Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Molecular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois
Given name(s)
Mark V.
Family name

Transitions of Care Consensus Policy Statement

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Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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Transitions of Care Consensus Policy Statement: American College of Physicians, Society of General Internal Medicine, Society of Hospital Medicine, American Geriatrics Society, American College of Emergency Physicians, and Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Studies of the transition of care between inpatient and outpatient settings have shown that there are significant patient safety and quality deficiencies in our current system. The transition from the hospital setting to the outpatient setting has been more extensively studied than the transition from the outpatient setting to the inpatient setting. One prospective cohort study of 400 patients found that 1 in 5 patients discharged from the hospital to home experienced an adverse event, which was defined as an injury resulting from medical management rather than the underlying disease, within 3 weeks of discharge.1 This study also concluded that 66% of these were drug‐related adverse events, many of which could have been avoided or mitigated. Another prospective cross‐sectional study of 2644 patient discharges found that approximately 40% of the patients had pending test results at the time of discharge and that 10% of these required some action, yet the outpatient physicians and patients were unaware of these results.2 Medication discrepancies have also been shown to be prevalent, with 1 prospective observational study of 375 patients showing that 14% of elderly patients had 1 or more medication discrepancies and 14% of those patients with medication discrepancies were rehospitalized within 30 days versus 6% of the patients who did not experience a medication discrepancy.3 A recent review of the literature cited improving transitional care as a key area of opportunity for improving postdischarge care4

Lack of communication has clearly been shown to adversely affect postdischarge care transitions.5 A recent summary of the literature by a Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM)/Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) task force found that direct communication between hospital physicians and primary care physicians occurs infrequently (in 3%‐20% of cases studied), and the availability of a discharge summary at the first postdischarge visit is low (12%‐34%) and does not improve greatly even after 4 weeks (51%‐77%); this affects the quality of care in approximately 25% of follow‐up visits.5 This systematic review of the literature also found that discharge summaries often lack important information such as diagnostic test results, the treatment or hospital course, discharge medications, test results pending at discharge, patient or family counseling, and follow‐up plans.

However, the lack of studies of the communication between ambulatory physicians and hospital physicians prior to admission or during emergency department (ED) visits does not imply that this communication is not equally important and essential to high‐quality care. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the greatest source of hospital admissions in many institutions is the ED. Over 115,000,000 visits were made to the nation's approximately 4828 EDs in 2005, and about 85.2% of ED visits end in discharge.6 The ED is also the point of re‐entry into the system for individuals who may have had an adverse outcome linked to a prior hospitalization.6 Communication between hospital physicians and primary care physicians must be established to create a loop of continuous care and diminish morbidity and mortality at this critical transition point.

While transitions can be a risky period for patient safety, observational studies suggest there are benefits to transitions. A new physician may notice something overlooked by the current caregivers.712 Another factor contributing to the challenges of care transitions is the lack of a single clinician or clinical entity taking responsibility for coordination across the continuum of the patient's overall healthcare, regardless of setting.13 Studies indicate that a relationship with a medical home is associated with better health on both the individual and population levels, with lower overall costs of care and with reductions in disparities in health between socially disadvantaged subpopulations and more socially advantaged populations.14 Several medical societies have addressed this issue, including the American College of Physicians (ACP), SGIM, American Academy of Family Physicians, and American Academy of Pediatrics, and they have proposed the concept of the medical home or patient‐centered medical home, which calls for clinicians to assume this responsibility for coordinating their patients' care across settings and for the healthcare system to value and reimburse clinicians for this patient‐centered and comprehensive method of practice.1517

Finally, patients and their families or caregivers have an important role to play in transitions of care. Several observational and cross‐sectional studies have shown that patients and their caregivers and families express significant feelings of anxiety during care transitions. This anxiety can be caused by a lack of understanding and preparation for their self‐care role in the next care setting, confusion due to conflicting advice from different practitioners, and a sense of abandonment attributable to the inability to contact an appropriate healthcare practitioner for guidance, and they report an overall disregard for their preferences and input into the design of the care plan.1820 Clearly, there is room for improvement in all these areas of the inpatient and outpatient care transition, and the Transitions of Care Consensus Conference (TOCCC) attempted to address these areas by developing standards for the transition of care that also harmonize with the work of the Stepping up to the Plate (SUTTP) Alliance of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation.21 In addition, other important stakeholders are addressing this topic and actively working to improve communication and continuity in care, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the National Quality Forum (NQF). CMS recently developed the Continuity Assessment Record & Evaluation (CARE) tool, a data collection instrument designed to be a standardized, interoperable, common assessment tool to capture key patient characteristics that will provide information related to resource utilization, clinical outcomes, and postdischarge disposition. NQF held a national forum on care coordination in the spring of 2008.

In summary, it is clear that there are qualitative and quantitative deficiencies in transitions of care between the inpatient and outpatient setting that are affecting patient safety and experience with care. The transition from the inpatient setting to the outpatient setting has been more extensively studied, and this body of literature has underscored for the TOCCC several important areas in need of guidance and improvement. Because of this, the scope of application of this document should initially emphasize inpatient‐to‐outpatient transitions as a first step in learning how to improve these processes. However, the transition from the outpatient setting to the inpatient setting also is a clear priority. Because the needs for transfer of information, authority, and responsibility may be different in these situations, a second phase of additional work to develop principles to guide these transitions should be undertaken as quickly as possible. Experience gained in applying these principles to inpatient‐to‐outpatient transitions might usefully inform such work.

Communication among providers and with the patients and their families arose as a clear priority. Medication discrepancies, pending tests, and unknown diagnostic or treatment plans have an immediate impact on patients' health and outcomes. The TOCCC discussed what elements should be among the standard pieces of information exchanged among providers during these transition points. The dire need for coordination of care or a coordinating clinician/medical home became a clear theme in the deliberations of the TOCCC. Most importantly, the role of the patients and their families/caregivers in their continuing care is apparent, and the TOCCC felt this must be an integral part of any principles or standards for transitions of care.


In the fall/winter of 2006, the executive committees of ACP, SGIM, and SHM agreed to jointly develop a policy statement on transitions of care. Transitions of care specifically between the inpatient and outpatient settings were selected as an ideal topic for collaboration for the 3 societies as they represent the continuum of care for internal medicine within these settings. To accomplish this, the 3 organizations decided to convene a consensus conference to develop consensus guidelines and standards concerning transitions between inpatient and outpatient settings through a multi‐stakeholder process. A steering committee was convened with representatives from ACP, SGIM, SHM, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), ABIM, and the American Geriatric Society (AGS). The steering committee developed the agenda and invitee list for the consensus conference. After the conference was held, the steering committee was expanded to include representation from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM).

During the planning stages of the TOCCC, the steering committee became aware of the SUTTP Alliance of the ABIM Foundation. The SUTTP Alliance has representation from medical specialties such as internal medicine and its subspecialties, family medicine, and surgery. The alliance was formed in 2006 and has been working on care coordination across multiple settings and specialties. The SUTTP Alliance had developed a set of principles and standards for care transitions and agreed to provide the draft document to the TOCCC for review, input, and further development and refinement.

Recommendations on Principles and Standards for Managing Transitions in Care Between the Inpatient and Outpatient Settings from ACP, SGIM, SHM, AGS, ACEP, and SAEM

The SUTTP Alliance presented a draft document entitled Principles and Standards for Managing Transitions in Care. In this document, the SUTTP Alliance proposes 5 principles and 8 standards for effective care transitions. A key element of the conference was a presentation by NQF on how to move from principles to standards and eventually to measures. This presentation provided the TOCCC with the theoretical underpinnings for the discussion of these principles and standards and how the TOCCC would provide input on them. The presentation provided an outline for the flow from principles to measures. First, there needs to be a framework that provides guiding principles for what we would like to measure and eventually report. From those principles, a set of preferred practices or standards are developed; the standards are more granular and allow for more specificity in describing the desired practice or outcome and its elements. Standards then provide a roadmap for identification and development of performance measures. With this framework in mind, the TOCCC then discussed in detail the SUTTP principles and standards.

The 5 principles for effective care transitions developed by the SUTTP Alliance are as follows:

  • Accountability.

  • Communication: clear and direct communication of treatment plans and follow‐up expectations.

  • Timely feedback and feed‐forward of information.

  • Involvement of the patient and family member, unless inappropriate, in all steps.

  • Respect of the hub of coordination of care.

The TOCCC re‐affirmed these principles and added 4 additional principles to this list. Three of the new principles were statements within the 8 standards developed by the SUTTP, but when taking into consideration the framework for the development of principles into standards, the TOCCC felt that the statements were better represented as principles. They are as follows:

  • All patients and their families/caregivers should have and should be able to identify their medical home or coordinating clinician (ie, practice or practitioner). (This was originally part of the coordinating clinicians standard, and the TOCCC voted to elevate this to a principle).

  • At every point along the transition, the patients and/or their families/caregivers need to know who is responsible for care at that point and who to contact and how.

  • National standards should be established for transitions in care and should be adopted and implemented at the national and community level through public health institutions, national accreditation bodies, medical societies, medical institutions, and so forth in order to improve patient outcomes and patient safety. (This was originally part of the SUTTP community standards standard, and the TOCCC moved to elevate this to a principle).

  • For monitoring and improving transitions, standardized metrics related to these standards should be used in order to lead to continuous quality improvement and accountability. (This was originally part of the measurement standard, and the TOCCC voted to elevate this to a principle).

The SUTTP Alliance proposed the following 8 standards for care transitions:

  • Coordinating clinicians.

  • Care plans.

  • Communication infrastructure.

  • Standard communication formats.

  • Transition responsibility.

  • Timeliness.

  • Community standards.

  • Measurement.

The TOCCC affirmed these standards and through a consensus process added more specificity to most of them and elevated components of some of them to principles, as discussed previously. The TOCCC proposes that the following be merged with the SUTTP standards:

  • Coordinating clinicians. Communication and information exchange between the medical home and the receiving provider should occur in an amount of time that will allow the receiving provider to effectively treat the patient. This communication and information exchange should ideally occur whenever patients are at a transition of care (eg, at discharge from the inpatient setting). The timeliness of this communication should be consistent with the patient's clinical presentation and, in the case of a patient being discharged, the urgency of the follow‐up required. Guidelines will need to be developed that address both the timeliness and means of communication between the discharging physician and the medical home. Communication and information exchange between the medical home and other physicians may be in the form of a call, voice mail, fax, or other secure, private, and accessible means including mutual access to an electronic health record.

    The ED represents a unique subset of transitions of care. The potential transition can generally be described as outpatient to outpatient or outpatient to inpatient, depending on whether or not the patient is admitted to the hospital. The outpatient‐to‐outpatient transition can also encompass a number of potential variations. Patients with a medical home may be referred to the ED by the medical home, or they may self‐refer. A significant number of patients do not have a physician and self‐refer to the ED. The disposition from the ED, either outpatient to outpatient or outpatient to inpatient, is similarly represented by a number of variables. Discharged patients may or may not have a medical home, may or may not need a specialist, and may or may not require urgent (<24 hours) follow‐up. Admitted patients may or may not have a medical home and may or may not require specialty care. This variety of variables precludes a single approach to ED transition of care coordination. The determination of which scenarios will be appropriate for the development of standards (coordinating clinicians and transition responsibility) will require further contributions from ACEP and SAEM and review by the steering committee.

  • Care plans/transition record. The TOCCC also agreed that there is a minimal set of data elements that should always be part of the transition record. The TOCCC suggested that this minimal data set be part of an initial implementation of this standard. That list includes the following:

      The TOCCC discussed what components should be included in an ideal transition record and agreed on the following elements:

        The TOCCC also added a new standard under this heading: Patients and/or their families/caregivers must receive, understand, and be encouraged to participate in the development of the transition record, which should take into consideration patients' health literacy and insurance status and be culturally sensitive.

      • Principle diagnosis and problem list.

      • Medication list (reconciliation) including over‐the‐counter medications/herbals, allergies, and drug interactions.

      • Clear identification of the medical home/transferring coordinating physician/emnstitution and the contact information.

      • Patient's cognitive status.

      • Test results/pending results.

      • Principle diagnosis and problem list.

      • Medication list (reconciliation) including over‐the‐counter medications/herbals, allergies, and drug interactions.

      • Emergency plan and contact number and person.

      • Treatment and diagnostic plan.

      • Prognosis and goals of care.

      • Test results/pending results.

      • Clear identification of the medical home and/or transferring coordinating physician/emnstitution.

      • Patient's cognitive status.

      • Advance directives, power of attorney, and consent.

      • Planned interventions, durable medical equipment, wound care, and so forth.

      • Assessment of caregiver status.

      • Communication infrastructure. All communications between providers and between providers and patients and families/caregivers need to be secure, private, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Actcompliant, and accessible to patients and those practitioners who care for them. Communication needs to be 2‐way with an opportunity for clarification and feedback. Each sending provider needs to provide a contact name and the number of an individual who can respond to questions or concerns. The content of transferred information needs to include a core standardized data set. This information needs to be transferred as a living database; that is, it is created only once, and then each subsequent provider only needs to update, validate, or modify the information. Patient information should be available to the provider prior to the patient's arrival. Information transfer needs to adhere to national data standards. Patients should be provided with a medication list that is accessible (paper or electronic), clear, and dated.

      • Standard communication formats. Communities need to develop standard data transfer forms (templates and transmission protocols). Access to a patient's medical history needs to be on a current and ongoing basis with the ability to modify information as a patient's condition changes. Patients, families, and caregivers should have access to their information (nothing about me without me). A section on the transfer record should be devoted to communicating a patient's preferences, priorities, goals, and values (eg, the patient does not want intubation).

      • Transition responsibility. The sending provider/emnstitution/team at the clinical organization maintains responsibility for the care of the patient until the receiving clinician/location confirms that the transfer and assumption of responsibility is complete (within a reasonable timeframe for the receiving clinician to receive the information; ie, transfers that occur in the middle of the night can be communicated during standard working hours). The sending provider should be available for clarification with issues of care within a reasonable timeframe after the transfer has been completed, and this timeframe should be based on the conditions of the transfer settings. The patient should be able to identify the responsible provider. In the case of patients who do not have an ongoing ambulatory care provider or whose ambulatory care provider has not assumed responsibility, the hospital‐based clinicians will not be required to assume responsibility for the care of these patients once they are discharged.

      • Timeliness. Timeliness of feedback and feed‐forward of information from a sending provider to a receiving provider should be contingent on 4 factors:

          This information should be available at the time of the patient encounter.

        • Transition settings.

        • Patient circumstances.

        • Level of acuity.

        • Clear transition responsibility.

        • Community standards. Medical communities/emnstitutions must demonstrate accountability for transitions of care by adopting national standards, and processes should be established to promote effective transitions of care.

        • Measurement. For monitoring and improving transitions, standardized metrics related to these standards should be used. These metrics/measures should be evidence‐based, address documented gaps, and have a demonstrated impact on improving care (complying with performance measure standards) whenever feasible. Results from measurements using standardized metrics must lead to continuous improvement of the transition process. The validity, reliability, cost, and impact, including unintended consequences, of these measures should be assessed and re‐evaluated.

        All these standards should be applied with special attention to the various transition settings and should be appropriate to each transition setting. Measure developers will need to take this into account when developing measures based on these proposed standards.

        The TOCCC also went through a consensus prioritization exercise to rank‐order the consensus standards. All meeting participants were asked to rank their top 3 priorities of the 7 standards, giving a numeric score of 1 for their highest priority, a score of 2 for their second highest priority, and a score of 3 for their third highest priority. Summary scores were calculated, and the standards were rank‐ordered from the lowest summary score to the highest. The TOCCC recognizes that full implementation of all of these standards may not be feasible and that these standards may be implemented on a stepped or incremental basis. This prioritization can assist in deciding which of these to implement. The results of the prioritization exercise are as follows:

        • All transitions must include a transition record

        • Transition responsibility

        • Coordinating clinicians

        • Patient and family involvement and ownership of the transition record

        • Communication infrastructure

        • Timeliness

        • Community standards

        Future Challenges

        In addition to the work on the principles and standards, the TOCCC uncovered six further challenges which are described below.

        Electronic Health Record

        There was disagreement in the group concerning the extent to which electronic health records would resolve the existing issues involved in poor transfers of care. However, the group did concur that: established transition standards should not be contingent upon the existence of an electronic health record and some universally, nationally‐defined set of core transfer information should be the short‐term target of efforts to establish electronic transfers of information

        Use of a Transition Record

        There should be a core data set (much smaller than a complete health record or discharge summary) that goes to the patient and the receiving provider, and this data set should include items in the core record described previously.

        Medical Home

        There was a lot of discussion about the benefits and challenges of establishing a medical home and inculcating the concept into delivery and payment structures. The group was favorable to the concept; however, since the medical home is not yet a nationally defined standard, care transition standards should not be contingent upon the existence of a medical home. Wording of future standards should use a general term for the clinician coordinating care across sites in addition to the term medical home. Using both terms will acknowledge the movement toward the medical home without requiring adoption of medical home practices to refine and implement quality measures for care transitions.

        Pay for Performance

        The group strongly agreed that behaviors and clinical practices are influenced by payment structures. Therefore, they agreed that a new principle should be established to advocate for changes in reimbursement practices to reward safe, complete transfers of information and care. However, the development of standards and measures should move forward on the basis of the current reimbursement practices and without assumptions of future changes.

        Underserved/Disadvantaged Populations

        Care transition standards and measures should be the same for all economic groups with careful attention that lower socioeconomic groups are not forgotten or unintentionally disadvantaged, including the potential for cherry‐picking. It should be noted that underserved populations may not always have a medical home because of their disadvantaged access to the health system and providers. Moreover, clinicians who care for underserved/disadvantaged populations should not be penalized by standards that assume continuous clinical care and ongoing relationships with patients who may access the health system only sporadically.

        Need for Patient‐Centered Approaches

        The group agreed that across all principles and standards previously established by the SUTTP coalition, greater emphasis is needed on patient‐centered approaches to care including, but not limited to, the inclusion of patient and families in care and transition planning, greater access to medical records, and the need for education at the time of discharge regarding self‐care and core transfer information.

        Next Steps for the TOCCC

        The TOCCC focuses only on the transitions between the inpatient and outpatient settings and does not address the equally important transitions between many other different care settings, such as the transition from a hospital to a nursing home or rehabilitation facility. The intent of the TOCCC is to provide this document to national measure developers such as the Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement and others in order to guide measure development and ultimately lead to improvements in quality and safety in care transitions.


        Conference Description

        The TOCCC was held over 2 days on July 11 to 12, 2007 at ACP headquarters in Philadelphia, PA. There were 51 participants representing over 30 organizations. Participating organizations included medical specialty societies from internal medicine as well as family medicine and pediatrics, governmental agencies such as AHRQ and CMS, performance measure developers such as the National Committee for Quality Assurance and the American Medical Association Physician Consortium on Performance Improvement, nurse associations such as the Visiting Nurse Associations of America and Home Care and Hospice, pharmacist groups, and patient groups such as the Institute for Family‐Centered Care. The morning of the first day was dedicated to presentations covering the AHRQ Stanford Evidence‐Based Practice Center's evidence report on care coordination, the literature concerning transitions of care, the continuum of measurement from principles to standards to measures, and the SUTTP document of principles. The attendees then split into breakout groups that discussed the principles and standards developed by the SUTTP and refined and/or revised them. All discussions were summarized and agreed on by consensus and were presented by the breakout groups to the full conference attendees. The second day was dedicated to reviewing the work of the breakout groups and further refinement of the principles and standards through a group consensus process. Once this was completed, the attendees then prioritized the standards with a group consensus voting process. Each attendee was given 1 vote, and each attendee attached a rating of 1 for highest priority and 3 for lowest priority to the standards. The summary scores were then calculated, and the standards were then ranked from those summary scores.

        The final activity of the conference was to discuss some of the overarching themes and environmental factors that could influence the acceptance, endorsement, and implementation of the standards developed. The TOCCC adjourned with the tasks of forwarding its conclusions to the SUTTP Alliance and developing a policy document to be reviewed by other stakeholders not well represented at the conference. Two such pivotal organizations were ACEP and SAEM, which were added to the steering committee after the conference. Subsequently, ACP, SGIM, SHM, AGS, ACEP, and SAEM approved the summary document, and they will forward it to the other participating organizations for possible endorsement and to national developers of measures and standards for use in performance measurement development.


        Conflict of Interest Statements

        This is a summary of conflict of interest statements for faculty, authors, members of the planning committees, and staff (ACP, SHM, and SGIM)

        The following members of the steering (or planning) committee and staff of the TOCCC have declared a conflict of interest:

        • Dennis Beck, MD, FACEP (ACEP representative; President and Chief Executive Officer of Beacon Medical Services): 100 units of stock options/holdings in Beacon Hill Medical Services.

        • Tina Budnitz, MPH (SHM staff; Senior Advisor for Quality Initiatives, SHM): employment by SHM

        • Eric S. Holmboe, MD (ABIM representative; Senior Vice President of Quality Research and Academic Affairs, ABIM): employment by ABIM.

        • Vincenza Snow, MD, FACP (ACP staff; Director of Clinical Programs and Quality of Care, ACP): research grants from the Centers for Disease Control, Atlantic Philanthropies, Novo Nordisk, Bristol Myers Squibb, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, United Healthcare Foundation, and Sanofi Pasteur.

        • Laurence D. Wellikson, MD, FACP (SHM staff; Chief Executive Officer of SHM): employment by SHM.

        • Mark V. Williams, MD, FACP (cochair and SHM representative; Editor in Chief of the Journal of Hospital Medicine and former President of SHM): membership in SHM.

        The following members of the steering (or planning) committee and staff of the TOCCC have declared no conflict of interest:

        • David Atkins, MD, MPH [AHRQ representative; Associate Director of Quality Enhancement Research Initiative, Department of Veteran Affairs, Office of Research and Development, Health Services Research & Development (124)].

        • Doriane C. Miller, MD (cochair and SGIM representative; Associate Division Chief of General Internal Medicine, Stroger Hospital of Cook County).

        • Jane Potter, MD (AGS representative; Professor and Chief of Geriatrics, University of Nebraska Medical Center).

        • Robert L. Wears, MD, FACEP (SAEM representative; Professor of the Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Florida).

        • Kevin B. Weiss, MD, MPH, MS, FACP (chair and ACP representative; Chief Executive Officer of the American Board of Medical Specialties).

        1. Forster AJ,Murff HJ,Peterson JF, et al.The incidence and severity of adverse events affecting patients after discharge from the hospital.Ann Intern Med.2003;138(3):161167.
        2. Roy CL,Poon EG,Karson AS, et al.Patient safety concerns arising from test results that return after hospital discharge.Ann Intern Med.2005;143(2):121128.
        3. Coleman EA,Smith JD,Raha D,Min SJ.Posthospital medication discrepancies: prevalence and contributing factors.Arch Intern Med.2005;165(16):18421847.
        4. Tsilimingras D,Bates DW.Addressing post‐discharge adverse events: a neglected area.Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf.2008;34(2):8597.
        5. Kripalani S,LeFevre F,Phillips CO, et al.Deficits in communication and information transfer between hospital‐based and primary care physicians: implications for patient safety and continuity of care.JAMA.2007;297(8):831841.
        6. Nawar EW,Niska RW,Xu J. National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2005 Emergency Department Summary.Hyattsville, MD:National Center for Health Statistics;2007.Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics; vol386.
        7. Cooper JB.Do short breaks increase or decrease anesthetic risk?J Clin Anesth.1989;1(3):228231.
        8. Cooper JB,Long CD,Newbower RS,Philip JH.Critical incidents associated with intraoperative exchanges of anesthesia personnel.Anesthesiology.1982;56(6):456461.
        9. Wears RL,Perry SJ,Shapiro M, et al.Shift changes among emergency physicians: best of times, worst of times. In:Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting.Denver, CO:Human Factors and Ergonomics Society;2003:14201423.
        10. Wears RL,Perry SJ,Eisenberg E, et al.Transitions in care: signovers in the emergency department. In:Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting.New Orleans, LA:Human Factors and Ergonomics Society;2004:16251628.
        11. Behara R,Wears RL,Perry SJ, et al.Conceptual framework for the safety of handovers. In: Henriksen K, ed.Advances in Patient Safety.Rockville, MD:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality/Department of Defense;2005:309321.
        12. Feldman JA.Medical errors and emergency medicine: will the difficult questions be asked, and answered?Acad Emerg Med.2003;10(8):910911.
        13. Coleman EA,Berenson RA.Lost in transition: challenges and opportunities for improving the quality of transitional care.Ann Intern Med.2004;141(7):533536.
        14. Starfield B,Shi L.The medical home, access to care, and insurance: a review of evidence.Pediatrics.2004;113(5 suppl):14931498.
        15. Blue Ribbon Panel of the Society of General Internal Medicine.Redesigning the practice model for general internal medicine. A proposal for coordinated care: a policy monograph of the Society of General Internal Medicine.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22(3):400409.
        16. Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Needs Project Advisory Committee.The medical home.Pediatrics.2002;110(1 pt 1):184186.
        17. American College of Physicians. The advanced medical home: a patient‐centered, physician‐guided model of healthcare. A policy monograph.2006. Accessed March 13, 2009.
        18. Coleman EA,Smith JD,Frank JC, et al.Development and testing of a measure designed to assess the quality of care transitions.Int J Integr Care.2002;2:e02.
        19. vom Eigen KA,Walker JD,Edgman‐Levitan S, et al.Carepartner experiences with hospital care.Med Care.1999;37(1):3338.
        20. Coleman EA,Mahoney E,Parry C.Assessing the quality of preparation for post hospital care from the patient's perspective: the care transitions measure.Med Care.2005;43(3):246255.
        21. American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation. Stepping up to the Plate Alliance. Principles and Standards for managing transitions in care (in press). Available at‐05‐2007_6.pdf. Accessed March 13,2009.
        Article PDF
        Journal of Hospital Medicine - 4(6)
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        Legacy Keywords
        care standardization, continuity of care transition and discharge planning, patient safety
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        Article PDF

        Studies of the transition of care between inpatient and outpatient settings have shown that there are significant patient safety and quality deficiencies in our current system. The transition from the hospital setting to the outpatient setting has been more extensively studied than the transition from the outpatient setting to the inpatient setting. One prospective cohort study of 400 patients found that 1 in 5 patients discharged from the hospital to home experienced an adverse event, which was defined as an injury resulting from medical management rather than the underlying disease, within 3 weeks of discharge.1 This study also concluded that 66% of these were drug‐related adverse events, many of which could have been avoided or mitigated. Another prospective cross‐sectional study of 2644 patient discharges found that approximately 40% of the patients had pending test results at the time of discharge and that 10% of these required some action, yet the outpatient physicians and patients were unaware of these results.2 Medication discrepancies have also been shown to be prevalent, with 1 prospective observational study of 375 patients showing that 14% of elderly patients had 1 or more medication discrepancies and 14% of those patients with medication discrepancies were rehospitalized within 30 days versus 6% of the patients who did not experience a medication discrepancy.3 A recent review of the literature cited improving transitional care as a key area of opportunity for improving postdischarge care4

        Lack of communication has clearly been shown to adversely affect postdischarge care transitions.5 A recent summary of the literature by a Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM)/Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) task force found that direct communication between hospital physicians and primary care physicians occurs infrequently (in 3%‐20% of cases studied), and the availability of a discharge summary at the first postdischarge visit is low (12%‐34%) and does not improve greatly even after 4 weeks (51%‐77%); this affects the quality of care in approximately 25% of follow‐up visits.5 This systematic review of the literature also found that discharge summaries often lack important information such as diagnostic test results, the treatment or hospital course, discharge medications, test results pending at discharge, patient or family counseling, and follow‐up plans.

        However, the lack of studies of the communication between ambulatory physicians and hospital physicians prior to admission or during emergency department (ED) visits does not imply that this communication is not equally important and essential to high‐quality care. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the greatest source of hospital admissions in many institutions is the ED. Over 115,000,000 visits were made to the nation's approximately 4828 EDs in 2005, and about 85.2% of ED visits end in discharge.6 The ED is also the point of re‐entry into the system for individuals who may have had an adverse outcome linked to a prior hospitalization.6 Communication between hospital physicians and primary care physicians must be established to create a loop of continuous care and diminish morbidity and mortality at this critical transition point.

        While transitions can be a risky period for patient safety, observational studies suggest there are benefits to transitions. A new physician may notice something overlooked by the current caregivers.712 Another factor contributing to the challenges of care transitions is the lack of a single clinician or clinical entity taking responsibility for coordination across the continuum of the patient's overall healthcare, regardless of setting.13 Studies indicate that a relationship with a medical home is associated with better health on both the individual and population levels, with lower overall costs of care and with reductions in disparities in health between socially disadvantaged subpopulations and more socially advantaged populations.14 Several medical societies have addressed this issue, including the American College of Physicians (ACP), SGIM, American Academy of Family Physicians, and American Academy of Pediatrics, and they have proposed the concept of the medical home or patient‐centered medical home, which calls for clinicians to assume this responsibility for coordinating their patients' care across settings and for the healthcare system to value and reimburse clinicians for this patient‐centered and comprehensive method of practice.1517

        Finally, patients and their families or caregivers have an important role to play in transitions of care. Several observational and cross‐sectional studies have shown that patients and their caregivers and families express significant feelings of anxiety during care transitions. This anxiety can be caused by a lack of understanding and preparation for their self‐care role in the next care setting, confusion due to conflicting advice from different practitioners, and a sense of abandonment attributable to the inability to contact an appropriate healthcare practitioner for guidance, and they report an overall disregard for their preferences and input into the design of the care plan.1820 Clearly, there is room for improvement in all these areas of the inpatient and outpatient care transition, and the Transitions of Care Consensus Conference (TOCCC) attempted to address these areas by developing standards for the transition of care that also harmonize with the work of the Stepping up to the Plate (SUTTP) Alliance of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation.21 In addition, other important stakeholders are addressing this topic and actively working to improve communication and continuity in care, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the National Quality Forum (NQF). CMS recently developed the Continuity Assessment Record & Evaluation (CARE) tool, a data collection instrument designed to be a standardized, interoperable, common assessment tool to capture key patient characteristics that will provide information related to resource utilization, clinical outcomes, and postdischarge disposition. NQF held a national forum on care coordination in the spring of 2008.

        In summary, it is clear that there are qualitative and quantitative deficiencies in transitions of care between the inpatient and outpatient setting that are affecting patient safety and experience with care. The transition from the inpatient setting to the outpatient setting has been more extensively studied, and this body of literature has underscored for the TOCCC several important areas in need of guidance and improvement. Because of this, the scope of application of this document should initially emphasize inpatient‐to‐outpatient transitions as a first step in learning how to improve these processes. However, the transition from the outpatient setting to the inpatient setting also is a clear priority. Because the needs for transfer of information, authority, and responsibility may be different in these situations, a second phase of additional work to develop principles to guide these transitions should be undertaken as quickly as possible. Experience gained in applying these principles to inpatient‐to‐outpatient transitions might usefully inform such work.

        Communication among providers and with the patients and their families arose as a clear priority. Medication discrepancies, pending tests, and unknown diagnostic or treatment plans have an immediate impact on patients' health and outcomes. The TOCCC discussed what elements should be among the standard pieces of information exchanged among providers during these transition points. The dire need for coordination of care or a coordinating clinician/medical home became a clear theme in the deliberations of the TOCCC. Most importantly, the role of the patients and their families/caregivers in their continuing care is apparent, and the TOCCC felt this must be an integral part of any principles or standards for transitions of care.


        In the fall/winter of 2006, the executive committees of ACP, SGIM, and SHM agreed to jointly develop a policy statement on transitions of care. Transitions of care specifically between the inpatient and outpatient settings were selected as an ideal topic for collaboration for the 3 societies as they represent the continuum of care for internal medicine within these settings. To accomplish this, the 3 organizations decided to convene a consensus conference to develop consensus guidelines and standards concerning transitions between inpatient and outpatient settings through a multi‐stakeholder process. A steering committee was convened with representatives from ACP, SGIM, SHM, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), ABIM, and the American Geriatric Society (AGS). The steering committee developed the agenda and invitee list for the consensus conference. After the conference was held, the steering committee was expanded to include representation from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM).

        During the planning stages of the TOCCC, the steering committee became aware of the SUTTP Alliance of the ABIM Foundation. The SUTTP Alliance has representation from medical specialties such as internal medicine and its subspecialties, family medicine, and surgery. The alliance was formed in 2006 and has been working on care coordination across multiple settings and specialties. The SUTTP Alliance had developed a set of principles and standards for care transitions and agreed to provide the draft document to the TOCCC for review, input, and further development and refinement.

        Recommendations on Principles and Standards for Managing Transitions in Care Between the Inpatient and Outpatient Settings from ACP, SGIM, SHM, AGS, ACEP, and SAEM

        The SUTTP Alliance presented a draft document entitled Principles and Standards for Managing Transitions in Care. In this document, the SUTTP Alliance proposes 5 principles and 8 standards for effective care transitions. A key element of the conference was a presentation by NQF on how to move from principles to standards and eventually to measures. This presentation provided the TOCCC with the theoretical underpinnings for the discussion of these principles and standards and how the TOCCC would provide input on them. The presentation provided an outline for the flow from principles to measures. First, there needs to be a framework that provides guiding principles for what we would like to measure and eventually report. From those principles, a set of preferred practices or standards are developed; the standards are more granular and allow for more specificity in describing the desired practice or outcome and its elements. Standards then provide a roadmap for identification and development of performance measures. With this framework in mind, the TOCCC then discussed in detail the SUTTP principles and standards.

        The 5 principles for effective care transitions developed by the SUTTP Alliance are as follows:

        • Accountability.

        • Communication: clear and direct communication of treatment plans and follow‐up expectations.

        • Timely feedback and feed‐forward of information.

        • Involvement of the patient and family member, unless inappropriate, in all steps.

        • Respect of the hub of coordination of care.

        The TOCCC re‐affirmed these principles and added 4 additional principles to this list. Three of the new principles were statements within the 8 standards developed by the SUTTP, but when taking into consideration the framework for the development of principles into standards, the TOCCC felt that the statements were better represented as principles. They are as follows:

        • All patients and their families/caregivers should have and should be able to identify their medical home or coordinating clinician (ie, practice or practitioner). (This was originally part of the coordinating clinicians standard, and the TOCCC voted to elevate this to a principle).

        • At every point along the transition, the patients and/or their families/caregivers need to know who is responsible for care at that point and who to contact and how.

        • National standards should be established for transitions in care and should be adopted and implemented at the national and community level through public health institutions, national accreditation bodies, medical societies, medical institutions, and so forth in order to improve patient outcomes and patient safety. (This was originally part of the SUTTP community standards standard, and the TOCCC moved to elevate this to a principle).

        • For monitoring and improving transitions, standardized metrics related to these standards should be used in order to lead to continuous quality improvement and accountability. (This was originally part of the measurement standard, and the TOCCC voted to elevate this to a principle).

        The SUTTP Alliance proposed the following 8 standards for care transitions:

        • Coordinating clinicians.

        • Care plans.

        • Communication infrastructure.

        • Standard communication formats.

        • Transition responsibility.

        • Timeliness.

        • Community standards.

        • Measurement.

        The TOCCC affirmed these standards and through a consensus process added more specificity to most of them and elevated components of some of them to principles, as discussed previously. The TOCCC proposes that the following be merged with the SUTTP standards:

        • Coordinating clinicians. Communication and information exchange between the medical home and the receiving provider should occur in an amount of time that will allow the receiving provider to effectively treat the patient. This communication and information exchange should ideally occur whenever patients are at a transition of care (eg, at discharge from the inpatient setting). The timeliness of this communication should be consistent with the patient's clinical presentation and, in the case of a patient being discharged, the urgency of the follow‐up required. Guidelines will need to be developed that address both the timeliness and means of communication between the discharging physician and the medical home. Communication and information exchange between the medical home and other physicians may be in the form of a call, voice mail, fax, or other secure, private, and accessible means including mutual access to an electronic health record.

          The ED represents a unique subset of transitions of care. The potential transition can generally be described as outpatient to outpatient or outpatient to inpatient, depending on whether or not the patient is admitted to the hospital. The outpatient‐to‐outpatient transition can also encompass a number of potential variations. Patients with a medical home may be referred to the ED by the medical home, or they may self‐refer. A significant number of patients do not have a physician and self‐refer to the ED. The disposition from the ED, either outpatient to outpatient or outpatient to inpatient, is similarly represented by a number of variables. Discharged patients may or may not have a medical home, may or may not need a specialist, and may or may not require urgent (<24 hours) follow‐up. Admitted patients may or may not have a medical home and may or may not require specialty care. This variety of variables precludes a single approach to ED transition of care coordination. The determination of which scenarios will be appropriate for the development of standards (coordinating clinicians and transition responsibility) will require further contributions from ACEP and SAEM and review by the steering committee.

        • Care plans/transition record. The TOCCC also agreed that there is a minimal set of data elements that should always be part of the transition record. The TOCCC suggested that this minimal data set be part of an initial implementation of this standard. That list includes the following:

            The TOCCC discussed what components should be included in an ideal transition record and agreed on the following elements:

              The TOCCC also added a new standard under this heading: Patients and/or their families/caregivers must receive, understand, and be encouraged to participate in the development of the transition record, which should take into consideration patients' health literacy and insurance status and be culturally sensitive.

            • Principle diagnosis and problem list.

            • Medication list (reconciliation) including over‐the‐counter medications/herbals, allergies, and drug interactions.

            • Clear identification of the medical home/transferring coordinating physician/emnstitution and the contact information.

            • Patient's cognitive status.

            • Test results/pending results.

            • Principle diagnosis and problem list.

            • Medication list (reconciliation) including over‐the‐counter medications/herbals, allergies, and drug interactions.

            • Emergency plan and contact number and person.

            • Treatment and diagnostic plan.

            • Prognosis and goals of care.

            • Test results/pending results.

            • Clear identification of the medical home and/or transferring coordinating physician/emnstitution.

            • Patient's cognitive status.

            • Advance directives, power of attorney, and consent.

            • Planned interventions, durable medical equipment, wound care, and so forth.

            • Assessment of caregiver status.

            • Communication infrastructure. All communications between providers and between providers and patients and families/caregivers need to be secure, private, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Actcompliant, and accessible to patients and those practitioners who care for them. Communication needs to be 2‐way with an opportunity for clarification and feedback. Each sending provider needs to provide a contact name and the number of an individual who can respond to questions or concerns. The content of transferred information needs to include a core standardized data set. This information needs to be transferred as a living database; that is, it is created only once, and then each subsequent provider only needs to update, validate, or modify the information. Patient information should be available to the provider prior to the patient's arrival. Information transfer needs to adhere to national data standards. Patients should be provided with a medication list that is accessible (paper or electronic), clear, and dated.

            • Standard communication formats. Communities need to develop standard data transfer forms (templates and transmission protocols). Access to a patient's medical history needs to be on a current and ongoing basis with the ability to modify information as a patient's condition changes. Patients, families, and caregivers should have access to their information (nothing about me without me). A section on the transfer record should be devoted to communicating a patient's preferences, priorities, goals, and values (eg, the patient does not want intubation).

            • Transition responsibility. The sending provider/emnstitution/team at the clinical organization maintains responsibility for the care of the patient until the receiving clinician/location confirms that the transfer and assumption of responsibility is complete (within a reasonable timeframe for the receiving clinician to receive the information; ie, transfers that occur in the middle of the night can be communicated during standard working hours). The sending provider should be available for clarification with issues of care within a reasonable timeframe after the transfer has been completed, and this timeframe should be based on the conditions of the transfer settings. The patient should be able to identify the responsible provider. In the case of patients who do not have an ongoing ambulatory care provider or whose ambulatory care provider has not assumed responsibility, the hospital‐based clinicians will not be required to assume responsibility for the care of these patients once they are discharged.

            • Timeliness. Timeliness of feedback and feed‐forward of information from a sending provider to a receiving provider should be contingent on 4 factors:

                This information should be available at the time of the patient encounter.

              • Transition settings.

              • Patient circumstances.

              • Level of acuity.

              • Clear transition responsibility.

              • Community standards. Medical communities/emnstitutions must demonstrate accountability for transitions of care by adopting national standards, and processes should be established to promote effective transitions of care.

              • Measurement. For monitoring and improving transitions, standardized metrics related to these standards should be used. These metrics/measures should be evidence‐based, address documented gaps, and have a demonstrated impact on improving care (complying with performance measure standards) whenever feasible. Results from measurements using standardized metrics must lead to continuous improvement of the transition process. The validity, reliability, cost, and impact, including unintended consequences, of these measures should be assessed and re‐evaluated.

              All these standards should be applied with special attention to the various transition settings and should be appropriate to each transition setting. Measure developers will need to take this into account when developing measures based on these proposed standards.

              The TOCCC also went through a consensus prioritization exercise to rank‐order the consensus standards. All meeting participants were asked to rank their top 3 priorities of the 7 standards, giving a numeric score of 1 for their highest priority, a score of 2 for their second highest priority, and a score of 3 for their third highest priority. Summary scores were calculated, and the standards were rank‐ordered from the lowest summary score to the highest. The TOCCC recognizes that full implementation of all of these standards may not be feasible and that these standards may be implemented on a stepped or incremental basis. This prioritization can assist in deciding which of these to implement. The results of the prioritization exercise are as follows:

              • All transitions must include a transition record

              • Transition responsibility

              • Coordinating clinicians

              • Patient and family involvement and ownership of the transition record

              • Communication infrastructure

              • Timeliness

              • Community standards

              Future Challenges

              In addition to the work on the principles and standards, the TOCCC uncovered six further challenges which are described below.

              Electronic Health Record

              There was disagreement in the group concerning the extent to which electronic health records would resolve the existing issues involved in poor transfers of care. However, the group did concur that: established transition standards should not be contingent upon the existence of an electronic health record and some universally, nationally‐defined set of core transfer information should be the short‐term target of efforts to establish electronic transfers of information

              Use of a Transition Record

              There should be a core data set (much smaller than a complete health record or discharge summary) that goes to the patient and the receiving provider, and this data set should include items in the core record described previously.

              Medical Home

              There was a lot of discussion about the benefits and challenges of establishing a medical home and inculcating the concept into delivery and payment structures. The group was favorable to the concept; however, since the medical home is not yet a nationally defined standard, care transition standards should not be contingent upon the existence of a medical home. Wording of future standards should use a general term for the clinician coordinating care across sites in addition to the term medical home. Using both terms will acknowledge the movement toward the medical home without requiring adoption of medical home practices to refine and implement quality measures for care transitions.

              Pay for Performance

              The group strongly agreed that behaviors and clinical practices are influenced by payment structures. Therefore, they agreed that a new principle should be established to advocate for changes in reimbursement practices to reward safe, complete transfers of information and care. However, the development of standards and measures should move forward on the basis of the current reimbursement practices and without assumptions of future changes.

              Underserved/Disadvantaged Populations

              Care transition standards and measures should be the same for all economic groups with careful attention that lower socioeconomic groups are not forgotten or unintentionally disadvantaged, including the potential for cherry‐picking. It should be noted that underserved populations may not always have a medical home because of their disadvantaged access to the health system and providers. Moreover, clinicians who care for underserved/disadvantaged populations should not be penalized by standards that assume continuous clinical care and ongoing relationships with patients who may access the health system only sporadically.

              Need for Patient‐Centered Approaches

              The group agreed that across all principles and standards previously established by the SUTTP coalition, greater emphasis is needed on patient‐centered approaches to care including, but not limited to, the inclusion of patient and families in care and transition planning, greater access to medical records, and the need for education at the time of discharge regarding self‐care and core transfer information.

              Next Steps for the TOCCC

              The TOCCC focuses only on the transitions between the inpatient and outpatient settings and does not address the equally important transitions between many other different care settings, such as the transition from a hospital to a nursing home or rehabilitation facility. The intent of the TOCCC is to provide this document to national measure developers such as the Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement and others in order to guide measure development and ultimately lead to improvements in quality and safety in care transitions.


              Conference Description

              The TOCCC was held over 2 days on July 11 to 12, 2007 at ACP headquarters in Philadelphia, PA. There were 51 participants representing over 30 organizations. Participating organizations included medical specialty societies from internal medicine as well as family medicine and pediatrics, governmental agencies such as AHRQ and CMS, performance measure developers such as the National Committee for Quality Assurance and the American Medical Association Physician Consortium on Performance Improvement, nurse associations such as the Visiting Nurse Associations of America and Home Care and Hospice, pharmacist groups, and patient groups such as the Institute for Family‐Centered Care. The morning of the first day was dedicated to presentations covering the AHRQ Stanford Evidence‐Based Practice Center's evidence report on care coordination, the literature concerning transitions of care, the continuum of measurement from principles to standards to measures, and the SUTTP document of principles. The attendees then split into breakout groups that discussed the principles and standards developed by the SUTTP and refined and/or revised them. All discussions were summarized and agreed on by consensus and were presented by the breakout groups to the full conference attendees. The second day was dedicated to reviewing the work of the breakout groups and further refinement of the principles and standards through a group consensus process. Once this was completed, the attendees then prioritized the standards with a group consensus voting process. Each attendee was given 1 vote, and each attendee attached a rating of 1 for highest priority and 3 for lowest priority to the standards. The summary scores were then calculated, and the standards were then ranked from those summary scores.

              The final activity of the conference was to discuss some of the overarching themes and environmental factors that could influence the acceptance, endorsement, and implementation of the standards developed. The TOCCC adjourned with the tasks of forwarding its conclusions to the SUTTP Alliance and developing a policy document to be reviewed by other stakeholders not well represented at the conference. Two such pivotal organizations were ACEP and SAEM, which were added to the steering committee after the conference. Subsequently, ACP, SGIM, SHM, AGS, ACEP, and SAEM approved the summary document, and they will forward it to the other participating organizations for possible endorsement and to national developers of measures and standards for use in performance measurement development.


              Conflict of Interest Statements

              This is a summary of conflict of interest statements for faculty, authors, members of the planning committees, and staff (ACP, SHM, and SGIM)

              The following members of the steering (or planning) committee and staff of the TOCCC have declared a conflict of interest:

              • Dennis Beck, MD, FACEP (ACEP representative; President and Chief Executive Officer of Beacon Medical Services): 100 units of stock options/holdings in Beacon Hill Medical Services.

              • Tina Budnitz, MPH (SHM staff; Senior Advisor for Quality Initiatives, SHM): employment by SHM

              • Eric S. Holmboe, MD (ABIM representative; Senior Vice President of Quality Research and Academic Affairs, ABIM): employment by ABIM.

              • Vincenza Snow, MD, FACP (ACP staff; Director of Clinical Programs and Quality of Care, ACP): research grants from the Centers for Disease Control, Atlantic Philanthropies, Novo Nordisk, Bristol Myers Squibb, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, United Healthcare Foundation, and Sanofi Pasteur.

              • Laurence D. Wellikson, MD, FACP (SHM staff; Chief Executive Officer of SHM): employment by SHM.

              • Mark V. Williams, MD, FACP (cochair and SHM representative; Editor in Chief of the Journal of Hospital Medicine and former President of SHM): membership in SHM.

              The following members of the steering (or planning) committee and staff of the TOCCC have declared no conflict of interest:

              • David Atkins, MD, MPH [AHRQ representative; Associate Director of Quality Enhancement Research Initiative, Department of Veteran Affairs, Office of Research and Development, Health Services Research & Development (124)].

              • Doriane C. Miller, MD (cochair and SGIM representative; Associate Division Chief of General Internal Medicine, Stroger Hospital of Cook County).

              • Jane Potter, MD (AGS representative; Professor and Chief of Geriatrics, University of Nebraska Medical Center).

              • Robert L. Wears, MD, FACEP (SAEM representative; Professor of the Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Florida).

              • Kevin B. Weiss, MD, MPH, MS, FACP (chair and ACP representative; Chief Executive Officer of the American Board of Medical Specialties).

              Studies of the transition of care between inpatient and outpatient settings have shown that there are significant patient safety and quality deficiencies in our current system. The transition from the hospital setting to the outpatient setting has been more extensively studied than the transition from the outpatient setting to the inpatient setting. One prospective cohort study of 400 patients found that 1 in 5 patients discharged from the hospital to home experienced an adverse event, which was defined as an injury resulting from medical management rather than the underlying disease, within 3 weeks of discharge.1 This study also concluded that 66% of these were drug‐related adverse events, many of which could have been avoided or mitigated. Another prospective cross‐sectional study of 2644 patient discharges found that approximately 40% of the patients had pending test results at the time of discharge and that 10% of these required some action, yet the outpatient physicians and patients were unaware of these results.2 Medication discrepancies have also been shown to be prevalent, with 1 prospective observational study of 375 patients showing that 14% of elderly patients had 1 or more medication discrepancies and 14% of those patients with medication discrepancies were rehospitalized within 30 days versus 6% of the patients who did not experience a medication discrepancy.3 A recent review of the literature cited improving transitional care as a key area of opportunity for improving postdischarge care4

              Lack of communication has clearly been shown to adversely affect postdischarge care transitions.5 A recent summary of the literature by a Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM)/Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) task force found that direct communication between hospital physicians and primary care physicians occurs infrequently (in 3%‐20% of cases studied), and the availability of a discharge summary at the first postdischarge visit is low (12%‐34%) and does not improve greatly even after 4 weeks (51%‐77%); this affects the quality of care in approximately 25% of follow‐up visits.5 This systematic review of the literature also found that discharge summaries often lack important information such as diagnostic test results, the treatment or hospital course, discharge medications, test results pending at discharge, patient or family counseling, and follow‐up plans.

              However, the lack of studies of the communication between ambulatory physicians and hospital physicians prior to admission or during emergency department (ED) visits does not imply that this communication is not equally important and essential to high‐quality care. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the greatest source of hospital admissions in many institutions is the ED. Over 115,000,000 visits were made to the nation's approximately 4828 EDs in 2005, and about 85.2% of ED visits end in discharge.6 The ED is also the point of re‐entry into the system for individuals who may have had an adverse outcome linked to a prior hospitalization.6 Communication between hospital physicians and primary care physicians must be established to create a loop of continuous care and diminish morbidity and mortality at this critical transition point.

              While transitions can be a risky period for patient safety, observational studies suggest there are benefits to transitions. A new physician may notice something overlooked by the current caregivers.712 Another factor contributing to the challenges of care transitions is the lack of a single clinician or clinical entity taking responsibility for coordination across the continuum of the patient's overall healthcare, regardless of setting.13 Studies indicate that a relationship with a medical home is associated with better health on both the individual and population levels, with lower overall costs of care and with reductions in disparities in health between socially disadvantaged subpopulations and more socially advantaged populations.14 Several medical societies have addressed this issue, including the American College of Physicians (ACP), SGIM, American Academy of Family Physicians, and American Academy of Pediatrics, and they have proposed the concept of the medical home or patient‐centered medical home, which calls for clinicians to assume this responsibility for coordinating their patients' care across settings and for the healthcare system to value and reimburse clinicians for this patient‐centered and comprehensive method of practice.1517

              Finally, patients and their families or caregivers have an important role to play in transitions of care. Several observational and cross‐sectional studies have shown that patients and their caregivers and families express significant feelings of anxiety during care transitions. This anxiety can be caused by a lack of understanding and preparation for their self‐care role in the next care setting, confusion due to conflicting advice from different practitioners, and a sense of abandonment attributable to the inability to contact an appropriate healthcare practitioner for guidance, and they report an overall disregard for their preferences and input into the design of the care plan.1820 Clearly, there is room for improvement in all these areas of the inpatient and outpatient care transition, and the Transitions of Care Consensus Conference (TOCCC) attempted to address these areas by developing standards for the transition of care that also harmonize with the work of the Stepping up to the Plate (SUTTP) Alliance of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation.21 In addition, other important stakeholders are addressing this topic and actively working to improve communication and continuity in care, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the National Quality Forum (NQF). CMS recently developed the Continuity Assessment Record & Evaluation (CARE) tool, a data collection instrument designed to be a standardized, interoperable, common assessment tool to capture key patient characteristics that will provide information related to resource utilization, clinical outcomes, and postdischarge disposition. NQF held a national forum on care coordination in the spring of 2008.

              In summary, it is clear that there are qualitative and quantitative deficiencies in transitions of care between the inpatient and outpatient setting that are affecting patient safety and experience with care. The transition from the inpatient setting to the outpatient setting has been more extensively studied, and this body of literature has underscored for the TOCCC several important areas in need of guidance and improvement. Because of this, the scope of application of this document should initially emphasize inpatient‐to‐outpatient transitions as a first step in learning how to improve these processes. However, the transition from the outpatient setting to the inpatient setting also is a clear priority. Because the needs for transfer of information, authority, and responsibility may be different in these situations, a second phase of additional work to develop principles to guide these transitions should be undertaken as quickly as possible. Experience gained in applying these principles to inpatient‐to‐outpatient transitions might usefully inform such work.

              Communication among providers and with the patients and their families arose as a clear priority. Medication discrepancies, pending tests, and unknown diagnostic or treatment plans have an immediate impact on patients' health and outcomes. The TOCCC discussed what elements should be among the standard pieces of information exchanged among providers during these transition points. The dire need for coordination of care or a coordinating clinician/medical home became a clear theme in the deliberations of the TOCCC. Most importantly, the role of the patients and their families/caregivers in their continuing care is apparent, and the TOCCC felt this must be an integral part of any principles or standards for transitions of care.


              In the fall/winter of 2006, the executive committees of ACP, SGIM, and SHM agreed to jointly develop a policy statement on transitions of care. Transitions of care specifically between the inpatient and outpatient settings were selected as an ideal topic for collaboration for the 3 societies as they represent the continuum of care for internal medicine within these settings. To accomplish this, the 3 organizations decided to convene a consensus conference to develop consensus guidelines and standards concerning transitions between inpatient and outpatient settings through a multi‐stakeholder process. A steering committee was convened with representatives from ACP, SGIM, SHM, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), ABIM, and the American Geriatric Society (AGS). The steering committee developed the agenda and invitee list for the consensus conference. After the conference was held, the steering committee was expanded to include representation from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM).

              During the planning stages of the TOCCC, the steering committee became aware of the SUTTP Alliance of the ABIM Foundation. The SUTTP Alliance has representation from medical specialties such as internal medicine and its subspecialties, family medicine, and surgery. The alliance was formed in 2006 and has been working on care coordination across multiple settings and specialties. The SUTTP Alliance had developed a set of principles and standards for care transitions and agreed to provide the draft document to the TOCCC for review, input, and further development and refinement.

              Recommendations on Principles and Standards for Managing Transitions in Care Between the Inpatient and Outpatient Settings from ACP, SGIM, SHM, AGS, ACEP, and SAEM

              The SUTTP Alliance presented a draft document entitled Principles and Standards for Managing Transitions in Care. In this document, the SUTTP Alliance proposes 5 principles and 8 standards for effective care transitions. A key element of the conference was a presentation by NQF on how to move from principles to standards and eventually to measures. This presentation provided the TOCCC with the theoretical underpinnings for the discussion of these principles and standards and how the TOCCC would provide input on them. The presentation provided an outline for the flow from principles to measures. First, there needs to be a framework that provides guiding principles for what we would like to measure and eventually report. From those principles, a set of preferred practices or standards are developed; the standards are more granular and allow for more specificity in describing the desired practice or outcome and its elements. Standards then provide a roadmap for identification and development of performance measures. With this framework in mind, the TOCCC then discussed in detail the SUTTP principles and standards.

              The 5 principles for effective care transitions developed by the SUTTP Alliance are as follows:

              • Accountability.

              • Communication: clear and direct communication of treatment plans and follow‐up expectations.

              • Timely feedback and feed‐forward of information.

              • Involvement of the patient and family member, unless inappropriate, in all steps.

              • Respect of the hub of coordination of care.

              The TOCCC re‐affirmed these principles and added 4 additional principles to this list. Three of the new principles were statements within the 8 standards developed by the SUTTP, but when taking into consideration the framework for the development of principles into standards, the TOCCC felt that the statements were better represented as principles. They are as follows:

              • All patients and their families/caregivers should have and should be able to identify their medical home or coordinating clinician (ie, practice or practitioner). (This was originally part of the coordinating clinicians standard, and the TOCCC voted to elevate this to a principle).

              • At every point along the transition, the patients and/or their families/caregivers need to know who is responsible for care at that point and who to contact and how.

              • National standards should be established for transitions in care and should be adopted and implemented at the national and community level through public health institutions, national accreditation bodies, medical societies, medical institutions, and so forth in order to improve patient outcomes and patient safety. (This was originally part of the SUTTP community standards standard, and the TOCCC moved to elevate this to a principle).

              • For monitoring and improving transitions, standardized metrics related to these standards should be used in order to lead to continuous quality improvement and accountability. (This was originally part of the measurement standard, and the TOCCC voted to elevate this to a principle).

              The SUTTP Alliance proposed the following 8 standards for care transitions:

              • Coordinating clinicians.

              • Care plans.

              • Communication infrastructure.

              • Standard communication formats.

              • Transition responsibility.

              • Timeliness.

              • Community standards.

              • Measurement.

              The TOCCC affirmed these standards and through a consensus process added more specificity to most of them and elevated components of some of them to principles, as discussed previously. The TOCCC proposes that the following be merged with the SUTTP standards:

              • Coordinating clinicians. Communication and information exchange between the medical home and the receiving provider should occur in an amount of time that will allow the receiving provider to effectively treat the patient. This communication and information exchange should ideally occur whenever patients are at a transition of care (eg, at discharge from the inpatient setting). The timeliness of this communication should be consistent with the patient's clinical presentation and, in the case of a patient being discharged, the urgency of the follow‐up required. Guidelines will need to be developed that address both the timeliness and means of communication between the discharging physician and the medical home. Communication and information exchange between the medical home and other physicians may be in the form of a call, voice mail, fax, or other secure, private, and accessible means including mutual access to an electronic health record.

                The ED represents a unique subset of transitions of care. The potential transition can generally be described as outpatient to outpatient or outpatient to inpatient, depending on whether or not the patient is admitted to the hospital. The outpatient‐to‐outpatient transition can also encompass a number of potential variations. Patients with a medical home may be referred to the ED by the medical home, or they may self‐refer. A significant number of patients do not have a physician and self‐refer to the ED. The disposition from the ED, either outpatient to outpatient or outpatient to inpatient, is similarly represented by a number of variables. Discharged patients may or may not have a medical home, may or may not need a specialist, and may or may not require urgent (<24 hours) follow‐up. Admitted patients may or may not have a medical home and may or may not require specialty care. This variety of variables precludes a single approach to ED transition of care coordination. The determination of which scenarios will be appropriate for the development of standards (coordinating clinicians and transition responsibility) will require further contributions from ACEP and SAEM and review by the steering committee.

              • Care plans/transition record. The TOCCC also agreed that there is a minimal set of data elements that should always be part of the transition record. The TOCCC suggested that this minimal data set be part of an initial implementation of this standard. That list includes the following:

                  The TOCCC discussed what components should be included in an ideal transition record and agreed on the following elements:

                    The TOCCC also added a new standard under this heading: Patients and/or their families/caregivers must receive, understand, and be encouraged to participate in the development of the transition record, which should take into consideration patients' health literacy and insurance status and be culturally sensitive.

                  • Principle diagnosis and problem list.

                  • Medication list (reconciliation) including over‐the‐counter medications/herbals, allergies, and drug interactions.

                  • Clear identification of the medical home/transferring coordinating physician/emnstitution and the contact information.

                  • Patient's cognitive status.

                  • Test results/pending results.

                  • Principle diagnosis and problem list.

                  • Medication list (reconciliation) including over‐the‐counter medications/herbals, allergies, and drug interactions.

                  • Emergency plan and contact number and person.

                  • Treatment and diagnostic plan.

                  • Prognosis and goals of care.

                  • Test results/pending results.

                  • Clear identification of the medical home and/or transferring coordinating physician/emnstitution.

                  • Patient's cognitive status.

                  • Advance directives, power of attorney, and consent.

                  • Planned interventions, durable medical equipment, wound care, and so forth.

                  • Assessment of caregiver status.

                  • Communication infrastructure. All communications between providers and between providers and patients and families/caregivers need to be secure, private, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Actcompliant, and accessible to patients and those practitioners who care for them. Communication needs to be 2‐way with an opportunity for clarification and feedback. Each sending provider needs to provide a contact name and the number of an individual who can respond to questions or concerns. The content of transferred information needs to include a core standardized data set. This information needs to be transferred as a living database; that is, it is created only once, and then each subsequent provider only needs to update, validate, or modify the information. Patient information should be available to the provider prior to the patient's arrival. Information transfer needs to adhere to national data standards. Patients should be provided with a medication list that is accessible (paper or electronic), clear, and dated.

                  • Standard communication formats. Communities need to develop standard data transfer forms (templates and transmission protocols). Access to a patient's medical history needs to be on a current and ongoing basis with the ability to modify information as a patient's condition changes. Patients, families, and caregivers should have access to their information (nothing about me without me). A section on the transfer record should be devoted to communicating a patient's preferences, priorities, goals, and values (eg, the patient does not want intubation).

                  • Transition responsibility. The sending provider/emnstitution/team at the clinical organization maintains responsibility for the care of the patient until the receiving clinician/location confirms that the transfer and assumption of responsibility is complete (within a reasonable timeframe for the receiving clinician to receive the information; ie, transfers that occur in the middle of the night can be communicated during standard working hours). The sending provider should be available for clarification with issues of care within a reasonable timeframe after the transfer has been completed, and this timeframe should be based on the conditions of the transfer settings. The patient should be able to identify the responsible provider. In the case of patients who do not have an ongoing ambulatory care provider or whose ambulatory care provider has not assumed responsibility, the hospital‐based clinicians will not be required to assume responsibility for the care of these patients once they are discharged.

                  • Timeliness. Timeliness of feedback and feed‐forward of information from a sending provider to a receiving provider should be contingent on 4 factors:

                      This information should be available at the time of the patient encounter.

                    • Transition settings.

                    • Patient circumstances.

                    • Level of acuity.

                    • Clear transition responsibility.

                    • Community standards. Medical communities/emnstitutions must demonstrate accountability for transitions of care by adopting national standards, and processes should be established to promote effective transitions of care.

                    • Measurement. For monitoring and improving transitions, standardized metrics related to these standards should be used. These metrics/measures should be evidence‐based, address documented gaps, and have a demonstrated impact on improving care (complying with performance measure standards) whenever feasible. Results from measurements using standardized metrics must lead to continuous improvement of the transition process. The validity, reliability, cost, and impact, including unintended consequences, of these measures should be assessed and re‐evaluated.

                    All these standards should be applied with special attention to the various transition settings and should be appropriate to each transition setting. Measure developers will need to take this into account when developing measures based on these proposed standards.

                    The TOCCC also went through a consensus prioritization exercise to rank‐order the consensus standards. All meeting participants were asked to rank their top 3 priorities of the 7 standards, giving a numeric score of 1 for their highest priority, a score of 2 for their second highest priority, and a score of 3 for their third highest priority. Summary scores were calculated, and the standards were rank‐ordered from the lowest summary score to the highest. The TOCCC recognizes that full implementation of all of these standards may not be feasible and that these standards may be implemented on a stepped or incremental basis. This prioritization can assist in deciding which of these to implement. The results of the prioritization exercise are as follows:

                    • All transitions must include a transition record

                    • Transition responsibility

                    • Coordinating clinicians

                    • Patient and family involvement and ownership of the transition record

                    • Communication infrastructure

                    • Timeliness

                    • Community standards

                    Future Challenges

                    In addition to the work on the principles and standards, the TOCCC uncovered six further challenges which are described below.

