with “about right” in the control arm. However, trainees in the intervention arm perceived nurse involvement closer to “about right,” as opposed to “far too little” in the control arm.


Training internal medicine teams to adhere to 5 recommended AR practices increased patient satisfaction with AR and the perception that patients were more cared for by their medicine team. Despite the intervention potentially shortening the duration of AR, attending physicians and trainees perceived AR to last longer, and trainee satisfaction with AR decreased.

Teams in the intervention arm adhered to all recommended rounding practices at higher rates than the control teams. Although intervention teams rounded at the bedside 53% of the time, they were encouraged to bedside round only on patients who desired to participate in rounds, were not altered, and for whom the clinical discussion was not too sensitive to occur at the bedside. Of the recommended rounding behaviors, the lowest adherence was seen with whiteboard use.

A major component of the intervention was to move the clinical presentation to the patient’s bedside. Most patients prefer being included in rounds and partaking in trainee education.12-19,28,29,31-33 Patients may also perceive that more time is spent with them during bedside case presentations,14,28 and exposure to providers conferring on their care may enhance patient confidence in the care being delivered.12 Although a recent study of patient-centered bedside rounding on a nonteaching service did not result in increased patient satisfaction,24 teaching services may offer more opportunities for improvement in care coordination and communication.4

Other aspects of the intervention may have contributed to increased patient satisfaction with AR. The pre-rounds huddle may have helped teams prioritize which patients required more time or would benefit most from bedside rounds. The involvement of nurses in AR may have bolstered communication and team dynamics, enhancing the patient’s perception of interprofessional collaboration. Real-time order entry might have led to more efficient implementation of the care plan, and whiteboard use may have helped to keep patients abreast of the care plan.

Patients in the intervention arm felt more cared for by their medicine teams but did not report improvements in communication or in shared decision-making. Prior work highlights that limited patient engagement, activation, and shared decision-making may occur during AR.24,34 Patient-physician communication during AR is challenged by time pressures and competing priorities, including the “need” for trainees to demonstrate their medical knowledge and clinical skills. Efforts that encourage bedside rounding should include communication training with respect to patient engagement and shared decision-making.

Attending physicians reported positive attitudes toward bedside rounding, consistent with prior studies.13,21,31 However, trainees in the intervention arm expressed decreased satisfaction with AR, estimating that AR took longer and reporting too much patient involvement. Prior studies reflect similar bedside-rounding concerns, including perceived workflow inefficiencies, infringement on teaching opportunities, and time constraints.12,20,35 Trainees are under intense time pressures to complete their work, attend educational conferences, and leave the hospital to attend afternoon clinic or to comply with duty-hour restrictions. Trainees value succinctness,12,35,36 so the perception that intervention AR lasted longer likely contributed to trainee dissatisfaction.

Reduced trainee satisfaction with intervention AR may have also stemmed from the perception of decreased autonomy and less teaching, both valued by trainees.20,35,36 The intervention itself reduced trainee autonomy because usual practice at our hospital involves residents deciding where and how to round. Attending physician presence at the bedside during rounds may have further infringed on trainee autonomy if the patient looked to the attending for answers, or if the attending was seen as the AR leader. Attending physicians may mitigate the risk of compromising trainee autonomy by allowing the trainee to speak first, ensuring the trainee is positioned closer to, and at eye level with, the patient, and redirecting patient questions to the trainee as appropriate. Optimizing trainee experience with bedside AR requires preparation and training of attending physicians, who may feel inadequately prepared to lead bedside rounds and conduct bedside teaching.37 Faculty must learn how to preserve team efficiency, create a safe, nonpunitive bedside environment that fosters the trainee-patient relationship, and ensure rounds remain educational.36,38,39

The intervention reduced the average time spent on AR and time spent per patient. Studies examining the relationship between bedside rounding and duration of rounds have yielded mixed results: some have demonstrated no effect of bedside rounds on rounding time,28,40 while others report longer rounding times.37 The pre-rounds huddle and real-time order writing may have enhanced workflow efficiency.

Our study has several limitations. These results reflect the experience of a single large academic medical center and may not be generalizable to other settings. Although overall patient response to the survey was low and may not be representative of the entire patient population, response rates in the intervention and control arms were equivalent. Non-English speaking patients may have preferences that were not reflected in our survey results, and we did not otherwise quantify individual reasons for survey noncompletion. The presence of auditors on AR may have introduced observer bias. There may have been crossover effect; however, observed prevalence of individual practices remained low in the control arm. The 1.5-hour workshop may have inadequately equipped trainees with the complex skills required to lead and participate in bedside rounding, and more training, experience, and feedback may have yielded different results. For instance, residents with more exposure to bedside rounding express greater appreciation of its role in education and patient care.20 While adherence to some of the recommended practices remained low, we did not employ a full range of change-management techniques. Instead, we opted for a “low intensity” intervention (eg, single workshop, handouts) that relied on voluntary adoption by medicine teams and that we hoped other institutions could reproduce. Finally, we did not assess the relative impact of individual rounding behaviors on the measured outcomes.

In conclusion, training medicine teams to adhere to a standardized bedside AR model increased patient satisfaction with rounds. Concomitant trainee dissatisfaction may require further experience and training of attending physicians and trainees to ensure successful adoption.




We would like to thank all patients, providers, and trainees who participated in this study. We would also like to acknowledge the following volunteer auditors who observed teams daily: Arianna Abundo, Elahhe Afkhamnejad, Yolanda Banuelos, Laila Fozoun, Soe Yupar Khin, Tam Thien Le, Wing Sum Li, Yaqiao Li, Mengyao Liu, Tzyy-Harn Lo, Shynh-Herng Lo, David Lowe, Danoush Paborji, Sa Nan Park, Urmila Powale, Redha Fouad Qabazard, Monique Quiroz, John-Luke Marcelo Rivera, Manfred Roy Luna Salvador, Tobias Gowen Squier-Roper, Flora Yan Ting, Francesca Natasha T. Tizon, Emily Claire Trautner, Stephen Weiner, Alice Wilson, Kimberly Woo, Bingling J Wu, Johnny Wu, Brenda Yee. Statistical expertise was provided by Joan Hilton from the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), which is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, through UCSF-CTSI Grant Number UL1 TR000004. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH. Thanks also to Oralia Schatzman, Andrea Mazzini, and Erika Huie for their administrative support, and John Hillman for data-related support. Special thanks to Kirsten Kangelaris and Andrew Auerbach for their valuable feedback throughout, and to Maria Novelero and Robert Wachter for their divisional support of this project. 


The authors report no financial conflicts of interest.

Patient experience has recently received heightened attention given evidence supporting an association between patient experience and quality of care,1 and the coupling of patient satisfaction to reimbursement rates for Medicare patients.2 Patient experience is often assessed through surveys of patient satisfaction, which correlates with patient perceptions of nurse and physician communication.3 Teaching hospitals introduce variables that may impact communication, including the involvement of multiple levels of care providers and competing patient care vs. educational priorities. Patients admitted to teaching services express decreased satisfaction with coordination and overall care compared with patients on nonteaching services.4

Clinical supervision of trainees on teaching services is primarily achieved through attending rounds (AR), where patients’ clinical presentations and management are discussed with an attending physician. Poor communication during AR may negatively affect the patient experience through inefficient care coordination among the inter-professional care team or through implementation of interventions without patients’ knowledge or input.5-11 Although patient engagement in rounds has been associated with higher patient satisfaction with rounds,12-19 AR and case presentations often occur at a distance from the patient’s bedside.20,21 Furthermore, AR vary in the time allotted per patient and the extent of participation of nurses and other allied health professionals. Standardized bedside rounding processes have been shown to improve efficiency, decrease daily resident work hours,22 and improve nurse-physician teamwork.23

Despite these benefits, recent prospective studies of bedside AR interventions have not improved patient satisfaction with rounds. One involved the implementation of interprofessional patient-centered bedside rounds on a nonteaching service,24 while the other evaluated the impact of integrating athletic principles into multidisciplinary work rounds.25 Work at our institution had sought to develop AR practice recommendations to foster an optimal patient experience, while maintaining provider workflow efficiency, facilitating interdisciplinary communication, and advancing trainee education.26 Using these AR recommendations, we conducted a prospective randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impact of implementing a standardized bedside AR model on patient satisfaction with rounds. We also assessed attending physician and trainee satisfaction with rounds, and perceived and actual AR duration.


Setting and Participants

This trial was conducted on the internal medicine teaching service of the University of California San Francisco Medical Center from September 3, 2013 to November 27, 2013. The service is comprised of 8 teams, with a total average daily census of 80 to 90 patients. Teams are comprised of an attending physician, a senior resident (in the second or third year of residency training), 2 interns, and a third- and/or fourth-year medical student.



This trial, which was approved by the University of California, San Francisco Committee on Human Research (UCSF CHR) and was registered with (NCT01931553), was classified under Quality Improvement and did not require informed consent of patients or providers.

Intervention Description

We conducted a cluster randomized trial to evaluate the impact of a bundled set of 5 AR practice recommendations, adapted from published work,26 on patient experience, as well as on attending and trainee satisfaction: 1) huddling to establish the rounding schedule and priorities; 2) conducting bedside rounds; 3) integrating bedside nurses; 4) completing real-time order entry using bedside computers; 5) updating the whiteboard in each patient’s room with care plan information.

At the beginning of each month, study investigators (Nader Najafi and Bradley Monash) led a 1.5-hour workshop to train attending physicians and trainees allocated to the intervention arm on the recommended AR practices. Participants also received informational handouts to be referenced during AR. Attending physicians and trainees randomized to the control arm continued usual rounding practices. Control teams were notified that there would be observers on rounds but were not informed of the study aims.

Randomization and Team Assignments

The medicine service was divided into 2 arms, each comprised of 4 teams. Using a coin flip, Cluster 1 (Teams A, B, C and D) was randomized to the intervention, and Cluster 2 (Teams E, F, G and H) was randomized to the control. This design was pragmatically chosen to ensure that 1 team from each arm would admit patients daily. Allocation concealment of attending physicians and trainees was not possible given the nature of the intervention. Patients were blinded to study arm allocation.


Adherence to Practice Recommendations

Thirty premedical students served as volunteer AR auditors. Each auditor received orientation and training in data collection techniques during a single 2-hour workshop. The auditors, blinded to study arm allocation, independently observed morning AR during weekdays and recorded the completion of the following elements as a dichotomous (yes/no) outcome: pre-rounds huddle, participation of nurse in AR, real-time order entry, and whiteboard use. They recorded the duration of AR per day for each team (minutes) and the rounding model for each patient rounding encounter during AR (bedside, hallway, or card flip).23 Bedside rounds were defined as presentation and discussion of the patient care plan in the presence of the patient. Hallway rounds were defined as presentation and discussion of the patient care plan partially outside the patient’s room and partially in the presence of the patient. Card-flip rounds were defined as presentation and discussion of the patient care plan entirely outside of the patient’s room without the team seeing the patient together. Two auditors simultaneously observed a random subset of patient-rounding encounters to evaluate inter-rater reliability, and the concordance between auditor observations was good (Pearson correlation = 0.66).27

Patient-Related Outcomes

The primary outcome was patient satisfaction with AR, assessed using a survey adapted from published work.12,14,28,29 Patients were approached to complete the questionnaire after they had experienced at least 1 AR. Patients were excluded if they were non-English-speaking, unavailable (eg, off the unit for testing or treatment), in isolation, or had impaired mental status. For patients admitted multiple times during the study period, only the first questionnaire was used. Survey questions included patient involvement in decision-making, quality of communication between patient and medicine team, and the perception that the medicine team cared about the patient. Patients were asked to state their level of agreement with each item on a 5-point Likert scale. We obtained data on patient demographics from administrative datasets.

Healthcare Provider Outcomes

Attending physicians and trainees on service for at least 7 consecutive days were sent an electronic survey, adapted from published work.25,30 Questions assessed satisfaction with AR, perceived value of bedside rounds, and extent of patient and nursing involvement.Level of agreement with each item was captured on a continuous scale; 0 = strongly disagree to 100 = strongly agree, or from 0 (far too little) to 100 (far too much), with 50 equating to “about right.” Attending physicians and trainees were also asked to estimate the average duration of AR (in minutes).

Statistical Analyses

Analyses were blinded to study arm allocation and followed intention-to-treat principles. One attending physician crossed over from intervention to control arm; patient surveys associated with this attending (n = 4) were excluded to avoid contamination. No trainees crossed over.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who completed the survey are reported (Appendix). To compare patient satisfaction scores, we used a random-effects regression model to account for correlation among responses within teams within randomized clusters, defining teams by attending physician. As this correlation was negligible and not statistically significant, we did not adjust ordinary linear regression models for clustering. Given observed differences in patient characteristics, we adjusted for a number of covariates (eg, age, gender, insurance payer, race, marital status, trial group arm).

We conducted simple linear regression for attending and trainee satisfaction comparisons between arms, adjusting only for trainee type (eg, resident, intern, and medical student).

We compared the frequency with which intervention and control teams adhered to the 5 recommended AR practices using chi-square tests. We used independent Student’s t tests to compare total duration of AR by teams within each arm, as well as mean time spent per patient.

This trial had a fixed number of arms (n = 2), each of fixed size (n = 600), based on the average monthly inpatient census on the medicine service. This fixed sample size, with 80% power and α = 0.05, will be able to detect a 0.16 difference in patient satisfaction scores between groups.

All analyses were conducted using SAS® v 9.4 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC).




We observed 241 AR involving 1855 patient rounding encounters in the intervention arm and 264 AR involving 1903 patient rounding encounters in the control arm (response rates shown in Figure 1).

Study flow diagram
Figure 1
Intervention teams adopted each of the recommended AR practices at significantly higher rates compared to control teams, with the largest difference occurring for AR occurring at the bedside (52.9% vs. 5.4%; Figure 2).
Prevalence of recommended rounding practices
Figure 2
Teams in the intervention arm demonstrated highest adherence to the pre-rounds huddle (78.1%) and lowest adherence to whiteboard use (29.9%).

Patient Satisfaction and Clinical Outcomes

Five hundred ninety-five patients were allocated to the intervention arm and 605 were allocated to the control arm (Figure 1). Mean age, gender, race, marital status, primary language, and insurance provider did not differ between intervention and control arms (Table 1).

Hospitalized Patient Characteristics by Intervention and Control Arms
Table 1
One hundred forty-six (24.5%) and 141 (23.3%) patients completed surveys in the intervention and control arms, respectively. Patients who completed surveys in each arm were younger and more likely to have commercial insurance (Appendix).

Patients in the intervention arm reported significantly higher satisfaction with AR and felt more cared for by their medicine team (Table 2).
Patient, Attending, and Trainee Satisfaction by Randomized Arm
Table 2
Patient-perceived quality of communication and shared decision-making did not differ between arms.

Actual and Perceived Duration of Attending Rounds

The intervention shortened the total duration of AR by 8 minutes on average (143 vs. 151 minutes, P = 0.052) and the time spent per patient by 4 minutes on average (19 vs. 23 minutes, P < 0.001). Despite this, trainees in the intervention arm perceived AR to last longer (mean estimated time: 167 min vs. 152 min, P < 0.001).

Healthcare Provider Outcomes

We observed 79 attending physicians and trainees in the intervention arm and 78 in the control arm, with survey response rates shown in Figure 1. Attending physicians in the intervention and the control arms reported high levels of satisfaction with the quality of AR (Table 2). Attending physicians in the intervention arm were more likely to report an appropriate level of patient involvement and nurse involvement.

Although trainees in the intervention and control arms reported high levels of satisfaction with the quality of AR, trainees in the intervention arm reported lower satisfaction with AR compared with control arm trainees (Table 2). Trainees in the intervention arm reported that AR involved less autonomy, efficiency, and teaching. Trainees in the intervention arm also scored patient involvement more towards the “far too much” end of the scale compared with “about right” in the control arm. However, trainees in the intervention arm perceived nurse involvement closer to “about right,” as opposed to “far too little” in the control arm.


Training internal medicine teams to adhere to 5 recommended AR practices increased patient satisfaction with AR and the perception that patients were more cared for by their medicine team. Despite the intervention potentially shortening the duration of AR, attending physicians and trainees perceived AR to last longer, and trainee satisfaction with AR decreased.

Teams in the intervention arm adhered to all recommended rounding practices at higher rates than the control teams. Although intervention teams rounded at the bedside 53% of the time, they were encouraged to bedside round only on patients who desired to participate in rounds, were not altered, and for whom the clinical discussion was not too sensitive to occur at the bedside. Of the recommended rounding behaviors, the lowest adherence was seen with whiteboard use.

A major component of the intervention was to move the clinical presentation to the patient’s bedside. Most patients prefer being included in rounds and partaking in trainee education.12-19,28,29,31-33 Patients may also perceive that more time is spent with them during bedside case presentations,14,28 and exposure to providers conferring on their care may enhance patient confidence in the care being delivered.12 Although a recent study of patient-centered bedside rounding on a nonteaching service did not result in increased patient satisfaction,24 teaching services may offer more opportunities for improvement in care coordination and communication.4

Other aspects of the intervention may have contributed to increased patient satisfaction with AR. The pre-rounds huddle may have helped teams prioritize which patients required more time or would benefit most from bedside rounds. The involvement of nurses in AR may have bolstered communication and team dynamics, enhancing the patient’s perception of interprofessional collaboration. Real-time order entry might have led to more efficient implementation of the care plan, and whiteboard use may have helped to keep patients abreast of the care plan.

Patients in the intervention arm felt more cared for by their medicine teams but did not report improvements in communication or in shared decision-making. Prior work highlights that limited patient engagement, activation, and shared decision-making may occur during AR.24,34 Patient-physician communication during AR is challenged by time pressures and competing priorities, including the “need” for trainees to demonstrate their medical knowledge and clinical skills. Efforts that encourage bedside rounding should include communication training with respect to patient engagement and shared decision-making.

Attending physicians reported positive attitudes toward bedside rounding, consistent with prior studies.13,21,31 However, trainees in the intervention arm expressed decreased satisfaction with AR, estimating that AR took longer and reporting too much patient involvement. Prior studies reflect similar bedside-rounding concerns, including perceived workflow inefficiencies, infringement on teaching opportunities, and time constraints.12,20,35 Trainees are under intense time pressures to complete their work, attend educational conferences, and leave the hospital to attend afternoon clinic or to comply with duty-hour restrictions. Trainees value succinctness,12,35,36 so the perception that intervention AR lasted longer likely contributed to trainee dissatisfaction.

Reduced trainee satisfaction with intervention AR may have also stemmed from the perception of decreased autonomy and less teaching, both valued by trainees.20,35,36 The intervention itself reduced trainee autonomy because usual practice at our hospital involves residents deciding where and how to round. Attending physician presence at the bedside during rounds may have further infringed on trainee autonomy if the patient looked to the attending for answers, or if the attending was seen as the AR leader. Attending physicians may mitigate the risk of compromising trainee autonomy by allowing the trainee to speak first, ensuring the trainee is positioned closer to, and at eye level with, the patient, and redirecting patient questions to the trainee as appropriate. Optimizing trainee experience with bedside AR requires preparation and training of attending physicians, who may feel inadequately prepared to lead bedside rounds and conduct bedside teaching.37 Faculty must learn how to preserve team efficiency, create a safe, nonpunitive bedside environment that fosters the trainee-patient relationship, and ensure rounds remain educational.36,38,39

The intervention reduced the average time spent on AR and time spent per patient. Studies examining the relationship between bedside rounding and duration of rounds have yielded mixed results: some have demonstrated no effect of bedside rounds on rounding time,28,40 while others report longer rounding times.37 The pre-rounds huddle and real-time order writing may have enhanced workflow efficiency.

Our study has several limitations. These results reflect the experience of a single large academic medical center and may not be generalizable to other settings. Although overall patient response to the survey was low and may not be representative of the entire patient population, response rates in the intervention and control arms were equivalent. Non-English speaking patients may have preferences that were not reflected in our survey results, and we did not otherwise quantify individual reasons for survey noncompletion. The presence of auditors on AR may have introduced observer bias. There may have been crossover effect; however, observed prevalence of individual practices remained low in the control arm. The 1.5-hour workshop may have inadequately equipped trainees with the complex skills required to lead and participate in bedside rounding, and more training, experience, and feedback may have yielded different results. For instance, residents with more exposure to bedside rounding express greater appreciation of its role in education and patient care.20 While adherence to some of the recommended practices remained low, we did not employ a full range of change-management techniques. Instead, we opted for a “low intensity” intervention (eg, single workshop, handouts) that relied on voluntary adoption by medicine teams and that we hoped other institutions could reproduce. Finally, we did not assess the relative impact of individual rounding behaviors on the measured outcomes.

In conclusion, training medicine teams to adhere to a standardized bedside AR model increased patient satisfaction with rounds. Concomitant trainee dissatisfaction may require further experience and training of attending physicians and trainees to ensure successful adoption.




We would like to thank all patients, providers, and trainees who participated in this study. We would also like to acknowledge the following volunteer auditors who observed teams daily: Arianna Abundo, Elahhe Afkhamnejad, Yolanda Banuelos, Laila Fozoun, Soe Yupar Khin, Tam Thien Le, Wing Sum Li, Yaqiao Li, Mengyao Liu, Tzyy-Harn Lo, Shynh-Herng Lo, David Lowe, Danoush Paborji, Sa Nan Park, Urmila Powale, Redha Fouad Qabazard, Monique Quiroz, John-Luke Marcelo Rivera, Manfred Roy Luna Salvador, Tobias Gowen Squier-Roper, Flora Yan Ting, Francesca Natasha T. Tizon, Emily Claire Trautner, Stephen Weiner, Alice Wilson, Kimberly Woo, Bingling J Wu, Johnny Wu, Brenda Yee. Statistical expertise was provided by Joan Hilton from the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), which is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, through UCSF-CTSI Grant Number UL1 TR000004. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH. Thanks also to Oralia Schatzman, Andrea Mazzini, and Erika Huie for their administrative support, and John Hillman for data-related support. Special thanks to Kirsten Kangelaris and Andrew Auerbach for their valuable feedback throughout, and to Maria Novelero and Robert Wachter for their divisional support of this project. 


The authors report no financial conflicts of interest.


1. Doyle C, Lennox L, Bell D. A systematic review of evidence on the links between patient experience and clinical safety and effectiveness. BMJ Open. 2013;3(1):1-18. PubMed
2. Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Fact Sheet. August 2013. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Baltimore, MD. Accessed December 1, 2015.
3. Boulding W, Glickman SW, Manary MP, Schulman KA, Staelin R. Relationship between patient satisfaction with inpatient care and hospital readmission within 30 days. Am J Manag Care. 2011;17:41-48. PubMed

4. Wray CM, Flores A, Padula WV, Prochaska MT, Meltzer DO, Arora VM. Measuring patient experiences on hospitalist and teaching services: Patient responses to a 30-day postdischarge questionnaire. J Hosp Med. 2016;11(2):99-104. PubMed
5. Bharwani AM, Harris GC, Southwick FS. Perspective: A business school view of medical interprofessional rounds: transforming rounding groups into rounding teams. Acad Med. 2012;87(12):1768-1771. PubMed
6. Chand DV. Observational study using the tools of lean six sigma to improve the efficiency of the resident rounding process. J Grad Med Educ. 2011;3(2):144-150. PubMed

7. Stickrath C, Noble M, Prochazka A, et al. Attending rounds in the current era: what is and is not happening. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(12):1084-1089. PubMed
8. Weber H, Stöckli M, Nübling M, Langewitz WA. Communication during ward rounds in internal medicine. An analysis of patient-nurse-physician interactions using RIAS. Patient Educ Couns. 2007;67(3):343-348. PubMed
9. McMahon GT, Katz JT, Thorndike ME, Levy BD, Loscalzo J. Evaluation of a redesign initiative in an internal-medicine residency. N Engl J Med. 2010;362(14):1304-1311. PubMed

10. Amoss J. Attending rounds: where do we go from here?: comment on “Attending rounds in the current era”. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(12):1089-1090. PubMed
11. Curley C, McEachern JE, Speroff T. A firm trial of interdisciplinary rounds on the inpatient medical wards: an intervention designed using continuous quality improvement. Med Care. 1998;36(suppl 8):AS4-A12. PubMed
12. Wang-Cheng RM, Barnas GP, Sigmann P, Riendl PA, Young MJ. Bedside case presentations: why patients like them but learners don’t. J Gen Intern Med. 1989;4(4):284-287. PubMed

13. Chauke, HL, Pattinson RC. Ward rounds—bedside or conference room? S Afr Med J. 2006;96(5):398-400. PubMed
14. Lehmann LS, Brancati FL, Chen MC, Roter D, Dobs AS. The effect of bedside case presentations on patients’ perceptions of their medical care. N Engl J Med. 1997;336(16):336, 1150-1155. PubMed
15. Simons RJ, Baily RG, Zelis R, Zwillich CW. The physiologic and psychological effects of the bedside presentation. N Engl J Med. 1989;321(18):1273-1275. PubMed

16. Wise TN, Feldheim D, Mann LS, Boyle E, Rustgi VK. Patients’ reactions to house staff work rounds. Psychosomatics. 1985;26(8):669-672. PubMed
17. Linfors EW, Neelon FA. Sounding Boards. The case of bedside rounds. N Engl J Med. 1980;303(21):1230-1233. PubMed
18. Nair BR, Coughlan JL, Hensley MJ. Student and patient perspectives on bedside teaching. Med Educ. 1997;31(5):341-346. PubMed

19. Romano J. Patients’ attitudes and behavior in ward round teaching. JAMA. 1941;117(9):664-667.
20. Gonzalo JD, Masters PA, Simons RJ, Chuang CH. Attending rounds and bedside case presentations: medical student and medicine resident experiences and attitudes. Teach Learn Med. 2009;21(2):105-110. PubMed
21. Shoeb M, Khanna R, Fang M, et al. Internal medicine rounding practices and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education core competencies. J Hosp Med. 2014;9(4):239-243. PubMed

22. Calderon AS, Blackmore CC, Williams BL, et al. Transforming ward rounds through rounding-in-flow. J Grad Med Educ. 2014;6(4):750-755. PubMed
23. Henkin S, Chon TY, Christopherson ML, Halvorsen AJ, Worden LM, Ratelle JT. Improving nurse-physician teamwork through interprofessional bedside rounding. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2016;9:201-205. PubMed
24. O’Leary KJ, Killarney A, Hansen LO, et al. Effect of patient-centred bedside rounds on hospitalised patients’ decision control, activation and satisfaction with care. BMJ Qual Saf. 2016;25:921-928. PubMed

25. Southwick F, Lewis M, Treloar D, et al. Applying athletic principles to medical rounds to improve teaching and patient care. Acad Med. 2014;89(7):1018-1023. PubMed
26. Najafi N, Monash B, Mourad M, et al. Improving attending rounds: Qualitative reflections from multidisciplinary providers. Hosp Pract (1995). 2015;43(3):186-190. PubMed
27. Altman DG. Practical Statistics For Medical Research. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC; 2006.

28. Gonzalo JD, Chuang CH, Huang G, Smith C. The return of bedside rounds: an educational intervention. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(8):792-798. PubMed
29. Fletcher KE, Rankey DS, Stern DT. Bedside interactions from the other side of the bedrail. J Gen Intern Med. 2005;20(1):58-61. PubMed

30. Gatorounds: Applying Championship Athletic Principles to Healthcare. University of Florida Health. Accessed March 1, 2013.
31. Gonzalo JD, Heist BS, Duffy BL, et al. The value of bedside rounds: a multicenter qualitative study. Teach Learn Med. 2013;25(4):326-333. PubMed
32. Rogers HD, Carline JD, Paauw DS. Examination room presentations in general internal medicine clinic: patients’ and students’ perceptions. Acad Med. 2003;78(9):945-949. PubMed



33. Fletcher KE, Furney SL, Stern DT. Patients speak: what’s really important about bedside interactions with physician teams. Teach Learn Med. 2007;19(2):120-127. PubMed
34. Satterfield JM, Bereknyei S, Hilton JF, et al. The prevalence of social and behavioral topics and related educational opportunities during attending rounds. Acad Med. 2014; 89(11):1548-1557. PubMed
35. Kroenke K, Simmons JO, Copley JB, Smith C. Attending rounds: a survey of physician attitudes. J Gen Intern Med. 1990;5(3):229-233. PubMed

36. Castiglioni A, Shewchuk RM, Willett LL, Heudebert GR, Centor RM. A pilot study using nominal group technique to assess residents’ perceptions of successful attending rounds. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(7):1060-1065. PubMed
37. Crumlish CM, Yialamas MA, McMahon GT. Quantification of bedside teaching by an academic hospitalist group. J Hosp Med. 2009;4(5):304-307. PubMed
38. Gonzalo JD, Wolpaw DR, Lehman E, Chuang CH. Patient-centered interprofessional collaborative care: factors associated with bedside interprofessional rounds. J Gen Intern Med. 2014;29(7):1040-1047. PubMed

39. Roy B, Castiglioni A, Kraemer RR, et al. Using cognitive mapping to define key domains for successful attending rounds. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(11):1492-1498. PubMed
40. Bhansali P, Birch S, Campbell JK, et al. A time-motion study of inpatient rounds using a family-centered rounds model. Hosp Pediatr. 2013;3(1):31-38. PubMed


1. Doyle C, Lennox L, Bell D. A systematic review of evidence on the links between patient experience and clinical safety and effectiveness. BMJ Open. 2013;3(1):1-18. PubMed
2. Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Fact Sheet. August 2013. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Baltimore, MD. Accessed December 1, 2015.
3. Boulding W, Glickman SW, Manary MP, Schulman KA, Staelin R. Relationship between patient satisfaction with inpatient care and hospital readmission within 30 days. Am J Manag Care. 2011;17:41-48. PubMed

4. Wray CM, Flores A, Padula WV, Prochaska MT, Meltzer DO, Arora VM. Measuring patient experiences on hospitalist and teaching services: Patient responses to a 30-day postdischarge questionnaire. J Hosp Med. 2016;11(2):99-104. PubMed
5. Bharwani AM, Harris GC, Southwick FS. Perspective: A business school view of medical interprofessional rounds: transforming rounding groups into rounding teams. Acad Med. 2012;87(12):1768-1771. PubMed
6. Chand DV. Observational study using the tools of lean six sigma to improve the efficiency of the resident rounding process. J Grad Med Educ. 2011;3(2):144-150. PubMed

7. Stickrath C, Noble M, Prochazka A, et al. Attending rounds in the current era: what is and is not happening. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(12):1084-1089. PubMed
8. Weber H, Stöckli M, Nübling M, Langewitz WA. Communication during ward rounds in internal medicine. An analysis of patient-nurse-physician interactions using RIAS. Patient Educ Couns. 2007;67(3):343-348. PubMed
9. McMahon GT, Katz JT, Thorndike ME, Levy BD, Loscalzo J. Evaluation of a redesign initiative in an internal-medicine residency. N Engl J Med. 2010;362(14):1304-1311. PubMed

10. Amoss J. Attending rounds: where do we go from here?: comment on “Attending rounds in the current era”. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(12):1089-1090. PubMed
11. Curley C, McEachern JE, Speroff T. A firm trial of interdisciplinary rounds on the inpatient medical wards: an intervention designed using continuous quality improvement. Med Care. 1998;36(suppl 8):AS4-A12. PubMed
12. Wang-Cheng RM, Barnas GP, Sigmann P, Riendl PA, Young MJ. Bedside case presentations: why patients like them but learners don’t. J Gen Intern Med. 1989;4(4):284-287. PubMed

13. Chauke, HL, Pattinson RC. Ward rounds—bedside or conference room? S Afr Med J. 2006;96(5):398-400. PubMed
14. Lehmann LS, Brancati FL, Chen MC, Roter D, Dobs AS. The effect of bedside case presentations on patients’ perceptions of their medical care. N Engl J Med. 1997;336(16):336, 1150-1155. PubMed
15. Simons RJ, Baily RG, Zelis R, Zwillich CW. The physiologic and psychological effects of the bedside presentation. N Engl J Med. 1989;321(18):1273-1275. PubMed

16. Wise TN, Feldheim D, Mann LS, Boyle E, Rustgi VK. Patients’ reactions to house staff work rounds. Psychosomatics. 1985;26(8):669-672. PubMed
17. Linfors EW, Neelon FA. Sounding Boards. The case of bedside rounds. N Engl J Med. 1980;303(21):1230-1233. PubMed
18. Nair BR, Coughlan JL, Hensley MJ. Student and patient perspectives on bedside teaching. Med Educ. 1997;31(5):341-346. PubMed

19. Romano J. Patients’ attitudes and behavior in ward round teaching. JAMA. 1941;117(9):664-667.
20. Gonzalo JD, Masters PA, Simons RJ, Chuang CH. Attending rounds and bedside case presentations: medical student and medicine resident experiences and attitudes. Teach Learn Med. 2009;21(2):105-110. PubMed
21. Shoeb M, Khanna R, Fang M, et al. Internal medicine rounding practices and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education core competencies. J Hosp Med. 2014;9(4):239-243. PubMed

22. Calderon AS, Blackmore CC, Williams BL, et al. Transforming ward rounds through rounding-in-flow. J Grad Med Educ. 2014;6(4):750-755. PubMed
23. Henkin S, Chon TY, Christopherson ML, Halvorsen AJ, Worden LM, Ratelle JT. Improving nurse-physician teamwork through interprofessional bedside rounding. J Multidiscip Healthc. 2016;9:201-205. PubMed
24. O’Leary KJ, Killarney A, Hansen LO, et al. Effect of patient-centred bedside rounds on hospitalised patients’ decision control, activation and satisfaction with care. BMJ Qual Saf. 2016;25:921-928. PubMed

25. Southwick F, Lewis M, Treloar D, et al. Applying athletic principles to medical rounds to improve teaching and patient care. Acad Med. 2014;89(7):1018-1023. PubMed
26. Najafi N, Monash B, Mourad M, et al. Improving attending rounds: Qualitative reflections from multidisciplinary providers. Hosp Pract (1995). 2015;43(3):186-190. PubMed
27. Altman DG. Practical Statistics For Medical Research. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC; 2006.

28. Gonzalo JD, Chuang CH, Huang G, Smith C. The return of bedside rounds: an educational intervention. J Gen Intern Med. 2010;25(8):792-798. PubMed
29. Fletcher KE, Rankey DS, Stern DT. Bedside interactions from the other side of the bedrail. J Gen Intern Med. 2005;20(1):58-61. PubMed

30. Gatorounds: Applying Championship Athletic Principles to Healthcare. University of Florida Health. Accessed March 1, 2013.
31. Gonzalo JD, Heist BS, Duffy BL, et al. The value of bedside rounds: a multicenter qualitative study. Teach Learn Med. 2013;25(4):326-333. PubMed
32. Rogers HD, Carline JD, Paauw DS. Examination room presentations in general internal medicine clinic: patients’ and students’ perceptions. Acad Med. 2003;78(9):945-949. PubMed



33. Fletcher KE, Furney SL, Stern DT. Patients speak: what’s really important about bedside interactions with physician teams. Teach Learn Med. 2007;19(2):120-127. PubMed
34. Satterfield JM, Bereknyei S, Hilton JF, et al. The prevalence of social and behavioral topics and related educational opportunities during attending rounds. Acad Med. 2014; 89(11):1548-1557. PubMed
35. Kroenke K, Simmons JO, Copley JB, Smith C. Attending rounds: a survey of physician attitudes. J Gen Intern Med. 1990;5(3):229-233. PubMed

36. Castiglioni A, Shewchuk RM, Willett LL, Heudebert GR, Centor RM. A pilot study using nominal group technique to assess residents’ perceptions of successful attending rounds. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(7):1060-1065. PubMed
37. Crumlish CM, Yialamas MA, McMahon GT. Quantification of bedside teaching by an academic hospitalist group. J Hosp Med. 2009;4(5):304-307. PubMed
38. Gonzalo JD, Wolpaw DR, Lehman E, Chuang CH. Patient-centered interprofessional collaborative care: factors associated with bedside interprofessional rounds. J Gen Intern Med. 2014;29(7):1040-1047. PubMed

39. Roy B, Castiglioni A, Kraemer RR, et al. Using cognitive mapping to define key domains for successful attending rounds. J Gen Intern Med. 2012;27(11):1492-1498. PubMed
40. Bhansali P, Birch S, Campbell JK, et al. A time-motion study of inpatient rounds using a family-centered rounds model. Hosp Pediatr. 2013;3(1):31-38. PubMed

Journal of Hospital Medicine - 12(3)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 12(3)
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Standardized attending rounds to improve the patient experience: A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial
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Standardized attending rounds to improve the patient experience: A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial
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Why Required Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowships Are Unnecessary

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Fri, 09/14/2018 - 12:02
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Why Required Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowships Are Unnecessary

The Joint Council of Pediatric Hospital Medicine (JCPHM), successor to the Strategic Planning (STP) Committee, recently recommended submitting a petition for two-year pediatric hospital medicine (PHM) fellowship certification to the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP), which was completed in 2014. In December 2015, the ABP Board of Directors voted to (1) approve the proposal for a two-year PHM fellowship incorporating scholarly activity with the provision that entrustable professional activities (EPAs) be used as the framework for assessing competencies and (2) not require those who achieve and maintain PHM certification to maintain general pediatrics certification. The proposal for certification of a two-year PHM fellowship will now be submitted to the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Concerns regarding the formal certification of PHM as an ABMS-recognized subspecialty have been raised by many stakeholders, including community pediatric hospitalists, pediatric residency program directors, and med-peds physicians.