                    Electronic Health Record

                    There was disagreement in the group concerning the extent to which electronic health records would resolve the existing issues involved in poor transfers of care. However, the group did concur that: established transition standards should not be contingent upon the existence of an electronic health record and some universally, nationally‐defined set of core transfer information should be the short‐term target of efforts to establish electronic transfers of information

                    Use of a Transition Record

                    There should be a core data set (much smaller than a complete health record or discharge summary) that goes to the patient and the receiving provider, and this data set should include items in the core record described previously.

                    Medical Home

                    There was a lot of discussion about the benefits and challenges of establishing a medical home and inculcating the concept into delivery and payment structures. The group was favorable to the concept; however, since the medical home is not yet a nationally defined standard, care transition standards should not be contingent upon the existence of a medical home. Wording of future standards should use a general term for the clinician coordinating care across sites in addition to the term medical home. Using both terms will acknowledge the movement toward the medical home without requiring adoption of medical home practices to refine and implement quality measures for care transitions.

                    Pay for Performance

                    The group strongly agreed that behaviors and clinical practices are influenced by payment structures. Therefore, they agreed that a new principle should be established to advocate for changes in reimbursement practices to reward safe, complete transfers of information and care. However, the development of standards and measures should move forward on the basis of the current reimbursement practices and without assumptions of future changes.

                    Underserved/Disadvantaged Populations

                    Care transition standards and measures should be the same for all economic groups with careful attention that lower socioeconomic groups are not forgotten or unintentionally disadvantaged, including the potential for cherry‐picking. It should be noted that underserved populations may not always have a medical home because of their disadvantaged access to the health system and providers. Moreover, clinicians who care for underserved/disadvantaged populations should not be penalized by standards that assume continuous clinical care and ongoing relationships with patients who may access the health system only sporadically.

                    Need for Patient‐Centered Approaches

                    The group agreed that across all principles and standards previously established by the SUTTP coalition, greater emphasis is needed on patient‐centered approaches to care including, but not limited to, the inclusion of patient and families in care and transition planning, greater access to medical records, and the need for education at the time of discharge regarding self‐care and core transfer information.

                    Next Steps for the TOCCC

                    The TOCCC focuses only on the transitions between the inpatient and outpatient settings and does not address the equally important transitions between many other different care settings, such as the transition from a hospital to a nursing home or rehabilitation facility. The intent of the TOCCC is to provide this document to national measure developers such as the Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement and others in order to guide measure development and ultimately lead to improvements in quality and safety in care transitions.


                    Conference Description

                    The TOCCC was held over 2 days on July 11 to 12, 2007 at ACP headquarters in Philadelphia, PA. There were 51 participants representing over 30 organizations. Participating organizations included medical specialty societies from internal medicine as well as family medicine and pediatrics, governmental agencies such as AHRQ and CMS, performance measure developers such as the National Committee for Quality Assurance and the American Medical Association Physician Consortium on Performance Improvement, nurse associations such as the Visiting Nurse Associations of America and Home Care and Hospice, pharmacist groups, and patient groups such as the Institute for Family‐Centered Care. The morning of the first day was dedicated to presentations covering the AHRQ Stanford Evidence‐Based Practice Center's evidence report on care coordination, the literature concerning transitions of care, the continuum of measurement from principles to standards to measures, and the SUTTP document of principles. The attendees then split into breakout groups that discussed the principles and standards developed by the SUTTP and refined and/or revised them. All discussions were summarized and agreed on by consensus and were presented by the breakout groups to the full conference attendees. The second day was dedicated to reviewing the work of the breakout groups and further refinement of the principles and standards through a group consensus process. Once this was completed, the attendees then prioritized the standards with a group consensus voting process. Each attendee was given 1 vote, and each attendee attached a rating of 1 for highest priority and 3 for lowest priority to the standards. The summary scores were then calculated, and the standards were then ranked from those summary scores.

                    The final activity of the conference was to discuss some of the overarching themes and environmental factors that could influence the acceptance, endorsement, and implementation of the standards developed. The TOCCC adjourned with the tasks of forwarding its conclusions to the SUTTP Alliance and developing a policy document to be reviewed by other stakeholders not well represented at the conference. Two such pivotal organizations were ACEP and SAEM, which were added to the steering committee after the conference. Subsequently, ACP, SGIM, SHM, AGS, ACEP, and SAEM approved the summary document, and they will forward it to the other participating organizations for possible endorsement and to national developers of measures and standards for use in performance measurement development.


                    Conflict of Interest Statements

                    This is a summary of conflict of interest statements for faculty, authors, members of the planning committees, and staff (ACP, SHM, and SGIM)

                    The following members of the steering (or planning) committee and staff of the TOCCC have declared a conflict of interest:

                    • Dennis Beck, MD, FACEP (ACEP representative; President and Chief Executive Officer of Beacon Medical Services): 100 units of stock options/holdings in Beacon Hill Medical Services.

                    • Tina Budnitz, MPH (SHM staff; Senior Advisor for Quality Initiatives, SHM): employment by SHM

                    • Eric S. Holmboe, MD (ABIM representative; Senior Vice President of Quality Research and Academic Affairs, ABIM): employment by ABIM.

                    • Vincenza Snow, MD, FACP (ACP staff; Director of Clinical Programs and Quality of Care, ACP): research grants from the Centers for Disease Control, Atlantic Philanthropies, Novo Nordisk, Bristol Myers Squibb, Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, United Healthcare Foundation, and Sanofi Pasteur.

                    • Laurence D. Wellikson, MD, FACP (SHM staff; Chief Executive Officer of SHM): employment by SHM.

                    • Mark V. Williams, MD, FACP (cochair and SHM representative; Editor in Chief of the Journal of Hospital Medicine and former President of SHM): membership in SHM.

                    The following members of the steering (or planning) committee and staff of the TOCCC have declared no conflict of interest:

                    • David Atkins, MD, MPH [AHRQ representative; Associate Director of Quality Enhancement Research Initiative, Department of Veteran Affairs, Office of Research and Development, Health Services Research & Development (124)].

                    • Doriane C. Miller, MD (cochair and SGIM representative; Associate Division Chief of General Internal Medicine, Stroger Hospital of Cook County).

                    • Jane Potter, MD (AGS representative; Professor and Chief of Geriatrics, University of Nebraska Medical Center).

                    • Robert L. Wears, MD, FACEP (SAEM representative; Professor of the Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Florida).

                    • Kevin B. Weiss, MD, MPH, MS, FACP (chair and ACP representative; Chief Executive Officer of the American Board of Medical Specialties).

                    1. Forster AJ,Murff HJ,Peterson JF, et al.The incidence and severity of adverse events affecting patients after discharge from the hospital.Ann Intern Med.2003;138(3):161167.
                    2. Roy CL,Poon EG,Karson AS, et al.Patient safety concerns arising from test results that return after hospital discharge.Ann Intern Med.2005;143(2):121128.
                    3. Coleman EA,Smith JD,Raha D,Min SJ.Posthospital medication discrepancies: prevalence and contributing factors.Arch Intern Med.2005;165(16):18421847.
                    4. Tsilimingras D,Bates DW.Addressing post‐discharge adverse events: a neglected area.Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf.2008;34(2):8597.
                    5. Kripalani S,LeFevre F,Phillips CO, et al.Deficits in communication and information transfer between hospital‐based and primary care physicians: implications for patient safety and continuity of care.JAMA.2007;297(8):831841.
                    6. Nawar EW,Niska RW,Xu J. National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2005 Emergency Department Summary.Hyattsville, MD:National Center for Health Statistics;2007.Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics; vol386.
                    7. Cooper JB.Do short breaks increase or decrease anesthetic risk?J Clin Anesth.1989;1(3):228231.
                    8. Cooper JB,Long CD,Newbower RS,Philip JH.Critical incidents associated with intraoperative exchanges of anesthesia personnel.Anesthesiology.1982;56(6):456461.
                    9. Wears RL,Perry SJ,Shapiro M, et al.Shift changes among emergency physicians: best of times, worst of times. In:Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting.Denver, CO:Human Factors and Ergonomics Society;2003:14201423.
                    10. Wears RL,Perry SJ,Eisenberg E, et al.Transitions in care: signovers in the emergency department. In:Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting.New Orleans, LA:Human Factors and Ergonomics Society;2004:16251628.
                    11. Behara R,Wears RL,Perry SJ, et al.Conceptual framework for the safety of handovers. In: Henriksen K, ed.Advances in Patient Safety.Rockville, MD:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality/Department of Defense;2005:309321.
                    12. Feldman JA.Medical errors and emergency medicine: will the difficult questions be asked, and answered?Acad Emerg Med.2003;10(8):910911.
                    13. Coleman EA,Berenson RA.Lost in transition: challenges and opportunities for improving the quality of transitional care.Ann Intern Med.2004;141(7):533536.
                    14. Starfield B,Shi L.The medical home, access to care, and insurance: a review of evidence.Pediatrics.2004;113(5 suppl):14931498.
                    15. Blue Ribbon Panel of the Society of General Internal Medicine.Redesigning the practice model for general internal medicine. A proposal for coordinated care: a policy monograph of the Society of General Internal Medicine.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22(3):400409.
                    16. Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Needs Project Advisory Committee.The medical home.Pediatrics.2002;110(1 pt 1):184186.
                    17. American College of Physicians. The advanced medical home: a patient‐centered, physician‐guided model of healthcare. A policy monograph.2006. Accessed March 13, 2009.
                    18. Coleman EA,Smith JD,Frank JC, et al.Development and testing of a measure designed to assess the quality of care transitions.Int J Integr Care.2002;2:e02.
                    19. vom Eigen KA,Walker JD,Edgman‐Levitan S, et al.Carepartner experiences with hospital care.Med Care.1999;37(1):3338.
                    20. Coleman EA,Mahoney E,Parry C.Assessing the quality of preparation for post hospital care from the patient's perspective: the care transitions measure.Med Care.2005;43(3):246255.
                    21. American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation. Stepping up to the Plate Alliance. Principles and Standards for managing transitions in care (in press). Available at‐05‐2007_6.pdf. Accessed March 13,2009.
                    1. Forster AJ,Murff HJ,Peterson JF, et al.The incidence and severity of adverse events affecting patients after discharge from the hospital.Ann Intern Med.2003;138(3):161167.
                    2. Roy CL,Poon EG,Karson AS, et al.Patient safety concerns arising from test results that return after hospital discharge.Ann Intern Med.2005;143(2):121128.
                    3. Coleman EA,Smith JD,Raha D,Min SJ.Posthospital medication discrepancies: prevalence and contributing factors.Arch Intern Med.2005;165(16):18421847.
                    4. Tsilimingras D,Bates DW.Addressing post‐discharge adverse events: a neglected area.Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf.2008;34(2):8597.
                    5. Kripalani S,LeFevre F,Phillips CO, et al.Deficits in communication and information transfer between hospital‐based and primary care physicians: implications for patient safety and continuity of care.JAMA.2007;297(8):831841.
                    6. Nawar EW,Niska RW,Xu J. National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2005 Emergency Department Summary.Hyattsville, MD:National Center for Health Statistics;2007.Advance Data from Vital and Health Statistics; vol386.
                    7. Cooper JB.Do short breaks increase or decrease anesthetic risk?J Clin Anesth.1989;1(3):228231.
                    8. Cooper JB,Long CD,Newbower RS,Philip JH.Critical incidents associated with intraoperative exchanges of anesthesia personnel.Anesthesiology.1982;56(6):456461.
                    9. Wears RL,Perry SJ,Shapiro M, et al.Shift changes among emergency physicians: best of times, worst of times. In:Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting.Denver, CO:Human Factors and Ergonomics Society;2003:14201423.
                    10. Wears RL,Perry SJ,Eisenberg E, et al.Transitions in care: signovers in the emergency department. In:Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting.New Orleans, LA:Human Factors and Ergonomics Society;2004:16251628.
                    11. Behara R,Wears RL,Perry SJ, et al.Conceptual framework for the safety of handovers. In: Henriksen K, ed.Advances in Patient Safety.Rockville, MD:Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality/Department of Defense;2005:309321.
                    12. Feldman JA.Medical errors and emergency medicine: will the difficult questions be asked, and answered?Acad Emerg Med.2003;10(8):910911.
                    13. Coleman EA,Berenson RA.Lost in transition: challenges and opportunities for improving the quality of transitional care.Ann Intern Med.2004;141(7):533536.
                    14. Starfield B,Shi L.The medical home, access to care, and insurance: a review of evidence.Pediatrics.2004;113(5 suppl):14931498.
                    15. Blue Ribbon Panel of the Society of General Internal Medicine.Redesigning the practice model for general internal medicine. A proposal for coordinated care: a policy monograph of the Society of General Internal Medicine.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22(3):400409.
                    16. Medical Home Initiatives for Children with Special Needs Project Advisory Committee.The medical home.Pediatrics.2002;110(1 pt 1):184186.
                    17. American College of Physicians. The advanced medical home: a patient‐centered, physician‐guided model of healthcare. A policy monograph.2006. Accessed March 13, 2009.
                    18. Coleman EA,Smith JD,Frank JC, et al.Development and testing of a measure designed to assess the quality of care transitions.Int J Integr Care.2002;2:e02.
                    19. vom Eigen KA,Walker JD,Edgman‐Levitan S, et al.Carepartner experiences with hospital care.Med Care.1999;37(1):3338.
                    20. Coleman EA,Mahoney E,Parry C.Assessing the quality of preparation for post hospital care from the patient's perspective: the care transitions measure.Med Care.2005;43(3):246255.
                    21. American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation. Stepping up to the Plate Alliance. Principles and Standards for managing transitions in care (in press). Available at‐05‐2007_6.pdf. Accessed March 13,2009.
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 4(6)
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 4(6)
                    Page Number
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                    Article Type
                    Display Headline
                    Transitions of Care Consensus Policy Statement: American College of Physicians, Society of General Internal Medicine, Society of Hospital Medicine, American Geriatrics Society, American College of Emergency Physicians, and Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
                    Display Headline
                    Transitions of Care Consensus Policy Statement: American College of Physicians, Society of General Internal Medicine, Society of Hospital Medicine, American Geriatrics Society, American College of Emergency Physicians, and Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
                    Legacy Keywords
                    care standardization, continuity of care transition and discharge planning, patient safety
                    Legacy Keywords
                    care standardization, continuity of care transition and discharge planning, patient safety
                    Article Source
                    Copyright © 2009 Society of Hospital Medicine
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                    American College of Physicians, 190 North Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106
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                    Short of breath, not short of diagnoses

                    Article Type
                    Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
                    Display Headline
                    Short of breath, not short of diagnoses

                    The approach to clinical conundrums by an expert clinician is revealed through presentation of an actual patient's case in an approach typical of morning report. Similar to patient care, sequential pieces of information are provided to the clinician who is unfamiliar with the case. The focus is on the thought processes of both the clinical team caring for the patient and the discussant.

                    A 71‐year‐old African‐American woman presented to the emergency department with chest pain, shortness of breath, and cough. She had initially presented to her primary care physician 2 weeks previously complaining of worsening cough and shortness of breath and was told to continue her inhaled albuterol and glucocorticoids and was prescribed a prednisone taper and an unknown course of antibiotics. She noted no improvement in her symptoms despite compliance with this treatment. Three days prior to admission she described the gradual onset of left‐sided pleuritic chest pain with continued cough, associated with yellow sputum and worsening dyspnea. Review of systems was remarkable for generalized weakness and malaise. She denied fever, chills, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, lower extremity edema, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain.

                    Her past medical history included a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) but pulmonary function tests 7 years prior to admission showed an forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio of 81%. She had a 30 pack‐year history of smoking, but quit 35 years ago. The patient also carried a diagnosis of heart failure, but an echocardiogram done 1 year ago demonstrated a left ventricular ejection fraction of 65% to 70% without diastolic dysfunction but mild right ventricular dilation and hypertrophy. Additionally, she had known nonobstructive coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, dyslipidemia, hypertension, morbid obesity, depression, and a documented chronic right hemidiaphragm elevation.

                    At this point the history suggests that the patient does not have a clear diagnosis of COPD. The lack of definitive spirometry evidence of chronic airway obstruction concerns me; I think that she may have been mistakenly treated with chronic inhaled steroids and doses of antibiotics for an acute exacerbation of chronic lung disease. Additional review of her history gives some indication of advanced lung disease, with her recent echocardiogram showing strain on the right ventricle with right ventricular hypertrophy and dilation, but there is no mention of the presence or severity of pulmonary hypertension. Nonetheless, I would be concerned that she probably has underlying significant cor pulmonale.

                    The patient now re‐presents with a worsening of her pulmonary symptoms. Her left‐sided pleuritic pain would make me concerned that she had a pulmonary embolus (PE). This morbidly obese patient with new pulmonary symptoms, right ventricular strain on her previous echocardiogram, and a persistent elevated right hemidiaphragm suggests a presentation of another PE.

                    At this time I cannot rule out other common possibilities such as infectious pneumonia. If she does have pneumonia, I would be concerned she could be harboring a multidrug‐resistant bacterial infection given her recent course of antibiotics in addition to her use of both chronic inhaled and intermittent oral glucocorticoids.

                    After gathering the rest of her full medical history, I would focus my physical exam on looking for evidence of parenchymal lung disease, signs of pulmonary hypertension, and pneumonia.

                    Her surgical history includes a previous hysterectomy, cholecystectomy, hernia repair, and left hepatic lobectomy for a benign mass. Her outpatient medications were ibuprofen, bupropion, fluvastatin, atenolol, potassium, aspirin, clopidogrel, albuterol inhaler, fluticasone/salmeterol inhaler, and omeprazole. She reports an allergy to penicillin and to sulfa drugs. Her mother died of an unknown cancer at age 77 years. She denied any international travel and she has always lived in Georgia.

                    The patient has been retired since 1992, having previously worked for the U.S. Postal Service. She admits to occasional alcohol intake (2 to 3 drinks a month). No recent travel, surgery, or prolonged immobilization was noted.

                    On initial examination she was alert and mentally appropriate, but appeared to be in mild respiratory distress with a respiratory rate of 28 breaths/minute. Her blood pressure (BP) was 99/70, heart rate 102, temperature of 38.2C, and oxygen saturation of 93% on room air and 97% on 2 L of oxygen via nasal cannula. Auscultation of her lungs revealed crackles over her left anterior lung field, bronchial breath sounds in the left posterior midlung, and bibasilar crackles. No wheezing was noted. Her cardiovascular exam and the remainder of her physical exam were unremarkable except for morbid obesity.

                    While my initial thoughts were leaning toward an exacerbation of chronic lung disease or possibly a new PE, at this moment, infection seems more likely. Indeed, her pulmonary findings suggest a left‐sided inflammatory process, and her vital signs meet criteria for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). My primary concern is sepsis due to a drug‐resistant bacterial infection, including Staphylococcus aureus or gram‐negative bacteria or possibly more unusual organisms such as Nocardia or fungi, due to her recent use of antibiotics and chronic inhaled steroid use and recent course of oral glucocorticoids.

                    Conversely, the SIRS could be a manifestation of a noninfectious lung process such as acute interstitial pneumonia or an eosinophilic pneumonia. Given the diagnostic complexity, I would strongly consider consulting a pulmonologist if the patient did not improve quickly. At this point, I would like to review a posterior‐anterior (PA) and lateral chest radiograph, and room air arterial blood gas (ABG) in addition to basic laboratory test values.

                    Laboratory data obtained on admission was remarkable for a white blood cell (WBC) count of 26,500/L with 75% neutrophils and 6% eosinophils. Hemoglobin was 14.4 gm/dL. Platelet count was 454,000/L. Serum chemistries showed a sodium of 137 mEq/dL, potassium 4.3 mEq/dL, Cl 108 mEq/dL, bicarbonate 19 mEq/dL, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 8 mg/dL, creatinine 1.0 mg/dL, and glucose 137 mg/dL. Cardiac enzymes were normal. Calcium was 9.8 mg/dL, albumin 2.7 gm/dL, total protein 6.9 gm/dL, AST 36 U/L, ALT 54 U/L and the bilirubin was normal. Chest radiograph (Figure 1) demonstrated a left perihilar infiltrate with air bronchograms and marked right hemidiaphragm elevation as seen on previous films. Unchanged increased interstitial markings were also present. Her electrocardiogram (ECG) showed normal sinus rhythm, normal axis, and QRS duration with nonspecific diffuse T‐wave abnormalities.

                    Figure 1
                    PA (A) and lateral (B) chest radiographs.

                    Given her presentation, I am worried about how well she is oxygenating and ventilating. An ABG should be done to assess her status more accurately. An albumin of 2.7 gm/dL indicates that she is fairly sick. I would not hesitate to consider testing the patient for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) given how this information would dramatically change the differential diagnoses of her pulmonary process.

                    I am still most concerned about sepsis secondary to pneumonia in this patient with multiple chronic comorbidities, underlying chronic lung disease, receiving chronic inhaled glucocorticoids and a recent course of oral glucocorticoids and antibiotics. While I would initiate hydration I do not see a clear indication for early goal‐directed therapy for severe sepsis. In addition to obtaining an ABG and starting intravenous fluids, I would also draw blood cultures, send sputum for gram stain, culture, and sensitivity, and perform a urinalysis. I would also administer empiric antibiotics as quickly as possible based on a number of pneumonia clinical studies suggesting improved outcomes with early antibiotic administration. Because of her use of antibiotics and both inhaled and oral glucocorticoids, she is at higher risk for potentially multidrug‐resistant bacterial pathogens, including Staphyloccocus aureus and gram‐negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas and Klebsiella (Table 1). Therefore, I would initially cover her broadly for these organisms.

                    Risk Factors for Multidrug‐Resistant Bacterial Pathogens that Cause Pnemonia
                    Meets Any of the Following
                    Antimicrobial therapy in the preceding 90 days
                    Current hospitalization of 5 days or more
                    High frequency of antibiotic resistance in the community or in the specific hospital unit
                    Presence of risk factors for healthcare‐associated pneumonia (HCAP)
                    Hospitalization for >2 days in the preceding 90 days
                    Residence in nursing home or long‐term care facility (LTAC) for at least 5 days in last 90 days
                    Home infusion therapy including intravenous antibiotics within 30 days
                    Home wound care within 30 days
                    Chronic hemodialysis in hospital or clinic within 30 days
                    Family member with multidrug‐resistant pathogen
                    Immunosuppressive disease and/or therapy

                    In addition to initial treatment choice, the inpatient triage decision is another important issue, especially at a community hospital where intensive care unit (ICU) resources are rare and often the admission decision is between sending a moderately sick patient to a regular floor bed or the medical ICU. Both the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America support an ICU triage protocol in their guidelines for the management of community‐acquired pneumonia in adults that utilizes the following 9 minor criteria, of which the presence of at least 3 should support ICU admission: respiratory rate 30 breaths/minute; oxygenation index (pressure of oxygen [PaO2]/fraction of inspired oxygen [FiO2] ratio) 250; multilobar infiltrates; confusion/disorientation; uremia (BUN level 20 mg/dL); leukopenia (WBC count <4,000 cells/mm3); thrombocytopenia (platelet count <100,000 cells/mm3); hypothermia (core temperature <36C); and hypotension requiring aggressive fluid. Despite the absence of these criteria in this patient, it is important to note that no triage protocol has been adequately prospectively validated. Retrospective study of the minor criteria has found that the presence of at least 2 of the following 3 clinical criteria to have the highest specificity for predicting cardiopulmonary decompensation and subsequent need for ICU care: (1) initial hypotension (BP <90/60) on presentation with response to initial intravenous fluids to a BP >90/60; (2) oxygenation failure as indicated by PaO2/FiO2 ratio less than 250; or (3) the presence of multilobar or bilateral infiltrates on chest radiography.

                    I also want to comment on the relative elevation of her calcium, especially given the low albumin. This may simply be due to volume depletion, as many older patients have asymptomatic mild primary hyperparathyroidism. However, this elevated calcium may be a clue to the underlying lung process. Granulomatous lung disease due to tuberculosis or fungal infection could yield elevated calcium levels via increases in macrophage production of the active vitamin D metabolite calcitriol. This will need to be followed and a parathormone (PTH) level would be the best first test to request if the calcium level remains elevated. If the PTH level is suppressed, granulomatous disease or malignancy would be the more likely cause.

                    The patient was admitted with a presumptive diagnosis of community‐acquired pneumonia, was started on ceftriaxone and azithromycin, and given intravenous fluids, oxygen, and continued on inhaled salmeterol/fluticasone. Sputum was ordered for gram stain, culture, and sensitivity, and blood cultures were obtained. Urinalysis showed 1‐5 WBCs/high‐power field. Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis was initiated with subcutaneous heparin 5,000 units 8 hours. Her blood pressure normalized rapidly and during the next few days she stated she was feeling better. Despite continued significant wheezing her oxygen saturation remained at 98% on 2 L of oxygen via nasal cannula and she was less tachypneic. Attempts at obtaining an ABG were unsuccessful, and the patient subsequently refused additional attempts. Over the first few days her WBC count remained elevated above 20,000/L, with worsening bandemia (11%), and fever ranging from 38C to 39C. Sputum analysis was initially unsuccessful and blood cultures remained negative.

                    I am concerned about the persistent fever and elevated WBC count, and want to emphasize that I might have treated her with broader spectrum antibiotics to cover additional multidrug‐resistant bacterial organisms. I would have initially ordered vancomycin to cover methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) plus 2 additional antibiotics that cover multidrug‐resistant gram negative pathogens including Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

                    On the fifth hospital day, her WBC count dropped to 13,400/L and she defervesced. However, her respiratory status worsened during that same day with increased tachypnea. Of note, no results were reported from the initial sputum cultures and they were reordered and a noncontrast chest computed tomography (CT) was also ordered.

                    I think at this point, even though she has remained stable hemodynamically and oxygenating easily with supplemental oxygen, the question of whether or not her primary process is infectious or noninfectious lingers. I agree with obtaining a chest CT scan.

                    I am not surprised that sputum was not evaluated despite the orders. Among hospitalized patients with pneumonia, we frequently find that about a third of the time sputum cannot be obtained, about a third of the time it is obtained but the quality is unsatisfactory, and only a third of the time does the sputum sample meet criteria (less than 5 squamous epithelial cells per high‐power field) for adequate interpretation of the gram‐stain and culture result. Unfortunately, no one has developed a better way to improve this process. Nonetheless, I believe we do not try hard enough to obtain sputum in the first hours of evaluating our patients. I joke with our internal medicine residents that they should carry a sputum cup with them when they evaluate a patient with possible pneumonia. One recent prospective study of the value of sputum gram‐staining in community‐acquired pneumonia has found it to be highly specific for identifying Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae pneumonia.

                    The CT scan (Figure 2) performed on hospital day 6 demonstrated consolidation in the left upper lobe with areas of cavitation. There was also interstitial infiltrate extending into the lingula. Elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with atelectasis in both lung bases was also noted. A small effusion was present on the left and possibly a minimal effusion on the right as well. There was no pericardial effusion and only a few small pretracheal and periaortic lymph nodes were noted.

                    Figure 2
                    CT of chest.

                    Given her failure to improve significantly after 6 days of antibiotic treatment, and her recent use of glucocorticoids, I would expand my diagnostic considerations to include other necrotizing bacterial infections, tuberculosis, fungus, and Nocardia.

                    Given the results of the CT scan she was placed in respiratory isolation to rule out active pulmonary tuberculosis. Though tachypneic, her blood pressure and pulse remained stable. However, her oxygen saturation deteriorated, declining to 92% on 2 L of oxygen via nasal cannula during hospital days 6 and 7. Subsequent successful attempts at collecting sputum yielded rapid growth of yeast (not Cryptococcus spp.). Pulmonary and infectious disease consultations were obtained and vancomycin was added to her regimen. The patient subsequently agreed to undergo diagnostic bronchoscopy.

                    I agree with obtaining input from expert consultants. I think we too often underutilize consultation in patients that are better but not completely better when we are not entirely sure what is going on. Evidence of noncryptococcus yeast in sputum may sometimes indicate colonization with Candida spp. without any significant clinical consequence. This finding may alternatively suggest the possibility of a true fungal pneumonia caused by 1 of the dimorphic fungi, including Histoplasma capsulatum, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Blastomyces dermatitides, or Coccidioides immitis. However, in this case there is not a strong epidemiologic patient history of exposure to any of these types of fungi.

                    Three sputum smears were negative for acid fast bacilli (AFB). Bronchoscopy revealed grossly abnormal mucosa in the left upper lobe and bronchomalacia, but no obstructive lesions. A transthoracic echocardiogram was ordered to evaluate her degree of pulmonary hypertension.

                    The 3 sputum specimens that were negative for AFB despite cavitary lung disease have high sensitivity for ruling out pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, given the absence of any bacterial pathogen isolated from these specimens, I would pursue the possibility of other potential fungal pathogens given the patient's subacute course, history of using inhaled and oral corticosteroids, sputum results, and the presence of a cavitary lesion on her CT scan images.

                    Cytologic examination of the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) sample showed a cell differential of 1% bands, 58% neutrophils, 9% lymphs, and 27% eosinophils. The routine postbronchoscopy chest radiograph showed complete opacification of the left lung. The patient's WBC count rose to 26,000/L but she remained afebrile. Echocardiogram was reported to be of very poor quality due to her obesity. The cardiologist reviewing the echocardiogram called the attending physicians and stated there was possibly something in the left pulmonary artery and aortic dissection could not be ruled out.

                    The presence of eosinophilia on BAL may be a very important clue as to what lung pathology she has. In fact, eosinophilia in this setting may indicate the possibility of parasitic or fungal infection of the lung, or inflammation of the airway associated to drug toxicity, asthma, or environmental toxin exposure. With this additional information, I am concerned that she may be harboring an atypical infection such as an invasive fungus. The echocardiogram results are unclear to me but will need to be clarified with additional testing.

                    The interpretation of the transbronchial biopsy specimen was limited but suggested invasive pseudomembranous tracheal bronchitis due to aspergillosis. The routine hematoxylin and eosin stain showed portions of alveolar lung tissue and some collapsed submucosal bronchial glands with relatively normal‐looking lung tissue but along the edge of the spaces were obvious fungal organisms. The Gomori's methenamine silver (GMS) stain suggested the presence of Aspergillus organisms (Figure 3). Fungal cultures were also negative for any of the other dimorphic fungi or for molds.

                    Figure 3
                    Transbronchial biopsy GMS stain.

                    Despite the negative culture results, the overall clinical picture suggests a necrotizing pneumonia caused by an invasive Aspergillus affecting both the bronchial tree and the lower respiratory tract. Generally, necrotizing pneumonias usually have a slow response to antimicrobial therapy. Given the inherent difficulty in differentiating clearly between invasive and noninvasive disease based on a transbronchial biopsy specimen, initiating antifungal therapy for invasive aspergillosis is appropriate in this patient. This patient's recent use of oral glucocorticoids and chronic use of inhaled glucocorticoids are both potential risk factors that predisposed this patient to develop invasive aspergillosis.

                    Many times we simply follow treatment guidelines for different categories of pneumonia, and have limited or inadequate clinical information to make more definitive diagnoses. While we need these treatment protocols, physicians must avoid falling into the trap that antibiotics treat all infectious etiologies in the lung and we should make reasonable efforts to pin down the etiology. All of us have been fooled by atypical presentations of tuberculosis, fungus, and noninfectious diseases of the lung. I think it behooves us to be vigilant about alternative diagnoses and consider pursuing additional studies whenever the clinical response to initial treatment does not meet our expectations.

                    Subsequently, the patient's additional cultures remained negative. The official echocardiogram report was read as questionable PE in the pulmonary artery. A spiral CT angiogram revealed a pulmonary artery embolus in the left upper lobe and she was treated with anticoagulation. Her shortness of breath improved steadily and she was successfully discharged after receiving 9 days of oral voriconazole. Outpatient pulmonary function testing documented the presence of chronic obstructive lung disease. She completed a 5‐month course of voriconazole therapy with significant clinical and radiologic improvement of her pulmonary infiltrate. She also completed a 12‐month treatment with warfarin for the concomitant pulmonary embolism. On follow‐up at 12 months she was doing well.


                    Aspergillosis caused particularly by Aspergillus fumigatus is considered an emerging infectious disease that frequently produces significant morbidity and mortality among immunocompromised patients.1, 2 The most frequently‐affected organs by this fungal pathogen include the lung and the central nervous system. There are 3 pathogenic mechanisms of Aspergillus infection of the lung: colonization, hypersensitivity reaction, and invasive aspergillosis.1

                    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is predominantly seen among individuals with severe degrees of immunosuppression as a result of solid‐organ transplantation, immunosuppressive therapies for autoimmune diseases, systemic glucocorticoids, and chemotherapy for hematologic malignancies. Mortality due to invasive aspergillosis continues to be very high (>58%) despite our improved ability to diagnose this condition and newer therapies to treat immunocompromised individuals.1 Invasive aspergillosis can manifest clinically in multiple ways. These include: (1) an invasive vascular process in which fungal organisms invade blood vessels, causing a rapidly progressive and often fatal illness; (2) necrotizing pseudomembranous tracheal bronchitis; (3) chronic necrotizing aspergillosis; (4) bronchopleural fistula; or (5) empyema.35 In our case, while the pathologic findings were most suggestive of an invasive pseudomembranous tracheal bronchitis, the overall clinical picture was most compatible with a necrotizing pneumonia due to invasive aspergillosis.

                    In addition to the traditional identified risk factors for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, a number of reports during the last decade have demonstrated the occurrence of invasive aspergillosis in patients with COPD.14 A systematic review of the literature demonstrated that among 1,941 patients with invasive aspergillosis, 26 (1.3%) had evidence of COPD as the main risk factor for developing invasive aspergillosis.1 A single report has associated the potential use of inhaled steroids with the occurrence of invasive aspergillosis in this patient population.2 However, other factors that may promote increased susceptibility to invasive fungal infection among patients with COPD include the use of long‐term or repeated short‐term glucocorticoid treatments, and the presence of multiple additional comorbidities, which may be found in this same population such as diabetes, malnutrition, or end‐stage renal disease.3, 4 Most reported series have demonstrated a high mortality rate of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with COPD.14

                    The diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis represents a significant clinical challenge. Diagnostic algorithms incorporating CT, antigen detection testing (for serum galactomannan and ‐glucan) as well as polymerase chain reaction diagnostic testing appear to be beneficial in the early diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in particular settings such as in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.5 The role of antigen testing to identify early invasive aspergillosis in patients with COPD remains uncertain since it has been evaluated in a limited number of patients and therefore clinical suspicion is critical to push clinicians to pursue invasive tissue biopsy and cultures to confirm the diagnosis.3, 4

                    Based on the available clinical case series and in our case, invasive pulmonary aspergillosis should be suspected in COPD patients with rapidly progressive pneumonia not responding to antibacterial therapy and who have received oral or inhaled glucocorticoids in the recent past. In addition, this case also illustrates that occasionally, patients present with more than 1 life‐threatening diagnosis. This patient was also diagnosed with PE despite adequate prophylaxis. In addition to the well‐known clinical risk factors of obesity and lung disease, the underlying infection may have contributed to a systemic or local hypercoagulable condition that further increased her risk for venous thromboembolism.

                    KEY TEACHING POINTS

                    • Clinicians should remember to consider a broad differential in patients presenting with pneumonia, including the possibility of fungal pathogens in patients with known risk factors and in patients with multiple, potentially immunosuppressive comorbidities, or in patients who do not improve on standard antibiotic therapy.

                    • There is some evidence of an association between COPD and invasive aspergillosis, likely due to the frequent use of oral corticosteroids and/or chronic inhaled steroids in this population.

                    1. Lin SJ,Schranz J,Teutsch SM.Aspergillosis case‐fatality rate: systematic review of the literature.Clin Infect Dis.2001;32:358366.
                    2. Peter E,Bakri F,Ball DM,Cheney RT,Segal BH.Invasive pulmonary filamentous fungal infection in a patient receiving inhaled corticosteroid therapy.Clin Infect Dis.2002;35:e54e56.
                    3. Ader F,Nseir S,Le Berre R, et al.Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an emerging fungal pathogen.Clin Microbiol Infect.2005;11:427429.
                    4. Rello J,Esandi ME,Mariscal D,Gallego M,Domingo C,Valles J.Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: report of eight cases and review.Clin Infect Dis.1998;26:14731475.
                    5. Segal BH,Walsh TJ.Current approaches to diagnosis and treatment to invasive aspergillosis.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2006;173:707717.
                    Article PDF
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 4(1)
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                    The approach to clinical conundrums by an expert clinician is revealed through presentation of an actual patient's case in an approach typical of morning report. Similar to patient care, sequential pieces of information are provided to the clinician who is unfamiliar with the case. The focus is on the thought processes of both the clinical team caring for the patient and the discussant.

                    A 71‐year‐old African‐American woman presented to the emergency department with chest pain, shortness of breath, and cough. She had initially presented to her primary care physician 2 weeks previously complaining of worsening cough and shortness of breath and was told to continue her inhaled albuterol and glucocorticoids and was prescribed a prednisone taper and an unknown course of antibiotics. She noted no improvement in her symptoms despite compliance with this treatment. Three days prior to admission she described the gradual onset of left‐sided pleuritic chest pain with continued cough, associated with yellow sputum and worsening dyspnea. Review of systems was remarkable for generalized weakness and malaise. She denied fever, chills, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, lower extremity edema, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain.

                    Her past medical history included a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) but pulmonary function tests 7 years prior to admission showed an forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio of 81%. She had a 30 pack‐year history of smoking, but quit 35 years ago. The patient also carried a diagnosis of heart failure, but an echocardiogram done 1 year ago demonstrated a left ventricular ejection fraction of 65% to 70% without diastolic dysfunction but mild right ventricular dilation and hypertrophy. Additionally, she had known nonobstructive coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, dyslipidemia, hypertension, morbid obesity, depression, and a documented chronic right hemidiaphragm elevation.

                    At this point the history suggests that the patient does not have a clear diagnosis of COPD. The lack of definitive spirometry evidence of chronic airway obstruction concerns me; I think that she may have been mistakenly treated with chronic inhaled steroids and doses of antibiotics for an acute exacerbation of chronic lung disease. Additional review of her history gives some indication of advanced lung disease, with her recent echocardiogram showing strain on the right ventricle with right ventricular hypertrophy and dilation, but there is no mention of the presence or severity of pulmonary hypertension. Nonetheless, I would be concerned that she probably has underlying significant cor pulmonale.

                    The patient now re‐presents with a worsening of her pulmonary symptoms. Her left‐sided pleuritic pain would make me concerned that she had a pulmonary embolus (PE). This morbidly obese patient with new pulmonary symptoms, right ventricular strain on her previous echocardiogram, and a persistent elevated right hemidiaphragm suggests a presentation of another PE.

                    At this time I cannot rule out other common possibilities such as infectious pneumonia. If she does have pneumonia, I would be concerned she could be harboring a multidrug‐resistant bacterial infection given her recent course of antibiotics in addition to her use of both chronic inhaled and intermittent oral glucocorticoids.

                    After gathering the rest of her full medical history, I would focus my physical exam on looking for evidence of parenchymal lung disease, signs of pulmonary hypertension, and pneumonia.

                    Her surgical history includes a previous hysterectomy, cholecystectomy, hernia repair, and left hepatic lobectomy for a benign mass. Her outpatient medications were ibuprofen, bupropion, fluvastatin, atenolol, potassium, aspirin, clopidogrel, albuterol inhaler, fluticasone/salmeterol inhaler, and omeprazole. She reports an allergy to penicillin and to sulfa drugs. Her mother died of an unknown cancer at age 77 years. She denied any international travel and she has always lived in Georgia.

                    The patient has been retired since 1992, having previously worked for the U.S. Postal Service. She admits to occasional alcohol intake (2 to 3 drinks a month). No recent travel, surgery, or prolonged immobilization was noted.

                    On initial examination she was alert and mentally appropriate, but appeared to be in mild respiratory distress with a respiratory rate of 28 breaths/minute. Her blood pressure (BP) was 99/70, heart rate 102, temperature of 38.2C, and oxygen saturation of 93% on room air and 97% on 2 L of oxygen via nasal cannula. Auscultation of her lungs revealed crackles over her left anterior lung field, bronchial breath sounds in the left posterior midlung, and bibasilar crackles. No wheezing was noted. Her cardiovascular exam and the remainder of her physical exam were unremarkable except for morbid obesity.

                    While my initial thoughts were leaning toward an exacerbation of chronic lung disease or possibly a new PE, at this moment, infection seems more likely. Indeed, her pulmonary findings suggest a left‐sided inflammatory process, and her vital signs meet criteria for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). My primary concern is sepsis due to a drug‐resistant bacterial infection, including Staphylococcus aureus or gram‐negative bacteria or possibly more unusual organisms such as Nocardia or fungi, due to her recent use of antibiotics and chronic inhaled steroid use and recent course of oral glucocorticoids.

                    Conversely, the SIRS could be a manifestation of a noninfectious lung process such as acute interstitial pneumonia or an eosinophilic pneumonia. Given the diagnostic complexity, I would strongly consider consulting a pulmonologist if the patient did not improve quickly. At this point, I would like to review a posterior‐anterior (PA) and lateral chest radiograph, and room air arterial blood gas (ABG) in addition to basic laboratory test values.

                    Laboratory data obtained on admission was remarkable for a white blood cell (WBC) count of 26,500/L with 75% neutrophils and 6% eosinophils. Hemoglobin was 14.4 gm/dL. Platelet count was 454,000/L. Serum chemistries showed a sodium of 137 mEq/dL, potassium 4.3 mEq/dL, Cl 108 mEq/dL, bicarbonate 19 mEq/dL, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 8 mg/dL, creatinine 1.0 mg/dL, and glucose 137 mg/dL. Cardiac enzymes were normal. Calcium was 9.8 mg/dL, albumin 2.7 gm/dL, total protein 6.9 gm/dL, AST 36 U/L, ALT 54 U/L and the bilirubin was normal. Chest radiograph (Figure 1) demonstrated a left perihilar infiltrate with air bronchograms and marked right hemidiaphragm elevation as seen on previous films. Unchanged increased interstitial markings were also present. Her electrocardiogram (ECG) showed normal sinus rhythm, normal axis, and QRS duration with nonspecific diffuse T‐wave abnormalities.

                    Figure 1
                    PA (A) and lateral (B) chest radiographs.

                    Given her presentation, I am worried about how well she is oxygenating and ventilating. An ABG should be done to assess her status more accurately. An albumin of 2.7 gm/dL indicates that she is fairly sick. I would not hesitate to consider testing the patient for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) given how this information would dramatically change the differential diagnoses of her pulmonary process.

                    I am still most concerned about sepsis secondary to pneumonia in this patient with multiple chronic comorbidities, underlying chronic lung disease, receiving chronic inhaled glucocorticoids and a recent course of oral glucocorticoids and antibiotics. While I would initiate hydration I do not see a clear indication for early goal‐directed therapy for severe sepsis. In addition to obtaining an ABG and starting intravenous fluids, I would also draw blood cultures, send sputum for gram stain, culture, and sensitivity, and perform a urinalysis. I would also administer empiric antibiotics as quickly as possible based on a number of pneumonia clinical studies suggesting improved outcomes with early antibiotic administration. Because of her use of antibiotics and both inhaled and oral glucocorticoids, she is at higher risk for potentially multidrug‐resistant bacterial pathogens, including Staphyloccocus aureus and gram‐negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas and Klebsiella (Table 1). Therefore, I would initially cover her broadly for these organisms.

                    Risk Factors for Multidrug‐Resistant Bacterial Pathogens that Cause Pnemonia
                    Meets Any of the Following
                    Antimicrobial therapy in the preceding 90 days
                    Current hospitalization of 5 days or more
                    High frequency of antibiotic resistance in the community or in the specific hospital unit
                    Presence of risk factors for healthcare‐associated pneumonia (HCAP)
                    Hospitalization for >2 days in the preceding 90 days
                    Residence in nursing home or long‐term care facility (LTAC) for at least 5 days in last 90 days
                    Home infusion therapy including intravenous antibiotics within 30 days
                    Home wound care within 30 days
                    Chronic hemodialysis in hospital or clinic within 30 days
                    Family member with multidrug‐resistant pathogen
                    Immunosuppressive disease and/or therapy

                    In addition to initial treatment choice, the inpatient triage decision is another important issue, especially at a community hospital where intensive care unit (ICU) resources are rare and often the admission decision is between sending a moderately sick patient to a regular floor bed or the medical ICU. Both the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America support an ICU triage protocol in their guidelines for the management of community‐acquired pneumonia in adults that utilizes the following 9 minor criteria, of which the presence of at least 3 should support ICU admission: respiratory rate 30 breaths/minute; oxygenation index (pressure of oxygen [PaO2]/fraction of inspired oxygen [FiO2] ratio) 250; multilobar infiltrates; confusion/disorientation; uremia (BUN level 20 mg/dL); leukopenia (WBC count <4,000 cells/mm3); thrombocytopenia (platelet count <100,000 cells/mm3); hypothermia (core temperature <36C); and hypotension requiring aggressive fluid. Despite the absence of these criteria in this patient, it is important to note that no triage protocol has been adequately prospectively validated. Retrospective study of the minor criteria has found that the presence of at least 2 of the following 3 clinical criteria to have the highest specificity for predicting cardiopulmonary decompensation and subsequent need for ICU care: (1) initial hypotension (BP <90/60) on presentation with response to initial intravenous fluids to a BP >90/60; (2) oxygenation failure as indicated by PaO2/FiO2 ratio less than 250; or (3) the presence of multilobar or bilateral infiltrates on chest radiography.

                    I also want to comment on the relative elevation of her calcium, especially given the low albumin. This may simply be due to volume depletion, as many older patients have asymptomatic mild primary hyperparathyroidism. However, this elevated calcium may be a clue to the underlying lung process. Granulomatous lung disease due to tuberculosis or fungal infection could yield elevated calcium levels via increases in macrophage production of the active vitamin D metabolite calcitriol. This will need to be followed and a parathormone (PTH) level would be the best first test to request if the calcium level remains elevated. If the PTH level is suppressed, granulomatous disease or malignancy would be the more likely cause.

                    The patient was admitted with a presumptive diagnosis of community‐acquired pneumonia, was started on ceftriaxone and azithromycin, and given intravenous fluids, oxygen, and continued on inhaled salmeterol/fluticasone. Sputum was ordered for gram stain, culture, and sensitivity, and blood cultures were obtained. Urinalysis showed 1‐5 WBCs/high‐power field. Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis was initiated with subcutaneous heparin 5,000 units 8 hours. Her blood pressure normalized rapidly and during the next few days she stated she was feeling better. Despite continued significant wheezing her oxygen saturation remained at 98% on 2 L of oxygen via nasal cannula and she was less tachypneic. Attempts at obtaining an ABG were unsuccessful, and the patient subsequently refused additional attempts. Over the first few days her WBC count remained elevated above 20,000/L, with worsening bandemia (11%), and fever ranging from 38C to 39C. Sputum analysis was initially unsuccessful and blood cultures remained negative.

                    I am concerned about the persistent fever and elevated WBC count, and want to emphasize that I might have treated her with broader spectrum antibiotics to cover additional multidrug‐resistant bacterial organisms. I would have initially ordered vancomycin to cover methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) plus 2 additional antibiotics that cover multidrug‐resistant gram negative pathogens including Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

                    On the fifth hospital day, her WBC count dropped to 13,400/L and she defervesced. However, her respiratory status worsened during that same day with increased tachypnea. Of note, no results were reported from the initial sputum cultures and they were reordered and a noncontrast chest computed tomography (CT) was also ordered.

                    I think at this point, even though she has remained stable hemodynamically and oxygenating easily with supplemental oxygen, the question of whether or not her primary process is infectious or noninfectious lingers. I agree with obtaining a chest CT scan.

                    I am not surprised that sputum was not evaluated despite the orders. Among hospitalized patients with pneumonia, we frequently find that about a third of the time sputum cannot be obtained, about a third of the time it is obtained but the quality is unsatisfactory, and only a third of the time does the sputum sample meet criteria (less than 5 squamous epithelial cells per high‐power field) for adequate interpretation of the gram‐stain and culture result. Unfortunately, no one has developed a better way to improve this process. Nonetheless, I believe we do not try hard enough to obtain sputum in the first hours of evaluating our patients. I joke with our internal medicine residents that they should carry a sputum cup with them when they evaluate a patient with possible pneumonia. One recent prospective study of the value of sputum gram‐staining in community‐acquired pneumonia has found it to be highly specific for identifying Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae pneumonia.

                    The CT scan (Figure 2) performed on hospital day 6 demonstrated consolidation in the left upper lobe with areas of cavitation. There was also interstitial infiltrate extending into the lingula. Elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with atelectasis in both lung bases was also noted. A small effusion was present on the left and possibly a minimal effusion on the right as well. There was no pericardial effusion and only a few small pretracheal and periaortic lymph nodes were noted.

                    Figure 2
                    CT of chest.

                    Given her failure to improve significantly after 6 days of antibiotic treatment, and her recent use of glucocorticoids, I would expand my diagnostic considerations to include other necrotizing bacterial infections, tuberculosis, fungus, and Nocardia.

                    Given the results of the CT scan she was placed in respiratory isolation to rule out active pulmonary tuberculosis. Though tachypneic, her blood pressure and pulse remained stable. However, her oxygen saturation deteriorated, declining to 92% on 2 L of oxygen via nasal cannula during hospital days 6 and 7. Subsequent successful attempts at collecting sputum yielded rapid growth of yeast (not Cryptococcus spp.). Pulmonary and infectious disease consultations were obtained and vancomycin was added to her regimen. The patient subsequently agreed to undergo diagnostic bronchoscopy.

                    I agree with obtaining input from expert consultants. I think we too often underutilize consultation in patients that are better but not completely better when we are not entirely sure what is going on. Evidence of noncryptococcus yeast in sputum may sometimes indicate colonization with Candida spp. without any significant clinical consequence. This finding may alternatively suggest the possibility of a true fungal pneumonia caused by 1 of the dimorphic fungi, including Histoplasma capsulatum, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Blastomyces dermatitides, or Coccidioides immitis. However, in this case there is not a strong epidemiologic patient history of exposure to any of these types of fungi.

                    Three sputum smears were negative for acid fast bacilli (AFB). Bronchoscopy revealed grossly abnormal mucosa in the left upper lobe and bronchomalacia, but no obstructive lesions. A transthoracic echocardiogram was ordered to evaluate her degree of pulmonary hypertension.

                    The 3 sputum specimens that were negative for AFB despite cavitary lung disease have high sensitivity for ruling out pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, given the absence of any bacterial pathogen isolated from these specimens, I would pursue the possibility of other potential fungal pathogens given the patient's subacute course, history of using inhaled and oral corticosteroids, sputum results, and the presence of a cavitary lesion on her CT scan images.

                    Cytologic examination of the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) sample showed a cell differential of 1% bands, 58% neutrophils, 9% lymphs, and 27% eosinophils. The routine postbronchoscopy chest radiograph showed complete opacification of the left lung. The patient's WBC count rose to 26,000/L but she remained afebrile. Echocardiogram was reported to be of very poor quality due to her obesity. The cardiologist reviewing the echocardiogram called the attending physicians and stated there was possibly something in the left pulmonary artery and aortic dissection could not be ruled out.

                    The presence of eosinophilia on BAL may be a very important clue as to what lung pathology she has. In fact, eosinophilia in this setting may indicate the possibility of parasitic or fungal infection of the lung, or inflammation of the airway associated to drug toxicity, asthma, or environmental toxin exposure. With this additional information, I am concerned that she may be harboring an atypical infection such as an invasive fungus. The echocardiogram results are unclear to me but will need to be clarified with additional testing.

                    The interpretation of the transbronchial biopsy specimen was limited but suggested invasive pseudomembranous tracheal bronchitis due to aspergillosis. The routine hematoxylin and eosin stain showed portions of alveolar lung tissue and some collapsed submucosal bronchial glands with relatively normal‐looking lung tissue but along the edge of the spaces were obvious fungal organisms. The Gomori's methenamine silver (GMS) stain suggested the presence of Aspergillus organisms (Figure 3). Fungal cultures were also negative for any of the other dimorphic fungi or for molds.

                    Figure 3
                    Transbronchial biopsy GMS stain.

                    Despite the negative culture results, the overall clinical picture suggests a necrotizing pneumonia caused by an invasive Aspergillus affecting both the bronchial tree and the lower respiratory tract. Generally, necrotizing pneumonias usually have a slow response to antimicrobial therapy. Given the inherent difficulty in differentiating clearly between invasive and noninvasive disease based on a transbronchial biopsy specimen, initiating antifungal therapy for invasive aspergillosis is appropriate in this patient. This patient's recent use of oral glucocorticoids and chronic use of inhaled glucocorticoids are both potential risk factors that predisposed this patient to develop invasive aspergillosis.

                    Many times we simply follow treatment guidelines for different categories of pneumonia, and have limited or inadequate clinical information to make more definitive diagnoses. While we need these treatment protocols, physicians must avoid falling into the trap that antibiotics treat all infectious etiologies in the lung and we should make reasonable efforts to pin down the etiology. All of us have been fooled by atypical presentations of tuberculosis, fungus, and noninfectious diseases of the lung. I think it behooves us to be vigilant about alternative diagnoses and consider pursuing additional studies whenever the clinical response to initial treatment does not meet our expectations.

                    Subsequently, the patient's additional cultures remained negative. The official echocardiogram report was read as questionable PE in the pulmonary artery. A spiral CT angiogram revealed a pulmonary artery embolus in the left upper lobe and she was treated with anticoagulation. Her shortness of breath improved steadily and she was successfully discharged after receiving 9 days of oral voriconazole. Outpatient pulmonary function testing documented the presence of chronic obstructive lung disease. She completed a 5‐month course of voriconazole therapy with significant clinical and radiologic improvement of her pulmonary infiltrate. She also completed a 12‐month treatment with warfarin for the concomitant pulmonary embolism. On follow‐up at 12 months she was doing well.


                    Aspergillosis caused particularly by Aspergillus fumigatus is considered an emerging infectious disease that frequently produces significant morbidity and mortality among immunocompromised patients.1, 2 The most frequently‐affected organs by this fungal pathogen include the lung and the central nervous system. There are 3 pathogenic mechanisms of Aspergillus infection of the lung: colonization, hypersensitivity reaction, and invasive aspergillosis.1

                    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is predominantly seen among individuals with severe degrees of immunosuppression as a result of solid‐organ transplantation, immunosuppressive therapies for autoimmune diseases, systemic glucocorticoids, and chemotherapy for hematologic malignancies. Mortality due to invasive aspergillosis continues to be very high (>58%) despite our improved ability to diagnose this condition and newer therapies to treat immunocompromised individuals.1 Invasive aspergillosis can manifest clinically in multiple ways. These include: (1) an invasive vascular process in which fungal organisms invade blood vessels, causing a rapidly progressive and often fatal illness; (2) necrotizing pseudomembranous tracheal bronchitis; (3) chronic necrotizing aspergillosis; (4) bronchopleural fistula; or (5) empyema.35 In our case, while the pathologic findings were most suggestive of an invasive pseudomembranous tracheal bronchitis, the overall clinical picture was most compatible with a necrotizing pneumonia due to invasive aspergillosis.

                    In addition to the traditional identified risk factors for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, a number of reports during the last decade have demonstrated the occurrence of invasive aspergillosis in patients with COPD.14 A systematic review of the literature demonstrated that among 1,941 patients with invasive aspergillosis, 26 (1.3%) had evidence of COPD as the main risk factor for developing invasive aspergillosis.1 A single report has associated the potential use of inhaled steroids with the occurrence of invasive aspergillosis in this patient population.2 However, other factors that may promote increased susceptibility to invasive fungal infection among patients with COPD include the use of long‐term or repeated short‐term glucocorticoid treatments, and the presence of multiple additional comorbidities, which may be found in this same population such as diabetes, malnutrition, or end‐stage renal disease.3, 4 Most reported series have demonstrated a high mortality rate of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with COPD.14

                    The diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis represents a significant clinical challenge. Diagnostic algorithms incorporating CT, antigen detection testing (for serum galactomannan and ‐glucan) as well as polymerase chain reaction diagnostic testing appear to be beneficial in the early diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in particular settings such as in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.5 The role of antigen testing to identify early invasive aspergillosis in patients with COPD remains uncertain since it has been evaluated in a limited number of patients and therefore clinical suspicion is critical to push clinicians to pursue invasive tissue biopsy and cultures to confirm the diagnosis.3, 4

                    Based on the available clinical case series and in our case, invasive pulmonary aspergillosis should be suspected in COPD patients with rapidly progressive pneumonia not responding to antibacterial therapy and who have received oral or inhaled glucocorticoids in the recent past. In addition, this case also illustrates that occasionally, patients present with more than 1 life‐threatening diagnosis. This patient was also diagnosed with PE despite adequate prophylaxis. In addition to the well‐known clinical risk factors of obesity and lung disease, the underlying infection may have contributed to a systemic or local hypercoagulable condition that further increased her risk for venous thromboembolism.

                    KEY TEACHING POINTS

                    • Clinicians should remember to consider a broad differential in patients presenting with pneumonia, including the possibility of fungal pathogens in patients with known risk factors and in patients with multiple, potentially immunosuppressive comorbidities, or in patients who do not improve on standard antibiotic therapy.

                    • There is some evidence of an association between COPD and invasive aspergillosis, likely due to the frequent use of oral corticosteroids and/or chronic inhaled steroids in this population.

                    The approach to clinical conundrums by an expert clinician is revealed through presentation of an actual patient's case in an approach typical of morning report. Similar to patient care, sequential pieces of information are provided to the clinician who is unfamiliar with the case. The focus is on the thought processes of both the clinical team caring for the patient and the discussant.

                    A 71‐year‐old African‐American woman presented to the emergency department with chest pain, shortness of breath, and cough. She had initially presented to her primary care physician 2 weeks previously complaining of worsening cough and shortness of breath and was told to continue her inhaled albuterol and glucocorticoids and was prescribed a prednisone taper and an unknown course of antibiotics. She noted no improvement in her symptoms despite compliance with this treatment. Three days prior to admission she described the gradual onset of left‐sided pleuritic chest pain with continued cough, associated with yellow sputum and worsening dyspnea. Review of systems was remarkable for generalized weakness and malaise. She denied fever, chills, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, lower extremity edema, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain.

                    Her past medical history included a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) but pulmonary function tests 7 years prior to admission showed an forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio of 81%. She had a 30 pack‐year history of smoking, but quit 35 years ago. The patient also carried a diagnosis of heart failure, but an echocardiogram done 1 year ago demonstrated a left ventricular ejection fraction of 65% to 70% without diastolic dysfunction but mild right ventricular dilation and hypertrophy. Additionally, she had known nonobstructive coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, dyslipidemia, hypertension, morbid obesity, depression, and a documented chronic right hemidiaphragm elevation.

                    At this point the history suggests that the patient does not have a clear diagnosis of COPD. The lack of definitive spirometry evidence of chronic airway obstruction concerns me; I think that she may have been mistakenly treated with chronic inhaled steroids and doses of antibiotics for an acute exacerbation of chronic lung disease. Additional review of her history gives some indication of advanced lung disease, with her recent echocardiogram showing strain on the right ventricle with right ventricular hypertrophy and dilation, but there is no mention of the presence or severity of pulmonary hypertension. Nonetheless, I would be concerned that she probably has underlying significant cor pulmonale.

                    The patient now re‐presents with a worsening of her pulmonary symptoms. Her left‐sided pleuritic pain would make me concerned that she had a pulmonary embolus (PE). This morbidly obese patient with new pulmonary symptoms, right ventricular strain on her previous echocardiogram, and a persistent elevated right hemidiaphragm suggests a presentation of another PE.

                    At this time I cannot rule out other common possibilities such as infectious pneumonia. If she does have pneumonia, I would be concerned she could be harboring a multidrug‐resistant bacterial infection given her recent course of antibiotics in addition to her use of both chronic inhaled and intermittent oral glucocorticoids.

                    After gathering the rest of her full medical history, I would focus my physical exam on looking for evidence of parenchymal lung disease, signs of pulmonary hypertension, and pneumonia.

                    Her surgical history includes a previous hysterectomy, cholecystectomy, hernia repair, and left hepatic lobectomy for a benign mass. Her outpatient medications were ibuprofen, bupropion, fluvastatin, atenolol, potassium, aspirin, clopidogrel, albuterol inhaler, fluticasone/salmeterol inhaler, and omeprazole. She reports an allergy to penicillin and to sulfa drugs. Her mother died of an unknown cancer at age 77 years. She denied any international travel and she has always lived in Georgia.

                    The patient has been retired since 1992, having previously worked for the U.S. Postal Service. She admits to occasional alcohol intake (2 to 3 drinks a month). No recent travel, surgery, or prolonged immobilization was noted.

                    On initial examination she was alert and mentally appropriate, but appeared to be in mild respiratory distress with a respiratory rate of 28 breaths/minute. Her blood pressure (BP) was 99/70, heart rate 102, temperature of 38.2C, and oxygen saturation of 93% on room air and 97% on 2 L of oxygen via nasal cannula. Auscultation of her lungs revealed crackles over her left anterior lung field, bronchial breath sounds in the left posterior midlung, and bibasilar crackles. No wheezing was noted. Her cardiovascular exam and the remainder of her physical exam were unremarkable except for morbid obesity.

                    While my initial thoughts were leaning toward an exacerbation of chronic lung disease or possibly a new PE, at this moment, infection seems more likely. Indeed, her pulmonary findings suggest a left‐sided inflammatory process, and her vital signs meet criteria for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). My primary concern is sepsis due to a drug‐resistant bacterial infection, including Staphylococcus aureus or gram‐negative bacteria or possibly more unusual organisms such as Nocardia or fungi, due to her recent use of antibiotics and chronic inhaled steroid use and recent course of oral glucocorticoids.

                    Conversely, the SIRS could be a manifestation of a noninfectious lung process such as acute interstitial pneumonia or an eosinophilic pneumonia. Given the diagnostic complexity, I would strongly consider consulting a pulmonologist if the patient did not improve quickly. At this point, I would like to review a posterior‐anterior (PA) and lateral chest radiograph, and room air arterial blood gas (ABG) in addition to basic laboratory test values.

                    Laboratory data obtained on admission was remarkable for a white blood cell (WBC) count of 26,500/L with 75% neutrophils and 6% eosinophils. Hemoglobin was 14.4 gm/dL. Platelet count was 454,000/L. Serum chemistries showed a sodium of 137 mEq/dL, potassium 4.3 mEq/dL, Cl 108 mEq/dL, bicarbonate 19 mEq/dL, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 8 mg/dL, creatinine 1.0 mg/dL, and glucose 137 mg/dL. Cardiac enzymes were normal. Calcium was 9.8 mg/dL, albumin 2.7 gm/dL, total protein 6.9 gm/dL, AST 36 U/L, ALT 54 U/L and the bilirubin was normal. Chest radiograph (Figure 1) demonstrated a left perihilar infiltrate with air bronchograms and marked right hemidiaphragm elevation as seen on previous films. Unchanged increased interstitial markings were also present. Her electrocardiogram (ECG) showed normal sinus rhythm, normal axis, and QRS duration with nonspecific diffuse T‐wave abnormalities.

                    Figure 1
                    PA (A) and lateral (B) chest radiographs.

                    Given her presentation, I am worried about how well she is oxygenating and ventilating. An ABG should be done to assess her status more accurately. An albumin of 2.7 gm/dL indicates that she is fairly sick. I would not hesitate to consider testing the patient for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) given how this information would dramatically change the differential diagnoses of her pulmonary process.

                    I am still most concerned about sepsis secondary to pneumonia in this patient with multiple chronic comorbidities, underlying chronic lung disease, receiving chronic inhaled glucocorticoids and a recent course of oral glucocorticoids and antibiotics. While I would initiate hydration I do not see a clear indication for early goal‐directed therapy for severe sepsis. In addition to obtaining an ABG and starting intravenous fluids, I would also draw blood cultures, send sputum for gram stain, culture, and sensitivity, and perform a urinalysis. I would also administer empiric antibiotics as quickly as possible based on a number of pneumonia clinical studies suggesting improved outcomes with early antibiotic administration. Because of her use of antibiotics and both inhaled and oral glucocorticoids, she is at higher risk for potentially multidrug‐resistant bacterial pathogens, including Staphyloccocus aureus and gram‐negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas and Klebsiella (Table 1). Therefore, I would initially cover her broadly for these organisms.

                    Risk Factors for Multidrug‐Resistant Bacterial Pathogens that Cause Pnemonia
                    Meets Any of the Following
                    Antimicrobial therapy in the preceding 90 days
                    Current hospitalization of 5 days or more
                    High frequency of antibiotic resistance in the community or in the specific hospital unit
                    Presence of risk factors for healthcare‐associated pneumonia (HCAP)
                    Hospitalization for >2 days in the preceding 90 days
                    Residence in nursing home or long‐term care facility (LTAC) for at least 5 days in last 90 days
                    Home infusion therapy including intravenous antibiotics within 30 days
                    Home wound care within 30 days
                    Chronic hemodialysis in hospital or clinic within 30 days
                    Family member with multidrug‐resistant pathogen
                    Immunosuppressive disease and/or therapy

                    In addition to initial treatment choice, the inpatient triage decision is another important issue, especially at a community hospital where intensive care unit (ICU) resources are rare and often the admission decision is between sending a moderately sick patient to a regular floor bed or the medical ICU. Both the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America support an ICU triage protocol in their guidelines for the management of community‐acquired pneumonia in adults that utilizes the following 9 minor criteria, of which the presence of at least 3 should support ICU admission: respiratory rate 30 breaths/minute; oxygenation index (pressure of oxygen [PaO2]/fraction of inspired oxygen [FiO2] ratio) 250; multilobar infiltrates; confusion/disorientation; uremia (BUN level 20 mg/dL); leukopenia (WBC count <4,000 cells/mm3); thrombocytopenia (platelet count <100,000 cells/mm3); hypothermia (core temperature <36C); and hypotension requiring aggressive fluid. Despite the absence of these criteria in this patient, it is important to note that no triage protocol has been adequately prospectively validated. Retrospective study of the minor criteria has found that the presence of at least 2 of the following 3 clinical criteria to have the highest specificity for predicting cardiopulmonary decompensation and subsequent need for ICU care: (1) initial hypotension (BP <90/60) on presentation with response to initial intravenous fluids to a BP >90/60; (2) oxygenation failure as indicated by PaO2/FiO2 ratio less than 250; or (3) the presence of multilobar or bilateral infiltrates on chest radiography.

                    I also want to comment on the relative elevation of her calcium, especially given the low albumin. This may simply be due to volume depletion, as many older patients have asymptomatic mild primary hyperparathyroidism. However, this elevated calcium may be a clue to the underlying lung process. Granulomatous lung disease due to tuberculosis or fungal infection could yield elevated calcium levels via increases in macrophage production of the active vitamin D metabolite calcitriol. This will need to be followed and a parathormone (PTH) level would be the best first test to request if the calcium level remains elevated. If the PTH level is suppressed, granulomatous disease or malignancy would be the more likely cause.

                    The patient was admitted with a presumptive diagnosis of community‐acquired pneumonia, was started on ceftriaxone and azithromycin, and given intravenous fluids, oxygen, and continued on inhaled salmeterol/fluticasone. Sputum was ordered for gram stain, culture, and sensitivity, and blood cultures were obtained. Urinalysis showed 1‐5 WBCs/high‐power field. Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis was initiated with subcutaneous heparin 5,000 units 8 hours. Her blood pressure normalized rapidly and during the next few days she stated she was feeling better. Despite continued significant wheezing her oxygen saturation remained at 98% on 2 L of oxygen via nasal cannula and she was less tachypneic. Attempts at obtaining an ABG were unsuccessful, and the patient subsequently refused additional attempts. Over the first few days her WBC count remained elevated above 20,000/L, with worsening bandemia (11%), and fever ranging from 38C to 39C. Sputum analysis was initially unsuccessful and blood cultures remained negative.

                    I am concerned about the persistent fever and elevated WBC count, and want to emphasize that I might have treated her with broader spectrum antibiotics to cover additional multidrug‐resistant bacterial organisms. I would have initially ordered vancomycin to cover methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) plus 2 additional antibiotics that cover multidrug‐resistant gram negative pathogens including Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

                    On the fifth hospital day, her WBC count dropped to 13,400/L and she defervesced. However, her respiratory status worsened during that same day with increased tachypnea. Of note, no results were reported from the initial sputum cultures and they were reordered and a noncontrast chest computed tomography (CT) was also ordered.

                    I think at this point, even though she has remained stable hemodynamically and oxygenating easily with supplemental oxygen, the question of whether or not her primary process is infectious or noninfectious lingers. I agree with obtaining a chest CT scan.

                    I am not surprised that sputum was not evaluated despite the orders. Among hospitalized patients with pneumonia, we frequently find that about a third of the time sputum cannot be obtained, about a third of the time it is obtained but the quality is unsatisfactory, and only a third of the time does the sputum sample meet criteria (less than 5 squamous epithelial cells per high‐power field) for adequate interpretation of the gram‐stain and culture result. Unfortunately, no one has developed a better way to improve this process. Nonetheless, I believe we do not try hard enough to obtain sputum in the first hours of evaluating our patients. I joke with our internal medicine residents that they should carry a sputum cup with them when they evaluate a patient with possible pneumonia. One recent prospective study of the value of sputum gram‐staining in community‐acquired pneumonia has found it to be highly specific for identifying Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae pneumonia.

                    The CT scan (Figure 2) performed on hospital day 6 demonstrated consolidation in the left upper lobe with areas of cavitation. There was also interstitial infiltrate extending into the lingula. Elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with atelectasis in both lung bases was also noted. A small effusion was present on the left and possibly a minimal effusion on the right as well. There was no pericardial effusion and only a few small pretracheal and periaortic lymph nodes were noted.

                    Figure 2
                    CT of chest.

                    Given her failure to improve significantly after 6 days of antibiotic treatment, and her recent use of glucocorticoids, I would expand my diagnostic considerations to include other necrotizing bacterial infections, tuberculosis, fungus, and Nocardia.

                    Given the results of the CT scan she was placed in respiratory isolation to rule out active pulmonary tuberculosis. Though tachypneic, her blood pressure and pulse remained stable. However, her oxygen saturation deteriorated, declining to 92% on 2 L of oxygen via nasal cannula during hospital days 6 and 7. Subsequent successful attempts at collecting sputum yielded rapid growth of yeast (not Cryptococcus spp.). Pulmonary and infectious disease consultations were obtained and vancomycin was added to her regimen. The patient subsequently agreed to undergo diagnostic bronchoscopy.

                    I agree with obtaining input from expert consultants. I think we too often underutilize consultation in patients that are better but not completely better when we are not entirely sure what is going on. Evidence of noncryptococcus yeast in sputum may sometimes indicate colonization with Candida spp. without any significant clinical consequence. This finding may alternatively suggest the possibility of a true fungal pneumonia caused by 1 of the dimorphic fungi, including Histoplasma capsulatum, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Blastomyces dermatitides, or Coccidioides immitis. However, in this case there is not a strong epidemiologic patient history of exposure to any of these types of fungi.

                    Three sputum smears were negative for acid fast bacilli (AFB). Bronchoscopy revealed grossly abnormal mucosa in the left upper lobe and bronchomalacia, but no obstructive lesions. A transthoracic echocardiogram was ordered to evaluate her degree of pulmonary hypertension.

                    The 3 sputum specimens that were negative for AFB despite cavitary lung disease have high sensitivity for ruling out pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, given the absence of any bacterial pathogen isolated from these specimens, I would pursue the possibility of other potential fungal pathogens given the patient's subacute course, history of using inhaled and oral corticosteroids, sputum results, and the presence of a cavitary lesion on her CT scan images.

                    Cytologic examination of the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) sample showed a cell differential of 1% bands, 58% neutrophils, 9% lymphs, and 27% eosinophils. The routine postbronchoscopy chest radiograph showed complete opacification of the left lung. The patient's WBC count rose to 26,000/L but she remained afebrile. Echocardiogram was reported to be of very poor quality due to her obesity. The cardiologist reviewing the echocardiogram called the attending physicians and stated there was possibly something in the left pulmonary artery and aortic dissection could not be ruled out.

                    The presence of eosinophilia on BAL may be a very important clue as to what lung pathology she has. In fact, eosinophilia in this setting may indicate the possibility of parasitic or fungal infection of the lung, or inflammation of the airway associated to drug toxicity, asthma, or environmental toxin exposure. With this additional information, I am concerned that she may be harboring an atypical infection such as an invasive fungus. The echocardiogram results are unclear to me but will need to be clarified with additional testing.

                    The interpretation of the transbronchial biopsy specimen was limited but suggested invasive pseudomembranous tracheal bronchitis due to aspergillosis. The routine hematoxylin and eosin stain showed portions of alveolar lung tissue and some collapsed submucosal bronchial glands with relatively normal‐looking lung tissue but along the edge of the spaces were obvious fungal organisms. The Gomori's methenamine silver (GMS) stain suggested the presence of Aspergillus organisms (Figure 3). Fungal cultures were also negative for any of the other dimorphic fungi or for molds.

                    Figure 3
                    Transbronchial biopsy GMS stain.

                    Despite the negative culture results, the overall clinical picture suggests a necrotizing pneumonia caused by an invasive Aspergillus affecting both the bronchial tree and the lower respiratory tract. Generally, necrotizing pneumonias usually have a slow response to antimicrobial therapy. Given the inherent difficulty in differentiating clearly between invasive and noninvasive disease based on a transbronchial biopsy specimen, initiating antifungal therapy for invasive aspergillosis is appropriate in this patient. This patient's recent use of oral glucocorticoids and chronic use of inhaled glucocorticoids are both potential risk factors that predisposed this patient to develop invasive aspergillosis.

                    Many times we simply follow treatment guidelines for different categories of pneumonia, and have limited or inadequate clinical information to make more definitive diagnoses. While we need these treatment protocols, physicians must avoid falling into the trap that antibiotics treat all infectious etiologies in the lung and we should make reasonable efforts to pin down the etiology. All of us have been fooled by atypical presentations of tuberculosis, fungus, and noninfectious diseases of the lung. I think it behooves us to be vigilant about alternative diagnoses and consider pursuing additional studies whenever the clinical response to initial treatment does not meet our expectations.

                    Subsequently, the patient's additional cultures remained negative. The official echocardiogram report was read as questionable PE in the pulmonary artery. A spiral CT angiogram revealed a pulmonary artery embolus in the left upper lobe and she was treated with anticoagulation. Her shortness of breath improved steadily and she was successfully discharged after receiving 9 days of oral voriconazole. Outpatient pulmonary function testing documented the presence of chronic obstructive lung disease. She completed a 5‐month course of voriconazole therapy with significant clinical and radiologic improvement of her pulmonary infiltrate. She also completed a 12‐month treatment with warfarin for the concomitant pulmonary embolism. On follow‐up at 12 months she was doing well.


                    Aspergillosis caused particularly by Aspergillus fumigatus is considered an emerging infectious disease that frequently produces significant morbidity and mortality among immunocompromised patients.1, 2 The most frequently‐affected organs by this fungal pathogen include the lung and the central nervous system. There are 3 pathogenic mechanisms of Aspergillus infection of the lung: colonization, hypersensitivity reaction, and invasive aspergillosis.1

                    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is predominantly seen among individuals with severe degrees of immunosuppression as a result of solid‐organ transplantation, immunosuppressive therapies for autoimmune diseases, systemic glucocorticoids, and chemotherapy for hematologic malignancies. Mortality due to invasive aspergillosis continues to be very high (>58%) despite our improved ability to diagnose this condition and newer therapies to treat immunocompromised individuals.1 Invasive aspergillosis can manifest clinically in multiple ways. These include: (1) an invasive vascular process in which fungal organisms invade blood vessels, causing a rapidly progressive and often fatal illness; (2) necrotizing pseudomembranous tracheal bronchitis; (3) chronic necrotizing aspergillosis; (4) bronchopleural fistula; or (5) empyema.35 In our case, while the pathologic findings were most suggestive of an invasive pseudomembranous tracheal bronchitis, the overall clinical picture was most compatible with a necrotizing pneumonia due to invasive aspergillosis.

                    In addition to the traditional identified risk factors for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, a number of reports during the last decade have demonstrated the occurrence of invasive aspergillosis in patients with COPD.14 A systematic review of the literature demonstrated that among 1,941 patients with invasive aspergillosis, 26 (1.3%) had evidence of COPD as the main risk factor for developing invasive aspergillosis.1 A single report has associated the potential use of inhaled steroids with the occurrence of invasive aspergillosis in this patient population.2 However, other factors that may promote increased susceptibility to invasive fungal infection among patients with COPD include the use of long‐term or repeated short‐term glucocorticoid treatments, and the presence of multiple additional comorbidities, which may be found in this same population such as diabetes, malnutrition, or end‐stage renal disease.3, 4 Most reported series have demonstrated a high mortality rate of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with COPD.14

                    The diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis represents a significant clinical challenge. Diagnostic algorithms incorporating CT, antigen detection testing (for serum galactomannan and ‐glucan) as well as polymerase chain reaction diagnostic testing appear to be beneficial in the early diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in particular settings such as in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.5 The role of antigen testing to identify early invasive aspergillosis in patients with COPD remains uncertain since it has been evaluated in a limited number of patients and therefore clinical suspicion is critical to push clinicians to pursue invasive tissue biopsy and cultures to confirm the diagnosis.3, 4

                    Based on the available clinical case series and in our case, invasive pulmonary aspergillosis should be suspected in COPD patients with rapidly progressive pneumonia not responding to antibacterial therapy and who have received oral or inhaled glucocorticoids in the recent past. In addition, this case also illustrates that occasionally, patients present with more than 1 life‐threatening diagnosis. This patient was also diagnosed with PE despite adequate prophylaxis. In addition to the well‐known clinical risk factors of obesity and lung disease, the underlying infection may have contributed to a systemic or local hypercoagulable condition that further increased her risk for venous thromboembolism.

                    KEY TEACHING POINTS

                    • Clinicians should remember to consider a broad differential in patients presenting with pneumonia, including the possibility of fungal pathogens in patients with known risk factors and in patients with multiple, potentially immunosuppressive comorbidities, or in patients who do not improve on standard antibiotic therapy.

                    • There is some evidence of an association between COPD and invasive aspergillosis, likely due to the frequent use of oral corticosteroids and/or chronic inhaled steroids in this population.

                    1. Lin SJ,Schranz J,Teutsch SM.Aspergillosis case‐fatality rate: systematic review of the literature.Clin Infect Dis.2001;32:358366.
                    2. Peter E,Bakri F,Ball DM,Cheney RT,Segal BH.Invasive pulmonary filamentous fungal infection in a patient receiving inhaled corticosteroid therapy.Clin Infect Dis.2002;35:e54e56.
                    3. Ader F,Nseir S,Le Berre R, et al.Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an emerging fungal pathogen.Clin Microbiol Infect.2005;11:427429.
                    4. Rello J,Esandi ME,Mariscal D,Gallego M,Domingo C,Valles J.Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: report of eight cases and review.Clin Infect Dis.1998;26:14731475.
                    5. Segal BH,Walsh TJ.Current approaches to diagnosis and treatment to invasive aspergillosis.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2006;173:707717.
                    1. Lin SJ,Schranz J,Teutsch SM.Aspergillosis case‐fatality rate: systematic review of the literature.Clin Infect Dis.2001;32:358366.
                    2. Peter E,Bakri F,Ball DM,Cheney RT,Segal BH.Invasive pulmonary filamentous fungal infection in a patient receiving inhaled corticosteroid therapy.Clin Infect Dis.2002;35:e54e56.
                    3. Ader F,Nseir S,Le Berre R, et al.Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an emerging fungal pathogen.Clin Microbiol Infect.2005;11:427429.
                    4. Rello J,Esandi ME,Mariscal D,Gallego M,Domingo C,Valles J.Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: report of eight cases and review.Clin Infect Dis.1998;26:14731475.
                    5. Segal BH,Walsh TJ.Current approaches to diagnosis and treatment to invasive aspergillosis.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2006;173:707717.
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 4(1)
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 4(1)
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                    Short of breath, not short of diagnoses
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                    Short of breath, not short of diagnoses
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                    SHM Medication Reconciliation Survey Results

                    Article Type
                    Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
                    Display Headline
                    Results of a medication reconciliation survey from the 2006 Society of Hospital Medicine national meeting

                    The Joint Commission's (TJC) National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) #8Accurately and completely reconcile medications across the continuum of carechallenges hospitals to design and implement new medication management processes. With medication errors contributing to patient morbidity and mortality,1 establishing a comprehensive process for reconciling a patient's medications during the hospitalization episode is an important quality improvement and patient safety goal.

                    However, the current state of inpatient medication management is highly fragmented. Standard documentation is lacking, as is integration of information between care settings.2 There are now reports describing implementation of various medication reconciliation processes for admissions,3 transfers,4 and discharges.5

                    Hospitalists are well‐positioned to contribute to the implementation of medication reconciliation. Indeed, because TJC does not explicitly specify what type of health care provider (eg, physician, nurse, etc.) should assume responsibility for this process, institutions have designed workflows to suit their own needs, while striving to comply with national standards.

                    Given the complexity and lack of standardization around this NPSG, a survey was distributed to attendees of a Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) national meeting to determine the various processes implemented thus far, and to ascertain existing challenges to implementation. We report here on the results.


                    A survey tool (Appendix) was designed to query demographic and institutional factors, involvement in the process, and barriers to implementation of medication reconciliation. Surveys were included in all attendees' registration materials, resulting in the distributions of approximately 800 surveys.

                    Responses were entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Simple descriptive statistics were used to determine proportions for providers, processes, and barriers to implementation. Where appropriate, variables were dichotomized, allowing for paired t‐test analysis. Statistical significance was defined as a P value less than .05. Subgroup analyses by hospital type, provider type, and process method were performed.


                    A total of 295 completed surveys were collected. The responses are tabulated in Table 1.

                    Survey Responses
                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some answers being left blank. Percentages reported are of the total of 295 surveys.

                    Primary practice setting
                    Academic tertiary center 23%
                    Community teaching hospital 29%
                    Non‐academic hospital 43%
                    Patient population
                    Adults only 90%
                    Pediatrics only 5%
                    Adults and pediatrics 5%
                    State of implementation
                    Fully implemented 48%
                    Partially implemented 35%
                    Planning stages 11%
                    Unaware of plans to implement 2%
                    Unaware of med reconciliation 4%
                    Hospitalist involvement
                    Active role 36%
                    Peripheral role 24%
                    No role 31%
                    Process format
                    Paper 47%
                    Computer 11%
                    Both paper and computer 31%
                    Don't know 2%
                    Measuring compliance
                    Yes 42%
                    No 14%
                    Don't know 34%
                    Measuring outcomes
                    Yes 22%
                    No 25%
                    Don't know 41%
                    Impact of medication reconciliation
                    No impact 9%
                    Positive impact 58%
                    Negative impact 7%
                    Don't know 14%


                    A paper process was used most often (47%), followed by a combined process (31%), and computers alone in just 11% of cases. Measurement of process compliance was reported in less than half (42%), with 34% unaware if their institutions were monitoring compliance. Outcome measurement was recorded as not performed (25%) or unknown (41%) in a majority of cases. Respondents reported a favorable view of the future impact of medication reconciliation, with 58% citing likely positive impacts on patient safety and patient care; fewer were unsure (14%) or anticipated no impact (9%) or negative impact (7%). Survey results regarding responsibility for individual process steps are detailed in Table 2. Notably, respondents often indicated that both physicians and nurses would share responsibility for a given step. Physicians were more often responsible for reconciling home medications, updating discharge medication lists, and communicating to outpatient providers. Nursing performed reconciliation in only 10% of cases. Results across all steps demonstrated very low participation rates by pharmacists, with pharmacist responsibility for reconciliation only 6% of the time.

                    Survey Responses Medication Reconciliation Process Steps
                    Process Step Physician Nurse Physician and Nurse Pharmacist Other
                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some answers being left blank. Percentages reported are of the total of 295 surveys.

                    Obtaining home med list 15% 39% 41% 3% 2%
                    Documenting home med list 17% 41% 37% 2% 3%
                    Reconciling medications 56% 10% 21% 6% 7%
                    Updating discharge med list 64% 6% 17% 3% 10%
                    Providing instructions at discharge 15% 46% 32% 2% 5%
                    Communicating changes at follow‐up 84% 6% 4% 6% 1%

                    Hospital Type

                    Results of subgroup analyses by hospital type are detailed in Table 3. Community teaching hospitals (CTHs) were significantly more likely (57%) than nonteaching hospitals (NTHs) (49%) or tertiary academic centers (TACs) (35%) to have achieved full implementation. NTHs were significantly less likely to have involved hospitalists in implementation. Use of computer‐based processes at TACs was more common (27%) than in CTHs (9%) or NTHs (7%). TACs were significantly more likely to have a physician obtain the medication list (33%, compared with 15% and 7% for CTHs and NTHs, respectively), whereas NTHs were more likely to use nurses (50%) than were CTHs (31%) or TACs (26%). Similar significant differences were found among hospital types with regard to obtaining the preadmission medication list. Physicians in TACs (25%) were more likely to be responsible for giving discharge medication instructions than in CTHs (10%) or NTHs (14%, not significant compared with TACs).

                    Subgroup Analysis by Hospital Type
                    Academic Centers [AC] Community Teaching Hospitals [CT] Non‐Teaching Hospitals [NT] P values (2‐tailed)
                    AC vs. CT AC vs. NT CT vs. NT
                    • Results are tabulated only out of those surveys with answers for the particular question. Percentage results are listed in parentheses.

                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some respondents entering an answer of Other.

                    State of implementation
                    Fully implemented 25/71 (35) 48/84 (57) 68/139 (49) 0.007 0.06 0.25
                    Partially implemented 31/71 (44) 25/84 (30) 48/139 (35) 0.07 0.21 0.44
                    Planning stages 9/71 (13) 9/84 (11) 14/139 (10) 0.70 0.51 0.81
                    Unaware of plans to implement 2/71 (3) 1/84 (1) 3/139 (2) 0.37 0.65 0.57
                    Unaware of med reconciliation 4/71 (5) 1/84 (1) 6/139 (4) 0.14 0.74 0.19
                    Hospitalist involvement
                    Active role 28/59 (47) 34/80 (43) 43/127 (34) 0.64 0.09 0.19
                    Peripheral role 12/59 (20) 25/80 (31) 34/127 (27) 0.15 0.30 0.54
                    No role 19/59 (32) 19/80 (24) 50/127 (39) 0.30 0.36 0.03
                    Process format
                    Paper 26/59 (44) 47/81 (58) 63/127 (50) 0.10 0.45 0.26
                    Computer 16/59 (27) 7/81 (9) 9/127 (7) 0.005 <0.001 0.60
                    Both paper and computer 17/59 (29) 25/81 (31) 51/127 (40) 0.80 0.15 0.19
                    Don't know 0/59 (0) 2/81 (2) 4/127 (3) 0.28 0.18 0.66
                    Process steps (selected questions)
                    Obtaining home med list
                    Physician 19/58 (33) 12/80 (15) 9/125 (7) 0.013 <0.001 0.07
                    Physician and Nurse 19/58 (33) 39/80 (49) 49/125 (39) 0.47 0.44 0.16
                    Nurse 15/58 (26) 25/80 (31) 62/125 (50) 0.005 0.003 0.008
                    Pharmacist 5/58 (9) 1/80 (1) 2/125 (2) 0.06 0.03 0.58
                    Documenting home med list
                    Physician 22/58 (38) 11/80 (14) 11/125 (9) 0.001 <0.001 0.26
                    Physician and Nurse 15/58 (26) 37/80 (46) 45/125 (36) 0.02 0.18 0.16
                    Nurse 18/58 (31) 26/80 (32) 64/125 (51) 0.90 0.012 0.008
                    Pharmacist 3/58 (5) 2/80 (3) 1/125 (1) 0.55 0.09 0.29
                    Reconciling medications
                    Physician 33/58 (57) 51/80 (64) 63/125 (50) 0.41 0.42 0.051
                    Physician and Nurse 8/58 (14) 14/80 (18) 32/125 (26) 0.53 0.09 0.18
                    Nurse 6/58 (10) 6/80 (8) 15/125 (12) 0.68 0.71 0.36
                    Pharmacist 8/58 (14) 5/80 (6) 3/125 (2) 0.11 0.007 0.13
                    Updating discharge med list
                    Physician 42/58 (72) 50/80 (63) 76/125 (61) 0.27 0.15 0.77
                    Physician and Nurse 7/58 (12) 16/80 (20) 23/125 (18) 0.22 0.31 0.72
                    Nurse 2/58 (3) 5/80 (6) 10/125 (8) 0.41 0.20 0.59
                    Pharmacist 3/58 (5) 3/80 (4) 3/125 (2) 0.78 0.27 0.40
                    Providing instructions at discharge
                    Physician 14/57 (25) 8/80 (10) 17/125 (14) 0.02 0.07 0.40
                    Physician and Nurse 14/57 (25) 30/80 (38) 39/125 (31) 0.11 0.41 0.30
                    Nurse 25/57 (44) 37/80 (46) 60/125 (48) 0.82 0.62 0.80
                    Pharmacist 4/57 (7) 1/80 (1) 0/125 (0) 0.06 0.003 0.26


                    Results regarding barriers to successful implementation are shown in Table 4. Patient lack of knowledge of medications (87%) and absence of a preadmission medication list from other sources (80%) were common. Both paper and computer medication reconciliation processes were associated with respondents citing cumbersome hospital systems as a barrier; this barrier was cited more often when the implemented process was paper‐only (Table 5). Respondents who stated the medication reconciliation process takes too long did so regardless of whether the implemented process was paper‐based or computer‐based. Despite these barriers, only 16% of respondents stated that medication reconciliation was not worth the effort of implementation. Barriers reported were similar across hospital type (Table 6) with 2 exceptions. Formulary differences were noted to be a barrier more often in CTHs (78%) compared with NTHs (60%) and TACs (64%, not significant compared with CTHs). Language barriers were problematic more often in TACs (48%) than in NTHs (28%) or CTHs (36%, not significant compared with TACs).

                    Survey Results Barriers to Implementation
                    Barrier to Implementation Yes No Unsure
                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some answers being left blank. Percentages reported are of the total of 295 surveys.

                    Patient not knowing meds 87% 2% 0%
                    Process takes too long 53% 28% 8%
                    Med list not available 80% 9% 0%
                    Process not worth effort 16% 60% 12%
                    Cumbersome hospital systems 52% 33% 4%
                    Formulary differences 59% 24% 5%
                    Language barriers 31% 53% 4%
                    No access to outside records 63% 23% 2%
                    Lack of job clarity in process 38% 48% 3%
                    Availability of med list at discharge 27% 57% 3%
                    Subgroup Analysis of Barriers to Implementation by Process Type
                    Barriers (Selected Questions) Paper Only [P] Computer Only [C] Paper and Computer [PC] P values (2‐tailed)
                    P vs. C P vs. PC C vs. PC
                    • Results are tabulated only out of those surveys with answers for the particular question. Percentage results are listed in parentheses.

                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to rounding.

                    Process takes too long
                    Yes 77/134 (57) 19/31 (61) 55/91 (60) 0.69 0.65 0.92
                    No 43/134 (32) 11/31 (35) 28/91 (31) 0.75 0.87 0.68
                    Unsure 14/134 (10) 1/31 (3) 8/91 (9) 0.21 0.80 0.27
                    Process not worth effort
                    Yes 24/133 (18) 3/31 (10) 17/91 (19) 0.28 0.85 0.25
                    No 93/133 (70) 22/31 (71) 62/91 (68) 0.91 0.75 0.76
                    Unsure 16/133 (12) 6/31 (19) 12/91 (13) 0.30 0.82 0.41
                    Cumbersome hospital systems
                    Yes 86/133 (65) 16/31 (52) 46/92 (50) 0.18 0.03 0.85
                    No 42/133 (32) 13/31 (42) 42/92 (46) 0.29 0.03 0.70
                    Unsure 5/133 (4) 2/31 (6) 4/92 (4) 0.62 0.82 0.64
                    Subgroup Analysis of Barriers to Implementation by Hospital Type
                    Barrier to Implementation (Selected Questions) Academic Centers [AC] Community Teaching Hospitals [CT] Non‐Teaching Hospitals [NT] P values
                    AC vs. CT AC vs. NT CT vs. NT
                    • Results are tabulated only out of those surveys with answers for the particular question. Percentage results are listed in parentheses.

                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to rounding.

                    Process takes too long
                    Yes 37/58 (64) 49/78 (63) 70/124 (56) 0.90 0.31 0.37
                    No 15/58 (26) 24/78 (31) 42/124 (34) 0.53 0.28 0.66
                    Unsure 6/58 (10) 5/78 (6) 12/124 (10) 0.39 0.88 0.32
                    Process not worth effort
                    Yes 7/58 (12) 16/78 (21) 23/123 (19) 0.17 0.24 0.73
                    No 42/58 (72) 52/78 (67) 84/123 (68) 0.53 0.59 0.88
                    Unsure 9/58 (16) 10/78 (12) 16/123 (13) 0.50 0.59 0.84
                    Cumbersome hospital systems
                    Yes 36/58 (62) 46/79 (58) 69/123 (56) 0.64 0.45 0.78
                    No 19/58 (33) 32/79 (41) 46/123 (37) 0.34 0.60 0.57
                    Unsure 3/58 (5) 1/79 (1) 8/123 (7) 0.16 0.61 0.049
                    Formulary differences
                    Yes 37/58 (64) 61/78 (78) 74/123 (60) 0.07 0.61 0.009
                    No 16/58 (28) 14/78 (18) 41/123 (33) 0.17 0.50 0.02
                    Unsure 5/58 (8) 2/78 (3) 8/123 (7) 0.19 0.81 0.22
                    Language barriers
                    Yes 28/58 (48) 28/77 (36) 34/123 (28) 0.16 0.009 0.24
                    No 28/58 (48) 46/77 (60) 82/123 (67) 0.17 0.016 0.32
                    Unsure 2/58 (3) 3/77 (4) 7/123 (5) 0.76 0.54 0.74
                    No access to outside records
                    Yes 38/58 (66) 60/79 (76) 87/123 (71) 0.20 0.50 0.44
                    No 18/58 (31) 18/79 (23) 33/123 (27) 0.30 0.58 0.52
                    Unsure 2/58 (3) 1/79 (1) 3/123 (2) 0.39 0.68 0.58
                    Lack of job clarity in process
                    Yes 26/58 (45) 31/79 (39) 49/121 (40) 0.48 0.53 0.89
                    No 28/58 (48) 46/79 (58) 68/121 (56) 0.25 0.32 0.78
                    Unsure 4/58 (7) 2/79 (3) 4/121 (3) 0.28 0.22 0.75
                    Availability of med list at discharge
                    Yes 20/58 (34) 24/79 (30) 35/120 (29) 0.62 0.50 0.88
                    No 36/58 (62) 54/79 (68) 78/120 (65) 0.47 0.70 0.66
                    Unsure 0/58 (0) 1/79 (1) 7/120 (6) 0.45 0.06 0.08


                    Managing medication information for inpatients is an extremely complex task. On admission, home medication lists are often inaccurate or absent,6 requiring extra time and effort to discover this information. By discharge, medication regimens have frequently been altered,7 making communication of changes to the next provider essential. One study described myriad provider, patient, and health system issues in maintaining accurate outpatient medication lists.8 These issues are further compounded by the multiple prescribers, necessary hand‐offs, and formulary differences in the inpatient setting.

                    Over half of the hospitalists in this survey reported hospitalist involvement in design and implementation of medication reconciliation. Given the familiarity with hospital systems and inpatient workflow, hospitalists are well‐positioned to contribute to successful implementation. Nonetheless, many were unaware of efforts to implement this NPSG.

                    Measurement of both process and outcome measures is important when determining value in quality improvement. Beyond process measures, outcome measures such as adverse drug events, readmission rates, mortality, patient satisfaction, and outpatient provider satisfaction may be appropriate in evaluating medication reconciliation strategies. Even measuring the accuracy of the process with respect to the admission orders written would be a valuable source of information for further improvement. Unfortunately, respondents indicated that evaluation was occurring infrequently. Potentially more problematic is the apparent lack of clarity regarding identification of healthcare provider responsibility for specific process steps. By far the least uniformity is in the acquisition and documentation of the preadmission medication list. There is variability in who is assigned to perform this task, but a substantial number of respondents indicated that their process involved a shared responsibility between physicians and nurses. It is unclear whether this phenomenon reflects the complexity of inpatient medication information management, or is simply an attempt to distribute the work among providers. Sharing the work between physicians and nurses may increase the overall likelihood for compliance and possibly improve the safety and accuracy of the process, especially if the physicians and nurses take the medication history in a redundant fashion and share their findings. Conversely, compliance may decrease if each provider merely expects the other to complete the process. Optimally, an interdisciplinary workflow for medication history taking would be in place, involving both physicians and nurses, with the availability of pharmacist consultation in complex cases. However, our survey data suggest this is infrequent; resident physicians appear to be the ones shouldering substantial responsibility for medication reconciliation in tertiary academic centers. Further research into the accuracy of medication reconciliation processes involving different strategies for medication information collection would be useful.

                    We documented several barriers to successful implementation of medication reconciliation. Physicians cited a lack of medication knowledge on the part of the patient and unavailable prior medication lists as substantial barriers to success. Many medication reconciliation processes are limited by issues of poor health literacy or inadequate patient knowledge about medications. This lack of medication knowledge is especially problematic for patients new to a healthcare system. It will be important to implement processes that not only reconcile medications accurately, but also make medication information available for future care episodes.

                    Time required to complete the process was also important. Certain elements of the medication reconciliation process are new work, and integrating the process into existing workflows is crucial. Given the significant time commitment required, the rare involvement of pharmacists at most institutions is striking. It appears that hospital pharmacists do not currently own any of the medication reconciliation process steps at most facilities, despite having formal training in medication history‐taking. In the 2006 ASHP national hospital pharmacy survey, one‐third of pharmacists stated that there were not enough pharmacy resources to meet medication reconciliation demands; only 19% of those surveyed stated pharmacists provided medication education at discharge to more than 25% of their patients.9

                    This report has several limitations. The survey used was not comprehensive, and only represents a convenience sample of hospitalists attending anational meeting. Nearly 300 physicians responded, representing both teaching and private hospital settings. We consider the response rate of 37% reasonable for a survey of this nature, and the variety of processes described is likely indicative of the overall status of medication reconciliation implementation. The over‐representation of certain institutions in our survey is possible, especially those with large or influential hospital medicine programs. Our survey did not ask respondents to name their home institutions. In addition, this design is open to a convenience sample bias, in that surveying only national meeting attendees (rather than the entire SHM membership) risks overinclusion of those hospitalists involved in leadership roles and quality improvement projects. Despite this, the variety of processes described is likely indicative of the overall status of medication reconciliation implementation in mid‐2006. It is possible that processes have become more uniform nationwide in the interim.

                    Our survey results reflect the complexity surrounding medication reconciliation. It appears that full implementation has not yet occurred everywhere, significant barriers remain, and outcome measurement is limited. Importantly, physicians, nurses, and pharmacists do not have standardized roles. Responsibility for medication reconciliation has predominantly been added to the existing duties of inpatient physicians and nurses, with limited involvement of pharmacists. Hospitalists are well‐positioned to lead the ongoing implementation of medication reconciliation processes and should take advantage of their systems knowledge to effectively partner with other physicians, nurses, and pharmacists to achieve success in medication reconciliation.


                    The authors thank Ken Epstein, MD, and Renee Meadows, MD, along with the entire SHM Medication Reconciliation Task Force for their helpful review and comments on the article.



                    2006 SHM National Meeting Medication Reconciliation Survey Questions
                    1. Kohn LT,Corrigan JM,Donaldson MS, eds.To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;1999.
                    2. Barnsteiner JH.Medication reconciliation: transfer of medication information across settings – keeping it free from error.Am J Nurs.2005;105(3 Suppl):3136.
                    3. Gleason KM,Groszek JM,Sullivan C, et al.Reconciliation of discrepancies in medication histories and admission orders of newly hospitalized patients.Am J Health‐Syst Pharm.2004;61(16):16891695.
                    4. Pronovost P,Weast B,Schwartz M, et al.Medication reconciliation: a practical tool to reduce the risk of medication errors.J Crit Care.2003;18(4):201205.
                    5. Paquette‐Lamontagne N,McLean WM,Besse L,Cusson J.Evaluation of a new integrated discharge prescription form.Ann Pharmacother.2001;35(7‐8):953958.
                    6. Rozich J,Howard RJ,Justeson JM, et al.Patient safety standardization as a mechanism to improve safety in health care.Jt Comm J Qual Saf.2004;30(1):514.
                    7. Himmel W,Tabache M,Kochen MM.What happens to long‐term medication when general practice patients are referred to hospital?Eur J Clin Pharmacol.1996;50(4):253257.
                    8. Varkey P,Reller MK,Smith A, et al.An experiential interdisciplinary quality improvement education initiative.Am J Med Qual.2006;21(5):317322.
                    9. Pedersen CA,Schneider PJ,Scheckelhoff DJ.ASHP national survey of pharmacy practice in hospital settings: monitoring and patient education‐2006.Am J Health‐Syst Pharm.2007;64(5):507520.
                    Article PDF
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(6)
                    Page Number
                    Legacy Keywords
                    medication reconciliation, patient safety, quality control, Society of Hospital Medicine
                    Article PDF
                    Article PDF

                    The Joint Commission's (TJC) National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) #8Accurately and completely reconcile medications across the continuum of carechallenges hospitals to design and implement new medication management processes. With medication errors contributing to patient morbidity and mortality,1 establishing a comprehensive process for reconciling a patient's medications during the hospitalization episode is an important quality improvement and patient safety goal.

                    However, the current state of inpatient medication management is highly fragmented. Standard documentation is lacking, as is integration of information between care settings.2 There are now reports describing implementation of various medication reconciliation processes for admissions,3 transfers,4 and discharges.5

                    Hospitalists are well‐positioned to contribute to the implementation of medication reconciliation. Indeed, because TJC does not explicitly specify what type of health care provider (eg, physician, nurse, etc.) should assume responsibility for this process, institutions have designed workflows to suit their own needs, while striving to comply with national standards.

                    Given the complexity and lack of standardization around this NPSG, a survey was distributed to attendees of a Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) national meeting to determine the various processes implemented thus far, and to ascertain existing challenges to implementation. We report here on the results.


                    A survey tool (Appendix) was designed to query demographic and institutional factors, involvement in the process, and barriers to implementation of medication reconciliation. Surveys were included in all attendees' registration materials, resulting in the distributions of approximately 800 surveys.

                    Responses were entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Simple descriptive statistics were used to determine proportions for providers, processes, and barriers to implementation. Where appropriate, variables were dichotomized, allowing for paired t‐test analysis. Statistical significance was defined as a P value less than .05. Subgroup analyses by hospital type, provider type, and process method were performed.


                    A total of 295 completed surveys were collected. The responses are tabulated in Table 1.

                    Survey Responses
                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some answers being left blank. Percentages reported are of the total of 295 surveys.

                    Primary practice setting
                    Academic tertiary center 23%
                    Community teaching hospital 29%
                    Non‐academic hospital 43%
                    Patient population
                    Adults only 90%
                    Pediatrics only 5%
                    Adults and pediatrics 5%
                    State of implementation
                    Fully implemented 48%
                    Partially implemented 35%
                    Planning stages 11%
                    Unaware of plans to implement 2%
                    Unaware of med reconciliation 4%
                    Hospitalist involvement
                    Active role 36%
                    Peripheral role 24%
                    No role 31%
                    Process format
                    Paper 47%
                    Computer 11%
                    Both paper and computer 31%
                    Don't know 2%
                    Measuring compliance
                    Yes 42%
                    No 14%
                    Don't know 34%
                    Measuring outcomes
                    Yes 22%
                    No 25%
                    Don't know 41%
                    Impact of medication reconciliation
                    No impact 9%
                    Positive impact 58%
                    Negative impact 7%
                    Don't know 14%


                    A paper process was used most often (47%), followed by a combined process (31%), and computers alone in just 11% of cases. Measurement of process compliance was reported in less than half (42%), with 34% unaware if their institutions were monitoring compliance. Outcome measurement was recorded as not performed (25%) or unknown (41%) in a majority of cases. Respondents reported a favorable view of the future impact of medication reconciliation, with 58% citing likely positive impacts on patient safety and patient care; fewer were unsure (14%) or anticipated no impact (9%) or negative impact (7%). Survey results regarding responsibility for individual process steps are detailed in Table 2. Notably, respondents often indicated that both physicians and nurses would share responsibility for a given step. Physicians were more often responsible for reconciling home medications, updating discharge medication lists, and communicating to outpatient providers. Nursing performed reconciliation in only 10% of cases. Results across all steps demonstrated very low participation rates by pharmacists, with pharmacist responsibility for reconciliation only 6% of the time.

                    Survey Responses Medication Reconciliation Process Steps
                    Process Step Physician Nurse Physician and Nurse Pharmacist Other
                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some answers being left blank. Percentages reported are of the total of 295 surveys.

                    Obtaining home med list 15% 39% 41% 3% 2%
                    Documenting home med list 17% 41% 37% 2% 3%
                    Reconciling medications 56% 10% 21% 6% 7%
                    Updating discharge med list 64% 6% 17% 3% 10%
                    Providing instructions at discharge 15% 46% 32% 2% 5%
                    Communicating changes at follow‐up 84% 6% 4% 6% 1%

                    Hospital Type

                    Results of subgroup analyses by hospital type are detailed in Table 3. Community teaching hospitals (CTHs) were significantly more likely (57%) than nonteaching hospitals (NTHs) (49%) or tertiary academic centers (TACs) (35%) to have achieved full implementation. NTHs were significantly less likely to have involved hospitalists in implementation. Use of computer‐based processes at TACs was more common (27%) than in CTHs (9%) or NTHs (7%). TACs were significantly more likely to have a physician obtain the medication list (33%, compared with 15% and 7% for CTHs and NTHs, respectively), whereas NTHs were more likely to use nurses (50%) than were CTHs (31%) or TACs (26%). Similar significant differences were found among hospital types with regard to obtaining the preadmission medication list. Physicians in TACs (25%) were more likely to be responsible for giving discharge medication instructions than in CTHs (10%) or NTHs (14%, not significant compared with TACs).

                    Subgroup Analysis by Hospital Type
                    Academic Centers [AC] Community Teaching Hospitals [CT] Non‐Teaching Hospitals [NT] P values (2‐tailed)
                    AC vs. CT AC vs. NT CT vs. NT
                    • Results are tabulated only out of those surveys with answers for the particular question. Percentage results are listed in parentheses.

                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some respondents entering an answer of Other.

                    State of implementation
                    Fully implemented 25/71 (35) 48/84 (57) 68/139 (49) 0.007 0.06 0.25
                    Partially implemented 31/71 (44) 25/84 (30) 48/139 (35) 0.07 0.21 0.44
                    Planning stages 9/71 (13) 9/84 (11) 14/139 (10) 0.70 0.51 0.81
                    Unaware of plans to implement 2/71 (3) 1/84 (1) 3/139 (2) 0.37 0.65 0.57
                    Unaware of med reconciliation 4/71 (5) 1/84 (1) 6/139 (4) 0.14 0.74 0.19
                    Hospitalist involvement
                    Active role 28/59 (47) 34/80 (43) 43/127 (34) 0.64 0.09 0.19
                    Peripheral role 12/59 (20) 25/80 (31) 34/127 (27) 0.15 0.30 0.54
                    No role 19/59 (32) 19/80 (24) 50/127 (39) 0.30 0.36 0.03
                    Process format
                    Paper 26/59 (44) 47/81 (58) 63/127 (50) 0.10 0.45 0.26
                    Computer 16/59 (27) 7/81 (9) 9/127 (7) 0.005 <0.001 0.60
                    Both paper and computer 17/59 (29) 25/81 (31) 51/127 (40) 0.80 0.15 0.19
                    Don't know 0/59 (0) 2/81 (2) 4/127 (3) 0.28 0.18 0.66
                    Process steps (selected questions)
                    Obtaining home med list
                    Physician 19/58 (33) 12/80 (15) 9/125 (7) 0.013 <0.001 0.07
                    Physician and Nurse 19/58 (33) 39/80 (49) 49/125 (39) 0.47 0.44 0.16
                    Nurse 15/58 (26) 25/80 (31) 62/125 (50) 0.005 0.003 0.008
                    Pharmacist 5/58 (9) 1/80 (1) 2/125 (2) 0.06 0.03 0.58
                    Documenting home med list
                    Physician 22/58 (38) 11/80 (14) 11/125 (9) 0.001 <0.001 0.26
                    Physician and Nurse 15/58 (26) 37/80 (46) 45/125 (36) 0.02 0.18 0.16
                    Nurse 18/58 (31) 26/80 (32) 64/125 (51) 0.90 0.012 0.008
                    Pharmacist 3/58 (5) 2/80 (3) 1/125 (1) 0.55 0.09 0.29
                    Reconciling medications
                    Physician 33/58 (57) 51/80 (64) 63/125 (50) 0.41 0.42 0.051
                    Physician and Nurse 8/58 (14) 14/80 (18) 32/125 (26) 0.53 0.09 0.18
                    Nurse 6/58 (10) 6/80 (8) 15/125 (12) 0.68 0.71 0.36
                    Pharmacist 8/58 (14) 5/80 (6) 3/125 (2) 0.11 0.007 0.13
                    Updating discharge med list
                    Physician 42/58 (72) 50/80 (63) 76/125 (61) 0.27 0.15 0.77
                    Physician and Nurse 7/58 (12) 16/80 (20) 23/125 (18) 0.22 0.31 0.72
                    Nurse 2/58 (3) 5/80 (6) 10/125 (8) 0.41 0.20 0.59
                    Pharmacist 3/58 (5) 3/80 (4) 3/125 (2) 0.78 0.27 0.40
                    Providing instructions at discharge
                    Physician 14/57 (25) 8/80 (10) 17/125 (14) 0.02 0.07 0.40
                    Physician and Nurse 14/57 (25) 30/80 (38) 39/125 (31) 0.11 0.41 0.30
                    Nurse 25/57 (44) 37/80 (46) 60/125 (48) 0.82 0.62 0.80
                    Pharmacist 4/57 (7) 1/80 (1) 0/125 (0) 0.06 0.003 0.26


                    Results regarding barriers to successful implementation are shown in Table 4. Patient lack of knowledge of medications (87%) and absence of a preadmission medication list from other sources (80%) were common. Both paper and computer medication reconciliation processes were associated with respondents citing cumbersome hospital systems as a barrier; this barrier was cited more often when the implemented process was paper‐only (Table 5). Respondents who stated the medication reconciliation process takes too long did so regardless of whether the implemented process was paper‐based or computer‐based. Despite these barriers, only 16% of respondents stated that medication reconciliation was not worth the effort of implementation. Barriers reported were similar across hospital type (Table 6) with 2 exceptions. Formulary differences were noted to be a barrier more often in CTHs (78%) compared with NTHs (60%) and TACs (64%, not significant compared with CTHs). Language barriers were problematic more often in TACs (48%) than in NTHs (28%) or CTHs (36%, not significant compared with TACs).

                    Survey Results Barriers to Implementation
                    Barrier to Implementation Yes No Unsure
                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some answers being left blank. Percentages reported are of the total of 295 surveys.

                    Patient not knowing meds 87% 2% 0%
                    Process takes too long 53% 28% 8%
                    Med list not available 80% 9% 0%
                    Process not worth effort 16% 60% 12%
                    Cumbersome hospital systems 52% 33% 4%
                    Formulary differences 59% 24% 5%
                    Language barriers 31% 53% 4%
                    No access to outside records 63% 23% 2%
                    Lack of job clarity in process 38% 48% 3%
                    Availability of med list at discharge 27% 57% 3%
                    Subgroup Analysis of Barriers to Implementation by Process Type
                    Barriers (Selected Questions) Paper Only [P] Computer Only [C] Paper and Computer [PC] P values (2‐tailed)
                    P vs. C P vs. PC C vs. PC
                    • Results are tabulated only out of those surveys with answers for the particular question. Percentage results are listed in parentheses.

                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to rounding.

                    Process takes too long
                    Yes 77/134 (57) 19/31 (61) 55/91 (60) 0.69 0.65 0.92
                    No 43/134 (32) 11/31 (35) 28/91 (31) 0.75 0.87 0.68
                    Unsure 14/134 (10) 1/31 (3) 8/91 (9) 0.21 0.80 0.27
                    Process not worth effort
                    Yes 24/133 (18) 3/31 (10) 17/91 (19) 0.28 0.85 0.25
                    No 93/133 (70) 22/31 (71) 62/91 (68) 0.91 0.75 0.76
                    Unsure 16/133 (12) 6/31 (19) 12/91 (13) 0.30 0.82 0.41
                    Cumbersome hospital systems
                    Yes 86/133 (65) 16/31 (52) 46/92 (50) 0.18 0.03 0.85
                    No 42/133 (32) 13/31 (42) 42/92 (46) 0.29 0.03 0.70
                    Unsure 5/133 (4) 2/31 (6) 4/92 (4) 0.62 0.82 0.64
                    Subgroup Analysis of Barriers to Implementation by Hospital Type
                    Barrier to Implementation (Selected Questions) Academic Centers [AC] Community Teaching Hospitals [CT] Non‐Teaching Hospitals [NT] P values
                    AC vs. CT AC vs. NT CT vs. NT
                    • Results are tabulated only out of those surveys with answers for the particular question. Percentage results are listed in parentheses.

                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to rounding.

                    Process takes too long
                    Yes 37/58 (64) 49/78 (63) 70/124 (56) 0.90 0.31 0.37
                    No 15/58 (26) 24/78 (31) 42/124 (34) 0.53 0.28 0.66
                    Unsure 6/58 (10) 5/78 (6) 12/124 (10) 0.39 0.88 0.32
                    Process not worth effort
                    Yes 7/58 (12) 16/78 (21) 23/123 (19) 0.17 0.24 0.73
                    No 42/58 (72) 52/78 (67) 84/123 (68) 0.53 0.59 0.88
                    Unsure 9/58 (16) 10/78 (12) 16/123 (13) 0.50 0.59 0.84
                    Cumbersome hospital systems
                    Yes 36/58 (62) 46/79 (58) 69/123 (56) 0.64 0.45 0.78
                    No 19/58 (33) 32/79 (41) 46/123 (37) 0.34 0.60 0.57
                    Unsure 3/58 (5) 1/79 (1) 8/123 (7) 0.16 0.61 0.049
                    Formulary differences
                    Yes 37/58 (64) 61/78 (78) 74/123 (60) 0.07 0.61 0.009
                    No 16/58 (28) 14/78 (18) 41/123 (33) 0.17 0.50 0.02
                    Unsure 5/58 (8) 2/78 (3) 8/123 (7) 0.19 0.81 0.22
                    Language barriers
                    Yes 28/58 (48) 28/77 (36) 34/123 (28) 0.16 0.009 0.24
                    No 28/58 (48) 46/77 (60) 82/123 (67) 0.17 0.016 0.32
                    Unsure 2/58 (3) 3/77 (4) 7/123 (5) 0.76 0.54 0.74
                    No access to outside records
                    Yes 38/58 (66) 60/79 (76) 87/123 (71) 0.20 0.50 0.44
                    No 18/58 (31) 18/79 (23) 33/123 (27) 0.30 0.58 0.52
                    Unsure 2/58 (3) 1/79 (1) 3/123 (2) 0.39 0.68 0.58
                    Lack of job clarity in process
                    Yes 26/58 (45) 31/79 (39) 49/121 (40) 0.48 0.53 0.89
                    No 28/58 (48) 46/79 (58) 68/121 (56) 0.25 0.32 0.78
                    Unsure 4/58 (7) 2/79 (3) 4/121 (3) 0.28 0.22 0.75
                    Availability of med list at discharge
                    Yes 20/58 (34) 24/79 (30) 35/120 (29) 0.62 0.50 0.88
                    No 36/58 (62) 54/79 (68) 78/120 (65) 0.47 0.70 0.66
                    Unsure 0/58 (0) 1/79 (1) 7/120 (6) 0.45 0.06 0.08


                    Managing medication information for inpatients is an extremely complex task. On admission, home medication lists are often inaccurate or absent,6 requiring extra time and effort to discover this information. By discharge, medication regimens have frequently been altered,7 making communication of changes to the next provider essential. One study described myriad provider, patient, and health system issues in maintaining accurate outpatient medication lists.8 These issues are further compounded by the multiple prescribers, necessary hand‐offs, and formulary differences in the inpatient setting.

                    Over half of the hospitalists in this survey reported hospitalist involvement in design and implementation of medication reconciliation. Given the familiarity with hospital systems and inpatient workflow, hospitalists are well‐positioned to contribute to successful implementation. Nonetheless, many were unaware of efforts to implement this NPSG.

                    Measurement of both process and outcome measures is important when determining value in quality improvement. Beyond process measures, outcome measures such as adverse drug events, readmission rates, mortality, patient satisfaction, and outpatient provider satisfaction may be appropriate in evaluating medication reconciliation strategies. Even measuring the accuracy of the process with respect to the admission orders written would be a valuable source of information for further improvement. Unfortunately, respondents indicated that evaluation was occurring infrequently. Potentially more problematic is the apparent lack of clarity regarding identification of healthcare provider responsibility for specific process steps. By far the least uniformity is in the acquisition and documentation of the preadmission medication list. There is variability in who is assigned to perform this task, but a substantial number of respondents indicated that their process involved a shared responsibility between physicians and nurses. It is unclear whether this phenomenon reflects the complexity of inpatient medication information management, or is simply an attempt to distribute the work among providers. Sharing the work between physicians and nurses may increase the overall likelihood for compliance and possibly improve the safety and accuracy of the process, especially if the physicians and nurses take the medication history in a redundant fashion and share their findings. Conversely, compliance may decrease if each provider merely expects the other to complete the process. Optimally, an interdisciplinary workflow for medication history taking would be in place, involving both physicians and nurses, with the availability of pharmacist consultation in complex cases. However, our survey data suggest this is infrequent; resident physicians appear to be the ones shouldering substantial responsibility for medication reconciliation in tertiary academic centers. Further research into the accuracy of medication reconciliation processes involving different strategies for medication information collection would be useful.

                    We documented several barriers to successful implementation of medication reconciliation. Physicians cited a lack of medication knowledge on the part of the patient and unavailable prior medication lists as substantial barriers to success. Many medication reconciliation processes are limited by issues of poor health literacy or inadequate patient knowledge about medications. This lack of medication knowledge is especially problematic for patients new to a healthcare system. It will be important to implement processes that not only reconcile medications accurately, but also make medication information available for future care episodes.

                    Time required to complete the process was also important. Certain elements of the medication reconciliation process are new work, and integrating the process into existing workflows is crucial. Given the significant time commitment required, the rare involvement of pharmacists at most institutions is striking. It appears that hospital pharmacists do not currently own any of the medication reconciliation process steps at most facilities, despite having formal training in medication history‐taking. In the 2006 ASHP national hospital pharmacy survey, one‐third of pharmacists stated that there were not enough pharmacy resources to meet medication reconciliation demands; only 19% of those surveyed stated pharmacists provided medication education at discharge to more than 25% of their patients.9

                    This report has several limitations. The survey used was not comprehensive, and only represents a convenience sample of hospitalists attending anational meeting. Nearly 300 physicians responded, representing both teaching and private hospital settings. We consider the response rate of 37% reasonable for a survey of this nature, and the variety of processes described is likely indicative of the overall status of medication reconciliation implementation. The over‐representation of certain institutions in our survey is possible, especially those with large or influential hospital medicine programs. Our survey did not ask respondents to name their home institutions. In addition, this design is open to a convenience sample bias, in that surveying only national meeting attendees (rather than the entire SHM membership) risks overinclusion of those hospitalists involved in leadership roles and quality improvement projects. Despite this, the variety of processes described is likely indicative of the overall status of medication reconciliation implementation in mid‐2006. It is possible that processes have become more uniform nationwide in the interim.

                    Our survey results reflect the complexity surrounding medication reconciliation. It appears that full implementation has not yet occurred everywhere, significant barriers remain, and outcome measurement is limited. Importantly, physicians, nurses, and pharmacists do not have standardized roles. Responsibility for medication reconciliation has predominantly been added to the existing duties of inpatient physicians and nurses, with limited involvement of pharmacists. Hospitalists are well‐positioned to lead the ongoing implementation of medication reconciliation processes and should take advantage of their systems knowledge to effectively partner with other physicians, nurses, and pharmacists to achieve success in medication reconciliation.


                    The authors thank Ken Epstein, MD, and Renee Meadows, MD, along with the entire SHM Medication Reconciliation Task Force for their helpful review and comments on the article.



                    2006 SHM National Meeting Medication Reconciliation Survey Questions

                    The Joint Commission's (TJC) National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG) #8Accurately and completely reconcile medications across the continuum of carechallenges hospitals to design and implement new medication management processes. With medication errors contributing to patient morbidity and mortality,1 establishing a comprehensive process for reconciling a patient's medications during the hospitalization episode is an important quality improvement and patient safety goal.

                    However, the current state of inpatient medication management is highly fragmented. Standard documentation is lacking, as is integration of information between care settings.2 There are now reports describing implementation of various medication reconciliation processes for admissions,3 transfers,4 and discharges.5

                    Hospitalists are well‐positioned to contribute to the implementation of medication reconciliation. Indeed, because TJC does not explicitly specify what type of health care provider (eg, physician, nurse, etc.) should assume responsibility for this process, institutions have designed workflows to suit their own needs, while striving to comply with national standards.

                    Given the complexity and lack of standardization around this NPSG, a survey was distributed to attendees of a Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) national meeting to determine the various processes implemented thus far, and to ascertain existing challenges to implementation. We report here on the results.


                    A survey tool (Appendix) was designed to query demographic and institutional factors, involvement in the process, and barriers to implementation of medication reconciliation. Surveys were included in all attendees' registration materials, resulting in the distributions of approximately 800 surveys.

                    Responses were entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Simple descriptive statistics were used to determine proportions for providers, processes, and barriers to implementation. Where appropriate, variables were dichotomized, allowing for paired t‐test analysis. Statistical significance was defined as a P value less than .05. Subgroup analyses by hospital type, provider type, and process method were performed.


                    A total of 295 completed surveys were collected. The responses are tabulated in Table 1.

                    Survey Responses
                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some answers being left blank. Percentages reported are of the total of 295 surveys.

                    Primary practice setting
                    Academic tertiary center 23%
                    Community teaching hospital 29%
                    Non‐academic hospital 43%
                    Patient population
                    Adults only 90%
                    Pediatrics only 5%
                    Adults and pediatrics 5%
                    State of implementation
                    Fully implemented 48%
                    Partially implemented 35%
                    Planning stages 11%
                    Unaware of plans to implement 2%
                    Unaware of med reconciliation 4%
                    Hospitalist involvement
                    Active role 36%
                    Peripheral role 24%
                    No role 31%
                    Process format
                    Paper 47%
                    Computer 11%
                    Both paper and computer 31%
                    Don't know 2%
                    Measuring compliance
                    Yes 42%
                    No 14%
                    Don't know 34%
                    Measuring outcomes
                    Yes 22%
                    No 25%
                    Don't know 41%
                    Impact of medication reconciliation
                    No impact 9%
                    Positive impact 58%
                    Negative impact 7%
                    Don't know 14%


                    A paper process was used most often (47%), followed by a combined process (31%), and computers alone in just 11% of cases. Measurement of process compliance was reported in less than half (42%), with 34% unaware if their institutions were monitoring compliance. Outcome measurement was recorded as not performed (25%) or unknown (41%) in a majority of cases. Respondents reported a favorable view of the future impact of medication reconciliation, with 58% citing likely positive impacts on patient safety and patient care; fewer were unsure (14%) or anticipated no impact (9%) or negative impact (7%). Survey results regarding responsibility for individual process steps are detailed in Table 2. Notably, respondents often indicated that both physicians and nurses would share responsibility for a given step. Physicians were more often responsible for reconciling home medications, updating discharge medication lists, and communicating to outpatient providers. Nursing performed reconciliation in only 10% of cases. Results across all steps demonstrated very low participation rates by pharmacists, with pharmacist responsibility for reconciliation only 6% of the time.

                    Survey Responses Medication Reconciliation Process Steps
                    Process Step Physician Nurse Physician and Nurse Pharmacist Other
                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some answers being left blank. Percentages reported are of the total of 295 surveys.

                    Obtaining home med list 15% 39% 41% 3% 2%
                    Documenting home med list 17% 41% 37% 2% 3%
                    Reconciling medications 56% 10% 21% 6% 7%
                    Updating discharge med list 64% 6% 17% 3% 10%
                    Providing instructions at discharge 15% 46% 32% 2% 5%
                    Communicating changes at follow‐up 84% 6% 4% 6% 1%

                    Hospital Type

                    Results of subgroup analyses by hospital type are detailed in Table 3. Community teaching hospitals (CTHs) were significantly more likely (57%) than nonteaching hospitals (NTHs) (49%) or tertiary academic centers (TACs) (35%) to have achieved full implementation. NTHs were significantly less likely to have involved hospitalists in implementation. Use of computer‐based processes at TACs was more common (27%) than in CTHs (9%) or NTHs (7%). TACs were significantly more likely to have a physician obtain the medication list (33%, compared with 15% and 7% for CTHs and NTHs, respectively), whereas NTHs were more likely to use nurses (50%) than were CTHs (31%) or TACs (26%). Similar significant differences were found among hospital types with regard to obtaining the preadmission medication list. Physicians in TACs (25%) were more likely to be responsible for giving discharge medication instructions than in CTHs (10%) or NTHs (14%, not significant compared with TACs).