We feel that the “first, do no harm” guiding principle seems to have been forgotten by the ABP as it attempts to formalize the training of pediatric hospitalists. In December 2015, the ABP voted in favor of a two-year ACGME-accredited PHM fellowship. The intent was to “assure the best care of hospitalized children,” “assure the public,” “accelerate improvements and innovation in quality improvement,” and “raise the level of care of all hospitalized children by establishing best practices in clinical care.” To be clear, these goals are shared by all of us (although there is no indication that the public is seeking additional assurance). Prior to launching broad-scale, time-intensive, and financially costly initiatives, we should ensure that our efforts would achieve—rather than obstruct—their intended aims. In addition to a lack of evidence supporting that subspecialty certification will advance our path toward achieving these goals, there are numerous reasons a required PHM fellowship is unnecessary and potentially even harmful to the hospitalist workforce. The negative unintended consequences need to be weighed heavily.

We have found no data to support that children would receive inferior inpatient care from pediatric hospitalists due to lack of formal certification. Hospital medicine physicians are paving the way in quality improvement, high-value care, medical education, palliative care, and global health, supported in part through training in various non-accredited hospital medicine fellowships. There is nothing stopping pediatric hospitalists from establishing and disseminating best practices in clinical care. Hospitalists are already making strides in providing high-quality care at low costs, as demonstrated by the abundant PHM scholarly work described in the ABP application to the ABMS. The alleged problem of needing to build trust within the community is yet to be demonstrated, as we have leaders at local, regional, and national levels. The chief medical officer of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is a hospitalist as is our surgeon general. Hospital medicine is the fastest-growing specialty in the history of medicine,1 and we should seek to propel rather than fetter our future colleagues.

Below are our reasons for opposing this formal certification.

We already have a fellowship system.

As we all know, advanced training opportunities already exist for those interested in pursuing extra research and quality improvement training. Similar to other pediatric subspecialty fellowships, these PHM fellowships are undersubscribed (20% of PHM fellowships did not fill in 2016),2 with the majority of graduating pediatric residents transitioning to hospitalists opting not to pursue fellowship training. We should continue to let graduating pediatric residents vote with their feet without the undue influence of subspecialty certification.

Subspecialization has opportunity costs that may reduce the PHM pipeline.

Even if we assume an adequate number of fellowship programs could be developed and funded, our fear is that the decision to turn PHM into an accredited subspecialty could paradoxically reduce the pipeline of inpatient providers. Residency is already a three- to four-year endeavor (pediatrics and med-peds) that is poorly compensated and time-intensive. In the absence of evidence supporting the value of additional training, tacking on another two years seems unreasonable in the face of the student loan debt crisis, reduced compensation, and lost time for career advancement. These are significant opportunity costs. While most specialties lead to a significant pay raise to compensate for the added training time, pediatrics remains the lowest-paid physician specialty.3 Should PHM follow the trend of most pediatric subspecialties, pursuit of fellowship training would be a negative financial decision for residency graduates.4 For the health system, increasing debt-to-income ratios runs the risk of creating a medical education bubble market.5



More than 25% of med-peds graduates pursue careers in hospital medicine, a percentage that continues to grow, accounting for more than 100 new hospitalists per year.6 As a result, med-peds-trained hospitalists constitute more than 10% of the pediatric hospitalist workforce.6 Requiring PHM fellowship training may reduce this crucial pipeline of practitioners. In a 2014 unpublished survey of 225 med-peds practitioners, 78% of residents and 96% of attendings responded that they would not consider pursuing an ACGME-accredited PHM fellowship.7 This is compounded by a lack of parity with the practice of adult hospital medicine both in compensation and required training and is heightened by the fact that the training in question does not incorporate care for adult patients. There is clear consensus by 96% of med-peds hospitalists that the creation of an ACGME-certified PHM subspecialty will negatively affect the likelihood of med-peds providers pursuing PHM.7

Certification will pose a potential risk to specific patient populations.

We are also concerned that a reduced PHM workforce could disproportionately impact young adults with special healthcare needs and those children cared for in rural or community-based hospitals. Med-peds training equips providers to care for children with chronic diseases that then transition into adulthood; more than 25% provide care for young adults with special healthcare needs.6 With the increasing number of children with chronic health conditions surviving into adulthood,8 med-peds hospitalists serve essential roles in providing care and coordination for this vulnerable population. Furthermore, hospital medicine groups in medical systems that cannot support a full-time categorical pediatric hospitalist tend to employ med-peds physicians or family practitioners. Concerns with PHM certification are thus extended to those family medicine physicians who practice PHM.

Pediatric residency trains pediatricians in inpatient care.

We feel that the decision to move forward on PHM subspecialty certification calls into question the value of pediatric residency training. There is no evidence that clinical inpatient training in pediatrics residency is inadequate. If one leaves residency trained to do anything, it is practicing hospital medicine. A significant portion of residency takes place inpatient, both on wards and in the intensive care units. The 2009 ABP Foundation–funded study of PHM reported that 94% of pediatric hospitalist respondents rated their training in general clinical skills during residency as fully adequate, 85% rated their training in communication skills as fully adequate, and 73% did not believe any additional training beyond residency should be required.9 With respect to med-peds graduates, more than 90% feel equipped to care for children and adults upon residency completion.10 If the ABMS carries forward with this decision, the only clinical work one would be “certified” to do after residency is primary care. However, after completion of residency training, most of us feel at least as comfortable, if not more comfortable, caring for children in the inpatient setting.

Primary care should require subspecialty certification as well.

Furthermore, the decision to create a certified subspecialty begs the question as to why fellowship should not be mandated for those entering the field of primary care. Does the field of primary care not require research to move it forward? Does the field of primary care not require providers who can adeptly apply quality improvement methodologies to improve primary-care delivery? Does the public not require the same type of assurance? By these measures, primary care should require subspecialty certification as well. These arguments could easily be construed as an indictment of residency training.

The target should be residency training.

The PHM ABMS application describes a clinical curriculum consisting of eight core clinical rotations in various settings. That small number emphasizes the fact that extra clinical training is really not needed and that we do not require a complete overhaul of the current training system. The skills in question for the accredited PHM fellowship include communication, negotiation, leadership, quality improvement, pain management, sedation, procedures, transport, billing/coding, autonomous decision making, and scholarly practice. Are most of these not skills that we should foster in all practicing pediatricians? If graduating pediatric residents lack competence in core pediatric skills (e.g., communication, pain management, autonomous decision making), we should target improvements in residency education rather than require years of further training. Pediatrics residency training already requires training in quality improvement and is incorporating “tracks” that target areas of perceived deficiency. Those physicians who actually require specialized hospital-based skills (e.g., sedation, procedures, and transport) could receive core training during residency (e.g., through PHM tracks or electives) and further hone these skills through faculty development efforts. While non-PhD researchers may benefit from additional training in research methodologies, this training comes at the expense of time spent caring for patients on the wards and should not be required training for the majority of pediatric hospitalists pursuing purely clinical roles.



Broad-based support for a PHM subspecialty has not been demonstrated.

While approximately 40 pediatric hospitalists originated the PHM certification petition, we have not seen clear support for subspecialty certification from the community. PHM certification runs the risk of alienating the general pediatrics community, as many outpatient pediatricians continue to care for their patients in the inpatient setting. Furthermore, at tertiary-care medical centers, pediatric subspecialists often serve as hospitalists, yet this stakeholder group has not entered into this conversation. Importantly, the Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) did not endorse this proposal. Many of the APPD members were quite concerned about the harm this certification could cause. While the APA Board and the AAP Board of Directors support PHM subspecialty certification, it is not clear that the rank-and-file members do. The Society of Hospital Medicine did not support or oppose certification. In an era of controversy surrounding certification requirements, prior to making a decision that will alter the direction of an entire field and impact all future residency graduates interested in entering that field, we should ensure there is broad-based support for this decision.

An alternative path has already been established and validated.

A more prudent, cost-effective, and universally acceptable approach would be to follow in the footsteps of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) in establishing a Focused Practice in Pediatric Hospital Medicine program. This approach respects the unique body of knowledge required of those who care for hospitalized children while maintaining the required flexibility to nurture and help to mature existing training pipelines. Core hospital medicine skills should be further honed through residency curricular changes and faculty development efforts, while hospital-based physicians interested in developing niche skills could still do so via already existing fellowships.

When it comes to pediatric hospital medicine, first, do no harm.

Pediatric hospitalists are inpatient generalists by training and clinical approach. Our practices vary from large academic medical centers with every imaginable subspecialty consult service available to remote rural settings that require hospitalists to possess unique and specific skills. Some pediatric hospitalists participate in newborn care, some perform sedations, and some perform a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The current system is meeting the needs of the vast majority of our PHM community. Changes to the residency curriculum that are already under way can address any clinical and quality improvement gaps. More than enough PHM fellowships are available to those who choose to pursue them. The public is not requesting reassurance, and the field is already advancing at a rapid rate both clinically and scholarly. Subspecialty recognition is not necessary and will likely lead to negative unintended consequences. Given the financial constraints on our current system and the need for pediatric hospitalists to be stewards of high-value care, we should make collective decisions that will clearly benefit our patients and health system. As medical professionals, our priority should always be first, do no harm.

Weijen W. Chang, MD, is chief of the Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine at Baystate Children’s Hospital and associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Leonard Samuel Feldman, MD, is director of the Medicine-Pediatrics Urban Health Residency Program and associate professor of medicine and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Bradley Monash, MD, is associate chief of medicine at University of California, San Francisco and assistant clinical professor of medicine and pediatrics at UCSF School of Medicine.

Archna Eniasivam, MD, is assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCSF School of Medicine.


  1. Chen C, Eagle S. “Should Pediatric HM Pursue Subspecialty Certification, Required Fellowship Training?” The Hospitalist. July 31, 2012
  2. Results and Data: Specialties Matching Service 2016 Appointment Year. National Resident Matching Program website. Accessed May 15, 2016.
  3. Medscape Pediatrician Compensation Report 2015. Medscape website.  Accessed April 29, 2016.
  4. Rochlin JM, Simon HK. Does fellowship pay: what is the long-term financial impact of subspecialty training in pediatrics? Pediatrics. 2001;127(2):254-260.
  5. Asch DA, Nicholson S, Vujicic M. Are we in a medical education bubble market? N Engl J Med. 2013;369(21):1973-1975.
  6. O’Toole JK, Friedland AR, Gonzaga AM, et al. The practice patterns of recently graduated internal medicine-pediatric hospitalists. Hosp Pediatr. 2015;5(6):309-314.
  7. Society of Hospital Medicine: Survey of Med-Peds Physicians about PHM Certification. May 2014 (unpublished).
  8. Goodman DM, Hall M, Levin A, et al. Adults with chronic health conditions originating in childhood: inpatient experience in children’s hospitals. Pediatrics. 2011;128(1):5-13.
  9. Freed GL, Dunham KM, Research Advisory Committee of the American Board of P. Pediatric hospitalists: training, current practice, and career goals. J Hosp Med. 2009;4(3):179-186.
  10. Donnelly MJ, Lubrano L, Radabaugh CL, Lukela MP, Friedland AR, Ruch-Ross HS. The med-peds hospitalist workforce: results from the American Academy of Pediatrics Workforce Survey. Hosp Pediatr. 2015;5(11):574-579.
The Hospitalist - 2016(10)

The Joint Council of Pediatric Hospital Medicine (JCPHM), successor to the Strategic Planning (STP) Committee, recently recommended submitting a petition for two-year pediatric hospital medicine (PHM) fellowship certification to the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP), which was completed in 2014. In December 2015, the ABP Board of Directors voted to (1) approve the proposal for a two-year PHM fellowship incorporating scholarly activity with the provision that entrustable professional activities (EPAs) be used as the framework for assessing competencies and (2) not require those who achieve and maintain PHM certification to maintain general pediatrics certification. The proposal for certification of a two-year PHM fellowship will now be submitted to the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Concerns regarding the formal certification of PHM as an ABMS-recognized subspecialty have been raised by many stakeholders, including community pediatric hospitalists, pediatric residency program directors, and med-peds physicians.

We feel that the “first, do no harm” guiding principle seems to have been forgotten by the ABP as it attempts to formalize the training of pediatric hospitalists. In December 2015, the ABP voted in favor of a two-year ACGME-accredited PHM fellowship. The intent was to “assure the best care of hospitalized children,” “assure the public,” “accelerate improvements and innovation in quality improvement,” and “raise the level of care of all hospitalized children by establishing best practices in clinical care.” To be clear, these goals are shared by all of us (although there is no indication that the public is seeking additional assurance). Prior to launching broad-scale, time-intensive, and financially costly initiatives, we should ensure that our efforts would achieve—rather than obstruct—their intended aims. In addition to a lack of evidence supporting that subspecialty certification will advance our path toward achieving these goals, there are numerous reasons a required PHM fellowship is unnecessary and potentially even harmful to the hospitalist workforce. The negative unintended consequences need to be weighed heavily.

We have found no data to support that children would receive inferior inpatient care from pediatric hospitalists due to lack of formal certification. Hospital medicine physicians are paving the way in quality improvement, high-value care, medical education, palliative care, and global health, supported in part through training in various non-accredited hospital medicine fellowships. There is nothing stopping pediatric hospitalists from establishing and disseminating best practices in clinical care. Hospitalists are already making strides in providing high-quality care at low costs, as demonstrated by the abundant PHM scholarly work described in the ABP application to the ABMS. The alleged problem of needing to build trust within the community is yet to be demonstrated, as we have leaders at local, regional, and national levels. The chief medical officer of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is a hospitalist as is our surgeon general. Hospital medicine is the fastest-growing specialty in the history of medicine,1 and we should seek to propel rather than fetter our future colleagues.

Below are our reasons for opposing this formal certification.

We already have a fellowship system.

As we all know, advanced training opportunities already exist for those interested in pursuing extra research and quality improvement training. Similar to other pediatric subspecialty fellowships, these PHM fellowships are undersubscribed (20% of PHM fellowships did not fill in 2016),2 with the majority of graduating pediatric residents transitioning to hospitalists opting not to pursue fellowship training. We should continue to let graduating pediatric residents vote with their feet without the undue influence of subspecialty certification.

Subspecialization has opportunity costs that may reduce the PHM pipeline.

Even if we assume an adequate number of fellowship programs could be developed and funded, our fear is that the decision to turn PHM into an accredited subspecialty could paradoxically reduce the pipeline of inpatient providers. Residency is already a three- to four-year endeavor (pediatrics and med-peds) that is poorly compensated and time-intensive. In the absence of evidence supporting the value of additional training, tacking on another two years seems unreasonable in the face of the student loan debt crisis, reduced compensation, and lost time for career advancement. These are significant opportunity costs. While most specialties lead to a significant pay raise to compensate for the added training time, pediatrics remains the lowest-paid physician specialty.3 Should PHM follow the trend of most pediatric subspecialties, pursuit of fellowship training would be a negative financial decision for residency graduates.4 For the health system, increasing debt-to-income ratios runs the risk of creating a medical education bubble market.5



More than 25% of med-peds graduates pursue careers in hospital medicine, a percentage that continues to grow, accounting for more than 100 new hospitalists per year.6 As a result, med-peds-trained hospitalists constitute more than 10% of the pediatric hospitalist workforce.6 Requiring PHM fellowship training may reduce this crucial pipeline of practitioners. In a 2014 unpublished survey of 225 med-peds practitioners, 78% of residents and 96% of attendings responded that they would not consider pursuing an ACGME-accredited PHM fellowship.7 This is compounded by a lack of parity with the practice of adult hospital medicine both in compensation and required training and is heightened by the fact that the training in question does not incorporate care for adult patients. There is clear consensus by 96% of med-peds hospitalists that the creation of an ACGME-certified PHM subspecialty will negatively affect the likelihood of med-peds providers pursuing PHM.7

Certification will pose a potential risk to specific patient populations.

We are also concerned that a reduced PHM workforce could disproportionately impact young adults with special healthcare needs and those children cared for in rural or community-based hospitals. Med-peds training equips providers to care for children with chronic diseases that then transition into adulthood; more than 25% provide care for young adults with special healthcare needs.6 With the increasing number of children with chronic health conditions surviving into adulthood,8 med-peds hospitalists serve essential roles in providing care and coordination for this vulnerable population. Furthermore, hospital medicine groups in medical systems that cannot support a full-time categorical pediatric hospitalist tend to employ med-peds physicians or family practitioners. Concerns with PHM certification are thus extended to those family medicine physicians who practice PHM.

Pediatric residency trains pediatricians in inpatient care.

We feel that the decision to move forward on PHM subspecialty certification calls into question the value of pediatric residency training. There is no evidence that clinical inpatient training in pediatrics residency is inadequate. If one leaves residency trained to do anything, it is practicing hospital medicine. A significant portion of residency takes place inpatient, both on wards and in the intensive care units. The 2009 ABP Foundation–funded study of PHM reported that 94% of pediatric hospitalist respondents rated their training in general clinical skills during residency as fully adequate, 85% rated their training in communication skills as fully adequate, and 73% did not believe any additional training beyond residency should be required.9 With respect to med-peds graduates, more than 90% feel equipped to care for children and adults upon residency completion.10 If the ABMS carries forward with this decision, the only clinical work one would be “certified” to do after residency is primary care. However, after completion of residency training, most of us feel at least as comfortable, if not more comfortable, caring for children in the inpatient setting.

Primary care should require subspecialty certification as well.

Furthermore, the decision to create a certified subspecialty begs the question as to why fellowship should not be mandated for those entering the field of primary care. Does the field of primary care not require research to move it forward? Does the field of primary care not require providers who can adeptly apply quality improvement methodologies to improve primary-care delivery? Does the public not require the same type of assurance? By these measures, primary care should require subspecialty certification as well. These arguments could easily be construed as an indictment of residency training.

The target should be residency training.

The PHM ABMS application describes a clinical curriculum consisting of eight core clinical rotations in various settings. That small number emphasizes the fact that extra clinical training is really not needed and that we do not require a complete overhaul of the current training system. The skills in question for the accredited PHM fellowship include communication, negotiation, leadership, quality improvement, pain management, sedation, procedures, transport, billing/coding, autonomous decision making, and scholarly practice. Are most of these not skills that we should foster in all practicing pediatricians? If graduating pediatric residents lack competence in core pediatric skills (e.g., communication, pain management, autonomous decision making), we should target improvements in residency education rather than require years of further training. Pediatrics residency training already requires training in quality improvement and is incorporating “tracks” that target areas of perceived deficiency. Those physicians who actually require specialized hospital-based skills (e.g., sedation, procedures, and transport) could receive core training during residency (e.g., through PHM tracks or electives) and further hone these skills through faculty development efforts. While non-PhD researchers may benefit from additional training in research methodologies, this training comes at the expense of time spent caring for patients on the wards and should not be required training for the majority of pediatric hospitalists pursuing purely clinical roles.



Broad-based support for a PHM subspecialty has not been demonstrated.

While approximately 40 pediatric hospitalists originated the PHM certification petition, we have not seen clear support for subspecialty certification from the community. PHM certification runs the risk of alienating the general pediatrics community, as many outpatient pediatricians continue to care for their patients in the inpatient setting. Furthermore, at tertiary-care medical centers, pediatric subspecialists often serve as hospitalists, yet this stakeholder group has not entered into this conversation. Importantly, the Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) did not endorse this proposal. Many of the APPD members were quite concerned about the harm this certification could cause. While the APA Board and the AAP Board of Directors support PHM subspecialty certification, it is not clear that the rank-and-file members do. The Society of Hospital Medicine did not support or oppose certification. In an era of controversy surrounding certification requirements, prior to making a decision that will alter the direction of an entire field and impact all future residency graduates interested in entering that field, we should ensure there is broad-based support for this decision.

An alternative path has already been established and validated.

A more prudent, cost-effective, and universally acceptable approach would be to follow in the footsteps of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) in establishing a Focused Practice in Pediatric Hospital Medicine program. This approach respects the unique body of knowledge required of those who care for hospitalized children while maintaining the required flexibility to nurture and help to mature existing training pipelines. Core hospital medicine skills should be further honed through residency curricular changes and faculty development efforts, while hospital-based physicians interested in developing niche skills could still do so via already existing fellowships.

When it comes to pediatric hospital medicine, first, do no harm.

Pediatric hospitalists are inpatient generalists by training and clinical approach. Our practices vary from large academic medical centers with every imaginable subspecialty consult service available to remote rural settings that require hospitalists to possess unique and specific skills. Some pediatric hospitalists participate in newborn care, some perform sedations, and some perform a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The current system is meeting the needs of the vast majority of our PHM community. Changes to the residency curriculum that are already under way can address any clinical and quality improvement gaps. More than enough PHM fellowships are available to those who choose to pursue them. The public is not requesting reassurance, and the field is already advancing at a rapid rate both clinically and scholarly. Subspecialty recognition is not necessary and will likely lead to negative unintended consequences. Given the financial constraints on our current system and the need for pediatric hospitalists to be stewards of high-value care, we should make collective decisions that will clearly benefit our patients and health system. As medical professionals, our priority should always be first, do no harm.

Weijen W. Chang, MD, is chief of the Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine at Baystate Children’s Hospital and associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Leonard Samuel Feldman, MD, is director of the Medicine-Pediatrics Urban Health Residency Program and associate professor of medicine and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Bradley Monash, MD, is associate chief of medicine at University of California, San Francisco and assistant clinical professor of medicine and pediatrics at UCSF School of Medicine.

Archna Eniasivam, MD, is assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCSF School of Medicine.


  1. Chen C, Eagle S. “Should Pediatric HM Pursue Subspecialty Certification, Required Fellowship Training?” The Hospitalist. July 31, 2012
  2. Results and Data: Specialties Matching Service 2016 Appointment Year. National Resident Matching Program website. Accessed May 15, 2016.
  3. Medscape Pediatrician Compensation Report 2015. Medscape website.  Accessed April 29, 2016.
  4. Rochlin JM, Simon HK. Does fellowship pay: what is the long-term financial impact of subspecialty training in pediatrics? Pediatrics. 2001;127(2):254-260.
  5. Asch DA, Nicholson S, Vujicic M. Are we in a medical education bubble market? N Engl J Med. 2013;369(21):1973-1975.
  6. O’Toole JK, Friedland AR, Gonzaga AM, et al. The practice patterns of recently graduated internal medicine-pediatric hospitalists. Hosp Pediatr. 2015;5(6):309-314.
  7. Society of Hospital Medicine: Survey of Med-Peds Physicians about PHM Certification. May 2014 (unpublished).
  8. Goodman DM, Hall M, Levin A, et al. Adults with chronic health conditions originating in childhood: inpatient experience in children’s hospitals. Pediatrics. 2011;128(1):5-13.
  9. Freed GL, Dunham KM, Research Advisory Committee of the American Board of P. Pediatric hospitalists: training, current practice, and career goals. J Hosp Med. 2009;4(3):179-186.
  10. Donnelly MJ, Lubrano L, Radabaugh CL, Lukela MP, Friedland AR, Ruch-Ross HS. The med-peds hospitalist workforce: results from the American Academy of Pediatrics Workforce Survey. Hosp Pediatr. 2015;5(11):574-579.

The Joint Council of Pediatric Hospital Medicine (JCPHM), successor to the Strategic Planning (STP) Committee, recently recommended submitting a petition for two-year pediatric hospital medicine (PHM) fellowship certification to the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP), which was completed in 2014. In December 2015, the ABP Board of Directors voted to (1) approve the proposal for a two-year PHM fellowship incorporating scholarly activity with the provision that entrustable professional activities (EPAs) be used as the framework for assessing competencies and (2) not require those who achieve and maintain PHM certification to maintain general pediatrics certification. The proposal for certification of a two-year PHM fellowship will now be submitted to the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Concerns regarding the formal certification of PHM as an ABMS-recognized subspecialty have been raised by many stakeholders, including community pediatric hospitalists, pediatric residency program directors, and med-peds physicians.

We feel that the “first, do no harm” guiding principle seems to have been forgotten by the ABP as it attempts to formalize the training of pediatric hospitalists. In December 2015, the ABP voted in favor of a two-year ACGME-accredited PHM fellowship. The intent was to “assure the best care of hospitalized children,” “assure the public,” “accelerate improvements and innovation in quality improvement,” and “raise the level of care of all hospitalized children by establishing best practices in clinical care.” To be clear, these goals are shared by all of us (although there is no indication that the public is seeking additional assurance). Prior to launching broad-scale, time-intensive, and financially costly initiatives, we should ensure that our efforts would achieve—rather than obstruct—their intended aims. In addition to a lack of evidence supporting that subspecialty certification will advance our path toward achieving these goals, there are numerous reasons a required PHM fellowship is unnecessary and potentially even harmful to the hospitalist workforce. The negative unintended consequences need to be weighed heavily.

We have found no data to support that children would receive inferior inpatient care from pediatric hospitalists due to lack of formal certification. Hospital medicine physicians are paving the way in quality improvement, high-value care, medical education, palliative care, and global health, supported in part through training in various non-accredited hospital medicine fellowships. There is nothing stopping pediatric hospitalists from establishing and disseminating best practices in clinical care. Hospitalists are already making strides in providing high-quality care at low costs, as demonstrated by the abundant PHM scholarly work described in the ABP application to the ABMS. The alleged problem of needing to build trust within the community is yet to be demonstrated, as we have leaders at local, regional, and national levels. The chief medical officer of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is a hospitalist as is our surgeon general. Hospital medicine is the fastest-growing specialty in the history of medicine,1 and we should seek to propel rather than fetter our future colleagues.

Below are our reasons for opposing this formal certification.

We already have a fellowship system.

As we all know, advanced training opportunities already exist for those interested in pursuing extra research and quality improvement training. Similar to other pediatric subspecialty fellowships, these PHM fellowships are undersubscribed (20% of PHM fellowships did not fill in 2016),2 with the majority of graduating pediatric residents transitioning to hospitalists opting not to pursue fellowship training. We should continue to let graduating pediatric residents vote with their feet without the undue influence of subspecialty certification.

Subspecialization has opportunity costs that may reduce the PHM pipeline.

Even if we assume an adequate number of fellowship programs could be developed and funded, our fear is that the decision to turn PHM into an accredited subspecialty could paradoxically reduce the pipeline of inpatient providers. Residency is already a three- to four-year endeavor (pediatrics and med-peds) that is poorly compensated and time-intensive. In the absence of evidence supporting the value of additional training, tacking on another two years seems unreasonable in the face of the student loan debt crisis, reduced compensation, and lost time for career advancement. These are significant opportunity costs. While most specialties lead to a significant pay raise to compensate for the added training time, pediatrics remains the lowest-paid physician specialty.3 Should PHM follow the trend of most pediatric subspecialties, pursuit of fellowship training would be a negative financial decision for residency graduates.4 For the health system, increasing debt-to-income ratios runs the risk of creating a medical education bubble market.5



More than 25% of med-peds graduates pursue careers in hospital medicine, a percentage that continues to grow, accounting for more than 100 new hospitalists per year.6 As a result, med-peds-trained hospitalists constitute more than 10% of the pediatric hospitalist workforce.6 Requiring PHM fellowship training may reduce this crucial pipeline of practitioners. In a 2014 unpublished survey of 225 med-peds practitioners, 78% of residents and 96% of attendings responded that they would not consider pursuing an ACGME-accredited PHM fellowship.7 This is compounded by a lack of parity with the practice of adult hospital medicine both in compensation and required training and is heightened by the fact that the training in question does not incorporate care for adult patients. There is clear consensus by 96% of med-peds hospitalists that the creation of an ACGME-certified PHM subspecialty will negatively affect the likelihood of med-peds providers pursuing PHM.7

Certification will pose a potential risk to specific patient populations.

We are also concerned that a reduced PHM workforce could disproportionately impact young adults with special healthcare needs and those children cared for in rural or community-based hospitals. Med-peds training equips providers to care for children with chronic diseases that then transition into adulthood; more than 25% provide care for young adults with special healthcare needs.6 With the increasing number of children with chronic health conditions surviving into adulthood,8 med-peds hospitalists serve essential roles in providing care and coordination for this vulnerable population. Furthermore, hospital medicine groups in medical systems that cannot support a full-time categorical pediatric hospitalist tend to employ med-peds physicians or family practitioners. Concerns with PHM certification are thus extended to those family medicine physicians who practice PHM.

Pediatric residency trains pediatricians in inpatient care.

We feel that the decision to move forward on PHM subspecialty certification calls into question the value of pediatric residency training. There is no evidence that clinical inpatient training in pediatrics residency is inadequate. If one leaves residency trained to do anything, it is practicing hospital medicine. A significant portion of residency takes place inpatient, both on wards and in the intensive care units. The 2009 ABP Foundation–funded study of PHM reported that 94% of pediatric hospitalist respondents rated their training in general clinical skills during residency as fully adequate, 85% rated their training in communication skills as fully adequate, and 73% did not believe any additional training beyond residency should be required.9 With respect to med-peds graduates, more than 90% feel equipped to care for children and adults upon residency completion.10 If the ABMS carries forward with this decision, the only clinical work one would be “certified” to do after residency is primary care. However, after completion of residency training, most of us feel at least as comfortable, if not more comfortable, caring for children in the inpatient setting.

Primary care should require subspecialty certification as well.

Furthermore, the decision to create a certified subspecialty begs the question as to why fellowship should not be mandated for those entering the field of primary care. Does the field of primary care not require research to move it forward? Does the field of primary care not require providers who can adeptly apply quality improvement methodologies to improve primary-care delivery? Does the public not require the same type of assurance? By these measures, primary care should require subspecialty certification as well. These arguments could easily be construed as an indictment of residency training.

The target should be residency training.

The PHM ABMS application describes a clinical curriculum consisting of eight core clinical rotations in various settings. That small number emphasizes the fact that extra clinical training is really not needed and that we do not require a complete overhaul of the current training system. The skills in question for the accredited PHM fellowship include communication, negotiation, leadership, quality improvement, pain management, sedation, procedures, transport, billing/coding, autonomous decision making, and scholarly practice. Are most of these not skills that we should foster in all practicing pediatricians? If graduating pediatric residents lack competence in core pediatric skills (e.g., communication, pain management, autonomous decision making), we should target improvements in residency education rather than require years of further training. Pediatrics residency training already requires training in quality improvement and is incorporating “tracks” that target areas of perceived deficiency. Those physicians who actually require specialized hospital-based skills (e.g., sedation, procedures, and transport) could receive core training during residency (e.g., through PHM tracks or electives) and further hone these skills through faculty development efforts. While non-PhD researchers may benefit from additional training in research methodologies, this training comes at the expense of time spent caring for patients on the wards and should not be required training for the majority of pediatric hospitalists pursuing purely clinical roles.



Broad-based support for a PHM subspecialty has not been demonstrated.

While approximately 40 pediatric hospitalists originated the PHM certification petition, we have not seen clear support for subspecialty certification from the community. PHM certification runs the risk of alienating the general pediatrics community, as many outpatient pediatricians continue to care for their patients in the inpatient setting. Furthermore, at tertiary-care medical centers, pediatric subspecialists often serve as hospitalists, yet this stakeholder group has not entered into this conversation. Importantly, the Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) did not endorse this proposal. Many of the APPD members were quite concerned about the harm this certification could cause. While the APA Board and the AAP Board of Directors support PHM subspecialty certification, it is not clear that the rank-and-file members do. The Society of Hospital Medicine did not support or oppose certification. In an era of controversy surrounding certification requirements, prior to making a decision that will alter the direction of an entire field and impact all future residency graduates interested in entering that field, we should ensure there is broad-based support for this decision.

An alternative path has already been established and validated.

A more prudent, cost-effective, and universally acceptable approach would be to follow in the footsteps of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) in establishing a Focused Practice in Pediatric Hospital Medicine program. This approach respects the unique body of knowledge required of those who care for hospitalized children while maintaining the required flexibility to nurture and help to mature existing training pipelines. Core hospital medicine skills should be further honed through residency curricular changes and faculty development efforts, while hospital-based physicians interested in developing niche skills could still do so via already existing fellowships.

When it comes to pediatric hospital medicine, first, do no harm.

Pediatric hospitalists are inpatient generalists by training and clinical approach. Our practices vary from large academic medical centers with every imaginable subspecialty consult service available to remote rural settings that require hospitalists to possess unique and specific skills. Some pediatric hospitalists participate in newborn care, some perform sedations, and some perform a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The current system is meeting the needs of the vast majority of our PHM community. Changes to the residency curriculum that are already under way can address any clinical and quality improvement gaps. More than enough PHM fellowships are available to those who choose to pursue them. The public is not requesting reassurance, and the field is already advancing at a rapid rate both clinically and scholarly. Subspecialty recognition is not necessary and will likely lead to negative unintended consequences. Given the financial constraints on our current system and the need for pediatric hospitalists to be stewards of high-value care, we should make collective decisions that will clearly benefit our patients and health system. As medical professionals, our priority should always be first, do no harm.

Weijen W. Chang, MD, is chief of the Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine at Baystate Children’s Hospital and associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Leonard Samuel Feldman, MD, is director of the Medicine-Pediatrics Urban Health Residency Program and associate professor of medicine and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Bradley Monash, MD, is associate chief of medicine at University of California, San Francisco and assistant clinical professor of medicine and pediatrics at UCSF School of Medicine.

Archna Eniasivam, MD, is assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCSF School of Medicine.


  1. Chen C, Eagle S. “Should Pediatric HM Pursue Subspecialty Certification, Required Fellowship Training?” The Hospitalist. July 31, 2012
  2. Results and Data: Specialties Matching Service 2016 Appointment Year. National Resident Matching Program website. Accessed May 15, 2016.
  3. Medscape Pediatrician Compensation Report 2015. Medscape website.  Accessed April 29, 2016.
  4. Rochlin JM, Simon HK. Does fellowship pay: what is the long-term financial impact of subspecialty training in pediatrics? Pediatrics. 2001;127(2):254-260.
  5. Asch DA, Nicholson S, Vujicic M. Are we in a medical education bubble market? N Engl J Med. 2013;369(21):1973-1975.
  6. O’Toole JK, Friedland AR, Gonzaga AM, et al. The practice patterns of recently graduated internal medicine-pediatric hospitalists. Hosp Pediatr. 2015;5(6):309-314.
  7. Society of Hospital Medicine: Survey of Med-Peds Physicians about PHM Certification. May 2014 (unpublished).
  8. Goodman DM, Hall M, Levin A, et al. Adults with chronic health conditions originating in childhood: inpatient experience in children’s hospitals. Pediatrics. 2011;128(1):5-13.
  9. Freed GL, Dunham KM, Research Advisory Committee of the American Board of P. Pediatric hospitalists: training, current practice, and career goals. J Hosp Med. 2009;4(3):179-186.
  10. Donnelly MJ, Lubrano L, Radabaugh CL, Lukela MP, Friedland AR, Ruch-Ross HS. The med-peds hospitalist workforce: results from the American Academy of Pediatrics Workforce Survey. Hosp Pediatr. 2015;5(11):574-579.
The Hospitalist - 2016(10)
The Hospitalist - 2016(10)
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Why Required Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowships Are Unnecessary
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Why Required Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowships Are Unnecessary
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Another Spin

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Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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Another spin

A previously healthy 11‐year‐old boy presented to the emergency department after referral from his pediatrician for 1 week of fevers. Seven days prior to admission he developed a fever to 40.8C, vomiting, and mild left knee pain. The vomiting resolved within 2 days. Five days prior to admission he developed a pruritic, pinpoint rash over his abdomen that resolved within 24 hours. He also developed red, cracked lips, redness of his tongue, redness surrounding his eyes, and slight swelling of his hands. Three days prior to admission his pediatrician noted a 1‐cm anterior cervical lymph node. His fevers occurred throughout each of the prior 7 days without a discernible pattern, and his mild knee pain persisted at the time of presentation.

This preteen has had high fevers for 1 week associated with arthralgia, pruritic rash, emesis, and oral mucosal erythema. His rash, lip and tongue erythema, and swollen hands are classic features of Kawasaki disease (KD), but he lacks the other characteristic physical examination findings. The diagnosis of KD requires fever for at least 5 days accompanied by 4 of the following 5 signs: polymorphous rash, oral mucous membrane changes, peripheral extremity changes such as swelling or skin desquamation, bilateral bulbar conjunctival injection, and cervical lymphadenopathy >1.5 cm in diameter. Children meeting fewer than 4 of these criteria may have an incomplete form of KD.

Because most patients with KD (80%) are under 5 years old, alternative diagnoses such as autoimmune illnesses or a hypersensitivity reaction should be considered. Travel, medication, and animal exposure histories may reveal clues to an infectious or drug‐induced etiology of his fever. Immunization status should be assessed, as measles is also associated with fever, rash, and mucosal changes. Arthralgia or arthritis may occur in KD, but these findings suggest the need to entertain other possibilities, including bone or joint infection, infective endocarditis, inflammatory bowel disease, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

The child's only past medical history was an episode of croup as an infant. There was no family history of autoimmune diseases. He was not taking any medications and had no known allergies. His immunizations were up to date, including measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella. He lived with his parents and his dog. He swam in fresh water during a trip to Maine 2 months earlier. Neither he nor his family recalled a tick bite. He had no exposure to raw meat or unpasteurized dairy products.

The travel to New England raises the possibility of Lyme disease, although a 2‐month interval between exposure and a high, prolonged fever would be very unusual. Knee arthralgia or arthritis is common in children with late‐stage Lyme disease, but can also be seen in early‐disseminated disease. The prior description of the rash is not suggestive of erythema chronicum migrans, which is seen in early‐stage Lyme disease.

C‐reactive protein (CRP) was 189 mg/L (normal <6.3 mg/L). An echocardiogram was normal. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was administered for presumed KD, with immediate improvement of the periorbital erythema, tongue redness, and hand swelling. He was discharged the next day on aspirin with cardiology clinic follow‐up.

Improvement after IVIG supports the diagnosis of KD. It is typical to discharge KD patients from the hospital when they have been afebrile for 24 hours or when the CRP level has declined by approximately 50%.

Over the next 48 hours he felt unwell with high‐grade fevers, continued left knee pain, and new left hip pain. He was readmitted to the hospital. His temperature was 39.4C, respiratory rate was 22 breaths per minute, heart rate was 122 beats per minute, blood pressure was 103/50 mm Hg, and oxygen saturation was 100% while breathing ambient air. He appeared mildly uncomfortable. His conjunctivae were normal. His lips were dry, red, and cracked, and his tongue was red with prominent papillae. His neck was supple without lymphadenopathy. His lungs were clear to auscultation. His heart exam was without murmurs. His abdomen was soft, and the liver and spleen were not enlarged. He had no swelling or erythema of his joints; however, he experienced pain with range of motion of his left knee, and tenderness and restricted range of motion of his left hip. His neurologic exam was normal. There were no rashes.

He has persistent fever, tachycardia, and tachypnea, now without features of KD except oral mucosal changes including prominent tongue papillae consistent with a strawberry tongue. Continued or recurrent fever may suggest persistent KD with ongoing inflammation or the need to search for an alternative diagnoses. An echocardiogram should be repeated, as the coronary artery abnormalities in KD can evolve rapidly, particularly when inflammation persists. Additional findings may include decreased left ventricular function, mitral regurgitation, or pericardial effusion. A second dose of IVIG is necessary to control fever and inflammation in about 15% of patients with KD, although in this case IVIG should be withheld pending further evaluation.

Arthralgia occurs commonly in KD, whereas frank arthritis is less typical. Polyarticular or oligoarticular arthritis involving small or large joints (especially knee or ankle) affects 5% to 10% of patients. The severity of findings in his left hip warrants consideration of septic arthritis with pain referred to the knee; pelvic or femoral osteomyelitis; psoas abscess; or pyomyositis. Following basic lab tests, imaging of the left hip region is indicated.

Laboratory evaluation revealed: white blood cell (WBC) count 10,000/L (absolute neutrophil count 8,460/L, absolute lymphocyte count 530/L), hemoglobin 10.6 g/dL, platelet count 208,000/L, serum sodium 130 mmol/L, serum potassium 3.3 mmol/L, serum urea nitrogen 11 mg/dL, serum creatinine 0.54 mg/dL, aspartate transaminase (AST) 26 U/L, alanine transaminase (ALT) 31 U/L, albumin 1.7 g/dL, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) > 100 mm/h, and CRP 263 mg/L. No blast cells were seen on peripheral blood smear.

Hypoalbuminemia and markedly elevated inflammatory markers indicate an inflammatory condition that has been active for more than a week. Assessing ESR after IVIG therapy is not useful because exogenous globulins increase the ESR; however, CRP is useful to monitor inflammation and remains elevated here.

Incomplete KD is still possible. Hyponatremia, hypoalbuminemia, and anemia are all features of persistent KD, and have been utilized in several clinical scoring systems in Japan to identify KD patients at increased risk for developing coronary complications. A neoplastic process cannot be excluded, but does not appear likely based on the acuity of his presentation and peripheral blood smear review.

Upon readmission he received a second dose of 2 g/kg IVIG. He remained on aspirin and continued to have fevers. A repeat echocardiogram was normal. He had worsening pain in his left knee and hip with difficulty straightening his left leg. Physical examination was notable for tenderness to palpation over his left hip joint, refusal to bear weight, and resistance to passive range of motion. On hospital day 2, an ultrasound of his left hip and knee revealed a complex left hip effusion and small left knee effusion.

KD becomes less likely in the presence of persistent fevers after IVIG and a repeatedly normal echocardiogram. Worsening left leg symptoms including impaired hip extension with a complex hip effusion suggests an infectious process in or adjacent to the left hip, such as septic arthritis, myositis, or osteomyelitis of the pelvis or proximal femur. A complex hip effusion is less likely to be present with arthritis related to JIA or SLE. The patient needs an emergent hip aspiration and possibly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate adjacent structures.

Arthrotomy and open drainage of his left hip revealed purulent fluid with a WBC count of 49,000/L with 89% neutrophils and 2% lymphocytes. Gram stain was negative. A left knee aspirate demonstrated straw‐colored synovial fluid (which was not sent for cell counts). Bacterial, fungal, and acid‐fast bacilli cultures were requested from hip and knee aspirates. Intravenous ceftriaxone and vancomycin were administered.

The most likely organism in pediatric pyogenic arthritis is Staphylococcus aureus, but there is a long list of other potential pathogens, including Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus) and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Most pediatric patients with acute pyogenic arthritis have synovial fluid WBC counts in excess of 75,000 to 100,000/L. The protracted course and the initial lack of hip symptoms raise the possibility of a primary osteomyelitis of the femur (particularly the intracapsular portion of the femoral neck or head) or of the acetabulum, with subsequent extension into the hip joint. Pyogenic myositis involving muscle groups adjacent to the hip would be unlikely to spread into the hip space, but can lead to synovial irritation, characterized by sterile joint fluid and WBC counts that fall short of the usual numbers seen in septic arthritis. The blood supply to the femoral head can become compromised with prolonged inflammation and increased intracapsular pressure, resulting in aseptic necrosis.

All cultures from his hip and knee aspirations were sterile. He continued to have daily fevers and persistent tachycardia while receiving intravenous ceftriaxone and vancomycin. Additional testing was notable for: antinuclear antibody (ANA) 1:80, anti‐streptolysin O (ASO) titer 344 IU (normal <150 IU), AST and ALT within normal limits, ferritin 568 ng/mL (normal <322 ng/mL), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 212 units/L (normal <257 units/L). Abdominal ultrasound revealed borderline hepatosplenomegaly. An ophthalmologic examination was normal.

On postoperative day 4 he developed left upper thigh swelling. An MRI showed rim‐enhancing juxta‐articular complex fluid collections surrounding the left femur with decreased marrow enhancement of the left proximal femur (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Post‐gadolinium MRI lower extremity coronal view demonstrating rim‐enhancing juxta‐articular fluid collection with greatest diameter measuring 3.6 × 1.5 × 5.6 cm. Additional findings include decreased bone marrow signal enhancement intensity and intramuscular edema.

The limited rheumatologic evaluation is unrevealing; the ANA result is nondiagnostic and the ASO titer is normal for age. Laboratories generally report adult normal values for streptococcal antibodies regardless of the patient's age; children from ages 7 to 12 years are at their life peak frequency of group A streptococcal pharyngitis and typically have higher normal values of streptococcal antibodies, including ASO (up to about 480640 IU). The moderately elevated ferritin level is most likely an acute phase reactant and not high enough to suggest macrophage activation syndrome, which is unlikely with the normal AST, ALT, and LDH levels, the absence of significant splenomegaly, and the lack of cytopenias. Continued fever with progressive left upper thigh swelling point to osteomyelitis of the proximal femur, which may have initially ruptured into the hip and then infiltrated the femoral cortex and spread infection into the adjacent soft tissues. Surgical debridement is indicated.

The relative prevalence of methicillin‐sensitive S aureus (MSSA) and methicillin‐resistant S aureus vary widely with geography. MSSA strains are more likely to be highly toxigenic. The elaboration of 1 or more extracellular toxins could account for the patient's initial symptoms.

The patient was brought back to the operating room for drainage of the juxta‐articular fluid collections and a biopsy of his femur. The fluid collections were grossly purulent. His intraoperative cultures were positive for MSSA. The bone biopsy revealed necrotic tissue, acute inflammation, and bacterial colonies, consistent with acute osteomyelitis. Further testing of his S aureus isolate was positive for staphylococcal enterotoxin B. He completed a 4‐week course of oral clindamycin with subsequent normalization of his hip exam and inflammatory markers. At a follow‐up visit the patient was feeling better, but had developed skin peeling on the lateral aspects of his feet consistent with late sequelae of toxin‐mediated disease (Figure 2). Three months after discharge the patient had returned to his baseline activity level and remained asymptomatic.

Figure 2
Lateral foot skin desquamation at clinical follow‐up 5 weeks post‐hospital admission.


The patient presented with a constellation of symptoms that was initially mistaken for incomplete KD until focal progression of his symptoms exposed an underlying femoral osteomyelitis with periarticular abscess formation. Bacterial cultures and subsequent toxin assay revealed an enterotoxin B‐producing strain of S aureus.

Certain staphylococcal strains secrete superantigens that may lead to the development of a systemic toxin‐mediated syndrome. Toxins elaborated by S aureus include toxic shock syndrome toxin‐1 (TSST‐1) and enterotoxins, which have been implicated in menstrual and nonmenstrual toxic shock syndromes.[1, 2] Enterotoxin B is a staphylococcal superantigen found in most strains of the USA400 clonal group, and has been frequently associated with skin and soft tissue infections.[3] Enterotoxin B production has been reported in nearly half of S aureus isolates from skin, soft tissue, and bone infections.[4]

Staphylococcal and streptococcal toxin‐mediated diseases can mimic vasculitis, systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, viral infections, and Stevens‐Johnson syndrome. Glossitis in toxin‐mediated syndromes manifests with a swollen, red tongue with overlying enlarged papillae, giving the appearance of a strawberry. Although pediatric providers often equate strawberry tongue, conjunctival injection, rash, and erythematous lips with KD, these findings are also seen in toxin‐mediated diseases, such as scarlet fever or staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome. Enterotoxin B mediated staphylococcal disease masquerading as KD has been reported in 2 cases: a 7‐month‐old boy with multifocal S aureus osteomyelitis and a 5‐year‐old boy with S aureus bacteremia. Both staphylococcal isolates produced enterotoxin B but were negative for other staphylococcus‐related toxins including TSST‐1.[5]

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently released its report Improving Diagnosis in Health Care, highlighting the under‐recognized quality and safety issue of diagnostic error.[6] The report uses the following broad and patient‐centered definition of diagnostic error: the failure to (a) establish an accurate and timely explanation of the patient's health problem(s) or (b) communicate that explanation to the patient. The IOM's conceptual model of diagnosis emphasizes the iterative nature of the diagnostic process, including the importance of generating a working diagnosis, gathering and incorporating new information in the reassessment of that diagnosis, and integrating treatment response into the formulation of the final diagnosis (Figure 3).

Figure 3
Conceptual model of the diagnostic process. (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Improving diagnosis in health care. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.)

Even though the patient initially had several features consistent with KD, the increasing number of atypical features could have prompted the clinical team to reconsider their working diagnosis. The patient's age was atypical for KD, he had progressive knee and hip arthritis, and his fevers persisted after IVIG. An expanded differential should have included toxic shock syndrome; the resolution of conjunctival and mucosal injection and edema after IVIG may have been the result of antibodies in the IVIG preparation with neutralizing activity against superantigens. This antitoxin activity has established a role for IVIG in the management of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome.[7] Ultimately, his imaging and surgical drainage revealed a focal staphylococcal toxin‐producing infectious source from which his fevers, rash, and mucosal and extremity changes emanated. This case reminds us that the more atypical a working diagnosis iseither in its presentation or treatment responsethe more readily clinicians should take it for another spin around the diagnostic wheel in search of a more suitable alternative.


  1. Staphylococcal toxin‐mediated disease may mimic KD, with common features including strawberry tongue, oral and conjunctival injection, and skin desquamation.
  2. Improvement after treatment with IVIG is characteristic but not diagnostic of KD, and may be seen in toxin‐mediated disease.
  3. KD may present with arthralgia or arthritis, but severe joint abnormalities warrant consideration of infectious and other autoimmune conditions.
  4. The more atypical a working diagnosis iseither in its presentation or treatment responsethe more readily clinicians should gather, interpret, and integrate new information in search of a more suitable alternative.

Disclosure: Nothing to report.

  1. Schlievert PM. Staphylococcal enterotoxin B and toxic shock syndrome toxin‐1 are significantly associated with non‐menstrual TSS. Lancet. 1986;1:11491150.
  2. Rizkallah MF, Tolaymat A, Martinez JS, Schlievert PM, Ayoub EM. Toxic shock syndrome caused by a strain of staphylococcus aureus that produces enterotoxin C but not toxic shock syndrome toxin‐1. Am J Dis Child. 1989;143 (7):848849.
  3. Kohler PL, Greenwood SD, Nookala S, Kotb M, Kranz DM, Schlievert PM. Staphylococcus aureus isolates encode variant staphylococcal enterotoxin B proteins that are diverse in superantigenicity and lethality. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e41157.
  4. Sina H, Ahoyo TA, Moussaoui W, et al. Variability of antibiotic susceptibility and toxin production of Staphylococcal aureus stains isolated from skin, soft tissue, and bone related infections. BMC Microbiol. 2013;13:188.
  5. Hall M, Hoyt L, Ferrieri P, Schlievert PM, Jenson HB. Kawasaki syndrome‐like illness associated with infection caused by enterotoxin B‐secreting Staphylococcus aureus. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2013;26:422447.
  6. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Improving Diagnosis in Health Care. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2015.
  7. Darenberg J, Ihendyane N, Sjolin J, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin G therapy in streptococcal toxic shock syndrome: a European randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2003;37(3):333340.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 11(7)
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A previously healthy 11‐year‐old boy presented to the emergency department after referral from his pediatrician for 1 week of fevers. Seven days prior to admission he developed a fever to 40.8C, vomiting, and mild left knee pain. The vomiting resolved within 2 days. Five days prior to admission he developed a pruritic, pinpoint rash over his abdomen that resolved within 24 hours. He also developed red, cracked lips, redness of his tongue, redness surrounding his eyes, and slight swelling of his hands. Three days prior to admission his pediatrician noted a 1‐cm anterior cervical lymph node. His fevers occurred throughout each of the prior 7 days without a discernible pattern, and his mild knee pain persisted at the time of presentation.

This preteen has had high fevers for 1 week associated with arthralgia, pruritic rash, emesis, and oral mucosal erythema. His rash, lip and tongue erythema, and swollen hands are classic features of Kawasaki disease (KD), but he lacks the other characteristic physical examination findings. The diagnosis of KD requires fever for at least 5 days accompanied by 4 of the following 5 signs: polymorphous rash, oral mucous membrane changes, peripheral extremity changes such as swelling or skin desquamation, bilateral bulbar conjunctival injection, and cervical lymphadenopathy >1.5 cm in diameter. Children meeting fewer than 4 of these criteria may have an incomplete form of KD.

Because most patients with KD (80%) are under 5 years old, alternative diagnoses such as autoimmune illnesses or a hypersensitivity reaction should be considered. Travel, medication, and animal exposure histories may reveal clues to an infectious or drug‐induced etiology of his fever. Immunization status should be assessed, as measles is also associated with fever, rash, and mucosal changes. Arthralgia or arthritis may occur in KD, but these findings suggest the need to entertain other possibilities, including bone or joint infection, infective endocarditis, inflammatory bowel disease, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

The child's only past medical history was an episode of croup as an infant. There was no family history of autoimmune diseases. He was not taking any medications and had no known allergies. His immunizations were up to date, including measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella. He lived with his parents and his dog. He swam in fresh water during a trip to Maine 2 months earlier. Neither he nor his family recalled a tick bite. He had no exposure to raw meat or unpasteurized dairy products.

The travel to New England raises the possibility of Lyme disease, although a 2‐month interval between exposure and a high, prolonged fever would be very unusual. Knee arthralgia or arthritis is common in children with late‐stage Lyme disease, but can also be seen in early‐disseminated disease. The prior description of the rash is not suggestive of erythema chronicum migrans, which is seen in early‐stage Lyme disease.

C‐reactive protein (CRP) was 189 mg/L (normal <6.3 mg/L). An echocardiogram was normal. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was administered for presumed KD, with immediate improvement of the periorbital erythema, tongue redness, and hand swelling. He was discharged the next day on aspirin with cardiology clinic follow‐up.

Improvement after IVIG supports the diagnosis of KD. It is typical to discharge KD patients from the hospital when they have been afebrile for 24 hours or when the CRP level has declined by approximately 50%.

Over the next 48 hours he felt unwell with high‐grade fevers, continued left knee pain, and new left hip pain. He was readmitted to the hospital. His temperature was 39.4C, respiratory rate was 22 breaths per minute, heart rate was 122 beats per minute, blood pressure was 103/50 mm Hg, and oxygen saturation was 100% while breathing ambient air. He appeared mildly uncomfortable. His conjunctivae were normal. His lips were dry, red, and cracked, and his tongue was red with prominent papillae. His neck was supple without lymphadenopathy. His lungs were clear to auscultation. His heart exam was without murmurs. His abdomen was soft, and the liver and spleen were not enlarged. He had no swelling or erythema of his joints; however, he experienced pain with range of motion of his left knee, and tenderness and restricted range of motion of his left hip. His neurologic exam was normal. There were no rashes.

He has persistent fever, tachycardia, and tachypnea, now without features of KD except oral mucosal changes including prominent tongue papillae consistent with a strawberry tongue. Continued or recurrent fever may suggest persistent KD with ongoing inflammation or the need to search for an alternative diagnoses. An echocardiogram should be repeated, as the coronary artery abnormalities in KD can evolve rapidly, particularly when inflammation persists. Additional findings may include decreased left ventricular function, mitral regurgitation, or pericardial effusion. A second dose of IVIG is necessary to control fever and inflammation in about 15% of patients with KD, although in this case IVIG should be withheld pending further evaluation.

Arthralgia occurs commonly in KD, whereas frank arthritis is less typical. Polyarticular or oligoarticular arthritis involving small or large joints (especially knee or ankle) affects 5% to 10% of patients. The severity of findings in his left hip warrants consideration of septic arthritis with pain referred to the knee; pelvic or femoral osteomyelitis; psoas abscess; or pyomyositis. Following basic lab tests, imaging of the left hip region is indicated.

Laboratory evaluation revealed: white blood cell (WBC) count 10,000/L (absolute neutrophil count 8,460/L, absolute lymphocyte count 530/L), hemoglobin 10.6 g/dL, platelet count 208,000/L, serum sodium 130 mmol/L, serum potassium 3.3 mmol/L, serum urea nitrogen 11 mg/dL, serum creatinine 0.54 mg/dL, aspartate transaminase (AST) 26 U/L, alanine transaminase (ALT) 31 U/L, albumin 1.7 g/dL, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) > 100 mm/h, and CRP 263 mg/L. No blast cells were seen on peripheral blood smear.

Hypoalbuminemia and markedly elevated inflammatory markers indicate an inflammatory condition that has been active for more than a week. Assessing ESR after IVIG therapy is not useful because exogenous globulins increase the ESR; however, CRP is useful to monitor inflammation and remains elevated here.

Incomplete KD is still possible. Hyponatremia, hypoalbuminemia, and anemia are all features of persistent KD, and have been utilized in several clinical scoring systems in Japan to identify KD patients at increased risk for developing coronary complications. A neoplastic process cannot be excluded, but does not appear likely based on the acuity of his presentation and peripheral blood smear review.

Upon readmission he received a second dose of 2 g/kg IVIG. He remained on aspirin and continued to have fevers. A repeat echocardiogram was normal. He had worsening pain in his left knee and hip with difficulty straightening his left leg. Physical examination was notable for tenderness to palpation over his left hip joint, refusal to bear weight, and resistance to passive range of motion. On hospital day 2, an ultrasound of his left hip and knee revealed a complex left hip effusion and small left knee effusion.

KD becomes less likely in the presence of persistent fevers after IVIG and a repeatedly normal echocardiogram. Worsening left leg symptoms including impaired hip extension with a complex hip effusion suggests an infectious process in or adjacent to the left hip, such as septic arthritis, myositis, or osteomyelitis of the pelvis or proximal femur. A complex hip effusion is less likely to be present with arthritis related to JIA or SLE. The patient needs an emergent hip aspiration and possibly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate adjacent structures.

Arthrotomy and open drainage of his left hip revealed purulent fluid with a WBC count of 49,000/L with 89% neutrophils and 2% lymphocytes. Gram stain was negative. A left knee aspirate demonstrated straw‐colored synovial fluid (which was not sent for cell counts). Bacterial, fungal, and acid‐fast bacilli cultures were requested from hip and knee aspirates. Intravenous ceftriaxone and vancomycin were administered.

The most likely organism in pediatric pyogenic arthritis is Staphylococcus aureus, but there is a long list of other potential pathogens, including Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus) and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Most pediatric patients with acute pyogenic arthritis have synovial fluid WBC counts in excess of 75,000 to 100,000/L. The protracted course and the initial lack of hip symptoms raise the possibility of a primary osteomyelitis of the femur (particularly the intracapsular portion of the femoral neck or head) or of the acetabulum, with subsequent extension into the hip joint. Pyogenic myositis involving muscle groups adjacent to the hip would be unlikely to spread into the hip space, but can lead to synovial irritation, characterized by sterile joint fluid and WBC counts that fall short of the usual numbers seen in septic arthritis. The blood supply to the femoral head can become compromised with prolonged inflammation and increased intracapsular pressure, resulting in aseptic necrosis.

All cultures from his hip and knee aspirations were sterile. He continued to have daily fevers and persistent tachycardia while receiving intravenous ceftriaxone and vancomycin. Additional testing was notable for: antinuclear antibody (ANA) 1:80, anti‐streptolysin O (ASO) titer 344 IU (normal <150 IU), AST and ALT within normal limits, ferritin 568 ng/mL (normal <322 ng/mL), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 212 units/L (normal <257 units/L). Abdominal ultrasound revealed borderline hepatosplenomegaly. An ophthalmologic examination was normal.

On postoperative day 4 he developed left upper thigh swelling. An MRI showed rim‐enhancing juxta‐articular complex fluid collections surrounding the left femur with decreased marrow enhancement of the left proximal femur (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Post‐gadolinium MRI lower extremity coronal view demonstrating rim‐enhancing juxta‐articular fluid collection with greatest diameter measuring 3.6 × 1.5 × 5.6 cm. Additional findings include decreased bone marrow signal enhancement intensity and intramuscular edema.

The limited rheumatologic evaluation is unrevealing; the ANA result is nondiagnostic and the ASO titer is normal for age. Laboratories generally report adult normal values for streptococcal antibodies regardless of the patient's age; children from ages 7 to 12 years are at their life peak frequency of group A streptococcal pharyngitis and typically have higher normal values of streptococcal antibodies, including ASO (up to about 480640 IU). The moderately elevated ferritin level is most likely an acute phase reactant and not high enough to suggest macrophage activation syndrome, which is unlikely with the normal AST, ALT, and LDH levels, the absence of significant splenomegaly, and the lack of cytopenias. Continued fever with progressive left upper thigh swelling point to osteomyelitis of the proximal femur, which may have initially ruptured into the hip and then infiltrated the femoral cortex and spread infection into the adjacent soft tissues. Surgical debridement is indicated.

The relative prevalence of methicillin‐sensitive S aureus (MSSA) and methicillin‐resistant S aureus vary widely with geography. MSSA strains are more likely to be highly toxigenic. The elaboration of 1 or more extracellular toxins could account for the patient's initial symptoms.

The patient was brought back to the operating room for drainage of the juxta‐articular fluid collections and a biopsy of his femur. The fluid collections were grossly purulent. His intraoperative cultures were positive for MSSA. The bone biopsy revealed necrotic tissue, acute inflammation, and bacterial colonies, consistent with acute osteomyelitis. Further testing of his S aureus isolate was positive for staphylococcal enterotoxin B. He completed a 4‐week course of oral clindamycin with subsequent normalization of his hip exam and inflammatory markers. At a follow‐up visit the patient was feeling better, but had developed skin peeling on the lateral aspects of his feet consistent with late sequelae of toxin‐mediated disease (Figure 2). Three months after discharge the patient had returned to his baseline activity level and remained asymptomatic.

Figure 2
Lateral foot skin desquamation at clinical follow‐up 5 weeks post‐hospital admission.


The patient presented with a constellation of symptoms that was initially mistaken for incomplete KD until focal progression of his symptoms exposed an underlying femoral osteomyelitis with periarticular abscess formation. Bacterial cultures and subsequent toxin assay revealed an enterotoxin B‐producing strain of S aureus.

Certain staphylococcal strains secrete superantigens that may lead to the development of a systemic toxin‐mediated syndrome. Toxins elaborated by S aureus include toxic shock syndrome toxin‐1 (TSST‐1) and enterotoxins, which have been implicated in menstrual and nonmenstrual toxic shock syndromes.[1, 2] Enterotoxin B is a staphylococcal superantigen found in most strains of the USA400 clonal group, and has been frequently associated with skin and soft tissue infections.[3] Enterotoxin B production has been reported in nearly half of S aureus isolates from skin, soft tissue, and bone infections.[4]

Staphylococcal and streptococcal toxin‐mediated diseases can mimic vasculitis, systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, viral infections, and Stevens‐Johnson syndrome. Glossitis in toxin‐mediated syndromes manifests with a swollen, red tongue with overlying enlarged papillae, giving the appearance of a strawberry. Although pediatric providers often equate strawberry tongue, conjunctival injection, rash, and erythematous lips with KD, these findings are also seen in toxin‐mediated diseases, such as scarlet fever or staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome. Enterotoxin B mediated staphylococcal disease masquerading as KD has been reported in 2 cases: a 7‐month‐old boy with multifocal S aureus osteomyelitis and a 5‐year‐old boy with S aureus bacteremia. Both staphylococcal isolates produced enterotoxin B but were negative for other staphylococcus‐related toxins including TSST‐1.[5]

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently released its report Improving Diagnosis in Health Care, highlighting the under‐recognized quality and safety issue of diagnostic error.[6] The report uses the following broad and patient‐centered definition of diagnostic error: the failure to (a) establish an accurate and timely explanation of the patient's health problem(s) or (b) communicate that explanation to the patient. The IOM's conceptual model of diagnosis emphasizes the iterative nature of the diagnostic process, including the importance of generating a working diagnosis, gathering and incorporating new information in the reassessment of that diagnosis, and integrating treatment response into the formulation of the final diagnosis (Figure 3).

Figure 3
Conceptual model of the diagnostic process. (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Improving diagnosis in health care. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.)

Even though the patient initially had several features consistent with KD, the increasing number of atypical features could have prompted the clinical team to reconsider their working diagnosis. The patient's age was atypical for KD, he had progressive knee and hip arthritis, and his fevers persisted after IVIG. An expanded differential should have included toxic shock syndrome; the resolution of conjunctival and mucosal injection and edema after IVIG may have been the result of antibodies in the IVIG preparation with neutralizing activity against superantigens. This antitoxin activity has established a role for IVIG in the management of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome.[7] Ultimately, his imaging and surgical drainage revealed a focal staphylococcal toxin‐producing infectious source from which his fevers, rash, and mucosal and extremity changes emanated. This case reminds us that the more atypical a working diagnosis iseither in its presentation or treatment responsethe more readily clinicians should take it for another spin around the diagnostic wheel in search of a more suitable alternative.


  1. Staphylococcal toxin‐mediated disease may mimic KD, with common features including strawberry tongue, oral and conjunctival injection, and skin desquamation.
  2. Improvement after treatment with IVIG is characteristic but not diagnostic of KD, and may be seen in toxin‐mediated disease.
  3. KD may present with arthralgia or arthritis, but severe joint abnormalities warrant consideration of infectious and other autoimmune conditions.
  4. The more atypical a working diagnosis iseither in its presentation or treatment responsethe more readily clinicians should gather, interpret, and integrate new information in search of a more suitable alternative.

Disclosure: Nothing to report.

A previously healthy 11‐year‐old boy presented to the emergency department after referral from his pediatrician for 1 week of fevers. Seven days prior to admission he developed a fever to 40.8C, vomiting, and mild left knee pain. The vomiting resolved within 2 days. Five days prior to admission he developed a pruritic, pinpoint rash over his abdomen that resolved within 24 hours. He also developed red, cracked lips, redness of his tongue, redness surrounding his eyes, and slight swelling of his hands. Three days prior to admission his pediatrician noted a 1‐cm anterior cervical lymph node. His fevers occurred throughout each of the prior 7 days without a discernible pattern, and his mild knee pain persisted at the time of presentation.

This preteen has had high fevers for 1 week associated with arthralgia, pruritic rash, emesis, and oral mucosal erythema. His rash, lip and tongue erythema, and swollen hands are classic features of Kawasaki disease (KD), but he lacks the other characteristic physical examination findings. The diagnosis of KD requires fever for at least 5 days accompanied by 4 of the following 5 signs: polymorphous rash, oral mucous membrane changes, peripheral extremity changes such as swelling or skin desquamation, bilateral bulbar conjunctival injection, and cervical lymphadenopathy >1.5 cm in diameter. Children meeting fewer than 4 of these criteria may have an incomplete form of KD.

Because most patients with KD (80%) are under 5 years old, alternative diagnoses such as autoimmune illnesses or a hypersensitivity reaction should be considered. Travel, medication, and animal exposure histories may reveal clues to an infectious or drug‐induced etiology of his fever. Immunization status should be assessed, as measles is also associated with fever, rash, and mucosal changes. Arthralgia or arthritis may occur in KD, but these findings suggest the need to entertain other possibilities, including bone or joint infection, infective endocarditis, inflammatory bowel disease, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

The child's only past medical history was an episode of croup as an infant. There was no family history of autoimmune diseases. He was not taking any medications and had no known allergies. His immunizations were up to date, including measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella. He lived with his parents and his dog. He swam in fresh water during a trip to Maine 2 months earlier. Neither he nor his family recalled a tick bite. He had no exposure to raw meat or unpasteurized dairy products.

The travel to New England raises the possibility of Lyme disease, although a 2‐month interval between exposure and a high, prolonged fever would be very unusual. Knee arthralgia or arthritis is common in children with late‐stage Lyme disease, but can also be seen in early‐disseminated disease. The prior description of the rash is not suggestive of erythema chronicum migrans, which is seen in early‐stage Lyme disease.

C‐reactive protein (CRP) was 189 mg/L (normal <6.3 mg/L). An echocardiogram was normal. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was administered for presumed KD, with immediate improvement of the periorbital erythema, tongue redness, and hand swelling. He was discharged the next day on aspirin with cardiology clinic follow‐up.

Improvement after IVIG supports the diagnosis of KD. It is typical to discharge KD patients from the hospital when they have been afebrile for 24 hours or when the CRP level has declined by approximately 50%.

Over the next 48 hours he felt unwell with high‐grade fevers, continued left knee pain, and new left hip pain. He was readmitted to the hospital. His temperature was 39.4C, respiratory rate was 22 breaths per minute, heart rate was 122 beats per minute, blood pressure was 103/50 mm Hg, and oxygen saturation was 100% while breathing ambient air. He appeared mildly uncomfortable. His conjunctivae were normal. His lips were dry, red, and cracked, and his tongue was red with prominent papillae. His neck was supple without lymphadenopathy. His lungs were clear to auscultation. His heart exam was without murmurs. His abdomen was soft, and the liver and spleen were not enlarged. He had no swelling or erythema of his joints; however, he experienced pain with range of motion of his left knee, and tenderness and restricted range of motion of his left hip. His neurologic exam was normal. There were no rashes.

He has persistent fever, tachycardia, and tachypnea, now without features of KD except oral mucosal changes including prominent tongue papillae consistent with a strawberry tongue. Continued or recurrent fever may suggest persistent KD with ongoing inflammation or the need to search for an alternative diagnoses. An echocardiogram should be repeated, as the coronary artery abnormalities in KD can evolve rapidly, particularly when inflammation persists. Additional findings may include decreased left ventricular function, mitral regurgitation, or pericardial effusion. A second dose of IVIG is necessary to control fever and inflammation in about 15% of patients with KD, although in this case IVIG should be withheld pending further evaluation.

Arthralgia occurs commonly in KD, whereas frank arthritis is less typical. Polyarticular or oligoarticular arthritis involving small or large joints (especially knee or ankle) affects 5% to 10% of patients. The severity of findings in his left hip warrants consideration of septic arthritis with pain referred to the knee; pelvic or femoral osteomyelitis; psoas abscess; or pyomyositis. Following basic lab tests, imaging of the left hip region is indicated.

Laboratory evaluation revealed: white blood cell (WBC) count 10,000/L (absolute neutrophil count 8,460/L, absolute lymphocyte count 530/L), hemoglobin 10.6 g/dL, platelet count 208,000/L, serum sodium 130 mmol/L, serum potassium 3.3 mmol/L, serum urea nitrogen 11 mg/dL, serum creatinine 0.54 mg/dL, aspartate transaminase (AST) 26 U/L, alanine transaminase (ALT) 31 U/L, albumin 1.7 g/dL, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) > 100 mm/h, and CRP 263 mg/L. No blast cells were seen on peripheral blood smear.

Hypoalbuminemia and markedly elevated inflammatory markers indicate an inflammatory condition that has been active for more than a week. Assessing ESR after IVIG therapy is not useful because exogenous globulins increase the ESR; however, CRP is useful to monitor inflammation and remains elevated here.

Incomplete KD is still possible. Hyponatremia, hypoalbuminemia, and anemia are all features of persistent KD, and have been utilized in several clinical scoring systems in Japan to identify KD patients at increased risk for developing coronary complications. A neoplastic process cannot be excluded, but does not appear likely based on the acuity of his presentation and peripheral blood smear review.

Upon readmission he received a second dose of 2 g/kg IVIG. He remained on aspirin and continued to have fevers. A repeat echocardiogram was normal. He had worsening pain in his left knee and hip with difficulty straightening his left leg. Physical examination was notable for tenderness to palpation over his left hip joint, refusal to bear weight, and resistance to passive range of motion. On hospital day 2, an ultrasound of his left hip and knee revealed a complex left hip effusion and small left knee effusion.

KD becomes less likely in the presence of persistent fevers after IVIG and a repeatedly normal echocardiogram. Worsening left leg symptoms including impaired hip extension with a complex hip effusion suggests an infectious process in or adjacent to the left hip, such as septic arthritis, myositis, or osteomyelitis of the pelvis or proximal femur. A complex hip effusion is less likely to be present with arthritis related to JIA or SLE. The patient needs an emergent hip aspiration and possibly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate adjacent structures.

Arthrotomy and open drainage of his left hip revealed purulent fluid with a WBC count of 49,000/L with 89% neutrophils and 2% lymphocytes. Gram stain was negative. A left knee aspirate demonstrated straw‐colored synovial fluid (which was not sent for cell counts). Bacterial, fungal, and acid‐fast bacilli cultures were requested from hip and knee aspirates. Intravenous ceftriaxone and vancomycin were administered.

The most likely organism in pediatric pyogenic arthritis is Staphylococcus aureus, but there is a long list of other potential pathogens, including Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus) and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Most pediatric patients with acute pyogenic arthritis have synovial fluid WBC counts in excess of 75,000 to 100,000/L. The protracted course and the initial lack of hip symptoms raise the possibility of a primary osteomyelitis of the femur (particularly the intracapsular portion of the femoral neck or head) or of the acetabulum, with subsequent extension into the hip joint. Pyogenic myositis involving muscle groups adjacent to the hip would be unlikely to spread into the hip space, but can lead to synovial irritation, characterized by sterile joint fluid and WBC counts that fall short of the usual numbers seen in septic arthritis. The blood supply to the femoral head can become compromised with prolonged inflammation and increased intracapsular pressure, resulting in aseptic necrosis.

All cultures from his hip and knee aspirations were sterile. He continued to have daily fevers and persistent tachycardia while receiving intravenous ceftriaxone and vancomycin. Additional testing was notable for: antinuclear antibody (ANA) 1:80, anti‐streptolysin O (ASO) titer 344 IU (normal <150 IU), AST and ALT within normal limits, ferritin 568 ng/mL (normal <322 ng/mL), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 212 units/L (normal <257 units/L). Abdominal ultrasound revealed borderline hepatosplenomegaly. An ophthalmologic examination was normal.

On postoperative day 4 he developed left upper thigh swelling. An MRI showed rim‐enhancing juxta‐articular complex fluid collections surrounding the left femur with decreased marrow enhancement of the left proximal femur (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Post‐gadolinium MRI lower extremity coronal view demonstrating rim‐enhancing juxta‐articular fluid collection with greatest diameter measuring 3.6 × 1.5 × 5.6 cm. Additional findings include decreased bone marrow signal enhancement intensity and intramuscular edema.

The limited rheumatologic evaluation is unrevealing; the ANA result is nondiagnostic and the ASO titer is normal for age. Laboratories generally report adult normal values for streptococcal antibodies regardless of the patient's age; children from ages 7 to 12 years are at their life peak frequency of group A streptococcal pharyngitis and typically have higher normal values of streptococcal antibodies, including ASO (up to about 480640 IU). The moderately elevated ferritin level is most likely an acute phase reactant and not high enough to suggest macrophage activation syndrome, which is unlikely with the normal AST, ALT, and LDH levels, the absence of significant splenomegaly, and the lack of cytopenias. Continued fever with progressive left upper thigh swelling point to osteomyelitis of the proximal femur, which may have initially ruptured into the hip and then infiltrated the femoral cortex and spread infection into the adjacent soft tissues. Surgical debridement is indicated.

The relative prevalence of methicillin‐sensitive S aureus (MSSA) and methicillin‐resistant S aureus vary widely with geography. MSSA strains are more likely to be highly toxigenic. The elaboration of 1 or more extracellular toxins could account for the patient's initial symptoms.

The patient was brought back to the operating room for drainage of the juxta‐articular fluid collections and a biopsy of his femur. The fluid collections were grossly purulent. His intraoperative cultures were positive for MSSA. The bone biopsy revealed necrotic tissue, acute inflammation, and bacterial colonies, consistent with acute osteomyelitis. Further testing of his S aureus isolate was positive for staphylococcal enterotoxin B. He completed a 4‐week course of oral clindamycin with subsequent normalization of his hip exam and inflammatory markers. At a follow‐up visit the patient was feeling better, but had developed skin peeling on the lateral aspects of his feet consistent with late sequelae of toxin‐mediated disease (Figure 2). Three months after discharge the patient had returned to his baseline activity level and remained asymptomatic.