                    Subgroup Analysis by Hospital Type
                    Academic Centers [AC] Community Teaching Hospitals [CT] Non‐Teaching Hospitals [NT] P values (2‐tailed)
                    AC vs. CT AC vs. NT CT vs. NT
                    • Results are tabulated only out of those surveys with answers for the particular question. Percentage results are listed in parentheses.

                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some respondents entering an answer of Other.

                    State of implementation
                    Fully implemented 25/71 (35) 48/84 (57) 68/139 (49) 0.007 0.06 0.25
                    Partially implemented 31/71 (44) 25/84 (30) 48/139 (35) 0.07 0.21 0.44
                    Planning stages 9/71 (13) 9/84 (11) 14/139 (10) 0.70 0.51 0.81
                    Unaware of plans to implement 2/71 (3) 1/84 (1) 3/139 (2) 0.37 0.65 0.57
                    Unaware of med reconciliation 4/71 (5) 1/84 (1) 6/139 (4) 0.14 0.74 0.19
                    Hospitalist involvement
                    Active role 28/59 (47) 34/80 (43) 43/127 (34) 0.64 0.09 0.19
                    Peripheral role 12/59 (20) 25/80 (31) 34/127 (27) 0.15 0.30 0.54
                    No role 19/59 (32) 19/80 (24) 50/127 (39) 0.30 0.36 0.03
                    Process format
                    Paper 26/59 (44) 47/81 (58) 63/127 (50) 0.10 0.45 0.26
                    Computer 16/59 (27) 7/81 (9) 9/127 (7) 0.005 <0.001 0.60
                    Both paper and computer 17/59 (29) 25/81 (31) 51/127 (40) 0.80 0.15 0.19
                    Don't know 0/59 (0) 2/81 (2) 4/127 (3) 0.28 0.18 0.66
                    Process steps (selected questions)
                    Obtaining home med list
                    Physician 19/58 (33) 12/80 (15) 9/125 (7) 0.013 <0.001 0.07
                    Physician and Nurse 19/58 (33) 39/80 (49) 49/125 (39) 0.47 0.44 0.16
                    Nurse 15/58 (26) 25/80 (31) 62/125 (50) 0.005 0.003 0.008
                    Pharmacist 5/58 (9) 1/80 (1) 2/125 (2) 0.06 0.03 0.58
                    Documenting home med list
                    Physician 22/58 (38) 11/80 (14) 11/125 (9) 0.001 <0.001 0.26
                    Physician and Nurse 15/58 (26) 37/80 (46) 45/125 (36) 0.02 0.18 0.16
                    Nurse 18/58 (31) 26/80 (32) 64/125 (51) 0.90 0.012 0.008
                    Pharmacist 3/58 (5) 2/80 (3) 1/125 (1) 0.55 0.09 0.29
                    Reconciling medications
                    Physician 33/58 (57) 51/80 (64) 63/125 (50) 0.41 0.42 0.051
                    Physician and Nurse 8/58 (14) 14/80 (18) 32/125 (26) 0.53 0.09 0.18
                    Nurse 6/58 (10) 6/80 (8) 15/125 (12) 0.68 0.71 0.36
                    Pharmacist 8/58 (14) 5/80 (6) 3/125 (2) 0.11 0.007 0.13
                    Updating discharge med list
                    Physician 42/58 (72) 50/80 (63) 76/125 (61) 0.27 0.15 0.77
                    Physician and Nurse 7/58 (12) 16/80 (20) 23/125 (18) 0.22 0.31 0.72
                    Nurse 2/58 (3) 5/80 (6) 10/125 (8) 0.41 0.20 0.59
                    Pharmacist 3/58 (5) 3/80 (4) 3/125 (2) 0.78 0.27 0.40
                    Providing instructions at discharge
                    Physician 14/57 (25) 8/80 (10) 17/125 (14) 0.02 0.07 0.40
                    Physician and Nurse 14/57 (25) 30/80 (38) 39/125 (31) 0.11 0.41 0.30
                    Nurse 25/57 (44) 37/80 (46) 60/125 (48) 0.82 0.62 0.80
                    Pharmacist 4/57 (7) 1/80 (1) 0/125 (0) 0.06 0.003 0.26


                    Results regarding barriers to successful implementation are shown in Table 4. Patient lack of knowledge of medications (87%) and absence of a preadmission medication list from other sources (80%) were common. Both paper and computer medication reconciliation processes were associated with respondents citing cumbersome hospital systems as a barrier; this barrier was cited more often when the implemented process was paper‐only (Table 5). Respondents who stated the medication reconciliation process takes too long did so regardless of whether the implemented process was paper‐based or computer‐based. Despite these barriers, only 16% of respondents stated that medication reconciliation was not worth the effort of implementation. Barriers reported were similar across hospital type (Table 6) with 2 exceptions. Formulary differences were noted to be a barrier more often in CTHs (78%) compared with NTHs (60%) and TACs (64%, not significant compared with CTHs). Language barriers were problematic more often in TACs (48%) than in NTHs (28%) or CTHs (36%, not significant compared with TACs).

                    Survey Results Barriers to Implementation
                    Barrier to Implementation Yes No Unsure
                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to some answers being left blank. Percentages reported are of the total of 295 surveys.

                    Patient not knowing meds 87% 2% 0%
                    Process takes too long 53% 28% 8%
                    Med list not available 80% 9% 0%
                    Process not worth effort 16% 60% 12%
                    Cumbersome hospital systems 52% 33% 4%
                    Formulary differences 59% 24% 5%
                    Language barriers 31% 53% 4%
                    No access to outside records 63% 23% 2%
                    Lack of job clarity in process 38% 48% 3%
                    Availability of med list at discharge 27% 57% 3%
                    Subgroup Analysis of Barriers to Implementation by Process Type
                    Barriers (Selected Questions) Paper Only [P] Computer Only [C] Paper and Computer [PC] P values (2‐tailed)
                    P vs. C P vs. PC C vs. PC
                    • Results are tabulated only out of those surveys with answers for the particular question. Percentage results are listed in parentheses.

                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to rounding.

                    Process takes too long
                    Yes 77/134 (57) 19/31 (61) 55/91 (60) 0.69 0.65 0.92
                    No 43/134 (32) 11/31 (35) 28/91 (31) 0.75 0.87 0.68
                    Unsure 14/134 (10) 1/31 (3) 8/91 (9) 0.21 0.80 0.27
                    Process not worth effort
                    Yes 24/133 (18) 3/31 (10) 17/91 (19) 0.28 0.85 0.25
                    No 93/133 (70) 22/31 (71) 62/91 (68) 0.91 0.75 0.76
                    Unsure 16/133 (12) 6/31 (19) 12/91 (13) 0.30 0.82 0.41
                    Cumbersome hospital systems
                    Yes 86/133 (65) 16/31 (52) 46/92 (50) 0.18 0.03 0.85
                    No 42/133 (32) 13/31 (42) 42/92 (46) 0.29 0.03 0.70
                    Unsure 5/133 (4) 2/31 (6) 4/92 (4) 0.62 0.82 0.64
                    Subgroup Analysis of Barriers to Implementation by Hospital Type
                    Barrier to Implementation (Selected Questions) Academic Centers [AC] Community Teaching Hospitals [CT] Non‐Teaching Hospitals [NT] P values
                    AC vs. CT AC vs. NT CT vs. NT
                    • Results are tabulated only out of those surveys with answers for the particular question. Percentage results are listed in parentheses.

                    • Response totals may not always total 100% due to rounding.

                    Process takes too long
                    Yes 37/58 (64) 49/78 (63) 70/124 (56) 0.90 0.31 0.37
                    No 15/58 (26) 24/78 (31) 42/124 (34) 0.53 0.28 0.66
                    Unsure 6/58 (10) 5/78 (6) 12/124 (10) 0.39 0.88 0.32
                    Process not worth effort
                    Yes 7/58 (12) 16/78 (21) 23/123 (19) 0.17 0.24 0.73
                    No 42/58 (72) 52/78 (67) 84/123 (68) 0.53 0.59 0.88
                    Unsure 9/58 (16) 10/78 (12) 16/123 (13) 0.50 0.59 0.84
                    Cumbersome hospital systems
                    Yes 36/58 (62) 46/79 (58) 69/123 (56) 0.64 0.45 0.78
                    No 19/58 (33) 32/79 (41) 46/123 (37) 0.34 0.60 0.57
                    Unsure 3/58 (5) 1/79 (1) 8/123 (7) 0.16 0.61 0.049
                    Formulary differences
                    Yes 37/58 (64) 61/78 (78) 74/123 (60) 0.07 0.61 0.009
                    No 16/58 (28) 14/78 (18) 41/123 (33) 0.17 0.50 0.02
                    Unsure 5/58 (8) 2/78 (3) 8/123 (7) 0.19 0.81 0.22
                    Language barriers
                    Yes 28/58 (48) 28/77 (36) 34/123 (28) 0.16 0.009 0.24
                    No 28/58 (48) 46/77 (60) 82/123 (67) 0.17 0.016 0.32
                    Unsure 2/58 (3) 3/77 (4) 7/123 (5) 0.76 0.54 0.74
                    No access to outside records
                    Yes 38/58 (66) 60/79 (76) 87/123 (71) 0.20 0.50 0.44
                    No 18/58 (31) 18/79 (23) 33/123 (27) 0.30 0.58 0.52
                    Unsure 2/58 (3) 1/79 (1) 3/123 (2) 0.39 0.68 0.58
                    Lack of job clarity in process
                    Yes 26/58 (45) 31/79 (39) 49/121 (40) 0.48 0.53 0.89
                    No 28/58 (48) 46/79 (58) 68/121 (56) 0.25 0.32 0.78
                    Unsure 4/58 (7) 2/79 (3) 4/121 (3) 0.28 0.22 0.75
                    Availability of med list at discharge
                    Yes 20/58 (34) 24/79 (30) 35/120 (29) 0.62 0.50 0.88
                    No 36/58 (62) 54/79 (68) 78/120 (65) 0.47 0.70 0.66
                    Unsure 0/58 (0) 1/79 (1) 7/120 (6) 0.45 0.06 0.08


                    Managing medication information for inpatients is an extremely complex task. On admission, home medication lists are often inaccurate or absent,6 requiring extra time and effort to discover this information. By discharge, medication regimens have frequently been altered,7 making communication of changes to the next provider essential. One study described myriad provider, patient, and health system issues in maintaining accurate outpatient medication lists.8 These issues are further compounded by the multiple prescribers, necessary hand‐offs, and formulary differences in the inpatient setting.

                    Over half of the hospitalists in this survey reported hospitalist involvement in design and implementation of medication reconciliation. Given the familiarity with hospital systems and inpatient workflow, hospitalists are well‐positioned to contribute to successful implementation. Nonetheless, many were unaware of efforts to implement this NPSG.

                    Measurement of both process and outcome measures is important when determining value in quality improvement. Beyond process measures, outcome measures such as adverse drug events, readmission rates, mortality, patient satisfaction, and outpatient provider satisfaction may be appropriate in evaluating medication reconciliation strategies. Even measuring the accuracy of the process with respect to the admission orders written would be a valuable source of information for further improvement. Unfortunately, respondents indicated that evaluation was occurring infrequently. Potentially more problematic is the apparent lack of clarity regarding identification of healthcare provider responsibility for specific process steps. By far the least uniformity is in the acquisition and documentation of the preadmission medication list. There is variability in who is assigned to perform this task, but a substantial number of respondents indicated that their process involved a shared responsibility between physicians and nurses. It is unclear whether this phenomenon reflects the complexity of inpatient medication information management, or is simply an attempt to distribute the work among providers. Sharing the work between physicians and nurses may increase the overall likelihood for compliance and possibly improve the safety and accuracy of the process, especially if the physicians and nurses take the medication history in a redundant fashion and share their findings. Conversely, compliance may decrease if each provider merely expects the other to complete the process. Optimally, an interdisciplinary workflow for medication history taking would be in place, involving both physicians and nurses, with the availability of pharmacist consultation in complex cases. However, our survey data suggest this is infrequent; resident physicians appear to be the ones shouldering substantial responsibility for medication reconciliation in tertiary academic centers. Further research into the accuracy of medication reconciliation processes involving different strategies for medication information collection would be useful.

                    We documented several barriers to successful implementation of medication reconciliation. Physicians cited a lack of medication knowledge on the part of the patient and unavailable prior medication lists as substantial barriers to success. Many medication reconciliation processes are limited by issues of poor health literacy or inadequate patient knowledge about medications. This lack of medication knowledge is especially problematic for patients new to a healthcare system. It will be important to implement processes that not only reconcile medications accurately, but also make medication information available for future care episodes.

                    Time required to complete the process was also important. Certain elements of the medication reconciliation process are new work, and integrating the process into existing workflows is crucial. Given the significant time commitment required, the rare involvement of pharmacists at most institutions is striking. It appears that hospital pharmacists do not currently own any of the medication reconciliation process steps at most facilities, despite having formal training in medication history‐taking. In the 2006 ASHP national hospital pharmacy survey, one‐third of pharmacists stated that there were not enough pharmacy resources to meet medication reconciliation demands; only 19% of those surveyed stated pharmacists provided medication education at discharge to more than 25% of their patients.9

                    This report has several limitations. The survey used was not comprehensive, and only represents a convenience sample of hospitalists attending anational meeting. Nearly 300 physicians responded, representing both teaching and private hospital settings. We consider the response rate of 37% reasonable for a survey of this nature, and the variety of processes described is likely indicative of the overall status of medication reconciliation implementation. The over‐representation of certain institutions in our survey is possible, especially those with large or influential hospital medicine programs. Our survey did not ask respondents to name their home institutions. In addition, this design is open to a convenience sample bias, in that surveying only national meeting attendees (rather than the entire SHM membership) risks overinclusion of those hospitalists involved in leadership roles and quality improvement projects. Despite this, the variety of processes described is likely indicative of the overall status of medication reconciliation implementation in mid‐2006. It is possible that processes have become more uniform nationwide in the interim.

                    Our survey results reflect the complexity surrounding medication reconciliation. It appears that full implementation has not yet occurred everywhere, significant barriers remain, and outcome measurement is limited. Importantly, physicians, nurses, and pharmacists do not have standardized roles. Responsibility for medication reconciliation has predominantly been added to the existing duties of inpatient physicians and nurses, with limited involvement of pharmacists. Hospitalists are well‐positioned to lead the ongoing implementation of medication reconciliation processes and should take advantage of their systems knowledge to effectively partner with other physicians, nurses, and pharmacists to achieve success in medication reconciliation.


                    The authors thank Ken Epstein, MD, and Renee Meadows, MD, along with the entire SHM Medication Reconciliation Task Force for their helpful review and comments on the article.



                    2006 SHM National Meeting Medication Reconciliation Survey Questions
                    1. Kohn LT,Corrigan JM,Donaldson MS, eds.To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;1999.
                    2. Barnsteiner JH.Medication reconciliation: transfer of medication information across settings – keeping it free from error.Am J Nurs.2005;105(3 Suppl):3136.
                    3. Gleason KM,Groszek JM,Sullivan C, et al.Reconciliation of discrepancies in medication histories and admission orders of newly hospitalized patients.Am J Health‐Syst Pharm.2004;61(16):16891695.
                    4. Pronovost P,Weast B,Schwartz M, et al.Medication reconciliation: a practical tool to reduce the risk of medication errors.J Crit Care.2003;18(4):201205.
                    5. Paquette‐Lamontagne N,McLean WM,Besse L,Cusson J.Evaluation of a new integrated discharge prescription form.Ann Pharmacother.2001;35(7‐8):953958.
                    6. Rozich J,Howard RJ,Justeson JM, et al.Patient safety standardization as a mechanism to improve safety in health care.Jt Comm J Qual Saf.2004;30(1):514.
                    7. Himmel W,Tabache M,Kochen MM.What happens to long‐term medication when general practice patients are referred to hospital?Eur J Clin Pharmacol.1996;50(4):253257.
                    8. Varkey P,Reller MK,Smith A, et al.An experiential interdisciplinary quality improvement education initiative.Am J Med Qual.2006;21(5):317322.
                    9. Pedersen CA,Schneider PJ,Scheckelhoff DJ.ASHP national survey of pharmacy practice in hospital settings: monitoring and patient education‐2006.Am J Health‐Syst Pharm.2007;64(5):507520.
                    1. Kohn LT,Corrigan JM,Donaldson MS, eds.To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;1999.
                    2. Barnsteiner JH.Medication reconciliation: transfer of medication information across settings – keeping it free from error.Am J Nurs.2005;105(3 Suppl):3136.
                    3. Gleason KM,Groszek JM,Sullivan C, et al.Reconciliation of discrepancies in medication histories and admission orders of newly hospitalized patients.Am J Health‐Syst Pharm.2004;61(16):16891695.
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                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(6)
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                    Results of a medication reconciliation survey from the 2006 Society of Hospital Medicine national meeting
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                    Results of a medication reconciliation survey from the 2006 Society of Hospital Medicine national meeting
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                    medication reconciliation, patient safety, quality control, Society of Hospital Medicine
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                    Algorithms for Diagnosing and Treating VAP

                    Article Type
                    Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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                    Evidence‐based algorithms for diagnosing and treating ventilator‐associated pneumonia

                    Ventilator‐associated pneumonia (VAP) is a serious and common complication for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).1 VAP is defined as a pulmonary infection occurring after hospital admission in a mechanically‐ventilated patient with a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube.2, 3 With an attributable mortality that may exceed 20% and an estimated cost of $5000‐$20,000 per episode,49 the management of VAP is an important issue for both patient safety and cost of care.

                    The diagnosis of VAP is a controversial topic in critical care, primarily because of the difficulty distinguishing between airway colonization, upper respiratory tract infection (eg, tracheobronchitis), and early‐onset pneumonia. Some clinicians insist that an invasive sampling technique (eg, bronchoalveolar lavage) with quantitative cultures is essential for determining the presence of VAP.10 However, other clinicians suggest that a noninvasive approach using qualitative cultures (eg, tracheal suctioning) is an acceptable alternative.11 Regardless, nearly all experts agree that a specimen for microbiologic culture should be obtained prior to initiating antibiotics. Subsequent therapy should then be adjusted according to culture results.

                    Studies from both Europe and North America have demonstrated considerable variation in the diagnostic approaches used for patients with suspected VAP.12, 13 This variation is likely a result of several factors including controversy about the best diagnostic approach, variation in clinician knowledge and experience, and variation in ICU management protocols. Such practice variability is common for many ICU behaviors.1416 Quality‐of‐care proponents view this variation as an important opportunity for improvement.17

                    During a recent national collaborative aimed at reducing health careassociated infections in the ICU, we discovered many participants were uncertain about how to diagnose and manage VAP, and considerable practice variability existed among participating hospitals. This uncertainty provided an important opportunity for developing consensus on VAP management. On the basis of diagnostic criteria outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we developed algorithms as tools for diagnosing VAP in 4 ICU populations: infant, pediatric, immunocompromised, and adult ICU patients. We also developed an algorithm for initial VAP treatment. An interdisciplinary team of experts reviewed the current literature and developed these evidence‐based consensus guidelines. Our intent is that the algorithms provide guidance to clinicians looking for a standardized approach to the diagnosis and management of this complicated clinical situation.


                    Our primary goal was to develop practical algorithms that assist ICU clinicians in the diagnosis and management of VAP during daily practice. To improve the quality and credibility of these algorithms, the development process used a stepwise approach that included assembling an interdisciplinary team of experts, appraising the published evidence, and formulating the algorithms through a consensus process.18

                    AHRQ National Collaborative

                    We developed these diagnostic algorithms as part of a national collaborative effort aimed at reducing VAP and central venous catheterrelated bloodstream infections in the ICU. This effort was possible through a 2‐year Partnerships in Implementing Patient Safety grant funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).19 The voluntary collaborative was conducted in 61 medical/surgical and children's hospitals across the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), a company that owns and/or operates 173 hospitals and 107 freestanding surgery centers in 20 states, England, and Switzerland. HCA is one of the largest providers of health care in the United States. All participating hospitals had at least 1 ICU, and a total of 110 ICUs were included in the project. Most hospitals were in the southern or southeastern regions of the United States.

                    Interdisciplinary Team

                    We assembled an interdisciplinary team to develop the diagnostic algorithms. Individuals on the team represented the specialties of infectious diseases, infection control, anesthesia, critical care medicine, hospital medicine, critical care nursing, pharmacy, and biostatistics. The development phase occurred over 34 months and used an iterative process that consisted of both group conference calls and in‐person meetings.

                    Our goal was not to conduct a systematic review but rather to develop practical algorithms for collaborative participants in a timely manner. Our literature search strategy included MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library. We focused on articles that addressed key diagnostic issues, proposed an algorithm, or summarized a topic relevant to practicing clinicians. Extra attention was given to articles that were randomized trials, meta‐analyses, or systematic reviews. No explicit grading of articles was performed. We examined studies with outcomes of interest to clinicians, including mortality, number of ventilator days, length of stay, antibiotic utilization, and antibiotic resistance.

                    We screened potentially relevant articles and the references of these articles. The search results were reviewed by all members of the team, and an iterative consensus process was used to derive the current algorithms. Preliminary versions of the algorithms were shown to other AHRQ investigators and outside experts in the field, and additional modifications were made based on their feedback. The final algorithms were approved by all study investigators.


                    Literature Overview

                    Overall, there is an enormous body of published literature on diagnosing and managing VAP. The Medline database has listed more than 500 articles on VAP diagnosis in the past decade. Nonetheless, the best diagnostic approach remains unclear. The gold standard for diagnosing VAP is lung biopsy with histopathologic examination and tissue culture. However, this procedure is fraught with potential dangers and impractical for most critically ill patients.20 Therefore, practitioners traditionally combine their clinical suspicion (based on fever, leukocytosis, character of sputum, and radiographic changes), epidemiologic data (eg, patient demographics, medical history, and ICU infection surveillance data), and microbiologic data.

                    Several issues relevant to practicing clinicians deserve further mention.

                    Definition of VAP

                    Although early articles used variable criteria for diagnosing VAP, recent studies have traditionally defined VAP as an infection occurring more than 48 hours after hospital admission in a mechanically ventilated patient with a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube.2 In early 2007, the CDC revised their definition for diagnosing VAP.3 These latest criteria state there is no minimum period that the ventilator must be in place in order to diagnose VAP. This important change must be kept in mind when examining future studies.

                    The term VAP is more specific than the term health careassociated pneumonia. The latter encompasses patients residing in a nursing home or long‐term care facility; hospitalized in an acute care hospital for more than 48 hours in the past 90 days; receiving antibiotics, chemotherapy, or wound care within the past 30 days; or attending a hospital or hemodialysis clinic.

                    The CDC published detailed criteria for diagnosing VAP in its member hospitals (Tables 1 and 2).3 Because diagnosing VAP in infants, children, elderly, and immunocompromised patients is often confusing because of other conditions with similar signs and symptoms, the CDC published alternate criteria for these populations. A key objective during development of our algorithms was to consolidate and simplify these diagnostic criteria for ICU clinicians.

                    CDC Criteria for Diagnosing Ventilator‐Associated Pneumonia (VAP),3 Defined as Having Been on a Mechanical Ventilator in the Past 48 Hours
                    Radiology Signs/symptoms/laboratory
                    • CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

                    • In nonventilated patients, the diagnosis of pneumonia may be quite clear based on symptoms, signs, and a single definitive chest radiograph. However, in patients with pulmonary or cardiac disease (eg, congestive heart failure), the diagnosis of pneumonia may be particularly difficult because other noninfectious conditions (eg, pulmonary edema) may simulate pneumonia. In these cases, serial chest radiographs must be examined to help separate infectious from noninfectious pulmonary processes. To help confirm difficult cases, it may be useful to review radiographs on the day of diagnosis, 3 days prior to the diagnosis, and on days 2 and 7 after the diagnosis. Pneumonia may have rapid onset and progression but does not resolve quickly. Radiographic changes of pneumonia persist for several weeks. As a result, rapid radiograph resolution suggests that the patient does not have pneumonia but rather a noninfectious process such as atelectasis or congestive heart failure.

                    • Note that there are many ways of describing the radiographic appearance of pneumonia. Examples include but are not limited to air‐space disease, focal opacification, and patchy areas of increased density. Although perhaps not specifically delineated as pneumonia by the radiologist, in the appropriate clinical setting these alternative descriptive wordings should be seriously considered as potentially positive findings.

                    • Purulent sputum is defined as secretions from the lungs, bronchi, or trachea that contain 25 neutrophils and 10 squamous epithelial cells per low‐power field ( 100). If your laboratory reports these data qualitatively (eg, many WBCs or few squames), be sure their descriptors match this definition of purulent sputum. This laboratory confirmation is required because written clinical descriptions of purulence are highly variable.

                    • A single notation of either purulent sputum or change in character of the sputum is not meaningful; repeated notations over a 24‐hour period would be more indicative of the onset of an infectious process. Change in the character of sputum refers to the color, consistency, odor, and quantity.

                    • In adults, tachypnea is defined as respiration rate > 25 breaths/min. Tachypnea is defined as >75 breaths/min in premature infants born at <37 weeks' gestation and until the 40th week; >60 breaths/min in patients < 2 months old; >50 breaths/min in patients 212 months old; and >30 breaths/min in children > 1 year old.

                    • Rales may be described as crackles.

                    • This measure of arterial oxygenation is defined as the ratio of arterial tension (PaO2) to the inspiratory fraction of oxygen (FiO2).

                    • Care must be taken to determine the etiology of pneumonia in a patient with positive blood cultures and radiographic evidence of pneumonia, especially if the patient has invasive devices in place such as intravascular lines or an indwelling urinary catheter. In general, in an immunocompetent patient, blood cultures positive for coagulase‐negative staphylococci, common skin contaminants, and yeasts will not be the etiologic agent of the pneumonia.

                    • An endotracheal aspirate is not a minimally contaminated specimen. Therefore, an endotracheal aspirate does not meet the laboratory criteria.

                    • Immunocompromised patients include those with neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count < 500/mm3), leukemia, lymphoma, HIV with CD4 count < 200, or splenectomy; those who are in their transplant hospital stay; and those who are on cytotoxic chemotherapy, high‐dose steroids, or other immunosuppressives daily for >2 weeks (eg, >40 mg of prednisone or its equivalent [>160 mg of hydrocortisone, >32 mg of methylprednisolone, >6 mg of dexamethasone, >200 mg of cortisone]).

                    • Blood and sputum specimens must be collected within 48 hours of each other.

                    • Semiquantitative or nonquantitative cultures of sputum obtained by deep cough, induction, aspiration, or lavage are acceptable. If quantitative culture results are available, refer to algorithms that include such specific laboratory findings.

                    Two or more serial chest radiographs with at least 1 of the following*: CRITERIA FOR ANY PATIENT
                    New or progressive and persistent infiltrate At least 1 of the following:
                    Consolidation Fever (>38C or >100.4F) with no other recognized cause
                    Cavitation Leukopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leukocytosis (12,000 WBC/mm3)
                    Pneumatoceles, in infants 1 year old For adults 70 years old, altered mental status with no other recognized causeand
                    Note: In patients without underlying pulmonary or cardiac disease (eg, respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pulmonary edema, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), 1 definitive chest radiograph is acceptable.*
                    At least 2 of the following:
                    New onset of purulent sputum, or change in character of sputum, or increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    New‐onset or worsening cough or dyspnea or tachypnea
                    Rales or bronchial breath sounds
                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation [eg, PaO2/FiO2 240],** increased oxygen requirement, or increased ventilation demand)

                    Any laboratory criterion from Table 2

                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation, increased ventilation demand or O2 requirement)
                    At least 3 of the following:
                    Temperature instability with no other recognized cause
                    Leukopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leukocytosis (15,000 WBC/mm3) and left shift (10% bands)
                    New‐onset purulent sputum, change in character of sputum, increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    Apnea, tachypnea, nasal flaring with retraction of chest wall, or grunting
                    Wheezing, rales, or rhonchi
                    Bradycadia (<100 beats/min) or tachycardia (>170 beats/min)
                    At least 3 of the following:
                    Fever (>38.4C or >101.1F) or hypothermia (<36.5C or <97.7F) with no other recognized cause
                    Leukopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leukocytosis (15,000 WBC/mm3)
                    New‐onset purulent sputum, change in character of sputum, increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    New‐onset or worsening cough or dyspnea, apnea, or tachypnea
                    Rales or bronchial breath sounds
                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation <94%, increased ventilation demand or O2 requirement)

                    Any laboratory criterion from Table 2

                    At least 1 of the following:
                    Fever (>38.4C or >101.1F) with no other recognized cause
                    For adults > 70 years old, altered mental status with no other recognized cause
                    New‐onset purulent sputum, change in character of sputum, increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    New‐onset or worsening cough, dyspnea, or tachypnea
                    Rales or bronchial breath sounds
                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation [eg, PaO2/FiO2 240],** increased oxygen requirement, or increased ventilation demand)
                    Pleuritic chest pain
                    Matching positive blood and sputum cultures with Candida spp.
                    Evidence of fungi or Pneumocytis from minimally contaminated LRT specimen (eg, BAL or protected specimen brushing) from 1 of the following:
                    Direct microscopic exam
                    Positive culture of fungi

                    Any laboratory criterion from Table 2

                    Laboratory Criteria Supporting Diagnosis of VAP3
                    • Care must be taken to determine the etiology of pneumonia in a patient with positive blood cultures and radiographic evidence of pneumonia, especially if the patient has invasive devices in place such as intravascular lines or an indwelling urinary catheter. In general, in an immunocompetent patient, blood cultures positive for coagulase‐negative staphylococci, common skin contaminants, and yeasts will not be the etiologic agent of the pneumonia.

                    • An endotracheal aspirate is not a minimally contaminated specimen. Therefore, an endotracheal aspirate does not meet the laboratory criteria.

                    Positive growth in blood culture* not related to another source of infection
                    Positive growth in culture of pleural fluid
                    Positive quantitative culture from minimally contaminated LRT specimen (eg, BAL)
                    5% BAL‐obtained cells contain intracellular bacteria on direct microscopic exam (eg, gram stain)
                    Histopathologic exam shows at least 1 of the following:
                    Abscess formation or foci of consolidation with intense PMN accumulation in bronchioles and alveoli
                    Positive quantitative culture of lung parenchyma
                    Evidence of lung parenchyma invasion by fungal hyphae or pseudohyphae
                    Positive culture of virus or Chlamydia from respiratory secretions
                    Positive detection of viral antigen or antibody from respiratory secretions (eg, EIA, FAMA, shell vial assay, PCR)
                    Fourfold rise in paired sera (IgG) for pathogen (eg, influenza viruses, Chlamydia)
                    Positive PCR for Chlamydia or Mycoplasma
                    Positive micro‐IF test for Chlamydia
                    Positive culture or visualization by micro‐IF of Legionella spp. from respiratory secretions or tissue
                    Detection of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 antigens in urine by RIA or EIA
                    Fourfold rise in L. pneumophila serogroup 1 antibody titer to 1:128 in paired acute and convalescent sera by indirect IFA


                    The most commonly isolated VAP pathogens in all patients are bacteria.21 Most of these organisms normally colonize the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, but some are unique to health care settings. Tracheal intubation disrupts the body's natural anatomic and physiologic defenses and facilitates easier entry of these pathogens. Typical organisms include Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter species, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter species, Escherichia coli, and Haemophilus influenzae.22, 23 Unfortunately, the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance among VAP pathogens is increasing.24 Risk factors for antibiotic resistance are common to ICU patients and include recent antibiotics, hemodialysis, nursing home residence, immunosuppression, and chronic wound care.5 Polymicrobial infections are frequently seen in VAP, with up to 50% of all VAP episodes caused by more than 1 organism.25

                    Viral VAP is rare in immunocompetent hosts, and seasonal outbreaks of influenza and other similar viruses are usually limited to nonventilated patients.26 However, influenza is underrecognized as a potential nosocomial pathogen, and numerous nosocomial outbreaks because of influenza have been reported.2731 Although herpes simplex virus is often detected in the respiratory tract of critically ill patients, its clinical importance remains unclear.32

                    Fungal VAP is also rare in immunocompetent hosts. On the other hand, pulmonary fungal infections are common in immunocompromised patients, especially following chemotherapy and transplantation. Candida species are often isolated from the airways of normal hosts, but most cases traditionally have been considered clinically unimportant because these organisms are normal oropharyngeal flora and rarely invade lung tissue.33, 34 It is unclear whether recent studies suggesting Candida colonization is associated with a higher risk for Pseudomonas VAP will change this conventional wisdom.3537

                    Immunocompromised patients with suspected VAP are unique because they are at risk not only for typical bacteria (which are the most common causes of VAP) but also for rarer opportunistic infections and noninfectious processes that mimic pneumonia.3840 While assessing these patients, clinicians must consider the status of the underlying disease, duration and type of immunosuppression, prophylactic regimens, and risk factors for noninfectious causes of pulmonary infiltrates.41 Common opportunistic infections include viruses, mycobacteria, fungi, and Pneumocystis. Noninfectious processes include pulmonary edema, drug toxicity, radiation pneumonitis, engraftment syndrome, bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia, alveolar proteinosis, transfusion‐related lung injury, alveolar hemorrhage, and progression of underlying disease. In general, diagnosing VAP in the immunocompromised patient requires a prompt, comprehensive, and multidisciplinary approach.38

                    In preterm and term infants, the most common VAP pathogens are gram‐negative organisms such as E. coli and P. aeruginosa. Other less common pathogens are Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Acinetobacter, Proteus, Citrobacter, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.42, 43 Infants with a preceding bloodstream infection or prolonged intubation are more likely to develop VAP.43, 44 Unfortunately, gram‐negative bacteria often colonize the airways of mechanically ventilated infants, and tracheal aspirate culture data are difficult to interpret in this population.42

                    Children are more likely to develop VAP if they are intubated for more than 48 hours. The most common pathogens isolated from tracheal aspirates in mechanically ventilated children are enteric gram‐negative bacteria, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus.45, 46 Few studies have precisely delineated the pathogenesis of VAP in the pediatric ICU population.

                    Overall, the causes of VAP vary by hospital, patient population, and ICU type. Therefore, it is essential that ICU clinicians remain knowledgeable about their local surveillance data.21 Awareness of VAP microbiology is essential for optimizing initial antibiotic therapy and improving outcomes.

                    Early Versus Late VAP

                    Distinguishing between early and late VAP is important for initial antibiotic selection because the etiologic pathogens vary between these 2 periods.4749 Early VAP (days 14 of hospitalization) usually involves antibiotic‐sensitive community‐acquired bacteria and carries a better prognosis. In contrast, late VAP (5 days after hospital admission) is more likely to be caused by antibiotic‐resistant nosocomial bacteria that lead to increased morbidity and mortality. All patients who have been hospitalized or have received antibiotics during the prior 90 days should be treated as having late VAP because they are at much higher risk for colonization and infection with antibiotic‐resistant bacteria.47 Of note, 2 recent studies suggest that pathogens in the early and late periods are becoming similar at some institutions.50, 51 Overall, the distinction between early and late VAP is important because it affects the likelihood that a patient has antibiotic‐resistant bacteria. If antibiotic‐resistant pathogens are suspected, initial therapy should include empiric triple antibiotics until culture data are available.

                    Culturing Approaches

                    Because clinical criteria alone are rarely able to accurately diagnose VAP,52, 53 clinicians should also obtain a respiratory specimen for microbiologic culture. Despite the convenience of blood cultures, their sensitivity for diagnosing VAP is poor, and they rarely make the diagnosis alone.54 Two methods are available for culturing the lungsan invasive approach (eg, bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage) and a noninvasive approach (eg, tracheal aspirate).

                    Some investigators believe that adult patients with suspected VAP should always undergo an invasive sampling of lower‐respiratory‐tract secretions.55 Proponents of the invasive approach cite the frequency with which potential pathogens colonize the trachea of ICU patients and create spurious results on tracheal aspirates.22 In addition, several studies have shown that clinicians are more likely to narrow the spectrum of antibiotics after obtaining an invasive diagnostic sample.56 In other words, the invasive approach has been associated with better antimicrobial stewardship.

                    Other investigators believe that a noninvasive approach is equally safe and effective for diagnosing VAP.57 This clinical approach involves culturing a tracheal aspirate and using a pneumonia prediction score such as the clinical pulmonary infection score (CPIS; Table 3). The CPIS assigns 012 points based on 6 clinical criteria: fever, leukocyte count, oxygenation, quantity and purulence of secretions, type of radiographic abnormality, and results of sputum gram stain and culture.58 As developed, a CPIS > 6 has a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 100% for diagnosing VAP.58 However, the CPIS requires that nurses record sputum volume and that the laboratory stains the specimen. When the CPIS has been modified based on the unavailability of such resources, the results have been less impressive.5961 Despite studies showing that a noninvasive clinical approach can achieve adequate initial antibiotic coverage and reduce overuse of broad‐spectrum agents,62, 63 clinicians who use the CPIS must understand its inherent limitations.

                    Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS) Used for Diagnosis of VAP58 (Total Points Range from 0 to 12)
                    Criterion Range Score
                    • ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome.

                    Temperature (C) 36.138.4 0
                    38.538.9 1
                    39 or 36 2
                    Blood leukocytes (/mm3) 4000 and 11,000 0
                    <4000 or >11,000 1
                    + band forms 500 2
                    Oxygenation: PaO2/FiO2 (mmHg) >240 or ARDS 0
                    240 and no evidence of ARDS 2
                    Chest radiograph No infiltrate 0
                    Diffuse (or patchy) infiltrate 1
                    Localized infiltrate 2
                    Tracheal secretions Absence of tracheal secretions 0
                    Nonpurulent tracheal secretions 1
                    Purulent tracheal secretions 2
                    Culture of tracheal aspirate Pathogenic bacteria culture: no growth or light growth 0
                    Pathogenic bacteria culture: moderate/heavy growth 1
                    Same pathogenic bacteria seen on gram stain (add 1 point) 2

                    A meta‐analysis56 comparing the utility of an invasive versus a noninvasive culturing approach identified 4 randomized trials examining this issue.6669 Overall, an invasive approach did not alter mortality, but patients undergoing bronchoscopy were much more likely to have their antibiotic regimens modified by clinicians. This suggests that the invasive approach may allow more directed use of antibiotics. Recently, the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group conducted a multicenter randomized trial looking at this issue.11 There was no difference between the 2 approaches in mortality, number of ventilator days, and antibiotic usage. However, all patients in this study were immediately treated with empiric broad‐spectrum antibiotics until culture results were available, and the investigators did not have a protocol for stopping antibiotics after culture data were available.

                    In summary, both invasive and noninvasive culturing approaches are considered acceptable options for diagnosing VAP. Readers interested in learning more about this topic should read the worthwhile Expert Discussion70 by Chastre and colleagues55 at the end of this article. In general, we recommend that ICU clinicians use a combination of clinical suspicion (based on the CPIS or other objective data) and cultures ideally obtained prior to antibiotics. Regardless of the chosen culturing approach, clinicians must recognize that 1 of the most important determinants of patient outcome is prompt administration of adequate initial antibiotics.7175

                    Initial Antibiotic Administration

                    Delaying initial antibiotics in VAP increases the risk of death.7175 If a patient receives ineffective initial therapy, a later switch to appropriate therapy does not eliminate the increased mortality risk. Therefore, a comprehensive approach to VAP diagnosis requires consideration of initial empiric antibiotic administration.

                    Whenever possible, clinicians should obtain a lower respiratory tract sample for microscopy and culture before administering antibiotics because performing cultures after antibiotics have been recently started will lead to a higher rate of false‐negative results.76 Unless the patient has no signs of sepsis and microscopy is completely negative, clinicians should then immediately start empiric broad‐spectrum antibiotics.57 Once the culture sensitivities are known, therapy can be deescalated to a narrower spectrum.77 Recent studies suggest that shorter durations of therapy (8 days) are as effective as longer courses and are associated with lower colonization rates by antibiotic‐resistant bacteria.62, 78

                    Initial broad‐spectrum antibiotics should be chosen based on local bacteriology and resistance patterns. Clinicians must remain aware of the most common bacterial pathogens in their local community, hospital, and ICU. This is essential for both ensuring adequate initial antibiotic coverage and reducing overall antibiotic days.65 Unrestrained use of broad‐spectrum antibiotics increases the risk of resistant pathogens. Clinicians must continually deescalate therapy and use narrow‐spectrum drugs as pathogens are identified.79

                    Prevention of VAP

                    In 2005, the American Thoracic Society published guidelines for the management of adults with VAP.5 These guidelines included a discussion of modifiable risk factors for preventing VAP and used an evidence‐based grading system to rank the various recommendations. The highest evidence (level 1) comes from randomized clinical trials, moderate evidence (level 2) comes from nonrandomized studies, and the lowest evidence (level 3) comes from case studies or expert opinion. Others have also published their own guidelines and recommendations for preventing VAP.8082 Table 4 shows the key VAP preventive strategies.

                    Strategies for Preventing VAP
                    Strategy Level of evidence References
                    • MDR, multidrug resistant; NPPV, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation; LRT, lower respiratory tract.

                    General infection control measures (hand hygiene, staff education, isolate MDR pathogens, etc.) 1 2,83,84
                    ICU infection surveillance 2 2,8385
                    Avoid reintubation if possible, but promptly reintubate if a patients inexorably fails extubation 1 2,83,86,87
                    Use NPPV when appropriate (in selected patients) 1 88
                    Use oral route for endotracheal and gastric tubes (vs. nasal route) 2 89
                    Continuous suctioning of subglottic secretions (to avoid pooling on cuff and leakage into LRT) 1 9092
                    Maintain endotracheal cuff pressure > 20 cm H2O (to prevent secretion leakage into LRT) 2 93
                    Avoid unnecessary ventilator circuit changes 1 94
                    Routinely empty condensate in ventilator circuit 2 95
                    Maintain adequate nursing and therapist staffing 2 9698
                    Implement ventilator weaning and sedation protocols 2 99101
                    Semierect patient positioning (vs. supine) 1 102
                    Avoid aspiration when using enteral nutrition 1 103,104
                    Topical oral antisepsis (eg, chlorhexidine) 1 105108
                    Control blood sugar with insulin 1 109
                    Use heat‐moisture exchanger (vs. conventional humidifier) to reduce tubing condensate 1 95
                    Avoid unnecessary red blood cell transfusions 1 110
                    Use of sucralfate for GI prophylaxis 1 111,112
                    Influenza vaccination for health care workers 2 2

                    Some strategies are not recommended for VAP prevention in general ICU patients. Selective decontamination of the digestive tract (ie, prophylactic oral antibiotics) has been shown to reduce respiratory infections in ICU patients,113 but its overall role remains controversial because of concerns it may increase the incidence of multi‐drug‐resistant pathogens.114 Similarly, prophylactic intravenous antibiotics administered at the time of intubation can reduce VAP in certain patient populations,115 but this strategy is also associated with an increased risk of antibiotic‐resistant nosocomial infections.116 Using kinetic beds and scheduled chest physiotherapy to reduce VAP is based on the premise that critically ill patients often develop atelectasis and cannot effectively clear their secretions. Unfortunately, neither of these modalities has been shown to consistently reduce VAP in medical ICU patients.117119

                    Algorithms for Diagnosis and Treatment of VAP

                    We present algorithms for diagnosing VAP in 4 ICU populations: infant (1 year old), pediatric (1‐12 years old), immunocompromised, and adult ICU patients (Figs. 14). Because clinicians face considerable uncertainty when diagnosing VAP, we sought to develop practical algorithms for use in daily ICU practice. Although we provided the algorithms to collaborative participants as a tool for improving care, we never mandated use, and we did not monitor levels of adherence.

                    Five teaching cases are presented in the Appendix. We demonstrate how to utilize the diagnostic algorithms in these clinical scenarios and offer tips for clinicians wishing to employ these tools in their daily practice. These cases are useful for educating residents, nurses, and hospitalists.

                    Overall, our intent is that the combined use of these VAP algorithms facilitate a streamlined diagnostic approach and minimize delays in initial antibiotic administration. A primary focus of any VAP guideline should be early and appropriate antibiotics in adequate doses, with deescalation of therapy as culture data permit.5 In general, the greatest risk to a patient with VAP is delaying initial adequate antibiotic coverage, and for this reason, antibiotics must always be administered promptly. However, if culture data are negative, the clinician should consider withdrawing unnecessary antibiotics. For example, the absence of gram‐positive organisms on BAL after 72 hours would strongly suggest that MRSA is not playing a role and that vancomycin can be safely stopped. We agree with Neiderman that the decision point is not whether to start antibiotics, but whether to continue them at day 23.57


                    In this article, we introduce algorithms for diagnosing and managing VAP in infant, pediatric, immunocompromised, and adult ICU patients. We developed 4 algorithms because the hospitals in our system care for a wide range of patients. Our definitions for VAP were based on criteria outlined by the CDC because these rigorously developed criteria have been widely disseminated as components of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's ventilator bundle.120 Clinicians should be able to easily incorporate these practical algorithms into their current practice.

                    The algorithms were developed during a collaborative across a large national health care system. We undertook this task because many clinicians were uncertain how to integrate the enormous volume of VAP literature into their daily practice, and we suspected there was large variation in practice in our ICUs. Recent studies from other health care systems provided empiric evidence to support this notion.12, 13

                    We offer these algorithms as practical tools to assist ICU clinicians and not as proscriptive mandates. We realize that the algorithms may need modification based on a hospital's unique bacteriology and patient populations. We also anticipate that the algorithms will adapt to future changes in VAP epidemiology, preventive strategies, emerging pathogens, and new antibiotics.

                    Numerous resources are available to learn more about VAP management. An excellent guideline from the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the American Thoracic Society discusses VAP issues in detail,5 although this guideline only focuses on immunocompetent adult patients. The journal Respiratory Care organized an international conference with numerous VAP experts in 2005 and subsequently devoted an entire issue to this topic.81 The Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Canadian Critical Care Society conducted systematic reviews and developed separate guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of VAP.80, 121

                    In summary, we present diagnostic and treatment algorithms for VAP. Our intent is that these algorithms may provide evidence‐based practical guidance to clinicians seeking a standardized approach to diagnosing and managing this challenging problem.

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                    Article PDF
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(5)
                    Page Number
                    Legacy Keywords
                    critical care, health care–associated infection, pneumonia diagnosis, quality of health care, ventilator‐associated pneumonia
                    Article PDF
                    Article PDF

                    Ventilator‐associated pneumonia (VAP) is a serious and common complication for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).1 VAP is defined as a pulmonary infection occurring after hospital admission in a mechanically‐ventilated patient with a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube.2, 3 With an attributable mortality that may exceed 20% and an estimated cost of $5000‐$20,000 per episode,49 the management of VAP is an important issue for both patient safety and cost of care.

                    The diagnosis of VAP is a controversial topic in critical care, primarily because of the difficulty distinguishing between airway colonization, upper respiratory tract infection (eg, tracheobronchitis), and early‐onset pneumonia. Some clinicians insist that an invasive sampling technique (eg, bronchoalveolar lavage) with quantitative cultures is essential for determining the presence of VAP.10 However, other clinicians suggest that a noninvasive approach using qualitative cultures (eg, tracheal suctioning) is an acceptable alternative.11 Regardless, nearly all experts agree that a specimen for microbiologic culture should be obtained prior to initiating antibiotics. Subsequent therapy should then be adjusted according to culture results.

                    Studies from both Europe and North America have demonstrated considerable variation in the diagnostic approaches used for patients with suspected VAP.12, 13 This variation is likely a result of several factors including controversy about the best diagnostic approach, variation in clinician knowledge and experience, and variation in ICU management protocols. Such practice variability is common for many ICU behaviors.1416 Quality‐of‐care proponents view this variation as an important opportunity for improvement.17

                    During a recent national collaborative aimed at reducing health careassociated infections in the ICU, we discovered many participants were uncertain about how to diagnose and manage VAP, and considerable practice variability existed among participating hospitals. This uncertainty provided an important opportunity for developing consensus on VAP management. On the basis of diagnostic criteria outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we developed algorithms as tools for diagnosing VAP in 4 ICU populations: infant, pediatric, immunocompromised, and adult ICU patients. We also developed an algorithm for initial VAP treatment. An interdisciplinary team of experts reviewed the current literature and developed these evidence‐based consensus guidelines. Our intent is that the algorithms provide guidance to clinicians looking for a standardized approach to the diagnosis and management of this complicated clinical situation.


                    Our primary goal was to develop practical algorithms that assist ICU clinicians in the diagnosis and management of VAP during daily practice. To improve the quality and credibility of these algorithms, the development process used a stepwise approach that included assembling an interdisciplinary team of experts, appraising the published evidence, and formulating the algorithms through a consensus process.18

                    AHRQ National Collaborative

                    We developed these diagnostic algorithms as part of a national collaborative effort aimed at reducing VAP and central venous catheterrelated bloodstream infections in the ICU. This effort was possible through a 2‐year Partnerships in Implementing Patient Safety grant funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).19 The voluntary collaborative was conducted in 61 medical/surgical and children's hospitals across the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), a company that owns and/or operates 173 hospitals and 107 freestanding surgery centers in 20 states, England, and Switzerland. HCA is one of the largest providers of health care in the United States. All participating hospitals had at least 1 ICU, and a total of 110 ICUs were included in the project. Most hospitals were in the southern or southeastern regions of the United States.

                    Interdisciplinary Team

                    We assembled an interdisciplinary team to develop the diagnostic algorithms. Individuals on the team represented the specialties of infectious diseases, infection control, anesthesia, critical care medicine, hospital medicine, critical care nursing, pharmacy, and biostatistics. The development phase occurred over 34 months and used an iterative process that consisted of both group conference calls and in‐person meetings.

                    Our goal was not to conduct a systematic review but rather to develop practical algorithms for collaborative participants in a timely manner. Our literature search strategy included MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library. We focused on articles that addressed key diagnostic issues, proposed an algorithm, or summarized a topic relevant to practicing clinicians. Extra attention was given to articles that were randomized trials, meta‐analyses, or systematic reviews. No explicit grading of articles was performed. We examined studies with outcomes of interest to clinicians, including mortality, number of ventilator days, length of stay, antibiotic utilization, and antibiotic resistance.

                    We screened potentially relevant articles and the references of these articles. The search results were reviewed by all members of the team, and an iterative consensus process was used to derive the current algorithms. Preliminary versions of the algorithms were shown to other AHRQ investigators and outside experts in the field, and additional modifications were made based on their feedback. The final algorithms were approved by all study investigators.


                    Literature Overview

                    Overall, there is an enormous body of published literature on diagnosing and managing VAP. The Medline database has listed more than 500 articles on VAP diagnosis in the past decade. Nonetheless, the best diagnostic approach remains unclear. The gold standard for diagnosing VAP is lung biopsy with histopathologic examination and tissue culture. However, this procedure is fraught with potential dangers and impractical for most critically ill patients.20 Therefore, practitioners traditionally combine their clinical suspicion (based on fever, leukocytosis, character of sputum, and radiographic changes), epidemiologic data (eg, patient demographics, medical history, and ICU infection surveillance data), and microbiologic data.

                    Several issues relevant to practicing clinicians deserve further mention.

                    Definition of VAP

                    Although early articles used variable criteria for diagnosing VAP, recent studies have traditionally defined VAP as an infection occurring more than 48 hours after hospital admission in a mechanically ventilated patient with a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube.2 In early 2007, the CDC revised their definition for diagnosing VAP.3 These latest criteria state there is no minimum period that the ventilator must be in place in order to diagnose VAP. This important change must be kept in mind when examining future studies.

                    The term VAP is more specific than the term health careassociated pneumonia. The latter encompasses patients residing in a nursing home or long‐term care facility; hospitalized in an acute care hospital for more than 48 hours in the past 90 days; receiving antibiotics, chemotherapy, or wound care within the past 30 days; or attending a hospital or hemodialysis clinic.

                    The CDC published detailed criteria for diagnosing VAP in its member hospitals (Tables 1 and 2).3 Because diagnosing VAP in infants, children, elderly, and immunocompromised patients is often confusing because of other conditions with similar signs and symptoms, the CDC published alternate criteria for these populations. A key objective during development of our algorithms was to consolidate and simplify these diagnostic criteria for ICU clinicians.

                    CDC Criteria for Diagnosing Ventilator‐Associated Pneumonia (VAP),3 Defined as Having Been on a Mechanical Ventilator in the Past 48 Hours
                    Radiology Signs/symptoms/laboratory
                    • CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

                    • In nonventilated patients, the diagnosis of pneumonia may be quite clear based on symptoms, signs, and a single definitive chest radiograph. However, in patients with pulmonary or cardiac disease (eg, congestive heart failure), the diagnosis of pneumonia may be particularly difficult because other noninfectious conditions (eg, pulmonary edema) may simulate pneumonia. In these cases, serial chest radiographs must be examined to help separate infectious from noninfectious pulmonary processes. To help confirm difficult cases, it may be useful to review radiographs on the day of diagnosis, 3 days prior to the diagnosis, and on days 2 and 7 after the diagnosis. Pneumonia may have rapid onset and progression but does not resolve quickly. Radiographic changes of pneumonia persist for several weeks. As a result, rapid radiograph resolution suggests that the patient does not have pneumonia but rather a noninfectious process such as atelectasis or congestive heart failure.

                    • Note that there are many ways of describing the radiographic appearance of pneumonia. Examples include but are not limited to air‐space disease, focal opacification, and patchy areas of increased density. Although perhaps not specifically delineated as pneumonia by the radiologist, in the appropriate clinical setting these alternative descriptive wordings should be seriously considered as potentially positive findings.

                    • Purulent sputum is defined as secretions from the lungs, bronchi, or trachea that contain 25 neutrophils and 10 squamous epithelial cells per low‐power field ( 100). If your laboratory reports these data qualitatively (eg, many WBCs or few squames), be sure their descriptors match this definition of purulent sputum. This laboratory confirmation is required because written clinical descriptions of purulence are highly variable.

                    • A single notation of either purulent sputum or change in character of the sputum is not meaningful; repeated notations over a 24‐hour period would be more indicative of the onset of an infectious process. Change in the character of sputum refers to the color, consistency, odor, and quantity.

                    • In adults, tachypnea is defined as respiration rate > 25 breaths/min. Tachypnea is defined as >75 breaths/min in premature infants born at <37 weeks' gestation and until the 40th week; >60 breaths/min in patients < 2 months old; >50 breaths/min in patients 212 months old; and >30 breaths/min in children > 1 year old.

                    • Rales may be described as crackles.

                    • This measure of arterial oxygenation is defined as the ratio of arterial tension (PaO2) to the inspiratory fraction of oxygen (FiO2).

                    • Care must be taken to determine the etiology of pneumonia in a patient with positive blood cultures and radiographic evidence of pneumonia, especially if the patient has invasive devices in place such as intravascular lines or an indwelling urinary catheter. In general, in an immunocompetent patient, blood cultures positive for coagulase‐negative staphylococci, common skin contaminants, and yeasts will not be the etiologic agent of the pneumonia.

                    • An endotracheal aspirate is not a minimally contaminated specimen. Therefore, an endotracheal aspirate does not meet the laboratory criteria.

                    • Immunocompromised patients include those with neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count < 500/mm3), leukemia, lymphoma, HIV with CD4 count < 200, or splenectomy; those who are in their transplant hospital stay; and those who are on cytotoxic chemotherapy, high‐dose steroids, or other immunosuppressives daily for >2 weeks (eg, >40 mg of prednisone or its equivalent [>160 mg of hydrocortisone, >32 mg of methylprednisolone, >6 mg of dexamethasone, >200 mg of cortisone]).

                    • Blood and sputum specimens must be collected within 48 hours of each other.

                    • Semiquantitative or nonquantitative cultures of sputum obtained by deep cough, induction, aspiration, or lavage are acceptable. If quantitative culture results are available, refer to algorithms that include such specific laboratory findings.

                    Two or more serial chest radiographs with at least 1 of the following*: CRITERIA FOR ANY PATIENT
                    New or progressive and persistent infiltrate At least 1 of the following:
                    Consolidation Fever (>38C or >100.4F) with no other recognized cause
                    Cavitation Leukopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leukocytosis (12,000 WBC/mm3)
                    Pneumatoceles, in infants 1 year old For adults 70 years old, altered mental status with no other recognized causeand
                    Note: In patients without underlying pulmonary or cardiac disease (eg, respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pulmonary edema, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), 1 definitive chest radiograph is acceptable.*
                    At least 2 of the following:
                    New onset of purulent sputum, or change in character of sputum, or increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    New‐onset or worsening cough or dyspnea or tachypnea
                    Rales or bronchial breath sounds
                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation [eg, PaO2/FiO2 240],** increased oxygen requirement, or increased ventilation demand)

                    Any laboratory criterion from Table 2

                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation, increased ventilation demand or O2 requirement)
                    At least 3 of the following:
                    Temperature instability with no other recognized cause
                    Leukopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leukocytosis (15,000 WBC/mm3) and left shift (10% bands)
                    New‐onset purulent sputum, change in character of sputum, increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    Apnea, tachypnea, nasal flaring with retraction of chest wall, or grunting
                    Wheezing, rales, or rhonchi
                    Bradycadia (<100 beats/min) or tachycardia (>170 beats/min)
                    At least 3 of the following:
                    Fever (>38.4C or >101.1F) or hypothermia (<36.5C or <97.7F) with no other recognized cause
                    Leukopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leukocytosis (15,000 WBC/mm3)
                    New‐onset purulent sputum, change in character of sputum, increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    New‐onset or worsening cough or dyspnea, apnea, or tachypnea
                    Rales or bronchial breath sounds
                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation <94%, increased ventilation demand or O2 requirement)

                    Any laboratory criterion from Table 2

                    At least 1 of the following:
                    Fever (>38.4C or >101.1F) with no other recognized cause
                    For adults > 70 years old, altered mental status with no other recognized cause
                    New‐onset purulent sputum, change in character of sputum, increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    New‐onset or worsening cough, dyspnea, or tachypnea
                    Rales or bronchial breath sounds
                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation [eg, PaO2/FiO2 240],** increased oxygen requirement, or increased ventilation demand)
                    Pleuritic chest pain
                    Matching positive blood and sputum cultures with Candida spp.
                    Evidence of fungi or Pneumocytis from minimally contaminated LRT specimen (eg, BAL or protected specimen brushing) from 1 of the following:
                    Direct microscopic exam
                    Positive culture of fungi

                    Any laboratory criterion from Table 2

                    Laboratory Criteria Supporting Diagnosis of VAP3
                    • Care must be taken to determine the etiology of pneumonia in a patient with positive blood cultures and radiographic evidence of pneumonia, especially if the patient has invasive devices in place such as intravascular lines or an indwelling urinary catheter. In general, in an immunocompetent patient, blood cultures positive for coagulase‐negative staphylococci, common skin contaminants, and yeasts will not be the etiologic agent of the pneumonia.

                    • An endotracheal aspirate is not a minimally contaminated specimen. Therefore, an endotracheal aspirate does not meet the laboratory criteria.

                    Positive growth in blood culture* not related to another source of infection
                    Positive growth in culture of pleural fluid
                    Positive quantitative culture from minimally contaminated LRT specimen (eg, BAL)
                    5% BAL‐obtained cells contain intracellular bacteria on direct microscopic exam (eg, gram stain)
                    Histopathologic exam shows at least 1 of the following:
                    Abscess formation or foci of consolidation with intense PMN accumulation in bronchioles and alveoli
                    Positive quantitative culture of lung parenchyma
                    Evidence of lung parenchyma invasion by fungal hyphae or pseudohyphae
                    Positive culture of virus or Chlamydia from respiratory secretions
                    Positive detection of viral antigen or antibody from respiratory secretions (eg, EIA, FAMA, shell vial assay, PCR)
                    Fourfold rise in paired sera (IgG) for pathogen (eg, influenza viruses, Chlamydia)
                    Positive PCR for Chlamydia or Mycoplasma
                    Positive micro‐IF test for Chlamydia
                    Positive culture or visualization by micro‐IF of Legionella spp. from respiratory secretions or tissue
                    Detection of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 antigens in urine by RIA or EIA
                    Fourfold rise in L. pneumophila serogroup 1 antibody titer to 1:128 in paired acute and convalescent sera by indirect IFA


                    The most commonly isolated VAP pathogens in all patients are bacteria.21 Most of these organisms normally colonize the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, but some are unique to health care settings. Tracheal intubation disrupts the body's natural anatomic and physiologic defenses and facilitates easier entry of these pathogens. Typical organisms include Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter species, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter species, Escherichia coli, and Haemophilus influenzae.22, 23 Unfortunately, the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance among VAP pathogens is increasing.24 Risk factors for antibiotic resistance are common to ICU patients and include recent antibiotics, hemodialysis, nursing home residence, immunosuppression, and chronic wound care.5 Polymicrobial infections are frequently seen in VAP, with up to 50% of all VAP episodes caused by more than 1 organism.25

                    Viral VAP is rare in immunocompetent hosts, and seasonal outbreaks of influenza and other similar viruses are usually limited to nonventilated patients.26 However, influenza is underrecognized as a potential nosocomial pathogen, and numerous nosocomial outbreaks because of influenza have been reported.2731 Although herpes simplex virus is often detected in the respiratory tract of critically ill patients, its clinical importance remains unclear.32

                    Fungal VAP is also rare in immunocompetent hosts. On the other hand, pulmonary fungal infections are common in immunocompromised patients, especially following chemotherapy and transplantation. Candida species are often isolated from the airways of normal hosts, but most cases traditionally have been considered clinically unimportant because these organisms are normal oropharyngeal flora and rarely invade lung tissue.33, 34 It is unclear whether recent studies suggesting Candida colonization is associated with a higher risk for Pseudomonas VAP will change this conventional wisdom.3537

                    Immunocompromised patients with suspected VAP are unique because they are at risk not only for typical bacteria (which are the most common causes of VAP) but also for rarer opportunistic infections and noninfectious processes that mimic pneumonia.3840 While assessing these patients, clinicians must consider the status of the underlying disease, duration and type of immunosuppression, prophylactic regimens, and risk factors for noninfectious causes of pulmonary infiltrates.41 Common opportunistic infections include viruses, mycobacteria, fungi, and Pneumocystis. Noninfectious processes include pulmonary edema, drug toxicity, radiation pneumonitis, engraftment syndrome, bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia, alveolar proteinosis, transfusion‐related lung injury, alveolar hemorrhage, and progression of underlying disease. In general, diagnosing VAP in the immunocompromised patient requires a prompt, comprehensive, and multidisciplinary approach.38

                    In preterm and term infants, the most common VAP pathogens are gram‐negative organisms such as E. coli and P. aeruginosa. Other less common pathogens are Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Acinetobacter, Proteus, Citrobacter, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.42, 43 Infants with a preceding bloodstream infection or prolonged intubation are more likely to develop VAP.43, 44 Unfortunately, gram‐negative bacteria often colonize the airways of mechanically ventilated infants, and tracheal aspirate culture data are difficult to interpret in this population.42

                    Children are more likely to develop VAP if they are intubated for more than 48 hours. The most common pathogens isolated from tracheal aspirates in mechanically ventilated children are enteric gram‐negative bacteria, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus.45, 46 Few studies have precisely delineated the pathogenesis of VAP in the pediatric ICU population.