Figure 2
Lateral foot skin desquamation at clinical follow‐up 5 weeks post‐hospital admission.


The patient presented with a constellation of symptoms that was initially mistaken for incomplete KD until focal progression of his symptoms exposed an underlying femoral osteomyelitis with periarticular abscess formation. Bacterial cultures and subsequent toxin assay revealed an enterotoxin B‐producing strain of S aureus.

Certain staphylococcal strains secrete superantigens that may lead to the development of a systemic toxin‐mediated syndrome. Toxins elaborated by S aureus include toxic shock syndrome toxin‐1 (TSST‐1) and enterotoxins, which have been implicated in menstrual and nonmenstrual toxic shock syndromes.[1, 2] Enterotoxin B is a staphylococcal superantigen found in most strains of the USA400 clonal group, and has been frequently associated with skin and soft tissue infections.[3] Enterotoxin B production has been reported in nearly half of S aureus isolates from skin, soft tissue, and bone infections.[4]

Staphylococcal and streptococcal toxin‐mediated diseases can mimic vasculitis, systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, viral infections, and Stevens‐Johnson syndrome. Glossitis in toxin‐mediated syndromes manifests with a swollen, red tongue with overlying enlarged papillae, giving the appearance of a strawberry. Although pediatric providers often equate strawberry tongue, conjunctival injection, rash, and erythematous lips with KD, these findings are also seen in toxin‐mediated diseases, such as scarlet fever or staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome. Enterotoxin B mediated staphylococcal disease masquerading as KD has been reported in 2 cases: a 7‐month‐old boy with multifocal S aureus osteomyelitis and a 5‐year‐old boy with S aureus bacteremia. Both staphylococcal isolates produced enterotoxin B but were negative for other staphylococcus‐related toxins including TSST‐1.[5]

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently released its report Improving Diagnosis in Health Care, highlighting the under‐recognized quality and safety issue of diagnostic error.[6] The report uses the following broad and patient‐centered definition of diagnostic error: the failure to (a) establish an accurate and timely explanation of the patient's health problem(s) or (b) communicate that explanation to the patient. The IOM's conceptual model of diagnosis emphasizes the iterative nature of the diagnostic process, including the importance of generating a working diagnosis, gathering and incorporating new information in the reassessment of that diagnosis, and integrating treatment response into the formulation of the final diagnosis (Figure 3).

Figure 3
Conceptual model of the diagnostic process. (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2015. Improving diagnosis in health care. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.)

Even though the patient initially had several features consistent with KD, the increasing number of atypical features could have prompted the clinical team to reconsider their working diagnosis. The patient's age was atypical for KD, he had progressive knee and hip arthritis, and his fevers persisted after IVIG. An expanded differential should have included toxic shock syndrome; the resolution of conjunctival and mucosal injection and edema after IVIG may have been the result of antibodies in the IVIG preparation with neutralizing activity against superantigens. This antitoxin activity has established a role for IVIG in the management of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome.[7] Ultimately, his imaging and surgical drainage revealed a focal staphylococcal toxin‐producing infectious source from which his fevers, rash, and mucosal and extremity changes emanated. This case reminds us that the more atypical a working diagnosis iseither in its presentation or treatment responsethe more readily clinicians should take it for another spin around the diagnostic wheel in search of a more suitable alternative.


  1. Staphylococcal toxin‐mediated disease may mimic KD, with common features including strawberry tongue, oral and conjunctival injection, and skin desquamation.
  2. Improvement after treatment with IVIG is characteristic but not diagnostic of KD, and may be seen in toxin‐mediated disease.
  3. KD may present with arthralgia or arthritis, but severe joint abnormalities warrant consideration of infectious and other autoimmune conditions.
  4. The more atypical a working diagnosis iseither in its presentation or treatment responsethe more readily clinicians should gather, interpret, and integrate new information in search of a more suitable alternative.

Disclosure: Nothing to report.

  1. Schlievert PM. Staphylococcal enterotoxin B and toxic shock syndrome toxin‐1 are significantly associated with non‐menstrual TSS. Lancet. 1986;1:11491150.
  2. Rizkallah MF, Tolaymat A, Martinez JS, Schlievert PM, Ayoub EM. Toxic shock syndrome caused by a strain of staphylococcus aureus that produces enterotoxin C but not toxic shock syndrome toxin‐1. Am J Dis Child. 1989;143 (7):848849.
  3. Kohler PL, Greenwood SD, Nookala S, Kotb M, Kranz DM, Schlievert PM. Staphylococcus aureus isolates encode variant staphylococcal enterotoxin B proteins that are diverse in superantigenicity and lethality. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e41157.
  4. Sina H, Ahoyo TA, Moussaoui W, et al. Variability of antibiotic susceptibility and toxin production of Staphylococcal aureus stains isolated from skin, soft tissue, and bone related infections. BMC Microbiol. 2013;13:188.
  5. Hall M, Hoyt L, Ferrieri P, Schlievert PM, Jenson HB. Kawasaki syndrome‐like illness associated with infection caused by enterotoxin B‐secreting Staphylococcus aureus. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2013;26:422447.
  6. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Improving Diagnosis in Health Care. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2015.
  7. Darenberg J, Ihendyane N, Sjolin J, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin G therapy in streptococcal toxic shock syndrome: a European randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2003;37(3):333340.
  1. Schlievert PM. Staphylococcal enterotoxin B and toxic shock syndrome toxin‐1 are significantly associated with non‐menstrual TSS. Lancet. 1986;1:11491150.
  2. Rizkallah MF, Tolaymat A, Martinez JS, Schlievert PM, Ayoub EM. Toxic shock syndrome caused by a strain of staphylococcus aureus that produces enterotoxin C but not toxic shock syndrome toxin‐1. Am J Dis Child. 1989;143 (7):848849.
  3. Kohler PL, Greenwood SD, Nookala S, Kotb M, Kranz DM, Schlievert PM. Staphylococcus aureus isolates encode variant staphylococcal enterotoxin B proteins that are diverse in superantigenicity and lethality. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e41157.
  4. Sina H, Ahoyo TA, Moussaoui W, et al. Variability of antibiotic susceptibility and toxin production of Staphylococcal aureus stains isolated from skin, soft tissue, and bone related infections. BMC Microbiol. 2013;13:188.
  5. Hall M, Hoyt L, Ferrieri P, Schlievert PM, Jenson HB. Kawasaki syndrome‐like illness associated with infection caused by enterotoxin B‐secreting Staphylococcus aureus. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2013;26:422447.
  6. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Improving Diagnosis in Health Care. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2015.
  7. Darenberg J, Ihendyane N, Sjolin J, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin G therapy in streptococcal toxic shock syndrome: a European randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial. Clin Infect Dis. 2003;37(3):333340.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 11(7)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 11(7)
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Another spin
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Another spin
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© 2016 Society of Hospital Medicine
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Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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A 47‐year‐old paraplegic man presented to our emergency department (ED) with severe pain from his sacral decubitus ulcers. Earlier that day, he had left against medical advice from another area ED. He took no medications but noted that he had been on several medications during recent hospitalizations. He had smoked cocaine that morning. He reported 3 days of watery diarrhea. His triage temperature was 98.2F, his heart rate was 146 beats per minute, and his blood pressure was 155/84 mm Hg. He had multiple foul‐smelling, stage 4 sacral ulcers and a chronic indwelling urinary catheter. Laboratory results included: white blood cell (WBC) count 22,000/mm3 (neutrophils 17,900/mm3), hemoglobin 8.5 g/dL, platelet count 317,000/mm3, creatinine 4.2 mg/dL, and lactate 1.5 mg/dL.

The patient's tachycardia and leukocytosis suggest sepsis. Potential sources include soft tissue infection or osteomyelitis from his sacral ulcers, Clostridium difficile, or a urinary tract infection. Impaired visceral sensation from his spinal cord injury may dampen his response to an intra‐abdominal process, such as mesenteric ischemia or toxic megacolon. Records from other hospitals should be reviewed to assess the acuity of change in his WBC count, hemoglobin, and creatinine. His anemia may be from chronic inflammation (eg, osteomyelitis), renal insufficiency, hemolysis, or occult blood loss, including retroperitoneal and gastrointestinal sources. His kidney injury may be from tubular necrosis in the setting of sepsis or obstructive uropathy related to a neurogenic bladder.

Intravenous vancomycin and piperacillin‐tazobactam were initiated for presumed sepsis. The team requested records from his prior hospitalizations and received only his most recent ED documentation, which revealed that he had received single doses of vancomycin and piperacillin‐tazobactam for a similar presentation. Oral vancomycin and intravenous metronidazole were started when C difficile toxin testing returned positive. He appeared more comfortable and remained normotensive, although his sinus tachycardia persisted at approximately 130 beats per minute. Sixteen hours after admission, the patient went into pulseless electrical activity (PEA) arrest.

Potential contributors to his PEA and cardiovascular collapse are drug use (cocaine), alcohol withdrawal, infection, hypovolemia, myocardial ischemia, or heart failure. Severe hemorrhage, hyperkalemia, or acidosis from acute kidney injury and sepsis could also account for his cardiac arrest. His paraplegia and hospitalization raise the risk of venous thromboembolism, which can lead to PEA from pulmonary embolus and prolonged hypoxia.

Return of spontaneous circulation occurred following 6 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Arterial blood gas during bag‐valve mask ventilation with 100% FiO2 was: pH 7.00, paCO2 44 mm Hg, and paO2 209 mm Hg. Serum chemistries were: sodium 148 mmol/L, potassium 5.5 mmol/L, chloride 111 mmol/L, bicarbonate 11 mmol/L, blood urea nitrogen 78 mg/dL, creatinine 4.1 mg/dL, glucose 256 mg/dL, calcium 8.4 mg/dL, magnesium 1.7 mg/dL, and phosphorus 5.9 mg/dL. Venous lactate was >11 mmol/L. His WBC count was 28,000/mm3, hematocrit was 4.4%, and platelet count was 196,000/mm3. Hemoglobin was unmeasurable due to interfering substances. An electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia with diffuse ST segment depressions. Chest radiograph revealed a properly situated endotracheal tube, normal cardiomediastinal silhouette and right basilar atelectasis.

His profound anemia is the likely cause of his PEA arrest and severe lactic acidosis. Massive hemolysis is most likely given no overt evidence of bleeding to account for the precipitous fall in hematocrit. Hemolysis can result from disorders intrinsic or extrinsic to the red blood cell (RBC). Intrinsic defects are usually congenital and involve the membrane, hemoglobin, or metabolic enzymes within the RBC. Extrinsic hemolysis arises from processes that injure the RBC from the outside: antibodies, infections, and mechanical shearing.

A rapidly declining platelet count is seen in microangiopathic hemolytic conditions such as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), where platelets are consumed along with RBCs; sepsis makes DIC more likely. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is sometimes accompanied by immune thrombocytopenia. AIHA arises from antibodies that are idiopathic or produced in response to infection, autoimmune conditions (eg, systemic lupus erythematosus), lymphoproliferative disease, or drugs (eg, ‐lactam antibiotics). The antiphospholipid syndrome can lead to thrombocytopenia, hemolysis, and kidney injury. Devitalized tissue in his sacral ulcers may predispose the patient to infection with Clostridium perfringens, which can elaborate enzymes that trigger massive hemolysis.

Because automated hemoglobin measurement is performed by spectrophotometry (light absorption and scatter), high concentrations of poorly soluble autoantibodies can increase the turbidity of the sample and preclude the measurement of hemoglobin concentration. This could lead to the report of interfering substances.

Computed tomography of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis did not reveal internal bleeding. Laboratory studies during the resuscitation were: lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 2,411 U/L (reference range: 88230 U/L), haptoglobin 25 mg/dL (reference range: 36195 mg/dL), and reticulocyte percentage 2.6%. Total bilirubin was 2.4 mg/dL (reference range: 0.11.2 mg/dL), with direct fraction 0.9 mg/dL (reference range: <0.3 mg/dL). Prothrombin time (PT) was 24.9 seconds (reference range: 11.815.2 seconds), international normalized ratio (INR) was 2.3, and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) was 47.3 seconds (reference range: 22.233.0 seconds). Phlebotomy yielded icteric plasma. A peripheral blood smear revealed severe anemia, red cell agglutination, microspherocytes, and hemophagocytosis by neutrophils (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Neutrophil hemophagocytosis on peripheral blood smear (red solid line). Note the paucity of red blood cells, with scattered foci of red cell agglutination (red dashed line) and microspherocytes (red dotted line).

Low haptoglobin, elevated LDH, and hyperbilirubinemia confirm hemolysis. A more robust reticulocytosis is expected in the face of profound anemia, but the patient may also suffer from a concomitant hypoproliferative state (eg, nutritional deficiency). More likely, the rapidity of his decline outpaced the marrow's response, which can be delayed by days.

The most common cause of a combined elevation of the INR/PT and aPTT in a critically ill patient is DIC. Although no schistocytes were detected on the peripheral smear, they can be absent in up to 50% of DIC cases. TTP is associated with hemolytic anemia, kidney injury, and thrombocytopenia, but it generally does not cause coagulopathy.

The combination of red cell agglutination and hemophagocytosis suggests that the RBCs are coated with autoantibodies that cross‐link the cells and make them targets for phagocytosis by neutrophils in the circulation. This is distinct from the hemophagocytic syndrome, a rare immune activation syndrome characterized by macrophage phagocytosis of RBCs in the reticuloendothelial system. The blood smear also shows microspherocytes, which are seen in AIHA and hereditary spherocytosis.

Urinalysis showed large hemoglobin and 11 to 20 red blood cells per high‐power field. Serum creatine phosphokinase was 35 U/dL (reference range: 50388 U/dL). Four units of packed RBCs and 1 unit of fresh‐frozen plasma were transfused. Due to a rising creatinine level and declining urine output, continuous veno‐venous hemofiltration (CVVH) was initiated.

Acute tubular necrosis could result from sepsis, ischemic injury from DIC, hypotension during cardiac arrest, or heme pigment toxicity. Urine sediment should be reviewed for dysmorphic RBCs or RBC casts that would indicate glomerulonephritis (eg, from an underlying autoimmune process associated with AIHA).

Urine hemoglobin that is disproportionate to the degree of hematuria suggests hemoglobinuria, which in turn defines the hemolysis as intravascular. Processes that directly lyse RBCs in circulation via mechanical shearing, activation of complement, infection of the RBC, or enzymatic or oxidative destruction of the membrane cause intravascular hemolysis. Leading considerations include microangiopathy (eg, DIC, TTP), clostridial sepsis, and AIHA.

AIHA can be broadly classified as warm or cold. Warm AIHA is caused by immunoglobulin IgG antibodies that bind most avidly at body temperature. Because warm AIHA does not activate complement, patients present with evidence of extravascular hemolysis that is typically chronic and mild to moderate in severity. It does not typically cause the acute, fulminant, intravascular hemolytic condition seen here.

Cold AIHA is characterized by autoantibodies that bind at lower temperatures and comes in 2 forms: cold agglutinin disease and (rarely) paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH). Cold agglutinins are most often IgM antibodies produced in response to infection (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, infectious mononucleosis), drugs, or a hematologic malignancy. These IgM antibodies bind RBCs, causing them to agglutinate, and fix complement (including C3) to the surface of RBCs when blood circulates to cooler parts of the body. This results in complement activation, formation of the membrane attack complex, and intravascular hemolysis when bound and activated complement is present in large numbers. Acute infection can increase the complement available for binding to the surface of RBCs. Through a slightly different mechanism, PCH causes intravascular hemolysis through direct IgG activation of complement fixed to the surface of RBCs. During a hemolytic episode the direct antibody test (DAT) is positive using anti‐C3 and negative for IgG.

Based on the patient's clinical evidence of intravascular hemolysis and a suspected autoimmune etiology, the leading diagnosis at this time is cold AIHA.

Due to coagulopathy and possible cold agglutinin disease, therapeutic hypothermia for neuroprotection was deferred. He continued on vancomycin, piperacillin‐tazobactam, and metronidazole. The DAT and direct IgG were strongly positive (3+), whereas the direct C3 was weakly positive (<1+). His serum free hemoglobin increased from 136.7 mg/dL to 223.8 mg/dL (normal: 0.06.9 mg/dL). His severe metabolic acidosis corrected with CVVH.

The DAT detects IgG or complement adherent to RBCs. This patient has tested positive for both IgG and C3, though much more strongly for IgG, suggesting an unusual ability of the patient's IgG to activate complement. The phenomenon of mixed AIHA, in which the patient has both warm‐ and cold‐reacting antibodies, is rare.

Regarding infections associated with AIHA, there is no cough or rash to suggest M pneumoniae, and there is no sore throat, fever, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, or atypical lymphocytosis to suggest infectious mononucleosis. He should be tested for human immunodeficiency virus, which is also associated with AIHA. His leukocytosis may raise suspicion for an underlying hematologic malignancy, but he does not have blasts, dysplastic leukocytes, or lymphocytosis on his peripheral blood smear. Systemic lupus erythematosus can be associated with AIHA, thrombocytopenia, and renal failure, but he lacks the more common clinical manifestations of rash, arthralgias, and fever.

Drug‐induced immune hemolytic anemia (DIIHA) can cause both the clinical and serologic profile of an AIHA, as seen here. DIIHA can be distinguished from mixed AIHA if hemolysis abates with discontinuation of an offending drug. His deterioration is temporally associated with drug administration at the time of admission. Cephalosporins and ‐lactams (e.g., piperacillin) are the most common causes of DIIHA, and ‐lactamases such as tazobactam have also been implicated. By exclusion of other causes, DIIHA secondary to piperacillin is most likely responsible for his massive intravascular hemolysis.

Medical records from 2 other hospitals arrived approximately 36 hours after the patient's initial presentation. Three weeks earlier, he had required RBC transfusions for a 6 g/dL hemoglobin reduction after receiving piperacillin‐tazobactam for sepsis. He had been treated with steroids for presumed warm AIHA and dialyzed for acute kidney injury attributed to hemoglobinuria. After 1 week in the intensive care unit, he left against medical advice. Two weeks later he presented to another ED, which immediately preceded his presentation to our hospital.

An antibody screen for drug‐dependent antibodies revealed antipiperacillin antibodies. Antitazobactam antibodies were not tested. Piperacillin‐tazobactam was discontinued, and plasmapheresis was initiated to decrease the amount of piperacillin in the blood. The patient's hemoglobin subsequently remained above 7.0 g/dL without RBC transfusions.

His renal function recovered and he completed antibiotic therapy for C difficile infection and for his pressure ulcers. However, he had sustained severe anoxic brain injury during his cardiac arrest and did not recover neurological function. In accordance with his family's wishes, he was discharged to a long‐term acute care hospital dependent on a ventilator.


This case illustrates a dramatic presentation of fulminant intravascular hemolysis secondary to piperacillin. The incidence of DIIHA is estimated to be 1 in 1 million.[1] Historically, methyldopa and high‐dose penicillin have been responsible for the majority of cases,[2] but in recent years complex penicillins, including piperacillin, and second‐ and third‐generation cephalosporins have been implicated.[3, 4] Cases of DIIHA are often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed, as smoldering or less severe cases may not be recognized or are attributed to other causes.

A positive DAT, suggesting immunoglobulin and/or complement binding to RBCs, is the most reliable laboratory finding in DIIHA.[5] However, a positive DAT does not identify the source of the antigen and may result in misattribution of the immune hemolysis to autoimmunity rather than to a drug. Repeated or continued administration of the offending drug (as in this case) may perpetuate or worsen the hemolysis. Drug‐specific antibody tests may help to confirm the diagnosis, but these tests are complex and take significant time for specialized laboratories to run.

Severe hemolysis should be considered when a patient has a sudden and dramatic drop in his hemoglobin level in the absence of bleeding. Because DIIHA can be rapidly progressive, discontinuing a suspected culprit drug is the most important diagnostic and therapeutic measure. Typically, when an offending drug is stopped, the hemolysis stops as well. The time course over which this occurs depends on the rapidity of drug clearance.[4] Hemodialysis or plasmapheresis may be required in cases where the medication is renally excreted, particularly in cases of concomitant kidney injury. Evidence supporting corticosteroid use in DIIHA is limited, as the offending agent is usually discontinued by the time corticosteroids are initiated.[4]

This patient's DAT confirmed both IgG and complement activation, consistent with DIIHA caused by an immune complexlike reaction. This mechanism involves the antibody binding to a mixed epitope of the drug and a RBC membrane glycoprotein.[6] The offending drug was stopped only when review of his medical records established a clear temporal association between antibiotic administration and prior hemolysis.

The 2009 Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act created an electronic health record (EHR) incentive program (meaningful use criteria).[7] By 2012, only 6% of hospitals met all of the stage 2 criteria, which include EHR interoperability across health systems.[8] The patient's preceding hemolytic event was described in records faxed by the outside hospitals, but without EHR interoperability, the treating clinicians did not have timely access to this information. Instead, the familiar manual process of obtaining outside records involving signed forms, phone calls, fax machines, and reams of paper progressed at its usual pace. Real‐time access to health records might have guided providers to select an alternative antibiotic regimen. Instead, a communication breakdown contributed to a catastrophic drug reaction and to this tragic patient outcome.


  1. In a patient presenting with acute hemolysis and a positive DAT, consider DIIHA.
  2. Both piperacillin and tazobactam can cause a severe, complement‐mediated immune hemolytic anemia (DIIHA).
  3. Drug‐induced antibodies are detected by direct antiglobulin testing, but a complete medication history is the key to diagnosis.
  4. Management of drug‐induced hemolytic anemia involves immediate discontinuation of the culprit medication, supportive care, and potentially corticosteroids, plasmapheresis, and/or hemodialysis to expedite removal of the offending agent.
  5. EHR interoperability may provide timely access to important health information across different hospitals, expedite health information exchange, and reduce adverse patient outcomes that stem from communication delays.

This case was submitted anonymously to AHRQ WebM&M on July 18, 2014, and was accepted on August 7, 2014. The case and WebM&M commentary were published online on October 26, 2015.[9] This separate commentary on the same case was later submitted to the Journal of Hospital Medicine on September 2, 2015, accepted on November 24, 2015, and published on January 22, 2016. The 2 publications are written by different authors, and although they reference the same case, they make different but valuable points.


Nothing to report.

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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 11(2)
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A 47‐year‐old paraplegic man presented to our emergency department (ED) with severe pain from his sacral decubitus ulcers. Earlier that day, he had left against medical advice from another area ED. He took no medications but noted that he had been on several medications during recent hospitalizations. He had smoked cocaine that morning. He reported 3 days of watery diarrhea. His triage temperature was 98.2F, his heart rate was 146 beats per minute, and his blood pressure was 155/84 mm Hg. He had multiple foul‐smelling, stage 4 sacral ulcers and a chronic indwelling urinary catheter. Laboratory results included: white blood cell (WBC) count 22,000/mm3 (neutrophils 17,900/mm3), hemoglobin 8.5 g/dL, platelet count 317,000/mm3, creatinine 4.2 mg/dL, and lactate 1.5 mg/dL.

The patient's tachycardia and leukocytosis suggest sepsis. Potential sources include soft tissue infection or osteomyelitis from his sacral ulcers, Clostridium difficile, or a urinary tract infection. Impaired visceral sensation from his spinal cord injury may dampen his response to an intra‐abdominal process, such as mesenteric ischemia or toxic megacolon. Records from other hospitals should be reviewed to assess the acuity of change in his WBC count, hemoglobin, and creatinine. His anemia may be from chronic inflammation (eg, osteomyelitis), renal insufficiency, hemolysis, or occult blood loss, including retroperitoneal and gastrointestinal sources. His kidney injury may be from tubular necrosis in the setting of sepsis or obstructive uropathy related to a neurogenic bladder.

Intravenous vancomycin and piperacillin‐tazobactam were initiated for presumed sepsis. The team requested records from his prior hospitalizations and received only his most recent ED documentation, which revealed that he had received single doses of vancomycin and piperacillin‐tazobactam for a similar presentation. Oral vancomycin and intravenous metronidazole were started when C difficile toxin testing returned positive. He appeared more comfortable and remained normotensive, although his sinus tachycardia persisted at approximately 130 beats per minute. Sixteen hours after admission, the patient went into pulseless electrical activity (PEA) arrest.

Potential contributors to his PEA and cardiovascular collapse are drug use (cocaine), alcohol withdrawal, infection, hypovolemia, myocardial ischemia, or heart failure. Severe hemorrhage, hyperkalemia, or acidosis from acute kidney injury and sepsis could also account for his cardiac arrest. His paraplegia and hospitalization raise the risk of venous thromboembolism, which can lead to PEA from pulmonary embolus and prolonged hypoxia.

Return of spontaneous circulation occurred following 6 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Arterial blood gas during bag‐valve mask ventilation with 100% FiO2 was: pH 7.00, paCO2 44 mm Hg, and paO2 209 mm Hg. Serum chemistries were: sodium 148 mmol/L, potassium 5.5 mmol/L, chloride 111 mmol/L, bicarbonate 11 mmol/L, blood urea nitrogen 78 mg/dL, creatinine 4.1 mg/dL, glucose 256 mg/dL, calcium 8.4 mg/dL, magnesium 1.7 mg/dL, and phosphorus 5.9 mg/dL. Venous lactate was >11 mmol/L. His WBC count was 28,000/mm3, hematocrit was 4.4%, and platelet count was 196,000/mm3. Hemoglobin was unmeasurable due to interfering substances. An electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia with diffuse ST segment depressions. Chest radiograph revealed a properly situated endotracheal tube, normal cardiomediastinal silhouette and right basilar atelectasis.

His profound anemia is the likely cause of his PEA arrest and severe lactic acidosis. Massive hemolysis is most likely given no overt evidence of bleeding to account for the precipitous fall in hematocrit. Hemolysis can result from disorders intrinsic or extrinsic to the red blood cell (RBC). Intrinsic defects are usually congenital and involve the membrane, hemoglobin, or metabolic enzymes within the RBC. Extrinsic hemolysis arises from processes that injure the RBC from the outside: antibodies, infections, and mechanical shearing.

A rapidly declining platelet count is seen in microangiopathic hemolytic conditions such as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), where platelets are consumed along with RBCs; sepsis makes DIC more likely. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is sometimes accompanied by immune thrombocytopenia. AIHA arises from antibodies that are idiopathic or produced in response to infection, autoimmune conditions (eg, systemic lupus erythematosus), lymphoproliferative disease, or drugs (eg, ‐lactam antibiotics). The antiphospholipid syndrome can lead to thrombocytopenia, hemolysis, and kidney injury. Devitalized tissue in his sacral ulcers may predispose the patient to infection with Clostridium perfringens, which can elaborate enzymes that trigger massive hemolysis.

Because automated hemoglobin measurement is performed by spectrophotometry (light absorption and scatter), high concentrations of poorly soluble autoantibodies can increase the turbidity of the sample and preclude the measurement of hemoglobin concentration. This could lead to the report of interfering substances.

Computed tomography of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis did not reveal internal bleeding. Laboratory studies during the resuscitation were: lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 2,411 U/L (reference range: 88230 U/L), haptoglobin 25 mg/dL (reference range: 36195 mg/dL), and reticulocyte percentage 2.6%. Total bilirubin was 2.4 mg/dL (reference range: 0.11.2 mg/dL), with direct fraction 0.9 mg/dL (reference range: <0.3 mg/dL). Prothrombin time (PT) was 24.9 seconds (reference range: 11.815.2 seconds), international normalized ratio (INR) was 2.3, and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) was 47.3 seconds (reference range: 22.233.0 seconds). Phlebotomy yielded icteric plasma. A peripheral blood smear revealed severe anemia, red cell agglutination, microspherocytes, and hemophagocytosis by neutrophils (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Neutrophil hemophagocytosis on peripheral blood smear (red solid line). Note the paucity of red blood cells, with scattered foci of red cell agglutination (red dashed line) and microspherocytes (red dotted line).

Low haptoglobin, elevated LDH, and hyperbilirubinemia confirm hemolysis. A more robust reticulocytosis is expected in the face of profound anemia, but the patient may also suffer from a concomitant hypoproliferative state (eg, nutritional deficiency). More likely, the rapidity of his decline outpaced the marrow's response, which can be delayed by days.

The most common cause of a combined elevation of the INR/PT and aPTT in a critically ill patient is DIC. Although no schistocytes were detected on the peripheral smear, they can be absent in up to 50% of DIC cases. TTP is associated with hemolytic anemia, kidney injury, and thrombocytopenia, but it generally does not cause coagulopathy.

The combination of red cell agglutination and hemophagocytosis suggests that the RBCs are coated with autoantibodies that cross‐link the cells and make them targets for phagocytosis by neutrophils in the circulation. This is distinct from the hemophagocytic syndrome, a rare immune activation syndrome characterized by macrophage phagocytosis of RBCs in the reticuloendothelial system. The blood smear also shows microspherocytes, which are seen in AIHA and hereditary spherocytosis.

Urinalysis showed large hemoglobin and 11 to 20 red blood cells per high‐power field. Serum creatine phosphokinase was 35 U/dL (reference range: 50388 U/dL). Four units of packed RBCs and 1 unit of fresh‐frozen plasma were transfused. Due to a rising creatinine level and declining urine output, continuous veno‐venous hemofiltration (CVVH) was initiated.

Acute tubular necrosis could result from sepsis, ischemic injury from DIC, hypotension during cardiac arrest, or heme pigment toxicity. Urine sediment should be reviewed for dysmorphic RBCs or RBC casts that would indicate glomerulonephritis (eg, from an underlying autoimmune process associated with AIHA).

Urine hemoglobin that is disproportionate to the degree of hematuria suggests hemoglobinuria, which in turn defines the hemolysis as intravascular. Processes that directly lyse RBCs in circulation via mechanical shearing, activation of complement, infection of the RBC, or enzymatic or oxidative destruction of the membrane cause intravascular hemolysis. Leading considerations include microangiopathy (eg, DIC, TTP), clostridial sepsis, and AIHA.

AIHA can be broadly classified as warm or cold. Warm AIHA is caused by immunoglobulin IgG antibodies that bind most avidly at body temperature. Because warm AIHA does not activate complement, patients present with evidence of extravascular hemolysis that is typically chronic and mild to moderate in severity. It does not typically cause the acute, fulminant, intravascular hemolytic condition seen here.

Cold AIHA is characterized by autoantibodies that bind at lower temperatures and comes in 2 forms: cold agglutinin disease and (rarely) paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH). Cold agglutinins are most often IgM antibodies produced in response to infection (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, infectious mononucleosis), drugs, or a hematologic malignancy. These IgM antibodies bind RBCs, causing them to agglutinate, and fix complement (including C3) to the surface of RBCs when blood circulates to cooler parts of the body. This results in complement activation, formation of the membrane attack complex, and intravascular hemolysis when bound and activated complement is present in large numbers. Acute infection can increase the complement available for binding to the surface of RBCs. Through a slightly different mechanism, PCH causes intravascular hemolysis through direct IgG activation of complement fixed to the surface of RBCs. During a hemolytic episode the direct antibody test (DAT) is positive using anti‐C3 and negative for IgG.

Based on the patient's clinical evidence of intravascular hemolysis and a suspected autoimmune etiology, the leading diagnosis at this time is cold AIHA.

Due to coagulopathy and possible cold agglutinin disease, therapeutic hypothermia for neuroprotection was deferred. He continued on vancomycin, piperacillin‐tazobactam, and metronidazole. The DAT and direct IgG were strongly positive (3+), whereas the direct C3 was weakly positive (<1+). His serum free hemoglobin increased from 136.7 mg/dL to 223.8 mg/dL (normal: 0.06.9 mg/dL). His severe metabolic acidosis corrected with CVVH.

The DAT detects IgG or complement adherent to RBCs. This patient has tested positive for both IgG and C3, though much more strongly for IgG, suggesting an unusual ability of the patient's IgG to activate complement. The phenomenon of mixed AIHA, in which the patient has both warm‐ and cold‐reacting antibodies, is rare.

Regarding infections associated with AIHA, there is no cough or rash to suggest M pneumoniae, and there is no sore throat, fever, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, or atypical lymphocytosis to suggest infectious mononucleosis. He should be tested for human immunodeficiency virus, which is also associated with AIHA. His leukocytosis may raise suspicion for an underlying hematologic malignancy, but he does not have blasts, dysplastic leukocytes, or lymphocytosis on his peripheral blood smear. Systemic lupus erythematosus can be associated with AIHA, thrombocytopenia, and renal failure, but he lacks the more common clinical manifestations of rash, arthralgias, and fever.

Drug‐induced immune hemolytic anemia (DIIHA) can cause both the clinical and serologic profile of an AIHA, as seen here. DIIHA can be distinguished from mixed AIHA if hemolysis abates with discontinuation of an offending drug. His deterioration is temporally associated with drug administration at the time of admission. Cephalosporins and ‐lactams (e.g., piperacillin) are the most common causes of DIIHA, and ‐lactamases such as tazobactam have also been implicated. By exclusion of other causes, DIIHA secondary to piperacillin is most likely responsible for his massive intravascular hemolysis.

Medical records from 2 other hospitals arrived approximately 36 hours after the patient's initial presentation. Three weeks earlier, he had required RBC transfusions for a 6 g/dL hemoglobin reduction after receiving piperacillin‐tazobactam for sepsis. He had been treated with steroids for presumed warm AIHA and dialyzed for acute kidney injury attributed to hemoglobinuria. After 1 week in the intensive care unit, he left against medical advice. Two weeks later he presented to another ED, which immediately preceded his presentation to our hospital.

An antibody screen for drug‐dependent antibodies revealed antipiperacillin antibodies. Antitazobactam antibodies were not tested. Piperacillin‐tazobactam was discontinued, and plasmapheresis was initiated to decrease the amount of piperacillin in the blood. The patient's hemoglobin subsequently remained above 7.0 g/dL without RBC transfusions.

His renal function recovered and he completed antibiotic therapy for C difficile infection and for his pressure ulcers. However, he had sustained severe anoxic brain injury during his cardiac arrest and did not recover neurological function. In accordance with his family's wishes, he was discharged to a long‐term acute care hospital dependent on a ventilator.


This case illustrates a dramatic presentation of fulminant intravascular hemolysis secondary to piperacillin. The incidence of DIIHA is estimated to be 1 in 1 million.[1] Historically, methyldopa and high‐dose penicillin have been responsible for the majority of cases,[2] but in recent years complex penicillins, including piperacillin, and second‐ and third‐generation cephalosporins have been implicated.[3, 4] Cases of DIIHA are often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed, as smoldering or less severe cases may not be recognized or are attributed to other causes.

A positive DAT, suggesting immunoglobulin and/or complement binding to RBCs, is the most reliable laboratory finding in DIIHA.[5] However, a positive DAT does not identify the source of the antigen and may result in misattribution of the immune hemolysis to autoimmunity rather than to a drug. Repeated or continued administration of the offending drug (as in this case) may perpetuate or worsen the hemolysis. Drug‐specific antibody tests may help to confirm the diagnosis, but these tests are complex and take significant time for specialized laboratories to run.

Severe hemolysis should be considered when a patient has a sudden and dramatic drop in his hemoglobin level in the absence of bleeding. Because DIIHA can be rapidly progressive, discontinuing a suspected culprit drug is the most important diagnostic and therapeutic measure. Typically, when an offending drug is stopped, the hemolysis stops as well. The time course over which this occurs depends on the rapidity of drug clearance.[4] Hemodialysis or plasmapheresis may be required in cases where the medication is renally excreted, particularly in cases of concomitant kidney injury. Evidence supporting corticosteroid use in DIIHA is limited, as the offending agent is usually discontinued by the time corticosteroids are initiated.[4]

This patient's DAT confirmed both IgG and complement activation, consistent with DIIHA caused by an immune complexlike reaction. This mechanism involves the antibody binding to a mixed epitope of the drug and a RBC membrane glycoprotein.[6] The offending drug was stopped only when review of his medical records established a clear temporal association between antibiotic administration and prior hemolysis.

The 2009 Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act created an electronic health record (EHR) incentive program (meaningful use criteria).[7] By 2012, only 6% of hospitals met all of the stage 2 criteria, which include EHR interoperability across health systems.[8] The patient's preceding hemolytic event was described in records faxed by the outside hospitals, but without EHR interoperability, the treating clinicians did not have timely access to this information. Instead, the familiar manual process of obtaining outside records involving signed forms, phone calls, fax machines, and reams of paper progressed at its usual pace. Real‐time access to health records might have guided providers to select an alternative antibiotic regimen. Instead, a communication breakdown contributed to a catastrophic drug reaction and to this tragic patient outcome.


  1. In a patient presenting with acute hemolysis and a positive DAT, consider DIIHA.
  2. Both piperacillin and tazobactam can cause a severe, complement‐mediated immune hemolytic anemia (DIIHA).
  3. Drug‐induced antibodies are detected by direct antiglobulin testing, but a complete medication history is the key to diagnosis.
  4. Management of drug‐induced hemolytic anemia involves immediate discontinuation of the culprit medication, supportive care, and potentially corticosteroids, plasmapheresis, and/or hemodialysis to expedite removal of the offending agent.
  5. EHR interoperability may provide timely access to important health information across different hospitals, expedite health information exchange, and reduce adverse patient outcomes that stem from communication delays.

This case was submitted anonymously to AHRQ WebM&M on July 18, 2014, and was accepted on August 7, 2014. The case and WebM&M commentary were published online on October 26, 2015.[9] This separate commentary on the same case was later submitted to the Journal of Hospital Medicine on September 2, 2015, accepted on November 24, 2015, and published on January 22, 2016. The 2 publications are written by different authors, and although they reference the same case, they make different but valuable points.


Nothing to report.

A 47‐year‐old paraplegic man presented to our emergency department (ED) with severe pain from his sacral decubitus ulcers. Earlier that day, he had left against medical advice from another area ED. He took no medications but noted that he had been on several medications during recent hospitalizations. He had smoked cocaine that morning. He reported 3 days of watery diarrhea. His triage temperature was 98.2F, his heart rate was 146 beats per minute, and his blood pressure was 155/84 mm Hg. He had multiple foul‐smelling, stage 4 sacral ulcers and a chronic indwelling urinary catheter. Laboratory results included: white blood cell (WBC) count 22,000/mm3 (neutrophils 17,900/mm3), hemoglobin 8.5 g/dL, platelet count 317,000/mm3, creatinine 4.2 mg/dL, and lactate 1.5 mg/dL.

The patient's tachycardia and leukocytosis suggest sepsis. Potential sources include soft tissue infection or osteomyelitis from his sacral ulcers, Clostridium difficile, or a urinary tract infection. Impaired visceral sensation from his spinal cord injury may dampen his response to an intra‐abdominal process, such as mesenteric ischemia or toxic megacolon. Records from other hospitals should be reviewed to assess the acuity of change in his WBC count, hemoglobin, and creatinine. His anemia may be from chronic inflammation (eg, osteomyelitis), renal insufficiency, hemolysis, or occult blood loss, including retroperitoneal and gastrointestinal sources. His kidney injury may be from tubular necrosis in the setting of sepsis or obstructive uropathy related to a neurogenic bladder.

Intravenous vancomycin and piperacillin‐tazobactam were initiated for presumed sepsis. The team requested records from his prior hospitalizations and received only his most recent ED documentation, which revealed that he had received single doses of vancomycin and piperacillin‐tazobactam for a similar presentation. Oral vancomycin and intravenous metronidazole were started when C difficile toxin testing returned positive. He appeared more comfortable and remained normotensive, although his sinus tachycardia persisted at approximately 130 beats per minute. Sixteen hours after admission, the patient went into pulseless electrical activity (PEA) arrest.

Potential contributors to his PEA and cardiovascular collapse are drug use (cocaine), alcohol withdrawal, infection, hypovolemia, myocardial ischemia, or heart failure. Severe hemorrhage, hyperkalemia, or acidosis from acute kidney injury and sepsis could also account for his cardiac arrest. His paraplegia and hospitalization raise the risk of venous thromboembolism, which can lead to PEA from pulmonary embolus and prolonged hypoxia.

Return of spontaneous circulation occurred following 6 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Arterial blood gas during bag‐valve mask ventilation with 100% FiO2 was: pH 7.00, paCO2 44 mm Hg, and paO2 209 mm Hg. Serum chemistries were: sodium 148 mmol/L, potassium 5.5 mmol/L, chloride 111 mmol/L, bicarbonate 11 mmol/L, blood urea nitrogen 78 mg/dL, creatinine 4.1 mg/dL, glucose 256 mg/dL, calcium 8.4 mg/dL, magnesium 1.7 mg/dL, and phosphorus 5.9 mg/dL. Venous lactate was >11 mmol/L. His WBC count was 28,000/mm3, hematocrit was 4.4%, and platelet count was 196,000/mm3. Hemoglobin was unmeasurable due to interfering substances. An electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia with diffuse ST segment depressions. Chest radiograph revealed a properly situated endotracheal tube, normal cardiomediastinal silhouette and right basilar atelectasis.

His profound anemia is the likely cause of his PEA arrest and severe lactic acidosis. Massive hemolysis is most likely given no overt evidence of bleeding to account for the precipitous fall in hematocrit. Hemolysis can result from disorders intrinsic or extrinsic to the red blood cell (RBC). Intrinsic defects are usually congenital and involve the membrane, hemoglobin, or metabolic enzymes within the RBC. Extrinsic hemolysis arises from processes that injure the RBC from the outside: antibodies, infections, and mechanical shearing.

A rapidly declining platelet count is seen in microangiopathic hemolytic conditions such as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), where platelets are consumed along with RBCs; sepsis makes DIC more likely. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is sometimes accompanied by immune thrombocytopenia. AIHA arises from antibodies that are idiopathic or produced in response to infection, autoimmune conditions (eg, systemic lupus erythematosus), lymphoproliferative disease, or drugs (eg, ‐lactam antibiotics). The antiphospholipid syndrome can lead to thrombocytopenia, hemolysis, and kidney injury. Devitalized tissue in his sacral ulcers may predispose the patient to infection with Clostridium perfringens, which can elaborate enzymes that trigger massive hemolysis.

Because automated hemoglobin measurement is performed by spectrophotometry (light absorption and scatter), high concentrations of poorly soluble autoantibodies can increase the turbidity of the sample and preclude the measurement of hemoglobin concentration. This could lead to the report of interfering substances.

Computed tomography of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis did not reveal internal bleeding. Laboratory studies during the resuscitation were: lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 2,411 U/L (reference range: 88230 U/L), haptoglobin 25 mg/dL (reference range: 36195 mg/dL), and reticulocyte percentage 2.6%. Total bilirubin was 2.4 mg/dL (reference range: 0.11.2 mg/dL), with direct fraction 0.9 mg/dL (reference range: <0.3 mg/dL). Prothrombin time (PT) was 24.9 seconds (reference range: 11.815.2 seconds), international normalized ratio (INR) was 2.3, and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) was 47.3 seconds (reference range: 22.233.0 seconds). Phlebotomy yielded icteric plasma. A peripheral blood smear revealed severe anemia, red cell agglutination, microspherocytes, and hemophagocytosis by neutrophils (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Neutrophil hemophagocytosis on peripheral blood smear (red solid line). Note the paucity of red blood cells, with scattered foci of red cell agglutination (red dashed line) and microspherocytes (red dotted line).

Low haptoglobin, elevated LDH, and hyperbilirubinemia confirm hemolysis. A more robust reticulocytosis is expected in the face of profound anemia, but the patient may also suffer from a concomitant hypoproliferative state (eg, nutritional deficiency). More likely, the rapidity of his decline outpaced the marrow's response, which can be delayed by days.

The most common cause of a combined elevation of the INR/PT and aPTT in a critically ill patient is DIC. Although no schistocytes were detected on the peripheral smear, they can be absent in up to 50% of DIC cases. TTP is associated with hemolytic anemia, kidney injury, and thrombocytopenia, but it generally does not cause coagulopathy.

The combination of red cell agglutination and hemophagocytosis suggests that the RBCs are coated with autoantibodies that cross‐link the cells and make them targets for phagocytosis by neutrophils in the circulation. This is distinct from the hemophagocytic syndrome, a rare immune activation syndrome characterized by macrophage phagocytosis of RBCs in the reticuloendothelial system. The blood smear also shows microspherocytes, which are seen in AIHA and hereditary spherocytosis.

Urinalysis showed large hemoglobin and 11 to 20 red blood cells per high‐power field. Serum creatine phosphokinase was 35 U/dL (reference range: 50388 U/dL). Four units of packed RBCs and 1 unit of fresh‐frozen plasma were transfused. Due to a rising creatinine level and declining urine output, continuous veno‐venous hemofiltration (CVVH) was initiated.

Acute tubular necrosis could result from sepsis, ischemic injury from DIC, hypotension during cardiac arrest, or heme pigment toxicity. Urine sediment should be reviewed for dysmorphic RBCs or RBC casts that would indicate glomerulonephritis (eg, from an underlying autoimmune process associated with AIHA).

Urine hemoglobin that is disproportionate to the degree of hematuria suggests hemoglobinuria, which in turn defines the hemolysis as intravascular. Processes that directly lyse RBCs in circulation via mechanical shearing, activation of complement, infection of the RBC, or enzymatic or oxidative destruction of the membrane cause intravascular hemolysis. Leading considerations include microangiopathy (eg, DIC, TTP), clostridial sepsis, and AIHA.

AIHA can be broadly classified as warm or cold. Warm AIHA is caused by immunoglobulin IgG antibodies that bind most avidly at body temperature. Because warm AIHA does not activate complement, patients present with evidence of extravascular hemolysis that is typically chronic and mild to moderate in severity. It does not typically cause the acute, fulminant, intravascular hemolytic condition seen here.

Cold AIHA is characterized by autoantibodies that bind at lower temperatures and comes in 2 forms: cold agglutinin disease and (rarely) paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH). Cold agglutinins are most often IgM antibodies produced in response to infection (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, infectious mononucleosis), drugs, or a hematologic malignancy. These IgM antibodies bind RBCs, causing them to agglutinate, and fix complement (including C3) to the surface of RBCs when blood circulates to cooler parts of the body. This results in complement activation, formation of the membrane attack complex, and intravascular hemolysis when bound and activated complement is present in large numbers. Acute infection can increase the complement available for binding to the surface of RBCs. Through a slightly different mechanism, PCH causes intravascular hemolysis through direct IgG activation of complement fixed to the surface of RBCs. During a hemolytic episode the direct antibody test (DAT) is positive using anti‐C3 and negative for IgG.

Based on the patient's clinical evidence of intravascular hemolysis and a suspected autoimmune etiology, the leading diagnosis at this time is cold AIHA.

Due to coagulopathy and possible cold agglutinin disease, therapeutic hypothermia for neuroprotection was deferred. He continued on vancomycin, piperacillin‐tazobactam, and metronidazole. The DAT and direct IgG were strongly positive (3+), whereas the direct C3 was weakly positive (<1+). His serum free hemoglobin increased from 136.7 mg/dL to 223.8 mg/dL (normal: 0.06.9 mg/dL). His severe metabolic acidosis corrected with CVVH.

The DAT detects IgG or complement adherent to RBCs. This patient has tested positive for both IgG and C3, though much more strongly for IgG, suggesting an unusual ability of the patient's IgG to activate complement. The phenomenon of mixed AIHA, in which the patient has both warm‐ and cold‐reacting antibodies, is rare.

Regarding infections associated with AIHA, there is no cough or rash to suggest M pneumoniae, and there is no sore throat, fever, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, or atypical lymphocytosis to suggest infectious mononucleosis. He should be tested for human immunodeficiency virus, which is also associated with AIHA. His leukocytosis may raise suspicion for an underlying hematologic malignancy, but he does not have blasts, dysplastic leukocytes, or lymphocytosis on his peripheral blood smear. Systemic lupus erythematosus can be associated with AIHA, thrombocytopenia, and renal failure, but he lacks the more common clinical manifestations of rash, arthralgias, and fever.

Drug‐induced immune hemolytic anemia (DIIHA) can cause both the clinical and serologic profile of an AIHA, as seen here. DIIHA can be distinguished from mixed AIHA if hemolysis abates with discontinuation of an offending drug. His deterioration is temporally associated with drug administration at the time of admission. Cephalosporins and ‐lactams (e.g., piperacillin) are the most common causes of DIIHA, and ‐lactamases such as tazobactam have also been implicated. By exclusion of other causes, DIIHA secondary to piperacillin is most likely responsible for his massive intravascular hemolysis.

Medical records from 2 other hospitals arrived approximately 36 hours after the patient's initial presentation. Three weeks earlier, he had required RBC transfusions for a 6 g/dL hemoglobin reduction after receiving piperacillin‐tazobactam for sepsis. He had been treated with steroids for presumed warm AIHA and dialyzed for acute kidney injury attributed to hemoglobinuria. After 1 week in the intensive care unit, he left against medical advice. Two weeks later he presented to another ED, which immediately preceded his presentation to our hospital.

An antibody screen for drug‐dependent antibodies revealed antipiperacillin antibodies. Antitazobactam antibodies were not tested. Piperacillin‐tazobactam was discontinued, and plasmapheresis was initiated to decrease the amount of piperacillin in the blood. The patient's hemoglobin subsequently remained above 7.0 g/dL without RBC transfusions.

His renal function recovered and he completed antibiotic therapy for C difficile infection and for his pressure ulcers. However, he had sustained severe anoxic brain injury during his cardiac arrest and did not recover neurological function. In accordance with his family's wishes, he was discharged to a long‐term acute care hospital dependent on a ventilator.


This case illustrates a dramatic presentation of fulminant intravascular hemolysis secondary to piperacillin. The incidence of DIIHA is estimated to be 1 in 1 million.[1] Historically, methyldopa and high‐dose penicillin have been responsible for the majority of cases,[2] but in recent years complex penicillins, including piperacillin, and second‐ and third‐generation cephalosporins have been implicated.[3, 4] Cases of DIIHA are often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed, as smoldering or less severe cases may not be recognized or are attributed to other causes.

A positive DAT, suggesting immunoglobulin and/or complement binding to RBCs, is the most reliable laboratory finding in DIIHA.[5] However, a positive DAT does not identify the source of the antigen and may result in misattribution of the immune hemolysis to autoimmunity rather than to a drug. Repeated or continued administration of the offending drug (as in this case) may perpetuate or worsen the hemolysis. Drug‐specific antibody tests may help to confirm the diagnosis, but these tests are complex and take significant time for specialized laboratories to run.

Severe hemolysis should be considered when a patient has a sudden and dramatic drop in his hemoglobin level in the absence of bleeding. Because DIIHA can be rapidly progressive, discontinuing a suspected culprit drug is the most important diagnostic and therapeutic measure. Typically, when an offending drug is stopped, the hemolysis stops as well. The time course over which this occurs depends on the rapidity of drug clearance.[4] Hemodialysis or plasmapheresis may be required in cases where the medication is renally excreted, particularly in cases of concomitant kidney injury. Evidence supporting corticosteroid use in DIIHA is limited, as the offending agent is usually discontinued by the time corticosteroids are initiated.[4]

This patient's DAT confirmed both IgG and complement activation, consistent with DIIHA caused by an immune complexlike reaction. This mechanism involves the antibody binding to a mixed epitope of the drug and a RBC membrane glycoprotein.[6] The offending drug was stopped only when review of his medical records established a clear temporal association between antibiotic administration and prior hemolysis.

The 2009 Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act created an electronic health record (EHR) incentive program (meaningful use criteria).[7] By 2012, only 6% of hospitals met all of the stage 2 criteria, which include EHR interoperability across health systems.[8] The patient's preceding hemolytic event was described in records faxed by the outside hospitals, but without EHR interoperability, the treating clinicians did not have timely access to this information. Instead, the familiar manual process of obtaining outside records involving signed forms, phone calls, fax machines, and reams of paper progressed at its usual pace. Real‐time access to health records might have guided providers to select an alternative antibiotic regimen. Instead, a communication breakdown contributed to a catastrophic drug reaction and to this tragic patient outcome.


  1. In a patient presenting with acute hemolysis and a positive DAT, consider DIIHA.
  2. Both piperacillin and tazobactam can cause a severe, complement‐mediated immune hemolytic anemia (DIIHA).
  3. Drug‐induced antibodies are detected by direct antiglobulin testing, but a complete medication history is the key to diagnosis.
  4. Management of drug‐induced hemolytic anemia involves immediate discontinuation of the culprit medication, supportive care, and potentially corticosteroids, plasmapheresis, and/or hemodialysis to expedite removal of the offending agent.
  5. EHR interoperability may provide timely access to important health information across different hospitals, expedite health information exchange, and reduce adverse patient outcomes that stem from communication delays.

This case was submitted anonymously to AHRQ WebM&M on July 18, 2014, and was accepted on August 7, 2014. The case and WebM&M commentary were published online on October 26, 2015.[9] This separate commentary on the same case was later submitted to the Journal of Hospital Medicine on September 2, 2015, accepted on November 24, 2015, and published on January 22, 2016. The 2 publications are written by different authors, and although they reference the same case, they make different but valuable points.


Nothing to report.

Journal of Hospital Medicine - 11(2)
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A coat with a clue

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Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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A coat with a clue

A 59‐year‐old man with a history of hypertension was admitted with 6 months of shortness of breath, night sweats, and debilitating fatigue. His symptoms were initially mild and would persist for weeks at a time, after which he would feel better for several days. Over the 2 weeks prior to admission his symptoms had progressed, and he had become dyspneic with minimal exertion.

Progressive dyspnea has a broad differential that includes diseases of the heart (eg, congestive heart failure, aortic stenosis, constrictive pericarditis), lung (eg, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, pleural effusion), and blood (eg, anemia).

Night sweats suggest an inflammatory condition, but do not help prioritize infection, malignancy, or autoimmunity. Any of those conditions can be relapsing and remitting, at least in their early phases, but the return to normalcy raises the possibility of hypersensitivity pneumonitis from a periodic exposure.

The 6‐month duration makes typical bacterial and viral infections less likely and suggests indolent infections such as mycobacteria, fungi, or human immunodeficiency virus. Lymphoma or chronic leukemia could cause dyspnea through pleural or pulmonary involvement or from anemia. Autoimmune conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus or adult Still's disease could also present with this course.

On admission, he described progressive orthopnea, lower extremity edema, and a 15‐lb weight gain. He denied chest pain or palpitations. His symptoms did not correlate with environmental or occupational exposures. He had been diagnosed with essential hypertension a few years earlier but was not taking any medications. He worked as an editor for a newspaper and had traveled throughout California. He never used tobacco and drank alcohol in moderation. He previously smoked marijuana. His father died of Alzheimer's disease, and his mother and 2 siblings were healthy.

Orthopnea, lower extremity edema, and weight gain suggest volume overload, which can result from heart failure, cirrhosis, renal failure, or nephrotic syndrome. The untreated hypertension is a principal risk factor for heart failure. Subacute bacterial endocarditis is an important consideration in a patient with suspected heart failure and night sweats. Travel through the central valley of California may have exposed him to coccidiodomycosis, which can cause chronic pulmonary and extrapulmonary infection.

Physical examination revealed a chronically ill‐appearing man in mild respiratory distress. His temperature was 37.2C, heart rate was 83 bpm, and blood pressure was 168/81 mm Hg. His oxygen saturation was 97% with a respiratory rate of 17 while breathing ambient air. Bilateral chemosis was present. He had crackles at the lung bases. There was a 2/6 systolic murmur loudest at the left lower sternal border with apical radiation. His jugular venous pressure was 2 cm above the sternal angle at 45. He had mild pitting edema of both lower extremities. His abdomen was soft and nondistended. He demonstrated full range of motion of all extremities and had no rashes. He was alert and oriented to person, place, and time. There were no cranial nerve deficits. His strength, sensation and coordination were intact, and he had a normal gait.

Chemosis (conjunctival edema) usually represents conjunctival irritation from an allergic, infectious, or toxic process. It can also be seen in cases of increased ophthalmic venous pressure such as hyperthyroid ophthalmopathy, superior vena cava syndrome, or carotid‐cavernous sinus fistula. The crackles, weight gain, borderline jugular venous distention, and edema suggest some systemic volume overload, but not enough to produce chemosis.

The location and timing of the murmur suggests regurgitation through the mitral or tricuspid valve, a ventricular septal defect, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Tricuspid regurgitation may indicate pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular failure. Despite the absence of fever, subacute bacterial endocarditis remains a concern.

Laboratory evaluation revealed a white blood cell count of 9600/L, hemoglobin of 8.7 g/dL, and platelet count of 522,000/L. Mean corpuscular volume was 88 fL. Serum chemistries were normal; serum creatinine was 1.2 mg/dL. Serum albumin was 2.6 g/dL. A urinalysis was normal. An electrocardiogram demonstrated normal sinus rhythm and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). A chest x‐ray revealed interstitial edema and small bilateral pleural effusions. A transthoracic echocardiogram demonstrated normal left ventricular systolic function, an ejection fraction of 65%, mild LVH, and mild diastolic dysfunction. Mild mitral regurgitation, a mildly dilated left atrium, and a minimal pericardial effusion were also noted. A renal ultrasound revealed an atrophic left kidney without arterial flow. He was treated with diuretics for presumed heart failure related to diastolic dysfunction. His dyspnea partially improved, and he was discharged.

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction may be contributing to his dyspnea but is unlikely to be entirely explanatory given the laboratory abnormalities. The absence of valvular vegetations on transthoracic echocardiogram lowers the probability of bacterial endocarditis. The interstitial pulmonary markings may represent pulmonary edema but alternatively could reflect interstitial lung disease, lymphangitic spread of cancer, infection (eg, Pneumocystis jiroveci), or diffuse alveolar hemorrhage.

Anemia may also be contributing to his dyspnea. There is no evidence of bleeding on history, examination, or imaging. Hemolysis is unlikely given the absence of jaundice, splenomegaly, or a known predisposing condition. The normocytic anemia may also arise from chronic inflammation. Severe anemia can cause high output heart failure, but usually the hemoglobin level is much lower and the echocardiogram would have suggestive findings. Thrombocytosis suggests inflammation, a primary myeloproliferative disorder, or severe iron deficiency (not suspected here). His hypoalbuminemia is further evidence of chronic inflammation especially in the absence of nephropathy, hepatopathy, or a protein‐losing enteropathy.

An atrophic kidney may be congenital or result from long‐standing unilateral renal ischemia, infection, or obstruction. Diminished arterial flow in a middle‐aged man with hypertension may simply reflect atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis, but mass effect within the left renal artery from thrombus, infection, or cancer cannot be ruled out.

Four weeks later he was readmitted for progressive dyspnea and persistent night sweats. He was afebrile, fatigued, and in marked respiratory distress. The remainder of his physical examination was unchanged. Laboratory evaluation revealed a white blood cell count of 20,000/L with neutrophilic predominance, hemoglobin of 11 g/dL, and platelet count of 614,000/L. Creatinine was 1.4 mg/dL. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was greater than 100 mm/h, and C‐reactive protein (CRP) was 44 mg/L. Blood cultures were negative. Chest x‐ray (Figure 1) revealed persistent interstitial edema and increased bilateral pleural effusions.

Figure 1
Interstitial edema, septal thickening, bilateral pleural effusions.

Although clinical and radiologic features continue to suggest heart failure, the marked respiratory distress and persistent chest x‐ray abnormalities imply that a superimposed process is affecting the lungs. The night sweats, neutrophilia, and elevated ESR and CRP strongly suggest an inflammatory state from infection, malignancy, or autoimmunity.

A computed tomography (CT) scan of the lungs would help assess for interstitial lung disease, lymphangitic carcinomatosis and septic emboli. Blood cultures should be repeated to definitively exclude subacute endocarditis. A peripheral blood smear is needed to evaluate for hematologic malignancy. Finally, human immunodeficiency virus antibody testing is indicated.

CT of the abdomen and pelvis demonstrated left renal artery stenosis, an atrophic left kidney, right kidney edema with mild perinephric stranding, and mild‐to‐moderate right hydroureter without an obstructing mass or calculus. There was mild splenomegaly and mesenteric lymphadenopathy up to 3 cm in diameter. The distal thoracic and suprarenal abdominal aorta had crescentic high‐density wall thickening. There were small sclerotic densities of the proximal femora, pelvic girdle, and thoracolumbar spine (Figure 2). Contrast chest CT demonstrated severe wall thickening of his entire thoracic aorta. There was also cardiomegaly, mild interlobular septal thickening, small bilateral pleural effusions, a 3.2‐cm right upper lobe paratracheal lymph node, and nodular pleural thickening (Figure 3).

Figure 2
(A) Diffuse high‐density thickening of the aortic wall with surrounding inflammatory infiltration (arrowheads). (B) Right perinephric stranding. (C) Patchy sclerosis of the bilateral proximal femora, pelvic girdle, and lumbar spine.
Figure 3
(A) Right paratracheal lymph node (arrow) and nodular pleural thickening. (B) Mild interlobular septal thickening and small bilateral pleural effusions.

Diffuse aortopathy is caused by inflammatory, infectious, or infiltrative processes. Large vessel vasculitides such as Behet's disease, giant cell arteritis, and Takayasu's arteritis are unlikely, as the patient lacks the associated clinical findings or epidemiology. Imaging does not reveal preexisting aortic pathology, such as an aneurysm or atherosclerotic plaque, which could predispose him to bacterial endovascular infection.

Urinary system dilation without an obvious obstruction could be explained by retroperitoneal fibrosis. Generalized lymphadenopathy, (suspected) retroperitoneal fibrosis, sclerotic bone lesions, and cardiopulmonary disease collectively suggest a widespread infiltrative process. Lymphoma may lead to lymphadenopathy and bone lesions but would not explain the aortopathy. He lacks risk factors for infections like tuberculosis or tertiary syphilis, a well‐known cause of aortopathy in the past.

Widespread multisystem involvement invites consideration of nonmalignant, noninfectious infiltrative disorders such as immunoglobulin G4‐related disease (IgG4‐RD), histiocytoses such as Erdheim‐Chester disease (ECD), systemic mastocytosis (SM), and sarcoidosis. ECD is a disorder of non‐Langerhans histiocytes that infiltrate the aorta, bones, retroperitoneum, lungs, myocardium, and periorbital structures. Perinephric stranding is sometimes seen in this condition. The lymphoplasmacytes in IgG4‐RD and noncaseating granulomas of sarcoidosis infiltrate many of the same organs. Common sites infiltrated by mast cells in SM include the bone and lymph nodes. Among these diseases, ECD and IgG4‐RD more commonly manifest with aortic and retroperitoneal infiltration and thus are prioritized on this differential diagnosis.

A positron emission tomography (PET) scan revealed abnormal fluordeoxyglucose uptake involving the thoracic aorta, right apical pleural surface, perinephric soft tissue, and various marrow spaces. Core needle biopsy of a sclerotic lesion in the right ischium demonstrated focal marrow replacement by a fibrohistiocytic process. No malignant cells or pathogenic organisms were identified. Biopsy of the right kidney revealed chronic interstitial nephritis with features of megalocytic interstitial nephritis (histiocytic inflammation) and arteriolar nephrosclerosis. A transbronchial biopsy demonstrated alveolar tissue with focal intra‐alveolar hemorrhage and organization, but no malignancy, atypia, or pathogenic organisms.

The biopsy results do not support infection, lymphoma, or carcinoma. The absence of noncaseating granulomas and mastocytes on multiple biopsies essentially rules out sarcoidosis and SM, respectively. None of the characteristic pathologic features of IgG4‐RDlymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, obliterative phlebitis, and fibrosiswere observed. The pulmonary pathology points to injury, but not the underlying cause. The bone and kidney tissue samples reveal histiocytic infiltration.

The abnormalities of the aorta, bone, lung, kidney, and retroperitoneum can be explained by the diffuse histiocytic involvement seen in ECD. The perinephric stranding detected on CT and perinephric inflammation on the PET scan may reflect the hairy kidney of ECD, which is a result of histiocytic infiltration. It is possible that the chemosis relates to exophthalmos from histiocytic orbital infiltrates. Sensitivity for detecting orbital pathology on a PET scan is limited because of the high signal from the adjacent brain.

ECD should be distinguished from Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) by immunohistologic staining and microscopic characteristics of the histiocytes. LCH usually does not involve the aorta, and it more commonly involves the skin.

Serum IgG4 was within normal limits, and immunohistochemical staining of pathology specimens for IgG4 was negative. The BRAF V600E mutation, which is present in the majority of patients with ECD, was detected in a subsequent right perinephric biopsy specimen. The patient was diagnosed with ECD.

Prednisone and pegylated interferon‐ led to a rapid improvement in his symptoms. As the prednisone was tapered, he developed bilateral periorbital swelling. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed well‐circumscribed, intraorbital soft tissue masses with partial encasement of his optic nerves and superior ophthalmic veins, as well as infiltration of his transverse sinuses, consistent with intracranial manifestations of ECD. There was no evidence of pituitary, hypothalamic, or other brain parenchymal infiltration. His dyspnea, night sweats, and hypertension improved; however, 3 months into therapy he developed an extensive rash. Interferon was discontinued. Vemurafinib, a serine kinase inhibitor that targets the BRAF mutation, was prescribed with subsequent resolution of the rash.


This patient suffered from a chronic, progressive, inflammatory illness. Although the disease initially appeared to be confined to the heart and lungs, laboratory testing signaled a more systemic condition, and subsequent imaging demonstrated involvement of a disparate group of organs. Subacute disease processes with elevated markers of inflammation and diffuse organ involvement often fall into 1 of 3 categories: infectious, autoimmune, or neoplastic. The histiocytoses inhabit a fourth and easily overlooked category that can be described as infiltrative. Infiltrative diseases are a heterogeneous group of conditions that cause illness when cells or substances not normally found in tissues lead to organ dysfunction.

Although traditional teaching has focused on sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, and hemochromatosis as the primary representatives of this category, the medical literature describes a number of other infiltrative disease processes. IgG4‐RD is a fibroinflammatory disorder characterized by space‐occupying lesions, a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate of IgG4‐positive plasma cells, and storiform (matted and irregularly whorled microscopic pattern) fibrosis.[1] IgG4‐RD, like sarcoidosis, blurs the categorical line between infiltrative and autoimmune diseases. Other infiltrative cellular disorders, such as histiocytosis and mastocytosis, exist on a spectrum between monoclonal proliferation and neoplastic invasion.

The histiocytoses represent a diverse group of disorders with an evolving nomenclature, characterized by localized or diffuse infiltration of macrophages, monocytes, and dendritic cells (Table 1). ECD is a rare, non‐Langerhans histiocytosis characterized by excessive recruitment and activation of histiocytes through kinase signaling pathways.[2, 3] Immunohistochemical staining for CD68, CD163, and Factor XIIIa, with lack of staining for CD1a, S100, and CD207, supports the diagnosis.[3] Mutations in the BRAF V600E gene (a protein kinase involved in cell proliferation) represent the most likely etiology of this overactivation. An estimated 38% to 100% of patients with ECD harbor this mutation, with detection rates influenced by the sensitivity of testing techniques.[3] The serine kinase inhibitor vemurafinib targets this mutation, and early experience with this agent in ECD demonstrates encouraging results.[4]

Classification of Histiocytoses
Dendritic cell disorders
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Secondary dendritic cell processes
Juvenile xanthogranuloma and related disorders (including Erdheim‐Chester disease)
Solitary histiocytomas with a dendritic phenotype
Macrophage‐related disorders
Primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (familial and sporadic)
Secondary hemophagocytic syndromes
Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai‐Dorfman disease)
Solitary histiocytoma with a macrophage phenotype
Malignant histiocytic disorders
Monocyte‐related leukemias
Extramedullary monocytic tumor or sarcoma
Dendritic cell‐related histiocytic sarcoma
Macrophage‐related histiocytic sarcoma

ECD presents heterogeneously, occurring most commonly between the ages of 40 and 70 years. Nonspecific symptoms include weakness, fatigue, fever, chills, weight loss, and night sweats. Typical sites of involvement include the bone, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, lungs, and retroperitoneum. Bone involvement is nearly universal, and bone pain is the most common presenting symptom. Symmetric diaphyseal and metaphyseal osteosclerotic lesions may be seen on x‐rays, bone scan, PET, CT, and MRI.[3] Approximately 50% of patients have extraskeletal involvement at diagnosis.[5] Neurologic manifestations may result from invasion of histiocytes into the facial bones, orbits, meninges, and intracranial vessels, as eventually developed in this patient. Diabetes insipidus is the most common neurologic manifestation of ECD, followed by exophthalmos, cerebellar ataxia, panhypopituitarism, and papilledema.[6, 7] Approximately 75% of patients eventually suffer from cardiovascular disease, including hypertension, congestive heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, valvular dysfunction, pericardial infiltration, and cardiac tamponade.[8] Vascular involvement includes perivascular infiltration and periaortic fibrosis, resulting in the coated aorta seen in 20% of patients with ECD.[3] Pulmonary manifestations of ECD include interstitial, pleural, and consolidative lung disease. A review of high‐resolution chest CTs of patients with ECD demonstrated that greater than half had evidence of parenchymal lung disease, with interlobular septal thickening being the most common finding.[9] Infiltration and fibrosis of retroperitoneal structures is common. Infiltration of perinephric fat creates irregular renal borders, appearing radiographically as hairy kidneys.

Arriving at the diagnosis in this case proved to be challenging because the early presentation was consistent with congestive heart failure. As the patient's conditioned deteriorated, imaging suggested multisystem involvement. It was the extensive aortopathy in particularnot the less specific bone, kidney, lymph node, or pulmonary findingsthat allowed the clinicians to hone the extensive differential diagnosis. The coated aorta is a finding that has been strongly associated with ECD; few other conditions coat the aorta in a similar fashion.[10] In most mysteries, the perpetrator's coat conceals his identity; however, in this story the coat gave it away.


  1. Subacute, inflammatory, multiorgan disease is usually explained by 3 categoriesinfection, autoimmunity, and neoplasiabut a fourth category, infiltrative disorders, sometimes warrants consideration.
  2. ECD presents heterogeneously, ranging from localized disease to widespread organ infiltration. The classic presentation includes bone pain, diabetes insipidus, and exophthalmos.
  3. Characteristic radiological findings that suggest ECD include long bone osteosclerosis, a coated aorta from periaortic infiltration, and hairy kidneys from perinephric infiltration.


Nothing to report

  1. Stone JH, Zen Y, Deshpande V. IgG4‐related disease. N Engl J Med. 2012;366(6):539551.
  2. Cavalli G, Berti A, Campochiaro C, Dagna L. Diagnosing Erdheim‐Chester disease. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013;72(7):e19.
  3. Diamond EL, Dagna L, Hyman DM, et al. Consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and clinical management of Erdheim‐Chester disease. Blood. 2014;124(4):483492.
  4. Hyman DM, Diamond E, Subbiah V, et al. The efficacy of vemurafenib in Erdheim‐Chester Disease and Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: preliminary results from VE‐Basket Study. Blood. 2014;124(21):635.
  5. Veyssier‐Belot C, Cacoub P, Caparros‐Lefebvre D, et al. Erdheim‐Chester disease. Clinical and radiologic characteristics of 59 cases. Medicine (Baltimore). 1996;75(3):157169.
  6. Lachenal F, Cotton F, Desmurs‐Clavel H, et al. Neurological manifestations and neuroradiological presentation of Erdheim‐Chester disease: report of 6 cases and systematic review of the literature. J Neurol. 2006;253(10):12671277.
  7. Drier A, Haroche J, Savatovsky J, et al. Cerebral, facial, and orbital involvement in Erdheim‐Chester disease: CT and MR imaging findings. Radiology. 2010;255(2):586594.
  8. Haroche J, Cluzel P, Toledano D, et al. Images in cardiovascular medicine. Cardiac involvement in Erdheim‐Chester disease: magnetic resonance and computed tomographic scan imaging in a monocentric series of 37 patients. Circulation. 2009;119(25):e597e598.
  9. Arnaud L, Pierre I, Beigelman‐Aubry C, et al. Pulmonary involvement in Erdheim‐Chester disease: a single‐center study of thirty‐four patients and a review of the literature. Arthritis Rheum. 2010;62(11):35043512.
  10. Serratrice J, Granel B, Roux C, et al. “Coated aorta”: a new sign of Erdheim‐Chester disease. J Rheumatol. 2000;27(6):15501553.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(7)
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A 59‐year‐old man with a history of hypertension was admitted with 6 months of shortness of breath, night sweats, and debilitating fatigue. His symptoms were initially mild and would persist for weeks at a time, after which he would feel better for several days. Over the 2 weeks prior to admission his symptoms had progressed, and he had become dyspneic with minimal exertion.

Progressive dyspnea has a broad differential that includes diseases of the heart (eg, congestive heart failure, aortic stenosis, constrictive pericarditis), lung (eg, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, pleural effusion), and blood (eg, anemia).

Night sweats suggest an inflammatory condition, but do not help prioritize infection, malignancy, or autoimmunity. Any of those conditions can be relapsing and remitting, at least in their early phases, but the return to normalcy raises the possibility of hypersensitivity pneumonitis from a periodic exposure.

The 6‐month duration makes typical bacterial and viral infections less likely and suggests indolent infections such as mycobacteria, fungi, or human immunodeficiency virus. Lymphoma or chronic leukemia could cause dyspnea through pleural or pulmonary involvement or from anemia. Autoimmune conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus or adult Still's disease could also present with this course.

On admission, he described progressive orthopnea, lower extremity edema, and a 15‐lb weight gain. He denied chest pain or palpitations. His symptoms did not correlate with environmental or occupational exposures. He had been diagnosed with essential hypertension a few years earlier but was not taking any medications. He worked as an editor for a newspaper and had traveled throughout California. He never used tobacco and drank alcohol in moderation. He previously smoked marijuana. His father died of Alzheimer's disease, and his mother and 2 siblings were healthy.

Orthopnea, lower extremity edema, and weight gain suggest volume overload, which can result from heart failure, cirrhosis, renal failure, or nephrotic syndrome. The untreated hypertension is a principal risk factor for heart failure. Subacute bacterial endocarditis is an important consideration in a patient with suspected heart failure and night sweats. Travel through the central valley of California may have exposed him to coccidiodomycosis, which can cause chronic pulmonary and extrapulmonary infection.

Physical examination revealed a chronically ill‐appearing man in mild respiratory distress. His temperature was 37.2C, heart rate was 83 bpm, and blood pressure was 168/81 mm Hg. His oxygen saturation was 97% with a respiratory rate of 17 while breathing ambient air. Bilateral chemosis was present. He had crackles at the lung bases. There was a 2/6 systolic murmur loudest at the left lower sternal border with apical radiation. His jugular venous pressure was 2 cm above the sternal angle at 45. He had mild pitting edema of both lower extremities. His abdomen was soft and nondistended. He demonstrated full range of motion of all extremities and had no rashes. He was alert and oriented to person, place, and time. There were no cranial nerve deficits. His strength, sensation and coordination were intact, and he had a normal gait.