                    Overall, the causes of VAP vary by hospital, patient population, and ICU type. Therefore, it is essential that ICU clinicians remain knowledgeable about their local surveillance data.21 Awareness of VAP microbiology is essential for optimizing initial antibiotic therapy and improving outcomes.

                    Early Versus Late VAP

                    Distinguishing between early and late VAP is important for initial antibiotic selection because the etiologic pathogens vary between these 2 periods.4749 Early VAP (days 14 of hospitalization) usually involves antibiotic‐sensitive community‐acquired bacteria and carries a better prognosis. In contrast, late VAP (5 days after hospital admission) is more likely to be caused by antibiotic‐resistant nosocomial bacteria that lead to increased morbidity and mortality. All patients who have been hospitalized or have received antibiotics during the prior 90 days should be treated as having late VAP because they are at much higher risk for colonization and infection with antibiotic‐resistant bacteria.47 Of note, 2 recent studies suggest that pathogens in the early and late periods are becoming similar at some institutions.50, 51 Overall, the distinction between early and late VAP is important because it affects the likelihood that a patient has antibiotic‐resistant bacteria. If antibiotic‐resistant pathogens are suspected, initial therapy should include empiric triple antibiotics until culture data are available.

                    Culturing Approaches

                    Because clinical criteria alone are rarely able to accurately diagnose VAP,52, 53 clinicians should also obtain a respiratory specimen for microbiologic culture. Despite the convenience of blood cultures, their sensitivity for diagnosing VAP is poor, and they rarely make the diagnosis alone.54 Two methods are available for culturing the lungsan invasive approach (eg, bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage) and a noninvasive approach (eg, tracheal aspirate).

                    Some investigators believe that adult patients with suspected VAP should always undergo an invasive sampling of lower‐respiratory‐tract secretions.55 Proponents of the invasive approach cite the frequency with which potential pathogens colonize the trachea of ICU patients and create spurious results on tracheal aspirates.22 In addition, several studies have shown that clinicians are more likely to narrow the spectrum of antibiotics after obtaining an invasive diagnostic sample.56 In other words, the invasive approach has been associated with better antimicrobial stewardship.

                    Other investigators believe that a noninvasive approach is equally safe and effective for diagnosing VAP.57 This clinical approach involves culturing a tracheal aspirate and using a pneumonia prediction score such as the clinical pulmonary infection score (CPIS; Table 3). The CPIS assigns 012 points based on 6 clinical criteria: fever, leukocyte count, oxygenation, quantity and purulence of secretions, type of radiographic abnormality, and results of sputum gram stain and culture.58 As developed, a CPIS > 6 has a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 100% for diagnosing VAP.58 However, the CPIS requires that nurses record sputum volume and that the laboratory stains the specimen. When the CPIS has been modified based on the unavailability of such resources, the results have been less impressive.5961 Despite studies showing that a noninvasive clinical approach can achieve adequate initial antibiotic coverage and reduce overuse of broad‐spectrum agents,62, 63 clinicians who use the CPIS must understand its inherent limitations.

                    Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS) Used for Diagnosis of VAP58 (Total Points Range from 0 to 12)
                    Criterion Range Score
                    • ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome.

                    Temperature (C) 36.138.4 0
                    38.538.9 1
                    39 or 36 2
                    Blood leukocytes (/mm3) 4000 and 11,000 0
                    <4000 or >11,000 1
                    + band forms 500 2
                    Oxygenation: PaO2/FiO2 (mmHg) >240 or ARDS 0
                    240 and no evidence of ARDS 2
                    Chest radiograph No infiltrate 0
                    Diffuse (or patchy) infiltrate 1
                    Localized infiltrate 2
                    Tracheal secretions Absence of tracheal secretions 0
                    Nonpurulent tracheal secretions 1
                    Purulent tracheal secretions 2
                    Culture of tracheal aspirate Pathogenic bacteria culture: no growth or light growth 0
                    Pathogenic bacteria culture: moderate/heavy growth 1
                    Same pathogenic bacteria seen on gram stain (add 1 point) 2

                    A meta‐analysis56 comparing the utility of an invasive versus a noninvasive culturing approach identified 4 randomized trials examining this issue.6669 Overall, an invasive approach did not alter mortality, but patients undergoing bronchoscopy were much more likely to have their antibiotic regimens modified by clinicians. This suggests that the invasive approach may allow more directed use of antibiotics. Recently, the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group conducted a multicenter randomized trial looking at this issue.11 There was no difference between the 2 approaches in mortality, number of ventilator days, and antibiotic usage. However, all patients in this study were immediately treated with empiric broad‐spectrum antibiotics until culture results were available, and the investigators did not have a protocol for stopping antibiotics after culture data were available.

                    In summary, both invasive and noninvasive culturing approaches are considered acceptable options for diagnosing VAP. Readers interested in learning more about this topic should read the worthwhile Expert Discussion70 by Chastre and colleagues55 at the end of this article. In general, we recommend that ICU clinicians use a combination of clinical suspicion (based on the CPIS or other objective data) and cultures ideally obtained prior to antibiotics. Regardless of the chosen culturing approach, clinicians must recognize that 1 of the most important determinants of patient outcome is prompt administration of adequate initial antibiotics.7175

                    Initial Antibiotic Administration

                    Delaying initial antibiotics in VAP increases the risk of death.7175 If a patient receives ineffective initial therapy, a later switch to appropriate therapy does not eliminate the increased mortality risk. Therefore, a comprehensive approach to VAP diagnosis requires consideration of initial empiric antibiotic administration.

                    Whenever possible, clinicians should obtain a lower respiratory tract sample for microscopy and culture before administering antibiotics because performing cultures after antibiotics have been recently started will lead to a higher rate of false‐negative results.76 Unless the patient has no signs of sepsis and microscopy is completely negative, clinicians should then immediately start empiric broad‐spectrum antibiotics.57 Once the culture sensitivities are known, therapy can be deescalated to a narrower spectrum.77 Recent studies suggest that shorter durations of therapy (8 days) are as effective as longer courses and are associated with lower colonization rates by antibiotic‐resistant bacteria.62, 78

                    Initial broad‐spectrum antibiotics should be chosen based on local bacteriology and resistance patterns. Clinicians must remain aware of the most common bacterial pathogens in their local community, hospital, and ICU. This is essential for both ensuring adequate initial antibiotic coverage and reducing overall antibiotic days.65 Unrestrained use of broad‐spectrum antibiotics increases the risk of resistant pathogens. Clinicians must continually deescalate therapy and use narrow‐spectrum drugs as pathogens are identified.79

                    Prevention of VAP

                    In 2005, the American Thoracic Society published guidelines for the management of adults with VAP.5 These guidelines included a discussion of modifiable risk factors for preventing VAP and used an evidence‐based grading system to rank the various recommendations. The highest evidence (level 1) comes from randomized clinical trials, moderate evidence (level 2) comes from nonrandomized studies, and the lowest evidence (level 3) comes from case studies or expert opinion. Others have also published their own guidelines and recommendations for preventing VAP.8082 Table 4 shows the key VAP preventive strategies.

                    Strategies for Preventing VAP
                    Strategy Level of evidence References
                    • MDR, multidrug resistant; NPPV, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation; LRT, lower respiratory tract.

                    General infection control measures (hand hygiene, staff education, isolate MDR pathogens, etc.) 1 2,83,84
                    ICU infection surveillance 2 2,8385
                    Avoid reintubation if possible, but promptly reintubate if a patients inexorably fails extubation 1 2,83,86,87
                    Use NPPV when appropriate (in selected patients) 1 88
                    Use oral route for endotracheal and gastric tubes (vs. nasal route) 2 89
                    Continuous suctioning of subglottic secretions (to avoid pooling on cuff and leakage into LRT) 1 9092
                    Maintain endotracheal cuff pressure > 20 cm H2O (to prevent secretion leakage into LRT) 2 93
                    Avoid unnecessary ventilator circuit changes 1 94
                    Routinely empty condensate in ventilator circuit 2 95
                    Maintain adequate nursing and therapist staffing 2 9698
                    Implement ventilator weaning and sedation protocols 2 99101
                    Semierect patient positioning (vs. supine) 1 102
                    Avoid aspiration when using enteral nutrition 1 103,104
                    Topical oral antisepsis (eg, chlorhexidine) 1 105108
                    Control blood sugar with insulin 1 109
                    Use heat‐moisture exchanger (vs. conventional humidifier) to reduce tubing condensate 1 95
                    Avoid unnecessary red blood cell transfusions 1 110
                    Use of sucralfate for GI prophylaxis 1 111,112
                    Influenza vaccination for health care workers 2 2

                    Some strategies are not recommended for VAP prevention in general ICU patients. Selective decontamination of the digestive tract (ie, prophylactic oral antibiotics) has been shown to reduce respiratory infections in ICU patients,113 but its overall role remains controversial because of concerns it may increase the incidence of multi‐drug‐resistant pathogens.114 Similarly, prophylactic intravenous antibiotics administered at the time of intubation can reduce VAP in certain patient populations,115 but this strategy is also associated with an increased risk of antibiotic‐resistant nosocomial infections.116 Using kinetic beds and scheduled chest physiotherapy to reduce VAP is based on the premise that critically ill patients often develop atelectasis and cannot effectively clear their secretions. Unfortunately, neither of these modalities has been shown to consistently reduce VAP in medical ICU patients.117119

                    Algorithms for Diagnosis and Treatment of VAP

                    We present algorithms for diagnosing VAP in 4 ICU populations: infant (1 year old), pediatric (1‐12 years old), immunocompromised, and adult ICU patients (Figs. 14). Because clinicians face considerable uncertainty when diagnosing VAP, we sought to develop practical algorithms for use in daily ICU practice. Although we provided the algorithms to collaborative participants as a tool for improving care, we never mandated use, and we did not monitor levels of adherence.

                    Five teaching cases are presented in the Appendix. We demonstrate how to utilize the diagnostic algorithms in these clinical scenarios and offer tips for clinicians wishing to employ these tools in their daily practice. These cases are useful for educating residents, nurses, and hospitalists.

                    Overall, our intent is that the combined use of these VAP algorithms facilitate a streamlined diagnostic approach and minimize delays in initial antibiotic administration. A primary focus of any VAP guideline should be early and appropriate antibiotics in adequate doses, with deescalation of therapy as culture data permit.5 In general, the greatest risk to a patient with VAP is delaying initial adequate antibiotic coverage, and for this reason, antibiotics must always be administered promptly. However, if culture data are negative, the clinician should consider withdrawing unnecessary antibiotics. For example, the absence of gram‐positive organisms on BAL after 72 hours would strongly suggest that MRSA is not playing a role and that vancomycin can be safely stopped. We agree with Neiderman that the decision point is not whether to start antibiotics, but whether to continue them at day 23.57


                    In this article, we introduce algorithms for diagnosing and managing VAP in infant, pediatric, immunocompromised, and adult ICU patients. We developed 4 algorithms because the hospitals in our system care for a wide range of patients. Our definitions for VAP were based on criteria outlined by the CDC because these rigorously developed criteria have been widely disseminated as components of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's ventilator bundle.120 Clinicians should be able to easily incorporate these practical algorithms into their current practice.

                    The algorithms were developed during a collaborative across a large national health care system. We undertook this task because many clinicians were uncertain how to integrate the enormous volume of VAP literature into their daily practice, and we suspected there was large variation in practice in our ICUs. Recent studies from other health care systems provided empiric evidence to support this notion.12, 13

                    We offer these algorithms as practical tools to assist ICU clinicians and not as proscriptive mandates. We realize that the algorithms may need modification based on a hospital's unique bacteriology and patient populations. We also anticipate that the algorithms will adapt to future changes in VAP epidemiology, preventive strategies, emerging pathogens, and new antibiotics.

                    Numerous resources are available to learn more about VAP management. An excellent guideline from the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the American Thoracic Society discusses VAP issues in detail,5 although this guideline only focuses on immunocompetent adult patients. The journal Respiratory Care organized an international conference with numerous VAP experts in 2005 and subsequently devoted an entire issue to this topic.81 The Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Canadian Critical Care Society conducted systematic reviews and developed separate guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of VAP.80, 121

                    In summary, we present diagnostic and treatment algorithms for VAP. Our intent is that these algorithms may provide evidence‐based practical guidance to clinicians seeking a standardized approach to diagnosing and managing this challenging problem.

                    Ventilator‐associated pneumonia (VAP) is a serious and common complication for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).1 VAP is defined as a pulmonary infection occurring after hospital admission in a mechanically‐ventilated patient with a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube.2, 3 With an attributable mortality that may exceed 20% and an estimated cost of $5000‐$20,000 per episode,49 the management of VAP is an important issue for both patient safety and cost of care.

                    The diagnosis of VAP is a controversial topic in critical care, primarily because of the difficulty distinguishing between airway colonization, upper respiratory tract infection (eg, tracheobronchitis), and early‐onset pneumonia. Some clinicians insist that an invasive sampling technique (eg, bronchoalveolar lavage) with quantitative cultures is essential for determining the presence of VAP.10 However, other clinicians suggest that a noninvasive approach using qualitative cultures (eg, tracheal suctioning) is an acceptable alternative.11 Regardless, nearly all experts agree that a specimen for microbiologic culture should be obtained prior to initiating antibiotics. Subsequent therapy should then be adjusted according to culture results.

                    Studies from both Europe and North America have demonstrated considerable variation in the diagnostic approaches used for patients with suspected VAP.12, 13 This variation is likely a result of several factors including controversy about the best diagnostic approach, variation in clinician knowledge and experience, and variation in ICU management protocols. Such practice variability is common for many ICU behaviors.1416 Quality‐of‐care proponents view this variation as an important opportunity for improvement.17

                    During a recent national collaborative aimed at reducing health careassociated infections in the ICU, we discovered many participants were uncertain about how to diagnose and manage VAP, and considerable practice variability existed among participating hospitals. This uncertainty provided an important opportunity for developing consensus on VAP management. On the basis of diagnostic criteria outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we developed algorithms as tools for diagnosing VAP in 4 ICU populations: infant, pediatric, immunocompromised, and adult ICU patients. We also developed an algorithm for initial VAP treatment. An interdisciplinary team of experts reviewed the current literature and developed these evidence‐based consensus guidelines. Our intent is that the algorithms provide guidance to clinicians looking for a standardized approach to the diagnosis and management of this complicated clinical situation.


                    Our primary goal was to develop practical algorithms that assist ICU clinicians in the diagnosis and management of VAP during daily practice. To improve the quality and credibility of these algorithms, the development process used a stepwise approach that included assembling an interdisciplinary team of experts, appraising the published evidence, and formulating the algorithms through a consensus process.18

                    AHRQ National Collaborative

                    We developed these diagnostic algorithms as part of a national collaborative effort aimed at reducing VAP and central venous catheterrelated bloodstream infections in the ICU. This effort was possible through a 2‐year Partnerships in Implementing Patient Safety grant funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).19 The voluntary collaborative was conducted in 61 medical/surgical and children's hospitals across the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), a company that owns and/or operates 173 hospitals and 107 freestanding surgery centers in 20 states, England, and Switzerland. HCA is one of the largest providers of health care in the United States. All participating hospitals had at least 1 ICU, and a total of 110 ICUs were included in the project. Most hospitals were in the southern or southeastern regions of the United States.

                    Interdisciplinary Team

                    We assembled an interdisciplinary team to develop the diagnostic algorithms. Individuals on the team represented the specialties of infectious diseases, infection control, anesthesia, critical care medicine, hospital medicine, critical care nursing, pharmacy, and biostatistics. The development phase occurred over 34 months and used an iterative process that consisted of both group conference calls and in‐person meetings.

                    Our goal was not to conduct a systematic review but rather to develop practical algorithms for collaborative participants in a timely manner. Our literature search strategy included MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library. We focused on articles that addressed key diagnostic issues, proposed an algorithm, or summarized a topic relevant to practicing clinicians. Extra attention was given to articles that were randomized trials, meta‐analyses, or systematic reviews. No explicit grading of articles was performed. We examined studies with outcomes of interest to clinicians, including mortality, number of ventilator days, length of stay, antibiotic utilization, and antibiotic resistance.

                    We screened potentially relevant articles and the references of these articles. The search results were reviewed by all members of the team, and an iterative consensus process was used to derive the current algorithms. Preliminary versions of the algorithms were shown to other AHRQ investigators and outside experts in the field, and additional modifications were made based on their feedback. The final algorithms were approved by all study investigators.


                    Literature Overview

                    Overall, there is an enormous body of published literature on diagnosing and managing VAP. The Medline database has listed more than 500 articles on VAP diagnosis in the past decade. Nonetheless, the best diagnostic approach remains unclear. The gold standard for diagnosing VAP is lung biopsy with histopathologic examination and tissue culture. However, this procedure is fraught with potential dangers and impractical for most critically ill patients.20 Therefore, practitioners traditionally combine their clinical suspicion (based on fever, leukocytosis, character of sputum, and radiographic changes), epidemiologic data (eg, patient demographics, medical history, and ICU infection surveillance data), and microbiologic data.

                    Several issues relevant to practicing clinicians deserve further mention.

                    Definition of VAP

                    Although early articles used variable criteria for diagnosing VAP, recent studies have traditionally defined VAP as an infection occurring more than 48 hours after hospital admission in a mechanically ventilated patient with a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube.2 In early 2007, the CDC revised their definition for diagnosing VAP.3 These latest criteria state there is no minimum period that the ventilator must be in place in order to diagnose VAP. This important change must be kept in mind when examining future studies.

                    The term VAP is more specific than the term health careassociated pneumonia. The latter encompasses patients residing in a nursing home or long‐term care facility; hospitalized in an acute care hospital for more than 48 hours in the past 90 days; receiving antibiotics, chemotherapy, or wound care within the past 30 days; or attending a hospital or hemodialysis clinic.

                    The CDC published detailed criteria for diagnosing VAP in its member hospitals (Tables 1 and 2).3 Because diagnosing VAP in infants, children, elderly, and immunocompromised patients is often confusing because of other conditions with similar signs and symptoms, the CDC published alternate criteria for these populations. A key objective during development of our algorithms was to consolidate and simplify these diagnostic criteria for ICU clinicians.

                    CDC Criteria for Diagnosing Ventilator‐Associated Pneumonia (VAP),3 Defined as Having Been on a Mechanical Ventilator in the Past 48 Hours
                    Radiology Signs/symptoms/laboratory
                    • CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

                    • In nonventilated patients, the diagnosis of pneumonia may be quite clear based on symptoms, signs, and a single definitive chest radiograph. However, in patients with pulmonary or cardiac disease (eg, congestive heart failure), the diagnosis of pneumonia may be particularly difficult because other noninfectious conditions (eg, pulmonary edema) may simulate pneumonia. In these cases, serial chest radiographs must be examined to help separate infectious from noninfectious pulmonary processes. To help confirm difficult cases, it may be useful to review radiographs on the day of diagnosis, 3 days prior to the diagnosis, and on days 2 and 7 after the diagnosis. Pneumonia may have rapid onset and progression but does not resolve quickly. Radiographic changes of pneumonia persist for several weeks. As a result, rapid radiograph resolution suggests that the patient does not have pneumonia but rather a noninfectious process such as atelectasis or congestive heart failure.

                    • Note that there are many ways of describing the radiographic appearance of pneumonia. Examples include but are not limited to air‐space disease, focal opacification, and patchy areas of increased density. Although perhaps not specifically delineated as pneumonia by the radiologist, in the appropriate clinical setting these alternative descriptive wordings should be seriously considered as potentially positive findings.

                    • Purulent sputum is defined as secretions from the lungs, bronchi, or trachea that contain 25 neutrophils and 10 squamous epithelial cells per low‐power field ( 100). If your laboratory reports these data qualitatively (eg, many WBCs or few squames), be sure their descriptors match this definition of purulent sputum. This laboratory confirmation is required because written clinical descriptions of purulence are highly variable.

                    • A single notation of either purulent sputum or change in character of the sputum is not meaningful; repeated notations over a 24‐hour period would be more indicative of the onset of an infectious process. Change in the character of sputum refers to the color, consistency, odor, and quantity.

                    • In adults, tachypnea is defined as respiration rate > 25 breaths/min. Tachypnea is defined as >75 breaths/min in premature infants born at <37 weeks' gestation and until the 40th week; >60 breaths/min in patients < 2 months old; >50 breaths/min in patients 212 months old; and >30 breaths/min in children > 1 year old.

                    • Rales may be described as crackles.

                    • This measure of arterial oxygenation is defined as the ratio of arterial tension (PaO2) to the inspiratory fraction of oxygen (FiO2).

                    • Care must be taken to determine the etiology of pneumonia in a patient with positive blood cultures and radiographic evidence of pneumonia, especially if the patient has invasive devices in place such as intravascular lines or an indwelling urinary catheter. In general, in an immunocompetent patient, blood cultures positive for coagulase‐negative staphylococci, common skin contaminants, and yeasts will not be the etiologic agent of the pneumonia.

                    • An endotracheal aspirate is not a minimally contaminated specimen. Therefore, an endotracheal aspirate does not meet the laboratory criteria.

                    • Immunocompromised patients include those with neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count < 500/mm3), leukemia, lymphoma, HIV with CD4 count < 200, or splenectomy; those who are in their transplant hospital stay; and those who are on cytotoxic chemotherapy, high‐dose steroids, or other immunosuppressives daily for >2 weeks (eg, >40 mg of prednisone or its equivalent [>160 mg of hydrocortisone, >32 mg of methylprednisolone, >6 mg of dexamethasone, >200 mg of cortisone]).

                    • Blood and sputum specimens must be collected within 48 hours of each other.

                    • Semiquantitative or nonquantitative cultures of sputum obtained by deep cough, induction, aspiration, or lavage are acceptable. If quantitative culture results are available, refer to algorithms that include such specific laboratory findings.

                    Two or more serial chest radiographs with at least 1 of the following*: CRITERIA FOR ANY PATIENT
                    New or progressive and persistent infiltrate At least 1 of the following:
                    Consolidation Fever (>38C or >100.4F) with no other recognized cause
                    Cavitation Leukopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leukocytosis (12,000 WBC/mm3)
                    Pneumatoceles, in infants 1 year old For adults 70 years old, altered mental status with no other recognized causeand
                    Note: In patients without underlying pulmonary or cardiac disease (eg, respiratory distress syndrome, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pulmonary edema, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), 1 definitive chest radiograph is acceptable.*
                    At least 2 of the following:
                    New onset of purulent sputum, or change in character of sputum, or increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    New‐onset or worsening cough or dyspnea or tachypnea
                    Rales or bronchial breath sounds
                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation [eg, PaO2/FiO2 240],** increased oxygen requirement, or increased ventilation demand)

                    Any laboratory criterion from Table 2

                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation, increased ventilation demand or O2 requirement)
                    At least 3 of the following:
                    Temperature instability with no other recognized cause
                    Leukopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leukocytosis (15,000 WBC/mm3) and left shift (10% bands)
                    New‐onset purulent sputum, change in character of sputum, increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    Apnea, tachypnea, nasal flaring with retraction of chest wall, or grunting
                    Wheezing, rales, or rhonchi
                    Bradycadia (<100 beats/min) or tachycardia (>170 beats/min)
                    At least 3 of the following:
                    Fever (>38.4C or >101.1F) or hypothermia (<36.5C or <97.7F) with no other recognized cause
                    Leukopenia (<4000 WBC/mm3) or leukocytosis (15,000 WBC/mm3)
                    New‐onset purulent sputum, change in character of sputum, increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    New‐onset or worsening cough or dyspnea, apnea, or tachypnea
                    Rales or bronchial breath sounds
                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation <94%, increased ventilation demand or O2 requirement)

                    Any laboratory criterion from Table 2

                    At least 1 of the following:
                    Fever (>38.4C or >101.1F) with no other recognized cause
                    For adults > 70 years old, altered mental status with no other recognized cause
                    New‐onset purulent sputum, change in character of sputum, increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
                    New‐onset or worsening cough, dyspnea, or tachypnea
                    Rales or bronchial breath sounds
                    Worsening gas exchange (eg, O2 desaturation [eg, PaO2/FiO2 240],** increased oxygen requirement, or increased ventilation demand)
                    Pleuritic chest pain
                    Matching positive blood and sputum cultures with Candida spp.
                    Evidence of fungi or Pneumocytis from minimally contaminated LRT specimen (eg, BAL or protected specimen brushing) from 1 of the following:
                    Direct microscopic exam
                    Positive culture of fungi

                    Any laboratory criterion from Table 2

                    Laboratory Criteria Supporting Diagnosis of VAP3
                    • Care must be taken to determine the etiology of pneumonia in a patient with positive blood cultures and radiographic evidence of pneumonia, especially if the patient has invasive devices in place such as intravascular lines or an indwelling urinary catheter. In general, in an immunocompetent patient, blood cultures positive for coagulase‐negative staphylococci, common skin contaminants, and yeasts will not be the etiologic agent of the pneumonia.

                    • An endotracheal aspirate is not a minimally contaminated specimen. Therefore, an endotracheal aspirate does not meet the laboratory criteria.

                    Positive growth in blood culture* not related to another source of infection
                    Positive growth in culture of pleural fluid
                    Positive quantitative culture from minimally contaminated LRT specimen (eg, BAL)
                    5% BAL‐obtained cells contain intracellular bacteria on direct microscopic exam (eg, gram stain)
                    Histopathologic exam shows at least 1 of the following:
                    Abscess formation or foci of consolidation with intense PMN accumulation in bronchioles and alveoli
                    Positive quantitative culture of lung parenchyma
                    Evidence of lung parenchyma invasion by fungal hyphae or pseudohyphae
                    Positive culture of virus or Chlamydia from respiratory secretions
                    Positive detection of viral antigen or antibody from respiratory secretions (eg, EIA, FAMA, shell vial assay, PCR)
                    Fourfold rise in paired sera (IgG) for pathogen (eg, influenza viruses, Chlamydia)
                    Positive PCR for Chlamydia or Mycoplasma
                    Positive micro‐IF test for Chlamydia
                    Positive culture or visualization by micro‐IF of Legionella spp. from respiratory secretions or tissue
                    Detection of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 antigens in urine by RIA or EIA
                    Fourfold rise in L. pneumophila serogroup 1 antibody titer to 1:128 in paired acute and convalescent sera by indirect IFA


                    The most commonly isolated VAP pathogens in all patients are bacteria.21 Most of these organisms normally colonize the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, but some are unique to health care settings. Tracheal intubation disrupts the body's natural anatomic and physiologic defenses and facilitates easier entry of these pathogens. Typical organisms include Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter species, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter species, Escherichia coli, and Haemophilus influenzae.22, 23 Unfortunately, the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance among VAP pathogens is increasing.24 Risk factors for antibiotic resistance are common to ICU patients and include recent antibiotics, hemodialysis, nursing home residence, immunosuppression, and chronic wound care.5 Polymicrobial infections are frequently seen in VAP, with up to 50% of all VAP episodes caused by more than 1 organism.25

                    Viral VAP is rare in immunocompetent hosts, and seasonal outbreaks of influenza and other similar viruses are usually limited to nonventilated patients.26 However, influenza is underrecognized as a potential nosocomial pathogen, and numerous nosocomial outbreaks because of influenza have been reported.2731 Although herpes simplex virus is often detected in the respiratory tract of critically ill patients, its clinical importance remains unclear.32

                    Fungal VAP is also rare in immunocompetent hosts. On the other hand, pulmonary fungal infections are common in immunocompromised patients, especially following chemotherapy and transplantation. Candida species are often isolated from the airways of normal hosts, but most cases traditionally have been considered clinically unimportant because these organisms are normal oropharyngeal flora and rarely invade lung tissue.33, 34 It is unclear whether recent studies suggesting Candida colonization is associated with a higher risk for Pseudomonas VAP will change this conventional wisdom.3537

                    Immunocompromised patients with suspected VAP are unique because they are at risk not only for typical bacteria (which are the most common causes of VAP) but also for rarer opportunistic infections and noninfectious processes that mimic pneumonia.3840 While assessing these patients, clinicians must consider the status of the underlying disease, duration and type of immunosuppression, prophylactic regimens, and risk factors for noninfectious causes of pulmonary infiltrates.41 Common opportunistic infections include viruses, mycobacteria, fungi, and Pneumocystis. Noninfectious processes include pulmonary edema, drug toxicity, radiation pneumonitis, engraftment syndrome, bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia, alveolar proteinosis, transfusion‐related lung injury, alveolar hemorrhage, and progression of underlying disease. In general, diagnosing VAP in the immunocompromised patient requires a prompt, comprehensive, and multidisciplinary approach.38

                    In preterm and term infants, the most common VAP pathogens are gram‐negative organisms such as E. coli and P. aeruginosa. Other less common pathogens are Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Acinetobacter, Proteus, Citrobacter, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.42, 43 Infants with a preceding bloodstream infection or prolonged intubation are more likely to develop VAP.43, 44 Unfortunately, gram‐negative bacteria often colonize the airways of mechanically ventilated infants, and tracheal aspirate culture data are difficult to interpret in this population.42

                    Children are more likely to develop VAP if they are intubated for more than 48 hours. The most common pathogens isolated from tracheal aspirates in mechanically ventilated children are enteric gram‐negative bacteria, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus.45, 46 Few studies have precisely delineated the pathogenesis of VAP in the pediatric ICU population.

                    Overall, the causes of VAP vary by hospital, patient population, and ICU type. Therefore, it is essential that ICU clinicians remain knowledgeable about their local surveillance data.21 Awareness of VAP microbiology is essential for optimizing initial antibiotic therapy and improving outcomes.

                    Early Versus Late VAP

                    Distinguishing between early and late VAP is important for initial antibiotic selection because the etiologic pathogens vary between these 2 periods.4749 Early VAP (days 14 of hospitalization) usually involves antibiotic‐sensitive community‐acquired bacteria and carries a better prognosis. In contrast, late VAP (5 days after hospital admission) is more likely to be caused by antibiotic‐resistant nosocomial bacteria that lead to increased morbidity and mortality. All patients who have been hospitalized or have received antibiotics during the prior 90 days should be treated as having late VAP because they are at much higher risk for colonization and infection with antibiotic‐resistant bacteria.47 Of note, 2 recent studies suggest that pathogens in the early and late periods are becoming similar at some institutions.50, 51 Overall, the distinction between early and late VAP is important because it affects the likelihood that a patient has antibiotic‐resistant bacteria. If antibiotic‐resistant pathogens are suspected, initial therapy should include empiric triple antibiotics until culture data are available.

                    Culturing Approaches

                    Because clinical criteria alone are rarely able to accurately diagnose VAP,52, 53 clinicians should also obtain a respiratory specimen for microbiologic culture. Despite the convenience of blood cultures, their sensitivity for diagnosing VAP is poor, and they rarely make the diagnosis alone.54 Two methods are available for culturing the lungsan invasive approach (eg, bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage) and a noninvasive approach (eg, tracheal aspirate).

                    Some investigators believe that adult patients with suspected VAP should always undergo an invasive sampling of lower‐respiratory‐tract secretions.55 Proponents of the invasive approach cite the frequency with which potential pathogens colonize the trachea of ICU patients and create spurious results on tracheal aspirates.22 In addition, several studies have shown that clinicians are more likely to narrow the spectrum of antibiotics after obtaining an invasive diagnostic sample.56 In other words, the invasive approach has been associated with better antimicrobial stewardship.

                    Other investigators believe that a noninvasive approach is equally safe and effective for diagnosing VAP.57 This clinical approach involves culturing a tracheal aspirate and using a pneumonia prediction score such as the clinical pulmonary infection score (CPIS; Table 3). The CPIS assigns 012 points based on 6 clinical criteria: fever, leukocyte count, oxygenation, quantity and purulence of secretions, type of radiographic abnormality, and results of sputum gram stain and culture.58 As developed, a CPIS > 6 has a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 100% for diagnosing VAP.58 However, the CPIS requires that nurses record sputum volume and that the laboratory stains the specimen. When the CPIS has been modified based on the unavailability of such resources, the results have been less impressive.5961 Despite studies showing that a noninvasive clinical approach can achieve adequate initial antibiotic coverage and reduce overuse of broad‐spectrum agents,62, 63 clinicians who use the CPIS must understand its inherent limitations.

                    Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS) Used for Diagnosis of VAP58 (Total Points Range from 0 to 12)
                    Criterion Range Score
                    • ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome.

                    Temperature (C) 36.138.4 0
                    38.538.9 1
                    39 or 36 2
                    Blood leukocytes (/mm3) 4000 and 11,000 0
                    <4000 or >11,000 1
                    + band forms 500 2
                    Oxygenation: PaO2/FiO2 (mmHg) >240 or ARDS 0
                    240 and no evidence of ARDS 2
                    Chest radiograph No infiltrate 0
                    Diffuse (or patchy) infiltrate 1
                    Localized infiltrate 2
                    Tracheal secretions Absence of tracheal secretions 0
                    Nonpurulent tracheal secretions 1
                    Purulent tracheal secretions 2
                    Culture of tracheal aspirate Pathogenic bacteria culture: no growth or light growth 0
                    Pathogenic bacteria culture: moderate/heavy growth 1
                    Same pathogenic bacteria seen on gram stain (add 1 point) 2

                    A meta‐analysis56 comparing the utility of an invasive versus a noninvasive culturing approach identified 4 randomized trials examining this issue.6669 Overall, an invasive approach did not alter mortality, but patients undergoing bronchoscopy were much more likely to have their antibiotic regimens modified by clinicians. This suggests that the invasive approach may allow more directed use of antibiotics. Recently, the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group conducted a multicenter randomized trial looking at this issue.11 There was no difference between the 2 approaches in mortality, number of ventilator days, and antibiotic usage. However, all patients in this study were immediately treated with empiric broad‐spectrum antibiotics until culture results were available, and the investigators did not have a protocol for stopping antibiotics after culture data were available.

                    In summary, both invasive and noninvasive culturing approaches are considered acceptable options for diagnosing VAP. Readers interested in learning more about this topic should read the worthwhile Expert Discussion70 by Chastre and colleagues55 at the end of this article. In general, we recommend that ICU clinicians use a combination of clinical suspicion (based on the CPIS or other objective data) and cultures ideally obtained prior to antibiotics. Regardless of the chosen culturing approach, clinicians must recognize that 1 of the most important determinants of patient outcome is prompt administration of adequate initial antibiotics.7175

                    Initial Antibiotic Administration

                    Delaying initial antibiotics in VAP increases the risk of death.7175 If a patient receives ineffective initial therapy, a later switch to appropriate therapy does not eliminate the increased mortality risk. Therefore, a comprehensive approach to VAP diagnosis requires consideration of initial empiric antibiotic administration.

                    Whenever possible, clinicians should obtain a lower respiratory tract sample for microscopy and culture before administering antibiotics because performing cultures after antibiotics have been recently started will lead to a higher rate of false‐negative results.76 Unless the patient has no signs of sepsis and microscopy is completely negative, clinicians should then immediately start empiric broad‐spectrum antibiotics.57 Once the culture sensitivities are known, therapy can be deescalated to a narrower spectrum.77 Recent studies suggest that shorter durations of therapy (8 days) are as effective as longer courses and are associated with lower colonization rates by antibiotic‐resistant bacteria.62, 78

                    Initial broad‐spectrum antibiotics should be chosen based on local bacteriology and resistance patterns. Clinicians must remain aware of the most common bacterial pathogens in their local community, hospital, and ICU. This is essential for both ensuring adequate initial antibiotic coverage and reducing overall antibiotic days.65 Unrestrained use of broad‐spectrum antibiotics increases the risk of resistant pathogens. Clinicians must continually deescalate therapy and use narrow‐spectrum drugs as pathogens are identified.79

                    Prevention of VAP

                    In 2005, the American Thoracic Society published guidelines for the management of adults with VAP.5 These guidelines included a discussion of modifiable risk factors for preventing VAP and used an evidence‐based grading system to rank the various recommendations. The highest evidence (level 1) comes from randomized clinical trials, moderate evidence (level 2) comes from nonrandomized studies, and the lowest evidence (level 3) comes from case studies or expert opinion. Others have also published their own guidelines and recommendations for preventing VAP.8082 Table 4 shows the key VAP preventive strategies.

                    Strategies for Preventing VAP
                    Strategy Level of evidence References
                    • MDR, multidrug resistant; NPPV, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation; LRT, lower respiratory tract.

                    General infection control measures (hand hygiene, staff education, isolate MDR pathogens, etc.) 1 2,83,84
                    ICU infection surveillance 2 2,8385
                    Avoid reintubation if possible, but promptly reintubate if a patients inexorably fails extubation 1 2,83,86,87
                    Use NPPV when appropriate (in selected patients) 1 88
                    Use oral route for endotracheal and gastric tubes (vs. nasal route) 2 89
                    Continuous suctioning of subglottic secretions (to avoid pooling on cuff and leakage into LRT) 1 9092
                    Maintain endotracheal cuff pressure > 20 cm H2O (to prevent secretion leakage into LRT) 2 93
                    Avoid unnecessary ventilator circuit changes 1 94
                    Routinely empty condensate in ventilator circuit 2 95
                    Maintain adequate nursing and therapist staffing 2 9698
                    Implement ventilator weaning and sedation protocols 2 99101
                    Semierect patient positioning (vs. supine) 1 102
                    Avoid aspiration when using enteral nutrition 1 103,104
                    Topical oral antisepsis (eg, chlorhexidine) 1 105108
                    Control blood sugar with insulin 1 109
                    Use heat‐moisture exchanger (vs. conventional humidifier) to reduce tubing condensate 1 95
                    Avoid unnecessary red blood cell transfusions 1 110
                    Use of sucralfate for GI prophylaxis 1 111,112
                    Influenza vaccination for health care workers 2 2

                    Some strategies are not recommended for VAP prevention in general ICU patients. Selective decontamination of the digestive tract (ie, prophylactic oral antibiotics) has been shown to reduce respiratory infections in ICU patients,113 but its overall role remains controversial because of concerns it may increase the incidence of multi‐drug‐resistant pathogens.114 Similarly, prophylactic intravenous antibiotics administered at the time of intubation can reduce VAP in certain patient populations,115 but this strategy is also associated with an increased risk of antibiotic‐resistant nosocomial infections.116 Using kinetic beds and scheduled chest physiotherapy to reduce VAP is based on the premise that critically ill patients often develop atelectasis and cannot effectively clear their secretions. Unfortunately, neither of these modalities has been shown to consistently reduce VAP in medical ICU patients.117119

                    Algorithms for Diagnosis and Treatment of VAP

                    We present algorithms for diagnosing VAP in 4 ICU populations: infant (1 year old), pediatric (1‐12 years old), immunocompromised, and adult ICU patients (Figs. 14). Because clinicians face considerable uncertainty when diagnosing VAP, we sought to develop practical algorithms for use in daily ICU practice. Although we provided the algorithms to collaborative participants as a tool for improving care, we never mandated use, and we did not monitor levels of adherence.

                    Five teaching cases are presented in the Appendix. We demonstrate how to utilize the diagnostic algorithms in these clinical scenarios and offer tips for clinicians wishing to employ these tools in their daily practice. These cases are useful for educating residents, nurses, and hospitalists.

                    Overall, our intent is that the combined use of these VAP algorithms facilitate a streamlined diagnostic approach and minimize delays in initial antibiotic administration. A primary focus of any VAP guideline should be early and appropriate antibiotics in adequate doses, with deescalation of therapy as culture data permit.5 In general, the greatest risk to a patient with VAP is delaying initial adequate antibiotic coverage, and for this reason, antibiotics must always be administered promptly. However, if culture data are negative, the clinician should consider withdrawing unnecessary antibiotics. For example, the absence of gram‐positive organisms on BAL after 72 hours would strongly suggest that MRSA is not playing a role and that vancomycin can be safely stopped. We agree with Neiderman that the decision point is not whether to start antibiotics, but whether to continue them at day 23.57


                    In this article, we introduce algorithms for diagnosing and managing VAP in infant, pediatric, immunocompromised, and adult ICU patients. We developed 4 algorithms because the hospitals in our system care for a wide range of patients. Our definitions for VAP were based on criteria outlined by the CDC because these rigorously developed criteria have been widely disseminated as components of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's ventilator bundle.120 Clinicians should be able to easily incorporate these practical algorithms into their current practice.

                    The algorithms were developed during a collaborative across a large national health care system. We undertook this task because many clinicians were uncertain how to integrate the enormous volume of VAP literature into their daily practice, and we suspected there was large variation in practice in our ICUs. Recent studies from other health care systems provided empiric evidence to support this notion.12, 13

                    We offer these algorithms as practical tools to assist ICU clinicians and not as proscriptive mandates. We realize that the algorithms may need modification based on a hospital's unique bacteriology and patient populations. We also anticipate that the algorithms will adapt to future changes in VAP epidemiology, preventive strategies, emerging pathogens, and new antibiotics.

                    Numerous resources are available to learn more about VAP management. An excellent guideline from the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the American Thoracic Society discusses VAP issues in detail,5 although this guideline only focuses on immunocompetent adult patients. The journal Respiratory Care organized an international conference with numerous VAP experts in 2005 and subsequently devoted an entire issue to this topic.81 The Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and the Canadian Critical Care Society conducted systematic reviews and developed separate guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of VAP.80, 121

                    In summary, we present diagnostic and treatment algorithms for VAP. Our intent is that these algorithms may provide evidence‐based practical guidance to clinicians seeking a standardized approach to diagnosing and managing this challenging problem.

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                    61. Schurink CA,Van Nieuwenhoven CA,Jacobs JA, et al.Clinical pulmonary infection score for ventilator‐associated pneumonia: accuracy and inter‐observer variability.Intensive Care Med.2004;30:217224.
                    62. Micek ST,Ward S,Fraser VJ,Kollef MH.A randomized controlled trial of an antibiotic discontinuation policy for clinically suspected ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Chest.2004;125:17911799.
                    63. Michel F,Franceschini B,Berger P, et al.Early antibiotic treatment for BAL‐confirmed ventilator‐associated pneumonia: a role for routine endotracheal aspirate cultures.Chest.2005;127:589597.
                    64. Singh N,Rogers P,Atwood CW,Wagener MM,Yu VL.Short‐course empiric antibiotic therapy for patients with pulmonary infiltrates in the intensive care unit. A proposed solution for indiscriminate antibiotic prescription.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2000;162:505511.
                    65. Ibrahim EH,Ward S,Sherman G,Schaiff R,Fraser VJ,Kollef MH.Experience with a clinical guideline for the treatment of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Crit Care Med.2001;29:11091115.
                    66. Sanchez‐Nieto JM,Torres A,Garcia‐Cordoba F, et al.Impact of invasive and noninvasive quantitative culture sampling on outcome of ventilator‐associated pneumonia: a pilot study.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.1998;157:371376.
                    67. Ruiz M,Torres A,Ewig S, et al.Noninvasive versus invasive microbial investigation in ventilator‐associated pneumonia: evaluation of outcome.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2000;162:119125.
                    68. Sole Violan J,Fernandez JA,Benitez AB,Cardenosa Cendrero JA,Rodriguez de Castro F.Impact of quantitative invasive diagnostic techniques in the management and outcome of mechanically ventilated patients with suspected pneumonia.Crit Care Med.2000;28:27372741.
                    69. Fagon JY,Chastre J,Wolff M, et al.Invasive and noninvasive strategies for management of suspected ventilator‐associated pneumonia. A randomized trial.Ann Intern Med.2000;132:621630.
                    70. Chastre J,Combes A,Luyt CE.Expert discussion: The invasive (quantitative) diagnosis of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Respir Care.2005;50:807812.
                    71. Luna CM,Vujacich P,Niederman MS, et al.Impact of BAL data on the therapy and outcome of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Chest.1997;111:676685.
                    72. Dupont H,Mentec H,Sollet JP,Bleichner G.Impact of appropriateness of initial antibiotic therapy on the outcome of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Intensive Care Med.2001;27:355362.
                    73. Iregui M,Ward S,Sherman G,Fraser VJ,Kollef MH.Clinical importance of delays in the initiation of appropriate antibiotic treatment for ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Chest.2002;122:262268.
                    74. Luna CM,Aruj P,Niederman MS, et al.Appropriateness and delay to initiate therapy in ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Eur Respir J.2006;27:158164.
                    75. Kollef MH.The importance of appropriate initial antibiotic therapy for hospital‐acquired infections.Am J Med.2003;115:582584.
                    76. Souweine B,Veber B,Bedos JP, et al.Diagnostic accuracy of protected specimen brush and bronchoalveolar lavage in nosocomial pneumonia: impact of previous antimicrobial treatments.Crit Care Med.1998;26:236244.
                    77. Rello J,Vidaur L,Sandiumenge A, et al.De‐escalation therapy in ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Crit Care Med.2004;32:21832190.
                    78. Chastre J,Wolff M,Fagon JY, et al.Comparison of 8 vs 15 days of antibiotic therapy for ventilator‐associated pneumonia in adults: a randomized trial.JAMA.2003;290:25882598.
                    79. Niederman MS.De‐escalation therapy in ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Curr Opin Crit Care.2006;12:452457.
                    80. Dodek P,Keenan S,Cook D, et al.Evidence‐based clinical practice guideline for the prevention of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Ann Intern Med.2004;141:305313.
                    81. Chastre J.Conference summary: ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Respir Care.2005;50:975983.
                    82. Collard HR,Saint S,Matthay MA.Prevention of ventilator‐associated pneumonia: an evidence‐based systematic review.Ann Intern Med.2003;138:494501.
                    83. Kollef MH.The prevention of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.N Engl J Med.1999;340:627634.
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                    85. Pittet D,Hugonnet S,Harbarth S, et al.Effectiveness of a hospital‐wide programme to improve compliance with hand hygiene. Infection Control Programme.Lancet.2000;356:13071312.
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                    88. Girou E,Schortgen F,Delclaux C, et al.Association of noninvasive ventilation with nosocomial infections and survival in critically ill patients.JAMA.2000;284:23612367.
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                    63. Michel F,Franceschini B,Berger P, et al.Early antibiotic treatment for BAL‐confirmed ventilator‐associated pneumonia: a role for routine endotracheal aspirate cultures.Chest.2005;127:589597.
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                    65. Ibrahim EH,Ward S,Sherman G,Schaiff R,Fraser VJ,Kollef MH.Experience with a clinical guideline for the treatment of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Crit Care Med.2001;29:11091115.
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                    68. Sole Violan J,Fernandez JA,Benitez AB,Cardenosa Cendrero JA,Rodriguez de Castro F.Impact of quantitative invasive diagnostic techniques in the management and outcome of mechanically ventilated patients with suspected pneumonia.Crit Care Med.2000;28:27372741.
                    69. Fagon JY,Chastre J,Wolff M, et al.Invasive and noninvasive strategies for management of suspected ventilator‐associated pneumonia. A randomized trial.Ann Intern Med.2000;132:621630.
                    70. Chastre J,Combes A,Luyt CE.Expert discussion: The invasive (quantitative) diagnosis of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Respir Care.2005;50:807812.
                    71. Luna CM,Vujacich P,Niederman MS, et al.Impact of BAL data on the therapy and outcome of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Chest.1997;111:676685.
                    72. Dupont H,Mentec H,Sollet JP,Bleichner G.Impact of appropriateness of initial antibiotic therapy on the outcome of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Intensive Care Med.2001;27:355362.
                    73. Iregui M,Ward S,Sherman G,Fraser VJ,Kollef MH.Clinical importance of delays in the initiation of appropriate antibiotic treatment for ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Chest.2002;122:262268.
                    74. Luna CM,Aruj P,Niederman MS, et al.Appropriateness and delay to initiate therapy in ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Eur Respir J.2006;27:158164.
                    75. Kollef MH.The importance of appropriate initial antibiotic therapy for hospital‐acquired infections.Am J Med.2003;115:582584.
                    76. Souweine B,Veber B,Bedos JP, et al.Diagnostic accuracy of protected specimen brush and bronchoalveolar lavage in nosocomial pneumonia: impact of previous antimicrobial treatments.Crit Care Med.1998;26:236244.
                    77. Rello J,Vidaur L,Sandiumenge A, et al.De‐escalation therapy in ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Crit Care Med.2004;32:21832190.
                    78. Chastre J,Wolff M,Fagon JY, et al.Comparison of 8 vs 15 days of antibiotic therapy for ventilator‐associated pneumonia in adults: a randomized trial.JAMA.2003;290:25882598.
                    79. Niederman MS.De‐escalation therapy in ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Curr Opin Crit Care.2006;12:452457.
                    80. Dodek P,Keenan S,Cook D, et al.Evidence‐based clinical practice guideline for the prevention of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Ann Intern Med.2004;141:305313.
                    81. Chastre J.Conference summary: ventilator‐associated pneumonia.Respir Care.2005;50:975983.
                    82. Collard HR,Saint S,Matthay MA.Prevention of ventilator‐associated pneumonia: an evidence‐based systematic review.Ann Intern Med.2003;138:494501.
                    83. Kollef MH.The prevention of ventilator‐associated pneumonia.N Engl J Med.1999;340:627634.
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                    85. Pittet D,Hugonnet S,Harbarth S, et al.Effectiveness of a hospital‐wide programme to improve compliance with hand hygiene. Infection Control Programme.Lancet.2000;356:13071312.
                    86. Torres A,Gatell JM,Aznar E, et al.Re‐intubation increases the risk of nosocomial pneumonia in patients needing mechanical ventilation.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.1995;152:13741.
                    87. Celis R,Torres A,Gatell JM,Almela M,Rodriguez‐Roisin R,Agusti‐Vidal A.Nosocomial pneumonia. A multivariate analysis of risk and prognosis.Chest.1988;93:318324.
                    88. Girou E,Schortgen F,Delclaux C, et al.Association of noninvasive ventilation with nosocomial infections and survival in critically ill patients.JAMA.2000;284:23612367.
                    89. Rouby JJ,Laurent P,Gosnach M, et al.Risk factors and clinical relevance of nosocomial maxillary sinusitis in the critically ill.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.1994;150:776783.
                    90. Ramirez P,Ferrer M,Torres A.Prevention measures for ventilator‐associated pneumonia: a new focus on the endotracheal tube.Curr Opin Infect Dis.2007;20:190197.
                    91. Smulders K,van der Hoeven H,Weers‐Pothoff I,Vandenbroucke‐Grauls C.A randomized clinical trial of intermittent subglottic secretion drainage in patients receiving mechanical ventilation.Chest.2002;121:858862.
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                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(5)
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                    Evidence‐based algorithms for diagnosing and treating ventilator‐associated pneumonia
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                    Evidence‐based algorithms for diagnosing and treating ventilator‐associated pneumonia
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                    Non–Housestaff Medicine Services in Academic Centers

                    Article Type
                    Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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                    Non–housestaff medicine services in academic centers: Models and challenges

                    Many academic medical centers (AMCs) have developed nonhousestaff services to provide clinical care once provided by physicians‐in‐training. These services, often staffed by hospitalists and/or midlevel providers, have experienced tremendous growth in the past few years, yet very little exists in the literature about their development, structure, efficacy, or impact on hospitals, patients, and hospital medicine programs. The primary forces driving this growth include Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) resident duty hour restrictions,1 growth of the hospitalist movement,2 and the emphasis on simultaneously improving financial performance and quality of care in AMCs.3

                    Resident Duty Hour Restrictions

                    In 2003, the ACGME mandated restrictions on resident work hours, limiting trainees to 80 hours per week.1 Many training programs struggled with how to provide important clinical services while complying with the new restrictionscreating numerous models that bridged care between different shifts of residents.45 Implementation of day floats (a dedicated resident who rounds with the postcall team), night floats (a dedicated overnight resident who admits and cross‐covers patients), or some variation of both was common.6 No guidelines accompanied the ACGME mandate, leaving institutions to independently structure their programs without a known best practice.

                    Subsequent literature carefully addressed how the duty hour restrictions affect residents' lives and education but failed to discuss models for providing care.711 Training programs began to institute necessary changes but in doing so, created greater patient discontinuity and increased handoffs between residents, elevating the potential for adverse patient outcomes.12 Recent large‐scale studies indicate that inpatient care is the same or improved since adoption of the duty hour restrictions,1316 but controversy continues, with several editorials debating the issue.1719

                    Because increasing the volume of patients on housestaff services was not a viable option,20 many AMCs created nonhousestaff services and hired midlevel providers (nurse practitioners and physician assistants) to offset resident workloads and comply with the new restrictions. However, this strategy represented a very expensive alternative.21 Moreover, the current 80‐hour work limits may be revised downward, particularly given the lower restrictions in other countries,22 and this will further drive the demand for nonhousestaff services. Hospitalists, with their documented impact on efficiency and return on investment,23 represent a solution to fill these needs and have quickly become the predominant approach at AMCs.

                    The Hospitalist Movement

                    Since the term hospitalist was first coined in 1996,24 the remarkable growth of the number of practicing hospitalists emphasizes how first community hospitals and now AMCs have embraced this approach.25 With more than 20,000 nationwide and projections that the field will grow to 30,000 by 2010,26 hospitalists are becoming the primary providers for in‐patients.2 This growth was further catalyzed when widely expressed concerns about safety and quality became public,2728 and hospitalists incorporated patient safety and quality improvement activities into their efforts.3 The confluence of these factors also prompted emergence of hospital medicine programs at AMCs, a growth that came with anticipated dangers.29 Reflecting the recognition that hospital medicine is becoming a separate specialty30 and is integral to the functioning of an AMC, institutions now operate dedicated divisions of hospital medicine.

                    AMCs and Hospital Performance

                    AMCs operate 3 related enterprises: a medical school that trains future physicians, a research arena that promotes basic and clinical investigation, and health care services that often encompass both hospitals and clinics. The financial viability of AMCs has always been a topic of debate, largely because of the different missions they pursue and the financial means by which they survive.3133 Over the past decade, cuts in Medicare reimbursement, challenges in balancing bed availability with occupancy rates, and a growing emphasis on cost reduction have created a more competitive health care environment, but without the predicted demise of AMCs.34 Because education and research generally fail to bolster the bottom line, AMCs have focused on optimizing clinical services to promote financial viability.

                    Hospitalists are uniquely positioned to help this bottom line, just as they do at community hospitals. Their involvement in patient care may produce reductions in length of stay, greater efficiency in discharge planning, and significant cost savings.3537 Hospitalists may also improve throughput in emergency departments and decrease wait times, leading to more efficient bed utilization.38 This leads to a potential for greater hospital revenue by increasing both the number of admissions, particularly surgical cases, and staffed inpatient beds, the latter a premium, as AMCs continue to expand their bed capacity almost annually. Finally, hospitalists may serve as change agents in improving the quality and safety of care delivered, an increasingly important metric given the desire for and expansion of publicly reported measures.

                    From a financial standpoint, Medicare support to AMCs for training residents now subsidizes fewer clinical care hours. Hospitalist‐driven nonhousestaff services will continue to fulfill a need created by this marked change in residency training. The tension of who pays for nonhousestaff servicesincreased federal support, financial backing from AMCs, or academic department fundsposes an ongoing struggle. In fact, this may be the most important issue currently debated among hospital administrators and department chairs. Regardless, AMCs continue to view hospitalists as a mechanism (or even solution) to maintaining their financial bottom line through improving care delivery systems, adhering to resident work hour restrictions, leading quality and safety improvement initiatives, and improving clinical patient outcomes.


                    For AMCs developing nonhousestaff services, the process begins by addressing a series of important questions (Table 1). How these questions are answered is often driven by local factors such as the vision of local leadership and the availability of important resources. Nonetheless, it is important for hospitals to share their experiences because best practices remain unclear. Table 2 provides a tabular snapshot of nonhousestaff medicine services at 5 AMCs to highlight similarities and differences. Data in the table were compiled by having a representative from each AMC report the different attributes, which reflects each program as of July 2007. Table 2 provides no data on the quality or efficiency of housestaff versus nonhousestaff services, though this type of investigation is underway and will be critical in future planning.3940

                    Important Questions in Developing a NonHousestaff Medicine Service
                    Questions Potential options
                    Who will provide care on nonhousestaff services? Physicians seeking a 1‐year position
                    Physicians committed to a purely clinical career
                    Physicians committed to an academic career in hospital medicine
                    Will hospitalists share nonhousestaff service time, or will there be dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists? Hybrid positions
                    Dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists
                    Use of PGY‐4s1‐year positions (often individuals planning a fellowship)
                    How should staffing be organized? Hospitalist‐only services
                    Use of midlevel providers
                    Will there be 24‐7 coverage, and if so, how will nights be staffed? Dedicated nocturnists
                    Shared among daytime hospitalists
                    Midlevel providers
                    Moonlighters (fellows or residents)
                    What type of schedule will provide blocks of clinical time to ensure continuity of care but also ensure adequate nonclinical time to prevent physician burnout and turnover? 7 on/7 off sequences
                    45 day sequences
                    Longer shifts with fewer shifts per month
                    Shorter shifts with more shifts per month
                    Where will patients on a nonhousestaff service receive care? Geographically designed serviced
                    ○ Different floor
                    ○ Different hospital
                    Mixed among housestaff service
                    What patient population will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Same as on housestaff service
                    Based on bed availability if nonhousestaff service is geographic (a unit)
                    Based on triage guidelines (lower acuity, observation patients, specific diagnoses)
                    What volume of patients will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Fixed census cap based on staffing
                    Flexible census depending on activity of housestaff service (above their cap)
                    Will compensation for providing nonhousestaff services differ from that on housestaff services? Higher base salary
                    Incentives tied to nonhousestaff time
                    Different incentive structures
                    Characteristics of NonHouse Staff Medicine Services at 5 Academic Centers
                    Attributes BWH Emory University of Michigan Northwestern UCSF
                    Description of staffing model Mon.‐Sun.: 1 daytime Hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 4 daytime hospitalists, 2 swing shift admitters Weekdays: 7 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 8 daytime hospitalists, 1 triage hospitalist Weekdays: 2 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist
                    Nights: 1 MD Nights: 1 MDs Weekends: 7 daytime hospitalists Nights: 2 MDs Weekends: 2 daytime hospitalists
                    Nights: 2 MDs Nights: 1 MD
                    Location of service In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital Physically separate hospital affiliate (UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion)
                    Nonhousestaff FTEs/total hospitalist group 3/15 10/14 20/30 25/34 6/36
                    What hospitalists provide care on nonhous estaff services? Core of 3 hospitalists (also do month on housestaff service) Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 14 FTEs dedicated to nonhousestaff services Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 6 Mount Zionbased hospitalists (also spend 23 months on housestaff service at university hospital)
                    Other 6 FTEs consist of 10 faculty with mixed roles
                    Age of service 2 years 4 years 3 years 5 years 3 years
                    How patients get assigned to non‐housestaff service? 1. Only ED admissions with no transfers from ICU or other services Assigned by rotation 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during afternoon 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during day 1. Lower‐acuity admissions from ED
                    2. Admit whenever bed open on service (geographic) 2. Observation cases triaged directly to service 2. Lower‐acuity patients and direct admissions 2. Lower‐acuity admissions from clinics
                    3. Once housestaff cap, all subsequent admits until midnight to nonhousestaff service 3. Nonhousestaff service admits all patients once resident caps reached 3. Transfers from housestaff service no longer requiring tertiary services (or with complex discharge planning)
                    Average daily census of nonhousestaff service 12 56 70 (75 cap) 8595 2026
                    Number of shifts per month/shift duration 15/1012 hours 15/12 hours 1517 (depending on number of nights covered)/812 hours (swing = 8 hours, day = 1012 hours, night = 12 hours) 20/1012 hours 1617/1012 hours
                    Shift sequences 710 days consecutive Variable 67 days consecutive followed by 1 night for those who cover nights 7 days consecutive 4‐ to 6‐day variable sequences
                    Total clinical days worked/year 168 182.5 185202 (depending on number of nights covered) 212 196
                    Weekend clinical time 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends
                    Night coverage/by whom? Yes/exclusively moonlighters Yes/shared (50% covered by 1 dedicated nocturnist) Yes/66% of nights staffed by dedicated nocturnists with remainder shared Yes/exclusively by six 1‐year nocturnists Yes/exclusively by moonlighters
                    Presence of midlevel providers Yes 6 FTE PAs Mon.‐Sun. No Yes 8 FTE PAs weekdays No No
                    Presence of dedicated case manager Yes Yes Yes No Yes
                    Presence of medical students for patient care No No Yes, 4th‐year subinterns or students on elective rotation No No
                    Compensation model Salary + weekend bonus beyond 10 Salary + incentive Base + shift‐based incentive + quality incentive Salary + incentive Salary
                    Pay differential compared to housestaff service compensation 10% Higher because of weekend bonus None About 20% higher base compensation; loan forgiveness program tied to nonhousestaff time None About 20% higher compensation
                    Hospital financial support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

                    Table 2 does illustrate several important considerations in structuring nonhousestaff services. For example, if a nonhousestaff service operates at a different physical location, careful triage of patients is necessary. Resources, including the availability of subspecialty and surgical consultants, may differ, and thus patient complexity and acuity may dictate whether a patient gets admitted to the nonhousestaff service. These triage factors were a major challenge in the design of UCSF's nonhousestaff service. The other nonhousestaff services handle overflow admissions after the housestaff service reaches a census or admission cap; transfers between services rarely occur, and resources are similar.

                    Other observations include that hospitalists work a similar number of hours each year and cover 50% of weekends but with differing shift lengths and sequences. Each service also provides night coverage but only Emory, the University of Michigan, and Northwestern utilize dedicated nocturnists. The University of Michigan and Brigham & Women's Hospital are the only sites that employ midlevel providers who work closely with hospitalists. In terms of group structure, Northwestern's hospitalists are the most integrated, with each hospitalist sharing equal responsibility for nonhousestaff coverage. In contrast, the other programs use selected hospitalists or a dedicated core of hospitalists to provide nonhousestaff services. Compensation models also vary, with certain groups salaried and others having incentive systems, although all receive hospital‐based funding support. Hospital‐based funding support ranges from 40% to 100% of total program costs across sites, creating similar variance in a given program's deficit risk. Finally, most programs do compensate nonhousestaff services at higher rates.

                    All the decisions captured in Table 2 have implications for costs, recruitment, and service structure. Furthermore, the striking variations demonstrate how different academic hospitalist positions can occur both within a hospital medicine group and across institutions. Of note, Table 2 only characterizes nonhousestaff medicine services, not the growing number of comanagement (eg, orthopedics, neurosurgery, or hematology/oncology) and other clinical services (eg, observation unit or preoperative medicine clinic) also staffed by hospitalists at AMCs.


                    Hospital medicine programs and AMCs face several challenges in building non‐housestaff services, but these will likely become less daunting as programs learn from their own experiences, from those of colleagues at other institutions, and from future investigations of these care models. We highlight a few issues below that warrant important consideration.

                    The Equities of the System

                    Prior to developing nonhousestaff services, our academic hospitalist programs scheduled teaching service time in month or half‐month blocks, balancing holidays and weekends. Equity in scheduling became a function of required clinical time, sources of non‐clinical funding (eg, grants, educational or administrative roles), and expectations for scholarship, attributes typical of most subspecialty academic divisions. Given the differing clinical missions that have stimulated academic hospital medicine programs to form, concerns of scheduling equity have grown, posing challenges not experienced in other divisions.