Chemosis (conjunctival edema) usually represents conjunctival irritation from an allergic, infectious, or toxic process. It can also be seen in cases of increased ophthalmic venous pressure such as hyperthyroid ophthalmopathy, superior vena cava syndrome, or carotid‐cavernous sinus fistula. The crackles, weight gain, borderline jugular venous distention, and edema suggest some systemic volume overload, but not enough to produce chemosis.

The location and timing of the murmur suggests regurgitation through the mitral or tricuspid valve, a ventricular septal defect, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Tricuspid regurgitation may indicate pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular failure. Despite the absence of fever, subacute bacterial endocarditis remains a concern.

Laboratory evaluation revealed a white blood cell count of 9600/L, hemoglobin of 8.7 g/dL, and platelet count of 522,000/L. Mean corpuscular volume was 88 fL. Serum chemistries were normal; serum creatinine was 1.2 mg/dL. Serum albumin was 2.6 g/dL. A urinalysis was normal. An electrocardiogram demonstrated normal sinus rhythm and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). A chest x‐ray revealed interstitial edema and small bilateral pleural effusions. A transthoracic echocardiogram demonstrated normal left ventricular systolic function, an ejection fraction of 65%, mild LVH, and mild diastolic dysfunction. Mild mitral regurgitation, a mildly dilated left atrium, and a minimal pericardial effusion were also noted. A renal ultrasound revealed an atrophic left kidney without arterial flow. He was treated with diuretics for presumed heart failure related to diastolic dysfunction. His dyspnea partially improved, and he was discharged.

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction may be contributing to his dyspnea but is unlikely to be entirely explanatory given the laboratory abnormalities. The absence of valvular vegetations on transthoracic echocardiogram lowers the probability of bacterial endocarditis. The interstitial pulmonary markings may represent pulmonary edema but alternatively could reflect interstitial lung disease, lymphangitic spread of cancer, infection (eg, Pneumocystis jiroveci), or diffuse alveolar hemorrhage.

Anemia may also be contributing to his dyspnea. There is no evidence of bleeding on history, examination, or imaging. Hemolysis is unlikely given the absence of jaundice, splenomegaly, or a known predisposing condition. The normocytic anemia may also arise from chronic inflammation. Severe anemia can cause high output heart failure, but usually the hemoglobin level is much lower and the echocardiogram would have suggestive findings. Thrombocytosis suggests inflammation, a primary myeloproliferative disorder, or severe iron deficiency (not suspected here). His hypoalbuminemia is further evidence of chronic inflammation especially in the absence of nephropathy, hepatopathy, or a protein‐losing enteropathy.

An atrophic kidney may be congenital or result from long‐standing unilateral renal ischemia, infection, or obstruction. Diminished arterial flow in a middle‐aged man with hypertension may simply reflect atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis, but mass effect within the left renal artery from thrombus, infection, or cancer cannot be ruled out.

Four weeks later he was readmitted for progressive dyspnea and persistent night sweats. He was afebrile, fatigued, and in marked respiratory distress. The remainder of his physical examination was unchanged. Laboratory evaluation revealed a white blood cell count of 20,000/L with neutrophilic predominance, hemoglobin of 11 g/dL, and platelet count of 614,000/L. Creatinine was 1.4 mg/dL. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was greater than 100 mm/h, and C‐reactive protein (CRP) was 44 mg/L. Blood cultures were negative. Chest x‐ray (Figure 1) revealed persistent interstitial edema and increased bilateral pleural effusions.

Figure 1
Interstitial edema, septal thickening, bilateral pleural effusions.

Although clinical and radiologic features continue to suggest heart failure, the marked respiratory distress and persistent chest x‐ray abnormalities imply that a superimposed process is affecting the lungs. The night sweats, neutrophilia, and elevated ESR and CRP strongly suggest an inflammatory state from infection, malignancy, or autoimmunity.

A computed tomography (CT) scan of the lungs would help assess for interstitial lung disease, lymphangitic carcinomatosis and septic emboli. Blood cultures should be repeated to definitively exclude subacute endocarditis. A peripheral blood smear is needed to evaluate for hematologic malignancy. Finally, human immunodeficiency virus antibody testing is indicated.

CT of the abdomen and pelvis demonstrated left renal artery stenosis, an atrophic left kidney, right kidney edema with mild perinephric stranding, and mild‐to‐moderate right hydroureter without an obstructing mass or calculus. There was mild splenomegaly and mesenteric lymphadenopathy up to 3 cm in diameter. The distal thoracic and suprarenal abdominal aorta had crescentic high‐density wall thickening. There were small sclerotic densities of the proximal femora, pelvic girdle, and thoracolumbar spine (Figure 2). Contrast chest CT demonstrated severe wall thickening of his entire thoracic aorta. There was also cardiomegaly, mild interlobular septal thickening, small bilateral pleural effusions, a 3.2‐cm right upper lobe paratracheal lymph node, and nodular pleural thickening (Figure 3).

Figure 2
(A) Diffuse high‐density thickening of the aortic wall with surrounding inflammatory infiltration (arrowheads). (B) Right perinephric stranding. (C) Patchy sclerosis of the bilateral proximal femora, pelvic girdle, and lumbar spine.
Figure 3
(A) Right paratracheal lymph node (arrow) and nodular pleural thickening. (B) Mild interlobular septal thickening and small bilateral pleural effusions.

Diffuse aortopathy is caused by inflammatory, infectious, or infiltrative processes. Large vessel vasculitides such as Behet's disease, giant cell arteritis, and Takayasu's arteritis are unlikely, as the patient lacks the associated clinical findings or epidemiology. Imaging does not reveal preexisting aortic pathology, such as an aneurysm or atherosclerotic plaque, which could predispose him to bacterial endovascular infection.

Urinary system dilation without an obvious obstruction could be explained by retroperitoneal fibrosis. Generalized lymphadenopathy, (suspected) retroperitoneal fibrosis, sclerotic bone lesions, and cardiopulmonary disease collectively suggest a widespread infiltrative process. Lymphoma may lead to lymphadenopathy and bone lesions but would not explain the aortopathy. He lacks risk factors for infections like tuberculosis or tertiary syphilis, a well‐known cause of aortopathy in the past.

Widespread multisystem involvement invites consideration of nonmalignant, noninfectious infiltrative disorders such as immunoglobulin G4‐related disease (IgG4‐RD), histiocytoses such as Erdheim‐Chester disease (ECD), systemic mastocytosis (SM), and sarcoidosis. ECD is a disorder of non‐Langerhans histiocytes that infiltrate the aorta, bones, retroperitoneum, lungs, myocardium, and periorbital structures. Perinephric stranding is sometimes seen in this condition. The lymphoplasmacytes in IgG4‐RD and noncaseating granulomas of sarcoidosis infiltrate many of the same organs. Common sites infiltrated by mast cells in SM include the bone and lymph nodes. Among these diseases, ECD and IgG4‐RD more commonly manifest with aortic and retroperitoneal infiltration and thus are prioritized on this differential diagnosis.

A positron emission tomography (PET) scan revealed abnormal fluordeoxyglucose uptake involving the thoracic aorta, right apical pleural surface, perinephric soft tissue, and various marrow spaces. Core needle biopsy of a sclerotic lesion in the right ischium demonstrated focal marrow replacement by a fibrohistiocytic process. No malignant cells or pathogenic organisms were identified. Biopsy of the right kidney revealed chronic interstitial nephritis with features of megalocytic interstitial nephritis (histiocytic inflammation) and arteriolar nephrosclerosis. A transbronchial biopsy demonstrated alveolar tissue with focal intra‐alveolar hemorrhage and organization, but no malignancy, atypia, or pathogenic organisms.

The biopsy results do not support infection, lymphoma, or carcinoma. The absence of noncaseating granulomas and mastocytes on multiple biopsies essentially rules out sarcoidosis and SM, respectively. None of the characteristic pathologic features of IgG4‐RDlymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, obliterative phlebitis, and fibrosiswere observed. The pulmonary pathology points to injury, but not the underlying cause. The bone and kidney tissue samples reveal histiocytic infiltration.

The abnormalities of the aorta, bone, lung, kidney, and retroperitoneum can be explained by the diffuse histiocytic involvement seen in ECD. The perinephric stranding detected on CT and perinephric inflammation on the PET scan may reflect the hairy kidney of ECD, which is a result of histiocytic infiltration. It is possible that the chemosis relates to exophthalmos from histiocytic orbital infiltrates. Sensitivity for detecting orbital pathology on a PET scan is limited because of the high signal from the adjacent brain.

ECD should be distinguished from Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) by immunohistologic staining and microscopic characteristics of the histiocytes. LCH usually does not involve the aorta, and it more commonly involves the skin.

Serum IgG4 was within normal limits, and immunohistochemical staining of pathology specimens for IgG4 was negative. The BRAF V600E mutation, which is present in the majority of patients with ECD, was detected in a subsequent right perinephric biopsy specimen. The patient was diagnosed with ECD.

Prednisone and pegylated interferon‐ led to a rapid improvement in his symptoms. As the prednisone was tapered, he developed bilateral periorbital swelling. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed well‐circumscribed, intraorbital soft tissue masses with partial encasement of his optic nerves and superior ophthalmic veins, as well as infiltration of his transverse sinuses, consistent with intracranial manifestations of ECD. There was no evidence of pituitary, hypothalamic, or other brain parenchymal infiltration. His dyspnea, night sweats, and hypertension improved; however, 3 months into therapy he developed an extensive rash. Interferon was discontinued. Vemurafinib, a serine kinase inhibitor that targets the BRAF mutation, was prescribed with subsequent resolution of the rash.


This patient suffered from a chronic, progressive, inflammatory illness. Although the disease initially appeared to be confined to the heart and lungs, laboratory testing signaled a more systemic condition, and subsequent imaging demonstrated involvement of a disparate group of organs. Subacute disease processes with elevated markers of inflammation and diffuse organ involvement often fall into 1 of 3 categories: infectious, autoimmune, or neoplastic. The histiocytoses inhabit a fourth and easily overlooked category that can be described as infiltrative. Infiltrative diseases are a heterogeneous group of conditions that cause illness when cells or substances not normally found in tissues lead to organ dysfunction.

Although traditional teaching has focused on sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, and hemochromatosis as the primary representatives of this category, the medical literature describes a number of other infiltrative disease processes. IgG4‐RD is a fibroinflammatory disorder characterized by space‐occupying lesions, a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate of IgG4‐positive plasma cells, and storiform (matted and irregularly whorled microscopic pattern) fibrosis.[1] IgG4‐RD, like sarcoidosis, blurs the categorical line between infiltrative and autoimmune diseases. Other infiltrative cellular disorders, such as histiocytosis and mastocytosis, exist on a spectrum between monoclonal proliferation and neoplastic invasion.

The histiocytoses represent a diverse group of disorders with an evolving nomenclature, characterized by localized or diffuse infiltration of macrophages, monocytes, and dendritic cells (Table 1). ECD is a rare, non‐Langerhans histiocytosis characterized by excessive recruitment and activation of histiocytes through kinase signaling pathways.[2, 3] Immunohistochemical staining for CD68, CD163, and Factor XIIIa, with lack of staining for CD1a, S100, and CD207, supports the diagnosis.[3] Mutations in the BRAF V600E gene (a protein kinase involved in cell proliferation) represent the most likely etiology of this overactivation. An estimated 38% to 100% of patients with ECD harbor this mutation, with detection rates influenced by the sensitivity of testing techniques.[3] The serine kinase inhibitor vemurafinib targets this mutation, and early experience with this agent in ECD demonstrates encouraging results.[4]

Classification of Histiocytoses
Dendritic cell disorders
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Secondary dendritic cell processes
Juvenile xanthogranuloma and related disorders (including Erdheim‐Chester disease)
Solitary histiocytomas with a dendritic phenotype
Macrophage‐related disorders
Primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (familial and sporadic)
Secondary hemophagocytic syndromes
Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai‐Dorfman disease)
Solitary histiocytoma with a macrophage phenotype
Malignant histiocytic disorders
Monocyte‐related leukemias
Extramedullary monocytic tumor or sarcoma
Dendritic cell‐related histiocytic sarcoma
Macrophage‐related histiocytic sarcoma

ECD presents heterogeneously, occurring most commonly between the ages of 40 and 70 years. Nonspecific symptoms include weakness, fatigue, fever, chills, weight loss, and night sweats. Typical sites of involvement include the bone, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, lungs, and retroperitoneum. Bone involvement is nearly universal, and bone pain is the most common presenting symptom. Symmetric diaphyseal and metaphyseal osteosclerotic lesions may be seen on x‐rays, bone scan, PET, CT, and MRI.[3] Approximately 50% of patients have extraskeletal involvement at diagnosis.[5] Neurologic manifestations may result from invasion of histiocytes into the facial bones, orbits, meninges, and intracranial vessels, as eventually developed in this patient. Diabetes insipidus is the most common neurologic manifestation of ECD, followed by exophthalmos, cerebellar ataxia, panhypopituitarism, and papilledema.[6, 7] Approximately 75% of patients eventually suffer from cardiovascular disease, including hypertension, congestive heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, valvular dysfunction, pericardial infiltration, and cardiac tamponade.[8] Vascular involvement includes perivascular infiltration and periaortic fibrosis, resulting in the coated aorta seen in 20% of patients with ECD.[3] Pulmonary manifestations of ECD include interstitial, pleural, and consolidative lung disease. A review of high‐resolution chest CTs of patients with ECD demonstrated that greater than half had evidence of parenchymal lung disease, with interlobular septal thickening being the most common finding.[9] Infiltration and fibrosis of retroperitoneal structures is common. Infiltration of perinephric fat creates irregular renal borders, appearing radiographically as hairy kidneys.

Arriving at the diagnosis in this case proved to be challenging because the early presentation was consistent with congestive heart failure. As the patient's conditioned deteriorated, imaging suggested multisystem involvement. It was the extensive aortopathy in particularnot the less specific bone, kidney, lymph node, or pulmonary findingsthat allowed the clinicians to hone the extensive differential diagnosis. The coated aorta is a finding that has been strongly associated with ECD; few other conditions coat the aorta in a similar fashion.[10] In most mysteries, the perpetrator's coat conceals his identity; however, in this story the coat gave it away.


  1. Subacute, inflammatory, multiorgan disease is usually explained by 3 categoriesinfection, autoimmunity, and neoplasiabut a fourth category, infiltrative disorders, sometimes warrants consideration.
  2. ECD presents heterogeneously, ranging from localized disease to widespread organ infiltration. The classic presentation includes bone pain, diabetes insipidus, and exophthalmos.
  3. Characteristic radiological findings that suggest ECD include long bone osteosclerosis, a coated aorta from periaortic infiltration, and hairy kidneys from perinephric infiltration.


Nothing to report

A 59‐year‐old man with a history of hypertension was admitted with 6 months of shortness of breath, night sweats, and debilitating fatigue. His symptoms were initially mild and would persist for weeks at a time, after which he would feel better for several days. Over the 2 weeks prior to admission his symptoms had progressed, and he had become dyspneic with minimal exertion.

Progressive dyspnea has a broad differential that includes diseases of the heart (eg, congestive heart failure, aortic stenosis, constrictive pericarditis), lung (eg, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, pleural effusion), and blood (eg, anemia).

Night sweats suggest an inflammatory condition, but do not help prioritize infection, malignancy, or autoimmunity. Any of those conditions can be relapsing and remitting, at least in their early phases, but the return to normalcy raises the possibility of hypersensitivity pneumonitis from a periodic exposure.

The 6‐month duration makes typical bacterial and viral infections less likely and suggests indolent infections such as mycobacteria, fungi, or human immunodeficiency virus. Lymphoma or chronic leukemia could cause dyspnea through pleural or pulmonary involvement or from anemia. Autoimmune conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus or adult Still's disease could also present with this course.

On admission, he described progressive orthopnea, lower extremity edema, and a 15‐lb weight gain. He denied chest pain or palpitations. His symptoms did not correlate with environmental or occupational exposures. He had been diagnosed with essential hypertension a few years earlier but was not taking any medications. He worked as an editor for a newspaper and had traveled throughout California. He never used tobacco and drank alcohol in moderation. He previously smoked marijuana. His father died of Alzheimer's disease, and his mother and 2 siblings were healthy.

Orthopnea, lower extremity edema, and weight gain suggest volume overload, which can result from heart failure, cirrhosis, renal failure, or nephrotic syndrome. The untreated hypertension is a principal risk factor for heart failure. Subacute bacterial endocarditis is an important consideration in a patient with suspected heart failure and night sweats. Travel through the central valley of California may have exposed him to coccidiodomycosis, which can cause chronic pulmonary and extrapulmonary infection.

Physical examination revealed a chronically ill‐appearing man in mild respiratory distress. His temperature was 37.2C, heart rate was 83 bpm, and blood pressure was 168/81 mm Hg. His oxygen saturation was 97% with a respiratory rate of 17 while breathing ambient air. Bilateral chemosis was present. He had crackles at the lung bases. There was a 2/6 systolic murmur loudest at the left lower sternal border with apical radiation. His jugular venous pressure was 2 cm above the sternal angle at 45. He had mild pitting edema of both lower extremities. His abdomen was soft and nondistended. He demonstrated full range of motion of all extremities and had no rashes. He was alert and oriented to person, place, and time. There were no cranial nerve deficits. His strength, sensation and coordination were intact, and he had a normal gait.

Chemosis (conjunctival edema) usually represents conjunctival irritation from an allergic, infectious, or toxic process. It can also be seen in cases of increased ophthalmic venous pressure such as hyperthyroid ophthalmopathy, superior vena cava syndrome, or carotid‐cavernous sinus fistula. The crackles, weight gain, borderline jugular venous distention, and edema suggest some systemic volume overload, but not enough to produce chemosis.

The location and timing of the murmur suggests regurgitation through the mitral or tricuspid valve, a ventricular septal defect, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Tricuspid regurgitation may indicate pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular failure. Despite the absence of fever, subacute bacterial endocarditis remains a concern.

Laboratory evaluation revealed a white blood cell count of 9600/L, hemoglobin of 8.7 g/dL, and platelet count of 522,000/L. Mean corpuscular volume was 88 fL. Serum chemistries were normal; serum creatinine was 1.2 mg/dL. Serum albumin was 2.6 g/dL. A urinalysis was normal. An electrocardiogram demonstrated normal sinus rhythm and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). A chest x‐ray revealed interstitial edema and small bilateral pleural effusions. A transthoracic echocardiogram demonstrated normal left ventricular systolic function, an ejection fraction of 65%, mild LVH, and mild diastolic dysfunction. Mild mitral regurgitation, a mildly dilated left atrium, and a minimal pericardial effusion were also noted. A renal ultrasound revealed an atrophic left kidney without arterial flow. He was treated with diuretics for presumed heart failure related to diastolic dysfunction. His dyspnea partially improved, and he was discharged.

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction may be contributing to his dyspnea but is unlikely to be entirely explanatory given the laboratory abnormalities. The absence of valvular vegetations on transthoracic echocardiogram lowers the probability of bacterial endocarditis. The interstitial pulmonary markings may represent pulmonary edema but alternatively could reflect interstitial lung disease, lymphangitic spread of cancer, infection (eg, Pneumocystis jiroveci), or diffuse alveolar hemorrhage.

Anemia may also be contributing to his dyspnea. There is no evidence of bleeding on history, examination, or imaging. Hemolysis is unlikely given the absence of jaundice, splenomegaly, or a known predisposing condition. The normocytic anemia may also arise from chronic inflammation. Severe anemia can cause high output heart failure, but usually the hemoglobin level is much lower and the echocardiogram would have suggestive findings. Thrombocytosis suggests inflammation, a primary myeloproliferative disorder, or severe iron deficiency (not suspected here). His hypoalbuminemia is further evidence of chronic inflammation especially in the absence of nephropathy, hepatopathy, or a protein‐losing enteropathy.

An atrophic kidney may be congenital or result from long‐standing unilateral renal ischemia, infection, or obstruction. Diminished arterial flow in a middle‐aged man with hypertension may simply reflect atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis, but mass effect within the left renal artery from thrombus, infection, or cancer cannot be ruled out.

Four weeks later he was readmitted for progressive dyspnea and persistent night sweats. He was afebrile, fatigued, and in marked respiratory distress. The remainder of his physical examination was unchanged. Laboratory evaluation revealed a white blood cell count of 20,000/L with neutrophilic predominance, hemoglobin of 11 g/dL, and platelet count of 614,000/L. Creatinine was 1.4 mg/dL. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was greater than 100 mm/h, and C‐reactive protein (CRP) was 44 mg/L. Blood cultures were negative. Chest x‐ray (Figure 1) revealed persistent interstitial edema and increased bilateral pleural effusions.

Figure 1
Interstitial edema, septal thickening, bilateral pleural effusions.

Although clinical and radiologic features continue to suggest heart failure, the marked respiratory distress and persistent chest x‐ray abnormalities imply that a superimposed process is affecting the lungs. The night sweats, neutrophilia, and elevated ESR and CRP strongly suggest an inflammatory state from infection, malignancy, or autoimmunity.

A computed tomography (CT) scan of the lungs would help assess for interstitial lung disease, lymphangitic carcinomatosis and septic emboli. Blood cultures should be repeated to definitively exclude subacute endocarditis. A peripheral blood smear is needed to evaluate for hematologic malignancy. Finally, human immunodeficiency virus antibody testing is indicated.

CT of the abdomen and pelvis demonstrated left renal artery stenosis, an atrophic left kidney, right kidney edema with mild perinephric stranding, and mild‐to‐moderate right hydroureter without an obstructing mass or calculus. There was mild splenomegaly and mesenteric lymphadenopathy up to 3 cm in diameter. The distal thoracic and suprarenal abdominal aorta had crescentic high‐density wall thickening. There were small sclerotic densities of the proximal femora, pelvic girdle, and thoracolumbar spine (Figure 2). Contrast chest CT demonstrated severe wall thickening of his entire thoracic aorta. There was also cardiomegaly, mild interlobular septal thickening, small bilateral pleural effusions, a 3.2‐cm right upper lobe paratracheal lymph node, and nodular pleural thickening (Figure 3).

Figure 2
(A) Diffuse high‐density thickening of the aortic wall with surrounding inflammatory infiltration (arrowheads). (B) Right perinephric stranding. (C) Patchy sclerosis of the bilateral proximal femora, pelvic girdle, and lumbar spine.
Figure 3
(A) Right paratracheal lymph node (arrow) and nodular pleural thickening. (B) Mild interlobular septal thickening and small bilateral pleural effusions.

Diffuse aortopathy is caused by inflammatory, infectious, or infiltrative processes. Large vessel vasculitides such as Behet's disease, giant cell arteritis, and Takayasu's arteritis are unlikely, as the patient lacks the associated clinical findings or epidemiology. Imaging does not reveal preexisting aortic pathology, such as an aneurysm or atherosclerotic plaque, which could predispose him to bacterial endovascular infection.

Urinary system dilation without an obvious obstruction could be explained by retroperitoneal fibrosis. Generalized lymphadenopathy, (suspected) retroperitoneal fibrosis, sclerotic bone lesions, and cardiopulmonary disease collectively suggest a widespread infiltrative process. Lymphoma may lead to lymphadenopathy and bone lesions but would not explain the aortopathy. He lacks risk factors for infections like tuberculosis or tertiary syphilis, a well‐known cause of aortopathy in the past.

Widespread multisystem involvement invites consideration of nonmalignant, noninfectious infiltrative disorders such as immunoglobulin G4‐related disease (IgG4‐RD), histiocytoses such as Erdheim‐Chester disease (ECD), systemic mastocytosis (SM), and sarcoidosis. ECD is a disorder of non‐Langerhans histiocytes that infiltrate the aorta, bones, retroperitoneum, lungs, myocardium, and periorbital structures. Perinephric stranding is sometimes seen in this condition. The lymphoplasmacytes in IgG4‐RD and noncaseating granulomas of sarcoidosis infiltrate many of the same organs. Common sites infiltrated by mast cells in SM include the bone and lymph nodes. Among these diseases, ECD and IgG4‐RD more commonly manifest with aortic and retroperitoneal infiltration and thus are prioritized on this differential diagnosis.

A positron emission tomography (PET) scan revealed abnormal fluordeoxyglucose uptake involving the thoracic aorta, right apical pleural surface, perinephric soft tissue, and various marrow spaces. Core needle biopsy of a sclerotic lesion in the right ischium demonstrated focal marrow replacement by a fibrohistiocytic process. No malignant cells or pathogenic organisms were identified. Biopsy of the right kidney revealed chronic interstitial nephritis with features of megalocytic interstitial nephritis (histiocytic inflammation) and arteriolar nephrosclerosis. A transbronchial biopsy demonstrated alveolar tissue with focal intra‐alveolar hemorrhage and organization, but no malignancy, atypia, or pathogenic organisms.

The biopsy results do not support infection, lymphoma, or carcinoma. The absence of noncaseating granulomas and mastocytes on multiple biopsies essentially rules out sarcoidosis and SM, respectively. None of the characteristic pathologic features of IgG4‐RDlymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, obliterative phlebitis, and fibrosiswere observed. The pulmonary pathology points to injury, but not the underlying cause. The bone and kidney tissue samples reveal histiocytic infiltration.

The abnormalities of the aorta, bone, lung, kidney, and retroperitoneum can be explained by the diffuse histiocytic involvement seen in ECD. The perinephric stranding detected on CT and perinephric inflammation on the PET scan may reflect the hairy kidney of ECD, which is a result of histiocytic infiltration. It is possible that the chemosis relates to exophthalmos from histiocytic orbital infiltrates. Sensitivity for detecting orbital pathology on a PET scan is limited because of the high signal from the adjacent brain.

ECD should be distinguished from Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) by immunohistologic staining and microscopic characteristics of the histiocytes. LCH usually does not involve the aorta, and it more commonly involves the skin.

Serum IgG4 was within normal limits, and immunohistochemical staining of pathology specimens for IgG4 was negative. The BRAF V600E mutation, which is present in the majority of patients with ECD, was detected in a subsequent right perinephric biopsy specimen. The patient was diagnosed with ECD.

Prednisone and pegylated interferon‐ led to a rapid improvement in his symptoms. As the prednisone was tapered, he developed bilateral periorbital swelling. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed well‐circumscribed, intraorbital soft tissue masses with partial encasement of his optic nerves and superior ophthalmic veins, as well as infiltration of his transverse sinuses, consistent with intracranial manifestations of ECD. There was no evidence of pituitary, hypothalamic, or other brain parenchymal infiltration. His dyspnea, night sweats, and hypertension improved; however, 3 months into therapy he developed an extensive rash. Interferon was discontinued. Vemurafinib, a serine kinase inhibitor that targets the BRAF mutation, was prescribed with subsequent resolution of the rash.


This patient suffered from a chronic, progressive, inflammatory illness. Although the disease initially appeared to be confined to the heart and lungs, laboratory testing signaled a more systemic condition, and subsequent imaging demonstrated involvement of a disparate group of organs. Subacute disease processes with elevated markers of inflammation and diffuse organ involvement often fall into 1 of 3 categories: infectious, autoimmune, or neoplastic. The histiocytoses inhabit a fourth and easily overlooked category that can be described as infiltrative. Infiltrative diseases are a heterogeneous group of conditions that cause illness when cells or substances not normally found in tissues lead to organ dysfunction.

Although traditional teaching has focused on sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, and hemochromatosis as the primary representatives of this category, the medical literature describes a number of other infiltrative disease processes. IgG4‐RD is a fibroinflammatory disorder characterized by space‐occupying lesions, a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate of IgG4‐positive plasma cells, and storiform (matted and irregularly whorled microscopic pattern) fibrosis.[1] IgG4‐RD, like sarcoidosis, blurs the categorical line between infiltrative and autoimmune diseases. Other infiltrative cellular disorders, such as histiocytosis and mastocytosis, exist on a spectrum between monoclonal proliferation and neoplastic invasion.

The histiocytoses represent a diverse group of disorders with an evolving nomenclature, characterized by localized or diffuse infiltration of macrophages, monocytes, and dendritic cells (Table 1). ECD is a rare, non‐Langerhans histiocytosis characterized by excessive recruitment and activation of histiocytes through kinase signaling pathways.[2, 3] Immunohistochemical staining for CD68, CD163, and Factor XIIIa, with lack of staining for CD1a, S100, and CD207, supports the diagnosis.[3] Mutations in the BRAF V600E gene (a protein kinase involved in cell proliferation) represent the most likely etiology of this overactivation. An estimated 38% to 100% of patients with ECD harbor this mutation, with detection rates influenced by the sensitivity of testing techniques.[3] The serine kinase inhibitor vemurafinib targets this mutation, and early experience with this agent in ECD demonstrates encouraging results.[4]

Classification of Histiocytoses
Dendritic cell disorders
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Secondary dendritic cell processes
Juvenile xanthogranuloma and related disorders (including Erdheim‐Chester disease)
Solitary histiocytomas with a dendritic phenotype
Macrophage‐related disorders
Primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (familial and sporadic)
Secondary hemophagocytic syndromes
Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai‐Dorfman disease)
Solitary histiocytoma with a macrophage phenotype
Malignant histiocytic disorders
Monocyte‐related leukemias
Extramedullary monocytic tumor or sarcoma
Dendritic cell‐related histiocytic sarcoma
Macrophage‐related histiocytic sarcoma

ECD presents heterogeneously, occurring most commonly between the ages of 40 and 70 years. Nonspecific symptoms include weakness, fatigue, fever, chills, weight loss, and night sweats. Typical sites of involvement include the bone, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, lungs, and retroperitoneum. Bone involvement is nearly universal, and bone pain is the most common presenting symptom. Symmetric diaphyseal and metaphyseal osteosclerotic lesions may be seen on x‐rays, bone scan, PET, CT, and MRI.[3] Approximately 50% of patients have extraskeletal involvement at diagnosis.[5] Neurologic manifestations may result from invasion of histiocytes into the facial bones, orbits, meninges, and intracranial vessels, as eventually developed in this patient. Diabetes insipidus is the most common neurologic manifestation of ECD, followed by exophthalmos, cerebellar ataxia, panhypopituitarism, and papilledema.[6, 7] Approximately 75% of patients eventually suffer from cardiovascular disease, including hypertension, congestive heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, valvular dysfunction, pericardial infiltration, and cardiac tamponade.[8] Vascular involvement includes perivascular infiltration and periaortic fibrosis, resulting in the coated aorta seen in 20% of patients with ECD.[3] Pulmonary manifestations of ECD include interstitial, pleural, and consolidative lung disease. A review of high‐resolution chest CTs of patients with ECD demonstrated that greater than half had evidence of parenchymal lung disease, with interlobular septal thickening being the most common finding.[9] Infiltration and fibrosis of retroperitoneal structures is common. Infiltration of perinephric fat creates irregular renal borders, appearing radiographically as hairy kidneys.

Arriving at the diagnosis in this case proved to be challenging because the early presentation was consistent with congestive heart failure. As the patient's conditioned deteriorated, imaging suggested multisystem involvement. It was the extensive aortopathy in particularnot the less specific bone, kidney, lymph node, or pulmonary findingsthat allowed the clinicians to hone the extensive differential diagnosis. The coated aorta is a finding that has been strongly associated with ECD; few other conditions coat the aorta in a similar fashion.[10] In most mysteries, the perpetrator's coat conceals his identity; however, in this story the coat gave it away.


  1. Subacute, inflammatory, multiorgan disease is usually explained by 3 categoriesinfection, autoimmunity, and neoplasiabut a fourth category, infiltrative disorders, sometimes warrants consideration.
  2. ECD presents heterogeneously, ranging from localized disease to widespread organ infiltration. The classic presentation includes bone pain, diabetes insipidus, and exophthalmos.
  3. Characteristic radiological findings that suggest ECD include long bone osteosclerosis, a coated aorta from periaortic infiltration, and hairy kidneys from perinephric infiltration.


Nothing to report

  1. Stone JH, Zen Y, Deshpande V. IgG4‐related disease. N Engl J Med. 2012;366(6):539551.
  2. Cavalli G, Berti A, Campochiaro C, Dagna L. Diagnosing Erdheim‐Chester disease. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013;72(7):e19.
  3. Diamond EL, Dagna L, Hyman DM, et al. Consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and clinical management of Erdheim‐Chester disease. Blood. 2014;124(4):483492.
  4. Hyman DM, Diamond E, Subbiah V, et al. The efficacy of vemurafenib in Erdheim‐Chester Disease and Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: preliminary results from VE‐Basket Study. Blood. 2014;124(21):635.
  5. Veyssier‐Belot C, Cacoub P, Caparros‐Lefebvre D, et al. Erdheim‐Chester disease. Clinical and radiologic characteristics of 59 cases. Medicine (Baltimore). 1996;75(3):157169.
  6. Lachenal F, Cotton F, Desmurs‐Clavel H, et al. Neurological manifestations and neuroradiological presentation of Erdheim‐Chester disease: report of 6 cases and systematic review of the literature. J Neurol. 2006;253(10):12671277.
  7. Drier A, Haroche J, Savatovsky J, et al. Cerebral, facial, and orbital involvement in Erdheim‐Chester disease: CT and MR imaging findings. Radiology. 2010;255(2):586594.
  8. Haroche J, Cluzel P, Toledano D, et al. Images in cardiovascular medicine. Cardiac involvement in Erdheim‐Chester disease: magnetic resonance and computed tomographic scan imaging in a monocentric series of 37 patients. Circulation. 2009;119(25):e597e598.
  9. Arnaud L, Pierre I, Beigelman‐Aubry C, et al. Pulmonary involvement in Erdheim‐Chester disease: a single‐center study of thirty‐four patients and a review of the literature. Arthritis Rheum. 2010;62(11):35043512.
  10. Serratrice J, Granel B, Roux C, et al. “Coated aorta”: a new sign of Erdheim‐Chester disease. J Rheumatol. 2000;27(6):15501553.
  1. Stone JH, Zen Y, Deshpande V. IgG4‐related disease. N Engl J Med. 2012;366(6):539551.
  2. Cavalli G, Berti A, Campochiaro C, Dagna L. Diagnosing Erdheim‐Chester disease. Ann Rheum Dis. 2013;72(7):e19.
  3. Diamond EL, Dagna L, Hyman DM, et al. Consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and clinical management of Erdheim‐Chester disease. Blood. 2014;124(4):483492.
  4. Hyman DM, Diamond E, Subbiah V, et al. The efficacy of vemurafenib in Erdheim‐Chester Disease and Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: preliminary results from VE‐Basket Study. Blood. 2014;124(21):635.
  5. Veyssier‐Belot C, Cacoub P, Caparros‐Lefebvre D, et al. Erdheim‐Chester disease. Clinical and radiologic characteristics of 59 cases. Medicine (Baltimore). 1996;75(3):157169.
  6. Lachenal F, Cotton F, Desmurs‐Clavel H, et al. Neurological manifestations and neuroradiological presentation of Erdheim‐Chester disease: report of 6 cases and systematic review of the literature. J Neurol. 2006;253(10):12671277.
  7. Drier A, Haroche J, Savatovsky J, et al. Cerebral, facial, and orbital involvement in Erdheim‐Chester disease: CT and MR imaging findings. Radiology. 2010;255(2):586594.
  8. Haroche J, Cluzel P, Toledano D, et al. Images in cardiovascular medicine. Cardiac involvement in Erdheim‐Chester disease: magnetic resonance and computed tomographic scan imaging in a monocentric series of 37 patients. Circulation. 2009;119(25):e597e598.
  9. Arnaud L, Pierre I, Beigelman‐Aubry C, et al. Pulmonary involvement in Erdheim‐Chester disease: a single‐center study of thirty‐four patients and a review of the literature. Arthritis Rheum. 2010;62(11):35043512.
  10. Serratrice J, Granel B, Roux C, et al. “Coated aorta”: a new sign of Erdheim‐Chester disease. J Rheumatol. 2000;27(6):15501553.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(7)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(7)
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A coat with a clue
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A coat with a clue
Article Source
© 2015 Society of Hospital Medicine
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Correspondence Location
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Bradley Monash, MD, 533 Parnassus Avenue, Box 0131, San Francisco, CA 94143; Telephone: 415‐476‐5928; Fax: 415‐476‐4829; E‐mail:
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Low Rates of Stethoscope Hygiene

Article Type
Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
Display Headline
The third hand: Low rates of stethoscope hygiene on general medical services

Hand hygiene is a proven and guideline‐recommended safety practice, although clinicians and particularly physicians are unreliable at performing it.[1] Like hands, stethoscopes can carry pathogens from patient to patient. In 1 study, stethoscopes were as likely to be contaminated after use with methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureuspositive patients as the provider's hands.[2] Furthermore, like hands, stethoscopes can be effectively decolonized with alcohol.[3, 4] However, although hand hygiene rates have been extensively studied,[1] and hand hygiene has been linked to reductions in nosocomial infection,[5] stethoscope hygiene is less well studied and emphasized less by guidelines.[6] Several surveys have documented low self‐reported compliance with stethoscope hygiene.[7, 8, 9, 10] Of 150 healthcare workers, 48% reported stethoscope hygiene between daily and weekly, 37% did stethoscope hygiene monthly, and 7% did stethoscope hygiene annually or never.[8] Of 1401 doctors asked about their stethoscope hygiene beliefs and practices, 76% believed that stethoscopes could transmit infection, but only 24% reported cleaning their scopes regularly.[9] Moreover, of 308 students, 22% had never done stethoscope hygiene, and <4% did it consistently.[10] However, we were unable to find any data on observed rates of stethoscope hygiene. Thus, we observed student and trainee physician stethoscope hygiene performance during hospital medicine rotations as part of the baseline data‐collection phase of a quality‐improvement effort linked to hand hygiene efforts.


Attending hospitalists (I.H.J., B.M., and A.A.) and 1 graduate assistant (J.W.) at 3 sites observed stethoscope hygiene opportunities over an 11‐month period. Stethoscope hygiene was counted as performed if a patient‐specific stethoscope was used in an isolation room, or if any type of cleaning (alcohol gel, alcohol wipe, or cleansing cloth) was performed on a stethoscope carried out of the room. Observers also recorded whether stethoscope hygiene opportunities occurred in isolation rooms or nonisolation rooms, and noted if stethoscope hygiene was obviously triggered by an attending's stethoscope hygiene behavior (eg, a trainee asked an attending why he performed stethoscope hygiene, then performed it him or herself). Trainees were not aware that their stethoscope hygiene behaviors were being recorded.


We observed 352 opportunities for stethoscope hygiene, in which doctors or students used stethoscope hygiene in 58 encounters (16%). Twenty of the 58 stethoscope hygiene events occurred only after a trainee observed an attending physician perform stethoscope hygiene. Eliminating stethoscope hygiene events that were triggered by attending physicians, stethoscope hygiene was performed in 38 of 332 opportunities (11%). There was a significant difference between the rate of stethoscope hygiene performed in isolation versus nonisolation rooms: 24/29 (82.7%) versus 14 of 303 (4.6%) (P<0.001 by Pearson 2 statistic). In isolation room stethoscope hygiene, in which the type of hygiene was recorded, 18 of 20 (90%) involved use of an isolation stethoscope, and 2 of 20 (10%) involved cleaning of a personal stethoscope.


Stethoscope hygiene is rarely performed by trainees. Stethoscope hygiene performance depends on the isolation status of the patient, with more than 80% performance in isolated patients and <5% in nonisolated patients.

Although little is known about the rate of infection related to stethoscopes, colonization of stethoscopes with nosocomial bacteria is well described.[2] Transmission of pathogens from patient to patient by stethoscopes could undermine the benefits of hand hygiene programs, as patients are commonly exposed to unclean stethoscopes.

Our observations are limited by several factors. We used a convenience sample of general medicine trainee behavior at academic medical centers; the behavior of attending physicians, ancillary staff, and nonacademic physicians may be different. Moreover, attending behavior may have prompted more episodes of stethoscope hygiene performance than we recorded, because we only noted when stethoscope hygiene was clearly related to attending behavior. The very low rate of stethoscope hygiene after contact with nonisolation patients represents a current and potentially serious safety threat. Future research might be able to quantify the risk associated with uncleaned stethoscopes or demonstrate the effectiveness of stethoscope hygiene programs. The effect of modeling on hand hygiene and stethoscope hygiene[10, 11] and on stethoscope hygiene in our data suggests a method for improving stethoscope hygiene.


Nothing to report.

  1. World Health Organization. WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in HealthCare. Global Patient Safety Challenge 2005‐2006: Clean Care Is Safer Care. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press; 2009.
  2. Longtin Y, Schneider A, Tschopp C, et al. Contamination of stethoscopes and physicians' hands after a physical examination. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014;89:291299.
  3. Bernard L, Kereveur A, Durand D, et al. Bacterial contamination of hospital physicians’ stethoscopes. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1999;20:626628.
  4. Schroeder A, Schroeder MA, D'Amico F. What's growing on your stethoscope? (and what you can do about it). J Fam Pract. 2009;58(8):404409.
  5. Pittet D, Hugonnet S, Harbarth S, et al. Effectiveness of a hospital wide program aimed at improving compliance with hand hygiene. Lancet. 2000;356:13071312.
  6. Bearman G, Bryant K, Leekha S, et al. Healthcare personnel attire in non‐operating‐room settings. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014;35:107121.
  7. Breathnach AS, Jenkins DR, Pedler SJ. Stethoscopes as possible vectors of infection by staphylococci. BMJ. 1992;305:15731574.
  8. Jones JS, Hoerle D, Riekse R. Stethoscopes: a potential vector of infection? Ann Emerg Med. 1995;26:296299.
  9. Muniz J, Sethi RK, Zaghi J, Ziniel SI, Sandora TJ. Predictors of stethoscope disinfection among pediatric health care providers. Am J Infect Control. 2012;40:922925.
  10. Saunders C, Hryhorskyj L, Skinner J. Factors influencing stethoscope cleanliness among clinical medical students. J Hosp Infect. 2013;84(3):242244.
  11. Jumaa PA. Hand hygiene: simple and complex. Int J Infect Dis. 2005;9:314.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(7)
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Hand hygiene is a proven and guideline‐recommended safety practice, although clinicians and particularly physicians are unreliable at performing it.[1] Like hands, stethoscopes can carry pathogens from patient to patient. In 1 study, stethoscopes were as likely to be contaminated after use with methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureuspositive patients as the provider's hands.[2] Furthermore, like hands, stethoscopes can be effectively decolonized with alcohol.[3, 4] However, although hand hygiene rates have been extensively studied,[1] and hand hygiene has been linked to reductions in nosocomial infection,[5] stethoscope hygiene is less well studied and emphasized less by guidelines.[6] Several surveys have documented low self‐reported compliance with stethoscope hygiene.[7, 8, 9, 10] Of 150 healthcare workers, 48% reported stethoscope hygiene between daily and weekly, 37% did stethoscope hygiene monthly, and 7% did stethoscope hygiene annually or never.[8] Of 1401 doctors asked about their stethoscope hygiene beliefs and practices, 76% believed that stethoscopes could transmit infection, but only 24% reported cleaning their scopes regularly.[9] Moreover, of 308 students, 22% had never done stethoscope hygiene, and <4% did it consistently.[10] However, we were unable to find any data on observed rates of stethoscope hygiene. Thus, we observed student and trainee physician stethoscope hygiene performance during hospital medicine rotations as part of the baseline data‐collection phase of a quality‐improvement effort linked to hand hygiene efforts.


Attending hospitalists (I.H.J., B.M., and A.A.) and 1 graduate assistant (J.W.) at 3 sites observed stethoscope hygiene opportunities over an 11‐month period. Stethoscope hygiene was counted as performed if a patient‐specific stethoscope was used in an isolation room, or if any type of cleaning (alcohol gel, alcohol wipe, or cleansing cloth) was performed on a stethoscope carried out of the room. Observers also recorded whether stethoscope hygiene opportunities occurred in isolation rooms or nonisolation rooms, and noted if stethoscope hygiene was obviously triggered by an attending's stethoscope hygiene behavior (eg, a trainee asked an attending why he performed stethoscope hygiene, then performed it him or herself). Trainees were not aware that their stethoscope hygiene behaviors were being recorded.


We observed 352 opportunities for stethoscope hygiene, in which doctors or students used stethoscope hygiene in 58 encounters (16%). Twenty of the 58 stethoscope hygiene events occurred only after a trainee observed an attending physician perform stethoscope hygiene. Eliminating stethoscope hygiene events that were triggered by attending physicians, stethoscope hygiene was performed in 38 of 332 opportunities (11%). There was a significant difference between the rate of stethoscope hygiene performed in isolation versus nonisolation rooms: 24/29 (82.7%) versus 14 of 303 (4.6%) (P<0.001 by Pearson 2 statistic). In isolation room stethoscope hygiene, in which the type of hygiene was recorded, 18 of 20 (90%) involved use of an isolation stethoscope, and 2 of 20 (10%) involved cleaning of a personal stethoscope.


Stethoscope hygiene is rarely performed by trainees. Stethoscope hygiene performance depends on the isolation status of the patient, with more than 80% performance in isolated patients and <5% in nonisolated patients.

Although little is known about the rate of infection related to stethoscopes, colonization of stethoscopes with nosocomial bacteria is well described.[2] Transmission of pathogens from patient to patient by stethoscopes could undermine the benefits of hand hygiene programs, as patients are commonly exposed to unclean stethoscopes.

Our observations are limited by several factors. We used a convenience sample of general medicine trainee behavior at academic medical centers; the behavior of attending physicians, ancillary staff, and nonacademic physicians may be different. Moreover, attending behavior may have prompted more episodes of stethoscope hygiene performance than we recorded, because we only noted when stethoscope hygiene was clearly related to attending behavior. The very low rate of stethoscope hygiene after contact with nonisolation patients represents a current and potentially serious safety threat. Future research might be able to quantify the risk associated with uncleaned stethoscopes or demonstrate the effectiveness of stethoscope hygiene programs. The effect of modeling on hand hygiene and stethoscope hygiene[10, 11] and on stethoscope hygiene in our data suggests a method for improving stethoscope hygiene.


Nothing to report.

Hand hygiene is a proven and guideline‐recommended safety practice, although clinicians and particularly physicians are unreliable at performing it.[1] Like hands, stethoscopes can carry pathogens from patient to patient. In 1 study, stethoscopes were as likely to be contaminated after use with methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureuspositive patients as the provider's hands.[2] Furthermore, like hands, stethoscopes can be effectively decolonized with alcohol.[3, 4] However, although hand hygiene rates have been extensively studied,[1] and hand hygiene has been linked to reductions in nosocomial infection,[5] stethoscope hygiene is less well studied and emphasized less by guidelines.[6] Several surveys have documented low self‐reported compliance with stethoscope hygiene.[7, 8, 9, 10] Of 150 healthcare workers, 48% reported stethoscope hygiene between daily and weekly, 37% did stethoscope hygiene monthly, and 7% did stethoscope hygiene annually or never.[8] Of 1401 doctors asked about their stethoscope hygiene beliefs and practices, 76% believed that stethoscopes could transmit infection, but only 24% reported cleaning their scopes regularly.[9] Moreover, of 308 students, 22% had never done stethoscope hygiene, and <4% did it consistently.[10] However, we were unable to find any data on observed rates of stethoscope hygiene. Thus, we observed student and trainee physician stethoscope hygiene performance during hospital medicine rotations as part of the baseline data‐collection phase of a quality‐improvement effort linked to hand hygiene efforts.


Attending hospitalists (I.H.J., B.M., and A.A.) and 1 graduate assistant (J.W.) at 3 sites observed stethoscope hygiene opportunities over an 11‐month period. Stethoscope hygiene was counted as performed if a patient‐specific stethoscope was used in an isolation room, or if any type of cleaning (alcohol gel, alcohol wipe, or cleansing cloth) was performed on a stethoscope carried out of the room. Observers also recorded whether stethoscope hygiene opportunities occurred in isolation rooms or nonisolation rooms, and noted if stethoscope hygiene was obviously triggered by an attending's stethoscope hygiene behavior (eg, a trainee asked an attending why he performed stethoscope hygiene, then performed it him or herself). Trainees were not aware that their stethoscope hygiene behaviors were being recorded.


We observed 352 opportunities for stethoscope hygiene, in which doctors or students used stethoscope hygiene in 58 encounters (16%). Twenty of the 58 stethoscope hygiene events occurred only after a trainee observed an attending physician perform stethoscope hygiene. Eliminating stethoscope hygiene events that were triggered by attending physicians, stethoscope hygiene was performed in 38 of 332 opportunities (11%). There was a significant difference between the rate of stethoscope hygiene performed in isolation versus nonisolation rooms: 24/29 (82.7%) versus 14 of 303 (4.6%) (P<0.001 by Pearson 2 statistic). In isolation room stethoscope hygiene, in which the type of hygiene was recorded, 18 of 20 (90%) involved use of an isolation stethoscope, and 2 of 20 (10%) involved cleaning of a personal stethoscope.


Stethoscope hygiene is rarely performed by trainees. Stethoscope hygiene performance depends on the isolation status of the patient, with more than 80% performance in isolated patients and <5% in nonisolated patients.

Although little is known about the rate of infection related to stethoscopes, colonization of stethoscopes with nosocomial bacteria is well described.[2] Transmission of pathogens from patient to patient by stethoscopes could undermine the benefits of hand hygiene programs, as patients are commonly exposed to unclean stethoscopes.

Our observations are limited by several factors. We used a convenience sample of general medicine trainee behavior at academic medical centers; the behavior of attending physicians, ancillary staff, and nonacademic physicians may be different. Moreover, attending behavior may have prompted more episodes of stethoscope hygiene performance than we recorded, because we only noted when stethoscope hygiene was clearly related to attending behavior. The very low rate of stethoscope hygiene after contact with nonisolation patients represents a current and potentially serious safety threat. Future research might be able to quantify the risk associated with uncleaned stethoscopes or demonstrate the effectiveness of stethoscope hygiene programs. The effect of modeling on hand hygiene and stethoscope hygiene[10, 11] and on stethoscope hygiene in our data suggests a method for improving stethoscope hygiene.


Nothing to report.

  1. World Health Organization. WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in HealthCare. Global Patient Safety Challenge 2005‐2006: Clean Care Is Safer Care. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press; 2009.
  2. Longtin Y, Schneider A, Tschopp C, et al. Contamination of stethoscopes and physicians' hands after a physical examination. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014;89:291299.
  3. Bernard L, Kereveur A, Durand D, et al. Bacterial contamination of hospital physicians’ stethoscopes. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1999;20:626628.
  4. Schroeder A, Schroeder MA, D'Amico F. What's growing on your stethoscope? (and what you can do about it). J Fam Pract. 2009;58(8):404409.
  5. Pittet D, Hugonnet S, Harbarth S, et al. Effectiveness of a hospital wide program aimed at improving compliance with hand hygiene. Lancet. 2000;356:13071312.
  6. Bearman G, Bryant K, Leekha S, et al. Healthcare personnel attire in non‐operating‐room settings. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014;35:107121.
  7. Breathnach AS, Jenkins DR, Pedler SJ. Stethoscopes as possible vectors of infection by staphylococci. BMJ. 1992;305:15731574.
  8. Jones JS, Hoerle D, Riekse R. Stethoscopes: a potential vector of infection? Ann Emerg Med. 1995;26:296299.
  9. Muniz J, Sethi RK, Zaghi J, Ziniel SI, Sandora TJ. Predictors of stethoscope disinfection among pediatric health care providers. Am J Infect Control. 2012;40:922925.
  10. Saunders C, Hryhorskyj L, Skinner J. Factors influencing stethoscope cleanliness among clinical medical students. J Hosp Infect. 2013;84(3):242244.
  11. Jumaa PA. Hand hygiene: simple and complex. Int J Infect Dis. 2005;9:314.
  1. World Health Organization. WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in HealthCare. Global Patient Safety Challenge 2005‐2006: Clean Care Is Safer Care. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press; 2009.
  2. Longtin Y, Schneider A, Tschopp C, et al. Contamination of stethoscopes and physicians' hands after a physical examination. Mayo Clin Proc. 2014;89:291299.
  3. Bernard L, Kereveur A, Durand D, et al. Bacterial contamination of hospital physicians’ stethoscopes. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 1999;20:626628.
  4. Schroeder A, Schroeder MA, D'Amico F. What's growing on your stethoscope? (and what you can do about it). J Fam Pract. 2009;58(8):404409.
  5. Pittet D, Hugonnet S, Harbarth S, et al. Effectiveness of a hospital wide program aimed at improving compliance with hand hygiene. Lancet. 2000;356:13071312.
  6. Bearman G, Bryant K, Leekha S, et al. Healthcare personnel attire in non‐operating‐room settings. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014;35:107121.
  7. Breathnach AS, Jenkins DR, Pedler SJ. Stethoscopes as possible vectors of infection by staphylococci. BMJ. 1992;305:15731574.
  8. Jones JS, Hoerle D, Riekse R. Stethoscopes: a potential vector of infection? Ann Emerg Med. 1995;26:296299.
  9. Muniz J, Sethi RK, Zaghi J, Ziniel SI, Sandora TJ. Predictors of stethoscope disinfection among pediatric health care providers. Am J Infect Control. 2012;40:922925.
  10. Saunders C, Hryhorskyj L, Skinner J. Factors influencing stethoscope cleanliness among clinical medical students. J Hosp Infect. 2013;84(3):242244.
  11. Jumaa PA. Hand hygiene: simple and complex. Int J Infect Dis. 2005;9:314.
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(7)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 10(7)
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The third hand: Low rates of stethoscope hygiene on general medical services
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The third hand: Low rates of stethoscope hygiene on general medical services
Article Source
© 2015 Society of Hospital Medicine
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Correspondence Location
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Ian Harold Jenkins, MD, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA 92103; E‐mail:
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Structured Peer Observation of Teaching

Article Type
Sun, 05/21/2017 - 14:26
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Faculty development for hospitalists: Structured peer observation of teaching

Hospitalists are increasingly responsible for educating students and housestaff in internal medicine.[1] Because the quality of teaching is an important factor in learning,[2, 3, 4] leaders in medical education have expressed concern over the rapid shift of teaching responsibilities to this new group of educators.[5, 6, 7, 8] Moreover, recent changes in duty hour restrictions have strained both student and resident education,[9, 10] necessitating the optimization of inpatient teaching.[11, 12] Many hospitalists have recently finished residency and have not had formal training in clinical teaching. Collectively, most hospital medicine groups are early in their careers, have significant clinical obligations,[13] and may not have the bandwidth or expertise to provide faculty development for improving clinical teaching.

Rationally designed and theoretically sound faculty development to improve inpatient clinical teaching is required to meet this challenge. There are a limited number of reports describing faculty development focused on strengthening the teaching of hospitalists, and only 3 utilized direct observation and feedback, 1 of which involved peer observation in the clinical setting.[14, 15, 16] This 2011 report described a narrative method of peer observation and feedback but did not assess for efficacy of the program.[16] To our knowledge, there have been no studies of structured peer observation and feedback to optimize hospitalist attendings' teaching which have evaluated the efficacy of the intervention.

We developed a faculty development program based on peer observation and feedback based on actual teaching practices, using structured feedback anchored in validated and observable measures of effective teaching. We hypothesized that participation in the program would increase confidence in key teaching skills, increase confidence in the ability to give and receive peer feedback, and strengthen attitudes toward peer observation and feedback.


Subjects and Setting

The study was conducted at a 570‐bed academic, tertiary care medical center affiliated with an internal medicine residency program of 180 housestaff. Internal medicine ward attendings rotate during 2‐week blocks, and are asked to give formal teaching rounds 3 or 4 times a week (these sessions are distinct from teaching which may happen while rounding on patients). Ward teams are composed of 1 senior resident, 2 interns, and 1 to 2 medical students. The majority of internal medicine ward attendings are hospitalist faculty, hospital medicine fellows, or medicine chief residents. Because outpatient general internists and subspecialists only occasionally attend on the wards, we refer to ward attendings as attending hospitalists in this article. All attending hospitalists were eligible to participate if they attended on the wards at least twice during the academic year. The institutional review board at the University of California, San Francisco approved this study.

Theoretical Framework

We reviewed the literature to optimize our program in 3 conceptual domains: (1) overall structure of the program, (2) definition of effective teaching and (3) effective delivery of feedback.

Over‐reliance on didactics that are disconnected from the work environment is a weakness of traditional faculty development. Individuals may attempt to apply what they have learned, but receiving feedback on their actual workplace practices may be difficult. A recent perspective responds to this fragmentation by conceptualizing faculty development as embedded in both a faculty development community and a workplace community. This model emphasizes translating what faculty have learned in the classroom into practice, and highlights the importance of coaching in the workplace.[17] In accordance with this framework, we designed our program to reach beyond isolated workshops to effectively penetrate the workplace community.

We selected the Stanford Faculty Development Program (SFDP) framework for optimal clinical teaching as our model for recognizing and improving teaching skills. The SFDP was developed as a theory‐based intensive feedback method to improve teaching skills,[18, 19] and has been shown to improve teaching in the ambulatory[20] and inpatient settings.[21, 22] In this widely disseminated framework,[23, 24] excellent clinical teaching is grounded in optimizing observable behaviors organized around 7 domains.[18] A 26‐item instrument to evaluate clinical teaching (SFDP‐26) has been developed based on this framework[25] and has been validated in multiple settings.[26, 27] High‐quality teaching, as defined by the SFDP framework, has been correlated with improved educational outcomes in internal medicine clerkship students.[4]

Feedback is crucial to optimizing teaching,[28, 29, 30] particularly when it incorporates consultation[31] and narrative comments.[32] Peer feedback has several advantages over feedback from learners or from other non‐peer observers (such as supervisors or other evaluators). First, the observers benefit by gaining insight into their own weaknesses and potential areas for growth as teachers.[33, 34] Additionally, collegial observation and feedback may promote supportive teaching relationships between faculty.[35] Furthermore, peer review overcomes the biases that may be present in learner evaluations.[36] We established a 3‐stage feedback technique based on a previously described method.[37] In the first step, the observer elicits self‐appraisal from the speaker. Next, the observer provides specific, behaviorally anchored feedback in the form of 3 reinforcing comments and 2 constructive comments. Finally, the observer elicits a reflection on the feedback and helps develop a plan to improve teaching in future opportunities. We used a dyad model (paired participants repeatedly observe and give feedback to each other) to support mutual benefit and reciprocity between attendings.


Using a modified Delphi approach, 5 medical education experts selected the 10 items that are most easily observable and salient to formal attending teaching rounds from the SFDP‐26 teaching assessment tool. A structured observation form was created, which included a checklist of the 10 selected items, space for note taking, and a template for narrative feedback (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Structured observation form, side 1. See “Intervention” for discussion.

We introduced the SFDP framework during a 2‐hour initial training session. Participants watched videos of teaching, learned to identify the 10 selected teaching behaviors, developed appropriate constructive and reinforcing comments, and practiced giving and receiving peer feedback.

Dyads were created on the basis of predetermined attending schedules. Participants were asked to observe and be observed twice during attending teaching rounds over the course of the academic year. Attending teaching rounds were defined as any preplanned didactic activity for ward teams. The structured observation forms were returned to the study coordinators after the observer had given feedback to the presenter. A copy of the feedback without the observer's notes was also given to each speaker. At the midpoint of the academic year, a refresher session was offered to reinforce those teaching behaviors that were the least frequently performed to date. All participants received a $50.00 gift card, and additional gift card incentives were offered to the dyads that first completed both observations.

Measurements and Data Collection

Participants were given a pre‐ and post‐program survey. The surveys included questions assessing confidence in ability to give feedback, receive feedback without feeling defensive, and teach effectively, as well as attitudes toward peer observation. The postprogram survey was administered at the end of the year and additionally assessed the self‐rated performance of the 10 selected teaching behaviors. A retrospective pre‐ and post‐program assessment was used for this outcome, because this method can be more reliable when participants initially may not have sufficient insight to accurately assess their own competence in specific measures.[21] The post‐program survey also included 4 questions assessing satisfaction with aspects of the program. All questions were structured as statements to which the respondent indicated degree of agreement using a 5‐point Likert scale, where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree. Structured observation forms used by participants were collected throughout the year to assess frequency of performance of the 10 selected teaching behaviors.

Statistical Analysis

We only analyzed the pre‐ and post‐program surveys that could be matched using anonymous identifiers provided by participants. For both prospective and retrospective measures, mean values and standard deviations were calculated. Wilcoxon signed rank tests for nonparametric data were performed to obtain P values. For all comparisons, a P value of <0.05 was considered significant. All comparisons were performed using Stata version 10 (StataCorp, College Station, TX).


Participant Characteristics and Participation in Program

Of the 37 eligible attending hospitalists, 22 (59%) enrolled. Fourteen were hospital medicine faculty, 6 were hospital medicine fellows, and 2 were internal medicine chief residents. The averagestandard deviation (SD) number of years as a ward attending was 2.2 years2.1. Seventeen (77%) reported previously having been observed and given feedback by a colleague, and 9 (41%) reported previously observing a colleague for the purpose of giving feedback.

All 22 participants attended 1 of 2, 2‐hour training sessions. Ten participants attended an hour‐long midyear refresher session. A total of 19 observation and feedback sessions took place; 15 of them occurred in the first half of the academic year. Fifteen attending hospitalists participated in at least 1 observed teaching session. Of the 11 dyads, 6 completed at least 1 observation of each other. Two dyads performed 2 observations of each other.

Fifteen participants (68% of those enrolled) completed both the pre‐ and post‐program surveys. Among these respondents, the average number of years attending was 2.92.2 years. Eight (53%) reported previously having been observed and given feedback by a colleague, and 7 (47%) reported previously observing a colleague for the purpose of giving feedback. For this subset of participants, the averageSD frequency of being observed during the program was 1.30.7, and observing was 1.10.8.

Confidence in Ability to Give Feedback, Receive Feedback, and Teach Effectively

In comparison of pre‐ and post‐intervention measures, participants indicated increased confidence in their ability to evaluate their colleagues and provide feedback in all domains queried. Participants also indicated increased confidence in the efficacy of their feedback to improve their colleagues' teaching skills. Participating in the program did not significantly change pre‐intervention levels of confidence in ability to receive feedback without being defensive or confidence in ability to use feedback to improve teaching skills (Table 1).

Confidence in Ability to Give Feedback, Receive Feedback, and Teach Effectively Pre‐ and Post‐intervention.
StatementMean PreSDMean PostSDP
  • NOTE: 1=strongly disagree, 3=neutral, 5=strongly agree. N=15 except where noted. Abbreviations: Post, post‐intervention; Pre, pre‐intervention; SD, standard deviation.

  • N=14.

I can accurately assess my colleagues' teaching skills.3.200.864.070.590.004
I can give accurate feedback to my colleagues regarding their teaching skills.3.400.634.200.560.002
I can give feedback in a way that that my colleague will not feel defensive about their teaching skills.3.600.634.200.560.046
My feedback will improve my colleagues' teaching skills.3.400.513.930.590.011
I can receive feedback from a colleague without being defensive about my teaching skills.3.870.924.270.590.156
I can use feedback from a colleague to improve my teaching skills.4.330.824.470.640.607
I am confident in my ability to teach students and residents during attending rounds.a3.210.893.710.830.026
I am confident in my knowledge of components of effective teaching.a3.210.893.710.990.035
Learners regard me as an effective teacher.a3.140.663.640.740.033

Self‐Rated Performance of 10 Selected Teaching Behaviors

In retrospective assessment, participants felt that their performance had improved in all 10 teaching behaviors after the intervention. This perceived improvement reached statistical significance in 8 of the 10 selected behaviors (Table 2).

Retrospective Self‐Appraisal of Competence in Selected Teaching Behaviors Pre‐ and Post‐intervention.
SFDP Framework Category From Skeff et al.[18]When I Give Attending Rounds, I Generally .Mean PreSDMean PostSDP
  • NOTE: 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree. N=15. Abbreviations: Post, post‐intervention; Pre, pre‐intervention; SD, standard deviation; SFDP, Stanford Faculty Development Program

1. Establishing a positive learning climateListen to learners4.270.594.530.520.046
Encourage learners to participate actively in the discussion4.070.704.600.510.009
2. Controlling the teaching sessionCall attention to time3.330.984.270.590.004
3. Communicating goalsState goals clearly and concisely3.400.634.270.590.001
State relevance of goals to learners3.400.744.200.680.002
4. Promoting understanding and retentionPresent well‐organized material3.870.644.070.700.083
Use blackboard or other visual aids4.270.884.470.740.158
5. Evaluating the learnersEvaluate learners' ability to apply medical knowledge to specific patients3.330.984.000.760.005
6. Providing feedback to the learnersExplain to learners why he/she was correct or incorrect3.471.134.130.640.009
7. Promoting self‐directed learningMotivate learners to learn on their own3.200.863.730.700.005

Attitudes Toward Peer Observation and Feedback

There were no significant changes in attitudes toward observation and feedback on teaching. A strong preprogram belief that observation and feedback can improve teaching skills increased slightly, but not significantly, after the program. Participants remained largely neutral in expectation of discomfort with giving or receiving peer feedback. Prior to the program, there was a slight tendency to believe that observation and feedback is more effective when done by more skilled and experienced colleagues; this belief diminished, but not significantly (Table 3).

Attitudes Toward Peer Observation and Feedback Pre‐ and Post‐intervention.
StatementMean PreSDMean PostSDP
  • NOTE: 1=strongly disagree, 3=neutral, 5=strongly agree. N=15. Abbreviations: Post, post‐intervention; Pre, pre‐intervention; SD, standard deviation.

Being observed and receiving feedback can improve my teaching skills.4.471.064.600.510.941
My teaching skills cannot improve without observation with feedback.2.931.393.471.300.188
Observation with feedback is most effective when done by colleagues who are expert educators.3.530.833.330.980.180
Observation with feedback is most effective when done by colleagues who have been teaching many years.3.400.913.071.030.143
The thought of observing and giving feedback to my colleagues makes me uncomfortable.3.130.923.001.130.565
The thought of being observed by a colleague and receiving feedback makes me uncomfortable.3.200.943.271.220.747

Program Evaluation

There were a variable number of responses to the program evaluation questions. The majority of participants found the program to be very beneficial (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree [n, meanSD]): My teaching has improved as a result of this program (n=14, 4.90.3). Both giving (n=11, 4.21.6) and receiving (n=13, 4.61.1) feedback were felt to have improved teaching skills. There was strong agreement from respondents that they would participate in the program in the future: I am likely to participate in this program in the future (n=12, 4.60.9).


Previous studies have shown that teaching skills are unlikely to improve without feedback,[28, 29, 30] yet feedback for hospitalists is usually limited to summative, end‐rotation evaluations from learners, disconnected from the teaching encounter. Our theory‐based, rationally designed peer observation and feedback program resulted in increased confidence in the ability to give feedback, receive feedback, and teach effectively. Participation did not result in negative attitudes toward giving and receiving feedback from colleagues. Participants self‐reported increased performance of important teaching behaviors. Most participants rated the program very highly, and endorsed improved teaching skills as a result of the program.

Our experience provides several lessons for other groups considering the implementation of peer feedback to strengthen teaching. First, we suggest that hospitalist groups may expect variable degrees of participation in a voluntary peer feedback program. In our program, 41% of eligible attendings did not participate. We did not specifically investigate why; we speculate that they may not have had the time, believed that their teaching skills were already strong, or they may have been daunted at the idea of peer review. It is also possible that participants were a self‐selected group who were the most motivated to strengthen their teaching. Second, we note the steep decline in the number of observations in the second half of the year. Informal assessment for reasons for the drop‐off suggested that after initial enthusiasm for the program, navigating the logistics of observing the same peer in the second half of the year proved to be prohibitive to many participants. Therefore, future versions of peer feedback programs may benefit from removing the dyad requirement and encouraging all participants to observe one another whenever possible.

With these lessons in mind, we believe that a peer observation program could be implemented by other hospital medicine groups. The program does not require extensive content expertise or senior faculty but does require engaged leadership and interested and motivated faculty. Groups could identify an individual in their group with an interest in clinical teaching who could then be responsible for creating the training session (materials available upon request). We believe that with only a small upfront investment, most hospital medicine groups could use this as a model to build a peer observation program aimed at improving clinical teaching.

Our study has several limitations. As noted above, our participation rate was 59%, and the number of participating attendings declined through the year. We did not examine whether our program resulted in advances in the knowledge, skills, or attitudes of the learners; because each attending teaching session was unique, it was not possible to measure changes in learner knowledge. Our primary outcome measures relied on self‐assessment rather than higher order and more objective measures of teaching efficacy. Furthermore, our results may not be generalizable to other programs, given the heterogeneity in service structures and teaching practices across the country. This was an uncontrolled study; some of the outcomes may have naturally occurred independent of the intervention due to the natural evolution of clinical teaching. As with any educational intervention that integrates multiple strategies, we are not able to discern if the improved outcomes were the result of the initial didactic sessions, the refresher sessions, or the peer feedback itself. Serial assessments of frequency of teaching behaviors were not done due to the low number of observations in the second half of the program. Finally, our 10‐item tool derived from the validated SFDP‐26 tool is not itself a validated assessment of teaching.

We acknowledge that the increased confidence seen in our participants does not necessarily predict improved performance. Although increased confidence in core skills is a necessary step that can lead to changes in behavior, further studies are needed to determine whether the increase in faculty confidence that results from peer observation and feedback translates into improved educational outcomes.

The pressure on hospitalists to be excellent teachers is here to stay. Resources to train these faculty are scarce, yet we must prioritize faculty development in teaching to optimize the training of future physicians. Our data illustrate the benefits of peer observation and feedback. Hospitalist programs should consider this option in addressing the professional development needs of their faculty.


The authors thank Zachary Martin for administrative support for the program; Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD, and Patricia O'Sullivan, PhD, for aid in program development; and John Amory, MD, MPH, for critical review of the manuscript. The authors thank the University of California, San Francisco Office of Medical Education for funding this work with an Educational Research Grant.

Disclosures: Funding: UCSF Office of Medical Education Educational Research Grant. Ethics approval: approved by UCSF Committee on Human Research. Previous presentations: Previous versions of this work were presented as an oral presentation at the University of California at San Francisco Medical Education Day, San Francisco, California, April 27, 2012, and as a poster presentation at the Society for General Internal Medicine 35th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, May 912, 2012. The authors report no conflicts of interest.

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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 9(4)
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Hospitalists are increasingly responsible for educating students and housestaff in internal medicine.[1] Because the quality of teaching is an important factor in learning,[2, 3, 4] leaders in medical education have expressed concern over the rapid shift of teaching responsibilities to this new group of educators.[5, 6, 7, 8] Moreover, recent changes in duty hour restrictions have strained both student and resident education,[9, 10] necessitating the optimization of inpatient teaching.[11, 12] Many hospitalists have recently finished residency and have not had formal training in clinical teaching. Collectively, most hospital medicine groups are early in their careers, have significant clinical obligations,[13] and may not have the bandwidth or expertise to provide faculty development for improving clinical teaching.

Rationally designed and theoretically sound faculty development to improve inpatient clinical teaching is required to meet this challenge. There are a limited number of reports describing faculty development focused on strengthening the teaching of hospitalists, and only 3 utilized direct observation and feedback, 1 of which involved peer observation in the clinical setting.[14, 15, 16] This 2011 report described a narrative method of peer observation and feedback but did not assess for efficacy of the program.[16] To our knowledge, there have been no studies of structured peer observation and feedback to optimize hospitalist attendings' teaching which have evaluated the efficacy of the intervention.

We developed a faculty development program based on peer observation and feedback based on actual teaching practices, using structured feedback anchored in validated and observable measures of effective teaching. We hypothesized that participation in the program would increase confidence in key teaching skills, increase confidence in the ability to give and receive peer feedback, and strengthen attitudes toward peer observation and feedback.


Subjects and Setting

The study was conducted at a 570‐bed academic, tertiary care medical center affiliated with an internal medicine residency program of 180 housestaff. Internal medicine ward attendings rotate during 2‐week blocks, and are asked to give formal teaching rounds 3 or 4 times a week (these sessions are distinct from teaching which may happen while rounding on patients). Ward teams are composed of 1 senior resident, 2 interns, and 1 to 2 medical students. The majority of internal medicine ward attendings are hospitalist faculty, hospital medicine fellows, or medicine chief residents. Because outpatient general internists and subspecialists only occasionally attend on the wards, we refer to ward attendings as attending hospitalists in this article. All attending hospitalists were eligible to participate if they attended on the wards at least twice during the academic year. The institutional review board at the University of California, San Francisco approved this study.

Theoretical Framework

We reviewed the literature to optimize our program in 3 conceptual domains: (1) overall structure of the program, (2) definition of effective teaching and (3) effective delivery of feedback.

Over‐reliance on didactics that are disconnected from the work environment is a weakness of traditional faculty development. Individuals may attempt to apply what they have learned, but receiving feedback on their actual workplace practices may be difficult. A recent perspective responds to this fragmentation by conceptualizing faculty development as embedded in both a faculty development community and a workplace community. This model emphasizes translating what faculty have learned in the classroom into practice, and highlights the importance of coaching in the workplace.[17] In accordance with this framework, we designed our program to reach beyond isolated workshops to effectively penetrate the workplace community.

We selected the Stanford Faculty Development Program (SFDP) framework for optimal clinical teaching as our model for recognizing and improving teaching skills. The SFDP was developed as a theory‐based intensive feedback method to improve teaching skills,[18, 19] and has been shown to improve teaching in the ambulatory[20] and inpatient settings.[21, 22] In this widely disseminated framework,[23, 24] excellent clinical teaching is grounded in optimizing observable behaviors organized around 7 domains.[18] A 26‐item instrument to evaluate clinical teaching (SFDP‐26) has been developed based on this framework[25] and has been validated in multiple settings.[26, 27] High‐quality teaching, as defined by the SFDP framework, has been correlated with improved educational outcomes in internal medicine clerkship students.[4]

Feedback is crucial to optimizing teaching,[28, 29, 30] particularly when it incorporates consultation[31] and narrative comments.[32] Peer feedback has several advantages over feedback from learners or from other non‐peer observers (such as supervisors or other evaluators). First, the observers benefit by gaining insight into their own weaknesses and potential areas for growth as teachers.[33, 34] Additionally, collegial observation and feedback may promote supportive teaching relationships between faculty.[35] Furthermore, peer review overcomes the biases that may be present in learner evaluations.[36] We established a 3‐stage feedback technique based on a previously described method.[37] In the first step, the observer elicits self‐appraisal from the speaker. Next, the observer provides specific, behaviorally anchored feedback in the form of 3 reinforcing comments and 2 constructive comments. Finally, the observer elicits a reflection on the feedback and helps develop a plan to improve teaching in future opportunities. We used a dyad model (paired participants repeatedly observe and give feedback to each other) to support mutual benefit and reciprocity between attendings.


Using a modified Delphi approach, 5 medical education experts selected the 10 items that are most easily observable and salient to formal attending teaching rounds from the SFDP‐26 teaching assessment tool. A structured observation form was created, which included a checklist of the 10 selected items, space for note taking, and a template for narrative feedback (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Structured observation form, side 1. See “Intervention” for discussion.

We introduced the SFDP framework during a 2‐hour initial training session. Participants watched videos of teaching, learned to identify the 10 selected teaching behaviors, developed appropriate constructive and reinforcing comments, and practiced giving and receiving peer feedback.