                    Institutions that choose to divide housestaff and nonhousestaff duties among distinct groups of hospitalists create the potential for a 2‐tiered system, one in which those with housestaff roles are more valued and respected by the institution. Hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services admit patients, write orders, and field direct patient calls, a role rarely undertaken by subspecialty attendings or hospitalists on housestaff services. Our collective experiences provide evidence of the danger of this second‐class‐citizen status, one that requires attention to ensure job satisfaction, retention, and necessary career development.

                    Institutions have accentuated the second‐class‐citizen concern by staffing nonhousestaff roles with 1‐year hospitalistsPGY‐4s. Most of these hires in our institutions are individuals just out of residency and intent on pursuing a fellowship. We speculate that they enjoy the comforts of the AMC where they often trained and accept purely nonhousestaff positions because of what they view as an appealing work schedule and salary. Although this approach addresses the growing need for hospitalists on nonhousestaff services in the short term, these positions must remain attractive enough (both financially and professionally) to encourage residency graduates to pursue an academic hospitalist career instead of a 1‐year position as a transition to fellowship. Otherwise, the approach conveys a message that relatively inexperienced physicians are good enough to be hospitalists.

                    Developing a cadre of clinically focused hospitalists who provide outstanding patient care and also garner respect as successful academicians is a difficult task. Although 1 group in our sample (Northwestern) shares nonhousestaff responsibilities equally, others may find this impractical, particularly where faculty members were hired before nonhousestaff services were established. Redefining such clinical positions several years into a career may be challenging, as it forces faculty members into roles they didn't sign up for or grandfathers them out of such roles, adding to the risk of a 2‐tiered system. Alternatively, groups may focus on building academic activities into nonhousestaff services, including medical student teaching, quality improvement, or clinical research activities. In this article, we deliberately classified these services as nonhousestaff rather than non‐teaching because the latter fails to acknowledge that these hospitalists often serve as teachers (eg, housestaff conferences, supervision of midlevel providers, and/or rotating medical students)an important if not symbolic distinction. It is imperative that planning for nonhousestaff services balance the larger academic mission of hospital medicine groups with creating equitable, valued, and sustainable job descriptions.

                    Defining the Patient Mix

                    Developing an optimal patient mix on nonhousestaff services also carries important implications. For services that work in parallel with the housestaff service and simply take extra patients above the resident cap, this concern may be less significant. However, other nonhousestaff services have been structured to care for lower‐acuity patients (eg, cellulitis, asthma, pneumonia) or select patient populations (eg, sickle cell or inflammatory bowel disease). This distribution system potentially changes the educational experience on the housestaff servicedecreasing the bread‐and‐butter admissionsbut also may affect the job satisfaction of hospitalists and midlevel providers on nonhousestaff services. Building triage criteria, working with emergency department leadership, and avoiding patients being turfed between different services is critical. We strongly recommend a regular process to review admissions to each service and determine when the triage process requires further calibration.

                    Recruitment and Retention

                    Traditionally, graduates of residency or fellowship training programs chose academic positions because of an interest in teaching, a desire for scholarship, or a commitment to research. Those interested in primarily clinical roles typically pursued positions in nonacademic settings. The development of nonhousestaff services challenges this paradigm because the objective for academic hospitalist leadership now becomes recruiting pure clinicians as well as academicians. These might be the same individual, a hospitalist who provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services, or 2 different individuals if the nonhousestaff service is covered by dedicated hospitalists. In addition, with the current promotion structure in academia, a purely clinical position may be less attractive, as it provides fewer opportunities for advancement.

                    Therefore, recruitment and retention of academic hospitalists will require job descriptions that provide dedicated teaching opportunities, time for participation in quality and safety improvement projects, or pursuit of a scholarly interest in non‐clinical timethe diastole of an academic hospitalist.41 Hospital medicine leadership will also need to better distinguish off‐time from non‐clinical time, as many young hospitalists struggle to balance professional and personal commitmentsa recipe for burnout.42 Regardless of how clinical responsibilities differ between 2 hospitalists, providing them with similar academic resources is what will distinguish their positions from that in the community. Furthermore, many groups have chosen to pay faculty a premium for their nonhousestaff roles or to use specific recruitment incentives such as educational loan forgiveness programs.

                    With the expected growth of nonhousestaff services and surgical comanagement, hospital medicine programs will also need to determine if new hires will focus on a specific service (eg, orthopedic hospitalist) or whether job descriptions will include a mix of activities (eg, 3 months' teaching service, 3 months' nonhousestaff medical service, and 3 months' surgical comanagement service). A second and equally important question is where does the hospitalist live? If cardiology wants hospitalists to care for their patients, should they be hired and mentored by cardiologists or by hospitalists in a division of general or hospital medicine? In many cases, a graduating resident with plans to pursue a fellowship (eg, cardiology or hematology/oncology) may be a perfect candidate for a 1‐year position on his or her future specialty service. However, in the long term, maintaining all the academic hospitalists under the same umbrella will provide greater mentorship, professional development, opportunities for collaboration, clinical diversity, and sense of belonging to a group, rather than being a token hospitalist for another division.

                    Compensation and Financial Relationships with AMCs

                    Salaries for hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services are typically higher at AMCs, which are competing with community standards given the similar level of clinical hours worked. However, although pay for nonhousestaff activities should reflect the nature of the work, compensation models based on clinical productivity alone may prove inadequate. It appears hospitalists working in academic facilities spend significant time on indirect patient care because of these hospitals' inefficiencies, usually not found in community settings.43 Devising compensation for an academic hospitalist requires careful attention and must balance a number of factors because these hospitalists will not generate their entire salary from clinical services. Financial support must come from either the division or medical center, an annual negotiation at AMCs.

                    Several methods exist to structure hospitalist compensation. A hospitalist's salary may be fixed, may have a base salary with incentives, or may be derived based on clinical productivity. For example, if a hospital medicine program provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services and employs a fixed‐salary approach, it may choose a menu‐style method to determine compensation (eg, 6 months on nonhousestaff service at x dollars/month + 3 months on housestaff service at x dollars/month = annual salary). If a hospitalist takes on a funded nonclinical role or secures extramural funding, the salary menu gets adjusted accordingly as the clinical time is bought out. Critics of the fixed‐salary approach argue that paying each hospitalist the same salary regardless of the specific job description yields an inequitable system in which some are rewarded with less clinical time.

                    Compensation should probably have a guaranteed base salary with incentives, which could be determined by a formula that weighs clinical productivity, quality improvement efforts, scholarly activity, and teaching excellence. This model provides financial incentives to develop both clinically and academically but introduces complexity in determining a fair incentive structure. Finally, compensation can be structured without salary guarantee and putting compensation fully at risk based on clinical productivity, although this is an unlikely strategy for any hospital medicine group. This approach does disproportionately reward high volume providers, potentially at the risk of quality and safety, but also creates significant incentives to improve efficiency.

                    With respect to AMC relationships, hospital medicine programs must ensure the positive return on investment that drives financial support at their institutions. This fundamental economic dynamic makes AMCs dependent on their hospital medicine groups and vice versa. We caution programs from solely relying on measures such as reduced hospital costs or length of stay as a basis of funding unless there is a reward for maintaining performance once it inevitably plateaus. Moreover, explicitly tying utilization efficiency (ie, length of stay) to salary violates Stark rules44 and carries potential malpractice implications should patient care errors be attributable to premature hospital discharge. Over time hospitalists will need to maintain clinical benchmarks but also provide additional and valued services to their institutions, including quality and safety improvement activities and compliance with residency work hour restrictions.

                    Defining the Academic Hospitalist

                    The question is simple and perhaps philosophical: Are hospitalists who work at an AMC academic hospitalists? And what job description truly defines an academic hospitalist? Currently, there are no standards for the clinical activity of an academic hospitalist position (eg, number of weeks, weekends, and hours) or for assessment of nonclinical productivity. Hospital medicine programs face the challenge of defining positions that fulfill the growing clinical mission at AMCs but have little experience or guidance in ensuring they will lead to advancing the academic mission. Specifically, how do hospitalists who provide mostly clinical care, particularly on nonhousestaff services, achieve promotion? Hospital medicine program leadership must create enough opportunity and time for the development of skills in research, education, and quality or systems improvement if academic hospitalists are to succeed.

                    The Association of Chiefs of General Internal Medicine (ACGIM), the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), and the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) are currently collaborating to develop consensus guidelines in this area. Ultimately, through the efforts of these important governing bodies, the specialty of hospital medicine will be able to demonstrate the unique skills and services they provide and move toward advocating for academic promotion criteria that recognize their value and accomplishments.

                    FUTURE DIRECTIONS

                    Many lament that the milieu for academic hospitalists raises more challenges than solutions, but we believe the current era is one of excitement and opportunity. In the coming years, we will experience continued growth of nonhousestaff services, including greater comanagement with our surgical and medical specialty colleagues. These opportunities will create new relationships and increase our visibility in AMCs. However, we must remain committed to studying nonhousestaff services and determine if and how they differ from their housestaff and community counterparts, as this will be an important step toward addressing current challenges.

                    As hospitalists take on increasingly diverse roles,45 we must also lead initiatives to better train, recruit, and retain those interested in our specialty. Promoting our field and recruiting future faculty should occur through local hospitalist career nights, events at national meetings (targeting students, housestaff, and fellows), and other mechanisms utilized by our subspecialty colleagues. For housestaff interested in fellowship training, the growing number of hospitalist fellowships can provide skills in teaching and quality improvement.46 For trainees committed to research, we should work with existing general medicine research fellowships and partner to provide hospitalist mentorship.

                    Hospitalists are in a unique position to influence the delivery of clinical services, shape the future of residency training, guide quality and safety improvement initiatives, and take on leadership roles through our departments, universities, and medical centers. With the growing number of clinical services being added to our portfolio, we will need careful planning and evaluation of our efforts to build successful partnerships and develop faculty roles that balance clinical and academic pursuits to sustain long‐term and satisfying hospitalist careers.

                    1. Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Information related to the ACGME's effort to address resident duty hours and other relevant resource materials. Available at: Accessed May 28,2007.
                    2. Kralovec PD,Miller JA,Wellikson LW,Huddleston JM.The status of hospital medicine groups in the United States.J Hosp Med.2006;1:7580.
                    3. Wachter RM.Reflections: the hospitalist movement a decade later.J Hosp Med.2006;1:248252.
                    4. Weinstein DF.Duty hours for resident physicians—tough choices for teaching hospitals.N Engl J Med.2002;347:12751278.
                    5. Parekh V,Flanders S.Resident work hours, hospitalist programs and academic medical centers.The Hospitalist.2005;Jan/Feb:3033.
                    6. Yoon HH.Adapting to duty‐hour limits—four years on.N Engl J Med.2007;356:26682670.
                    7. Fletcher KE,Underwood W,Davis SQ,Mangrulkar RS,McMahon LF,Saint S.Effects of work hour reduction on residents' lives: a systematic review.JAMA.2005;294:10881100.
                    8. Vidyarthi AR,Katz PP,Wall SD,Wachter RM,Auerbach AD.Impact of reduced duty hours on residents' educational satisfaction at the University of California, San Francisco.Acad Med.2006;81:7681.
                    9. Reed DA,Levine RB,Miller RG, et al.Effect of Residency Duty‐Hour Limits. Views of Key Clinical Faculty.Arch Intern Med.2007;167:14871492.
                    10. West CP,Cook RJ,Popkave C,Kolars JC.Perceived impact of duty hours regulation: a survey of residents and program directors.Am J Med.2007;120:644648.
                    11. Vidyarthi AR,Auerbach AD,Wachter RM,Katz PP.The impact of duty hours on resident self reports of errors.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22:205209.
                    12. Vidyarthi AR,Arora V,Schnipper JL,Wall SD,Wachter RM.Managing discontinuity in academic medical centers: strategies for a safe and effective resident sign‐out.J Hosp Med.2006;1:257266.
                    13. Shetty KD,Bhattacharya J.Changes in hospital mortality associated with residency work‐hour regulations.Ann Intern Med.2007;147:7380.
                    14. Horwitz LI,Kosiborod M,Lin Z,Krumholz HM.Changes in outcomes for internal medicine inpatients after work‐hour regulations.Ann Intern Med.2007;147:97103.
                    15. Volpp KG,Rosen AK,Rosenbaum PR, et al.Mortality among hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries in the first 2 years following ACGME resident duty hour reform.JAMA.2007;298:975983.
                    16. Volpp KG,Rosen AK,Rosenbaum PR, et al.Mortality among patients in VA hospitals in the first 2 years following ACGME resident duty hour reform.JAMA.2007;298:984991.
                    17. Okie S.An elusive balance—residents' work hours and the continuity of care.N Engl J Med.2007;356:26652667.
                    18. Goldman L,Fiebach NH.Hippocrates affirmed? Limiting residents' work hours does no harm to patients.Ann Intern Med.2007;356:143144.
                    19. Meltzer DO,Arora VM.Evaluating resident duty hour reforms.JAMA.2007;298:10551057.
                    20. Ong M,Bostrom A,Vidyarthi A,McCulloch C,Auerbach A.Housestaff team workload and organization effects on patient outcomes in an academic general internal medicine inpatient service.Arch Intern Med.2007;167:4752.
                    21. Mitchell CC,Ashley SW,Zinner MJ,Moore FD.Predicting future staffing needs at teaching hospitals: use of an analytical program with multiple variables.Arch Surg.2007;142:329334.
                    22. Kwan R. A primer on: resident work hours. American Medical Student Association. 6th ed. 2005. Available at: Accessed May 28,2007.
                    23. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The hospitalist movement 5 years later.JAMA.2002;287:487494.
                    24. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The emerging role of “hospitalists” in the American health care system.N Engl J Med.1996;335:514517.
                    25. Williams MV.The future of hospital medicine: evolution or revolution?Am J Med.2004;117:446450.
                    26. Society of Hospital Medicine. Media Center link: Growth of hospital medicine nationwide. Available at Accessed May 28,2007.
                    27. Kohn L,Corrigan JM,Donaldson MS, eds.To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System.Washington DC:Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press;2000.
                    28. Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine.Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2001.
                    29. Saint S,Flanders SA.Hospitalists in teaching hospitals: opportunities but not without danger.J Gen Intern Med.2004;19:392393.
                    30. Wachter RM.What will board certification be‐and mean‐for hospitalists?J Hosp Med.2007;2:102104.
                    31. Kassirer JP.Academic medical centers under siege.N Engl J Med.1994;331:13701371.
                    32. Carey RM,Englehard CL.Academic medicine meets managed care: a high impact collision.Acad Med.1996;71:839845.
                    33. Berns KI.Preventing the academic medical center from becoming an oxymoron.Acad Med.1996;71:117120.
                    34. Moses H,Their S,Matheson D.Why have academic medical center survived?JAMA.2005:293;14951500.
                    35. Rifkin W,Holmboe E,Scherer H,Sierra H.Comparison of hospitalist and nonhospitalists in inpatient length of stay adjusting for patient and physician characteristics.J Gen Intern Med.2004;19:11271132.
                    36. Everett G,Uddin N,Rudloff B.Comparison of hospital costs and length of stay for community internists, hospitalists, and academicians.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22;662667.
                    37. Coffman J,Rundall TG.The impact of hospitalists on the cost and quality of inpatient care in the United States: a research synthesis.Med Care Res Rev.2005;62:379406.
                    38. Howell E,Bessman E,Rubin H.Hospitalists and an innovative emergency department admissions process.J Gen Intern Med.2004;19:266268.
                    39. Khaliq AA,Huang C,Ganti AK,Invie K,Smego RA.Comparison of resource utilization and clinical outcomes between teaching and nonteaching medical services.J Hosp Med.2007;2:150157.
                    40. Everett G,Uddin N,Rudloff B.Comparison of hospital costs and length of stay for community internists, hospitalists, and academicians.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22:662667.
                    41. Arora V,Fang MC,Kripalani S,Amin AN.Preparing for “diastole”: advanced training opportunities for academic hospitalists.J Hosp Med.2006;1:368377.
                    42. Society of Hospital Medicine Career Satisfaction Task Force. White Paper on Hospitalist Career Satisfaction. 2006;1–45. Available at: Accessed August 11,2007.
                    43. O'Leary KJ,Liebovitz DM,Baker DW.How hospitalists spend their time: insights on efficiency and safety.J Hosp Med.2006;1:8893.
                    44. A Guide to Complying with Stark Self‐Referral Rules.Washington, DC:Atlantic Information Services, Inc.; 2004. Available at: Accessed September 9, 2007.
                    45. Sehgal NL,Wachter RM.The expanding role of hospitalists in the United States.Swiss Med Wkly.2006;136:591596.
                    46. Ranji SR,Rosenman DJ,Amin AN,Kripalani S.Hospital medicine fellowships: works in progress.Am J Med.2006;119:72e71e77.
                    Article PDF
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(3)
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                    hospitalists, non‐housestaff services, academic medical centers
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                    Many academic medical centers (AMCs) have developed nonhousestaff services to provide clinical care once provided by physicians‐in‐training. These services, often staffed by hospitalists and/or midlevel providers, have experienced tremendous growth in the past few years, yet very little exists in the literature about their development, structure, efficacy, or impact on hospitals, patients, and hospital medicine programs. The primary forces driving this growth include Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) resident duty hour restrictions,1 growth of the hospitalist movement,2 and the emphasis on simultaneously improving financial performance and quality of care in AMCs.3

                    Resident Duty Hour Restrictions

                    In 2003, the ACGME mandated restrictions on resident work hours, limiting trainees to 80 hours per week.1 Many training programs struggled with how to provide important clinical services while complying with the new restrictionscreating numerous models that bridged care between different shifts of residents.45 Implementation of day floats (a dedicated resident who rounds with the postcall team), night floats (a dedicated overnight resident who admits and cross‐covers patients), or some variation of both was common.6 No guidelines accompanied the ACGME mandate, leaving institutions to independently structure their programs without a known best practice.

                    Subsequent literature carefully addressed how the duty hour restrictions affect residents' lives and education but failed to discuss models for providing care.711 Training programs began to institute necessary changes but in doing so, created greater patient discontinuity and increased handoffs between residents, elevating the potential for adverse patient outcomes.12 Recent large‐scale studies indicate that inpatient care is the same or improved since adoption of the duty hour restrictions,1316 but controversy continues, with several editorials debating the issue.1719

                    Because increasing the volume of patients on housestaff services was not a viable option,20 many AMCs created nonhousestaff services and hired midlevel providers (nurse practitioners and physician assistants) to offset resident workloads and comply with the new restrictions. However, this strategy represented a very expensive alternative.21 Moreover, the current 80‐hour work limits may be revised downward, particularly given the lower restrictions in other countries,22 and this will further drive the demand for nonhousestaff services. Hospitalists, with their documented impact on efficiency and return on investment,23 represent a solution to fill these needs and have quickly become the predominant approach at AMCs.

                    The Hospitalist Movement

                    Since the term hospitalist was first coined in 1996,24 the remarkable growth of the number of practicing hospitalists emphasizes how first community hospitals and now AMCs have embraced this approach.25 With more than 20,000 nationwide and projections that the field will grow to 30,000 by 2010,26 hospitalists are becoming the primary providers for in‐patients.2 This growth was further catalyzed when widely expressed concerns about safety and quality became public,2728 and hospitalists incorporated patient safety and quality improvement activities into their efforts.3 The confluence of these factors also prompted emergence of hospital medicine programs at AMCs, a growth that came with anticipated dangers.29 Reflecting the recognition that hospital medicine is becoming a separate specialty30 and is integral to the functioning of an AMC, institutions now operate dedicated divisions of hospital medicine.

                    AMCs and Hospital Performance

                    AMCs operate 3 related enterprises: a medical school that trains future physicians, a research arena that promotes basic and clinical investigation, and health care services that often encompass both hospitals and clinics. The financial viability of AMCs has always been a topic of debate, largely because of the different missions they pursue and the financial means by which they survive.3133 Over the past decade, cuts in Medicare reimbursement, challenges in balancing bed availability with occupancy rates, and a growing emphasis on cost reduction have created a more competitive health care environment, but without the predicted demise of AMCs.34 Because education and research generally fail to bolster the bottom line, AMCs have focused on optimizing clinical services to promote financial viability.

                    Hospitalists are uniquely positioned to help this bottom line, just as they do at community hospitals. Their involvement in patient care may produce reductions in length of stay, greater efficiency in discharge planning, and significant cost savings.3537 Hospitalists may also improve throughput in emergency departments and decrease wait times, leading to more efficient bed utilization.38 This leads to a potential for greater hospital revenue by increasing both the number of admissions, particularly surgical cases, and staffed inpatient beds, the latter a premium, as AMCs continue to expand their bed capacity almost annually. Finally, hospitalists may serve as change agents in improving the quality and safety of care delivered, an increasingly important metric given the desire for and expansion of publicly reported measures.

                    From a financial standpoint, Medicare support to AMCs for training residents now subsidizes fewer clinical care hours. Hospitalist‐driven nonhousestaff services will continue to fulfill a need created by this marked change in residency training. The tension of who pays for nonhousestaff servicesincreased federal support, financial backing from AMCs, or academic department fundsposes an ongoing struggle. In fact, this may be the most important issue currently debated among hospital administrators and department chairs. Regardless, AMCs continue to view hospitalists as a mechanism (or even solution) to maintaining their financial bottom line through improving care delivery systems, adhering to resident work hour restrictions, leading quality and safety improvement initiatives, and improving clinical patient outcomes.


                    For AMCs developing nonhousestaff services, the process begins by addressing a series of important questions (Table 1). How these questions are answered is often driven by local factors such as the vision of local leadership and the availability of important resources. Nonetheless, it is important for hospitals to share their experiences because best practices remain unclear. Table 2 provides a tabular snapshot of nonhousestaff medicine services at 5 AMCs to highlight similarities and differences. Data in the table were compiled by having a representative from each AMC report the different attributes, which reflects each program as of July 2007. Table 2 provides no data on the quality or efficiency of housestaff versus nonhousestaff services, though this type of investigation is underway and will be critical in future planning.3940

                    Important Questions in Developing a NonHousestaff Medicine Service
                    Questions Potential options
                    Who will provide care on nonhousestaff services? Physicians seeking a 1‐year position
                    Physicians committed to a purely clinical career
                    Physicians committed to an academic career in hospital medicine
                    Will hospitalists share nonhousestaff service time, or will there be dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists? Hybrid positions
                    Dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists
                    Use of PGY‐4s1‐year positions (often individuals planning a fellowship)
                    How should staffing be organized? Hospitalist‐only services
                    Use of midlevel providers
                    Will there be 24‐7 coverage, and if so, how will nights be staffed? Dedicated nocturnists
                    Shared among daytime hospitalists
                    Midlevel providers
                    Moonlighters (fellows or residents)
                    What type of schedule will provide blocks of clinical time to ensure continuity of care but also ensure adequate nonclinical time to prevent physician burnout and turnover? 7 on/7 off sequences
                    45 day sequences
                    Longer shifts with fewer shifts per month
                    Shorter shifts with more shifts per month
                    Where will patients on a nonhousestaff service receive care? Geographically designed serviced
                    ○ Different floor
                    ○ Different hospital
                    Mixed among housestaff service
                    What patient population will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Same as on housestaff service
                    Based on bed availability if nonhousestaff service is geographic (a unit)
                    Based on triage guidelines (lower acuity, observation patients, specific diagnoses)
                    What volume of patients will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Fixed census cap based on staffing
                    Flexible census depending on activity of housestaff service (above their cap)
                    Will compensation for providing nonhousestaff services differ from that on housestaff services? Higher base salary
                    Incentives tied to nonhousestaff time
                    Different incentive structures
                    Characteristics of NonHouse Staff Medicine Services at 5 Academic Centers
                    Attributes BWH Emory University of Michigan Northwestern UCSF
                    Description of staffing model Mon.‐Sun.: 1 daytime Hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 4 daytime hospitalists, 2 swing shift admitters Weekdays: 7 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 8 daytime hospitalists, 1 triage hospitalist Weekdays: 2 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist
                    Nights: 1 MD Nights: 1 MDs Weekends: 7 daytime hospitalists Nights: 2 MDs Weekends: 2 daytime hospitalists
                    Nights: 2 MDs Nights: 1 MD
                    Location of service In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital Physically separate hospital affiliate (UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion)
                    Nonhousestaff FTEs/total hospitalist group 3/15 10/14 20/30 25/34 6/36
                    What hospitalists provide care on nonhous estaff services? Core of 3 hospitalists (also do month on housestaff service) Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 14 FTEs dedicated to nonhousestaff services Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 6 Mount Zionbased hospitalists (also spend 23 months on housestaff service at university hospital)
                    Other 6 FTEs consist of 10 faculty with mixed roles
                    Age of service 2 years 4 years 3 years 5 years 3 years
                    How patients get assigned to non‐housestaff service? 1. Only ED admissions with no transfers from ICU or other services Assigned by rotation 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during afternoon 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during day 1. Lower‐acuity admissions from ED
                    2. Admit whenever bed open on service (geographic) 2. Observation cases triaged directly to service 2. Lower‐acuity patients and direct admissions 2. Lower‐acuity admissions from clinics
                    3. Once housestaff cap, all subsequent admits until midnight to nonhousestaff service 3. Nonhousestaff service admits all patients once resident caps reached 3. Transfers from housestaff service no longer requiring tertiary services (or with complex discharge planning)
                    Average daily census of nonhousestaff service 12 56 70 (75 cap) 8595 2026
                    Number of shifts per month/shift duration 15/1012 hours 15/12 hours 1517 (depending on number of nights covered)/812 hours (swing = 8 hours, day = 1012 hours, night = 12 hours) 20/1012 hours 1617/1012 hours
                    Shift sequences 710 days consecutive Variable 67 days consecutive followed by 1 night for those who cover nights 7 days consecutive 4‐ to 6‐day variable sequences
                    Total clinical days worked/year 168 182.5 185202 (depending on number of nights covered) 212 196
                    Weekend clinical time 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends
                    Night coverage/by whom? Yes/exclusively moonlighters Yes/shared (50% covered by 1 dedicated nocturnist) Yes/66% of nights staffed by dedicated nocturnists with remainder shared Yes/exclusively by six 1‐year nocturnists Yes/exclusively by moonlighters
                    Presence of midlevel providers Yes 6 FTE PAs Mon.‐Sun. No Yes 8 FTE PAs weekdays No No
                    Presence of dedicated case manager Yes Yes Yes No Yes
                    Presence of medical students for patient care No No Yes, 4th‐year subinterns or students on elective rotation No No
                    Compensation model Salary + weekend bonus beyond 10 Salary + incentive Base + shift‐based incentive + quality incentive Salary + incentive Salary
                    Pay differential compared to housestaff service compensation 10% Higher because of weekend bonus None About 20% higher base compensation; loan forgiveness program tied to nonhousestaff time None About 20% higher compensation
                    Hospital financial support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

                    Table 2 does illustrate several important considerations in structuring nonhousestaff services. For example, if a nonhousestaff service operates at a different physical location, careful triage of patients is necessary. Resources, including the availability of subspecialty and surgical consultants, may differ, and thus patient complexity and acuity may dictate whether a patient gets admitted to the nonhousestaff service. These triage factors were a major challenge in the design of UCSF's nonhousestaff service. The other nonhousestaff services handle overflow admissions after the housestaff service reaches a census or admission cap; transfers between services rarely occur, and resources are similar.

                    Other observations include that hospitalists work a similar number of hours each year and cover 50% of weekends but with differing shift lengths and sequences. Each service also provides night coverage but only Emory, the University of Michigan, and Northwestern utilize dedicated nocturnists. The University of Michigan and Brigham & Women's Hospital are the only sites that employ midlevel providers who work closely with hospitalists. In terms of group structure, Northwestern's hospitalists are the most integrated, with each hospitalist sharing equal responsibility for nonhousestaff coverage. In contrast, the other programs use selected hospitalists or a dedicated core of hospitalists to provide nonhousestaff services. Compensation models also vary, with certain groups salaried and others having incentive systems, although all receive hospital‐based funding support. Hospital‐based funding support ranges from 40% to 100% of total program costs across sites, creating similar variance in a given program's deficit risk. Finally, most programs do compensate nonhousestaff services at higher rates.

                    All the decisions captured in Table 2 have implications for costs, recruitment, and service structure. Furthermore, the striking variations demonstrate how different academic hospitalist positions can occur both within a hospital medicine group and across institutions. Of note, Table 2 only characterizes nonhousestaff medicine services, not the growing number of comanagement (eg, orthopedics, neurosurgery, or hematology/oncology) and other clinical services (eg, observation unit or preoperative medicine clinic) also staffed by hospitalists at AMCs.


                    Hospital medicine programs and AMCs face several challenges in building non‐housestaff services, but these will likely become less daunting as programs learn from their own experiences, from those of colleagues at other institutions, and from future investigations of these care models. We highlight a few issues below that warrant important consideration.

                    The Equities of the System

                    Prior to developing nonhousestaff services, our academic hospitalist programs scheduled teaching service time in month or half‐month blocks, balancing holidays and weekends. Equity in scheduling became a function of required clinical time, sources of non‐clinical funding (eg, grants, educational or administrative roles), and expectations for scholarship, attributes typical of most subspecialty academic divisions. Given the differing clinical missions that have stimulated academic hospital medicine programs to form, concerns of scheduling equity have grown, posing challenges not experienced in other divisions.

                    Institutions that choose to divide housestaff and nonhousestaff duties among distinct groups of hospitalists create the potential for a 2‐tiered system, one in which those with housestaff roles are more valued and respected by the institution. Hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services admit patients, write orders, and field direct patient calls, a role rarely undertaken by subspecialty attendings or hospitalists on housestaff services. Our collective experiences provide evidence of the danger of this second‐class‐citizen status, one that requires attention to ensure job satisfaction, retention, and necessary career development.

                    Institutions have accentuated the second‐class‐citizen concern by staffing nonhousestaff roles with 1‐year hospitalistsPGY‐4s. Most of these hires in our institutions are individuals just out of residency and intent on pursuing a fellowship. We speculate that they enjoy the comforts of the AMC where they often trained and accept purely nonhousestaff positions because of what they view as an appealing work schedule and salary. Although this approach addresses the growing need for hospitalists on nonhousestaff services in the short term, these positions must remain attractive enough (both financially and professionally) to encourage residency graduates to pursue an academic hospitalist career instead of a 1‐year position as a transition to fellowship. Otherwise, the approach conveys a message that relatively inexperienced physicians are good enough to be hospitalists.

                    Developing a cadre of clinically focused hospitalists who provide outstanding patient care and also garner respect as successful academicians is a difficult task. Although 1 group in our sample (Northwestern) shares nonhousestaff responsibilities equally, others may find this impractical, particularly where faculty members were hired before nonhousestaff services were established. Redefining such clinical positions several years into a career may be challenging, as it forces faculty members into roles they didn't sign up for or grandfathers them out of such roles, adding to the risk of a 2‐tiered system. Alternatively, groups may focus on building academic activities into nonhousestaff services, including medical student teaching, quality improvement, or clinical research activities. In this article, we deliberately classified these services as nonhousestaff rather than non‐teaching because the latter fails to acknowledge that these hospitalists often serve as teachers (eg, housestaff conferences, supervision of midlevel providers, and/or rotating medical students)an important if not symbolic distinction. It is imperative that planning for nonhousestaff services balance the larger academic mission of hospital medicine groups with creating equitable, valued, and sustainable job descriptions.

                    Defining the Patient Mix

                    Developing an optimal patient mix on nonhousestaff services also carries important implications. For services that work in parallel with the housestaff service and simply take extra patients above the resident cap, this concern may be less significant. However, other nonhousestaff services have been structured to care for lower‐acuity patients (eg, cellulitis, asthma, pneumonia) or select patient populations (eg, sickle cell or inflammatory bowel disease). This distribution system potentially changes the educational experience on the housestaff servicedecreasing the bread‐and‐butter admissionsbut also may affect the job satisfaction of hospitalists and midlevel providers on nonhousestaff services. Building triage criteria, working with emergency department leadership, and avoiding patients being turfed between different services is critical. We strongly recommend a regular process to review admissions to each service and determine when the triage process requires further calibration.

                    Recruitment and Retention

                    Traditionally, graduates of residency or fellowship training programs chose academic positions because of an interest in teaching, a desire for scholarship, or a commitment to research. Those interested in primarily clinical roles typically pursued positions in nonacademic settings. The development of nonhousestaff services challenges this paradigm because the objective for academic hospitalist leadership now becomes recruiting pure clinicians as well as academicians. These might be the same individual, a hospitalist who provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services, or 2 different individuals if the nonhousestaff service is covered by dedicated hospitalists. In addition, with the current promotion structure in academia, a purely clinical position may be less attractive, as it provides fewer opportunities for advancement.

                    Therefore, recruitment and retention of academic hospitalists will require job descriptions that provide dedicated teaching opportunities, time for participation in quality and safety improvement projects, or pursuit of a scholarly interest in non‐clinical timethe diastole of an academic hospitalist.41 Hospital medicine leadership will also need to better distinguish off‐time from non‐clinical time, as many young hospitalists struggle to balance professional and personal commitmentsa recipe for burnout.42 Regardless of how clinical responsibilities differ between 2 hospitalists, providing them with similar academic resources is what will distinguish their positions from that in the community. Furthermore, many groups have chosen to pay faculty a premium for their nonhousestaff roles or to use specific recruitment incentives such as educational loan forgiveness programs.

                    With the expected growth of nonhousestaff services and surgical comanagement, hospital medicine programs will also need to determine if new hires will focus on a specific service (eg, orthopedic hospitalist) or whether job descriptions will include a mix of activities (eg, 3 months' teaching service, 3 months' nonhousestaff medical service, and 3 months' surgical comanagement service). A second and equally important question is where does the hospitalist live? If cardiology wants hospitalists to care for their patients, should they be hired and mentored by cardiologists or by hospitalists in a division of general or hospital medicine? In many cases, a graduating resident with plans to pursue a fellowship (eg, cardiology or hematology/oncology) may be a perfect candidate for a 1‐year position on his or her future specialty service. However, in the long term, maintaining all the academic hospitalists under the same umbrella will provide greater mentorship, professional development, opportunities for collaboration, clinical diversity, and sense of belonging to a group, rather than being a token hospitalist for another division.

                    Compensation and Financial Relationships with AMCs

                    Salaries for hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services are typically higher at AMCs, which are competing with community standards given the similar level of clinical hours worked. However, although pay for nonhousestaff activities should reflect the nature of the work, compensation models based on clinical productivity alone may prove inadequate. It appears hospitalists working in academic facilities spend significant time on indirect patient care because of these hospitals' inefficiencies, usually not found in community settings.43 Devising compensation for an academic hospitalist requires careful attention and must balance a number of factors because these hospitalists will not generate their entire salary from clinical services. Financial support must come from either the division or medical center, an annual negotiation at AMCs.

                    Several methods exist to structure hospitalist compensation. A hospitalist's salary may be fixed, may have a base salary with incentives, or may be derived based on clinical productivity. For example, if a hospital medicine program provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services and employs a fixed‐salary approach, it may choose a menu‐style method to determine compensation (eg, 6 months on nonhousestaff service at x dollars/month + 3 months on housestaff service at x dollars/month = annual salary). If a hospitalist takes on a funded nonclinical role or secures extramural funding, the salary menu gets adjusted accordingly as the clinical time is bought out. Critics of the fixed‐salary approach argue that paying each hospitalist the same salary regardless of the specific job description yields an inequitable system in which some are rewarded with less clinical time.

                    Compensation should probably have a guaranteed base salary with incentives, which could be determined by a formula that weighs clinical productivity, quality improvement efforts, scholarly activity, and teaching excellence. This model provides financial incentives to develop both clinically and academically but introduces complexity in determining a fair incentive structure. Finally, compensation can be structured without salary guarantee and putting compensation fully at risk based on clinical productivity, although this is an unlikely strategy for any hospital medicine group. This approach does disproportionately reward high volume providers, potentially at the risk of quality and safety, but also creates significant incentives to improve efficiency.

                    With respect to AMC relationships, hospital medicine programs must ensure the positive return on investment that drives financial support at their institutions. This fundamental economic dynamic makes AMCs dependent on their hospital medicine groups and vice versa. We caution programs from solely relying on measures such as reduced hospital costs or length of stay as a basis of funding unless there is a reward for maintaining performance once it inevitably plateaus. Moreover, explicitly tying utilization efficiency (ie, length of stay) to salary violates Stark rules44 and carries potential malpractice implications should patient care errors be attributable to premature hospital discharge. Over time hospitalists will need to maintain clinical benchmarks but also provide additional and valued services to their institutions, including quality and safety improvement activities and compliance with residency work hour restrictions.

                    Defining the Academic Hospitalist

                    The question is simple and perhaps philosophical: Are hospitalists who work at an AMC academic hospitalists? And what job description truly defines an academic hospitalist? Currently, there are no standards for the clinical activity of an academic hospitalist position (eg, number of weeks, weekends, and hours) or for assessment of nonclinical productivity. Hospital medicine programs face the challenge of defining positions that fulfill the growing clinical mission at AMCs but have little experience or guidance in ensuring they will lead to advancing the academic mission. Specifically, how do hospitalists who provide mostly clinical care, particularly on nonhousestaff services, achieve promotion? Hospital medicine program leadership must create enough opportunity and time for the development of skills in research, education, and quality or systems improvement if academic hospitalists are to succeed.

                    The Association of Chiefs of General Internal Medicine (ACGIM), the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), and the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) are currently collaborating to develop consensus guidelines in this area. Ultimately, through the efforts of these important governing bodies, the specialty of hospital medicine will be able to demonstrate the unique skills and services they provide and move toward advocating for academic promotion criteria that recognize their value and accomplishments.

                    FUTURE DIRECTIONS

                    Many lament that the milieu for academic hospitalists raises more challenges than solutions, but we believe the current era is one of excitement and opportunity. In the coming years, we will experience continued growth of nonhousestaff services, including greater comanagement with our surgical and medical specialty colleagues. These opportunities will create new relationships and increase our visibility in AMCs. However, we must remain committed to studying nonhousestaff services and determine if and how they differ from their housestaff and community counterparts, as this will be an important step toward addressing current challenges.

                    As hospitalists take on increasingly diverse roles,45 we must also lead initiatives to better train, recruit, and retain those interested in our specialty. Promoting our field and recruiting future faculty should occur through local hospitalist career nights, events at national meetings (targeting students, housestaff, and fellows), and other mechanisms utilized by our subspecialty colleagues. For housestaff interested in fellowship training, the growing number of hospitalist fellowships can provide skills in teaching and quality improvement.46 For trainees committed to research, we should work with existing general medicine research fellowships and partner to provide hospitalist mentorship.

                    Hospitalists are in a unique position to influence the delivery of clinical services, shape the future of residency training, guide quality and safety improvement initiatives, and take on leadership roles through our departments, universities, and medical centers. With the growing number of clinical services being added to our portfolio, we will need careful planning and evaluation of our efforts to build successful partnerships and develop faculty roles that balance clinical and academic pursuits to sustain long‐term and satisfying hospitalist careers.

                    Many academic medical centers (AMCs) have developed nonhousestaff services to provide clinical care once provided by physicians‐in‐training. These services, often staffed by hospitalists and/or midlevel providers, have experienced tremendous growth in the past few years, yet very little exists in the literature about their development, structure, efficacy, or impact on hospitals, patients, and hospital medicine programs. The primary forces driving this growth include Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) resident duty hour restrictions,1 growth of the hospitalist movement,2 and the emphasis on simultaneously improving financial performance and quality of care in AMCs.3

                    Resident Duty Hour Restrictions

                    In 2003, the ACGME mandated restrictions on resident work hours, limiting trainees to 80 hours per week.1 Many training programs struggled with how to provide important clinical services while complying with the new restrictionscreating numerous models that bridged care between different shifts of residents.45 Implementation of day floats (a dedicated resident who rounds with the postcall team), night floats (a dedicated overnight resident who admits and cross‐covers patients), or some variation of both was common.6 No guidelines accompanied the ACGME mandate, leaving institutions to independently structure their programs without a known best practice.

                    Subsequent literature carefully addressed how the duty hour restrictions affect residents' lives and education but failed to discuss models for providing care.711 Training programs began to institute necessary changes but in doing so, created greater patient discontinuity and increased handoffs between residents, elevating the potential for adverse patient outcomes.12 Recent large‐scale studies indicate that inpatient care is the same or improved since adoption of the duty hour restrictions,1316 but controversy continues, with several editorials debating the issue.1719

                    Because increasing the volume of patients on housestaff services was not a viable option,20 many AMCs created nonhousestaff services and hired midlevel providers (nurse practitioners and physician assistants) to offset resident workloads and comply with the new restrictions. However, this strategy represented a very expensive alternative.21 Moreover, the current 80‐hour work limits may be revised downward, particularly given the lower restrictions in other countries,22 and this will further drive the demand for nonhousestaff services. Hospitalists, with their documented impact on efficiency and return on investment,23 represent a solution to fill these needs and have quickly become the predominant approach at AMCs.

                    The Hospitalist Movement

                    Since the term hospitalist was first coined in 1996,24 the remarkable growth of the number of practicing hospitalists emphasizes how first community hospitals and now AMCs have embraced this approach.25 With more than 20,000 nationwide and projections that the field will grow to 30,000 by 2010,26 hospitalists are becoming the primary providers for in‐patients.2 This growth was further catalyzed when widely expressed concerns about safety and quality became public,2728 and hospitalists incorporated patient safety and quality improvement activities into their efforts.3 The confluence of these factors also prompted emergence of hospital medicine programs at AMCs, a growth that came with anticipated dangers.29 Reflecting the recognition that hospital medicine is becoming a separate specialty30 and is integral to the functioning of an AMC, institutions now operate dedicated divisions of hospital medicine.

                    AMCs and Hospital Performance

                    AMCs operate 3 related enterprises: a medical school that trains future physicians, a research arena that promotes basic and clinical investigation, and health care services that often encompass both hospitals and clinics. The financial viability of AMCs has always been a topic of debate, largely because of the different missions they pursue and the financial means by which they survive.3133 Over the past decade, cuts in Medicare reimbursement, challenges in balancing bed availability with occupancy rates, and a growing emphasis on cost reduction have created a more competitive health care environment, but without the predicted demise of AMCs.34 Because education and research generally fail to bolster the bottom line, AMCs have focused on optimizing clinical services to promote financial viability.

                    Hospitalists are uniquely positioned to help this bottom line, just as they do at community hospitals. Their involvement in patient care may produce reductions in length of stay, greater efficiency in discharge planning, and significant cost savings.3537 Hospitalists may also improve throughput in emergency departments and decrease wait times, leading to more efficient bed utilization.38 This leads to a potential for greater hospital revenue by increasing both the number of admissions, particularly surgical cases, and staffed inpatient beds, the latter a premium, as AMCs continue to expand their bed capacity almost annually. Finally, hospitalists may serve as change agents in improving the quality and safety of care delivered, an increasingly important metric given the desire for and expansion of publicly reported measures.

                    From a financial standpoint, Medicare support to AMCs for training residents now subsidizes fewer clinical care hours. Hospitalist‐driven nonhousestaff services will continue to fulfill a need created by this marked change in residency training. The tension of who pays for nonhousestaff servicesincreased federal support, financial backing from AMCs, or academic department fundsposes an ongoing struggle. In fact, this may be the most important issue currently debated among hospital administrators and department chairs. Regardless, AMCs continue to view hospitalists as a mechanism (or even solution) to maintaining their financial bottom line through improving care delivery systems, adhering to resident work hour restrictions, leading quality and safety improvement initiatives, and improving clinical patient outcomes.


                    For AMCs developing nonhousestaff services, the process begins by addressing a series of important questions (Table 1). How these questions are answered is often driven by local factors such as the vision of local leadership and the availability of important resources. Nonetheless, it is important for hospitals to share their experiences because best practices remain unclear. Table 2 provides a tabular snapshot of nonhousestaff medicine services at 5 AMCs to highlight similarities and differences. Data in the table were compiled by having a representative from each AMC report the different attributes, which reflects each program as of July 2007. Table 2 provides no data on the quality or efficiency of housestaff versus nonhousestaff services, though this type of investigation is underway and will be critical in future planning.3940

                    Important Questions in Developing a NonHousestaff Medicine Service
                    Questions Potential options
                    Who will provide care on nonhousestaff services? Physicians seeking a 1‐year position
                    Physicians committed to a purely clinical career
                    Physicians committed to an academic career in hospital medicine
                    Will hospitalists share nonhousestaff service time, or will there be dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists? Hybrid positions
                    Dedicated nonhousestaff hospitalists
                    Use of PGY‐4s1‐year positions (often individuals planning a fellowship)
                    How should staffing be organized? Hospitalist‐only services
                    Use of midlevel providers
                    Will there be 24‐7 coverage, and if so, how will nights be staffed? Dedicated nocturnists
                    Shared among daytime hospitalists
                    Midlevel providers
                    Moonlighters (fellows or residents)
                    What type of schedule will provide blocks of clinical time to ensure continuity of care but also ensure adequate nonclinical time to prevent physician burnout and turnover? 7 on/7 off sequences
                    45 day sequences
                    Longer shifts with fewer shifts per month
                    Shorter shifts with more shifts per month
                    Where will patients on a nonhousestaff service receive care? Geographically designed serviced
                    ○ Different floor
                    ○ Different hospital
                    Mixed among housestaff service
                    What patient population will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Same as on housestaff service
                    Based on bed availability if nonhousestaff service is geographic (a unit)
                    Based on triage guidelines (lower acuity, observation patients, specific diagnoses)
                    What volume of patients will be cared for on the nonhousestaff service? Fixed census cap based on staffing
                    Flexible census depending on activity of housestaff service (above their cap)
                    Will compensation for providing nonhousestaff services differ from that on housestaff services? Higher base salary
                    Incentives tied to nonhousestaff time
                    Different incentive structures
                    Characteristics of NonHouse Staff Medicine Services at 5 Academic Centers
                    Attributes BWH Emory University of Michigan Northwestern UCSF
                    Description of staffing model Mon.‐Sun.: 1 daytime Hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 4 daytime hospitalists, 2 swing shift admitters Weekdays: 7 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist Mon.‐Sun.: 8 daytime hospitalists, 1 triage hospitalist Weekdays: 2 daytime hospitalists, 1 swing shift hospitalist
                    Nights: 1 MD Nights: 1 MDs Weekends: 7 daytime hospitalists Nights: 2 MDs Weekends: 2 daytime hospitalists
                    Nights: 2 MDs Nights: 1 MD
                    Location of service In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital In same university hospital Physically separate hospital affiliate (UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion)
                    Nonhousestaff FTEs/total hospitalist group 3/15 10/14 20/30 25/34 6/36
                    What hospitalists provide care on nonhous estaff services? Core of 3 hospitalists (also do month on housestaff service) Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 14 FTEs dedicated to nonhousestaff services Hospitalist group shares nonhousestaff services Core of 6 Mount Zionbased hospitalists (also spend 23 months on housestaff service at university hospital)
                    Other 6 FTEs consist of 10 faculty with mixed roles
                    Age of service 2 years 4 years 3 years 5 years 3 years
                    How patients get assigned to non‐housestaff service? 1. Only ED admissions with no transfers from ICU or other services Assigned by rotation 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during afternoon 1. Alternating admissions with housestaff services during day 1. Lower‐acuity admissions from ED
                    2. Admit whenever bed open on service (geographic) 2. Observation cases triaged directly to service 2. Lower‐acuity patients and direct admissions 2. Lower‐acuity admissions from clinics
                    3. Once housestaff cap, all subsequent admits until midnight to nonhousestaff service 3. Nonhousestaff service admits all patients once resident caps reached 3. Transfers from housestaff service no longer requiring tertiary services (or with complex discharge planning)
                    Average daily census of nonhousestaff service 12 56 70 (75 cap) 8595 2026
                    Number of shifts per month/shift duration 15/1012 hours 15/12 hours 1517 (depending on number of nights covered)/812 hours (swing = 8 hours, day = 1012 hours, night = 12 hours) 20/1012 hours 1617/1012 hours
                    Shift sequences 710 days consecutive Variable 67 days consecutive followed by 1 night for those who cover nights 7 days consecutive 4‐ to 6‐day variable sequences
                    Total clinical days worked/year 168 182.5 185202 (depending on number of nights covered) 212 196
                    Weekend clinical time 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends 50% of weekends
                    Night coverage/by whom? Yes/exclusively moonlighters Yes/shared (50% covered by 1 dedicated nocturnist) Yes/66% of nights staffed by dedicated nocturnists with remainder shared Yes/exclusively by six 1‐year nocturnists Yes/exclusively by moonlighters
                    Presence of midlevel providers Yes 6 FTE PAs Mon.‐Sun. No Yes 8 FTE PAs weekdays No No
                    Presence of dedicated case manager Yes Yes Yes No Yes
                    Presence of medical students for patient care No No Yes, 4th‐year subinterns or students on elective rotation No No
                    Compensation model Salary + weekend bonus beyond 10 Salary + incentive Base + shift‐based incentive + quality incentive Salary + incentive Salary
                    Pay differential compared to housestaff service compensation 10% Higher because of weekend bonus None About 20% higher base compensation; loan forgiveness program tied to nonhousestaff time None About 20% higher compensation
                    Hospital financial support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

                    Table 2 does illustrate several important considerations in structuring nonhousestaff services. For example, if a nonhousestaff service operates at a different physical location, careful triage of patients is necessary. Resources, including the availability of subspecialty and surgical consultants, may differ, and thus patient complexity and acuity may dictate whether a patient gets admitted to the nonhousestaff service. These triage factors were a major challenge in the design of UCSF's nonhousestaff service. The other nonhousestaff services handle overflow admissions after the housestaff service reaches a census or admission cap; transfers between services rarely occur, and resources are similar.

                    Other observations include that hospitalists work a similar number of hours each year and cover 50% of weekends but with differing shift lengths and sequences. Each service also provides night coverage but only Emory, the University of Michigan, and Northwestern utilize dedicated nocturnists. The University of Michigan and Brigham & Women's Hospital are the only sites that employ midlevel providers who work closely with hospitalists. In terms of group structure, Northwestern's hospitalists are the most integrated, with each hospitalist sharing equal responsibility for nonhousestaff coverage. In contrast, the other programs use selected hospitalists or a dedicated core of hospitalists to provide nonhousestaff services. Compensation models also vary, with certain groups salaried and others having incentive systems, although all receive hospital‐based funding support. Hospital‐based funding support ranges from 40% to 100% of total program costs across sites, creating similar variance in a given program's deficit risk. Finally, most programs do compensate nonhousestaff services at higher rates.

                    All the decisions captured in Table 2 have implications for costs, recruitment, and service structure. Furthermore, the striking variations demonstrate how different academic hospitalist positions can occur both within a hospital medicine group and across institutions. Of note, Table 2 only characterizes nonhousestaff medicine services, not the growing number of comanagement (eg, orthopedics, neurosurgery, or hematology/oncology) and other clinical services (eg, observation unit or preoperative medicine clinic) also staffed by hospitalists at AMCs.


                    Hospital medicine programs and AMCs face several challenges in building non‐housestaff services, but these will likely become less daunting as programs learn from their own experiences, from those of colleagues at other institutions, and from future investigations of these care models. We highlight a few issues below that warrant important consideration.

                    The Equities of the System

                    Prior to developing nonhousestaff services, our academic hospitalist programs scheduled teaching service time in month or half‐month blocks, balancing holidays and weekends. Equity in scheduling became a function of required clinical time, sources of non‐clinical funding (eg, grants, educational or administrative roles), and expectations for scholarship, attributes typical of most subspecialty academic divisions. Given the differing clinical missions that have stimulated academic hospital medicine programs to form, concerns of scheduling equity have grown, posing challenges not experienced in other divisions.

                    Institutions that choose to divide housestaff and nonhousestaff duties among distinct groups of hospitalists create the potential for a 2‐tiered system, one in which those with housestaff roles are more valued and respected by the institution. Hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services admit patients, write orders, and field direct patient calls, a role rarely undertaken by subspecialty attendings or hospitalists on housestaff services. Our collective experiences provide evidence of the danger of this second‐class‐citizen status, one that requires attention to ensure job satisfaction, retention, and necessary career development.

                    Institutions have accentuated the second‐class‐citizen concern by staffing nonhousestaff roles with 1‐year hospitalistsPGY‐4s. Most of these hires in our institutions are individuals just out of residency and intent on pursuing a fellowship. We speculate that they enjoy the comforts of the AMC where they often trained and accept purely nonhousestaff positions because of what they view as an appealing work schedule and salary. Although this approach addresses the growing need for hospitalists on nonhousestaff services in the short term, these positions must remain attractive enough (both financially and professionally) to encourage residency graduates to pursue an academic hospitalist career instead of a 1‐year position as a transition to fellowship. Otherwise, the approach conveys a message that relatively inexperienced physicians are good enough to be hospitalists.

                    Developing a cadre of clinically focused hospitalists who provide outstanding patient care and also garner respect as successful academicians is a difficult task. Although 1 group in our sample (Northwestern) shares nonhousestaff responsibilities equally, others may find this impractical, particularly where faculty members were hired before nonhousestaff services were established. Redefining such clinical positions several years into a career may be challenging, as it forces faculty members into roles they didn't sign up for or grandfathers them out of such roles, adding to the risk of a 2‐tiered system. Alternatively, groups may focus on building academic activities into nonhousestaff services, including medical student teaching, quality improvement, or clinical research activities. In this article, we deliberately classified these services as nonhousestaff rather than non‐teaching because the latter fails to acknowledge that these hospitalists often serve as teachers (eg, housestaff conferences, supervision of midlevel providers, and/or rotating medical students)an important if not symbolic distinction. It is imperative that planning for nonhousestaff services balance the larger academic mission of hospital medicine groups with creating equitable, valued, and sustainable job descriptions.

                    Defining the Patient Mix

                    Developing an optimal patient mix on nonhousestaff services also carries important implications. For services that work in parallel with the housestaff service and simply take extra patients above the resident cap, this concern may be less significant. However, other nonhousestaff services have been structured to care for lower‐acuity patients (eg, cellulitis, asthma, pneumonia) or select patient populations (eg, sickle cell or inflammatory bowel disease). This distribution system potentially changes the educational experience on the housestaff servicedecreasing the bread‐and‐butter admissionsbut also may affect the job satisfaction of hospitalists and midlevel providers on nonhousestaff services. Building triage criteria, working with emergency department leadership, and avoiding patients being turfed between different services is critical. We strongly recommend a regular process to review admissions to each service and determine when the triage process requires further calibration.

                    Recruitment and Retention

                    Traditionally, graduates of residency or fellowship training programs chose academic positions because of an interest in teaching, a desire for scholarship, or a commitment to research. Those interested in primarily clinical roles typically pursued positions in nonacademic settings. The development of nonhousestaff services challenges this paradigm because the objective for academic hospitalist leadership now becomes recruiting pure clinicians as well as academicians. These might be the same individual, a hospitalist who provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services, or 2 different individuals if the nonhousestaff service is covered by dedicated hospitalists. In addition, with the current promotion structure in academia, a purely clinical position may be less attractive, as it provides fewer opportunities for advancement.

                    Therefore, recruitment and retention of academic hospitalists will require job descriptions that provide dedicated teaching opportunities, time for participation in quality and safety improvement projects, or pursuit of a scholarly interest in non‐clinical timethe diastole of an academic hospitalist.41 Hospital medicine leadership will also need to better distinguish off‐time from non‐clinical time, as many young hospitalists struggle to balance professional and personal commitmentsa recipe for burnout.42 Regardless of how clinical responsibilities differ between 2 hospitalists, providing them with similar academic resources is what will distinguish their positions from that in the community. Furthermore, many groups have chosen to pay faculty a premium for their nonhousestaff roles or to use specific recruitment incentives such as educational loan forgiveness programs.

                    With the expected growth of nonhousestaff services and surgical comanagement, hospital medicine programs will also need to determine if new hires will focus on a specific service (eg, orthopedic hospitalist) or whether job descriptions will include a mix of activities (eg, 3 months' teaching service, 3 months' nonhousestaff medical service, and 3 months' surgical comanagement service). A second and equally important question is where does the hospitalist live? If cardiology wants hospitalists to care for their patients, should they be hired and mentored by cardiologists or by hospitalists in a division of general or hospital medicine? In many cases, a graduating resident with plans to pursue a fellowship (eg, cardiology or hematology/oncology) may be a perfect candidate for a 1‐year position on his or her future specialty service. However, in the long term, maintaining all the academic hospitalists under the same umbrella will provide greater mentorship, professional development, opportunities for collaboration, clinical diversity, and sense of belonging to a group, rather than being a token hospitalist for another division.

                    Compensation and Financial Relationships with AMCs

                    Salaries for hospitalists working on nonhousestaff services are typically higher at AMCs, which are competing with community standards given the similar level of clinical hours worked. However, although pay for nonhousestaff activities should reflect the nature of the work, compensation models based on clinical productivity alone may prove inadequate. It appears hospitalists working in academic facilities spend significant time on indirect patient care because of these hospitals' inefficiencies, usually not found in community settings.43 Devising compensation for an academic hospitalist requires careful attention and must balance a number of factors because these hospitalists will not generate their entire salary from clinical services. Financial support must come from either the division or medical center, an annual negotiation at AMCs.

                    Several methods exist to structure hospitalist compensation. A hospitalist's salary may be fixed, may have a base salary with incentives, or may be derived based on clinical productivity. For example, if a hospital medicine program provides both housestaff and nonhousestaff services and employs a fixed‐salary approach, it may choose a menu‐style method to determine compensation (eg, 6 months on nonhousestaff service at x dollars/month + 3 months on housestaff service at x dollars/month = annual salary). If a hospitalist takes on a funded nonclinical role or secures extramural funding, the salary menu gets adjusted accordingly as the clinical time is bought out. Critics of the fixed‐salary approach argue that paying each hospitalist the same salary regardless of the specific job description yields an inequitable system in which some are rewarded with less clinical time.

                    Compensation should probably have a guaranteed base salary with incentives, which could be determined by a formula that weighs clinical productivity, quality improvement efforts, scholarly activity, and teaching excellence. This model provides financial incentives to develop both clinically and academically but introduces complexity in determining a fair incentive structure. Finally, compensation can be structured without salary guarantee and putting compensation fully at risk based on clinical productivity, although this is an unlikely strategy for any hospital medicine group. This approach does disproportionately reward high volume providers, potentially at the risk of quality and safety, but also creates significant incentives to improve efficiency.

                    With respect to AMC relationships, hospital medicine programs must ensure the positive return on investment that drives financial support at their institutions. This fundamental economic dynamic makes AMCs dependent on their hospital medicine groups and vice versa. We caution programs from solely relying on measures such as reduced hospital costs or length of stay as a basis of funding unless there is a reward for maintaining performance once it inevitably plateaus. Moreover, explicitly tying utilization efficiency (ie, length of stay) to salary violates Stark rules44 and carries potential malpractice implications should patient care errors be attributable to premature hospital discharge. Over time hospitalists will need to maintain clinical benchmarks but also provide additional and valued services to their institutions, including quality and safety improvement activities and compliance with residency work hour restrictions.

                    Defining the Academic Hospitalist

                    The question is simple and perhaps philosophical: Are hospitalists who work at an AMC academic hospitalists? And what job description truly defines an academic hospitalist? Currently, there are no standards for the clinical activity of an academic hospitalist position (eg, number of weeks, weekends, and hours) or for assessment of nonclinical productivity. Hospital medicine programs face the challenge of defining positions that fulfill the growing clinical mission at AMCs but have little experience or guidance in ensuring they will lead to advancing the academic mission. Specifically, how do hospitalists who provide mostly clinical care, particularly on nonhousestaff services, achieve promotion? Hospital medicine program leadership must create enough opportunity and time for the development of skills in research, education, and quality or systems improvement if academic hospitalists are to succeed.

                    The Association of Chiefs of General Internal Medicine (ACGIM), the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), and the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) are currently collaborating to develop consensus guidelines in this area. Ultimately, through the efforts of these important governing bodies, the specialty of hospital medicine will be able to demonstrate the unique skills and services they provide and move toward advocating for academic promotion criteria that recognize their value and accomplishments.

                    FUTURE DIRECTIONS

                    Many lament that the milieu for academic hospitalists raises more challenges than solutions, but we believe the current era is one of excitement and opportunity. In the coming years, we will experience continued growth of nonhousestaff services, including greater comanagement with our surgical and medical specialty colleagues. These opportunities will create new relationships and increase our visibility in AMCs. However, we must remain committed to studying nonhousestaff services and determine if and how they differ from their housestaff and community counterparts, as this will be an important step toward addressing current challenges.

                    As hospitalists take on increasingly diverse roles,45 we must also lead initiatives to better train, recruit, and retain those interested in our specialty. Promoting our field and recruiting future faculty should occur through local hospitalist career nights, events at national meetings (targeting students, housestaff, and fellows), and other mechanisms utilized by our subspecialty colleagues. For housestaff interested in fellowship training, the growing number of hospitalist fellowships can provide skills in teaching and quality improvement.46 For trainees committed to research, we should work with existing general medicine research fellowships and partner to provide hospitalist mentorship.

                    Hospitalists are in a unique position to influence the delivery of clinical services, shape the future of residency training, guide quality and safety improvement initiatives, and take on leadership roles through our departments, universities, and medical centers. With the growing number of clinical services being added to our portfolio, we will need careful planning and evaluation of our efforts to build successful partnerships and develop faculty roles that balance clinical and academic pursuits to sustain long‐term and satisfying hospitalist careers.