Dyads were created on the basis of predetermined attending schedules. Participants were asked to observe and be observed twice during attending teaching rounds over the course of the academic year. Attending teaching rounds were defined as any preplanned didactic activity for ward teams. The structured observation forms were returned to the study coordinators after the observer had given feedback to the presenter. A copy of the feedback without the observer's notes was also given to each speaker. At the midpoint of the academic year, a refresher session was offered to reinforce those teaching behaviors that were the least frequently performed to date. All participants received a $50.00 gift card, and additional gift card incentives were offered to the dyads that first completed both observations.

Measurements and Data Collection

Participants were given a pre‐ and post‐program survey. The surveys included questions assessing confidence in ability to give feedback, receive feedback without feeling defensive, and teach effectively, as well as attitudes toward peer observation. The postprogram survey was administered at the end of the year and additionally assessed the self‐rated performance of the 10 selected teaching behaviors. A retrospective pre‐ and post‐program assessment was used for this outcome, because this method can be more reliable when participants initially may not have sufficient insight to accurately assess their own competence in specific measures.[21] The post‐program survey also included 4 questions assessing satisfaction with aspects of the program. All questions were structured as statements to which the respondent indicated degree of agreement using a 5‐point Likert scale, where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree. Structured observation forms used by participants were collected throughout the year to assess frequency of performance of the 10 selected teaching behaviors.

Statistical Analysis

We only analyzed the pre‐ and post‐program surveys that could be matched using anonymous identifiers provided by participants. For both prospective and retrospective measures, mean values and standard deviations were calculated. Wilcoxon signed rank tests for nonparametric data were performed to obtain P values. For all comparisons, a P value of <0.05 was considered significant. All comparisons were performed using Stata version 10 (StataCorp, College Station, TX).


Participant Characteristics and Participation in Program

Of the 37 eligible attending hospitalists, 22 (59%) enrolled. Fourteen were hospital medicine faculty, 6 were hospital medicine fellows, and 2 were internal medicine chief residents. The averagestandard deviation (SD) number of years as a ward attending was 2.2 years2.1. Seventeen (77%) reported previously having been observed and given feedback by a colleague, and 9 (41%) reported previously observing a colleague for the purpose of giving feedback.

All 22 participants attended 1 of 2, 2‐hour training sessions. Ten participants attended an hour‐long midyear refresher session. A total of 19 observation and feedback sessions took place; 15 of them occurred in the first half of the academic year. Fifteen attending hospitalists participated in at least 1 observed teaching session. Of the 11 dyads, 6 completed at least 1 observation of each other. Two dyads performed 2 observations of each other.

Fifteen participants (68% of those enrolled) completed both the pre‐ and post‐program surveys. Among these respondents, the average number of years attending was 2.92.2 years. Eight (53%) reported previously having been observed and given feedback by a colleague, and 7 (47%) reported previously observing a colleague for the purpose of giving feedback. For this subset of participants, the averageSD frequency of being observed during the program was 1.30.7, and observing was 1.10.8.

Confidence in Ability to Give Feedback, Receive Feedback, and Teach Effectively

In comparison of pre‐ and post‐intervention measures, participants indicated increased confidence in their ability to evaluate their colleagues and provide feedback in all domains queried. Participants also indicated increased confidence in the efficacy of their feedback to improve their colleagues' teaching skills. Participating in the program did not significantly change pre‐intervention levels of confidence in ability to receive feedback without being defensive or confidence in ability to use feedback to improve teaching skills (Table 1).

Confidence in Ability to Give Feedback, Receive Feedback, and Teach Effectively Pre‐ and Post‐intervention.
StatementMean PreSDMean PostSDP
  • NOTE: 1=strongly disagree, 3=neutral, 5=strongly agree. N=15 except where noted. Abbreviations: Post, post‐intervention; Pre, pre‐intervention; SD, standard deviation.

  • N=14.

I can accurately assess my colleagues' teaching skills.3.200.864.070.590.004
I can give accurate feedback to my colleagues regarding their teaching skills.3.400.634.200.560.002
I can give feedback in a way that that my colleague will not feel defensive about their teaching skills.3.600.634.200.560.046
My feedback will improve my colleagues' teaching skills.3.400.513.930.590.011
I can receive feedback from a colleague without being defensive about my teaching skills.3.870.924.270.590.156
I can use feedback from a colleague to improve my teaching skills.4.330.824.470.640.607
I am confident in my ability to teach students and residents during attending rounds.a3.210.893.710.830.026
I am confident in my knowledge of components of effective teaching.a3.210.893.710.990.035
Learners regard me as an effective teacher.a3.140.663.640.740.033

Self‐Rated Performance of 10 Selected Teaching Behaviors

In retrospective assessment, participants felt that their performance had improved in all 10 teaching behaviors after the intervention. This perceived improvement reached statistical significance in 8 of the 10 selected behaviors (Table 2).

Retrospective Self‐Appraisal of Competence in Selected Teaching Behaviors Pre‐ and Post‐intervention.
SFDP Framework Category From Skeff et al.[18]When I Give Attending Rounds, I Generally .Mean PreSDMean PostSDP
  • NOTE: 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree. N=15. Abbreviations: Post, post‐intervention; Pre, pre‐intervention; SD, standard deviation; SFDP, Stanford Faculty Development Program

1. Establishing a positive learning climateListen to learners4.270.594.530.520.046
Encourage learners to participate actively in the discussion4.070.704.600.510.009
2. Controlling the teaching sessionCall attention to time3.330.984.270.590.004
3. Communicating goalsState goals clearly and concisely3.400.634.270.590.001
State relevance of goals to learners3.400.744.200.680.002
4. Promoting understanding and retentionPresent well‐organized material3.870.644.070.700.083
Use blackboard or other visual aids4.270.884.470.740.158
5. Evaluating the learnersEvaluate learners' ability to apply medical knowledge to specific patients3.330.984.000.760.005
6. Providing feedback to the learnersExplain to learners why he/she was correct or incorrect3.471.134.130.640.009
7. Promoting self‐directed learningMotivate learners to learn on their own3.200.863.730.700.005

Attitudes Toward Peer Observation and Feedback

There were no significant changes in attitudes toward observation and feedback on teaching. A strong preprogram belief that observation and feedback can improve teaching skills increased slightly, but not significantly, after the program. Participants remained largely neutral in expectation of discomfort with giving or receiving peer feedback. Prior to the program, there was a slight tendency to believe that observation and feedback is more effective when done by more skilled and experienced colleagues; this belief diminished, but not significantly (Table 3).

Attitudes Toward Peer Observation and Feedback Pre‐ and Post‐intervention.
StatementMean PreSDMean PostSDP
  • NOTE: 1=strongly disagree, 3=neutral, 5=strongly agree. N=15. Abbreviations: Post, post‐intervention; Pre, pre‐intervention; SD, standard deviation.

Being observed and receiving feedback can improve my teaching skills.4.471.064.600.510.941
My teaching skills cannot improve without observation with feedback.2.931.393.471.300.188
Observation with feedback is most effective when done by colleagues who are expert educators.3.530.833.330.980.180
Observation with feedback is most effective when done by colleagues who have been teaching many years.3.400.913.071.030.143
The thought of observing and giving feedback to my colleagues makes me uncomfortable.3.130.923.001.130.565
The thought of being observed by a colleague and receiving feedback makes me uncomfortable.3.200.943.271.220.747

Program Evaluation

There were a variable number of responses to the program evaluation questions. The majority of participants found the program to be very beneficial (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree [n, meanSD]): My teaching has improved as a result of this program (n=14, 4.90.3). Both giving (n=11, 4.21.6) and receiving (n=13, 4.61.1) feedback were felt to have improved teaching skills. There was strong agreement from respondents that they would participate in the program in the future: I am likely to participate in this program in the future (n=12, 4.60.9).


Previous studies have shown that teaching skills are unlikely to improve without feedback,[28, 29, 30] yet feedback for hospitalists is usually limited to summative, end‐rotation evaluations from learners, disconnected from the teaching encounter. Our theory‐based, rationally designed peer observation and feedback program resulted in increased confidence in the ability to give feedback, receive feedback, and teach effectively. Participation did not result in negative attitudes toward giving and receiving feedback from colleagues. Participants self‐reported increased performance of important teaching behaviors. Most participants rated the program very highly, and endorsed improved teaching skills as a result of the program.

Our experience provides several lessons for other groups considering the implementation of peer feedback to strengthen teaching. First, we suggest that hospitalist groups may expect variable degrees of participation in a voluntary peer feedback program. In our program, 41% of eligible attendings did not participate. We did not specifically investigate why; we speculate that they may not have had the time, believed that their teaching skills were already strong, or they may have been daunted at the idea of peer review. It is also possible that participants were a self‐selected group who were the most motivated to strengthen their teaching. Second, we note the steep decline in the number of observations in the second half of the year. Informal assessment for reasons for the drop‐off suggested that after initial enthusiasm for the program, navigating the logistics of observing the same peer in the second half of the year proved to be prohibitive to many participants. Therefore, future versions of peer feedback programs may benefit from removing the dyad requirement and encouraging all participants to observe one another whenever possible.

With these lessons in mind, we believe that a peer observation program could be implemented by other hospital medicine groups. The program does not require extensive content expertise or senior faculty but does require engaged leadership and interested and motivated faculty. Groups could identify an individual in their group with an interest in clinical teaching who could then be responsible for creating the training session (materials available upon request). We believe that with only a small upfront investment, most hospital medicine groups could use this as a model to build a peer observation program aimed at improving clinical teaching.

Our study has several limitations. As noted above, our participation rate was 59%, and the number of participating attendings declined through the year. We did not examine whether our program resulted in advances in the knowledge, skills, or attitudes of the learners; because each attending teaching session was unique, it was not possible to measure changes in learner knowledge. Our primary outcome measures relied on self‐assessment rather than higher order and more objective measures of teaching efficacy. Furthermore, our results may not be generalizable to other programs, given the heterogeneity in service structures and teaching practices across the country. This was an uncontrolled study; some of the outcomes may have naturally occurred independent of the intervention due to the natural evolution of clinical teaching. As with any educational intervention that integrates multiple strategies, we are not able to discern if the improved outcomes were the result of the initial didactic sessions, the refresher sessions, or the peer feedback itself. Serial assessments of frequency of teaching behaviors were not done due to the low number of observations in the second half of the program. Finally, our 10‐item tool derived from the validated SFDP‐26 tool is not itself a validated assessment of teaching.

We acknowledge that the increased confidence seen in our participants does not necessarily predict improved performance. Although increased confidence in core skills is a necessary step that can lead to changes in behavior, further studies are needed to determine whether the increase in faculty confidence that results from peer observation and feedback translates into improved educational outcomes.

The pressure on hospitalists to be excellent teachers is here to stay. Resources to train these faculty are scarce, yet we must prioritize faculty development in teaching to optimize the training of future physicians. Our data illustrate the benefits of peer observation and feedback. Hospitalist programs should consider this option in addressing the professional development needs of their faculty.


The authors thank Zachary Martin for administrative support for the program; Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD, and Patricia O'Sullivan, PhD, for aid in program development; and John Amory, MD, MPH, for critical review of the manuscript. The authors thank the University of California, San Francisco Office of Medical Education for funding this work with an Educational Research Grant.

Disclosures: Funding: UCSF Office of Medical Education Educational Research Grant. Ethics approval: approved by UCSF Committee on Human Research. Previous presentations: Previous versions of this work were presented as an oral presentation at the University of California at San Francisco Medical Education Day, San Francisco, California, April 27, 2012, and as a poster presentation at the Society for General Internal Medicine 35th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, May 912, 2012. The authors report no conflicts of interest.

Hospitalists are increasingly responsible for educating students and housestaff in internal medicine.[1] Because the quality of teaching is an important factor in learning,[2, 3, 4] leaders in medical education have expressed concern over the rapid shift of teaching responsibilities to this new group of educators.[5, 6, 7, 8] Moreover, recent changes in duty hour restrictions have strained both student and resident education,[9, 10] necessitating the optimization of inpatient teaching.[11, 12] Many hospitalists have recently finished residency and have not had formal training in clinical teaching. Collectively, most hospital medicine groups are early in their careers, have significant clinical obligations,[13] and may not have the bandwidth or expertise to provide faculty development for improving clinical teaching.

Rationally designed and theoretically sound faculty development to improve inpatient clinical teaching is required to meet this challenge. There are a limited number of reports describing faculty development focused on strengthening the teaching of hospitalists, and only 3 utilized direct observation and feedback, 1 of which involved peer observation in the clinical setting.[14, 15, 16] This 2011 report described a narrative method of peer observation and feedback but did not assess for efficacy of the program.[16] To our knowledge, there have been no studies of structured peer observation and feedback to optimize hospitalist attendings' teaching which have evaluated the efficacy of the intervention.

We developed a faculty development program based on peer observation and feedback based on actual teaching practices, using structured feedback anchored in validated and observable measures of effective teaching. We hypothesized that participation in the program would increase confidence in key teaching skills, increase confidence in the ability to give and receive peer feedback, and strengthen attitudes toward peer observation and feedback.


Subjects and Setting

The study was conducted at a 570‐bed academic, tertiary care medical center affiliated with an internal medicine residency program of 180 housestaff. Internal medicine ward attendings rotate during 2‐week blocks, and are asked to give formal teaching rounds 3 or 4 times a week (these sessions are distinct from teaching which may happen while rounding on patients). Ward teams are composed of 1 senior resident, 2 interns, and 1 to 2 medical students. The majority of internal medicine ward attendings are hospitalist faculty, hospital medicine fellows, or medicine chief residents. Because outpatient general internists and subspecialists only occasionally attend on the wards, we refer to ward attendings as attending hospitalists in this article. All attending hospitalists were eligible to participate if they attended on the wards at least twice during the academic year. The institutional review board at the University of California, San Francisco approved this study.

Theoretical Framework

We reviewed the literature to optimize our program in 3 conceptual domains: (1) overall structure of the program, (2) definition of effective teaching and (3) effective delivery of feedback.

Over‐reliance on didactics that are disconnected from the work environment is a weakness of traditional faculty development. Individuals may attempt to apply what they have learned, but receiving feedback on their actual workplace practices may be difficult. A recent perspective responds to this fragmentation by conceptualizing faculty development as embedded in both a faculty development community and a workplace community. This model emphasizes translating what faculty have learned in the classroom into practice, and highlights the importance of coaching in the workplace.[17] In accordance with this framework, we designed our program to reach beyond isolated workshops to effectively penetrate the workplace community.

We selected the Stanford Faculty Development Program (SFDP) framework for optimal clinical teaching as our model for recognizing and improving teaching skills. The SFDP was developed as a theory‐based intensive feedback method to improve teaching skills,[18, 19] and has been shown to improve teaching in the ambulatory[20] and inpatient settings.[21, 22] In this widely disseminated framework,[23, 24] excellent clinical teaching is grounded in optimizing observable behaviors organized around 7 domains.[18] A 26‐item instrument to evaluate clinical teaching (SFDP‐26) has been developed based on this framework[25] and has been validated in multiple settings.[26, 27] High‐quality teaching, as defined by the SFDP framework, has been correlated with improved educational outcomes in internal medicine clerkship students.[4]

Feedback is crucial to optimizing teaching,[28, 29, 30] particularly when it incorporates consultation[31] and narrative comments.[32] Peer feedback has several advantages over feedback from learners or from other non‐peer observers (such as supervisors or other evaluators). First, the observers benefit by gaining insight into their own weaknesses and potential areas for growth as teachers.[33, 34] Additionally, collegial observation and feedback may promote supportive teaching relationships between faculty.[35] Furthermore, peer review overcomes the biases that may be present in learner evaluations.[36] We established a 3‐stage feedback technique based on a previously described method.[37] In the first step, the observer elicits self‐appraisal from the speaker. Next, the observer provides specific, behaviorally anchored feedback in the form of 3 reinforcing comments and 2 constructive comments. Finally, the observer elicits a reflection on the feedback and helps develop a plan to improve teaching in future opportunities. We used a dyad model (paired participants repeatedly observe and give feedback to each other) to support mutual benefit and reciprocity between attendings.


Using a modified Delphi approach, 5 medical education experts selected the 10 items that are most easily observable and salient to formal attending teaching rounds from the SFDP‐26 teaching assessment tool. A structured observation form was created, which included a checklist of the 10 selected items, space for note taking, and a template for narrative feedback (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Structured observation form, side 1. See “Intervention” for discussion.

We introduced the SFDP framework during a 2‐hour initial training session. Participants watched videos of teaching, learned to identify the 10 selected teaching behaviors, developed appropriate constructive and reinforcing comments, and practiced giving and receiving peer feedback.

Dyads were created on the basis of predetermined attending schedules. Participants were asked to observe and be observed twice during attending teaching rounds over the course of the academic year. Attending teaching rounds were defined as any preplanned didactic activity for ward teams. The structured observation forms were returned to the study coordinators after the observer had given feedback to the presenter. A copy of the feedback without the observer's notes was also given to each speaker. At the midpoint of the academic year, a refresher session was offered to reinforce those teaching behaviors that were the least frequently performed to date. All participants received a $50.00 gift card, and additional gift card incentives were offered to the dyads that first completed both observations.

Measurements and Data Collection

Participants were given a pre‐ and post‐program survey. The surveys included questions assessing confidence in ability to give feedback, receive feedback without feeling defensive, and teach effectively, as well as attitudes toward peer observation. The postprogram survey was administered at the end of the year and additionally assessed the self‐rated performance of the 10 selected teaching behaviors. A retrospective pre‐ and post‐program assessment was used for this outcome, because this method can be more reliable when participants initially may not have sufficient insight to accurately assess their own competence in specific measures.[21] The post‐program survey also included 4 questions assessing satisfaction with aspects of the program. All questions were structured as statements to which the respondent indicated degree of agreement using a 5‐point Likert scale, where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree. Structured observation forms used by participants were collected throughout the year to assess frequency of performance of the 10 selected teaching behaviors.

Statistical Analysis

We only analyzed the pre‐ and post‐program surveys that could be matched using anonymous identifiers provided by participants. For both prospective and retrospective measures, mean values and standard deviations were calculated. Wilcoxon signed rank tests for nonparametric data were performed to obtain P values. For all comparisons, a P value of <0.05 was considered significant. All comparisons were performed using Stata version 10 (StataCorp, College Station, TX).


Participant Characteristics and Participation in Program

Of the 37 eligible attending hospitalists, 22 (59%) enrolled. Fourteen were hospital medicine faculty, 6 were hospital medicine fellows, and 2 were internal medicine chief residents. The averagestandard deviation (SD) number of years as a ward attending was 2.2 years2.1. Seventeen (77%) reported previously having been observed and given feedback by a colleague, and 9 (41%) reported previously observing a colleague for the purpose of giving feedback.

All 22 participants attended 1 of 2, 2‐hour training sessions. Ten participants attended an hour‐long midyear refresher session. A total of 19 observation and feedback sessions took place; 15 of them occurred in the first half of the academic year. Fifteen attending hospitalists participated in at least 1 observed teaching session. Of the 11 dyads, 6 completed at least 1 observation of each other. Two dyads performed 2 observations of each other.

Fifteen participants (68% of those enrolled) completed both the pre‐ and post‐program surveys. Among these respondents, the average number of years attending was 2.92.2 years. Eight (53%) reported previously having been observed and given feedback by a colleague, and 7 (47%) reported previously observing a colleague for the purpose of giving feedback. For this subset of participants, the averageSD frequency of being observed during the program was 1.30.7, and observing was 1.10.8.

Confidence in Ability to Give Feedback, Receive Feedback, and Teach Effectively

In comparison of pre‐ and post‐intervention measures, participants indicated increased confidence in their ability to evaluate their colleagues and provide feedback in all domains queried. Participants also indicated increased confidence in the efficacy of their feedback to improve their colleagues' teaching skills. Participating in the program did not significantly change pre‐intervention levels of confidence in ability to receive feedback without being defensive or confidence in ability to use feedback to improve teaching skills (Table 1).

Confidence in Ability to Give Feedback, Receive Feedback, and Teach Effectively Pre‐ and Post‐intervention.
StatementMean PreSDMean PostSDP
  • NOTE: 1=strongly disagree, 3=neutral, 5=strongly agree. N=15 except where noted. Abbreviations: Post, post‐intervention; Pre, pre‐intervention; SD, standard deviation.

  • N=14.

I can accurately assess my colleagues' teaching skills.3.200.864.070.590.004
I can give accurate feedback to my colleagues regarding their teaching skills.3.400.634.200.560.002
I can give feedback in a way that that my colleague will not feel defensive about their teaching skills.3.600.634.200.560.046
My feedback will improve my colleagues' teaching skills.3.400.513.930.590.011
I can receive feedback from a colleague without being defensive about my teaching skills.3.870.924.270.590.156
I can use feedback from a colleague to improve my teaching skills.4.330.824.470.640.607
I am confident in my ability to teach students and residents during attending rounds.a3.210.893.710.830.026
I am confident in my knowledge of components of effective teaching.a3.210.893.710.990.035
Learners regard me as an effective teacher.a3.140.663.640.740.033

Self‐Rated Performance of 10 Selected Teaching Behaviors

In retrospective assessment, participants felt that their performance had improved in all 10 teaching behaviors after the intervention. This perceived improvement reached statistical significance in 8 of the 10 selected behaviors (Table 2).

Retrospective Self‐Appraisal of Competence in Selected Teaching Behaviors Pre‐ and Post‐intervention.
SFDP Framework Category From Skeff et al.[18]When I Give Attending Rounds, I Generally .Mean PreSDMean PostSDP
  • NOTE: 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree. N=15. Abbreviations: Post, post‐intervention; Pre, pre‐intervention; SD, standard deviation; SFDP, Stanford Faculty Development Program

1. Establishing a positive learning climateListen to learners4.270.594.530.520.046
Encourage learners to participate actively in the discussion4.070.704.600.510.009
2. Controlling the teaching sessionCall attention to time3.330.984.270.590.004
3. Communicating goalsState goals clearly and concisely3.400.634.270.590.001
State relevance of goals to learners3.400.744.200.680.002
4. Promoting understanding and retentionPresent well‐organized material3.870.644.070.700.083
Use blackboard or other visual aids4.270.884.470.740.158
5. Evaluating the learnersEvaluate learners' ability to apply medical knowledge to specific patients3.330.984.000.760.005
6. Providing feedback to the learnersExplain to learners why he/she was correct or incorrect3.471.134.130.640.009
7. Promoting self‐directed learningMotivate learners to learn on their own3.200.863.730.700.005

Attitudes Toward Peer Observation and Feedback

There were no significant changes in attitudes toward observation and feedback on teaching. A strong preprogram belief that observation and feedback can improve teaching skills increased slightly, but not significantly, after the program. Participants remained largely neutral in expectation of discomfort with giving or receiving peer feedback. Prior to the program, there was a slight tendency to believe that observation and feedback is more effective when done by more skilled and experienced colleagues; this belief diminished, but not significantly (Table 3).

Attitudes Toward Peer Observation and Feedback Pre‐ and Post‐intervention.
StatementMean PreSDMean PostSDP
  • NOTE: 1=strongly disagree, 3=neutral, 5=strongly agree. N=15. Abbreviations: Post, post‐intervention; Pre, pre‐intervention; SD, standard deviation.

Being observed and receiving feedback can improve my teaching skills.4.471.064.600.510.941
My teaching skills cannot improve without observation with feedback.2.931.393.471.300.188
Observation with feedback is most effective when done by colleagues who are expert educators.3.530.833.330.980.180
Observation with feedback is most effective when done by colleagues who have been teaching many years.3.400.913.071.030.143
The thought of observing and giving feedback to my colleagues makes me uncomfortable.3.130.923.001.130.565
The thought of being observed by a colleague and receiving feedback makes me uncomfortable.3.200.943.271.220.747

Program Evaluation

There were a variable number of responses to the program evaluation questions. The majority of participants found the program to be very beneficial (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree [n, meanSD]): My teaching has improved as a result of this program (n=14, 4.90.3). Both giving (n=11, 4.21.6) and receiving (n=13, 4.61.1) feedback were felt to have improved teaching skills. There was strong agreement from respondents that they would participate in the program in the future: I am likely to participate in this program in the future (n=12, 4.60.9).


Previous studies have shown that teaching skills are unlikely to improve without feedback,[28, 29, 30] yet feedback for hospitalists is usually limited to summative, end‐rotation evaluations from learners, disconnected from the teaching encounter. Our theory‐based, rationally designed peer observation and feedback program resulted in increased confidence in the ability to give feedback, receive feedback, and teach effectively. Participation did not result in negative attitudes toward giving and receiving feedback from colleagues. Participants self‐reported increased performance of important teaching behaviors. Most participants rated the program very highly, and endorsed improved teaching skills as a result of the program.

Our experience provides several lessons for other groups considering the implementation of peer feedback to strengthen teaching. First, we suggest that hospitalist groups may expect variable degrees of participation in a voluntary peer feedback program. In our program, 41% of eligible attendings did not participate. We did not specifically investigate why; we speculate that they may not have had the time, believed that their teaching skills were already strong, or they may have been daunted at the idea of peer review. It is also possible that participants were a self‐selected group who were the most motivated to strengthen their teaching. Second, we note the steep decline in the number of observations in the second half of the year. Informal assessment for reasons for the drop‐off suggested that after initial enthusiasm for the program, navigating the logistics of observing the same peer in the second half of the year proved to be prohibitive to many participants. Therefore, future versions of peer feedback programs may benefit from removing the dyad requirement and encouraging all participants to observe one another whenever possible.

With these lessons in mind, we believe that a peer observation program could be implemented by other hospital medicine groups. The program does not require extensive content expertise or senior faculty but does require engaged leadership and interested and motivated faculty. Groups could identify an individual in their group with an interest in clinical teaching who could then be responsible for creating the training session (materials available upon request). We believe that with only a small upfront investment, most hospital medicine groups could use this as a model to build a peer observation program aimed at improving clinical teaching.

Our study has several limitations. As noted above, our participation rate was 59%, and the number of participating attendings declined through the year. We did not examine whether our program resulted in advances in the knowledge, skills, or attitudes of the learners; because each attending teaching session was unique, it was not possible to measure changes in learner knowledge. Our primary outcome measures relied on self‐assessment rather than higher order and more objective measures of teaching efficacy. Furthermore, our results may not be generalizable to other programs, given the heterogeneity in service structures and teaching practices across the country. This was an uncontrolled study; some of the outcomes may have naturally occurred independent of the intervention due to the natural evolution of clinical teaching. As with any educational intervention that integrates multiple strategies, we are not able to discern if the improved outcomes were the result of the initial didactic sessions, the refresher sessions, or the peer feedback itself. Serial assessments of frequency of teaching behaviors were not done due to the low number of observations in the second half of the program. Finally, our 10‐item tool derived from the validated SFDP‐26 tool is not itself a validated assessment of teaching.

We acknowledge that the increased confidence seen in our participants does not necessarily predict improved performance. Although increased confidence in core skills is a necessary step that can lead to changes in behavior, further studies are needed to determine whether the increase in faculty confidence that results from peer observation and feedback translates into improved educational outcomes.

The pressure on hospitalists to be excellent teachers is here to stay. Resources to train these faculty are scarce, yet we must prioritize faculty development in teaching to optimize the training of future physicians. Our data illustrate the benefits of peer observation and feedback. Hospitalist programs should consider this option in addressing the professional development needs of their faculty.


The authors thank Zachary Martin for administrative support for the program; Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD, and Patricia O'Sullivan, PhD, for aid in program development; and John Amory, MD, MPH, for critical review of the manuscript. The authors thank the University of California, San Francisco Office of Medical Education for funding this work with an Educational Research Grant.

Disclosures: Funding: UCSF Office of Medical Education Educational Research Grant. Ethics approval: approved by UCSF Committee on Human Research. Previous presentations: Previous versions of this work were presented as an oral presentation at the University of California at San Francisco Medical Education Day, San Francisco, California, April 27, 2012, and as a poster presentation at the Society for General Internal Medicine 35th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, May 912, 2012. The authors report no conflicts of interest.

  1. Beasley BW, McBride J, McDonald FS. Hospitalist involvement in internal medicine residencies. J Hosp Med. 2009;4(8):471475.
  2. Stern DT, Williams BC, Gill A, Gruppen LD, Woolliscroft JO, Grum CM. Is there a relationship between attending physicians' and residents' teaching skills and students' examination scores? Acad Med. 2000;75(11):11441146.
  3. Griffith CH, Georgesen JC, Wilson JF. Six‐year documentation of the association between excellent clinical teaching and improved students' examination performances. Acad Med. 2000;75(10 suppl):S62S64.
  4. Roop SA, Pangaro L. Effect of clinical teaching on student performance during a medicine clerkship. Am J Med. 2001;110(3):205209.
  5. Hauer KE, Wachter RM. Implications of the hospitalist model for medical students' education. Acad Med. 2001;76(4):324330.
  6. Benson JA. On educating and being a physician in the hospitalist era. Am J Med. 2001;111(9B):45S47S.
  7. Whitcomb WF, Nelson JR. The role of hospitalists in medical education. Am J Med. 1999;107(4):305309.
  8. Flanders SA, Centor B, Weber V, McGinn T, Desalvo K, Auerbach A. Challenges and opportunities in academic hospital medicine: report from the academic hospital medicine summit. J Gen Intern Med. 2009;24(5):636641.
  9. Reed DA, Levine RB, Miller RG, et al. Impact of duty hour regulations on medical students' education: views of key clinical faculty. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(7):10841089.
  10. Kogan JR, Pinto‐Powell R, Brown LA, Hemmer P, Bellini LM, Peltier D. The impact of resident duty hours reform on the internal medicine core clerkship: results from the clerkship directors in internal medicine survey. Acad Med. 2006;81(12):10381044.
  11. Goitein L, Shanafelt TD, Nathens AB, Curtis JR. Effects of resident work hour limitations on faculty professional lives. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(7):10771083.
  12. Harrison R, Allen E. Teaching internal medicine residents in the new era. Inpatient attending with duty‐hour regulations. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21(5):447452.
  13. Harrison R, Hunter AJ, Sharpe B, Auerbach AD. Survey of US academic hospitalist leaders about mentorship and academic activities in hospitalist groups. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(1):59.
  14. Ottolini M, Wohlberg R, Lewis K, Greenberg L. Using observed structured teaching exercises (OSTE) to enhance hospitalist teaching during family centered rounds. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(7):423427.
  15. Sehgal NL, Sharpe BA, Auerbach AA, Wachter RM. Investing in the future: building an academic hospitalist faculty development program. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(3):161166.
  16. Finn K, Chiappa V, Puig A, Hunt DP. How to become a better clinical teacher: a collaborative peer observation process. Med Teach. 2011;33(2):151155.
  17. O'Sullivan PS, Irby DM. Reframing research on faculty development. Acad Med. 2011;86(4):421428.
  18. Skeff KM, Stratos GA, Bergen MR, et al. The Stanford faculty development program: a dissemination approach to faculty development for medical teachers. Teach Learn Med. 1992;4(3):180187.
  19. Skeff KM. Evaluation of a method for improving the teaching performance of attending physicians. Am J Med. 1983;75(3):465470.
  20. Berbano EP, Browning R, Pangaro L, Jackson JL. The impact of the Stanford Faculty Development Program on ambulatory teaching behavior. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21(5):430434.
  21. Skeff KM, Stratos GA, Bergen MR. Evaluation of a medical faculty development program: a comparison of traditional pre/post and retrospective pre/post self‐assessment ratings. Eval Health Prof. 1992;15(3):350366.
  22. Skeff KM, Stratos G, Campbell M, Cooke M, Jones HW. Evaluation of the seminar method to improve clinical teaching. J Gen Intern Med. 1986;1(5):315322.
  23. Skeff KM, Stratos GA, Bergen MR, Sampson K, Deutsch SL. Regional teaching improvement programs for community‐based teachers. Am J Med. 1999;106(1):7680.
  24. Skeff KM, Stratos GA, Berman J, Bergen MR. Improving clinical teaching. Evaluation of a national dissemination program. Arch Intern Med. 1992;152(6):11561161.
  25. Litzelman DK, Stratos GA, Marriott DJ, Skeff KM. Factorial validation of a widely disseminated educational framework for evaluating clinical teachers. Acad Med. 1998;73(6):688695.
  26. Litzelman DK, Westmoreland GR, Skeff KM, Stratos GA. Student and resident evaluations of faculty—how reliable are they? Factorial validation of an educational framework using residents' evaluations of clinician‐educators. Acad Med. 1999;74(10):S25S27.
  27. Marriott DJ, Litzelman DK. Students' global assessments of clinical teachers: a reliable and valid measure of teaching effectiveness. Acad Med. 1998;73(10 suppl):S72S74.
  28. Brinko KT. The practice of giving feedback to improve teaching: what is effective? J Higher Educ. 1993;64(5):574593.
  29. Skeff KM, Stratos GA, Mygdal W, et al. Faculty development. A resource for clinical teachers. J Gen Intern Med. 1997;12(suppl 2):S56S63.
  30. Steinert Y, Mann K, Centeno A, et al. A systematic review of faculty development initiatives designed to improve teaching effectiveness in medical education: BEME guide no. 8. Med Teach. 2006;28(6):497526.
  31. Wilkerson L, Irby DM. Strategies for improving teaching practices: a comprehensive approach to faculty development. Acad Med. 1998;73(4):387396.
  32. Schum TR, Yindra KJ. Relationship between systematic feedback to faculty and ratings of clinical teaching. Acad Med. 1996;71(10):11001102.
  33. Beckman TJ. Lessons learned from a peer review of bedside teaching. Acad Med. 2004;79(4):343346.
  34. Beckman TJ, Lee MC, Rohren CH, Pankratz VS. Evaluating an instrument for the peer review of inpatient teaching. Med Teach. 2003;25(2):131135.
  35. Siddiqui ZS, Jonas‐Dwyer D, Carr SE. Twelve tips for peer observation of teaching. Med Teach. 2007;29(4):297300.
  36. Speer AJ, Elnicki DM. Assessing the quality of teaching. Am J Med. 1999;106(4):381384.
  37. Bienstock JL, Katz NT, Cox SM, Hueppchen N, Erickson S, Puscheck EE. To the point: medical education reviews—providing feedback. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2007;196(6):508513.
  1. Beasley BW, McBride J, McDonald FS. Hospitalist involvement in internal medicine residencies. J Hosp Med. 2009;4(8):471475.
  2. Stern DT, Williams BC, Gill A, Gruppen LD, Woolliscroft JO, Grum CM. Is there a relationship between attending physicians' and residents' teaching skills and students' examination scores? Acad Med. 2000;75(11):11441146.
  3. Griffith CH, Georgesen JC, Wilson JF. Six‐year documentation of the association between excellent clinical teaching and improved students' examination performances. Acad Med. 2000;75(10 suppl):S62S64.
  4. Roop SA, Pangaro L. Effect of clinical teaching on student performance during a medicine clerkship. Am J Med. 2001;110(3):205209.
  5. Hauer KE, Wachter RM. Implications of the hospitalist model for medical students' education. Acad Med. 2001;76(4):324330.
  6. Benson JA. On educating and being a physician in the hospitalist era. Am J Med. 2001;111(9B):45S47S.
  7. Whitcomb WF, Nelson JR. The role of hospitalists in medical education. Am J Med. 1999;107(4):305309.
  8. Flanders SA, Centor B, Weber V, McGinn T, Desalvo K, Auerbach A. Challenges and opportunities in academic hospital medicine: report from the academic hospital medicine summit. J Gen Intern Med. 2009;24(5):636641.
  9. Reed DA, Levine RB, Miller RG, et al. Impact of duty hour regulations on medical students' education: views of key clinical faculty. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(7):10841089.
  10. Kogan JR, Pinto‐Powell R, Brown LA, Hemmer P, Bellini LM, Peltier D. The impact of resident duty hours reform on the internal medicine core clerkship: results from the clerkship directors in internal medicine survey. Acad Med. 2006;81(12):10381044.
  11. Goitein L, Shanafelt TD, Nathens AB, Curtis JR. Effects of resident work hour limitations on faculty professional lives. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(7):10771083.
  12. Harrison R, Allen E. Teaching internal medicine residents in the new era. Inpatient attending with duty‐hour regulations. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21(5):447452.
  13. Harrison R, Hunter AJ, Sharpe B, Auerbach AD. Survey of US academic hospitalist leaders about mentorship and academic activities in hospitalist groups. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(1):59.
  14. Ottolini M, Wohlberg R, Lewis K, Greenberg L. Using observed structured teaching exercises (OSTE) to enhance hospitalist teaching during family centered rounds. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(7):423427.
  15. Sehgal NL, Sharpe BA, Auerbach AA, Wachter RM. Investing in the future: building an academic hospitalist faculty development program. J Hosp Med. 2011;6(3):161166.
  16. Finn K, Chiappa V, Puig A, Hunt DP. How to become a better clinical teacher: a collaborative peer observation process. Med Teach. 2011;33(2):151155.
  17. O'Sullivan PS, Irby DM. Reframing research on faculty development. Acad Med. 2011;86(4):421428.
  18. Skeff KM, Stratos GA, Bergen MR, et al. The Stanford faculty development program: a dissemination approach to faculty development for medical teachers. Teach Learn Med. 1992;4(3):180187.
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Journal of Hospital Medicine - 9(4)
Journal of Hospital Medicine - 9(4)
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Faculty development for hospitalists: Structured peer observation of teaching
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Faculty development for hospitalists: Structured peer observation of teaching
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© 2014 Society of Hospital Medicine

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Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Somnath Mookherjee, MD, Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Washington, 1959 NE Pacific St, Box 356429, Seattle, WA 98195; Telephone: 206‐744‐3391; Fax: 206‐221‐8732; E‐mail:
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