                    1. Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Information related to the ACGME's effort to address resident duty hours and other relevant resource materials. Available at: Accessed May 28,2007.
                    2. Kralovec PD,Miller JA,Wellikson LW,Huddleston JM.The status of hospital medicine groups in the United States.J Hosp Med.2006;1:7580.
                    3. Wachter RM.Reflections: the hospitalist movement a decade later.J Hosp Med.2006;1:248252.
                    4. Weinstein DF.Duty hours for resident physicians—tough choices for teaching hospitals.N Engl J Med.2002;347:12751278.
                    5. Parekh V,Flanders S.Resident work hours, hospitalist programs and academic medical centers.The Hospitalist.2005;Jan/Feb:3033.
                    6. Yoon HH.Adapting to duty‐hour limits—four years on.N Engl J Med.2007;356:26682670.
                    7. Fletcher KE,Underwood W,Davis SQ,Mangrulkar RS,McMahon LF,Saint S.Effects of work hour reduction on residents' lives: a systematic review.JAMA.2005;294:10881100.
                    8. Vidyarthi AR,Katz PP,Wall SD,Wachter RM,Auerbach AD.Impact of reduced duty hours on residents' educational satisfaction at the University of California, San Francisco.Acad Med.2006;81:7681.
                    9. Reed DA,Levine RB,Miller RG, et al.Effect of Residency Duty‐Hour Limits. Views of Key Clinical Faculty.Arch Intern Med.2007;167:14871492.
                    10. West CP,Cook RJ,Popkave C,Kolars JC.Perceived impact of duty hours regulation: a survey of residents and program directors.Am J Med.2007;120:644648.
                    11. Vidyarthi AR,Auerbach AD,Wachter RM,Katz PP.The impact of duty hours on resident self reports of errors.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22:205209.
                    12. Vidyarthi AR,Arora V,Schnipper JL,Wall SD,Wachter RM.Managing discontinuity in academic medical centers: strategies for a safe and effective resident sign‐out.J Hosp Med.2006;1:257266.
                    13. Shetty KD,Bhattacharya J.Changes in hospital mortality associated with residency work‐hour regulations.Ann Intern Med.2007;147:7380.
                    14. Horwitz LI,Kosiborod M,Lin Z,Krumholz HM.Changes in outcomes for internal medicine inpatients after work‐hour regulations.Ann Intern Med.2007;147:97103.
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                    42. Society of Hospital Medicine Career Satisfaction Task Force. White Paper on Hospitalist Career Satisfaction. 2006;1–45. Available at: Accessed August 11,2007.
                    43. O'Leary KJ,Liebovitz DM,Baker DW.How hospitalists spend their time: insights on efficiency and safety.J Hosp Med.2006;1:8893.
                    44. A Guide to Complying with Stark Self‐Referral Rules.Washington, DC:Atlantic Information Services, Inc.; 2004. Available at: Accessed September 9, 2007.
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                    1. Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Information related to the ACGME's effort to address resident duty hours and other relevant resource materials. Available at: Accessed May 28,2007.
                    2. Kralovec PD,Miller JA,Wellikson LW,Huddleston JM.The status of hospital medicine groups in the United States.J Hosp Med.2006;1:7580.
                    3. Wachter RM.Reflections: the hospitalist movement a decade later.J Hosp Med.2006;1:248252.
                    4. Weinstein DF.Duty hours for resident physicians—tough choices for teaching hospitals.N Engl J Med.2002;347:12751278.
                    5. Parekh V,Flanders S.Resident work hours, hospitalist programs and academic medical centers.The Hospitalist.2005;Jan/Feb:3033.
                    6. Yoon HH.Adapting to duty‐hour limits—four years on.N Engl J Med.2007;356:26682670.
                    7. Fletcher KE,Underwood W,Davis SQ,Mangrulkar RS,McMahon LF,Saint S.Effects of work hour reduction on residents' lives: a systematic review.JAMA.2005;294:10881100.
                    8. Vidyarthi AR,Katz PP,Wall SD,Wachter RM,Auerbach AD.Impact of reduced duty hours on residents' educational satisfaction at the University of California, San Francisco.Acad Med.2006;81:7681.
                    9. Reed DA,Levine RB,Miller RG, et al.Effect of Residency Duty‐Hour Limits. Views of Key Clinical Faculty.Arch Intern Med.2007;167:14871492.
                    10. West CP,Cook RJ,Popkave C,Kolars JC.Perceived impact of duty hours regulation: a survey of residents and program directors.Am J Med.2007;120:644648.
                    11. Vidyarthi AR,Auerbach AD,Wachter RM,Katz PP.The impact of duty hours on resident self reports of errors.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22:205209.
                    12. Vidyarthi AR,Arora V,Schnipper JL,Wall SD,Wachter RM.Managing discontinuity in academic medical centers: strategies for a safe and effective resident sign‐out.J Hosp Med.2006;1:257266.
                    13. Shetty KD,Bhattacharya J.Changes in hospital mortality associated with residency work‐hour regulations.Ann Intern Med.2007;147:7380.
                    14. Horwitz LI,Kosiborod M,Lin Z,Krumholz HM.Changes in outcomes for internal medicine inpatients after work‐hour regulations.Ann Intern Med.2007;147:97103.
                    15. Volpp KG,Rosen AK,Rosenbaum PR, et al.Mortality among hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries in the first 2 years following ACGME resident duty hour reform.JAMA.2007;298:975983.
                    16. Volpp KG,Rosen AK,Rosenbaum PR, et al.Mortality among patients in VA hospitals in the first 2 years following ACGME resident duty hour reform.JAMA.2007;298:984991.
                    17. Okie S.An elusive balance—residents' work hours and the continuity of care.N Engl J Med.2007;356:26652667.
                    18. Goldman L,Fiebach NH.Hippocrates affirmed? Limiting residents' work hours does no harm to patients.Ann Intern Med.2007;356:143144.
                    19. Meltzer DO,Arora VM.Evaluating resident duty hour reforms.JAMA.2007;298:10551057.
                    20. Ong M,Bostrom A,Vidyarthi A,McCulloch C,Auerbach A.Housestaff team workload and organization effects on patient outcomes in an academic general internal medicine inpatient service.Arch Intern Med.2007;167:4752.
                    21. Mitchell CC,Ashley SW,Zinner MJ,Moore FD.Predicting future staffing needs at teaching hospitals: use of an analytical program with multiple variables.Arch Surg.2007;142:329334.
                    22. Kwan R. A primer on: resident work hours. American Medical Student Association. 6th ed. 2005. Available at: Accessed May 28,2007.
                    23. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The hospitalist movement 5 years later.JAMA.2002;287:487494.
                    24. Wachter RM,Goldman L.The emerging role of “hospitalists” in the American health care system.N Engl J Med.1996;335:514517.
                    25. Williams MV.The future of hospital medicine: evolution or revolution?Am J Med.2004;117:446450.
                    26. Society of Hospital Medicine. Media Center link: Growth of hospital medicine nationwide. Available at Accessed May 28,2007.
                    27. Kohn L,Corrigan JM,Donaldson MS, eds.To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System.Washington DC:Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press;2000.
                    28. Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine.Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century.Washington, DC:National Academy Press;2001.
                    29. Saint S,Flanders SA.Hospitalists in teaching hospitals: opportunities but not without danger.J Gen Intern Med.2004;19:392393.
                    30. Wachter RM.What will board certification be‐and mean‐for hospitalists?J Hosp Med.2007;2:102104.
                    31. Kassirer JP.Academic medical centers under siege.N Engl J Med.1994;331:13701371.
                    32. Carey RM,Englehard CL.Academic medicine meets managed care: a high impact collision.Acad Med.1996;71:839845.
                    33. Berns KI.Preventing the academic medical center from becoming an oxymoron.Acad Med.1996;71:117120.
                    34. Moses H,Their S,Matheson D.Why have academic medical center survived?JAMA.2005:293;14951500.
                    35. Rifkin W,Holmboe E,Scherer H,Sierra H.Comparison of hospitalist and nonhospitalists in inpatient length of stay adjusting for patient and physician characteristics.J Gen Intern Med.2004;19:11271132.
                    36. Everett G,Uddin N,Rudloff B.Comparison of hospital costs and length of stay for community internists, hospitalists, and academicians.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22;662667.
                    37. Coffman J,Rundall TG.The impact of hospitalists on the cost and quality of inpatient care in the United States: a research synthesis.Med Care Res Rev.2005;62:379406.
                    38. Howell E,Bessman E,Rubin H.Hospitalists and an innovative emergency department admissions process.J Gen Intern Med.2004;19:266268.
                    39. Khaliq AA,Huang C,Ganti AK,Invie K,Smego RA.Comparison of resource utilization and clinical outcomes between teaching and nonteaching medical services.J Hosp Med.2007;2:150157.
                    40. Everett G,Uddin N,Rudloff B.Comparison of hospital costs and length of stay for community internists, hospitalists, and academicians.J Gen Intern Med.2007;22:662667.
                    41. Arora V,Fang MC,Kripalani S,Amin AN.Preparing for “diastole”: advanced training opportunities for academic hospitalists.J Hosp Med.2006;1:368377.
                    42. Society of Hospital Medicine Career Satisfaction Task Force. White Paper on Hospitalist Career Satisfaction. 2006;1–45. Available at: Accessed August 11,2007.
                    43. O'Leary KJ,Liebovitz DM,Baker DW.How hospitalists spend their time: insights on efficiency and safety.J Hosp Med.2006;1:8893.
                    44. A Guide to Complying with Stark Self‐Referral Rules.Washington, DC:Atlantic Information Services, Inc.; 2004. Available at: Accessed September 9, 2007.
                    45. Sehgal NL,Wachter RM.The expanding role of hospitalists in the United States.Swiss Med Wkly.2006;136:591596.
                    46. Ranji SR,Rosenman DJ,Amin AN,Kripalani S.Hospital medicine fellowships: works in progress.Am J Med.2006;119:72e71e77.
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(3)
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(3)
                    Page Number
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                    Non–housestaff medicine services in academic centers: Models and challenges
                    Display Headline
                    Non–housestaff medicine services in academic centers: Models and challenges
                    Legacy Keywords
                    hospitalists, non‐housestaff services, academic medical centers
                    Legacy Keywords
                    hospitalists, non‐housestaff services, academic medical centers
                    Article Source
                    Copyright © 2008 Society of Hospital Medicine
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                    Division of Hospital Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, 533 Parnassus Avenue, Box 0131, San Francisco, CA 94143
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                    Article Type
                    Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
                    Display Headline
                    Two years done and more evolution

                    We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.

                    R. D. Laing

                    Two years ago we published the first issue of the Journal of Hospital Medicine and declared, Our goal is that JHM become the premier forum for peer‐reviewed research articles and evidence‐based reviews in the specialty of hospital medicine.1 That first issue was just one of many steps toward this ambition. At the completion of its first year, JHM was selected for indexing and inclusion in the National Library of Medicine's Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), the primary component of PubMed. Following this huge step, we welcomed a remarkable increase in submissions and will have exceeded 300 in our second year, an approximately 50% increase from our first year!

                    As important, JHM quickly became a valuable benefit of membership in the Society of Hospital Medicine, and the innumerable compliments received by the staff reflect the diligent efforts of a remarkable editorial staff and work by our reviewers. With profound gratitude we list on page 86 these 325 reviewers who donated their priceless time and expertise to enhancing the quality of the manuscripts. To handle the marked increase in submissions, we are expanding and modifying our editorial staff. Please welcome Sunil Kripalani (Vanderbilt) and Daniel Brotman (Johns Hopkins), who join our previous six associate editors and all eight will now serve as JHM's deputy editors. Seven new associate editors also join our team. Among them, Tom Baudendistel (California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco), Eric Alper (UMass Memorial Health Care, Worcester), Brian Harte (Cleveland Clinic), and Rehan Qayyum (Johns Hopkins) will all focus on optimizing content for practicing hospitalists. Paul Aronowitz will continue to develop our Images section as an associate editor. Recognizing the growing number of pediatric hospitalists, Lisa Zauotis (Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia) and Erin Stucky (Children's Hospital San Diego) join JHM as the other 2 new associate editors. Finally, we welcome new Editorial Board members Mary C. Ottolini (Children's National Medical Center), Douglas Carlson (St. Louis Children's Hospital), and Daniel Rauch (NYU Children's Hospital). The welcome addition of these nationally recognized academicians prepares us for continued growth in manuscript submissions to JHM.

                    Although we could not excel without the editors, reviewers and our terrific new managing editor, Phaedra McGuinness, we would not survive without the authors who submit their manuscripts to JHMthey are responsible for the caliber of the journal, and we are immensely indebted to them. Originally, we hoped to include individuals involved in all aspects of hospital care,1 and fortunately this is now happening. Complementing hospitalists are nurses and pharmacists2 who recognize the importance of teamwork in the care of hospitalized patients. I encourage all members of the hospital care team to send us the results of their research, teaching, and quality improvement efforts.

                    As the specialty of hospital medicine continues to evolve, now with more than 20,000 hospitalists, JHM will develop with it. I am honored and grateful to collaborate with such a remarkable group of colleagues as we build the premier journal for the fastest growing specialty in the history of medicine in the United States. On to year 3!

                    P.S. Our tenuous hold on life confronted me this past Thanksgiving holiday. A fellow hospitalist and dear friend died unexpectedly. Two years before, he posted on the wall of the office shared with his colleagues the following quote:

                    What we do for ourselves fades, but what we do for another may be etched into eternity.

                    The smile and humanity of John Allen Garner (19632007) is etched into the lives of his family, many friends and colleagues, and innumerable grateful patients.

                    1. Williams MV.Hospital medicine's evolution—the next steps.J Hosp Med.2006;1:12.
                    2. Cobaugh DJ,Amin A,Bookwalter T, et al.ASHP–SHM joint statement on hospitalist–pharmacist collaboration.Am J Health‐Syst Pharm.2008;65:260263.
                    Article PDF
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(1)
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                    Article PDF

                    We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.

                    R. D. Laing

                    Two years ago we published the first issue of the Journal of Hospital Medicine and declared, Our goal is that JHM become the premier forum for peer‐reviewed research articles and evidence‐based reviews in the specialty of hospital medicine.1 That first issue was just one of many steps toward this ambition. At the completion of its first year, JHM was selected for indexing and inclusion in the National Library of Medicine's Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), the primary component of PubMed. Following this huge step, we welcomed a remarkable increase in submissions and will have exceeded 300 in our second year, an approximately 50% increase from our first year!

                    As important, JHM quickly became a valuable benefit of membership in the Society of Hospital Medicine, and the innumerable compliments received by the staff reflect the diligent efforts of a remarkable editorial staff and work by our reviewers. With profound gratitude we list on page 86 these 325 reviewers who donated their priceless time and expertise to enhancing the quality of the manuscripts. To handle the marked increase in submissions, we are expanding and modifying our editorial staff. Please welcome Sunil Kripalani (Vanderbilt) and Daniel Brotman (Johns Hopkins), who join our previous six associate editors and all eight will now serve as JHM's deputy editors. Seven new associate editors also join our team. Among them, Tom Baudendistel (California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco), Eric Alper (UMass Memorial Health Care, Worcester), Brian Harte (Cleveland Clinic), and Rehan Qayyum (Johns Hopkins) will all focus on optimizing content for practicing hospitalists. Paul Aronowitz will continue to develop our Images section as an associate editor. Recognizing the growing number of pediatric hospitalists, Lisa Zauotis (Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia) and Erin Stucky (Children's Hospital San Diego) join JHM as the other 2 new associate editors. Finally, we welcome new Editorial Board members Mary C. Ottolini (Children's National Medical Center), Douglas Carlson (St. Louis Children's Hospital), and Daniel Rauch (NYU Children's Hospital). The welcome addition of these nationally recognized academicians prepares us for continued growth in manuscript submissions to JHM.

                    Although we could not excel without the editors, reviewers and our terrific new managing editor, Phaedra McGuinness, we would not survive without the authors who submit their manuscripts to JHMthey are responsible for the caliber of the journal, and we are immensely indebted to them. Originally, we hoped to include individuals involved in all aspects of hospital care,1 and fortunately this is now happening. Complementing hospitalists are nurses and pharmacists2 who recognize the importance of teamwork in the care of hospitalized patients. I encourage all members of the hospital care team to send us the results of their research, teaching, and quality improvement efforts.

                    As the specialty of hospital medicine continues to evolve, now with more than 20,000 hospitalists, JHM will develop with it. I am honored and grateful to collaborate with such a remarkable group of colleagues as we build the premier journal for the fastest growing specialty in the history of medicine in the United States. On to year 3!

                    P.S. Our tenuous hold on life confronted me this past Thanksgiving holiday. A fellow hospitalist and dear friend died unexpectedly. Two years before, he posted on the wall of the office shared with his colleagues the following quote:

                    What we do for ourselves fades, but what we do for another may be etched into eternity.

                    The smile and humanity of John Allen Garner (19632007) is etched into the lives of his family, many friends and colleagues, and innumerable grateful patients.

                    We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.

                    R. D. Laing

                    Two years ago we published the first issue of the Journal of Hospital Medicine and declared, Our goal is that JHM become the premier forum for peer‐reviewed research articles and evidence‐based reviews in the specialty of hospital medicine.1 That first issue was just one of many steps toward this ambition. At the completion of its first year, JHM was selected for indexing and inclusion in the National Library of Medicine's Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), the primary component of PubMed. Following this huge step, we welcomed a remarkable increase in submissions and will have exceeded 300 in our second year, an approximately 50% increase from our first year!

                    As important, JHM quickly became a valuable benefit of membership in the Society of Hospital Medicine, and the innumerable compliments received by the staff reflect the diligent efforts of a remarkable editorial staff and work by our reviewers. With profound gratitude we list on page 86 these 325 reviewers who donated their priceless time and expertise to enhancing the quality of the manuscripts. To handle the marked increase in submissions, we are expanding and modifying our editorial staff. Please welcome Sunil Kripalani (Vanderbilt) and Daniel Brotman (Johns Hopkins), who join our previous six associate editors and all eight will now serve as JHM's deputy editors. Seven new associate editors also join our team. Among them, Tom Baudendistel (California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco), Eric Alper (UMass Memorial Health Care, Worcester), Brian Harte (Cleveland Clinic), and Rehan Qayyum (Johns Hopkins) will all focus on optimizing content for practicing hospitalists. Paul Aronowitz will continue to develop our Images section as an associate editor. Recognizing the growing number of pediatric hospitalists, Lisa Zauotis (Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia) and Erin Stucky (Children's Hospital San Diego) join JHM as the other 2 new associate editors. Finally, we welcome new Editorial Board members Mary C. Ottolini (Children's National Medical Center), Douglas Carlson (St. Louis Children's Hospital), and Daniel Rauch (NYU Children's Hospital). The welcome addition of these nationally recognized academicians prepares us for continued growth in manuscript submissions to JHM.

                    Although we could not excel without the editors, reviewers and our terrific new managing editor, Phaedra McGuinness, we would not survive without the authors who submit their manuscripts to JHMthey are responsible for the caliber of the journal, and we are immensely indebted to them. Originally, we hoped to include individuals involved in all aspects of hospital care,1 and fortunately this is now happening. Complementing hospitalists are nurses and pharmacists2 who recognize the importance of teamwork in the care of hospitalized patients. I encourage all members of the hospital care team to send us the results of their research, teaching, and quality improvement efforts.

                    As the specialty of hospital medicine continues to evolve, now with more than 20,000 hospitalists, JHM will develop with it. I am honored and grateful to collaborate with such a remarkable group of colleagues as we build the premier journal for the fastest growing specialty in the history of medicine in the United States. On to year 3!

                    P.S. Our tenuous hold on life confronted me this past Thanksgiving holiday. A fellow hospitalist and dear friend died unexpectedly. Two years before, he posted on the wall of the office shared with his colleagues the following quote:

                    What we do for ourselves fades, but what we do for another may be etched into eternity.

                    The smile and humanity of John Allen Garner (19632007) is etched into the lives of his family, many friends and colleagues, and innumerable grateful patients.

                    1. Williams MV.Hospital medicine's evolution—the next steps.J Hosp Med.2006;1:12.
                    2. Cobaugh DJ,Amin A,Bookwalter T, et al.ASHP–SHM joint statement on hospitalist–pharmacist collaboration.Am J Health‐Syst Pharm.2008;65:260263.
                    1. Williams MV.Hospital medicine's evolution—the next steps.J Hosp Med.2006;1:12.
                    2. Cobaugh DJ,Amin A,Bookwalter T, et al.ASHP–SHM joint statement on hospitalist–pharmacist collaboration.Am J Health‐Syst Pharm.2008;65:260263.
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(1)
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 3(1)
                    Page Number
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                    Two years done and more evolution
                    Display Headline
                    Two years done and more evolution
                    Article Source
                    Copyright © 2008 Society of Hospital Medicine
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                    Gated (full article locked unless allowed per User)
                    Gating Strategy
                    First Peek Free
                    Article PDF Media


                    Article Type
                    Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
                    Display Headline
                    Executing high‐quality care transitions: A call to do it right

                    As a hospital practitioner, you have undoubtedly experienced the frustration of witnessing how easily the excellent care you provide can unravel as the patient goes out the door. Patients are admitted acutely ill, and largely attributed to your clinical acumen, they are discharged tuned up and stable to return home. Days later, however, you may learn that your best‐laid discharge plans were not properly executed, and the patient returned with yet another exacerbation. Clearly this scenario represents a major setback for the patient and family caregivers. Possibly dismissed as another episode of patient noncompliance, such readmissions are now being recognized as system failures and reflect a discharge process that has been described as random events connected to highly variable actions with only a remote possibility of meeting implied expectations (Roger Resar, MD, Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement).

                    Once an area that received relatively little attention, transitions out of the hospital has been identified as a priority area in need of action by a confluence of recent research and national activities. Recognizing the expanding evidence for lapses in quality and safety, many esteemed organizations, including the Joint Commission, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and their accompanying Quality Improvement Organizations, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the Institute of Medicine, National Quality Forum, the Medicare Payment Advisory Committee, the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation, the National Transitions of Care Coalition, the American College of Physicians, the Society for General Medicine, and the Society for Hospital Medicine, are currently focusing their efforts on how to optimize transitions. All have articulated the need for further clinical investigation that can offer greater insight into the nature of the problems that arise during this vulnerable period and what the potential solutions are.

                    In this edition of the Journal of Hospital Medicine, 3 teams of investigators have responded to this need, making timely, important, and unique contributions to advance the field.13 Specifically, each of these articles further raises awareness that a patient's transition out of the hospital often unfolds quickly in a fast‐paced, chaotic manner, placing many competing demands on clinicians, patients, and family caregivers. Not surprisingly, such competing demands can contribute to deficits in quality and safety. The authors of these studies all directly identify the central role of communication among clinicians as well as between patients and clinicians in ensuring successful handoffs, further affirming the Joint Commission's finding that inadequate communication is the leading cause of sentinel events.4 In this respect, communication is more than simply the transfer of information; rather, it involves the need to ensure comprehension and provide an opportunity to have a 2‐way dialogue. Importantly, these articles share a common approach in fostering our understanding of the perspective of patients and family caregivers with a particular focus on disadvantaged populations.

                    Kripalani and colleagues conducted a comprehensive review of the state of the science for those key hospital discharge issues that pertain to hospitalists. They identified a number of challenges including communication between hospital‐ and ambulatory‐based clinicians, medication reconciliation, timely hospital follow‐up, and engaging patients in self‐care. For each of these priority areas, the authors provide pragmatic recommendations for improving care that could be implemented within the current state of practice, either individually or as a bundle of interventions.

                    Recognizing that patients are often the only common thread across different sites of care, Strunin and colleagues demonstrate the value of including the voice of the patient in helping clinicians to understand the challenges and larger context in which they attempt to follow through with discharge instructions. Strunin et al. found that among a range of factors that contribute to adherence problems, many were nonmedical. Fortunately, a number of these are modifiable and point to the need to both prioritize recommendations to patients and to simplify them whenever possible. The authors' findings resonate with a growing literature that examines the hospital discharge process from the patient's perspective.510

                    Flacker and colleagues surveyed older patients to gain greater insights into their information needs at discharge. From a process standpoint, they demonstrated that a posthospital survey was feasible and acceptable to older patients. In and of itself, this finding has important implications in the context of national efforts aimed at implementing performance measurement and accompanying public reporting. It also may reflect patients' eagerness to be contacted after discharge; hospitalization is a major event in patients' lives, and attentive follow‐up is appreciated. The authors found that more than half of patients did not recall being asked about how they would care for themselves on returning home from the hospital. Although there may be a variety of explanations for this finding, it nevertheless points to an immediate area for intervention.

                    Collectively, these 3 articles set the stage for a proposed clinical investigation agenda aimed at optimizing transitions out of the hospital (see Table 1).

                    Research Agenda for Transitions of Care
                    1. Greater recognition of the integral role of family caregivers
                    2. Empirically define the appropriate follow‐up interval
                    3. Define physician accountability for patients referred to home health on hospital discharge
                    4. Delineate the role of the hospitalist in the advanced medical home
                    5. Develop the ability to examine episodes of care

                    These 5 recommendations have the potential to ensure that the gains patients make in our hospitals are maintained long after discharge.

                    • Greater Recognition for the Integral Role of Family Caregivers. The patient and family caregivers should be integrated into health care professionals' efforts to improve care coordination across settings. Family caregivers have been silent partners in health care delivery, functioning as de facto care coordinators. During care handoffs, family caregivers make important contributions to ensuring quality, safety, and adherence to patient preferences; their role needs to be formally recognized and supported. An important initial step would be standardizing the approach to defining the types and intensity of the roles family caregivers play to facilitate improved communication. One proposed working definition is the FACED classification developed by one of the authors (E.C.). Modeled after the TNM system used in cancer, each letter of FACED refers to a different contribution made by a family caregiver: F = Financial; A = Advocacy; C = Care coordination; E = Emotional support; and D = Direct care provision. A simple numeric rating system could be developed whereby 0 = does not contribute in this area and 3 = makes significant contribution to this area. Such a straightforward approach would readily inform all members of the health care team about the caregivers' roles and capabilities and how they can optimally collaborate in the care plan.

                    • Empirically Define Appropriate FollowUp Interval. At present, patients are given rather arbitrary and generic instructions for when to obtain follow‐up with their outpatient primary care physician or specialist. Surgical patients are often instructed to follow up with their surgeon, and yet most of the readmissions of these patients are attributable to medical conditions (personal communication, Steven Jencks, MD, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). Furthermore, a significant number of discharged medical and surgical patients are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days without any outpatient contact with a health professional. One may envision an evidence‐based tiered approach whereby patients are assigned a hospital readmission risk score at the time of discharge that then determines the timing of their follow‐up appointment. Using this framework, the highest‐risk patients may be encouraged to receive follow‐up within 2472 hours, whereas lower‐risk patients may be able to wait 1421 days. Of course, there will need to be sufficient access to outpatient physicians, who will need to be available, to ensure the success of this strategy.

                    • Define Physician Accountability for Patients Referred to Home Health on Hospital Discharge. Communication problems between the hospital and the home health care agency are a source of aggravation for both parties, not to mention patients. Typically, a hospitalist provides the initial order for services and then expects subsequent home care coordination to be managed by an outpatient physician. Unfortunately, in some cases the patient may not have an outpatient physician or the patient's primary physician may be unaware of the recent hospitalization and thus unwilling to assume management of an unfamiliar care plan. As a result, home care nurses often cannot identify a physician to respond to their questions or concerns. At the center of this problem lies a lack of understanding of where the responsibility of the ordering hospitalist ends and the outpatient physician assuming care begins. Recognizing the profound costs of failed home health care leading to hospital readmission, the nation's Quality Improvement Organizations launched a national campaign in 2006 to address this problem. Hospitalists should engage in this effort and not punt the entire responsibility to home health agenciesimagine if hospitals and hospitalists were financially penalized if a patient was readmitted.

                    • Delineate the Role of the Hospitalist in the Advanced Medical Home. Modeled after a concept with origins in pediatrics, the American College of Physicians and American Academy of Family Physicians are promoting the advanced medical home as a new care model that aims to provide comprehensive ambulatory care with an explicit focus on care coordination.11 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is planning to initiate a demonstration of this approach. What has not been adequately underscored is how the advanced medical home will communicate essential clinical information with the hospitalist and what, if any, will be the role of the hospitalist in relation to a patient's medical home? Ideally, the medical home approach will alleviate many of the current access problems that impede timely follow‐up.

                    • Develop Ability to Examine Episodes of Care. Patients with complex conditions often require care from different practitioners in multiple settings. From the vantage point of health care professionals, these may appear to occur as merely a string of individual interactions, including hospital admissions and discharges. However from the patient's perspective, the experience is more appropriately characterized as a journey across an aggregated episode of care. The National Quality Forum is currently exploring how to measure quality of care delivered across such an episode of care. Additionally, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is developing a new assessment tool that will transcend acute and postacute care settings, the Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE). This tool will potentially enhance our ability to measure care across a predefined episode. Measurement can further pave the way for payment reform designed to align incentives toward higher‐quality care transitions. Currently, professional fees for coronary artery bypass grafting surgery are bundled across an episode, including hospital and posthospital care settings. Extending this approach to a wider array of conditions and services could encourage new perspectives on the timing of discharge and the use of posthospital care venues. For example, under bundled payment, incentives might support a plan to keep a patient in the hospital an extra 1 or 2 days in order to obviate a transfer to a skilled nursing facility and the concomitant risks of transfer‐related problems. Further, bundled payment may allow for the provision of additional services not currently covered, including transportation, as identified by Strunin and colleagues.3

                    Hospitalists are well positioned to offer leadership in these high‐leverage areas and thereby make a unique contribution to the quality and safety of care transitions. By so doing, they are poised to reaffirm their professionalism,12 ensuring that the excellent care that they provide in the hospital is sustained well into the future.

                    1. Flacker J,Park W,Sims A.Discharge information and older patients: do they get what they need?J Hosp Med.2007;2:291296.
                    2. Kripalani S,Jackson A,Schnipper J,Coleman E.Promoting effective transitions of care at hospital discharge: a review of key issues for hospitalists.J Hosp Med.2007;2:314323.
                    3. Strunin L,Stone M,Jack BWM.Understanding rehospitalization risk: can the hospital discharge be modified to impact recurrent hospitalization.J Hosp Med.2007;2:297304.
                    4. The Joint Commission. Sentinel event statistics. Available at: Accessed August 7,2007.
                    5. Weaver FM,Perloff L,Waters T.Patients' and caregivers' transition from hospital to home: needs and recommendations.Home Health Care Serv Q.1998;17:2748.
                    6. vom Eigen K,Walker J,Edgman‐Levitan S,Cleary P,Delbanco T.Carepartner experiences with hospital care.Med Care.1999;37:3338.
                    7. Harrison A,Verhoef M.Understanding coordination of care from the consumer's perspective in a regional health system.Health Serv Res.2002;37:10311054.
                    8. Coleman EA,Eilertsen TB,Smith JD, et al.Development and testing of a measure designed to assess the quality of care transitions.Int J Integrated Care.2002;2:e02.
                    9. Levine C.Rough crossings: family caregivers odysseys through the health care system.New York:United Hospital Fund of New York;1998.
                    10. Ellers B,Walker J.Facilitating the transition out of the hospital. In:Gerteis M,Edgman‐Levitan S,Daley J,Delbanco T, editors.Through the Patient's Eyes: Understanding and Promoting Patient‐Centered Care.San Francisco:Jossey‐Bass;1993:204223.
                    11. Barr M,Ginsburg J,American College of Physicians. The advanced medical home: a patient‐centered, physician‐guided model of health care. p. 1–22. Accessed August 7,2007.
                    12. Project of the ABIM Foundation A‐AFaEFoIM.Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter.Ann Intern Med.2002;136:243246.
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                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(5)
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                    As a hospital practitioner, you have undoubtedly experienced the frustration of witnessing how easily the excellent care you provide can unravel as the patient goes out the door. Patients are admitted acutely ill, and largely attributed to your clinical acumen, they are discharged tuned up and stable to return home. Days later, however, you may learn that your best‐laid discharge plans were not properly executed, and the patient returned with yet another exacerbation. Clearly this scenario represents a major setback for the patient and family caregivers. Possibly dismissed as another episode of patient noncompliance, such readmissions are now being recognized as system failures and reflect a discharge process that has been described as random events connected to highly variable actions with only a remote possibility of meeting implied expectations (Roger Resar, MD, Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement).

                    Once an area that received relatively little attention, transitions out of the hospital has been identified as a priority area in need of action by a confluence of recent research and national activities. Recognizing the expanding evidence for lapses in quality and safety, many esteemed organizations, including the Joint Commission, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and their accompanying Quality Improvement Organizations, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the Institute of Medicine, National Quality Forum, the Medicare Payment Advisory Committee, the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation, the National Transitions of Care Coalition, the American College of Physicians, the Society for General Medicine, and the Society for Hospital Medicine, are currently focusing their efforts on how to optimize transitions. All have articulated the need for further clinical investigation that can offer greater insight into the nature of the problems that arise during this vulnerable period and what the potential solutions are.

                    In this edition of the Journal of Hospital Medicine, 3 teams of investigators have responded to this need, making timely, important, and unique contributions to advance the field.13 Specifically, each of these articles further raises awareness that a patient's transition out of the hospital often unfolds quickly in a fast‐paced, chaotic manner, placing many competing demands on clinicians, patients, and family caregivers. Not surprisingly, such competing demands can contribute to deficits in quality and safety. The authors of these studies all directly identify the central role of communication among clinicians as well as between patients and clinicians in ensuring successful handoffs, further affirming the Joint Commission's finding that inadequate communication is the leading cause of sentinel events.4 In this respect, communication is more than simply the transfer of information; rather, it involves the need to ensure comprehension and provide an opportunity to have a 2‐way dialogue. Importantly, these articles share a common approach in fostering our understanding of the perspective of patients and family caregivers with a particular focus on disadvantaged populations.

                    Kripalani and colleagues conducted a comprehensive review of the state of the science for those key hospital discharge issues that pertain to hospitalists. They identified a number of challenges including communication between hospital‐ and ambulatory‐based clinicians, medication reconciliation, timely hospital follow‐up, and engaging patients in self‐care. For each of these priority areas, the authors provide pragmatic recommendations for improving care that could be implemented within the current state of practice, either individually or as a bundle of interventions.

                    Recognizing that patients are often the only common thread across different sites of care, Strunin and colleagues demonstrate the value of including the voice of the patient in helping clinicians to understand the challenges and larger context in which they attempt to follow through with discharge instructions. Strunin et al. found that among a range of factors that contribute to adherence problems, many were nonmedical. Fortunately, a number of these are modifiable and point to the need to both prioritize recommendations to patients and to simplify them whenever possible. The authors' findings resonate with a growing literature that examines the hospital discharge process from the patient's perspective.510

                    Flacker and colleagues surveyed older patients to gain greater insights into their information needs at discharge. From a process standpoint, they demonstrated that a posthospital survey was feasible and acceptable to older patients. In and of itself, this finding has important implications in the context of national efforts aimed at implementing performance measurement and accompanying public reporting. It also may reflect patients' eagerness to be contacted after discharge; hospitalization is a major event in patients' lives, and attentive follow‐up is appreciated. The authors found that more than half of patients did not recall being asked about how they would care for themselves on returning home from the hospital. Although there may be a variety of explanations for this finding, it nevertheless points to an immediate area for intervention.

                    Collectively, these 3 articles set the stage for a proposed clinical investigation agenda aimed at optimizing transitions out of the hospital (see Table 1).

                    Research Agenda for Transitions of Care
                    1. Greater recognition of the integral role of family caregivers
                    2. Empirically define the appropriate follow‐up interval
                    3. Define physician accountability for patients referred to home health on hospital discharge
                    4. Delineate the role of the hospitalist in the advanced medical home
                    5. Develop the ability to examine episodes of care

                    These 5 recommendations have the potential to ensure that the gains patients make in our hospitals are maintained long after discharge.

                    • Greater Recognition for the Integral Role of Family Caregivers. The patient and family caregivers should be integrated into health care professionals' efforts to improve care coordination across settings. Family caregivers have been silent partners in health care delivery, functioning as de facto care coordinators. During care handoffs, family caregivers make important contributions to ensuring quality, safety, and adherence to patient preferences; their role needs to be formally recognized and supported. An important initial step would be standardizing the approach to defining the types and intensity of the roles family caregivers play to facilitate improved communication. One proposed working definition is the FACED classification developed by one of the authors (E.C.). Modeled after the TNM system used in cancer, each letter of FACED refers to a different contribution made by a family caregiver: F = Financial; A = Advocacy; C = Care coordination; E = Emotional support; and D = Direct care provision. A simple numeric rating system could be developed whereby 0 = does not contribute in this area and 3 = makes significant contribution to this area. Such a straightforward approach would readily inform all members of the health care team about the caregivers' roles and capabilities and how they can optimally collaborate in the care plan.

                    • Empirically Define Appropriate FollowUp Interval. At present, patients are given rather arbitrary and generic instructions for when to obtain follow‐up with their outpatient primary care physician or specialist. Surgical patients are often instructed to follow up with their surgeon, and yet most of the readmissions of these patients are attributable to medical conditions (personal communication, Steven Jencks, MD, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). Furthermore, a significant number of discharged medical and surgical patients are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days without any outpatient contact with a health professional. One may envision an evidence‐based tiered approach whereby patients are assigned a hospital readmission risk score at the time of discharge that then determines the timing of their follow‐up appointment. Using this framework, the highest‐risk patients may be encouraged to receive follow‐up within 2472 hours, whereas lower‐risk patients may be able to wait 1421 days. Of course, there will need to be sufficient access to outpatient physicians, who will need to be available, to ensure the success of this strategy.

                    • Define Physician Accountability for Patients Referred to Home Health on Hospital Discharge. Communication problems between the hospital and the home health care agency are a source of aggravation for both parties, not to mention patients. Typically, a hospitalist provides the initial order for services and then expects subsequent home care coordination to be managed by an outpatient physician. Unfortunately, in some cases the patient may not have an outpatient physician or the patient's primary physician may be unaware of the recent hospitalization and thus unwilling to assume management of an unfamiliar care plan. As a result, home care nurses often cannot identify a physician to respond to their questions or concerns. At the center of this problem lies a lack of understanding of where the responsibility of the ordering hospitalist ends and the outpatient physician assuming care begins. Recognizing the profound costs of failed home health care leading to hospital readmission, the nation's Quality Improvement Organizations launched a national campaign in 2006 to address this problem. Hospitalists should engage in this effort and not punt the entire responsibility to home health agenciesimagine if hospitals and hospitalists were financially penalized if a patient was readmitted.

                    • Delineate the Role of the Hospitalist in the Advanced Medical Home. Modeled after a concept with origins in pediatrics, the American College of Physicians and American Academy of Family Physicians are promoting the advanced medical home as a new care model that aims to provide comprehensive ambulatory care with an explicit focus on care coordination.11 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is planning to initiate a demonstration of this approach. What has not been adequately underscored is how the advanced medical home will communicate essential clinical information with the hospitalist and what, if any, will be the role of the hospitalist in relation to a patient's medical home? Ideally, the medical home approach will alleviate many of the current access problems that impede timely follow‐up.

                    • Develop Ability to Examine Episodes of Care. Patients with complex conditions often require care from different practitioners in multiple settings. From the vantage point of health care professionals, these may appear to occur as merely a string of individual interactions, including hospital admissions and discharges. However from the patient's perspective, the experience is more appropriately characterized as a journey across an aggregated episode of care. The National Quality Forum is currently exploring how to measure quality of care delivered across such an episode of care. Additionally, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is developing a new assessment tool that will transcend acute and postacute care settings, the Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE). This tool will potentially enhance our ability to measure care across a predefined episode. Measurement can further pave the way for payment reform designed to align incentives toward higher‐quality care transitions. Currently, professional fees for coronary artery bypass grafting surgery are bundled across an episode, including hospital and posthospital care settings. Extending this approach to a wider array of conditions and services could encourage new perspectives on the timing of discharge and the use of posthospital care venues. For example, under bundled payment, incentives might support a plan to keep a patient in the hospital an extra 1 or 2 days in order to obviate a transfer to a skilled nursing facility and the concomitant risks of transfer‐related problems. Further, bundled payment may allow for the provision of additional services not currently covered, including transportation, as identified by Strunin and colleagues.3

                    Hospitalists are well positioned to offer leadership in these high‐leverage areas and thereby make a unique contribution to the quality and safety of care transitions. By so doing, they are poised to reaffirm their professionalism,12 ensuring that the excellent care that they provide in the hospital is sustained well into the future.

                    As a hospital practitioner, you have undoubtedly experienced the frustration of witnessing how easily the excellent care you provide can unravel as the patient goes out the door. Patients are admitted acutely ill, and largely attributed to your clinical acumen, they are discharged tuned up and stable to return home. Days later, however, you may learn that your best‐laid discharge plans were not properly executed, and the patient returned with yet another exacerbation. Clearly this scenario represents a major setback for the patient and family caregivers. Possibly dismissed as another episode of patient noncompliance, such readmissions are now being recognized as system failures and reflect a discharge process that has been described as random events connected to highly variable actions with only a remote possibility of meeting implied expectations (Roger Resar, MD, Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement).

                    Once an area that received relatively little attention, transitions out of the hospital has been identified as a priority area in need of action by a confluence of recent research and national activities. Recognizing the expanding evidence for lapses in quality and safety, many esteemed organizations, including the Joint Commission, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and their accompanying Quality Improvement Organizations, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, the Institute of Medicine, National Quality Forum, the Medicare Payment Advisory Committee, the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation, the National Transitions of Care Coalition, the American College of Physicians, the Society for General Medicine, and the Society for Hospital Medicine, are currently focusing their efforts on how to optimize transitions. All have articulated the need for further clinical investigation that can offer greater insight into the nature of the problems that arise during this vulnerable period and what the potential solutions are.

                    In this edition of the Journal of Hospital Medicine, 3 teams of investigators have responded to this need, making timely, important, and unique contributions to advance the field.13 Specifically, each of these articles further raises awareness that a patient's transition out of the hospital often unfolds quickly in a fast‐paced, chaotic manner, placing many competing demands on clinicians, patients, and family caregivers. Not surprisingly, such competing demands can contribute to deficits in quality and safety. The authors of these studies all directly identify the central role of communication among clinicians as well as between patients and clinicians in ensuring successful handoffs, further affirming the Joint Commission's finding that inadequate communication is the leading cause of sentinel events.4 In this respect, communication is more than simply the transfer of information; rather, it involves the need to ensure comprehension and provide an opportunity to have a 2‐way dialogue. Importantly, these articles share a common approach in fostering our understanding of the perspective of patients and family caregivers with a particular focus on disadvantaged populations.

                    Kripalani and colleagues conducted a comprehensive review of the state of the science for those key hospital discharge issues that pertain to hospitalists. They identified a number of challenges including communication between hospital‐ and ambulatory‐based clinicians, medication reconciliation, timely hospital follow‐up, and engaging patients in self‐care. For each of these priority areas, the authors provide pragmatic recommendations for improving care that could be implemented within the current state of practice, either individually or as a bundle of interventions.

                    Recognizing that patients are often the only common thread across different sites of care, Strunin and colleagues demonstrate the value of including the voice of the patient in helping clinicians to understand the challenges and larger context in which they attempt to follow through with discharge instructions. Strunin et al. found that among a range of factors that contribute to adherence problems, many were nonmedical. Fortunately, a number of these are modifiable and point to the need to both prioritize recommendations to patients and to simplify them whenever possible. The authors' findings resonate with a growing literature that examines the hospital discharge process from the patient's perspective.510

                    Flacker and colleagues surveyed older patients to gain greater insights into their information needs at discharge. From a process standpoint, they demonstrated that a posthospital survey was feasible and acceptable to older patients. In and of itself, this finding has important implications in the context of national efforts aimed at implementing performance measurement and accompanying public reporting. It also may reflect patients' eagerness to be contacted after discharge; hospitalization is a major event in patients' lives, and attentive follow‐up is appreciated. The authors found that more than half of patients did not recall being asked about how they would care for themselves on returning home from the hospital. Although there may be a variety of explanations for this finding, it nevertheless points to an immediate area for intervention.

                    Collectively, these 3 articles set the stage for a proposed clinical investigation agenda aimed at optimizing transitions out of the hospital (see Table 1).

                    Research Agenda for Transitions of Care
                    1. Greater recognition of the integral role of family caregivers
                    2. Empirically define the appropriate follow‐up interval
                    3. Define physician accountability for patients referred to home health on hospital discharge
                    4. Delineate the role of the hospitalist in the advanced medical home
                    5. Develop the ability to examine episodes of care

                    These 5 recommendations have the potential to ensure that the gains patients make in our hospitals are maintained long after discharge.

                    • Greater Recognition for the Integral Role of Family Caregivers. The patient and family caregivers should be integrated into health care professionals' efforts to improve care coordination across settings. Family caregivers have been silent partners in health care delivery, functioning as de facto care coordinators. During care handoffs, family caregivers make important contributions to ensuring quality, safety, and adherence to patient preferences; their role needs to be formally recognized and supported. An important initial step would be standardizing the approach to defining the types and intensity of the roles family caregivers play to facilitate improved communication. One proposed working definition is the FACED classification developed by one of the authors (E.C.). Modeled after the TNM system used in cancer, each letter of FACED refers to a different contribution made by a family caregiver: F = Financial; A = Advocacy; C = Care coordination; E = Emotional support; and D = Direct care provision. A simple numeric rating system could be developed whereby 0 = does not contribute in this area and 3 = makes significant contribution to this area. Such a straightforward approach would readily inform all members of the health care team about the caregivers' roles and capabilities and how they can optimally collaborate in the care plan.

                    • Empirically Define Appropriate FollowUp Interval. At present, patients are given rather arbitrary and generic instructions for when to obtain follow‐up with their outpatient primary care physician or specialist. Surgical patients are often instructed to follow up with their surgeon, and yet most of the readmissions of these patients are attributable to medical conditions (personal communication, Steven Jencks, MD, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services). Furthermore, a significant number of discharged medical and surgical patients are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days without any outpatient contact with a health professional. One may envision an evidence‐based tiered approach whereby patients are assigned a hospital readmission risk score at the time of discharge that then determines the timing of their follow‐up appointment. Using this framework, the highest‐risk patients may be encouraged to receive follow‐up within 2472 hours, whereas lower‐risk patients may be able to wait 1421 days. Of course, there will need to be sufficient access to outpatient physicians, who will need to be available, to ensure the success of this strategy.

                    • Define Physician Accountability for Patients Referred to Home Health on Hospital Discharge. Communication problems between the hospital and the home health care agency are a source of aggravation for both parties, not to mention patients. Typically, a hospitalist provides the initial order for services and then expects subsequent home care coordination to be managed by an outpatient physician. Unfortunately, in some cases the patient may not have an outpatient physician or the patient's primary physician may be unaware of the recent hospitalization and thus unwilling to assume management of an unfamiliar care plan. As a result, home care nurses often cannot identify a physician to respond to their questions or concerns. At the center of this problem lies a lack of understanding of where the responsibility of the ordering hospitalist ends and the outpatient physician assuming care begins. Recognizing the profound costs of failed home health care leading to hospital readmission, the nation's Quality Improvement Organizations launched a national campaign in 2006 to address this problem. Hospitalists should engage in this effort and not punt the entire responsibility to home health agenciesimagine if hospitals and hospitalists were financially penalized if a patient was readmitted.

                    • Delineate the Role of the Hospitalist in the Advanced Medical Home. Modeled after a concept with origins in pediatrics, the American College of Physicians and American Academy of Family Physicians are promoting the advanced medical home as a new care model that aims to provide comprehensive ambulatory care with an explicit focus on care coordination.11 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is planning to initiate a demonstration of this approach. What has not been adequately underscored is how the advanced medical home will communicate essential clinical information with the hospitalist and what, if any, will be the role of the hospitalist in relation to a patient's medical home? Ideally, the medical home approach will alleviate many of the current access problems that impede timely follow‐up.

                    • Develop Ability to Examine Episodes of Care. Patients with complex conditions often require care from different practitioners in multiple settings. From the vantage point of health care professionals, these may appear to occur as merely a string of individual interactions, including hospital admissions and discharges. However from the patient's perspective, the experience is more appropriately characterized as a journey across an aggregated episode of care. The National Quality Forum is currently exploring how to measure quality of care delivered across such an episode of care. Additionally, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is developing a new assessment tool that will transcend acute and postacute care settings, the Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE). This tool will potentially enhance our ability to measure care across a predefined episode. Measurement can further pave the way for payment reform designed to align incentives toward higher‐quality care transitions. Currently, professional fees for coronary artery bypass grafting surgery are bundled across an episode, including hospital and posthospital care settings. Extending this approach to a wider array of conditions and services could encourage new perspectives on the timing of discharge and the use of posthospital care venues. For example, under bundled payment, incentives might support a plan to keep a patient in the hospital an extra 1 or 2 days in order to obviate a transfer to a skilled nursing facility and the concomitant risks of transfer‐related problems. Further, bundled payment may allow for the provision of additional services not currently covered, including transportation, as identified by Strunin and colleagues.3

                    Hospitalists are well positioned to offer leadership in these high‐leverage areas and thereby make a unique contribution to the quality and safety of care transitions. By so doing, they are poised to reaffirm their professionalism,12 ensuring that the excellent care that they provide in the hospital is sustained well into the future.

                    1. Flacker J,Park W,Sims A.Discharge information and older patients: do they get what they need?J Hosp Med.2007;2:291296.
                    2. Kripalani S,Jackson A,Schnipper J,Coleman E.Promoting effective transitions of care at hospital discharge: a review of key issues for hospitalists.J Hosp Med.2007;2:314323.
                    3. Strunin L,Stone M,Jack BWM.Understanding rehospitalization risk: can the hospital discharge be modified to impact recurrent hospitalization.J Hosp Med.2007;2:297304.
                    4. The Joint Commission. Sentinel event statistics. Available at: Accessed August 7,2007.
                    5. Weaver FM,Perloff L,Waters T.Patients' and caregivers' transition from hospital to home: needs and recommendations.Home Health Care Serv Q.1998;17:2748.
                    6. vom Eigen K,Walker J,Edgman‐Levitan S,Cleary P,Delbanco T.Carepartner experiences with hospital care.Med Care.1999;37:3338.
                    7. Harrison A,Verhoef M.Understanding coordination of care from the consumer's perspective in a regional health system.Health Serv Res.2002;37:10311054.
                    8. Coleman EA,Eilertsen TB,Smith JD, et al.Development and testing of a measure designed to assess the quality of care transitions.Int J Integrated Care.2002;2:e02.
                    9. Levine C.Rough crossings: family caregivers odysseys through the health care system.New York:United Hospital Fund of New York;1998.
                    10. Ellers B,Walker J.Facilitating the transition out of the hospital. In:Gerteis M,Edgman‐Levitan S,Daley J,Delbanco T, editors.Through the Patient's Eyes: Understanding and Promoting Patient‐Centered Care.San Francisco:Jossey‐Bass;1993:204223.
                    11. Barr M,Ginsburg J,American College of Physicians. The advanced medical home: a patient‐centered, physician‐guided model of health care. p. 1–22. Accessed August 7,2007.
                    12. Project of the ABIM Foundation A‐AFaEFoIM.Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter.Ann Intern Med.2002;136:243246.
                    1. Flacker J,Park W,Sims A.Discharge information and older patients: do they get what they need?J Hosp Med.2007;2:291296.
                    2. Kripalani S,Jackson A,Schnipper J,Coleman E.Promoting effective transitions of care at hospital discharge: a review of key issues for hospitalists.J Hosp Med.2007;2:314323.
                    3. Strunin L,Stone M,Jack BWM.Understanding rehospitalization risk: can the hospital discharge be modified to impact recurrent hospitalization.J Hosp Med.2007;2:297304.
                    4. The Joint Commission. Sentinel event statistics. Available at: Accessed August 7,2007.
                    5. Weaver FM,Perloff L,Waters T.Patients' and caregivers' transition from hospital to home: needs and recommendations.Home Health Care Serv Q.1998;17:2748.
                    6. vom Eigen K,Walker J,Edgman‐Levitan S,Cleary P,Delbanco T.Carepartner experiences with hospital care.Med Care.1999;37:3338.
                    7. Harrison A,Verhoef M.Understanding coordination of care from the consumer's perspective in a regional health system.Health Serv Res.2002;37:10311054.
                    8. Coleman EA,Eilertsen TB,Smith JD, et al.Development and testing of a measure designed to assess the quality of care transitions.Int J Integrated Care.2002;2:e02.
                    9. Levine C.Rough crossings: family caregivers odysseys through the health care system.New York:United Hospital Fund of New York;1998.
                    10. Ellers B,Walker J.Facilitating the transition out of the hospital. In:Gerteis M,Edgman‐Levitan S,Daley J,Delbanco T, editors.Through the Patient's Eyes: Understanding and Promoting Patient‐Centered Care.San Francisco:Jossey‐Bass;1993:204223.
                    11. Barr M,Ginsburg J,American College of Physicians. The advanced medical home: a patient‐centered, physician‐guided model of health care. p. 1–22. Accessed August 7,2007.
                    12. Project of the ABIM Foundation A‐AFaEFoIM.Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter.Ann Intern Med.2002;136:243246.
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(5)
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(5)
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                    Executing high‐quality care transitions: A call to do it right
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                    Executing high‐quality care transitions: A call to do it right
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                    SHM Workshops on Health Care–Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance / Bush‐Knapp et al.

                    Article Type
                    Sun, 05/28/2017 - 22:35
                    Display Headline
                    Impact of Society of Hospital Medicine workshops on hospitalists' knowledge and perceptions of health care–associated infections and antimicrobial resistance

                    In the United States, hospitalized patients are at risk of acquiring health careassociated infections that increase morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay, and cost of care.1 If a health careassociated infection is caused by an antimicrobial‐resistant pathogen, treatment efforts may be further complicated.2, 3 With the decreasing effectiveness of antimicrobials and suboptimal adherence to certain infection control measures, new and multifaceted prevention strategies are necessary to address the problem of health careassociated infections and antimicrobial resistance.410

                    One strategy that hospitals can use to reduce the incidence of health careassociated infections and antimicrobial resistance is implementation of quality improvement programs. These programs require clinicians to employ techniques, such as root cause analysis (RCA), which investigates contributing factors to an event to prevent reoccurrence, and healthcare failure mode effects analysis (HFMEA), which applies a systematic method of identifying and preventing problems before they occur.1113 Programs and strategies such as these require leadership and adoption within the hospital. Because of their availability and specialized role in the hospital setting, hospitalists are in a unique position to promote and uphold quality improvement efforts.1417 Professional societies, health care organizations, and governmental agencies can play a role in engaging this group of physicians in improving the quality of patient care in hospitals by providing educational programs and materials.18

                    In 2004, the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop a quality improvement tool kit to reduce antimicrobial resistance and health careassociated infections. The tool kit was based on the CDC's Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings (Campaign), an educational program targeted at clinicians.19 The SHM/CDC tool kit contained campaign materials, a set of slides about quality improvement, worksheets, and additional materials such as infection control policies and guidelines to supplement a 90‐minute workshop consisting of didactic lectures about antimicrobial resistance, quality improvement initiatives, RCA, and HFMEA; a lecture and case study about intravascular catheter‐related infections; and small‐group activity and discussion. The complete toolkit is now available online via the SHM Antimicrobial Resistance Resource Room at

                    The purpose of the workshop was to present the tool kit and increase hospitalists' knowledge and awareness about antimicrobial resistance, health careassociated infections, and quality improvement programs. We assessed the workshop participants' familiarity with the Campaign prior to the workshop, perceptions of antimicrobial resistance, knowledge gained as a result of the workshop, and opinions about the usefulness of the workshop.


                    Data were collected from pretests and posttests administered to participants of one of the SHM workshops in May, June, or July 2005 in Denver, Colorado; Boston, Massachusetts; or Portland, Oregon. One SHM physician leader (D.D.D., coauthor of this article) presented all 3 workshops. The workshops were advertised by SHM using E‐mail to local chapter members. Individual sites used a variety of methods to encourage their hospitalists to attend, and participants were provided a complimentary dinner.

                    Prior to each workshop, participants completed a 10‐question pretest that had been pilot‐tested by hospitalists in other cities. The pretest assessed demographics; perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance using a Likert scale; familiarity with the Campaign; and knowledge of common infection sites, RCA, HFMEA, and antimicrobial resistance prevention measures.

                    Immediately following each workshop, a 13‐question posttest was administered to participants. This posttest evaluated the workshop and materials using Likert scales, asked for suggestions for future programming using open‐ended questions, and repeated pretest questions to assess changes in perceptions and knowledge.

                    Data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed using descriptive statistics and t tests to compare pre‐ and posttest changes in knowledge. Likert data assessing perceptions were dichotomized into strongly agree versus all other scale responses. Qualitative open‐ended responses were categorized by theme.


                    A total of 69 SHM members attended the workshops. Of the 69 participants, 65 completed the pretest, 53 completed the posttest, and 50 completed both the pre‐ and the posttests. Only participants who completed both the pretest and the posttest were included in the analyses (n = 21, Denver; n = 11, Boston; n = 18, Portland). Of the 50 participants who completed both the pre‐ and posttests, 44 (88%) classified themselves as hospitalists in practices ranging from 2 to more than 25 physicians. Participants averaged 9.2 years (range = 1‐27 years) in practice and 4.9 years (range = 1‐10 years) as practicing hospitalists, with no significant differences between the 3 groups. Only 17 participants (34%) were familiar with the Campaign prior to the workshop, and there was no significant variation between the 3 workshops. Those familiar with the Campaign had heard about or received the educational materials from colleagues (n = 5), their facilities (n = 4), professional journals (n = 4), medical conferences (n = 4), or the CDC or SHM websites (n = 4).

                    Overall, most participants strongly agreed with the statement that antimicrobial resistance was a problem nationally, institutionally, and within their individual practices (Table 1). These perceptions did not significantly differ between the pretest and the posttest. However, statistically significant differences were found when comparing perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance at the national, institutional, and practice levels; more participants strongly agreed that antimicrobial resistance was a problem nationally than within their institutions (pretest, P = .01; posttest, P = .04) or within their practices (pretest, P < .0001; posttest, P = .01).

                    Percentage of SHM Workshop Participants Who Strongly Agreed That Antimicrobial Resistance Is a Problem Nationally, Institutionally, and Within Their Own Practices by 2005 Workshop Location (N = 50)
                     NationallyInstitutionallyWithin own practice
                    • *Likert data were dichotomized as strongly agree versus all other responses.

                    Denver (n = 21)100%100%86%95%67%86%
                    Portland (n = 18)83%94%67%78%67%78%
                    Boston (n = 11)91%82%91%82%91%82%
                    P value.28 .18 .06 

                    On the knowledge‐based questions, the overall average test score was 48% on the pretest and 63% on the posttest (P < .0001), with scores varying by question (Table 2). For example, knowledge of quality improvement initiatives/HFMEA was low (an average of 10% correct on the pretest, 48% on the posttest) compared with knowledge about the key prevention strategies from the Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance (average of 94% correct on the pretest, 98% on the posttest). Furthermore, scores also varied by workshop location. On the pretest, participants in Boston and Portland scored higher (both 53%) than Denver participants (40%). On the posttest, Portland participants scored the highest (78%) followed by Boston participants (64%) and then Denver participants (50%). Boston and Denver participants differed significantly on pretest knowledge score (P = .04) and Portland and Denver participants differed significantly on posttest knowledge score (P < .0001).

                    Pretest and Posttest Knowledge Scores of SHM 2005 Workshop Participants (N = 50)
                    Question TopicPretest averagePosttest averagePercent difference (P value)*
                    • t test.

                    Quality improvement initiatives/HFMEA Which quality improvement initiative(s) must be performed yearly by all hospitals (JCAHO accreditation requirement)?10%48%38% (P < .0001)
                    Prevention of central venous catheter‐associated bloodstream infections: Key prevention steps for preventing central venous catheter‐associated bloodstream infections include all of the following except:62%88%26% (P = .0001)
                    RCA Which of the following is NOT true about root cause analysis?20%38%18% (P = .01)
                    Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance The key prevention strategies from the Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance include all of the following except:94%98%4% (P = .32)
                    Common body sites for healthcare‐associated infection: The most common site of hospital‐acquired (nosocomial) infection is:52%44%8% (P = .29)
                    Overall average48%63%15% (P < .0001)

                    Overall, 43 participants (85%) rated the workshop as either very good or excellent. All but 1 participant (n = 49, 98%) would encourage a colleague to attend the workshop, giving reasons such as that the workshop outlined a major program in delivering good and safe care, offered great information on antimicrobial resistance and methods of quality improvement systems implementation, assisted in find[ing] new tools for improving hospital practice, and addressed a significant factor in hospitals related to morbidity [and] mortality. When asked for general comments about the workshop and suggestions for future improvements, participants requested more direction, more detail, more discussion, specific examples of antimicrobial resistance, and protocols and processes for implementing quality improvement programs. On a scale from 1 (not useful) to 5 (essential), participants rated the usefulness of each workshop segment: intravascular catheter‐related infections lecture and case study (x̄ = 4.3, range = 3‐5), quality improvement initiatives lecture (x̄ = 4.1, range = 2‐5), background on antimicrobial resistance (x̄ = 3.9, range = 2‐5), RCA lecture (x̄ = 3.9, range = 2‐5), HFMEA lecture (x̄ = 3.8, range = 2‐5), and small‐group discussion (x̄ = 3.4, range = 2‐5). These ratings did not vary significantly between the 3 groups.


                    To address antimicrobial resistance and health careassociated infections in the hospital setting, the SHM and CDC developed a tool kit and presented a quality improvement workshop to hospitalists in 3 U.S. cities. Overall, the participants scored significantly higher on the knowledge‐based questions on the posttest than on the pretest, indicating that knowledge improved as a result of the workshop. By providing a format that combined didactic lectures with case‐based education, small‐group activities, and discussion, the SHM workshop may have optimized its ability to increase knowledge, similar to the findings in previous research.2021

                    There were no significant differences between the 3 groups in years of practice, perceptions of the problem, and overall evaluation of the workshop. However, differences were found in knowledge gained as a result of the workshop. For example, the Denver group scored lower on the knowledge‐based questions than did the Boston group on the pretest and the Portland group on the posttest, indicating that knowledge and learning styles may differ by location. These differences may be attributed to variations in hospital environments, hospital‐based educational programs, or medical school and residency training. Differences like these may impact the effectiveness of a program and should be a consideration in the program development process, especially when a program is national in scope, like the CDC's Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings. In addition, more than 90% of participants correctly identified key prevention strategies of the Campaign, whereas only 34% were familiar with the Campaign itself prior to the workshop. This result may be a result of the key prevention strategies of the Campaign being derived from well‐established and ‐recognized evidence‐based best practices for patient safety and care.

                    Although knowledge changed as a result of the workshop, overall perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance did not change significantly from pretest to posttest. It is possible this is because changes in perception require a different or more intensive educational approach. This result also may reflect the initial levels of agreement on the pretest, the measurement instrument itself, and/or the inability to detect differences because of the small number of participants.

                    Difference did exist in perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance at the national, institutional, and practice levels. Antimicrobial resistance was perceived to be a greater problem on the national level than on the institutional and practice levels. Other studies also have found that clinicians more strongly agree that antimicrobial resistance is a problem nationally than within their institutions and practices.2224 When antimicrobial resistance is not perceived as a problem within institutions and practices, physicians may be less likely to overcome the barriers to following recommended infection prevention guidelines or to implementing quality improvement projects.4 Therefore, educational and intervention efforts like this workshop should address hospitalists' perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance on the individual level as a first step in motivating them to engage in quality improvement.

                    Although participants' knowledge scores increased from pretest to posttest, gaps in knowledge remained, as indicated by the significantly improved but low overall posttest scores related to RCA and HFMEA. As hospitalists are in a unique position to promote quality improvement programs, these topic areas should be given more attention in future workshops and in training. Furthermore, by adding more specific questions related to each section of the workshop, associations among presentation style, knowledge gained, and perceived usefulness of each section could be evaluated. For example, the participants significantly increased their scores from pretest to posttest on the catheter‐related knowledge‐based question and rated the lecture and case study on intravascular catheter‐related infections as the most useful sections. Future research may explore these possible relationships to better guide selection of presentation styles and topics to ensure that participants gain knowledge and perceive the sections as useful. In addition, by addressing the feedback from participants, such as offering more detail, examples, and discussion, future workshops may have greater perceived usefulness and be better able to increase the knowledge and awareness of quality improvement programs for the prevention of health careassociated infections and antimicrobial resistance.

                    Although there were 3 workshops conducted in 3 areas across the United States, the sample size at each site was small, and results may not be representative of hospitalists at large. In addition, power calculations should be considered in future studies to increase the ability to better detect differences between and within groups. Another limitation of this study was that the limited data available and participant anonymity meant it was not possible to follow‐up with participants after the workshop to evaluate whether the knowledge they gained was sustained and/or whether they reported changes in practice. However, possession of knowledge and skills to inform practice does not mean that practice will change; therefore, follow‐up is necessary to determine if this workshop was effective in changing behaviors in the long term.25 Although the SHM workshop improved knowledge, more intensive educational strategies may be necessary to affect perceptions and improve the leadership skills required for implementation of quality improvement programs at an institutional level.

                    Overall, the SHM workshop was found to be a useful tool for increasing knowledge and outlining methods by which hospitalists can lead, coordinate, or participate in measures to prevent infections and improve patient safety. In addition, through the workshop, the SHM and the CDC have provided an example of how professional societies and government agencies can collaborate to address emerging issues in the health care setting.

                    1. Chen Y,Chou Y,Chou P.Impact of nosocomial infection on cost of illness and length of stay in intensive care units.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol2005;26:281287.
                    2. Murthy R.Implementation of strategies to control antimicrobial resistance.Chest.2001;119:405S411S.
                    3. Shlaes DM,Gerding DN,John JF, et al.Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America and Infectious Diseases Society of American Joint Committee on the Prevention of Antimicrobial Resistance: guidelines for the prevention of antimicrobial resistance in hospitals.Clin Infect Dis.1997;25:584599.
                    4. Goldmann DA,Weinstein RA,Wenzel RP, et al.Strategies to prevent and control the emergence and spread of antimicrobial‐resistant microorganisms in hospitals: a challenge to hospital leadership.JAMA.1996;275:234240.
                    5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Guidelines for hand hygiene in health‐care settings: recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force.MMWR Recomm Rep.2002;51:144.
                    6. Garner JS.Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee.Guideline for isolation precautions in hospitals.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.1996;17:5380.
                    7. Muto CA,Jernigan JA,Ostrowsky BE, et al.SHEA guideline for prevention nosocomial transmission of multidrug‐resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.2003;24:362386.
                    8. Pittet D.Improving adherence to hand hygiene practice: a multidisciplinary approach.Emerg Infect Dis.2001;7:234240.
                    9. Hugonnet S,Perneger TV,Pittet D.Alcohol‐based handrub improves compliance with hand hygiene in intensive care units.Arch Intern Med.2002;162:10371043.
                    10. Larson EL,Early E,Cloonan P, et al.An organizational climate intervention associated with increased handwashing and decreased nosocomial infections.Behav Med.2000;26:1422.
                    11. Flanders SA,Saint S.Getting to the root of the matter.AHRQ Web M 29:319330.
                    12. McDermott RE,Mikulak RJ,Beauregard MR.The Basics of FMEA.New York:Quality Resources;1996.
                    13. Amin AN.The hospitalist model of care: A positive influence on efficiency, quality of care, and outcomes.Crit Path Cardiol.2004;3:S5S7.
                    14. Wachter RM.An introduction to the hospitalist model.Ann Intern Med.1999;130:338342.
                    15. Goldman L.The impact of hospitalists on medical education and the academic health systems.Ann Intern Med.1999;130:364367.
                    16. Plauth WH,Pantilat S,Wachter RM, et al.Hospitalists' perceptions of their residency training needs: Results of a national survey.Am J Med.2001;111:247254.
                    17. Schwartz B,Bell DM,Hughes JM.Preventing the emergence of antimicrobial resistance: A call for action by clinicians, public health officials and patients.JAMA1997;278:944945.
                    18. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings. 2005. Available at: URL: Accessed November 8,2005.
                    19. Davis D,O'Brien MA,Freemantle N, et al.Impact of formal continuing medical education: Do conferences, workshops, rounds and other traditional continuing education activities change physician behavior or health care outcomes?JAMA.1999;282:867874.
                    20. Brown TT,Proctor SE,Sinkowitz‐Cochran RL, et al.Physician preferences for continuing medical education with a focus on the topic of antimicrobial resistance: Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.2001;22:656660.
                    21. Giblin TB,Sinkowitz‐Cochran RL,Harris PL, et al.Clinicians' perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance in health care facilities.Arch Intern Med.2004;164:16621668.
                    22. Wester CW,Durairaj L,Evans AT, et al.Antibiotic resistance: a survey of physician perceptions.Arch Intern Med.2002;162:22102216.
                    23. Brinsley KJ,Sinkowitz‐Cochran RL,Cardo DM, et al.Assessing motivation for physicians to prevent antimicrobial resistance in hospitalized children using the health belief model as a framework.Am J Infect Control.2004;33:175181.
                    24. Cooper T.Educational theory into practice: Development of an infection control link nurse programme.Nurs Ed Pract.2001;1:3541.
                    Article PDF
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(4)
                    Page Number
                    Legacy Keywords
                    antimicrobial resistance, healthcare‐associated infections, quality improvement, hospitalists, education
                    Article PDF
                    Article PDF

                    In the United States, hospitalized patients are at risk of acquiring health careassociated infections that increase morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay, and cost of care.1 If a health careassociated infection is caused by an antimicrobial‐resistant pathogen, treatment efforts may be further complicated.2, 3 With the decreasing effectiveness of antimicrobials and suboptimal adherence to certain infection control measures, new and multifaceted prevention strategies are necessary to address the problem of health careassociated infections and antimicrobial resistance.410

                    One strategy that hospitals can use to reduce the incidence of health careassociated infections and antimicrobial resistance is implementation of quality improvement programs. These programs require clinicians to employ techniques, such as root cause analysis (RCA), which investigates contributing factors to an event to prevent reoccurrence, and healthcare failure mode effects analysis (HFMEA), which applies a systematic method of identifying and preventing problems before they occur.1113 Programs and strategies such as these require leadership and adoption within the hospital. Because of their availability and specialized role in the hospital setting, hospitalists are in a unique position to promote and uphold quality improvement efforts.1417 Professional societies, health care organizations, and governmental agencies can play a role in engaging this group of physicians in improving the quality of patient care in hospitals by providing educational programs and materials.18

                    In 2004, the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop a quality improvement tool kit to reduce antimicrobial resistance and health careassociated infections. The tool kit was based on the CDC's Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings (Campaign), an educational program targeted at clinicians.19 The SHM/CDC tool kit contained campaign materials, a set of slides about quality improvement, worksheets, and additional materials such as infection control policies and guidelines to supplement a 90‐minute workshop consisting of didactic lectures about antimicrobial resistance, quality improvement initiatives, RCA, and HFMEA; a lecture and case study about intravascular catheter‐related infections; and small‐group activity and discussion. The complete toolkit is now available online via the SHM Antimicrobial Resistance Resource Room at

                    The purpose of the workshop was to present the tool kit and increase hospitalists' knowledge and awareness about antimicrobial resistance, health careassociated infections, and quality improvement programs. We assessed the workshop participants' familiarity with the Campaign prior to the workshop, perceptions of antimicrobial resistance, knowledge gained as a result of the workshop, and opinions about the usefulness of the workshop.


                    Data were collected from pretests and posttests administered to participants of one of the SHM workshops in May, June, or July 2005 in Denver, Colorado; Boston, Massachusetts; or Portland, Oregon. One SHM physician leader (D.D.D., coauthor of this article) presented all 3 workshops. The workshops were advertised by SHM using E‐mail to local chapter members. Individual sites used a variety of methods to encourage their hospitalists to attend, and participants were provided a complimentary dinner.

                    Prior to each workshop, participants completed a 10‐question pretest that had been pilot‐tested by hospitalists in other cities. The pretest assessed demographics; perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance using a Likert scale; familiarity with the Campaign; and knowledge of common infection sites, RCA, HFMEA, and antimicrobial resistance prevention measures.

                    Immediately following each workshop, a 13‐question posttest was administered to participants. This posttest evaluated the workshop and materials using Likert scales, asked for suggestions for future programming using open‐ended questions, and repeated pretest questions to assess changes in perceptions and knowledge.

                    Data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed using descriptive statistics and t tests to compare pre‐ and posttest changes in knowledge. Likert data assessing perceptions were dichotomized into strongly agree versus all other scale responses. Qualitative open‐ended responses were categorized by theme.


                    A total of 69 SHM members attended the workshops. Of the 69 participants, 65 completed the pretest, 53 completed the posttest, and 50 completed both the pre‐ and the posttests. Only participants who completed both the pretest and the posttest were included in the analyses (n = 21, Denver; n = 11, Boston; n = 18, Portland). Of the 50 participants who completed both the pre‐ and posttests, 44 (88%) classified themselves as hospitalists in practices ranging from 2 to more than 25 physicians. Participants averaged 9.2 years (range = 1‐27 years) in practice and 4.9 years (range = 1‐10 years) as practicing hospitalists, with no significant differences between the 3 groups. Only 17 participants (34%) were familiar with the Campaign prior to the workshop, and there was no significant variation between the 3 workshops. Those familiar with the Campaign had heard about or received the educational materials from colleagues (n = 5), their facilities (n = 4), professional journals (n = 4), medical conferences (n = 4), or the CDC or SHM websites (n = 4).

                    Overall, most participants strongly agreed with the statement that antimicrobial resistance was a problem nationally, institutionally, and within their individual practices (Table 1). These perceptions did not significantly differ between the pretest and the posttest. However, statistically significant differences were found when comparing perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance at the national, institutional, and practice levels; more participants strongly agreed that antimicrobial resistance was a problem nationally than within their institutions (pretest, P = .01; posttest, P = .04) or within their practices (pretest, P < .0001; posttest, P = .01).

                    Percentage of SHM Workshop Participants Who Strongly Agreed That Antimicrobial Resistance Is a Problem Nationally, Institutionally, and Within Their Own Practices by 2005 Workshop Location (N = 50)
                     NationallyInstitutionallyWithin own practice
                    • *Likert data were dichotomized as strongly agree versus all other responses.

                    Denver (n = 21)100%100%86%95%67%86%
                    Portland (n = 18)83%94%67%78%67%78%
                    Boston (n = 11)91%82%91%82%91%82%
                    P value.28 .18 .06 

                    On the knowledge‐based questions, the overall average test score was 48% on the pretest and 63% on the posttest (P < .0001), with scores varying by question (Table 2). For example, knowledge of quality improvement initiatives/HFMEA was low (an average of 10% correct on the pretest, 48% on the posttest) compared with knowledge about the key prevention strategies from the Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance (average of 94% correct on the pretest, 98% on the posttest). Furthermore, scores also varied by workshop location. On the pretest, participants in Boston and Portland scored higher (both 53%) than Denver participants (40%). On the posttest, Portland participants scored the highest (78%) followed by Boston participants (64%) and then Denver participants (50%). Boston and Denver participants differed significantly on pretest knowledge score (P = .04) and Portland and Denver participants differed significantly on posttest knowledge score (P < .0001).

                    Pretest and Posttest Knowledge Scores of SHM 2005 Workshop Participants (N = 50)
                    Question TopicPretest averagePosttest averagePercent difference (P value)*
                    • t test.

                    Quality improvement initiatives/HFMEA Which quality improvement initiative(s) must be performed yearly by all hospitals (JCAHO accreditation requirement)?10%48%38% (P < .0001)
                    Prevention of central venous catheter‐associated bloodstream infections: Key prevention steps for preventing central venous catheter‐associated bloodstream infections include all of the following except:62%88%26% (P = .0001)
                    RCA Which of the following is NOT true about root cause analysis?20%38%18% (P = .01)
                    Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance The key prevention strategies from the Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance include all of the following except:94%98%4% (P = .32)
                    Common body sites for healthcare‐associated infection: The most common site of hospital‐acquired (nosocomial) infection is:52%44%8% (P = .29)
                    Overall average48%63%15% (P < .0001)

                    Overall, 43 participants (85%) rated the workshop as either very good or excellent. All but 1 participant (n = 49, 98%) would encourage a colleague to attend the workshop, giving reasons such as that the workshop outlined a major program in delivering good and safe care, offered great information on antimicrobial resistance and methods of quality improvement systems implementation, assisted in find[ing] new tools for improving hospital practice, and addressed a significant factor in hospitals related to morbidity [and] mortality. When asked for general comments about the workshop and suggestions for future improvements, participants requested more direction, more detail, more discussion, specific examples of antimicrobial resistance, and protocols and processes for implementing quality improvement programs. On a scale from 1 (not useful) to 5 (essential), participants rated the usefulness of each workshop segment: intravascular catheter‐related infections lecture and case study (x̄ = 4.3, range = 3‐5), quality improvement initiatives lecture (x̄ = 4.1, range = 2‐5), background on antimicrobial resistance (x̄ = 3.9, range = 2‐5), RCA lecture (x̄ = 3.9, range = 2‐5), HFMEA lecture (x̄ = 3.8, range = 2‐5), and small‐group discussion (x̄ = 3.4, range = 2‐5). These ratings did not vary significantly between the 3 groups.


                    To address antimicrobial resistance and health careassociated infections in the hospital setting, the SHM and CDC developed a tool kit and presented a quality improvement workshop to hospitalists in 3 U.S. cities. Overall, the participants scored significantly higher on the knowledge‐based questions on the posttest than on the pretest, indicating that knowledge improved as a result of the workshop. By providing a format that combined didactic lectures with case‐based education, small‐group activities, and discussion, the SHM workshop may have optimized its ability to increase knowledge, similar to the findings in previous research.2021

                    There were no significant differences between the 3 groups in years of practice, perceptions of the problem, and overall evaluation of the workshop. However, differences were found in knowledge gained as a result of the workshop. For example, the Denver group scored lower on the knowledge‐based questions than did the Boston group on the pretest and the Portland group on the posttest, indicating that knowledge and learning styles may differ by location. These differences may be attributed to variations in hospital environments, hospital‐based educational programs, or medical school and residency training. Differences like these may impact the effectiveness of a program and should be a consideration in the program development process, especially when a program is national in scope, like the CDC's Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings. In addition, more than 90% of participants correctly identified key prevention strategies of the Campaign, whereas only 34% were familiar with the Campaign itself prior to the workshop. This result may be a result of the key prevention strategies of the Campaign being derived from well‐established and ‐recognized evidence‐based best practices for patient safety and care.

                    Although knowledge changed as a result of the workshop, overall perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance did not change significantly from pretest to posttest. It is possible this is because changes in perception require a different or more intensive educational approach. This result also may reflect the initial levels of agreement on the pretest, the measurement instrument itself, and/or the inability to detect differences because of the small number of participants.

                    Difference did exist in perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance at the national, institutional, and practice levels. Antimicrobial resistance was perceived to be a greater problem on the national level than on the institutional and practice levels. Other studies also have found that clinicians more strongly agree that antimicrobial resistance is a problem nationally than within their institutions and practices.2224 When antimicrobial resistance is not perceived as a problem within institutions and practices, physicians may be less likely to overcome the barriers to following recommended infection prevention guidelines or to implementing quality improvement projects.4 Therefore, educational and intervention efforts like this workshop should address hospitalists' perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance on the individual level as a first step in motivating them to engage in quality improvement.

                    Although participants' knowledge scores increased from pretest to posttest, gaps in knowledge remained, as indicated by the significantly improved but low overall posttest scores related to RCA and HFMEA. As hospitalists are in a unique position to promote quality improvement programs, these topic areas should be given more attention in future workshops and in training. Furthermore, by adding more specific questions related to each section of the workshop, associations among presentation style, knowledge gained, and perceived usefulness of each section could be evaluated. For example, the participants significantly increased their scores from pretest to posttest on the catheter‐related knowledge‐based question and rated the lecture and case study on intravascular catheter‐related infections as the most useful sections. Future research may explore these possible relationships to better guide selection of presentation styles and topics to ensure that participants gain knowledge and perceive the sections as useful. In addition, by addressing the feedback from participants, such as offering more detail, examples, and discussion, future workshops may have greater perceived usefulness and be better able to increase the knowledge and awareness of quality improvement programs for the prevention of health careassociated infections and antimicrobial resistance.

                    Although there were 3 workshops conducted in 3 areas across the United States, the sample size at each site was small, and results may not be representative of hospitalists at large. In addition, power calculations should be considered in future studies to increase the ability to better detect differences between and within groups. Another limitation of this study was that the limited data available and participant anonymity meant it was not possible to follow‐up with participants after the workshop to evaluate whether the knowledge they gained was sustained and/or whether they reported changes in practice. However, possession of knowledge and skills to inform practice does not mean that practice will change; therefore, follow‐up is necessary to determine if this workshop was effective in changing behaviors in the long term.25 Although the SHM workshop improved knowledge, more intensive educational strategies may be necessary to affect perceptions and improve the leadership skills required for implementation of quality improvement programs at an institutional level.

                    Overall, the SHM workshop was found to be a useful tool for increasing knowledge and outlining methods by which hospitalists can lead, coordinate, or participate in measures to prevent infections and improve patient safety. In addition, through the workshop, the SHM and the CDC have provided an example of how professional societies and government agencies can collaborate to address emerging issues in the health care setting.

                    In the United States, hospitalized patients are at risk of acquiring health careassociated infections that increase morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay, and cost of care.1 If a health careassociated infection is caused by an antimicrobial‐resistant pathogen, treatment efforts may be further complicated.2, 3 With the decreasing effectiveness of antimicrobials and suboptimal adherence to certain infection control measures, new and multifaceted prevention strategies are necessary to address the problem of health careassociated infections and antimicrobial resistance.410

                    One strategy that hospitals can use to reduce the incidence of health careassociated infections and antimicrobial resistance is implementation of quality improvement programs. These programs require clinicians to employ techniques, such as root cause analysis (RCA), which investigates contributing factors to an event to prevent reoccurrence, and healthcare failure mode effects analysis (HFMEA), which applies a systematic method of identifying and preventing problems before they occur.1113 Programs and strategies such as these require leadership and adoption within the hospital. Because of their availability and specialized role in the hospital setting, hospitalists are in a unique position to promote and uphold quality improvement efforts.1417 Professional societies, health care organizations, and governmental agencies can play a role in engaging this group of physicians in improving the quality of patient care in hospitals by providing educational programs and materials.18

                    In 2004, the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop a quality improvement tool kit to reduce antimicrobial resistance and health careassociated infections. The tool kit was based on the CDC's Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings (Campaign), an educational program targeted at clinicians.19 The SHM/CDC tool kit contained campaign materials, a set of slides about quality improvement, worksheets, and additional materials such as infection control policies and guidelines to supplement a 90‐minute workshop consisting of didactic lectures about antimicrobial resistance, quality improvement initiatives, RCA, and HFMEA; a lecture and case study about intravascular catheter‐related infections; and small‐group activity and discussion. The complete toolkit is now available online via the SHM Antimicrobial Resistance Resource Room at

                    The purpose of the workshop was to present the tool kit and increase hospitalists' knowledge and awareness about antimicrobial resistance, health careassociated infections, and quality improvement programs. We assessed the workshop participants' familiarity with the Campaign prior to the workshop, perceptions of antimicrobial resistance, knowledge gained as a result of the workshop, and opinions about the usefulness of the workshop.


                    Data were collected from pretests and posttests administered to participants of one of the SHM workshops in May, June, or July 2005 in Denver, Colorado; Boston, Massachusetts; or Portland, Oregon. One SHM physician leader (D.D.D., coauthor of this article) presented all 3 workshops. The workshops were advertised by SHM using E‐mail to local chapter members. Individual sites used a variety of methods to encourage their hospitalists to attend, and participants were provided a complimentary dinner.

                    Prior to each workshop, participants completed a 10‐question pretest that had been pilot‐tested by hospitalists in other cities. The pretest assessed demographics; perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance using a Likert scale; familiarity with the Campaign; and knowledge of common infection sites, RCA, HFMEA, and antimicrobial resistance prevention measures.

                    Immediately following each workshop, a 13‐question posttest was administered to participants. This posttest evaluated the workshop and materials using Likert scales, asked for suggestions for future programming using open‐ended questions, and repeated pretest questions to assess changes in perceptions and knowledge.

                    Data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed using descriptive statistics and t tests to compare pre‐ and posttest changes in knowledge. Likert data assessing perceptions were dichotomized into strongly agree versus all other scale responses. Qualitative open‐ended responses were categorized by theme.


                    A total of 69 SHM members attended the workshops. Of the 69 participants, 65 completed the pretest, 53 completed the posttest, and 50 completed both the pre‐ and the posttests. Only participants who completed both the pretest and the posttest were included in the analyses (n = 21, Denver; n = 11, Boston; n = 18, Portland). Of the 50 participants who completed both the pre‐ and posttests, 44 (88%) classified themselves as hospitalists in practices ranging from 2 to more than 25 physicians. Participants averaged 9.2 years (range = 1‐27 years) in practice and 4.9 years (range = 1‐10 years) as practicing hospitalists, with no significant differences between the 3 groups. Only 17 participants (34%) were familiar with the Campaign prior to the workshop, and there was no significant variation between the 3 workshops. Those familiar with the Campaign had heard about or received the educational materials from colleagues (n = 5), their facilities (n = 4), professional journals (n = 4), medical conferences (n = 4), or the CDC or SHM websites (n = 4).

                    Overall, most participants strongly agreed with the statement that antimicrobial resistance was a problem nationally, institutionally, and within their individual practices (Table 1). These perceptions did not significantly differ between the pretest and the posttest. However, statistically significant differences were found when comparing perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance at the national, institutional, and practice levels; more participants strongly agreed that antimicrobial resistance was a problem nationally than within their institutions (pretest, P = .01; posttest, P = .04) or within their practices (pretest, P < .0001; posttest, P = .01).

                    Percentage of SHM Workshop Participants Who Strongly Agreed That Antimicrobial Resistance Is a Problem Nationally, Institutionally, and Within Their Own Practices by 2005 Workshop Location (N = 50)
                     NationallyInstitutionallyWithin own practice
                    • *Likert data were dichotomized as strongly agree versus all other responses.

                    Denver (n = 21)100%100%86%95%67%86%
                    Portland (n = 18)83%94%67%78%67%78%
                    Boston (n = 11)91%82%91%82%91%82%
                    P value.28 .18 .06 

                    On the knowledge‐based questions, the overall average test score was 48% on the pretest and 63% on the posttest (P < .0001), with scores varying by question (Table 2). For example, knowledge of quality improvement initiatives/HFMEA was low (an average of 10% correct on the pretest, 48% on the posttest) compared with knowledge about the key prevention strategies from the Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance (average of 94% correct on the pretest, 98% on the posttest). Furthermore, scores also varied by workshop location. On the pretest, participants in Boston and Portland scored higher (both 53%) than Denver participants (40%). On the posttest, Portland participants scored the highest (78%) followed by Boston participants (64%) and then Denver participants (50%). Boston and Denver participants differed significantly on pretest knowledge score (P = .04) and Portland and Denver participants differed significantly on posttest knowledge score (P < .0001).

                    Pretest and Posttest Knowledge Scores of SHM 2005 Workshop Participants (N = 50)
                    Question TopicPretest averagePosttest averagePercent difference (P value)*
                    • t test.

                    Quality improvement initiatives/HFMEA Which quality improvement initiative(s) must be performed yearly by all hospitals (JCAHO accreditation requirement)?10%48%38% (P < .0001)
                    Prevention of central venous catheter‐associated bloodstream infections: Key prevention steps for preventing central venous catheter‐associated bloodstream infections include all of the following except:62%88%26% (P = .0001)
                    RCA Which of the following is NOT true about root cause analysis?20%38%18% (P = .01)
                    Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance The key prevention strategies from the Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance include all of the following except:94%98%4% (P = .32)
                    Common body sites for healthcare‐associated infection: The most common site of hospital‐acquired (nosocomial) infection is:52%44%8% (P = .29)
                    Overall average48%63%15% (P < .0001)

                    Overall, 43 participants (85%) rated the workshop as either very good or excellent. All but 1 participant (n = 49, 98%) would encourage a colleague to attend the workshop, giving reasons such as that the workshop outlined a major program in delivering good and safe care, offered great information on antimicrobial resistance and methods of quality improvement systems implementation, assisted in find[ing] new tools for improving hospital practice, and addressed a significant factor in hospitals related to morbidity [and] mortality. When asked for general comments about the workshop and suggestions for future improvements, participants requested more direction, more detail, more discussion, specific examples of antimicrobial resistance, and protocols and processes for implementing quality improvement programs. On a scale from 1 (not useful) to 5 (essential), participants rated the usefulness of each workshop segment: intravascular catheter‐related infections lecture and case study (x̄ = 4.3, range = 3‐5), quality improvement initiatives lecture (x̄ = 4.1, range = 2‐5), background on antimicrobial resistance (x̄ = 3.9, range = 2‐5), RCA lecture (x̄ = 3.9, range = 2‐5), HFMEA lecture (x̄ = 3.8, range = 2‐5), and small‐group discussion (x̄ = 3.4, range = 2‐5). These ratings did not vary significantly between the 3 groups.


                    To address antimicrobial resistance and health careassociated infections in the hospital setting, the SHM and CDC developed a tool kit and presented a quality improvement workshop to hospitalists in 3 U.S. cities. Overall, the participants scored significantly higher on the knowledge‐based questions on the posttest than on the pretest, indicating that knowledge improved as a result of the workshop. By providing a format that combined didactic lectures with case‐based education, small‐group activities, and discussion, the SHM workshop may have optimized its ability to increase knowledge, similar to the findings in previous research.2021

                    There were no significant differences between the 3 groups in years of practice, perceptions of the problem, and overall evaluation of the workshop. However, differences were found in knowledge gained as a result of the workshop. For example, the Denver group scored lower on the knowledge‐based questions than did the Boston group on the pretest and the Portland group on the posttest, indicating that knowledge and learning styles may differ by location. These differences may be attributed to variations in hospital environments, hospital‐based educational programs, or medical school and residency training. Differences like these may impact the effectiveness of a program and should be a consideration in the program development process, especially when a program is national in scope, like the CDC's Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings. In addition, more than 90% of participants correctly identified key prevention strategies of the Campaign, whereas only 34% were familiar with the Campaign itself prior to the workshop. This result may be a result of the key prevention strategies of the Campaign being derived from well‐established and ‐recognized evidence‐based best practices for patient safety and care.

                    Although knowledge changed as a result of the workshop, overall perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance did not change significantly from pretest to posttest. It is possible this is because changes in perception require a different or more intensive educational approach. This result also may reflect the initial levels of agreement on the pretest, the measurement instrument itself, and/or the inability to detect differences because of the small number of participants.

                    Difference did exist in perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance at the national, institutional, and practice levels. Antimicrobial resistance was perceived to be a greater problem on the national level than on the institutional and practice levels. Other studies also have found that clinicians more strongly agree that antimicrobial resistance is a problem nationally than within their institutions and practices.2224 When antimicrobial resistance is not perceived as a problem within institutions and practices, physicians may be less likely to overcome the barriers to following recommended infection prevention guidelines or to implementing quality improvement projects.4 Therefore, educational and intervention efforts like this workshop should address hospitalists' perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance on the individual level as a first step in motivating them to engage in quality improvement.

                    Although participants' knowledge scores increased from pretest to posttest, gaps in knowledge remained, as indicated by the significantly improved but low overall posttest scores related to RCA and HFMEA. As hospitalists are in a unique position to promote quality improvement programs, these topic areas should be given more attention in future workshops and in training. Furthermore, by adding more specific questions related to each section of the workshop, associations among presentation style, knowledge gained, and perceived usefulness of each section could be evaluated. For example, the participants significantly increased their scores from pretest to posttest on the catheter‐related knowledge‐based question and rated the lecture and case study on intravascular catheter‐related infections as the most useful sections. Future research may explore these possible relationships to better guide selection of presentation styles and topics to ensure that participants gain knowledge and perceive the sections as useful. In addition, by addressing the feedback from participants, such as offering more detail, examples, and discussion, future workshops may have greater perceived usefulness and be better able to increase the knowledge and awareness of quality improvement programs for the prevention of health careassociated infections and antimicrobial resistance.

                    Although there were 3 workshops conducted in 3 areas across the United States, the sample size at each site was small, and results may not be representative of hospitalists at large. In addition, power calculations should be considered in future studies to increase the ability to better detect differences between and within groups. Another limitation of this study was that the limited data available and participant anonymity meant it was not possible to follow‐up with participants after the workshop to evaluate whether the knowledge they gained was sustained and/or whether they reported changes in practice. However, possession of knowledge and skills to inform practice does not mean that practice will change; therefore, follow‐up is necessary to determine if this workshop was effective in changing behaviors in the long term.25 Although the SHM workshop improved knowledge, more intensive educational strategies may be necessary to affect perceptions and improve the leadership skills required for implementation of quality improvement programs at an institutional level.

                    Overall, the SHM workshop was found to be a useful tool for increasing knowledge and outlining methods by which hospitalists can lead, coordinate, or participate in measures to prevent infections and improve patient safety. In addition, through the workshop, the SHM and the CDC have provided an example of how professional societies and government agencies can collaborate to address emerging issues in the health care setting.

                    1. Chen Y,Chou Y,Chou P.Impact of nosocomial infection on cost of illness and length of stay in intensive care units.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol2005;26:281287.
                    2. Murthy R.Implementation of strategies to control antimicrobial resistance.Chest.2001;119:405S411S.
                    3. Shlaes DM,Gerding DN,John JF, et al.Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America and Infectious Diseases Society of American Joint Committee on the Prevention of Antimicrobial Resistance: guidelines for the prevention of antimicrobial resistance in hospitals.Clin Infect Dis.1997;25:584599.
                    4. Goldmann DA,Weinstein RA,Wenzel RP, et al.Strategies to prevent and control the emergence and spread of antimicrobial‐resistant microorganisms in hospitals: a challenge to hospital leadership.JAMA.1996;275:234240.
                    5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Guidelines for hand hygiene in health‐care settings: recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force.MMWR Recomm Rep.2002;51:144.
                    6. Garner JS.Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee.Guideline for isolation precautions in hospitals.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.1996;17:5380.
                    7. Muto CA,Jernigan JA,Ostrowsky BE, et al.SHEA guideline for prevention nosocomial transmission of multidrug‐resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.2003;24:362386.
                    8. Pittet D.Improving adherence to hand hygiene practice: a multidisciplinary approach.Emerg Infect Dis.2001;7:234240.
                    9. Hugonnet S,Perneger TV,Pittet D.Alcohol‐based handrub improves compliance with hand hygiene in intensive care units.Arch Intern Med.2002;162:10371043.
                    10. Larson EL,Early E,Cloonan P, et al.An organizational climate intervention associated with increased handwashing and decreased nosocomial infections.Behav Med.2000;26:1422.
                    11. Flanders SA,Saint S.Getting to the root of the matter.AHRQ Web M 29:319330.
                    12. McDermott RE,Mikulak RJ,Beauregard MR.The Basics of FMEA.New York:Quality Resources;1996.
                    13. Amin AN.The hospitalist model of care: A positive influence on efficiency, quality of care, and outcomes.Crit Path Cardiol.2004;3:S5S7.
                    14. Wachter RM.An introduction to the hospitalist model.Ann Intern Med.1999;130:338342.
                    15. Goldman L.The impact of hospitalists on medical education and the academic health systems.Ann Intern Med.1999;130:364367.
                    16. Plauth WH,Pantilat S,Wachter RM, et al.Hospitalists' perceptions of their residency training needs: Results of a national survey.Am J Med.2001;111:247254.
                    17. Schwartz B,Bell DM,Hughes JM.Preventing the emergence of antimicrobial resistance: A call for action by clinicians, public health officials and patients.JAMA1997;278:944945.
                    18. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings. 2005. Available at: URL: Accessed November 8,2005.
                    19. Davis D,O'Brien MA,Freemantle N, et al.Impact of formal continuing medical education: Do conferences, workshops, rounds and other traditional continuing education activities change physician behavior or health care outcomes?JAMA.1999;282:867874.
                    20. Brown TT,Proctor SE,Sinkowitz‐Cochran RL, et al.Physician preferences for continuing medical education with a focus on the topic of antimicrobial resistance: Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.2001;22:656660.
                    21. Giblin TB,Sinkowitz‐Cochran RL,Harris PL, et al.Clinicians' perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance in health care facilities.Arch Intern Med.2004;164:16621668.
                    22. Wester CW,Durairaj L,Evans AT, et al.Antibiotic resistance: a survey of physician perceptions.Arch Intern Med.2002;162:22102216.
                    23. Brinsley KJ,Sinkowitz‐Cochran RL,Cardo DM, et al.Assessing motivation for physicians to prevent antimicrobial resistance in hospitalized children using the health belief model as a framework.Am J Infect Control.2004;33:175181.
                    24. Cooper T.Educational theory into practice: Development of an infection control link nurse programme.Nurs Ed Pract.2001;1:3541.
                    1. Chen Y,Chou Y,Chou P.Impact of nosocomial infection on cost of illness and length of stay in intensive care units.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol2005;26:281287.
                    2. Murthy R.Implementation of strategies to control antimicrobial resistance.Chest.2001;119:405S411S.
                    3. Shlaes DM,Gerding DN,John JF, et al.Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America and Infectious Diseases Society of American Joint Committee on the Prevention of Antimicrobial Resistance: guidelines for the prevention of antimicrobial resistance in hospitals.Clin Infect Dis.1997;25:584599.
                    4. Goldmann DA,Weinstein RA,Wenzel RP, et al.Strategies to prevent and control the emergence and spread of antimicrobial‐resistant microorganisms in hospitals: a challenge to hospital leadership.JAMA.1996;275:234240.
                    5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Guidelines for hand hygiene in health‐care settings: recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force.MMWR Recomm Rep.2002;51:144.
                    6. Garner JS.Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee.Guideline for isolation precautions in hospitals.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.1996;17:5380.
                    7. Muto CA,Jernigan JA,Ostrowsky BE, et al.SHEA guideline for prevention nosocomial transmission of multidrug‐resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.2003;24:362386.
                    8. Pittet D.Improving adherence to hand hygiene practice: a multidisciplinary approach.Emerg Infect Dis.2001;7:234240.
                    9. Hugonnet S,Perneger TV,Pittet D.Alcohol‐based handrub improves compliance with hand hygiene in intensive care units.Arch Intern Med.2002;162:10371043.
                    10. Larson EL,Early E,Cloonan P, et al.An organizational climate intervention associated with increased handwashing and decreased nosocomial infections.Behav Med.2000;26:1422.
                    11. Flanders SA,Saint S.Getting to the root of the matter.AHRQ Web M 29:319330.
                    12. McDermott RE,Mikulak RJ,Beauregard MR.The Basics of FMEA.New York:Quality Resources;1996.
                    13. Amin AN.The hospitalist model of care: A positive influence on efficiency, quality of care, and outcomes.Crit Path Cardiol.2004;3:S5S7.
                    14. Wachter RM.An introduction to the hospitalist model.Ann Intern Med.1999;130:338342.
                    15. Goldman L.The impact of hospitalists on medical education and the academic health systems.Ann Intern Med.1999;130:364367.
                    16. Plauth WH,Pantilat S,Wachter RM, et al.Hospitalists' perceptions of their residency training needs: Results of a national survey.Am J Med.2001;111:247254.
                    17. Schwartz B,Bell DM,Hughes JM.Preventing the emergence of antimicrobial resistance: A call for action by clinicians, public health officials and patients.JAMA1997;278:944945.
                    18. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Campaign to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare Settings. 2005. Available at: URL: Accessed November 8,2005.
                    19. Davis D,O'Brien MA,Freemantle N, et al.Impact of formal continuing medical education: Do conferences, workshops, rounds and other traditional continuing education activities change physician behavior or health care outcomes?JAMA.1999;282:867874.
                    20. Brown TT,Proctor SE,Sinkowitz‐Cochran RL, et al.Physician preferences for continuing medical education with a focus on the topic of antimicrobial resistance: Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America.Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol.2001;22:656660.
                    21. Giblin TB,Sinkowitz‐Cochran RL,Harris PL, et al.Clinicians' perceptions of the problem of antimicrobial resistance in health care facilities.Arch Intern Med.2004;164:16621668.
                    22. Wester CW,Durairaj L,Evans AT, et al.Antibiotic resistance: a survey of physician perceptions.Arch Intern Med.2002;162:22102216.
                    23. Brinsley KJ,Sinkowitz‐Cochran RL,Cardo DM, et al.Assessing motivation for physicians to prevent antimicrobial resistance in hospitalized children using the health belief model as a framework.Am J Infect Control.2004;33:175181.
                    24. Cooper T.Educational theory into practice: Development of an infection control link nurse programme.Nurs Ed Pract.2001;1:3541.
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(4)
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(4)
                    Page Number
                    Page Number
                    Article Type
                    Display Headline
                    Impact of Society of Hospital Medicine workshops on hospitalists' knowledge and perceptions of health care–associated infections and antimicrobial resistance
                    Display Headline
                    Impact of Society of Hospital Medicine workshops on hospitalists' knowledge and perceptions of health care–associated infections and antimicrobial resistance
                    Legacy Keywords
                    antimicrobial resistance, healthcare‐associated infections, quality improvement, hospitalists, education
                    Legacy Keywords
                    antimicrobial resistance, healthcare‐associated infections, quality improvement, hospitalists, education
                    Article Source

                    Copyright © 2007 Society of Hospital Medicine

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                    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, 1600 Clifton Road MS A‐31, Atlanta, GA 30333
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                    Alternative CME
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                    Article Type
                    Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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                    A decade of the Society of Hospital Medicine: A remarkable beginning and bright future

                    Founded in 1997 by 2 community‐based hospitalists, Win Whitcomb and John Nelson, the National Association of Inpatient Physicians was renamed the Society of Hospital Medicine in 2003 and celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Evolving from the enthusiastic engagement by the attendees at the first hospital medicine CME meeting in the spring of 1997,1 this new organization has grown into a robust voice for improving the care of hospitalized patients. The Society has actively attempted to represent a big tent welcoming participation from everyone involved in hospital care. The name change to the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) reflected the recognition that a team is needed to achieve the goal of optimizing care of the hospitalized patient. Merriam‐Webster defines society as companionship or association with one's fellows and a voluntary association of individuals for common ends; especially an organized group working together or periodically meeting because of common interests, beliefs, or profession.2 The hospital medicine team working together includes nurses, pharmacists, case managers, social workers, physicians, and administrators in addition to dieticians, respiratory therapists, and physical and occupational therapists. With a focus on patient‐centered care and quality improvement, SHM eagerly anticipates future changes in health care, seeking to help its membership adapt to and manage the expected change.

                    As an integral component of the hospital care delivery team, physicians represent the bulk of membership in SHM. Thus, development of hospital medicine as a medical specialty has concerned many of its members. Fortunately, progress is being made, and Bob Wachter is chairing a task force on this for the American Board of Internal Medicine.3 Certainly, content in the field is growing exponentially, with textbooks (including possibly 3 separate general references for adult and pediatric hospital medicine), multiple printed periodicals, and this successful peer‐reviewed journal listed in MEDLINE and PubMed. In addition, most academic medical centers now have thriving groups of hospitalists, and many are establishing or plan separate divisions within their respective departments of medicine (eg, Northwestern, UCSan Francisco, UCSan Diego, Duke, Mayo Clinic). These events confirm how hospital medicine has progressed to become a true specialty of medicine and justify the publication of its own set of core competencies.4 We believe some form of certification is inevitable. This will be supported by development of residency tracks and fellowships in hospital medicine.5

                    Most remarkable about the Society of Hospital Medicine has been its ability to collaborate with multiple medical societies, governmental agencies, foundations, and organizations seeking to improve care for hospitalized patients (see Table 1). These relationships represent the teamwork approach that hospitalists take into their hospitals on a daily basis. We hope to build on these collaborations and work toward more interactive efforts to identify optimal delivery of health care in the hospital setting, while also reaching out to ambulatory‐based providers to ensure smooth transitions of care. Such efforts will require innovative approaches to educating SHM members and altering the standard approach to continuing medical education (CME). Investment in the concept of hospitalists by the John A. Hartford Foundation with a $1.4 million grant to improve the discharge process (Improving Hospital Care Transitions for Older Adults) exemplifies SHM's commitment to collaboration, with more than 10 organizations participating on the advisory board.

                    Organizational Collaborations with the Society of Hospital Medicine
                    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
                    Alliance of Academic Internal Medicine
                    Ambulatory Pediatric Association
                    American Academy of Clinical Endocrinology
                    American Academy of Pediatricians
                    American Association of Critical Care Nurses
                    American Board of Internal Medicine
                    American College of Health Executives
                    American College of Chest Physicians
                    American College of Emergency Physicians
                    American College of Physicians
                    American College of Physician Executives
                    American Diabetes Association
                    American Geriatric Society
                    American Hospital Association
                    American Society of Health System Pharmacists
                    AMA's Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement
                    Association of American Medical Colleges
                    Case Management Society of America
                    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                    Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
                    The Hartford Foundation
                    Hospital Quality Alliance
                    Institute of Healthcare Improvement
                    The Joint Commission
                    National Quality Forum
                    Society of Critical Care Medicine
                    Society of General Internal Medicine

                    As SHM and its growing membership, which now exceeds 6500, stride into the future, we embrace advances in educational approaches to enhancing health care delivery and expect to play a leadership role in applying them. Increasingly, use of pay‐for‐performance (P4P) will attempt to align payment incentives to promote better quality care by rewarding providers that perform well.6 SHM aims to train hospitalists through use of knowledge translation which combines the right educational tools with involvement of the entire health care team, yielding truly effective CME.7 A reinvention of CME that links it to care delivery and improving performance, it is supported by governmental health care leaders.8 This approach moves CME to where hospitalists deliver care, targets all participants (patients, nurses, pharmacists, and doctors), and has content based around initiatives to improve health care.

                    Such a quality improvement model would take advantage of SHM's Quality Improvement Resource Rooms (, marking an important shift toward translating evidence into practice. SHM will also continue with its efforts to lead in nonclinical training, as exemplified by its popular biannual leadership training courses. We expect this will expand to provide much‐needed QI training in the future.

                    In its first 10 years SHM has accomplished much already, but the best days for hospital medicine lie ahead of us. There will be more than 30,000 hospitalists practicing at virtually every hospital in the United States, with high expectations for teams of health professionals providing patient‐centered care with documented quality standards. SHM is poised to work with all our partner organizations to do our part to create the hospital of the future. Our patients are counting on all of us.

                    1. Wachter RM.Reflections: the hospitalist movement a decade later.J Hosp Med.2006;1:248252.
                    2. Available at: www.merriam‐ accessed April 2,2007.
                    3. Wachter RM.What will board certification be—and mean—for hospitalists?J Hosp Med.2007;2:102104.
                    4. Dressler DD,Pistoria MJ,Budnitz TL,McKean SC,Amin AN.Core competencies of hospital medicine: development and methodology.J Hosp Med.2006;1:4856
                    5. Ranji SR,Rosenman DJ,Amin AN,Kripalani S.Hospital medicine fellowships: in progress.Am J Med.2006;119:72.e1e7.
                    6. Committee on Redesigning Health Insurance Performance Measures Payment and Performance Improvement Programs.Rewarding Provider Performance: Aligning Incentives in Medicare.Washington, DC:National Academies Press;2007.
                    7. Davis D,Evans M,Jadad A, et al.The case for knowledge translation: shortening the journey from evidence to effect.BMJ.2003;327:3335.
                    8. Clancy C.Commentary: reinventing continuing medical education.BMJ.2004;4:181.
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                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(3)
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                    Founded in 1997 by 2 community‐based hospitalists, Win Whitcomb and John Nelson, the National Association of Inpatient Physicians was renamed the Society of Hospital Medicine in 2003 and celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Evolving from the enthusiastic engagement by the attendees at the first hospital medicine CME meeting in the spring of 1997,1 this new organization has grown into a robust voice for improving the care of hospitalized patients. The Society has actively attempted to represent a big tent welcoming participation from everyone involved in hospital care. The name change to the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) reflected the recognition that a team is needed to achieve the goal of optimizing care of the hospitalized patient. Merriam‐Webster defines society as companionship or association with one's fellows and a voluntary association of individuals for common ends; especially an organized group working together or periodically meeting because of common interests, beliefs, or profession.2 The hospital medicine team working together includes nurses, pharmacists, case managers, social workers, physicians, and administrators in addition to dieticians, respiratory therapists, and physical and occupational therapists. With a focus on patient‐centered care and quality improvement, SHM eagerly anticipates future changes in health care, seeking to help its membership adapt to and manage the expected change.

                    As an integral component of the hospital care delivery team, physicians represent the bulk of membership in SHM. Thus, development of hospital medicine as a medical specialty has concerned many of its members. Fortunately, progress is being made, and Bob Wachter is chairing a task force on this for the American Board of Internal Medicine.3 Certainly, content in the field is growing exponentially, with textbooks (including possibly 3 separate general references for adult and pediatric hospital medicine), multiple printed periodicals, and this successful peer‐reviewed journal listed in MEDLINE and PubMed. In addition, most academic medical centers now have thriving groups of hospitalists, and many are establishing or plan separate divisions within their respective departments of medicine (eg, Northwestern, UCSan Francisco, UCSan Diego, Duke, Mayo Clinic). These events confirm how hospital medicine has progressed to become a true specialty of medicine and justify the publication of its own set of core competencies.4 We believe some form of certification is inevitable. This will be supported by development of residency tracks and fellowships in hospital medicine.5

                    Most remarkable about the Society of Hospital Medicine has been its ability to collaborate with multiple medical societies, governmental agencies, foundations, and organizations seeking to improve care for hospitalized patients (see Table 1). These relationships represent the teamwork approach that hospitalists take into their hospitals on a daily basis. We hope to build on these collaborations and work toward more interactive efforts to identify optimal delivery of health care in the hospital setting, while also reaching out to ambulatory‐based providers to ensure smooth transitions of care. Such efforts will require innovative approaches to educating SHM members and altering the standard approach to continuing medical education (CME). Investment in the concept of hospitalists by the John A. Hartford Foundation with a $1.4 million grant to improve the discharge process (Improving Hospital Care Transitions for Older Adults) exemplifies SHM's commitment to collaboration, with more than 10 organizations participating on the advisory board.

                    Organizational Collaborations with the Society of Hospital Medicine
                    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
                    Alliance of Academic Internal Medicine
                    Ambulatory Pediatric Association
                    American Academy of Clinical Endocrinology
                    American Academy of Pediatricians
                    American Association of Critical Care Nurses
                    American Board of Internal Medicine
                    American College of Health Executives
                    American College of Chest Physicians
                    American College of Emergency Physicians
                    American College of Physicians
                    American College of Physician Executives
                    American Diabetes Association
                    American Geriatric Society
                    American Hospital Association
                    American Society of Health System Pharmacists
                    AMA's Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement
                    Association of American Medical Colleges
                    Case Management Society of America
                    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                    Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
                    The Hartford Foundation
                    Hospital Quality Alliance
                    Institute of Healthcare Improvement
                    The Joint Commission
                    National Quality Forum
                    Society of Critical Care Medicine
                    Society of General Internal Medicine

                    As SHM and its growing membership, which now exceeds 6500, stride into the future, we embrace advances in educational approaches to enhancing health care delivery and expect to play a leadership role in applying them. Increasingly, use of pay‐for‐performance (P4P) will attempt to align payment incentives to promote better quality care by rewarding providers that perform well.6 SHM aims to train hospitalists through use of knowledge translation which combines the right educational tools with involvement of the entire health care team, yielding truly effective CME.7 A reinvention of CME that links it to care delivery and improving performance, it is supported by governmental health care leaders.8 This approach moves CME to where hospitalists deliver care, targets all participants (patients, nurses, pharmacists, and doctors), and has content based around initiatives to improve health care.

                    Such a quality improvement model would take advantage of SHM's Quality Improvement Resource Rooms (, marking an important shift toward translating evidence into practice. SHM will also continue with its efforts to lead in nonclinical training, as exemplified by its popular biannual leadership training courses. We expect this will expand to provide much‐needed QI training in the future.

                    In its first 10 years SHM has accomplished much already, but the best days for hospital medicine lie ahead of us. There will be more than 30,000 hospitalists practicing at virtually every hospital in the United States, with high expectations for teams of health professionals providing patient‐centered care with documented quality standards. SHM is poised to work with all our partner organizations to do our part to create the hospital of the future. Our patients are counting on all of us.

                    Founded in 1997 by 2 community‐based hospitalists, Win Whitcomb and John Nelson, the National Association of Inpatient Physicians was renamed the Society of Hospital Medicine in 2003 and celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. Evolving from the enthusiastic engagement by the attendees at the first hospital medicine CME meeting in the spring of 1997,1 this new organization has grown into a robust voice for improving the care of hospitalized patients. The Society has actively attempted to represent a big tent welcoming participation from everyone involved in hospital care. The name change to the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) reflected the recognition that a team is needed to achieve the goal of optimizing care of the hospitalized patient. Merriam‐Webster defines society as companionship or association with one's fellows and a voluntary association of individuals for common ends; especially an organized group working together or periodically meeting because of common interests, beliefs, or profession.2 The hospital medicine team working together includes nurses, pharmacists, case managers, social workers, physicians, and administrators in addition to dieticians, respiratory therapists, and physical and occupational therapists. With a focus on patient‐centered care and quality improvement, SHM eagerly anticipates future changes in health care, seeking to help its membership adapt to and manage the expected change.

                    As an integral component of the hospital care delivery team, physicians represent the bulk of membership in SHM. Thus, development of hospital medicine as a medical specialty has concerned many of its members. Fortunately, progress is being made, and Bob Wachter is chairing a task force on this for the American Board of Internal Medicine.3 Certainly, content in the field is growing exponentially, with textbooks (including possibly 3 separate general references for adult and pediatric hospital medicine), multiple printed periodicals, and this successful peer‐reviewed journal listed in MEDLINE and PubMed. In addition, most academic medical centers now have thriving groups of hospitalists, and many are establishing or plan separate divisions within their respective departments of medicine (eg, Northwestern, UCSan Francisco, UCSan Diego, Duke, Mayo Clinic). These events confirm how hospital medicine has progressed to become a true specialty of medicine and justify the publication of its own set of core competencies.4 We believe some form of certification is inevitable. This will be supported by development of residency tracks and fellowships in hospital medicine.5

                    Most remarkable about the Society of Hospital Medicine has been its ability to collaborate with multiple medical societies, governmental agencies, foundations, and organizations seeking to improve care for hospitalized patients (see Table 1). These relationships represent the teamwork approach that hospitalists take into their hospitals on a daily basis. We hope to build on these collaborations and work toward more interactive efforts to identify optimal delivery of health care in the hospital setting, while also reaching out to ambulatory‐based providers to ensure smooth transitions of care. Such efforts will require innovative approaches to educating SHM members and altering the standard approach to continuing medical education (CME). Investment in the concept of hospitalists by the John A. Hartford Foundation with a $1.4 million grant to improve the discharge process (Improving Hospital Care Transitions for Older Adults) exemplifies SHM's commitment to collaboration, with more than 10 organizations participating on the advisory board.

                    Organizational Collaborations with the Society of Hospital Medicine
                    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
                    Alliance of Academic Internal Medicine
                    Ambulatory Pediatric Association
                    American Academy of Clinical Endocrinology
                    American Academy of Pediatricians
                    American Association of Critical Care Nurses
                    American Board of Internal Medicine
                    American College of Health Executives
                    American College of Chest Physicians
                    American College of Emergency Physicians
                    American College of Physicians
                    American College of Physician Executives
                    American Diabetes Association
                    American Geriatric Society
                    American Hospital Association
                    American Society of Health System Pharmacists
                    AMA's Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement
                    Association of American Medical Colleges
                    Case Management Society of America
                    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
                    Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
                    The Hartford Foundation
                    Hospital Quality Alliance
                    Institute of Healthcare Improvement
                    The Joint Commission
                    National Quality Forum
                    Society of Critical Care Medicine
                    Society of General Internal Medicine

                    As SHM and its growing membership, which now exceeds 6500, stride into the future, we embrace advances in educational approaches to enhancing health care delivery and expect to play a leadership role in applying them. Increasingly, use of pay‐for‐performance (P4P) will attempt to align payment incentives to promote better quality care by rewarding providers that perform well.6 SHM aims to train hospitalists through use of knowledge translation which combines the right educational tools with involvement of the entire health care team, yielding truly effective CME.7 A reinvention of CME that links it to care delivery and improving performance, it is supported by governmental health care leaders.8 This approach moves CME to where hospitalists deliver care, targets all participants (patients, nurses, pharmacists, and doctors), and has content based around initiatives to improve health care.

                    Such a quality improvement model would take advantage of SHM's Quality Improvement Resource Rooms (, marking an important shift toward translating evidence into practice. SHM will also continue with its efforts to lead in nonclinical training, as exemplified by its popular biannual leadership training courses. We expect this will expand to provide much‐needed QI training in the future.

                    In its first 10 years SHM has accomplished much already, but the best days for hospital medicine lie ahead of us. There will be more than 30,000 hospitalists practicing at virtually every hospital in the United States, with high expectations for teams of health professionals providing patient‐centered care with documented quality standards. SHM is poised to work with all our partner organizations to do our part to create the hospital of the future. Our patients are counting on all of us.

                    1. Wachter RM.Reflections: the hospitalist movement a decade later.J Hosp Med.2006;1:248252.
                    2. Available at: www.merriam‐ accessed April 2,2007.
                    3. Wachter RM.What will board certification be—and mean—for hospitalists?J Hosp Med.2007;2:102104.
                    4. Dressler DD,Pistoria MJ,Budnitz TL,McKean SC,Amin AN.Core competencies of hospital medicine: development and methodology.J Hosp Med.2006;1:4856
                    5. Ranji SR,Rosenman DJ,Amin AN,Kripalani S.Hospital medicine fellowships: in progress.Am J Med.2006;119:72.e1e7.
                    6. Committee on Redesigning Health Insurance Performance Measures Payment and Performance Improvement Programs.Rewarding Provider Performance: Aligning Incentives in Medicare.Washington, DC:National Academies Press;2007.
                    7. Davis D,Evans M,Jadad A, et al.The case for knowledge translation: shortening the journey from evidence to effect.BMJ.2003;327:3335.
                    8. Clancy C.Commentary: reinventing continuing medical education.BMJ.2004;4:181.
                    1. Wachter RM.Reflections: the hospitalist movement a decade later.J Hosp Med.2006;1:248252.
                    2. Available at: www.merriam‐ accessed April 2,2007.
                    3. Wachter RM.What will board certification be—and mean—for hospitalists?J Hosp Med.2007;2:102104.
                    4. Dressler DD,Pistoria MJ,Budnitz TL,McKean SC,Amin AN.Core competencies of hospital medicine: development and methodology.J Hosp Med.2006;1:4856
                    5. Ranji SR,Rosenman DJ,Amin AN,Kripalani S.Hospital medicine fellowships: in progress.Am J Med.2006;119:72.e1e7.
                    6. Committee on Redesigning Health Insurance Performance Measures Payment and Performance Improvement Programs.Rewarding Provider Performance: Aligning Incentives in Medicare.Washington, DC:National Academies Press;2007.
                    7. Davis D,Evans M,Jadad A, et al.The case for knowledge translation: shortening the journey from evidence to effect.BMJ.2003;327:3335.
                    8. Clancy C.Commentary: reinventing continuing medical education.BMJ.2004;4:181.
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(3)
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 2(3)
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                    A decade of the Society of Hospital Medicine: A remarkable beginning and bright future
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                    A decade of the Society of Hospital Medicine: A remarkable beginning and bright future
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                    Copyright © 2007 Society of Hospital Medicine
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                    Society of Hospital Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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                    Article Type
                    Mon, 01/02/2017 - 19:34
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                    POEMs to help you at the point of care

                    In addition to marking my initial transition from student to physician, the commencement address by the medical informatics pioneer, Larry Weed, is my most enduring memory of medical school graduation. A provocative thinker in the field of decision support and structured medical records, Weed was credited by my teachers with developing the organized SOAP note. During his address he depressingly equated all the knowledge we had digested during the preceding mentally strenuous 4 years to shoveling a mountain of manure with a teaspoon. Although I agreed that some of the information I learned seemed to lack relevance (still don't know why I needed to learn the details of the Krebs cycle), as I began caring for patients as an intern, I found that much of it mattered. As I launched into residency training, I also discovered that lifelong learning would be a perpetual component of my medical career.

                    Despite becoming a passionate advocate of practicing evidence‐based medicine (EBM), I also recognized the impossibility of keeping up with the medical literature, given the relentless arrival of journals in the mail. Learning all the evidence is impossible, so we must develop information management skills and allow others to help us in identifying, reviewing, and summarizing salient and valid clinical information.1 One of my vital goals as editor of the Journal of Hospital Medicine is to ensure we provide our readers with useful clinical information that is concise, easily digested, and usable.

                    To that end we are introducing Patient‐Oriented Evidence that Matters, or POEMs. As described on the InfoPOEMs website (, POEMs have to meet three criteria:

                    • They address a question that we face as clinicians.

                    • They measure outcomes that we and our patients care about: symptoms, morbidity, quality of life, and mortality.

                    • They have the potential to change the way we practice.

                    We are not the first journal to do this and join the company of the British Medical Journal and the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.2, 3 Staff physicians at InfoPOEMs screen more than 100 peer‐reviewed medical journals for relevant articles that practicing physicians can use at the point of care, the patient. A trained physician poet then summarizes selected articles in a standardized manner into a POEM. A POEM begins with a clinical question and then provides a bottom line answer from a recently published journal article. This is followed by a structured abstract that includes the study design and setting, followed by a synopsis of the article.

                    We will start with at least 2 POEMs per issue focused on clinical topics relevant to hospitalists. Soon, an experienced academic hospitalist and knowledgeable expert in EBM, Dr. Jennifer Kleinbart, will be writing POEMs for hospitalists. We look forward to your opinions about whether we should increase this content. Let me know.

                    1. Slawson DC,Shaughnessy AF.Teaching evidence‐based medicine: should we be teaching information management instead?Acad Med.2005;80:685689.
                    2. Smith R.A POEM a week for the BMJ.Br Med J.2002;325:983.
                    3. POEMs: Keeping up with clinical research that can change your practice.Cleve Clin J Med.2004;71:222.
                    Article PDF
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 1(5)
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                    Article PDF

                    In addition to marking my initial transition from student to physician, the commencement address by the medical informatics pioneer, Larry Weed, is my most enduring memory of medical school graduation. A provocative thinker in the field of decision support and structured medical records, Weed was credited by my teachers with developing the organized SOAP note. During his address he depressingly equated all the knowledge we had digested during the preceding mentally strenuous 4 years to shoveling a mountain of manure with a teaspoon. Although I agreed that some of the information I learned seemed to lack relevance (still don't know why I needed to learn the details of the Krebs cycle), as I began caring for patients as an intern, I found that much of it mattered. As I launched into residency training, I also discovered that lifelong learning would be a perpetual component of my medical career.

                    Despite becoming a passionate advocate of practicing evidence‐based medicine (EBM), I also recognized the impossibility of keeping up with the medical literature, given the relentless arrival of journals in the mail. Learning all the evidence is impossible, so we must develop information management skills and allow others to help us in identifying, reviewing, and summarizing salient and valid clinical information.1 One of my vital goals as editor of the Journal of Hospital Medicine is to ensure we provide our readers with useful clinical information that is concise, easily digested, and usable.

                    To that end we are introducing Patient‐Oriented Evidence that Matters, or POEMs. As described on the InfoPOEMs website (, POEMs have to meet three criteria:

                    • They address a question that we face as clinicians.

                    • They measure outcomes that we and our patients care about: symptoms, morbidity, quality of life, and mortality.

                    • They have the potential to change the way we practice.

                    We are not the first journal to do this and join the company of the British Medical Journal and the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.2, 3 Staff physicians at InfoPOEMs screen more than 100 peer‐reviewed medical journals for relevant articles that practicing physicians can use at the point of care, the patient. A trained physician poet then summarizes selected articles in a standardized manner into a POEM. A POEM begins with a clinical question and then provides a bottom line answer from a recently published journal article. This is followed by a structured abstract that includes the study design and setting, followed by a synopsis of the article.

                    We will start with at least 2 POEMs per issue focused on clinical topics relevant to hospitalists. Soon, an experienced academic hospitalist and knowledgeable expert in EBM, Dr. Jennifer Kleinbart, will be writing POEMs for hospitalists. We look forward to your opinions about whether we should increase this content. Let me know.

                    In addition to marking my initial transition from student to physician, the commencement address by the medical informatics pioneer, Larry Weed, is my most enduring memory of medical school graduation. A provocative thinker in the field of decision support and structured medical records, Weed was credited by my teachers with developing the organized SOAP note. During his address he depressingly equated all the knowledge we had digested during the preceding mentally strenuous 4 years to shoveling a mountain of manure with a teaspoon. Although I agreed that some of the information I learned seemed to lack relevance (still don't know why I needed to learn the details of the Krebs cycle), as I began caring for patients as an intern, I found that much of it mattered. As I launched into residency training, I also discovered that lifelong learning would be a perpetual component of my medical career.

                    Despite becoming a passionate advocate of practicing evidence‐based medicine (EBM), I also recognized the impossibility of keeping up with the medical literature, given the relentless arrival of journals in the mail. Learning all the evidence is impossible, so we must develop information management skills and allow others to help us in identifying, reviewing, and summarizing salient and valid clinical information.1 One of my vital goals as editor of the Journal of Hospital Medicine is to ensure we provide our readers with useful clinical information that is concise, easily digested, and usable.

                    To that end we are introducing Patient‐Oriented Evidence that Matters, or POEMs. As described on the InfoPOEMs website (, POEMs have to meet three criteria:

                    • They address a question that we face as clinicians.

                    • They measure outcomes that we and our patients care about: symptoms, morbidity, quality of life, and mortality.

                    • They have the potential to change the way we practice.

                    We are not the first journal to do this and join the company of the British Medical Journal and the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine.2, 3 Staff physicians at InfoPOEMs screen more than 100 peer‐reviewed medical journals for relevant articles that practicing physicians can use at the point of care, the patient. A trained physician poet then summarizes selected articles in a standardized manner into a POEM. A POEM begins with a clinical question and then provides a bottom line answer from a recently published journal article. This is followed by a structured abstract that includes the study design and setting, followed by a synopsis of the article.

                    We will start with at least 2 POEMs per issue focused on clinical topics relevant to hospitalists. Soon, an experienced academic hospitalist and knowledgeable expert in EBM, Dr. Jennifer Kleinbart, will be writing POEMs for hospitalists. We look forward to your opinions about whether we should increase this content. Let me know.

                    1. Slawson DC,Shaughnessy AF.Teaching evidence‐based medicine: should we be teaching information management instead?Acad Med.2005;80:685689.
                    2. Smith R.A POEM a week for the BMJ.Br Med J.2002;325:983.
                    3. POEMs: Keeping up with clinical research that can change your practice.Cleve Clin J Med.2004;71:222.
                    1. Slawson DC,Shaughnessy AF.Teaching evidence‐based medicine: should we be teaching information management instead?Acad Med.2005;80:685689.
                    2. Smith R.A POEM a week for the BMJ.Br Med J.2002;325:983.
                    3. POEMs: Keeping up with clinical research that can change your practice.Cleve Clin J Med.2004;71:222.
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 1(5)
                    Journal of Hospital Medicine - 1(5)
                    Page Number
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                    Article Type
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                    POEMs to help you at the point of care
                    Display Headline
                    POEMs to help you at the point of care
                    Article Source
                    Copyright © 2006 Society of Hospital Medicine
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                    Content Gating
                    Gated (full article locked unless allowed per User)
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